NEUROSTRESSPEP Developing novel biocontrol agents for insect pests from neuroendocrinology

Page created by Dale Haynes
NEUROSTRESSPEP Developing novel biocontrol agents for insect pests from neuroendocrinology
Developing novel biocontrol
agents for insect pests
from neuroendocrinology

NEUROSTRESSPEP Developing novel biocontrol agents for insect pests from neuroendocrinology

NEUROSTRESSPEP Developing novel biocontrol agents for insect pests from neuroendocrinology
Developing novel biocontrol
agents for insect pests
from neuroendocrinology

Consortium contacts               4

nEUROSTRESSPEP explained          6

Aims and outcomes                 8

What we do                    10

The science & technology      11

Making a difference           12

Next steps                    14

Agri-food supply chain        15

Programme Co-ordinator
Professor Shireen Davies
University of Glasgow
NEUROSTRESSPEP Developing novel biocontrol agents for insect pests from neuroendocrinology
The Consortium
The consortium comprises world-leading researchers,
European companies, government agencies and
knowledge sharing networks, in this unique international
collaboration. The project will benefit from the expertise
of neuroscientists, ecologists, entomologists, biochemists,
chemists, physiologists, commercial companies, as well
as communication and dissemination experts.

nEUROSTRESSPEP                           nEUROSTRESSPEP Dissemination
Programme Co-ordinator                   and Stakeholder Engagement
Professor Shireen Davies                 Dr Jayne Brookman
                                         Head of Agri-Food, KTN
Davidson Building
Institute of Molecular,                  Knowledge Transfer Network
Cell and Systems Biology                 Business Design Centre
College of Medical,                      52 Upper Street
Veterinary and Life Sciences             Islington
University of Glasgow                    London N1 0QH
Glasgow G12 8QQ

NEUROSTRESSPEP Developing novel biocontrol agents for insect pests from neuroendocrinology
                                                             12 3
                                                                 5              2
                                                                 4 6      11
                                                                            14 10


                                6    Professor Bryan Hanley
1   Professor Miriam Altstein        Knowledge Transfer
                                                                     11   Professor Guy Smagghe
    Agricultural Research            Network
                                                                          University of Ghent

                                                                     12   Professor Julian Dow
                                7    Professor Dick Nässel                University of Glasgow
2   Dr Sören Deininger
                                     Stockholm University
    Bruker Daltonics GmBH

                                                                     13   Professor Elwyn Isaac
                                8    Dr Jon Pickup, SASA,                 University of Leeds
3   Dr Daegan Inward
                                     Scottish Government
    Forest Research

                                                                     14   Professor Jozef
                                                                          Vanden Broeck
4   Professor Luke Alphey                                                 University of Leuven
    The Pirbright Institute     9    Professor Gerd Gäde
                                     University of Cape Town

                                                                          Key stakeholder:
5   Dr Neil Morrison                                                      Dr Ron Nachman
    Oxitec Ltd.                 10   Professor Reinhard Predel            United States
                                     University of Cologne                Department of Agriculture

NEUROSTRESSPEP Developing novel biocontrol agents for insect pests from neuroendocrinology
                                                Horizon 2020 project, funded
                                                by the European Union


nEUROSTRESSPEP is a Horizon 2020              need for novel, specific approaches
project, funded by the European Union.        to control insect pests in light of the
The consortium of 14 partners, covering       increased prevalence of insect resistance
the full spectrum from research lab to test   to existing pesticides, as well as
field, has the common goal of identifying     forthcoming legislation, which will limit
new, more specific and ‘greener’ ways         the use of current insecticides. The
of controlling pest insect populations.       project develops novel, insect species-
  The project uses cutting-edge scientific    specific biocontrol agents based on
advances on targeted approaches               the use of peptides that interfere with
to combat insects that cause severe           pest insect neurological functions while
damage to vitally important EU and            leaving non-pest species unaffected.
global crops. This meets the urgent

NEUROSTRESSPEP Developing novel biocontrol agents for insect pests from neuroendocrinology
Initially, these agents will be used
There are two parts to the project:
                                      to demonstrate laboratory-based
1. T
    he rational design of            proof of principle. They will then be
   neuropeptide hormone analogues     extended to semi-field and forest
   for use in crop treatment
                                      trials based on user need, employing
2. T
    he employment of genetic         a market driven approach. These
   approaches to reduce               novel agents will target specific
   insect pest populations            pest insects of cereals, horticultural
                                      crops, vegetables and forestry.
                                        In addition, these agents will be
                                      designed to break down rapidly
                                      and therefore will not have any
                                      actual or potentially harmful effects
                                      on humans or the environment.

NEUROSTRESSPEP Developing novel biocontrol agents for insect pests from neuroendocrinology
Aims and outcomes

nEUROSTRESSPEP aims to develop                  natural resources. This will also increase
innovative and specific insect pest control     agricultural productivity and improve food
solutions for agriculture, horticulture, and    quality. By being more selective and thus
forestry. Novel approaches developed by         having a lower environmental footprint,
the project will act to preserve and increase   the solutions will address issues related
crop yields where insect predation is a         to legislation for chemical control agents,
challenge while reducing the environmental      the protection of beneficial insects,
impact of agricultural production. This will    insecticide resistance, and environmental
provide a cost effective and efficient way      sustainability.
to control insect pests, including emergent,
non-native and invasive insect species,
while more effectively preserving limited

NEUROSTRESSPEP Developing novel biocontrol agents for insect pests from neuroendocrinology
The project will deliver:

1. Data and methodology towards the
    development of novel, ‘green’ insect
    pest biocontrol products

2. Prototype biopesticides for
    selective insect pest control

3. Increased innovation capacity and
    the integration of new knowledge,
    strengthening the competitiveness
   of the EU agri-food industry

4. C
    ompany growth by developing
   innovations that meet the needs of
   European and global markets

NEUROSTRESSPEP Developing novel biocontrol agents for insect pests from neuroendocrinology
25 researchers
  are working and training in
  internationally renowned centres of
  excellence offering state-of-the-art
  training not available elsewhere

What we do

nEUROSTRESSPEP is a Research                    This project is multidisciplinary in nature,
and Innovation project, generating new        including neuroscientists, ecologists,
knowledge and new technologies from           entomologists, biochemists, chemists,
fundamental research and exploring the        physiologists, commercial companies
feasibility of these new approaches in the    and translational research expertise.
laboratory, under glasshouse conditions,      This academic-industrial setting supports
and in the field.                             competitive European research, and
  nEUROSTRESSPEP is also delivering           facilitates collaborative links between
training and professional development to      consortium participants and other
its participants. Twenty five researchers     stakeholders.
are working and training in internationally     Project partners are sharing new
renowned centres of excellence offering       knowledge as well as gathering input from
State-of-the-Art training not available       future users of this innovative technology
elsewhere. This is essential for ensuring     to ensure that project outcomes are fully
a pipeline of knowledge and innovation,       exploited. Project partners present research
thereby leading to the success and growth     outcomes at scientific conferences,
of the current and future EU economy.         agricultural and trade shows and events,
                                              through a dedicated project website
                                              and social media, as well as via targeted
                                              one-to-one meetings.

The science & technology

The project is deploying a dual approach      novel, environmentally sound strategies
- based on neuroendocrinological              for controlling some of the world’s most
and genetic approaches - to develop           serious insect pests.
neuropeptide analogues that specifically         A complementary approach includes the
target selected insects while leaving         development of male insects that have been
beneficial insects unaffected.                genetically altered so that they are unable
  Hormonal neuropeptides regulate             to produce biologically active neuropeptides
many aspects of insect physiology             under specific conditions, leading to reduced
and development, including feeding,           fitness or death. If the wild population is
growth, and reproductive behaviour.           inundated by these modified male insects,
Understanding neuroendocrine control          with the aim of mating with wild ‘normal’
of physiology, response to environmental      females, resultant offspring will contain the
stress and behaviour across insect            defect and can thus be controlled in the
species also provides routes for insect       same way as the male parent. Many genetic
control via development and application of    pest management tools have a conditional
neuropeptide mimics (analogues) for field     expression system or sensor operably linked
application. These will selectively disrupt   to an effector molecule, in pest insects this is
specific physiological processes, and thus    often a lethal effector.
reduce survival and reproduction of target       Both approaches can be effectively
(pest) species. Development of such           deployed across multiple target pest species
neuropeptide analogues thus allow for         and will not affect beneficial insects.

Making a difference

Society requires farmers to produce            greater complexity in the data requirements
sufficient food at an affordable price, this   of regulatory bodies, although could also
is becoming increasingly challenging with      be indicative of the time requirement to
the existing and growing pest and disease      satisfy regulators.3 These factors represent
pressure, and reduced availability of          a serious global threat to plant protection
regulated pesticides. At present, we lose      in agriculture, horticulture and forestry.
at least 20% or our world productivity to        The European Directive 2009/128/
insect attack. Currently, 108 insecticides     EC aims to achieve the sustainable use
are authorized in the EU, of which 93          of pesticides in the EU by reducing the
insecticides were approved in the last         risks and impacts of pesticide use on
ten years. From these, 89 will expire          human health and the environment. The
in the next ten years, 72 within the next      directive also aims to promote the use of
five years, while 43 within the next two.1     Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and
  In addition to this, more than 500           alternative approaches or techniques,
arthropod pests worldwide have                 such as non-chemical alternatives to
developed resistance to insecticides           pesticides. This project addresses the
in the last 50 years.2                         needs of the European farming sector
  The overall costs of discovery and           by developing alternative approaches
development of a new crop protection           to insect pest control which will also be
product increased from €115m in 1995           relevant for emergent, non-native and
to €215m in 2014. This is likely due to        invasive insect species. The key initial

                                                                        At present, we lose at least
                                                                        20% of our world productivity
                                                                        to insect attack

beneficiaries will be growers in the three                            nEUROSTRESSPEP will strengthen the
key sectors - agriculture, horticulture and                         competitiveness and growth of companies
forestry. nEUROSTRESSPEP will have a                                by generating new foundational knowledge,
real societal impact by developing solutions                        new paradigms concerning pest
for food and timber production, and the                             management, and communicating both
environment. Consumers are increasingly                             this knowledge and market needs up and
aware of what is in their food and there is                         down the agri-food innovation value chain.
a growing movement to limit the use of all                          The breadth of specialist input assembled
chemical interventions.                                             in nEUROSTRESSPEP is far beyond
  Sustained interaction between the general                         the resources of any individual company.
public, farmers, growers, policy makers,                            The exploitation of this expertise will allow
scientists, and industry will help fill gaps                        industry to benefit economically from the
in our knowledge, and in doing so, will                             technology, while enhancing their R&D and
influence effective policy design.                                  technology base.

1	EU-Pesticides Database. Accessed via
   public/?event=activesubstance.selection&language=EN on 9 February, 2018
2	CropLife International, April 2007. Insecticide Resistance Action Committee. Resistance Management for Sustainable Agriculture
   and Improved Public Health. Accessed via
3	Phillips Mc Dougall, March 2016. Agrochemical Research and development: The Cost of New Product Discovery, Development
   and Registration and Industry R&D expenditure in 2014 and expectations for 2019. Accessed via
   files/R-and-D_report_2016_FINAL_revised_2016-04-13.pdf on 9 February 2018

Next steps

nEUROSTRESSPEP is a four-year Horizon
2020 project (1st June 2015 to 31st May               Key challenges to successful
2019) with the ultimate aim of progressing            commercial exploitation include:
developments from the laboratory to the
                                                      Intended markets
field. Our partners cover the full range of
                                                      (crops, countries, regions or priority)
expertise, from world-leading neuropeptide
specialists, to SMEs, to field trial specialists      Acceptance and intended
and end-user consortia. By the end of                 use by growers
the programme, we aim to have new,
rationally designed and selective peptides            Acceptance by consumers
in field trials.
  Project partners are seeking to engage              Regulatory issues
with representatives of the entire agri-food
                                                      Understanding other potential
supply chain (growers and producers,
                                                      barriers to adoption
agrochemical companies, scientific
community, consumer groups, NGOs,
regulatory bodies, media and publicity              nEUROSTRESSPEP has established
channels) to share new knowledge, as well          a project User Group representing
as gather inputs from the future users of          a variety of stakeholders in the agri-food
this innovative technology. This will ensure       supply chain, and has identified key named
maximal exploitation of project outcomes.          contacts at all relevant organisations.
                                                   The group will conduct a number of
                                                   activities to better understand opportunities
                                                   and barriers to the successful exploitation
                                                   of these novel approaches.

Agri-food supply chain©KTN

                 Seeds, Fertiliser,          Harvested               Processed Product,            Food packaging           Finished product
               Pesticides, Veterinary         Product                  Energy, Water                   outlets

                       Farmer              Food Processor              Food Producer                  Retailer                Consumer
Science Base
 Expert and

                     Agronomist/                 Process             Product Developer/            Packaging &            Marketing & Sales
                     Veterinarian/               Engineer            Pilot Plant Engineer       Transport Logistics
                    Science Expert

                                     Education          Historical       Legislation      Social Influences   Waste Valorisation
                                     & Insight         Perspective                                              & Recycling

© Knowledge Transfer Network

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