Page created by Peggy Thornton


Call No.                 Author                         Title
F ACKERMAN, E            Ackerman, Elliot               2034 : a novel of the next world war
F ADAMSON, G             Adamson, Gil, 1961-            Ridgerunner
F ALYAN, H               Alyan, Hala, 1986-             The arsonists' city
F ANDREWS, A             Andrews, Alexandra             Who is Maud Dixon? : a novel
F BANKS, R               Banks, Russell, 1940-          Foregone : a novel
F BARRY, A               Barry, Ava                     Windhall
F BENTLEY, D             Bentley, Don                   The outside man
F BROCKMEIER, K          Brockmeier, Kevin              The ghost variations : one hundred stories
F BROOKS, E              Brooks, Elizabeth, 1979-       The whispering house
F BROOKS, M              Brooks, Malcolm                Cloudmaker
F BROWN, G               Brown, Gregory                 The lowering days : a novel
F BRYCE, D               Bryce, Denny S.                Wild women and the blues
F CALLIHAN, K            Callihan, Kristen              Make it sweet
F CANTOR, J              Cantor, Jillian                Half life : a novel
F CAROFIGLIO, G          Carofiglio, Gianrico, 1961-    Three o'clock in the morning : a novel
F CHAMPANERI, P          Champaneri, Priyanka           The city of good death : a novel
F CHRISTIAN, C           Christian, Claire              It's been a pleasure, Noni Blake
F CLAYBORN, K            Clayborn, Kate                 Love at first
F COBEN, H               Coben, Harlan, 1962-           Win
F COOPER, H              Cooper, Helen (Helen Mary),    The downstairs neighbor
F COSTER, N              Coster, Naima, 1986-           What's mine and yours : a novel
F CUSSLER, C             Cussler, Clive                 Fast ice : a novel from the Numa files
F DAILEY, J              Dailey, Janet                  Calder brand
F DAVIES, C              Davies, Carys                  The mission house : a novel
F DEARNEN, P             Dearen, Patrick                Haunted border
F DENNIS, A              Dennis, Amanda                 Her here
F DEROBERTIS- THEYE, N   DeRobertis-Theye, Nicola       The Vietri project : a novel
F DESAI, S               Desai, Sara                    The dating plan
F DEVERAUX, J            Deveraux, Jude                 Meant to be
F DOLLER, T              Doller, Trish                  Float plan
F DOSHI, A               Doshi, Avni, 1982-             Burnt sugar
F DUFFY- COMPARONE, E    Duffy-Comparone, Emma, 1988-   Love like that : stories
F DUPEE, J               Dupee, Jennifer                The little French bridal shop
F DYKES, A               Dykes, Amanda                  Set the stars alight
F EDGARIAN, C            Edgarian, Carol                Vera : a novel
F ELLISON, J             Ellison, J. T.                 Her dark lies
F ENGEL, P          Engel, Patricia               Infinite country : a novel
F ESTLEMAN, L       Estleman, Loren D.            The eagle and the viper : a novel of historical suspense
F EVERETT, E        Everett, Elizabeth            A lady's formula for love
F FARTHING, H       Farthing, Harry               The ghost moths : a novel
F FEEHAN, C         Feehan, Christine             Lightning game
F FERNANDEZ, N      Fernández, Nona, 1971-        The twilight zone : a novel
F FIGUEROA, J       Figueroa, Jamie               Brother, sister, mother, explorer : a novel
F FINE, J           Fine, Julia                   The upstairs house : a novel
F FINLAY, A         Finlay, Alex                  Every last fear
F FLYNN, L          Flynn, Laurie Elizabeth       The girls are all so nice here
F FOX, C            Fox, Candice                  Gathering dark
F FOX, L            Fox, Lauren                   Send for me
F FREEMAN, B        Freeman, Brian, 1963-         Infinite
F GINSBURG, M       Ginsburg, Melissa             The house uptown
F GRAFF, A          Graff, Andrew J.              Raft of stars : a novel
F GRASS, T          Grass, Tom                    Twist
F GRATTAN, T        Grattan, Thomas, 1974-        The recent east
F HALEY, J          Haley, James L.               Captain Putnam for the Republic of Texas
F HARDIMAN, R       Hardiman, Rebecca             Good eggs : a novel
F HASHIMI, N        Hashimi, Nadia                Sparks like stars : a novel
F HERMES, M         Hermes, Margaret              The opposite of chance : a novel
F HERON, F          Heron, Farah                  Accidentally engaged
F HERRON, M         Herron, Mick                  Slough house
F HIBBERT, T        Hibbert, Talia                Act your age, Eve Brown : a novel
F HUBSCHER, L       Hubscher, Libby               Meet me in paradise
F IMAI MESSINA, L   Imai Messina, Laura           The phone booth at the edge of the world
F ISHIGURO, K       Ishiguro, Kazuo, 1954-        Klara and the sun
F KATSU, A          Katsu, Alma                   Red widow : a novel
F KINDER, R         Kinder, R. M. (Rose Marie)    A common person and other stories
F KLASSEN, J        Klassen, Julie, 1964-         A castaway in Cornwall
F KOONTZ, D         Koontz, Dean R. (Dean Ray),   The other Emily
F LEE, A            Lee, Andrea, 1953-            Red Island House : a novel
F LOVERING, C       Lovering, Carola              Too good to be true
F LUNDBERG, S       Lundberg, Sofia, 1974-        A question mark is half a heart
F MANAI, Y          Manai, Yamen, 1980-           The ardent swarm : a novel
F MARRS, J          Marrs, John                   The minders
F MBUE, I           Mbue, Imbolo                  How beautiful we were : a novel
F MCLAREN, K        McLaren, Kaya                 What's worth keeping
F MCPHERSON, B      McPherson, Ben                Love and other lies : a novel
F MIZUMARA, M       Mizumura, Minae               An I-novel
F MOCCIA, F         Moccia, Federico, 1963-       One step to you
F MONING, K         Moning, Karen Marie           Kingdom of shadow and light
F MONTGOMERY, M     Montgomery, Marin             The imposter
F NEVILLE, K        Neville, Kim                  The memory collectors : a novel
F NGUYEN, V             Nguyen, Viet Thanh, 1971-   The committed
F NOLAN, M              Nolan, Megan                Acts of desperation
F O'FARRELL, M          O'Farrell, Maggie, 1972-    Hamnet : a novel of the plague
F OLIVA, A              Oliva, Alexandra            Forget me not : a novel
F PARRISH, R            Parrish, Roan               Best laid plans
F PEARSE, S             Pearse, Sarah               The sanatorium
F PHILBY, C             Philby, Charlotte           Part of the family
F POLZIN, J             Polzin, Jackie, 1979-       Brood : a novel
F PRESSFIELD, S         Pressfield, Steven          A man at arms : a novel
F PROBST, J             Probst, Jennifer            Our Italian summer
F QUINN, K              Quinn, Kate                 The Rose Code : a novel
F ROBUCK, E             Robuck, Erika               The invisible woman
F ROSENBERG, J          Rosenberg, Joel C., 1967-   The Beirut protocol
F ROSNAY, T             Rosnay, Tatiana de, 1961-   Flowers of darkness
F SANTOPOLO, J          Santopolo, Jill             Everything after
F SCHELL, O             Schell, Orville             My old home : a novel of exile
F SCOTTOLINE, L         Scottoline, Lisa            Eternal
F SHORR, V              Shorr, Victoria             The plum trees : a novel
F SKESLIEN CHARLES, J   Skeslien Charles, Janet     The Paris library : a novel
F SOULJAH, S            Souljah, Sister.            Life after death : a novel
F SPYRA, J              Spyra, Jen                  Big time : stories
F STEEL, D              Steel, Danielle             The affair : a novel
F STEN, C               Sten, Camilla, 1992-        The lost village
F STONEX, E             Stonex, Emma, 1983-         The lamplighters
F SWANSON, P            Swanson, Peter, 1968-       Every vow you break : a novel
F TSUMURA, K            Tsumura, Kikuko, 1978-      There's no such thing as an easy job
F VIDICH, P             Vidich, Paul                The mercenary : a novel
F VON SCHRADER, E       von Schrader, Eric          A universe less traveled
F WEST, K               West, Kathleen, 1978-       Are we there yet?
F WHITAKER, C           Whitaker, Chris             We begin at the end
F WILLIG, L             Willig, Lauren              Band of sisters : a novel
F WILSON, D             Wilson, Diane, 1954-        The seed keeper : a novel
F WINTER, J             Winter, Jessica             The fourth child : a novel
F WOODS, S              Woods, Stuart               Double jeopardy
F WRIGHT, J             Wright, Julie, 1972-        A captain for Caroline Gray
F YEJIDE, M             Yejide, Morowa              Creatures of passage
F YU, E                 Yu, E. Lily                 On fragile waves
F ZENITER, A            Zeniter, Alice              The art of losing


Call No.                Author                      Title
M F ROBB, J             Robb, J. D., 1950-          Faithless in death
M F ALEXANDER, T        Alexander, Tasha, 1969-     The dark heart of Florence
M F BABITT, D           Babitt, Debbie              Saving Grace : a novel of suspense
M F BAUER, B                Bauer, Belinda                Exit
M F BOX, C                  Box, C. J.                    Dark sky
M F CAMILLERI, A            Camilleri, Andrea             The cook of the Halcyon
M F CHIEN, V                Chien, Vivien                 Fatal fried rice
M F CHILDS, L               Childs, Laura                 Haunted hibiscus
M F COLLETTE, A             Collette, Abby                A game of cones
M F DAVIS, S                Davis, Sara, 1985-            The scapegoat : a novel
M F DAY, M                  Day, Maddie                   Murder at the taffy shop
M F DE CASTRIQUE, M         De Castrique, Mark            Fatal scores
M F EVANOVICH, J            Evanovich, Janet              The bounty
M F FINCH, C                Finch, Charles (Charles B.)   An extravagant death
M F GARDNER, L              Gardner, Lisa                 Before she disappeared : a novel
M F GRAHAM, H               Graham, Heather               Danger in numbers
M F GRIFFIN, L              Griffin, Laura, 1973-         Flight
M F GRIFFITHS, E            Griffiths, Elly               The postscript murders
M F HANNAH, D               Hannah, Darci                 Murder at the Beacon Bakeshop
M F JANCE, J                Jance, Judith A.              Missing and endangered
M F JONASSON, R             Ragnar Jónasson, 1976-       Winterkill
M F KING, S                 King, Stephen, 1947-          Later
M F LANG, E                 Lang, Essie                   A deadly chapter : a Castle Bookshop mystery
M F LEON, D                 Leon, Donna                   Transient desires
M F MARGOLIN, P             Margolin, Phillip             A matter of life and death : a Robin Lockwood novel
M F MATHESON, N             Matheson, Nadine              The Jigsaw Man : a novel
M F MAY, P                  May, Peter, 1951-             The night gate
M F MAYNE, A                Mayne, Andrew, 1973-          Black coral : a thriller
M F MONTGOMERY, J           Montgomery, Jess              The stills
M F NICKSON, C              Nickson, Chris                To the dark
M F O'CONNOR, C             O'Connor, Carlene             Murder in an Irish bookshop
M F OLGUIN, S               Olguín, Sergio, 1967-         The foreign girls
M F PATTERSON, J            Patterson, James, 1947-       The Palm Beach murders : thrillers
M F QIU, X                  Qiu, Xiaolong, 1953-          Becoming Inspector Chen
M F RAYBOURN, D             Raybourn, Deanna              An unexpected peril
M F ROBINSON, P             Robinson, Peter, 1950-        Not dark yet
M F ROSS, B                 Ross, Barbara, 1953-          Shucked apart
M F VERDON, J               Verdon, John                  On Harrow Hill
M F VIETS, E                Viets, Elaine, 1950-          Death grip
M F WINSPEAR, J             Winspear, Jacqueline, 1955-   The consequences of fear


Call No.                    Author                        Title
S F BEAR, G                 Bear, Greg, 1951-             The unfinished land
S F BEATON, E               Beaton, E. J.                 The councillor
S F BISHOP, A               Bishop, Anne                  The queen's weapons : a black jewels novel
S F BRIGGS, P               Briggs, Patricia              Wild sign : an Alpha and Omega novel
S F CAREY, M          Carey, M. R., 1959-           The fall of Koli
S F CLARK, C          Clark, C. L. (Cherae L.)      The unbroken
S F DAY, K            Day, Kate Hope                In the quick : a novel
S F DIVYA, S          Divya, S. B.                  Machinehood
S F DRAYDEN, N        Drayden, Nicky                Symbiosis : a novel
S F DURST, S          Durst, Sarah Beth             The bone maker : a novel
S F GALLAND, N        Galland, Nicole               Master of the revels : a return to Neal Stephenson's D.O.D.O.
S F GANNON, C         Gannon, Charles E.            At the end of the journey
S F GLOVER, N         Glover, Nicole                The conductors
S F HASKINS, A        Haskins, A. C.                Blood and whispers
S F HOLMBERG, C       Holmberg, Charlie N., 1988-   Spellmaker
S F HOUSTON, G        Houston, Gabriela             The second bell
S F MARTINE, A        Martine, Arkady               A desolation called peace
S F OGDEN, A          Ogden, Aimee                  Sun-daughters, sea-daughters
S F OVERMYER, B       Overmyer, Beth                Holes in the veil
S F SAYERS, C         Sayers, Constance             The ladies of the secret circus
S F SCHANOES, V       Schanoes, Veronica L.         Burning girls and other stories
S F WHEELER, J        Wheeler, Jeff, 1971-          Knight's ransom.


Call No.              Author                        Title
YA F BARDUGO, L       Bardugo, Leigh                Rule of wolves
YA F BARNARD, S       Barnard, Sara                 Destination anywhere
YA F BOULLEY, A       Boulley, Angeline             Firekeeper's daughter
YA F CHARLES, T       Charles, Tami                 Muted
YA F CLARE, C         Clare, Cassandra              Chain of iron
YA F CROWDER, M       Crowder, Melanie              Mazie
YA F DARBON, M        Darbon, Mel                   Rosie loves Jack
YA F DE LA CRUZ, M    De la Cruz, Melissa, 1971-    The queen's secret : sequel to The queen's assassin
YA F ELHILLO, S       Elhillo, Safia                Home is not a country
YA F FARLEY, G        Farley, Grant, 1951-          Bones of a saint
YA F GILBERT, K       Gilbert, Kelly Loy            When we were infinite
YA F HEARD, W         Heard, Wendy                  She's too pretty to burn
YA F HOLLAND, S       Holland, Sara                 Phoenix flame
YA F ILOH, C          Iloh, Candice                 Every body looking
YA F JACKSON, H       Jackson, Holly, 1992-         Good girl, bad blood
YA F JACKSON, K       Jackson, Kosoko               Yesterday is history
YA F KENWOOD          Kenwood, Nina                 It sounded better in my head
YA F LE, L            Le, Loan.                     A pho love story
YA F MAHONEY, R       Mahoney, Rebecca              The valley and the flood
YA F PARKER, N        Parker, Natalie C.            Stormbreak
YA F ROLLINS, D       Rollins, Danielle             Dark stars
YA F SALVATORE, S     Salvatore, Steven             Can't take that away
YA F SIM, T           Sim, Tara                     Ravage the dark
YA F SMITH, L          Smith, Lindsay, 1984-             The shadow war
YA F THOMAS, A         Thomas, Aiden                     Lost in the Never Woods
YA F YOUNG, A          Young, Adrienne, 1985-            Namesake
YA F ZHAO, A           Zhao, Amaelie Wen                 Red Tigress


Call No.               Author                            Title
YA F AHMED             Ahmed, Saladin                    Miles Morales. 4, Ultimatum
YA F AIDALRO           AidaIro, artist.                  Toilet-bound Hanako-kun. 8
YA F AKIYAMA           Akiyama, Yoco.                    My hero Academia. Team-up missions. 1
YA F ASATO             Asato, Asato/ Yoshihara, Motoki   86-Eighty-six. Volume 1
YA F CANTWELL          Cantwell, Christopher             Doctor Doom. 2, Bedford Falls
YA F COLFER            Colfer, Eoin                      Artemis Fowl. The Arctic incident : the graphic novel
YA F DUBU              Chugong/Dubu Redice Studio        Solo Leveling. 1
YA F DUGGAN            Duggan, Gerry                     Savage Avengers. Vol. 3, Enter the dragon
YA F FORNA, N          Forna, Namina                     The gilded ones
YA F HUDLIN            Hudlin, Reginald                  Who is the Black Panther?
YA F KOBAYASHI         Kobayashi, Daiki                  Ragna Crimson Volume 1
YA F MCKINNEY          McKinney, L. L. (Leatrice L.)     Nubia : real one
YA F MORISHITA         Morishita, Makoto                 Im. Great Prince Imhotep. 1
YA F MORISHITA         Morishita, Makoto                 Im. Great Prince Imhotep. 2
YA F MORISHITA         Morishita, Makoto                 Im. Great Prince Imhotep. 3
YA F OHTAKA            Ohtaka, Shinobu-                  Orient. Volume 1
YA F ROBINSON          Robinson, James, 1963-            Scarlet Witch : the complete collection
YA F SANDA             Sanda, Makoto                     The ancient Magus' bride : wizard's blue. Volume 2
YA F SATAKE            Satake, Kousuke                   The witch and the beast. 4
YA F TACHIBANA         Tachibana, Yuka                   The Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent. Volume 2
YA F TAKAHASHI         Takahashi, Rumiko, 1957-          Mermaid saga. 2
YA F TAKEI             Takei, Hiroyuki                   Shaman king 3-in-1. Volumes 1-2-3
YA F YANG              Yang, Gene Luen                   Dragon hoops / from small steps to great leaps
YA F YOUNG             Young, Skottie                    Strange Academy. First class
YA F ZOU               Zou, Hebi                         Heaven's design team. Vol. 3


Call No.               Author                            Title
006.3092 METZ          Metz, Cade                        Genius makers : the mavericks who brought AI to Google,
                                                         Facebook, and the world
070.43 HIGGINS         Higgins, Eliot                    We are Bellingcat : global crime, online sleuths, and the bold
                                                         future of the news
070.4493 CLARK-FLORY   Clark-Flory, Tracy                Want me : a sex writer's journey into the heart of desire
070.4499 BECKER        Becker, Elizabeth                 You don't belong here : how three women rewrote the story
                                                         of war

Call No.                  Author                  Title
133.43 NUERNBERGER        Nuernberger, Kathryn    The witch of eye : essays
133.9013 GREYSON          Greyson, Bruce          After : a doctor explores what near-death experiences reveal
                                                  about life and beyond
152.1886 GUNDRY           Gundry, Steven R        The energy paradox : what to do when your get-up-and-go
                                                  has got up and gone
152.46 BREWER             Brewer, Judson          Unwinding anxiety : new science shows how to break the
                                                  cycles of worry and fear to heal your mind
153.12 GENOVA             Genova, Lisa            Remember : the science of memory and the art of forgetting
153.4 VEDANTAM            Vedantam, Shankar       Useful delusions : the power and paradox of the self-deceiving
158 PRICE                 Price, Devon            Laziness does not exist : a defense of the exhausted,
                                                  exploited, and overworked
179.7 ENGELHART           Engelhart, Katie        The inevitable : dispatches on the right to die


Call No.                  Author                  Title
204.4 LAMOTT              Lamott, Anne            Dusk, night, dawn : on revival and courage


Call No.                  Author                  Title
305.32 BATES              Bates, Laura, 1986-     Men who hate women : from incels to pickup artists : the
                                                  truth about extreme misogyny and how it affects us all
305.4096 CORMACK          Cormack, Raph           Midnight in Cairo : the divas of Egypt's roaring '20s
305.4097 BREN             Bren, Paulina           The Barbizon : the hotel that set women free
305.42 ALLENDE            Allende, Isabel         The soul of a woman : on impatient love, long life, and good
305.896 LEMON             Lemon, Don, 1966-       This is the fire : what I say to my friends about racism
306.483 OLMSTED           Olmsted, Larry, 1966-   Fans : how watching sports makes us happier, healthier, and
                                                  more understanding
306.7082 ANGEL            Angel, Katherine        Tomorrow sex will be good again : women and desire in the
                                                  age of consent
306.874 JENKINS           Jenkins, Ian            Three dads and a baby : adventures in modern parenting
306.8743 GURWITCH         Gurwitch, Annabelle     You're leaving when? : adventures in downward mobility
330.122 FRIEDMAN          Friedman, Benjamin M.   Religion and the rise of capitalism
331.2572 AUERBACH         Auerbach, Annie         Flex : reinventing work for a smarter, happier life
338.7668 GILLAM           Gillam, Carey           The Monsanto papers : deadly secrets, corporate corruption,
                                                  and one man's search for justice
342 COLLEY                Colley, Linda           The gun, the ship, and the pen : warfare, constitutions, and
                                                  the making of the modern world
343.7304 BROWN         Brown, Dorothy A.               The whiteness of wealth : how the tax system impoverishes
                                                       black Americans and how we can fix it
347.7326 GINSBURG      Ginsburg, Ruth Bader            Justice, justice thou shalt pursue : a life's work fighting for a
                                                       more perfect union
362.1097 ALEXANDER     Alexander, Brian                The hospital : life, death, and dollars in a small American town
362.8292 SELVARATNAM   Selvaratnam, Tanya              Assume nothing : a story of intimate violence
363.325 PARKINSON      Parkinson, Joe                  Bring back our girls : the untold story of the global search for
364.1336 FRANK         Frank, Matthew Gavin            Nigeria's
                                                       Flight     missing
                                                              of the       schoolgirls
                                                                      diamond   smugglers : a tale of pigeons, obsession,
                                                       and greed along coastal South Africa
364.1523 DOUGLAS       Douglas, John E.                The killer's shadow : the FBI's hunt for a white supremacist
                                                       serial killer
364.1523 GREEN         Green, Elon                     Last call : a true story of love, lust, and murder in queer New
364.1523 JOHNSON       Johnson, Lois                   Yorkofficer's daughter : a memoir of family and forgiveness
364.1523 SCHECHTER     Schechter, Harold               Maniac : the Bath school disaster and the birth of the modern
364.163 DAVIES         Davies, Dan                     mass killer
                                                       Lying  for money : how legendary frauds reveal the workings of
                                                       the world
372.87 COLLINS         Collins, Anita (Anita Marie)    The music advantage : how music helps your child develop,
                                                       learn, and thrive
381.142 MACGILLIS      MacGillis, Alec                 Fulfillment : winning and losing in one-click America
387.742 COOKE          Cooke, Julia                    Come fly the world : the jet-age story of the women of Pan Am
394.12 KIRSHNER        Kirshner, Hannah                Water, wood, and wild things : learning craft and cultivation in
                                                       a Japanese mountain town


Call No.               Author                      Title
514.742 LINTON         Linton, Oliver B.           Fractals : on the edge of chaos
523.01 PRESCOD-        Prescod-Weinstein, Chanda   The disordered cosmos : a journey into dark matter,
WEINSTEIN                                          spacetime, and dreams deferred
523.1 TYSON            Tyson, Neil deGrasse        Cosmic queries : StarTalk's guide to who we are, how we got
                                                   here, and where we're going
523.8 CHAPMAN          Chapman, Emma (Emma Olivia) First light: switching on stars at the dawn of time
536.7 SEN              Sen, Paul                   Einstein's fridge : how the difference between hot and cold
                                                   explains the universe
570 ZIMMER             Zimmer, Carl, 1966-         Life's edge : the search for what it means to be alive
572.86 ASHLEY          Ashley, Euan A.             The genome odyssey : medical mysteries and the incredible
                                                   quest to solve them
576.5 ISAACSON         Isaacson, Walter            The code breaker : Jennifer Doudna, gene editing, and the
                                                   future of the human race
576.839 KERSHENBAUM    Kershenbaum, Arik           The zoologist's guide to the galaxy : what animals on Earth
                                                   reveal about aliens--and ourselves
579.5 BIEREND          Bierend, Doug               In search of mycotopia : citizen science, fungi fanatics, and the
                                                   untapped potential of mushrooms
591.68 NIJHUIS         Nijhuis, Michelle           Beloved beasts : fighting for life in an age of extinction
599.649 COULTHARD      Coulthard, Sally            Follow the flock : how sheep shaped human civilization

Call No.                Author                           Title
610.922 CAMPBELL        Campbell, Olivia                 Women in white coats : how the first women doctors changed
                                                         the world of medicine
612.39 PONTZER          Pontzer, Herman                  Burn : new research blows the lid off how we really burn
                                                         calories, lose weight, and stay healthy
612.6 SWAN              Swan, Shanna H.                  Count down : how our modern world is threatening sperm
                                                         counts, altering male and female reproductive development,
                                                         and imperiling the future of the human race
612.67 STEELE           Steele, Andrew                   Ageless : the new science of getting older without getting old
613.2 MOSS              Moss, Michael, 1955-             Hooked : food, free will, and how the food giants exploit our
616.82 DEAREN           Dearen, Jason                    Kill shot : a shadow industry, a deadly disease
616.8311 KARLAWISH      Karlawish, Jason                 The problem of Alzheimer's : how science, culture, and politics
                                                         turned a rare disease into a crisis and what we can do about it
616.8527 RAMSEY         Ramsey, Drew                     Eat to beat depression and anxiety : nourish your way to
                                                         better mental health in six weeks
629.222 DAVIES          Davies, Alex                     Driven : the race to create the autonomous car
629.4097 BERGER         Berger, Eric                     Liftoff : Elon Musk and the desperate early days that launched
634.9721 CANTON         Canton, James                    The oak papers
635 BOHL                Bohl, Loree                      Fearless gardening : be bold, break the rules, and grow what
                                                         you love
635 FORKNER             Forkner, Lorene Edwards          The beginner's guide to growing great vegetables
635.9339 BENZAKEIN      Benzakein, Erin                  Floret Farm's discovering dahlias : a guide to growing and
                                                         arranging magnificent blooms
640.286 MANNARINO       Mannarino, Melanie               The (almost) zero waste guide : 100+ tips for reducing your
                                                         waste without changing your life
641.3 TURSHEN           Turshen, Julia                   Simply Julia : 110 easy recipes for healthy comfort food
641.5082 GARDENER       Gardner, Lindsay, illustrator.   Why we cook : women on food, identity, and connection
641.512 AMERICA'S       America's Test Kitchen (COR)     The ultimate meal prep cookbook : one grocery list. a week of
                                                         meals. no waste.
641.563 DE LAURENTIIS   De Laurentiis, Giada             Eat better, feel better : my recipes for wellness and healing,
641.5636 TOYOTA         Toyota, Lauren                   inside
                                                         Hot forand   out
                                                                   food all day : easy recipes to level up your vegan meals
641.5676 COHEN          Cohen, Jake, 1993-               Jew-ish : reinvented recipes from a modern mensch
641.587 LUDLUM          Ludlum, Becca                    Meal prep in an instant : 56 lightened-up recipes and 7 prep
                                                         plans for your Instant Pot
641.59 KITCHEN                                           The kitchen without borders : recipes and stories from
                                                         refugee and immigrant chefs
641.5972 RUIZ           Ruiz, Alejandro                  The food of Oaxaca : recipes and stories from Mexico's
                                                         culinary capital
641.5973 FERGUSON       Ferguson, Jesse Tyler            Food between friends
641.813 IWASAKI         Iwasaki, Keiko                   Japanese soups : 66 nourishing broths, stews and hotpots
641.815 ALL-PURPOSE                                     The all-purpose baker's companion
641.865 SIEMENS       Siemens, Kelsey                   The farmer's daughter bakes : cakes, pies, crisps & more for
                                                        every fruit on the farm
646.7008 HAKAKIAN     Ḥakkākiyān, Ruʼyā             A beginner's guide to America : for the immigrant and the
646.726 WITHAM        Witham, Clive                     Facial Gua sha : a step by step guide to a natural facelift
649.132 BROWN         Brown, Emma                       To raise a boy : classrooms, locker rooms, bedrooms, and the
                                                        hidden struggles of American boyhood
663.63 PUCCI          Pucci, Dan                        American cider : a modern guide to a historic beverage
688.7912 KURLANSKY    Kurlansky, Mark                   The unreasonable virtue of fly fishing


Call No.              Author                           Title
741.2 LI              Li, Yishan, 1981-                How to draw kawaii animals in simple steps
745.5263 RAJAMANNAR   Rajamannar, Bryanne Lee, 1979- Felt flower workshop : a modern guide to crafting gorgeous
                                                       plants and flowers from fabric
746.4604 FISHER       Fisher, Kirsten, 1950-           Modern fabric art bowls : express yourself with quilt blocks,
                                                       appliquae, embroidery & more
791.4509 ARMSTRONG    Armstrong, Jennifer Keishin      When women invented television : the untold story of the
                                                       female powerhouses who pioneered the way we watch today
791.4572 WEST         West, Nancy Martha, 1963-        Masterpiece : America's 50-year-old love affair with British
                                                       television drama
796.019 WILLIAMS      Williams, A. M. (A. Mark), 1965- The best : how elite athletes are made


Call No.              Author                            Title
809 FLETCHER          Fletcher, Angus, 1976-            Wonderworks : the 25 most powerful innovations in the
                                                        history of literature
810.8 MOUTHS                                            Mouths of rain : an anthology of Black lesbian thought


Call No.              Author                           Title
910.4 WHEELAN         Wheelan, Charles J.              We came, we saw, we left : a family gap year
910.9252 ZANGLEIN     Zanglein, Jayne E., 1954- author The girl explorers : the untold story of the globetrotting
                                                       women who trekked, flew, and fought their way around the
915.104 LI            Li, Juan, 1979-                  Winter pasture : one woman's journey with China's Kazakh
917.3 SECRETS                                          Secrets of the national parks : the expert's guide to the best
                                                       experiences beyond the tourist trail.
940.312 ZELIKOW       Zelikow, Philip, 1954-           The road less traveled : the secret battle to end the Great
                                                       War, 1916-1917
940.5318 KAISER         Kaiser, Menachem, 1985-        Plunder : a memoir of family property and Nazi treasure
942.055 BERGREEN        Bergreen, Laurence             In search of a kingdom : Francis Drake, Elizabeth I, and the
                                                       perilous birth of the British Empire
958.1047 MORGAN         Morgan, Wesley                 The hardest place : the American military adrift in
                                                       Afghanistan's Pech Valley
973.3092 RASMUSSEN      Rasmussen, Dennis C. (Dennis   Fears of a setting sun : the disillusionment of America's
                        Carl), 1978-                   Founders
973.733 MATTESON        Matteson, John                 A worse place than hell : how the Civil War Battle of
                                                       Fredericksburg changed a nation
973.931 TARABORRELLI    Taraborrelli, J. Randy         Grace & steel : Dorothy, Barbara, Laura, and the women of
                                                       the Bush dynasty
974.7 DYJA              Dyja, Tom                      New York, New York, New York : four decades of success,
                                                       excess, and transformation
974.7 TAYLOR            Taylor, Craig, 1976-           New Yorkers : a city and its people in our time
979.259 ROBERTS         Roberts, David, 1943-          The Bears Ears : a human history of America's most
                                                       endangered wilderness
979.494 BROWNSTEIN      Brownstein, Ronald             Rock me on the water : 1974, the year Los Angeles
                                                       transformed, movies, music, television, and politics


Call No.                Author                         Title
B BRINA, E              Brina, Elizabeth Miki, 1981-   Speak, Okinawa : a memoir
B DUCKWORTH, T          Duckworth, Tammy, 1968-        Every day is a gift : a memoir
B FULLER, L Heinecke    Heinecke, Liz Lee              Radiant : the dancer, the scientist, and a friendship forged in
B JOHNSON, L Sweig      Sweig, Julia                   Lady Bird Johnson : hiding in plain sight
B KOY, J                Koy, Jo                        Mixed plate : chronicles of an All-American combo
B LEHR, L               Lehr, Leslie                   A boob's life : how America's obsession shaped me... and you
B LINDELL, M            Lindell, Mike, 1961-           What are the odds? : from crack addict to CEO
B MARSHALL, J Strauss   Strauss, Robert, 1951-         John Marshall : the final founder
B RAPP BLACK, E         Rapp Black, Emily              Sanctuary : a memoir
B ROBINSON, J                                          42 today : Jackie Robinson and his legacy
B SAID, E Brennan       Brennan, Timothy, 1953-        Places of mind : a life of Edward Said
B STEVENS, T Levine     Levine, Bruce C., 1949-        Thaddeus Stevens : Civil War revolutionary, fighter for racial
B TURKLE, S             Turkle, Sherry                 The empathy diaries : a memoir


Call No.                Author                         Title
LP F BENJAMIN, A        Benjamin, Ali                  The smash-up : a novel
LP F BOX, C             Box, C. J.                     Dark sky
LP F GREANEY, M         Greaney, Mark                  Relentless
LP F HANNAH, K          Hannah, Kristin                The four winds
LP F ISHIGURO, K         Ishiguro, Kazuo, 1954-             Klara and the sun
LP F KELLERMAN, J        Kellerman, Jonathan                Serpentine
LP F LANDAU, A           Landau, Alexis                     Those who are saved
LP F LEILANI, R          Leilani, Raven                     Luster
LP F MALLERY, S          Mallery, Susan                     The vineyard at Painted Moon
LP F MCCALL SMITH, A     McCall Smith, Alexander, 1948-     A promise of ankles
LP F MORENO- GARCIA, S   Moreno-Garcia, Silvia.             Mexican Gothic
LP F PATTERSON, J        Patterson, James, 1947-            The Palm Beach murders thrillers
LP F QUINN, K            Quinn, Kate                        The Rose Code : a novel
LP F RANDALL, A          Randall, Alice, 1959-              Black Bottom saints
LP F RYAN, J             Ryan, Jennifer, 1973-              The kitchen front : a novel
LP F STEEL, D            Steel, Danielle                    The affair : a novel
LP F THOMPSON, V         Thompson, Victoria (Victoria E.)   City of schemes
LP F TUDOR, C            Tudor, C. J.                       The burning girls : a novel
LP F WINSPEAR, J         Winspear, Jacqueline, 1955-        The consequences of fear
LP F YANG, S             Yang, Susie                        White Ivy



Call No.                                                    Title
DVD AGATHA                                                  Agatha and the truth of murder
DVD COLLECTIVE                                              Collective
DVD FATALE                                                  Fatale
DVD HALF                                                    Half brothers
DVD LET                                                     Let him go
DVD MONSTER                                                 Monster Hunter
DVD NEWS                                                    News of the world


Call No.                                                    Title
DVD DETECTIVE                                               Detective Montalbano. Episodes 35 & 36


Call No.                                                    Title
BD FATALE                                                   Fatale
BD NEWS                                                     News of the world

Call No.                Author                          Title
CD MUS/ST MA            Marsalis, Branford              Ma Rainey's black bottom : music from the Netflix film
CD POP BATISTE          Batiste, Jon, 1986-             We are
CD POP GIBB             Gibb, Barry, 1946-              Greenfields : the Gibb Brothers' songbook. Vol. 1
CD POP LIPA             Lipa, Dua, 1995-                Future nostalgia
CD POP McCARTNEY        McCartney, Paul                 McCartney III
CD POP PAUL             Paul Stanley's Soul Station     Now and then
CD POP SPRINGSTEEN      Springsteen, Bruce              Letter to you
CD POP STARR            Starr, Ringo                    Zoom in
CD POP SWIFT            Swift, Taylor, 1989-            Evermore


Call No.                Author                          Title
CD 153.4 GUPTA          Gupta, Sanjay, 1969-            Keep sharp : build a better brain at any age


Call No.                Author                          Title
CD F HANNAH             Hannah, Kristin                 The four winds
CD F HARPER             Harper, Jane (Jane Elizabeth)   The survivors : a novel
CD F ROBB               Robb, J. D., 1950-              Faithless in death


Call No.                                                Title
VG SWITCH SUPER                                         Super Mario 3D world + Bowser's fury

                                               JUVENILE BOOKS


Call No.                Author                          Title
JF ALEXANDER            Alexander, Heather, 1967-       Project startup
JF ATKINSON             Atkinson, Cale                  Simon and Chester : super detectives!
JF BRADLEY              Bradley, Kimberly Brubaker      Fighting words
JF CITRO                Citro, Asia                     Bips and roses
JF ELLIOT               Elliott, Rebecca.               Eva at the beach
JF KAPIT                Kapit, Sarah                    Get a grip, Vivy Cohen!
JF KELLY                Kelly, Erin Entrada.            We dream of space
JF MARQUEZ              Marquez, Melissa Cristina       Crocodile rescue!
JF MARTIN               Epstein, Gabriela               Claudia and the new girl : a graphic novel
JF MARVEL               Stone, Nic                      Shuri : the vanished
JF MILFORD       Milford, Kate                  The raconteur's commonplace book
JF NARSIMHAN     Narsimhan, Mahtab              Genie meanie
JF OSBORNE       Osborne, Mary Pope             Camp time in California
JF PEIRCE        Peirce, Lincoln                Big Nate. In your face!
JF PETRO         Petro-Roy, Jen                 Life in the balance
JF POLONSKY      Polonsky, Ami                  Spin with me
JF POWERS        Powers, Edgar J.               Super Turbo. 1, Saves the day! : [the graphic novel]
JF RIVERA        Rivera, Lilliam                Goldie Vance : the hocus-pocus hoax : an original novel
JF SCHROY        Schroy, Hanna                  Last dance
JF SLOAN         Sloan, Holly Goldberg, 1958-   The elephant in the room
JF SOONTORNVAT   Soontornvat, Christina         A wish in the dark
JF STILTON       Stilton, Geronimo              Geronimo Stilton, the graphic novel. Slime for dinner
JF SUTHERLAND    Sutherland, Tui, 1978-         The dangerous gift
JF TARSHIS       Tarshis, Lauren                I survived the Nazi invasion, 1944 : the graphic novel
JF WALKER        Walker, Landry Q. (Landry      Pepper Page saves the universe!
JF ZURCHER       Zurcher, Andrew                Twelve nights


Call No.         Author                         Title
E ANAND          Anand, Shelly                  Laxmi's mooch
E ARSENAULT      Arsenault, Isabelle, 1978-     Maya's big scene
E BATTERSBY      author, artist.
                 Battersby,  Katherine          Trouble
E BIRDSONG       Birdsong, Bea                  Sam's first word
E BLUE           Blue, Beatrice, 1991-          Once upon a dragon's fire
E DEAN           Dean, Madeleine, 1959-         You are always loved : a story of hope
E FREEMAN        Freeman, Mylo, 1959-           Princess Arabella at the museum
E GEE            Gee, Kimberly                  Sad, sad bear!
E HOLDER         Holder, Alissa                 I am smart, I am blessed, I can do anything!
E JACKSON        Jackson, Richard, 1935-        I see you see
E MAYNOR         Maynor, Megan                  A house for every bird
E MCGLAUFLIN     McGlauflin, Conor              Sock on the loose
E MELTZER        Meltzer, Brad                  A new day
E MIN            Min, Cat                       Shy Willow
E MONET          Rosenstock, Barb               Mornings with Monet
E O'HAIR         O'Hair, Margaret               You are enough : a book about inclusion
E PARR           Parr, Todd                     The spring book
E PERKINS        Perkins, Mitali                Home is in between
E PHUNG          Phùng, Nguyên Quang,         My first day
E PUMPHREY       illustrator. Jarrett
                 Pumphrey,                      The old boat
E SCHUBERT       Schubert, Leda                 Nathan's song
E SPIRO          Spiro, Ruth                    Maxine and the greatest garden ever!
E WILLIAMS       Williams, Karen Lynn.          Facing fear
E WOOD           Wood, A. J., 1960-             Goodnight, little bunny

Call No.              Author                       Title
BR PARISH             Parish, Herman               Amelia Bedelia steps out
E CLA (board book)    Clanton, Ben, 1988-          Bubbles : a Narwhal and Jelly board book
H E KHORRAM           Khorram, Adib                Seven special somethings : a Nowruz story


Call No.              Author                       Title
J363.72 HOOD          Hood, Susan, 1954-           The last straw : kids vs. plastics
J635.09 MILLER        Miller, Sharee               Michelle's garden : how the first lady planted seeds of change
J920.72 MENENDEZ      Menéndez, Juliet             Latinitas : celebrating big dreamers in history!
JB CATHERINE POL      Pollack, Pam                 Who was Catherine the Great?
JB JOHNSON MAU        Maurer, Tracy, 1965-         Lady Bird Johnson, that's who! : the story of a cleaner and
JB JUST MAN           Mangal, Mélina              greener
                                                   The  vastAmerica
                                                             wonder of the world : biologist Ernest Everett Just
JB WONDER SAN         Sánchez Vegara, Ma Isabel   Stevie Wonder
                      (María Isabel)


Call No.                                           Title
J DVD BUBBLE                                       Bubble guppies. New guppy!
J DVD DANIEL                                       Daniel Tiger's neighborhood. Tigertastic 50 pack.
J DVD MISTER                                       Mister Rogers' Neighborhood : Mister Rogers meets new
J DVD PAW                                          friends
                                                   PAW     collection.
                                                         patrol. Dino rescue. Roar to the rescue.
J DVD PAW                                          PAW patrol. Rubble on the double
J DVD PEPPA                                        Peppa Pig. Best of Peppa Pig.
J DVD PJ                                           PJ Masks. Wheels of a hero.
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