Page created by Rick Mcgee

to syc

                                                      1st JUNE -
                                                     31st AUGUST

Gold Coast City Marina staff celebrate their win

Gold Coast City Marina (GCCM) has sailed away with the                                                                  5–2016
2015-16 Marina of the Year gongs for Best Dry Stack                                                             2 01
Facility and Best Boat Yard (20-plus boats) - a plaudit it                                                             MIA
also netted at the 2013-2014 MIA awards.
The recognition has come from the Marina Industries                                                           of the year
Association (MIA) which stages the MIA Marina Awards in

                                                                                                  M ar
partnership with Club Marine Insurance.

                                                                                                                                           c ili
                                                                                                    in a

The MIA is the peak marine industries body for                                                                                        ag

                                                                                                              at y
Australasia and the Asia Pacific and its awards are staged                                                           ard & r y Stor
biennially to recognise innovation, excellence and
leadership.                                                                                                    WINNER

GCCM occupies a 15ha site within the Coomera Marine
Industries Precinct and comprises a clustering of 60 plus
businesses that work together to meet the needs of the
boating fraternity.

GCCM is part of the Gay Group of companies, owned and
operated by Patrick Gay and son Trenton, and just weeks
ago took possession of a $1.3 million Italian-built Ascom             The most comprehensive marine
straddle-carrier, capable of lifting 250-tonne vessels, and
an accompanying 45-tonne trailer.
                                                                    facility in the Southern Hemisphere
                                                                 15 hectares in size with over 60+ on-site individual marine busi-
The straddle-carrier provides GCCM with the capacity to                nesses covering every facet of the marine industry
service superyachts and within days of its arrival had
hauled from the water a 180-tonne US-owned ocean
cruiser for repair and maintenance.                                                    COURTESY VEHICLE
                                                                                       DROP OFF AND PICK UP SERVICE
                                                                                       TO AND FROM THE MARINA
The vessel was the heaviest ever hauled from the water                                 FOR SYC MEMBERS

on the Gold Coast.

GCCM general manager Steve Sammes, who was
presented with the awards by MIA President Andrew
Chapman, said

“The twin awards recognise the commitment made by                         Call us today (07) 5502 5888
Patrick and Trenton Gay to investment in cutting-edge                      76-84 Waterway Drive, Coomera 4209, QLD
infrastructure that positions GCCM as a market leader in           |
its field.

“Their willingness to invest is rooted in an abiding          Shipyard   Dry Storage      250T & 45 T Hydraulic Trailer           Fuel Dock
confidence as to the future of the Gold Coast.”                                                  new additions!

     2 | iN SYnC | Southport Yacht Club

4        Commodore’s Report                                 Welcome to our Winter edition of iN SYnC. As usual
5        Chairman’s Report                                  this edition has all the latest news and upcoming
5        General Manager’s Report                           events from Southport Yacht Club.
6        Sailing Operations Manager’s Report                SYC would like to welcome our Members to two new
7        Mathew Belcher and Will Ryan                       additions to the Club. SYC has installed a World
7        SYC Sail Past and Blessing of the Fleet            first, The Waterscape Pontoon Bar and a brand new
                                                            Gym. Both of these are for the exclusive use of Gold
8        SYC Marina                                         Members.
9        SYC Hardstand and Shiplift
                                                            SYC has also been busy with a number of events
10       Zeppelin Travel                                    throughout the past three months, with plenty
11       XCats                                              more to come including the Sailing and Power Boat
14       Birthday Draws and Mega Draw Winner                presentation evenings and Sail Past and Blessing of
14       SYC Employee of the Quarter                        the Fleet on Saturday 5th September.
15       Golf at SYC                                        The ‘what’s on’ page in the middle of this edition is
16       SYC Boutique                                       full with all the up coming events. Members please
17       Functions at SYC                                   remember to follow us on Facebook for all upcoming
17       Wine and Dine at SYC                               events, promotions and news plus much more. www.
18       Up Coming Events                         
20       Vice Commodore of Power Report                     Until next time, safe boating!
20       Power Boat What’s On
21       Cruising at SYC
                                                            Bronwen Hemmings
22       Anzac Day 2015, 100th Anniversary
23       2014-15 Navigation Rally Season                    Editor - iN SYnC
24       Vice Commodore of Sail Article                     Southport Yacht Club
24       Orla Amos - My Sailing Story
26       Justin Wise / Sam Martland
27       Charlie Piacin / Lauren Miller
28       Thursday Twilight Sailing / Ashleigh Swadling
29       Burleigh Bash / XXXX Sail Paradise
30       Sailing What’s On
31       Sailability
32       Associates Committee Report
35       Gold Coast Seaway Tide Chart                CHAIRMAN - Scott Siganto           iN SYnC is published quarterly
                                                     COMMODORE - Phil Short             September, December, March and
35       SYC Sponsors                                VICE COMMODORE POWER - Graham Webb June. The opinions expressed by the
                                                        VICE COMMODORE SAIL - Kerry Noyes        authors and contributors of articles
                                                        TREASURER - Garry Edwards                in iN SYnC are not necessarily those
                                                        BOARD MEMBERS - Chris Oxenford,          of Southport Yacht Club Inc, nor does
     COVER PICTURE:                                     Peter Lahey and Bob Howard               Southport Yacht Club Inc. guarantee
                                                        GENERAL MANAGER - Brett James            the accuracy of statements made by
     SYC main beach, including the new                                                           contributors or advertisers or accept
     waterscape pontoon bar                             iN SYnC is the official publication      any responsibility for any product or
                                                        of Southport Yacht Club Inc.             statements made herein. Southport
                                                        1 Macarthur Parade, Main Beach, QLD 4217 Yacht Club Inc does not accept liability
                                                        P: 07 5591 3500                          for advertising material published in
                                                        F: 07 5532 7507                          iN SYnC which may contravene the
                                                        W:         Trade Practices Act. Other than for
                                                                                                 the purpose of review and subject
                                                        EDITOR / ART / PRODUCTION /              to the Copyright Act, no part of this
                                                        ADVERTISING SALES                        publication may be reproduced in
                                                        Bronwen Hemmings                         any form without the prior written
                                                        Southport Yacht Club                     permission of the publisher. Upcoming
                                                        E: events and promotions are subject to
                                                        T: 07 5591 3500                          change without notice.

                                                                                           Southport Yacht Club | iN SYnC | 3
Club reports
Club reports

                                                                                  Phil Short
COMMODORE’S REPORT                                                                Commodore

The past 3 months have been full steam, with Summer           A great success of SYC events are the regular Cocktail
Sailing Regattas, Cocktail Parties, Commodores Table          Parties. The Associates Committee are proud to present
at the monthly Birthday draw, Twilight Sailing and            the Commodore’s Ball on Saturday 18th July, watch out
Navigation events, and various functions with the             for further details in the weekly E-news and remember
Associates Committee.                                         to book as numbers are limited.
I would also like to make a special mention of the 100 year   August 22nd and 23rd the Formula One in Power Boats
ANZAC Day Commemoration Marine Guard of Honour. I             will stage a spectacular and thrilling event in our very
would like to personally thank and congratulate Ken and       own backyard of the Broadwater, watch out for more
Noelene Tregeagle for all their hard work and dedication      information coming soon. On Saturday 5th September,
in coordinating the event, including working alongside        SYC will host the 69th annual event of the year, the
the local authorities to arrange approvals for a live         2015/2016 Sail Past and Blessing of the Fleet, followed
flare presentation, coordination of the 15 strong vessel      by Breaking of the Flag on Sunday 6th at Hollywell Sailing
raft up, involvement from the SYC junior sailors and          Squadron.
the Members of the Southport RSL. I am sure the event
                                                              Enjoy the new additions to the Club and the upcoming
was something the Southport Community appreciated,
                                                              SYC events, and of course I wish you all safe boating.
members like Ken and Noelene don’t sweat the small
stuff they make it happen. Along with great staff,            Phil Short
dedicated individual committees, and the two Vice
Commodores, coordinating and planning events like             Commodore
these make SYC the great Club it is.
                                                              Past Commodore Michael Callanan
SYC also have a couple of new and exciting inclusions
that I am sure you have noticed including the new             Michael joined SYC in 1986 and sailed with Captain Tom
Waterscape Pontoon Bar, and upon entering the foyer           Smith, he then became actively involved in the unique
a Club timeline from 1946, the Fo’c’s’le has been             sport of Power Boating in Predicted Navigation Rallies.
transformed into a Memorabilia Room, a brand new SYC          In 1990 under Commodore Wyn Treasure, Mike became a
Gym, a retaining wall at Hollywell and new fence at           member of the Southport Yacht Club House Committee
Dux Anchorage. Of course I must make special mention          and in 1991 he was accepted on to the Executive
of the brilliant transformation of the new Car Park,          Committee as well as House Committee at SYC Main
including the new flag pole, proudly flying the SYC Club      Beach. In 1994/95 due to dedicated service to the
Burgee, giving the Club a fantastic first impression. A       Club he was appointed Rear Commodore Power under
final inclusion to the Club is the introduction of over 150   Commodore Gordon Gillespie.
worldwide burgees soon to be on display at both Main
Beach and Hollywell.                                          Mike was elected Commodore in 1998 and served until
                                                              2000. During his terms he was well liked at SYC. Mike
A little reminder for voting Members, the Southport           had many friends both in the Club and around the Coast,
Yacht Club Annual General Meeting is scheduled for            Mike passed away in 2012.
Monday 13th July, please lock the date in your diaries if
you wish to attend, I hope to see many Members attend.
The next three months at SYC are going to be even
more exciting, with the end of year Sailing Presentation
Dinner on June 20th, the Power Boat Presentation Dinner
on July 4th and Cruisers End of Season Review on 27th
SYC is proud to be sponsoring three yachts in the 2015 Land
Rover Sydney Gold Coast Yacht Race, to commemorate
the 30th Anniversary. Many of the Clubs up and coming
sailors are competing as “Team Southport”. Only second
to the Sydney Hobart Yacht Race, the event generates
a huge amount of interest around the Club, and once
again SYC would like to ask for the assistance of our
fantastic volunteers to help in the arrival of the fleet,
should you be interested please contact the Sailing            Past Commodore Ian Hall, Michaels widow Cheryl Callanan
Office for further information.                                       and Past Commdore Power, Graham Webb

   4 | iN SYnC | Southport Yacht Club
Chairman’s REPORT                                                      Scott Siganto
What a successful quarter the Club has just seen! With
the installation of Waterscape, our Gold member’s
pontoon at Main Beach, the long awaited completion
of the car park and the opening of the gym sees the
Club’s facilities enhanced and giving added value to
your membership.
The AGM will be held this year on Monday, 13th
July, including the changes to our Constitution. The     It created a spectacular backdrop to the RSL Southport
Constitution Committee have worked tirelessly on         Sub Committee’s commemorative event. Special
this document for almost two years and feel that it      thanks goes to Ken Tregeagle for his coordination
is now at the point of final presentation to members.    of SYC vessels, volunteers and staff to ensure the
Amendments to the Constitution are primarily             day went off without a hitch and to ensure it was
grammatical and modernising of terms, for example,       respectful, tasteful yet stunning. You all did the Club
no longer are cheques the norm in any business but       proud at such a special event for not only SYC, but
electronic payments are made, or the mention of          our Nation.
records to be kept in bound form when electronic
databases are the modern equivalent. The Board           With winter upon us the Club has some great events
hope these changes will be accepted by the members       coming up both on water and off, for all the latest
to become our new Constitution.                          news check the weekly enews.
As no doubt others may have mentioned in their
articles, special thanks must go to all those involved   Scott Siganto
in the ANZAC Day 100th anniversary raft up.

general manager’s REPORT                                               Brett James
                                                                       General Manager
With the renovations of the new car park finished,
Southport Yacht Club (SYC) have moved on to the
next instalment of Club additions. As I am sure most
of you are aware, SYC have recently introduced
a World first, with the inclusion of the Waterscape
Pontoon Bar. The Pontoon Bar is in full swing with
a number of Pontoon Launches held over the past
month including Gold Members, the Marine Industry        A new menu in the Waterfront Restaurant has been
and Business Leaders. The pontoon is open for Gold       launched. This was based on some of the feedback
(and equivalent) Members to use for Friday drinks and    provided by our Members in the Members Survey,
Sunday lunch, however should the interest grow, it       thank you for taking the time to complete this, it is
will be open more often.                                 important for me to have this feedback to ensure we
                                                         are moving in the right direction for our Members.
Another addition to the Club is a Gold Members only      We have also introduced Members feedback forms on
Gym, the Gym opened on Friday 1st May with Members       all of the tables, please spare the time to complete
already using it to its full advantage.                  these.
SYC has also seen many events over the past three        With the renewal of Memberships, you would have
months with the first being the Annual Pontoon           noted the Membership packs, please endeavour to
Dinner, followed by the XXXX Sail Paradise Regatta.      look into these as there any many vouchers for both
It was great to see 50 plus vessels sailing on the       Southport Yacht Club and our partners.
Gold Coast shorelines, along with the juniors sailing
in the Broadwater on the last day of the regatta.        SYC has another great three months ahead, with
Congratulations to Duncan Hine from Alive, winning       the Sailing and Power Boat Presentation Dinners,
back to back championships, 2014 and 2015. Following     Ord Minnett Charity Sail Day, Land Rover Sydney
this event SYC held two Vice Commodore’s Cocktail        Gold Coast Yacht Race, Dux Birthday and the XCats
Parties, one at Hollywell and the other at Main Beach,   competing on the Gold Coast.
thank you to our Members for their attendance, it was    I look forward to seeing you around the Club soon, on
great to see so many of you at the event.                the water or on land!
On May 7th, 180 plus Members danced the night away
with a live show from ‘Mental as Anything’, our next     Brett James
show will be ‘Herman’s Hermits’ on Thursday 20th
August, I encourage you to book early as tickets will    General Manager
sell out fast.
                                                                             Southport Yacht Club | iN SYnC | 5
club reports
As we now draw into our Winter months we are now              Simon Turpin
also coming to the end of our 2014/2015 Sailing Season.       Sailing Operations Manager
Our Winter Series is underway in all our divisions
and even though it appears to be light in wind, I am
certain there will be some testing weather to be had
shortly with blustery southerly on the horizon.
                                                          It is also wonderful to see our fleets growing with
Our Sailing Office has been extremely busy with the       many new Off The Beach Dinghies including new Optis,
completion of a number of our series including our        Open Bics, Sabots and Lasers joining our already
Summer Point Score Series for all Divisions including     strong fleets. We have put in place a second hand
the Sprint Series, Championship Series, Offshore          boat register where we are emailing relevant boats to
Series (x3), Passage Race Series, Twilight Series (x3),   prospective parents (buyer matching) therefore if you
and also our recent SYC Special Events including the      are in the market for a boat, let us know and we will
Telemachus Jewellery Ladies Day Race, Seabreeze-          certainly help you in sourcing what you want.
Industries Parents Day Race, Seabreeze-Industries
Burleigh Bash, our famous XXXX Sail Paradise Regatta      Throughout the coming months you will also see
and Seabreeze-Industries Julian Rocks Yacht Race.         the introduction of TES, which is our new online
Congratulations must go to everyone who have taken        Topyacht Entry System for all of our future races in
part, including your crews, friends and families.         the 2015/2016 Season. This will streamline all our
There has certainly been some close racing and some       racing and will provide you with one central point
interesting nominations for our Basins Cup Award at       for you to enter races including entire series, update
the end of the year.                                      your personal details, update your equipment details
                                                          including changes to Sail numbers and crews, signing
On the 25th April, we had the privilege to take part      on and signing off just to mention a few examples.
in the SYC Marine Guard of Honour in the Southport
RSL’s ANZAC Day Dawn and Citizens’ Services at the        We will also be conducting the following courses in
Broadwater Park Cenotaph. Our Junior Sailors showed       the coming months and throughout this next season
their respect in taking part in the re-enactment of       to help upskill not only our Volunteers but everyone
the landing at Gallipoli where we towed two groups of     who wishes to take advantage of the programs:
five of our X3 Sailing Academy dinghies to the beach      • Safety and Sea Survival Course (SSS)
in front of the Cenotaph. A special thank you must go
to everyone involved in this re-enactment for their       • Powerboat Handling Course (Step 2) which will be
efforts including Tasman Rowe, Louis Hitchings, Henry      tailored specific to our SYC support boats and events
Hitchings, Oscar Hitchings, Theodore Lee, Jasmin
Turpin, Jemma Turpin, Jessica Turpin, Stuart Rowe,        • Safety/Support Boat Operator Course (Step 3) which
Jono and Kate Hitchings, Leo and Kath Witte and             will be tailored specific to SYC racing
Jacqui Turpin. You all did us proud and are testimony
to the true ANZAC spirit.                                 • YA Club Race Officer Program
                                                          • Marine Radio Operator’s VHF Certificate of
                                                            Proficiency (MROVCP
                                                          • Marine Radio Operator’s Certificate of Proficiency
                                                          If you are interested in completing any of these
                                                          courses, please register your interest by emailing
                                                          Josh at
                                                          I would also like to personally thank my team in the
                                                          Sailing Office, our Management Team at Southport
                                                          Yacht Club and all of our Volunteers. The talent and
                                                          synergy we have is something I am especially proud
                                                          to be a part of and I thank you all for your continual
                                                          tireless efforts and contributions.
                                                          Our Sailing Presentation night will be held on the 20th
                                                          June and I look forward to celebrating with you all
                                                          your achievements throughout our 2014/2015 Sailing
Our Sailing Academy continues to grow from strength
to strength with all our courses continually being        Until then, see you on the water.
booked out and all of our Club boats being leased         Kind Regards,
month upon month. Our Junior Development Squad
has now grown to 39 members with lots of new faces
attending the weekly training program. Our School         Simon Turpin
Holiday Programs continue to be in high demand and
we have even put on additional Camps to meet the          Sailing Operations Manager

   6 | iN SYnC | Southport Yacht Club
mathew belcher & WILL RYAN
2nd at ISAF Sailing World Cup                              improvements throughout the week we now have one
                                                           more box ticked along our #RoadToRio. It has been
Hyeres, France                                             a valuable opportunity to be able to use this time in
Hi Everyone,                                               France to identify key areas moving forwards and these
                                                           first two events have also allowed for implementation
A final race win in Sunday’s medal race secured the        in areas developed in Australia this past summer.
team a Silver medal, and has moved the team one step
closer to selection towards the Rio 2016 Olympic Games.    With the 470 World Championships for 2015
After a week of training in a variety of good conditions   now delayed until October due to the ongoing
including the infamous mistral breeze; true-to-form        conflict in Israel, the season ahead is long and the
Hyeres delivered an unusually challenging forecast         Weymouth leg of the World Cup in early June will
with predominantly light and variable winds which          pose as our next key event as we move forwards
saw many of the pre-event favourite teams across           toward the European Championships in Denmark in
the different Olympic classes struggling in the            June, and Rio Olympic Test event in early August.
early stages of the event. Unfortunately we found
ourselves as one of those teams on the back foot as        For full Results visit:
we struggled to get clear from the middle of the race
track and find the speed and form of the past few          Thank you as always for your continued support.
seasons. It was very pleasing that as the week went        Mathew Belcher and Will Ryan
on we were able to improve on a number of areas            #Aus11 /
and despite the leading Croatian team moving clear
ahead of the pack, we were still in medal contention
in 3rd place entering the last day of racing. It is in a
week like this that the experience of our coach Victor
Kovalenko really shows, and as the breeze filled in
on the final day we were able to sail more in our
style for a great win to move up the leaderboard!

Within the Australian Sailing Team, Hyeres World Cup
also stood as the first opportunity for us to deliver
an Olympic nomination result and thanks to our

                                                                                Southport Yacht Club | iN SYnC | 7
syc marina
Southport Yacht Club’s Award
winning Marina, home to
hundreds of vessels including
Superyachts, catamarans,
yachts, powerboats and
sports cruisers.

Facilities provided on-site:
*Marina security surveillance
*Access to wireless Internet
*Proximity card access
*Sewage pump out
*Onshore amenities
*Laundry facilities
*15 to 125amp electricity
*Antifouling Facilities

24 hour Fuel Jetty at SYC Marina
Diesel, premium and unleaded fuels are available at
the installation which is operated by credit card.
Contact the Marina Office today on 07 5591 3500!

                                                       24 hour fuel

syc marina BERTHS FOR SALE

    size		type		price		expiry		berth #
    10m             Twin Share          $40,000       April 2019         C24
    16m		Single/Wide $71,800		Aug 2019                                   D06
    12.5m           Twin Share          $35,990		     March 2019 B04
    12.5m           Single/Wide $60,000ono March 2019 B28
    16m		Single/Wide $50,000		Aug 2019                                   D08


   8 | iN SYnC | Southport Yacht Club                      Southport Yacht Club | iN SYnC | 8
syc gym
Southport Yacht Club
Gym - now OPEN!
Access to the gym is available for ALL SYC Gold (and
equivalent) and Associate Members ONLY.
To access the gym, swipe your Membership card on
the swipe pad located on the entrance door.
Opening hours are as follows:
5am – 10pm
7 days a week
Gym Instructor:
A gym instructor will be available upon
booking,    for   further   information   or    to
book     please     contact     SYC     Reception:
07 55913500 /
If you wish to upgrade your membership to be eligible
for access to the gym please contact SYC Reception:
07 55913500 /

syc hardstand & SHIPLIFT
 southport Yacht Club’s Hardstand with a state-of-the-art 35
     tonNE travel lift located within the Club’s Marina.

Providing easy access for lifting boats ranging in size from 20ft to 55ft. The specially
             designed timber cradle handles timber vessels up to 40ft.
                  SYC boat yard has an extensive range of vessel services, specialising in:
                   Water Blast - Barnacle Scrape - Antifouling - Detailing - Prop Speed

                     All other services are available through recommended contractors

                  Call us today for an obligation FREE Quote!

                                  07 5591 3500

                                                                           Southport Yacht Club | iN SYnC | 9
Zeppelin Travel    accredited IATA, AFTA and ATAS                  Tour”. This tour, departing on
                            is once again      Travel Agency we specialise in                  the 6th May 2016 is escorted by
                            proud to be a      independent, group and corporate                SYC’s own Commodore Phil Short
                            full sponsor of    arrangements that encompass –                   and Mel Mason on an exclusive
                            The Southport      Cruising Holidays, Concert Tours, Air           yet affordable Fly/Cruise on the
                            Yacht Club!!       Holidays, Honeymoons, Corporate                 magnificent “Queen Mary 2”,
                                               meetings and conventions and all                CUNARD’S proudest flagship!!
                    We have had                arrangements you may wish us to
Andi von Zeppelin   a long association         create.                                         Cunard is famous in its 175 year
Director, Zeppelin Travel
                    with the club                                                              history of crossing the Atlantic and
spanning over 25 years. We pride               We specialise in tailoring a holiday            the Commodore has chosen this
ourselves in having an exceptional             for you!!!                                      Transatlantic Crossing on Queen
team of Travel Consultants with over                                                           Mary 2 for his Inaugural Tour. We
200 years of combined experience               As a member of Virtuoso we have                 have combined 3 nights in London
to all corners of the globe.                   access to exclusive offers and                  prior to the cruise, then 7 nights
                                               benefits from hotels and cruise lines.          crossing the Atlantic and finishing
Our awarding-winning business                  Ask us for more information as we               with 2 fabulous nights in New York.
has been operating since 1988                  are sure this will surprise you.
during which time we have                                                                      Full details are available now and we
fostered a strong connection with              We are pleased to announce                      at Zeppelin Travel look forward to
the local community. As a fully                “The Inaugural Commodore’s                      hearing from you.

                      The Inaugural Commodore’s Tour
                                                                                                               Ca             U B
                                                                                                                  bi rec Boo PG ON
                                                                                                                    n f eiv k R U
                                                                                                                       or e by A S
                                                                                                                         th an 31 D
                                                                                                                           e c O J E!
                                                                                                                              os cea uly
                                                                                                                                t o nv &
                                                                                                                                   f a ie
                                                                                                                                      nI w

                          Join Commodore Phil Short for the trip of a lifetime!
                                          Starting with 3 nights in London,         • 3 nights LONDON
                                          take in a West End show, then it’s        • 7 night TRANSATLANTIC CRUISE
                                          across the Atlantic sailing on Cunard’s
                                          QM2 towards the bright lights of          • 2 nights NEW YORK
                                          Manhattan and New York. Enjoy 2           13 Days/12 Nights - Departs 6 May 16
                                          nights in this exciting city, take in
                                          a Broadway show, time to shop on          Cost: from $5,495 per person, twin share
                                          Fifth Avenue, visit the famous Times      INCLUDES ALL TRANSFERS!
                                          Square. Personally escorted by            Price is land only, based on Twin Share Accommodation in Hotels
                                                                                    & Inside Cabin on board QM2 (Single Supplement available
                                          Commodore Phil Short and                  on application). For airfare call Zeppelin Travel for details.
                                          Mel Mason.                                Conditions Apply. Subject to change without notice. Business class
                                                                                    upgrades & personal transfers available on request.

                                                     The Professional Centre, Suite 1, 189 Ashmore Road, Benowa, Gold Coast QLD 4217
                                                     Phone: (07) 555 79 888 | Free Call: 1300 786 888 | Email:
                                                     Website: | Facebook:
        10 | iN SYnC | Southport Yacht Club

                                                                                                                               Friday 21st August 2015

                                                                                                                       SCRUTINEERING/SCHOOL DAY

Join us for the inaugural GOLD COAST XCAT WORLD series event at the Spit,                                                 Saturday 22st August 2015
August 21st – August 23rd 2015. Witness world champions in the most extreme
                                                                                                                       XCAT QUALIFYING SPEED CAT
and challenging motor sport on water!                                                                                  OTHER BOAT CATEGORIES
                                                                                                                       X ZONE ACTIVATED
About XCAT:                                                                                                            LIVE TV BROADCAST & LIVE STREAM

• 10m long, high tech, carbon fibre catamarans using the latest technology                                                 Sunday 23rd August 2015
• Powered by two 280hp, 2500cc Mercury Racing, outboard engines capable of speeds of over 200km/h
                                                                                                                       XCAT RACE
• A race course with breathtaking 180-degree turns and spectacular chicanes                                            OTHER BOAT CATEGORIES JET SKI SHOW
                                                                                                                       SKY DIVERS
                                                                                                                       DINGY DERBY
                                                                                                                       CELEBRITY RACE
                                                                                                                       AIR SHOW
                                                                                                                       X ZONE
SkyDive Show, Amazing Fly Board Exhibition, X-Zone, Family Zone, Food and Drink Stalls, plus loads more!               WRAP PARTY
                                                                                                                       LIVE TV BROADCAST & LIVE STREAM

                                                                                           AUSTRALIAN POWER BOAT ASSOCIATION

                                                                                                      Southport Yacht Club | iN SYnC | 11
12 | iN SYnC | Southport Yacht Club
                                             WITH CLUB                            MARINE MAGAZINE’S

It’s our birthday, but the
presents are all yours!
As Club Marine Magazine embarks on its
30th anniversary year, we are celebrating by offering
subscribers the opportunity to win some fabulous
prizes. As part of our largest-ever subscription
promotion, six lucky subscribers will win incredible
on-water experiences in exotic destinations. Courtesy
of Dream Yacht Charters and Fishing Getaways, the
following great prizes are up for grabs:

★     A fishing trip for 2 in Fiji
★     A bareboat charter for 2 in the Whitsundays                                                                One lucky subscriber
                                                                                                                 will be drawn each issue
★     A fishing trip for 2 in the Cook Islands                                                                   throughout our 30th
★     A bareboat charter for 2 in New Caledonia                                                                  Birthday Bonanza and
                                                                                                                 experience one of these
★     A fishing trip for 2 in Samoa                                                                              great fishing or chartering
★     A bareboat charter for 2 in Malaysia                                                                       experiences.
New Zealand subscribers please note: Due to NZ government regulations, NZ subscribers are ineligible for this promotion.

                                                                                                        Southport Yacht Club | iN SYnC | 13

Congratulations Max Allchurch who       Congratulations Greg Bowler who       Congratulations Jan Page who won
won the February Birthday Draw on       won the March Birthday Draw on        the April Birthday Draw on Tuesday
Tuesday 17th February. The prize        Tuesday 17th March. The prize         21st April. The prize included a cash
included a cash gift of $150 and SYC    included a cash gift of $150 and      gift of $150 and SYC Club Cash to
Club Cash to the value of $100.         SYC Club Cash to the value of $100.   the value of $100.
Photo: Past Commodore Tony Photo: Commodore Phil Short, Photo: Past Commodore Tony
Goldner, Winner Max Allchurch and Winner Greg Bowler and Past Goldner, Winner Jan Page and
Commodore Phil Short.             Commodore Tony Goldner      Commodore Phil Short.

                                                          burgee swap
                                                          Commodore Ray Mathews from Royal Cape Yacht Club
                                                          and Southport Yacht Club Past Commodore Ian Hall

Congratulations to Ian swift and Ian Wood, who both
won a $100 Axis Optical Voucher.

Happy 100th Birthday Thalia!
Southport Yacht Club would like to wish long-
time Member of SYC, Thalia Leaver “Happy 100th
Birthday”. Thalia celebrated her 100th birthday with
family and friends earlier this year, having opened
her letter from Queen Elizabeth before her guests.
Thalia’s birthday party luncheon was themed with
a Pearl Party, where all the guests wore Pearls even
Thalia’s special friend, Barry the dog, including the
sender of the card in the photo, Queen Elizabeth.
Also attending Thalia’s birthday party were her sister
Joanne (91) from Portland, Oregon with 3 cousins, a
granddaughter and family from Ballarat in Victoria,
                                                          employee of the quarter
and family and friends from Adelaide. The youngest        GREG MOOD
being her 3 year old great granddaughter.
                                                          Congratulations to Southport Yacht Club employee,
                                                          Greg Mood who was voted by the SYC staff; Staff
                                                          Member for the Quarter, Winter 2015.
                                                          Greg has been a dedicated
                                                          member of the Southport
                                                          Yacht Club team for
                                                          the past 10 years as the
                                                          Maintenance      Manager.
                                                          Thank you Greg for all
                                                          of your hard work and
                                                          dedication at Southport
                                                          Yacht Club.

  14 | iN SYnC | Southport Yacht Club
golf @ syc
   The first half of 2015 has almost gone already. We
   have visited Palm Meadows, Hope Island and the
   Glades and Burleigh Heads is coming up in May. Large
   fields averaging twenty eight players have attended
   each game which indicates a healthy interest among
   boating people for the game of golf.
   First up winner at Palm Meadows was Commodore’s
   Trophy Champion of 2014, Peter Whitehead with 61
   points. Winner at Hope Island in March was Terry
   Stephenson with 59 points and winner at the Glades
   was a visitor, Ray Webb with 57 points.
   Any member interested in joining the SYC golf group
   should contact Reception who will forward the details
   on to me.
   Terry Stephenson
   SYC Golf Group Club Captain
                                                                                                21 Bert Sherring and Clive Foster
                                                                                  2. “Peter Whitehead, Ken Crawford, Laurie Donoher, Bert
                                                                                       Sherring and Clive Foster, core Members of the
                                                                                                        SYC Golf Group”.
                                                                                  3. Peter Whitehead, the winner at Hope Island, with Tony
    1                                                                         2       Bailey, past president of the SYC Social Golf Group.

          UB BAY C





         IN            –

              G 1976

                                                   19–26 September 2015

                                  A fantastic family
                               holiday on the water
  Join us on our 40th Annual Cruise for a week of cruising
   on the first week of the Qld September school holidays.
    Whether your preference is sailing or power boating, the
 Interclub Bay Cruise provides a safe and inexpensive family
   holiday, with approximately 80 vessels from boating clubs
         around South-East Queensland attending each year.

                       ized vessel – from
      s any-s
  Suit                                      a 17’ ru
                                                       nabout to a 60’ cruiser!

    For more information, visit our website:

                                                                                                       Southport Yacht Club | iN SYnC | 15
boutique at Southport yacht club

Come on in to grab yourself a bargain.
mention this advertisement and receive
$10 off your next purchase!
From the outdoor clothing range including fleeces
and water proof jackets to the more casual everyday
items such as t-shirts and shorts, you will be sure to
find something in Southport Yacht Club’s boutique at
a price you can afford!
The lifestyle range also features a number of
accessories, including hats, towels and backpacks.
“2015 Winter Range now in store”

‘Like’ SYC facebook
Southport Yacht Club on Facebook for all Sailing News,
upcoming events, promotions plus much more!

follow syc on instagram
Southport Yacht Club is now on Instagram, follow us on:
@syc1946 Don’t forget to use the hash tag #syc1946
so we can see your on water or boating pics!

Southport Yacht Club
app - apple and android
Southport Yacht Club has now launched an app for
both Apple and Android products.
The app has been designed to assist our Members
and Guests with upcoming events, latest news, easy
access to Club details, sailing results, power boat
news and much more.
To download the app, visit the App store for Apple
products and Google Play for Android and search for
Southport Yacht Club. Enjoy!

   16 | iN SYnC | Southport Yacht Club
functions @ southport yacht Club
Enjoy your private function at                             perfect backdrop. Whilst our Hollywell facility is host
                                                           to functions right at the waters edge!
main beach or hollywell.
                                                           Our team is qualified in all aspects of event
contact SYC today!                                         management and can assist you in tailoring a
The Main Beach Clubhouse function rooms capture            package suitable to your requirements. Southport
the stunning views of the Club’s private 300 berth         Yacht Club is the perfect location for your wedding
Marina, the tranquil Gold Coast Broadwater and if          reception with excellent photographic opportunities
you’re lucky a few wild dolphins might also put on a       on our private beach or SuperYacht Marina
show!                                                      and just minutes from world famous beaches.
With four function rooms, there is no better place         Those seeking to find a perfect location for their
to hold a private function. The Compass Room on            private function are welcome to view our Function
level one accommodates larger functions, including         Rooms by simply making an appointment with our
wedding receptions and corporate functions, whilst         function team.
our exclusive Western Deck and Lawn with private
Boardroom caters for more intimate, relaxed                For enquiries on both Southport Yacht Club function
receptions, cocktail parties and smaller seminars.         venues, please contact our Functions Team on
                                                           07 5591 3500 or via
Our unique sun drenched Eastern Lawn is an excellent
location for garden ceremonies with the marina, the


WINE & DINE @ southport yacht club
Dine at Southport Yacht Club with
its beautiful settings and panoramic
views of our multimillion dollar
300 berth private marina and the
shimmering lights of the Southport
Try our sumptuous seasonal Menu in a relaxed dining
environment with attentive and friendly staff.
Open for Lunch and Dinner 7 days a week or drop in for
a coffee and enjoy the Southport Yacht Club hospitality.
See the What’s On section in the middle of the
publication for our weekly Specials.
To view the Menu, visit the Southport Yacht Club

Breakfast: Saturday & Sunday 7:30am to 10:00am
Lunch:     Mon - Sat		       12noon to 2:30pm
		Sunday			12noon to 3:00pm
Dinner:    Mon - Sun		       5:30pm to 8:30pm
  Last orders taken 15minutes before close of service.

                                                                                                | iN |SYnC
                                                                                                      iN SYnC
                                                                                                           | 17| 17
what’s on @ southport yacht Club

                                         3rd Tuesday of every month - SYC Main Beach
                                         Join Southport Yacht Club for your birthday draw, 3rd
                                         Tuesday of every month, (16th June, 21st July, 18th August)
                                         Waterfront Restaurant serving meals from 5.30pm
MONTHLY                                  Birthday Draw, drawn at 7pm. You could win $250
                                         on your SYC Membership Card to be spent within the
BIRTHDAY                                 Hollywell Sailing Squadron and Main Beach Club House.
                                         Present your Voucher at Reception upon arrival for


& SUNDAY                                 Every Wednesday & Sunday Evening -
                                         Main Beach Clubhouse

                                         Enjoy fantastic Roast Carvery Nights from 5.30pm
                                         Roast Buffet for only $13.95 Members and $15.95 Non
                                         Members. Bistro menu not available on Sunday Evenings

monday                                   Monday & Tuesday -
                                         Kids Eat FREE with any main meal purchased
& tuesday                                Tuesday - $9.90 Chicken Parmigiana Special
                                         Available Lunch and Dinner in the Southport Yacht Club
specials                                 Waterfront Restaurant, for bookings call: 07 5591 3500

thursday                                 Thursday $15 Lamb Shank Special
                                         Enjoy the SYC Thursday lamb shank special
                                         Available Lunch and Dinner
                                         In the Southport Yacht Club Waterfront Restaurant
lamb shanks                              For bookings call: 07 5591 3500

SUNDAY &                                 Every Saturday and Sunday
                                         SYC Main Beach
saturday                                 Enjoy a hot Buffet Breakfast for $15.
                                         Available from 7.30am to 10am.
                                         Coffee also available
BREAKFAST                                Hollywell - Available Sundays

                                         Main Beach Clubhouse, Hollywell Clubhouse
members                                  and Dux Anchorage

                                         Be at any of SYC’s three venues on Wednesday, Friday and
                                         Sunday evenings and you could be in the draw to WIN!
                                         Wed and Sun draws @ 7pm / Fri draws @ 7pm and 8pm

                                         Join SYC in the Waterfront Restaurant for LIVE
                                         Friday Evening from 6pm - 9pm
                                         Sunday Afternoon Session from 2pm - 6pm
                                         For full Entertainment guide visit the SYC website:

                                         Wednesday May 27, June 17, July 8

stat e                                   Enjoy watching the game at Southport Yacht Club on the big
                                         screen, complimentary Hot Dogs at Half Time.
                                         Book your table today for viewing of these great games
of origin                                on 07 5591 3500
   18 | iN SYnC | Southport Yacht Club
what’s on @ southport yacht Club

sailing                 20th June 2015 - Main Beach Clubhouse
                        5.30pm, Compass Room, Main Beach Clubhouse.
presentation            Great Live Entertainment and Two course Dinner.
                        Lucky Door Prizes, Youth Sailor Fundraising Auction, proudly

dinner                  sponsored by Harbour Force Marine.
                        Bookings to be made via

                        4th July 2015 - Main Beach Clubhouse
powerboat               6.00pm, Western Deck, Main Beach Clubhouse.
presentation            Great Live Entertainment, two course dinner.
                        Fundraising Auction, proudly sponsored by Harbour Force Marine.

dinner                  Payment required at time of booking.
                        Contact Reception on 07 5591 3500 for more details.

                        25th - 30th July 2015
                        Saturday 25th July 2015, sees the start of the 30th annual
                        Land Rover Sydney Gold Coast Yacht Race, an event that is
gold coast              only second to the Rolex Sydney Hobart Classic. Yachts are
                        expected at the Seaway finish line from Sunday 26th. Be sure
                        to come down to the Club Marina and see these spectacular
yacht race              racing vessels up close!

d  u  x
                        Sunday 16th August 2015 -
                        SYC DUX Anchorage on South Stradbroke Island
                        Celebrate Dux 33rd Birthday with the ‘The David Barry Band’.
                        Fun family activities including the famous Tug ‘O’ War
picnic &                Kicks off at 11am SYC Dux on South Stradbroke Island.
                        All Members, Guests and Visitors Welcome!
Birthday                Live Entertainment, Bar & BBQ facilities available, Birthday
                        Cake, Champagne plus more. Contact SYC to book.

                        Monday 13th July 2015
syc agm                 6.00pm, Compass Room, Main Beach Clubhouse
                        For more information contact reception: 07 5591 3500

                        Saturday 5th September 2015- Main Beach Clubhouse
                        Live Entertainment
                        Blessing of the Waters
                        Sailpast Fleet arrives for salute
                        Commodore’s Address of Welcome
& blessing              Sunset Ceremony
                        Don’t forget to dress your boat, great prizes to be won!
of the fleet            (for more information please view page 7)

breaking of             Sunday 6th September 2015 -
                        SYC Sailing Squadron, Hollywell
the flag                Opening of the new Sailing Season commences at 11am with
                        the Breaking of the Flag Ceremony, follwed by the Annual

ceremony                Da$h 4 Ca$h. Visit to enter.
                        Waterfront Cafe open from 7.30am

fat h e r s             Sunday 6th September 2015 - Main Beach Clubhouse
                        Celebrate Fathers Day sitting in the Waterfront Restaurant

d ay
                        overlooking the Gold Coast Broadwater

                        Make your reservation by calling 07 5591 3500

d at e                  Melbourne Cup - Tuesday 2nd November 2015
                        Splice the Main Brace - Monday 7th December 2015
                        Carols on the Broadwater: Saturday 19th December 2015

s av e r s
                        New Years Eve: Thursday 31st December 2015
power boats @- vice
                southport yacht Club
                    commodore power

                                                              Graham Webb
                                                              Vice Commodore Power
A special welcome to all those Power Boat owners who     We had a full complement of boats and some very
have registered with the Club this year. We would like   interesting scores on the day. PC Mal Wood aboard
to see you get the best value from your membership.      “Finky Dink Too” took out Raw score honours with a
Your Power Boat Committee runs 9 Navigation Rallies      very credible loss of only 31 seconds. Handicap winner
and the Cruising division run up to 11 cruises each      went to Commodore Phil Short aboard “Little Gem”.
year, we specialise in fun and fellowship, so call       It certainly showed us we need to hone our Traditional
reception at Main Beach now, leave your details and      navigation skills if we are to win “The Goodwill Cup”
we will be in touch.                                     again this year.
 The Anzac Day raft up at the Southport RSL Cenotaph     On the 28th of March we all headed up past Jumpinpin
was a huge success with 16 Vessels anchored up.          for the start of “The Buck Jones Memorial”. This was
Commodore Phil Short, Past Commodore Rob Mundle          to be a 2 part course with a 20 minute break through
OAM, and myself laying a wreath on behalf of the Club    the event. The rally finished in Tipplers Passage with
at both the Dawn Service and the Morning Service.        lunch and presentations held at “Dux”. Sponsor for
Congratulations must go to Member Ken Tregeagle          the event was Wild Oats Wines. Winner on the day raw
and his helpers for their excellent effort in making     score with his first ever outright win was Commodore
the day such a success. Well done Ken.                   Phil Short aboard “Little Gem”with a loss of only 13
                                                         seconds winning on a count back from PC Mal Wood
On the 31st March we held the Vice Commodore             aboard “Finky Dink Too”. Handicap was won by Bill
Power’s cocktail party at Main Beach. The Club           Clayton aboard “Sagitaur”.
introduced real cocktails for the first time and they
were received as a welcome addition to the function.     The Hat Trick prize is still going and at the next event
Approximately 150 attended and judging from the          will be up to $300 Club Cash. To win this prize entrants
responses I have had from members everyone had a         need to score 3 zeros on consecutive check points.
good time.
                                                         It is good to feel a little cooler with winter coming on,
The Chairman’s Trophy navigation rally was our first     we certainly have had a long hot summer.
event for the year 2015 held on the 7th February
Sponsored by O’Keefe Financial Planing. Tony O’Keefe     On a final note the most important thing with our
was on hand to make the Presentation. The raw score      unique sport is the Camaraderie and the Fellowship
winner was Peter Brown aboard “Bipty Bipty” and the      enjoyed with other competitors, it is essential that
Handicap was taken out by Alan Mercer aboard “Alley      the honour of participating in the event be upheld at
Cat”. Bob Howard aboard “Anna Capri” was a new           all times and it is a wonderful way to learn and enjoy
entrant for this event.                                  Power Boating.
Our next event on the 7th March was the XXXX             Graham Webb
Round Crab Island and this event was run using the       Vice Commodore Power
Traditional Navigation Method.

power boats what’s on
Cruises                                                  navigation eVENTS
6th - 8th June - Queens Birthday 3 day Cruise            13th - 14th June - Club Marine Commodore’s Trophy
27th June - Cruising Flotilla Season Review              4th July - Power Boat Presentation Dinner

                                                         If you’re going cruising independently or in company
Southport Yacht Club                                     of 2 or 3, SYC Cruising Flotilla invite you to join us,
Crusing Flotilla                                         we have one or two overnight cruises or several mid-
                                                         week extended cruises.
                                                         Cruising Yachts are also most welcome on our deep
                                                         water cruises, into the reaches of Moreton Bay.
                                                         For Fun, Socialising and Camaraderie on the water.
                                                         Check the E-News for the next cruise.
                                                         Ring the Club and book your place 5591 3500. All Gold
                                                         Members with vessels registered welcome.
  20 | iN SYnC | Southport Yacht Club
cruising @ syc
Have you ever wondered or even heard of the Cruising       Monday we travelled via more alternative tracks to
Flotilla? It is part of the Power Boat Committee. But      arrive at our final anchorage at Jacobs Well. We
by no means does this mean it restricts its activities     went ashore for lunch at JW’s Tavern with 55+ fellow
exclusively to power boats. Sailors are more than          cruisers, who enjoyed their meals and the atmosphere
welcome to participate, and several yachts regularly       of the back deck
attend our cruises. So here is a quick summary of
recent events to hopefully tempt you to join us on         From here several departed for their home ports,
future cruises.                                            others went to Dux and some of us stayed on and
                                                           returned home on the tide in the morning.
February we provided boats to be stationed at various
way points along the course of the Great Race. This        I hope I have given you an insight into the fun and
race is a long distance race for trailerable yachts and    experience gained on an outing with the cruising
it is necessary to monitor their progress to ensure the    flotilla, and hope you will contact a committee
safety of the fleet. Included on this weekend was an       member for more information, or just register
overnight stay at Canaipa, where a BBQ was held at         at reception. Bear in mind it is not necessary to
RQYS facility. It was a great weekend.                     participate in the entire cruise, feel free to attend
                                                           all or as many days to suit.
The Australia Day long weekend had an Aussie flavour,
and we spent two nights at Dux anchorage. Meals were       Hope to see you on the water.
prepared by Bob and Laurel, if for no other reason,        Neal and Rhonda Rhoneal
I recommend everyone to sample the catering done
by these “French inspired chefs”. The entertainment        Article by Neal Weindenhofer
continued throughout the weekend with hilarious
and well organised games, such as pumpkin rolling
and thong throwing competitions.
The February cruise was a completely different affair
to Australia Day, it saw the flotilla berth and spend
the night at Couran Cove. This event was very well
attended and dinner was served in a separate room
for the cruisers, and as usual the food was exceptional
and surroundings very comfortable. Included in the
berthing fee was the use of the resort facilities, which
many took advantage of on the Sunday. Saturday
afternoon sundowners were enjoyed as a pre-dinner
pontoon party. I will also mention assistance was
available for boats to come alongside and berth safely
The Easter weekend was also held at Dux Anchorage
on the Friday, and it had a pirate theme, with many              Australia Day 2015         Pirate theme Easter Cruise
cruisers dressing for the occasion, and getting into
the theme. There were lots of swords, eye patches
and parrots and of course a couple of aarrhhs were
heard. “Lil Reduns infamous “tattoo parlour was open
for business, and did a roaring trade. Trivia followed
dinner on the Friday night, with the quiz run by Laurel
and great prizes supplied by Gay.
Saturday we cruised to the Canaipa passage and
anchored in the protection offered by the big sand
hill. As we passed other popular anchorages along
the way, we noticed they were very crowded and                 Pirate theme
we thought Bob would have to resort to plan’ b’,                                          Easter bunny delivery
                                                               Easter Cruise                  Easter Cruise
however on arrival at Canaipa we were surprised to
see very few boats. You have to admit Bob M knows
how to pick the weather and organise an anchorage.
We enjoyed sundowners aboard various boats, shared
meals on others and generally enjoyed the company
of fellow cruisers.
Sunday the fleet sailed a very scenic route to the
next overnight anchorage in the Tiger Mullet Channel.
Another advantage of cruising with the Club is being
shown different ways to a destination, this weekend
we benefited from the skill and experience of
Ray,who led us through waterways that you would not
normally attempt without guidance. Once again we
enjoyed sundowners on the beach before returning to
our boats for dinner.                                                           Australia Day 2015

                                                                               Southport Yacht Club | iN SYnC | 21
anzac day 2015, 100th anniversary
The SYC Powerboat Division put on a spectacular
display at the ANZAC Day commemoration. Fifteen
boats took part in the raft up at ANZAC Park at
Southport. Powerboat Committee member, Ken
Tregeagle was the principal organiser of the event
which involved working closely with the Southport
RSL sub branch, GC Waterways Authority and Water
Police over many months to bring it all together so
well. The SYC involvement was very respectful of the
significance of this most important event and it was
appreciated by the thousands of people who attended
the Dawn service as well as the mid- morning service.
At both services flares were lit simultaneously from
the bows of the boats. Commodore Phil Short, Vice
Commodore Graham Webb and Past Commodore Rob                             Daytime flares
Mundle OAM laid a wreath at the Cenotaph on behalf
of all SYC members.

                                                              Sun coming up over fleet and cenotaph
  VC Power Graham Webb, Commodore Phil Short and Ken
 Tregeagle ensuring fleet is in place, day before ANZAC day

 PC Rob Mundle OAM, Commodore Phil Short and VC Power
    Graham Webb after placing wreath on the Cenotaph

                                                                      Flares at dawn service

Commodore Phil Short and VC Power Graham Webb on SYC 2            The Southport Yacht Club fleet

  22 | iN SYnC | Southport Yacht Club
2014-15 syc navigation rally season
This year we have had over twenty boats taking part
in Navigation Rallies, which included        us winning
back the magnificent Goodwill Cup from Royal
Queensland Yacht Squadron. The closely contested
SYC Championship has not concluded as this INSYNC
went to press. The last event for the season is the
Commodore’s Trophy held in June, the 2015-16 season
will commence in October, if you want to find out how
easy it is to get involved in Navigation Rallies contact
Commodore Phil Short or Vice Commodore Graham
Webb at the Club’s front desk. Here are some photos
from this season so far.

                                                               Mystic Lady at Sail Past and Blessing of the Fleet 2014

  Veteran Nav. Rally competitors- Brian Keevers and Chris
Oxenford at Dux for the Buck Jones Trophy presentation lunch

                                                               Garry Edwards and Richard von Uht, SYC support boat

                    Finky Dink Too crew

      VC Power Graham Webb, Van Man XXXX event                   Bill Clayton and Ken Tregeagle at Dux Anchorage

                                                                             Southport Yacht Club | iN SYnC | 23
sailing @- southport yacht Club
           Vice commodore sail

                                                             Kerry Noyes
                                                             Vice Commodore Sailing

As the end of the season approaches, I would like          these teams and give some positive reinforcement as
to take time to thank and congratulate all of the          we have not had an entrant in this race for a number
competitors across divisions in this year’s club racing,   of years and it represents a massive commitment in
Championship, Trophy, Passage Races and Special            time and money to get to Sydney.
                                                           Thanks to Geoff Thorpe (inshore representative) for
We are now entering the planning phase for next year       his input into the sailing committee, unfortunately
with calendar and format mostly decided, any input         he has had to resign due to work commitments. The
that you have towards next season should be sent to        committee is looking forward to working with Ross
your sailing committee representative for collation.       Manning as the new inshore representative who was
                                                           voted in as the interim representative. Ross has a
Preparations for the 30th Sydney Gold Coast Yacht          wealth of experience in inshore racing and is a long
Race are well under way with the race underway             standing supporter of the Club.
Saturday 25th July. Southport Yacht Club has arranged
to sponsor three yachts in the race with a number          I look forward to seeing you all out on the water soon!
of Club Members being placed onboard in a crewing
This is an excellent program for the development of        Kerry Noyes
experienced crews within our Club as well as driving       Vice Commodore Sail
exposure as a destination for racing. Let’s get behind

orla amos                                                  My best achievement to date is when I achieved 3rd
                                                           in the “Sail in Paradise “earlier this year, I really
My sailing started with my grandmother taking me to        concentrated on all three race and it was such a
Fun Sail on Sunday mornings at SYC, I really enjoyed       surprise to get 3rd at the presentation. It’s a great
going out on the X3’s with a crew of 4, where we           going sailing but a hot shower at end finishes it off
learnt the basics off sailing a small boat.                well. Thank You SYC and Coaches
 I asked my parents to get me enrolled in the learn to     Article by Orla Amos
sail program and that started me off into sailing the
Opti’s , the one my parents hired off the Club was sail
number 3 and I still remember the fun I had learning
to sail an Opti in that boat.
I find all the coaches at SYC are great and I have
learnt a lot of amazing things from them . I have also
made some great friends through sailing as well and
we all have a good time together .
My favourite thing is racing because it is so enjoyable
and you have to plan and think about the best tactic
to race with to get the best result. It’s not all about
winning or losing but doing your best and most off
all having a good time with friends. Over this year I
want to improve the speed of my tacks and get faster
overall in my racing. Opti’s are great to sail but I am
looking forward to sail bigger and faster boats like a
laser and may be one day a Moth as I like the speed
they do and the skill to keep them upright.

   24 | iN SYnC | Southport Yacht Club
Southport Yacht Club | iN SYnC | 25
syc Junior sailors
justin wise                                                      in 18th overall, 2nd in the Queensland team, qualifying
                                                                 him for the Australian Optimist Sailing Team.
In early 2009 Justin, aged 10, visited the Southport
Yacht Club’s Sailing Squadron at Hollywell to take part in       Last year Justin headed to South Australia to train with
the Sunday Fun Sail Programme they conduct. His dad,             the Australian Team, and then in the April, participated
Richard, had sailed at the Club some 40 years earlier            overseas in New Zealand for their National Titles and in
sailing Sabots and other dinghy’s and really enjoyed the         Singapore.
experience. Justin similarly, loved the boats and the            Last year Justin applied for the position of Junior
atmosphere and looked forward to every Sunday sailing            Vice Commodore and was successful. He enjoys the
and decided he wanted to try sailing as his sport.               responsibilities of the position, in particular mentoring
He progressed onto a six week learn to sail course then          the junior sailors.In 2015 Justin moved in the Lasers and
decided he would like to get more involved. Justin was           based on past results is now a member of the Queensland
given a second hand Opti dinghy and started sailing              Laser Sailing Team.
Thursday afternoons after school, and Sundays plus he            Over the years Justin has made some wonderful
enjoys all the school holiday camps.                             friendships through sailing. Sailing has also taught
Although it has not always been smooth sailing. While            him not only the technicalities of sailing, but skills he
crewing with his dad on a 5.8M catamaran on a windy 25           will take through life like reading the sea and weather
knot day, the catamaran capsized in some big swells. At          patterns, how to be a great role model and mentor,
aged 11 or 12 this gave Justin quite a fright which meant        working as a team, responsibility, tolerance and unity
the young sailor would get quite nervous in high wind            amongst many other virtues. Justin has had to work
and big swells but he persevered to become a confident           hard in all areas as they did not come naturally, at
sailor.                                                          times, finding it very hard and lacking in confidence in
                                                                 himself to overcome situations and conditions. However,
As he progressed he travelled to Regattas around the             through his persistence, and the patience and support
State, placing in some and bombing out in others and             of the wonderful coaches and sailing families, he has
then attended his first National Titles in Brisbane in           learned how to use his frustration to his advantage and
2012. He placed 112 in a fleet of 167, however, he               direct his energy toward positive throughs and actions.
enjoyed the experience and continued to compete in
his 2nd National Titles in Tasmania in 2013 where he             Article by Justin Wise
placed 66th in a fleet of 200. At each regatta he would
set himself some goals and try to hone his sailing skills.
In 2013 he attended the midyear Queensland titles at
Yeppoon where he won the Regatta. He started heading
to Brisbane to train with the coaches at RQ before
heading to Sydney for a pre-nationals regatta. He
placed 8th out of a fleet of 70 in Sydney then went onto
sail Melbourne week where he achieved 6th place.
After Christmas and New Year he returned to Melbourne
for the 2014 National titles, his last year in the Opti. After
a few postponements due to weather, Justin managed to
qualify for the Gold Fleet and in the last days achieved
some good results with many top 10 finishes. He came

SAM martland                                                     year and look forward to learning heaps more about
                                                                 sailing. It’s great that I’m being taught about all the
opti green fleet                                                 little tweaks I can do to my boat to make it move
Hi I’m Sam Martland and I’m in the Opti Green fleet.             through the water faster and also understanding more
I haven’t been sailing for long but I’ve had a great             about the rules of sailing. I’m enjoying being part of
time so far. I first started at the Fun Sail a couple of         the Southport Yacht Club Sailing Team, meeting new
years ago with my friend and we were the only ones               friends and above all “having fun on the water”.
who didn’t capsize on a very windy, wavy and cold                Article by Sam Martland
Gold Coast day!
After the Fun Sail I had a small break before I started
the Junior Basic sail course when I was 10 years old,
which is same age that my Dad started sailing. Since
then I’ve done one holiday camp and I’m now in the
Opti Green fleet squad training team and really like
racing on Sundays. One of my many passions and
reasons that I started sailing is to have the chance
to sail in the Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race when I get
older, as both my parents have competed in this race.
One thing that I’ve enjoyed about my sailing so far is
being able to compete at the Sail Paradise where I came
second and won my first sailing trophy. I now own my
own Opti and wish to compete in the State titles this
   26 | iN SYnC | Southport Yacht Club
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