News - Gulf Citrus Growers Association

Page created by Lillian Glover
News - Gulf Citrus Growers Association
Florida Gulf Citrus
                                  News                                                                                  Summer 2019

                       Association Held 33rd Annual Meeting
                      The Gulf Citrus Growers Association held its 33rd Annual      Corporation (Ed Early); Howard Fertilizer (Jared Revell);
                      Meeting at the Verandah Country Club in Ft. Myers on          Nichino America Inc. (Sam Monroe and Scott Croxton)
                      June 5, 2019.                                                 and Yara North America, Inc. (Kelsey Gunthorp).
                         GCGA President Ron Mahan welcomed the members                 Twenty Year “Associate” Members that were recog-
                      and guests and called on Lee Jones, GCGA’s Secretary, for     nized were Kahn Citrus Management, LLC (Marvin
                      the Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.                      Kahn); Jack Norris and Peace Rive Citrus Products, Inc.
                         President Mahan sat the 2018-19 directors and thanked      (Fran Becker).
                      them for their dedicated service to the association.             After the member recognitions, GCGA’s Secretary, Lee
                         Treasurer Rob Atchley gave a report in which Boy, Mil­     Jones, announced the 2019-2020 Directors and Officers.
                      ler, Kisker and Perry performed the association’s annual         The program continued with guest speaker, Mike
                      review, year ending December 31, 2018. The firm reported      Sparks, Florida Citrus Mutual’s Executive Vice President/
                      that the financial statements and position of the associa-    CEO giving the members an industry update. Mr. Sparks
                      tion are in order based on generally accepted accounting      started by letting everyone know that the Annual Citrus
                      principles. Treasurer Atchley informed all members that       Conference in Bonita Springs was well on its way and it
                      a copy of this report is available through GCGA’s office.     was going to be another exciting conference. He noted that
                         Executive Vice President Steve Smith thanked the           Florida’s Commissioner of Agriculture Nikki Fried was
                      annual meeting sponsors (Farm Credit of Florida, First        scheduled to attend and even hoped that Florida’s Gover-
                      Bank, Plant Food Systems, Southern Gardens Citrus and         nor Ron DeSantis would attend as well.
                      Stallings Crop Insurance) and recognized the association’s       One of the most important updates that Mr. Sparks
                      members and leaders for their support.                        had was the CRAFT Program which stands for Citrus
                         Outgoing director Joe Hilliard II was recognized for his   Research and Field Trials. This program is grower driven
                      many years of dedication, support and service as a board      and will give growers incentive to replant. The program
                      member from 2006 - 2019.                                      will be cost shared and encourages the growers to imple-
                         Recognized as 10 Year “Associate” Members were             ment management tools for new plants, including grove
                      America Ag Products Corporation (Doug Brown); FMC                                             continued on page 11
News - Gulf Citrus Growers Association
President’s Message
    It’s certainly been a good recovery year          combat greening in groves that are devel-       Center for Agribusiness at the business
    for our industry. Bouncing back to above          oped/planted between January 1st and June       school at FGCU! Gulf Citrus Growers
    70 million boxes of oranges from the              30th of next year. Look out for informa-        Association has and will continue to sup-
    Irma-affected crop of 45 million last year        tion packets that should be available from      port this Center whose goals are to track
    certainly demonstrates the resilience of          FDACS on or about September 2nd. I’m            and distribute information regarding the
    citrus growers! Of course, we’re not out of                                                       economic impact and sustainability of
    the woods yet, as we all know the impact to                                                       agriculture, offer educational programs
    our trees was so significant, that it will take                                                   focusing on supply chain management,
    another year before they’re recovered.                                                            finance, management and marketing in
       Greening remains our most signifi-                                                             agriculture, and offer FGCU students the
    cant ongoing challenge. There is hope in                                                          opportunity to earn a Minor in Agribusi-
    research results we continue to see and, in                                                       ness. I believe what FGCU is doing is a
    some cases, in our own fields, as we test the                                                     great compliment and addition to what UF/
    various tools and methodologies searching                                                         IFAS does for our industry, particularly for
    for what works in the real world. While we                                                        us here in the Gulf Citrus growing region.
    have historically funded what our industry                                                           As I stated last year, I believe there’s
    needs (the ad-tax, research-tax, etc.), we are                                                    reason to hope, even beyond a farmers’
    getting financial support outside from our                                                        typically unreasonable optimism! Our
    state and federal sources. One program of                                                         industry has come through many chal-
    particular interest that I urge you to seek                                                       lenges both before and since I became
    out more info is the CRAFT program – that                                                         involved in the ‘80s, and I’m certain we
    is, Citrus Research and Field Trials. This                       Ron Mahan                        will continue facing up to the challenge du
    program provides a cost-share program             sure that Steve and Bernie will be on top       jour. We won’t come away unscathed, but
    that funds new grove plantings – or reno-         of it and let us all know as soon as further    Gulf growers will continue producing great
    vated grove with resets – demonstrating           information is available.                       orange juice and fresh citrus for American
    management tools and methodologies to                It is exciting to see the progress of the    consumers!

                Citrus and Agricultural Industry Celebration
               Wednesday, August 14, 2019 at FGCU Alico Arena
                                           Reception 5:30 p.m. • Dinner 7:00 p.m.
                                              Invitations will be mailed soon!

    Gulf Citrus Growers Association Elects 2019-2020 Officers
    The Gulf Citrus Growers Association
    (GCGA) elected its officers to serve the
    organization for the 2019-2020 season
    at its 33rd Annual Meeting. Elected to
    lead the regional citrus association are the
          Ron Mahan
          Tamiami Citrus, LLC
          Vice President                                                        Gulf Citrus 2019-2020 Officers
          Danny Sutton                                           Left to right: Ron Mahan, President; Danny Sutton, Vice President;
          Alico, Inc.                                                      Lee Jones, Secretary and Rob Atchley, Treasurer.
                                                      Ron Mahan was reelected president for           company’s efforts to develop citrus groves
                                                      the coming year. Mahan is Chief Financial       using the latest in variety research, grove
          Lee Jones
                                                      Officer for Tamiami Citrus, LLC, a 7,400        design and management technology. He
          Gardinier Florida Citrus
                                                      acre grove development company with             earned his Bachelor of Science and Master
          Treasurer                                   groves in Southwest Florida. With over          of Science degrees in Agriculture, Food &
          Rob Atchley                                 30 years of experience in the citrus and        Resource Economics from the University
          A. Duda & Sons, Inc.                        agricultural industries, Mahan is leading his   of Florida.

2                                                                     SUMMER 2019
News - Gulf Citrus Growers Association
Gulf Citrus Growers Association Elects New Directors

                             2019-2020 Gulf Citrus Growers Association Board of Directors
                   Standing, left to right: Steve Smith, David Wheeler, Lee Jones, Bob Newsome and Danny Sutton.
                  Seated, left to right: Dale Johnson, Ron Mahan, Julie Paul Obney, Rob Atchley and Wayne Simmons.
                     Board members absent from photograph are: Tom Kirschner, Dan Pool, Jr., and Emery Smith.
At its 33rd annual meeting on June 5, 2019,     Florida’s Gulf region, including Charlotte,      during the upcoming season. The asso-
at the Verandah Country Club in Ft. Myers,      Collier, Glades, Hendry and Lee counties.        ciation’s board encourages your input as to
Florida, the Gulf Citrus Growers Asso-          Each director has been elected to serve a        how to improve the organization’s service
ciation sat its 2019-2020 board of directors.   one-year term.                                   to its members. Please contact the office or
The newly elected leadership will direct           GCGA board members are volunteers             one of the board members if you have any
the association as it works to represent        and work on behalf of the Gulf region’s          suggestions/input.
the citrus growing industry in Southwest        citrus industry. Please support these leaders

   Florida’s Gulf Citrus
   Production Region
   The Gulf Citrus Growers Association represents             Charlotte      Glades
   thousands of acres of citrus groves in Southwest
   Florida’s “Gulf” region, which is officially
                                                                           LaBelle   Clewiston
                                                                   Lee          Hendry                 Gulf Citrus Growers
   designated as a production region in state statutes.          Fort
                                                                                                        Association, Inc.
   The region accounts for over 25% of Florida’s total

                                                                                                  Established in 1985, Gulf Citrus Growers
   citrus fruit production, and generates nearly $1-billion                Collier                Association is a trade association repre-
   of total economic impact!                                                                      senting the citrus growers of Southwest
                                                                                                  Florida. The association addresses key
                 GCGA 2019-2020 Board of Directors                                                issues of economic importance to the
   Collier County                 Hendry County                  Charlotte County                 sustainable growth and development of
   Tom Kirschner                  Rob Atchley                    Emery Smith                      the citrus industry in the region. These
   Cooperative Producers, Inc     A. Duda & Sons, Inc.           Ben Hill Griffin, Inc.           issues include land and water use,
                                  Lee Jones                                                       environmental regulation, farmworker
   Ron Mahan                                                     Lee County                       relations, transportation, marketing and
   Tamiami Citrus, LLC            Gardinier Florida Citrus       Vacant                           domestic and international trade programs.
   Bob Newsome                    Julie Paul Obney
                                  Jack Paul Properties           At-Large Directors
   Barron Collier Partnership                                                                     Florida Gulf Citrus News is published
                                  Wayne Simmons                  Dale Johnson
                                  LaBelle Fruit Co. LLC          JEBCO Citrus                     biannually by the Gulf Citrus Growers
   Glades County                                                                                  Association, 11741 Palm Beach Blvd., Suite
   David Wheeler                  Danny Sutton                   Dan Pool, Jr.                    202, Fort Myers, FL 33905. 239-690-0281,
   Wheeler Farms, Inc.            Alico, Inc.                    Custom Citrus Care               Fax 239-690-0857.

                                                                  SUMMER 2019                                                                   3
News - Gulf Citrus Growers Association
19th Annual GCGA Country Gala!
    The 19th annual Gulf Citrus Growers           raising event. The funds raised through our         The Gulf Citrus Growers Association
    Association Country Gala was held on the      events continue to be “invested” throughout      would like to express a special thanks to
    evening of April 6th at the LaBelle Civic     our region and state.                            all the volunteers who make this event
    Center. The traditional plate-sized ribeye       The level of support that the association     possible. Without the help and support of
    steaks, cooked to your liking by the Hendry   continues to receive from our grower and         all those involved, this event would not be
    County Cattlemen’s Association, and Mrs.      associate members is outstanding. It shows       a success!
    Peggy’s fixins continue to be a big hit.      that the industry is still sticking together        Our generous sponsors and supporters
       The gala was well attended by over 300     even through the hard times.                     are listed on the next page.
    folks from the region and state. Everyone        We are also pleased with the level of
    enjoyed the fun-filled evening supporting     community support that we receive from             Plans are already underway for the
    the association.                              the first-class resorts, restaurants and busi-         20th Annual Country Gala
       Since 2000, the gala has grown to          nesses which donated auction and raffle                scheduled for April 4, 2020!
    become the association’s number one fund-     items.                                           Be sure to add this date to your calendar!

4                                                                 SUMMER 2019
News - Gulf Citrus Growers Association
Thank You!                      Platinum Sponsors
             Alico, Inc. F Barron Collier Companies F Chemical Dynamics
         Consolidated Citrus, LP F Duda F Farm Credit of Florida F First Bank
         Hilliard Brothers of Florida, LTD F LCEC F Live Oak Analytics, LLC
Old Florida Citrus F Jack Paul Properties, Inc. F Royal Palm Coast Realtor Association
                     Sam Galloway Ford F Southern Gardens Citrus
                                   Gold Sponsors
     Agricultural Risk Management, LLC F American Ag Products Corporation
 Ben Hill Griffin, Inc. F Cooperative Producers, Inc. F Cutrale Citrus Juices USA, Inc.
                  Everglades Equipment Group F Florida Citrus Mutual
  Florida Gulf Coast University, Center for Agribusiness F Florida’s Natural Growers
Gardinier Florida Citrus F G.P. Solutions, LLC F Heller Bros. Packing Corp. F Lipman
     Nichino America F Peace River Citrus Products, Inc. F Plant Food Systems
   Ranch One Cooperative, Inc. F Timac Agro USA F Triangle Chemical Company
                TriEst Ag Group/TriEst Irrigation F Tropicana Products
                 Wallace International Trucks, Inc. F Wedgworth’s, Inc.
                                  Silver Sponsors
Aglime Sales, Inc. F BASF Corporation F Brandt Consolidated F Central Life Sciences
       Chemical Containers, Inc. F Custom Citrus Care F D&K Harvesting, Inc.
   Dundee Citrus Growers Assn. F English Brothers F Fletcher Flying Service, Inc.
 GOWAN USA F Graves Brothers Company F Chris & Sue Hansen, Hansen Groves
  Harrell’s Fertilizer F Howard Fertilizer and Chemical Co., Inc. F J.B. Ranch 1, LLC
   JBT F Jebco Groves F Johnson-Prewitt & Associates, Inc. F LSI Companies, Inc.
      MacVicar Consulting, Inc. F Magna-Bon II, LLC F Nextran Truck Centers
  Nufarm Americas, Inc. F Oakley Groves, Inc. F The Packers of Indian River, LTD
            Prudential Agricultural Finance F Southern Heritage Real Estate
            Sun Country Citrus Hauling, Inc. F UPL fka Arysta LifeScience
               Valent USA LLC F Wheeler Farms F Yara North America
                  Auction/Raffle Sponsors & Contributers
Ag-Tronix, Inc. F Barron Collier Partnership F DUDA / Peace River Packing (Oranges)
          Diamond R Fertilizer F Everglades Equipment Group F First Bank
          Florida SouthWestern State College F FMC Corporation, Ed Early
                  Gardinier Florida Citrus F Hendry County Cattlemen
Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort & Spa F Kearns Restaurant Group, The Firestone
              Tracy Langford F Morgan Stanley – Johnson Tamney Group
Old Corkscrew Golf Club F Old Florida Citrus, Jim Gravley F PNC Agricultural Group
          Prawnbroker Restaurant F Rays Baseball Foundation, Jessica Smith
       Bob Richardson, WWRE et al. F Sanibel Harbour Marriott Resort & Spa
                    Seminole Casino Hotel, Immokalee F Steve Smith
     Sun Harvest Citrus (Valencia’s and Ruby Red Grapefruit) F The Turtle Club
      The Veranda Restaurant F Troyer Brothers (Potatoes) F ’Tween Waters Inn
             The Verandah Club F Vision Ace Hardware, LaBelle (Plants)
                       Wallace International Trucks, Inc. F Zaxby’s

                                    SUMMER 2019                                           5
News - Gulf Citrus Growers Association
GCGA’s 23rd Annual Gulf Classic
    The Gulf Citrus Growers Association
    hosted its 23rd Annual “Gulf Classic”
    May 10, 2019, at Verandah Country Club.
    Twenty-six (26) teams competed in this
    year’s tournament, reflecting continuous
    industry-wide support of this GCGA event.
       The Gulf Classic tournament, coordinat-
    ed and directed through the association’s
    Associate Member Committee, is one of
    several key special events that financially
    support the organization’s community and
    governmental relations programs.
       Our association is truly thankful for
                                                                Team with the lowest net score sponsored by Old Florida Citrus
    the continued sponsorship and volunteer
    support of the tournament by both grower
    and associate members. The Associate
    Member Committee is to be commended,
    once again, for putting on a first-class event.
       The Gulf Classic Tournament Commit-
    tee included: Cathy Atchley, On Point Ag,
    Inc.; Ben Casey, Southern Gardens Citrus;
    Josh Culpepper, Prudential Agricultural
    Finance; Ronnie Ford, Ag-Tronix, Inc.;
    Gary Grant, Farm Credit of Florida;
    Britt Gravley, Old Florida Citrus; Sage
    Gray, Rabo AgriFinance; James Holland,
    Northwestern Mutual; Morgan McKenna,
    Syngenta Crop Protection; Sarah Markle,                    Team with the lowest gross score sponsored by Wedgworths, Inc.
    Valent USA LLC; Bo Meador, Agro-
    Source, Inc.; Bernadette Rashford, Gulf
    Citrus Growers Assn.; Steve Smith, Gulf
    Citrus Growers Assn. and Wade Timpner,
    Southern Gardens Citrus.
       This year’s Gulf Classic tournament
    featured a $1,000 cash prize drawing for
    registered golfers, a 50-50 putting contest,
    individual “special hole” prizes and team
    awards for the lowest gross score, lowest
    net score and blind draw.
       The team with the lowest net score was
    sponsored by Old Florida Citrus and
    included Jim Gravley, Dennis Bush,                                  A. Duda & Sons, Inc. team took the blind draw
    Chucky Rucker and Tyler Pugh.
       This year’s team with the lowest gross
    score was from Wedgworth’s, Inc. and
    included Jay Bellflower, Heath Prescott,
    Mike Moore and Shawn Barley.
       The A. Duda & Sons, Inc. team, which
    included Eldridge Bedingfield, Sam
    Updike, Jim McVay and Clinton Welker,
    took the blind draw.
       Winners of the individual awards were:
    Most Accurate Drive, Mike Halloran;
    Longest Drive, Marty Wilson & Lee Jones;
    Longest Putt, Stark Sullen; and Closest
    to the Pin, JR Gough. Dan Pool won the
                                                                               Adrian Jahna wins $1,000 cash!
    putting contest, collecting $230. Lee Jones
    accepted his $100 cash prize for winning            Adrian Jahna with BASF Corporation       the “big bucks” to Adrian. He thanked the
    the Longest Drive and then turned around          was the lucky winner of the $1,000 prize   committee for the cash prize and gener-
    and donated his winnings to GCGA’s                for participating golfers. Sarah Markle,   ously donated half of his winnings back to
    Scholarship Foundation. Thank you, Lee!           Associate Committee Member, presented      the association. Thank you, Adrian!

6                                                                   SUMMER 2019
News - Gulf Citrus Growers Association
Gulf Citrus Growers Association
                     Presents Brilliant Orange Awards
Three Hendry County first year teachers           Steve Smith, Gulf Citrus Growers              Eastside Elementary School in Clewiston;
were presented a Brilliant Orange Award        Association’s executive vice president, pre-     and Madison Kobs, a 5th grade English
in recognition of their outstanding class-     sented the Brilliant Orange awards to the        Language Arts teacher at Country Oaks
room performances during the 2018-2019         three teachers selected as the best first year   Elementary School in LaBelle.
school year. The teachers were recognized      teachers in Hendry County for the 2018-             The Gulf Citrus Growers Associa-
during the 2019 Golden Apple Teacher           2019 school year.                                tion, in conjunction with the Foundation
Recognition Dinner on January 24, 2019,           Recognized were Jacob Haskell, a 5th          for Hendry County Public Schools, Inc.,
in LaBelle. The awards were fittingly          grade English Language Arts teacher at           annually selects the Brilliant Orange teach-
named Brilliant Orange, as Hendry County       LaBelle Elementary School in LaBelle;            ers based on the nominations from each of
is currently one of Florida’s top orange and   Cassidy Lee, a Kindergarten teacher at           the schools’ administrators.
citrus producing counties.
                                 Henry Ford Citrus Grove
Henry Ford grew up in an agriculture fam-
ily and even grew fruit trees at his winter
estate in Fort Myers. Henry Ford said, “I
believe that industry and agriculture are
natural partners. The soundest step this
country can take, is to show the American
farmer how he can operate his farm profit-
ably.” That is exactly what Tammy Hall,
CFS Roofing Services, and Jim Gravley,
Old Florida Citrus, are doing with the new-
est project at Ford’s winter estate.
   Tammy and Jim started this venture in
March 2018, and unveiled the final project
on February 27, 2019. Local dignitaries
and industry related folks joined together     the planning, work, supplies, etc., was          the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC).
to unveil the newly planted grove at the       generously donated. Southern Gardens             FDOC Director for Global Marketing
Edison & Ford Winter Estates. The citrus       Citrus nursery supplied the trees, UF/IFAS       Samantha Lane and GCGA Executive Vice
grove has 50 trees planted with varieties      provided Defenders to protect the trees          President Steve Smith provided comment
including Valencia, Midsweet oranges and       and Old Florida Citrus and CFS Roofing           at the event.
grapefruit. The hope is to have fresh juice    Services planted them, installed the irriga-        This new portion of the estates is not
once the trees start producing fruit.          tion system and has pledged to oversee the       only for the visitors to see and learn about
   The nonprofit group that oversees the       grove in the future.                             Florida citrus, it is also going to be used by
estates said “the project did not cost them       Among the many sponsors was Gulf              UF/IFAS and the FGCU Agribusiness cen-
anything except some staff time.” All          Citrus Growers Association (GCGA) and            ter for classes, presentations and lectures.

                                   Beverage Cart                      Hole in One               D&K Harvesting, Inc.
                                   AgroSource, Inc.                   Creel Tractor Company     Duda
                                   CFS Roofing Services               Grand Prize               Everglades Equipment Group
                                   G.P. Solutions                     Valent USA LLC            FGCU
                                   Helena Agri-Enterprises, LLC       Raffle Prizes             First Bank
                                   Nextran Truck Centers, Ft.         Golf Galaxy               GOWAN
                                   Myers                              JEBCO Citrus              G.P. Solutions
        Thank You                  Lunch                              Lehigh Training Center    Grandma’s Grove
       Tournament                  Nutrien Ag Solutions               On Point Ag, Inc.         Gulf Citrus Harvesting & Hauling, Inc.
        Sponsors!                                                     Wheeler Brothers          Jack Paul Properties
                                   Hospitality                                                  Jackson Citrus, Inc.
    Orange Juice                   Helena Agri-Enterprises, LLC       Tee/Green
                                   Prudential Agricultural Finance    Ag-Tronix, Inc.           JEBCO Citrus
    Tropicana Products
                                                                      Agricultural Risk         Lehigh Training Center
    Individual Coolers             Longest Putt                       Management                Oakley Groves, Inc.
    Rabo AgriFinance               Everglades Equipment Group                                   Old Florida Citrus
                                                                      AgroSource, Inc.
    Hats                           Most Accurate Drive                BASF                      On Point Ag, Inc.
    Syngenta Crop Protection       Old Florida Citrus                 Brandt Consolidated       Peace River Citrus Products, Inc.
    Photographer                   Longest Drive                      Chemical Containers, Inc. Southern Gardens Grove Corporation
    Stallings Crop Insurance       Lehigh Training Center             Citrus Applications, Inc. Wallace International Trucks, Inc.
    Water                          Closest to the Pin                 Contact Citrus Care, Inc. Wedgworth’s, Inc.
    Florida Grove Hedgers          Prudential Agricultural Finance    Creel Tractor Company     Wheeler Brothers

                                                               SUMMER 2019                                                                       7
News - Gulf Citrus Growers Association
    Gulf Citrus Growers Associate Members!
                            FOR 20 YEARS OF SUPPORT
                                Kahn Citrus Management, LLC
                                         Jack Norris
                               Peace River Citrus Products, Inc.
                            FOR 10 YEARS OF SUPPORT

                Nichino America, Inc.                                   Yara North America, Inc.
               Presented to Scott Croxton                              Presented to Kelsey Gunthorp
                             American Ag Products Corporation
                                     FMC Corporation
                                    Howard Fertilizer

     Proceeds from Gulf Citrus Growers Special Events help support
                  Agriculture Communicators of Florida F Araba Shriners F Chamber of Southwest Florida
      County 4-H Programs and Activities F Edison/Ford Winter Estates F Florida Agricultural Hall of Fame Foundation
                Florida Agriculture Coalition F Florida Agriculture Council F Florida Cattlemen’s Association
                   Florida Citrus Hall of Fame F Florida Citrus Mutual F Florida Farm Bureau Federation
                         Florida Fertilizer and Agrichemical Assn. F Florida Fruit & Vegetable Assn.
    Florida Gulf Coast University F Florida Section: American Water Resources Assn. F Florida Specialty Crop Foundation
                 Glades County Education Foundation F Glades County High School Scholarship Foundation
                 GCGA Scholarship Foundation F Hendry County Brilliant Orange and Golden Apple Awards
                      LaBelle Rotary Club F Lee County Horizon Council F Miss Florida Citrus Pageant
                            National Council of Agricultural Employers F Riverdale High School
             Redlands Christian Migrant Association Programs F Soup Kitchen Benefit/Sam Galloway & Friends
              UF/IFAS F Young Farmers & Ranchers F Orange Juice Donations for various events and meetings

8                                                       SUMMER 2019
News - Gulf Citrus Growers Association
Actagro, LLC                            Florida Grower Magazine                 Nichino America, Inc.
Aglime Sales, Inc.                      Florida Gulf Coast University           Norris, Jack
Agricultural Risk Management, LLC       College of Business                     Northwestern Mutual
Agromillora Florida                     Florida Southern College                Nufarm Amercias
                                        Horticulture Science Dept.
AgroSource, Inc.                                                                Nutrien Ag Solutions
                                        Florida’s Natural Growers
Ag-Tronix, Inc.                                                                 Oakley Groves, Inc.
                                        Florikan ESA, LLC
American Ag Products Corporation                                                On Point Ag, Inc.
                                        FMC Corporation Agricultural Products
Arcadia Citrus Enterprises, Inc.                                                Oro Agri, Inc.
                                        Fruit Shield
Assured Partners                                                                Pathway Biologic
                                        G.P. Solutions, LLC.
Austin, George                                                                  Pavese Law Firm
                                        Gallagher Lutgert Insurance
BASF Corporation                                                                Peace River Citrus Products, Inc.
                                        Gator Ag Group, Inc.
Battery USA, Inc.                                                               Phillip Rucks Citrus Nursery, Inc.
Bayer CropScience                                                               Plant Food Systems, Inc.
                                        Geo Ag Solutions
Blue Goose Growers                                                              PNC Agricultural Group
Boy, Miller, Kisker & Perry, Inc.                                               Port Consolidated Oil
                                        Glade and Grove Supply Company, Inc.
Brandt Consolidated                                                             ProPlus Products, Inc.
                                        Gowan Company
Brite Leaf Citrus Nursery                                                       Prudential Agricultural Finance
                                        Greener Earth Now Inc.
Bruce Hendry Insurance                                                          PW Jackson, Inc.
                                        Griffin Fertilizer
Caloosahatchee Management                                                       Rabo AgriFinance
                                        Gulf Citrus Properties, Inc.
Car Two                                                                         Rayburn Companies, Inc.
                                        H2A Complete II, Inc.
Carden & Associates, Inc.                                                       RMEC, LLC
                                        Harrell’s Fertilizer
Central LifeScience                                                             Seald Sweet International
                                        Helena Agri-Enterprises, LLC
Certis USA                                                                      Seminole Petroleum
                                        Hendry County Cattlemens’ Assn.
CFS Roofing Services LLC                                                        Smart Guided Systems
                                        Hendry/Glades Farm Bureau
Chemical Containers, Inc.                                                       Southern Gardens Citrus
                                        Hickory Branch Cooperation
Chemical Dynamics                                                               Southridge Citrus Nursery, Inc.
                                        Himrod Citrus Nursery
Coldwell Banker Commercial                                                      Stallings Crop Insurance, Corp.
Saunders Real Estate                    Howard Fertilizer
                                        & Chemical Company                      Sun Country Citrus Hauling, Inc.
Collier Environmental Services                                                  Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc.
                                        Howell Oil Company
Compass Minerals                                                                Thomas R. Summersill, Inc.
                                        Hunt Brothers Cooperative
Corteva Agriscience                                                             Thoron
                                        Imaflex Inc.
Creel Tractor Company                                                           Timac AGRO USA
                                        Infinity Ag Solutions, LLC
Cutrale Citrus Juices USA, Inc.                                                 TradeMark Nitrogen Corp.
                                        JB Ranch I, LLC
Diamond R Fertilizer Co., Inc                                                   Tradewinds Power Corp.
DLF International, Inc.                                                         Tree Defender, LLC
                                        Johnson Engineering, Inc.
Drexel Chemical                                                                 Triangle Chemical Company
                                        Johnson-Prewitt & Associates, Inc.
Dundee Citrus Growers Assn.                                                     TriEst Irrigation
                                        Kahn Citrus Management, LLC.
Egan Fruit Packing, LLC                                                         TriYield, LLC
                                        Kelly Tractor
Environmental Consulting                                                        Tropicana Products, Inc.
& Technology, Inc.                      KeyPlex
                                        Live Oak Analytics, LLC                 United Agricultural Services
Environmental Turnkey Solutions
                                        LSI Companies, Inc.                     UPL
Everglades Equipment Group
                                        Lykes Insurance, Inc.                   Valent USA LLC
Everglades Harvesting & Hauling, Inc.
                                        Magna-Bon II, LLC.                      Wallace International Trucks, Inc.
Farm Credit of Florida
                                        Marrone Bio Innovations                 Wedgworth’s, Inc.
First Bank
                                        Maxijet, Inc.                           Wells & Associates Insurance
Fletcher Flying Services, Inc.
                                        MetLife Agricultural Investments        Wheeler Brothers, Inc.
Florida Citrus Management, Inc.
                                        Morgan Stanley                          Wilbur Smith Law Firm
Florida Citrus Mutual
                                        MWI Corp., Ft. Myers Rental Division    Wiltshire, Whitley, Richardson
Florida Coast Equipment                                                         & English, PA
Florida Grove Hedgers                   Newton Crouch, Inc.
                                                                                Yara North America, Inc.
                                        Nextran Truck Centers

                                                     SUMMER 2019                                                     9
News - Gulf Citrus Growers Association
Gulf Citrus Leaders Meet with Legislators
          and Agencies on Water Related Issues
     The outbreaks of Red Tide and Blue Green        Scott is committed to increasing federal     Total Maximum Daily Loads as related to
     Algae in the summer of 2018 created an          funding for Everglades projects. Repairing   BMAP creation, and Minimum Flow Lev-
     elevated sense of urgency by our legislators    the Herbert Hoover Dike and constructing     els for the Caloosahatchee. We appreciate
     and government agencies to find solutions       storage projects such as the EAA and C-43    our legislators’ commitment to the environ-
     and fast track Everglades restoration proj-     reservoirs remain top priority.              ment and look forward to working together
     ects. Gulf Citrus Growers Association staff         Gulf Citrus Growers Association staff    to find balanced solutions to Southwest
     and leadership have worked in this arena        and leadership will continue our out-        Florida’s water issues. This complex situ-
     for many years and continue to prioritize       reach regarding all “water issues” such      ation requires the dedicated collaboration
     water related issues. As Florida’s popula-      as Everglades restoration, ACOE Lake         of all stakeholders – residents, businesses,
     tion increases, advocating for agriculture      Okeechobee regulation schedule, FDEP         municipalities, utilities, agriculture et al.
     relating to both quantity and quality of the
     resource plays an increasingly important
        With all new members on the SFWMD
     Governing Board, GCGA, along with
     Florida Farm Bureau, FFVA, IFAS and
     FGCU met with governing board chair-
     man Chauncey Goss. Among the items
     discussed was how citrus growers in our
     region are effectively implementing the
     BMP program and are committed to water
     quality efforts. The discussion included a
     grove tour hosted by GCGA President Ron
     Mahan at Tamiami Citrus where Mr. Goss
     was able to see first-hand tailwater recovery
     and precision ag application methods. We
     thank Mr. Goss for his time and willing-
     ness to discuss citrus and agriculture in the
         GCGA Executive Vice President Steve
     Smith participated in a roundtable with
     Senator Rick Scott regarding the impor-
     tance of Everglades restoration. Senator

10                                                                  SUMMER 2019
Association Held 33rd Annual Meeting
continued from page one
design, planting preparation, pest manage-      development, program distribution and         if they want to participate in this program.
ment and post-planting practices in 20,         applications are expected to be available        The members and guests enjoyed a tur-
40, and 100 acre blocks. The program is         to growers in early September. However,       key and prime rib lunch that was prepared
hoping for a total of 5,000 additional acres    the application deadline is October 2019.     by Verandah’s highly acclaimed chefs.
to be planted in the first two years. Further   Therefore, growers will want to act quickly

                                                               SUMMER 2019                                                                   11
News       Gulf Citrus
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           Growers                                                                                                         FT MYERS FL
                 Assn. Inc.                                                                                               PERMIT NO 569
11741 Palm Beach Blvd.
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Ft. Myers, FL 33905

 Gulf Citrus appreciates the support of

       The association does not endorse the
    goods or services promoted in this newsletter.

   GCGA Scholarship Foundation Held 19th Annual Meeting
  The Gulf Citrus Growers Association’s                                                          Norm Todd.
  Scholarship Foundation held its 19th                                                              GCGA’s Scholarship Foundation is a
  Annual Meeting in conjunction with                                                             nonprofit 501(c) (3) corporation. Contribu-
  GCGA’s 33rd Annual Meeting at the                                                              tions are tax-deductible as allowed by law.
  Verandah Country Club in Ft. Myers.                                                            Membership dues and contribution forms
     President Callie Walker called the meet-                                                    for the 2019-2020 year will be in the mail.
  ing to order at 11:00 a.m. and noted that                                                      Checks can be mailed payable to GCGA
  several foundation leaders and members                                                         Scholarship Foundation and mailed to
  were present, and that the organization had                                                    11741 Palm Beach Blvd., Ste 202, Ft. My-
  a very positive year. She reported that dur-                                                   ers, FL 33905. The foundation appreciates
  ing the 2018-19 year, $3,000 was awarded                                                       the continued support of its members and
  to four deserving students, bringing the                                                       donors.
  foundation’s accrued total dollars given in
  scholarships to $106,000.
     Students receiving GCGA scholarships
  were Peter Jones attending Warner Uni-
  versity, Taylor Sorrell attending Purdue                                                       July 31, 2019 is the next deadline
  University, Megan Winfree attending                                                              for scholarship applications.
  the University of Florida and Iman Zekri                                                        For an application, please contact
  attending the University of Florida Law            another three-year term. The Board of
  School.                                            Directors also consists of Callie Walker,    Mongi Zekri at 863.674.4092 or
     The foundation nominated and re-                president; John Hoffman, vice president           Bernadette Rashford at
  elected David Wheeler as Director to serve         and Joe English, secretary-treasurer and              239.690.0291.
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