Page created by Helen Ramirez
FUTURE CITY®                                            February
COMPETITION                                              2021

                       February 2021

 FUTURE CITY®                                                                                             February
 COMPETITION                                                                                                 2021

                   Capital District Future City Competition Celebrates
                       20 Years…and oh what a year it has been!

Wow! I cannot believe that it has already been 20 years since a small group of individuals got together to form a
new region of the National Future City Competition in Albany, NY. Take a moment and think back. What were you
doing 20 years ago? The students competing this year weren’t even born yet. However, students who have
participated in the past have graduated high school, graduated college, and have established careers in science,
technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM), which is truly exciting! Although I was not personally involved
with the program in 2002, this year’s challenge of “Living on the Moon” interests me greatly because during our
region’s first competition I was at NASA finishing my Master’s thesis in Geology. I cannot wait to learn of
everyone’s solutions to this year’s exciting challenge.

In the past 20 years, our region has held our local competition at four different venues—Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute, Hudson Valley Community College, Proctors Theatre, and Russell Sage College. There were roughly 75
students from nine teams who participated in the very first competition. Since 2002, nearly 4,300 middle school
students from over 100 different schools/organizations have participated from the Capital District, Hudson Valley,
North Country, Central New York, and even Vermont. This year, despite all of the challenges our teams and
volunteers have experienced, our competition continued to grow as we welcomed three new schools to the
program. Only one school has participated in every competition held in Albany over the last 20 years. If you
guessed it was Farnsworth Middle School, you would be correct!

So much has changed with the program over the last 20 years, but what has not changed is the students’
excitement, energy, and enthusiasm, especially this year. I do not want to dwell on how different this year’s
competition has been due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but would rather acknowledge that we still have 17 teams
comprised of 150 students competing this year. That is truly remarkable! I have seen photos, and I have
heard stories, and I have reviewed some teams’ deliverables. Between quarantining, remote and hybrid learning,
working from home, and just not knowing what is going to happen from one day to the next, we all have had to
become more creative and flexible in how we do things and still be able to get it all done. If you are able to do
what you did this year; you can handle anything! This applies to everyone involved with this program – members
of the planning committee, judges, sponsors, mentors, educators, parents, and last but not least, the students.
Every one of you is so critical to keeping this program alive and thriving and it has truly been a success because
of all of you.

Having been a part of this program for 17 years and serving as your Regional Coordinator for the past five, it has
been personally rewarding to see what an impact this program has made on the students. I love to see how
students have grown and how they have moved on to do amazing things both personally and professionally. Our
middle school students’ ability to be innovative, take on challenges, think creatively, work together to accomplish
a goal, and present their ideas to others is impressive. I cannot wait to see what the next 20 years hold for all the
students participating this year. If you can succeed this year, there is no doubt in my mind that you can
accomplish anything. When you leave your mark on the world—as I am sure you will—be sure to make it a
positive mark!

CONGRATULATIONS on a job well done!

Diane Bertok
Regional Coordinator

FUTURE CITY®                                                                                             February
COMPETITION                                                                                                2021

About Future City…
The Future City® Competition is a national program sponsored by DiscoverE (formerly National Engineers Week).
The mission of the Future City® Competition is to provide a fun and exciting educational engineering program for
6th, 7th and 8th grade students that combines a stimulating engineering challenge with a "hands-on" application
to present their vision of a city of the future. This year marks the 29th year for the National Future City®
Competition with 40 regions participating, effecting over 40,000 students from 1,500 middle schools.

The Capital District Region Future City® Competition celebrates 20 years of fostering the creative engineering
imaginations of local middle school students. Today, one of the 17 participating teams will be named our 2021
Regional Winner by the close of the awards ceremony this morning. This team will represent the Capital District in
the virtual National Future City® Competition to be held in April 2021.

The Future City project has five deliverables through which a team plans, writes, designs, builds, and presents a
city of the future. Each competing team works with a guiding teacher and engineer-mentor to complete the
project. The team is represented by three students during the presentation and Q&A phases of the Regional

Phase I: Project Plan (10 points)
Teams follow a project plan template to set goals for their project, create a schedule with defined tasks for
identified deliverables, conduct check-ins to monitor progress, and reflect on their experience.

Phase II: City Description/Essay (58 points)
Each team writes an essay (max. 1500 words) describing the city’s key features, design attributes, infrastructure,
public services and engineering solution to this year’s assigned engineering related topic. This year’s topic is
Living on the Moon: Design a futuristic lunar city and provide examples of how the city uses two Moon resources
to keep its residents safe and healthy.

Phase III: Build the City (65 points)
The team builds a 3-D model (in one piece or multiple segments) that is a creative representation best
representing the team’s vision of a section of their city. Teams create a slideshow using photos of the model to
showcase specific aspects of their future city and the team’s solution to this year’s challenge. Each city model
must contain at least one moving part, demonstrated via video. Material costs for the entire project may not
exceed $100 (cash and in-kind). Students are encouraged to use recycled items such as plastic, glass, and tin.

Phase IV: Communicate the Results (50 points)
The team’s three student representatives create a 7-minute video presentation about their future city, where they
discuss the futuristic innovations in the city and their solution to the challenge. Visual aids may be used in the
video including the model or model segments, posters, costumes, graphics, slides, etc.

Phase V: Share the Results (25 points)
Finally, the team’s three student representatives, which do not have to be the same three students who presented
in the video presentation, have a 10-minute question and answer period, conducted virtually, with a panel of
judges. Visual aids used for the video presentation can be used during the City Q&A as well.

Judging Results
Scores from the project plan, city description/essay, 3-D model, video presentation, and virtual Q&A are totaled to
determine the Region’s top three finalists (maximum total = 208 pts). In the finalist round, the video presentation
and Q&A session will be judged again for the top three teams by finalist judges. The scores from the re-evaluation
of the three video presentations and virtual Q&A are added to the pre-judged project plan, city description/essay,
and 3-D model scores to determine the Regional Winner.

FUTURE CITY®                                                                                             February
COMPETITION                                                                                                2021

                        AWARDS CEREMONY PROGRAM

The Awards Ceremony will be held Saturday, February 27, 2021 from 10:00-11:45 via Zoom.
Each teacher will receive a link to participate in this event, which they can forward along to team members. The
link to this event will also be listed on our website: https://futurecity.org/new-york-albany.

    1. Welcome
                Jennifer Smith, Master of Ceremonies
                Diane Bertok, Future City Regional Coordinator

    2. Introduction of Teams
                Mary Beth Liles, Future City Schools Coordinator
                When your team is called, cheer!

    3. Sponsor and Judge Recognition
                Heather Wyld, Future City Judges Co-coordinator
                Wayne Bonesteel, Future City Fundraising Coordinator

    4. Honorary Guest Remarks

    5. Announcement of Specialty Award Winners—Group #1

    6. Introduction of the Top Three Teams

    7. Top Teams Present—First Team Presentation

    8. Highlights from Our Essay Tutorial
                Dr. Timothy Livengood, Assistant Research Scientist—University of Maryland,
                NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

    9. Announcement of Specialty Award Winners—Group #2

    10. Top Teams Present—Second Team Presentation

    11. Honorary Guest Remarks

    12. Announcement of Specialty Award Winners—Group #3

    13. Top Teams Present—Third Team Presentation

    14. Year Summary in Photos

    15. Announcement of the Top Five Award Winners

    16. Closing Remarks

FUTURE CITY®                                                                                             February
COMPETITION                                                                                                  2021

               Berlin Middle School Future City Name: Lunaville
              Berlin Central School District
                                 Teacher:      Ms. Amanda Hayes
                                   Mentor:     Mr. Christopher Hayes (WM. J Keller & Sons Construction Corp)
                        Team Members:          Kenneth Bull, Ezekial Colin, Gabriel Florada,
                                               Nathan Goodermote, Julianne Maldonado, Valentina Popov,
                                               Jordan Riccardi, Madison Rontey, Jesse Saunders,
                                               Elliot Smith, Journey Sniger

  Broadalbin-Perth Middle School Future City Name: Peary Station
   Broadalbin-Perth Central School District
                                Teachers:      Mr. Michael Nacheman, Ms. Nicole Sullivan
                                   Mentor:     Mr. Travis Mitchell (Environmental Design Partnership)
                        Team Members:          Alonso Caruso, Madison Dolly, Timothy Elwood, Taylor Gifford,
                                               Dakota Healy, Laurel Mitchell, Hannah Nolett, Ellie Peters,
                                               Alexa Provenzano, Miles Purcell, Logan Richmond,
                                               Dane Skretkowicz, Samantha Sniezyk, Emma Watermann

 Coxsackie-Athens Middle School Future City Name: Estrella
  Coxsackie-Athens Central School District
                                Teachers:      Ms. April Bergman, Mr. Andrew Wager
                                   Mentor:     Mr. Robert Flores (Delaware Engineering)
                        Team Members:          Matthew Kunz, Christopher Mozzillo, Daniel Pearlstein,
                                               Drew Pearlstein, Jackson Purdy, Kasey Purdy, Leigha Wiley,
                                               Brendan Woytowich

        Farnsworth Middle School Future City Name: Boule de Fromage
        Guilderland Central School District
                                Teachers:      Mr. Max Corbett, Mr. Dennis Ball
                                   Mentor:     Mr. Avery Ball (SUNY Stony Brook)
                        Team Members:          Alexander Baltzersen, Sonia Chaugule, Emmelyn Freeman,
                                               Aashini Komatireddy, Angelina Mantoo, Jai Mendleson,
                                               Akshay Muppidi, Zyhannah Porter, Nina Ramayanam,
                                               Manasvin Sood, Angeli Thomas, Lila Whipple,
                                               Ishika Yalamanchi

                   Hebrew Academy Future City Name: Eer atidit
               of the Capital District
                                 Teacher:      Ms. Fatima Hussain
                                   Mentor:     Mr. Daniel Morrissey (Troy Architecture Practice [TAPinc.])
                        Team Members:          Ben Lauber, Shayna Malsan, Madison Plesser,
                                               Gideon Rosenthal, Ellie Scher, Eitan Schwartz

FUTURE CITY®                                                                                           February
COMPETITION                                                                                                2021

                  Hebrew Academy Future City Name: Lunar One
              of the Capital District
                                Teacher:     Ms. Fatima Hussain
                                 Mentor:     Mr. Daniel Morrissey (Troy Architecture Practice [TAPinc.])
                       Team Members:         Razi Gomez, Lily Graber, Ezra Menard, Rachel Reznik,
                                             Chana Wrzesinsksi

                  Hebrew Academy Future City Name: Stella City
              of the Capital District
                                Teacher:     Ms. Fatima Hussain
                                 Mentor:     Mr. Daniel Morrissey (Troy Architecture Practice [TAPinc.])
                       Team Members:         Hannah Berkun, Ellie Reznik, Miriam Rosenblum,
                                             Leah Schwarzmer, Abigail Wadler

                 Independent Team Future City Name: Tsuki City
                                Teacher:     Ms. Sujatha Kadaba
                       Team Members:         Tejaswi Bannuru, Surya Bommasani, Tanya Kamaraj,
                                             Surabhi Krishnan, Hari Yoganathan, Lucas Zhang

               Koda Middle School Future City Name: Basi Luna
    Shenendehowa Central School District
                                Teacher:     Mr. Joseph Sliwinski
                                 Mentor:     Ms. Lisa Westrick (Stantec)
                       Team Members:         Miguel Aguirre Diego, Erin Fariello, Avinash Kalaga,
                                             Ryan Scapillato, Muuaz Shaikh, Lucas Tong, Brendan Westrick

 Latham Ridge Elementary School Future City Name: LunNEA
     North Colonie Central School District
                                Teacher:     Ms. Melissa Fraley, Ms. Janelle Scrivens
                                 Mentor:     Ms. Amy Parks (N. Colonie CSD Learning Enrichment Program)
                       Team Members:         Ella Fraley, Abigail Scrivens

FUTURE CITY®                                                                                                 February
COMPETITION                                                                                                    2021

 Richard H. O'Rourke Middle School Future City Name: Spartemis City
Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake Central School District
                                     Teachers:      Ms. Katie Duell, Mr. Nick Morocco
                                      Mentors:      Mr. Erik LeClair (CDM Smith)
                                                    Ms. Jennifer Wiederhold (GE Power & Water)
                              Team Members:         Sabine Adams, Miles Bechtel, Sawyer Brannigan,
                                                    Gianna DeMartino, Christopher Dempsey, Megan Emerich,
                                                    Christopher Guo, Thomas Kotkoskie, Owen LeClair,
                                                    Maggie Miazga, Ethan Swift, Gregory Tomik,
                                                    Brayden Townsend, Ceres Winchester

                                    RPI STEP Future City Name: Odyssey Station
                                      Teacher:      Ms. Monica Busser, Ms. Cathleen Peter
                                        Mentor:     Mr. Kenneth Wersted (Creighton Manning)
                               Team Member:         Samuel Bermudez, Audrey Finck, Soorya Thiagarajan

              Schalmont Middle School Future City Name: ASTRA
              Schalmont Central School District
                                      Teacher:      Ms. Brandy Pedinotti
                                        Mentor:     Mr. Paul Pedinotti (MVP Healthcare, INC)
                              Team Members:         Jayson Enright, William Osta, Ashton Pedinotti, Brian Schaeffer

                  Syracuse City Schools Future City Name: The City of SpacExcellence
                   Syracuse City School District
                                     Teachers:      Mr. Mark Mason, Ms. Gwen Raeford
                                    Mentor:         Ms. Alliyah Laub
                              Team Members:         Amari Laub, Etienne Pytlak Oakes

         Watervliet Jr./Sr. High School Future City Name: Lunares Civitatem
                  Watervliet City School District
                                      Teacher:      Ms. Ashleigh Fraley
                                        Mentor:     Mr. Shadrach Treat (Siemens Industry Inc.)
                              Team Members:         Rayan Ahmed, Julius Bostick, Daniel Empie, Noor Ul Faheem,
                                                    Dua Kamal, Alex LaMora, Zack Nixon, Brody Wallas

FUTURE CITY®                                                                                February
COMPETITION                                                                                   2021

 Woodland Hill Montessori School Future City Name: Pearydise City

                         Teacher:   Ms. Leah Johnson
                   Team Members:    Z Assi, Mira Bala, Maci Currey, Sadie DeLeonardis,
                                    Ally Dheeradhada, Julia Galt, Matthew Gatchell, Lucy Haber,
                                    Marley Hall, Nisha Jayaprakash, Finn Jordan, Anna Mason,
                                    Sofia O'Brien, Mya Parker, Ranna Payamfar, Cooper Roland,
                                    Maggie Russell, Amos Stack, Nevaeh Unger-O'Shea

 Woodland Hill Montessori School Future City Name: Versipellis

                         Teacher:   Ms. Leah Johnson
                   Team Members:    Tinisha Adam, David Ajdelsztain, Prem Bagul, Nora Bennett,
                                    Isla Besha, Will Bridgham, Colin Cartwright, Carter Clapham,
                                    Nathan Garrigan, Aidan Gatchell, Bethy Graham, Isaac Knox,
                                    Griffin Lane, Treyton Lenihan, Keya Mehta, Annabelle O'Malley,
                                    Alex Puchner, Allie Santilli, Romeo Vashiquith, Ian Wey

FUTURE CITY®                                                                           February
COMPETITION                                                                              2021


Regional Coordinator           Diane Bertok, PG, NYS Energy Research and Development Authority

School Coordinators            Mary Beth Liles, Educational Vistas
                               Christina Doughney, PE, PTOE, NYS Department of Transportation

Mentor Recruitment             Betty Hurley, SUNY Empire State College

Logistics Committee            Addyson Lyons, PE, Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
                               Morgan Moldoff, PE, JMT of New York, Inc.
                               Jennifer Smith, Plug Power

Fundraising Coordinator        Wayne Bonesteel, PE, Colliers Engineering & Design

Finance Coordinator            Greg Skiba, PE, NYS Department of Transportation

Judging Coordinators           Amanda Joy, PE, Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
                               Heather Wyld, PE, CHA Consulting, Inc.

Awards Committee               Katie Dooley, NYS Energy Research and Development Authority
                               Oliver Boomhower, GE Global Research

Publicity and Publications     Christine Kingery, Kingery Consulting

Technology Coordinator        Aaron Kingery, Acture Solutions

 FUTURE CITY®                                                                                            February
 COMPETITION                                                                                               2021

                          JADEN P. TOMPKINS
The Future City-Capital District Region is pleased to present Jaden P. Tompkins with the Howard E. Reese
Alumni of the Year Scholarship. Jaden is a soon-to-be graduate of the New Lebanon Jr/Sr High School, where he
competed in the Future City Competition under the tutelage of Mary Beth Liles. He writes of his experience with
the program:

“Future Cities was such a great experience for my journey as a scholar, creative thinker, and engineer. It was my
first time acting as an engineer, solving the problems that an actual civil engineer would. Future Cities makes you
feel smart. Instead of memorizing and regurgitating facts you synthesize them, work out the benefits, and connect
ideas that you’d perceive as impossible to connect. I look forward to working on these programs again some day,
with this level of problem solving, and see where my ideas take me.”

The regional scholarship is available to any graduating high school seniors and current undergraduate college
students and has a total value of $500. In order to be eligible for the scholarship, the student must be an alumnus
of the Future City Competition-Albany, NY program and plan to attend or is currently enrolled in an accredited
science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM) program.

Jaden has applied to programs at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Rochester Institute of Technology, Siena
College, SUNY Polytechnic Institute, and the University at Albany. Wish him luck in selecting a college and
embarking on his next level of engineering training!

                        THE HOWARD E. REESE LEGACY
On December 13, 2020, a beloved member of the Future City team passed away.
Howard E. Reese was a longtime supporter of the Future City program—you
might remember him in recent years manning the all-important coffee station on
Competition Day. As Jennifer Smith’s father, he was there helping launch the
Future City program from the very beginning 20 years ago, and he remained
actively involved in planning the logistics of competition day for the duration of our
20 years.

Howard was an engineer himself, working as a civil engineer for the New York
State Thruway Authority for nearly 38 years, retiring in 2007.

Our Regional Committee unanimously voted to name our annual scholarship after
Howard Reese to honor his longtime support of the program and his dedication to
inspiring middle school children in dreaming up brighter futures. So, it’s with great
pleasure that we announce that Jaden Tompkins is the first winner of the newly
renamed Howard E. Reese Alumni of the Year Award.

 FUTURE CITY®                                                                                          February
 COMPETITION                                                                                             2021


Don Adams                                                     Eric Alexopoulos
Director of Transportation Group                              Sr. Structural Engineer
Creighton Manning Engineering                                 Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.

Rich Amadon, PE                                               Sarah Appelhans
Sr. Vice President                                            Teaching Assistant/PhD Candidate
CHA Consulting, Inc.                                          University at Albany

Caroline Best, EIT                                            Wayne Bonesteel, PE
Junior Structural Engineer                                    Senior Project Manager
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.                                       Colliers Engineering & Design

Sarah Bowman, PE, PTOE                                        Edwin Cano
Senior Facilities Project Engineer                            Supervisor, Interconnection Facility Studies
Regeneron                                                     New York Independent Systems Operator

Alec Carman                                                   Carly Carman
Assistant Project Engineer                                    Marketing Manager
Creighton Manning Engineering                                 MJ Engineering and Land Surveying, P.C.

Kurt Carman                                                   Thomas Cascino, PE
Engineer                                                      Vice President
City of Albany Dept of Water and Water Supply                 AECOM

Samantha Cash, EIT                                            Kirsten Catellier, RLA, ASLA, CLARB
Civil Engineer                                                President
                                                              Studio A Landscape Architecture DPC

Colin Claus, EIT                                              Kevin Cole, CPESC
Design Engineer                                               Systems Administrator
Bergmann                                                      Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.

Chris Cornwell, PE, LEED AP                                   Lukas Crowder
Civil/Highway Department Manager                              Chief Financial Officer
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.                                       Educational Vistas

Mick Davis                                                    Kimberly Dempsey
President                                                     Marketing/Proposal Coordinator
Proquadrant                                                   Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.

Julia Dockum, EIT                                             Megan Donnelly
Civil Engineer                                                Planner and Grant Administrator
AECOM                                                         PRIME AE Group of NY

FUTURE CITY®                                                                                          February
COMPETITION                                                                                            2021


Kelsey Farr, EIT                                             Kathryn Farris, MS
Assistant Engineer                                           Environmental Engineer
CHA Consulting, Inc.                                         Arcadis

Michael Fenley, PE, ENV SP                                   Rick Gault
Traffic Capacity & Signals Engineer                          Sr. Project Manager
NYS Department of Transportation                             General Electric

Ashlee Giacalone, RA, AIA                                    Kosma Gianginis, PE
Architect                                                    Civil Engineer
DPS Group Global                                             AECOM

Steve Godlewski, PE                                          Frank Griggs
Project Manager/Highway Group Leader                         Advanced Energy Business Line Director
Creighton Manning Engineering                                CHA Consulting, Inc.

Jaclyn Hakes, AICP                                           Emily Handelman, RLA, ASLA
Associate/Director of Planning                               Landscape Architect
MJ Engineering and Land Surveying, P.C.                      CHA Consulting, Inc.

Starke Hipp, PE                                              Mike Impicciatore, PE
Project Engineer                                             Project Engineer – Security
Creighton Manning Engineering                                CHA Consulting, Inc.

Sushumna Iruvanti                                            Brent Irving
Semiconductor Packaging Dev-Sr. Engineer                     Transportation Planner
IBM                                                          CDTA

Brian Jones, NICET IV                                        Alexander Jurkat, PMP
Construction Inspection Manager, Associate                   Data & Process Analyst
Creighton Manning Engineering                                CHA Consulting, Inc.

Kevin Kearney                                                Elizabeth Keeling
Program Director                                             Business Analyst
Excel Aquatics                                               New York Independent Systems Operator

Kelley Kircher, PE                                           Jack Kirschenbaum, PE
Project Manager                                              Senior Electrical Engineer
NYS Department of Transportation                             CHA Consulting, Inc.

Richard LaRose, AIA                                          Justin Lefebvre
Sr. Project Manager/Associate Vice President                 Office Engineer
CHA Consulting, Inc.                                         Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.

FUTURE CITY®                                                                                          February
COMPETITION                                                                                            2021


Jenny Lippmann, PE                                              Silvia Marpicati, PE, BCEE, CEM
Associate/Project Manager                                       Principal Environmental Engineer
M.J. Engineering and Land Surveying, P.C.                       Arcadis

Christina Minkler, PE                                           Steve Moore, PE
Senior Project Manager / Vice President                         Senior Engineer
JMT of New York, Inc.                                           Atlantic Testing Laboratories, Ltd.

Jeff Najdowski, PE                                              Barbara Nazarewicz, RLA, ASLA
Senior Structural Engineer                                      Associate | Landscape Architect
CHA Consulting, Inc.                                            Stantec

Matt Oster, EIT                                                 Lindsay Ostrander Allen
Civil Designer                                                  Engineer
Stantec                                                         Delaware Engineering

Inesa Pengu                                                     Brandon Piskin
Assistant Project Engineer                                      Counsel
Creighton Manning Engineering                                   Plug Power

Laura Popa                                                      Don Porterfield, PE
Manager, Reliability Planning                                   Environmental Engineer
New York Independent Systems Operator                           Retired

Byron Raych, PE                                                 Eric Redding, PE, LEED AP
Managing Engineer                                               Discipline Leader
Barton & Loguidice, D.P.C.                                      Bergmann

Andrea Riedman, PE                                              Jack Robson, PE
Bridge Engineer                                                 Executive Vice President
NYS Department of Transportation                                Foit-Albert Associates, P.C.

Margo Rudzinski                                                 Laura Sanda, PE
Senior Manager                                                  Project Manager
Envirospec Engineering PLLC                                     McFarland Johnson, Inc.

Greg Schaeffer                                                  Robert Schubert, EIT
Senior Software Engineer                                        Project Manager
IBM                                                             STS Steel

Kathryn Serra, PE                                               Matt Seymour, PE
Project Manager                                                 Civil Engineer
C.T. Male Associates                                            Federal Highway Administration

FUTURE CITY®                                                                                February
COMPETITION                                                                                  2021

Swagata Sharma                                         Robert Sipzner, PE
Assoc. Planning Engineer                               Vice President
New York Independent Systems Operator                  Barton & Loguidice, D.P.C.

Jacquelynn Smith, EIT                                  Ed Snyder, PE
Design Engineer                                        Project Manager
PRIME AE Group of NY                                   Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.

Sharon Spaulding                                       Peter Sutherland, PE
Senior Packaging Engineer                              Senior Power Systems Engineer
IBM                                                    ABB

Phillip Sutter, PE                                     Robert Tracey
Structural Engineer                                    Engineering Program Manager
Spring Line Design                                     Plug Power

Devan Tracy, PE, CEM, LEED AP                          Laura Treers
Smart Buildings Lead                                   Graduate Student
Lockheed Martin                                        UC Berkeley

Alicia Wagner                                          Tina Wagner
PhD Student                                            Customer Engineer, Senior Engineer
Northeastern University                                Global Foundries

Melissa Warrender, MS                                  Seth Watson, PE
STEP Coordinator                                       Project Engineer
Albany Medical College                                 CHA Consulting, Inc.

Joshua Westfall, AICP                                  Ranjieve Williams
Planner                                                Director of Engineering
Laberge Group                                          Plug Power

Wenjin Yan
Senior Engineer
New York Independent Systems Operator

FUTURE CITY®                                                                                            February
COMPETITION                                                                                              2021

                                            PAST WINNERS

                        Above: Winners in 2020                           Above: Winners in 2019
                   Richard H. O’Rourke Middle School                Richard H. O'Rourke Middle School

      Above: Winners in 2018                   Above: Winners in 2017                 Above: Winners in 2016
 Richard H. O'Rourke Middle School          New Lebanon Jr/Sr High School          New Lebanon Jr/Sr High School


The winner of the 2019-2020 Capital
District Future City Competition, Richard
H. O’Rourke Middle School went to
Washington D.C. to compete in the
national competition, and they did great!
They and their city, “Neosparta” won
fourth place overall and won the
specialty award “The City of the Future
that Best Incorporates Cultural and
Historical Resources” sponsored by the
Cuban-American Association of Civil
Engineers, Inc.

FUTURE CITY®                                                                                         February
COMPETITION                                                                                            2021

                  1st Place         Capital District Engineers Week
                  2nd Place         CHA Consulting, Inc.
                  3rd Place         Siemens Industry, Inc.
                                    American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) of
                  4th Place         New York, Eastern Region
                  5th Place         American Society of Highway Engineers (ASHE)

                                    TOP SCORES PER CATEGORY
                                         Award          Sponsor
                “Best Question & Answer Session”        Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. (GPI)
                                       “Best Essay”     AECOM
                               “Best Model Design”      Rifenburg Construction, Inc.
                    “Best Future City Presentation”     Foit-Albert Associates, P.C.

                                      AWARDS OF EXCELLENCE
                                           Award        Sponsor
                         “2021 Rookie of the Year”      Constructive Copy, LLC
                               “Best City to Live In”   Camelot Print & Copy Centers
                     “Most Innovative Moving Part”      Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.

                                     GENERAL TRANSPORTATION
                                              Award     Sponsor
       “Best Utilization of a Transportation System”    Creighton Manning Engineering, LLP
               “Best Public Transportation System”      Capital District Transportation Authority (CDTA)
                   “Best Air Transportation Design”     Screen-It, Ltd
                                                        Association for Bridge Construction and Design
  “ABCD Best Design and Construction of a Bridge”
                                                        (ABCD), Eastern New York Chapter

FUTURE CITY®                                                                                          February
COMPETITION                                                                                              2021

                                    INNOVATIVE TRANSPORTATION
                                             Award       Sponsor
         “Best Use of Innovation in Transportation”      Barton & Loguidice, D.P.C.
                     “Best Green Roadway Design”         Valley Paving & Construction, Inc.
         "Most Sustainable Transportation System”        Capital District Planning Committee
                                                         Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), New
   “Best Futuristic Personal Transportation System”
                                                         York Upstate Section

                                           Award         Sponsor
            “Most Innovative Water Supply Design”        CDM Smith
        “Excellence in Environmental Stewardship”        OSPA Engineering Services, P.C.
                        “Best Green Design Model”        The Chazen Companies
       “Best Use of Recycled Materials in a Model”       County Waste & Recycling

                                     INFRASTRUCTURE & ENERGY
                                          Award          Sponsor
             "Best Use of Clean Hydrogen Energy”         Plug Power
       “Most Innovative Use of Renewable Energy”         Albany Society of Engineers Foundation (ASEF)
                                                         Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
       “Excellence in Efficient Energy Applications”
                                                         (IEEE), Schenectady Section
           “Best Management of Water Resources”          JMT of New York, Inc.
                                                         American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE),
      “Most Innovative Utility Infrastructure System”
                                                         Mohawk-Hudson Section

FUTURE CITY®                                                                                       February
COMPETITION                                                                                         2021

                                          Award     Sponsor
                       “Best Project Plan Award”    PMI Educational Foundation
      “Most Innovative Use of Green Space for a
                                                    M.J. Engineering and Land Surveying, P.C.
                          “Most Neighborly City”    Stewart’s Shops
                “Best Land Surveying Practices”     NCEES

                                         Award      Sponsor
                     “Most Sustainable Building”    Bohler Engineering
                                                    Construction Specifications Institute (CSI),
                             “Best City Skyline”
                                                    Eastern New York Chapter
                      “Best Green Architecture”     CSArch
            “Best Use of Construction Materials”    The D.A. Collins™ Companies

 FUTURE CITY®                                                                 February
 COMPETITION                                                                   2021

                       NASA RESEARCH SCIENTIST
                        DR. TIMOTHY LIVENGOOD

On Saturday, November 7, NASA research
scientist Dr. Timothy Livengood spoke virtually
with Future City-Albany students about his
research work—discovering water on the moon!

Dr. Livengood is an astrophysicist, storyteller, and
avid lobster-hater. He is an observational
planetary astronomer who specializes in studying
the composition, temperature, and wind in the
atmosphere of other planets in our solar system.
Dr. Livengood has experience using visible and
non-visible light waves to investigate atmospheres
that are found on our major planets. He also has
experience investigating chemical elements on
rocky bodies.

Dr. Livengood discussed reasons why scientists
have theorized that water exists on the moon and
the steps they took to find the resource. Students
learned about the characterization of water on the
moon and the limitations that exist for using it in
practical, every-day living.

“Dr. Livengood did a great job tying in his research
to the Future City topic this year: Living on the
Moon,” said Regional Coordinator Diane Berktok.
“Although he focused on the discovery of water on
the moon, he also discussed other energy sources
and how humans can adapt to the Moon’s unique
resources to support human life.”

At the end of the talk, students had time to share
their questions with Dr. Livengood, asking new
questions about generating energy and asking for
clarification about his research and slides he

Thank you to everyone who participated in this
year's tutorial!

FUTURE CITY®                                                                                                February
COMPETITION                                                                                                  2021

                    Capital District Engineers Week • CHA Consulting, Inc. • Siemens Industry, Inc.

                                   Albany Society of Engineers Foundation (ASEF)
                       Capital District Transportation Authority (CDTA) • Foit-Albert Associates
                           Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. (GPI) • Rifenburg Construction, Inc.
                                            Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.

             AECOM • American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) of New York, Eastern Region
                           American Society of Highway Engineers - Albany Section
                                 Camelot Print & Copy Centers • Plug Power

                          American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Mohawk-Hudson Section
                  Association for Bridge Construction and Design (ABCD), Eastern New York Chapter
               Barton & Loguidice, D.P.C. • Bohler Engineering • CDM Smith • The Chazen Companies
           Construction Specifications Institute (CSI), Eastern New York Chapter • Constructive Copy, LLC
            County Waste & Recycling • Creighton Manning Engineering, LLP • D.A. Collins™ Companies
                      Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Schenectady Section
            Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), New York Upstate Section • JMT of New York, Inc.
           M.J. Engineering and Land Surveying, P.C. • OSPA Engineering Services, P.C. • Screen-It, Ltd.
                                    Stewart’s Shops • Valley Paving & Construction, Inc.

     ABB • Acture Solutions • Albany Medical College • Arcadis • Architecture + Lomonaco & Pitts Architects, P.C.
                 Atlantic Testing Laboratories • Bayly’s Rentals • Bergmann Associates • City of Albany
  Colliers Engineering & Design • CSArch • C.T. Male Associates • Delaware Engineering, DPC • DPS Group Global
    Educational Vistas • Empire State College • Environmental Design Partnership • Envirospec Engineering, PLLC
Excel Aquatics • Federal Highway Administration • General Electric Global Research • General Electric Power and Water
         General Electric Turbine • Global Foundries • IBM • Industrial Development Agency • Jack Pendleton
    Kingery Consulting • Laberge Group • Lockheed Martin • Market32-Hudson Valley Plaza • McFarland Johnson
              Mohawk Valley Physicians (MVP) Healthcare, Inc. • Morgan Linen • Napa Automotive Parts
                          National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES)
                    New York Independent Systems Operators (NYISO) • NYS Department of Health
                 NYS Department of Transportation • NYS Thruway Authority • Northeastern University
                                Price Chopper-Golub Foundation • PRIME AE Group of NY
               Project Management Institute Educational Foundation (PMIEF) • Proquadrant • Regeneron
            Russell Sage College • Spring Line Design • STS Steel • Studio A Landscape Architecture, DPC
             SUNY Stony Brook • Town and County Bridge and Rail • Troy Architecture Practice (TAPinc.)
            University at Albany • University of California, Berkeley • WM. J Keller & Sons Construction Corp.

FUTURE CITY®                                            February
COMPETITION                                              2021

FUTURE CITY®                                            February
COMPETITION                                              2021

FUTURE CITY®                                            February
COMPETITION                                              2021

FUTURE CITY®                                            February
COMPETITION                                              2021

FUTURE CITY®                                            February
COMPETITION                                              2021

FUTURE CITY®                                            February
COMPETITION                                              2021

FUTURE CITY®                                            February
COMPETITION                                              2021

FUTURE CITY®                                            February
COMPETITION                                              2021

FUTURE CITY®                                            February
COMPETITION                                              2021

FUTURE CITY®                                            February
COMPETITION                                              2021

FUTURE CITY®                                            February
COMPETITION                                              2021

FUTURE CITY®                                            February
COMPETITION                                              2021

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