STANDING ORDERS City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit No. 2 (Hutt City) Squadron

Page created by Armando Owen
STANDING ORDERS City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit No. 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit
 No. 2 (Hutt City) Squadron


Prepared By:   Flying Officer Sophie Webber, NZCF
               Cadet Unit Commander
               City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit & No 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
STANDING ORDERS City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit No. 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit
                          No 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
                                 STANDING ORDERS


STANDING ORDERS City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit No. 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit
                                                                         No 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
                                                                                STANDING ORDERS

1.   These Orders apply to all personnel serving in the Unit, as well as any person assisting in
     any capacity.
2.   Ignorance of these Orders will not be accepted as an excuse for any action taken in
     contravention of these orders.
3.   Orders cannot be expected to be all-embracing, or to cover the unforeseen.
     Therefore, the use of common sense must always be the guiding principle in the
     absence of written orders.
4.   Amendments to these Orders are not to be made except with the written permission of
     the Unit Commander.
5.   Nothing in these Orders shall supersede the Cadet Force Orders, or such Temporary
     Orders and Directives as may be issued by, or on the authority of, the Commandant,
     NZCF from time to time.

STANDING ORDERS City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit No. 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit
                          No 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
                                 STANDING ORDERS


STANDING ORDERS City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit No. 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit
                                                                                                                     No 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
                                                                                                                            STANDING ORDERS

Table of Contents

Command and Functional Unit Structure .......................................................................................... 8
Fire Orders ................................................................................................................................................ 9
Alcohol ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
Drug/Solvent Abuse ............................................................................................................................. 10
Smoking / E-Cigarettes ........................................................................................................................ 10
Pyrotechnics and Projectiles ............................................................................................................... 10
Internet / Computer Use...................................................................................................................... 11
Google Drive ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Cellphone Use ....................................................................................................................................... 12
Image Use .............................................................................................................................................. 13
Letterhead ............................................................................................................................................. 14
Mailchimp .............................................................................................................................................. 14
Social Media ......................................................................................................................................... 14
Weekly Routine Orders ........................................................................................................................ 15
Warning Orders ..................................................................................................................................... 16
Joining Instructions ............................................................................................................................... 17
Internal Forms ........................................................................................................................................ 18
Induction and Release Procedure .................................................................................................... 18
Dietary Requirements .......................................................................................................................... 19
Personal Clothing and Equipment ..................................................................................................... 19
NZDF Property ........................................................................................................................................ 19
Equal Opportunities.............................................................................................................................. 19
Complaints ............................................................................................................................................ 20
Compliments ......................................................................................................................................... 20
Discipline ................................................................................................................................................ 20
Interview/Meeting with Cadet Unit Commander ........................................................................... 21
Out of Bounds Areas ............................................................................................................................ 21
Wearing of Headdresses ..................................................................................................................... 21
Dress and Bearing................................................................................................................................. 22
Grooming............................................................................................................................................... 23
Jewellery ................................................................................................................................................ 25
NZCC Uniforms ...................................................................................................................................... 26
ATC Uniforms ......................................................................................................................................... 29

STANDING ORDERS City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit No. 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit
                                                                                                                     No 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
                                                                                                                            STANDING ORDERS
Physical Training (PT) Kit – ATC & NZCC ............................................................................................ 32
Fancy Dress ............................................................................................................................................ 32
Deportment ........................................................................................................................................... 32
Introduction to Unit Premises .............................................................................................................. 33
Attendance ........................................................................................................................................... 33
Discharge ............................................................................................................................................... 33
Leave of Absence ................................................................................................................................ 34
Orderly Officer Responsibilities ........................................................................................................... 34
Duty JNCO Responsibilities .................................................................................................................. 35
Duty SNCO Responsibilities .................................................................................................................. 35
Platoon Sergeant / Flight SNCO Responsibilities .............................................................................. 36
Section Commander Responsibilities ................................................................................................ 37
Duty Sections ......................................................................................................................................... 37
Liaison with personnel or organisations outside of the Unit ........................................................... 37
Vehicles / Transport .............................................................................................................................. 38
Mail Inwards........................................................................................................................................... 39
Security ................................................................................................................................................... 39
Parade Night Routine .......................................................................................................................... 40
Contact Details ..................................................................................................................................... 40
Annex A.................................................................................................................................................. 41
Annex B .................................................................................................................................................. 42
Annex C ................................................................................................................................................. 44
Annex D.................................................................................................................................................. 45
Annex E .................................................................................................................................................. 46
Annex F................................................................................................................................................... 47
Annex G ................................................................................................................................................. 48
Annex H .................................................................................................................................................. 49
Annex I ................................................................................................................................................... 50
Annex J................................................................................................................................................... 51

Table of Figures
Figure 1: Chain of Command Structure Chart................................................................................... 8

STANDING ORDERS City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit No. 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit
                                                                               No 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
                                                                                      STANDING ORDERS

The purpose of these Standing Orders is to provide direction for the Unit(s), in order to ensure that
they meet the requirements of the NZCF Mission:

                               To develop and enable self-disciplined,
                          confident and responsible young New Zealanders.

The intent of these Standing Orders is also to provide direction to the Unit(s) to ensure that they meet
the NZCF Vision:

                       Preparing New Zealand’s successful leaders of tomorrow.

Core Values
The intent is to also ensure that the foundations of the Unit(s) meet the NZCF core values:

    Courage – Confronting challenges, both physical and moral, to overcome any adversity.
 Commitment – Being reliable and loyally serving and supporting the NZCF, local communities and
                                             New Zealand.
 Comradeship - Looking out for each other, having respect for all, and championing the benefits of
                                  friendship, teamwork and diversity.
      Integrity – Having self-discipline and always being honest, trustworthy and responsible.

STANDING ORDERS City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit No. 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit
                                                                                                           No 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
                                                                                                                  STANDING ORDERS

Command and Functional Unit Structure
1.     The Chain of Command for the Unit(s) and the Functional Structure are depicted in the
       following diagram:

                                              Figure 1: Chain of Command Structure Chart.

                                                             CADET UNIT COMMANDER
                                                                FGOFF WEBBER

                              EXECUTIVE OFFICER                                                    COMPANY SERGEANT MAJOR
                                     NIL                                                            WOII COXILL-BOGACKI

                                                                                                   COMPANY QUARTER MASTER
                                                                                                       SSGT MCINTYRE

       TRAINING OFFICERS                          ADMIN OFFICER                   1 PLATOON                               1 FLIGHT
         LT GILLINGHAM                             UO TOTTON                 PLTSGT: SGT LAWRENCE                     SNCO: SGT GUPTA
       FGOFF HIPGRAVE                                                         2IC: SGT MCDONALD                        2IC: SGT BISSON

     ASST. TRAINING OFFICER                                                     ALPHA SECTION                        CHARLIE SECTION
      OFFCDT MATHESON                                                         SECO: CPL HOLLAND                     SECO: CPL LAWRENCE
          MR DICKSON                                                           2IC: CPL MCINTYRE                      2IC: LAC HILLIARD
                                                                                   CDT BAKER                            CDT MANOCHA
        TRAINING NCO                                                            CDT CORREA DIAZ                         CDT TITOV-SMITH
                                                                                   CDT DAVIES                            CDT CASTILLO
       SGT MACARTHUR                                                              CDT HURTADO                            CDT MORENO
                                                                              CDT MARTINEZ BENAVIDES
                                                                                  CDT PECKSTON
                                                                               CDT ROJAS CARDENAS

                                                                               BRAVO SECTION                          DELTA SECTION
                                                                               SECO: CPL MEAD                        SECO: CPL WINDLE
                                                                               2IC: LCPL HAINES                        2IC: LAC REICH
                                                                                  CDT COLLINS                           CDT SINGERS
                                                                                  CDT DANIEL                             CDT BISSON
                                                                                  CDT HIOTAKIS                          CDT CHHABRA
                                                                                  CDT INGRAM
                                                                                  CDT PAGANI
                                                                                  CDT RATHOD
                                                                                CDT ROMERO LOPEZ
                                                                                 CDT O’HAGAN

STANDING ORDERS City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit No. 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit
                                                                                   No 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
                                                                                          STANDING ORDERS

Fire Orders
  1. On discovering a fire, you are to raise the alarm by shouting "FIRE FIRE FIRE".
  2. You are then to move immediately outside in an orderly fashion and form up in front of the
     flagpole on the external parade ground.
  3. The Duty Officer will call 111 and ask for the Fire Brigade. The correct address is TS Tamatoa,
     160 the Esplanade, Petone.
  4. The person in charge of any lesson is to ensure that all windows and doors in their classroom
     are shut before leaving and that those persons in the lesson move as quickly, quietly and
     safely as possible to the flagpole via the most direct route.
  5. The roll books and visitors’ book are to be uplifted by the Admin Officer/Admin Team and a
     roll call is to be done as soon as possible. The roll call is to include all staff as well as any visitors
     to ensure that everyone has been accounted for.
  6. The CSM / SWO is to report to the Unit Commander in the first instance or if the Unit
     Commander is not present, to the Duty Officer as soon as possible on completion of the roll

  1. It is the policy of New Zealand Cadet Forces that no Cadet or Officer will be in possession of or
     consume alcohol while engaged in an NZCF activity. The presence of alcohol cannot be
     justified in conjunction with Cadet training.
     a. Alcohol cannot and will not be part of Cadet Forces training.
     b. Its presence threatens the timely and risk-conscious execution of responsibilities towards
        Cadets; and
     c. It threatens the reputation of the organisation.
  2. If a Cadet consumes or is found to be in possession of alcohol while participating in an NZCF
     activity, their parents or guardian will be notified as soon as possible and they will be liable for
     immediate discharge from the Unit without any recourse.
  3. If an Officer, a member of the Unit(s) or a person partaking in an activity with the Unit(s),
     consumes or is found to be in possession of alcohol while participating in an NZCF activity, it is
     considered a case of Serious Misconduct and will be dealt with by the Commandant, NZCF.

STANDING ORDERS City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit No. 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit
                                                                               No 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
                                                                                      STANDING ORDERS

Drug/Solvent Abuse
  1. It is against the law to use drugs (other than prescription medication), solvents or party pills in
     any way shape or form, therefore:
  2. If a Cadet consumes or is found to be in possession of or has taken any drugs (other than
     prescription medication) while participating in an NZCF activity, their parents or guardian will
     be notified as soon as possible and they will be liable for immediate discharge from the Unit
     without any recourse.
  3. If an Officer, a member of the Unit(s) or partaking in an activity with the Unit(s), consumes or is
     found to be in possession of any drugs (other than prescription) while participating in an NZCF
     activity, it is considered Serious Misconduct and will be dealt with by the Commandant, NZCF.
  4. All other cases are dealt with in the CFO Vol 3, Section 2 Prescription Medicines Policy.

Smoking / E-Cigarettes
  1. NZCF does not allow Cadets to smoke (cigarettes, vaping etc) while wearing NZCF uniform or
     while participating in any NZCF activity. This includes the use of electronic cigarettes or similar
  2. Any Cadet who is found smoking or in possession of cigarettes etc will have their parent or
     guardian notified, as well as being liable for immediate discharge from the Unit without
  3. No Officer or supplementary staff member will smoke in the presence of Cadets.

Pyrotechnics and Projectiles
  1. Being in the possession of or using pyrotechnics, projectiles or other firearms-related material
     whilst on NZDF, NZCF, or Cadet Unit premises or at any Cadet activity without the express
     permission of the Unit Commander, is an instance of serious misconduct and will be dealt with
     as necessary by the Unit Commander.

City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit
                                                                              No 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
                                                                                     STANDING ORDERS

Internet / Computer Use
 1. To remain competitive, efficient, and provide members with the best tools to do their jobs, the
    Unit(s) may make available access to one or more forms of electronic media and services.
 2. To ensure that all members are responsible, the following guidelines have been established.
    No policy can lay down rules to cover every situation.

 3. Electronic media will not be used for knowingly transmitting, retrieving, or storing any
    communication that is:
        a. Discriminatory or harassing;
        b. Derogatory to any individual or group;
        c. Obscene, sexually explicit or pornographic;
        d. Defamatory or threatening (cyberbullying);
        e. In violation of any license governing the use of software; or
        f.   Engaged in for any purpose that is illegal or contrary to the Unit(s) or NZCF policy or
 4. To prevent computer viruses from being transmitted through the Unit(s)’ computer system,
    unauthorized downloading of any software is strictly prohibited. Only software registered
    through the Unit(s) or NZCF may be downloaded unless prior permission is sought from the Unit
 5. Any member of the Unit(s) who abuses the privilege of their access in violation of this policy will
    be subject to corrective action.
 6. Use of the Internet/electronic media may reflect on the image of the Unit(s) to the general
    public, NZCF and NZDF. Consequently, all members have a responsibility to maintain a positive
    representation of the Unit.
 7. This policy can be amended at any time and is supplemented by CFO Vol 6, Chap, 3, Sect 1 –
    Social Media Policy.

Google Drive
 1. The Unit(s) use Google Drive, provided by New Zealand Cadet Forces, for all digital storage
    relating to the Unit(s).
 2. All work relating to the Unit(s) or done by members of the Unit(s), will be stored in Google Drive.
 3. The Unit(s) Officer staff will share access to parts of the Drive or to specific documents with
    Cadets and their parents when it is necessary.
 4. Use of the Drive by Cadets will be monitored by the staff.
 5. No member of the Unit(s) will share any access of document without express permission from
    the Unit Commander.

City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit
                                                                               No 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
                                                                                      STANDING ORDERS

Cellphone Use
 1. Cellphones are an important means of communication between Cadets and their
    parents/caregivers. This policy reflects that fact.
 2. All cell phones are to be set to silent on arrival to the Unit(s) activities or training and then
    secured in bags or in the Training Office.
 3. Cellphones will not be kept in Cadets’ pockets.
 4. Phones may be checked during recognised break periods or downtime unless stated
    otherwise from the CSM/SWO or Flight Commander.
 5. In emergency situations, cell phones may only be used once permission is attained from the
    CSM/SWO or Flight Commander.
 6. Any situations where cell phones are used for communication that is:
        a. Discriminatory or harassing;
        b. Derogatory to any individual or group;
        c. Obscene, sexually explicit or pornographic;
        d. Defamatory or threatening (cyberbullying); or
        e. Engaged in for any purpose that is illegal or contrary to the Unit(s) or NZCF policy or
    will result in disciplinary action being taken and potential dismissal from the Unit without any

City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit
                                                                              No 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
                                                                                     STANDING ORDERS

Image Use
 1. It is intended that images of the Unit(s) members taken by members of the Unit(s) or members
    of outside agencies may be used for promotional purposes.
 2. The nature of the promotional material may include, but is not limited to;
        a. Static images including posters, pamphlets, flyers etc.
        b. Video clips
        c. Websites belonging to the NZCF, the Unit(s) or related and approved sites
        d. Social networking websites
        e. Media outlets, local newspapers, NZDF publications, RNZRSA publications
        f.   Any other style of promotion that the Unit Commander feels has value.
 3. The Unit(s) may, from time to time, release media to outside agencies for their own
    promotional use. This may come about following the Unit(s) supporting or working with the
    agency. It is intended that this policy will cover this “limited release” usage.
 4. Cadets appearing in images and publications may or may not be named.
 5. The timeframe of image use will be the foreseeable future. This policy does not have an expiry
    date; owing to the fact that the Unit(s) often use historic images in promotional material.
 6. If Cadets wish to post photos on social media sites, guidance as to the suitability needs to be
    sought from the CSM/SWO in the first instance, and then Unit Commander if required. If
    material is reported to be inappropriate or damaging to the Unit(s) or NZCF then the involved
    Cadets will be required to remove that material, regardless of where it is posted, including
    private/personal pages as per the NZCF Social Media Policy.
 7. If a Parent / Caregiver of a Cadet aged under 18 years, has an objection to that Cadet’s
    image being used, they are to inform the Unit(s) in writing.
 8. If the Cadet is aged 18 years or older, the Cadet is to inform the Unit(s) in writing.
 9. The contact details are;
             Email: or
             Subject: Image Use
 10. A written reply will be made acknowledging the request, and every attempt will be made
    that their image does not appear in any published material.

City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit
                                                                            No 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
                                                                                   STANDING ORDERS

 1. The Unit(s) letterheads will be used for any document as required by the Unit Commander, to
    ensure the professional image of the Unit(s).
 2. The letterheads are not to be altered in any way with express permission from the Unit
 3. Examples of the letterheads can be found in Annex A

 1. The Unit(s) will use Mailchimp to send widespread communication with the members of the
    Unit(s) and their parents/caregivers.
 2. The purpose of using this form of communication is to maintain the privacy of those it is being
    sent to, as well as offering services much as templates and scheduling to assist with the
    professional image of the Unit(s).
 3. Mailchimp will be used for the following communication:
        a. Routine Orders
        b. Irregular or urgent communication
        c. Any other communication as deemed necessary by the Unit Commander.

Social Media
 1. This order is to be used in conjunction with the NZCF Social Media policy.
 2. The purpose of this order is to cover current and future social platforms used by the Unit(s) to
    represent themselves.
 3. All posts on any public social media sites, e.g. Facebook, have to be approved by the Unit
    Commander or Media OIC before being posted.
 4. The Unit Commander or Media OIC reserve the right to remove any post in the Unit(s) private
    groups, both past and future, that do not meet the required level of professionalism or could
    hurt the reputation of the Unit(s) if they were to be seen outside of the group.
 5. All of the Unit(s) public and private groups are to be used only for NZCF purposes.
 6. All “Group Chats” with members of the Unit(s) are to include the Unit Commander or their
    chosen representative.

City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit
                                                                                  No 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
                                                                                         STANDING ORDERS

Weekly Routine Orders
 1. Each week, during the school term, the Unit(s) will email Routine Orders to all current Cadets
    and their parents/caregivers.
 2. The purpose of the Routine Orders is to assist Cadets and their parents/caregivers with
    preparation for upcoming parade nights and activities.
 3. The Routine Orders will be sent out at 2100hrs each Sunday night prior to the Wednesday
    parade night.
 4. The Routine Orders will contain the following:
        a. Duty personnel:
               i. Duty officer
               ii. Duty NCOs
              iii. Duty Section
              iv. Ensign
              v. Dress
        b. Group headings:
               i. Admin
               ii. Stores
              iii. Training
                      1. Instructors
              iv. NCOs
              v. Command
              vi. USC
 5. Each item will be clearly laid out, for example:
        a. C. TRAINING
           1. Instructors 01FEB18 – FGOFF Black, LT White, SGT Greene, UO Blue
           2. Ex Skyhawk 10-12FEB
           JIs with cost, location, kit list etc can be found in the Unit Google Drive here
           3. Shooting 18FEB
           Warning Order can be found in the Unit google drive here
           Permission form due NLT 1830hrs 01FEB.
 6. If there is nothing to go under a group heading, it will be clearly indicated, for example:
        a. D. STORES
           1. NIL
 7. Submissions for content to fill the routine orders must be sent to the Unit Commander NLT
    1900hrs on Sunday evening.

City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit
                                                                           No 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
                                                                                  STANDING ORDERS
 8. Once the Routine Orders have been sent, a link to view them in a web browser will be posted
    in the Unit(s) Facebook group(s) for Cadets and parents/caregivers.
 9. Any alterations to the format will only be done with express permission from the Unit

Warning Orders
 1. The Unit(s) use Warning Orders (WNGO) to notify Cadets and their parents/caregivers of
    upcoming activities.
 2. The purpose of a Warning Order is to outline the basic details and actions required of Cadets
    and parents/caregivers in the lead up to an activity.
 3. The format of a Warning Order is as follows:
       a. Letterhead
       b. Title
       c. Situation
       d. Aim
       e. Details
                  i. Date
               ii. Location
               iii. Cost
       f.   Permission
       g. Point of Contact
       h. Basic signature block
 4. A Warning Order will be no longer than two pages.
 5. An example can be found in Annex B.

City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit
                                                                               No 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
                                                                                      STANDING ORDERS

Joining Instructions
  1. The Unit(s) uses Joining Instructions (JIs) to fully inform Cadets attending an activity and their
     parents/caregivers of all the information required prior to attending.
  2. The purpose of Joining Instructions is to have a single point of reference for Cadets and their
     parents/caregivers with all information regarding a specific activity.
  3. Joining Instructions will be available to those who have handed in permission forms.
  4. The format of a Joining Instruction is as follows:
         a. Unit Letterhead
         b. Date
         c. Title
         d. References:
                    i. Warning Order
                 ii. Any other reference mentioned in the Joining Instructions – usually a CFO or Unit
                     Standing Orders.
         e. Introduction
         f.   Aim
                    i. of the instruction
                 ii. of the activity
         g. Details
                    i. Timings and Date
                          1. Includes drop off and pick up
                 ii. Location
                 iii. Cost
         h. Clothing and Equipment
                    i. Dress for activity
                 ii. Kit list found in Annex X
         i.   Emergency contact details
         j.   Basic signature block
         k. Annexes

City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit
                                                                                No 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
                                                                                       STANDING ORDERS
         l.   Other headings, as relevant:
                  i. Activity preparation, prior training or revision required
                 ii. Food
                 iii. Discipline
                iv. Grooming
                 v. Cellphones
                vi. Transport
                vii. Financial
                viii. Accommodation
  5. An example can be found in Annex C.

Internal Forms
  1. The Unit(s) will use numbered Unit Internal Forms (UIF)
      a. E.g. UIF01 Induction & Release Form

Induction and Release Procedure
  1. Following the New Recruit four-week trial period, the following process will take place:
     a. Joining pack issued for parent/caregiver to fill out and return, with required fee payment.
        Upon receipt of fees, the first section of a UIF01 is to be followed and completed.
     b. At the time of release from the Unit(s), the second part of a UIF01 is to be followed and
     c. Fees will continue to be invoiced until all uniform and equipment is returned and all
        outstanding fees paid.
     d. All uniform or equipment returns are to be dropped to the Unit building, dry-cleaned, and
        on the Unit(s) parade night unless other arrangements have been made with the Unit

City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit
                                                                              No 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
                                                                                     STANDING ORDERS

Dietary Requirements
 1. From time to time, the Unit(s) may choose to cater for a Unit activity.
 2. The Unit(s) are not able to cater for every dietary requirement, thus:
         a. meat choices will be meat or vegetarian
         b. gluten intolerance can be catered for but not coeliac disease
         c. dairy intolerance can be catered for with soy or nut milk.
  3. Any further dietary issues will require the person concerned to fully self-cater.
  4. If a Cadet has any dietary requirements, they are required to inform a member of the activity
     staff at the earliest possible instance.

Personal Clothing and Equipment
 1. The Unit(s) accepts no responsibility for damage to, or loss of, personal items during any
    training activities or events.
  2. In the event of loss or damage to an item owned by the Unit(s), NZDF or another agency that
     a Cadet has signed for, an invoice for a replacement, repair, or to cover insurance excess
     may be sent to the parents/caregiver.

NZDF Property
 1. It is an offence for Unit Personnel to have in their possession any NZDF/Government equipment
    whether serviceable or not, other than that which has been issued in the correct manner.
 2. NZDF/Government equipment is not to be removed from its normal position without proper
 3. On discharge from the Unit(s), personnel are to return all articles of clothing and equipment in
    their possession.
  4. Unit personnel are to report promptly to the Stores Officer if any cases of loss or damage to
     Service equipment or private property. Failure to do so, irrespective of cause, may involve
     personal or collective payment.

Equal Opportunities
 1. All individuals, regardless of their position within the NZCF, have a right to be treated fairly and
    to be given equal opportunity to progress within the NZCF and to the activities and resources
    of the NZCF. That is, an environment free of inequality and discrimination.
  2. For further information, the NZCF 164 EEO and AHA Manual should be consulted.

City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit
                                                                             No 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
                                                                                    STANDING ORDERS

  1. Notwithstanding the normal Chain of Command, any person believing they have a legitimate
     complaint may approach any Unit Officer, including the Unit Commander, to have their
     complaint heard and action taken if warranted.
  2. For further information, CFO 0, Chapter 3 should be consulted.

  1. Compliments are to be paid at all times when due.
  2. Cadets are to salute all Officers on sight and they are to refer to them by their rank or by
     calling them Sir or Ma’am, regardless of whether the Officer is wearing a headdress or not.
  3. If a Cadet is without headdress and therefore unable to salute, they are to come to attention
     and acknowledge the Officer by calling them Sir or Ma’am, regardless of whether the Officer
     is wearing a headdress or not.
  4. Cadets are to refer to NCOs using their rank at all times.
  5. NCOs are to refer to everyone by their rank, or in the case of Officers and Under Officers, Sir or
  6. Officer Cadets and Supplementary Staff members are not entitled to receive salutes.
  7. Officer Cadets and ATC Warrant Officers will be addressed as Sir or Ma’am by all ranks lower
     than them, and by their title or rank by Officers/Officer Cadets.
  8. Officers are to return salutes or other compliments by saluting or standing to attention if they
     are without headdress or by sitting to attention while seated without headdress.
  9. All civilian instructors or Supplementary Staff members are to be addressed as Sir or Ma’am by
     Cadets, and by their title by all Officer Cadets and Officers.

  1. Discipline is, in the first instance, a personal responsibility.
  2. The Service style of discipline is used in the Unit and the wider NZCF so that it can operate as a
     well-run organisation.
  3. Breaches of discipline will be dealt with in accordance with the Cadet Forces Orders and
     Code of Conduct.
  4. It is therefore a requirement that all NCOs, Unit Officers and Officer Cadets are to observe the
     NZCF Code of Conduct and become familiar with the policies and procedures as they are
     laid out.

City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit
                                                                           No 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
                                                                                  STANDING ORDERS

Interview/Meeting with Cadet Unit Commander
 1. The Unit Commander will receive Cadets for interviews or meetings as necessary.
 2. All requests for interviews/meetings are to be made through the Unit Admin Officer in the first

Out of Bounds Areas
 1. The following areas are out of bounds to Cadets at all times unless authorised.
    a. All staff offices unless on business or in the company of an approved NCO or Officer.
    b. Stores unless required, with permission from an Officer.
    c. Outside of the immediate area of the complex during parade hours unless you have
       permission from an Officer, or are required outside for a lesson.

Wearing of Headdresses
 1. Headdresses (Berets, J-Hats, FS Caps, SD Hats and baseball caps) are not to be worn inside the
    premises except for the following areas unless ordered otherwise:
       a. The Unit Commander’s Office.
       b. The internal parade ground, when being used as a parade ground.
 2. All Cadets are to ensure that they wear their headdress at all times when in uniform outside
    the physical building.
 3. Whilst wearing DPM trousers, Combat boots and a t-shirt (i.e. “Battle PT Kit) no headdress, other
    than baseball caps, may be worn.

City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit
                                                                             No 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
                                                                                    STANDING ORDERS

Dress and Bearing
 1. At all times whilst in the uniform of the NZCF, or attending any NZCF activity, all personnel will
    comply with the dress regulations.
 2. Cadets are to remember at all times that the NZCF and NZDF will be judged by the individual
    behaviour and bearing of its members when in public.
 3. Service uniform is to be worn on official occasions only. No individual items of uniform are to
    be worn at any time without the express permission of the CUCDR. If this occurs, the individual
    is liable for immediate dismissal from the Unit without any recourse.
 4. All Cadets are to wear the correct and appropriate insignia and badges of rank.
 5. Any Cadet who attends an NZCF activity that would normally require the wearing of uniform,
    but is unable to and has contacted the Unit Commander, will wear either their school uniform
    or comply with the Supplementary Staff standards.
 6. All Supplementary Staff members will comply with the following standards:

     Male:             Dress Trousers     To be ironed, jeans are not acceptable.
                       Collared Shirt     To be ironed to the same standards required for
                                           the service uniform shirt.
                       Dress Shoes        Clean

     Female:           Skirt, or          To be ironed, length to be at mid-knee or longer.
                       Dress Trousers     To be ironed, jeans are not acceptable.
                       Blouse / Shirt     To be ironed to the same standards required for
                                           the service uniform shirt.
                       Dress Shoes        Clean
                       Hair               Must be worn in a low bun or low tight plait.

City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit
                                                                               No 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
                                                                                      STANDING ORDERS

  1. All members of the Unit(s) are to be neat, clean, and smartly dressed at all times.
  2. Uniforms are to be washed after each wearing to prevent a build-up of dirt and sweat.
  3. The following regulations apply:
     a. No irregular patterns, partially shaven heads, mullets, mohawks, undercuts, rats tails or
        emblems are to be sculptured into hair. If artificially coloured, hair is to remain natural in
        appearance. To be read in conjunction with paras 3 and 6.
     Cosmetics / Make-Up
     b. Facial cosmetics/make-up may be used in moderation, as appropriate with the dress of
        the day.
     Nail polish
     c. Only clear, neutral or shades of light to mid-pink coloured nail polish may be worn when in
        uniform. When Dress 3 or No. 8 FSD is worn on exercise or operations, only clear, colourless
        polish may be worn.
  4. All male personnel are to be cleanly shaven at all times when in uniform or on an NZCF
     activity, including in the field.
  5. Providing that hair is neatly kept, the acceptability of a style is to depend only on the following
     a. Hair is to be kept cut to a moderate length all over the head. Hair is not to touch the collar
        line. The hair on the back of the head is not to be finished with stepped or squared edges.
     b. The face (including the chin and throat) is to be cleanly shaven from a line no lower than
        the bottom of the ear canal down to the shirt collar.
  6. The following regulations apply to female hair standards when in uniform. Providing that hair is
     neatly kept, the acceptability of a style is to depend only on the following criteria:
     a. Hair is to be kept away from the face and is to be secured firmly and tidily, with no “fly-
        aways”. Fringes are to be neatly trimmed and not obscure the eyes. Hair is not to show on
        the face or forehead under the headdress.
     b. Hair Accessories:
            i.   When hair accessories (bobby pins, clips, hair ties, bun nets, etc) are used they are to
                 be of a plain design and of a similar colour to the hair of the individual; and
          ii.    Hair ornaments (e.g. ribbons and headbands) are not to be worn.
     c. Hair colouring is to look natural.

City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit
                                                                             No 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
                                                                                    STANDING ORDERS
Short Hair
d. Short hair is defined as hair that does not fall below the lower edge of the collar, at the
   back of the uniform, when the hair is loose.
e. Females with short hair are to wear styles which may include wearing it loose provided it
   does not touch the collar and the style meets the requirements of paras 1-2.
      i.    If short hair can be put into a bun, regardless of length, it will be.
Long Hair
f.    Long hair is defined as hair that extends beyond the lower edge of the collar on the back
      of the uniform when the hair is loose.
      i.    Subject to para (3) below, female Cadets may wear their hair in a single plait that
            extends below the collar when in working dress (as that dress is defined by the Unit
            Commander), PT kit, Field Dress.
     ii.    Female Cadets may wear their hair in a double French plait that extends below the
            collar when in Field Dress, in the field, with permission from the Unit Commander.
     iii.   Female Cadets, with long hair, are to ensure their hair is securely fastened above the
            collar in the form of a bun or braided bun, with a bun net, in the following
            (1) When health and safety, hygiene requirements, or specific legislation dictates
                (e.g. when working in a kitchen or around machinery);
            (2) When on parade; or
            (3) When ordered by the Unit Commander.

City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit
                                                                           No 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
                                                                                  STANDING ORDERS

 1. Unless otherwise specified these orders apply to both male and female personnel.
 2. The Unit Commander may order that jewellery or accessories otherwise permitted under
    orders not be worn where doing if it would create a health and safety risk to the individual.
 3. Jewellery and accessories are not to be worn with uniform, except that:
    a. A wedding, engagement, eternity and signet ring may be worn with uniform. Rings may
       be worn on a maximum of two fingers.
    b. Female Cadets may wear one pair of stud-type earrings, (i.e. one stud in each earlobe)
       when in uniform. Studs are to be plain gold or silver only colour to a maximum of 5 mm
 4. No visible form of body piercing other than described at para 3.b is to be worn whilst in
 5. Wristwatches are to be worn with uniform, however, their removal may be ordered for
 6. Wristwatches must be plain in colour; black, brown, silver or gold. Any other colour/pattern
    may only be worn with the permission of the Unit Commander.
 7. Pens, pencils, etc. are not to be visible when on parade.
 8. Bracelets, other than medical bracelets / anklets, are not to be worn whilst in uniform.
 9. Notwithstanding the above, jewellery, carvings and similar items worn in respect of religious,
    spiritual, or cultural practices may be worn under uniforms as long as it is not visible.
 10. An exception for such items to be worn visibly may, however, be granted by the Unit
     Commander for cultural or ceremonial occasions.

City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit
                                                                                No 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
                                                                                       STANDING ORDERS

NZCC Uniforms
Dress 1C, Informal

   1. Dress 1C, Informal is only to be worn as ordered by the Unit Commander.
   2. Only items issued by CLHCU are to be worn, or alternative approved by current Unit
   3. It is to be worn as followed:
      a. Black parade shoes - highly polished and clean
      b. Trousers – sharp creases down the front and back, from belt to cuff, no other creases.
         Altered so the back of the cuff touches the top of the sole of the shoe.
      c. Socks – black or khaki green, long enough so no skin shows when seated.
      d. Long sleeve shirt – creases from the epaulette to the sleeve cuff, collar ironed, no other
         creases, all buttons done up.
      e. Jersey (if ordered) – cords tied in a reef knot, no creases.
      f.   Tie – tied in a double Windsor knot.
      g. Corps Belt – buckle worn in line with shirt buttons and trouser zip.
      h.   Rank Slides
      i.   Brassard – all correct badges sewn in correct places, worn on right sleeve on shirt and
      j.   Name badge – when issued, must be worn in line and centre on right pocket
      k.   Headdress – Beret or wide-brim hat as ordered by Unit Commander
   4. Any other civilian items worn with Dress 1C on the way to or from the unit activities (scarves,
      gloves, jackets etc) will be black, with no or very little printing on them.
   5. An example of Dress 1C can be found in Annex D.

City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit
                                                                                No 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
                                                                                       STANDING ORDERS
Dress 1D, Casual

   1. Dress 1D, Casual is only to be worn as ordered by the Unit Commander.
   2. Only items issued by CLHCU are to be worn or alternative approved by current Unit
   3. It is to be worn as followed:
      a. Black parade shoes - highly polished and clean
      b. Trousers – sharp creases down the front and back, from belt to cuff, no other creases.
         Altered so the back of the cuff touches the top of the sole of the shoe.
      c. Socks – black or khaki green, long enough so no skin shows when seated.
      d. Short sleeve shirt – creases from the epaulette to the sleeve cuff, collar ironed, no other
         creases, all buttons, except top button, done up.
      e. Jersey (if ordered) – cord tied in a reef knot, no creases, top button on shirt is done up if
         jersey is worn, jersey covers top button.
      f.   Corps Belt – buckle worn in line with shirt buttons and trouser zip.
      g. Rank Slides
      h.   Brassard – all badges sewn in correct places, worn on right sleeve on shirt and jersey.
      i.   Name badge – when issued, must be worn in line and centre on right pocket
      j.   Headdress – Beret or wide-brim hat as ordered by Unit Commander
   4. Any other civilian items worn with Dress 1D on the way to or from the unit activities (scarves,
      gloves, jackets etc) will be black, with no or very little printing on them.
   5. An example of Dress 1D can be found in Annex E.

City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit
                                                                               No 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
                                                                                      STANDING ORDERS
Dress 3, Field and Fatigue

   1. Dress 3, referred to as “DPMs”, is only to be worn as ordered by the Unit Commander.
   2. Only the New Zealand pattern, issued by the Unit(s) is to be worn, or alternative approved by
      current Unit Commander.
   3. When on a regimental activity, it is to be worn as followed:
      a. Black combat boots – polished and clean
           i. Alternatively, clean and plain coloured tramping boots may be worn with the
              permission of the Unit Commander.
      b. DPM Pants – ironed, worn bloused with gators, never tucked into boots
      c. Black, brown or other approved t-shirt – crew neck or alternative approved by Unit
         Commander, tucked into pants
      d. DPM Shirt – ironed with collar flat, sleeves down OR folded and ironed up (not rolled) as
         ordered by the Unit Commander, not tucked in
      e. Web Belt – buckle is worn to the front. Corps belt is not to be worn.
      f.   Rank Slides
      g. Headdress – Beret, J-Hat or NZCC baseball cap as ordered by Unit Commander
      h.   Females' hair will be in a single, tight plait down the back of the head or a bun (as ordered
           by the Unit Commander) both at the nape of the neck. Males as per usual.
   4. When in the field, it is to be worn as followed:
      a. Black combat boots – polished and clean
           i. Alternatively, clean and plain coloured tramping boots may be worn with the
              permission of the Unit Commander.
      b. DPM Pants – ironed, worn bloused with gators (trouser ties), never to be tucked into boots
      c. Black, brown or other approved t-shirt – crew neck or alternative approved by Unit
         Commander, tucked into pants
      d. DPM Shirt – ironed with collar flat, sleeves down, no creases, not tucked in.
      e. Rank Slides – unless ordered otherwise by Unit Commander
      f.   Headdress –J-Hat or NZCC baseball cap, as ordered by the Unit Commander. Berets will
           not be worn or taken into the field.
      g. Females’ hair will be in double plaits or a single, tight plait, down the back of the head, as
         ordered by the Unit Commander. Males as per usual.
   5. Smocks and Smock Liners are to be worn when cold, no jerseys will be worn with Dress 3. Liners
      my only be worn under a smock, not by themselves.
   6. Any other civilian items worn with Dress 3 (scarves, gloves, jerseys, jackets etc) will be black or
      khaki green, with no or very little printing on them.
   7. An example of Dress 3 can be found in Annex F.

City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit
                                                                                No 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
                                                                                       STANDING ORDERS

ATC Uniforms
No. 4 Special Dress (SD) Uniform

   1. No 4 SD is only to be worn as ordered by the Unit Commander.
   2. Only items issued by No. 2 Squadron are to be worn, or alternative approved by current Unit
   3. It is to be worn as followed:
      a. Black parade shoes - highly polished and clean
      b. Trousers – sharp creases down the front and back, from belt to cuff, no other creases.
         Altered so the back of the cuff touches the top of the sole of the shoe.
      c. Socks – black or dark blue, long enough so no skin shows when seated.
      a. Skirt (optional) - no creases, altered so it sits at mid-knee when standing and touches the
         ground when kneeling.
      d. Pantyhose (worn with skirt) – must be “A/Black” or “Almost Black” in colour, 15 or 20 denier.
      e. Long sleeve shirt – creases from the epaulette to the sleeve cuff, collar ironed, no other
         creases, all buttons done up.
      f.   Jersey (if ordered) – sharp creases from epaulette to cuff, sleeve cuffs folded up, no other
      g. Tie – tied in a double Windsor knot.
      h.   Belt (worn with trousers) – buckle worn in line with shirt buttons and trouser zip, end two
           finger widths from the buckle.
      i.   Rank Slides
      j.   Brassard – all correct badges sewn in correct places, worn on right sleeve on shirt and
      k.   Name badge – when issued, must be worn in line and centre on right pocket (males), in
           between 2nd and 3rd button (females).
      l.   Headdress – FS Cap or wide-brim hat as ordered by Unit Commander
   4. Any other civilian items worn with No 4 SD on the way to or from the unit activities (scarves,
      gloves, jackets etc) will be black, with no or very little printing on them.
   5. An example of No 4 SD can be found in Annex G.

City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit
                                                                                No 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
                                                                                       STANDING ORDERS
No. 5 or No. 6 General Purpose (GP) Uniform

   1. No 5 or 6 GP is only to be worn as ordered by the Unit Commander.
   2. Only items issued by No. 2 Squadron are to be worn, or alternative approved by current Unit
   3. It is to be worn as followed:
      a. Black parade shoes - highly polished and clean
      b. Trousers – sharp creases down the front and back, from belt to cuff, no other creases.
         Altered so the back of the cuff touches the top of the sole of the shoe.
      c. Socks – black or dark blue, long enough so no skin shows when seated.
      d. Skirt (optional) - no creases, altered so it sits at mid-knee when standing and touches the
         ground when kneeling.
      e. Pantyhose (worn with skirt) – must be “A/black” or “Almost black” in colour, 15 or 20
      f.   Short sleeve shirt (No 6) – creases from the epaulette to the sleeve cuff, collar ironed, no
           other creases, all buttons except top button done up.
      g. Long sleeve shirt (No 5) – creases from the epaulette to the sleeve cuff, collar ironed, no
         other creases, all buttons except top button done up.
      h.   Jersey (if ordered) – sharp creases from epaulette to cuff, sleeve cuffs folded up, no other
      i.   Belt (worn with trousers) – buckle worn in line with shirt buttons and trouser zip, end two
           finger widths from the buckle.
      j.   Rank Slides
      k.   Brassard – all badges sewn in correct places, worn on right sleeve on shirt and jersey.
      l.   Name badge – when issued, must be worn in line and centre on right pocket (males), in
           between 2nd and 3rd button (females).
      m. Headdress – FS Cap or wide-brim hat as ordered by Unit Commander
   4. Any other civilian items worn with No 6 or 5 GP on the way to or from the unit activities
      (scarves, gloves, jackets etc) will be black, with no or very little printing on them.
   5. Examples of No 5 and No 6 GP can be found in Annex H.

City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit
                                                                                No 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
                                                                                       STANDING ORDERS
No 8 or 8a Field Service Dress (FSD) Uniform

   1. No 8 FSD, referred to as “DPMs”, is only to be worn as ordered by the Unit Commander.
   2. Only the New Zealand pattern, issued by the Unit(s) is to be worn, or alternative approved by
      current Unit Commander.
   3. When on a regimental activity, the dress is No 8 FSD. It is to be worn as followed:
      a. Black combat boots – polished and clean
                  i. Alternatively, clean and plain coloured tramping boots may be worn with the
                     permission of the Unit Commander.
      b. DPM Pants – ironed, worn bloused with gators, never tucked into boots
      c. Black or navy-blue t-shirt – crew neck or alternative approved by Unit Commander,
         tucked into pants
      d. DPM Shirt – ironed with collar flat, sleeves down OR folded and ironed up (not rolled) as
         ordered by the Unit Commander
      e. Rank Slides
      f.   Headdress – FS Cap, ATC baseball cap as ordered by Unit Commander
      g. Females' hair will be in a single, tight plait down the back of the head or a bun (as ordered
         by the Unit Commander) both at the nape of the neck. Males as per usual.
   4. When in the field, the dress is No. 8a FSD. It is to be worn as followed:
      a. Black combat boots – polished and clean
                  i. Alternatively, clean and plain coloured tramping boots may be worn with the
                     permission of the Unit Commander.
      b. DPM Pants – ironed, worn bloused with gators (trouser ties), never to be tucked into boots
      c. Black or navy-blue t-shirt – crew neck or alternative approved by Unit Commander,
         tucked into pants
      d. DPM Shirt – ironed with collar flat, sleeves down, no creases
      e. Rank Slides – unless ordered otherwise by Unit Commander
      f.   Headdress – ATC Baseball cap, JHat or alternative approved by Unit Commander
      g. Females’ hair will be in double plaits or a single, tight plait, down the back of the head, as
         ordered by the Unit Commander. Males as per usual.
   5. Any other civilian items worn with DPMs (scarves, gloves, jerseys, jackets etc) will be black or
      khaki green, with no or very little printing on them.
   6. An example of No 8 FSD can be found in Annex I.

City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit
                                                                               No 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
                                                                                      STANDING ORDERS

Physical Training (PT) Kit – ATC & NZCC
  1. PT Kit is only to be worn as ordered by the Unit Commander.
  2. Only items approved by the Unit Commander may be worn.
  3. It is to be worn as followed:
         a. Plain black or Unit T-Shirt
         b. Black Shorts or black running leggings
         c. Black sports socks
         d. Running shoes
         e. ATC baseball cap or NZCC Baseball cap as ordered
         f.   Smock liner
  4. Any other civilian items worn with PT Kit on the way to or from the unit activities (scarves,
     gloves, jackets etc) will be black, with no or very little printing on them.
  5. An example of PT Kit can be found in Annex J.

Fancy Dress
  1. Items of uniform both current and obsolete are not to be worn as fancy-dress costume.

  1. While in uniform, members of the Unit(s) are to pay particular attention to their personal
  2. They are not to slouch, lean against objects, or have their hands in their pockets.
  3. While in uniform they are not to eat or drink other than in places reserved for these purposes.

City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit
                                                                                    No 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
                                                                                           STANDING ORDERS

Introduction to Unit Premises
  1. This order applies to all visitors.
  2. Visitors are to be fully briefed on the following items:
     a. Fire Orders, what their responsibilities and actions are to be in the event of a fire.
     b. The layout of the Unit and the location of such things as emergency exits, toilets etc.
     c. Key appointments within the Unit.
     d. Dress Standards within the Unit.
     e. Compliments, Discipline and methods of address while at an NZCF activity.
     f.   Any other items that may be pertinent to the situation.
  3. The person responsible for briefing these personnel will be in the majority of cases the Duty
     Officer; however, if it is a visiting instructor then it is the responsibility of the Training Officer.

  1. A key factor in the training provided by the Unit(s) is the attendance by the Cadets and staff.
  2. All members of the Unit(s) are to:
          a. Attend 70% of all parade nights
          b. Attend 70% of all compulsory activities (for instance, Anzac Day parades)
          c. Attend 50% of all optional activities
  3. Their attendance and commitment will play a role when Cadets are being considered for
  4. Personnel who do not meet this requirement will be required to have a meeting with the Unit
     Commander to discuss their future with their Unit.

  1. With an automatic discharge, a letter and /or email will be sent to the parent(s)/guardian(s)
     outlining the reasons for the discharge, and where there is Unit Stores and/or Equipment still
     outstanding, a proposed arrangement for having it returned to the Unit forthwith.

City of Lower Hutt Cadet Unit
                                                                              No 2 (Hutt City) Squadron
                                                                                     STANDING ORDERS

Leave of Absence
   1. Cadets who wish to obtain a Leave of Absence from Parades and activities must fill in the
      “leave request” form on the Unit website prior to 1800hrs or telephone between 1800hrs and
      1820hrs on a Parade Night.
   2. Telephoned requests for a Leave of Absence will be accepted at the Unit, however, the
      telephone is not to be used as a means of obtaining leave for periods of more than one
      parade night.
   3. A Leave of Absence for a weekly parade night will be accepted providing that the Unit is
      contacted prior to 1820hrs on the day of the parade. After 1820hrs a Cadet will be deemed
      as absent even if they do contact the Unit.
   4. If a Cadet is absent for any three (3) weekly parades without having obtained a Leave of
      Absence, they can be automatically discharged from the Unit at the Unit Commander’s
      discretion without discourse.
   5. If a Cadet obtains leave for three (3) consecutive weekly parade nights, the Cadet will be
      required to have a meeting with the Unit Commander to discuss their attendance.
   6. Badges and promotions will only be awarded to Cadets who have attended 70% or more of
      parade nights and compulsory activities, regardless of marks on tests, unless otherwise
      approved by the Unit Commander.
   7. When compulsory Unit activities are planned for Cadets at times other than the normal
      parade night, then the same provisions for leave also apply, in that, personnel must apply for
      a Leave of Absence prior to the activity
   6. Means of requesting leave for nightly parades;
       a. Filling in “Leave Request” form on squadron website -

       b. Phone – 04 568 8541
       c. Mobile: 027 488 4192

Orderly Officer Responsibilities
As Orderly Officer, you are responsible to the Unit Commander to ensure the following duties are
carried out during the normal course of a parade night:
  1.   Be on the premise no later than 1830hrs on parade nights.
  2.   Ensure the issue and return of the Ensign and Roll Books.
  3.   Ensure visitors are taken care of, signed into Visitor’s Book, shown facilities and made aware of
       emergency procedures.
  4.   Make sure that the Duty NCO checklist has been completed to a high standard.
  5.   Remain at the Unit until the last Cadet has been uplifted.
  6.   Answer Unit Phone, record and pass on any messages.
  7.   Ensure that unexplained absentees have been phoned and accounted for.
  8.   Any other tasks as may be required by the Unit Commander.

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