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          Franklin County                               Beach the
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Thursday, August 1, 2019
                                                        aim for
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                Franklin County                                                                                                                          Beach the
                                                                                                                                                         best club 2

 Thursday, August 1, 2019
                                                                                                                                                         aim for
                                                                                                                                                         success 3

New World Pukekohe on its way

Pukekohe is set to get its first
New World supermarket before
the end of the year.
   Owner/operator Tim Wil-
son, a father of three, said the
Paerata      Rd      site    was
progressing according to plan
and on track for a November
opening date.
   ‘‘We have a top notch team
working on the site to finish on
time and deliver a superior
shopping experience for South
Aucklanders,’’ he said.
   The    store,    under     the
Foodstuffs     umbrella,     will      Tim Wilson - owner of New World
employ around 130 workers,             Pukekohe, at the new store’s site.
from in-store butchery, bakery
and seafood experts, to check-
out operators and department           vide an exceptional customer
managers.                              experience.
   Wilson, 32, said the business          ‘‘We’ll deliver this experi-
was currently recruiting for           ence thanks to an extremely
staff – and would welcome              engaged team – with a strong         The New World Pukekohe site on Paerata Rd.
applications from workers who          relationship with the local com-
had a passion for customer ser-        munity.                              kohe, I couldn’t say no,’’ Wilson
vice and the community.                   ‘‘We’ll     employ       local    said. ‘‘It’s an exciting and
   The 2500 sqm store will fea-        residents,      support     local    rewarding challenge.’’
ture approximately 1650 sq m of        suppliers and give back to the          Wilson said he – along with
trading space, and will have           community in meaningful              his wife and the couple’s two-
more than 150 car parks.               ways that will have a signifi-       year-old daughter and twin
   ‘‘Paerata Rd is one of the          cant impact on South Auck-           nine-month-old boys – was
main gateways in and out of            landers’ lives.’’                    looking forward to becoming a
Pukekohe,’’ Wilson said.                  Wilson         started     his    part of the Pukekohe com-
   ‘‘The store is situated in a        Foodstuffs career in 2012 as the     munity.
convenient location that will          owner      of     Four    Square        ‘‘New World Pukekohe is a
have plenty of traffic driving by      Matakana.                            flagship store for Foodstuffs,
both ways, plus ample parking             He then took over owner-          providing a next generation of
and easy access off the main           ship of New World Flaxmere in        grocery shopping experiences.
road.’’                                Hastings in 2016.                       ‘‘We are building this store
   Wilson, originally from                ‘‘Then when the opportunity       around the needs of the com-
Palmerston North, said his             presented itself for me to own       munity, so I can’t wait to show        The New World Pukekohe site - which is now under construction.
vision for the store was to pro-       and open New World Puke-             them their brand new store.’’                                                        PHOTOS: NATALIE POLLEY / STUFF

  Nearly 20 new measles cases in one day
  HANNAH MARTIN                             ESR surveillance shows the                                                                                   measles cases have needed hos-
                                        number of cases in the                                                                                           pitalisation.
  The Auckland region has seen          Counties Manukau DHB area                                                                                            Of the 407 cases across the
  nearly 20 new measles cases in        (south and east Auckland) con-                                                                                   country, 253 (62 per cent) were
  the space of one day.                 tinues to climb, with 35 new                                                                                     not vaccinated.
     Auckland Regional Public           cases in the week ending June                                                                                        A further 106 people were
  Health Service announced on           26.                                                                                                              not sure of their vaccination
  Tuesday there have been 291               Measles is a highly infec-                                                                                   status.
  measles cases in Auckland so          tious and potentially life-                                                                                          The symptoms of measles
  far this year, up from 272 on         threatening viral illness.                                                                                       include a fever, cough, runny
  Monday.                                   It has been most common                                                                                      nose and sore, red eyes.
     A     surveillance       report    this year in those aged 20-29                                                                                        Within a few days a rash
  released by ESR showed there          years, accounting for 108 cases.                                                                                 appears on the face and neck,
  had 54 new measles cases                  This was followed by those                                                                                   before spreading down the rest
  across the country in the week        aged 10-19 (82 cases) and those                                                                                  of the body.
  ending July 26.                       younger than 15 months (78).                                                                                         Anyone born in or after 1969
     Fifty of these were in Auck-           Typically, about one in 10                                                                                   who has not had two
  land alone.                           people with measles will                                                                                         documented doses of the MMR
     Measles has now been con-          require hospital treatment.         There have been nearly 300 measles cases in Auckland so far this year.       (measles, mumps, rubella) vac-
  firmed in 14 of 20 district health        The virus can cause compli-                                                                       SUPPLIED   cine can be vaccinated for free.
  boards, with new cases also in        cations including diarrhoea,                                                                                         For more information, phone
  Waikato, Hawke’s Bay, Capital         pneumonia, seizures and in            Infants under 15 months-old         requiring hospital treatment           Healthline on 0800 611 116 or
  and Coast and Canterbury in           rare cases, swelling on the         were the group hospitalised           for measles.                           visit the ARPHS or Ministry of
  the past week.                        brain.                              most often, with two-thirds (52)         In total, nearly 40 per cent of     Health websites.
2   FRANKLIN COUNTY NEWS, AUGUST 1, 2019                                                                                                                             

YOUR LOCAL NEWS                                                                                         

Sunset Beach is club of the year                                                                                                                                             Your
Sunset Beach Life Saving Club
won the Club of the Year award                                                                                                                                          James Baker
at the Toyota Financial Services                                                                                                                         
Surf Life Saving Northern
Region Awards of Excellence                                                                                                                                   CONTACT US
over the weekend.
    The Port Waikato-based club                                                                                                                               CUSTOMER SERVICE:
claimed the prize for the second                                                                                                                              09 237 0400
time at the annual awards, while
also scooping up the title of Com-                                                                                                                            EDITORIAL:
petition Team of the Year and                                                                                                                                 Natalie Polley, 027 886 3942,
IRB Championships. The club                                                                                                                         ; James
also tied as Best Patrolled Beach                                                                                                                             Baker, 027 2968241,
of the year with Omaha, Orewa,                                                                                                                      
Bethells and Mairangi Bay surf
life saving clubs.                                                                                                                                            ADVERTISING:
    As recipients of the Club of                                                                                                                              Print: Charlotte Durham,
the Year award, the club was                                                                                                                        ,
gifted a Yamaha Viking, a vital                                                                                                                               027 204 2965
tool and utility for effective
                                                                                                                                                              Online: Jodie Snooks,
rescues, to continue the life-
saving work they are doing as a
                                                                                                                                                              027 602 2764
club next season.
    Sunset Beach president and                                                                                                                                CLASSIFIEDS:
life member Malcolm Beattie           Sunset Beach Life Saving Club (SBLSC) won the Club of the Year award at the Toyota Financial Services Surf Life         Call 0800 835 323, general-
said he was extremely proud that      Saving Northern Region Awards of Excellence.                                                                  
his local club had been
                                                                                                                                                              FAMILY NOTICES:
recognised for another excellent      eight years and was the recipient       team. It feels like home to me,’’        efforts this past season,’’ he said.
                                                                                                                                                              Email or
season in lifeguarding, sports        of the Coach of the Year award.         Edwards said.                               ‘‘Sunset Beach had another
                                                                                                                                                              call 0800 287 322
and volunteering.                         This season, Sunset Beach               ‘‘I have a goal to get more of       stellar season and we’re proud to
    ‘‘We’re a small club with a       was the top club at the Northern        the      youth    involved     and       be able to give them praise and
huge passion for the cause and        Region IRB championships for            succeeding in the sport and              recognition as the Yamaha 2019
                                                                                                                                                              MISSED DELIVERY
                                                                                                                                                              Log a missed delivery on the
what we do.                           the seventh consecutive year.           lifeguarding aspects of IRB.’’           Club of the Year.’’
                                                                                                                                                              website: or call
    ‘‘It’s this passion that drives   They were also honoured as top              Surf Life Saving Northern               Other members from Sunset
                                                                                                                                                              0800 339 100.
us to go above and beyond year        club overall at the 90 Mile             Region chief executive Matt Wil-         Beach who were recognised at
after year,’’ he said.                Classics as well as overall             liams said that the Club of the          this year’s awards included
    ‘‘It’s also been a successful     winners of the BP Surf Rescue           Year was allocated to the club           Joanne Hobson - who was
                                                                                                                                                              NZ MEDIA COUNCIL
                                                                                                                                                              This paper adheres to the principles
year for our inflatable rescue        North, South and New Zealand            who proved itself as an all-             awarded Volunteer of the Year.
                                                                                                                                                              of the New Zealand Media Council.
boat (IRB) teams, particularly        Championships – making it their         rounder for the season.                     Hobson managed a large
                                                                                                                                                              To find out more or complain visit
under the lead of our club coach      fourth year as New Zealand IRB              ‘‘As always, all of our clubs        number of volunteer roles
Shane Edwards.’’                      Champions.                              performed extremely well and I           throughout the season within
    Edwards has been an IRB               ‘‘Sunset Beach is closer to a       can’t acknowledge them enough            administration, lifeguarding and
instructor at Sunset Beach for        family than a club or sports            for all their hard work and              event co-ordination.

                                                                                                       Birth to School
                                                                                                    Open 7.30am - 5.30pm
                                                                                                    Follow us on Facebook, check out our
                                                                                                     website or come in for a visit.
                                                                                                     1A & 3 Madill Street, Tuakau
                                                                                                           Infant Spaces Available Now

                                                                                                   AU-8470341AA                                                                                                                             AUGUST 1, 2019, FRANKLIN COUNTY NEWS                            3

Shooting over their health barriers

Two Pukekohe archers have over-
come health barriers to find suc-
cess at the end of a bow.
    Jill Gillette, 46, and Regan
Walters, 17, both won gold during
the NZFAA Bow Hunter National
and Series competition on July 20
and 21.
    Their national success means
the two will travel to South
Dakota, USA, to represent New
Zealand at the World Bow Hunter
Championship on September 9.
    Known as the world cup of field
archery, the competition is the
latest stepping stone in a long list
of accomplishments for the duo.
    But it hasn’t been an easy road
for either, both having overcome                                                                                                                                                            Archers Jill
challenging medical conditions to                                                                                                                                                           Gillette, 46,
get here.                                                                                                                                                                                   and Regan
    For 17-year-old Walters, a weak                                                                                                                                                         Walters, 17, are
                                                                                                                                                                                            aiming high.
spine has caused chronic pain
                                                                                                                                                                                              JAMES BAKER/
since the age of seven. With a risk                                                                                                                                                         STUFF
of paralysis putting conventional
sports off-limits, he turned to arch-
ery as an alternative. There he
found a talent.
    In April, he set a world record
for his first-place score in the
young adult division at the IFAA
World Indoor Championships. And
in June he repeated this perform-
ance, setting three competition            Archery gave her a reason to           She said the duo’s success         monotonous to an outsider she             a compound bow with pin sights.
records in the young adult division     get out of the house and the Frank-    proves archery as a sport for         said the reality couldn’t be further         ‘‘Every pin equates to a dis-
at the IFAA Pacific Region Field        lin County Archers Club became         everyone ‘‘no matter your health’’.   from the truth. ‘‘It really is fasci-     tance, the top pin is 20 yards then
Archery Championships.                  like a second family. ‘‘The people I      ‘‘You should see the guys in       nating.’’                                 30 yards, 40 yards, 50 yards and 60
    For mum-of-one, Gillette, the       shoot with are so supportive. It’s     wheelchairs shoot.’’                     There are many different types         yards.’’
turn to the sport happened 15 years     such a tight-knit community.’’            Today she has over 40 awards       of competitions either outdoor or            During the World Bow Hunter
ago shortly after her husband died         A diagnosis of type one diabetes    that include gold and silver medals   indoor with marked or unmarked            Championship, both archers will
of a brain tumour. ‘‘I was always       made sports tricky in the past,        in both national and trans-Tasman     targets. And not all bows are the         aim to spot and hit unmarked life-
interested and I thought what the       with archery she found she was         competitions.                         same, said Gillette. Walter uses a        like animal targets while walking
hell, I’ll give it a go.’’              able to manage.                           And while the sport might seem     recurve barebow, while she shoots         along a forest path.

                                                                                                                            ANDRÉ RIEU 2019
                                                                                                                            MAASTRICHT CONCERT:           THU, MON, WED 11:00 AM
                                                                                                                            SHALL WE DANCE?
                                                                                                                            (LIMITED ENCORES!) (G)

                                                                                                                            CAMINO SKIES (LAST DAYS!)     THU, FRI, MON, TUE, WED 1:20 PM
                                                                                                                            (PG)                          SUN 1:15 PM

                                                                                                                                                          THU, MON, WED 10:30 AM, 2:45 PM, 5:40 PM, 8:30 PM
                                                                                                                            FAST & FURIOUS PRESENTS:
                                                                                                                                                          FRI, SAT, TUE 12:00 PM, 2:50 PM, 5:40 PM, 8:30 PM
                                                                                                                            HOBBS & SHAW (M)              SUN 12:10 PM, 5:30 PM, 8:20 PM

                                                                                                                                                          SAT 11:00 AM, 3:10 PM
                                                                                                                            HERE COMES THE GRUMP (PG)     SUN 10:00 AM, 3:10 PM

                                                                                                                            ROCKETMAN (LAST DAYS!) (M)    FRI, TUE 10:15 AM

                                                                                                                                                          THU, FRI, SAT, TUE 5:30 PM
                                                                                                                            SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME
                                                                                                                                                          SUN 5:20 PM
                                                                                                                            (M)                           MON, WED 8:00 PM

                                                                                                                                                          THU, MON, WED 10:15 AM, 3:20 PM, 5:50 PM, 8:20 PM
                                                                                                                                                          FRI, TUE 10:45 AM, 3:20 PM, 5:50 PM, 8:20 PM
                                                                                                                            THE LION KING (PG)
                                                                                                                                                          SAT 10:30 AM, 3:20 PM, 5:50 PM, 8:20 PM
                                                                                                                                                          SUN 10:15 AM, 3:00 PM, 6:10 PM, 8:40 PM

                                                                                                                            THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2     FRI, TUE 10:00 AM   SAT 10:00 AM, 1:10 PM
                                                                                                                            (G)                           SUN 11:15 AM

                                                                                                                                                          THU, FRI, MON, TUE, WED 3:15 PM
                                                                                                                            TOY STORY 4 (G)               SAT, SUN 1:00 PM
                     Get connected on
                                                                                                                               THU, FRI, TUE 12:45 PM, 8:10 PM
                                                                                                                            YESTERDAY (M)                 SAT 8:10 PM SUN 8:00 PM
                                                                                                                                                          MON, WED 12:45 PM, 5:30 PM

                                                                                                                                                  THURSDAY 1ST AUGUST TO WEDNESDAY 7TH AUGUST

                                                                                                                                                         Ph. (09) 237 0216
                                                                                                                                                  Show times are subject to change without notice

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4    FRANKLIN COUNTY NEWS, AUGUST 1, 2019                                                                                                                                                

 POLICE                                                                                                               Council illegally stored
                                                                                                                      ammunition with guns
Pukekohe buy-back event                                                                                               BRITTANY KEOGH                                         used gun racks attached to a wall

for prohibited firearms
                                                                                                                                                                             and one used a locked metal cabi-
                                                                                                                      Auckland Council failed to keep a                      net. While that was legal, it was
                                                                                                                      complete register of its weapons,                      not in line with industry best
                                                                                                                      making its arsenal ‘‘impossible’’                      practice, the audit said.
                                                                                                                      to manage, an audit has found.                            Some buildings where the
ACTING SENIOR SERGEANT                                                                                                    It also illegally stored ammu-                     firearms were stored were also
JEREMY STEEDMAN                                                                                                       nition with guns, according to a                       not alarmed or access-controlled.
                                                                                                                      report produced after the Christ-                         Five out of the council’s 62
A firearms collection event for                                                                                       church terrorist attack.                               guns were illegal under the law
buy-back and amnesty is con-                                                                                              Health and safety staff - includ-                  banning a wide range of semi-
tinuing in Counties Manukau                                                                                           ing ex-military service people -                       automatic weapons, which was
South.                                                                                                                completed the audit on the                             passed in the wake of the mosque
   This weekend’s the collec-                                                                                         storage, use and maintenance of                        attacks.
tion event for buy-back and                                                                                           firearms by council departments,                          The audit recommended the
amnesty is on Sunday, August                                                                                          including its animal manage-                           council set up a firearms register
4, 10am – 3pm at the Franklin                                                                                         ment, biosecurity pest control,                        and draft a firearms policy, which
A&P Showgrounds, 58 Station                                                                                           parks and farming operations                           should be managed by a staff
R, Pukekohe. Enter through                                                                                            teams.                                                 member in charge of all aspects of
Gate 2, and the event is in the                                                                                           The audit, which has been                          gun control for the organisation.
Massey Hall.                                                                                                          released under the Official Infor-                        It should also standardise how
   Police     are    supporting                                                                                       mation Act, said the council                           it stored guns and ammunition
firearms owners to hand-in                                                                                            lacked a comprehensive firearms                        and conduct spot checks and reg-
either prohibited firearms or                                                                                         policy and many of the problems                        ular audits of the arsenal, the
firearms under the amnesty at       Police collected 224 firearms and 217 parts at the first buy-back day, in         identified were related to poor                        report said, and all guns needed to
a local collection event as part    Christchurch last month.                                                          record keeping.                                        be inspected by a qualified
of the Arms (Prohibited                                                                                                   Some guns were poorly                              armourer.
Firearms,        Parts       and       ‘‘To speed up the process at          cleared of all ammunition                maintained and there appeared to                          Auckland Council welcomed
Magazines) Amendment Act            events, owners need to com-              ■ Any other non-prohibited fire-         be no records to show the                              the report and its recommenda-
2019.                               plete the online form on the             arm/s or parts you wish to               weapons had been regularly                             tions, a spokesperson said.
   Please note that if you have     Police website prior to coming           hand-in to Police.                       serviced and checked by a quali-                          ‘‘We have already shared the
more than 10 firearms, or your      to the event – including listing         ■ A valuation if you believe             fied external armourer, ‘‘which                        findings with the relevant parts of
firearm can be modified to          each firearm and/or each indi-           your firearm fits the unique             could put the users of the firearms                    the business and have asked each
make it non-prohibited, please      vidual part they are bringing            prohibited criteria                      at risk’’.                                             of those business managers to
don’t come to a collection          along.’’                                 For more information visit                   While ammunition was stored                        report back with a process for
event.                              ■ Please also bring the following or call               appropriately at most council                          implementing the recommenda-
   Instead, complete Police’s       with you:                                0800311311.                              facilities, there were isolated                        tions. We expect to have an update
online notification form at         ■ Your firearms licence (if                                                       incidents where firearms and                           by the end of August.’’                 applicable)                                 * There are also events on            ammunition were stored in the                             The council’s director of cus-
   ‘‘Safety is crucial, so before   ■ Photo identification (drivers          Sunday, August 11 at Papakura            same safe.                                             tomer and community services
coming to an event, owners          licence or passport)                     Rugby Football Club, Papakura                The Arms Regulations 1992                          Ian Maxwell previously said the
must clear firearm/s of all         ■ Your bank account number               from 10am-2pm; and Sunday,               state ammunition and guns must                         five guns that did not comply with
ammunition and put them and         ■ Your online notification refer-        August 18 at the Pukekohe A&P            be stored separately.                                  the new legislation would be dis-
any parts in a safe carry bag,’’    ence number                              Showgrounds, from 10am-2pm.                  Most of the council’s guns were                    posed of according to advice from
NZ Police say.                      ■ All your prohibited parts,                                                      stored in safes, however, two sites                    police, he said.

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               Going on holiday? Put your newspaper on hold.
                               Call         • North Island 0800 339 000                               • South Island 0800 339 100                                                                                                                                  AUGUST 1, 2019, FRANKLIN COUNTY NEWS                              5


  SWIPERS: a new type of thief
DOMINIC POWELL                                                                                                          easier than ever, they feel they’ve                       A female shoplifter said she
                                                                                                                        got complete free rein to steal                       targeted any product that wasn’t
A surge in shoplifting, partly                                                                                          with impunity,’’ Taylor said.                         packaged and didn’t have a fixed
driven by the rise of self-serve                                                                                        ‘‘This is because there’s a                           price, such as bananas and
checkouts, means retailers are                                                                                          perception shoplifting is a                           grapes. ‘‘I’m always switching
now losing more than $3 billion a                                                                                       ‘victimless crime’ because                            one vegetable for another. It’s not
year to light-fingered customers.                                                                                       thieves assume it’s built into the                    a lot but still it’s probably $2-3 on
    A study of more than 9000                                                                                           company’s profit margins.’’                           a $15 run. I learnt that was far
New Zealand and Australian                                                                                                  A male shoplifter quoted in                       less risky,’’ she said.
retailers has revealed the cost of                                                                                      the report said while he                                  Retailers are turning to
theft in-store has now reached a                                                                                        ‘‘definitely felt bad’’ about his                     technology to help tackle
‘‘crisis point’’ for companies as                                                                                       crime, he felt less bad because of                    shoplifting, including increased
shoplifters have become more                                                                                            the retailers’ size.                                  use of radio frequency ID tags
brazen in recent years.                                                                                                     Self-service checkouts have                       and video surveillance.
    Along with classic shoplifting                                                                                      been an increasingly prominent                            Much of this action is being
targets such as cosmetics, meat                                                     In-store crime is costing           fixture in major retailers for the                    taken due to retailers feeling
and baby milk formula, a rise in                                                    retailers billions of dollars a     past decade as companies look to                      support from law enforcement is
violent crime was also recorded,                                                    year, and self-service              cut wage costs, often one of their                    lacking, with just 20 per cent
with reports of ‘‘micro-gangs’’                                                     checkouts are partially to          most significant expenses.                            saying they felt they were
                                                                                    blame.                 FILE IMAGE
rushing stores and                                                                                                          Taylor said this had bred a                       receiving sufficient support to
overwhelming attendants.                                                                                                ‘‘new type’’ of thief: customers                      tackle retail crime.
    The majority of respondents        Reader in Criminology at the               The study was undertaken by           who would usually never                                   ‘‘This was almost always
were large fashion, grocery and        University of London, said              Aptus Research, loss-prevention          entertain the idea of stealing but                    followed immediately by the
department retailers, with             retailers were being hit from all       software company Checkpoint              do so due to the ‘‘psychological                      caveat that police resources are
combined revenue of around             angles when it came to theft, with      and the newly-formed Profit              difference’’ of interacting with a                    overstretched, but there should
$95 billion. For the 2018 financial    criminals going out of their way        Protection Future Forum, a               machine rather than a human.                          be a better relationship between
year, those companies reported         to find ways around loss-               consortium led by loss                       The report labels these as                        law enforcement and retailers,’’
crime-related losses of 0.92 per       prevention methods.                     prevention leads at prominent            SWIPERS, or Seemingly Well-                           Taylor said.
cent of revenue, or $3.37 billion.         ‘‘Every time a retailer             Australian retailers such as             Intentioned Patrons Engaging in
    Just over half (57 per cent)       introduces new technology or a          David Jones, Chemist                     Routine Shoplifting.
was attributed directly to             new system there’s a backlash           Warehouse and JD Sports.                     ‘‘Those we spoke to who stole
shoplifting, with a 22 per cent        from criminals, which is then              Results were compiled from a          from self-service checkouts say it
dishonest employee theft, 15 per       followed by an attempt to               survey of retailers, a survey of         happened accidentally the first
cent non-crime related losses,         discover the system’s                   loss-prevention heads, and a             time, and after that, it became
and 6 per cent supplier fraud.         vulnerabilities,’’ Taylor said.         survey of shoplifters themselves,        easier and easier,’’ she said.                        Join the conversation
    Direct customer theft was          ‘‘Shop theft is an age-old crime,       who Taylor said have become              ‘‘These thieves will use any sorts
                                                                                                                                                                              Either post a comment on our
estimated to have cost the             and where we used to see the            increasingly brazen. Compared            of justification to convince
                                                                                                                                                                              Neighbourly page or send us a
industry A$2.26 billion                occasional items being taken by         with a similar survey in 2015,           themselves what they’re doing
                                                                                                                                                                              letter to the editor. Just go to our
(NZ$2.36 billion) in 2017/18.          customers, we’re now seeing             customer theft was up 18 per             isn’t that bad, such as that it’s a
                                                                                                                                                                              page on Neighbourly, then select
    Dr Emmeline Taylor, the            things like organised gangs, and        cent.                                    form of compensation for them
                                                                                                                                                                              letters under the Contact menu.
report’s lead researcher and           individuals doing refund fraud.’’          ‘‘Thieves feel that it’s become       having to pack their own bag.’’

  Pukekohe Pukekohe High School House                                                                                                                                                   2B 1C 1D
  Fundraiser Auction!                                                                                                              Auction
  Built by 18 talented Level 2 Building students at Pukekohe High School, this little two-bedroom home is to be auctioned and      Saturday 24th August at 3:00pm Onsite (not be sold
  make the journey out the school gates to its new owner & location on Saturday August 24th. At around 50 m² this unique           prior)
  small-home project was overseen by the students teacher, Jim Matchett & local builder Mike Siemelink. The home would be          View Saturday 2:00pm - 2:45pm
  perfect as farm labour accommodation, bach, sleep-out or perhaps as an Air BnB cottage. Funds raised from the sale will go
  towards the upgrading of equipment and machinery in the tech department at Pukekohe High School. The exciting venture
  could not have been completed without the invaluable support of Counties Power, Glenbrook Steel, Franklin Long Run, Mitre        Irene van Wijk
  10, Franklin Law, Safety at Work, Floor Doctor, Top Cut, Albert Van Vliet Architectural, Murray Eveleigh Painters, Mark Rose     M 027 656 6825
  Builders, Furniture Now, Franklin County News & Harcourts Port Realty Ltd.                                             
  Auction 24th August at 3.00pm Onsite (Not to be sold Prior)                                                                      Proudly Supporting Pukekohe High School
                                                                                                                                   Port Realty Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008
6              FRANKLIN COUNTY NEWS, AUGUST 1, 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Rippa rugby success for Pukekohe Hill School students
NATALIE POLLEY                                                                               started practicing twice a week.                                                         win.
                                                                                                 His teammate Sterling Speedy                                                            "We’ve got [players] who have
Team work and communication                                                                  said it was an "emotional" win.                                                          good rugby knowledge and good
has seen Pukekohe Hill School’s                                                                  "We worked as a team and it                                                          speed. We have a really fit team.
rippa rugby team win the                                                                     felt very emotional - we are very                                                        Our strategy was to move the
Counties Manukau rippa rugby                                                                 happy and proud of ourselves."                                                           ball and run it as much as we
regional championship - for the                                                                  Coach Craig Henderson said                                                           could. They all work together
first time.                                                                                  the school had set its sights on a                                                       and we don’t have anyone who is
   The team of 10 year six pupils                                                            win since last year.                                                                     more important than anyone
will now head to Wellington on                                                                   "We lost in regionals last year                                                      else. We all look after each
August 25 for the national tour-                                                             in the final, and we sort of agreed                                                      other."
nament - with flights and accom-                                                             as a team that this year we would                                                           Henderson said the highlight
modation paid for by the New                                                                 win it. So we’ve done that which                                                         came at the end of the game.
Zealand Rugby Union.                                                                         is very pleasing as a coach."                                                               "Parents were crying and
   The competition was held in                                                                   "Hill School has never been to                                                       students were crying - so it just
Pukekohe at the Navigation                                                                   nationals before - so this is a first                                                    showed how much it meant, to
Homes Stadium on the last                                                                    experience for us all. The last                                                          not only the students, but to
Wednesday of term.                                                                           nine years it’s been Roscommon                                                           their parents and family."
   11-year-old player Darren                                                                 School."                                                                                    "So I am very, very proud. I                                                          Pukekohe Hill School rippa rugby team, with coach Craig Henderson, has
Theart said the team was formed                                                                  Henderson said the team had                                                          just want them to have a good                                                            won the Counties Manukau Rippa Rugby Tournament.
in week five of the term and they                                                            utilised its strengths to score the                                                      time and play the best they can."

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Day of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    green for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Teachers, pupils and parents have been
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    asked to wear green on August 9 in support
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    of primary school principals’ fight for a bet-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ter pay deal.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        New Zealand Educational Institute
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    (NZEI) Te Riu Roa principal members voted
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    to stop engaging with the Ministry of Edu-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    cation after rejecting the Government’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    latest pay offer, worth $64 million.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Since July 9, principals have not been
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    communicating with the ministry or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    attending ministry-led work groups,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    taskforces or meetings.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        NZEI has organised a national day of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    support a month on from the principals’
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    boycott, asking supporters to wear green
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and organise ‘‘highly visual activities’’ in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    schools and at the school gates.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The day’s aim is to demonstrate com-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    munity support for primary principals to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    have parity with their secondary
               Serenity Z                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           colleagues.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ‘‘We won this for teachers and now it is
               Extra Firm, Firm, Medium and Plush feels                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             time for the wider school whānau to act col-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    lectively to support principals to achieve
               Employs Sleepyhead’s impressive                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      the same,’’ the Facebook event said.
               state-of-the-art 3-zoned support system.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Achieving pay parity was one of the key
               Alternating zones of ActiveSense two-stage coil                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      successes for primary teachers in the pay
               and NZ made pocket spring technology provides                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        deal they accepted in June.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        But primary principals weren’t
               enhanced and targeted support to your body.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    guaranteed parity. This was because
               Now From                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             secondary principals started negotiating
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    their collective agreement later than their
               $  2,099                               Queen Size
                                                      Mattress & Base
                                                                                                             LOW PARTNER
                                                                                                                                         3 ZONE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    primary colleagues.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Primary principals were instead told
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    pay parity would be addressed as part of an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    accord, which also promised to look at
               Sanctuary Range                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      issues such as workload and wellbeing.
               Made with the highest quality                                                                                                                                  After Dark Range                                                                                                                                          This wasn’t enough for primary
               materials, ensuring total comfort
                                                                                                                                                                              Exclusive to BedsRus, features the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    principals, however, who rejected the offer.
               and a beautiful night’s sleep. With                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      The Ministry of Education has said it
               patented Sensorzone® technology,                                                                                                                               patented Sensorzone® 3D core and
                                                                                                                                                                              a 7-zoned support system for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    remained open to discussing how the offer
               each spring independently responds                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   could be ‘‘repackaged within the existing
               to pressure and movement, so you                                                                                                                               ultimate sleep experience without
                                                                                                                                                                              compromise. Be pampered by                                                                                                                            envelope’’.
               can enjoy a beautiful sleep without
               any disturbance.                                                                                                                                               luxurious comfort layers to ensure                                                                                                                        Speaking when principals rejected the
                                                                                                                                                                              optimal comfort and a beautiful                                                                                                                       offer in June, Ministry of Education sec-
                                                                                                                                                                              night’s sleep. Endorsed by the New                                                                                                                    retary for education Iona Holsted said she
               Was $7,999                                                                                                                                                     Zealand Chiropractors’ Association.                                                                                                                   was ‘‘disappointed’’ principals rejected the
               Now   From                                                                                                                                                     Now From                                                                                                                                              ‘‘substantial offer made to them.’’ ‘‘Pay par-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ity between primary and secondary
               $$  3,999
                  3,999                               Queen
                                                    Queen  SizeSize
                                                    Mattress     & Base
                                                             & Base
                                                                                                                                                                              $   7,799                           Queen Size
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Mattress & Base                                                                                                   principals is a much more complex issue
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    than it is between teachers,’’ she said.

               Beds R Us
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               *Offer valid from 9/7/19 to 12/8/19 or while stocks last. Up to 50% offers applies to selected beds only. Excludes Everyday Dream prices, clearance stock and not to be used in conjunction with any other offer. Prices as marked. See in store for details. We reserve the right to correct errors or misprints.
               30 day Comfort Guarantee Ts and Cs apply. *36 months interest free Ts and Cs. Excludes Every Day Dream Prices, clearance, layby and not to be used in conjunction with any other offer. 36 months of equal interest free instalments with Gem Visa and Gem CreditLine as an instalment plan advance
               (Gem Visa) or a Creditline Select advance (Gem Creditline). Weekly payments are indicative only and the amount payable will be shown on your monthly statement. Minimum purchase $999. Normal credit and lending criteria and fees including $55 Gem Visa establishment fee and annual fee ($52
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    School communities are being encouraged to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    don green to support principals.                                                                                                                           AUGUST 1, 2019, FRANKLIN COUNTY NEWS                    7


Training teachers in class – good or bad?
OPINION: A scheme to get more teachers trained and in front of classes is dividing opinion. On-the-job teacher training may make a career in teaching a
realistic option for people who can’t afford to take a year out to study. But critics say students may suffer if they have to have lessons from trainee teachers still
struggling to get to grips with the job. An MP from each side of the House gives their views.

                                                   However, there appear to be concerns                                                              participants in teaching or in wider
                                               expressed by some who have participated in                                                            education. Achieving this relies on the four
                In the                         the scheme. To get some insight into this, I                          In the                          key success elements of the programme
                red                            had a chat with my friend and fellow first-
                                               term Labour MP, Jan Tinetti.
                                                                                                                     blue                            being adhered to: Rigorous candidate
                                                                                                                                                     selection, programme responsiveness,
                corner                             Jan is a list MP based in Tauranga and as                         corner                          effective support and mentoring and
                                               the former principal of Merivale School, she                                                          immersion in the classroom.
                                                                                                     Stuart Smith
 Priyanca Radhakrishnan                        has first-hand experience teaching and                Kaikoura MP, National                               This means attracting and selecting high
 List MP, Labour                               working with teachers. To say Jan is                                                                  calibre applicants for the programme, who
                                               passionate about teaching – and the                                                                   have the capability to become effective

O                                                                                                   E
           ur children deserve an excellent    education system more broadly – is putting                    xpanding employment-based               beginning teachers and leaders,
           education – but we can’t get that   it mildly. Her eyes light up when she talks                   teacher training opportunities is       particularly in schools in low socio-
           unless we address the teacher       about anything teaching-related and she still                 promising, but must be designed         economic communities.
           shortage.                           refers to the children who attend Merivale                    carefully to be effective and to make       What I particularly like is that this
    The coalition government recently          School as ‘‘her kids’’.                              a real difference to our teacher supply          method of training provides a more
funded hundreds of new places for a new            Jan speaks very highly of this scheme.           issues. That means ensuring schools have         accessible route to a career in teaching for
employment-based teacher training              She tells me it’s an equitable scheme                the support they need for all trainees           people who cannot afford to take long
programme and expanded the existing            because it’s getting some excellent teachers         because, while these trainees can be used to     periods out of paid employment to study.
Teach First NZ programme, which enables        into low decile secondary schools.                   supplement qualified teaching staff, they            I think offering this as a solution to
teachers to earn while they work towards           She’s also very supportive of the fact they      should not be seen as a replacement.             people who have previously worked in
their teacher professions. On-the-job          spend 60 per cent of their time teaching, 40            But is it the silver bullet to our national   other areas but wish to retrain in education
training is a great option for university      per cent of it working towards a masters             teacher crisis, as has been suggested?           will attract some very worthy, motivated
graduates and those who want a career          degree, and they have a high level of support           I would hesitate to go that far. We           and ultimately valuable individuals to
change.                                        throughout – even more support than those            already have on-the-job teacher training,        teach our future generations.
    Most importantly, it’s working. Under      who have finished a teaching qualification           Teach First NZ, which was formed in 2015             Importantly, we urgently need a way to
National, the number of Kiwis enrolling in     and then start working.                              and which National invested in to alleviate      attract more future teachers to support our
initial teacher education plummeted by             She says the support they receive                teacher supply issues and provide more           existing ones, but also provide incentive for
around 40 per cent. Since 2017, the number     through mentorship and the fact that they            practical based training, which is needed.       those who have left the profession to return.
of teachers has increased by more than 1000.   are being paid while training contribute to             As part of a $20 million boost to various         The Ministry of Education’s data
    Those in the sector largely seem to be     the success of this programme. She also tells        initiatives to improve teacher supply, we        indicates thousands of extra teachers will
supportive of this programme. For example,     me that the programme has a high retention           boosted the number of TeachNZ                    be needed over the next five years, and the
Deirdre Shea – principal of Onehunga High      rate, which is definitely a good thing.              scholarships, so more teachers would enter       Government’s existing plans will fall short
School and president of the Secondary              However, one size rarely fits all. As such,      the classroom.                                   of providing this. Urgent steps need to be
Principals’ Association NZ – has said it       we must continue offering people who are                But to successfully expand further, an        taken to increase the number of people in
made sense to have a variety of routes into    interested in teaching a range of pathways           on-the-job teacher training programme            teacher training and, while perhaps not
teaching, because teachers and young           to become teachers in different                      must be responsive and cohesive, work in         that elusive silver bullet, this is a positive
people are all different.                      circumstances.                                       partnership with schools and retain              move worth pursuing.

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8     FRANKLIN COUNTY NEWS, AUGUST 1, 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                          

                                  Good Immunity Health starts with Good Gut Health:
             Lifestream                                                                                     Lifestream                                                                                     Vita Biosa is a certified organic
     ALOE VERA Inner Leave Juice                                                                       ADVANCED PROBIOTICS                                                                              ready-to-drink probiotic herbal tonic
           with Turmeric                                                                   Today’s lifestyle of stress and poor nutrition                                                               Combining the beneficial effects
                                                                                           can severely compromise the natural balance                                                                  of probiotic bacteria and herbs
    Lifestream Biogenic       ®

    Aloe Vera with Turmeric                                                                of essential microflora in the gut. Topping up                                                               is advantageous in many ways.
    combines Aloe Vera                                                                     these bacteria is a natural way to support                                                                   In the final fermented product,
    sourced from 100% pure                                                                 optimum health and wellbeing by helping                                                                      the valuable substances of the
    ‘inner leaf’ gel with                                                                  to keep your digestive and immune systems                                                                    herbs are conserved, and at the
    HydroCurc®, a water                                                                    functioning at their best, and supporting skin                                                               same time, the herbal extracts
    dispersible form of                                                                                                                                                                                 have a beneficial effect on the
                                                                                           health from the inside out.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        metabolism of the probiotic
    turmeric, to provide an
                                                                                           The expertly designed, award winning                                                                         bacteria, which multiply and
    extra strength digestive                                                                                                                                                                                                                    30ml a day keeps the bloating away
                                                                                           formula in Lifestream Advanced                                                                               produce vital organic acids.
                                                                                           Probiotics helps balance and maintain                                                                        ORGANIC ACIDS: Due to a natural production method, a gentle
    HydroCurc® provides curcumin,
    the active extract from turmeric                                                       optimum microflora with 14 strains covering                                                                  fermentation process, Vita Biosa contains not only live probiotic bacteria,
    that contains 85% curcuminoids                                                         five of the main genus types: Lactobacillus,                                                                 but also the valuable organic acids they produce. Organic acids form part
    and uses unique LipiSperse®                                                            Lactococcus, Bifidobacterium,Streptococcus                                                                   of a group of nutrients called fatty acids, which supply the colonic mucosa,
    technology, scientifically researched for increased absorption and                     and Bacillus. Lifestream Advanced Probiotics                                                                 muscle cells, heart and brain with energy. They also lower the pH locally
    bioavailability.                                                                       is formulated in the UK by a team of doctors                                                                 to a level, which inhibits the growth of pathogens and provides optimal
                                                                                                                                                                                                        conditions for beneficial bacteria. They stimulate the blood flow and bowel
    • Extra strength support for gastro-intestinal health                                  and tested independently by accredited
                                                                                                                                                                                                        movements, which insures the food flows through the system, and is vital to
    • Calms bloating and digestive discomfort                                              microbiological and analytical laboratories                                                                  the digestive processing of vital nutrients.
    • Supports total body wellbeing                                                        Lifestream Advanced Probiotics are micro-encapsulated, so remain stable                                      ACTIVE LIVE PROBIOTICS
    This natural combination of Aloe Vera and Turmeric has no added                        in the acid conditions found in the stomach for true efficacy, and potent                                    The different strains in Vita Biosa have been specifically chosen for their
    flavours, colours or sweeteners.                                                       throughout the shelf life. This eliminates the need for the product to be                                    properties and health improving capabilities. The bacteria in Vita Biosa
    The Aloe Vera is gently processed using the patented NaturLock™                        refrigerated.                                                                                                are put through a fermentation process, where they are fed various nutrients
    system to carefully lock in and protect the naturally soothing properties              Who might benefit from taking Lifestream Advanced Probiotics:                                                such as the 19 different organic herbs and organic sugarcane
    of the Aloe Vera plant.                                                                                                                                                                             molasses. During these stages, the probiotics multiply for several weeks
                                                                                           • People on antibiotic therapy, anti-inflammatory steroids or chemotherapy                                   and produce postbiotic by-products such as organic acids. As opposed
    What is HydroCurc®?                                                                    • Travellers • People experiencing natural hormonal fluctuations
    Standard Curcumin (the key active from turmeric) has limited solubility                                                                                                                             to freeze dried pills and powders, Vita Biosa contains fermented live
                                                                                           • The Aged population • Those Immunological compromised                                                      probiotics, active from the very moment you open the bottle and
    and is poorly absorbed by the body. HydroCurc® not only delivers
    a high level of active curcuminoids at 85%, it also uses scientifically                • People with an unhealthy diet • Those experiencing stressful times                                         take a shot!
    researched LipiSperse® technology that allows the curcumin to disperse                 • People with infections or illness                                                                          The 19 herbs are specifically selected for their beneficial effect on the
    easily in aqueous environments.                                                        • People with digestive/bowel upsets or irregular bowel motions                                              digestive system and anti-inflammatory properties.
    This increases bioavailability and delivers curcumin to the body at a                  • People who experience food intolerances or sensitivities                                                   The combination of live probiotic strains, extract of 19 different herbs and
    faster rate than standard curcumin extracts.                                           • People with digestive/bowel upsets                                                                         organic acids is what makes Vita Biosa truly unique.

       August DEAL: Lifestream ALOE VERA with                                                      August DEAL: Lifestream                Vita Biosa comes in 3 varieties: Original,
                  TURMERIC 500ml: $24.90 for                                               ADVANCED PROBIOTICS 60 capsules $56.00 for Ginger and Aronia in 500ml bottles. Come in for
                       ONLY $19.90                                                                     ONLY $46.00                    a free tasting of the 3 non-dairy probiotic drinks.
                                                   OSTEOPATHY:                                                                                 Help for Children with
                                                  MADE IN THE UK?                                                                              Seasonal Ills and Chills                                                                            A TCM Clinic @
                                                Me: Made in the UK                                                                                By Carol Eggleton, ND, Dip.                                                                        Pukekohe
                                                Osteopathy wasn’t ‘made in the UK’                                                                  Med Herb, BHSC, Regd.                                                                  Chinese Massage/
                                                but originated in America (Kirksville,                                                         Naturopath and Medical Herbalist.                                                           Tui Na Massage
                                                Missouri). It was founded in the late                                                          It’s that time of year again when there are many                                            Stiff, ache and pain in joins
                                                                                                                                               different cold viruses about. Young children are                                            and muscles. Pinched nerves.
                                                1800’s by Andrew Taylor Still,
                                                                                                                                               more susceptible to viral infections because their
                                                a physician and surgeon. He                                                                                                                                                                Rehabilitation after injury or
                                                                                                                                               immune systems are still developing and they may
                                                discovered that in order to achieve                                                            not have encountered many of the common viruses
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           surgery. Acute or chronic
                                                the highest possible form of health all                                                        before. If your child is prone to recurrent infections                                      repetitive strain injury. Fatigue
                                                parts of the body should work together                                                         or has a tendency to certain types of infection then                                        stress and anxiety. Digestion
                                                harmoniously and that more mainstream                                                          it is necessary to look at underlying problems that                                         issues. Headache.
                                                                                                                                               may be affecting their immune system.                               Andy Ma
     medical treatments in isolation were largely ineffective. In the United States                                                                                                                                                     Pediatric Tui Na Massage
                                                                                            Treatment for colds and other minor viral infections will help to relieve the symptoms,
     osteopaths are osteopathic physicians, fully licensed, medical doctors. In the                                                                                                                     (0-6 years old)
                                                                                            speed recovery and prevent the development of secondary infections which can be more serious.
     UK courses were developed so that you could train to be osteopaths in                  Here are some easy steps to follow for these infections.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        (6-10 years old)
     4 or 5 years without first being a medical doctor. This is what I did.                 Ensure they are kept warm and well hydrated - try warm chamomile tea
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Gently massage on children’s hands to treat: Winter illness.
     I was ‘made in the UK’. I first heard about osteopathy when a friend started           (dosage will depend on age) to help with cold symptoms and keep kids calm.                                  Eating and Digestion issues. Bowel movement issues. Skin
     studying in London. I became her practice body. I learnt so much and realised          Water is also important. Avoid excessively sugary drinks as these can deplete the immune system.            issues. Sleeping issues. Scare. Difficult to concentrate. Etc.
     that osteopathy made so much sense. Treat the whole body, remove restrictions          Give them nutritious, easily digested foods such as soups, vegetables, light protein and                    1--6 sessions to see big difference.
     and let the body do what it was intended to do and do it as efficiently and            fruits high in Vit C, such as mandarins and kiwifruit.                                                      Acupuncture (ACC provider)
     effectively as possible. I was hooked, I enrolled, I graduated.                        Adequate rest will allow the body to rest and recharge.                                                     Accidents and Injuries (ACC provider). Ache and pain.
     By the time you read this I will be back visiting the UK. I will be 18,351km away      Monitor signs that may indicate more serious infections such as fever, rash, coughs,                        Pinched nerves. Stroke (prevention and treatment). Paralyzed.
                                                                                            breathing difficulty, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, inflammation or white spots in the throat.              Headache. Nausea and Vertigo. Facial paralysis. Breathing
     from Pukekohe. I will be in the northern hemisphere looking at the flip side of the
                                                                                            Teach kids how to blow their noses and encourage them to bring up phlegm to help remove                     issues. Stress and Sleeping issues. Digestion issues and IBS.
     moon, forgetting about the Southern Cross but searching for the North Star and
                                                                                            mucous. Reduce spread of infection by disposing of used tissues etc immediately and ensuring
     watching my sink water drain down the sink hole in the opposite direction                                                                                                                          Hormone issues(male and female). Period and Menopause
                                                                                            hands and face are wiped.
     (yes it really does). Oh and it’s summer. Sorry to rub it in.                                                                                                                                      issues. Pregnancy and Labour issues. Eye issues. Tinnitus.
                                                                                            Herbal treatment may reduce severity and aid recovery from colds -
     Talking of rubbing it in I hope my Associates are looking after you. If you haven’t                                                                                                                Toothache. Skin issues. Fatigue.
                                                                                            Echinacea – children’s preparations usually taste good and are easy to administer. Elderberry
     yet met us all have a look at the website or check out the Osteopathy Pukekohe         is effective against cold and flu viruses and is available in formulations such as Sambucol.                For example, toothache sometimes one session get fixed without
     Facebook page. There you will see a bit about us all. I have to say that I have        Herbal cough syrups can help to remove phlegm or soothe an irritating cough - add them to
                                                                                                                                                                                                        any painkiller.
     been blessed to have such a great cohesive team of osteopaths. I’ve known them         a little warm water and sip slowly. Or try sliced onion with runny manuka honey added.                      Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
     all prior to them working at Osteopathy Pukekohe and am very lucky that they           Allow to stand for a while, remove the onion slices and use the juice as a cough mixture,                   General health issues. Feeling not well but don’t know why,
     all decided that the drive south from the city was worth it. Please do call them       Essential oils - such as lavender, tea tree and eucalyptus can help to clear congestion.                    even lab test shows normal.
     or book online for an appointment ( There will             Put a few drops on a tissue and put under the pillow or in a pocket.                                        Using Chinese herbs may combine other skills to help you.
     be an osteopath working from the clinic in the health shop whilst I’m away             Using Vitamin C at the early signs of a cold can help to reduce the duration and
                                                                                            severity of symptoms.                                                                                       All our Chinese Medicine practitioners have at least five years
     Mon – Saturday.                                                                                                                                                                                    training from a well-known university in the world. They have
                                                                                            Zinc lozenges are another good first aid treatment for the early stage of a cold.
     Helen                                                                                                                                                                                              clinical experience from 10-25 years in NZ and overseas.
                                                                                            If you need help finding the appropriate cold treatments for your children or yourself the staff in
     Helen Wright BSc(Hons)Ost (UK)                                                         your local health shop will be able to help. If you have any questions about immunity or recurrent          We based in Way of Life Health shop, currently opens on
     NZ/ACC Registered Osteopath                                                            infections call in on Wednesday’s to Way of Life for a chat or phone 09 238-7806 to make an                 Monday and Thursday. Please feel free to call 0220 789 514
     Principal Osteopath/Director Osteopathy Pukekohe                                       appointment for a consultation.                                                                             for inquires or contact shop on 09-238 7806 for appointments.

                                                                                                                        Proud member of
                                                                                                                     Community Health Stores                                                             66-68 Edinburgh Street
            Natural health retail professionals,                                                                                                                                                                    Ph 09 238 7806
              Clinic and Herbal Dispensary                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 AU-8466917AA                                                                                                                AUGUST 1, 2019, FRANKLIN COUNTY NEWS            9

Backyard banter                                                                                   IN ASSOCIATION WITH NEIGHBOURLY AND ITS PARTNERS

Help make NZ more dementia friendly
Alzheimers NZ is building a more dementia-                                                                                                                              (second
friendly New Zealand, where Kiwis are more                                                                                                                              from right)
                                                                                                                                                                        may have
supportive and respectful of people who live                                                                                                                            dementia
                                                                                                                                                                        but she’s
with the condition.                                                                                                                                                     still
Opinion: Dementia affects                                                                                                                                               life.
nearly 80 per cent of Kiwis in
some way. Nearly all of us know
someone with it. That’s a lot of
us! And that’s why helping to         Neighbourly is a NZ-owned
make New Zealand more                 social media site creating
dementia friendly is so               easy ways for neighbours
important.                            to talk and connect. Join
    You can help.                     us at or
    Many of us are scared of          download our new iPhone
dementia. There is a lot of stigma    and Android apps.
and misunderstanding
associated with it. If we think      possible. People knowing and
about dementia, many of us only      treating me as the person I am.
see a person with advanced           Giving me room to live.’’            1. Sign up as a Dementia            Walks are a great way to raise      can support them whether that is
dementia who has to be                  Her motto is ‘‘seize the day’’.   Friend like more than 4000 kind     awareness of dementia and help      volunteering or fundraising – or
restrained in a dementia care           The number of Kiwis with          and caring Kiwis have already.      to dispel the stigma associated     simply bringing over some
facility.                            dementia is expected to almost       Being a Dementia Friend needn’t     with it.                            baking.
    But that’s not the reality.      triple by 2050. That’s why           take lots of your time but it can   3. Host ‘‘A Cuppa For A                Of course, if you have more
Most Kiwis with dementia live at     Alzheimers NZ is building a          make a huge difference to           Cause’’ for dementia This will      time and want to do more, there
home and get on with their lives,    more dementia-friendly New           someone living with dementia.       help raise vital funds to support   are lots of other ways you can
just like everyone else for most     Zealand where Kiwis are more         It’s a case of even small actions   people with dementia in NZ by       help, like making a donation or
of their time with the condition.    accepting, supportive and            meaning a lot to someone living     hosting a Cuppa for a Cause – as    campaigning.
    Take Helen, for example.         respectful of people who live        with dementia.                      simple as putting the jug on and       Maybe you’ve got other ideas
Helen has dementia but she still     with the condition.                  2. You can join your local          getting the bickies out.            about how we can all help to
goes to the gym every day and           What can you do to help make      Memory Walk These are held          4. Reach out to others in the       build a more dementia friendly
plays mahjong with her friends.      New Zealand more dementia            around the country in               community who have friends          New Zealand. Share your
She says, ‘‘support is the key to    friendly?                            September, which is World           or family with dementia Use         thoughts on Neighbourly so
me leading as normal a life as          Here are four easy ideas:         Alzheimers Month. Memory            Neighbourly to find out how you     others can help too.
10   FRANKLIN COUNTY NEWS, AUGUST 1, 2019                                                                                                                         

 THE WEEKLY WORKOUT answers for each puzzle are included on this page                                                                                                                       520

   NEW                  1         2         3        4         5          6       7
                                                                                        SUDOKU             Fill the grid so every row, column and every 3x3 box contains 1-9
 CROSSWORD              8                                      9

                        10                           11


                             13   14                           15

                        16                           17                           18

                        19                                          20    21


                        23                           24

                                                                                         1                                              2
                                  25                                                                                                    CROSSWORD
                                                                                        THE TOP 10                                           Ample, 22. Grin.
                                                                                                                                             R,]-+&)U ?:T #-&(GHU ?9T 4)+*G@U ?8T N,%G,'U >?T
Across                                      Down                                         1. N, [DCID HGI]HG HCH aC(,GY )G@G](G               L]HY\C)HU :T 2-+AC,EU 9T OG]*DYU ?>T "@&HEG)(U ?S?: aC(,GY ],C-]'GH ^@- [)C''G, \Y       2. What number of president is Donald               25. Resplendent.
W:U;V                                       1]CA] .]C'C'C W;V                               Trump?                                           4+HU ?7T KG],HG)U >ST P]C,U >=T 2'+)GU >A- 2+&'D N(@],H []@AC,E ')]IA              series called The Fall and Rise of __ __?       ;T 3GEC,]@H 4G))C,U :T 2+&'D 4]IC^IU 9T M]IA L+%G@+IAU
12. 2,]AG W=V                               [DCID ^,C(DG( +, 'DG .G(' !+](' W:V          6. The song Happy Talk is from which               1. 1940s, 2. 45, 3. 2007, 4. Noeline Taurua,
13. R,'D&(C](- W                        AUGUST 1, 2019, FRANKLIN COUNTY NEWS   11

                    It’s time to go

                                                    Page 20

                           more feature properties inside...
12     FRANKLIN COUNTY NEWS, AUGUST 1, 2019                                                                                                                        

                                                 Pukekohe 9 Dan Bryant Place                                                      Waiuku 9 McCall Drive
                                                 Something for Everyone.                                                          Dream Home
                                                 Located in the ever popular Hill Precinct this super solid                       This delightful home has got it all. In addition to its
                                                 family home has something for everyone. A very spacious                          ideal location in this quiet residential street it offers
                                                 and functional layout incorporating 4 bedrooms and 2                             4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan lounge, kitchen
                                                 living areas. The extras here really make the difference,                        and diner. Fitted with 2 heat pumps the house is cosy
                                                 awesome covered outdoor area for year round alfresco                             in winter. A covered patio area extends the living space,
                                                 dining. The extra garage/workshop could be the ultimate                          surrounded by established gardens. An added bonus of
                                                 mancave. A well laid out property in a top location.                             additional off street parking & internal garage.

                                                 For Sale                                                                         For Sale
                                                 By Negotiation                                                                   By Negotiation
                                                 View Sunday 1:00pm -2:00pm                                                       View Saturday 12:00pm - 12:30pm
                                                 Dan Hewes                                                                        Jo-Ann Day-Townsend
                                                 M 027 498 2542                                                                   M 021 1696 056
                                                 Port Realty Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008                                         Port Realty Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008

                                                 Patumahoe 27a Mareretu Avenue                                                    Onewhero 102 Miller Road
                                                 Urgent - First Home Close to Pukekohe                                            Want Rural Living without the work?
                                                 • Spacious open plan living, dining and kitchen                                  Set on just under an acre this relocated 4 bedroom, 2
                                                 • Second large lounge                                                            bathroom home with 54m2 garage + carport is ready and
                                                 • Sunny deck and fenced gardens with room for the                                waiting for its new owner. Exteriors of house and garage
                                                   trampoline                                                                     just been painted. Woodfire warms the home with a
                                                 • Private cul-de-sac location                                                    Seitron heat transfer system. Small orchard planted, easy
                                                                                                                                  care land with plenty of room to add value. Come live in
                                                                                                                                  the relaxed Onewhero community.

                                                 For Sale                                                                         For Sale
                                                 $600,000                                                                         $740,000
                                                 View Sunday 2:00pm - 2:30pm                                                      View Sunday 2:00pm - 2:45pm
                                                 Donna Boden                                                                      Jo-Ann Day-Townsend
                                                 M 021 066 6210                                                                   M 021 1696 056
                                                 Port Realty Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008                                         Port Realty Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008

                                                 Pukekohe 30 Ranchod Terrace                                                      Patumahoe 29a Mareretu Avenue
           EXCLUSIVE                             Prime Location                                                                   Mareretu Magic
                                                 This perfect family home boasts 4 bedrooms with an                               This GJ Gardner built family home sits on approx. 771m²
                                                 open plan kitchen, dining and living area that flows out                         of landscaped grounds. Open plan living, modern
                                                 to a private patio; the perfect spot for entertaining. Fully                     kitchen, four double bedrooms with one having scope
                                                 fenced backyard provides plenty of secure space for                              for a home office with separate access, are served by
                                                 kids & pets, close to park & a short walk to Hill Primary                        two bathrooms. Solar-powered hot water, LED lighting
                                                 School. If you are looking for a well presented low                              and smart ventilation. All a very short walk to the local
                                                 maintenance home that ticks all the boxes, view now!                             Patumahoe schools and shops.

                                                 For Sale                                                                         For Sale
                                                 By Negotiation                                                                   $629,000
                                                 View by appointment                                                              View Sunday 2:00pm - 2:45pm
                                                 Eric Leong                                                                       Irene van Wijk
                                                 M 0211 473 616                                                                   M 027 656 6825
                                                 Port Realty Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008                                         Port Realty Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008

                                                 Pukekohe 95 Anzac Road                                                           Pukekohe 11 Emsworth Court
           EXCLUSIVE                             Coming from Rural & still want space                                             Emsworth Excellence!
                                                 Estate wants sale NOW!!! 1.07 residential hectares with                          Are you looking for a stunning new home that demands
                                                 subdivision potential. Grand old girl just waiting for a                         little and gives so much ? We have it here and waiting
                                                 makeover. Huge shedding, electric gated entry into this                          for you. Brand new, brick and weatherboard and just
                                                 majestic block on Puke Hill.                                                     calling to your family to move in and start making great
                                                                                                                                  memories. Things have never been so good as you’re
                                                                                                                                  buying new and that sure is giving you peace of mind.

                                                 For Sale
                                                 $1,790,000                                                                       For Sale
                                                 Veni Posa                                                                        View Sunday 3:00pm - 3:30pm
                                                 M 027 449 5326                                                         
                                                 Shiree Stone                                                                     Irene van Wijk
                                                 M 027 579 2905                                                                   M 027 656 6825
                                                 Port Realty Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008                                         Port Realty Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008

                                                 Pukekohe 6 Stonedale Drive                                                       Tuakau 13 Delphi Grove
           EXCLUSIVE                             Stunning Home - We are Northward Bound                                           Massive Price Reduction
                                                 “All Agents Welcome” Architecturally designed Signature                          This fabulous 4 bedroom property with modern interior,
                                                 home with Master Build Guarantee. Designer kitchen,                              set on a massive 1391m2 section (more or less), and a
                                                 with butlers pantry that opens up the whole living space.                        stones throw from everything has enough space inside
                                                 Separate lounge to your left with a twin sided gas fire,                         and out to be your forever home!
                                                 then dining and family areas. Five sets of bi-fold doors                         The vendors have given me clear instructions that they
                                                 enable you to open the whole home, an excellent layout                           want this property sold, so call me today to view.
                                                 for entertaining family and friends and very private.

                                                 For Sale                                                                         For Sale
                                                 By Negotiation                                                                   $749,000
                                                 View by appointment anytime                                                      View Sunday 12:30pm - 1:00pm
                                                 Kim Semmens                                                                      Kim Semmens
                                                 M 021 109 2788                                                                   M 021 109 2788
                                                 Port Realty Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008                                         Port Realty Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008

                                                 Waiuku 5 Kendallvale Drive                                                       Waiuku 25 Colombo Road
           EXCLUSIVE                             Classic Family Entertainer                                     EXCLUSIVE         Blank Canvas - No Covenants
                                                 There is plenty to keep the family happy here with                               This 4000sqm section located on the outskirts of Waiuku
                                                 over 3000m2 of land, a heated swimming pool, room                                only minutes to Waiuku township. The title has been
                                                 to develop a cricket pitch/tennis court and a spacious                           issued so this is ready to be bought! Large road frontage,
                                                 contemporary home located within the town boundary.                              fully fenced, no covenants, north facing with rural views.
                                                 Plenty of garaging is offered with internal access plus a                        It’s ready to go, so the only thing left for you to do is:
                                                 free standing shed. Create a garden paradise or enjoy                            View, buy, build.
                                                 entertaining around the pool, it’s your lifestyle choice.

                                                 For Sale                                                                         For Sale
                                                 $1,050,000                                                                       By Negotiation
                                                 View by appointment only                                                         View by appointment
                                                 Karen McTernan                                                                   Jasmine Woolrich-Martin
                                                 M 021 072 7681                                                                   M 021 120 7396
                                                 Port Realty Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008                                         Port Realty Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008

     Proud contributor to
           contributor to                                  Your Team in Franklin                              
                                                                                                                            P 09 238 4244 |
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