News & Views - Parishes Online

Page created by Jared Conner
News & Views - Parishes Online
Volume 42 • Issue 6 June 2022


     News & Views

    Wojo’s Fundraiser—June 4th
Flag Day—June 14th
  Father’s Day—June 19th             Davison-Richfield Area Senior
    First Day of Summer– June 21st
                                           Citizens Activity Center
                                              10135 Lapeer Rd. Davison
News & Views - Parishes Online

        The Mission of the Davison-Richfield Area Senior Citizens Activity Center is to provide, with the help of its staff and
         volunteers, information and a range of services, activities and volunteer opportunities which promote personal
                  growth, health, friendship and independence for those 50 years and older in Genesee County.

  Page 3—4…………….….…...……..………...Information
  Page 5…………………………………GCCARD Lunch Menu                                                                               Staff
  Page 6….....…………………………………...Information                                                               Kathy Davis, Executive Director
  Page 7……………………………...….Word Search Puzzle                                                                  Joie Hitchcock, Assistant Director
  Page 8…....……………….……………..Monthly Calendar                                                                     Jeniel Payne, Office Clerk
  Page …..………………...…..…………….Advertisements
  Page 9.………………...……………...…Monthly Calendar
  Page 10…….……………….Information, Crossword Puzzle
  Page 11………………………...……………...Information                                                             Authority Board Members
  Page 12….…………………...….……....…Center Services                                                       Dona Jenks, Davison Twp. Rep., Chairperson
  Page 13…………...………….Crossword Key & Information                                                     Lori Tallman, Davison Twp. Rep., Treasurer
  Page 14 & 15………………..…….…...Trips & Information                                                    Barb Arsenault, City of Davison Rep., Secretary
  Page 16………………...……….…...Newsletter 2022 Form                                                        Jacqueline McKellar, City of Davison Rep.
                                 Office Hours                                                             Stacey Kalisz, City of Davison Rep.
                                Monday—Friday                                                                  Supplies Wish List
                              8:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m.
                                                                                                  Our Center uses many supplies on a daily basis.
                                                                                                        At this time we welcome donations of
                                Memorial Donations                                                  Gas Cards, Copy Paper, Postage Stamps,
            Flowers, although pretty for a short                                                              Kleenex & Lysol Wipes!
               time, are gone far too soon. A                                                             1RQ'LVFULPLQDWLRQ3ROLF\¦'DYLVRQ
          memorial donation instead of flowers is                                                         5LFKILHOG$UHD6HQLRU&LWL]HQV$FWLYLW\
  a way to remember a friend or a family member                                                 &HQWHUKDVDSROLF\RIQRQGLVFULPLQDWLRQLQDOO
   who has been a part of the Senior Center. This
                                                                                                SURJUDPVVHUYLFHV HPSOR\PHQW1RRQHVKDOOEH
      will benefit the Center for a long time.
            We would like to thank the businesses that
               are helping support our Newsletter by
              advertising in our booklet please call on
            these businesses when looking for products
                                                                                                RUJDQL]DWLRQªVPLVVLRQRIVHUYLFH DGYRFDF\RQ
   and services and mention to them that you saw their
                                                                                                EHKDOIRIROGHUDGXOWV LQGLYLGXDOVZLWKGLVDELOLWLHV
   advertisement & please thank them for their support!
   PLEASE MAKE SURE OUR FILES ARE UP                                                                               The Davison-Richfield Area
   TO DATE! Call the front office at 810.658.1566                                                                 Senior Citizens Activity Center
   and update any contact information that has                                                               No Smoking—No Alcohol Allowed
   changed! Cell Numbers, Emergency Contact                                                         Large Room = 100 Seating Small Room = 20 Seating
   Information, etc.                                                                                      For more information call 810.658.1566

                                  DavisonRichfield Area Senior Citizens Activity Center Funding Sources Include…
                              Genesee County & The Genesee County Board of Commissioners, City of Davison, Davison Township,
                               Contributions, Memorial Donations & Fundraisers. We appreciate all who have made a difference.
                        This newsletter is fully or partially funded by The Genesee County Senior Millage Funds. Your tax dollars at work!

D a v i s o nͲ R i c h f i e l d A r e a S e n i o r C i t iz e n s A ct i v i ty C e n t e r   •   N ews & V i ew s      •    June     2 022         2

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                 Generation Band Dance                                                                               Exercise Class with Abbie Mars
           @ The Davison Area Senior Center                                                                            The exercise class will help you keep
               June 1, 8, 15 & 22, 2022                                                                                joint flexible & muscles strong, sleep
                   6:00—9:00 p.m.                                                                                     better, increase energy & improve your
                $5.00 cover charge at the door!                                                                          overall outlook!
       Open Microphone! Classic Country, Classic Rock & more...                                        Wednesday, 10:00—11:00 a.m.—FREE
                                1st Tuesday of                        No July                          No Exercise—Wednesday, June 29th
                                                                     or August!
                                 every month                                                                 Clogging
       June 7, 2022 @ 10:00 -11:00 a.m.                                                                                                           No Class
                                                                                                             Monday, 1:00—3:00 p.m.               June 20th
      Anna Parish will be here at the Davison-Richfield Area
                                                                                                             $1.00 Each Time                       Closed!
      Senior Center to do checks & cleaning of hearing aids.
     You must make an appointment for Anna to come to the
            center, so please RSVP at 810.658.1566                                                Corn Hole Game Day
                                                                                                  Thursday, 9:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m.
                              FREE ~ “Open Forum”                                                 We now have two sets of boards to play!
                           Ask a Lawyer—Lori Tallman, PLC
                    Practices Law in Wills & Trusts,                                              Line Dance
    Powers of Attorney, Probate, Real Estate, Family Law,                                         Tuesday, 9:00—9:30 a.m. Beginners
                        General Civil,                                                            $5.00 per person each time
                  Landlord/Tenant, Traffic                                                        Tuesday, 9:30—11:30 a.m. Regular
                2nd Wednesday of the month                                                        $4.00 per person each time
              June 8th~ 11:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m.
                 MUST RSVP 810.658.1566                                                           Pickleball
                                      Stone Country Dance                                         Thursday, 1:00—4:00 p.m. Beginners Only!
                           Sunday, June 12, 2022                                                  Thursday, 4:00—8:30 p.m. Regular Play- $1.00 pp
                             @ 2:00-5:00 p.m.
               $5.00 per person at the door!                                                                       Shuffleboard-FREE
                 Includes Dancing & Fun!                                                                           Tuesday, 1:00—3:30 p.m.
    Come on out for an afternoon of good company, good
                    music & a fun time!
                                                                                                  Table Tennis-FREE
     BUNCO—Jan’s Group—2nd Tuesday of every month                                                 Wednesday, 12:30—3:30 p.m.
           June14, 2022—At 5:45—8:30 p.m.
           At the Davison Area Senior Center
          Bring your own dice, dinner & drink!
                                                                                                            Tai Chi with Josef                  June 17th
                                                                                                            Friday, 1:30—3:00 p.m.          will be in Room 6
             $3.00 per person-No Age Limit
                           ($1.00 goes for rental of room)
        We are a fun group of girls—Come check us out!                                            Zumba Gold
         Any questions please call Jan @ 810.653.4346                                             Monday, 10:00—11:00 a.m.
                     Conduct at the Davison-Richfield Area Senior Citizens Activity Center…
    We all have different personalities and behaviors. It is what makes us who we are! In a large group of people sometimes
    our unique qualities will clash with one another. At the Davison-Richfield Area Senior Citizens Activity Center everyone is
    expected to treat each other with respect. Keep hurtful opinions to yourself. When confronted with inappropriate behavior
    please bring it to the attention of the staff to be dealt with. We have a beautiful facility and wonderful people attending.
    When everyone works together and respects each other we maintain this beautiful quality.

    3 D a v i s o nͲ R i c h f i e l d A r e a S e n i o r C i t iz e n s A ct i v i ty C e n t e r    •   N ews & V i ew s         •                 20 22

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                      Transportation—Monday thru Friday                           Bridge Duplicate
                      We have a vehicle available to bring you                    Tuesday, 12:00—3:30 p.m.—Room 7
                        to and from (healthy) medical visits,
                      pharmacy, and grocery shopping in the             Chess & Checkers
       Davison Area Only. Last ride scheduled at 3:00 p.m.
                                                                        Friday, 11:30 a.m.—1:00 p.m.—Room 7
        You must call the day before to schedule a ride
              by 12:00 p.m. Cost: $4.00 each way.
     The vehicle is NOT handicap accessible. Requirements                       Davison Decorative Art Guild
      for the transportation services ~ Must be 60 years of                     Tuesday & Thursday, 9:30—11:30 a.m.—Room 5
            age or older, must be able to get into vehicle
    independently, must complete a senior center participation          Euchre
    form, must pay total fee of the ride at the time of boarding.       Monday, 12:30—3:30 p.m.—Room 7
                                                                        Friday, 5:00—8:00 p.m.—Large Room
    We need Volunteer Drivers~ If you would be interested
    in volunteering one day as a Driver for                             Games Day
     the center please call the front office                            (Bunco, Mexican Train, Nickels, Yahtzee, etc.)
                                                                        Thursday, 12:30—2:30 p.m.—Room 7
        and get all the information about
          volunteering! 810.658.1566                                    Hand, Knee & Foot
         We will do a background check.                                 Wednesday, 12:30—3:30 p.m.—Room 7
    Need a new watch battery?                                           Mah Jong
    No Water Resistant Watches!
    1st Monday of every month…                                          Monday, 1:15—3:45 p.m.—American—Room 5
    June 6th, 2022 @ 10:00—11:00 a.m.                                   Wednesday, 1:15—3:45 p.m.—Chinese—Room 5
    Bring your watch to the center on the 1st Monday of                 Friday, 1:15—3:45 p.m.—Both Groups—Room 5
    every month and get a new battery, $2 per battery.
    Bonnie Weber will change the battery for you. Also, if                       Mexican Train Dominoes
    you miss the day you can bring your watch in a Ziploc                        Monday, 10:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m.—Room 7
    bag with a slip with your name & telephone number on
    it plus your $2 and Bonnie will pick them up do them                Poker
    and call you when they are finished.                                Wednesday, 5:00—9:00 p.m.—Room 7
                              Book Club                                         Pool Table Play
                              2nd Thursday of every month                    Room available when not scheduled!
                              June 9th, 2022 @ 11:00 a.m.               Men’s Play—Monday & Thursday, 9:00 a.m.—Room 1
                              Here at the Davison-Richfield
                              Area Senior Center.                       Quiddler’s Card Game
                                                                        Tuesday, 1:15—3:30 p.m.—Room 5
           Senior Project Fresh Coupons 2022
    We are taking names to be put on the list to receive
       project fresh coupons for people that qualify.
                                                                             Wood Carving
    Applicates must be 60 years or older, must live in the                   Monday & Friday, 9:00—11:30 a.m.—Room 5
    Genesee County & household income not to exceed                                         October 8th, 2022-Walk to End Alzheimer’s
     185% of poverty. Once we get the coupons in our                                        Flint, MI at the Downtown Flat Lot
                  hands, we will call you & set up a time                                         You can walk, you can donate or
                                                                                                   you can volunteer if interested
                        for you to pick them up.
                                                                                              Contact: Nicole Colley—
                                  call 810.658.1566
                                               8 10.6 58. 156 6     •   8 10 .658 .80 44 F ax   •   www . dav iso nͲs c .or g  4

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    June GCCard MENU                                                                        Please remember to call in the day before by 12:30 pm and
                                                                                               cancel your lunches if you will not be able to make it.
    Menu Subject to Change Based on Product Availability and Quality Standards

           MONDAY                           TUESDAY                            WEDNESDAY                 THURSDAY                       FRIDAY

                                                                                                 1                            2                                  3
                                                                       Philly Steak w/Cheese         Sweet & Sour Meatballs w/    BBQ Chicken Thighs
                                                                       Diced Potatoes                Stir Fry Veggies             Mixed Greens
                                                                       Normandy Blend Veggies        Brown Rice                   Stewed Tomatoes
                                                                       Tropical Fruit Salad          Peas & Carrots               Banana
                                                                       Wheat Sub Bun                 Mixed Fruit Cup              Dinner Roll
                                                                       Margarine                     Potato Roll                  Margarine
                                                                       Milk                          Margarine                    Milk
                                                                                                     100% Fruit Juice
                              6                                    7                             8                            9                              10
Turkey Tetrazzini                 Chicken Tacos w/HM Pico              Pork Chop in Gravy            Boneless BBQ Rib             Creole Steak
Lima Beans                        Mexican Rice                         Sliced Potatoes               Cole Slaw                    Glazed Carrot Rounds
Veggie Blend                      Fiesta Corn                          Italian Blend Veggies         Riviera Blend                Roasted Squash
Applesauce                        Sliced Peaches                       Fruit Salad                   Strawberry Applesauce        Strawberry Applesauce
Breadstick                        Wheat Roll                           Corn Muffin                   Sliced Sub Bun               Garlic Roll
Margarine                         Taco Sauce                           Margarine                     Cookie of the Month          Margarine
Milk                              100% Fruit Juice                     Milk                          100% Fruit Juice             Milk

                   13                                            14                             15                           16                              17
Breaded Chicken Breast Ravioli w/Beef Sauce                            Grilled Chicken Salad         HM Beef & Broccoli Lo Mein Oven Fried Fish
Cauliflower                       Vegetable Blend                      Romaine Lettuce               Oriental Veggie Blend        Au Gratin Potatoes
Sliced Carrots                    Roasted Vegetables                   Cucumber Slices w/Dip         Pineapple Cup                Cole Slaw
Applesauce                        Fresh Orange                         Mandarin Oranges              Flatbread                    Diced Peaches
Dinner Roll                       Potato Roll                          Crunchy Bread Stick           Birthday Brownie             Hawaiian Roll
Margarine                         Margarine                            Salad Dressing                100% Fruit Juice             Margarine & Tartar Sauce
Milk                              100% Fruit Juice                     Milk                                                       Milk

                             20                                  21                             22                           23                            24
           CLOSED                 Salisbury Steak w/Gravy              BBQ Pulled Pork               HM Spanish Rice w/Beef       White Cheddar Mac & Cheese
                                  Mashed Potatoes                      Chuck Wagon Veggies           Broccoli Florets             Zucchini & Tomatoes
                                  Vegetable Blend                      Green Beans                   Sweet Corn                   Mixed Greens
                                  Fresh Apple                          Diced Peaches                 Fresh Pear                   Pineapple Tidbits
                                  Potato Roll                          Dinner Roll                   Potato Roll                  Corn Muffin                
                                  Margarine                            Margarine                     Margarine                    Margarine
                                  100% Fruit Juice                     Milk                          100% Fruit Juice             Milk
                             27                                  28                             29                           30
Grilled Turkey Burger             HM Goulash                           Asian Chicken Bowl            Chicken Tenderloins
Succotash                         Spinach                              Vegetable Fried Rice          Creamy Cavatappi Pasta
Peaches                           Baby Carrots                         Winter Blend Veggies          French-Style Green Beans
Wheat Bun                         Fresh Apple                          Apricots                      Sliced Carrots
Mayo & Mustard                    Corn Bread                           Fortune Cookie                Fresh Orange
Milk                              Margarine                            Hawaiian Roll                 Potato Roll
                                  100% Fruit Juice                     Margarine                     Margarine
                                                                       Milk                          100% Fruit Juice

                                                               8 10.6 58. 156 6         •     8 10 .658 .80 44 F ax     •    www . dav iso nͲs c .or g  5

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                        Genesee County Senior Millage                                           MMAP—Tuesdays, 9:00 a.m. toNovember
                                                                                                                Sunday,     3:00 p.m. 1st
                        Telephone Intake and Screening                                          The Michigan Medicare/Medicaid Assistance Program is a
                                   Program                                                      service that can help you make health insurance deci-
               The Telephone Intake and Screening Program                                       sions. MMAP’s mission is to edu-
  is funded by the Genesee County Senior Millage and is                                         cate, counsel and empower Medi-
  open to individuals age 60 and older that live in Genesee                                     care beneficiaries and those who
  County. The Valley Area Agency on Aging Telephone                                             serve them so that they can make
  Intake and Screening Program will provide screening for                                       informed health decisions. Our
  all seniors in an effort to mainstream and utilize all                                        counselor will help with all MDHHS
  programs and services available to seniors in Genesee                                         issues, problems, etc. call for an
  County.                                                                                       appointment 810.658.1566 or MMAP, Inc. at
        Hours of operation: Monday-Friday 8 am–5 pm                                             1.800.803.7174 for assistance all year round.
             Telephone Number: 1-810-249-6531
                        Answers, Action, & Advocacy                                             Genesee County
                           For All Things Senior
                                                                                                Department of Veterans Services
                                                             SERVICE:                          3rd Thursday every month.
                                                             Free Process Server               Thursday, June 16th—FREE
                                                             Services are available
                                                             through the Genesee                9:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m.
            FREE PROCESS
                                                             County Office of Senior              A representative here at the Center to help with Veterans
                                                             Services. Bring the signed
                                                                                                benefit issues. The VA pension program can help wartime
           SERVER SERVICES                                   papers to Genesee County
                                                             Office of Senior Services.          veterans pay for those high medical expenses if the
            FOR QUALIFIED                                    Staff will verify applicant is
                                                                                                veteran qualifies. Call the Center for an appointment
           GENESEE COUNTY                                    a Genesee County resident
                                                             and 60 and older.                  810.658.1566.
           SENIOR CITIZENS                                   PLEASE BRING WITH
  AVAILABILITY:                                              YOU:                                          Food 4 Vets—
  Monday—Friday                                              Driver’s license or state id,                   Connecting Veterans to Food Assistance-The
                                                             parking &cket from the
  8am—4pm                                                    parking ramp, and all                           Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency, through its
  WHERE:                                                     papers needing to be                            Michigan Veterans Trust Fund, is assisting
  Genesee Cunty Office of Senior Services                                                       veterans experiencing food insecurity. If you are a veteran
  Genesee County Administration Building                     FUNDING
                                                             Genesee County Senior              in Michigan and have a food need due to the coronavirus
  1101 Beach Street—1st Floor—Room 134
  Flint, MI 48502
                                                             Millage.                          pandemic, job loss or other circumstance beyond your
  810-424-4478                                                                                  control, you can lean on us at the MVAA. Eligible
                                                                                                veterans can receive a $100 food card or certificate to a
                                                  You Served Us. ~ Let Us                       participating store. There is a simple application process
                                                        Serve You.
                                                                                                that includes an affirmed statement of need and proof of
                                                     DENTAL CARE for
         VETERANS-VETERANS RECEIVE A 30% REDUCED RATE*                                          military service and separation with anything but a
                  Are you a veteran without dental insurance?                                   dishonorable discharge. For veterans living in Genesee,
    MCDC can help. Our Nation’s heroes receive a 30% REDUCED RATE with                          Huron, Lapeer, Sanilac, Shiawassee, St. Clair or Tuscola
                                proof of veteran status.*                                       Counties.
              Call (877) 313-6232 for more information or to schedule an                        Contact: Gary Putinsky, Senior Veteran Community
                                   appointment today!                                           Engagement Officer (SCCEO) @ 810.241.5991 or
    Improving Lives ~ One                                                              Or call 1.800.642.4838
          Smile at a Time                          Low-income, uninsured veterans who fall
                                                   below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level              Visual Impaired—We have a Merlin LCD
    Discounted rate for uninsured, verified
              veteran only. ——
                                                  Guidelines may qualify for even lower rates
                                                          through our My Dental Plan.
                                                                                                        enhanced video magnifier machine to be use here
    *Form DD-214 or valid veteran ID Card                                        at the senior center. Please call ahead to make
             required to qualify.                                                                       sure the room is available for use 810.658.1566.

D a v i s o nͲ R i c h f i e l d A r e a S e n i o r C i t iz e n s A ct i v i ty C e n t e r   •   N ews & V i ew s       •    June     2 022          6

News & Views - Parishes Online

    Word Search-Father’s Day
                                                           Word Search
    G P R O T E C T R N T F WB                 TEACH             RESPECT              CHILDREN
                                                            SPORT             LOVING               LOVE
    R D Z QMD A D P V T R D R                  GIFT             FOOTBALL             DAD
                                                             PROTECT           CARING               UNCLE
    A WC A R I N GOC Q L Y A                   JUNE             BRAVE                GRANDFATHER
    N Q Z P H N R V E M L O Y V
                                                                                 All the words are hidden vertically,
    D Z T C S T U P B S O V S E                                    horizontally or diagonally²in both
    F P A R O T S A T L V I A W
    A E P Q X E I B L T E N Y I               Genesee Star Quilters
                                                            June 17th, 2022 @ 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 
    T Y K I R WMA I K Z G X O                 @ DavisonRichfield Area Senior Center
                                                            The guild is open to adults in Genesee County
    H U I GG X B J S P OR T U                 and beyond. They meet for fun, friendship, to
                                                            share techniques & to make our community a
    E I H N I T C H I L D R E N               softer, warmer place. We offer exciting
    R L C WO F X O A C A R D A                programs and classes. You can attend twice as
                                                            a guest for FREE then you need to become a member and
    Y R Y OD G T E G Y O B B Y                pay! Monthly guild meetings consist of two parts:
                                                            Business Meeting & Program. For more information
    G V F J U N E G X WQC P M                 contact:
    U N C L E J F P D G E GU P                                 Massage Therapist -
             Travel Show for                                                 Emily Maurer, CMT
                                                                       1 hour massages on Wednesdays
    Treasures of Ireland—March 14, 2023                                     Must call and make an
                         &                                       appointment with the front office at
    Landscapes & Lighthouses Coastal                                        810.658.1566
        Maine—September 23, 2023                               Cost per hour—$30.00—60 yrs. And older
     If you are interested in either of these                         $35.00—Under 60 yrs. old
          two trips please come to the                     KISS—Keeping Independent Seniors Safe
       Davison-Richfield Senior Center on                  A program for seniors 62 and older. The KISS program is
                                                           a telephonic reassurance system that keeps seniors and
              Friday, June 10th,                           their loved ones worry-free. Participants in the KISS
          at 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.                      program can call the KISS office or receive a telephone
     Premier World Discovery Travel will be here           call every Monday through Friday between the hours of
                                                           8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. to make sure that the participant
       doing a Travel Show on these two trips!             is alright. Special arrangements can be made for
                 If interested RSVP 810.658.1566           participants that need weekend coverage. For more
                                                           information on theKISSprogram please call
                                                           (810) 2397671 Host Agency: VAAA
                                                           TheKISSprogram is sponsored by the VAAA 
                                                           TheKISSprogram is funded in part by grants

                                    8 10.6 58. 156 6   •   8 10 .658 .80 44 F ax           •    www . dav iso nͲs c .or g  7

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                                                                                                           OFFICE HOURS                                                                                                                                                          810.658.1566
                                                                                                         MONDAY²FRIDAY                                                                                                                                                               FAX
                                                                                                          8:00 AM ~ 4:00 PM                                                        JUNE 2022                                                                                     810.658.8044
                                                                                                    SUNDAY            MONDAY                         TUESDAY                              WEDNESDAY                    THURSDAY                              FRIDAY                        SATURDAY

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   1                                 2                                3                4
                                                                                                                                                                                          10:00 Abbie’s Exercise       9:00 Pool Table Play-Men’s            9:00 Wood Carving Group
                                                                                                                                                                                          11:15 Tai Chi Class          9:00 Corn Hole                        10:00 Fresh Conversation      Fundraiser
                                                                                                                                                                                          12:00 Lunch Curbside         9:30 Decorative Art Guild                     Class
                                                                                                                                                                                          12:00 Massage Appts.         9:30 Blood Pressure Checks            11:30 Chess & Checkers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Help The
                                                                                                                                                                                          12:30 Hand & Foot                  By Advisa Care                  12:00 Lunch Curbside          Senior
                                                                                                                                                                                          12:30 Table Tennis         12:00 Lunch Curbside                    1:15 Mah Jong                 Center Out
                                                                                                                                                                                          1:15 Mah Jong—Chinese      12:30 Games Day                         1:30 Library Closed           Make a
                                                                                                                                                                                          5:00 Poker                 1:00 Chair Yoga                         1:30 Tai Chi                  purchase
                                                                                                                                                                                          6:00 Generation Band Dance 1:00 Beginner Pickleball                5:00 Euchre

    D a v i s o nͲ R i c h f i e l d A r e a S e n i o r C i t iz e n s A ct i v i ty C e n t e r
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     4:00 Regular Pickleball                                               but you


                                                                                                                  5                              6                                    7                            8                                     9                            10              11
                                                                                                      9:00 a.m.       9:00 Wood Carving Group        9:00 Beginners Line Dance            10:00 Abbie’s Exercise       9:00 Pool Table Play-Men’s            9:00 Wood Carving Group
                                                                                                       Church         9:00 Pool Table Play—Men’s     9:00 Single Deck Pinochle            11:00 Ask A Lawyer           9:00 Corn Hole                        10:00 Fresh Conversation

    N ews & V i ew s
                                                                                                       Group          10:00 Watch Battery Day        9:30 Decorative Art Guild            11:15 Tai Chi Class          9:30 Decorative Art Guild                    Class
                                                                                                                      10:00 Mexican Train Dominoes   9:30 Regular Line Dancing            12:00 Lunch Curbside         10:00 Alzheimer’s Support Group       10:00 Premier Travel Show!

                                                                                                                      10:00 Zumba Gold               10:00 Hearing Aid Checks &           12:00 Massage Appts.       11:00 Book Club Mtg.                    11:30 Chess & Checkers
                                                                                                                                                          Cleaning Professional Hearing                              12:00 Lunch Curbside
                                                                                                                      12:00 Lunch Curbside                                                12:30 Hand & Foot                                                  12:00 Lunch Curbside
                                                                                                                                                     12:00 Bridge                                                    12:30 Games Day
                                                                                                                      12:30 Euchre                                                        12:30 Table Tennis                                                 1:15 Mah Jong
                                                                                                                                                     12:00 Lunch Curbside

                                                                                                                      1:00 Clogging                                                       1:15 Mah Jong—Chinese      1:00 Chair Yoga                         1:30 Library Closed
                                                                                                                                                     1:00 Shuffleboard                                               1:00 Beginner Pickleball
                                                                                                                      1:15 Mah Jong—American                                              5:00 Poker                                                         1:30 Tai Chi
                                                                                                                                                     1:15 Quiddler’s Card Game
                                                                                                                      7:00 Sweet Adeline’s                                                6:00 Generation Band Dance 4:00 Regular Pickleball                 5:00 Euchre
                                                                                                                                                     4:30 Grief Support Mtg.

    2 022 8
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                                                                         Daniel Coulter, Jr., DO
                                                                    All physicians are board certified

     4-B-5-5         For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 •                                                         15-0663
News & Views - Parishes Online
  Senior Community For Adults 62+
A Great Place to Call Home! Call or stop in for more details.
                                 Live more affordably                                                   “Specialized Alzheimer’s Care”
                         • GCCARD meals delivered M-F
 • Large screen TV’s, fireplace in spacious lobby • On-site laundry available                          1515 Cal Drive, Suite A • Davison, MI
                         Braidwood Van Available for Your Transportation Needs
      336 N. Main St. • Davison • Call (810) 653-1808 • TTY/TTD: 711
                                                                                                Call (810) 653-7343 |
                                                                                                               for tours and more information

                                                                                                       Taeckens Terrace
                                                                                                        Senior Apartment Community
                                                                                                         10133 Lapeer Road, Davison, MI 48423
                                                                                         810-653-2985 TTY/TDD 711 |
                                                                                                            Open Monday-Friday 8am – 5pm
                                                                                          * Beauty Salon * Exercise Room * Resident Activities * Transportation
                                                                                                  * Laundry Facilities * Next to Davison Senior Center
                                                                                                   Housing Designed Especially for Low Income Seniors
                                                                                         EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY               Live more affordably

 We Bring Care Home to You
                - Since 1973

                                FREE CARE
                                 by a Licensed Nurse

  Home Health Aide and Nursing Care
              AVAILABLE 24/7
G-8305 S. Saginaw St., Ste. 1, Grand Blanc, MI 48439

                                                                                             THIS SPACE IS

                       EXIT REALTY GROUP
               Mike Folsom
                                                                                                                                  Over 30 years of experience

        Seniors Real Estate Specialist®
       (810)614-3155 cell
       (810)245-2600 office
       489 W. Nepessing St. (Downtown Lapeer) Lapeer, MI 48446                             “Our Family Helping
                     Text: Mikefolsom To:                                                 Your Family Remember”
              85377 for my Mobile Business Card.                                               810-667-4156
              “The Greatest Compliment I can Receive                                          3090 Davison Rd
                  is the Referral of your Friends,                                            Lapeer, MI 48446
                 Family and Business Associates.”                               
                 Each EXIT Office is Independently Owned and Operated                      “Davison & Lapeer’s
                                                                                              Only Certified
                            4-B-5-5                    For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 •                                         15-0663
10137 Lapeer Rd., Davison
                                                 (next to Davison Senior Center)
                               810-412-5778 (TTY/TTD: 711)
                                                 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY

                                        AFFORDABLE EXCELLENCE IN SENIOR LIVING

                                          Michelle Plunkett, Associate Broker
                                                           FULL TIME Realtor
                                             SRES - Senior Real Estate Specialist
                                           Cell: 810-569-3455 • Office: 810-653-0600
     810-658-2646                            Email: • Web:
Compounding Specialists!                      "Be an Opener of Doors" - Ralph Waldo Emerson
    FREE Delivery                         Red Carpet Keim Action Group, Inc
9070 Davison Rd. • Davison                            223 N. State St, Davison MI 48423       In Appreciation for your support, a portion of each commission is donated to charity.

   Contact Eileen Frazier
   to place an ad today!
   or (800) 477-4574 x6309
              4-B-5-5    For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 •                                     15-0663
4-B-5-5   For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 •   15-0663


                                                  12                         13            Fla Da!                 14                                      15                          16                            17    18
                                         9:00 a.m. 9:00 Wood Carving Group                 9:00 Beginners Line Dance            10:00 Abbie’s Exercise            9:00 Veteran’s Services          Library Closed All Day!
                                          Church 9:00 Pool Table Play-Men’s                9:00 Single Deck Pinochle            11:15 Tai Chi Class               9:00 Pool Table Play-Men’s   9:00 to 11:00 a.m.
                                          Group      10:00 Cell Phone Help Class           9:30 Decorative Art Guild            12:00 Lunch Curbside              9:00 Corn Hole               Commodities Curbside
                                                       10:00 Mexican Train Dominoes        9:30 Regular Line Dancing            12:00 Massage Appts.              9:30 Decorative Art Guild    9:00 Genesee Star Quilters
                                                       10:00 Zumba Gold                    10:30 Parkinson Support Group        12:30 Hand & Foot                 12:00 Lunch Curbside         9:00 Wood Carving Group
                                                       12:00 Lunch Curbside                12:00 Bridge                         12:30 Table Tennis                12:30 Games Day              10:00 Fresh Conversation
                                          Stone        12:30 Euchre                        12:00 Lunch Curbside                 1:15 Mah Jong—Chinese             1:00 Chair Yoga                       Class
                                         Country       1:00 Clogging                       1:00 Shuffleboard                    4:30 Authority Board Mtg.         1:00 Virtual Dementia Tour   11:30 Chess & Checkers
                                          Dance        1:15 Mah Jong—American              1:15 Quiddler’s Card Game            5:00 Poker                        1:00 Beginner Pickleball     12:00 Lunch Curbside
                                         2-5 pm        7:00 Sweet Adeline’s                4:30 Grief Support Mtg.              6:00 Generation Band Dance        4:00 Regular Pickleball      1:15 Mah Jong
                                                                                           5:45 Bunco—Jan’s Group                                                                              1:30 Tai Chi
                                                                                                                                                                                               5:00 Euchre

                                                 19                                  20 Firs Da o Summe 21                             22                                             23                            24    25
                                         9:00 a.m.                 CLOSED                9:00 Beginners Line Dance 10:00 Abbie’s Exercise                         9:00 Pool Table Play-Men’s   9:00 Wood Carving Group
                                          Church                                           9:00 Single Deck Pinochle            11:15 Tai Chi Class               9:00 Corn Hole               10:00 Fresh Conversation

    8 10.6 58. 156 6
                                          Group                                            9:30 Decorative Art Guild            12:00 Lunch Curbside              9:30 Decorative Art Guild            Class
                                                                                           9:30 Regular Line Dancing

                                                                                                                                12:00 Massage Appts.              12:00 Lunch Curbside         11:30 Chess & Checkers
                                                                                           12:00 Bridge                         12:30 Hand & Foot                 12:30 Games Day              12:00 Lunch Curbside
                                                                                           12:00 Lunch Curbside                 12:30 Table Tennis                1:00 Chair Yoga              1:15 Mah Jong
                                                                                           1:00 Shuffleboard                    1:15 Mah Jong—Chinese             1:00 Beginner Pickleball     1:30 Library Closed
                                                                                           1:15 Quiddler’s Card Game            5:00 Poker                        4:00 Regular Pickleball      1:30 Tai Chi
                                                                                           4:30 Grief Support Mtg.              6:00 Generation Band Dance                                     5:00 Euchre

    8 10 .658 .80 44 F ax
                                                 26                                  27                                   28                              29                            30
                                         9:00 a.m.     9:00 Legal Service of Eastern MI    9:00 Beginners Line Dance            10:00 NO Abbie’s Exercise         9:00 Pool Table Play-Men’s
                                          Church       9:00 Wood Carving Group             9:00 Single Deck Pinochle            11:15 Tai Chi Class               9:00 Corn Hole
                                          Group        9:00 Pool Table Play-Men’s          9:30 Decorative Art Guild            12:00 Lunch Curbside              9:30 Decorative Art Guild
                                                       10:00 Mexican Train Dominoes        9:30 Regular Line Dancing            12:00 Massage Appts.              12:00 Lunch Curbside
                                                       10:00 Zumba Gold                    12:00 Bridge                         12:30 Hand & Foot                 12:30 Games Day
                                                       12:00 Lunch Curbside                12:00 Lunch Curbside                 12:30 Table Tennis                1:00 Chair Yoga
                                                       12:30 Euchre                        1:00 Shuffleboard                    1:15 Mah Jong—Chinese             1:00 Beginner Pickleball
                                                       1:00 Clogging                       1:15 Quiddler’s Card Game            5:00 Poker                        4:00 Regular Pickleball
                                                       1:15 Mah Jong-American              4:30 Grief Support Mtg.              6:00 NO Generation Band Dance

    www . dav iso nͲs c .or g  9
                                                       7:00 Sweet Adeline’s

  Information                                                    Help the Senior Center Out...Fundraiser Time!
  New Classes²                                                                                          A Eas Wa T Hel Th Senio Cente 
  Regular Yoga & Chair Yoga

                                                                                                         Saturday, June 4th, 2022
        We are starting a regular Yoga class                                                                             Shop at Wojo’s on Court St.
  starting August 2nd, in the Large Room, on                                                                             Do you need plants, flowers, trees,
  Tuesday at 11:45 am to 12:45 pm the cost is                                                                            garden decorations or
  $10.00 per person each visit and you MUST                                                                              are you putting in a
  RSVP at 810.658.1566 to make sure we have                                                         garden this year? You might need
  enough interest. NO Class on August 9th!                                                         landscaping supplies? Go to the Wojo’s on
                                                                                                  Court St. on Saturday, June 4th and make
        We have already started a Chair Yoga                                                       a purchase (Excludes gift card purchases) tell the
  class on Thursday 1:002:00 p.m. in Room 6                                                        cashier at the time of purchase you are with the
  the cost is $10.00 per person each visit.                                                                     DAVISON AREA SENIOR
                                                                                                                CENTER...YOU MUST TELL THE
            Come see what is all about.                                                                         CASHIER AT THE TIME OF THE
                                                                                                                 PURCHASE FOR US TO GET THE
           The instructor is Amanda Reo
                 Yarn Donations Accepted Here                                                                  The Davison Area Senior Center will
                     at the Senior Center!                                                         receive a check equal to 10% of the net sales
                                                                                                    generated by our people that states that they are with
               Puzzles—Senior Center will take donations of                                         the “Davison Area Senior Center!”
               puzzles. We have our puzzle tables back for
                                                                                                    Than Yo I Advanc Fo Supportin Th Senio Cente
                      use here at the senior center!
                  WE HAVE FREE WiFi…NO PASSWORD NEEDED!                                                  Cell Phone Help Class—FREE
                               NETGEAR GUEST                                                         Monday, June 13, 2022 @ 10:00 a.m.
                                                                                                  Mike Barrette from MIKA business computer
                              The Davison Farmers Market in                                     services will be here at the Davison Senior Center to help
                           Davison, Michigan is your source for                                  with cell phone questions & how to do’s...Come & learn
                           local fresh produce, baked goods and                                 about your phone! We will be teaching you everything you
                               so much more!                                                   need to know about using your phone. We will be covering
                                                                       Open Year
                                                                        Round²                 things like, making phone calls & text messages, sending
       Located on the corner of Irish Rd. & Court St.                9 a.m. to 5 p.m.             photos, using & downloading Apps, video calling and
                       in Davison.
                                                                      Thursday &                 more! This will be an introduction class to help you feel
         The market is home to over 70 vendors
                 from all over Michigan.                               Saturday!                    more comfortable using your phone every Day!
                                                                                                            RSVP by 6-10-22 @ 810.658.1566
                                            Help us earn $1,000 through direct your dollars!
                           Save your VG’s receipts! Just drop them off to the front office here at the senior center.
       Please make sure you drop off the full original receipt that shows Direct Dollar amount—that’s how we earn our
       $1,000 check. Through the Direct Your Dollars program, we can turn your VG’s receipts into cash for our senior center!
                                                                                     Thanks, Staff

D a v i s o nͲ R i c h f i e l d A r e a S e n i o r C i t iz e n s A ct i v i ty C e n t e r   •    N ews & V i ew s       •     June    2 022             10


    Information                                                          Word Search Key
    GCCARD Daily Lunch– Curbside Pick-up!                                G P R O T E C T R N T F WB
    12:00 Noon each weekday
    Must call the center 810.658.1566 one day in                         R D Z Q M D A D P V T R D R
    advance by 12 pm to sign-up for lunch,
    reservations for Mondays must be made by                             A WC A R I N G O C Q L Y A
    12 pm on the prior Friday. A requested donation of $3.00
    for anyone 60 yrs. and over that lives in Genesee County             N Q Z P H N R V E M L O Y V
    & $6.00 for anyone under 60 yrs. and lives outside of                D Z T C S T U P B S O V S E
    Genesee County!
                                                                         F P A R O T S A T L V I A W
    Commodity Supplemental Food-Curbside pick-up!
    Friday, June 17th, 2022                                              A E P Q X E I B L T E N Y I
    9:00—11:00 a.m. ONLY                                                 T Y K I R WM A I K Z G X O
    This senior food program follows the federal income
    guideline of a Family of 1 = $1,473 & a Family of                    H U I G G X B J S P O R T U
    2 = $1,984. Available to people 60 years or older!
         You must fill out an application & prove your income            E I H N I T C H I L D R E N
               & get the approval before receiving it.
                                                                         R L C WO F X O A C A R D A
    TeFAP Commodity Program—Curbside pick-up!
    Given out quarterly—4 Times a year                                   Y R Y O D G T E G Y O B B Y
    March, June, September & December                                    G V F J U N E G X W Q C P M
    This is an additional food program with income eligibility
    guidelines for 60 years of age & older with a household              U N C L E J F P D G E G U P
    size of 1 = $2,147 a month & a household size of
    2 = $2,903 a month.                                                                                        

    Home Delivered Meals (Meals on Wheels)                                                                
                                                                          10135 Lapeer Rd
    Home Delivered Meals are available to any Genesee                     Davison, MI 48423
    County resident 60 years of age or older who is
    incapacitated due to illness, surgery, physical handicap or
    advancing age, AND is unable to prepare their own meals,
    AND is without support of family, friends or neighbors for                                        
                                                                                                                                  Come learn how
    meal preparation. Meals are available up to seven (7)                WORLDRENOWNED                                          to make your
    days per week. Call 810.235.3567 to schedule it.                                                                              journey more

                                 Pennies for Projects                                                             Open to:
                                                                                                                                  dementia friendly!

                       We are collecting pennies at the Senior                                                      Caregivers, Friends &
                                                                         Experience what it is like to live with
                                                                                                                   PublicThe Virtual Dementia
                        Center! Everyone has pennies laying              dementia by walking in their shoes.
                                                                                                                   Tour is an evidence-based
                       around, we are asking for you to donate           This life-changing simulation teaches
                                                                                                                   patented program designed to
                                                                         us how to provide better care.
                      them to the Senior Center. The donation            Sign-up is on a first-come/first-serve
                                                                                                                   give people the opportunity to
    jar is on the front office counter, just drop them in! We will                                                 experience what dementia is
                                                                         basis & the tour takes only 60
     use the money for new items we need around the center.                                                        like through an individualized,
                                                                         minutes. Please call 810-658-1566
                                                                                                                   experiential tour.
         Please feel free to donate pennies, nickels, dimes,             to register your time slot!
                             quarters & bills.
           Thanks! To all the people that have donated...

                                                8 10.6 58. 156 6     •   8 10 .658 .80 44 F ax            •   www . dav iso nͲs c .or g  11

  Center Services
                  Alzheimer’s Support Group-FREE                                                                                  Genesee County
                  2nd Thursday, June 9th                                                                                         Health Department
                  @ 10:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m.                                                                                        Warns of a Phone
  The Alzheimer’s Support Group is open to anyone caring                                                                        Scam Impersonating
  for a family member or a friend with Alzheimer’s Disease                                                                          Employees
  or some form of dementia. For more information about the                                      Genesee County Health Department (GCHD) is alerting
  virtual contact Sue Purdy at 810.603.1974                                                     the community of a phone scam targeting residents of
                                                                                                Genesee County. A Genesee County resident received a
                                                                                                phone call from someone impersonating an employee of
  Grief Support—FREE                                                                            the Genesee County Health Department regarding a
  Tuesday, 4:30-6:30 p.m.—Room 6                                                                health department funded grant that this resident qualified
  If interested call 810.496.8625 and leave a message.                                          for. The scammer then went on to ask the resident for their
                                                                                                bank information in order to apply for this grant that this
       Parkinson’s Disease Support Group                                                        resident qualified for. The scammer then went on to ask
             2nd Tuesday of every month                                                        the resident for their bank information in order to apply for
         June 14th @ 10:30 am²12:00 pm                                                         this grant. Luckily, after asking for the scammer’s name &
      We understand the need to share common                                                    badge number, the resident hung up & decided to call the
   experiences and to gain the support of others in                                             health department to report this call, where we confirmed
    similar health situations. If you or a loved one
                                                                                                that they were no an employee & it was a scam. Genesee
   are facing the challenges of Parkinson’s, make
                                                                                                County residents should be advised that the GCHD would
      plans now to join us for one of our helpful
   support group meetings to gain valuable insight                                              never call & aske for your bank account information.
          and learn more about the disease.
       RSVP 810.658.1566 if plan on attending                                                  If you receive a call & are unsure if it is a scam, ask the
                                                                                                caller for their name, a return phone number & avoid
                                                                                                sharing any personal information over the phone & report
                                                    will be here doing                          suspicious behavior to the authorities. Concerned
                                                                                                residents can report scam calls by calling the non-
                                    Blood Pressure Checks                                       emergency phone number at the local police or Sheriff’s
                           1st Thursday of every month                                          Office.
                      Thursday, June 2nd, 2022 @ 9:30—10:30
                                                                                                Avoid becoming a victim of phone scams or identity
                                                                                                theft by-
                                                                                                Ÿ Making a list of contact information for family
                                                                                                    members, close friends, health providers or anyone
    Zach Pelech from Legal Service of Eastern Michigan                                              who may call regularly. This will help you know if the
                 4th Monday of every month!                                                         call is legitimate.
        June 27th, 2022 @ 9:00 -10:30 am                                                        Ÿ Letting a call go to voicemail if you do not recognize a
         to help with your legal problems!                                                          phone number; Scammers rarely leave messages.
   Services Include: Consumer Issues, Housing                                                   Ÿ Hanging up if a stranger asks for personal or financial
   Complaints, Family Law, Domestic Violence,                                                       information. If you do answer the phone, it’s OK to
   Employment Issues, Public Benefits, Wills, Durable                                               hang up.
   Power-of-Attorney for Finances, Durable Power-of-                                            Ÿ Not sharing any personal information such as your
   Attorney for Healthcare, Medicaid Planning, Social                                               social security number to anyone over the telephone.
   Security, Income Tax Issues, Nursing Home Issues.
   Do Not Offer: Trusts, Criminal Matters, Personal Injury,                                         For free up-to-date public health information, visit
   Financial or Business Advice!                                                                            
     Must call and make appointments @ 810.658.1566

D a v i s o nͲ R i c h f i e l d A r e a S e n i o r C i t iz e n s A ct i v i ty C e n t e r   •   N ews & V i ew s        •     June    2 022           12



                         2022 Davison                                       Genesee County
                        Festival of Flags                                     Recycle day
                      June 8th²June 12th                             Household Hazardous Waste, Electronics & Paint
                 The festival is Davison’s largest event
    that brings thousands of people,                               Scheduled Events—Tuesday, June 21, 2022—2—6 pm
                     young & old, into                                              Tuesday, July 19, 2022—2—6 pm
                     our community each                                             Tuesday, August 23, 2022—2-6 pm
                     year. This year’s
                     excitement will                                       At the Carman-Ainsworth Middle School
                     begin on Wednesday, June 8th will                       1409 W. Maple Ave., Flint, MI 48507
                     ALL events continuing nonstop for                           (enter from W. Maple Ave.)
                            5 consecutive DAYS! 5
                            family funfilled days
                            offering activities such as a                           Questions? 810.762.7744
                            Parade, Fireworks, Live                      
                            Music, Cornhole                             
                            Tournament, Magic Shows,               Items Accepted At Recycle Day:
                                Young Warriors Beach               Aerosols
                                Battle, and                        Automotive Fluids
                                every child’s                      Batteries (household/auto)
                                favorite, the                      Biomedical Sharps (in rigid/sealed container)
                                Carnival                           Corrosives (acid/bases)
                                Rides                              Electronics (all kind)
    featuring Arnold’s Amusements.                                 Fire Extinguishers
    Parade starts at 6:00 p.m. on                                  Fluorescent Bulbs & Tubes
    Wednesday, June 8th.                                          Mercury
                                                                   Oil Based Paint & Solvents
    Loan Closet - 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Only!                          Pesticides & Herbicides
           We have donated equipment available for you to          Prescription Medication
           borrow—Bath seats, canes, crutches, toilet seat         Propane Cylinders ( up to 30 lbs. each)
           raisers, walkers & wheelchairs. We ask for a $25        Reactive & Oxidizers
    CASH deposit & a waiver to be signed. You will receive         Smoke Detectors
    your $25 back upon returning the items!
                                                                   Recycle Day Partners:

                                                                                   Senior Centers Library
                                                                                     Our library here at the senior center
                                                                                       Hours—8:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m.
                                                                                 We take donations of books to our library but
                                                                                they must be clean and must have a copyright
                                                                                     date of 2006 and newer!

                                                                                       Our Library is CLOSED on Fridays
                                                                                            between 1:30 to 3:00 pm
                                Le’ Celebrat                                          & Friday, June 17th our
                                   Sunda,                                            Library is CLOSED all day
                                                                                         8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
                               Jun 19, 2022
                                            8 10.6 58. 156 6   •   8 10 .658 .80 44 F ax      •   www . dav iso nͲs c .or g  13

                     Trips - 2022
    The Davison-Richfield Area Senior Citizens Activity Center acts                             Continued—Accommodations at M Social Hotel Times Square
   only as an agent for the independent suppliers that provide hotel                            (formally Novotel Times Square) Tour Includes: Modern
   accommodations, transportation, sightseeing activities, or other                             Motorcoach Transportation, 2 Nights—To/From, 3
      services connected with these tours. All such services are
   subject to the terms and conditions of those suppliers. Davison-
                                                                                                Nights—New York City, 5 Breakfast—3 Dinners, Koziar’s
     Richfield Area Senior Citizens Activity Center, its employees,                             Christmas Village, 911 Museum, Evening Tour of City &
   agents, directors and representatives are not responsible for any                            Lights, Bryant Park Holiday Market, NBC Studio Tour, One
    injury, damages, expenses, or losses of any kind sustained by                               World Trade Center, Sightseeing Tour of New York,
         any person as a result of participation in these tours.                                Rockettes Christmas Spectacular, Tour of Lancaster’s
                            Cancellation Policy                                                 Amish Country, Sight & Sound’s—David, Luggage
             Cancellation of any trip if subject to a refund—                                   Handling, Tax & Tip on Included Meals. $100 deposit due
  will have a $5.00 cancellation fee from the Davison-Richfield Area                            per person at time of registration with balance due
   Senior Citizens Activity Center. Cancellation on the day of the                              September 27, 2022. Cancellation protection insurance
          trips or NO SHOWS! No Refunds...No Exceptions!
                   Trip flyers may be picked up at the                                          $175 per person due with your deposit.
        Davison-Richfield Area Senior Citizens Activity Center.
          Overnight prices are based on double occupancy.                                       Lancaster Christmas
   Trip reservations are not guaranteed until payment is received.                              David @ Sight & Sound Theatre
        To avoid waiting lists or finding out that a trip has been                              With Shoreline Charter & Tours Inc.
     cancelled, sigh up early! Travel programs have registration                                December 2-5, 2022
   deadlines! At deadline time, the trip will be cancelled if we do
                                                                                                                   Double—$1,099 per person
  not have enough committed travelers or you may have to drive to
                                                                                                                    Triple—$969 per person,
                         a different pick-up spot!
       Please arrive 15-20 minutes before departure time                                        Tour Includes: Modern Motorcoach Transportation,
     for all trips and PLEASE park your vehicles in our trip parking
                   lot, the bus will pick you up over there!                                    3 Nights Lancaster, PA,
            Note: All person traveling to Canada must have a passport or                        3 Breakfasts—1 Lunch—3 Dinners, 2 Great Shows “David
           an enhanced driver’s license. All casino packages are subject                       @ Sight & Sound Theatre” & “Elf the Musical @ Dutch
   to change without notice. Proper identification & Social Security Card                       Apple”, Sightseeing tour of Amish Country, Kitchen Kettle
          are required to collect prizes over the amount of $1,199.                             Village, Julius Sturgis Pretzel Bakery, Koziar’s Christmas
                          As of January 1, 2022 if you travel                                   Village-celebrating its 75th Anniversary in 2022, has
                     with Shoreline Tours you will be required to                               received many awards, including BEST OUTDOOR
                                 be fully vaccinated!                                           CHRISTMAS DISPLAY IN THE WORLD!, Tour Amish
                           Please bring proof of vaccines.                                      House & School, Luggage Handling, Tax & Tip on
                                                                                                Included Meals. $100 deposit per person at time of
                           FireKeepers Casino
                                                                                                registration with balance due by October 2nd, 2022.
                           with Route 23
                                                                                                Cancellation protection insurance $75 per person due with
                           Wednesday, July 13, 2022
                                                                                                your deposit.
                           $45.00 per person
  Trip Includes: Round trip motor coach transportation to
  Battle Creek, MI, 4 hours of gaming at Firekeepers Casino                                                 Travel Show for the following
  with each person getting $20 in gaming & $5 food from the                                                   Premier World Discovery Tours
  casino. Departure 8:00 a.m. Must wear a mask on bus.                                                  will be here at the Davison Senior Center
  Casino only requires masks for those that are                                                                           on Friday, June 10th
  unvaccinated.                                                                                                         @ 10:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m.

  New York City—with Shoreline Charter & Tours Inc.
  Holiday Entertainment Extravaganza
  The Rockettes @ Radio City Music Hall plus Lancaster, PA—                                     Treasures of Ireland
  Sight & Sound Theater—David                                                                   With Premier World Discovery
  November 27-December 2, 2022                                                                  March 14, 2023—9 Days
                     Double—$2,349.00 per person                                                                   Double—$3915 per person
        Triple—$2,049.00 per person, Single—$3,349.00 per person
D a v i s o nͲ R i c h f i e l d A r e a S e n i o r C i t iz e n s A ct i v i ty C e n t e r   •   N ews & V i ew s           •      June   2 022       14


    Trips –2023
    Continued—                                                          Motorcoach Transportation, Admissions per Itinerary,
    Tour highlights– 2 Nights in                                        Comprehensive Sightseeing, Baggage Handling at Hotels
    Dublin, 2 Nights in Limerick, 2                                     & Hotel Transfers.
    Nights in Killarney, 1 Night Castle                                 Accommodations—
    Hotel, Dublin City Tour, Trinity                                    1 Night—Hilton Boston/Woburn or Hyatt Place Boston/
    College—Book of Kells, Whiskey                                      Braintree, Boston area
    Distillery, Pub Dinner, Guinness                                    5 Nights—Nonantum Resort, Kennebunkport or
    Storehouse, Cliffs of Moher, Ring                                   Anchorage Inn by the Sea, Ogunquit.
    of Kerry, Bunratty Castle Medieval                                  Tour Activity Level = 2
    Banquet, Jaunting Car Ride in                                       Deposit of $300 per person is due with Reservation Form
    Killarney, Limerick Tour, Galway,                                   to secure reservations. Final payment due date is 75 days
    Adare, Irish Entertainment &                                        prior to departure.
    Dinner in Killarney, Kilkenny. Inclusions—Roundtrip
    Airfare, Int’l Air Departure Taxes/Fuel, 7 Nights First Class          6 Great Reasons to Spend More Time
    Hotel Accommodations, 12 Meals; 7 Breakfasts & 5                       With Others²Socialization is vital for physical,
    Dinners, Professional Tour Director, Hotel Transfers,                  mental & emotional health. Connecting with friends,
    Motorcoach Transportation, Admissions per Itinerary,                                  family & acquaintances…
    Sightseeing per Itinerary, Baggage Handling at Hotels.              Protects the brain—Loneliness is a dangerous state of
    Accommodations—                                                     being. It raises the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, stroke &
    2 Nights—Camden Court of Mespil Hotel, Dublin                       falls.
    2 Nights—The George or Clayton Hotel, Limerick                      Provides mental stimulation—Puzzles & education are
    2 Nights—Randles or Dromhall Hotel, Killarney                       all good brain exercises, but interacting with other people
    1 Night—Fitzpatrick’s Castle Hotel or Clontarf Castle               is even better.
    Hotel, Dublin Area.                                                 Nurtures a support network—Friends can help us when
    Tour Activity Level = 3                                             we need help...and helping our friends promotes self-
    Deposit of $500 per person is due with Reservation Form             esteem & a sense of purpose.
    to secure reservations. Final payment due date is 75 days           Boosts the immune system—People with strong social
    prior to departure. Note: A valid US passport is required           connections are better able to fight off infections that
    for this tour & is the responsibility of each passenger.            cause disease.
                                                                        Encourages healthy behaviors—Close connections
    Landscapes & Lighthouses of Costal Maine                            make it more likely we’ll exercise, eat well & manage our
    With Premier World Discovery                                        health conditions.
    September 23, 2023—7 Days
                      Double—$3495 per person
                                                                                             TEA PARTY
    Tour Highlights—Boston City                                                    June 12, 2022 @ Forest Twp. Hall
    Tour with Fenway Park, Casco                                                    130 E. Main St., Otisville, MI 48463
    Bay Cruise, Portland Head                                           Doors Open at 12:00 pm²Tea Starts at 1:00
    Lighthouse, Seashore Trolley                                                           pm
    Museum, Walkers Point, Lobster                                            Bring Your Favorite Tea Cup
                                                                                Raffles & Entertainment
    Boat Cruise, Cape Neddick
                                                                               Free Tour of The Otisville Museum
    Lighthouse, Boothbay Harbor,                                         Sponsored by The Otisville Area Historical Association
    Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens, Lobster Clambake, 1                                  Tickets ~ $18.00
                         Night Boston, 5 Nights at One Hotel                               For Tickets & Information 
                         In Maine. Inclusions—Roundtrip                                Contact: Peggy Banks
                         Airfare—DTW, 6 Nights First Class                               @ 810.631.6659
                         Hotels, 9 Meals: 6 Breakfasts & 3                             NO Tickets will be sold
                         Dinners, Professional Tour Director,                               at the door!
                                                8 10.6 58. 156 6    •   8 10 .658 .80 44 F ax    •   www . dav iso nͲs c .or g  15

Davison-Richfield Area
              Senior Citizens Activity Center                                                  PRST STD 
              10135 Lapeer Rd.                                                                U.S. Postage
             Davison, MI 48423
                                                                                               Davison, MI
                                                                                              Permit No. 28
              Phone: 810.658.1566

  We are on the web!

                      ANY FORMS!
                                   Thanks, Staff

   (January - December) *** 2022 Newsletter Form ***                  Suggested Donation $ 20.00***
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