Fort Atkinson Parks & Recreation - 2021 Summer Guide - - Revize Software Systems

Page created by Stephanie Chambers
Fort Atkinson Parks & Recreation - 2021 Summer Guide - - Revize Software Systems
Fort Atkinson Parks & Recreation
               2021 Summer Guide

Fort Aquatic Center
   @ Rock River Park
 Phone: (920) 563-7799              Fort Atkinson
                                 Parks & Rec. Office
                                    30 N. Water St. W.
                                  Phone: (920) 563-7781
Fort Atkinson Parks & Recreation - 2021 Summer Guide - - Revize Software Systems
Summer Guide Contents
Calendar of Events………………….Page 3           Flag Football..…………...……… Page 12           Adult Programs………….…….Page 16
Aquatic Center………………………..Pages 4-6         Fastpitch Softball………………..Page 12           Senior Center…...……………..Page 17
Youth Triathlon ……………………...Page 7          Youth Center………..…………….Page 13              Barrie Park Events...……….. Page 18
Baseball..………………………………..Page 8-9           Self-Defense Karate.……………Page 13            Jones Park Events.………….. Page 19
Youth Tennis....……………………... Page 10        Summer Dance Class…………. Page 14             Park Shelter Rentals ...……. Page 20
Girls & Boys Volleyball Camp…..Page 11     55K Challenge..…………………..Page 15             Wheels Park ……………..…….Page 21
Warhawk Basketball Camp……. Page 11         World Of Wheels ……………... Page 15            Bike Trail …………………………Page 22
All-Star Shooting Camp …………..Page 11       Parent-Tot Series…………….....Page 15          Archery Range ………………...Page 22
                                                                                       Registration Form…………... Page 23

Welcome to the Fort Atkinson Parks & Recreation Summer Guide

What a great year 2020 was! Looking back at the previous year, so much has been modified or
changed, but our department was still able to knock it out of the park! To start off, I’d like to
introduce myself as some of you may not know Scott Lastusky retired in May 2020 and I stepped             Fort Parks & Rec. Staff
in as the new Parks and Recreation Director. I am a graduate of UW-Whitewater with a
Recreation degree and maintain a Certified Parks and Recreation Professional certification. I’ve         Parks & Recreation Director
been able to label my job as a passion for six years now. Who knew my first day would be the day              Brooke Franseen
our offices opened back up to the public with the first challenge of opening the Fort Atkinson             Recreation Supervisor
Aquatic Center safely during a pandemic? And yes, my passion still holds strong!                             Brett Ketterman
                                                                                                        Admin Assist./Program Coord.
With the help of our incredible staff, we accomplished a memorable summer while ensuring the                  Makayla Thoma
health and safety of our participants and staff. Brett Ketterman, Recreation Supervisor, pulled off          Parks Maintenance
our programming and sports leagues incorporating modifications without a hitch. Chris Nye,                  J.J. Yanke, Foreman
Senior Center Director, safely reopened the Center and continuously works to bring back more                     Robbie Allard
                                                                                                                 Josh Crandall
programming daily. Our goal as a Parks and Recreation Department is to inspire the community
                                                                                                                   Rob Stine
to be active and offer opportunities to have fun and learn in. I’d say we were able to still achieve
our goal and we look forward to offering more opportunities this year.                                     Senior Center Director
                                                                                                                 Chris Nye

We welcomed Makayla Thoma, Administrative Assistant/Program Coordinator, in October fresh                    Parks & Rec. Board
                                                                                                           Paul Kotz, Council Rep
out of UW-Whitewater with a Recreation degree. Makayla jumped in by leading a new program,
                                                                                                          Steve Mahoney, Schools
Deck the House Holiday Light Competition, and has taken on the challenge of designing a new                     Ryan Baldry
website and implementing a new registration software. You are now able to reserve any of our                   Robert Cassidy
six park shelters online as well as purchase pool passes to the Aquatic Center. Please bookmark                  Don Neste
                                                                                                               Becky Romens
our new website URL
                                                                                                              Michael Williams

We can’t forget our talented Parks staff. How many of you visited our parks more than usual this               City Manager
past year? Our crew works behind the scenes to maintain our parks, shelters, and bike path. This         Rebecca Houseman-LeMire
also includes mowing and plowing the sidewalks and parking lots.

In addition to our amazing staff, I have been so impressed with the community of Fort Atkinson.
Residents, businesses, and community organizations are always happy to lend a hand when
needed. The Rotary Club deserves a special shout out for spreading cheer to over 150 kids with
our new Jingling the Clauses program! We couldn’t pull off great programming, sports, an active
Senior Center, and a beautiful Aquatic Center without every one of you contributing either as a
participant, volunteer, instructor, or donor.

We look forward to continue serving you and your families for another fun-filled year!

Brooke Franseen
Parks and Recreation Director
Fort Atkinson Parks & Recreation - 2021 Summer Guide - - Revize Software Systems
Calendar of Events
         MAY ACTIVITIES                                             JULY ACTIVITIES
         May 3 - Adult Summer Softball Opening Day                  July 4 - Aquatic Center Hours 12-4
                 Early Summer Session Fit with Fran Begins          July 5 - Session 3 Swim Lessons Begins
         May 5 - Main Street Dance Ticket Handout (5-6pm)                    City Band Concert #1 - FREE!
         May 8 - Main Street Dance Pictures                         July 12 - Warhawk Basketball Camp Begins
         May 15 - Last day to get discounted Family Pool Passes     July 13 - Karate Session 5 Begins
                  Main Street Dance Recital Age 3 & 4                          Parent-Tot Series - Nature Hunt
         May 16 - Main Street Dance Recital Age 5+                  July 14 - Session 1 Youth Tennis Lessons Ends
         May 26 - Girls Fast Pitch Softball League Evaluation       July 15 - Warhawk Basketball Camp Ends
         May 31 - 55K Challenge Registration Begins                 July 16 -Session 3 Swim Lessons Ends
                                                                               Session 1 Youth Tennis Lessons Tournament @ PTF
                                                                     July 19 - Session 2 Youth Tennis Lessons Begins
                                                                               Session 4 Swim Lessons Begins
                                                                               City Band Concert #2 - FREE!
         JUNE ACTIVITIES                                            July 22 - Girls Fast Pitch Softball Regular Season Ends
         June 1 - Karate Session 4 Starts                                      Final Day Games for T-Ball/Coach Pitch
         June 5 - Pool Opens—Grand Opening Weekend                  July 23 - T-Ball/Coach Pitch “Evening at the Ball Park“
         June 7 - Session 1 Swim Lessons Begins                     July 26 - Girls Fast Pitch Softball Play-Offs Begin
         June 9 - Youth Center Summer Hours Begins                             Volleyball Camp Begins
         June 11 - Session 1 Swim Lessons Ends                      July 29 - Volleyball Camp Ends
                   55K Challenge Registration Ends                  July 31 - Youth Triathlon
         June 14 - Session 2 Swim Lessons Begins
                   Session 1 Youth Tennis Lessons Begins
                   All-Star Shooting Camp Begins
         June 15 - Parent-Tot Series - Teddy Bear Picnic
         June 16 - All-Star Shooting Camp Ends
         June 17 - Baseball Fest Begins                             AUGUST ACTIVITIES
         June 19 - WE Train Begins                                  August 2 - Session 5 Swim Lessons Begins
         June 20 - Baseball Fest Ends                                          T-Ball/Coach Pitch Camp Begins
         June 21 - T-Ball Begins                                               City Band Concert #3 - FREE!
                   Coach Pitch Begins                               August 3 - Summer Dance Session 2 Starts
                   Girls Fast Pitch Softball League Opening Night   August 4 - T-Ball/Coach Pitch Camp Ends
         June 22 - Summer Dance Session 1 Begins                    August 10 - Parent-Tot Series - Summer Games
         June 24 - Early Summer Session Fit With Fran Ends          August 12 - Karate Session 5 Ends
         June 25 - Session 2 Swim Lessons Ends                      August 13 - Session 5 Swim Lessons Ends
         June 28 - Summer Session Fit With Fran Begins              August 14 - Pool Hours Noon-2:30 & 3:00-5:30 Begins
                                                                    August 16 - City Band Concert #4 - FREE!
                                                                    August 18 - Session 2 Tennis Lessons Ends
                                                                    August 20 - Session 2 Youth Tennis Play Date @ PTF
                                                                    August 21 - Customer Appreciation Weekend at the Pool
                                                                    August 22 - Customer Appreciation Weekend at the Pool
                                                                    August 23 - City Band Concert #5 - FREE!
                                                                    August 27 - Youth Center Summer Hours Ends

General COVID Safety Considerations for Programs/Athletics
•   Staff/participants will maintain a safe distance from each other when possible.
•   Participants are encouraged to frequently wash their hands.
•   Cough or sneeze into a tissue (discard properly) and clean your hands afterwards.
•   Face masks may be required depending on the program.
•   Participants should stay home if not feeling well.
•   If anyone in your house has been sick in the past 72 hours, we ask you stay home for the safety of the staff and participants.
•   Bring your own water bottle.
•   Please visit our website at for current updates.

Fort Atkinson Parks & Recreation - 2021 Summer Guide - - Revize Software Systems
       Grand Opening Weekend!
               Saturday, June 5 & Sunday, June 6
                12:00-2:30 p.m. & 3:00-5:30 p.m.
             Special Events During Opening Weekend:
             * Saturday: 12:00-2:20 p.m. Sidewalk Chalk Contest
 * Saturday & Sunday: Prize Drawings, Concession Deals & Meet the Staff

            Regular Summer Swim Hours
              Saturday, June 5 - Sunday, August 22                              Fort Atkinson Aquatic Center
   Weekdays: 12:00-2:00 p.m. & 2:30-4:30 p.m. & 6:30-8:30 p.m.                     Enjoy Water Park Fun….
   Weekends: 12:00-2:30 p.m. & 3:00-5:30 p.m.                               •    175 foot Waterslide!!
                                                                            •    Fish Waterslide
                          Special Hours
                                                                            •    Baby Duck Waterslide
                     July 4: 12:00-2:30 p.m.                                •    Mini-Whale Waterslide
         August 14-22: 12:00-2:30 p.m. & 3:00-5:30 p.m.                     •    Shaded Area by Lap Pool
                                                                            •    2 Concrete Bags Games
                 Sign up for Swim Time                                      •
                                                                                 Gaga Ball Pit
                                                                                 Heated Water
Sign up at - Fort Aquatic Center to reserve your           •    Palm Tree and Duck Entrance
public swim time. Maximum capacity is 325 people. Swim time                 •    Diving Boards
will be released 2 weeks in advance.                                        •    Zero Depth - Shallow Water "beach" Entry
                                                                            •    6 Lane Pool with Basketball Hoop
                                                                            •    Jumbo Shade Umbrellas
                                                                            •    100+ Lounge & Deck Chairs
                                                                            •    Affordable Concessions & Ice Cream
                                                                            •    Sand Playgrounds
                                                                            •    Highly Rated Swim Lessons
                                                                            •    Certified Lifeguards & Swim Instructors

                                 Gaga Ball

   Weekly Special Events
   * "The Aqua-Duck Center Races" Rubber Duck Waterslide Race (win t-shirts).
   * "Treasure Chest of Prizes" The lucky key wins you goggles, t-shirts & more.
   Special Pool Days
   * Customer Appreciation Weekend (August 21 & 22) - Prize drawings, concession deals & more!!

                                     Fort Atkinson Aquatic Center in Rock River Park
                                    1300 Lillian St. (On Riverside Dr. / Hwy. 106 West)
                                     Aquatic Center Information Line - (920) 563-7799

Fort Atkinson Parks & Recreation - 2021 Summer Guide - - Revize Software Systems
                                               Phone: (920) 563-7799
                                    Aquatic Center Admission Rates
                      Daily 2-Hour Admissions Fee     Weekday Evening Admissions
                              Youth - $3.00                 All Patrons - $3.00
                              Adult - $4.00
                  ***Cash or Check only. Sorry no credit cards accepted at Aquatic Center***

                  Individual Season Pass                      Family Season Pass
                           $40           -Fort City Resident-         $95
                           $50           -Non-City Resident-          $110
 Note: Family Passes are discounted (Fort Resident $85 & Non-Fort Resident $100) thru May 15
            ***Purchase Season Passes online or at the Fort Parks & Rec. Dept. Office***

                                                            Who’s Included In a Family Pass?
                                                            Two adults (parents, grandparents, guardians, couples not married living
                                                            together) and their dependent children living in the same household.
                                                            Family memberships include those eligible to file on the same federal tax
                                                            return (dependent children through ages 18 and children 19-23 who are
                                                            current full-time college students). Any extended family or adult children
                                                            must obtain their own family pass or individual pass. Babysitter or visiting
                                                            relative passes may be purchased for an extra $15 (max of 2 per family).

                                                            How Do We Register For Private Swim Lessons?
                                                            Call the Family Aquatic Center during open hours at (902) 563-7799. Fees
                                                            range from $45-$80 depending upon number of children in lessons and
                                                            whether you have a season pool pass. Payment is made to your private
                                                            swim instructor. Private lessons run 30 minutes for 5 days.

How Do I Find Out About Cancellations?
Aquatic Center Hotline: (920) 563-7799
To check on the status of your swim lessons or whether the aquatic center is open on those cold or stormy days call the Aquatic
Center Hotline. Our staff or a recorded message will keep you updated.
How Do We Have a Private Pool Party?
Call (920) 563-7781 for availability. Times available are before or after open recreation swim on the weekends. Rental fee is $150/hour.
Very Important Aquatic Center Rules
*Children 5 years of age and under must be accompanied by a parent or a responsible person when in the water.
*Carry-in beverages and food are not permitted. Aquatic Center patrons may keep items in their car and eat in the picnic area
  without paying a re-entry charge.
*Inflatables are not permitted. Swim toys are permitted if they do not interfere with other patrons.
*For patron health reasons, if your child is not potty trained they must wear a swim diaper (“Little Swimmers”) to enter the water.
  They may be purchased at the admissions counter.
*Patrons lacking swimming skills must pass a diving board training test before being allowed to use diving boards.
*Solo Waterslide users must be able to stand in 38” of water.

               Fort Atkinson Family Aquatic Center                           Fort_Parks_Rec

Fort Atkinson Parks & Recreation - 2021 Summer Guide - - Revize Software Systems
 Register online, at the Parks & Rec. office, or by mail!
 For more info call (920) 563-7781 or check the website:

 The pride of the Fort Atkinson Aquatic Center is the energetic and high quality swimming lessons.
 Certified instructors and teaching assistants provide a supportive environment for children ages 3
 and up. For infants ages 6 months to 1 year, Parent-Baby classes help prepare the youngsters for
 swim lessons.

 All classes are held Monday through Friday (except Parent-Baby) at the Fort
 Atkinson Aquatic Center. Parents are invited to watch and witness the lessons from           Swim Lesson Fees (per session 2-3-4-5)
 the deck or lounge chairs. On the first day of lessons your child is water tested by         $28 - fee without swim season pass
 our staff and placed in a specific class level.                                              $23 - fee with swim season pass
                                                                                              Parent-Baby Class Fees: $18 or $15
                                                                                              Swim Lesson Fees (session 1)
Private Swim Lesson arrangements are handled through the Aquatic Center.
                                                                                              $15 without swim season pass
                                                                                              $12 with swim season pass
PARENT/BABY Splish splash your way to get your child accustomed to the water
without a crowd of people around. Each child must be accompanied in the water by an adult. The instructors will assist adults in water games
to benefit their child. Parent/Baby is recommended for infants ages 6 months to 1 year. Classes are held Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays of
Sessions 2, 3, 4.

LEVEL 1-4 From front floats, to glides, to front and back crawl for level 1 & 2. Rhythmic breathing, elementary backstroke, treading water and
sidestroke are all taught in levels 3 & 4. Everyone will be water tested the first day to be placed in one of the 6 appropriate classes. Classes
are held Monday thru Friday of each session.

LEVEL 5-6 Learn the breaststroke, turns, and butterfly kicks in level 5 while level 6 refines all the strokes previously taught, as well as flip turns,
springboard diving and rescue techniques. Classes are held Monday thru Friday of each session.

DIVING Competitive Diving will be the main focus point. Swimmers need to be able to do a standing dive off the diving boards and be
comfortable in the deep water.

Class Times                    Session 1             Session 2                    Session 3             Session 4               Session 5
(Below)                        June 7-11             June 14-25                   July 5-16             July 19-30              August 2-13

10:45-11:15 a.m.               Not Offered           Level 5-6                    Level 5-6             Level 5-6               Level 5-6

11:15-11:45 a.m.               Not Offered           Level 1-2-3-4                Level 1-2-3-4         Level 1-2-3-4           Level 1-2-3-4

5:00-5:30 p.m.                 Level 1-2-3-4         Level 1-2-3-4                Level 1-2-3-4         Level 1-2-3-4           Level 1-2-3-4

5:30-6:00 p.m.                 Level 1-2-3-4         Level 1-2-3-4                Level 1-2-3-4         Level 1-2-3-4           Level 1-2-3-4

6:00-6:30 p.m.                 Level 5-6             Level 5-6                    Level 5-6             Level 5-6               Level 5-6

6:00-6:30 p.m.                 Not Offered           Tues-Thur-Fri                Tues-Thur-Fri         Tues-Thur-Fri           Not Offered

Fort Atkinson Parks & Recreation - 2021 Summer Guide - - Revize Software Systems
                                    Fort Youth Triathlon (Ages 7-14)
                                    Swim, bike or run to sign up for the 13th annual Fort Youth Triathlon! Every child will be
                                    scored and timed professionally.

                                    AGES: 7-14 years old             DATE: Saturday, July 31

                                    FEE: $35 first participant; $30 for each additional family participant (before 7/1)
                                         $40 first participant; $35 for each additional family participant (July 1-27)
                                         $45 for all registrants on July 28-31 & race day

                                    LOCATION: Rock River Park

                                    REGISTRATION INCLUDES: Race packet, t-shirt, 1 day pool pass, entry into door prize
                                    drawing & finishers medal.

                                    SPECIAL NOTE: If you are interested in volunteering for this event, contact

                                    REGISTRATION: Online at

                                                    Fort Atkinson Youth Triathlon

                                                                                               RACE DAY SCHEDULE:
                                            RACE DISTANCES:
                                                                                         6:30 a.m. Registration Opens
                                                Age 7 - 8
                                                                                         8:00 a.m. 7-8 year old race
                                  50 meter swim, 3 mile bike, 1/2 mile run
                                                                                         9:00 a.m. 9-10 year old race
                                               Age 9 - 10
                                                                                         10:00 a.m. 11-14 year old race
                                 100 meter swim, 3 mile bike, 1/2 mile run
                                                                                         11:00 a.m. Awards and Prizes
                                               Age 11 - 14
                                 150 meter swim, 6 mile bike, 3/4 mile run
                                                                                         Top 3 finishers (male/female)
                                                                                         Age 7-8, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14
WE TRAIN (Ages 7-14)
Train with us for the Fort Youth Triathlon by taking 11 classes to get you ready for the youth
triathlon! Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings you will learn how to transition from
each area, helpful tips and more. Each training session will focus the 3 main components of the
Triathlon. WE Train will help you become a premier youth triathlete!

DATES: June 19-July 28
        (Mandatory Parent Meeting 6/19 at 9:00-9:30 a.m.)
DAY/TIME: Wednesdays at 6:00-6:30 p.m. & Saturdays at 9:00-10:30 a.m.
        No training on July 3
AGES: 7-14 years old
FEE: $55 ($65 after 6/10)
LOCATION: Rock River Park
NOTE: WE TRAIN includes registration for the Fort Youth Triathlon

Fort Atkinson Parks & Recreation - 2021 Summer Guide - - Revize Software Systems
                                                T-Ball & Blastball
                                            (Age 4, 5 & Currently in Grade 5K)
Here’s your first chance to hit the BIG LEAGUES! Children are taught the proper techniques of throwing, catching, hitting and
running the bases. Early in the season, a low-key fun style game called Blastball will be used to teach the fundamentals.
Instructional games will be played the rest of the season. Safety balls are used so players may gain confidence more quickly.
Players should provide their own glove and batting helmets, however a limited number of gloves will be available at the site
and batting helmets will be supplied for those that don’t have one. This program includes a special evening session on Friday,
July 23 called “Evening at the Ball Park” that will have a parents versus kids game under the lights at Memorial Park.
      AGES: 4, 5 & Current Kindergarten                  LOCATION: Memorial Park
      FEE: $27 (includes a t-shirt/$32 after 5/28)                (behind Armory)
      DATES: June 21-July 21 (Mon. & Wed.)
             OR June 22-July 22 (Tue. & Thur.)           NO CLASS: July 5 & 6
      MIN/MAX: 10/20 per session

      Course#      Day                               Time
      TBALL-1      Monday & Wednesday                10:00-10:45 a.m.
      TBALL-2      Monday & Wednesday                11:00-11:45 a.m.
      TBALL-3      Tuesday & Thursday                10:00-10:45 a.m.
      TBALL-4      Tuesday & Thursday                11:00-11:45 a.m.

                                                                   Evening T-Ball Camp
                                                                (Currently Age 4, 5 or Kindergarten)
                                             Basics of T-Ball will be covered the first two nights, with an emphasis on hitting,
                                             throwing, fielding, and base running. The final night will be small sided games where
                                             we will use parents to help assist the camp staff. If inclement weather
                                             cancels a night, rain-date will be on Thursday, August 5.
                                             AGES: 4, 5 & Current Kindergarten            LOCATION: Memorial Park
                                             FEE: $17 (includes a t-shirt/$22 after 7/16)          (behind Armory)
                                             DATES: August 2, 3, 4
                                             MAX: 32 per session. Parent volunteers needed!
                                             Course #            Days of the Week                            Time
                                             TBALL-PM5           Mon, Tue, Wed (Aug 2, 3, 4)             5:00-6:00 p.m.

                                 Fort Atkinson Parks & Recreation Acknowledgements
    Pictures in the 2021 Summer Brochure were taken by Fort Atkinson Parks & Recreation Staff and Brenda Reed.
              Thanks to WFAW AM-90 & Jefferson County Daily Union for promoting activities and events.

Fort Atkinson Parks & Recreation - 2021 Summer Guide - - Revize Software Systems
                                              Coach Pitch Baseball
                                               (Currently in Grade 5K, 1 & 2)
One last stop before you join the Youth Baseball or Girls Softball evening leagues (see page 12). Games will become more
competitive as players get to hit off our staff “aces”. Following a two-week training program - where players will practice the
basics of throwing, fielding, base running and hitting - it is time to PLAY BALL!!! Teams will be formed and games begin week of
July 7. Team defense, base running and hitting will be emphasized during the ball games. Safety baseballs are used
during the drills and games. Players should bring their own gloves and batting helmet (some gloves and batting helmets will be
available from the Parks & Rec. Dept.). This program includes a special evening session on Friday, July 23 called “Evening at the
Ball Park” that will have a parents versus kids game under the lights at Memorial Park.

Games will be played at the same time and days that you sign up for.
Any current 2nd grader not interested in playing with Fort Youth Baseball evening league may participate in Coach Pitch.

                                                    GRADES: Currently in Grade K, 1 & 2
                                                    FEE: $27 (includes a t-shirt/$32 after 5/28)     LOCATION: Memorial Park

                                                    DATES: June 21-July 21 (Mon. & Wed.)
                                                           OR June 22-July 22 (Tue. & Thur.)           NO CLASS: July 5 & 6
                                                    MIN/MAX: 10/20 per session

                                                    Course #             Days                         Time
                                                    CPITCH-1       Monday & Wednesday              12:15-1:15 p.m.
                                                    CPITCH-2       Monday & Wednesday              1:15-2:15 p.m.
                                                    CPITCH-3       Tuesday & Thursday              12:15-1:15 p.m.
                                                    CPITCH-4       Tuesday & Thursday              1:15-2:15 p.m.

                                            Evening Coach Pitch Camp
                                              (Currently in Grade 5K, 1st & 2nd)

   If the daytime Coach Pitch program doesn’t fit your schedule, try our 3-night camp. The first two nights will cover all the fun-
   damentals to be successful in baseball or softball. The final night, we will split the campers up into small sided games and
   use parents to help the camp staff during the game. Rain-date will be Thursday, August 5.

   GRADES: Current Grades 5K, 1 & 2             LOCATION: Memorial Park
   FEE: $17 (includes a t-shirt/$22 after 7/16)          (behind Armory)
   DATES: August 2, 3, 4
   MAX: 40 per session. Parent volunteers needed!

   Course #            Days of the Week                       Time
   CPITCH-PM5         Mon, Tue, Wed (Aug 2, 3, 4)          6:00-7:00 p.m.

Fort Atkinson Parks & Recreation - 2021 Summer Guide - - Revize Software Systems
       Tennis Lesson FAQ                                Youth Tennis Lessons (Ages 3-Adult)
Class Fees: $30 - $80 Session 1 (10 classes)       **Tennis Lessons taught by Premier Tennis Staff**
                                                  Fort Atkinson Parks & Recreation Department and Premier Tennis &
           $30 - $80 Session 2 (10 classes)       Fitness out of Janesville are working together to bring top notch
Location: Rock River Tennis Courts                professional tennis lessons to Fort Atkinson area children and adults.
                                                  Skills that will be covered consist of serving, forehand, backhand, and
Session 1 Dates: June 14 - July 14                footwork, along with learning the rules of the game and how to keep score.
Session 1 Tournament Date: July 16                All equipment will be provided.
                                                  Barry Hankel - 3 time All-Conference Player at UW-Green Bay has been
Session 2 Dates: July 19 - August 18              teaching tennis for 14 years. He has had well over a hundred students qualify
Session 2 Tournament Date: August 20              for the state tournament and many that have gone on to play at the college
                                                  level. Barry, the Tennis Director at PTF, will be overseeing the program.

                            CLASS SCHEDULE
   Course #            Days of the Week            Time         Cost per session
   AGE 3-6               Mon & Wed             1:00-1:45 p.m.        $40
   AGE 7-9               Mon & Wed             1:45-2:30 p.m.        $40
   AGE 9-13              Mon & Wed             2:30-4:00 p.m.        $80
   AGE 13-18             Mon & Wed             4:00-5:30 p.m.        $80
   ADULT                 Wed                   5:30-6:30 p.m.        $30

                                          Class Description
  Age 3-6: Using Quick Start approach, children are taught using balls that bounce lower and don’t
           move as fast so they are easier to hit.
  Age 7-9: Students will further develop tennis strokes, groundstrokes and volleys and the serve.
           Footwork drills and point playing will be introduced.
  Age 9-13: Students will refine stroke mechanics with major emphasis on improving the
            consistency and accuracy of groundstrokes, volleys, overheads and learning the rules
            of the game.
  Age 13-18: This group is designed for high school players or advanced middle schoolers. Drills
             become more intense and focused on strategy. Point play for singles and doubles.
  Adult: See page 16 for more information

                                   Tournament Dates
                                  **Held at Premier Tennis & Fitness**
The Parks and Rec Tournament is included in the cost of the youth tennis lessons. This is a great
opportunity to show what you have learned each session by competing in a tournament against players
from the other recreational youth tennis programs. Points will be awarded at each tournament to each
city based on attendance and success in the games/matches played. There will be prizes given out to the
Parks & Rec program with the most points accumulated during the tournament as well as prizes given out
to individual winners.
         Premier Tennis & Fitness is located at 3410 Bell Street in Janesville (behind Target).

Girls & Boys Volleyball Camp (Grades 4-9)
This volleyball camp is Co-Ed! Both boys and girls will be led through the direction of
coach Nicole Gavigan and her staff. You will learn the touch of passing the ball,
setting the ball softly and the techniques for swinging for the perfect spike! How
about finally succeeding with the overhand serve? Team defense will also be
introduced. Our four-day volleyball camp, which includes a t-shirt, will “set” you in
the right direction.                                                                       Grades 7-8-9 Contest Winners

DATES: July 26-29    DAYS: Mon-Thur
LOCATION: Fort Municipal Gymnasium

Grade (2021-22)         Time                     Fee
7-9                     9:00-Noon                $32 ($42 after 7/9)
4-6                     1:00-3:00 p.m.           $22 ($32 after 7/9)                      Grades 4-5-6 Contest Winners

Warhawk Basketball Camp (Grades 1-8)
2012 & 2014 DIII NATIONAL CHAMPIONS - UW-Whitewater Men’s Head Basketball Coach Pat Miller, Assistant
Coaches & UW-Whitewater players will help guide you as you learn the secrets of great shooting, dribbling and
passing from this talented staff. Grades 1-4 will utilize lower hoops and use contests & games to develop skills,
while Grades 5-8 will focus on extensive fundamental work with 5-on-5 game competition. Cost includes camp in-
struction & reversible jersey. Learn from Champions at the Warhawk Basketball Camp!

                                               DATES: July 12-15    DAYS: Mon-Thur
                                               LOCATION: Fort Municipal Gymnasium

                                                Grade (2021-22)        Time                 Fee
                                                1-4                    12:30-1:45 p.m.      $32 ($42 after 6/25)
                                                5-8                    2:00-3:30 p.m.       $42 ($52 after 6/25)

All-Star Shooting Camp (Grades 3-8)
Attend this camp and you will become a better shooter and offensive player! Designed entirely on improving your
shooting preparation, technique, and scoring options - this camp will utilize instruction, individual and group
shooting drills, and contests that the best shooters put to use.

DATES: June 14-16    DAYS: Mon-Wed
LOCATION: Fort Municipal Gymnasium

Grade (2021-22)         Time                     Fee
3-8                     12:30-2:00 p.m.          $17 ($22 after 6/4)

                           Blackhawk Flag Football (Entering Grades K-5)
                            3 leagues based on grade level will get you ready until you reach Fort Youth Tackle
                            Football League in Grade 6.
                            Grade K-1: September 18-October 9. 45 minutes practice followed by a 45 minute game. 9:15-10:30 a.m.
                            Grade 2-3: September 11-October 9. 30 minutes practice followed by a 60 minute game. 9:00-10:30 a.m.
                            Grade 4-5: September 11-October 9. 50 minute practice followed by a 60 minute game. 8:30-10:30 a.m.

                            Grades 2-5 will be participating in NFL Flag. Cost includes NFL Reversible Jersey, NFL Flag belt and mouth-guard.

                            LOCATION: Fort High School Practice Fields        DAYS: Saturdays
                            FEE: $22 (Gr. K-1) / $45 (Gr. 2-5) ($52 after 8/13 for Grades 2-5)
                            NOTE: Volunteer Coaches are needed for all the teams in all 3 leagues.
                            Contact Brett at 920-563-7781 if you are interested in coaching.

                            Girls Fast Pitch Softball League (Grades 3-8)
All games are played in Fort at the JF Luther Softball Fields. Practices will take place in May and during the season. Grades 3-5, which play on
Monday & Thursday nights, will have no walks to increase action in the field. Grades 6-8, which play on Tuesday &
Wednesday nights resembles the rules used in high school games with some modifications. Roster batting is used
and all players will play in the field for every game.

  **League games begin June 21 or 22 with a special Opening Night sponsored by Fort Atkinson Kiwanis Club.**

A mandatory evaluation will be held at the Municipal Building Gymnasium on Wednesday, May 26
*Current 3rd Graders from 3:30-4:00 p.m.           *Current 6th Graders from 5:30-6:15 p.m.
*Current 4th Graders from 4:00-4:30 p.m.           *Current 7th Graders from 6:15-6:45 p.m.
*Current 5th Graders from 4:30-5:15 p.m.           *Current 8th Graders from 6:45-7:15 p.m.
                            ***Current Grades are 2020-2021 school year
GAME DATES: June 21-July 29                      GAMES TIMES: 5:00 or 6:30 p.m.
LOCATION: JF Luther School Ball Diamonds         PRACTICE TIME: TBD by coach
FEE: $25 (includes visor/$30 after 5/17)

Once teams are formed on evaluation night, there is no guarantee for late registrations to be put on a team.
NOTES: Volunteer Coaches & Paid Umpires Needed (call (920) 563-7781)

                                             NEW ONLINE REGISTRATION
Our department is excited to bring you a mobile-friendly website:

We are now offering user friendly online registration for most of our programs and all park shelters. You can also
now purchase pool passes online! Please create an account if you haven’t yet. Click “Log In” or “Create an Account”
on the left side of our home page and follow the instructions.

Unfortunately, we are unable to take online registration for Table & Chair Rentals and Adult Sports Leagues.

                                   Fort Youth Center (Grades 6-8)
       (DURING SUMMER VACATION, 5th graders during the 2020-2021 school year may join for $5!)
Hey middle school kids, looking for a cool place to hang out during the dog days of summer? Stop by the air conditioned Youth
Center at the Municipal Building. Starting June 9, kids currently in 5th grade may come to the Youth Center by
purchasing a $5 summer-only pass! Video games, television room, gymnasium games (dodgeball, capture the flag and more),
laser tag, lock-ins, trips and dances are all part of the Youth Center experience. Open five days a week during summer
vacation. Get the latest monthly calendar featuring special events available on the Fort Atkinson Youth Center Facebook page.

Grades: 6-8 (Summer - Grade 5 can also come) based on 2020-2021 grade          LOCATION: Municipal Building (Rec. Entrance)
FEE: $5 for Summer Season Pass (good from June 9-August 27) OR $2 per day
HOURS: Monday-Friday 12:00-4:00 p.m.
NOTE: No additional pass needed if you have 2020-2021 season pass
2021-22 Season Pass can be purchased ($15) after 8/1 at the Parks & Rec Office or Youth Center
                                                                                                       FORMAL DANCE

  Since opening in                                                                                   Due to the Covid-19
                                                                                                     Pandemic, we were not
     April 1999,                                                                                     able to offer a FORMAL
 137,777 youth in                                                                                    dance this year. We are
                                                                                                     already in the planning
 grades 6-7-8 have                                                                                   stages for the biggest
     utilized the                                                                                    dance of the year in
   Youth Center!                                                                                     February 2022!

                        Fort Atkinson Traditional KARATE-DO (Ages 5 - Adult)
                   Sensei Patricia Bolton, Shidoin 4th degree black belt, leads this great program. She has been practicing
                   martial arts for over 20 years, has trained under our former dojo instructor, Sensei Brad Wells since 2004
                   and has run numerous women’s self-defense classes. Each summer session runs for five weeks and
                   Sensei Bolton and her staff will teach the techniques of Shotokan and Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu Karate,
                   but also improve coordination, discipline and respect. Various skill levels are offered for youth including
                   a level for new kids to the program.
                   FEE: $22-$47 per 5 week session           LOCATION: Municipal Building Gymnasium
                   LEVELS & TIMES:
                   NOVICE 1 - Ages 5-8 & new to our Karate school (Max of 5) - Tuesdays ONLY 4:00-4:30 - $27
                   NOVICE 2 - Novice Red/Yellow/Orange Belt - Tuesdays 4:30-5:00 & Thursdays 4:00-4:30 - $42
                   JUNIOR 1 - Ages 9-14 New to Karate White/Yellow Belt - Tuesdays 5:00-5:30 & Thursdays 4:00-4:30 - $42
                   JUNIOR 2 - Junior Orange/Red or Novice Orange/Green - Tues 5:00-5:45 & Thurs 4:30-5:15 - $47
                   BLACK BELT CLUB - Brown Belts+ Tuesdays 6:15-7:00 & Thursdays 4:30-5:15 - $47
                   INTRO TO WEAPONS - New to weapons & Junior Blue Belt+ Thursdays 5:15-5:45 - $22
                   WEAPONS - Pre-requisite of Intro to Weapons - Tuesdays 5:45-6:15 - $22
                   ADULT/TEEN OPEN - Ages 15+ Tuesdays 6:15-7:00 & Thursdays 5:45-6:30 - $47
                   SELF-PROTECTION - Ages 13+, does not need to have any Karate background. Tuesdays 7:00-8:00 - $42
                   SESSION 4: June 1 - July 1 (Tuesdays & Thursdays)                      Deadline: May 21
                   SESSION 5: July 13 - August 12 (Tuesdays & Thursdays)                  Deadline: July 2
                   NOTE: $10 late fee after the session deadline.
                   No Classes August 17-September 9 (School year sessions will resume on September 14)

  Fort Parks & Recreation offers its popular dance classes for a limited 5-week summer run. Many of the favorites
  from the school year schedule will return including: Ballet and Creative Dance. Classes will be offered for ages 3
  through 18 and will be held once a week at the Municipal Building Dance Rooms (AIR CONDITIONED!). Full 24-week
  sessions will return in the Fall. For a complete dance class descriptions go to
                              AGES: 3 & up
                              LOCATION: Municipal Building Dance Rooms
                              FEE: $23-$42 (depending upon Class)
                              CLASS SIZES: Minimum of 6
                                           Maximum of 10-20 (depending on class)
                              NOTE: No Dance classes July 27, 28 & 29

TUESDAYS (Session 1: June 22, 29, July 6, 13, 20)           TUESDAYS (Session 2: August 3, 10, 17, 24, 31)
(Dance Room 1)                                              (Dance Room 1)
4:00-4:45p.m. - Creative I ($27) Ms. Lexi & Ms. Jenna       4:00-4:45p.m. - Creative I ($27) Ms. Kiara & Ms. Liberty
4:45-5:30p.m. - Creative II ($27) Ms. Kiara & Ms. Liberty   4:45-5:30p.m. - Creative II ($27) Ms. Liberty & Ms. Jenna
(Dance Room 2)                                              (Dance Room 2)
4:00-4:45p.m. - Creative III ($27) Ms. Claire               4:00-4:45p.m. - Creative III ($27) Ms. Claire
4:45-5:30p.m. - Ballet I ($27) Ms. Emma Z.                  4:45-5:30p.m. - Ballet I ($27) Ms. Emma Z.
5:30-6:15p.m. - Pre Hip Hop I & II ($27) Ms. Emma Z.        5:30-6:15p.m. - Pre Hip Hop I & II ($27) Ms. Emma Z.

WEDNESDAYS                                                  WEDNESDAYS (Session 2: August 4, 11, 18, 25, Sept. 1)
(Dance Room 1) (Session 1: June 23, 30, July 7, 14)         (Dance Room 1)
4:45-5:30p.m. - Creative I ($23) Ms. Sydney & Ms. Ella      4:45-5:30p.m. - Creative I ($27) Ms. Ella & Ms. Sydney
5:30-6:15p.m. - Creative II ($23) Ms. Ella & Ms. Sydney     5:30-6:15p.m. - Creative II ($27) Ms. Sydney & Ms. Ella
(Dance Room 2)(Session 1: June 23, 30, July 7, 14, 21)      (Dance Room 2)
4:00-4:45p.m. - Pre Ballet ($27) Ms. Claire                 4:00-4:45p.m. - Pre Ballet ($27) Ms. Claire
4:45-5:30p.m. - Pre Hip Hop I & II ($27) Ms. Jenny          4:45-5:30p.m. - Pre Hip Hop I & II ($27) Ms. Jenny
5:30-6:15p.m. - Ballet II ($27) Ms. Jenny                   5:30-6:15p.m. - Ballet II ($27) Ms. Jenny
6:15-7:00p.m. - Creative IV ($27) Ms. Jenny                 6:15-7:00p.m. - Creative IV ($27) Ms. Jenny
7:00-8:00p.m. - Theatrical I & II ($42) Ms.Emma H.          7:00-8:00p.m. - Theatrical I & II ($42) Ms.Emma H.

THURSDAYS (Session 1: June 24. July 1, 8, 15, 22)           THURSDAYS (Session 2: August 5, 12, 19, 26, Sept. 2)
(Dance Room 1)                                              (Dance Room 1)
4:00-4:45p.m. - Special Needs ($27)                         4:00-4:45p.m. - Special Needs ($27)
Ms. Claire & Ms. Emma Z.                                    Ms. Claire & Ms. Emma Z.
(Dance Room 2)                                              (Dance Room 2)
4:00-5:00p.m. - Ballet III & IV ($42) Ms. Emma H.           4:00-5:00p.m. - Ballet III & IV ($42) Ms. Emma H.
5:00-6:00p.m. - Ballet V ($42) Ms. Emma H.                  5:00-6:00p.m. - Ballet V ($42) Ms. Emma H.
6:00-6:45p.m. - Pointe ($37) Ms. Emma H.                    6:00-6:45p.m. - Pointe ($37) Ms. Emma H.
7:00-8:00p.m. - Hip Hop I & II ($42) Ms. Emma H.            7:00-8:00p.m. - Hip Hop I & II ($42) Ms. Emma H.

55K Challenge - All Ages
Celebrate 55 Years of Fort Parks & Rec!
Let’s celebrate! If you’ve ever participated in a sport, swam at the Aquatic Center, went on a
family park hunt, exercised on the bike path, or attended a program at the Senior Center, this
challenge is for you! Celebrate 55 years of Fort Atkinson Parks and Recreation by completing
the 55K virtual challenge (35 miles) with any activity, any location, and any pace you choose!
A mile/minute converter is available to earn miles for following a workout video, family
walks, kayaking, fishing, or just simply being active and getting rewarded for it with a medal.

DATES: May 31-July 2        DEADLINE: June 11         FEE: $15 (includes a medal as shown)
More information and tracking form at

Parent-Tot Series
There will be a parent-tot activity in the park once a month in the summer! Activities are designed for ages 3-6. Please register
individually for one or all of the classes online, in the Parks & Rec office, or by mail.

Teddy Bear Picnic
Watch your child’s eyes light up as you help them make a stuffed animal come to life. Each kit includes an animal, a wishing star
to go inside your animal, stuffing, and a birth certificate. No sewing required. Juice boxes and a snack will be provided.
Date: Tue, June 15         Time: 10:00-11:00 a.m.             Fee: $15/child          Location: The Clubhouse @ Rock River Park

Nature Hunt
Complete a nature hike scavenger hunt with your child led by Parks and Recreation staff and participate in a nature craft
Date: Tue, July 13        Time: 9:00-10:00 a.m.      Fee: $5/child          Location: Rock River Park near The Clubhouse

Summer Games
Participate in fun, outside mini games alongside your child! Watch them attempt to score a basket, make a goal, and much more
to win prizes among different stations.
Date: Tue, August 10         Time: 10:00-11:00 a.m.    Fee: $10/child        Location: Rock River Park near Rotary Pavilion

                                           “WORLD OF WHEELS”
                                              Saturday, September 18
                                        9:00-10:30 a.m. @ Ralph Park - FREE!

Come enjoy walking around trucks and cars of various sizes, shapes and jobs. This is a chance for children to get up close and
personal with their favorite big rig! Race cars, fire trucks, police cars, garbage trucks, construction vehicles and many other
vehicles may be on display for children of all ages to look at, explore, and possibly climb on and sit inside the vehicles. Parents
are encouraged to bring a camera to record the event. This is an activity all ages will love!

                                 Fit With Fran (Aerobics & Conditioning)
Morning workouts in the Municipal Building are sure to get you into shape, give you confidence and give you energy for the day.
The Early Summer Session runs May 3 through June 24; Summer Session runs June 28 through September 9 and Fall Session is
September 13 through November 4. Fran Leslie, an energetic and experienced lead instructor, will make you feel welcome.
Participants will need a floor mat or towel, hand held weights and a water bottle. Fran offers two versions of aerobics and
                              Cardio-Pump - Burn calories and get fit with this traditional style aerobics program. Warm-up begins with
                              a low level aerobic movement that gradually builds through the 40-minute workout. Heart rate decreases
                              with a cool down program including an upper body workout. Class concludes with a 15-minute floor segment
                              of abdominal, hip, and thigh exercises, stretching and relaxation. Participants will build stamina, increase body
                              strength and flexibility while releasing stress.
                                                  Monday - 8:15 a.m.             Tuesday - 9:15 a.m.
                                                  Wednesday - 8:15 a.m.          Thursday - 9:15 a.m.
                                                             (Fee is $53 per session)

                              Body Pump - This exercise class is designed to improve your strength, flexibility and tone. The 35-40
                              minute class includes warm-up, upper body strengthening, abdominal/hip/thigh and buttock
                              workouts, stretch and relaxation.
                                                 Monday - 9:15 a.m.            Tuesday - 8:30 a.m.
                                                             Thursday - 8:30 a.m.
                                                           (Fee is $40 per session)
                        BOTH CLASS SPECIAL …. Save $20 - Register for both classes for just $73.

             Adult Tennis Lessons                                                       Fort Atkinson Pickleball
Taught by the tennis professionals from Premier Tennis & Fitness              Want to learn this new game that is part badminton and part
Facility in Janesville, this class is open to all levels of play. All         tennis, but easier on the body? Want to find a pick up game? Fort
levels are welcome from beginner to advanced. Drills will work                Atkinson Pickleball group meets at Rock River Park Tennis Courts
on technique, strategy, and point play. Drills will be fast paced             #7 & #8 on Thursdays from 12:30-2:00 p.m. and Saturdays 8:30-
and keep you moving.                                                          11:30 a.m., weather permitting.

LOCATION: Rock River Park Tennis Courts                                                         Fort Atkinson Pickleball
DATES: Session 1: June 16-July 14 (Wed) 5 days
       Session 2: July 21-August 18 (Wed) 5 days
TIMES: 5:30-6:30 p.m.                                                      If bad weather happens to cancel an event, it will be posted:

FEE: $30/session                                                           * FACEBOOK - Fort Atkinson Parks & Recreation

NOTE: Players will be separated on the courts by ability.                  * RAINEDOUT.COM - Search for Fort Atkinson Parks &
      Equipment will be provided if needed.                                Recreation. Follow directions to receive text or email
                                                                           notifications for Aquatic Center, T-Ball/Coach Pitch, Adult
                                                                           Leagues, Tennis, Dance & Karate.

                                                                           * ADULT SOFTBALL - Call Ralph Park Hotline 920-568-9719 after
                                                                           4:30 p.m.

                                                                           * AQUATIC CENTER - Call 920-563-7799

  Fort Senior Center                 Currently in its 41st year of operation, the Fort Atkinson Senior Center provides social,
                                     nutritional, instructional and leisure activities and opportunities for our citizens. There is no
  307 Robert Street                  membership fee as the Center is tax supported and receives additional funding support from several
 Phone: 920-563-7773                 donors and the Senior Citizens Inc. organization that meets and holds fundraisers at the Center. The
                                     nutrition side at the Center, staffed by Jefferson County provides well-balanced meals five days a week
                                     on a donation basis. The newsletter, “The Quill” is available at the Center, Parks & Rec Office, and at
           Hours:                    various locations throughout Fort Atkinson and neighboring communities.
      Monday - Friday
    8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.                 The Center features a fitness room, computer room, craft room, game room and commons area with
                                        a large projection screen and sound system for movies. Older adults can take advantage of
                                        instructional programs such as painting, knitting and crochet groups, quilting, computers, movies,
                                        puzzle, board games, informational speakers, musical presentations, and meeting spaces. Other
                                        activities include strong women, chair yoga, and a free fitness class each week along with line
                                        dancing, dartball, Nintendo Wii Bowling and many card games. Trips are also frequently offered
                                        through the Senior Center. To set up a tour of the Center or to try any of these activities please call
                                        the Fort Senior Center at (920) 563-7773.

Chris Nye - Senior Center Director

                                                      Spaghetti Dinner
                                                                                                          Senior Center Board

            Daily Schedule (Subject to Change) - See the Monthly Quill for most up to date events
Monday - Wii Bowling (9 am & 10:15 am), Knitting (9 am)
Tuesday - Crocheting (9 am), Strong Women Class (8 am), Exercise (9 am), Painting Group (12:00)
Wednesday - Breakfast Bunch (8 am), Sewers & Quilters (8:30 am), Gentle Yoga (10 am), Bingo (12:30 pm 2nd & 4th)
Thursday - Strong Women Class (8 am)
Friday - Line Dancing (1 pm)

                    Fitness Classes                                                Monthly Special Events
            (Most classes are 8 weeks long)                                 (Check the Quill for dates and times)
              Fees are subject to change                          * Bingo - Sponsored by Badger Basement & Agrace
            * Strong Women ($40)                                             Hospice
            * Line Dance ($35)                                    * Card Making Class - Sponsored by Reena
            * Gentle Yoga ($27)                                   * Trivia - Sponsored by Humana
            * Tuesday Exercise (Free)                             * Day and Overnight Trips
                                                                  * Movies

                                                                  Fort Atkinson Senior Center

Fort Community Band Concerts (FREE!)
Come to one of the best family events of the summer as the Fort
Atkinson Community Band performs five evenings at the Barrie Park
Bandshell. All events are free of charge. There will be no ice cream
socials for this year. In its 61st year of performing, the Fort Community
Band selects a theme for each event. Seating is provided for about 50 -
but they go fast! Bring lawn chairs or picnic blankets and enjoy a concert
in the park. If rain - concerts will be held at nearby Trinity Church.

Join director, Wayne Crook, and about 45 musicians for a night of music
for all ages to enjoy!

           Monday Band Concert Dates & Times                                              Location: Barrie Park
                        July 5 - 7:30 p.m.                                            Rain Location: Trinity Church
                        July 19 - 7:30 p.m.
                        August 2 - 7:00 p.m.
                        August 16 - 7:00 p.m.
                        August 23 - 7:00 p.m.

        7th Annual Fort Atkinson Summer Charity Concert Series (FREE!)
Swing by Barrie Park after work to relax and enjoy live music put on by the FA Summer Charity Concerts. Held on two
Wednesday nights, local and regional bands will hit the Barrie Park Bandshell stage to entertain you, your friends and family.
Guests are encouraged to bring lawn chairs or blankets, snacks and beverages and will be encouraged to socially distance.
Shows will be cancelled in the event of inclement weather.

                              June 30 - Driftless Music
                              July 14 - Altar Boy Picnic
                                Time: 6:30-8:30 p.m.

                                                                                       Altar Boy Picnic
NOTE: Donations are accepted at shows with funds supporting the FA Summer Charity Concert scholarship and the Lend a Hand
Program at BASE Fort Atkinson. The 2021 series is being supported by twenty local, generous business donors and many in-kind

** Musicians and dates are subject to change.                             FA Summer Charity Concerts

                             Jones Park
                         (615 Janesville Avenue)

19th Annual Baseball Festival June 17-June 20
                Thursday, June 17
                 * Carnival & Rides from 5:00 - 10:00 p.m.                        For your info….
                   ($20.00 Wristband Deal from 6:00-10:00 p.m.)
                                                                                    Historic Jones Park plays host to
                 * Baseball: Fort Atkinson Generals vs. Jefferson Blue Devils
                   (Home Talent Night League game) & Consolation Game             Home Talent Generals & Youth Teams
                   of Generals Tournament (6:15 & 8:30)                              For over 125 years, baseball has graced
                                                                                  the corner of Janesville Avenue & 6th
                Friday, June 18
                 * Carnival & Rides from 5:00 - 10:00 p.m.
                                                                                  Street at historic Jones Park.
                   ($20.00 Wristband Deal from 6:00-10:00 p.m.)                      The Fort Atkinson Generals, perennial
                 * Baseball: Championship and 3rd Place Game of                   play-off performers in the Home Talent
                    Fort Generals Tournament (6:15 & 8:30 p.m.)                   League, play wood bat baseball primarily
                                                                                  on Thursday nights and Sunday
Saturday, June 19                                                                 afternoons throughout the spring and
 * Softball: Battle of the Civil Servants - Fort FD/PD vs. Jefferson FD/PD 3:30
                                                                                  summer. VFW Teeners and Senior Hawks
 * Baseball: Home Talent Home Run Derby 5:30 p.m.
 * Carnival & Rides from Noon - 10:00 p.m.                                        high school age teams fill out the summer
   ($20.00 Wristband Deal from 12:00-4:00 p.m. & 6:00-10:00 p.m.)                 schedule.
                                                                                     Admission is free for most games and
Sunday, June 20                                                                   affordable, delicious concessions are
 * Baseball: Fort Atkinson Generals vs. Utica Association at 1:00 p.m.            available with proceeds benefiting area
             (Home Talent Sunday League games)                                    teams and ball park improvements. To
 * Carnival & Rides from Noon - 5:00 p.m.
                                                                                  check the summer game schedule go to
  ($20.00 Wristband Deal from 12:00-4:00 p.m.)
                                                                                  the web site:
** Games and activities are subject to change.

                                           PARK RENTAL INFORMATION
Looking for a place to hold the family reunion, graduation, confirmation celebrations or company gathering? Try one of these picnic sites
below. Prices are for full day rentals.

Clubhouse (Rock River Park) **Newly Renovated**
                                    A lodge-like building features indoor seating for 75, a
                                    kitchen with a stove and refrigerator, renovated
                                    indoor restrooms, outside patio and a beautiful view
                                    of wooded Rock River Park. Have your next
                                    gathering at the crown jewel of Rock River Park -
                                    the Clubhouse.
                                                         Fee: $150 + $50 deposit

Rotary Pavilion (Rock River Park)                                                                      Main Seating Area in the Clubhouse

                                   In a secluded picnic area just 100 yards from the Fort Aquatic Center, the sparkling pavilion has space for
                                   nearly 150 people. Over 250 people may be accommodated if using picnic tables in the shaded areas
                                   around the shelter. Kitchen preparation area, numerous electric outlets and a serving line shelf are located
                                   on the pavilion.
                                                       Fee: $100 + $20 deposit

Jones Park Lions Shelter
                                                                                                       TABLE AND CHAIR RENTALS
                                  This shelter is located near horse shoe pits, a sand
                                  volleyball court and a playground. Groups up to 75          If you are holding a family picnic, graduation party
                                  can be accommodated. Restrooms, grills, lit shelter         or garage sale and you need extra chairs and
                                  and electrical outlets are available.                       tables, the Fort Atkinson Parks and Rec. Dept. may
                                                        Fee: $35 + $20 deposit                be able to complete your event!
                                                                                              • Folding Chairs: $.50/chair
                                                                                              • 8 Ft. Tables: $4/table
                                                                                              Reservations are necessary due to demand. All
                                                                                              items need to be disinfected and cleaned before
Ralph Park Lions Shelter                                                                      brought back.
                                  Another shelter that accommodates 75 people is
                                  located in the heart of the park. Restrooms,                     Call the Parks and Recreation office at
                                  playground, and ball diamonds are located nearby.           920-563-7781 to reserve tables/chairs in advance.
                                  Electrical outlets are located throughout the shelter
                                  for set-up flexibility along with a grill. Excellent
                                  lighting will handle those evening picnics.
                                                        Fee: $35 + $20 deposit
                                                                                                Haumerson’s Pond Warming Shelter
Ralph Park Corner Shelter                                                                       Located next to Haumerson’s Pond & Bark River,
                                   Located away from the majority of park traffic, this
                                                                                                this shelter can seat up to 24 people in the upper
                                   shelter with electrical outlets, lights, a grill and a
                                                                                                level. Prices are for full day rentals.
                                   serving countertop meets the needs of groups
                                                                                                           Fee: 1-35 people = $20
                                   numbering 75. A playground, restrooms, basketball
                                                                                                                36-50 people = $50
                                   court and ball diamonds are within 75 yards of the
                                                                                                                51-75 people = $75
                                                                                                                76+ people = $150
                                                       Fee: $35 + $20 deposit

                                 RALPH PARK - 600 Jefferson Street
                                    Skateboard, Scooter & Bike Challenges
                                               Open 8:00 a.m. until Dusk

                                                 Fort Atkinson Wheels Park

              THANK YOU for Bringing the Wheels Park to Fort Atkinson Residents

                                   FEATURE DONORS ($20,000+)
         Fort Atkinson Community Foundation                Fort Community Credit Union
         Karrels Foundation                                Rotary Club of Fort Atkinson

                                          PLATINUM DONORS ($10,000+)
        Gerrit & Rebecca Hulstein                                 Jones Dairy Farm
        Mark & Barbara McGlynn                                    Schafer Family Fund

                                            SILVER DONORS ($2,500+)
                         Negus Family                         Kerschensteiner Family Fund
                         E.G. & Kay Becker                          Bender, Kind & Stafford Dental S.C.
                         Dr. Michael & Donna Bender                 The Fireside Associates
                         Fort HealthCare                            JM Carpets
                         Premier Bank                               Vance Family Fund
                         Hausz Bros. (in-kind donor)                A+ Environmental (in-kind donor)

                                           BRONZE DONORS ($1,000+)
Tom & Coral Becker                Blodgett Garden Center            Rudy Bushcott            Day Insurance Agency
Johnson Bank                      Mark & Susan Johnson              Scott & Sara Lastusky    Fit U
Optimist Club of Fort Atkinson    Kiwanis Club of Fort Atkinson     Café Carpe/Heart of the City Music Event

                                     FRIENDS & FAMILY DONORS ($250+)
Abendroth Water Conditioning      Badger Basement Systems          Melanie Becker           Mary Behling
Melissa Dressler                  Epic Real Estate Group           Goyer Ace Hardware       Grainger
Davin Lescohier                   Mona Mason                       MK Cellular              John & Jeanne Raub
Adam Paul & Mara McGlynn          Powers Tire & Auto Service       Rock River Lanes         Wayne Hayes Real Estate
First Weber Group Foundation      Russell & Nettie Toeller         Verlo of Fort Atkinson   W & A Distribution Services
Joel & Linda Winn                 StoneCraft Masonry in honor of Zac & Nathaniel Muench

           PLUS, Many Additional Contributions From Other Residents Wanting to Make A Better Fort Atkinson!

                                                  BIKE TRAIL
 For 14 years, Fort Atkinson’s Glacial River Trail has allowed you to keep your
car at home and walk, bike, rollerblade or push a stroller on an easy
connection to Jones Park, downtown restaurants & shops, Janesville Ave.
industries & your favorite ice cream shops!
  Fort’s 2.2 mile portion of the trail includes dusk to dawn lighting from
N. Main St. to Klement St., trail markers, signs with points of interests,
shelters, sculptures and nearly 200 trees.
  Combined with recent trail additions, the Glacial River Trail now reaches
Janesville to the south and Jefferson to the north.

                          Disc Golf: The 9-hole, par 33 Disc Golf Course at Rock River Park is located near the Fort
                          Clubhouse at the end of the park road (Sinnissippi Drive). This disc course is a unique links
                          style course among the tall grasses, rolling elevation and pines of Rock River Park.
                          Thanks to Nathan Tesch and our parks staff for their contributions.

                          A map of the hole is located at each tee box and high quality disc catching cages complete
                          each hole. Many area businesses made financial contributions to fund this project.
                          There is no fee to play.

 Archery Range: Experience one of the best public archery ranges in Wisconsin at the Paul Wiesmann Memorial
 Archery Range in Rock River Park. Highlights include: traditional and sand targets positioned at four varying
 distances, shooting area with both ground level and a 10-foot high elevated area (to replicate tree stands), seating
 and social gathering spot and an expanded parking lot. The upgrades were funded by the Fort Atkinson
 Wisconservation Club. There is no fee to use the range, but donations are encouraged at the on-site collection tube
 to allow more frequent target replacement.

                                NEW - Reserve Park Shelters Online!
Are you looking for an outdoor space to have an event this
summer? Wedding shower, baby shower, graduation party,        How to reserve park shelters online:
birthday party, family reunions, and more!                    1. Go to:
                                                              2. Click “Reserve Park or Facility”
Rentable Shelters:                                            3. Select your desired shelter
• Barrie Park                                                 4. Click “Check Availability and Reserve”
                                     Reserve Park or
• Jones Park Shelter                                          5. Select your date between 5/1 & 10/10
• Ralph Park Lions Shelter                                    6. Click “Request a Reservation”
• Ralph Park Corner Shelter                                   7. Login or create an account and proceed
• Clubhouse at Rock River Park
• Rotary Pavilion at Rock River Park
                                                              View all shelters and fees on page 20. Shelters are available
• Haumerson’s Pond Warming Shelter
                                                              for reservations on the first business day in January.


FLAG FOOTBALL (Grades K-5): See page 12 for more detail on our 3 Flag Football programs. Gr 2/3 & 4/5 will be a part of
the NFL Flag Football program and receive a reversible jersey.

                    POM POMS/CHEERLEADING (Grades K-3): The Fort High School Dance Team will teach your
                    daughters a halftime dance routine and cheers. The first half of the class will be spent in the High
                    School Wrestling Room learning the halftime dance routine. The second half will be spent outside
                    doing cheers for flag football players and fans. A special halftime routine and cheers will be held at
                    the last flag football game in Jones Dairy Farm Stadium.

MAIN STREET DANCE STUDIO (Age 3 - 18): Nearly 30 different times and styles of classes are offered in this very popular
program. About 250 girls and boys perform ballet, hip hop, theatrical dance and more. The 24-week program (attend
once a week) starts in early October and culminates with the Main Street Dance Studio’s recital in May at
UW-Whitewater’s Young Auditorium.

SMALL FRY BASKETBALL (Grades 2 - 3): Using fun contests, obstacle courses, lowered basketball
hoops and smaller basketballs, the Parks & Rec. staff puts youngsters through the basics of
basketball. Starting the third week, low-key games are included and some basketball rules are
introduced. This four-week program begins in late October and concludes in late November.

MINI DUNKERS BASKETBALL (Grades K & 1): Held at the High School after our popular Small Fry
Basketball program - kids will learn how to dribble, pass, and shoot on lowered hoops while
using smaller basketballs. This four-week program will start in late October and finish in late

GIRLS & BOYS BANTAM VOLLEYBALL (Grades 4-5-6): You will learn serving, setting, passing, and spiking. Drills and
contests will get you to improve your game.

            GIRLS SMASH VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE (Grades 6-7-8): Spend one week on fundamentals and the rest of the
            program playing matches in a league and tournament setting.

            WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS (Ages 4/5 & Kindergarten): Each week you will learn a different sport through
            contests and mini games in a non-competitive atmosphere. Enthusiastic instructors will teach the basic
            fundamentals in the sports of baseball, basketball, flag football and soccer. Safety equipment and mini balls
            are used each week in all sports. At the end of each day, the future Blackhawks will get to try on equipment
            that the high school teams wear.

GRADE 3/4 & 5/6 BASKETBALL LEAGUE (Grades 3 & 4 OR 5& 6): Fort Atkinson teams will play against Jefferson, Johnson
Creek, and Palmyra basketball teams on Saturdays in January & February. Group practices in November with team
practices running December, January & February. Volunteer coaches are needed.

                    Check out our new website complete with online registration!
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