Winter-Spring 2020 - City of Winchester

Page created by Gail Mcbride
Winter-Spring 2020 - City of Winchester
Winter-Spring 2020

April - August 2019 l
Winter-Spring 2020 - City of Winchester
table of contents                                    important dates
  3      Memberships                           1/17		 Family Movie Evening
                                               2/7		  Family Movie Evening
  4      Fitness
                                               3/14		 4th Annual Inclusion
  6      Park Amenities & Rentals              			Tournament
  8      Special Events                        3/20		 Family Movie Evening
  10     Athletics                             4/1		 Eggcessible
  14     Aquatics                              4/4		  The Pickle City Classic
                                               4/4		  Easter Egg Hunt & Egg Splash
  19     After School & Beyond
                                               4/9		  Easter Bunny Eggtivities
  21     Preschool Activities                  4/11		 3rd Annual Volleyball Hat
  22     Activities for Kids & Teens           			Tournament
  24     Adult Enrichment                      4/20		 Summer Camp, Resident
  26     Around the Community                  			Registration
                                               4/21		 Summer Camp, Non-Resident
  30     Partner Groups & Registration
                                               5/15		 7th Annual “Swinging Fore Sports”
  Hours                                        			Golf Tournament
  Monday – Friday: 5:30am – 9:30pm             5/16		 Grass Volleyball Tournament
  Saturday: 9am – 6pm
  Sunday: Noon – 6pm

  December 24
  December 25
  December 31 (closing at 3pm)
  January 1
  January 20                                   Park Advisory Board
  April 12                                     The Board meets the fourth Monday of every month at
                                               6:30 pm in the War Memorial Bulding.
  Administration                               Bill Stewart, President    Cal Allen, Jr.
  Administration Office Hours:                 Shelly Lee, Vice President Regina Coates
  Monday-Friday: 8am-5pm                       Andy Gail			Casey Stine
                                               James Robertson		Michael Miller
  Parks & Recreation Director
  Lynn Miller                                  1001 E. Cork Street
                                               Winchester, VA 22601
  Parks & Recreation Assistant Director        (540) 662-4946
  Matt Little                                  (540) 678-8791 Fax       

Visit or call (540) 662-4946      Cover photo by Leslie Bowery, Special Events Coordinator
Winter-Spring 2020 - City of Winchester
Memberships                                                                                                                  3
                                   and punch passes
                   Memberships, daily fees. and punch passes include: Unlimited use of the indoor
                   pool, outdoor pool, fitness room, gymnasium, billiards table, and racquetball
                   court during designated times.
                    MEMBERSHIPS                        1 MONTH                     3 MONTHS                        ANNUAL
                    Child                          $16 R     $20 NR           $42 R             $54 NR      $144 R     $192 NR
                    Student                        $20 R     $24 NR           $54 R             $66 NR      $192 R     $240 NR
                    Adult                          $36 R     $42 NR           $99 R           $117 NR       $360 R     $432 NR
                    Senior                         $16 R     $20 NR           $42 R             $54 NR      $144 R     $192 NR
                    Family (up to 4)               $68 R     $84 NR           $198 R          $246 NR       $768 R     $960 NR
                    Military                           $16 R & NR                  $42 R & NR                     $144 R & NR
                    Military Family
                                                       $48 R & NR                  $138 R & NR                    $528 R & NR
                    (up to 4)

                    Daily Fees                                    Child
                                                                                                    Family (up to 4)
                    Indoor/Outdoor Pools
                    and Recreation Center                         Adult                    $7       Military               $6

                                                              Punch Passes
                    10 Visits                                                  20 Visits
                     Child              $22.50 R        $27 NR                     Child                 $45 R        $54 NR
                     Youth/Student      $27 R           $31.50 NR                  Youth/Student         $54 R        $63 NR
                     Adult              $31.50 R        $36 NR                     Adult                 $63 R        $72 NR
                     Senior             $22.50 R        $2 7 NR                    Senior                $45 R        $54 NR
                     Family (up to 4)   $81 R           $89 NR                     Family (up to 4)      $162 R       $198 NR
                     Military           $22.50 R        $22.50 NR                  Military              $45 R        $45 NR

                    Open Gym                                                                       Racquetball                       Fitness Room
     The gym will be available at the below times to                                               The court can be used for         The fitness room is open
     anyone who would like to drop by the Recreation                                               racquetball or wallyball. Court   during the building’s
     Center to play some hoops. This is not a league or                                            reservations can be made seven    hours of operation
     program. Basketballs are available if needed.                                                 calendar days in advance for no   (see inside front cover).
     Organized practices of any kind are not permitted                                             more than two hours at a time.    Ages 14-16 must be
     during Open Gym times. Anyone entering the gym                                                The court is open and available   accompanied by adult
     must pay the daily fee or have a punch pass/                                                  for use during the building’s     18 and older. Spectators
     membership.                                                                                   hours of operation (see inside    are not permitted. Proper
				 Open Gym Closures: 12/13, 12/24-25, 1/1, 1/20,                                                front cover). Reservation         attire must follow WPRD
				 2/13, 4/3-4, 4/12, 4/16-17                                                                    recommended.                      fitness policy. These
     2nd Friday of the month: 1/10, 2/14, 3/13                                                                                       policies will be strictly
                    December 2, 2019 - April 30, 2020
                    ALL AGES             M         T     W        TH      F    S       SU




                    January - April 2020 l
Winter-Spring 2020 - City of Winchester
               Working on Your Fitness
                    with WPRD
Morning Yoga                                                  Zumba
Yoga is about stretching the body and quieting the mind.      Zumba is the hottest dance party workout today. It will
This class is designed for students to feel welcome, ask      not feel like you are working out while you Zumba.
questions, enjoy and laugh. Non-judgmental and all            Enjoy a total body workout using the most popular
experience levels welcome. Time is given for individual       music that makes you feel good. Zumba burns calories,
attention so everyone feels comfortable learning new          tones muscles, improves balance, and incorporates a full
poses. Just show up, have fun, stretch the body for an        range of motion.
hour then quiet the mind for the last 30 minutes.             Date: Mon/Thu, Ongoing
Learning how to focus your mind will allow you to             Ages: 12+
change your life.                                             Time: 6:30-7:30pm
Date: Tue/Thu, Ongoing                                        Fee: Included with facility membership
Ages: 18+                                                     Drop-in: $7R/$7.50NR
Time: 8:30-10am                                               Instructor: Amanda Floyd
Fee: Included with facility membership                       Location: Jim Barnett Park, Social Hall
Drop-in: $7R/$7.50NR
Instructor: John Ferguson
Location: Jim Barnett Park, Lord Fairfax Room
                                                              Zumba Toning
                                                              Perfect for those who want to not only party, but also
                                                              put extra emphasis on toning and sculpting to define
Curvy Yoga                                                    those muscles! Zumba Toning adds resistance by using
Students of all experience levels are welcome in this         Zumba Toning Sticks (or light weights) and helps you
class, including beginners, where the focus is on proper      focus on specific muscles groups, so you (and your
alignment and modifications for plus size bodies.             muscles) stay engaged. Lightweight maraca-like Toning
Embracing, loving, and honoring those bodies, these           Sticks enhance sense of rhythm and coordination, while
classes are accessible to and accepting of anyone who         toning target zones including arms, core, and lower
attends. Please bring a thick yoga mat to class.              body.
Date: Mon, Ongoing                                           Date: Tue, Ongoing
Ages: 18+                                                     Ages: 12+
Time: 5:30-6:30pm                                             Time: 6:30-7:30pm
Fee: Included with facility membership                        Fee: Included with facility membership
Drop-in: $7R/$7.50NR                                          Drop-in: $7R/$7.50NR
Instructor: Jessi Edwards                                     Instructor: Amanda Floyd
Location: Jim Barnett Park, Lord Fairfax Room                 Location: Jim Barnett Park, Lord Fairfax Room

    Veterans Yoga                                             Walking Club
    Practicing yoga can greatly benefit veterans both         Come out and explore Jim Barnett Park while burning
    physically and mentally. Yoga is a 5,000-year-old         calories and getting healthy. Walk at your pace. Some
    practice that starts with stretching the body and         will walk slowly and some will walk fast, but no one will
    concludes with quieting the mind. This class, taught by   walk alone. Low-impact walkers are welcomed.
    a veteran, will teach you how to focus your mind and      Date: Mon/Wed/Fri, Ongoing
    find peace and quiet. Open to all veterans and their      Age: 18+
    spouses.                                                  Time: 8:30-10am
    Date: Wed, Ongoing                                        Fee: FREE, registration is encouraged
    Time: 5:30-7pm                                            Activity #: 617235-33
    Fee: Free                                                 Instructor: Sabrina Griffin
    Instructor: John Ferguson                                 Location: Jim Barnett Park, Gymnasium or Outdoors
    Location: Jim Barnett Park, Lord Fairfax Room                         (weather permitting)
Winter-Spring 2020 - City of Winchester
Drop In Play Sports: Ages 21+                                                 Family Time Pickleball: Ages 5+
Players will be divided into teams on site and play pick-up games.            Players will be divided into teams on site
All equipment needed to play will be available if needed.                     and play pick-up games. All equipment
Fee: Included with facility membership                                        needed to play will be available if needed.
Drop-in: $3                                                                   Fee: $3
Location: Jim Barnett Park, Gymnasium                                         Location: Jim Barnett Park, Gymnasium
                                                                              Date: Sun, 12/1-4/26
 Basketball				Pickleball                                                     No session on 4/12
Date: Mon/Wed, 12/2-4/29		       Date: Tue/Thu, 12/3-4/30                     Time: 1:30-3:30pm
No session on 12/25, 1/1, 1/20		 No session on 12/24, 12/26,
Time: 7:30-9:15pm			             12/31, 1/2, 4/16
					Time: 8:30-11am
 Adult Volleyball
Date: Tue, 12/3-4/28			               Date: Thu, 12/5-4/30
No session on 12/24, 12/31		          No session on 12/26, 1/2, 4/16
Time: 8-9:15pm			                     Time: 8-9:15pm

   Zumba Gold                                                    ATM - Ability To Move
   For active older adults who are looking for a low-            Ability to Move is a modified movement and fitness
   intensity Zumba class with moves you’ll love.                 class specifically designed for adults with intellectual
   Certified Zumba Gold Instructor Sabrina Griffin shows         disabilities. Using low-impact dance movements, this
   participants easy-to-follow choreography that focuses         class is aimed to support and bring out creative
   on coordination, balance, and range of motion. Come           expressions that will allow students to get healthy
   ready to sweat, and prepare to leave empowered and            while having fun.
   feeling strong.                                               Dates: Fri, Ongoing
   Date: Tue/Thu, Ongoing                                        Ages: 18+
   Ages: 50+                                                     Time: 10-10:45am
   Time: 11:30am-12:30pm                                         Fee: FREE
   Fee: Included with facility membership                        Instructor: Sabrina Griffin
   Drop-in: $6R/$6.50NR                                          Location: Jim Barnett Park, Gymnasium
   Instructor: Sabrina Griffin
   Location: Jim Barnett Park, Gymnasuim

   January - April 2020 l
Winter-Spring 2020 - City of Winchester
6   Park Amenities and Rentals
Winchester Dog Park                                              Disc Golf
                                                                 Experience this inexpensive, family-friendly sport that
Hours: Dawn to Dusk                                              people of all skill levels and ages can play. The 18-hole disc
                                                                 golf course meanders through a portion of Jim Barnett Park
*Closed every Mon/Wed/Fri from 2-3pm for routine                 and boasts a balance of long, challenging holes and short,
maintenance                                                      strategic holes. Scorecards are available at the course map
                                                                 located at the first hole or can be downloaded from www.
Current vacinnations, including rabies, and up to date dog Discs are available to borrow at no
licenses are still required. All dog park rules apply and will   charge at the War Memorial Building.
be enforced. Dog park rules can be found at

Two Dog Park Areas:                                              Drop In Pickelball
 1. Small Dog Park: Dog under 30 lbs (no dogs over               There are 4 lined outdoor pickleball courts at Lowry Tennis
     30 lbs are allowed in this area)                            Courts in Jim Barnett Park. Equipment is now available at
 2. Large Dog Park: Dogs over 30 lbs (smaller dogs               the front desk. Call 540-662-4946 for details.
     may go into the larger area at owners discretion)

                                                                 Sun, 1:30-3:30pm
                                                                 Mon/Wed, 6:30-8:30pm
                                                                 Tue/Thu, 9-11am

                                                                 WPRD & Park Partner scheduled activities take precedence
                                                                 over drop-in times. Note: Pickleball nets can be checked
                                                                 out at the War Memorial Building during operating hours.

                                                                  Pavilion Rentals
                                                                   PAVILION                         CAPACITY          R     NR
                                                                   Jaycee I, Key Club I & II,
                                                                                                    S    25          $35    $40

                                                                   POW-MIA Memorial, Shawnee
                                                                   Lions, Firemans
                                                                                                    M 26-75          $55    $60

                                                                   Kiwanis I, Antique
                                                                   Car, Exchange
                                                                                                    L    76-100      $75    $80

                                                                   Lions, Rotary                    XL 101-150 $85          $90
                                                                  Pavilions are available for full day rentals only. A full day is
                                                                  9am-9pm. Pavilions can be used from April 15-October 15.
                                                                  Reservations are taken year-round, up to one year in advance.
Winter-Spring 2020 - City of Winchester
For additional information
about to facility rentals, visit

 FACILITY                             CAPACITY           R        NR        Social Hall
 Lord Fairfax Room                         50           $25       $31       Plan your next gathering                 Party Package
                                                                            at the Active Living and
 Arts & Crafts Room                        50           $19       $23
                                                                            Recreation Center in beautiful
 Full Gymnasium                           1,000         $92       $98       Jim Barnett Park. Our formal
 Full Court Gym                            666          $61       $65       3,150 sq. ft. social hall
                                                                            accommodates up to
 1/3 Gym                                   333          $31       $33
                                                                            175 guests. Rentals are
 Social Hall                               175          $63       $79       available Fridays and
                                                                            Saturdays. Rentals not offered
 Recreation Room                           20            $6        $8       on Sundays.
 Indoor Pool                               80           $96      $112
                                                                            PARTY PACKAGE RATE
 Outdoor Pool                              300         $156      $168
                                                                            10am-8pm               $500
 BMX Track*                                200          $17       $23
 Horseshoe Courts*                         200          $21       $27       HOURLY RATE
 Tennis Court* per court                   100           $3        $5       Call for available     $63 R
                                                                            dates and times        $79 NR
 Bridgeforth Field*                    300-1,500        $22       $30

 Bodie Grim & Eagles Fields*           300-1,500        $18       $24      INCLUDED WITH RENTAL: Table and chairs, audio/visual equipment,
                                                                           and setup and take down of tables and chairs.
 Rotary, Yost, T-Ball, Henkel*          150-500          $9       $15      NEW PARTY SET-UP PACKAGE: 5-9pm Friday nights if renting on
 Preston Rectangular Field*              (Large)        $18       $24      Saturday, $200

 Preston Rectangular Field*              (Small)        $15       $21
 Winchester Public Schools
                                                                             Non-Profit Hourly Rental Rates
 Athletic-Based Facility Rentals
                                                                              The following requirements must be met in order to
 Daniel Morgan Middle Gym                  600          $49       $50         receive the discounted facility rental rate:
 Daniel Morgan Middle                      650          $37       $38           • Physically located in the Winchester city limits
                                                                                  (zip code 22601)
 Quarles Elementary Gym                    338          $37       $38           • Provide proof of 501(c)(3) non-profit status
 VA Avenue Charlotte DeHart                338          $37       $38
                                                                              Lord Fairfax Room $19          Arts & Crafts Room       $14
 Elementary School Grounds             300-1,500        $21       $24
                                                                              Full Gymnasium     $81         Full Court Gym           $54
 John Handley High School               Call JHHS for reservations
                                                                              1/3 Gym            $27         Social Hall              $48
*$10 flat fee for lighting and/or $10 (ball field) or $20 (soccer field)      Recreation Room    $5          Indoor Pool              $90
 fee for field lining if needed.
                                                                              Outdoor Pool      $150         DMMS Gymnasium           $47
                                                                              DMMS Auxiliary     $35         QES Gymnasium            $35
Rental Rates                                                                  VACDES             $35         Elementary School        $18
Rate listed is per hour. Winchester Public Schools facility
rentals must meet insurance requirements. Most facility
rentals have a two-hour minimum and additional
custodial fees may apply. Winchester Parks and
Recreation facility rentals under $200 must be paid in
full at time of reservation. Rentals $200 and up require
                                                                                                                    Rent the Gym:
                                                                                                                    Saturday, 6-8pm
a 30% deposit.
                                                                                                               Rent the Indoor Pool:
                                                                                                                 Call 540-662-4946 for
                                                                                                                  more information

   January - April 2020 l
Winter-Spring 2020 - City of Winchester
8        Special Events
    4th Annual Inclusion Tournament
    Co-Ed Volleyball Tournament co-sponsored by WPRD to
    benefit local area Special Olympics (Area 13) that services
    Warren, Clarke and Frederick Counties and the City of
    Teams: 5 or 6 person teams must have 2 or more opposite
    Date: Sat, 3/14
    Time: 8am Check In, 9am Start Time
    Ages: 18+
    Fee: $20/person
    Register By: 3/9 at 9am
    Location: John Handley High School, Gymnasium

                                                                  Family Movie Evenings
                                                                  Too late for little ones to take in a late movie night?
                                                                  Join us for an early evening movie for all! Activities
                                                                  will begin at 5:30pm followed by the movie begin-
                                                                  ning at 6:15pm. You may bring a blanket or chair.
                                                                  Dates: 1/17 Disney’s Aladdin
                                                                         2/7 Enchanted
                                                                         3/20 Ratatouille
                                                                  Time: 5:30pm Activities
                                             © Disney - PIXAR
© Walt Disney                                                            6:15pm Movie
  Pictures                                                        Fee: FREE
                                                                  Ages: All
                                                                  Location: Jim Barnett Park, Social Hall
                    © Walt Disney Pictures

    Eggcessible                                                   Easter Egg Hunt
    The area’s only Easter egg hunt for children with special     Bring an empty Easter basket and enjoy hunting
    needs. Children can hunt for specially retrofitted eggs.      for eggs and visiting with the Easter Bunny. Groups
    Eggs are then turned in for their very own Easter             will be divided into three age groups with all three
    goodies. The Easter Bunny will be there to meet and greet     groups hunting at the same time.
    the children.                                                 Date: Sat, 4/4
    Date: Wed, 4/1                                                Time: 9am
    Time: 10-11am                                                 Fee: FREE
    Fee: FREE                                                     Age Groups: 3 and under, 4-6, and 7-9
    Location: Jim Barnett Park, Gymnasium                         Location: Jim Barnett Park, Familyland and Children’s
                                                                  Dream Playground Area

    Egg Splash
    The Indoor Pool will be filled with floating Easter eggs.
    Collect a basket of eggs for a prize. There will be one
    special egg in each age group with the grand prize being
    a free swimming lesson session, a value of $49! Parents
    must be in the water with their children.
    Date: Sat, 4/4
             Ages 3-5       1-1:20pm
             Ages 6-8       1:30-1:50pm
             Ages 9-14      2-2:20pm
    Fee: FREE
    Activity #: 612337-D1, D2, D3
    Register By: 4/4
    Location: Jim Barnett Park, Indoor Pool
Winter-Spring 2020 - City of Winchester
The Pickle City Classic                                     Easter Bunny Eggtivities
Grab your paddles and a partner, and get your game face     Hoppy Easter! Enjoy some tasty treats and making
ready for our 1st outdoor doubles pickleball tournament.    lots of crafts while visiting with the Easter Bunny!
There will be prizes and some good competition for all.     Have fun at your own pace and leave the clean-up to
Equipment will be available for use during the tournament   us. No registrations will be taken on 4/9.
if needed.                                                  Date: Thu, 4/9
Date: Sat, 4/4                                              Time: 6:30pm
Time: Division 1: 9am-2pm                                   Ages: 1+
         Division 2: 2-7pm                                  Fee: $5
Ages: Division 1: 18-49                                     Activity #: 641347-13
         Division 2: 50+                                    Register By: 4/6
Fee: $40/team                                               Location: Jim Barnett Park, Social Hall
Activity #: Division 1: 621645-25
            Division 2: 621645-26
Register By: 4/1
Location: Jim Barnett Park, Lowry Tennis Courts

3rd Annual Volleyball Hat Tournament
All names will be placed in a hat and teams will be
randomly drawn on site. Game format will depend on the
number of participants. Teams will be required to keep
score when not playing.
Date: Sat, 4/11
Time: 8am Check In, 9am Start Time
Ages: 18+
Fee: $20/person
Activity #: 621645-15
Register By: 4/6 at 9am
Location: John Handley High School, Gymnasium

7th Annual “Swinging Fore Sports”
Golf Tournament
Grab your clubs, round up a team and join Winchester
Parks and Recreation for the 7th Annual “Swinging
Fore Sports” Golf Tournament. The format is four-man          Grass Volleyball Tournament
captain’s choice with a 1pm shot gun start. Dinner will       Co-Ed 4’s, 2 females, 2 males (BB/A)
be served following the tournament. Rain date is TBA.         Teams will be required to keep score when not
Date: Fri, 5/15                                               playing.
                                                              Date: Sat, 5/16
Time: 1pm
                                                              Time: 8am Check In, 9am Start Time
Ages: All                                                     Ages: 18+
Fee: $320/team                                                Fee: $20/person
Activity #: 621645-06                                         Activity #: 621645-20
Register By: 5/11                                             Register By: 5/11 by 9am
Location: Winchester Country Club Golf Course                 Location: Jim Barnett Park, Preston Field

  January - April 2020 l
Winter-Spring 2020 - City of Winchester
10      Get involved with WPRD!
 Youth Sports Officials Needed                                      Volunteer Coaches
 WPRD is seeking youth sports officials year-round.                 The majority of our youth programs rely on volunteer
 Officials are needed for flag football, basketball, indoor         coaches. We are always looking for individuals who can
 soccer and volleyball. Games are played weeknights and             help create a positive learning environment where the
 weekends and a flexible schedule is a must. Applicants             children learn sportsmanship, fundamental skills, team-
 must be at least 16 years of age, officiating experience           work and responsibility. If you are able to help, please
 preferred but not required. Pay rate is $20 per game. On           contact the Sports and Athletics division.
 average, officials are scheduled to work between 4-8
 hours per week in the evenings and on weekends. Offi-              Do you have an idea for a new
 ciating is a great way to earn extra income while being            program?
 involved with our sports leagues.                                  Please let us know! We are always looking to add
                                                                    new programs. Contact the Sports and Athletics
     Qualifications:                                                division at (540)-662-4946, or email
     - At least 16 years old                               or
     - Must have reliable transportation                  
     - Posses the ability to interact well with adults
     - Posses the ability to understand and apply sport specific rules

     Sport			                When to Apply		                  League Dates
     Flag Football		July				September – October
     Ages 5-10

     Basketball		October			November – December
     Ages 9-13

     Cheerleading		October			November – December
     Ages 9-13

     Cheerleading		December			January – March
     Ages 5-8

     Basketball		December			January – March
     Ages 5-8

     Indoor Soccer		         December			                      January – March
     Ages 5-8

     Volleyball		February			March – May
     Ages 9-13

                       WPRD is seeking a Tennis Instructor and a Youth Activities Instructor.
                          Think you’re right for the job? Please contact Jennifer Justice,
               , for additional information.

                                   For more information, visit
                                   Classes offered in the winter and spring.
                                   Instructor: Soccer Shots Staff
Youth and Adult Athletics 11
Pee Wee Basketball - Ages 5-8
Lace up your high tops and get ready for this exciting
basketball league. Learn the basics during practices and
put those skills to use during games.
Date: Mon/Wed, 1/13-3/4, No session on 1/20
Time: 5:30-7:30pm*
Ages: 5-6
Fee: Early Bird Fee $44R/$50NR until 12/23 at 9am
     Final Fee $49R/$55NR 12/23-1/6
Activity #: 621643-08
Register By: 1/6 by 9am
Location: Jim Barnett Park, Gymnasium

Date: Tue/Thu, 1/14-3/5
Time: 5:30-7:30pm*
Ages: 7-8
Fee: Early Bird Fee $44R/$50NR until 12/23 at 9am
     Final Fee $49R/$55NR 12/23-1/6                           Volleyball - Ages 9-14
Activity #: 621643-09                                         Are you ready to pass, set, hit? Sign up for this
Register By: 1/6 by 9am                                       great league and you can do all three! This league
Location: Jim Barnett Park, Gymnasium                         will help new players learn the fundamentals of
                                                              volleyball and allow experienced players to
                                                              continue improving their skills.
                                                              Date: Tue/Thu, 3/17-5/7, No session on 4/16
                                                              Time: 5:30-7:30pm*
                                                              Ages: 9-11
                                                              Fee: Early Bird Fee $44R/$50NR until 2/24 at 9am
                                                                   Final Fee $49R/$55NR 2/24-3/9
                                                              Activity #: 621643-10
                                                              Register By: 3/9 by 9am
                                                              Location: Jim Barnett Park, Gymnasium

                                                              Date: Mon/Wed, 3/16-5/6
                                                              Time: 5:30-7:30pm*
                                                              Ages: 12-14
                                                              Fee: Early Bird Fee $44R/$50NR until 2/24 at 9am
                                                                   Final Fee $49R/$55NR 2/24-3/9
Pee Wee Cheerleading - Ages 5-8                               Activity #: 621643-11
Learn cheers during practice and show them off during         Register By: 3/9 by 9am
our Pee Wee Basketball Games.                                 Location: Jim Barnett Park, Gymnasium
Date: Mon/Wed, 1/13-3/4
Time: 5:30-7:30pm*
Ages: 5-6
Fee: Early Bird Fee $44R/$50NR until 12/23 at 9am
     Final Fee $49R/$55NR 12/23-1/6
Activity #: 621643-29
Register By: 1/6 by 9am
Location: Jim Barnett Park, Gymnasium

Date: Tue/Thu, 1/14-3/5
Time: 5:30-7:30pm*
Ages: 7-8
Fee: Early Bird Fee $44R/$50NR until 12/23 at 9am
     Final Fee $49R/$55NR 12/23-1/6
Activity #: 621643-30
Register By: 1/6 by 9am
Location: Jim Barnett Park, Gymnasium                      *All leagues are 1 hour               *Requests are not
                                                           time slots within time offered*       guaranteed*

  January - April 2020 l
12     Youth and Adult Athletics
     Ultimate Frisbee – Individual Registrations
     Combining the non-stop movement and athletic
     endurance of soccer with the aerial passing skills of
     football, a game of Ultimate is played by two seven player
     squads with a high-tech plastic disc on a field similar to
     football. The object of the game is to score by catching a
     pass in the opponent’s end zone. Teams of 7 participants
     minimum, 14 participants maximum per team.
     Date: Wed, 4/8-6/17
     Time: 5:30-10pm
     Ages: 16+
     Fee: $16R/$18NR per player
     Activity #: 617645-05
     Register By: 3/25 by 9am
     Location: Jim Barnett Park, Preston Fields

                                                                  This co-ed league is played like the elementary school
                                                                  game you remember - the one with the big red
                                                                  playground ball. It’s an easy game that is open to all skill
                                                                  levels. Even YOU can be a kickball superstar!
                                                                  Date: Tue, 5/5-6/23
                                                                  Time: 5:30-10:30pm
                                                                  Ages: 18+
                                                                  Fee: $130R/$140NR (per team)
                                                                  Activity #: 621645-05
                                                                  Register By: 4/27 by 9am
                                                                  Location: Jim Barnett Park, Henkel Harris Field

 Rugby                                                                 Indoor Soccer - Ages 5-10
 Focus to be on boys and girls High School.                            Don’t put those shin guards away for the winter.
 Date: Tue/Thu/Sat, 1/9                                                Sign up today for the hottest winter indoor soccer
 Time: 5:30-7pm and Saturday’s                                         league in the city. Players will learn the funda-
 Ages: High School or Home Schooled Equivalent                         mentals of soccer and test those skills out during
 Fee: $10 + Team Fees                                                  games. Shin guards are needed by each player.
 Activity #: 621643-23                                                 Date: Sat, 1/18-3/7
 Register By: Ongoing                                                  Time: 9:30-11:30am*
 Location: Weaver Park and TBA                                         Ages: 5-7
                                                                       Fee: Early Bird Fee $38R/$44NR until 12/23 at 9am
                                                                            Final Fee $43R/$49NR 12/23-1/6
                                                                       Activity #: 621643-06
                                                                       Register By: 1/6 by 9am
                                                                       Location: Jim Barnett Park, Gymnasium

                                                                       Date: Sat, 1/18-3/7
                                                                       Time: 11:30am-1:30pm*
                                                                       Ages: 8-10
                                                                       Fee: Early Bird Fee $38R/$44NR until 12/23 at 9am
                                                                            Final Fee $43 R / $49 NR 12/23-1/6
                                                                       Activity #: 621643-07
                                                                       Register By: 1/6 by 9am
 *All leagues are 1 hour                 *Requests are not             Location: Jim Barnett Park, Gymnaium
 time slots within time offered*         guaranteed*

Help us celebrate 20 years of the Arboretum!
Audubon Arboretum, on Pleasant Valley Road and within Jim Barnett Park in
Winchester, took seed in 1999 with an agreement between the Winchester Parks
and Recreation Department (WPRD), and the Northern Shenandoah Valley Audubon
Society (NSVAS). Our goal was to establish and maintain a portion of park
property for the expressed purpose of protecting a green area that would be a
peaceful location for people to appreciate and reflect on nature and learn about
trees, plants, and shrubs. Now, twenty years later and with help from many
individuals, businesses, and civic organizations, over 100 trees have been planted
representing more than 40 species.

Currently, NSVAS and WPRD are working with the Winchester Host Lions Club to
develop a sensory trail within the Arboretum where tree descriptions will be in
Braille in addition to regular text. We are hopeful that this will be the beginning of
a more extensive sensory trail system within the Arboretum in the future. An Herb
Garden and a Pollinator’s Garden will be planted this spring that will add color, assist
our insect friends in the important work they do, and provide more
opportunities for education and learning. Also, for future consideration, is a Rain
Garden that could add plant and tree species to our inventory and possibly be
utilized as a research area.

If you would like to assist in the continuing development of the Arboretum, plant
a tree in honor or memory of a loved one, attend one of the free NSVAS programs,
participate in any of our family activities or hikes, or help out with any of our many
conservation projects, please visit our website at or follow us on
our Facebook page.

                                                               Winchester Parks and Recreation would
                                                               like to thank Jim Smith and the Northern
                                                               Shenandoah Valley Audubon Society for their
                                                               dedication and committment to the
                                                               Audubon Arboretum!

  January - April 2020 l
14     Pool Schedules                                                    See page 18 for Aqua Fitness times!

        November 11, 2019-                                      March 1-                                      March 29-
         February 29, 2020                                    March 28, 2020                                 May 24, 2020
 Lap Swim      SU   M   T    W   TH     F   S    Lap Swim       SU   M   T   W   TH   F   S      Lap Swim     SU   M   T   W   TH   F   S
  5-6:30am                                        5:30-9am                                       5:30-9am
  6:30-9am                                       5:30-10am                                     5:30-10am
 7:15-10am                                       11am-1pm                                      11am-1pm
 11am-1pm                                        Noon-1pm                                      Noon-1pm
 Noon-1pm                                        Noon-4pm                                      Noon-4pm
 Noon-4pm                                        Noon-6pm                                      Noon-6pm
 12:30-6pm                                         2-4pm                                          2-4pm
  2-3:15pm                                         6-7pm                                          6-7pm
   6-7pm                                          7:30-9pm                                       7:30-9pm
7:30-8:30pm                                     Swim Lessons    SU   M   T   W   TH   F   S   Swim Lessons    SU   M   T   W   TH   F   S
Swim Lessons   SU   M    T   W   TH     F   S     9-10am                                          9-10am
  9-10am                                         11am-2pm                                      11am-2pm
  4:30-7pm                                        4:30-7pm                                       4:30-7pm
  6-7:30pm                                         6-7pm                                          6-7pm

General Swim   SU   M    T   W   TH     F   S     6-7:30pm                                       6-7:30pm

 11am-1pm                                       General Swim    SU   M   T   W   TH   F   S   General Swim    SU   M   T   W   TH   F   S

 Noon-1pm                                        11am-1pm                                      11am-1pm

   2-4pm                                         Noon-1pm                                      Noon-1pm

   2-6pm                                           2-4pm                                          2-4pm

 Swim Team     SU   M   T    W   TH     F   S      2-6pm                                          2-6pm

5:30-6:30am                                      Swim Team      SU   M   T   W   TH   F   S    Swim Team      SU   M   T   W   TH   F   S

6:30-7:15am                                       5:30-7am                                       5:30-7am

7am-12:30pm                                        9-11am                                         9-11am
   3-6pm                                           4-6pm                                          4-6pm
3:15-4:30pm                                        6-9pm                                          6-9pm
 3:15-6pm                                        SR/Therapy     SU   M   T   W   TH   F   S    SR/Therapy     SU   M   T   W   TH   F   S
 3:30-6pm                                          1-2pm                                          1-2pm
 6-9:30pm                                       Pool Parties    SU   M   T   W   TH   F   S   Pool Parties    SU   M   T   W   TH   F   S
   7-9pm                                           6-8pm                                          6-8pm
8:30-9:30pm                                        7-9pm                                          7-9pm
SR/Therapy     SU   M   T    W   TH     F   S
   1-2pm                                        Important Indoor Pool Closure Dates:
Pool Parties   SU   M   T    W   TH     F   S
                                                12/20/19, Closed 11am-6pm for swim meet                          Please see
                                                12/24-25/19, Closed for Christmas                              the front desk, ,
   6-8pm                                        12/31/19, Closing at 3pm                                      visit the websiter
                                                1/1/20, Closed for New Year’s Day                             or check out ou
      Note: There will be no lap swim           1/20/20, Closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Day                 Facebook Page
      during class times.                       4/4/20, Pool opens at 3pm                                      for information
                                                4/12/20, Closed for Easter                                      regarding lap
Aquatics 15
CPR/AED/First Aid Course
The purpose of this course is to teach participants to recognize and respond to
cardiac, breathing, and first aid emergencies. With successful completion,
participants will be certified in CPR/AED/First Aid for 2 years. Participants must
complete CPR/AED/First Aid skills and score higher than 80% on a written test in
order to pass. Full day attendance is mandatory.
Date				Time			Activity #                                                  Register By
Sat, 1/11			9:30am-3pm		612145-03                                          1/2
Sat, 3/28			9:30am-3pm		612145-04                                          3/19
Ages: 14+
Fee: $45R/$55NR
Location: Jim Barnett Park, Indoor Pool

                                    Lifeguard Recertification Course
                                    This course is designed for those who currently have a valid certification and need to
                                    renew their lifeguard certification. If your certification has expired, you must take the
                                    full certification course. Participants must complete the in water skills, CPR/AED skills,
                                    and score higher than 80% on a written test in order to pass. Full day attendance is
                                    Date				Time			Activity #                                                   Register By
                                    Sat, 1/4				9am-6pm		611234-B8                                              1/2
                                    Sat, 5/9				9am-6pm		611234-B9                                              5/7
                                    Ages: 15+
                                    Fee: $45R/$50NR
                                    Location: Jim Barnett Park, Indoor Pool

                                    Lifeguard Training
                                    American Red Cross Lifeguard Training teaches participants the skills and knowledge
                                    they will need to prevent, recognize, and respond to emergencies. With successful
                                    completion, participants will be certified for lifeguarding/CPR/AED/First Aid for 2
                                    years. Attendance is mandatory at all sessions.
                                    Date				Time			Activity #                                               Register By
                                    2/22-2/28			Sat/Sun, Noon-6pm                             611234-T7     2/13
                                    (Sat/Sun/Mon/Wed/Fri)		         Mon/Wed/Fri, 5-9pm
                                    5/1-5/3				Fri, 5-9pm		611234-T8                                        4/23
                                    				Sat, 9am-6pm
                                    				Sun, Noon-6pm
                                    Ages: 15+
                                    Fee: $225R/$250NR
                                    Location: Jim Barnett Park, Indoor Pool

Red Cross Babysitting Class
Looking for a job? Babysitting training courses will prepare participants with the knowledge
and skills necessary to watch and care for children and infants. This course will train you
in leadership, safety and first aid, understanding children, and what to do in the event of
an emergency. You will leave this class with a certification from the American Red Cross in
Babysitting and Pediatric CPR/First Aid. Participants must complete the written exams and
score higher than 80% in order to pass. Attendance is mandatory at all sessions.
Date				Time			Activity #                                                 Register By
Tue/Thu/Sat, 1/14-1/18		           Tue/Thu, 4-8pm         612214-A3       1/5
				Sat, 10am-2pm
Tue/Thu/Sat, 4/21-4/25		           Tue/Thu, 4-8pm         621214-A4       4/13
				Sat, 10am-2pm
Ages: 11-18
Fee: $57R/$60NR
Location: Jim Barnett Park, War Memorial Building

  January - April 2020 l
16                    Dive in to Swim Lessons
 Parent & Tot                                                     All classes are subject to instructor availability
 P&T: Ages 9 months - 3 years                                           and a 2 student enrollment minimum
 The purpose of Parent & Tot is to provide a joyful, loving,
 child-centered environment featuring songs and activities to                    Monday/Wednesday
 encourage skill acquisition while also developing a lifelong
 love of the water.
                                                                               P&T - 403 Fee: $43R/$49NR
 *Parents are required to be in the water with the student                         CST: $48R/$54NR
 *Swim diapers are required
                                                                      Available Times     Levels Offered
 Beginner Courses                                                     4:30-5pm            P&T, 101, 301, 302, 303
 101: Ages 3-5 102: Ages 6-8 103: Ages 9-14                           5-5:30pm            102, 103, 401, 402, 403
 Our Beginner courses use an activity-oriented approach that          5:30-6pm            101, 201, 202, 203
 utilizes child-centered progressions to master breath control,
                                                                      4:30-5:15pm         CST
 kicking on the front and back, in-line kicking, basic surface
 swim, and pop-up style breathing.                                    5:15-6pm            CST
 *This course is recommended for students who have never
                                                                      Session Dates       Registration Period
 taken a swim lesson before, are uncomfortable in the water,
 or have aged out of our Parent & Tot course.                         1/27-2/19           1/13-1/22

 Swim Strokes Courses                                                 3/2-3/25            2/17-2/26

 201: Ages 3-5 202: Ages 6-8 203: Ages 9-14                           4/6-4/29            3/23-4/1
 Our Swim Strokes courses focus on the formal mechanics of
 Freestyle (Front Crawl) with side breathing and Backstroke.                      Tuesday/Thursday
 *To enroll in any 200 level courses, students must have                       P&T - 403 Fee: $43R/$49NR
 passed one of our 100 level courses, or be comforable with
 submerging under the water 3 times in a row and swimming
                                                                                   CST: $48R/$54NR
 15-25ft on their front without adult support or assistance.         Available Times    Levels Offered
                                                                     9-9:30am           P&T, 201, 202, 203, 301, 302, 303
 Advanced Swim Strokes Courses
                                                                     9:30-10am          101, 102, 103, 401, 402, 403
 301: Ages 3-5 302: Ages 6-8 303: Ages 9-14
 Our Advanced Swim Strokes courses focus on the more                 6-6:30pm           P&T, 201, 202, 203, 301, 302, 303
 complex Breaststroke and Butterfly. Students will also refine       6:30-7pm           101, 102, 103, 401, 402, 403
 and master Freestyle and Backstroke.                                6-6:45pm           CST
 *To enroll in any 300 level courses, students must have
 passed one of our 200 level courses, or be able to                  6:45-7:30pm        CST
 independently swim Freestyle with side breathing and                Session Dates      Registration Period
 Backstroke for 25ft.
                                                                     1/28-2/20          1/14-1/23
 Lifesaving Swim Strokes Courses                                     3/3-3/26           2/18-2/27
 401: Ages 3-5 402: Ages 6-8 403: Ages 9-14
 Our Lifesaving Swim Strokes courses are designed to teach           4/7-4/30           3/24-4/2
 students the Sidestroke, Elementary Backstroke, and
 treading. All four previous strokes will be included, with                             Saturday
 refinement and mastering of Breaststroke and Butterfly.                 P&T - 403 Fee: $21.50R/$24.50NR
 *To enroll in any 400 level courses, students must have
                                                                                 CST: $24R/$27NR
 passed one of our 300 level courses, or be able to perform
 Freestyle, Backstroke, Breaststroke, and Butterfly                 Available Times      Levels Offered
 independently for 30ft.
                                                                    11-11:30am           P&T, 201, 202, 203, 301, 302, 303
Competitive Swim Training                                           11:30am-Noon         101, 102, 103, 401, 402, 403
CST: Ages 7-18                                                      11:30am-12:15pm      CST
This course is designed for swimmers that have completed
                                                                    Session Dates       Registration Period
the highest level of swim lessons and want to expand their
skills into a swim team setting. Students will learn                3/7-3/28            2/22-3/2
competitive swimming skills through the use of interval
                                                                    4/11-5/2            3/28-4/6
*To enroll, students must be able to swim laps (25-50 meters)
and be proficient in all competitive strokes.
 Private Swim Lessons
 All Ages and Swim Levels
 New to swimming or training for swim team? We can help you! Our certified instructors are able to tailor these four
 one-on-one 30 minute lessons to meet your personal goals.
 *Instructor preference is available, but not guaranteed. Contact an Aquatics Specialist during the registration period to hear
 who our available instructors will be at (540)-662-4946 extension 1827 (Jamie Watts) or 1830 (Bella Pender).

                                Monday                                             Wednesday
                           Fee: $57R/$64NR                                      Fee: $57R/$64NR

             Session Dates       Registration Period               Session Dates       Registration Period
             1/27-2/19           1/13-1/22                         1/29-2/19           1/15-1/24
             3/2-3/25            2/17-2/26                         3/4-3/25            2/19-2/28
             4/6-4/29            3/23-4/1                          4/8-4/29            3/25-4/3

             Available Times                                       Available Times
             6-6:30pm                                              6-6:30pm
             6:30-7pm                                              6:30-7pm

                                 Friday                                              Saturday
                           Fee: $57R/$64NR                                       Fee: $57R/$64NR

             Session Dates       Registration Period               Session Dates       Registration Period
             1/31-2/21           1/17-1/26                         2/1-2/22            1/18-1/27
             3/6-3/27            2/21-3/1                          3/7-3/28            2/22-3/2
             4/10-5/1            3/27-4/5                          4/11-5/2            3/28-4/6

             Available Times                                       Available Times
             6-6:30pm                                              Noon-12:30pm
             6:30-7pm                                              12:30-1pm

April - August 2019 l
18   Aquatics
 Open Water Scuba Diving
 If you’ve always wanted to take scuba diving lessons, experience unparalleled adventure and see the world beneath the
 waves, this is where it starts. Get your scuba diving certification with the PADI® Open Water Diver course – the world’s most
 popular and widely recognized scuba course. Millions of people have learned to scuba dive and gone on to discover the
 wonders of the aquatic world through this course. To enroll in a PADI Open Water Diver course (or Junior Open Water Diver
 course), you must be 10 years old or older. You need adequate swimming skills and need to be in good physical health. No
 prior experience with scuba diving is required.
 The PADI Open Water Diver course consists of three main phases:
 • Knowledge Development (online, independent study) to understand basic principles of scuba diving
 • Confined Water Dives to learn basic scuba skills
 • Open Water Dives to use your skills and explore!
 Date				Time			Activity #                                                  Register By
 Sun, 4/26-5/31 (no class 5/3) 8am-Noon		                   612217-O1       4/19
 Ages: 10+
 Fee: $225 due at the time of registration, $190 will be due at a later date for the online portion
 Location: Jim Barnett Park, Indoor Pool

 Try Dive
 Have you ever wondered what it’s like to breathe underwater? If you want to find out but aren’t quite ready to take the
 plunge into a certification course, The Try Dive program will let you try scuba to see if you like it. While not an actual scuba
 certification, during the Try Dive experience you’ll learn how to use scuba equipment in shallow water and get a quick and
 easy introduction to what it takes to explore the underwater world.
 The Fun Part
 There is nothing like breathing underwater for the very first time. It takes a little getting used to after all, human beings
 weren’t designed to do that – but after a few minutes of awestruck wonder, most participants realize how easy scuba diving
 really is. The biggest challenge instructors have with the Try Dive program is not coaxing participants into the water, but
 coaxing them out when the program is over. The fun part? It’s all fun!
 What You Learn
 You learn the basics you need to dive under the direct supervision of a Professional. One thing you’ll learn is that you really
 can breathe underwater and whether you like doing that or not. You will:
 • Learn what wearing scuba equipment feels like and how easy it is to move around underwater while wearing it
 • Find out what it’s like to breathe underwater and learn whether you can be comfortable there
 • Learn some basic skills and safety rules that will carry over to your full scuba certification course when you take the next
 Date				Time			Activity #                                                Register By
 Sat, 1/18			5:30-8pm		612217-T1                                          1/18
 Sun, 2/16			9:30am-Noon		612217-T2                                       2/16
 Sat, 3/21			5:30-8pm		612217-T3                                          3/21
 Sat, 4/18			5:30-8pm		612217-T4                                          4/18
 Ages: 12+
 Fee: $50
 Location: Jim Barnett Park, Indoor Pool

 Aqua Fitness Classes
 These classes focus on strength, flexibility, and reducing pain with no impact to your joints. Training may incorporate
 resistance tools such as water weights, noodles, and kickboards. Classes offered are Water Aerobics and
 Aqua Arthritis and are taught by a certifiedinstructor.
 Date: Ongoing                                                        Aqua Fitness       SU M        T W TH        F     S
 Fee: Included in facility membership                              10-11am (Aerobics)
 Drop-in: $7R/$7.50NR                                              10-11am (Arthritis)
 Ages: 18+
 Location: Jim Barnett Park, Indoor Pool                            7-8pm (Aerobics)
            Join in the Afterschool Fun!
HIVE and HIVE Club After-School Program
The HIVE (Grades Pre-K-4) Activity # 641150
The HIVE Club (Grades 5-8) Activity # 641151
The HIVE and HIVE Club offers a wide variety of both active and
passive activities including sports, enrichment activities, games,
crafts and much more! Participants keep moving and the fun never
stops. HIVE and HIVE Club is offered from the first day through the
last day of school (Winchester City Public Schools), from school
dismissal to 6pm, Monday-Friday. Transportation is provided by
Winchester Public Schools. Registration forms are required before
your child attends. CLOSED: 12/23-12/31/19, 1/1-1/3, 1/20, 5/1, 5/25

Registration full for 2019-2020 school year. Watch for registration
dates for 2020-2021.

Location: Jim Barnett Park, War Memorial Building                       PB&J Club
                                                                        This is a Parent Supervised Progam.

No School Days                                                          Play, Bounce, and Jump to refine motor skills and
Days we will be open for care when schools are closed for teacher       have fun with a gym full of toddlers-appropriate play
work days/professional development days.                                equipment. Jump on the small trampoline, crawl
Date: 1/21, 2/17, 2/18, 3/3, 3/16, 4/6-4/10, 4/13                       through the Gus the Caterpillar, climb over padded
                                                                        hills, or play ball. This exciting program lets kids and
Time: 8am-6pm
                                                                        parent play freely, without worrying about the clean
Ages: 5-12                                                              up or weather. All equipment is safe and properly
Fee: $30 Non-HIVE members, $20 HIVE “An10a” Punch pass users, $8        sanitized before each program. No PB&J Club will be
HIVE Worker Bees (weekly users) $14 HIVE Club Worker Bees (weekly       held 12/25.
users)                                                                  Date: 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month 1/8-3/11
Activity #: 641515                                                      Time: 9-11:30am
Register By: The Monday before the date needed                          Ages: 1-5 (under 1 is free)
Location: Jim Barnett Park, War Memorial Building                       Fee: $3R/$3.50NR, (adults are free) PB&J Club Punch
                                                                        Pass with 10 visits: $30R, $35NR

                                                                        *Special Friday Evening*
Summer Camp 2020                                                        Date: 2nd Friday of the month- 12/13, 1/10, 2/14,
Gear Up for Summer Camp 2020! Participants will spend summer            3/13
days outside playing games and making friends!                          Time: 3-7:30pm
Date: TBD (depending on WPS make-up days)                               Ages: 1-5 (under 1 is free)
Time: 7:30am-6pm                                                        Fee: $3R/$3.50NR, (adults are free) PB&J Club Punch
                                                                        Pass with 10 visits: $30R/$35NR
Registration fees are due at the time of registration, $15/week/child
Weekly fees: $95R/$100NR are due the Monday of the week your
child is attending.
New Dates for registration will be 4/20 for Residents and 4/21
for Non-Residents.

    January - April 2020 l

                                                  Available Times:
                                                  Saturday, 5:30-8pm (5:30-6:30pm             Party
P    Package P: Includes soft play items, 2
     ball pits and balls. Cost: $100
                                                  Recreation Room, 6:30-8pm Gym time)
                                                  September-April                            Rentals
                                                  The Recreation Room is included in all
     Package B: Includes school house,
                                                  rentals for food and cake to be served.
                                                  Children must be supervised by a
B    climbing wall, Gus the caterpillar, slide,   parent at all times.

     fish and dog, 3 riding cars, tent, and
     balls. Cost: $130

     Package J: Includes soft play items,
     2 ball pits and balls, school house,
     climbing wall, gus the Caterpillar, slide,
     fish and dog, 5 riding cars, tents, roller
                                                                             For Ages
     coaster, basketball hoop, trampoline,
                                                                             5 and Under
     hula hoops and riding bike. Cost: $200
Preschool Activities 21
Little Brushes
Children will explore various art styles while building fine motor skills. One
parent/guardian must attend class with child. Children are encouraged to
wear older clothes with an art smock if available. Projects will be ready to
take home after class.
Date: Mon or Wed (see dates below)
Time: 9:30-10:30am
Ages: 2-5
Fee: $10R/$13NR
Instructor: Jessi Edwards
Location: Jim Barnett Park, Arts & Crafts Room
                                                                                                Melting/1S3nor 1/15
Paintings provided by Jessi Edwards, Artist & Instructor                                           Date: 1              06
                                                                                                            17211-05 or
                                                                                               Activity #: 6 1/6 or 1/8
                                                                                                 Register By:

                                                   Shamrock Suncatcher                              Fingerprint
     Thumbprint Tree                                     Date: 3/16 or 3/18                        Easter Bunny
       Date: 2/10 or 2/                                                                            Date: 4/20 or 4/22
                                                     Activity #: 617211-09 or 10
                         or 08
   Activity #: 617211-07                              Register By: 3/9 or 3/11                 Activity #: 617211-11
                                                                                                                      or 12
     Register By: 2/3 or 2/                                                                     Register By: 4/13 or

      In this 8-week entry-level class, students will learn the
      basics of singing - including learning basic solfege                         Birthday Paint Party
      syllables, establishment of steady beat through                              3-hours, up to 12 invitees
      movement activities and a simple introduction to                             Fee: $225 - Includes set-up/clean
      classical music through short pieces and animal
      characters named after composers. “Mini-Mozarts”                             up & paint canvas, each invitee
      curriculum is geared for ages 21/2 to 4.                                     will take home their
      Date: Fri, 1/17 - 3/6                                                        painted canvas.
      Time: 10-10:30am or 11-11:30am                                               Ages: 5+
      Fee: $65R/$68NR                                                              Jim Barnett Park, Arts & Crafts
      Ages: 21/2-4
      Activity #: 617211-13, 14                                                    Room, Contact Sabrina at
      Register By: 1/10                                                            540-662-4946 extension 1831.
      Instructor: Paula Horner
      Location: Jim Barnett Park, Recreation Room

January - April 2020 l
22     Activities for Kids and Teens
     Acrylic Painting for Kids
     Come have creative fun in acrylic painting class with local artist Jessi Edwards! Students will be instructed step-by-step
     to create a fun, kid-friendly pattern. Featuring bright colors, fun images, and simple steps, this class is perfect for young
     artists. Fee includes all the supplies needed for the class as well as instruction from a local artist.
     Ages: 6+
     Fee: $29R/$32NR (Parent & Me - Happy BlueBirds & Marvel or DC Comics)
     Instructor: Jessi Edwards
     Location: Jim Barnett Park, Arts & Crafts Room

     Paintings provided by Jessi Edwards, Artist & Instructor

                                                                                                 Date: Sun, 1/19
                                                                                              Activity #: 617215
                                                          Love Bugs                            Register By: 1/12
                                                         Date: Sun, 2/16
                                                           Time: 2-4pm
                                                       Activity #: 617215-27
            Superhero                                    Register By: 2/9
           Date: Sun, 3/22
            Time: 2-4pm
        Activity #: 617215-28
          Register By: 3/15

 Chess Club                                                                                      Date: Sun, 4/19
 Join chess expert Cliff Campbell as he explains the art                                           Time: 2-4pm
 of chess. This class will teach both the beginner and                                         Activity #: 617215-29
 intermediate player.                                                                            Register By: 4/12
 Date: Sat, 1/25-2/29, 3/14-4/25 (No class 4/2)
 Time: 2-3:30pm
 Ages: 5+
 Fee: $40R/$43NR
 Activity #: 617147-93, 94
 Register By: 1/18, 3/7
 Instructor: Cliff Campbell
 Location: Jim Barnett Park, Arts & Crafts Room
PRIVATE MUSIC LESSONS                                                                           23
  Private Music Lessons are twelve 30-minute lessons. Private lessons are billed on a quarterly basis with the
  option of paying monthly. Private Music Lessons are taught Monday through Wednesday and Friday from
  3-6pm. Saturdays 10-12:30pm. Only one day every 4 weeks will be made up for class missed by participant.
  • Piano - learn keyboard familiarity, basic techniques, music-reading, and repertoire
  • Guitar - covers correct posture, note reading, flat-picking, singing songs, rhythmic patterns, and more
  • Drums - focuses on basic beats and how to count beats. Students will build confidence to ensure mastery
  • Violin - learn the theory of playing the violin, reading music, and violin scales
  Ages: 5+
  Fee: $186R/$195NR
  Registration: Ongoing
  Location: Jim Barnett Park, War Memorial Building

 Piano - Paula Horner                                 Piano & Guitar - Gary Slavinsky

 Guitar & Ukulele - Kimmon Waldruff                   Drums - Daniel Kelley II

                                                        Violin - Signe Mortensen

January - April 2020 l
24     Adult Enrichment
 Acrylic Painting Classes For Adults
 Come have creative fun in acrylic painting class with local artist Jessi Edwards! Students will be instructed step-by-step to
 create a fun pattern featuring bright colors, fun images, and simple steps. Fee includes all the supplies needed for the
 class as well as instruction from a local artist.
 Ages: 18+
 Fee: $29R/$32NR
 Instructor: Jessi Edwards
 Location: Jim Barnett Park, Arts & Crafts Room

 Paintings are provided by Jessi Edwards, Artist and Instructor

                                                                                               Field of Funlo, 3/8
                                                                                                  Date: S
                                                                                                    Time: 2-4pm -91
                                                                                                Activity #: 6 y: 3/1
                                                                                                   Register B

           Blue Fairy
          Date: Sun, 1/5                                   True Love
           Time: 2-4pm                                    Date: Sun, 2/2
       Ac ity #: 617147-89
         tiv                                               Time: 2-4pm
        Register By: 12/29                             Activity #: 617147-90
                                                         Register By: 1/25

                                                                                                   April Showers
                                                                                                     Date: Sun, 4/5
                                                                                                     Time: 2-4pm
                                                                                                 Activity #: 617147-92
                                                                                                  Register By: 3/29

                                                       Winchester Ukulele Circle
                                                       Dust off that Ukulele and come on down and play with some new
                                                       friends! The Winchester Ukulele Circle is about friendships, fun
                                                       and learning more about the Ukulele. All Levels are welcome.
                                                       Date: Mon, 1/20-2/24, 3/9-4/13
                                                       Time: 6:30-8pm
                                                       Ages: 18+
                                                       Fee: $40R/$43NR
                                                       Activity #: 617147-95, 96
                                                       Register By: 1/13, 3/2
                                                       Song Leader: Kimmon Waldruff
                                                       Location: Jim Barnett Park, Library
                                                       Class Supply List needed: Ukulele, Tuner, Portable Music Stand,
                                                       Book - recommend, “The Daily Ukulele” 365 songs for Better
                                                       Living, Compiled and arranged by Liz and Jim Beloff.
Adult Enrichment cont’d                                                               25

Resume & Interviewing Workshop
In this one day, 2-hour class, participants will learn to
format, write, and include important information on
their resumes that employers want to see while
learning how to be effective in an interview. The
participants will learn through role-play and role
reversal, making a good impression, etc. Option
available at the end of class to purchase a professional
resume through instructor.
Date: Sun, 1/12, 2/9, 3/8
Time: 4-5:30pm
Ages: 18+
Activity #: 617145-52, 53, 54
Register By: 1/2, 2/1, 3/1
Instructor: Sabrina Griffin
Location: Jim Barnett Park, Recreation Room

                                                             Floral Arranging Class
                                                             Tired of winter? Ready for a change? Let’s bring Spring
                                                             Fever to your home with your own, one-of-a-kind floral
                                                             arrangement. Using an assortment of flowers and
                                                             greenery, accessory and bow, your basket is sure to
                                                             brighten any room.
                                                             Date: Thu, 2/27
                                                             Time: 6:30-8:30pm
                                                             Fee: $29R/$32NR
                                                             Ages: 18+
                                                             Activity #: 617217-07
                                                             Register By: 2/13
                                                             Instructor: Mindy Hanrahan
                                                             Location: Jim Barnett Park, Arts & Crafts Room

 Apple Blossom Wreath
 It’s that time of year to let everyone know you’re in the Apple Blossom spirit! Be the envy of your street with a
 beautiful wreath made with Apple Blossom colors, using deco mesh, blossoms, ribbon and accessories. Your wreath
 will be as unique as you are!
 Date: Tue, 3/24
 Time: 6:30-8:30pm
 Fee: $35R/$38NR
 Ages: 18+
 Activity #: 617217-08
 Register By: 3/10
 Instructor: Mindy Hanrahan
 Location: Jim Barnett Park, Arts & Crafts Room

 January - April 2020 l
26    Trips
     Snow Tubing                                              Topgolf Bus Trip
     Prepare for 1 hour and 45 minutes of speed and           Fun for all skill levels, no golf experience required.
     laughter while sliding down the 800-foot tubing lanes!   When it comes to the game itself, players hit
     Join us as we go to Bryce Resort to take on three snow   micro-chipped golf balls that track each shot’s
     tubing lanes packed with adrenaline and excitement       accuracy and distance while awarding points for
     for the whole family!                                    hitting targets on the outfield. Whether you’re an
     Date: Sat, 2/22                                          aspiring golf pro or picking up a club for the first
     Time: 5:30-10pm                                          time, Topgolf is everyone’s game. It’s fun. It’s
     Ages: 4+ and taller than 36”                             competitive. A maximum of six players can play in
     Fee: $35/ticket                                          one bay, if you have less than six, you will likely be
     Activity #: 611347-01                                    teaming up with another group. Golfing is from
     Register By: 2/19 at 9am                                 1-4pm. Price includes play, transportation, and food.
     Location: Jim Barnett Park, War Memorial Building        Date: Sun, 3/22
                                                              Time: 11:30am-5pm
                                                              Ages: 8+ (ages 8-15 must be accompanied by adult
                                                              Fee: $65/ticket
                                                              Activity #: 621347-11
                                                              Register By: 3/11
                                                              Location: Jim Barnett Park, War Memorial Building

                                                              Cherry Blossom-Odyssey, DC
                                                              Enjoy unparalleled views of DC covered in gorgeous
                                                              cherry blossoms. Your ticket includes a ride on a
                                                              Varsity Motorcoach, lunch and a cruise on the
                                                              Date: Friday, 4/3
                                                              Time: Departure: 7:45am, Approx. Return: 7pm
                                                              Fee: $135/ticket
                                                              Activity #: 617447-11
     Philadelphia Flower Show, PA                             Register By: 3/3
     Check out America’s leading floral and garden
                                                              Location: Schrock Travel: 220 Imboden Dr,
     designers that will create tropical jungles, temperate
                                                              Winchester, VA 22603
     forests and native woodlands. Tickets include a seat
     on a Varsity Motorcoach and admission to the flower
     Date: Sat, 3/7
     Time: Departure: 6:30am, Approx. Return: 8pm
     Fee: $110/ticket
     Activity #: 617447-10
     Register By: 2/7
     Location: Schrock Travel: 220 Imboden Dr,
     Winchester, VA 22603

     Longwood Gardens - Kennett Square,
     PA                                                       Springtime In New York City
     Come check out the orchid display and get a guided
                                                              Join us on our day motoroach trip to see the sights,
     tour of the orchid extravaganza! Tickets includes a
                                                              do some shopping or even catch a Broadway show.
     lunch buffet, your seat on the Varsity motorcoach,
                                                              Relax & Leave the Driving to Us!
     tickets to Longwood Gardens, a guided tour.
                                                              Date: Sat, 4/25
     Date: Sat, 1/25
                                                              Time: Departure: 3:45am, Approx. Return: 12am
     Time: Departure: 6:45am, Approx. Return: 7pm
                                                              Fee: $119/ticket
     Fee: $112/ticket
                                                              Activity #: 617447-12
     Activity #: 617447-09
                                                              Register By: 3/25
     Register By: 12/23
                                                              Location: Schrock Travel: 220 Imboden Dr,
     Location: Schrock Travel: 220 Imboden Dr,
                                                              Winchester, VA 22603
     Winchester, VA 22603

                                  Things To Know About
                                  Handley Regional
                                  Library System

              FREE INTERNET FOR                                  CHECK OUT A
              THE WEEK                                           VIDEO GAME
                                                     Popular Xbox One, PlayStation
                        Access the internet
                                                       4, and Nintendo Wii video
                      24/7 with our Verizon
                                                         games are available at
                      and T-Mobile hotspots.
                                                    Bowman and Handley Libraries.
                      Check these out at the
                                                         Patrons of Clarke County
                       circulation desk for a
                                                     Library can request for games
                          week at a time!
                                                      from other branches and be

                                                    delivered to the Clarke branch!

                                                                    DIGITAL TABLETS
               NEW FOR ADULTS: WE                              WITHOUT THE INTERNET
              HAVE GRAPHIC NOVELS!                        Designed for kids of all ages, the
           A brand-new collection of graphic
                                                      Launchpad tablets are pre-loaded with
             novels designed just for adults -
                                                   high-quality, ad-free apps that are both fun
                from The Walking Dead to
                                                   and educational, promoting literacy through
           Umbrella Academy. More titles are
                                                     digital content. Check out at any branch!
               coming all the time, so don’t

               forget to check back often.

                    EXPLORE OUR DIGITAL LIBRARY 24/7
                      Download eBooks, access national

                      databases, learn a language, study

                     for the SAT, get help with homework,

                     and more! All you need is your library

                        card and an electronic device!

April - August 2019 l

 Holly Jolly Celebration - December 14
 Celebrate the holiday season in Old Town! Enjoy free activities and
 caroling groups along the Loudoun Street Mall from 11am– 5pm,
 specials at downtown shops and restaurants all day, holiday films
 at Handley Library, and a petting zoo at the Taylor Pavilion. Shop
 at the expanded Holiday Farmers Market featuring local in-season
 produce and meats, specialty foods, baked goods, and
 handcrafted artisan gifts. Two horse-drawn wagons will be
 offering rides from 1-4 pm along the Loudoun Street Mall.
 Winchester Parks & Recreation will host Santa’s Headquarters at
 the Godfrey Miller meeting room from 10am–2 pm.

 First Night Winchester - December 31
 Celebrate New Year’s Eve in Old Town Winchester during this
 family-oriented event. Visit for
 more details.

 Chocolate Escape - February 8
 Love is in the air in Old Town as we host the 7th Annual Chocolate
 Escape. Spend the afternoon sampling chocolate delights at
 participating restaurants and shopping for the perfect Valentine’s
 gift at charming boutiques.

 Celtic Fest - March 7
 Old Town Winchester will celebrate the Irish/Scottish roots of the
 community with the 5th annual St. Paddy’s Celtic Fest. This festival
 includes: Celtic Bands, Irish Step Dancers and Scottish bagpipers.
 Most performances will take place inside Old Town
 businesses. Weather permitting, there will also be activities along
 the Loudoun Street Mall.

 Save the date for these great Old Town events
 in May!
 Old Town Farmers Market Opening Day – May 9
 KidzFest – May 16

      Visit Old Town online at for the most current information about events & businesses downtown and
               be sure to stop by the Old Town Winchester Welcome Center for the latest news at 33 E. Boscawen Street.

                     TO WINCHESTER

    FREDERICK COUNTY                                           Thursday, Jan 2
    NEWCOMERS                                                5-7:30pm
                                                      Join us for an Open House at the Visitors
    WELCOME                                           Center (1400 S. Pleasant Valley Road,
                                                      Winchester) to meet other people and
    EVENT                                             families that are new to the area.
                                                            • Light snacks and non-alcoholic refreshments
                                                            • Kids area by the Shenandoah Valley Discovery
                                                              Museum and Handley Regional Library
                                                            • Representatives from City and County
                                                            • Information on events and activities
                                                            • FREE to attend
  Check ou
          Page                                              Come and meet your new neighbors!
    for More
   Event Info
               Tourism Ambassador
    Tourism Ambassador             Spring
                       Spring Training    Training
                                       - April 2020- April 2020
                             The Winchester-Frederick County Convention & Visitors Bureau’s Tourism Ambassador Program aims to
                             enhance our local community and improve visitors’ experiences by informing participants about the
                             wealth of activities in our area. Any business, attraction, or individual that interacts with visitors to the
                             Winchester-Frederick County area is welcome to attend. This includes but is not limited to: restaurants,
                             hotels, real estate offices, farm markets, shops and boutiques, convenience and gas stations, attractions,
                             museums, libraries, and coffee shops. The workshop will cover tourism industry information, a highlight of
                             local and regional tourism assets, and front-line strategies on how to correctly engage with tourists
                             and answer the oft-asked question, “what is there to do around here?”

                             Look out for our next training session to take place in April 2020.

Winchester-Frederick County Convention & Visitors Bureau
                1400 South Pleasant Valley Road, Winchester
    April -   | 540-542-1326
                   2019 l

                                                         Park Partners

Shenandoah Valley Tennis Association-            Winchester BMX                                 Winchester Horseshoe Club
“USTA” Competitive Adult Team Tennis             Contact:                     Contact: Victor Riggleman, President,
Contact: Carisa Dueweke, USTA Adult Local,           (540) 877-1402
League Coordinator,,         winchesterbmx                                  Branson Miller, League Director,
(540) 533-8169                                   Instagram - @winchester_bmx                    (540) 664-9394                               (540)-324-3478

Shenandoah Valley Youth Lacrosse                Winchester Rugby                                Winchester-Frederick County Youth
Contact: (540) 664-4826                         Football Club                                   Football League                                 Contact:,          Contact: Michael Partlow,                                       
Facebook: Shenandoah Valley Youth Lacrosse   

Blue Ridge Youth Soccer Association             Winchester Baseball                             Winchester Swim Team
Contact: P. O. Box 2865, Winchester, VA 22604   Contact: Ken Jackson                            Contact:
BRYSA Hotline: (540) 662-6380                                      

                   Winchester Parks and Recreation’s partners are private organizations outside of Parks and Recreation
                   programs. They serve as a strong resource to the community for athletic programming and help our
                          organization provide well-rounded recreation options to the citizens of Winchester.
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