Parks & Recreation 2019 Summer Booklet - SIGN UP DAY: MAY 4TH - KIDS, TEENS, ADULTS, & SENIORS - City of Berlin

Page created by Johnny Graves
Parks & Recreation 2019 Summer Booklet - SIGN UP DAY: MAY 4TH - KIDS, TEENS, ADULTS, & SENIORS - City of Berlin
Parks & Recreation
2019 Summer Booklet

Parks & Recreation 2019 Summer Booklet - SIGN UP DAY: MAY 4TH - KIDS, TEENS, ADULTS, & SENIORS - City of Berlin
Join Us!
                      Greetings! Berlin is a wonderful place to be in the Springtime
                      and it is even better during the Summer. We have a variety of
                      activities waiting for those of all ages in the community. Our
                      Mission here at the Parks and Recreation Department has
always been to provide high quality leisure time services and facilities to the residents
of Berlin and surrounding communities. This is accomplished through departmental
programs and services that are open to all ages.
PLEASE NOTE: If you see a program you or your child is interested in, but aren't the
age requirement listed, please don't fret - contact us in the office. Arrangements can
be made as we hope to promote all ages learning this summer! First day sign up is
at Clay Lamberton School, Saturday, May 4th 9:00-11:00 am. Registration forms
will be accepted at Berlin City Hall starting on Monday, May 6th. Forms will be
available at Parks & Recreation Office, other Berlin locations, and on the city website.

                    Table of Contents
Introduction                  Page 2         Outdoor Programs               Page 12
Program Information           Page 3         Sports Programs                Page 13-15
Water Based Programs          Page 4-5       Creative Arts Programs         Page 16-17
Home Economic Programs        Page 6-7       Community Programs             Page 18-21
Arts in the Parks             Page 8-9       Community Organizations        Page 22
Sharing with Youth Day        Page 10        Community Events               Page 23
Professional Series           Page 11        Thank You Page                 Page 24

                   Memorial Day Weekend
                       Berlin Parks & Recreation would like to invite you to participate
                       in a bike ride around Berlin on Saturday, May 25th. Beginning
                       at 10:00 and continuing until lunch, we will head to select
                       locations around Berlin and stop for brief historical tidbits
                       concerning our City’s past, present, and potential!
                       All ages welcome, you must bring your own bike. Children must
                       be accompanied by an adult. The City of Berlin is not responsi-
                       ble for any damage or injuries obtained during bike ride.
                       If interested: Call 361-5437 so we don’t leave without you!

  Page 2               Parks & Recreation Summer Booklet         Join your Community!
Parks & Recreation 2019 Summer Booklet - SIGN UP DAY: MAY 4TH - KIDS, TEENS, ADULTS, & SENIORS - City of Berlin
Program Information
Resident and non-resident fees are as listed under course offerings. Registration forms
without the proper fee will be returned.
RES = Resident of the City of Berlin. Residential recreation program fees apply to indi-
viduals who reside within Berlin City limits with no fire number.
SDR = Berlin School District Resident
NR = Non-Resident
Note: City residents contribute to the overall funding of the Parks & Recreation
Department through residential property taxes.
                                    PAYMENT METHOD
The Parks & Recreation department accepts check and/or cash in the exact amount.
Registrations will be processed in the order in which they are received. Enrollment is
not guaranteed. We reserve the right to cancel classes because of low enrollment after
a class has started and to close further enrollment when a class is filled. All partici-
pants must register and pay for classes prior to attending the first session. Consider
yourself enrolled for the program unless someone from the Parks and Recreation
Department contacts you.
Registrations must be received before registration deadlines. Registration for each
class ends 48 hours before the start date of the class. No telephone registrations
accepted. No exceptions.
                             PARTICIPATION IN PROGRAMS
The department reserves the right to cancel or modify the times, locations, combine
classes, change instructors, and/or costs of any program should the need arise. You
will not be notified of dates, times, or confirmation of classes. All AGE requirements
are as of the first day of the program. All GRADE requirements are the grade the child
is going into.
The City of Berlin does NOT carry individual accident insurance for injuries that may
occur while participating in or en-route to any program. Participants should review their
insurance policies for coverage.
Any participant wishing to receive a refund must notify the department before the
second scheduled program begins. A full refund will be issued if a program is
cancelled. Programs not meeting minimum registration requirements will be cancelled
and refunds issued. Program cancellations or modifications due to weather conditions
will be announced on the City Website under the Parks and Recreation tab prior to
program start time or check with the Parks & Recreation Department at 361-5437.
       Questions, Comments, Concerns? Call us at 920-361-5437
                 OR email

             Join Us!             Parks & Recreation Summer Booklet        Page 3
Parks & Recreation 2019 Summer Booklet - SIGN UP DAY: MAY 4TH - KIDS, TEENS, ADULTS, & SENIORS - City of Berlin
Water - Based Programs
      CATCH THE BIG ONE                            RIVER RENDEZVOUS
The Fox River is a perfect spot to enjoy     Canoeing / kayaking starter class! There is no
fishing. This program gives youth an         better way to explore the Fox River than in a
opportunity to get out on the river and      canoe or Kayak. This class is designed with
learn the tricks to catching a big one!      both first-time and experienced paddlers in
Fishing equipment, bait and lifejackets      mind with a nice easy current assisting you
                                             down the river. You will enjoy songbirds and
are furnished.                               wildlife and the opportunity to absorb beautiful
Instructor:   Captain Al Chikowski           sights and sounds. Consider bringing a
Location:     Riverside Boat Landing         Ziploc bag for your valuables and phone, sun-
Fee:          $15                            glasses, bug spray, sunscreen, snacks and
Age:          7 - 15                         beverages. *No glass*
Time:         8 am - Noon                               *On the water for 2 hours*
Min/Max:      8 students max
                                             Guide:      Mark Vandre of Open Water Paddle
Session 1                                    Location: Berlin Locks to Riverside Park
Fishing Date: Tuesday, July 9                Fee:        $40/Canoe holds 1 - 2 people
Rain Date: Friday, July 12                               $30/Kayak holds 1 person
                                             Ages:       13+
Session 2                                    Min/Max: 10 per trip
Fishing Date: Tuesday, July 23               Days:        Mondays (all summer by appt)
Rain Date: Friday July 26                    Time: Instruction at 10:00
                                                      In the Water 11:00 - 1:00 pm
      OUT & IN THE FENCE                     Scholarship Opportunity for those 16+
Play ball outside the fence for 1/2 the    If you are responsible person interested in
class then have fun inside the fence in    joining, apply for a scholarship. Each Monday
the pool! Wear swimsuits under outdoor trip that is taken - one will be awarded.
clothing for this class and come prepared               SWIMNASTICS
to run for fun!
                                           Build cardiovascular endurance and
Instructor: Ally Wendt                     muscle tone with this great water workout!
Location:      Aquatic Center, 255 Webster Water exercise helps warm and relax
Fee:           $10 RES/$20 NR per class    muscles, ease stress, and improve blood
Ages:          5 thru 10 years old         circulation, aiding your general well-being.
Min/Max:       8/24                        First class is free!
Session 1:                                   Instructor: Renee Lamers
Days:         Tuesday & Thursday             Location: Miller Natatorium
Dates:        June 11, 13, 18, 20, 25, 27    Fee:        $25 punch card
Time:         10:30 - 11:30 am                             *R/SDR - 16 visits
Session 2:                                                 **NR - 12 visits
Days:         Tuesday & Thursday             Ages:       16+
Dates:        July 9, 11, 16, 18, 23, 25     Days:       Monday & Wednesday
Time:         10:30 - 11:30 am               Time:       7-8 pm

  Page 4                     Parks & Recreation Summer Booklet
Parks & Recreation 2019 Summer Booklet - SIGN UP DAY: MAY 4TH - KIDS, TEENS, ADULTS, & SENIORS - City of Berlin
Water - Based Programs
              AQUA YOGA                                 TINY TOTS SWIMMING
Join Dr. Jennifer Culver, PhD, E-RYT for this      For children 6-36 months old. Designed to
low-impact water exercise that’s ideal for indi-   encourage water acquaintance and to begin to
viduals with joint pain, auto-immunity, stroke     develop basic swimming skills. An adult MUST
and cancer survivors, pregnant women and           accompany each child in the water.
everyone, helping all participants with            Instructor:    Certified Lifeguards
strength, flexibility and range of motion. It’s    Location:      Berlin Aquatic Center
different from other forms of water movement       Fee:           $15 RES/ $30 NR
(ex: Water Aerobics) in that it applies the        Ages:          6 thru 36 months
yogic philosophy of balance, yoga movement,        Min/Max:       10/25
rhythm, breath work and relaxation. With the       Days:          Saturday
release of gravity, participants may find their    Dates:         June 15, 22, 29, July 13, 20
body is able to find that optimal stretch. Pool    Time:          11:00 - 11:30 am
noodles and kickboards are utilized to assist
with steadiness and float (ex: savasana.)            BERLIN AQUATIC CENTER
Instructor: Jennifer Culver, PhD, E-RYT, CYKT            255 WEBSTER STREET
Location: Berlin Aquatic Center                               920-361-5426
Fee:        One 3-week session:      $27
            Two 3-week sessions:     $50              Pool Opens Saturday, June 1, 2019.
            Three 3-week sessions: $70                    Private Rentals are available.
            Four 3-week sessions:    $90
Ages:       Young adults and adults                For information about: Hours of Operation
Times:      8:00 - 8:45 am                         and Entrance Fees, Season Passes, and
                                                   more - check us out on the City of Berlin
Session 1                  Session 2
Days: Wednesdays           Days: Fridays           Parks & Recreation website under Aquatic
Dates: July 10 - 24        Dates: July 12 - 26     Center.
Session 3                  Session 4
Days: Wednesdays           Days: Fridays
Dates: July 31 - Aug 14    Dates: Aug 2 - 16

           SWIM LESSONS
Swim lessons for children older than 36
months are given through the Berlin Area
School District and are held at Miller
Natatorium. These classes are 1/2 hour
classes from 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Monday -
Friday and are taught by certified lifeguards.
Children must be pre-registered. For further
information call the School District Office at
Session 1: June 18-29                                       LIKE us on Facebook:
Session 2: July 9-20
Session 3: July 23-Aug. 3                                    Berlin Aquatic Center
Session 4: Aug. 6-17
                                                           Parks & Recreation Dept.
                          Parks & Recreation Summer Booklet                          Page 5
Home Economic Programs
     GARDEN TIME SAVERS                                            CANNING
Learn a variety of garden time savers such         Participants will learn the basics to water bath
as irrigation techniques, composting               canning and how to make strawberry jam or
basics, seed saving and more. A Master             chocolate raspberry sauce. Research based
Gardener will be present to answer your            canning booklets with many recipes (that fit in
questions with a chance at the end of              the category we are canning) will be provided
                                                   for all participants.
class to win a free plant.                         Instructor:     Katie Gellings
Instructor:   June Olson Master Gardener
                                                   Location:       Senior Center Kitchen
Location:     Berlin Senior Center                                 142 Water Street
Fee:          No Fee *Sharing Skills               Fee:            No Fee *Sharing Skills
Age:          All ages                             Ages:           15+
Min/Max:      2/20
                                                   Min/Max:        2/6
Date:         Wednesday, June 5                    Date:           Wednesday, June 19
Time:         5:30 pm                              Time:           5:00 pm
    WASHCLOTH CREATION                                          BIKE SAVERS
Learn the basics of crocheting by creating a       Do you go biking during the summer and wish
simple project that has a use at home: a           you knew more about how they worked? Learn
washcloth. Participants should bring a 5mm H       simple and easy things you can do to keep
hook and yarn will be provided.                    your bike out of the bike shop. Time donated
Instructor:   Wendy Lemmert & Kathy of             by Mike’s Bike Shop.
              Crochet Away                         Instructor:    Mike Radke Mike’s Bike Shop
Location:     Berlin Senior Center                 Location:      Berlin Senior Center
Fee:          No Fee *Sharing Skills                              142 Water Street
Age:          All ages                             Fee:           No Fee *Sharing Skills
Min/Max:      2/10                                 Ages:          All ages
Date:         Wednesday, June 12                   Min/Max:       2/6
Time:         1:30 pm                              Date:          Wednesday, June 19
                                                   Time:          7:00 pm
       PAINTING PREP 101:
     WHAT TO DO & WHAT NOT TO DO                              BASIC VEHICLE
If you have wanted to start painting a room of                  MAINTENANCE
your house but have no idea where to start -       This class is designed to help you understand
this class is for you. Learn the best way to       the basic maintenance and service all cars and
prepare and all the tricks to painting. Time and   trucks require. It will cover basic service and
space donated by Home Decorating. Any              maintenance needs. Time donated by
class attendee receives a coupon to store.         Sondalle Ford.
Instructor:     Carla Buchholz                     Instructor: Mitch Lemiesz of Sondalle Ford
Location:       Home Decorating 114 E. Huron       Location: TBD
Fee:            No Fee *Sharing Skills             Fee:        No Fee *Sharing Skills
Age:            18+                                Age:        All ages
Min/Max:        2/10                               Min/Max: 2/20
Date:           Wednesday, June 12                 Date:       Wednesday, June 26
Time:           5:15 pm                            Time        6:00 pm

   Page 6                     Parks & Recreation Summer Booklet
Home Economic Programs
       SEWING AND IRONING                              HOMEMADE CANDLES
            BASICS                                Candles are a great way to bring light and
Ever wondered how to sew on a button? Or          fragrance into a room and making them
even how to repair articles of clothing? How to   yourself is a super fun craft project! It is one
use an iron? Both sewing and ironing are very     of the oldest craft skills to learn. We provide
useful skills worth learning. There is nothing    all of the materials and you get to leave with
more exciting than the feeling of pride you get   the new knowledge of candle creations AND
when you accomplish something new. This           your very own handmade candle.
class with teach you the basics of sewing and
how to correctly use an iron.                     Instructor:   Patricia Rodensal
Instructor:    Pat Ehrenberg                      Location:     Berlin Senior Center
Location:      Berlin Senior Center               Fee:          No Fee *Sharing Skills
Fee:           No Fee *Sharing Skills             Age:          15+
Age:           15+                                Min/Max:      2/12
Min/Max:       2/12                               Date:         Wednesday, July 24
Date:          Wednesday, July 10                 Time          5:30 pm
Time           5:30 pm
                                                           COOKING BASICS
                                                  Tired of eating out? You want to make food
Scrapbooking is a hobby that has been around      but don’t know how? This class will teach you
since the 15th and 16th centuries. It is a        how to get your cooking feet and teach you
crafting and documenting activity that involves   how to prepare simple, healthful, delicious
taking books with blank pages and adding          food. You’ll learn about basic cooking
photos, memorabilia, journaling and               equipment and menu planning as well as
embellishments. The primary purpose of            leave class with three simple - yet delectable -
scrapbooking is to preserve memories for          recipes for you to practice with at home. All
future generations. Bring: Scissors, glue         you have to do is show up and be prepared to
sticks, pictures, your favorite embellishments    learn some cooking basics.
and cardstock if you have them.
                                                  Instructor:   Deb Thom
Instructor:   Roxanne Wagner                      Location:     Senior Center Kitchen
Location:     Berlin Senior Center                Fee:          No Fee *Sharing Skills
Fee:          No Fee *Sharing Skills              Ages:         All ages
Ages:         All ages                            Min/Max:      2/12
Min/Max:      2/12                                Day:          Wednesday, July 31
Day:          Wednesday, July 17                  Time:         5:00 pm
Time:         5:00 pm

The City of Berlin intends to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Act prohibits
discrimination on the basis of disability. The City will make reasonable accommodations to
disabled individuals. Call 361-5437 for more information. If your child has a medical condition
which warrants our knowledge, please feel free to contact our office at 361-5437.

                         Parks & Recreation Summer Booklet                              Page 7
Arts in the Parks
      What is Arts in the Parks?                         FLOWER ARRANGING
This program was created to offer and              Flowers have a positive impact on emotional
encourage more experimentation with                health which helps relieve stress, illness, and
different art mediums. On each Thursday            depression. Learning flower arranging not only
                                                   helps aid in memory and concentration, it also
evening listed, students will have the             can give you an immediate mood boost. This
chance to try a new art medium each                class teaches you some easy ways to create
week. Each program requires separate               beautiful floral designs. Time donated by Lady-
registration and there is no limit. Sign up        bug Floral & Gifts.
for one or sign up for them all! This pro-         Instructor: Karen of Ladybug Floral
gram was also designed to encourage use            Location:     TBD
of all the parks located in Berlin - each          Fee:          Sharing Skills (No Fee)
class will take place at a different park          Ages:         All ages
location. Right now, those locations aren’t        Min/Max:      2/15
assigned. This is due to the often                 Date:         Thursday, June 27
surprising and changing weather and the            Time:         5:30 p.m.
possibility of flooding. Please don’t despair
as we will notify all registered students                       ROCKET ART
where the class will take place well in
                                                   Who is ready to build a rocket? If you or your
advance. If you are interested in trying           child aged 3-7 is interested in rockets, this art
something new and only have an hour or             class is for you! This class pairs parents with
two to spare on a Thursday evening AND             their children (or an adult with a child) with the
are itching to get outside - join us for one       purpose of creating their very own simple rock-
of these programs!                                 et. At the end of the class, you will have the
          Registration is required.                chance to set them off!
   Rain date location will be the Berlin           Instructor: Allie Henke
                Senior Center.                     Location:     TBD
                                                   Fee:          Sharing Skills (No Fee)
   SPARKLE! SMILE! SHINE! Ages:                                  3 - 7 + one adult
                                                   Min/Max:      2/12
Let your artistic talents “shine” with this fun 11 Date:         Thursday, July 11
x 14 Canvas art project for youth of all           Time:         5:30 p.m.
ages. Youth will paint and “bling” out an
11x14 canvas for display in their rooms to
inspire them to “shine.” This program is host-              PHOTO FRAME ART
ed by the Green Lake County Fair. The              Tired of the same simple photo frames and
instructor will share with youth how they could hoping to spice yours up? For this class you
enter their finished project in the 2019 Green learn how to jazz up your frames with some
Lake County Fair.                                  simple painting techniques. Must bring frame.
Instructor: Kim Zills
Location:      TBD                                 Instructor: Janet Broesch
Fee:           Sharing Skills (No Fee)             Location:     TBD
Ages:          5+                                  Fee:          $5
Min/Max:       4/15                                Ages:         All ages
Date:          Thursday, June 20                   Min/Max:      2/20
Time:          1:00 p.m.                           Date:         Thursday, July 18
                                                   Time:         5:30 p.m.
   Page 8                      Parks & Recreation Summer Booklet
Arts in the Parks
      JEWELRY CREATIONS                                   MELTED CRAYON ART
Have you ever wanted to create your own              Want to try something new this summer that is
beaded jewelry but didn’t know where to              a little different from your usual art projects?
begin? This class is for you - you will learn all    Melted crayon art is a great afternoon project
the basics needed to head home and create            both for kids and adults. It is super easy and
your own. All materials are provided.                fun to do. You also can create your own form
Instructor:   Diane Franke                           of artwork by melting crayon pieces and shav-
Location:     TBD                                    ings with an iron. All materials are provided.
Fee:          $2                                     Instructor:      Patricia Rodensal
Age:          All ages                               Location:        TBD
Date:         Thursday, July 25                      Fee:             $10
Time:         5:30 pm                                Age:             All ages
Min/Max:      2/20                                   Date:            Thursday, August 8
                                                     Time:            5:30 pm
       HAND TIED FLOWER                              Min/Max:         5/20
You will learn to create a hand tied flower
bouquet that can be given as a gift, cut to fit in   Origami is the art of paper folding. It can be
your favorite vase, or used as the foundation of     easy or it can be incredibly complex. This
a bridal bouquet. The class will begin with a        class will be an easy introduction into this art.
demonstration of the art of creating a hand          All class materials will be provided. Let the
tied spiral bouquet. You will then create your       folding fun begin!
own bouquet to take home, beautifully                Instructor:    Sue Carriveau
wrapped. This class includes all flowers,            Location:      TBD
greens, wrapping material and the use of tools       Fee:           Sharing Skills (No Fee)
needed.                                              Age:           8+ / Adults welcome
Instructor:    Michelle Omichinski                   Date:          Thursday, August 15
Location:      TBD                                   Time:          5:30 pm
Fee:           $20                                   Min/Max:       2/20
Age:           17 thru Adult
Date:          Thursday, August 1
Time:          5:00 pm
Min/Max:       5/20

      Unable to make a class? Don’t worry! The City of Berlin has eight parks available for
        public use that open beginning May 15th. Check out the city website for detailed
       information on what is offered at each location under the Parks & Recreation tab.

     You may have known about the parks, but did you know Berlin has tons of other things
      to do too? There are plenty of spots at Riverside Campgrounds that you can reserve,
         shelter houses available for rent, boat landings, and walking trails including the
                       Mascoutin Valley State Trail that runs for 12 miles.

                           Parks & Recreation Summer Booklet                                Page 9
Sharing with Youth Day
What is Sharing with Youth Day?                     BEADING BRACELETS
This is where Parks & Recreation offers a      There are so many colors and creations to
full day of classes created for youth in the   make when you join beading bracelets class.
community - for FREE. It is important to us    Not only does this help express individual
      that all children have a chance to       creativity, this also allows each student a
participate and benefit from these classes.    chance to work on fine motor skills.
  The date of Wednesday, August 7 has          Instructor:     Janet Broesch
   been set aside as that day. This is our     Location:       Berlin Senior Center
 16th year of being able to offer some free    Fee:            Sharing Skills (No fee)
programs on this day! Thank you to all the     Ages:           6+
  volunteers who have given their time to      Min/Max:        2/15
                                               Date:           Wednesday, August 7
   share their interests with youth. These
                                               Time:           10:30 - 11:30 am
 programs could not be offered otherwise.
   Registration is Required - No Fees -               ALL ABOUT SUGAR
        Programs have limited room              Participants will learn about how sugar can
                                                hide in high amounts in everyday food. Do
   LITTLE ENTREPRENEURS’ you know how many grams of sugar are in the
               WORKSHOP                         average can of soda or fruit juice? Come find
                                                out and the answers will surprise you.
Learn what it takes to start your own business!
Students will walk through a real-life scenario Instructor:   Danielle Barron
of starting their own business. They will       Location:     Berlin Senior Center
develop a business plan, gain an understand-    Fee:          Sharing Skills (No fee)
ing of costs vs. profits, and learn how to mar- Ages:         7-12 year olds
ket their product. By the end of the session,   Min/Max:      2/12
the children will be open for business and      Date:         Wednesday, August 7
have the opportunity to wait on customers.      Time:         11:45 am - 12:45 pm
There will be prizes for the most profitable      LIBRARY ADVENTURE DAY
Location:     Fortifi Bank                        TO INFINITY AND BEYOND
Fee:          Sharing Skills (No fee)           Launch your own Rocket! Build a Solar
Ages:         7-12 years old                    System Mobile! Make an Oreo Cookie
Min/Max:      8/20                              Eclipse! Are you READY for an “Out of this
Date:         Wednesday, August 7               World” Party Adventure at your library? Are
Time:         8:30 - 10:00 am                   you brave enough to fist bump a Robot?
                                                Tricky enough to outwit an Alien? Then strap
                                                on your rocket boosters and soar with the
                                                astronauts for a blast among the books.
                                                Sign up today!
                                                Location:     Berlin Public Library
                                                Fee:          Sharing Skills ( No Fee)
                                                Ages:         8+
                                                Date:         Wednesday, August 7
                                                Time:         1:00 - 2:00 pm
                                                Min/Max:      None

  Page 10                   Parks & Recreation Summer Booklet
Professional Series
What is Professional Series?                                  FARM BUREAU AGENT
It is classes that are offered by local               Instructor:   President Pete Badtke
businesses on Monday evenings at different            Location:     Berlin Senior Center
locations around Berlin. The purpose behind           Date:         Monday, July 15
this class creation was to offer a connection         Time:         7:00 pm
between different professions that are located
in the area with those genuinely interested in                      VETERINARIAN
those professions. The classes offer interested       Instructor:   Dr. Laura Orton of Veterinarian
individuals a chance to ask questions about a                       Clinic of Berlin
profession they might be interested in                Location:     Berlin Senior Center
pursuing. It also offers the professional a           Date:         Monday, July 22
chance to share any knowledge they wish they          Time:         5:30 pm
had known before embarking into that
profession. Class size is limited to 5 to offer all                    TEACHER
participants a chance to speak individually with
the presenter. Please keep an eye on the              Instructor:   Angela Bruenig
Parks & Recreation website as we may be               Location:     Berlin Senior Center
able to add additional professions.                   Date:         Monday, July 22
                   All Classes:                       Time:         6:30 pm
Fee:           Sharing Skills ( No Fee)
Ages:          15+                                            MEDIA MANAGEMENT
Min/Max:       5 max                                  Instructor:   Nathan of Finishline Studios
                                                      Location:     Berlin Senior Center
                   WRITING                            Date:         Monday, August 5
                                                      Time:         5:30 pm
Instructor:    Scott Mundro of Berlin Journal
Location:      Berlin Senior Center                                   ATTORNEY
Date:          Monday, June 17                        Instructor:   John Blazel of Spoehr, Smits,
Time:          5:30 pm                                              and Blazel Law Office
                                                      Location:     Berlin Senior Center
              AUTO TECHNICIAN                         Date:         Monday, August 5
Instructor:    Mitch Lemiesz of Sondalle Ford         Time:         7:00 pm
Location:      Berlin Senior Center
Date:          Monday, June 24                                         REALTOR
Time:          6:00 pm                           Instructor: Tom Malcheske of First Weber
                                                 Location:    Berlin Senior Center
                 DENTISTRY                       Date:        Monday, August 12
Instructor:    Alex White of Fox River Dentistry Time:        5:30 pm
Location:      Berlin Senior Center
Date:          Monday, July 8                               SMALL BUSINESS
Time:          5:30 pm                           Instructor: Ron Ross of Shepard’s Drive In
                                                 Location:    Shepard’s Drive In
              POLICE OFFICER                     Date:        Monday, August 12
Instructor:    Berlin Police Officers            Time:        6:30 pm
Location:      Berlin Senior Center
Date:          Monday, July 15                         Check to see if
Time:          5:30 pm                                       more have been added!

                           Parks & Recreation Summer Booklet                                Page 11
Outdoor Programs
         NERF GUN WARS                                  BIKE AROUND BERLIN
It’s time to have some fun with nerf guns!         Join us as we kick off the summer with an easy
Bring your own blasters with some extras           bike ride around Berlin. Beginning at 10:00 and
available for use (ask when registering if they    continuing until lunch, we will head to select
are still available as it is first come, first     locations around Berlin and stop for brief
serve). Darts are supplied. Last game is dart      presentations. All ages welcome, you must
pick-up. Three chances to play!                    bring your own bike. Children must be
Instructor: Tom Scott                              accompanied by an adult. Registration is
Location: Riverside Park                           required.
Fee:         $5.00                                             STARTING LOCATION:
Age:         8+                                        BERLIN AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY
Min/Max: 2/20                                      Location: Map given at start of class
Days:        Saturday                              Instructor: Sara Nighbor
Dates:       June 22, July 20, August 17           Fee:        No Fee *Sharing Skills
Time         12:00 - 3:00 p.m.                     Age:        Open to all ages
                                                   Min/Max: 2/20
    DOG TRAINING BASICS                            Date:       Saturday, May 25
Wish you knew some basics on how to train          Time:       10:00 am
your dog? This class is for you. Dogs are
welcome to come with (must be on a leash).               STAR GAZING EVENT
Instructor will share a variety of other options   Berlin Public Library and the Berlin Parks &
to help train besides treats.                      Recreation Department are excited to invite
Instructor: Lars Erlandson                         you to join StarLab Director, Paul Kinzer, for an
Location: Riverside Park                           evening of sky exploration! Come learn about
Fee:        No Fee *Sharing Skills                 the constellations, stars, planets and other fun
Age:        Open to all ages                       facts about the night sky. Bring along your own
Min/Max: 2/20                                      telescope or binoculars along with a blanket or
Days:       Saturday                               lawn chair. Some telescopes will be available.
Dates:      Basic I - June 29                      Information on the location for the event will be
            Basic II - July 27                     given at a later date. Event will be cancelled
Time:       9:00 am                                and possibly rescheduled if raining or com-
                                                   pletely cloudy. Check the library Facebook
                                                   page for updates about the event. Registration
   HOMETOWN EXPLORING                              is required for this event.
This class meets each week at a different          Location: TBD
location around Berlin for a three week            Fee:        No Fee *Sharing Skills
program. Children will have the chance to          Age:        Open to all ages
learn through games about local history.           Min/Max: 2/20
Instructor: Ally Wendt                             Date:       Thursday, July 25
Location: Schedules will be given out              Time:       8:30pm
Fee:        $3.00
Ages:       15+
Min/Max: 2/10                                        People today spend up to 25 percent
Day:        Monday and Wednesday                    LESS time enjoying the outdoors than
Dates:      July 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24              people did just 20 years ago. Let’s all
Time:       10:00—11:00 a.m.                       make it our mission to get outside more!

   Page 12                     Parks & Recreation Summer Booklet
Sports Programs
Sports Programs are available for those of                     TEE BASEBALL
all ages. Parks & Recreation recognizes
the importance of not only introducing             Kids baseball time! Each child that enrolls will
                                                   learn skill development, batting, throwing and
children to sports at an early age to jump         catching. Have fun watching your little one
start active and healthy lifestyles, but also      take a turn at the bat and run bases!
the importance of sports participation for
adults and the benefits they have on long          Instructor: Bailey Sternitske
                                                   Location:       Klein Ball Diamond
term healthiness. Take a look at the sports                        503 River Dr
classes offered and try a class today!             Fee:            $10 RES / $20 NR
                                                   Age:            4 - 5 ONLY
        ULTIMATE FRISBEE                           Max:            30
Ever wanted to learn how to play ultimate          Day:            Tuesdays & Thursdays
frisbee? This class begins with a basic            Time:           Promptly at 9:00 - 9:45 am
instruction into the sport before launching into
games. Slip on your tennis shoes and comfort-      Session 1      June 18, 20, 25, 27 July 9, 11
able athletic clothing and join in on the fun.
*Tournament at end.                                Session 2      July 16, 18, 23, 25, 30 Aug 1
Instructor:     Caley Huggins
Location:       Riverside Park                     EMPOWER BUILDING YOGA
Fee:            No Fee *Sharing Skills           This class is designed for the aging golfer. It is
Age:            Open to all ages                 a new step by step program for golfers over
Min/Max:        2/30                             50. Over 30 years of instruction went into
Date:           Saturday, June 29                designing this course. Free workshop. Bring
Time            9:30 a.m.                        your 5 iron. Email to register:
                                                 Instructor: Jim Crane
        JR. GOLF LESSONS                         Location:     Evolve Studio in Berlin
Lessons provide an intro to the game of golf,    Fee:          Free
club selection, etiquette, golf rules and proper Max:          3/20
swing technique. Sessions will include class     Age:          50+
discussion, lessons, and two hours of course     Day:          Saturday
play. The program is affiliated with the         Dates:        June 1, July 6, August 3
Professional Golf Association & U.S. Kids Golf. Time:          9:00 - 10:30 am
*Participants need their own golf clubs.
Instructors:    Kalynn Dolby, Joni DeRuyter &
Location:       Mascoutin Golf Course
Fee:            $85 non-member / $70 member
Ages:           8 - 14
     (8 yr olds must have an adult w/them)
Dates:          June 19, 27, July 3, 11,
                18, and 24
Time:           8:45 am to Noon
Tournament Date: July 24

                         Parks & Recreation Summer Booklet                              Page 13
Sports Programs
              TAI CHI PRIME                        MARTIAL ARTS AMERICA
Tai Chi Prime is an evidence-based six week -            KARATE
two times per week class series designed for         YOUTH OR ADULT
community dwelling older adults. It features
home practice coaching and instruction in Tai   Come learn about Martial Arts America at
Chi Fundamentals Adapted Program, Optional      Karate Camp! Have an awesome time learn-
Side Support version with chairs at partici-    ing blocks, strikes, & kicks in an atmosphere
pants’ sides for balance support when needed.   that is fun, high energy, and full of positive
Classes also include everyday Qigong and        instruction. The best part is that karate camp
group discussions on a variety of topics.       students will learn life skills and values like
For more information or to register, contact    respect, focus, discipline & self-control while
           Amanda at 920-787-6666.              having fun.
Instructor: Amanda Kutcher                            *The session includes 4 lessons &
Location:    Berlin Senior Center                                   a uniform!
Fee:         $15 *Suggested Donation            Location:      Martial Arts America
Age:         55+                                               109 West Huron
Day:         Mondays and Wednesdays             Fee:           $30
Dates:       June 17, 19, 24, 26
             July 1, 3, 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24   Ages:        4 - 6 years old
Time:        12:30 - 2:00 pm                    Days:        Mondays and Wednesdays
                                                Time:        5:00 - 5:30 pm
                                                Session 1 Dates:       July 8 - 17
               TUMBLING                          Session 2 Dates:      July 22 - 31
In this class we will be learning basic tumbling
such as somersaults, cartwheels & round-offs. Session 3 Dates:         August 5 - 14
Instructor is a BHS Cheerleader.
Participants, please do not wear jewelry to      Ages:       6 years old (1st grade) thru Adult
class. Please bring a bottle of water.           Days:       Mondays and Wednesdays
                                                 Time:       5:40 - 6:10 pm
Instructor: Amber Chiafos
Location:     South Shelter House                Session 1 Dates:      July 8 - 17
              Riverside Park                     Session 2 Dates:      July 22 - 31
Fee:          $15 RES
              $30 NR                             Session 3 Dates:      August 5 - 14
Days:         Mondays and Wednesdays
Min/Max:      5/15

Age:         4 - 5 year olds
Time:        9:15 am to 10 am
Dates:       June 24, 26, July 1, 3, 8, 10

Age:         6 - 8 year olds
Time:        10:30 am to 11:30 am
Dates:       June 24, 26, July 1, 3, 8, 10

   Page 14                    Parks & Recreation Summer Booklet
Sports Programs
         FLAG FOOTBALL                            VOLLEYBALL FUN & GAMES
Fun and effective Flag Football is a non-        Skills, drills and games designed to help you
physical approach to the game of football.       with the sport of volleyball. Bump, set, spike -
Learn drills, throwing, catching, flag-pulling   that’s the way we like it. Bump up your game!
and more over this three week course.            Be sure to bring a water bottle.
Instructor: TBD                                  Instructor:       Bria Reiser
Location:      South Shelterhouse                Location:         Middle School Gym
Fee:           $20 Res/ $30 Non Res                                289 E. Huron Street
Ages:          10-14                             Fee:              $15 Res/SDR
Min/Max:       8/24                                                $30 NR
Day:           Tuesdays and Thursdays            Ages:             7 - 11 years old
Dates:         June 18, 20, 25, 27 & July 9, 11  Day:              Wednesdays
Time:          4:00 - 5:00 pm                    Dates:            June 19, 26 & July 3, 10
                                                 Time:             9:00 - 9:45 am OR
         SPORTS SAMPLER                                            10:00 - 10:45 am
The class offers students the chance to try out Min/Max:           4/12
a variety of different sports. This program is a
structured introduction to sports that will help            TENNIS LESSONS
build healthy bodies, coordination, self-esteem
and fun.                                         Tennis lessons are available for a variety of
Instructor: TBD                                  ages where students will have the chance to
Location:     Schedule will be given out         learn fundamentals such as forehand, back-
Fee:          $15 Res/ $25 Non Res               hand, volley & court positioning. All players
Ages:         5 - 10                             must have tied tennis shoes. No other shoes
Min/Max:      4/16                               allowed. Hat or visor recommended. Filled
Day:          Tuesdays and Thursdays             water bottle is optional.
Dates:        June 18, 20, 25, 27 & July 9, 11 Location:          High School Tennis Courts
Time:         2:30 - 3:15 pm                     Fee:             $10 Resident
                                                                  $20 Non - Resident
              PICKLEBALL                         Max:             5/12 per class
Learn how to play the #1 growing sport in the    Day:             Wednesdays
US - PICKLEBALL! This class will provide 30-     Dates            June 19, 26 & July 10, 17, 24
45 minutes of instruction and practice drills                    Age & times options:
followed by gameplay. Wooden paddles will
be available, but if you have your own, please Ages: 5-7               Time: 9:00 - 9:50 am
bring them. If you have any questions, please Ages: 8-10               Time: 10:00-10:50 am
                                                 Ages: 11-16           Time: 11:00-11:50 am
Instructor: Michelle Walker &
              Georgia Trochinski
Location:     High School Gym
Fee:          $20
Min/Max:      6/20
Day:          Thursdays                              Check to see
Dates:        June 20, 27 & July 11, 18              if more classes have been added!
Time:         6:00 - 8:00 pm

                          Parks & Recreation Summer Booklet                           Page 15
Creative Arts Programs
     KIDS IN THE KITCHEN                                  HARMONICA
Children learn how to cook simple, healthy             BEGINNER LESSONS
snacks and meals by learning basic cooking      There are so many benefits to learning and
skills and developing healthy eating habits.    playing an instrument. “Wow” your friends and
Each child will be provided with the kitchen    grandparents with this excellent party trick.
tools and food items needed to prepare their    Each participant will learn a piece to play and
snack and/or meal and get to enjoy eating it.   the last week will be a recital where parents
*Participants are welcome to attend all four    and grandparents are invited to see your skills.
sessions if they would like to.                 Harmonica would be provided upon enrollment
Instructor:    Katie Gellings                   in class. Traditional folk music will be taught
Location:      Senior Center Kitchen            with help offered in finding additional musical
Fee:           No Fee *Sharing Skills           pieces if interested. Fee will cover harmonica,
Ages:          8 -12                            notebooks, copies of songs, and information.
Min/Max:       3/12                             Instructor:    Chuck Fehl
Session 1                                       Location:      Berlin Senior Center
Date:          Wednesday, June 12               Fee:           $25
Time:          3:00 - 4:00 pm                   Age:           4th - 8th graders
Session 2                                       Day:           Thursdays
Date:          Wednesday, June 19               Dates:         June 13, 20, 27
Time:          3:00 - 4:00 pm                                  July 4, 11
                                                               Recital on July 18
Session 3                                       Time:          10:00 am
Date:          Wednesday, June 26               Min/Max:       2/12
Time:          3:00 - 4:00 pm
Session 4                                             BREADBOX DESIGNS
Day:           Wednesday, July 10               Students will be taught how to design with
Time:          3:00 - 4:00 pm                   paints their own breadbox. This will provide
             GIRL POWER                         students a chance to create a small storage
                                                box for their treasured items. Join in and you
This program is a self-esteem program for       won’t be disappointed. All supplies will be pro-
girls. We will do fun activities, play games,   vided. Due to the purchase of supplies, NO late
paint nails, make soap, all while discussing    enrollments will be accepted as supplies are
topics of bullying, making good choices,        purchased before classes begin.
healthy feelings and relationships, elements    Instructor:     Diane Franke
of a healthy body and self-image. (Girls        Location:       Berlin Senior Center
should plan to attend all 4 sessions if         Fee:            $25 - paid to instructor
possible).                                      Ages:           11-15
Instructor:    Katie Gellings                   Min/Max:        3/12
Location:      Berlin Senior Center             Day:            Tuesdays
Fee:           No fee *Sharing Skills           Date:           June 18, 25
Ages:          9-12 (girls only)                                July 2 - if needed
Min/Max:       3/20                             Time:           4:30 - 6:00 pm
Day:           Tuesdays and Thursdays
Date:          July 9, 11, 16 18
Time:          1:00 - 2:00 pm

   Page 16                    Parks & Recreation Summer Booklet
Creative Arts Programs
       YOUTH AND ADULT                                BERENSTAIN BEAR’S
        LEATHER CLASS                                  MONEY AS YOU GROW
How would you like to make a pair of            This program teaches young children key
moccasins? We will make the patterns, cut out   money concepts through popular story books,
the leather, make the lacings & lace up the     discussion and activities. Join us to read The
moccasins. *Participants have a choice of       Berenstain Bear’ s Trouble with Money and
taking the Tuesday OR Thursday class.           decorate a piggy bank. All participants will
(Three 2 hour classes).                         receive a free copy of the story book.
Instructor:    Greg Merckx                      Instructor: Katie Gellings
Location:      Berlin Senior Center             Location:    Berlin Senior Center
Fee:           $32                              Fee:         No Fee *Sharing Skills
Ages:          10 thru adult                    Ages:        6 - 8 years old
Min/Max:       5/12                             Min/Max:     3/15
Day:           Tuesday                          Date:        Tuesday, June 18
Dates:         July 9, 16, 23                   Time:        10:00 am - 11:00 am
Time:          4:00 - 6:00 pm
                       OR                               CURIOUS GEORGE
Day:           Thursday                                MONEY AS YOU GROW
Dates:         July 11, 18, 25                    This program teaches young children key
Time:          4:00 - 6:00 pm                     money concepts through popular story books,
                                                  discussion and activities. Join us to read
        YOUTH AND ADULT                           Curious George Saves His Pennies and
              CARVING 101                         decorate a piggy bank. All participants will
The ancient technique of carving is used to       receive a free copy of the story book.
create a decorative game fish from a block of Instructor: Katie Gellings
wood. Using a box-cutter type knife, students Location:        Berlin Senior Center
will make their choice of trout, northern, bass, Fee:          No Fee *Sharing Skills
perch, or bluegill. The piece will then be paint- Ages:        4 - 6 years old
ed with the finished project set on a display     Min/Max:     3/15
pedestal. All equipment included. *Participants Date:          Thursday, June 27
have a choice of taking the Tuesday OR            Time:        10:00 am - 11:00 am
Thursday class. (Three 2 hour classes)
Instructor:     Greg Merckx                             COOKIES WITH MRS. T
Location:       Berlin Senior Center              Sugar cookies are one of the most popular
Fee:            $25                               and nostalgic desserts that can be used to
Ages:           10 thru adult                     celebrate every holiday. Participants will
Min/Max:        5/12                              create Amish Sugar Cookies that melt in your
Session 1                                         mouth and are made with ingredients you
Day:            Tuesday                           probably already have at home.
Dates:          August 6, 13, 20                  Instructor: Nancy Trochinski
Time:           4 - 6:00 pm                       Location:    Berlin Senior Center
                                                  Fee:         No Fee *Sharing Skills
Session 2
                                                  Ages:        8 - 10 Years old
Day:            Thursday
                                                  Min/Max:     2/8
Dates:          August 8, 15, 22
                                                  Date:        Thursday, June 27
Time:           4 - 6:00 pm
                                                  Time:        2:00 pm

                         Parks & Recreation Summer Booklet                          Page 17
Community Programs
               GIRL SCOUTS                                       BACKCOURT CLUB
Girl Scouts offers the best leadership develop-         The Backcourt Club is open to boys and girls
ment experience for girls in the world.                 entering grades 1 through 8. Berlin youth will have
Research shows that girls learn best in an              opportunities to develop and sharpen their basket-
all-girl, girl-led, and girl-friendly environment. We   ball skills through summer and fall programs. Camp
take the potential of girls, combine it with research   dates are not yet set for 2019. More information
-backed programming, and add caring adult               and our new, online registration process will be
mentors. Whether she’s building a robotic arm,          coming soon.
coding her first app, building a shelter in the back-
country, or earning her Girl Scout Gold Award –         Contacts:       Luke Ott -
the highest award in the world for girls, a Girl                        Jerry Bartol -
Scout has an exciting array of choices to suit her           The new website for registering will be:
interests at every age 5K-12th grade. For further  
information contact: Jenni Hostettler at 920-
955-3414                                 BERLIN BULLDOGS:
               BOY SCOUTS                            Tackle Football: Open to any child 8 years old (by
                                                     Sept. 1, 2019) through 6th grade (2019-2020 school
Boy Scouts are one of the largest youth organiza-
tions in the United States. In our community, Boy
                                                     Flag Football: Open to any child in 1st through 6th
Scout Troop 673 is a collection of youth participat-
                                                     grade (2019-2020 school year.) The flag football
ing in activities and training to become responsible
                                                     program is coordinated by the Ripon youth football
citizens by building character and self-reliance
through participation in a wide range of outdoor
                                                     Cheerleading: Open to any child 8 years old (by
activities and educational programs. Each child
                                                     Sept. 1, 2019) through 8th grade (2019-2020 school
learns about leadership, humility, respect,
discipline and sense of community though fun yet
challenging experiences. Email                       Registration takes place in the spring of each year.                             This year, registration is on Monday, April 8, from 6
                                                     pm to 7:30 pm at Clay Lamberton, as well as during
          VOLLEYBALL CAMPS                           Park and Rec sign-up on Saturday, May 4.
      WITH COACH EYDIE REISER                           Tackle football and cheerleading practices generally
      AND BERLIN VOLLEYBALL                             begin the first Monday in August. Flag football prac-
To receive early information for volleyball training    tices generally begin mid-August.
available in our area, sign up for our email list.
Check out these fun spring and summer                Contact: Jerry Bartol -
opportunities:                                                or 920-290-4474.
VOLLEYBALL SKILLS: Intro to basic volleyball Bulldogs website:
skills for everyone is being held at Clay Lamberton
* FREE * to 3 - 6 grade students, girls and boys.
Fliers will be sent to Berlin area students.
CAMP: Take your game to the next level!
                                                          Support your local groups!
Whether you’re a beginner or ready for the next
challenge, BHS volleyball will help improve your              Make new friends!
complete game physically, mentally and technical-
ly! Don’t miss this opportunity. Camp runs for
four days with a “Luck of the Quad” tournament                Learn new things!
the last day for all campers. Dates TBD
Fee:          $25
Email:        Coach Eydie Reiser                      Join in on community activities!

   Page 18                        Parks & Recreation Summer Booklet
Community Programs
      SPECIAL OLYMPICS                                  MISSOULA CHILDREN’S
         WISCONSIN                                           THEATRE
     GREEN LAKE COUNTY                                   ROBINSON CRUSOE
Special Olympics provides year-round sports         Children’s Theatre (MCT) touring team will be
training and athletic competition in a variety of   arriving at the historic Thrasher Opera House
Olympic type sports for youth and adults,           in Green Lake on Monday, June 17 to set up
young and old with intellectual disabilities,       everything it takes to put on a play, except the
giving them continuing opportunities to             cast. Students in grades 1-12 (or week-long
develop physical fitness, demonstrate cour-         visitors to Green Lake) are invited to come to
age, experience joy, and participate in the         an open audition at the opera house from 4:00
sharing of skills and friendship with families,     to 6:00 pm on that date. Fifty to sixty local
friends and the community. The following            students will be cast to perform in MCT’s
sports are offered: Bowling (Singles-Team-          production of ROBINSON CRUSOE.
Doubles-Ramp), Team Basketball, Aquatics,           Because of costume limitations, there is no
Team Bocce and Team Softball. In order to           guarantee that everyone who auditions will get
participate in any sports activities, you must      a part. Rehearsals will be conducted every day
have a current medical and release form on          from 4:00 - 6:00 pm and again from 6:30 - 8:30
file. For more information or to receive a          pm, Tuesday through Friday at the Thrasher
medical and release form contact:                   Opera House. Then, after only one week of
      Dallas Lewallen, Agency Manager               rehearsals, two public performances will be
222 Leffert St. P.O. Box 69, Berlin WI 54923        presented on Saturday, June 22 at 3:00 pm
    E-Mail:           and 7:00 pm. There is no cost to the student
                  920-361-3484                      or parents for this unique and invaluable
                                                    opportunity for the week-long workshop.
                                                           Contact: Thrasher Opera House
 BARRACUDAS SWIM CLUB                                                 920-294-4279
The Berlin Barracudas is an age group                             Cost of show tickets:
competitive swim program open to all                            $15 adults $10 students
swimmers ages 5 - 22 in the Berlin and nearby
areas. Practice sessions are held at least              BERLIN COMMUNITY
three times a week and emphasize stroke
technique, endurance and speed training,              VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL
starts and turns, rules and sportsmanship.          This year we’re "Raising the Game" at Berlin
HOW TO JOIN: Team tryouts are held on an            Community VBS! Kids entering K-6 will
ongoing basis. Swimmers train to participate        discover how God can empower them to get
in local swim meets. Twelve session                 POWERED UP with His promises and
programs for newcomers are available at the         presence. Join us for a week of games, crafts,
beginning of each swim session. There is a          music and fun activities at River Shores
fee.                                                Church, 253 S Church Street, Berlin.
              For specific dates and                Date & Time TBD.
           further information contact:                      For more information visit
     Kimberly Neubauer at 920-410-2899                
      or visit

                          Parks & Recreation Summer Booklet                              Page 19
Community Programs
          BOYS & GIRLS CLUB                                  PINK JERSEY SOCCER CLUB
LITTLE BREWERS                                                WITH BOYS & GIRLS CLUB
Ages 6-10 This program focuses on developing pri-
mary baseball skills like hitting, running, fielding and
                                                           JUNE SOCCER CAMP
throwing.                                                  10 - 28 June Monday - Thursday
                                                                   limited to 15 players per session.
READY, SET, RUN!                                           1st - 3rd grade Monday/Wednesday
Ages 6-18 Character building and running program
that trains kids to run a 5k distance.
                                                                   Session 1 9:00 - 10:15
                                                                   Session 2 10:30 - 11:45
FISHING                                                    1st - 3rd grade Friday Game
Ages 6-18 This program offers a wide variety of fish-              ALL players 9:00 - 10:15
ing basics including knot tying, casting, water skills
and more.                                                  4th - 6th grade Tuesday/Thursday
                                                                   Session 1 8:30 - 10:00
JUNIOR STAFF/TEENS TAKE THE LEAD                                   Session 2 10:15 - 11:45
Ages 13-18 Junior Staff is a small-group program
that assists members in exploring a career in youth
                                                           4th - 6th grade Friday Game
or human services, particularly Boys & Girls Club                  ALL players 10:30 - 11:45
                                                           SUMMER/FALL SOCCER
Ages 6-18 This year-round program encourages                       July 15 - October 31:
artistic expression through drawing, painting, print-              Summer/Fall $75.00 or
making, collage, mixed media and sculpture dis-                    Fall only Sep/Oct $40.00
played at local and regional exhibits.                     Open to players beginning in 1st grade. This
IMAGE MAKERS                                               is our main soccer program and does not
Ages 6-18 will learn the science of photography as         involve traditional games as in a league.
well as editing and filtering.                             Small games are part of the training but not
CAREER LAUNCH                                              the main focus. The goal is mastery of soccer
Ages 13-18 Prepares teens for the world of careers         fundamentals and good decision making.
and work.
                                                                          The schedules are:
Ages 6-18 Focuses on social emotional develop-             July/August
ment and well-being to support teens.
                                                           We train on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and
SMART GIRLS                                                Friday. Two days from 10:00 - 12:00 and two
Ages 8-17 Focuses on health, fitness, prevention/          from 6:00 - 8:00. We have found that this
education, self-esteem, positive relationships and
                                                           allows most players to attend at least two
influences of media.
                                                           sessions a week. No one is expected to have
PASSPORT TO MANHOOD                                        perfect attendance.
Ages 8-12 or 8-14 Focuses on empowering males
to be the best person they can be through discus-
sion and interactive activities.
                                                           We train on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
ADVENTURES IN ART                                          right after school until 5:00. On Saturdays we
Ages 6-18 This year-round program encourages               play games and have contests beginning at
artistic expression through drawing, painting, print-
making, collage, mixed media.
Club Hours:       6:45 am to 5:30 pm                       If you are interested in signing up, send an
Dates:            June 17 -August 23 (10 weeks)            email to:
Fees may apply, scholarships may be available.
 For class registration and more information, see     
           the website at

   Page 20                        Parks & Recreation Summer Booklet
Community Programs
  BERLIN PUBLIC LIBRARY                             Wednesday, June 19 at 6:00 pm
                                                        UFOs of Wisconsin!
                                               Wisconsin has a rich history of UFO and alien
    A Universe of Stories                      encounters. Each year hundreds of people wit-
Summer Line up, Thursdays at 1:00 pm           ness something in the sky that they can’t ex-
  6/20: Art in a Suitcase                      plain. Even more bizarre are those who believe
  6/27: Soda Pups                              that they have come face to face with crea-
  7/11: Magic & Comedy of Jeff                 tures not of this earth. This program looks at
          McMullian                            some of the most amazing UFO encounters WI
  7/18: Zoozort Animals                        has to offer. This program is free and open to
  7/25: Star Lab at 1:00 or 4:00 p.m.          the public.
  *Star Lab requires registration
                                                      Check out Page 12 and the
 June 10 - July 26: SIGN UP FOR THE                   Outdoor Star Gazing Event!
Enter raffles. Spin the wheel of prizes. Sign
up on Kick Off Day Thursday, June 13th to get
                                                  BERLIN YOUTH BASEBALL
an extra spin.                                  Berlin Youth Baseball is an organization
                                                designed to help promote and develop base-
     Wednesday, July 31 at 5:30 - 7:00          ball skills for athletes in the 4K through 9th
      ANNUAL FAMILY BOOK CLUB,                  grades. The development of baseball will focus
            MAGIC TREEHOUSE!                    on providing the youth with the fundamental
                                                understanding and enjoyment of the game.
(Pick up books & resource packet beginning      Participation and sportsmanship will be
7/1) Join the 2nd Annual Family Book Club       stressed at all levels, with a primary concern
brought to you by the Berlin Public Library and for developing basic individual skills and
Clay Lamberton Elementary Literacy              general team concepts.
Committee. This year we will be reading
books from the Magic Tree House series by       Grade:            Level of Play:          Fee:
Mary Pope Osborne. Beginning July 1st, you 4K - K                 Tee Ball                $40
will be able to pick up a packet of fun         1st - 2nd         Machine/ Coach Pitch $50
resources from the Berlin Public Library and    3rd - 4th         Minors (Boys only)      $50
start checking out Magic Tree House books of 5th - 6th            Majors (Boys only)      $50
your choice. On Wednesday, July 31st there 7th - 9th              Seniors (Boys Only)     $75
will be a special event from 5:30-7:00 at the
Berlin Public Library with games, activities,   Note: All fees include a jersey. New players
and prizes related to the books. School-age     will have an additional $10 fee for a baseball
children will also receive a free Magic         hat. Returning players can optionally purchase
Treehouse book to add to their personal         a new hat if needed.
libraries! This event is free and open to all
school age children and their families.           For registration information and much more
                                                             please visit our website at
                                                     or email us with questions/comments at

                        Parks & Recreation Summer Booklet                          Page 21
Community Organizations
   Looking for Volunteers
            BERLIN LIONS                                       THE ABC GROUP
Mission: To help the visually impaired along with   Mission: Strive to make the Berlin Community a
working towards education of diabetes.              better place by bringing events and business back.
Activities: Lions work on several fundraisers       Activities: We volunteer our time to get
throughout the year to raise money for donations.   businesses and residents to help sponsor
Four scholarships are given to college students.    and promote community events.
Fundraisers: Rose Sale, Sportsman’s Banquet,        Volunteer Work: Lighting of the Park for
Berlin Lions Coupon Books and Cheese Sale           Christmas. Trees are put up in late October and
Volunteer Work: Checking children’s eyes at         taken down early January.
school using a Vision Screening Camera                       The 4th of July celebration will be
Meetings: 1st Tuesday of each month                      Wednesday July 3rd from 4:00 to 11:30 at
             5:30 pm at the Berlin VFW Post             Berlin's Riverside Park, North Shelter House.
Contact: Ken Fink 920-572-0002                      The City's fireworks at dusk. Enjoy Live Music,
             Sandy Bartaszewicz 361-9987            Farmers Market, Beer stand and Games. Events
                                                    are put on by ABC.
    BERLIN ROTARY CLUB                              Meetings: Date/time varies
Mission: As an international service organization, Contact: Sue Trampf 361-4138
Rotary is focused on bringing together a                          Harry Kwidzinski 361-0864
community to provide humanitarian services,         YOUNG PROFESSIONALS GROUP
encourage high ethical standards in all vocations,
and advance goodwill, understanding, and peace Activities: Young professionals in the Berlin area
around the world.                                   meet to not only grow professionally, socially and
Past and Present Activities Have Included:          personally, but also to promote and embrace a
Riverside Park Campground shower facility           shared vision for our community.
project, Nathan Strong Park Improvements,           Volunteer Work: Currently working on a variety of
handicap ramp building, BASD Music Program,         projects to help Berlin’s downtown. Last holiday
Scholarship Program, Young Writers Camp,            season YPG sponsored the Window Decorating
WeatherBug Project, Student of the Month,           Contest for the downtown vacant store fronts.
Student Youth Exchange, World Affairs Student       Meetings: 1st Monday evening of the month
sponsor.                                                          Location Varies
Volunteer Work: Engage in service projects and      Contact:
activities to improve life in our community and
make Berlin a better place to live, work, and play.    BERLIN AREA HISTORICAL
Meetings: Every Monday evening at 6:00 pm at                   SOCIETY
               Four Corners Restaurant.             Activities: The Berlin Area Historical Society is an
Contact: Kevin Brown 920-361-2276 & Berlin          institute dedicated to preserving and interpreting the
               Wisconsin Rotary Club on Facebook    history of the Berlin area.
                                                    Volunteer Work: The Berlin Area Historical Society
   FRIENDS OF THE PARKS                             currently owns and maintains four museum build-
Mission: Maintain & Plant Flowers in Berlin Parks ings.
Activities: Two Master Gardeners coordinate         Meetings: Held on 2nd Wednesday during the
activities and plantings to be done in the parks                  months of Jan. through May and Sept
Volunteer Work: Our current focus is to clean up                  through December at 6:30 p.m. at the
Longcroft Park along the river’s edge.                            Berlin Public Library.
Meetings: 4th Thursday in April through October Contact: Lee Erdmann at 361- 2460
               6:30 pm at the Berlin Library
Contact: Jean Dretske 361-2402                          Check out the City Website for a full list of
                                                       community groups and civil organizations.

   Page 22                       Parks & Recreation Summer Booklet
Community Events
      FARMERS & ARTISTS                                       BERLIN AREA
          MARKET                                          HISTORICAL MUSEUM
                                                    Location: 111 South Adams Street
       AT NATHAN STRONG PARK                        Museum Open Houses & Tours:
Day:       Every Tuesday                            2nd & 4th Sundays 1:00 - 4:00 pm
Date:      June 4 - September 24                    June, July & August
Fee:       FREE                                     • New Exhibits this year
Time:      4:00 pm, Music 5:00 - 7:00 pm            • Other surprises planned
Location: Nathan Strong Park                               Watch our website for announcements
Special Dates to remember:                       
           June 18:      Chickens
           July 16:      Bunnies
           August 20:    Bees                            16th HISTORICAL SOCIETY
           Sept. 17:     Goats                                 GHOST WALK
  If you have any questions or would like to be a   Location:   Oakwood Cemetery
vendor contact: Michele Cassidy at 920-267-2755     Day:        Saturday
                 Date:       October 12th, 2019
               Time:       Guided tours starting at 6:30 pm

Enjoying Berlin?
Enter the Picture
Submission Contest
For a chance to win!
See the City Website
for more details.

  For events in Berlin visit:
       City of Berlin:,
   Berlin Public Library:
  Chamber of Commerce:

                                Parks & Recreation Summer Booklet                           Page 23
Thank You!
Berlin Parks & Recreation would like to thank all of
the instructors, teachers, volunteers, students,
businesses, local groups, organizations, and the Berlin
Area School District for helping make this summer
such a success! Our department would not have been
able to offer such a variety of classes, at a variety of
locations and times, without the assistance and
support of these members of the public.
   Thank you for supporting your local community!

      Berlin Parks & Recreation Dept
            108 North Capron St
              Berlin, WI 54923

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