Active Living Centre 2018 Summer Program Guide July . August. September - North York Seniors Centre

Page created by Ernest Robles
Active Living Centre 2018 Summer Program Guide July . August. September - North York Seniors Centre
Active Living Centre
               2018 Summer Program Guide
                   July . August. September

21 Hendon Ave, Toronto, ON M2M 4G8
416 733.4111

                 North York Seniors Centre operates with funding from:
                                                                   And private donors -
                                                                     including you!
Active Living Centre 2018 Summer Program Guide July . August. September - North York Seniors Centre
Active Living Centre 2018 Summer Program Guide July . August. September - North York Seniors Centre
North York Seniors
                                                        Do you have the advantage?..........................      4
                 Centre                                 ALC Staff Directory ……………...........................      4

Mission                                                 Registering for Programs & Services ……............ 7
                                                        Life Long Learning Programs ……………..........               8
North York Seniors Centre provides programs             Arts & Culture Programs …………………………. 12
and services to promote the physical,                   Health & Wellness Services ………………………. 14
emotional and social well being of adults 55+
living in our diverse community.                                                          ………………….                16-17
                                                        Fitness Centre …………………………………….                            15

Vision                                                  Fitness & Dance Programs ……………………
                                                        Drop In Programs ………………………………..
                                                        Social Opportunities …. …………………….....                    23
North York Seniors Centre, an accredited
                                                        ALC Group of the Season……...…….………..                     24
organization with a solid funding base is
recognized as a leader that delivers quality            Getting Involved…………………………….…...                          25

programs and services through the innovative            Week at a Glance ……………………………..                           26-27
use of volunteers and strategic partnerships.
                                                        Our program icons are located throughout the

Values                                                  program guide. Each icon is associated with a different
                                                        program/service to help you navigate around the ALC!
Compassion.        We care about our community                  Life Long Learning             Recreation & Leisure
Relationships.     We build strong relationships
                                                                Health & Wellness              Social
                   through open communication
                   and respect
                                                                Fitness Centre                 Arts & Culture
Integrity.         We adhere to high moral
                   principles and professional
                                                              Active Living Centre facilities are wheelchair accessible.
Safety.            We promote a safe, inviting
                   and accessible environment
                                                              Service Animals are welcome.
Innovation.        We encourage the
                   development of new
                                                         Front Cover Photograph: Liza Franses Photography
                   opportunities and endorse
                   excellent service
                                                               (Photo taken at Jesse Ashbridge House)

                      Want to stay active?         Follow us on

Active Living Centre 2018 Summer Program Guide July . August. September - North York Seniors Centre
Membership Information    Membership                                            ALC Staff Directory:
                          Adults aged 55 years or older may become              Liza Franses - Manager
                          members of the Active Living Centre. As a             416 733.4111 ext. 209
                          member you may participate in any of our    
                          exciting programs and events.
                                                                                Bethany Vallentin - Active Living Coach
                          Membership is available at Reception or the           416 733.4111 ext. 205
                          Program Office and is non refundable.       

                          New Member Advantage: $45.00 (1st year)
                                                                                Angela Woo - Active Living Coach
                          Renewal Advantage: $40.00 (per year)                  416 733.4111 ext. 203
                          Your membership is valid for 1 FULL year, and is
                          renewable on your membership expiry date.             Ellie Kim - ALC Program Assistant
                          Members will have 3 months after their expiry         416 733.4111 ext. 203
                          date to renew, after which a $5.00 penalty fee
                                                                                Lindsay Chan- ALC Program Assistant
                          Advantages of Membership Include:
                                                                                416 733.4111 ext. 203
                            Free Newsletter, “In Touch”
                            Access to all drop-in programs
                            Reduced rates on programs, trips,
                             workshops and events
                           Voting rights for Members’ Council
                                                                                Message from Liza:
                           Opportunity to contribute to the Centre                     Hello from the other side, the other side
                           Access to parking at Hendon Lot                     of Spring that is! From severe snow and slush to
                           (pending availability)                               raging wind storms that blew us around. I’m
                           Early Bird Registration - “Front of the Line”       happy to welcome many members back to the
                                                                                ALC and hope you have all been enjoying your
                                                                                classes at the ALC. The travel desk is also back in
                         Do you have the Advantage?                             full swing so take advantage of some of our great
                                                                                day trips that we have lined up for the 2018 year!
                                                                                        Many of you who have been with the ALC
                         Do you need a MAPP?                                    know that we hold a certification with CARF
                                                                                (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation
                         Not sure what program to take or need some
                                                                                Facilities). Well believe it or not, it has been almost
                         help navigating our wide range of programs
                                                                                3 years since our last accreditation! This means
                         and services?
                                                                                that in January 2019 we will again host surveyors
                         Whether it’s health & wellness, learning &             from CARF to talk to staff, volunteers, members,
                         culture, recreation & leisure or social                board members, and community agency part-
                         opportunities, all ALC members have the                ners to see how we provide service to all of our
                         option of working with staff to choose the             members and clients and how we can continue
                         programs that best suit your needs and                 to improve. We will be asking members to come
                         interests!                                             and share their experiences with the surveyors in
                                                                                January so keep an eye out for more information
                         MAPP is a free service available to all of our
                                                                                as it becomes available!
                         members. Speak to our Program Staff today!
                                                                                ~ Liza Franses
                                                                                Manager, Active Living Centre

                                               Want to stay active?                Visit us online at

Active Living Centre 2018 Summer Program Guide July . August. September - North York Seniors Centre
North York Senior Centre Facts                       Did you Know...

                                                                                                         General Information
Active Living Centre & Administration
21 Hendon Ave., Toronto, ON, M2M 4G8                 that North York Seniors Centre offers many
Fax: 416 733.1858                                    other great services that you can take                           advantage of?
                                                     Listed below are additional services that
Hours of Operation                                   may be of interest to you:

Active Living Centre                                 ●     In-Home Services
Monday & Friday      9:00 am - 5:00 pm               ●     Outreach Services
Tuesday - Thursday 9:00 am - 9:00 pm                 ●     In-Hospital Services
Saturday & Sunday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
                                                     ●     Transportation Services
Senior Care & A Day Away Club                        ●     A Day Away Club
                                                     ●     Friendly Visiting & Telephone
80 Sheppard Ave. W., Toronto, ON, M2N 1M2
Fax: 416 225.9867                                          Reassurance Calls
                                                     ●     Security Checks
A Day Away Club                                      ●     Four Seasons Connections
Monday - Friday 9:30 am - 3:00pm                     ●     Social Club
                                                     ●     Caregiver Support
Senior Care
Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00pm                     Additional fees might be required for the
                                                     services listed above.
Administration Office
Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00pm                     Please call 416.733.4111 and ask to speak
                                                     to Intake.
For additional information, please call:
416 733.4111 or visit

North York Seniors Centre will be closed                 Disclaimer
for the following statutory holidays:
                                                         All precautions are taken to ensure that
Sunday July 1, 2018 - Canada Day                         accurate information and prices are printed
Monday August 6, 2018 - Civic Holiday                    in this magazine. Rates are subject to
Monday September 3, 2018 - Labour Day                    change and notices will be posted at the
                                                         Centre if a rate adjustment is required.
                                                         Occasionally, room locations, times and
Want to save $5.00 on each                               dates are changed between the printing of
                                                         the magazine and the start of programs. For

program you register for?                                updates and changes, please check your
                                                         registration receipt or notices posted at the
Early Bird Registration starts
                                                         North York Seniors Centre does not
Monday June 4th, 2018 and                                necessarily endorse the paid advertisements
ends on Friday June 22nd, 2018 .                         in this brochure.

       Want to stay active?           Follow us on

Active Living Centre 2018 Summer Program Guide July . August. September - North York Seniors Centre
General Information   Change of Address                                         Client Bill of Rights
                      Have you moved, changed your address
                      or any of your contact phone numbers?                     As a client of North York Seniors Centre you have
                      Please advise the ALC staff if you have                   the right:
                      moved, changed your phone number or
                      emergency contact numbers since                           1. to be treated with respect and to be free from
                      becoming a member.                                           all forms of abuse,
                                                                                2. to have your privacy and dignity
                      Parking                                                      honored, and your autonomy
                      Parking is limited at the Centre.                            supported,
                      There is underground parking available                    3. to have your needs and preferences
                      for $4.00 with a rebate ticket. Limited street               respected,
                      parking is available where signs permit
                                                                                4. to receive understandable information about
                      (limited number available), as well as at
                      Hendon Park with a special permit. You                       the services you receive,
                      must present your valid membership card                   5. to take part in decisions about your services
                      to obtain a parking permit from the                          and care plan,
                      Program Office.
                                                                                6. to give consent, refuse consent, and change
                      Café                                                         your consent at any time regarding the
                                                                                   services you receive from us,
                      Visit the café for a light breakfast or a
                                                                                7. to comment or raise concerns about the ser-
                      delicious hot lunch! The ALC café is open
                      from Monday - Friday starting at 9:30 a.m.                   vices you receive without anyone taking
                      for continental breakfast and then again at                  action against you,
                      11:30 a.m. for lunch.                                     8. to receive information about laws and policies
                      Lunch Special (Drink, Entrée, & Dessert) ONLY $4.00
                      Looking for the lunch menu? Week at a                        that govern NYSC services including how you
                      glance menus can be found on our                             can make a complaint,
                      website at!                    9. to have your client records kept confidential in
                                                                                   accordance with the law.
                      For those who are wishing to stay
                      connected, we have Wifi for your
                      convenience while you are at the ALC.
                      Please visit reception for the password.                         Did you know?
                      Members Experience Survey                                        If you are in a
                                                                                       program during the
                      In order for us to better serve you and                          week but you would like to
                      offer the programs and services you want
                                                                                       pre-order your meal you can
                      to see, please don’t forget to give us your
                      opinion and fill out a Member’s Experience
                                                                                       do so by pre-paying in the café &
                      Survey when you renew your membership!                           picking up your meal after class.

Active Living Centre 2018 Summer Program Guide July . August. September - North York Seniors Centre
Registration                                           Registration Policy

                                                                                                          Registration Information
Drop-in Programs                                       You must register in person for any programs.
Most of the drop-in programs are offered to            We will no longer be accepting registration
members only and are held on an ongoing basis          through family or friends.
unless otherwise stated. Participants are not
required to sign up in advance for drop-in
programs. In order to participate in a drop-in         Cancellation Policy
program, you are required to pay the fee listed        Registered programs, special events,
under the program title each time you come to
                                                       workshops and trips will be cancelled when
                                                       the minimum registration numbers are not
Registered Programs                                    met. Don’t wait until the last minute to
Members are given the opportunity to register          register, do it now! The cancellation process
early for all registered programs. Early Bird          starts one week prior to commencement of
Registration opens up 3 - 4 weeks prior to the start   programs, special events, workshops and
of the program. Registered programs have
specific start and end dates listed in the program
                                                       trips. You will be notified at that time if your
description.                                           class is cancelled.

Registration cannot be processed if your               While we understand that you might need to
membership is not up-to-date.                          request a refund on a program, trip,
                                                       workshop or special event, we have
Non-members can register during the first week of      included several important notes to make
programs. A premium will be charged for all            the process easier for you!
registered programs, trips, special events, and
                                                       Please note:
Program registration must be done in person at          Refund requests can be made by
the Centre and all programs must be paid in full          contacting the program staff via:
upon registering regardless of the number of              Email:
classes attended. Payment can be made by                  In Person: Active Living Centre
cash, cheque, Visa or MasterCard. Cheques                            21 Hendon Avenue
need to be made payable to North York Seniors                        Toronto, Ontario, M2M 4G8
Centre.                                                   Phone: 416 733.4111
                                                        After the first class, no refunds will be
Trips & Special Events & Workshops
All trips, events and workshops offer both the          All program refunds are subject to a $5.00
Member & Non member fees and require you to
                                                          administration fee per cancelled
sign up prior to the trip, event or workshop.
Please see the travel desk or reception for details.
                                                        Requests for refunds after the first class
                                                          will only be allowed for medical reasons
Please note:
                                                          in which case a doctor’s note must be
 Program fees will not be discounted until half
                                                          provided. These refunds will be pro-rated
   of the session has been completed.
 For all Dance & Fitness programs, students will
                                                          to the time the request and note were
   be required to complete a PAR-Q and may                provided and are not subject to an
   be required to provide a Doctor’s note.                administration fee.
   Standardized consent form available in               There is no immediate refund. Please
   Program Office.                                        allow time for cheque processing.
 The Active Living Centre reserves the right to
   cancel programs due to insufficient

                            Want to stay active?           Follow us on
Active Living Centre 2018 Summer Program Guide July . August. September - North York Seniors Centre
Book Club
                                                                                                            Spanish Beginner
                                           Instructor: Betty A.
                                                                                                            Instructor: Spanish Studio
                                           This group shares a passion for reading and is open to
                                           new members! Book Club meets every other Tuesday                 Beginner level courses are designed for students who
                                           to discuss the book selections that are selected by the          have elementary or no knowledge of the language. In
Registered Programs - Life Long Learning
                                           group. Book list available in the Program Office.                this level the focus is mainly on conversation and the
                                           Early Bird Price: $20.00                                         development of a functional vocabulary which will
                                                                                                            reinforce the basic grammar the student learns.
                                            Start Date     Time/Day        Member’s Advantage               Early Bird Price: $80.00

                                             July 3        1:00-3:00        Advantage: $25.00                Start Date     Time/Day      Member’s Advantage
                                            Biweekly      On Tuesday       Non Members $45.00
                                                                                                               July 4        2:00-3:30  Advantage: $85.00
                                           Cultivating Mindfulness and Meditation                            10 weeks     On Wednesday Non Members $110.00
                                           Instructor: Maryam N.
                                           This class includes lessons and meditation exercises
                                           that promotes self awareness. You will learn skills and          Spanish Intermediate
                                           methods to change negative thinking that keeps you
                                                                                                            Instructor: Spanish Studio
                                           locked into undesirable moods, behaviours, actions
                                           and relationships. These skills and methods have been            Intermediate level courses are aimed towards
                                           shown to be helpful to handle stress, reduce chronic             students who are familiar with the Spanish language;
                                           pain, increase energy levels which leads to a clearer            they know how to express themselves in the present
                                           mind and a much more peaceful outlook on life.                   tense for many verbs and their conjugations, and are
                                           Optional meditation USB- $15 and Book-$20 Purchase               familiar with the future tense and have the basis of
                                           both for $30 (from instructor)                                   a functioning vocabulary.
                                           Early Bird Price: $60.00                                         Early Bird Price: $80.00

                                            Start Date     Time/Day       Member’s Advantage                 Start Date     Time/Day      Member’s Advantage

                                             July 4         4:30-6:00  Advantage: $65.00                       July 3       2:00-3:30      Advantage: $85.00
                                            8 weeks      On Wednesday Non Members $125.00                    10 weeks      On Tuesday     Non Members $110.00

                                           Peace Education                                                  Spanish Advanced
                                           Instructor: Michel K.                                            Instructor: Spanish Studio
                                           This is a 5 week interactive, media based course                 The advanced level courses are geared toward
                                           where participants have the opportunity to explore               students who have a solid foundation of the Spanish
                                           specific themes that relate to their inner resources.            language and can communicate, comprehend and
                                           These common themes are: peace, appreciation,                    converse with a fair degree of ease in a variety of
                                           inner strength, self awareness, clarity, understanding,          situations. Students will master grammar structures and
                                           dignity, choice, hope, and contentment. We will                  expand their command of the spoken language.
                                           explore two themes per class. The video content in               Early Bird Price: $80.00
                                           this course is new and includes excerpts from
                                           international presentations by Prem Rawat as well as              Start Date     Time/Day      Member’s Advantage
                                           others renowned for their efforts on behalf of peace.
                                           Participants will receive a workbook and weekly                     July 5       1:00-2:30      Advantage: $85.00
                                           stories to support the themes of each class.                      10 weeks      On Thursday    Non Members $110.00

                                           Start Date      Time/Day       Member’s Advantage

                                              N/A         10:00-12:00      Returning Fall 2018
                                                          On Monday

                                                             Want to stay active?                        Visit us online at

Active Living Centre 2018 Summer Program Guide July . August. September - North York Seniors Centre
Social Club                            North York Seniors Centre
                                                       In-Home Services

                                                                                                    Registered Programs - Life Long Learning
This program is designed exclusively for
those living in the community who would          Home Help/Homemaking:
benefit from an afternoon of socialization,      Community/Personal Support Workers (PSW)
                                                 are trained to assist in the client’s home with
discussion, exercise and activities within a
                                                 light housekeeping, laundry, personal care,
lightly structured environment.                  meal preparation, grocery shopping,
                                                 escorting clients to appointments and
Getting Started:                                 some local errands.
Call 416 733.4111 and ask for Intake.
                                                 Respite Care:
Once interest and eligibility is established,
                                                 This service provides an opportunity for
a Client Services Coordinator will call the
                                                 caregivers to enjoy some time for themselves.
client or family directly to set up an           A qualified PSW will attend to the client in the
in-home assessment. At the assessment, the       privacy of his or her own home. Time can be
client and/or caregiver will be given plenty     spent interacting with the client, while
of time to ask questions, establish a start      attending to household needs.
date and finalize all details.
                                                 Central Community Care Access Centre
                                                 (CCAC) Personal Support:
Program Format:
                                                 Clients are referred to our program through
The day starts with a group discussion           the Central CCAC. They are assisted with
during which coffee/tea and a snack are          personal care and possibly light household
served, followed by a 30 minute light            duties. The Central CCAC will determine the
exercise class. Lunch is served between          client’s eligibility and pay for the service.
12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. The afternoon
                                                 Eligibility for Home Help/Homemaking and
consists of a group activity i.e. travel log,    Respite Care:
guest speaker, BINGO, origami, various            Clients must reside within NYSC’s
seasonal events are celebrated as well.              catchment area: Bathurst Street to
                                                     Victoria Park Avenue and Steeles Avenue
Hours of Operation:                                  to Highway 401 (some exceptions may
Mondays ONLY from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm                apply, please ask for more information)
                                                  Clients are aged 55 or older or have a
Service Catchment Area:                              physical disability
Bathurst Street to Victoria Park Avenue and       Prior to receiving services, an in-home
Steeles Avenue to Highway 401                        assessment will be completed by a Client
                                                     Services Coordinator in order to identify
                                                     the needs of the client. An appropriate
Fee:                                                 care plan will be developed in partnership
Social Club: $9.50                                   with the client and/or caregiver.
Transportation: $6.00 each way (limited to
Social Club Program only)                        Hours of Operation:
                                                 Service is available twenty-four hours a day,
                                                 seven days a week.
 For further information, contact 416 733.4111   Home Help/Homemaking and Respite Care:
                and ask for Intake.              $19.00/hour *Billing occurs once a month.

                                                 For further information, contact 416 733.4111
                                                 and ask for Intake.

Active Living Centre 2018 Summer Program Guide July . August. September - North York Seniors Centre
North York Seniors Centre - Programs & Services    North York Seniors Centre                         North York Seniors Centre
                                                         A Day Away Club                               Transportation Services
                                                  A Day Away Club is a social/recreational        Transportation Services consists of 4 vehicles
                                                  program for seniors who are physically          and staff drivers. A nominal fee applies.
                                                  frail and/or cognitively impaired, and
                                                  would benefit from a safe and                   Eligibility:
                                                  professionally staffed environment.             ● Users must be members of and registered
                                                                                                      with our Transportation Department
                                                  Getting Started:                                ● Users must live within our catchment area
                                                  Call 416 733.4111 and ask for Intake. Our       ● Users are unable to use public transit
                                                  intake worker can answer any questions              because of physical or cognitive limitations
                                                  you may have about the program and              ● Our vehicles are not wheelchair
                                                  will also ask you some questions about              accessible. Users must be able to access
                                                  yourself or your loved one to determine             the vehicle independently or with minimal
                                                  eligibility. You can also make
                                                  arrangements to come in for a tour. The
                                                                                                  Hours of Operation:
                                                  Local Health Integration Network (LHIN)
                                                                                                  Rides are provided from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
                                                  manages all of the applications and
                                                                                                  *9:00 am to 10:00 am and 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
                                                  waitlists for day programs in our district.     are designated for A Day Away Club pick up
                                                  A LHIN Care Coordinator will be in              and drop off.
                                                  contact with you to complete your
                                                  application. Once a spot in A Day Away          Services Include:
                                                  Club is available, the North York Seniors       ● Rides to and/or from medical
                                                  Centre Supervisor will contact you.                appointments
                                                  Program Format:                                 ● Rides to and/or from the A Day Away Club
                                                  The program is offered Monday through           ● Rides to and/or from the Active Living Cen-
                                                  Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. with a snack        tre
                                                  and hot lunch included. Activities change       ● A Shopping Program to Centrepoint Mall,
                                                  daily. Clients are supported by trained,           every Wednesday and Friday
                                                  respectful, caring staff throughout the
                                                  day. Our staff are trained to attend to         Transportation Service Boundaries:
                                                  some personal care needs as well.               Bathurst Street to Victoria Park Avenue and
                                                  Transportation:                                 Steeles Avenue to Highway 401. Exceptions are
                                                  Transportation to and from A Day Away           made to certain destinations.
                                                  Club is the responsibility of the client or
                                                  their family/caregiver. For those clients       Priority System:
                                                  who do not have their own transportation        Priority will be given to clients requesting
                                                  and who live in our catchment area,             transportation for medical appointments and A
                                                                                                  Day Away Club.
                                                  transportation may be available. This
                                                  service will be provided for an additional
                                                                                                   Please feel free to contract 416 733.4111 and
                                                  Full Program Day             $28.50                  ask for Intake should you require any
                                                  With Transportation          $41.00                          additional information.

                                                   For any questions, please contact us at
                                                            416 733.4111 ext. 312

Spring Speaking Series
Join us for a variety of informative presentations in July 2018. Enjoy these speaking series
for FREE. RSVP is required one week prior to the seminar date. To register, please visit ALC
Reception or call 416 733.4111 to save your spot!

                                                                                                  Winter 2018 Speaking Series
Health & Wellness - July 2018
Mass Marketing Fraud and Cybercrime Awareness
Presented By: Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre
Date/Time: Friday, July 13, 2018 at 10:00-11:30 AM
Nearly 80 percent of mass marketing fraud is conducted by organized crime groups
and is currently the second most common criminal activity funding terrorist activi-
ties. A presentation aimed at seniors, covering Mass Marketing Fraud, Identity Theft,
Romance and other scams– and how to avoid them.

Planning For A Great Life
Presented By: Sharon King-Todd from The Elder’s Advocate
Date/Time: Fri July 27, 2018 at 10:00-11:30 AM
This workshop explores the top 5 ways to stay independent, how to minimize crisis
visits to the hospital, understanding the complexity of navigating the healthcare
and government systems and what you can plan for in the short term and long

 Do you have yarn to donate?                              NEW
                                                                  Jewelry Workshop:
                                                                  Fashionable Choker
    We’re always looking for donated                        Chokers are the current fashion
    yarn to support our volunteers who                    statement! Come create your own
      make handmade items for the                             unique piece in this one-time
    Giftshoppe. You can drop off any                    choker-making workshop. Participants
     supplies at the Giftshoppe or the                    will have the opportunity to explore
              Program Office.                            jewelry design techniques and learn
                                                               to use a variety of specialty
                                                       jewelry-making tools while making their
                                                       step-by-step piece. The fee includes all
                                                       necessary supplies such as, lace, beads
                                                        (GENUINE CRYSTALS and stones), and
                                                                 other fashionable finds.

                                                       No experience necessary!

                                                       Thursday July 5 1:30-3:00pm

                                                       Members $20.00 Non-Members $28.00

               Want to stay active?        Follow us on

Creative Writing                                                   Self-Guided Drawing & Watercolour
                                       Instructor: Johnny S.                                              Instructor: Carmie V.
                                       This course is an interactive workshop in which lesson             This program is intended for all levels. Students are
                                       topics will be shaped by students’ specific interests and          encouraged to choose a genre and will be assisted through
                                                                                                          the completion of their chosen artwork. No experience is
Registered Programs - Arts & Culture
                                       questions. Each week we take a look at a             published
                                       piece of work, discuss what we can learn from it, hold a           necessary and material costs are extra. Pick up your supply
                                       writing session, and work towards having a completed               list in the Program Office.
                                       piece by the end of the semester. We cover various                 Early Bird Price: $30.00
                                       styles including short stories, plays, poetry, film-scripts,
                                       anything you want to write! This class is developed for             Start Date      Time/Day      Member’s Advantage
                                       anyone who has an interest in            storytelling or gen-
                                       eral writing. No experience required.                                 July 4       9:30-12:15       Advantage: $35.00
                                       Early Bird Price: $80.00                                            10 weeks     On Wednesday      Non Members $65.00

                                        Start Date       Time/Day        Member’s Advantage
                                          July 4        2:00-4:00  Advantage: $85.00                      Instructor: Carmie V.
                                         8 weeks     On Wednesday Non Members $120.00                     This class is designed for those who want to learn how to
                                                                                                          sketch. You will be using different materials such as pencil,
                                                                                                          coloured pencil, pen and ink. No experience necessary.
                                                                                                          Instruction will be given on a one to one basis on all subject
                                        NEW      Art History: The Secret Language of Art                  matter, such as landscapes and faces. Material costs are
                                               Instructor: E. Iturbe                                      extra. Pick up your supply list in the Program Office.
                                            This session will explore Symbols and codes                   Class cancelled on August 6 & September 3
                                       in Western World Art as well as Christian Art                      Early Bird Price: $30.00
                                       Iconography. A fascinating course to uncover
                                       the meaning behind highly valued works of art                      Start Date      Time/Day       Member’s Advantage
                                       from the Western World.
                                                                                                             July 2      10:00-12:00       Advantage: $35.00
                                       Early Bird Price: $80.00
                                                                                                           10 weeks      On Monday        Non Members $65.00

                                       Start Date       Time/Day         Member’s Advantage

                                         Sept 7        10:00-12:00       Advantage: $85.00
                                        4 weeks         On Friday       Non Members $120.00

                                       Mixed Media & Abstraction
                                       Instructor: Sarah V.
                                       This program is designed for those who want to
                                       learn a variety of different materials and have an                     Need help choosing your
                                       interest in abstract art. Participants will be working from
                                       references and guidance will be provided how to take                          programs?
                                       their source material to the next level. Demonstrations
                                       will be given on techniques in Pastel, watercolour, ink,               Do you have a goal you
                                       and pencil crayons. This class is intended for all levels.
                                       (A materials list can be obtained in the office. Additional             want to achieve at the
                                       Materials Fee to be determined ; approximately $15)
                                       Early Bird Price: $60.00                                                         ALC?
                                        Start Date       Time/Day        Member’s Advantage                   Then talk to us about our
                                          July 3        10:00-12:00        Advantage: $65.00                      MAPP Program.
                                         8 weeks        On Tuesday        Non Members $90.00

                                                                                                                Re-launching June 2018

                                                           Want to stay active?                         Visit us online at

Art Studio
                                                  Interested in some studio time to
                                                     work on your masterpieces?
                                                     Join this drop-in program on
                                                   Thursdays at 10:00am to 2:00pm
                                                    and meet other artists as they
                                                  work on their art pieces. Students
                                                  are required to bring in their own
                                                             materials and

                                                    Day        Time       Member’s Advantage

                                                  Thursday   10:00-2:00    Advantage $1.00

Coffee &
  Canada is a country of international
people. Come and join us for a lively hour
 where you can meet interesting people
        and practice your English
           conversation skills.
  Day         Time          Member’s
                          Advantage $1.00
Thursday   11:30-12:30
                         Non-Member $2.00

Health & Wellness
                             To book an appointment, please call
                             416 733.4111 or visit the reception desk.
                                                                                         We are Growing to
                                                                                          New Heights!
Health & Wellness Services
                             Denture Clinic
                             Enjoy a complimentary appointment with our
                             denturist who is offering basic denture cleaning,
                             consultations and check-ups for all types of
                             Direct Smiles
                             Professional and quality dental hygiene care                                 Save the Date!
                             brought directly to you, the client, by a
                             professional mobile dental hygiene service.
                             Fees vary depending on the following services:
                                                                                              As you may already know, staff across the
                             client exams, scaling and polish, fluoride                 organization are preparing for another accreditation
                             treatments, desensitizing of roots and teeth               site visit. We are reviewing our program and business
                             whitening.                                                    practices, our safety procedures, articulating our
                             August 9th                                                    philosophy of care and our values— and we are
                             Prices are available at reception                                       ready for another accreditation!

                             Foot Care Nurse                                                    We will be hosting a CARF Survey on
                             Enjoy the following foot care services: foot care                              January 2019
                             education, nail cutting, care of calluses, corns or
                             ingrown toe nails and bonus foot massages.
                                                                                         During the survey up to 3 surveyors will assess how
                                                                                            our programs and services and our business
                             Legal Clinic                                                  practices align with the high quality standards
                             Does your Will need updating? Wills, Powers of             established by CARF. While on site, the surveyors will
                             Attorney and legal advice is available.                     be interviewing staff, members, clients, volunteers
                             July 11, August 8, September 12                                  and our community partners to seek their
                             Naturopathic Clinic                                        perspective on how we serve our clients and test our
                             Learn to optimize your health naturally using                    person centered policies and practices.
                             herbs, nutrition, acupuncture, traditional
                             Chinese medicine and many other means.                        We ask you to please join us in welcoming the
                             Teresa welcomes Cantonese-speaking clients.                 surveyors and encourage you to have open and
                             July 6, September 7                                        honest conversations with them. Together, with your
                             Initial consultation: $60 (60 min)                             help and their professional assessment, the
                             Follow up visits: $30 (30 min) or $45 (45 min)
                                                                                          organization can continue to move our quality
                             Podiatry Clinic                                              improvement plan forward that will benefit our
                             Foot specialist with 30 years experience provides                  members, clients and their families.
                             foot care to seniors. Treatments include nail
                             cutting, corn/callus removal, care for arthritic           If you would like to learn more about accreditation
                             feet and diabetic foot care.                                 with CARF or our up-coming survey; you can visit
                             July 16, 20; August 10,13; September 21,24                  CARF on-line, or ask any staff person
                             Fee: $12 plus your OHIP card (health card)                                     for information.
                             Please note: We understand that there are times
                             you must miss an appointment due to emergencies
                             or other obligations but as a courtesy, we ask
                             that any appointments are cancelled with at
                             least 24 hours’ notice in advance. Anyone
                             arriving past their scheduled appointment will
                             need to reschedule their appointment.
                             Please call 416 733.4111 to book or cancel

Active Living Centre
                                                   Fitness Centre

                                                                                                           Fitness Centre
                                                              Fitness Programs
Did you know?
                                                    with the Fitness Centre!
Your membership to the Fitness Centre is
included in your annual Active Living Centre              **Your fitness assessment is included in
membership. The Fitness Centre is open seven                Bootcamp for Weight Loss or Group
days a week including evenings and                      Training! Save $50 by registering for one of
weekends. Members can work out                             these programs and enjoy unlimited
independently or register for sessions with a                  access to the Fitness Centre!
personal trainer from Silver Strength Fitness.
                                                        Bootcamp for Weight Loss
                                                        This high intensity program is a circuit style
How do you get started?                                 class which will challenge your
                                                        cardiovascular health, strength, balance
1. Register for a membership with ALC!                  and flexibility. We take minimal rest in
2. Provide us with a doctor’s note giving you           between exercise stations and work in a
   permission to participate in exercise and            circuit to keep your heart rate in the fat
                                                        burning zone.
   personal training at North York Seniors              Class cancelled on August 6 and September 3
   Centre. Standard fitness consent form                Early Bird Price: $55.00
   available in the Program Office.
                                                        Start Date     Time/Day     Member’s Advantage
   *Fitness consent form is valid for two years,
   unless there is a change in medical condition           July 9    10:15-11:10     Advantage: $60.00
                                                         10 weeks    On Monday      Non Members $100.00
3. Visit the Program Office to register for a
   one time mandatory assessment with our
   personal trainer.                                    Group Training
   Fitness Assessment Fee: $50.00/Member                Here’s an opportunity to test out what it’s like
                                                        to work directly with a personal trainer in a
Personal Training Services                              small group setting! Sessions are small for
                                                        more dynamic and hands on training with a
                                                        maximum of 4 people. You will receive a
After you complete your fitness assessment,             fitness program specific to your body and
you can set up individual training sessions             goals. In addition to class, you will receive
that work best for your schedule. Plan your             support with nutrition and at home workouts.
sessions on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly              Class cancelled on August 6 & September 3
basis!                                                  Early Bird Price: $150.00
                                                        Start Date    Time/Day       Member’s Advantage
Individual Training: One 55 minute personal                July 9    11:15-12:10     Advantage: $155.00
training session                                         10 weeks    On Monday      Non Members $195.00
$50.00/Fitness Centre Member                               July 5     9:15-10:10     Advantage: $155.00
                                                         10 weeks    On Thursday    Non Members $195.00
Team Training: One 55 minute personal
training session in a team of 2 or 3                                 To register for these programs, you
Team of 2: $30/Fitness Centre Member                                 are required to provide a doctor’s
Team of 3: $20/Fitness Centre Member                                 note. Standard fitness consent form
                                                                     available in Program Office.

Heart Wise Exercise Program at the Active Living Centre
                                            Are you Heart Wise? Physical activity is one of the best things you can do to prevent
Registered Programs - Heart Wise Exercise
                                            heart disease, stroke and many more chronic health conditions. Heart Wise Exercise
                                            works with fitness providers to develop and identify programs and classes that are
                                            appropriate for people who want to stay healthy or who may be living with a chronic
                                            health condition. The Active Living Centre is now one of those community partners that
                                            offer Heart Wise Exercise Classes!

                                            All of the following programs have been approved as Heart Wise
                                            appropriate classes and are identified by this symbol (to the right).
                                            This symbol will help your choose the classes that are right for you
                                            at the right intensity. All Heart Wise Exercises classes encourage
                                            regular daily aerobic exercise, encourages and incorporates
                                            warm up, cool down and self monitoring with all sessions. It allows
                                            participants to exercise at a safe level and offers options to
                                            modify intensity, includes participants with chronic health
                                            conditions (physician approval might be required).

                                                                           Low Intensity - Beginner Fitness Level
                                                   Please note: Students will be required to complete a PAR-Q and may be required to provide a Doctor’s
                                                                       note. Standardized consent form available in Program Office.

                                                                                                         Tai Chi - Yang Style Beginner
                                            Movement to Music                                            Instructor: Agnes W.
                                            Instructor: Dancing with Parkinson’s
                                                                                                         Tai Chi is composed of gentle and flowing movements.
                                            This class is a fun, unique program that helps those with    This program improves muscle strength, balance,
                                            Parkinson's improve their range of motion, core strength,    flexibility, posture and general overall well-being.
                                            balance and enhance overall posture. No partner or           It brings calmness and peace to your mind and helps to
                                            dance experience is necessary.                               harmonize your mind, body and spirit.
                                            Early Bird Price: $68.00
                                                                                                         No experience is required.
                                                                                                         Class Cancelled August 31, 2018
                                            Start Date       Time/Day        Member’s Advantage          Early Bird Price: $50.00
                                               N/A          2:00-3:00         Returning Fall 2018
                                             8 weeks       On Saturday                                    Start Date      Time/Day    Member’s Advantage
                                                                                                            July 6        2:15-3:30     Advantage: $55.00
                                                                                                          10 weeks        On Friday    Non Members $95.00
                                            Seated Conditioning
                                            Instructor: Silver Strength Fitness
                                            Seated conditioning is designed to target key
                                            muscles while improving your flexibility, endurance
                                            and balance. This program will be taught in a
                                            chair for support and include a variety of
                                            exercises to help strengthen your core, aid in
                                            bone health and bone density.
                                            Early Bird Price: $45.00

                                            Start Date       Time/Day        Member’s Advantage

                                              July 3       10:00-11:00        Advantage: $50.00
                                            10 weeks       On Tuesday        Non Members $90.00

                                                                   Want to stay active?                  Visit us online at

Medium Intensity - Intermediate Fitness Level
               Please note: Students will be required to complete a PAR-Q and may be required to provide a Doctor’s
                                   note. Standardized consent form available in Program Office.

                                                                                                                          Registered Programs - Heart Wise Exercise
Healthy Bones Level 1                                          Strong Men
Instructor: Karen S.                                           Instructor: Silver Strength Fitness
                                                               This program is a men’s only dumbbell class
Tone up your body and improve your health with this
                                                               focused on increasing strength! Strong Men focuses
fulfilling program which accommodates participants
                                                               on strengthening your body with the use of
who have varying degrees of Arthritis or Osteoporosis.
                                                               dumbbells and bodyweight exercises. We will
This program is designed to improve your flexibility,
                                                               increase your muscular strength and endurance,
muscle strength and balance using balls, bands and
                                                               improve your posture, reduce tension and increase
                                                               your metabolism. This class is a combination of
Class cancelled on August 6 and September 3                    sitting and standing, with modifications for all levels.
Early Bird Price: $45.00                                       Early Bird Price: $55.00
 Start Date      Time/Day      Member’s Advantage                  Start Date    Time/Day       Member’s Advantage
   July 2        12:45-1:45     Advantage: $50.00                    July 5     10:15-11:10      Advantage: $60.00
  8 Weeks       On Monday      Non Members $90.00                  10 weeks     On Thursday     Non Members $100.00

                                                               Strong Women
Stretch n’ Strength                                            Instructor: Silver Strength Fitness
Instructor: Karen S.                                           This program is a women’s only dumbbell class
This program is designed for the purpose of                    focused on increasing strength! Strong Women
strengthening and lengthening muscles and increasing           focuses on strengthening your body with the use of
your flexibility through a variety of exercises that are       dumbbells and bodyweight exercises. We will
done both standing and sitting. This program uses balls,       increase your muscular strength and endurance,
tubes and weights. Chairs are used to encourage                improve your posture, reduce tension and increase
balance exercises.                                             your metabolism. This class is a combination of
Class cancelled on August 6 and September 3                    sitting and standing, with modifications for all levels.
Early Bird Price: $45.00                                       Early Bird Price: $55.00

 Start Date      Time/Day      Member’s Advantage                  Start Date    Time/Day       Member’s Advantage

                                                                     July 5     11:15-12:10      Advantage: $60.00
  July 2        11:30-12:30     Advantage: $50.00
                                                                   10 weeks     On Thursday     Non Members $100.00
 8 Weeks        On Monday      Non Members $90.00
                                                                     July 3      9:15-10:10      Advantage: $60.00
                                                                   10 weeks     On Tuesday      Non Members $100.00

                                                               Total Body Conditioning
                                                               Instructor: Silver Strength Fitness
    Did you know?                                              This energizing program targets all major muscle
                                                               groups through a circuit style class. Participants
                                                               move through stations which include strength
    The ALC has a garden                                       training to promote muscular endurance, cardio to
     club and is always looking                                keep the heart healthy, balance challenges to
    for green thumbs to help in the                            reduce falls, flexibility to maintain and enhance
                                                               mobility and exercises that will make activities of
    patio garden? If you are interested                        daily life easier.
    please see our Custodian Johnny or                         Class cancelled on August 6 and September 3
    Food Committee representative                              Early Bird Price: $55.00
    Eleanor to sign-up!                                            Start Date    Time/Day       Member’s Advantage

                                                                     July 9      9:15-10:10      Advantage: $60.00
                                                                   10 weeks     On Monday       Non Members $100.00

                                                                     July 3     11:15-12:10      Advantage: $60.00
                                                                   10 weeks     On Tuesday      Non Members $100.00

    Want to stay active?                 Follow us on

Low Intensity - Beginner Fitness Level
                                                  Please note: Students will be required to complete a PAR-Q and may be required to provide a Doctor’s
                                                                      note. Standardized consent form available in Program Office.
Registered Programs - Fitness & Dance
                                        Chair Yoga Level 1
                                        Instructor: Terri D.                                          Chair Yoga Level 2
                                                                                                      Instructor: Terri D.
                                        Chair Yoga focuses on relaxing the mind and
                                        stimulating the body and spirit. Yoga coordinates             Have a blast in this class as we focus on relaxation and
                                        movement, breathing and helps release tension and             developing a better understanding of the body and its
                                        increase energy. It firms the body and tones                  movements. Yoga coordinates movement and breathing
                                        muscles without pressure. This program is done from           and helps release tension and increase energy. It firms the
                                        the chair and uses balls, tubes and weights.                  body and tones muscles without pressure. This program has
                                        Early Bird Price: $55.00                                      a combination of standing and sitting exercises and uses
                                                                                                      balls, tubes and weights.
                                         Start Date       Time/Day      Member’s Advantage            Early Bird Price: $55.00

                                              July 6      12:20-1:20     Advantage: $60.00             Start Date      Time/Day    Member’s Advantage
                                            10 weeks      On Friday     Non Members $100.00
                                                                                                         July 6        1:25-2:25    Advantage: $60.00
                                                                                                       10 Weeks        On Friday   Non Members $100.00
                                        Fall Prevention & Conditioning
                                        Instructor: Silver Strength Fitness
                                        Falls can be one of the leading causes of fatal and
                                        non-fatal injuries, chronic pain and reduced mobility.
                                        Falls can significantly change your life, and avoiding
                                        falls is important to stay healthy & independent longer.
                                        This low intensity program focuses on improving
                                        strength, balance, coordination, flexibility and ultimately
                                        preventing falls through a variety of fun exercises
                                        done both sitting and standing.
                                        Early Bird Price: $55.00

                                        Start Date        Time/Day     Member’s Advantage

                                           July 5        12:15-1:10     Advantage: $60.00
                                         10 weeks       On Thursday    Non Members $100.00

                                             Did you know?
                                             The ALC Library serves
                                             many purposes:
                                              Resource Centre (flyers &
                                              brochures for various services)
                                              Honour system book borrowing
                                              Computer Lab
                                              Reading Nook
                                              Book Sale Shelf

                                        1     Electronic Magnifier
                                                (Merlin Machine)

Medium Intensity - Intermediate Fitness Level
        Please note: Students will be required to complete a PAR-Q and may be required to provide a Doctor’s
                            note. Standardized consent form available in Program Office.

                                                                                                                                   Registered Programs - Fitness & Dance
Korean Janggo & Jindobuk Dancing                                   Korean Dancing
Instructor: Ok Cha Kim                                             Instructor: Ok Cha Kim
This program uses drums along with detailed steps that             Experience the true culture of Korea. Learn the art of
interpret the culture. Learn to improve your skills and level      Korean Dance with scarves and tambourines.
of Korean Janggo with Jindobuk Dance. This program is              This program is geared towards people with previous
geared towards people with previous Korean Dance or                Korean Dance experience. This program is taught
Drumming experience. You must provide your own drum                in Korean.
for this program. This program is taught in Korean.                Class cancelled on August 6 and September 3
Class cancelled on August 6 and September 3                        Early Bird Price: $40.00
Early Bird Price: $45.00
                                                                     Start Date      Time/Day        Member’s Advantage
 Start Date      Time/Day       Member’s Advantage
                                                                       July 9       10:15-11:15       Advantage: $45.00
   July 9        9:00-10:00       Advantage: $50.00                  10 Weeks       On Monday        Non Members $85.00
 10 Weeks       On Monday        Non Members $90.00
                                                                       July 9        3:15-4:15        Advantage: $45.00
                                                                     10 Weeks       On Monday        Non Members $85.00
Korean Nanta (Drumming)—Advanced
Instructor: Ok Cha Kim
Learn more skills for Korean Drumming and build upon
                                                                   Korean Janggo (Drumming)
your previous experience in drumming combinations and
                                                                   Instructor: Ok Cha Kim
techniques. This program is geared towards people with
previous Korean Nanta experience. You must provide                 Janggo is the most renowned traditional percussion
your own drum for this program. This program is taught in          instrument in traditional Korean music. To play the
Korean.                                                            Janggo, you use a stick with one hand and your bare
Early Bird Price: $45.00                                           hands. Learn the basic Janggo techniques, rhythms and
                                                                   terms, and the popular Janggo dance. You must
                                                                   provide your own drum for this class. This program is
 Start Date      Time/Day       Member’s Advantage
                                                                   taught in Korean.
  July 13        9:30-10:30       Advantage: $50.00                Class cancelled on August 6 and September 3
 10 Weeks        On Friday       Non Members $90.00                Early Bird Price: $45.00

Korean Nanta (Drumming)—Beginner                                     Start Date      Time/Day       Member’s Advantage
Instructor: Ok Cha Kim
Learn the basics of Korean Drumming. You will learn                    July 9        2:00-3:00        Advantage: $50.00
different drumming combinations and techniques. You                  10 Weeks       On Monday        Non Members $90.00
will be more confident by the end of the class as well as
have learned different Korean drumming songs. This                 Nordic Pole Walking
program is geared towards people with no Korean Nanta              Instructor: L. Opler
experience. You must provide your own drum for this
                                                                   Nordic Pole Walking is a highly effective low-impact
program. This program is taught in Korean. Limited spots
                                                                   exercise that takes walking to a new level of fitness. Using
are available.
                                                                   special light weight walking poles, Nordic Pole Walking
Early Bird Price: $45.00                                           combines the ease of walking with the benefits of
                                                                   strength training. It exercises 90% of all the muscles in the
 Start Date      Time/Day       Member’s Advantage                 body, increases heart and lung capacity, strengthens
                                                                   bones, can reduce blood sugar levels and reduces joint
  July 13       10:45-11:45       Advantage: $50.00                pain. Best of all, it’s a fun, social and enjoyable way to
 10 Weeks        On Friday       Non Members $90.00                get fit and stay strong. Nordic Walking Poles will be
                                                                   provided for this program.
                                                                   Early Bird Price: $55.00

                                                                    Start Date      Time/Day       Member’s Advantage

                                                                      July 14      11:30-12:30       Advantage: $60.00
                                                                     8 weeks       On Saturday      Non Members $95.00

                    Want to stay active?                        Visit us online at

Medium Intensity - Intermediate Fitness Level
                                             Please note: Students will be required to complete a PAR-Q and may be required to provide a Doctor’s
                                                                 note. Standardized consent form available in Program Office.
Registered Programs - Fitness & Dance
                                        Pilates                                                           Yogilates
                                        Instructor: Terri D.                                              Instructor: Terri D.
                                        This program promotes the building of long, lean                  Yogilates is an intense program combining elements of
                                        muscles, particularly focusing on the core muscles                both Yoga and Pilates. This program helps to build long,
                                        and lower body while using a combination of floor,                lean and bulk muscles particularly focusing on
                                        wall and chair exercises with bands, weights and balls.           promoting flexibility, proper breathing and relaxation
                                        Early Bird Price: $55.00                                          techniques of the core and lower body. This program is
                                                                                                          done in the chair, on the floor and on your feet to
                                         Start Date       Time/Day      Member’s Advantage                concentrate on posture, body alignment and breath.
                                                                                                          Early Bird Price: $55.00
                                           July 3        11:20-12:20     Advantage: $60.00
                                         10 Weeks        On Tuesday     Non Members $100.00               Start Date       Time/Day     Member’s Advantage

                                        Belly Dance                                                         July 6         2:30-3:30     Advantage: $60.00
                                        Instructor: Sarah B.                                              10 Weeks         On Friday    Non Members $100.00

                                        Get your hips moving and shaking to traditional belly
                                        dance music as you learn a variety of dances in this fun         Line Dance Level 1
                                        and enjoyable class.                                             Instructor: Teresa C.
                                        Early Bird Price: $68.00                                         A great way to exercise while having fun with friends!
                                                                                                         You will learn different line dance sequences to a
                                         Start Date        Time/Day      Member’s Advantage              variety of music all while working your lower and
                                                                                                         upper body! No experience is necessary.
                                           July 5        10:00-11:00      Advantage: $72.00              Early Bird Price: $45.00
                                          8 Week         On Thursday     Non Members $96.00
                                                                                                          Start Date       Time/Day     Member’s Advantage
                                        Joyous Joints                                                      July 12       11:15-12:45     Advantage: $50.00
                                        Instructor: Silver Strength Fitness                               10 Weeks       On Thursday    Non Members $90.00
                                        Do you struggle with stiffness or pain in your knees, hips,
                                        ankles, shoulders, wrists or elbows? Then check out our
                                                                                                         Line Dance Level 2
                                        new program, Joyous Joints! This program will focus on
                                                                                                         Instructor: Teresa C.
                                        restoring flexibility, strength and stability in your joints.
                                        You will be led through exercise, education and fall             Level 2 requires you to have completed Level 1 or have
                                        prevention drills which will assist in you living in less pain   knowledge of line dance sequences. You will learn more
                                        and enjoying more life. This medium impact program is            complex line dance sequences while getting a great
                                        suitable for individuals with osteoporosis, low bone density     workout.
                                        or those at risk of fractures and falls.                         Early Bird Price: $45.00
                                        Early Bird Price: $55.00                                          Start Date       Time/Day     Member’s Advantage

                                         Start Date        Time/Day      Member’s Advantage                July 12         1:00-2:30     Advantage: $50.00
                                                                                                          10 Weeks        On Thursday   Non Members $90.00
                                           July 4       11:00-11:55       Advantage: $60.00
                                         10 weeks      On Wednesday      Non Members $100.00
                                                                                                         Line Dance Level 1
                                                                                                         Instructor: Vivian Y.
                                                                                                         Get your lower body in shape while having some fun!
                                                                                                         Dances range in speed and includes ballroom, Latin,
                                                                                                         country, western and international music.
                                                                                                         Early Bird Price: $50.00
                                                                                                         Class Cancelled on July 27

                                                                                                          Start Date       Time/Day     Member’s Advantage

                                                                                                            July 6        10:45-12:15    Advantage: $55.00
                                                                                                          10 Weeks         On Friday    Non Members $95.00

                                                               Want to stay active?                   Visit us online at

High Intensity - Advanced Fitness Level
    Please note: Students will be required to complete a PAR-Q and may be required to provide a Doctor’s

                                                                                                                            Registered Programs - Fitness & Dance
                        note. Standardized consent form available in Program Office.

Healthy Bones Level 2                                        Line Dance Level 2
Instructor: Karen S.                                         Instructor: Vivian Y.
Tone up your body and improve your health with this          Get your lower body in shape while having some fun!
fulfilling program which accommodates participants who       Dances range in variety of speeds and include
have varying degrees of Arthritis or Osteoporosis. This      ballroom, Latin, country, western and international
program is designed to improve your flexibility, muscle      music. Knowledge of line dancing or the completion of
strength and balance using weights, balls and bands.         Line Dance Level 1 is recommended.
There is a combination of sitting and standing exercises.    Class Cancelled on July 24 & July 27
Class Cancelled on July 11                                   Early Bird Price: $50.00
Early Bird Price: $55.00
                                                              Start Date      Time/Day       Member’s Advantage
Start Date      Time/Day      Member’s Advantage
                                                                July 3       1:15-2:45         Advantage: $55.00
  July 4      11:00-12:00      Advantage: $60.00              10 Weeks      On Tuesday        Non Members $95.00
10 Weeks     On Wednesday     Non Members $100.00
                                                                July 6       12:30-2:00        Advantage: $55.00
                                                              10 Weeks       On Friday        Non Members $95.00
Ballroom & Latin Dance
Instructor: Lisa Z. & Charlie Z.
This session dancers will explore the Latin dance            Sh’Bang Cardiofit
Pasodoble. Pasodoble is a dance that emulates the            Instructor: Silver Strength Fitness
movements of a bullfight. It is believed to have been        Dance your cardio fitness to the next level! This class
created in Southern French culture during the 1930s. The     provides the variety your body needs to see results by
Pasodoble contains march-like steps to resemble the          combining fun cardio routines through different dance
bullfights, and it is known as one of the fastest Latin      styles from Bollywood to Latin and everywhere in
Ballroom dances because dancers make around 120 to           between, with specific muscle conditioning and light
130 beats/steps per minute. No experience is necessary.      weights that will be tailored to all levels. We will work on
Early Bird Price: $55.00                                     your balance, agility and coordination at the same time.
                                                             This is a great time to enjoy the music and feel the burn.
Start Date      Time/Day      Member’s Advantage             Early Bird Price: $55.00
  July 7      10:00-11:15      Advantage: $60.00
                                                              Start Date      Time/Day       Member’s Advantage
10 Weeks      On Saturday     Non Members $100.00
                                                                July 4      10:00-10:55       Advantage: $60.00
Ballroom & Latin Dance - Beginner                             10 weeks     On Wednesday      Non Members $100.00
Instructor: Lisa Z. & Charlie Z.
This session dancers will explore the Latin dance Rhumba.
Rhumba is one of the ballroom dances which occurs in
social dance and in international competitions. This                Did you know?
ballroom rumba was derived from a Cuban rhythm.
Of the five competitive international Latin dances
(pasodoble, samba, cha-cha-cha, jive, and rhumba), it is
                                                                    We are always looking
the slowest. The international ballroom rhumba is a slower           for volunteer help at the North
dance of about 120 beats per minute which corresponds,              York Seniors Centre? The various
both in music and in dance. No experience is necessary.
Early Bird Price: $55.00
                                                                    opportunities include:
                                                                     Friendly Visiting
Start Date      Time/Day      Member’s Advantage                     ALC Reception
  July 7       11:30-12:45     Advantage: $60.00
                                                                     Café Assistant
10 Weeks       On Saturday    Non Members $100.00                    A Day Away Volunteers
                                                                     Many more!
                                                                    Please call the front desk to
                                                                    attend a volunteer orientation
                                                                    session & learn all about how you
                                                                    can help the NYSC community

ARTS                                     SOCIAL                              GAMES
                                          Art Studio                              Alborz Persian Group                Basic Euchre
Drop-In Programs - Recreation & Leisure
                                          Day: Thursday
                                          Time: 10:00-2:00
                                                                                  ‫گروه ایرانی البرز‬                   Day: Tuesday
                                                                                                                      Time: 10:00-12:00
                                                                                  Day: Friday
                                          Members Only $1.00                                                          Members Only $1.00
                                                                                  Time: 1:00-4:00
                                          Location: Craft Room                                                        Location: Meeting Room
                                                                                  Members $1 & Non-Members $2
                                                                                  Location: Trillium Room             Bid Euchre
                                          Introduction to Knitting &
                                                                                                                      Day: Thursday
                                          Crocheting                                                                  Time: 10:00-12:00
                                                                                  Coffee & Conversation
                                          Day: Wednesday                                                              Members Only $1.00
                                                                                  Day: Thursday
                                          Time: 9:30-11:30                                                            Location: Meeting Room
                                                                                  Time: 11:30-12:30
                                          Members Only $1.00
                                                                                  Members Only $1.00                  Canasta
                                          Location: Craft Room
                                          *Supply list available in the Program   Location: Media Room                Day: Wednesday
                                          Office                                  *Canada is a country of
                                                                                                                      Time: 1:00-4:00
                                                                                  international people. Join us for
                                                                                  a lively hour where you can meet
                                                                                                                      Members Only $1.00
                                          Movie Club                              interesting people and practice     Location: Meeting Room
                                          Day: Monday                             your English conversation skills.   Cribbage
                                          Time: 2:00-4:00
                                                                                                                      Day: Wednesday
                                          Members $2 & Non-Members $4             French Conversation Club            Time: 10:00-12:00
                                          Location: Media Room                    Club de conversation français       Members Only $1.00
                                                                                  Day: Friday                         Location: Meeting Room
                                          Stitchers                               Time: 10:00-12:00
                                          Day: Wednesday                          Members $1 & Non-Members $3
                                                                                                                      Duplicate Bridge
                                          Time: 12:15-3:00                        Location: Library/Media Room        Wednesday & Sunday
                                          Members Only FREE                                                           Time: 12:30-4:00
                                          Location: Craft Room                                                        Members $3.50 &
                                                                                  Joy Luck Social Club
                                          *This group consists of volunteers                                          Non-Members $4
                                          producing handiworks to donate to       中社俱樂部                               Location: Multipurpose Room
                                          our GiftShoppe.                         1st & 3rd Wednesday/Month           *Participants are required to attend
                                                                                  Time: 2:00-6:00                     program with a partner.
                                                                                  Members $1 & Non-Members $3         Mah Jongg Advanced—
                                          FITNESS                                 Location: Cafe                      English & Cantonese
                                                                                  Korean Social Club                  Time: 12:30-4:00
                                          Table Tennis                                                                Sunday
                                                                                  한국인 사교 클럽
                                                                                                                      Time: 10:00-4:00
                                          Time: 4:00-6:00                         Day: Saturday
                                                                                                                      Members $1 & Non-Members $3
                                          Thursday                                Time: 1:00-3:00
                                                                                                                      Location: Café/Trillium Room
                                          Time: 3:30-5:30                         Members $1 & Non-Members $3
                                          Saturday                                Location: Craft Room                Pinochle
                                          Time: 2:00-4:00                                                             Day: Thursday
                                          Members $1 & Non-Members $3             Persian Social Club                 Time: 1:00-3:00
                                                                                                                      Members Only $1.25
                                          Location: Multipurpose Room             ‫باشگاه اجتماعی فارسی‬                Location: Meeting Room
                                          *Participants will be required to
                                                                                  Day: Tuesday
                                          complete a PAR-Q and may be                                                 Progressive Bridge
                                          required to provide a Doctor’s note.    Time: 10:00-3:00
                                                                                  Members $2 & Non-Members $4         Day: Tuesday
                                                                                  Location: Craft Room                Time: 12:30-4:00
                                                                                                                      Members Only $2.00
                                                                                                                      Location: Trillium Room
                                                                                                                      *Participants must be an
                                                                                                                      intermediate level player.
                                                                                                                      Day: Monday
                                                                                                                      Time: 12:15-4:00
                                                                                                                      Members Only $1.00
                                                                                                                      Location: Meeting Room
Travel                                                 Special Events
The Active Living Centre provides wonderful
                                                       To purchase your ticket for one of these
day trips throughout the year for our members          events, please see the reception desk
and their friends and family. Spots are limited        at least one week prior to the event date!

                                                                                                          Social Opportunities - Travel & Special Events
and early registration is recommended!
                                                       Canada Day Party
For more information, please call the Travel
                                                       Date: Wed July 11, 2018
Desk at 416 733.4111 ext. 212 or visit Monday
                                                       Time: 11:30-1:00
to Friday from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.
                                                       Location: Multipurpose Room
Travel Policies                                        Description: Join us for a wonderful celebration
                                                       of Canada Day with a day full of fun. Prizes!
Refunds:                                               Music! Great Food! We’ll have it all and you’ll
If the Centre cancels a trip, a full refund            have a ball!
applies.                                               PRICE: $15.00 Member & $20.00 Non-Members
Cancellations of trips organized by an                 Travelogue & Dinner
agency/tour operator will be refunded                  Date: Wed Aug 15, 2018
according to the agency’s policy.                      Time: 6:00-8:00pm
Theatre trips and day trips offer no refund            Location: Café
after the payment due date.                            Begin your journey to Italy
                                                       with a traditional tasty meal.
Supervision:                                           Then sit back and enjoy the sights and sounds
Those who require special assistance of any            of Rome. Door Prizes included!
kind (i.e. oxygen, mobility) are responsible for       PRICE: $15 Member & $20 Non-Members
arranging for an escort to assist them. Support
persons will be given member rates. NYSC will          Celebrate Grandparents
not be responsible for providing special care.         Day!
Payment:                                               Date: Sat Sept 8, 2018
Full payment is due for all trips within 6 weeks       Time: 11:00-12:30pm
of trip departure. Post-dated cheques dated            Location: Café
up to 6 weeks prior to trip are accepted.              Join us for an afternoon full of activities that
Theatre trips require a non-refundable deposit         the whole family can enjoy while celebrating
of $20 upon booking.                                   grandparents! Light refreshments in
                                                       celebration of this special day will be
To take advantage of the Members’ price,               provided!
members have to have a valid ALC                       Members & Grandkids $8.00
membership at the time of payment.
Gratuities to drivers and/or escorts are no                         Save the Date:
longer covered by NYSC and are solely at the                          Active Living Fair
traveller’s discretion.                                             FREE FOR EVERYONE
Seat Assignment:                                               Thursday September 20, 2018
Please advise at the time of booking if you
are travelling with someone, otherwise a seat
companion will be assigned at the discretion
of the Travel Committee. While every effort
will be made to honour seat location requests,
this may not always be possible as
consideration must be given to those with
mobility concerns.
Effective June 1, 2018

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