News VOL.44 / NO.1 September 2021 - Teachers' Union of Ireland

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News VOL.44 / NO.1 September 2021 - Teachers' Union of Ireland

                                                           VOL . 44 / NO.1
                                                         Sept embe r 2 0 2 1
News VOL.44 / NO.1 September 2021 - Teachers' Union of Ireland
                                                               A Word from the
    p.2    A Word From The President
                                                         President – Martin Marjoram
    p.4    Procedure for dealing with Health
           and Safety concerns owing to              Dear Colleagues,                                  COVID-19: No departure
           COVID-19                                                                                    from Public Health
                                                     Welcome back from a very well-
    p.6    Pay increases and increment skips
                                                     earned break at the end of what was               requirements
    p.7    New members on the TUI Executive          a uniquely challenging year in                    With vaccination rates on the rise
           Committee                                 education. As we face into another                and more sectors of the economy re-
                                                     year marked by the enduring threat of             opening, there may be a dangerous
    p.8    Bernie Ruane bursary for students                                                           temptation to relax vigilance and to
           undertaking post-primary teaching
                                                     COVID-19, TUI will continue to work
                                                     diligently to protect and advance your            be less determined in seeking to
    p.9    Third Level update                        interests, the health and welfare of              ensure that COVID-19 is kept out of
                                                     you and your loved ones, the                      workplaces. TUI remains committed
    p.12 TUI’s Trade Union Studies course &
                                                     invaluable education service you work             to full compliance with all measures
         TUI Assistance Fund
                                                     so hard to provide, as well as your pay           required by Public Health and will do
    p.14 A reminder of some key directives                                                             all to protect members, students and
                                                     and terms and conditions of
    p.18 A guide for new teachers                    employment.                                       the wider community from
                                                                                                       unnecessary risks. Keep an eye on the
    p.24 Some advice for new teachers/                                                                 TUI website and other
                                                     During the summer, TUI’s intensive
         lecturers                                                                                     communication channels for any
                                                     engagement with Government
    p.26 Teaching Council update                     departments and employer                          updates.
    p.29 Kerry school wins ‘Design a Home            representatives continued as we
                                                     worked to secure both the resources               Stakeholders’ discussions
         for Everyone’ competition
                                                     and the clarity required for safe,                In Post-Primary, Further and Adult
    p.30 Membership details & TUI’s Global           sustainable re-openings of schools,               Education, and Higher Education,
         Development Fund                            centres, colleges, IoTs and TUs. While            dedicated stakeholders’ groups have
    p.32 TUI membership form                         some progress has been made, not all              been established (in some cases with
                                                     of our representations produced the               the need for a significant push from
    p.33 TUI DAS form                                                                                  TUI) to engage on COVID-19 issues.
                                                     results we believed necessary and just.
    p.35 RMA News                                    As branch meetings resume, we will
                                                     be guided by your wisdom and                      We have vehemently opposed the
    p.36 Crossword                                                                                     decision by the Department of
                                                     knowledge of your own workplaces
                                                     and students and will argue as                    Education to require a return to the
                                                     strongly as ever for what is right.               classroom by teachers whose

    EDITORIAL                           Annette Dolan                    Anne Howard                            PRODUCTION
                                        Deputy General Secretary         Assistant General Secretary
    Martin Marjoram                                              TUI News is published by the
    President                                                                                                   Teachers’ Union of Ireland.                    Declan Glynn                     Ann Mulcahy                            Aontas Múinteoirí Éireann,
                                        Assistant General Secretary      Assistant General Secretary
    Liz Farrell                                                 73 Orwell Road, Rathgar,
    Vice President                                                                                              Dublin 6, D06 YP89.            Colm Kelly                       David Duffy
                                        Assistant General Secretary      Education & Research Officer
    Michael Gillespie                                             T: 01 - 492 2588
    General Secretary                                                                                           E:      W:                   Joanne Irwin                     Patricia Keating
                                        Assistant General Secretary      Administrative Officer
                                                                                       Printed by:
                                                                                                                Typecraft Ltd
                                        John O’Reilly                    Conor Griffin
                                        Assistant General Secretary      Press & Information Officer

                                        Seamus Lahart
                                        Assistant General Secretary

2   September 2021 - TUI NEWS
News VOL.44 / NO.1 September 2021 - Teachers' Union of Ireland

pregnancy is at so early a stage that        improvements in them. The plans
they cannot yet have achieved                mostly require engagement in
significant vaccine protection. TUI has      negotiations, in which TUI’s principal
been joined by the ASTI and the INTO         objective will be protection of your
in condemning what is blatantly unfair       terms and conditions.
treatment for a vulnerable minority.
                                             Unlike nearly all Public Service unions,
In the return to Post-Primary schools,       TUI is committed to using the 1%
we do have the clarity that we will re-      Sectoral Bargaining Fund to make
open with the same mitigation                further progress in resolving the
measures and arrangements which              scandal of pay inequality, as well as
HSE data indicate worked effectively in      addressing long-standing grievances
the last school year. TUI’s long-standing    across various sectors as funds allow.
request for the general provision of         TUI has sought necessary data so that
CO2 monitors to schools has been             we achieve all that the equivalent of
heeded. Though regrettably insufficient      1% of annualised basic salaries allows.      TUI PRESIDENT, MARTIN MARJORAM
to place a monitor in each classroom,        Members who forgo, in whole or in
there will be a facility for schools to      part, what could be a 1% pay increase
apply for more following completion          are entitled to full value for that        importance in education have been
of delivery of the first allocations in      decision.                                  subjected to unique tests as our ability
mid-September. While of course                                                          to gather, to work collaboratively, and
providing no direct information              WRC Conciliation:                          to support each other has been
regarding COVID-19, the monitors                                                        disrupted by COVID-19 mitigation
provide useful alerts that ventilation                                                  measures that have either kept us
                                             At time of writing, we await the           apart or radically altered the spaces
levels are insufficient, and that            outcome of the WRC Conciliation
corrective action must be taken.                                                        and the manner in which we can
                                             process regarding our claim on behalf      interact.
                                             of members in Youthreach. In spite of
Further and Higher Education face the        glowing commendations for the sector
challenge of a first return in significant                                              One constant which remains is the
                                             from the Minister at our Annual            essential requirement for the highest
measure to on-campus learning. TUI is        Congress, the response of his
deeply concerned that the Higher                                                        possible level of TUI membership in all
                                             Department to the totality of our          of our workplaces. The strongest and
Education plan, most particularly, is        claim has been less fulsome, though we
deficient in providing necessary clarity,                                               most unified voice is needed, whether
                                             remain hopeful that there will be          raised in challenge to unwise
consistency, and practical detail. TUI       progress.
will continue to make representations                                                   departures from safe work practices
nationally and will support local                                                       or to oppose as vigorously as ever
                                             Staff Changes                              exploitation and injustice. Reach out
Branches as the new academic year            I extend thanks and appreciation to
commences.                                                                              and recruit a colleague into TUI
                                             Aidan Kenny for his significant service    membership today, be they newly
                                             as Assistant General Secretary, as well    arrived or simply never having gotten
Building Momentum                            as every good wish in his current          around to joining. Do so in the
Though TUI welcomes the first pay            endeavours. Warmest welcome to Ann         knowledge that you are offering the
rises (as opposed to restorations) for       Mulcahy as she takes up her post as        protection, support, and influence
more than a decade, we note that             AGS, which she will no doubt fulfil        which only trade union membership
inflation will substantially, and possibly   with the same dedication and               can provide them and that every new
entirely, erode the value of the             distinction she has already                member adds to our collective
increases making us even more                demonstrated in a number of roles on       strength and to the safety and security
determined that the Building                 behalf of TUI.                             of your workplace.
Momentum Action Plans will place no
unreasonable burdens or demands on           Recruit a colleague
members. The plans were not agreed           Never has trade union membership
with TUI, though our early                   been more important. The solidarity
representations led to some                  and collegiality of such particular

                                                                                            - TUI NEWS         3
News VOL.44 / NO.1 September 2021 - Teachers' Union of Ireland

           Procedure for Dealing with Health and Safety
           Concerns in Schools/Colleges/Centres/IoTs/TUs
                        owing to COVID-19
    What legislation governs                            school/college/centre/IoT/TU have                   Procedure for dealing with
                                                        responsibilities and duties. An                     Covid-19 H&S concerns:
    Health & Safety (H&S)?
                                                        employee, must:
                                                                                                            The COVID-19 response plan makes
    The Safety, Health and Welfare at
                                           ■ Comply with the                                                provision for a workplace to have a
    Work Act, 2005, The Safety, Health and
                                             school/college/centre/IoT/TU                                   Lead Worker Representative (LWR).
    Welfare at Work (General
                                             Covid-19 Response plan, for                                    In the first instance, concerns or
    Application) Regulations 2007 and
                                             example, by maintaining physical                               issues that arise are processed in
    associated legislation govern the area
                                             distancing1, wearing face coverings                            accordance with the procedures
    of health & safety.
                                             and good hand hygiene                                          specified in the COVID-19 response
                                                                                                            plan. However, if those procedures are
    The Safety, Health and Welfare at       ■ Comply with health and safety                                 not applied in a fair and prompt
    Work Act 2005 requires employers,         legislation                                                   manner or if the issue is not
    so far as is reasonably practicable, to
                                                                                                            satisfactorily resolved, the TUI
    ensure that their activities are        ■ Take reasonable care to protect
                                                                                                            reserves the right to act on behalf of
    managed and conducted in such a way       her/his own safety, health and
                                                                                                            members to protect their health and
    as to safeguard the safety, health and    welfare and that of any other
                                                                                                            safety, as outlined in the following
    welfare of employees.                     person who may be affected by
                                              her/his acts or omissions at work
    The aim is to prevent injury and ill
                                            ■ Co-operate with the Employer and                              Step one:
    health of employees while at work
                                              any other person to enable them                               If a TUI member wishes to raise a
    and to protect others who are not
                                              to comply with health and safety                              COVID-19 related health and safety
    employed but may be exposed to
                                              legislation                                                   issue in a school/college/centre/IoT or
    health and safety risks as a result of
                                                                                                            TU s/he should, in the first instance,
    our work activities i.e. students,      ■ Not engage in improper conduct                                inform the Lead Worker
    visitors etc.                             or other behaviour which could                                Representative (LWR). The member
                                                            endanger her/his safety, health and             should also advise the TUI Workplace
    What are my H&S                                         welfare or that of any other                    Committee (WPC) and the WPC
    responsibilities in terms of                            person.                                         should keep a record of this.

    Employers and all employees in a

     In all education settings, the physical distance of 2 metres should be maintained where possible. In exceptional circumstances where 2 metres
    cannot be achieved, a minimum of one metre physical distance (i.e. of clear space between the shoulder of one person and the shoulder of the
    next person) is required along with the wearing of face coverings. In Post-Primary schools, school management must complete the following steps
    as a means of ensuring compliance with the physical distancing requirement (minimum of one metre).
    - Reconfigure class spaces to maximise physical distancing
    - Utilise and reconfigure all available space in the school in order to maximise physical distancing
    - Review Timetables
    - Reconfigure Classes
    - Consider Use of Live Streaming within the School
    - Access available spaces within the local community

    If, having applied all of the six steps above, there is still a difficulty in complying with the physical distancing requirement, the Principal teacher is
    expected to contact the DES dedicated helpline for advice and assistance. The Principal teacher should also consult with the Lead Worker
    Representative and advise the TUI workplace committee of the difficulty. The TUI will support the school in any efforts or representations it makes
    to secure the additional resources necessary for compliance with the physical distancing requirements.

4       September 2021 - TUI NEWS
News VOL.44 / NO.1 September 2021 - Teachers' Union of Ireland

Step Two:                                 LWR, a concern has not been                In a C&C or Voluntary Secondary
The LWR will deal with issues that        addressed to the satisfaction of the       School, the WPC will bring the matter
arise in line with the procedure set      TUI member/s, the matter should            to the attention of the Board of
out in the workplace COVID-19             then be referred as an industrial          Management to seek a resolution.
Response Plan. This includes raising      relations issue/grievance to the TUI
the matter with school/college/           Workplace Committee (WPC).                 Step Four:
centre/IoT/TU management/employer                                                    If a satisfactory resolution is not
immediately and keeping a record of       The TUI WPC can seek advice from           provided, following the steps as
all COVID-19 problems, areas of           the local Branch Officers and/or Area      outlined above, the WPC will:
non-compliance or defects that the        Rep. The contact details for Area
LWR has identified or that have been      Reps can be found in the TUI Diary         ■ Lodge a collective grievance using
reported to her/him.                      and Handbook that issues to all               the nationally agreed grievance
                                          members in September. Contact                 procedure
Under this procedure the employer is      details are also available by contacting
expected to act promptly on these         TUI Head Office on 01-492 2588 or          and
representations. If unable or unwilling                                ■ Report the matter to the Health
to do so, the employer (for example,                                                   and Safety Authority. If the HSA
school/college/centre/IoT/TU              The TUI WPC will meet with                   sends an inspector to the
management) must detail the reasons       management immediately and seek to           workplace, the LWR is entitled to
why, in order that the LWR can            resolve the matter. In an ETB, if a          accompany them during the
escalate the issue of concern, in the     satisfactory resolution is not provided      inspection and to get a copy of any
manner specified in the COVID-19          by local management, the WPC will            recommendations or orders. This
Response Plan.                            advise the local Branch who will             should, in turn, be provided to the
                                          contact the ETB (Director of Schools,        TUI WPC.
If a concern is resolved, the LWR         Director of Further Education and          and
must record any actions taken to          Training, Director of OSD, Human
                                                                                     ■ Where relevant, report the matter
rectify the concern and inform staff.     Resource Department, as
                                                                                       to the Health Service Executive
                                          appropriate) to seek an immediate
Step Three:                               resolution of the matter.
If, notwithstanding the efforts of the

                               U I w  e b si te  a n d   social me d ia
                          e  T
      Keep an eye on th               in  fo  r m  ati o n , guidance
                            late  st
        channels for the                a  tt e rs  re la te d to health
                          on all     m
      and clarification                 p la  c e  in the context
                         th  e  w o rk
          and safety in
                   o ng o in g  c h all e nge of COVID-19
            of the
                                                                                          - TUI NEWS     5
News VOL.44 / NO.1 September 2021 - Teachers' Union of Ireland

    TUI/ASTI secure pay increase for
    Leaving Certificate work
    An increase in payments to teachers             For a number of years, the teacher unions        examiners and superintendents in 2021, full
    engaged in 2021 Leaving Cert exams work         have argued that pay for state exams work        details of which were included in the
    has been achieved following                     does not reflect the skills, effort and level    conference letters which issued to
    representations made jointly by the TUI         of responsibility involved. This has led to      Assistant Examiners and Advising
    and ASTI.                                       significant difficulties in the recruitment of   Examiners.
                                                    examiners. Prior to the pandemic, the TUI
    The TUI and ASTI sought an increase in                                                           While this is welcome news, the teacher
                                                    and ASTI submitted a pay claim for an
    payment for Leaving Cert examiners due                                                           unions continue to engage with the State
                                                    increase in pay for those involved in state
    to additional workload and the                                                                   Examinations Commission on the issue of
                                                    exams work.
    extraordinary circumstances pertaining to                                                        payment rates for exams work. This
    the 2021 exams.                                 The State Examinations Commission                includes a demand that the 2021 increases
                                                    agreed to increased payment rates for            be subsumed into future pay.

    Peer evaluation                                   Additional increment skips for
    and emergency                                     post-2011 teachers
    remote learning                                   Circular letter 37/2021 confirms that under the Building Momentum Agreement, which
                                                      TUI is deemed covered by:
    Some branches and workplaces have                 •   teachers paid on the 2011 entrant pay scale, after progressing to point 11 of the
    reported an insistence by some management             2011 entrant pay scale, will on their next increment date, skip point 12 and move to
    on excessive oversight in the area of                 point 13 on the scale.
    emergency remote learning. In some cases,         •   teachers paid on the 2011 entrant pay scale who have already reached point 12 or
    management have insisted on being included            higher on the pay scale will, on their next increment date, on or after 1 March 2021,
    in all online class teams to enable them to           move one point further than they would normally under incremental progression.
    visit classes online. This clearly amounts to     Worked examples are also included in the Circular. The adjustments provided for in this
    peer evaluation, a practice that TUI is           Circular apply to teachers paid on the 2011 entrant pay scale and take effect from 1
    opposed to. In this regard, the directive         March 2021.
    below should be strictly adhered to.
    Following the decision of the relevant TUI
    members as expressed in the ballot on             1% or €500 salary increase from
                                                      1st October 2021
    peer evaluation (2017), the Executive
    Committee of the TUI has decided that
    all members, regardless of grade, in ETB          A general round pay increase of 1% or €500 (whichever is larger) will apply on 1st
    Second Level (including Adult and Further         October 2021 to all salaries as part of the Building Momentum Agreement. An
    Education), Community and                         additional pay round of 1% or €500 is due to be paid on 1st October 2022. See
    Comprehensive, Educate Together,         for latest pay scales.
    Voluntary Secondary and Youthreach                In addition, the equivalent of a 1% increase in annualised basic salaries to be used as a
    sectors, be directed not to engage or             Sectoral Bargaining Fund to be applied in whatever form on 1st February 2022. TUI’s
    participate in, co-operate with, support          clear position is that this fund must be targeted towards further improving the pay of
    or otherwise facilitate peer evaluation in        those subject to the unilaterally imposed, discriminatory two-tier pay system affecting
    any setting.                                      those who entered the profession from 1st January 2011.

                                                     TUI representatives have engaged in a high volume of media activities across
     TUI in the media                                television, radio and print in recent weeks around a range of issues.
                                                     A frequently updated summary of the latest issues addressed by the Union is
                                                     available on the TUI website.

6    September 2021 - TUI NEWS
News VOL.44 / NO.1 September 2021 - Teachers' Union of Ireland

New members on TUI Executive Committee
With effect from Annual Congress 2021, three new members began their terms on the Executive Committee. Paddy Healy (Area
2), Ann Mulcahy (Area 4) and Ronan Callanan (Area 10) were replaced by Vivienne Keenan, Richie Byrnes and Anne-Marie O’ Shea
In addition, Tim Murphy (Area 9 – Cork City, County Cork) and Anne-Marie O’ Shea (Area 10 – Dublin City) have recently
departed from the Executive Committee and an update will be provided in due course on their replacements.
Sincere thanks are extended to all departing members for their hard work and achievements on behalf of TUI members over the
course of their terms.

                       AREA 2 -
                                                                                            AREA 4 -
          Roscommon, Longford, Westmeath, Offaly
                                                                    Wexford, Co Waterford, Waterford City, Tipp Sr, Co. Kilkenny
                  VIVIENNE KEENAN
                                                                                        RICHIE BYRNES
      VTOS Tullamore, LOETB, Castle Buildings, Tara Street,
                                                                            Bridgetown College, Bridgetown, Co. Wexford.
                    Tullamore, Co Offaly

New Head Office
Following a recruitment process, Ann Mulcahy was
appointed as Assistant General Secretary on a fixed-term
contract, replacing Aidan Kenny who is taking a career
break. A teacher in Coláiste Dún Iascaigh in Cahir in
Co. Tipperary and a native of Dualla, Co Tipperary,
Ann has had an involvement in TUI throughout her
career, serving as a Workplace Representative, Branch
Officer, Executive Committee member and Honorary

                                                                                       ANN MULCAHY
                                                                                  TUI Assistant General Secretary

                                                                                              - TUI NEWS       7
News VOL.44 / NO.1 September 2021 - Teachers' Union of Ireland

    Bursary for students pursuing teaching
    career a fitting tribute to committed
    and gifted educator Bernie Ruane


    To honour the memory of Bernie Ruane,         In recognition of Bernie’s service to the
    who passed away in July 2020, the TUI has     Shannon Branch of the TUI, in the first
    established a Bursary/Scholarship which       year of operation of the scheme the
    will provide financial assistance to          bursary will be awarded to an applicant
                                                                                                     BERNIE’S HUSBAND, JOHN, AND
    students whose intention it is to pursue a    who was in 2020/21 a final year Leaving            HER SONS CATHAL AND AND SEÁN
    career in post-primary teaching and who,      Certificate student of one of the schools          AT TREE PLANTING CEREMONY AT
    to that end, are undertaking level 8          in that Branch. In this regard, applications       TUI HEAD OFFICE
    programmes of study in publicly funded        were invited from the relevant schools
    Higher Education Institutions within the      last May.
    Republic of Ireland.                                                                         The bursary will be paid annually, in the
                                                  A student who is awarded a bursary will        month of November, as a single payment,
    While Bernie held many positions within       receive €1,500 per annum for each year         provided that confirmation has been
    the Union, most notably serving as            of the course (exclusive of an Erasmus         received by the Union that the student is
    President and, latterly, as Assistant         year) up to a maximum of four years and        registered, is attending an approved
    General Secretary up to her retirement        subject to the conditions attaching to         course and, where applicable, has
    in April 2020, she was, first and foremost,   bursary offers.                                successfully completed the required
    a committed and gifted teacher who                                                           assessments and has progressed to the
    championed equality and inclusion and         If the approved undergraduate course is        next year of the programme.
    stood up for those in difficulty. The         of three years’ duration, the bursary may
    establishment of the Bursary is therefore     be continued into the first year of the        The bursary was formally launched at a
    a fitting tribute.                            Professional Master of Education (PME)         short ceremony in TUI Head Office on
                                                  course where the student has registered        8th July. As part of the ceremony, which
    To be awarded a bursary a student must        for and is attending that course.              was attended by Bernie’s husband, John,
    be accepted onto, must have registered                                                       and her sons Cathal and Seán, a tree was
    for and must be attending an                  Bursary holders will be expected to            planted by John in Bernie’s memory.
    undergraduate course - consecutive or         satisfy the regulations of their
    concurrent - required for qualification as    college/institution and to undergo every
    a post-primary teacher.                       term examination or other
                                                  examination/assessment determined by
    One new bursary will be awarded each          the authorities of their college/institution
    academic year, commencing with award of       for their course.
    the first bursary in 2021/22.

8    September 2021 - TUI NEWS
News VOL.44 / NO.1 September 2021 - Teachers' Union of Ireland

Third Level Update
Key issues for TUI members at Third Level have continued to be the subject of
discussion and negotiation over the summer, including the operation of higher
education in the new academic year, the use of the Building Momentum Sectoral
Bargaining Fund, and the ongoing suspension of one of our key Industrial Relations
Forums. Further important milestones have been reached in the development of
Technological Universities, along with some events which are the cause of significant

Technological Universities                 the basis of TUI’s cooperation with       new online courses does not
The President and General Secretary        the TU project. Those concerns were       preclude the operation of previously
have written to the Minister for           highlighted in our appearance before      agreed local agreements. TUI has been
Further and Higher Education,              the Committee and in a detailed           in discussion during the summer with
Research, Innovation and Science           submission.                               the Department and employers with
expressing grave concern about the                                                   a view to resuming negotiations.
                                           On 16th July 2021, Minister Simon
direction of the TU project in light of
                                           Harris signed the order dissolving
TU Dublin’s decision to join the Irish
                                           Athlone and Limerick Institutes of
Universities Association and                                                         Continued Suspension of the
                                           Technology and replacing them with
significant breaches of the industrial                                               Institutes of Technology
                                           the Technological University of the
relations agreements which underpin                                                  Industrial Relations Forum
                                           Shannon: Midlands and Midwest. The
TUI’s cooperation. A meeting with the                                                The Department of Public
                                           new Technological University will be
Minister on these issues will take                                                   Expenditure and Reform continues to
                                           established from 1st October 2021.
place shortly.                                                                       preclude the operation of the IoT IR
                                           TUI welcomes these developments
                                                                                     Forum while TUI’s online learning
The Executive Committee has agreed         towards the establishment of Ireland’s
                                                                                     industrial action directive is in place. A
that a consultative conference on TUs      third Technological University and
                                                                                     meeting of the Forum took place on
for third level branches will take place   thanks and congratulates the Branch
                                                                                     21st April 2021, but little progress
this academic year. The conference         teams and officials for their excellent
                                                                                     was made on the agenda items and
will convene as the emerging TU            work representing members’
                                                                                     the union’s ongoing industrial action
sector approaches its final                interests. Equal thanks are due to the
                                                                                     was identified as an obstacle to future
configuration and will provide             TUI representatives in the already
                                                                                     meetings of the Forum. The
branches with an important                 established TU Dublin and MTU, as
                                                                                     resumption of discussions on the
opportunity to contribute to the           well as in the South East and
                                                                                     online learning issue may provide an
formulation of policy and strategy and     Connaught/Ulster where significant
                                                                                     opportunity for the Forum to
to share and discuss lessons and           progress has been made. The
                                                                                     recommence. It has not been possible
experiences both local and national        Executive Committee continues to
                                                                                     to progress a number of significant
from what has been a uniquely              support the Branches in DkIT and
                                                                                     claims while the Forum has been
challenging and complex process.           IADT in their campaigning and
                                                                                     suspended. TUI has been in contact
                                           representations to secure their place
On 13th July 2021, TUI appeared                                                      with DFHERIS and management
                                           in the future TU landscape.
before the Joint Oireachtas                                                          during the summer with a view to
Committee on Education, Further and                                                  resolving the current impasse which
Higher Education, Research,                                                          cannot be allowed to continue.
                                           Online learning
Innovation and Science regarding the
                                           Engagements with the Department
General Scheme of the Higher
                                           and employers in late 2019 under the
Education Authority Bill 2021. The                                                   Apprenticeship
                                           auspices of the WRC failed to result
proposed replacement for the 1971                                                    The training of more than 10,000
                                           in a national agreement on online
HEA Act raises significant concerns,                                                 apprentices, 4100 at phases 4 and 6,
                                           delivery, as demanded by numerous
not least in threatening to undermine                                                has been delayed by the pandemic by
                                           Congress motions. The national
key provisions of the TUI/DES/THEA                                                   between 9 and 18 months. TUI has
                                           industrial action directive against
Agreement of May 2017 which forms                                                    engaged in discussions on how to
                                           cooperation with the development of

                                                                                           - TUI NEWS         9
News VOL.44 / NO.1 September 2021 - Teachers' Union of Ireland

     address this backlog, stressing the       1% and awaits a further response          Department of Finance letter in late
     need to maintain quality and              from DFHERIS.                             2010 instructed Public Sector
     standards and noting the additional                                                 Employers that all appointments
                                               The Department of Public
     staffing and resources that will be                                                 should be at point 1 of the
                                               Expenditure and Reform insists that
     required. The Union will of course                                                  appropriate recruitment scale. While
                                               each Government Department draw
     insist on detailed discussions and                                                  the award of incremental credit has
                                               up a Building Momentum Action Plan
     negotiations on any proposals                                                       resumed since 2016, appointees to
                                               for implementation over the course
     affecting members, including the                                                    the Assistant Lecturer Grade in the
                                               of the agreement, payment of the pay
     return of summer blocks which has                                                   intervening years have now seen
                                               increases and access to Sectoral
     been put forward.                                                                   more recently recruited colleagues
                                               Bargaining being contingent on
                                                                                         appointed to higher points on the
     TUI welcomes the target in the            cooperation with the plan. Having
                                                                                         salary scale than they have yet
     Action Plan for Apprenticeship of         seen early drafts of the Third Level
                                                                                         reached themselves. In discussions
     10,000 new apprentice registrations       Action Plan, TUI expressed concern
                                                                                         with DFHERIS, TUI has highlighted
     per year by 2025 and hopes that the       at the extent of DFHERIS’s
                                                                                         this anomaly as one of the issues
     establishment of the National             expectations in exchange for rises
                                                                                         towards which the Building
     Apprenticeship Office will help to        barely in line with inflation. A
                                                                                         Momentum Sectoral Bargaining Fund
     drive the Government’s stated             somewhat improved version has been
                                                                                         will be directed if the Sectoral
     commitment to enhance and expand          adopted by DFHERIS and the union
                                                                                         Bargaining Fund is sufficient.
     the opportunities and pathways that       will engage in the negotiations
     apprenticeship can offer. TUI will        required under the Action Plan. TUI
     remain engaged as the plan unfolds to     did not agree the Action Plan,
     protect standards and to campaign         continues to be concerned at some
                                                                                         Following lengthy delays in industrial
     for necessary resourcing and staffing.    of the items listed, but notes that the
                                                                                         relations processes, TUI’s test case for
                                               requirement is generally to engage in
                                                                                         the incremental credit claim AF25/15
                                               negotiation on issues as opposed to
                                                                                         was heard by the Labour Court on
     Building Momentum                         there being an imposition of pre-
                                                                                         2nd March 2021. Due to the refusal of
     TUI has agreed to operate within the      determined outcomes.
                                                                                         the employer side to agree to a joint
     terms of the national pay agreement,
                                                                                         referral, TUI made a unilateral referral
     Building Momentum. While inflation
                                                                                         to the Court under Section 20(1) of
     may absorb some or all, the               Pay Inequality
                                                                                         the Industrial Relations act, 1969. The
     agreement includes the first pay rises,   Since the unilateral Government
                                                                                         outcome, Labour Court
     as opposed to pay restorations, for       attacks on new entrant pay, TUI’s
                                                                                         Recommendation 22376, notes that
     public servants since 2008 with two       campaigning and industrial action have
                                                                                         the unilateral referral the Union was
     1% increases in October 2021 and          resulted in significant progress
                                                                                         forced to make is not part of the
     October 2022 as well as access to a       towards the elimination of this
                                                                                         agreed dispute resolution procedures
     Sectoral Bargaining fund of the           injustice. For Assistant Lecturers, the
                                                                                         operated by the parties: the claim
     equivalent of a 1% increase from          career loss of almost €94k if serving
                                                                                         must be processed through the
     February 2022. Unlike other Public        through all points of the AL scale has
                                                                                         agreed procedures which may involve
     Sector Unions, who intend to take         been reduced to about €15k. TUI
                                                                                         a joint referral back to the Court
     the 1% in February 2022 as a              remains committed to full resolution
                                                                                         under Section 26(1) of the Industrial
     straightforward pay increase, TUI is      and has indicated an intention to
                                                                                         Relations Act, 1990. The union has
     committed to using the Sectoral           direct the Building Momentum
                                                                                         sought to re-engage with the
     Bargaining Fund to alleviate further      Sectoral Bargaining Fund towards
                                                                                         employer side as recommended and
     the continuing injustice of pay           closing the remaining pay scale
                                                                                         will continue to update members on
     inequality arising from the attacks on    inequalities.
     the pay of new entrants to the Public
     Service from 2011 onwards, while                                                    TUI has also raised the resolution of
     making progress on other issues of        Denial of consideration for               this claim with DFHERIS as one of the
     particular concern if the Fund is         Incremental Credit for                    issues towards which the Building
     sufficient. Over a number of              Appointees between 2011 and               Momentum Sectoral Bargaining Fund
     engagements, TUI has sought detailed      2016                                      could be directed, if the funds are
     data to ensure that third level           As part of the range of cuts in           sufficient.
     members will get full value for their     response to the financial collapse, a

10   September 2021 - TUI NEWS

Review of Lecturing/OECD                HPAL Conversion Process                     COVID-19 issues
Process                                 TUI has always opposed the                  TUI has been in continuous
The weekly class contact hours in our   exploitative practice of paying             engagement with the management
academic contracts date back several    lecturing staff an hourly rate where        side and DFHERIS on COVID-19
decades to a time when the then         the appropriate proportion of the full      issues and is represented on the
Regional Technical Colleges were        lecturing contract should be offered,       POSITS group of third level
predominantly focused on                including access to agreed schemes of       stakeholders, while ICTU secured
Certificates and Diplomas. Such high    leave. The Haddington Road                  representation on the National
lecturing hours are clearly             Agreement in 2013 included a                Steering Committee.
inappropriate for the work of           process of conversion of Hourly Paid
                                                                                    DFHERIS published a plan for a safe
Institutes of Technology and            Assistant Lecturers (HPALs) to pro-
                                                                                    return to further and higher
Technological Universities. Provision   rata assistant lecturers and was to be
                                                                                    education on 1st July 2021, which was
for examinations and reviews of         completed in three years. While two
                                                                                    circulated to TUI branches for
lecturing workload featured in          phases have been completed and
                                                                                    information. Further updates will be
numerous national agreements            progress made, the last phase has
                                                                                    circulated to branches.
including Towards 2016 (in 2006) and    been delayed for a considerable
the Croke Park Agreement (2010).        period, most recently by the                While a significant increase in on-
The May 2016 Agreement included a       suspension of the IoT IR Forum. The         campus activity is planned,
commitment to conclude the Croke        union will re-engage at the earliest        agreements reached with THEA and
Park Review by May 2017, but to date    possible date and is determined to          TU Dublin last year on Emergency
only the first module has been          bring clarity to the very limited set of    Remote Teaching protected members’
completed (by Tom Collins, Una          circumstances in which hourly pay           interests while allowing education to
Crowley and Kathleen Quinlan).          might be appropriate, such as short-        continue and provide a useful basis
DFHERIS has since commissioned the      term sick leave cover.                      for such provision this year if needed.
OECD to engage in a review of                                                       Additional funding was sought by all
models for TU organisation, career                                                  of the education partners, including
structures and academic contracts.      Funding
                                                                                    TUI, in respect of a safe return to
TUI met with Thomas Weko of the         TUI continues to campaign for the
                                                                                    work for academic year 2021/22.
OECD on 13th May 2021 and has           necessary funding to be provided to
                                                                                    Minister Harris announced on 21st
since made a detailed submission.       the sector and takes every
                                                                                    July 2021 that he had secured an
Arising from that submission, TUI may   opportunity to highlight the negative
                                                                                    additional €105 million.
have a further opportunity to engage    impact of the very significant shortfall.
with the OECD before they finalise      TUI made a 2021 pre-budget
their report for DFHERIS.               submission for the estimates process,
                                        highlighting the additional funding
                                        required for the sector.
Claim for Researchers
                                        While welcoming additional funding
TUI does not agree that researchers
                                        following the publication of the
should be on lesser terms and
                                        TURN Report and from the National
conditions than lecturing staff nor
                                        Training Fund (including the Human
that research should be a stand-alone
                                        Capital Initiative), a sustainable long-
activity separated from lecturing and
                                        term plan to properly fund third level
other academic work. The union’s
                                        education must be prioritized. TUI
claim for improved pay and
                                        continues to work in conjunction
conditions for researchers has been
                                        with USI and other unions
delayed for some time by the
                                        representing staff in third level,
suspension of the IoT IR Forum. TUI
                                        highlighting at every opportunity the
is seeking early resumption of the
                                        funding crisis in Higher Education.

                                                                                        - TUI NEWS        11

     Limited places left on                                                         TUI Assistance Fund
     TUI’s accredited                                                               Decisions of recent Annual Congresses established the TUI
                                                                                    Assistance Fund which will aid in-benefit members, serving
                                                                                    and retired, who find themselves unable to deal with
     course in Trade Union                                                          serious issues, financial
                                                                                    or otherwise, through
     Studies for 2021/22                                                            no fault of their own
                                                                                    and having exhausted
                                                                                    all other available
     In October 2019, the TUI set up its first online course for
     Union representatives in collaboration with the City of
     Glasgow College Trade Union Centre. The venture has been a                     Four members of the
     great success, with two cohorts of members now having                          committee to manage
     completed the course, which addresses topics such as the role                  the fund have been
     of representatives, how to access resources and how to deal                    elected from among
     with disciplinary and grievance procedures.                                    serving members
                                                                                    while a fifth has been
     The course is fully accredited and the successful participants
                                                                                    nominated by the
     are awarded a level 5 Certificate in Trade Union Studies. To
                                                                                    Retired Members’
     date, participants have come from across the various sectors
                                                                                    Association. The
     in which the TUI represents members and in feedback
                                                                                    committee will commence its work shortly. Advice, funds
     members have expressed their enjoyment and satisfaction
                                                                                    and other assistance are now available.
     from doing the course and how it gave them extra confidence
     in fulfilling their various roles in the TUI from member of the                Enquiries and requests for assistance should be directed to
     Workplace Committee to Branch Officer.                                         the relevant TUI Official.
     The TUI is now inviting applications for a limited number of                   Please note that Branches which report a surplus in their
     places for this year’s course which is scheduled to commence                   Annual Return may, at the Annual General Meeting, make a
     in October 2021. For further information or to enrol contact                   donation to the Assistance Fund to a maximum of €3,000.
     John O’Reilly at                                               A small contribution from each member’s annual
                                                                                    subscription also supports the fund.

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12   September 2021 - TUI NEWS
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                                                A reminder of som
     At the start of a new academic year, members are reminded of some key Union directives which protect conditions of service and
     standards of education.
     It is vitally important that all members of the TUI adhere strictly to the terms of directives. This means that the relevant maxima
     set out must not be exceeded.
     A directive is binding and removes discretion from members. Members, whatever their position in a school/centre, must adhere to it.
     This serves also to prevent the personalisation of issues. A directive is not open to local interpretation or re-negotiation and cannot
     be set aside or varied. Its implementation must not be delayed.
     If a difficulty or disagreement arises in relation to interpretation or implementation of any directive of the TUI or if local
     management seeks to frustrate or prevent its implementation, the matter should immediately be reported to the Workplace
     Committee, the Branch, the Area Representative and the assigned TUI official.
     Please note that the list below is not exhaustive.

                                          CLASS CONTACT DIRECTIVE
              The maximum class contact hours are protected by a              Teachers who hold the post of Programme Co-ordinator must
        long-standing TUI directive. That directive is now adjusted to take   work their weekly timetabled class contact hours up to but not in
          account of the collective agreement in respect of Junior Cycle.     excess of the number appropriate to their posts as set out in the
                                                                              relevant Department of Education Circulars, minus the 40 minutes
        The agreement reached in September 2015 between the TUI and           per week of Professional Time related to Junior Cycle
        the Department of Education and Skills in regard to Junior Cycle,
           included the provision of 40 minutes of “professional time”
                 (related exclusively to Junior Cycle) per week.
                                                                              Class Contact Directive for teachers
      Class Contact Directive for teachers                                    without an Involvement in Junior Cycle
      with an Involvement in Junior Cycle                                     Teachers who do not have an involvement in Junior Cycle
                                                                              and who do not hold the post of Principal Teacher,
      Teachers who have an involvement in Junior Cycle and                    Deputy Principal Teacher or Assistant Principal must work
      who do not hold the post of Principal Teacher, Deputy                   their timetabled hours up to but not exceeding 22 hours.
      Principal Teacher or Assistant Principal must work their
      weekly timetabled class contact hours up to but not exceeding 21
      hours, 20 minutes. In addition, such teachers have an entitlement       Principal Teachers, Deputy-Principal Teachers and
      and commitment to 40 minutes per week of Professional Time              Assistant Principal Teachers who do not have an
      related to Junior Cycle.                                                involvement in Junior Cycle must work their timetabled hours
      Principal Teachers, Deputy-Principal Teachers and those                 up to but not in excess of the number appropriate to their posts,
      teachers with an Assistant Principal post of responsibility,            namely:
      who have an involvement in Junior Cycle, must work their
      weekly timetabled class contact hours up to but not in excess of
      the number appropriate to their posts, namely                             School Size     Principal         Deputy           Assistant
                                                                                in WTEs                           Principal        Principal I
                                                                                1-3             18                22               18
       School Size in      Principal        Deputy             Assistant
                                                                                4-6             13                18               18
       WTEs                                 Principal          Principal I
                                                                                7 - 11          8                 13               18
       1-3               17h, 20m           21h, 20m           17h, 20m
                                                                                11+             5                 8                18
       4-6               12h, 20m           17h, 20m           17h, 20m
       7 - 11            7h, 20m            12h, 20m           17h, 20m       Teachers who hold the post of Programme Co-ordinator must
       11+               4h, 20m            7h, 20m            17h, 20m       work their weekly timetabled class contact hours up to but not in
                                                                              excess of the number appropriate to their posts as set out in the
                                                                              relevant Department of Education Circulars.
      In addition, such teachers have an entitlement and commitment to
      40 minutes per week of Professional Time related to Junior Cycle.

14    September 2021 - TUI NEWS

e key TUI directives
                                          CLASS SIZE DIRECTIVE
    * This directive should be read in conjunction with the current physical distancing guidelines which state a distance of
      2 metres should be maintained where possible, or, in exceptional circumstances where 2 metres cannot be achieved,
      a minimum of one metre should be maintained.

    1. Practical Classes - provided the classrooms are equipped for the number of students involved:

    ■     Art and Technical Graphics, DCG                             (20 recommended)                     24 (max)

    ■     Home Economics                                              (16 recommended)                     20 (max)

    ■     Materials Technology Wood & Metal,
          Engineering, Construction Studies                           (20 recommended)                     24 (max)

    ■     Computers/ICT                                                                                    24 (max)

    ■     Science & all Science subjects at Leaving Cert level                                             24 (max)

    2. General Subject Classes not covered by the above               30 (max)

    ■     Learning Support                                                                                 15 (max)

    ■     Physical Education                                          (24 recommended)                     30 (max)


 The context for this directive is the correct implementation of CL    Roles and responsibilities as per the schedule of posts or agreed
 03/2018 which includes a requirement that that the agreed duties      unmet needs will not be carried out by:
 of a post of responsibility should be commensurate with the level
 of that Post – that is Assistant Principal I (formerly Assistant      ■ An unpromoted teacher or Assistant Principal II (APII) in
 Principal) or Assistant Principal II (formerly Special Duties           receipt of a timetable remission granted to carry out any
 Teacher).                                                               listed functions

 Where a post of responsibility (POR) is vacant, or roles and          ■ An unpromoted teacher in receipt of a timetable remission to
 responsibilities as per the agreed schedule of posts arise for any      carry out roles and responsibilities that should be carried out
 reason or the unmet needs of the school as listed by agreement          by an API or APII
 are to be carried out by any staff member, then:
                                                                       ■ Any teacher carrying out roles and responsibilities as per the
                                                                         schedule of posts or agreed needs who does not hold a
 ■ The post/roles/responsibilities/unmet needs should only be
                                                                         recognised post of responsibility or is in receipt of payment
   carried out by the appointment of a teacher to a POR in
                                                                         other than the appropriate payment for the post.
   accordance with the normal appointment procedure and the
   approved allocation of POR to the school as per CL 003/2018         All members, including principal teachers, deputy principals, post-
                                                                       holders and teachers are directed not to engage in or facilitate or
 ■ A teacher who is not in receipt of the appropriate POR
                                                                       organise any breach of this directive.
   allowance in accordance with normal procedure as per
   CL 003/2018 and who is not afforded the time remission
   appropriate to the post should not carry out the roles and
   responsibilities as per the schedule of posts nor the unmet
   needs of the school as published.

                                                                                                      - TUI NEWS         15
                                            AWARD WINNERS 2020 & 2021


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 IN                                               JUNE                                   JULY
W ARE...                                     1st Geri Lalor, Dublin 15
                                            2nd Joyce Byrne, Dublin 16
                                                                                         Jeremiah Crean, Co. Cork
                                                                                         Margaret Donohoe, Co. Louth
                                            3rd Fionnuala Creed, Co. Cork                Marie O’Connor, Co. Carlow

  Don’t forget to follow us on Social Media to keep
  up to date with the latest TUI Credit Union news
                     No 8 The Exchange, Calmount Park, Ballymount, Dublin 12, D12 W354
                Teachers’ Union of Ireland Credit Union is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.

        TUI Guide for New Teachers
        Welcome to the teaching profession. The Teachers’ Union of Ireland (TUI) wishes you the very best
        in what we are sure will be a long, eventful and fulfilling career. The work you are doing is of vital
        importance for the development and nourishment of a vibrant, caring and creative society. In an
        increasingly complex world, you will provide the instruction, guidance and inspiration that will motivate
        and enable our students, of whatever age, to become active, inquiring and committed citizens.

          The Teachers’ Union of Ireland
          The Teachers’ Union of Ireland is committed to a comprehensive        Meeting, which takes place in October or November, the branch
          system of high quality public education at all levels that is free,   elects a Chairperson, a Secretary, a Treasurer, an Equality Officer
          co-educational, non denominational and informed by principles         and any other officers that the branch may require.
          of equity and equality.
            As a member of the TUI, you will become part of a community         Branch Meetings
          of more than 19,000 professional educators. You will enjoy the
          assistance, support and solidarity of your colleagues in the          At branch meetings members have the opportunity to discuss
          TUI. You will also have the opportunity, as an active                       issues relevant to their employment and to education
          member of the Union, directly to influence Union                                 nationally. The Area Representative to the Executive
          policy and, through the TUI, to influence national                                   Committee is normally present at branch
          educational policy. We want you to join the                                            meetings and represents the views of the
          TUI not simply to be a member but to be                                                  branch to the Executive Committee.
          an active member, to have your say, to be
          heard and to shape both your Union and                                                      Area Representatives and
          your workplace.                                                                             Executive Committee
                                                                                                       The branches of the Union are
          TUI -A Democratic Union                                                                      organised into 19 Areas and members
          The TUI is a trade union for teachers and                                                    of the branches in each area elect a
          lecturers, dedicated to the care of members                                                 representative to sit on the TUl’s Executive
          and the development of the education                                                       Committee. The Executive Committee
          profession. The TUI is organised into 59                                                 manages the affairs of the Union between
          branches. On joining the TUI you will become a                                          meetings of Congress. The Executive
          member of your local branch. There are separate                                       Committee is chaired by the President, who is
          branches to represent members employed in                                        elected through a ballot of the entire membership of
          Education and Training Boards, Institutes of Technology,                    the TUI. The Vice-President is similarly elected by the entire
          Technological Universities, Community and Comprehensive and           membership. The immediate Past President is also a member of
          other Post- Primary schools.                                          the Executive Committee.
            As a member you can express your views at school, branch
          and national levels, as appropriate. Please attend your workplace
          and branch meetings, post on the Union’s Facebook page, use
          the TUI app, email or phone your representatives. Be heard.           The work of the Union is carried out on a daily basis by full-time
                                                                                trade union officials, under the direction of the General Secretary.
                                                                                Full-time officials are assigned to Areas and Branches to provide
          School/Workplace Representatives                                      advice, assistance and representation.
          Each school/workplace annually elects a TUI representative
          and a Workplace Committee. The representative attends branch
          meetings and reports back to the membership in the school/            Annual Congress
          workplace. The school/workplace representative also takes             The governing body of the Teachers’ Union of Ireland is Annual
          responsibility for distributing information and documentation         Congress. Congress is a conference that takes place after Easter
          from TUI Head Office.                                                 each year and is attended by representatives of each branch.
                                                                                Congress votes on motions submitted by branches and its
          Branches                                                              decisions direct the Union.
          Each branch holds at least four general meetings per year.
          Notice of meetings will be circulated, usually through school/        Affiliations
          workplace representatives. All members of a branch are                The TUI is affiliated to the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU),
          encouraged to attend branch meetings. You will be very welcome        the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) and
          and will be encouraged to get involved. At the Annual General         Education International (El).

18   September 2021 - TUI NEWS

– Treoir do Mhúinteoirí Nua
GUIDE TO TEACHING: As you begin your career, the TUI would like to offer some practical advice based
on the experience of our members.

                                                 ► you are paid through the ETB                   ► Tell you whether you will be paid by the
REGISTRATION WITH THE                                                                             Department of Education, the school or the
TEACHING COUNCIL                                 if you work in a Community and
                                                 Comprehensive or a Voluntary
Since January 2014, teachers must be             Secondary School:                                You should ensure you receive clear written
registered with the Teaching Council in order                                                     information on the terms and conditions
to be employed as a teacher and to be paid       ► your employer is the Board of                  of your job, either in the form of a letter of
from State funds. Under the provisions of        Management of your school                        appointment, a written contract, or a written
Section 33(1) of the Teaching Council Act,                                                        statement. Under statute, you are entitled
2001, registration is valid for 12 months from   ► Community and Comprehensive (C&C)
                                                                                                  to this information and it is important that
the date of registration. To remain on the       schools and Voluntary Secondary School
                                                                                                  you have it so that you fully understand the
Register, you must renew your registration       are stand-alone employers
                                                                                                  nature of your employment.
before the current period of registration        ► teachers in C&C, Voluntary Secondary
expires. A reminder notice and renewal           and Post-Primary schools are paid directly
form will be sent to all registered teachers     by the Department of Education.
                                                                                                  PERMANENT WHOLE-TIME
at their last notified correspondence
address, approximately four weeks in                                                              Appointment to permanent whole-time
advance of their renewal date. If registration   YOUR CONTRACT                                    positions follows a national advertisement
is not renewed by the expiry date, a Final                                                        of the position and a formal selection
Notice will be issued by registered post. If     Once appointed to any employment a               process. Appointment on a permanent
registration is not renewed within thirty days   contract is established, be it written or        whole-time basis used to be the norm
of the date on the Final Notice, the teacher’s   implied, which is enforceable. If you have not   and it remains open to employers to
name will be removed automatically from          been offered a written contract, you should      make permanent appointments ab initio.
the register.                                    ask the TUI representative to help you get       The Department of Education issued
                                                 one. The type of contract you hold depends       letters to the Management Bodies to
WHO EXACTLY IS MY                                on the nature of the appointment and the         this effect.
                                                 source of the hours that you are assigned.
EMPLOYER?                                                                                         FIXED-TERM
                                                 Your contract should:
If you work in an ETB:
                                                 ► Set out the nature of your employment          Appointment to a fixed-term position
                                                                                                  follows national advertisement and a formal
► your employer is an Education and              e.g. Permanent or Fixed-Term
                                                                                                  selection process (as for Permanent Whole-
Training Board (ETB)
                                                 ► Set the duration of your employment i.e.       Time). Teaching positions tend to be filled on
► your appointment is to the “scheme”            Permanent/Indefinite or Fixed-Term               a fixed-term basis, for one year in the first
which means that you may be assigned                                                              instance.
                                                 ► Clarify the number of hours per week you
to any Vocational School or Community                                                               To be engaged in year 2 (if the post/hours
                                                 are contracted to teach
College within the particular ETB and may,                                                        remain available) you will have to undergo a
in subsequent years, be transferred within       ► Give the reason for the position to which      further selection process and interview.
the scheme (subjectto the terms of the           you were appointed e.g. increased allocation     The award of a Contract of Indefinite
particular transfer agreement that is in         to the school, covering for a teacher on         Duration (CID) is explained in the following
place at the time)                               approved leave (name of the teacher) etc.        paragraph.

                           Make sure you retain all documentation related to your appointment and your
                           employment, such as the job advertisement, letter of appointment, payslips,
                           timetable, contracts and any other correspondence received from the employer which
                           relates to the position. In addition, you should record all your hours worked during the
                           school year, including any hours worked that are in addition to your contracted hours.

                                                                                                           - TUI NEWS          19
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