Non-Profits and Social Service Agencies: Greater Austin Area - Southwestern University

Page created by Danielle Freeman
Southwestern University

Non-Profits and
Social Service Agencies:
Greater Austin Area

 - Austin
 - Georgetown
 - Round Rock

© 2013 by Southwestern University Office of Civic Engagement

Created by Alyson Banda and Dr. Sarah Brackmann. Research by Kathryn Reagan.

Adapted from 2010 edition, created by Suzanna Pukys, Kimberly Griffin, Paige Menking,
Jessica Hager, Ansa Copeland, Aryn Campbell, Erin Murphy, and Lauren Sekel.

Guide may be reproduced, distributed, and/or cited without permissions. No part of this
work may be altered in any form without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

Southwestern University

Office of Civic Engagement

1001 E. University Avenue

Georgetown, TX 78626

(512) 863-1987


                                                           Religious            41
AUSTIN                                         4
                                                           Special Needs        43
       Abuse                                    4          Youth                43
       Activism / Public Policy                 6   	
       Animals                                  7
       Arts                                     9   ROUND ROCK                  47
       Athletics                               10          Abuse                47
       Crisis                                  10          Animals              47
       Environment / Sustainable Living        11          Arts                 47
       Food / Necessities                      13          Athletics            48
       General                                 14          Crisis               48
       Health                                  16          Food / Necessities   49
       Housing / Homelessness                  21          General              49
       Human Trafficking                       22          Health               50
       Immigration                             22          Latina Populations   50
       Lgbt                                    23          Pregnancy            50
       Latina Populations                      23          Religious            51
       Legal System / Incarceration            24          Seniors              51
       Literacy                                25          Special Needs        52
       Museums                                 25          Youth                52
       Religious                               25   	
       Seniors                                 26
       Special Needs                           27   ADDITIONAL AREAS            53
       Youth                                   28          Abuse                53
                                                         Crisis               53
                                                           Food / Necessities   53
GEORGETOWN                                     33
                                                           Literacy             53
       Abuse                                   33          Museums              54
       Animals                                 33          Youth                54
       Arts                                    34
       Athletics                               34
       Crisis                                  35   	
       Environment / Sustainable Living        35   	
       Food / Necessities                      36
       General                                 36   	
       Health                                  37   	
       Housing / Homelessness                  39
       Latina Populations                      39   	
       Literacy                                40
       Museums                                 40
       Pregnancy                               41   	


Arte Sana                                                Children's Advocacy Centers of Texas                                        512-258-9920
        Mission: To promote healing and        
        empowerment for Latino/a survivors of
        gender and racial violence through the arts         Mission: To provide a safe, child-friendly
        and community education.                            environment where law enforcement, child
                                                            protective services, prosecution, medical
        Volunteer Opportunities: Translate                  and mental health professionals may share
        documents; Develop materials for victim             information and develop effective,
        services groups                                     coordinated strategies sensitive to the needs
                                                            of each unique case and child.
Casa Marianella
512-385-5571                                             Helping Hand Home for Children                                   512-459-3353
        Mission: To provide services and temporary
        shelter for immigrants and women and                Mission: To provide residential treatment
        children escaping violence.                         services and therapeutic foster care for
        Volunteer Opportunities: Teach ESL classes;         abused, neglected, and abandoned children.
        Organize donations; Teach Computer                  Volunteer Opportunities: Lead activities;
        classes; Lead life skills classes; Play soccer      Help children with homework; Work in the
        with the kids; Tutor children                       office; Provide grounds-keeping support

Center for Child Protection                              The Linus Connection
512-472-1164                                             512-868-9090               
        Mission: To provide a child-centered   
        environment where children who have                 Mission: To make and deliver handmade
        reported abuse and their caregivers can go          security blankets for children in crisis
        for evaluation, crisis intervention, evidence       situations. The blankets go to children in
        gathering, and counseling.                          hospital emergency rooms, crisis centers,
        Volunteer Opportunities: Provide childcare          foster care, and battered women's shelters.
        for participating families; Educate families        Volunteer Opportunities: Make blankets
        about the court process; Welcome children           (either in existing groups or on your own);
        and their families to the center; Sort              Drop off finished products at locations
        donations for distribution; Serve as
        ambassador through public speaking events;
        Offer data entry/tracking support; Internships

Prevent Child Abuse Texas                              Settlement Home for Children
512-250-8438                                           512-836-2150       
   Mission: To prevent child abuse and neglect            Mission: To help children who have been
   in all its forms throughout Texas. To                  abused and neglected by resolving their
   advocate for legislative policies and                  emotional, behavioral, and familial
   programs that support healthy families and             problems & providing residential care.
   children and foster a prosperous society that
                                                          Volunteer Opportunities: Mentor residents;
   understands and genuinely values the well
                                                          Lead special interest summer classes (music,
   being of children.
                                                          arts, etc.); Coordinate fun group activities for
   Volunteer Opportunities: Serve as a                    cottage residents; Help students with
   legislative advocate (track legislation and            homework; Offer transportation
   research issues); Assist with public
   awareness and outreach campaigns;                   Texas Advocacy Project
   Volunteer at special events                         512-476-5377
                                                          Mission: To work directly with domestic
                                                          violence and sexual assault victims, shelters,
                                                          law enforcement agencies and courts across
   Mission: To offer a continuum of services for          Texas to deliver effective legal services free
   survivors of domestic violence, including              of charge.
   shelter, advocacy, crisis services, and long-
                                                          Volunteer Opportunities: Answer hotline
   term support. To sponsor awareness and
                                                          phone calls; Support teen outreach and
   prevention programs.
                                                          education efforts
   Volunteer Opportunities: Work with
   participating children; Teach life skills           Texas Association Against Sexual
   classes; Foster a family’s pet; Conduct             Assault
   awareness campaigns about ending sexual             512-474-7190
   and domestic violence                     

SAHELI (Support Advocate Heal                             Mission: To promote sexual assault
                                                          awareness throughout the state of Texas
Empower Listen Inform)
                                                          through education, prevention, and
   Mission: To provide assistance for Asian            Texas Council on Family Violence
   families dealing with domestic violence and         512-794-1133
   abuse and to empower Asian victims and    
                                                          Mission: To end violence against women
   Volunteer Opportunities: Offer peer                    through partnerships, advocacy, and direct
   counseling, crisis intervention, and overall           services for women, children, and men.
   support to survivors; Staff telephone
   helpline; Interpret/translate for clients; Assist
   with community education outreach; Staff a
   booth during public events; Offer graphic
   design / website design services; Research
   domestic violence issues; Internships

Gray Panthers
ACTIVISM /                                               512-458-3738
PUBLIC POLICY                                               Mission: To create a humane society that
                                                            puts the needs of people over profits,
American Civil Liberties Union                              responsibility over power, and democracy
512-478-7300                                                over institutions, working with and for                                                people of all ages.

        Mission: To preserve and defend individual
        rights and liberties, especially of those
                                                         League of Women Voters of Texas
        populations that have traditionally been
        denied rights, including Native Americans,
        people of color, women, prisoners, people           Mission: To encourage the informed and
        with disabilities, gay men and lesbians, and        active participation of citizens in
        the poor.                                           government and influencing public policy
                                                            through education and advocacy.
Center for Public Policy Priorities
512-320-0222                                             Liveable City                                             512-326-3331
        Mission: To improve public policies and
        private practices to better the economic and        Mission: To create a community consensus
        social conditions of low-income Texans,             to promote policies that address the long
        through independent research, policy                term social, environmental, and economic
        analysis & development, public education,           needs of the people of Austin.
        advocacy, and technical assistance.
                                                         Mothers Against Drunk Driving
Envision Central Texas                                   512-445-4976
                                                            Mission: To focus on activism against drunk
        Mission: To encourage and facilitate public         driving, providing services to drunk driving
        dialogue about strategies and goals for             survivors and raising awareness of the
        ensuring the best possible quality of life for      dangers of driving while intoxicated.
        its citizens. To develop initiatives for
                                                            Volunteer Opportunities: Provide emotional
        transportation and land use, housing and
                                                            support for drunk driving victims and their
        jobs balance, economic development
                                                            families; Provide court system support;
        coordination, and social equity.
                                                            Monitor court cases and report outcomes

Grassroots Leadership
        Mission: To help community, labor, faith,
        and campus organizations think critically,
        work strategically and take direct action to
        end social and economic oppression, gain
        power, and achieve justice and equity.

Public Citizen                                        Texas Public Interest Research Group
512-477-1155                                          512-479-7287                       
   Mission: To advocate for openness and                 Mission: To uncover threats to public health
   accountability in government, the right of            and well-being, and fight to end them using
   consumers to seek redress, clean, safe and            investigative research, media exposés,
   sustainable energy sources, social and                grassroots advocacy and litigation.
   economic justice in trade policies, strong
   health, safety and environmental                   Third Coast Activist Resource Center
   protections, and safe, effective and     
   affordable drugs and health care.        
   Volunteer Opportunities: Join a campaign              Mission: To help people in their efforts at
                                                         sustainable organizing by distributing
Texans for Peace                                         educational resources and organizing
512-736-8385                                             community events about U.S. policy around                                   the world. To strengthen the local activist
                                                         network that is part of a national and
   Mission: To provide curriculum and teacher
                                                         international movement for global justice.
   training materials for schools and develop
   resources to grow peace and justice
   organizations in Texas.

Texas Fair Trade Coalition                            ANIMALS
                                                      Animal Trustees of Austin
   Mission: To promote democratic control             512-298-3130
   over fiscal and social policies, social justice,
   workers’ rights, livable wages, and      
   sustainable development in trade policy, in
   Texas and worldwide.                                  Mission: To serve animals in our community
                                                         by providing affordable, humane treatment,
                                                         with compassion and respect for all.
Texas Freedom Network
512-322-0545                                             Volunteer Opportunities: Assist in the                                              surgery or wellness clinic (instrument
                                                         sterilization, recovery monitor, receptionist);
   Mission: To address issues concerning
                                                         Volunteer during special events; Help with
   religious freedom and human rights. To fight
                                                         fundraising or marketing campaigns
   private school vouchers, textbook
   censorship, and faith based deregulation.
                                                      Austin Animal Services Office
Texas NOW (National Organization for
Women)                                                                          services
                                                         Mission: To place all adoptable animals in
   Mission: To eliminate discrimination and              forever homes through adoptions, foster care
   harassment in the workplace, schools, the             or rescue partner groups.
   justice system, and all sectors of society
   through protests, elections, & legal victories.       Volunteer Opportunities: Walk dogs; Play
                                                         with cats; Serve as surgical assistant

Austin Dog Rescue                                    Bat Conservation International                            512-327-9721
        Mission: To save dogs from shelters.
                                                        Mission: To conserve the world’s bats and
        Volunteer Opportunities: Foster a dog;
                                                        their ecosystems to ensure a healthy planet.
        Work as an intake coordinator, veterinary
        assistant, or post adoption specialist          Volunteer Opportunities: Provide program
                                                        information to Congress Bridge visitors; Lead
Austin Humane Society                                   presentations for local groups and schools;
512-685-0137                                            Raise awareness at special events; Paint                     murals; Create videos

        Mission: To shelter homeless cats and dogs
                                                     Blue Dog Rescue
        and educate the community about
        responsible pet ownership and reducing pet
                                                        Mission: To end the needless killing of
        Volunteer Opportunities: Play with cats;
                                                        man's best friend.
        Walk dogs; Foster animals
                                                        Volunteer Opportunities: Work adoption
Austin Pets Alive                                       day events; Foster dogs; Coordinate
512-961-6519                                            fundraising events; Educate through                           community outreach
                                                     Central Texas Dachshund Rescue
        Mission: To promote and provide the
        resources, education, and programs needed
        to eliminate the killing of animals.
                                                        Mission: To rehabilitate and rehome
        Volunteer Opportunities: Train dogs
        (behavior); “Mentor” shelter dogs; Foster
        animals; Walk dogs                              Volunteer Opportunities: Conduct adoption
                                                        interviews; Perform house visits; Pull dogs
Austin Siamese Rescue                                   from shelters; Transport dogs to vet
512-354-7875                                            appointments; Help with fundraisers                   Emancipet
        Mission: To provide responsible rescue,
        rehabilitation and re-homing services to
        Siamese cats and their non-Siamese
        companions in the Central Texas area.           Mission: To foster a world in which no cat
                                                        or dog is killed just for being homeless.
Austin Zoo
        Mission: To assist animals in need through
        rescue, rehabilitation, and education.
        Volunteer Opportunities: Provide animal
        care; Volunteer as a group tour guide

Greyhound Pets of America:                          Texas Humane Legislation Network
Central Texas                                       1-888-548-6263
855-446-3278                                                                 Mission: To promote the humane treatment                        of animals through legislation, education
   Mission: To find responsible loving homes           and advocacy.
   for greyhounds, acquaint the public with the        Volunteer Opportunities: Contact state
   desirability of greyhounds as pets, and             representatives as an advocate for THLN
   inform the public of the availability of these
   dogs for adoption.                               Texas Veterinary Medical Foundation
   Volunteer Opportunities: Foster a                512-452-4224
   greyhound; Offer graphic design, branding,
   marketing, or photography skills; Provide IT
   / websmaster support
                                                       Mission: To preserve, promote, and protect
                                                       the veterinary medical profession and to
Hound Rescue                                           advance animal health for the well-being of                                   animals and humans.
   Mission: To foster hound dogs.
   Volunteer Opportunities: Foster dogs;
   Provide short-term dog-sitting; Train dogs;      ARTS
   Manage newsletter; Assist with fundraising
   activities; Screen applicants; Update
   petfinder website
                                                    Art Alliance Austin
Rescuties Animal Rescue                   
512-366-8118                                    Mission: To advance the city by integrating                     contemporary art, culture and creativity into
                                                       public life. To present active public art,
   Mission: To stop the killing of sheltered
                                                       produce diverse cultural experiences and
   animals in the city, state, and nation.
                                                       consult on creative-led economic and
   Volunteer Opportunities: Provide cat care;          community development strategies.
   Assist with grant writing; Monitor rescue
                                                       Volunteer Opportunities: Serve on planning
   phone line; Provide transportation

Texas Hearing and Service Dogs                      Austin Civic Orchestra
   Mission: To train service dogs and hearing          Mission: To give adults and children in the
   dogs to assist people with disabilities.
                                                       greater Austin area access to high quality
   Volunteer Opportunities: Help out at the            musical and educational experiences at an
   kennels; Assist during public events                affordable cost. To provide a quality music
                                                       experience for volunteer musicians through
                                                       a community orchestra and related

Austin Film Society                                       Zachary Scott Theater Center
512-322-0145                                              512476-0541                              
         Mission: To offer film-related exhibitions,          Mission: To create a unique theatre
         artist services, and community outreach and          experience that ignites the imagination, lifts
         education.                                           the spirit, and creates meaningful dialogue
                                                              that engages our community. To celebrate
Austin Music Foundation                                       diversity and offer a wide array of cross-
512-323-0787                                                  cultural educational and participatory                                 activities.

         Mission: To unite, ignite, and revolutionize
         this region’s local music community.
         Volunteer Opportunities: Internships
Creative Action
512-442-8773                                              Austin Sports Commission                                   512-583-7257                      
         Mission: To spark and support the academic,
         social and emotional development of young            Mission: To recruit, retain, and grow quality
         people. To inspire youth to be creative              sporting events in the Austin area that
         artists, courageous allies, critical thinkers,       increase economic vitality and brand Austin,
         and confident leaders in their community.            Texas as great sports destination.
         Volunteer Opportunities: Lead activties;             Volunteer Opportunities: Assist in
         Assist with Spring Break camps; Internships          facilitiating sporting events

Texas Motion Picture Alliance
         Mission: To represent and advocate for a
                                                          The Christi Center
         robust community of professionals seeking
         economic and creative incentives for media
         work in Texas.
Threads of Love                                               Mission: To provide love, hope, comfort,
512-255-6964                                                  and ongoing support to those who are                                               adjusting to life after the death of a loved                                 one. To educate the general public
                                                              regarding the issue of grief and other
         Mission: To create clothing, blankets and            concerns of the bereaved.
         other handmade articles for tiny premature
         and sick infants.                                    Volunteer Opportunities: Provide phone
                                                              support, IT/Tech support, or office
         Volunteer Opportunities: Crochet, knit, or           assistance; Assist with special projects and
         sew blankets and other garments                      events, community education, or outreach

My Healing Place                                      Austin Sustainable Communities
512-472-7878                                          Initiative                                512-974-2000
   Mission: To assist those who are         
   experiencing grief, loss, and trauma as the           Mission: To help the greater Austin region
   result of a significant of traumatic loss (death      achieve economic prosperity, social justice,
   or non-death).                                        and ecological health with the highest
   Volunteer Opportunities: Facilitate adult or          possible quality of life in the best possible
   child support groups; Provide childcare for           environment.
   support group members; Coordinate
   fundraising events; Counseling Internships         Central Texas Sustainability Indicators
LifeWorks                                             512-223-7774
512-735-2470                                                         Mission: To increase regional awareness and                          commitment to sustainability through an
   Mission: To support youths and families with          ongoing public discussion that defines
   counseling, education, and housing as they            Central Texas residents' vision of
   transition from crisis to safety and success.         sustainability through creating quality of life
                                                         indicators that allow us to track our progress
   Volunteer Opportunities: Tutor; Provide
                                                         and by acting as a catalyst for increasing the
   financial mentoring; Perform group projects
                                                         effectiveness of community engagement.

                                                      CLEAN AIR Force of Central Texas
ENVIRONMENT /                               

SUSTAINABLE LIVING                                       Mission: To coordinate and conduct air
                                                         quality planning and education activities in
                                                         Central Texas focused on motivating citizens
Austin Herb Society                                      to take actions to reduce air pollution and
                                                         maintain healthy air. To advise responsible
                                                         government entities on air quality issues.
   Mission: To provide education regarding the        Green Corn Project
   benefits of cultivating and using herbs to         512-249-3171
   promote better health and well-being,    
   encourage the growth and use of herbs for
   beneficial purposes (medicinal, culinary,             Mission: To provide education and the skills
   aromatic, landscaping and personal                    that allow community residents to grow
   enjoyment), and provide charitable and                organic food gardens and foster self-
   volunteer support to community gardens,               reliance.
   libraries and/or other community projects.            Volunteer Opportunities: Create new
                                                         gardens; Maintain gardens at Lady Bird Lake

Keep Austin Beautiful                                   Rhizome Collective
512-391-0617                                            512-385-3695                   
         Mission: To empower the citizens of Greater       Mission: To replace dominant values of
         Austin to take personal responsibility for        competition, greed and exploitation with
         enhancing their community’s environment.          ideals of cooperation, autonomy and
                                                           egalitarianism. To construct viable
         Volunteer Opportunities: Lead community-
                                                           alternatives while simultaneously fighting for
         service projects; Participate in Days of
                                                           social justice. To operate an Educational
         Service; Adopt-a-Creek; Internships
                                                           Center for Urban Sustainability and a Center
                                                           for Community Organizing.
Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center
512-292-4100                                               Volunteer Opportunities: Join the campaign
                                                        Save Barton Creek Association
         Mission: To educate people about the
         environmental necessity, economic value,
         and natural beauty of native plants.
                                                           Mission: To protect and conserve the 6
         Volunteer Opportunities: Assist with
                                                           watersheds of the Barton Springs Edwards
         research; Tend gardens; Maintain website
People Organized in Defense of the                         Volunteer Opportunities: Work as a
Earth and her Resources (PODER)                            community educator; Participate in
512-472-9921                                               advocacy or outreach campaigns
                                                        Save Our Springs Alliance
         Mission: To redefine environmental issues as   512-477-2320
         social and economic justice issues, and
         collectively address these concerns as basic
         human rights. To empower communities              Mission: To protect the Edwards Aquifer, its
         through education, advocacy, and action.          springs and contributing springs, and the
                                                           natural cultural heritage of its Hill Country
         Volunteer Opportunities: Participate in           watersheds, with special emphasis on the
         social justice initiatives                        Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer.

Re-Energize Texas                                       Sierra Club – Lone Star Chapter
512-610-7761                                            512-477-1729                       
         Mission: To fight against climate change and      Mission: To protect our communities and
         for the promise of a green economy.               the planet.
         Volunteer Opportunities: Join the campaign        Volunteer Opportunities: Repair trails;
                                                           Conduct archeological surveys; Remove
                                                           invasive plant life

Sierra Student Coalition                         Wild Basin Wilderness Preserve                                      512-327-7622
   Mission: To lead various campaigns focused
   on fighting climate change.                      Mission: To work toward the preservation
                                                    and maintenance of the preserve by
   Volunteer Opportunities: Lead local
                                                    supporting scientific research and by
   branches of campaigns
                                                    developing and evaluating interpretive
                                                    environmental education programs that
Sunshine Community Gardens                          serve the needs of the general public.
512-458-2009                               Volunteer Opportunities: Assist with trail
                                                    maintenance; Serve as a trail tour guide
   Mission: To provide space for Austin
   residents to grow their own organic
   produce. To support educational endeavors,
   donations to youth groups & schools, and to
   provide meeting space to other non-profits.   FOOD / NECESSITIES
Surfrider Foundation                             Capital Area Food Bank
   Mission: To protect our world’s oceans,
                                                    Mission: To ensure that local food pantries
   waves and beaches.
                                                    are well stocked.
   Volunteer Opportunities: Participate in
                                                    Volunteer Opportunities: Sort donations;
   advocacy campaigns; Assist with cleanups
                                                    Coordinate a food drive; Serve clients;
                                                    Teach classes; Assist at special events; Serve
Sustainable Food Center                             as ambassador
512-236-0074                    Caritas of Austin
   Mission: To improve access to local,          512-479-4610 x121
   healthy, and affordable food. To promote
   “food security” food that is produced
                                                    Mission: To help people in times of financial
   through sustainable practices.
                                                    crisis by providing basic needs such as food
   Volunteer Opportunities: Assist with             and clothing as well as the education to
   community outreach events; Lead nutritional      move toward self-sufficiency.
   lessons; Assist with gardening classes
                                                    Volunteer Opportunities: Coordinate a
                                                    donation drive; Work in the community
Urban Roots                                         kitchen; Serve as a life coach; Mentor
512-750-8019                                        documented refugees; Mentor low-income                              families; Teach a life skills, money                       management, or ESL class
   Mission: To use sustainable agriculture to
   transform the lives of young people and
   increase healthy food access through
   distribution to nonprofits and sales.
   Volunteer Opportunities: Work on farm;

Goodwill                                                  Mobile Loaves and Fishes
512-637-7100                                              512-328-7299                    
                                                             Mission: To provide food, clothing, and
         Mission: To enhance individuals’ dignity            dignity to individuals and families in need.
         and quality of life by strengthening                To encourage self-sufficiency through client-
         communities, eliminating barriers to                staffed catering trucks.
         opportunity, and helping people in need
         reach their full potential through learning      The Salvation Army
         and the power of work.                           512-476-1111
         Volunteer Opportunities: Disassemble   
         donated computers; Fix machines; Provide
         office support; Serve as Spanish translator;        Mission: To preach the gospel of Jesus Christ
         Mentor young adults; Internships                    and to meet human needs in His name
                                                             without discrimination.
Lisa’s H.O.P.E. Chest
                                                             Volunteer Opportunities: Sort donations;
                                                             Help in the kitchen; Assist with special
                                                             projects as needed; Externships
         Mission: To provide free used professional
         clothing to men and women in need,               Sustainable Food Center
         specifically to those in a transition phase in   512-236-0074
         their lives. To provide life skills training
         with an emphasis on achieving goals and
         economic progress.
                                                             Mission: To create opportunities for
         Volunteer Opportunities: Lead life skills           individuals to make healthy food choices
         classes; Coordinate garage sales                    and participate in a local food system.
                                                             Volunteer Opportunities: Raise awareness
Meals on Wheels and More
                                                             at Farmers' Market information booth;
                                                             Coordinate chef demonstrations at Farmers'
                                                             Market; Create education activities for kids;
                                                             Assist in media and PR campaigns; Assist
         Mission: To nourish and enrich the lives of         with gardening classes; Help with outreach
         the homebound and other people in need              to schools and community gardens
         through programs that promote dignity and
         independent living.
         Volunteer Opportunities: Deliver meals to
         homebound clients; Help clients with safety-     GENERAL
         related home repairs; Make periodic phone
         calls to homebound clients; Support clients
         with Alzheimer's and other forms of              211
         dementia; Deliver extra groceries; Grocery       211 or 512-973-9203
         shop for clients; Help clients with pets’ vet
         visits and food delivery                            Mission: To connect those needing social
                                                             and financial services to area providers.

Austin Area Urban League                              GlobalAustin
512-478-7176                                          512-215-0140                                
   Mission: To advocate programming to                   Mission: To strengthen international bonds
   remove barriers to education, economic,               and friendships by providing a forum for the
   and social success for all of Austin’s citizens.      exchange of ideas and cultural symbiosis
                                                         through training programs, community
Austin Bridge Builders Alliance                          activities and our host families program.
512-407-9460                                             Volunteer Opportunities: Host international                                       visitors for a meal; Provide transportation for
   Mission: To connect the diverse interests of          international visitors; Host short-term
   marketplace, church, and community to                 international visitors
   serve the needs of Austin.
Austin Steam Train Association                        512-477-5955
512-477-8468 x205                                                     Mission: To support and strengthen                         nonprofits in education through consulting,
   Mission: To preserve, interpret, and re-create        education, networking, and resources.
   the first-hand experience of historic steam
   railroading for the enjoyment and edification      Manos de Cristo
   of today’s families and generations to come.       512-477-7454
   Volunteer Opportunities: Work on-board as
   a service or concession car crewmember;               Mission: To help people in need by
   Perform maintenance and restoration                   providing resources that will help them gain
                                                         self-sufficiency. To operate a dental clinic
Center for Maximum Potential Building                    program to low-income residents, a basic
Systems                                                  needs program, and an education program
512-928-4786                                             that offers ESL classes four days a week.                                            Volunteer Opportunities: Teach computer
   Mission: To work toward the application of            classes; Lead ESL classes; Greet students;
   appropriate technologies and sustainable              Sort food and clothing donations; Assist with
   design practices to meet the needs of a               marketing efforts; Offer photography
   broad range of users.                                 assistance; Help with special events; Provide
                                                         landscaping support
The Entrepreneurs Foundation and Idea
   Mission: To strengthen the local technology
   sector through vehicles of finance,
   leadership projects, and instant impact to
   create new resources.

Network of Asian American                                United Way of the Capital Area
Organizations                                            512-472-6267
512-407-8240                                                                      Mission: To work with many other smaller
         Mission: To unite Asian-American                   organizations throughout Central Texas to
         organizations of common interests,                 provide services to families, such as helping
         including business, cultural, educational and      them find shelter, food, counseling, and
         social services, and political awareness, in       medical services.
         order to achieve common objectives.                Volunteer Opportunities: Participate in
                                                            Days of Service; Internships
512-472-8087                                             Ventana Del Soul                                      512-707-7447                         
         Mission: To create economic opportunity            Mission: To provide training and mentoring
         and financial stability for underserved            to disadvantaged, disabled or unemployed
         people by providing access to capital,             persons so that they can build a career,
         education and resources to build healthy           attain financial stability and establish a
         small businesses.                                  higher quality of life as active citizens.
         Volunteer Opportunities: Mentor clients;
         Participate in business education workshops;
         Assist with special events

Skillpoint Alliance
512-323-6773                               A*Med Community Hospice
         Mission: To build partnerships among
         industry, education, and the community,
         programs are designed to promote college           Mission: To provide excellent end of life
         and career success, while meeting                  care to patients and their families. To offer
         employers’ needs for qualified workers.            training and support to students wishing to
                                                            learn about hospice care.
Tibetan Art and Literature Initiative                                        ACTIVE Life
         Mission: To support projects that promote
         Tibetan culture and language in Tibetan
         areas within the People’s Republic of China.
         Volunteer Opportunities: Coordinate a book
                                                            Mission: To make healthy the norm by
         or educational toy drive
                                                            generating a persistent demand for healthy
                                                            living among all sectors of society.
                                                            Volunteer Opportunities: Internships (youth
                                                            initiatives, events, website development,
                                                            health promotion, marketing)

AGE of Central Texas                               American Diabetes Association
512-451-4611                                       512-472-9838           
   Mission: To empower caregivers, the elderly        Mission: To prevent and cure diabetes and
   and their families through education,              to improve the lives of all affected people.
   advocacy, resources and support.
                                                      Volunteer Opportunities: Serve as diabetes
   Volunteer Opportunities: Assist with               advocate; Assist with clerical work;
   seniors’ recreational activities; Develop          Participate in outreach and awareness
   memory loss prevention activities                  education; Volunteer during special events
                                                      (Tour de Cure, Step Out)
AIDS Services of Austin
512-458-AIDS (2437)                                American Red Cross of Central Texas                                   512-928-4271
   Mission: To meet the needs of its clients
   with HIV/AIDS, and to search for                   Mission: To prevent and alleviate human
   appropriate ways to serve populations newly        suffering in the face of emergencies by
   emerging in the epidemic.                          mobilizing the power of volunteers and the
                                                      generosity of donors.
   Volunteer Opportunities: Assist with
   prevention outreach efforts; Sort food             Volunteer Opportunities: Serve on disaster
   donations; Help with AIDS Walk Austin              action team; Work at blood drives; Donate
   event; Internships                                 blood; Coordinate blood drives; Coordinate
                                                      fundraising campaigns
The Alzheimer’s Association
512-241-0420                                       Any Baby Can                                 512-454-3743
   Mission: To find prevention methods,
   treatments, and a cure for Alzheimer’s. To
   eliminate Alzheimer's disease through the          Mission: To improve the lives of children by
   advancement of research. To provide and            strengthening them and their families
   enhance care and support for all affected. To      through education, therapy and family
   reduce the risk of dementia through the            support services.
   promotion of brain health.
                                                   Austin Dog Alliance
American Cancer Society                            512-456-2955
                                                      Mission: To improve the health and well
   Mission: To help people get and stay well, to      being of individuals and families through
   find cures, and to fight back against cancer.      programs incorporating the powerful
                                                      connection between dogs and humans.
   Volunteer Opportunities: Volunteer during
   special events and fundraisers (Relay for          Volunteer Opportunities: Assist with pet
   Life); Participate in awareness campaigns;         therapy sessions (Bow Wow Reading,
   Drive patients to doctor’s visits                  special needs children, dog training); Foster
                                                      a dog; Perform special maintenance
                                                      projects; Represent ADA at festival booths

Austin Travis County Integral Care                       Children’s Partnership
512-447-4141                                             512-854-4596                   
         Mission: To serve as a starting point for
         those who have mental illnesses, mental
         disability or developmental delays.                Mission: To provide mental health services
                                                            for children in Central Texas.
         Volunteer Opportunities: Mentor clients
         with developmental disabilities; Tutor
         students; Assist with garden; Internships       City of Austin Health & Human Services
         (medical emphasis)                              512-972-8100
The Blood Center of Central Texas                           Mission: To promote and protect a healthy
512-206-1266                                                community through the use of best practices                                 and community partnerships.
         Mission: To provide and guard the               Lone Star Circle of Care
         community blood supply for more than 37         512-686-0207
         medical facilities in Central Texas.  
         Volunteer Opportunities: Coordinate blood
         drive; internships                                 Mission: To bring high quality, affordable
                                                            health care to those in need.
Cancer Connection
512-342-0233                                             Mental Health Association in Texas                             512-454-3706            

         Mission: To ensure that no one in the greater      Mission: To promote mental health, prevent
         Austin area has to face cancer alone.              mental disorders, and improve the care and
                                                            treatment of people with mental illnesses
         Volunteer Opportunities: Mentor a patient;         through education and advocacy.
         Visit patients in hospitals
                                                            Volunteer Opportunities: Internships
The Care Communities
                                                         Migrant Clinicians Network
                                                                         Mission: To engage in research, develop
                                                            appropriate resources, advocate for migrants
         Mission: To demonstrate unconditional care
                                                            and clinicians, engage outside partners, and
         through social services support and daily for
                                                            run programs that support clinical care on
         people with HIV/AIDS or cancer.
                                                            the frontline of migrant health.
         Volunteer Opportunities: Visit clients as
         member of a Care Team; Perform special
         maintenance projects; Internships

Muscular Dystrophy Association                       People’s Community Clinic
512-691-0065                                         512-478-4939                          
                                                        Mission: To provide high quality medical,
   Mission: To cure muscular dystrophy, ALS,            counseling, and health education services at
   and related diseases by funding worldwide            reasonable costs to the Austin area.
   research. To provide comprehensive care,
                                                        Volunteer Opportunities: Read books in the
   support services, advocacy, and education.
                                                        waiting room (children’s storytime);
   Volunteer Opportunities: Work as an MDA              Translate for Spanish-speaking clients
   Summer Camp Counselor
                                                     Phoenix House
NARAL Pro-Choice Texas                               1-888-286-5027
                                                        Mission: To provide alcohol and drug abuse
   Mission: To promote public health policies           treatment and prevention services, including
   that guarantee every woman access to the             detoxification, outpatient and residential
   full range of reproductive healthcare                programs, art therapy, after-school and day
   including responsible sexuality education,           programs, special women’s services, and
   contraceptive methods, adequate pre- and             programs that serve substance abusers with
   post-natal care, and legal abortion.                 mental health problems.
   Volunteer Opportunities: Support outreach
   efforts; Advocate for campaigns                   Pick with Austin
National Alliance on Mental Illness of     
Texas (NAMI)
512-693-2000                                            Mission: To educate and elevate a                                       community awareness about a growing
                                                        epidemic of youth depression and suicide.
   Mission: To provide services to those who
   have a mental illness and their families. To
                                                     Planet Cancer
   educate the general public on mental
   illnesses and their effects. To provide classes
   for families that have someone living with a
   mental illness.
                                                        Mission: To support young adults with
Patient Privacy Rights Foundation                       cancer and cancer survivors. To give young
512-732-0033                                            adults a voice and chance to raise                        awareness about their overlooked needs.
   Mission: To ensure your right to control your
   medical privacy and to protect your jobs.
   Volunteer Opportunities: Serve as an
   advocate (petitions, talking opportunities)

Planned Parenthood                                       Texas Health Institute
512-275-0171                                             512-279-3910                      
         Mission: To help people make informed,
         private decisions about sexuality,                 Mission: To provide leadership to improve
         reproductive options, and parenthood               the health of Texans and their communities
         through education. To provide counseling,          through education, research, and health
         healthcare, and birth control services.            policy development.
         Volunteer Opportunities: Assist with
         community outreach; Participate in public       Texas Mamma Jamma Ride
         policy rallies                                  512-524-8657
Project Transitions
512-454-8646                                                Mission: To raise money for Austin and                                  Central Texas non-profits that support those
                                                            battling breast cancer.
         Mission: To serve people with HIV and AIDS
         by providing hospice, housing, and support         Volunteer Opportunities: Volunteer on race
         in a compassionate and caring environment.         day (food, pit stop, traffic control, finish line,
                                                            route support, registration,
         Volunteer Opportunities: Provide fellowship
         for hospice clients; Work in thrift store

Religious Coalition of Reproductive                      Texas Medical Association
210-416-7889                                               Mission: To improve the health care of all                                                Texans by providing professional support.

         Mission: To bring the moral power of
                                                         Whole Woman’s Health
         various religious committees together to
         ensure reproductive choice through
         education, advocacy, and community
         programs. To give a clear voice on
         reproductive issues to people of color, those      Mission: To offer a full range of services for
         living in poverty, and other underserved           women, including gynecological services,
         populations in Texas.                              abortion care, birth control services,
                                                            counseling, and general wellness resources.
Ronald McDonald House
512-628-5933                                             Women’s Health and Family Planning                                    Association of Texas                              512-448-4857
         Mission: To create, find, and support 
         programs that directly improve the health          Mission: To promote voluntary family
         and well being of children and families.           planning services, reproductive freedom,
         Volunteer Opportunities: Volunteer at              responsible sexuality education, and
         family rooms; Provide a meal; Coordinate a         advocacy for high quality, affordable, and
         “Wish List” Drive; Assist with special events      accessible reproductive care. To provide
                                                            leadership and information to the public.

Wright House Wellness Center                         Front Steps
512-467-0088                                         512-305-4100                    
                                                        Mission: To end homelessness by providing
   Mission: To offer care and compassion to             shelter, affordable housing, job training, and
   Central Texans living with or at risk of HIV         community education.
   and other chronic illnesses and to provide
                                                        Volunteer Opportunities: Mentor new
   resources for support, education and
                                                        residents; Offer employment support
   empowerment through sustainable means.
                                                        (resume building, job searching, interview
                                                        preparation); Work in computer lab

                                                     Green Doors
HOUSING /                                            512-469-9130
HOMELESSNESS                                            Mission: To prevent and help end
                                                        homelessness and poverty housing for those
Austin Tenant’s Council                                 working to achieve independent living in
                                                        Central Texas through creating affordable,
                                                        safe, quality housing. To provide residents
                                                        with access to supportive services and
   Mission: To protect tenants’ rights and              educate about, and advocate for individuals
   educates the community on fair housing.              and families struggling with homelessness
   Volunteer Opportunities: Work as a Fair              and at-risk for homelessness.
   Housing Tester (pose as potential tenant)
                                                     Habitat for Humanity of Austin
Foundation Communities                               512-472-8788
512-610-7377                                                              Mission: To build affordable, quality houses                                with families in need to eliminate poverty
   Mission: To provide first class, affordable          housing.
   homes and support services for low-income            Volunteer Opportunities: Build houses;
   families and individuals, empowering them            Mentor families on financial literacy
   with the tools they need to achieve
   educational success and financial stability.
   Volunteer Opportunities: Assist clients with
   financial aid applications; Assist clients with
   tax preparation; Lead life skills classes; Work
   in community garden

Austin Refugee Roundtable

TRAFFICKING                                                 Mission: To enhance collaboration between
                                                            agencies, community groups and individuals
                                                            who serve refugees, with the aim of making
Central Texas Coalition Against Human                       Austin a welcoming and supportive
Trafficking                                                 resettlement community.
                                                        Office of Refugee Resettlement
         Mission: To work collaboratively to increase
         public awareness and identification of
         human trafficking cases, and to provide            Mission: To provide new populations with
         identified victims of human trafficking with       the opportunity to maximize their potential
         comprehensive social and medical services.         in the United States. To provide people in
                                                            need with critical resources to assist them in
Restore a Voice                                             becoming integrated members of society.
512-660-2812                               Political Asylum Project of Austin
         Mission: To restore freedom, dignity, and
         hope, to survivors of human trafficking
         through faith-based solutions that foster          Mission: To help immigrants in the central
         healing, education, and advocacy.                  Texas area use the rule of law to advance
                                                            their lives. To use the talents and resources
Trade in Hope                                               of community members to strengthen the                                         delivery of quality services for immigrants.

         Mission: To use film to creatively engage,         Volunteer Opportunities: Interpret;
         connect, and empower communities to end            Translate; Research legal issues
         exploitation and slavery.
                                                        Refugee Services of Texas
         Volunteer Opportunities: Become a Human        512-472-9472
         Trafficking Prevention advocate; Host of
         documentary viewing
                                                            Mission: To serve newly arrived refugees
                                                            and asylees by providing education and
                                                            training around issues of human trafficking.

IMMIGRATION                                                 To provide clients with housing, case
                                                            management, job training, and mental
                                                            health counseling, and links them to
Austin Immigrant Rights Coalition                           resources for other basic needs.
512.476.2472                                                Volunteer Opportunities: Tutor ESL                                          students; Teach job readiness classes;                                       Provide transportation to interviews;
         Mission: To promote human rights and               Organize donation drives; Translate
         dignity, and social and economic justice for       documents; Mentor refugees
         immigrants through community organizing,
         policy advocacy and public education. To
         organize allies and immigrant communities
         in the struggle for human rights.

Soul Force
                                                       Mission: To promote freedom for lesbian,
Austin Latino/Latina Lesbian, Gay,                     gay, bisexual, and transgender people from
Bisexual and Transgender Organization                  religious and political oppression through
(ALLGO)                                                relentless nonviolent resistance.
   Mission: To utilize cultural arts, health, and
   advocacy programming to promote a just           LATINA
   and equitable society that celebrates and
   nurtures people of color in queer cultures.      POPULATIONS
   Volunteer Opportunities: Serve on an
   Action Team that addresses a variety of          El Buen Samaritano
   social justice issues (i.e. Anti-Violence,
   Immigrant and Refugee Rights, Sexual
   Freedom, and Reproductive Justice)
                                                       Mission: To provide health care, food,
Atticus Circle                                         advocacy, leadership, development, and
512-450-5188                                           education for working-poor Latino families.                                  Volunteer Opportunities: Teach ESL classes;
   Mission: To achieve equality for all parents        Assist in child learning center; Be a healthy
   and partners through education, policy              living assistant; Work at youth summer
   development, and legal advocacy. To                 camps; Work in food pantry
   educate and mobilize fair-minded straight
   people to advance equal rights for LGBT          La Pena
   partners, parents, and their children.           512-477-6007
Equality Texas                                         Mission: To support artistic development, to
512-474-5475                                           provide exposure to emerging local visual                                  artists, musicians, poets, and other
   Mission: To attack discrimination based on          performing artists, and to offer Austin
   sexual orientation and gender identity              residents the full spectrum of traditional and
   through lobbying, education, and research           contemporary Latino art.
   of state governmental agencies.
                                                    Latina Mami
OutYouth                                            512-689-2340
512-419-1233                                                                     Mission: To support Chicana and Latina
   Mission: To support and provide services to         mothers and families by providing valuable
   gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and            resources and education.
   questioning youths (ages 12-19). To offer           Volunteer Opportunities: Facilitate
   peer support groups, counseling,                    educational support groups; Offer prenatal
   educational programs, social activities, and        education; Participate in educational theater
   community outreach.                                 productions; Mentor mothers with special
   Volunteer Opportunities: Internships                needs children; Assist with outreach efforts

Texas Criminal Justice Coalition
LEGAL SYSTEM /                                            512-441-8123
INCARCERATION                                                Mission: To bring together concerned
                                                             individuals and organizations to advocate
The Fair Defense Project                                     for a fairer, more effective system of criminal
1-866-207-6532                                               justice in Texas. To build a strong and                                          united movement for criminal justice reform
                                                             according to the principles of human and
         Mission: To ensure that Texans are not              civil rights, effective management,
         forced to give up their right to an attorney        accountability, and public safety.
         and to ensure that every Texan who requests
         an attorney receives competent
                                                          Texas Inmate Families Association
         representation when accused of a crime.
Inside Books Project
512-647-4803                                                 Mission: To support families affected by                                   having a loved one in the Texas criminal
                                                             justice system and to improve the conditions
         Mission: To provide free educational                and life chances of Texas inmates.
         material to Texas's incarcerated population.
         Volunteer Opportunities: Organize library        Texas Moratorium Network
         materials; Internships                           512-302-6715
Jane’s Due Process                                           Mission: To lobby the Texas legislature and
1-866-999-5263                                               local government entities for a moratorium                                      on executions. To engage in several
         Mission: To serve as an advocacy center             educational and outreach projects and
         dedicated to promoting fair and equal               works closely with other groups devoted to
         access for teenagers seeking legal services in      human rights and criminal justice reform.
         order to make a reproductive choice.
         Volunteer Opportunities: Answer crisis           Women’s Storybook Project
         hotline; Assist with community outreach
Seedling Foundation                                          Mission: To connect children with their
512-323-6371                                                 incarcerated mothers through recorded                               storytimes. To reduce rates of ricividism and                           to stop the cycle of incarceration.
         Mission: To interrupt the intergenerational         Volunteer Opportunities: Record mothers
         cycle of incarceration and help children of
         incarcerated parents reach their potential.
         Volunteer Opportunities: Mentor a child
         who has a parent in prison; Participate in
         campus beautification projects

Austin Museum Partnership
                                                         Mission: To promote collaborations for the
Learning Ally                                            mutual benefit of the public and museums.
512-323-9390                             Bob Bullock Texas State History
   Mission: To promote personal achievement           512-936-4614
   when access and reading are barriers to  
   learning by advancing the use of accessible
   and effective educational solutions.
                                                         Mission: To engage in interpreting the
   Volunteer Opportunities: Tutor in foreign             unfolding "Story of Texas" through
   languages; Assist with fundraising or grant           meaningful educational experiences.
   writing projects; Perform data entry; Help
                                                         Volunteer Opportunities: Lead tour groups;
   with public relations or marketing
                                                         Assist with administrative duties; Volunteer
   campaigns; Recruit volunteers
                                                         at special events
Literacy Coalition of Central Texas
512-735-2530                              RELIGIOUS
   Mission: To strengthen literacy education
   providers through advocacy, research,              Catholic Charities of Central Texas
   training and resource development.                 512-651-6100
   Volunteer Opportunities: Tutor ESL or GED
   adults; Lead workshops; Assist with      
   children’s literacy initiatives; Teach                Mission: To serve anyone in need by
   computer literacy; Lead life skills classes           strengthening families and promoting
                                                         respect for human dignity and life.

                                                      Hill Country Institute
                                                         Mission: To encourage transformation of
Austin Children's Museum
                                                         hearts and minds of Christ followers,
                                                         enabling them to apply, articulate, and
                                                         defend the faith. To foster collaboration
                                                         among Christian-thought leaders through
   Mission: To create innovative learning                conferences, training, and web-based and
   experiences for children and families that            published materials.
   equip and inspire the next generation of
                                                         Volunteer Opportunities: Assist with special
   creative problem solvers.
                                                         events preparation; Manage blog; Work as a
   Volunteer Opportunities: Internships; Assist          researcher or editor; Create videos; Assist
   with infant children programming; Work as             with grant writing
   a tour guide, gallery helper, or greeter; Assist
   with educational programs

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