Come see us at Norway House

                                  Leipziger Platz

                                                                                                             House of

                                                                             N O R W AY




         NORWAY IS THIS YEAR`S COUNTRY IN FOCUS at the European Film                                                  Bau
         Market in ­Berlin, and the first country to build its own house for this
         ­purpose. Norway House is the place where you can meet Norwegian
          filmmakers, representatives from film commissions, film regions, film funds,
          the Norwegian Film Institute and the Producers’ Association in addition
          to Norwegian suppliers of services and equipment for international film
                Norway House is located in Niederkirchnerstraße, right next to the
          ­Mirror Tent and across the road from the European Film Market in ­Gropius
                During the festival days from Friday February 8th until Wednesday
           ­February 13th, Norway House will host seminars, presentations, networking

            events, ­debates, press conferences etc. And during the whole week, you will

            be able to meet Norwegian filmmakers and discuss future collaborations.

                We welcome you to Norway House!
Norway in Focus

                                                                                           Trine Skei Grande P HOTO Mona Lindseth

                          To be named Country in Focus at the 2019 European Film Market
                              as the first European country to be granted this privilege,
                                is a great honour for Norway as a filmmaking nation.

IN 2019, NORWAY has also been                   as a whole takes us forward as              has to offer when it comes to co­
granted status as Guest of Honour at            ­nations. The European Film Market is       production, postproduction, actors,
the Frankfurt Book Fair, and partner             a celebration of diversity and shows       locations, p­ roduction services and
­country at Jazzahead in Bremen.                 us that stories have no borders.           story­telling. Moreover, I truly hope
 Hopefully, 2019 will prove to be                Taking part in cultural activities like    that we can learn from each other
 one of Norway’s most significant                watching a film or reading a book are      at the European Film Market and be
 inter­national investments in culture.          valuable experiences that broaden our      inspired to strengthen our cultural
 ­Curiosity about each other’s per­spec­         ­perspec­tives.                            alliances further.
  tives and stories leads to a common                   Norway, with a population of             Finally, we look forward to
  understanding and enhanced                      ­5 million, nevertheless produces a       another festival where a diversity of
  ­alliances. International cultural colla­        wide variety of feature films, drama     voices will broaden our ­perspectives.
   boration is therefore essential.                series and documentaries each year.      On behalf of the Norwegian govern­
        Arts and culture are essentially           I hope Norway’s participation at the     ment, I wish you all an unforgettable
   about freedom of speech, and it has             2019 European Film Market will give      ­experience in Berlin this year.
   the potential to ­enlighten, challenge          the filmmaking world a favourable
   and develop us. ­Therefore, a diversity         impression of the Norwegian film         Trine Skei Grande
   of opinions in arts, culture and ­society       industry, in terms of everything it      Minister of Culture, Norway


                                                                      iHuman                                                                    Meet the Censors

Artificial Intelligence:                                                           Meet the Censors:
The Unknown Revolution                                                             How can we handle controversial c­ ontent?
    Discussion                                                                         Discussion
    Sat, Feb. 9 | 13.00-14.30                                                          Sun, Feb. 10 | 10.30-12.00
    NORWAY HOUSE                                                                       NORWAY HOUSE

The documentary iHUMAN dives            maximize the benefits of AI, while         Every day, broadcasters are dealing   engage in a conversation with
into the rapidly evolving world of      containing its negative impact.            with documentaries that confront      commissioning editor Norbert
Artificial Intelligence and explores         This event will bring together        our preconceived conceptions of       Hahn (Die Story- WDR) and
the current and future impact of AI     experts on AI as well as Tonje             the world. Many of these films        commissioning editor, renowned
that many in the field view as one      ­Hessen Schei, director of iHUMAN.         are screened, but some are not.       journalist and documentary film­
of the, if not the most, dis­ruptive                                               Others end up never being made.       maker Odd Isungset.
and far-reaching technology in                                                     What are the obstacles that keep
the history of mankind. This film                                                  controversial content away from
investigates the dilemmas experts                                                  our screens? Is it self-censor­
face as they drive this technology                                                 ship within the channels, or bad
forward, and foreshadows the                                                       filmmaking? Is fact checking too
implications for society.                                                          expensive and time consuming, or
     Without regulation, legis­lation                                              are simply the audiences turning
and governance frameworks ­based                                                   away from challenging content?
on crucial ethical standards we                                                    How can filmmakers collaborate
run the risk of losing our grip on                                                 better with the broadcasters in
this ever-evolving technology, thus                                                order to provide challenging and
removing human intelligence from                                                   important films?
the equation. Although ­skepticism                                                      We watch clips from up­
is more than valid, it is our goal                                                 coming documentary Meet the
to explore how humanity can                                                        Censors by Håvard Fossum and


                                                               I L L.   Artyzan/iStock                                                   The Body Remembers When the World Broke Open

We want Diversity                                                                            Nations Without Borders:
                                                                                             International Indigenous Co-Productions
    Seminar                                                                                      Seminar
    Fri, Feb. 8 | 14.30-16.00                                                                    Fri, Feb. 8 | 16.30-18.00
    NORWAY HOUSE                                                                                 NORWAY HOUSE

While populations are becoming        national film sales and television                     International Indigenous co-­            panel will explore the connections,
increasingly diverse in many ways,    as well as the Norwegian Film                          productions inherently transcend         arrangements and ultimately the
the film industry has yet to follow   Institute, this panel will explore                     borders, linking Nations living both     individuals that have brought
thoroughly up on this and let it      ­successful, effective ­strategies                     contiguously and far removed, and,       about such co-­productions. The
be reflected both in front of the      from a variety of European                            above all, create c­ ollaborations and   panel will, in particular, feature
­camera and behind the camera.         ­countries. The strategies in focus                   synergies that are poised to become      the groundbreaking work of the
 But things are starting to change.     all illustrate the strong business                   the catalyst of a thriving inter­        Arctic Indigenous Film Fund (AIFF)
                                        case for businesses, corporations,                   national Indigenous screen sector.       which under the aegis of the
Relevance – Audience –                  broadcasters and policymakers                        An upcoming report commissioned          International Sámi Film Institute is
Sustainability                          in the entertainment sector to                       by the Toronto-­based imagine­           creating renewed possibilities for
The Norwegian Film Institute`s          identify, include, promote and                       NATIVE Institute entitled “Indige­       co-productions and collaborations
newly unveiled Diversity ­Action        cater for the needs of diverse                       nous Screen: Towards an Inter­           for the Indigenous peoples of the
Plan aims at bringing about             talent, content, professionals and                   national Strategy for Collaboration      arctic region through its various
a more inclusive Norwegian              audiences alongside mainstream                       and Growth” not only highlights          agreements.
entertainment sector as well as         and international viewers.                           the appeal of these films to
harnessing the country’s diversity.                                                          ­Indigenous audiences world­wide         Organized in collaboration with
                                      Organized in collaboration                              but also underscores the cross-         NATIVe, imaginative, International
Inclusive Europe –                    with Norwegian Film Institute,                          over potential of these films.          Sámi Film Insitute, Artic Indigeno­
Diversity Success Stories             European Film Promotion and                                 Drawing from the insights of        us Film Fund and European Film
Featuring case studies from           European Film Market.                                   filmmakers, producers and instituti­    Market. Hosted by Norwegian Film
­production, distribution, inter­                                                             ons related to two such films, this     Institute.

Project Presentation –
New and Upcoming Filmmakers

Norway has some fantastic up and coming filmmakers
­working within different formats and expressions.
UP is talent programme for some of the most talented female directors
and producers coming out of Norway. During this event we invite you
to join us for the presentation of seven outstanding new projects in                         Presentation
development, all of them with cross border potential and well suited for                     Sat, Feb. 9 | 16.00-18.00
international co-operation.                                                                  NORWAY HOUSE

FAITH CAN MOVE MOUNTAINS                  NUDES (Drama series)                           DADDY’S GIRL                       NO MAN LAND
(Doc)                                     Nudes is an anthology teenage                  14-year-old Lo is stuck on her     Gunn, Sara and Marie are three
As a young woman Edel leaves              drama, about how “nudes” are                   father’s farm during the summer.   single women stuck in a small
her home village, secluded in the         being spread in social media.                  To make time pass she spies on     Norwegian village where there are
fjord lands of Norway, to become          In Norway 1/4 teenagers in the                 the hot seasonal worker Michail.   no eligible men left, until one day
an artist in Berlin. Thirty years later   age of 13-18, has sent nudes.                  Daddy’s Girl is about lust, soft   three handsome policemen arrive.
she returns as Abbess Thavoria,           Usually it’s about sending pictures            guns and being bored. But most     The women cook up the perfect
the highest ranked nun within the         to ­someone they trust, like a                 of all about how the relations­    plan to get their attention; break
Greek Orthodox Church. Together           boyfriend/girlfriend. Others are               hip b­ etween Lo and her father    the law and get caught.
with a group appointed sisters,           being hacked or filmed without                 ­changes as her secret about her
she has been sent on a mission            knowing it. In Nudes we follow                  new found sexuality brutally is   Director Ingrid Stenersen
by her spiritual father to build a        four teenagers that go through                  revealed.                         Screenplay Ingrid Stenersen
church on Mount Sylte.                    their biggest life crisis, when their                                             Producers Nicholas Sando and Stein
                                          intimate pictures are spread. Will             Director Julia Lindström           Berge Svendsen for Smallville Films AS
Director Silje Evensmo Jacobsen           they manage to deal with this                  Screenplay Julia Lindström and
Screenplay Silje Evensmo Jacobsen         situation and be able to regain                Amy Black Ndiaye
Producers Linn Th. Amundsen and Kari      control of their lives?                        Producer Hege Hauff Hvattum for
Wåle for Zacapa Film AS                                                                  Barbosa Film
                                          Directors Liv Joelle Barbosa Blad and
                                          Erika Calmeyer
                                          Screenplay Liv Joelle Barbosa Blad, Eri­
                                          ka Calmeyer and Jørgen Flasnes Færøy
                                          Producers Nina M. Barbosa Blad and
                                          Melike Leblebicioğlu for NRK

EBBA & THE LOVER                       THE HERDER                                WONDERBOY                                 Norwegian project
17-year-old Ebba meets a beauti­       A young Sámi man, Johan, is               Journalist Camilla gets deceived          for pitch at the
ful, injured man in the harbor.        ­herding his family`s reindeer herd       into visiting young Waleed in a           Co-Production Market
When she discovers he has               in the coldest winter months.            federal prison in Los Angeles, only
amnesia, Ebba lies to the man,          Johan has a special connection           to find he wants her to write his         CHICA CHILE NORWAY
telling him they are in a passionate    with the reindeer and feels that         biography: The true story of how          A funny drama about fifteen-­
relationship.                           he communicates with them.               he managed to rise from being             year-old Mariana, who grows
                                        He unexpectedly falls in love            an immigrant loser to «Norway’s           up in a multicultural suburb
Director Johanna Pyykkö                 with another male Sámi reindeer          next Mark Zuckerberg». About              on Oslo’s east side. Like most
Screenplay Johanna Pyykkö and           herder, Sámmol, who is part of a         his friendship with ministers, Kofi       teenagers she wants to do good
Jørgen Færøy                            reindeer district that they are in       Annan and the Norwegian royal             in school, be popular and get
Producers Verona Maier and Ruben        conflict with. The weather forces        family. About the million-dollar          herself a boyfriend. But life in
Thorkildsen for Ape&Bjørn               these two reindeer districts to          fortune and how Camilla ruined            the suburbs is tough, and girls
                                        merge the herds, which means             his life. And how he eventually got       have to fight for their right
                                        that Johan and Sámmol must herd          caught by the FBI at the tender           to be themselves. And when
                                        together this winter. They start a       age of 21 and sentenced to 11             Mariana’s older brother joins a
                                        secret relationship but get even­        years in prison. But truth is relative    dangerous military operation in
                                        tually caught. Johan must face           to a man who built his life on lies.      ­Afghanistan, her family starts to
                                        himself and his reindeer district        Wonderboy is based on a true               come undone.
                                        with the truth.                          story.
                                                                                                                           Director Ingvild Søderlind
                                       Director Marja Bål Nango                  Director Johan Kaos                       Screenplay Hilde Susan Jægtnes
                                       Screenplay Smavut Ingir Bål               Screenplay Johan Kaos                     Producer Cecilie Aspenes for Miso
                                       Producer Elisa Pirir for Mer Film         Producer Elisabeth Kvithyll for Nordisk   Film Norge
                                                                                 Film Production AS

Norway – where ancient storytelling
traditions meets high end VFX

                                                                                                                            Juvet Landscape Hotel P HOTO Tina Stafrèn/

Our ancestors the Vikings were good storytellers – and their stories
have survived because they had the ability to fire the imagination of the
­listeners and remain in their hearts and minds.

WE LIKE TO THINK THAT this way of telling                   Norwegian films and drama series have                Norway offers
stories has persisted through the centuries:         made their name domestically with a market                  • A film and TV-industry ready to co-produce,
moving stories, strong characters, memorable         share of 25,2% - and internationally with                     both domestically and internationally
lines and striking sceneries. When you add           ­participation in competition in Berlin and                 • Highly skilled and efficient film crews used to
this to excellent actors who are very dedicated       Cannes, Oscar nominations, awards at IDFA and                utilize the latest technology available
to their craft, internationally skilled directors,    EMMY, highly rated films and series in streaming           • Incentive schemes and support schemes for
crews that are used to working efficiently and        services as Netflix and HBO and a steady flow                co-production
advanced under harsh conditions, and later,           of Norwegian directors and actors being asked              • Stunning nature
during editing, special effects that are world        to direct or act in high budget international              • Friendly and cooperative people
class – you have a typical Norwegian audio­           productions.
visual production.                                          At the same time, we have been able to               We welcome you to Norway House, across from
     The social and economic need for the             maintain a true Norwegian way of telling stories,          European Film Market, to meet representatives
newest technology, in addition to a strong            reflecting both who we used to be, who we                  from the Norwegian Film Institute, filmmakers,
economy, has turned Norway into one of                are and who we want to be, giving Norwegian                service providers, film commis­sioners and every­
the most technologically adaptive countries           stories the ability to still move, ­d isturb, thrill and   one else who will be there to see what kind of
in the world. This is something film pro­             last but not least surprise.                               collaborations we might arrange with you.
ductions taking place in Norway also benefit                This is what we would like to share with                  See you at Norway House!
from; excellent infrastructure, skilled               the world when we have the honour of being
personnel and efficient governmental                  ­Country in Focus at European Film Market in               Sindre Guldvog
support schemes.                                       Berlin.                                                   CEO, Norwegian Film Institute

Norwegian tech at
EFM Horizon

                                                                                                                                       Alan R. Milligan, White Rabbit

Smarter Production, or: How          Non-linear workflows                     Script Supervisor that started a        EFM Startups: White Rabbit
to economise and still optimise      – by Storyline                           whole new approach on how to            The European Film Market selects
your film                            How to make a flexible post pro­         connect the Editor with the Script      10 leading tech entrepreneurs and
EFM Horizon is looking to the        duction workflow via all decisions       Supervisor. This has turned into a      introduces them to the film and
future of the film, media and        made to an image is stored in            complete dailies distribution sys­      media industry under the banner
entertainment world and its          a metadata container that lives          tem. Drylab was the first to make       of EFM Horizon. One of them is
cross-pollination with the growing   “above” the actual footage and           this service available at a low price   Norwegian.
tech and startup industries. The     is never rendered into the image         and has established a standard in             The Norwegian company
Norwegian film industry is always    until the master. This format is         Norwegian drama productions.            ­White Rabbit is professionalizing
developing new methods and           possible to use within Edit, VFX,         The application is a tool for eve­      the worlds largest streaming
technology to enhance their film     and Grade. The metadata format           ryone involved in the creative and       market to collect data and revenue
production. Coming to Berlin         is potentially established during        technical processes.                     for rights holders. White Rabbit’s
to present their new develop­        principal photography and admi­                                                   browser plug-in recognizes
ments are the companies Drylab,      nistered by the DIT (Digital Image       Gimpvilles Case-study                    content streamed peer-to-peer
­Storyline, Gimpville and White      Technician). This workflow has           Gimpville is Norway’s largest VFX        and uses Blockchain to f­ acilitate
 Rabbit.                             made us remove the term “Online”         and animation studio and they            payment between fans and rights
                                     during post. We now use the term         have worked with companies               holders.
                                     “Finishing” as we today can to           both in the East and in the West.             In Berlin to present its vision
                                     more on the same hardware and            At ­Horizon they will present a          and plans is founder, CEO and film
                                     to more in the same suite and            case-study of Ella Bella Bingo.          producer Alan R. Milligan
                                                                                  Presentation                            Presentation
                                     Drylab Dailies                               Mon, Feb. 11 | 14.00-16.00              Mon, Feb. 11 | 10.00-12.30
                                     Drylab started out to digitalise             BERLINER FREIHEIT                       BERLINER FREIHEIT
                                     the Camera Report with an iOS
                                     app. This tool got adopted by the

Spotlight on
10 Producers

10 rising Norwegian producers will be presented within the framework
of the Norwegian Producers’ Spotlight during the Kick-Off Happy Hour
of the EFM Producers Hub on Friday, February 8.

               Ingvil Giske                          Ingunn Sundelin              Ruben Thorkildsen
               Medieoperatørene AS                   Tordenfilm                   Ape & Bjørn AS
               Tounge Cutters 2017                   ZombieLars 2018              Psycobitch 2019
               Dugma: The Button 2016                Two Buddies and a Badger     The Sunlit Night 2019
               Good Girl 2014                        2015                         Lake Over Fire 2018

               Gary Cranner                          Carsten Aanonsen             Einar Loftesnes
               Chezville AS                          Indie Film AS                Handmade Films in
                              ­Norwegian Woods AS
               Now it’s Dark 2017                    Munch in Hell 2018
               It’s Only Make Believe 2013           My Heart Belongs to D
                                                                         ­ addy   The Tunnel 2019
                                                     2018                         Villmark 2 2015
                                                     The Night 2017
               Christian Falch                                                    Kristin Emblem
               Up North AS                                                        Drama Einar AS
                                                     Elisabeth Kvithyll
                                                     Nordisk Film AS
               Black Hearts 2017                      The Monkey and the Mouth
               Golden Dawn Girls 2017                                             2017
                                                     Blind Spot 2018
               Raging Grannies 2013                  Yes We Love 2014

                                                     Kristine M. I. Knudsen
                                                     Den Siste Skilling
                                                     Richard the Stork 2017
                                                     The Revenge 2015
                                                     Mercy 2012

   Fri, Feb 8 | 18.00-19.00

The Norwegian
Berlinale Talents

Berlinale Talents is the annual summit and networking platform
of the Berlin International Film Festival for outstanding creatives
from the fields of film and drama. Norway has seven participants:

              Mathis Ståle Mathisen                      Fredrik Scholze
              A producer with a focus in                 Scholze works with marketing       Lillehammer stories
              film from the Artict and Sami              arthouse films in the distribu­
              stories, having previously                 tion company Arthaus in Oslo       Recent years filmmakers in
              produced both feature films,               where the saying is: We live in    Lillehammer and its regional
              drama series, documentaries                a time where old ideas must        surroundings has produced a
              and shorts.                                dissolve and creativity blossom.   number of successful films and
                                                                                            TV productions. The National Film
              Sofia Haugan                               Elisa Pirir                        School in Lillehammer is offering
              Educated as a director,                    Pirir produced her first feature   education for new talents. The
              ­Haugan had her cinematic                  in Norway, Dive, at 23. Her        LIPP - Lillehammer Post Produc­
               debut with the documentary                graduation film from the           tion - is offering top class facilities
               My Heart Belongs to Daddy,                ­National Film School of Norway    for new national and international
               which won the audience                     was a nominee of the 43th         film projects.
               award at Nordic/Docs and                   Academy Student Awards. Elisa           We invite you to get to know
               received National Film Award               works for Mer Film AS.            this interesting film region of cold
               Amanda for Best Documen­                                                     hearts and warm stories and meet
               tary.                                     Emilija Skarnulyte                 decision makers. Animator Anita
                                                         A nomadic visual artist and        Killi, will be one of the presenters.
              Hildegunn Wærness                          filmmaker based in Tromsø,         The talented violinist Eldbjørg
              Wærness has a background as                Norway. Between the fictive        Hemsing will be performing.
              a journalist and photographer              and documentary, she works
              and studied film in Stockholm              primarily with deep time, from         Presentation | Meeting
              and Buenos Aires. She wrote                the cosmic and geologic to the         Mon, Feb. 11 | 12.30-15.30
              and directed ”Supernerd”, a                ecological and political.              NORWAY HOUSE
              documentary about cosplayers
              in Norway, and created and                 Beathe Hofseth
              directed the documentary                   A documentary filmmaker
              series The Fjord Cowboys.                  graduated from Volda Univer­
              She has directed several                   sity College and NISS in Oslo.
              ITV-­productions, including                She has worked in film and
              National Geographic’s Ice                  television since 2002, and has
              Road Rescue.                               ­d irected several documen­
                                                          taries, among them Light Fly,
                                                          Fly High which was at IDFA.

Country in Focus

FRIDAY FEB 8                                              13.00-14.30 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES                      13.00-14.30 NORWAY HOUSE
                                                          Norwegian Presentation of 10 producers and                Norwegian blockbuster movies BØRNING 1 & 2
11.30 NORWAY HOUSE                                        Lunch at Co-­Production Market. FOR COPRO MARKET          about illegal street racing – first to the North Cape and
The Norwegian Minister of Culture officially opens        BADGE HOLDERS                                             then to Murmansk in Russia – will have a sequel. This
Norway House. OPEN                                                                                                  time the race goes from Norway to Nürnburgring in
                                                          13.00-14.30 NORWAY HOUSE
13.30-18.00 NORWAY HOUSE                                  Discussion: Artificial Intelligence may be the most       Germany for a grand finale at the world famous race
Diversity Day in ­Norway House. OPEN                      disruptive and far-reaching technology in the history     track. Meet the people behind the successful films
13.30-14.30 NORWAY HOUSE                                  of mankind. How can humanity maximise the benefits        and the upcoming sequel. OPEN
WIFT Press Conference with Gale Anne Hurd, ”10%           of AI? OPEN                                               15.00-16.30 NORWAY HOUSE
for 50/50”, ReFrame (WIF LA) & Alliance of Women’s        15.45-16.45 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES                      Work-In-Progress. Norwegian producers and
Networks. OPEN FOR PRESS                                  Country Presentation – funding opportunities in           directors present teasers and promos from upcoming
14.30-16.00 NORWAY HOUSE                                  Norway. FOR COPRO MARKET BADGE HOLDERS                    feature films. OPEN
Announcement of Norwegian Film Institute’s                16.00-18.00 NORWAY HOUSE                                  18.00-19.00 NORWAY HOUSE
Diversity Action Plan followed by Panel: Inclusive        Stories from Norway. Project presentation from nine       Happy Hour: Meet the regions: The ten regional
Europe - Diversity Success Stories. OPEN                  new and upcoming filmmakers. OPEN                         film centres and funds develop and strengthen film
16.30-18.00 NORWAY HOUSE                                                                                            industries throughout Norway. INVITATION
                                                          18.00-19.00 NORWAY HOUSE
Nations without Borders. Indigenous people                Happy Hour hosted by Norwegian Film Institute.            21.30-late EWERK
­produce films worldwide. OPEN                            INVITATION                                                EFM Party, co-hosted by Norway - Country in
18.00-19.00 NORWAY HOUSE                                                                                            Focus. Industry gathering, food, drinks, dance, incl
                                                          21.30-late CLÄRCHEN’S BALLHAUS
International Sami Film Institute invites friends                                                                   concert by the Norwegian band GURLS. INVITATION
                                                          Norwegian Party, hosted by Norwegian Film
from around the world to a reception. INVITATION          ­Institute, incl a miniconsert with an internationally
18.00-19.00 PRODUCERS HUB, GROPIUS BAU                     known Norwegian artist. INVITATION                       MONDAY FEB 11
Presentation of 10 Norwegian Producers. ­                                                                           9.00-10.00 NORWAY HOUSE
                                                          SUNDAY FEB 10                                             Sola media presents upcoming films. INVITATION
20.00-late BABYLON CINEMA, MITTE                                                                                    10.00-18.00 NORWAY HOUSE
                                                          10.00-18.00 NORWAY HOUSE
Pathfinder live and reception hosted by North.                                                                      Meet the N ­ orwegians – producers, Film Institutes,
                                                          Meet the ­Norwegians – producers, Film Institutes,
INVITATION                                                                                                          Film Funds, Regional Centers, Film Commissions,
                                                          Film Funds, Regional Centers, Film Commissions,
                                                          and companies delivering services to production,          and companies delivering services to production,
SATURDAY FEB 9                                            post-­production and exhibitors; all with stands in the   post-­production and exhibitors; all with stands in the
                                                          Norway House. OPEN                                        Norway House. OPEN
10.00–18.00 NORWAY HOUSE
Meet the ­Norwegians – Producers, Film Institutes,        10.30-12.00 NORWAY HOUSE                                  10.00-12.00 NORWAY HOUSE
Film Funds, Regional Centers, Film Commissions,           Panel Debate: Meet the censors What are the               Books made for film. Norwegian literary agents
and companies delivering services to production,          obstacles that keep controversial content away from       meet German producers and Norwegian producers
post-­production and exhibitors; all with stands in the   our screens and TVs? Is it self-­censorship w
                                                                                                      ­ ithin the   meet German publishers/ agents. In co-operation with
Norway House. OPEN                                        channels, or bad filmmaking? Is fact c­ hecking too       Books at Berlinale. I­NVITATION

10.00-13.00 MEISTERSAAL                                   expensive? OPEN
Gender, Genre and Big Bugdget. How to get
ahead in the commercial film industry. Seminar in
­cooperation with WIFT/WIFI. INVITATION

NORWAY HOUSE is open between 10 and 18, every day between
                                                                                               Friday Feb 8 (when it opens at 11) and ­Wednesday Feb 13 (when it closes at 13).
                                                                                               For all arrangements
                                                                                               INVITATION – open only for participants with invitation to this arrangement
                                                                                               OPEN – open for EFM badge holders and other film professionals

10.00-18.00 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES                       19.00-21.00 BIKINIHAUS, SUPER CONCEPT SPACE                 17.30-18.15 ZOO PALAST 4
Hans Børli’s poetry in VR. Børli is one of Norway’s        Opening Reception: Drama Series Days, co-hosted             Norwegian Drama – A Cradle of Creativity.
most cherished poets for his ability to capture a deeply   by Norwegian Film Institute. OPEN FOR MARKET BADGE          Presentation of four new exciting drama series in
felt connection between man and nature into words.         HOLDERS                                                     ­development. OPEN
Visit Børli’s forest in this poetic VR experience.                                                                     18.00-21.00 JOSTY, SONY CENTRE
                                                           TUESDAY FEB 12                                              Bridging the ­Dragon Networking Reception,
12.30-15.30 NORWAY HOUSE                                                                                               ­co-hosted by Norwegian Film Institute. INVITATION
                                                           10.00-18.00 NORWAY HOUSE
Lillehammer stories. In the recent years filmmakers                                                                    18.15-19.30 BERLINALE SERIES LOUNGE
                                                           Meet the ­Norwegians – producers, Film Institutes,
in Lillehammer and its regional surroundings has                                                                       Bubble with the Norwegians. INVITATION
                                                           Film Funds, Regional Centers, Film Commissions,
produced a number of successful films and TV produ­
                                                           and companies delivering services to production,            20.00-21.30 NORWAY HOUSE
ctions. We invite you to get to know this interesting
                                                           post-­production and exhibitors; all with stands in the     Concert with ­Norwegian violinist Eldbjørg Hemsing.
film region of cold hearts and warm stories and meet
                                                           Norway House. OPEN                                          INVITATION
decision makers. OPEN
                                                           10.00-13.00 ZOO PALAST 1
Smarter Production, or: How to economise and
                                                           CoPro Series pitch hosted by Norwegian Film                 WEDNESDAY FEB 13
                                                           Institute. Presentation of two new Norwegian Series.
still optimise your film. How to save time and                                                                         9.00-12.00 NORWAY HOUSE
money and still get a better film. Non-linear workflow                                                                 Doc-seminar Six amazing docs in development or
and how to stay curious and create better. With some       10.00-13.00 BIKINIHAUS, SUPER CONCEPT SPACE                 production will be presented for a panel of decision
of the forerunners in film tech.                           CoPro Series Networking get-together hosted by              makers and an audience. OPEN
FOR MARKET BADGE HOLDERS                                   Norwegian Film Institute. INVITATION
                                                                                                                       10.00-13.00 NORWAY HOUSE
14.00-18.15 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES                       10.30-12.00 NORWAY HOUSE                                    Meet the Norwegians – producers, Film institutes,
Funds ­meeting. Meet representatives from                  Presentation of: Less is More: ­A New Generation of         Film Funds, Regional Centers, Film Commissions,
­Norwegian Film Institute. I­NVITATION                     Screenwriting Workshops in Europe New frame,                and companies delivering services to production,
                                                           new methodology, new perspectives: how to stimula­          post-­production and exhibitors; all with stands in the
                                                           te creativity in the writing process and have films         Norway House. OPEN
Books at Berlinale. Presentation of Norway at
                                                           reaching their audience? OPEN
Frankfurt 2019 and the Norwegian Book Keep Saying                                                                      12.30-14.30 MIRROR RESTAURANT
Their Names by Simon Stranger. FOR COPRO MARKET            13.30-15.00 NORWAY HOUSE                                    Doc lunch, hosted by Norwegian Film Institute
BADGE HOLDERS                                              Work-In-Progress. Norwegian producers and                   ­INVITATION
                                                           directors present teasers and promos from upcoming
16.00-18.00 NORWAY HOUSE
                                                           feature films; take a look into the future of Norwegian
Speed Meeting with Nordic composers. Each
                                                           film. OPEN
director/producer gets 9 minutes to meet each
composer, then move on to the next meeting. It is          16.00-17.00 NORWAY HOUSE
fun, it is enlighten­ing and there is a meet and greet     BORN 2 DRIVE Oliver Solberg has fast-driving cars in
afterwards. OPEN                                           his blood and genes. Meet him and his famous father,
                                                           World Rallycross and World Rally champion Petter
18.00-19.00 NORWAY HOUSE
                                                           Solberg, and see excerpts from the new documentary.
Happy Hour with the Nordic composers and friends.
                                                           17.00-19.00 NORWAY HOUSE
18.45-19.45 HAU 1
                                                           Reception: Born 2 Drive. INVITATION
Happy Hour: Berlinale Talents, co-hosted by
­Norwegian Film Institute. INVITATION

Norwegian Series at Drama Series Days
– Staying ahead of the Game

Norwegian Drama Series and the
Norwegian Film Institute will be visible
during the Drama Series Days at Zoo
Palast Tuesday.
                                                                                              Clone                                             Hand Made

Norwegian drama – A Cradle of Creativity         CLONE                                                HAND MADE
Over the last years Norwegian Drama Series       The year is 2014. A small spaceship is on its        Hand Made is about Elin (40), who owns and
have won international awards, and there is      way back to the earth, and the only people           runs a fertility clinic with her ex-husband, CC,
an ongoing line up to watch out for. Beyond      onboard is the couple Fredrik and Eva. On the        whom she divorced because he didn’t want
Nordic Noir, Norwegian creators have managed     journey Fredrik discovers that he is infected by     to have children. At the clinic they work side
to diversify their content in ways that engage   a strange virus, and he is not allowed to return.    by side, with a variety of fertility challenges,
large audiences. We take a closer look at four   In desperation he decides to clone himself with      and the hopes and despair of their patients.
innovative and trendsetting Norwegian projects   the 3D-printer onboard.                              Meanwhile, Elin and her new husband, Bjørn,
with a distinctive stamp.                             Clone is also pitching at Co-Pro Series.        struggle to become parents...

    Norwegian Series at Drama Series Days        Low-FI, Sci-Fi Sitcom | 10x20 minutes                Fertility Drama | 8x45 minutes
    Tue, Feb. 12 | 17.30-18.15                   Creator Ole Giæver                                   Creator Kathrine Valen Zeiner
    ZOO PALAST 4                                 Screenplay Ole Giæver                                Conceptual director Cecilie Mosli
                                                 Producer Maria Ekerhovd for Mer Film                 Screenplay Kathrine Valen Zeiner
                                                 Delivery date TBA                                    Producers Nina B. A. Figenschow & Ingunn Sundelin
                                                 Status In development                                for Tordenfilm
                                                                                                      Delivery date TBA
                                                                                                      Status In development

Co-Pro Series Pitch
                                                                                                                     The year is 2014. A small spaceship is on
                                                                                                                     its way back to the earth, and the only
                                                                                                                     people onboard is the couple Fredrik and
                                                                                                                     Eva. On the journey Fredrik discovers that
                                                                                                                     he is infected by a strange virus, and he
                                      Dates in Real Time                                             Verden er min
                                                                                                                     is not allowed to return. In desperation
                                                                                                                     he decides to clone himself with the 3D-­
                                                                                                                     printer onboard.
DATES IN REAL LIFE                                         VERDEN ER MIN
When Ida, 22 and unkissed, is dumped by her                (The World is Mine, preliminary title)                    Low-FI, Sci-Fi Sitcom | 10x20 minutes
online boyfriend, her journey to find a partner            Verden er min is a rapsical following ­Seinabo,           Creator Ole Giæver
in the real world begins.                                  27, as she tries to rebuild herself after a               Screenplay Ole Giæver
     Ida has lived her entire social life through          devastating break up. Set in the epicenter of             Producer Maria Ekerhovd for MER Film
screens. Her internet boyfriend Marvin lives in            the Norwegian rap scene, Bergen, Seinabo                  Delivery date TBA
Arizona, and they have never met face to face.             finds the courage to pursue her dream of                  Status In development
When Marvin breaks up because he has started               becoming a rapper. Sinabo is at heart a true
dating IRL, ”in real life,” Ida chooses to create a        poet. The rap-lyrics reflects her inner thoughts          HACKER
profile on a dating app. On her journey through            and ­becomes the dramatic silver lining of the            One night, Norway is at a standstill.
a new ”appified” dating culture, we follow Ida’s           project.                                                  Emergency network, power supplies,
many attempts to find a partner – and herself.                                                                       and governmental servers are down for
                                                           Rapsical | TBA                                            a ­whole hour. Privacy is one of those
VR Dramedy | 10x30 minutes                                 Creator Amy Black Ndiaye                                  things you don’t notice – until it is gone.
Creator Jakob Rørvik                                       Screenplay Amy Black Ndiaye                               Hacker is a conspiracy thriller that touches
Screenplay Jakob Rørvik                                    Producers Teréz Hollo-Klausen for Monday Scripted         on how we use social media and digital
Producers Synnøve Hørsdal & Ales Ree for Maipo Film        Delivery date TBA                                         tools to make life easier. We trust and give
Delivery date TBD                                          Status In development                                     away information, however in the wrong
Status In development                                                                                                hands it can be misused.
                                                           Look out for Rapsical surprise
                                                                                                                     Creator Andres J. Riiser
                                                                                                                     Conceptual director Andres J. Riiser
                                                                                                                     Screenplay Andreas J. Riiser
                                                                                                                     Producers Yngve Sæther & Hans-Jørgen Osnes
                                                                                                                     for Motlys
                                                                                                                     Delivery date 2021/22
                                                                                                                     Status In development

                                                                                                                         Co-Pro Series Pitch
                                                                                                                         Tue, Feb. 12 | 10.00-13.00
                                                                                                                         ZOO PALAST 2

Docs from Norway

Norway is experiencing a                     DIAGNONSENSE
new dawn for documentary                     A self-reflexive meta-documentary with filmmaker
production, and the quality                  Ane-Martha Tamnes Hansgard. After 15 years with
                                             multiple mental disorders and just as many diagnoses,
of Norwegian docs has
                                             Ane-Martha is off medication and is ready to tell her
risen far beyond our local                   story and to challenge the need for psychological
market.                                      labelling.

DURING THE LAST FIVE YEARS we                Director Ane-Martha Tamnes Hansgård
have seen an exponential growth,             Screenplay Ane-Martha Tamnes Hansgård
resulting in sales to all territories        Producer Andrew Grant for Mattima Films
and numerous international
awards, including top prizes
at IDFA and HotDocs. During
this event six amazing docs in
                                             SOUND OF ICE
development or production will be
presented for a panel of decision            What is the sound of ice? And what is it trying to
makers and an audience.                      tell us? Musician Terje Isungset, travels the world
                                             looking for the answer. Crafting his instruments purely
                                             from ice, Terje´s sound is decided by nature. Just like
                                             mankind´s survival.
    Wed, Feb. 13 | 09.00-12.00
                                             Director Tommy Gulliksen
                                             Screenplay Tommy Gulliksen and Anne Marte Blindheim
                                             Producers Benedikte Danielsen &
                                             Eirin O. Høgetveit for Norsk Fjernsyn AS

                                             OH, IT HERTZ!
                                             Musician Laurie Amat is on a mission: To reveal how
                                             we all are manipulated by sound. There is a myth
                                             that the Nazis during the war pushed through a new
                                             standard for tuning musical instruments, by changing
                                             it`s Hertz level. This is the music we still listen to today.
                                             To unveil the myth we will meet passionate charac­
                                             ters showing how sound affects us and why certain
                                             sounds mean so much to us.

                                             Director Gunnar Hall Jensen
                                             Screenplay Gunnar Hall Jensen,
                                             Kristian Stangebye and Elin Sander
                                             Producers Christian Falch & Torstein Parelius for UpNorth Film

By accident journalist Lena-Christin Kalle discovers
that thousands of Norwegian women and girls were
imprisoned in camps all over Norway after WW2 for
their love affairs with German soldiers. She starts
digging into the story and discovers that all of the
­documents on how the authorities treated these
 women are classified by the Norwegian National

Director Lena-Christin Kalle
Screenplay Lena-Christin Kalle and Elisabeth Kleppe
Producer Elisabeth Kleppe for Aldeles AS

                                                           This is my Truth
When two paintings are stolen from artist Barbora          International talent
Kysilkova the police catch the thieves after a few days.   ­workshop, February 8-10,
But the paintings are not found. Barbora attends            Berlin
the court hoping for clues, but instead she ends up
asking the thief Karl-Bertil Nordland if she can paint     In a world where fake news and
him. From this point on an unlikely friendship and a       accusations of fake news daily
surprising story evolves.                                  are part of the news coverage
                                                           and the exchange of opinions
Director Benjamin Ree                                      around the world, and where
Screenplay Benjamin Ree                                    computer programs use facial
Producer Ingvil Giske for Medieoperatørene AS              and voice manipulation to easily
                                                           create videos where anyone
                                                           says anything, how do you
                                                           express yourself if you want to
PIRAYA 2013-6                                              say something that is impor­
Due to the security of the film’s participants we          tant or true? The workshop is
­cannot reveal much about the film at this time.           part of the Oppland County
 ­However, we look forward to showing you the full         Municipality’s initiative during
  trailer, and tell you all about our film at the event.   the EFM. Participants will during
                                                           the workshop produce personal
Director Ola Waagen                                        films on the subject.
Screenplay Bjarte Mørner Tveit,                                 The movies will premiere at
Torstein Grude and Ola Waagen                              Il Kino, Sunday February 10th,
Producers Bjarte Mørner Tveit and                          1700.
Torstein Grude for Piraya Film
                                                               Sun, Feb. 10 | 17.00
                                                               IL KINO

literature and poetry

Books at Berlinale                                                                                       Hans Børli’s poetry on VR
2019 will be a special year for Norway in          About Norway as Guest of Honour at the                Hans Børli lived his whole life as a lumberjack
Germany. Kicking off in Berlin with the opening    Frankfurt Books Fair                                  in the Norwegian forests, expressing his love
of the Norway House, Norwegian art and artists     ”The Guest of Honour of Frankfurter Buch­             for nature in poems. Børli is one of Norway’s
will be present at a ­number of venues, with the   messe 2019 is Norway – a land of great                most cherished poets for his ability to capture
Guest of Honour presentation at the Frankfurt      L­­iterature: from the classics of Henrik Ibsen and   a ­deeply felt connection between man and
Book Fair in October as the main event.            Knut Hamsun to the modern best-sellers of             ­nature into words. Visit Børli’s forest in this
     Berlinale is cooperating with the Book        Karl Ove Knausgård and Jo Nesbø. Norwegians            ­poetic VR experience. Produced by Elin Festøy
Fair, and we are proud to announce that the        read more than any other European nationality,          and developed by Encircle Games in Hamar,
Norwegian book “Keep Saying Their Names”           and the country has produced three winners of           Norway for Hedmark County Library.
by Simon Stranger will be pitched at Books at      the Nobel Prize for Literature. We very much
Berlinale this year. Also five other Norwegian     look forward to experiencing the ­literature, art,        Presentation
books will be pitched for German producers in      culture and stories from Europe’s far north.”             Mon, Feb. 11 | 10.00-18.00
a special event.                                                                                             HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES

    German-Norwegian Books Meeting
    Mon, Feb. 11 | 10.00-12.00
    NORWAY HOUSE (by invitation only)

    ”Keep Saying Their Names” by Simon Stranger at Books@Berlinale
    Mon, Feb. 11 | 15.00-17.30
    HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (by invitation only)

Music from Norway
in Berlin

                                                      Gurls P H OTO Julie Maria Naglestad                                                            Eldbjørg Hemsing PH OTO Nikolaj Lund

Gurls                                                                                            Eldbjørg Hemsing
A trio of contemporary jazz talents, mixing their affection for Rihanna                          A Norwegian violinist, who has been performing on some of the world’s
and Neneh Cherry into their own musikal landscape of simple melodi­                              most prestigious stages since the age of 11. Her violin playing represents
es, virtuosity and lyrics that play with gender roles, norms and female                          a unique blend of classic Viennese sound, a contemporary sensibility
sexuality, Gurls is new and refreshingly playful. Consisting of bass player                      absorbed through numerous projects with living composers including Tan
and vocalist Ellen Andrea Wang, saxophone player and vocalist Hanna                              Dun; and a deep affinity with her Scandinavian heritage that she proudly
Paulsberg and vocalist Rohey Taalah, their debut album Run Boy, Run has                          showcases in every aspect of her active musical life.
made a good name for the band in native Norway and abroad.                                            Violinist Eldbjørg Hemsing joins the celebration of Norway during the
                                                                                                 2019 EFM with a concert that brings to the Berlin audiences a glimpse
    Miniconcert                                                                                  of the rich cultural traditions of her local valley of Valdres as well as her
    Sun, Feb. 10 | 21.30                                                                         international impulses through collaboration with the leading contempo­
    EWERK (EFM Party, by invitation only)                                                        rary composer Tan Dun.

                                                                                                     Tue, Feb. 12 | 20.00
                                                                                                     NORWAY HOUSE (by invitation only)

                                       Speed Meeting with Nordic composers
                                       Each director/producer gets to meet each composer - and vice versa. A meeting lasts 9 minutes, after which
                                       you move on to the next meeting. It is fun, it is enlightening and there is a meet and greet afterwards.

                                            Speed Meeting
                                            Mon, Feb. 11 | 16.00-18.00
                                            NORWAY HOUSE

Norwegian films
                                                        Official Selection

Competition                              Berlinale Classics                          Generation Kplus                          Generation Kplus
OUT STEALING HORSES                      THE WAYWARD GIRL                            LOUIS AND LUCA                            DAD
November 1999. 67-year old               Based on a book by Nils Johan               – MISSION TO THE MOON                     Little Tommy is going to bed. He
Trond lives in new-found desolati­       Rud, is the last feature made by            The Louis and Luca-triology ends          can’t sleep; instead he thinks a lot
on and looks forward to spending         director Edith Carlmar. It’s the            in a spectacular trip to the moon,        about his dad and wonders where
New Year’s Eve 2000 alone. As            story of 17-year-old Gerd and her           taking the Flåklypa-universe to           he might be, and what kind of
winter arrives, he discovers he has      boyfriend, who survive on fresh             new heights!                              man he is.
a neighbor, a man Trond knew             air and love in a remote cabin.
the summer of 1948. The summer           Then a drifter turns up whom the            Animation Family 80 min                   Animation 8 min
Trond turned 15.                         young girl quite fancies. In her            Original Title Månelyst i Flåklypa        Original Title Pappa
                                         first lead role, Liv Ullmann plays          Director Rasmus A. Sivertsen              Directors Atle S. Blakseth, Einar
Drama 100 min                            an adolescent who is as vivacious           Screenplay Karsten Fullu based on Kjell   Dunsad
Original Title Ut og stjæle hester       as she is fragile. For the digital          Aukrust’s characters and universe         Screenplay Atle S. Blakseth, Kari
Director Hans Petter Moland              restoration, the National Library of        Production Cornelia Boysen for M ­ aipo   ­Tinnen based on a novel by Svein
Screenplay Hans Petter Moland based      Norway used a scan of the original          Film                                       Nyhus
on a novel by Per Petterson              35mm material and the original              Release Sep 21, 2018                       Production Gimpville, Eldorado Film
Cast Stellan Skarsgard, Bjørn Floberg,   sound negative to create a DCP of           Sales Sola Media                           Release Spring 2019
Tobias Santelmann, Danica Curcic, Pål    outstanding quality.
Sverre Hagen, Gard Eidsvoll, Jon Ranes
Production Turid Øversveen og Håkon      Drama 95 min
Øverås for 4 1/2 Fiksjon                 Original Title Ung flukt
Release Mar 8, 2019                      Director Edith Carlmar
Sales TrustNordisk                       Screenplay Otto Carlmar based on a
                                         novel by Nils Johan Rud
                                         Cast Liv Ullmann, Alte Merton, Rolf
                                         Søder, Nanna Stenersen, Randi Brænne
                                         Production Otto Carlmar for
                                         Carlmar Film AS
                                         Release Oct 8, 1959

    Norwegian Film Institute
    Feb. 7-14 | 09.30-19.00

Norwegian films
                                                      Official Selection

                                                                                   Minority Co-Productions
                                                                                   Panorama                                     Generation 14Plus
                                                                                   DIVINE LOVE                                  RECONSTRUCTING UTØYA
                                                                                   Brazil, 2027. A deeply religious             A feature documentary where
                                                                                   woman uses her position in a                 four survivors from the Utøya
                                                                                   notary’s office to try to prevent            terrorist attack in 2011 recon­
                                                                                   couples from divorcing. Whilst               struct their memories in a black
Generation Kplus                       Forum Expanded                              waiting for a divine sign in                 box studio together with twelve
SHE-PACK                               FALSE BELIEF                                recognition of her efforts, she’s            young participants to share and
It´s a birthday party at a public      After Berg’s partner, a black New           confronted with a crisis that ulti­          remember their experiences.
pool disco, and underdog Ronja         York publisher, gives a statement           mately brings her closer to God.             Documentary 95 min
challenges the girls’ alpha female     to the police about being harassed          Drama, Erotic 101 min                        Original Title Reconstruction Utøya
to battle for dominance. The game      by a neighbour, he is arrested. But         Original Title Divino Amor                   Director Carl Javér
escalates quickly, and as the thirst   what is the crime exactly? False            Director Gabriel Mascaro                     Screenplay Carl Javér, Fredrik Lange
for power grows, Ronja and the         Belief is the unlikely love story of        Screenplay Gabriel Mascaro, Rachel           Production Vilda Bomben Film AB
other girls lose control.              two very different people trying            Daisy Ellis, Esdras Bezerra, Lucas Paraizo   Norwegian co-producer Polarfox
                                       to escape an absurd nightmare in            Production Narrative Feature                 Release Oct 2018
Drama, Coming of Age 18 min            Harlem.                                     Norwegian co-producer Mer Film
Original Title She-Pack                                                                                                         Forum
                                                                                   Release Jan 2019
Director Fanny Ovesen                  Documentary 105 min                                                                      KHARTOUM OFFSIDE
Screenplay Maren Skolem                Original Title False Belief                 Generation 14Plus                            Sara, Henda , Gaddal & Elham,
Production Filmskolen                  Director Lene Berg                          THE BODY REMEMBERS WHEN                      four young ladies in Khartoum,
Release Nov 2018                       Production Ingebjørg Torgersen for          THE WORLD BROKE OPEN                         Sudan.
                                       FABB001                                     When Áila encounters a young                      They have been playing foot­
                                       Release Feb 2019                            Indigenous woman, barefoot and               ball since many years and they
                                                                                   crying in the rain on the side of            want to be the women national
                                                                                   a busy street, she soon discovers            team of Sudan.
                                                                                   that this young woman, Rosie,                Documentary 70 min
                                                                                   has just escaped a violent assault           Original Title Khartoum Offside
                                                                                   at the hands of her boyfriend.               Director Marwa Zein
                                                                                   Documentary 103 min                          Production Ore Productions SDN
                                                                                   Original Title The Body Remembers            Norwegian co-producer Stray Dog
                                                                                   When the World Broke Open                    Productions
                                                                                   Director Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers,            Release Feb 2019
                                                                                   Kathleen Hepburn
                                                                                   Screenplay Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers,
                                                                                   Kathleen Hepburn
                                                                                   Production Violator Films
                                                                                   Norwegian co-producers
                                                                                   ­Tannhauser Gate, Oslo Pictures
                                                                                    Release Feb 2019

Shooting Star
Ine Marie Wilmann

                                                                                                                                  ”I think we all feel a
                                                                                                                           l­ittle less lonely on earth,
                                                                                                                         knowing that someone else
                                                                                                                                  also is carrying what
                                                                                                                                     we try to conceal.”

                                                                                                              Ine Marie Wilmann P HOTO Matthis Kleeb

                                 After playing some very troubled characters in her latest Norwegian films,
                                   actress Ine Marie Wilmann is ready to enter the international stage as
                                            this year`s EFP European Shooting Star from Norway.

IN HER NEWEST FILM, Sonja: The White Swan                   - Every part I play must have its own                - An increasing number of Norwegian
(2018) with international premiere in Sundance,        approach, but many things are similar. I spend       actors get parts in big international producti­
Wilmann depticts the rise and fall of Norwegian        a lot of time thinking, analyzing and working        ons. Why do you think this happens?
skating legend and Hollywood movie star Sonja          my way into the core of the character. I need to          - In Norway, for starters most actors have
Henie. She was a woman who was very used to            understand it emotionally and find out what is       a very good education. And I believe all the
success in everything she underwent and ended          important about the project, says Wilmann.           training in the craftsmanship of being an
her career drunk, fallen on slushy ice in Rio de            She feels she has quite good access to          actor makes thorough actors that can stretch
Janeiro. To play Henie, Ine Marie Wilmann had to       her emotions and is brave enough to share            themselves in many directions. I have heard
learn how to figure skate on a high technical level.   the vulnerable and ugly little creature she – as     American agents say that we are “in it for the
     In her previous film, Homesick (2015),            everybody else – has inside somewhere.               craft”, which gives us a depth and seriousness
­Wilmann played the role of Charlotte who initiates         - I think we all feel a little less lonely on   which is more needed than the quest for fame,
 an intimate relationship with her own brother         earth, knowing that someone else also is carry­      says Shooting Star Ine Marie Wilmann.
 whom she hasn’t met since they were very young.       ing what we try to conceal.

Presenting companies
                                                 in Norway House

Sørfond                                North                                       DVNor/NagraKudelski                   Dagslys
Supporting emerging directors,         Tromsø International Film Festival          NAGRA provides security and           Dagslys is a high-end supplier of
The Sørfond has since 2012             proudly present: North is wild              multi­screen user experience          technical film equipment with
supported more than 40 produc­         and wonderful nature, with steep            ­solutions for the monetizati­        outstanding service and support.
tions from developing countries,       ­mountains, clear blue fjords,               on of digital media. NAGRA’s         We’ll provide a full-scope produc­
with high artistic quality and focus    ­northern lights and the midnight           DVnor M­ edia Asset Management       tion studio including lights,
on freedom of expression.                sun. In addition, we cover the             solutions provide a simplified and   ­cameras, studio facilities and
                                         entire ecosystem of filmmaking:            automated workflow for storage        post-production, whenever and
Film Commission Norway                   talent development, location,              and distribution of content. With     wherever you want to shoot hoot.
Film Commission Norway is the            ­advising, production, financing           NAGRA dSpree operators can
national film commission of               and screening venues.                     launch a proven VOD service          Kamera Rental
­Norway, whose purpose is to                                                        which support all different busi­    Kamera Rental is a major rental
 encourage production of inter­        Skeie Seating                                ness models in minutes.              house in Scandinavia, working
 national films in Norway. Financed    Since 1948 we have supplied fixed                                                 closely with partners worldwide to
 by the government, with services      seating solutions that have excee­          Nettkino                              provide professional solutions for
 free of charge. We will provide       ded our customer’s expectations.            Nettkino is conceived as a ”catch-    film, TV and commercial produc­
 you with all the information and      A unique knowledge of materials,            up cinema” service (pay-per-view)     tions of all scales, supplying every­
 assistance you need for filming in    continuous product development,             that offers a curated selection       thing from camera equipment to
 Norway.                               as well as several decades of direct        of fresh films to the audience,       post production facilities.
                                       contact with the market have                seeking to find a sustainable
Regional Film Centers                  made us Scandinavia’s premier               solution to «the black window» for    Norwegian Film & TV
and Funds                              fixed seating supplier.                     the benefit of filmmakers, cinemas    Producers’ Association
The main purpose of the ten                                                        and the wider public.                 (Virke Produsentforeningen)
regional film centres and funds        Storyline                                                                         Organizes about 120 independent
is to develop and strengthen film      Storyline Studios provide services          Gimpville                             production companies within Film,
­industries throughout Norway.         throughout the entire workflow.             Gimpville is Norways largest VFX      TV and the games industry. The
 With funding provided by the          We offer a complete technical               and animation studio. They host       association handles negotiations,
 ­regional financers, local stories,   pipeline from production to post            artists with a diverse background     works for political framework
  nature and culture can reach a       production, including producti­             and are currently involved in an      for the industry and the general
  national and international film      on services and film financing.             animated feature, vfx for several     development of the industry.
  audience.                            ­Storyline Studios truly is a one           feature films, producing TVCs and
                                        stop shop.                                 other commercial projects.

Country in Focus 2019 is organized
                 by the Norwegian Film Institute

                                     Funded by


                           We thank Fuglen for great cooperation
                      and excellent coffee and drinks at Norway House

                         PUBLISHED BY Norwegian Film Institute
          COVER The Atlantic Ocean Road PHOTO M. Dickson/Foap/
                         DESIGN Roger Aasegg, Noe med film AS
               PRINT Pinguin Druck GmbH. Printed on 100% recycled paper

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