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Global health

                                                                                                                                                                BMJ Case Rep: first published as 10.1136/bcr-2021-242421 on 7 June 2021. Downloaded from on October 21, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
                                     Nosocomial SARS-­CoV-2 transmission in a neonatal
                                     unit in Botswana: chronic overcrowding meets a
                                     novel pathogen
                                     Britt Nakstad ‍ ‍,1,2 Thato Kaang,1 Alemayehu Mekonnen Gezmu,1
                                     Jonathan Strysko1,3,4

 Department of Paediatric and        SUMMARY                                                         COVID-19 and SARS-­CoV-2 infection in either the
Adolescent Health, University of     We describe a cluster of six SARS-­CoV-2 infections             mother or infant should not interrupt breast feeding
Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana         occurring in a crowded neonatal unit in Botswana,               and skin-­to-­skin care.4 5 Early introduction of nutri-
 Division of Paediatric and
                                     including presumed transmission among mothers,                  tion, especially enteral nutrition with human breast-
Adolescent Medicine, University
                                     postnatal mother-­to-­neonate transmission and three            milk, has been associated with enhanced immune
of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
 Department of Global                neonate-­to-­healthcare worker transmissions. The affected      health.6 In addition to achieving adequate growth
Medicine, Children’s Hospital        neonate, born at 25 weeks’ gestation weighing 785 g,            and better adaptation to postnatal life, optimal
of Philadelphia, Philadelphia,       had a positive SARS-­CoV-2 test at 3 weeks of age               nutrition can supplement the immune response
Pennsylvania, USA                    which coincided with new onset of hypoxaemia and                with micronutrient cofactors like vitamin A and D,
 Department of Paediatric            worsening respiratory distress. Because no isolation            while iron and zinc deficiency can diminish T-­cell
Medicine, Botswana-­University       facility could accommodate both patient and mother,             immune response.7
of Pennsylvania Partnership,         they were separated for 10 days, during which time                 Most neonatal SARS-­        CoV-2 infections are
Gaborone, Botswana                   the patient was switched from breastmilk to formula.            acquired from the infant’s mother, although the
                                     Her subsequent clinical course was marked by several            risk of transmission is thought to be mitigated by
 Correspondence to
 Dr Britt Nakstad;
                                     weeks of supplemental oxygen, sepsis-­like presentations        infection control measures, including hand hygiene,
​britt.​nakstad@​medisin.​uio.n​ o   requiring additional antibiotics and bronchopulmonary           breast cleansing and maternal use of a surgical
                                     dysplasia. Despite these complications, adequate growth         mask.8 Nosocomial transmission of SARS-­         CoV-2
Accepted 10 May 2021                 was achieved likely due to early initiation of nutrition.       is said to be rare, especially with vigilant adher-
                                     This nosocomial cluster highlights the vulnerabilities          ence to evidence-­based infection control practices.
                                     of neonates, caregivers and healthcare workers in               However, the risk of hospital transmission may
                                     an overcrowded environment, and underscores the                 be higher in overcrowded and resource-­         limited
                                     importance of uninterrupted bonding and breast feeding,         settings, as was illustrated by a nosocomial cluster
                                     even during a pandemic.                                         of SARS-­  CoV-2 infections reported early in the
                                                                                                     COVID-19 pandemic at a South African hospital
                                                                                                     where 119 epidemiologically and phylogenetically
                                     BACKGROUND                                                      linked infections occurred in a period of less than 2
                                     Current evidence suggests that most neonates and                months.9 Little is known about the risk of nosoco-
                                     children infected with the novel SARS-­CoV-2 are                mial transmission of SARS-­CoV-2 either to or from
                                     asymptomatic or have mild disease.1 However,                    neonates, but one case series carried out in Spain
                                     neonates with COVID-19, especially those born                   found that 14 out of 40 neonatal SARS-­          CoV-2
                                     prematurely with low birth weight (BW) and low                  infections were acquired within the hospital.10
                                     energy stores, may be at higher risk of severe illness          Overcrowding and understaffing remain major
                                     than older children, perhaps due to an imma-                    drivers of nosocomial infections among neonates
                                     ture immune response.2 Symptoms of neonatal                     in low/middle-­   income countries (LMICs), and
                                     COVID-19 may be impossible to distinguish from                  have been linked to outbreaks of neonatal sepsis
                                     sepsis, and may include fever, respiratory distress             and even tuberculosis in endemic areas.11–13 Little
                                     and poor feeding.3                                              is known about drivers of nosocomial transmission
                                        There are no specific therapies currently recom-             of SARS-­CoV-2 among neonates in LMICs: over-
                                     mended for COVID-19 disease in neonates;                        crowding, understaffing and poor infection preven-
                                     treatment is supportive. While best practices for               tion practices are likely major contributors.
                                     supportive management of hospitalised adults with                  In Botswana, where this report originates,
                                     COVID-19 have emerged (eg, prone positioning                    the direct and indirect effects of the COVID-19
                                     during ventilation, use of dexamethasone and                    pandemic continue to be felt in every aspect of
© BMJ Publishing Group
                                     targeted use of surfactant), supportive management              daily life. As of the date of this report, Botswana
Limited 2021. No commercial
re-­use. See rights and              for neonates with COVID-19 is not well defined.                 had registered 44 075 cases of SARS-­CoV-2 infec-
permissions. Published by BMJ.       Thus, clinicians must presume that adherence to                 tion (18 475 per 1 million population) and 671
                                     enduring principles of neonatal medicine, including             COVID-19-­associated deaths.14 In August 2020,
    To cite: Nakstad B, Kaang T,
    Gezmu AM, et al. BMJ Case        thermoregulation, optimising nutrition and exclu-               when Botswana first documented community
    Rep 2021;14:e242421.             sive breast feeding, is critical when caring for                SARS-­ CoV-2 transmission in the second half of
    doi:10.1136/bcr-2021-            neonates with COVID-19. SARS-­CoV-2 antibodies                  2020, universal SARS-­CoV-2 testing on admission
    242421                           have been identified in breastmilk of mothers with              was commenced at our tertiary referral hospital
                                              Nakstad B, et al. BMJ Case Rep 2021;14:e242421. doi:10.1136/bcr-2021-242421                                  1
Global health

                                                                                                                                                         BMJ Case Rep: first published as 10.1136/bcr-2021-242421 on 7 June 2021. Downloaded from on October 21, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 1 Transmission pathway of a nosocomial SARS-­CoV-2 cluster in a neonatal unit in Botswana.

using PCR testing of the nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal                support and was initially managed only on supplement oxygen
swab samples. Routines for testing all delivering mothers were           via nasal cannula. She was initiated on minimal enteral feeds
introduced. However, neonates admitted in our 36-­bed neonatal           (expressed maternal breastmilk) and parenteral nutrition on day
unit were tested only if they had spent time outside the hospital        of life (DOL) 2. Despite this, she lost 25% of her BW (to a nadir
or if their mothers had tested SARS-­CoV-2 positive.                     of 595 g on DOL 5). She began gaining weight from DOL 5
   According to 2019 statistics, the infant mortality rate in            for an average daily growth rate of 14 g/kg/day, finally regaining
Botswana is approximately 32 per 1000 live births,15 and the             BW at DOL 22. During the first 3 weeks of life, she was visited
mortality rate in our neonatal unit is approximately 17.5%.              approximately every 3 hours by her mother who provided her
Because of limited resources and high mortality among                    with expressed breastmilk and skin-­to-­skin kangaroo care, until
extremely low birthweight (ELBW) neonates, infants weighing              the mother was proven SARS-­CoV-2 positive. In addition, she
less than 900 g are generally provided with supportive care. As in       was provided parenteral nutrition for enhanced nutrition to
most LMICs, neonatal deaths in Botswana are caused primarily             facilitate adequate growth and development.
by complications resulting from preterm birth, birth injury and             On DOL 22, the patient tested positive for SARS-­        CoV-2
infections.                                                              on PCR of nasopharyngeal/oropharyngeal swab. On testing
                                                                         SARS-­CoV-2 positive, the neonate was placed in a room with
CASE PRESENTATION                                                        strict isolation precautions. At the time, there was no isola-
In October 2020, during a period of increased community                  tion facility which could accommodate both the infant and
SARS-­CoV-2 transmission in Botswana, routine testing for SARS           her mother, so they were separated for 10 days, during which
CoV-2 was performed in our hospital’s crowded postpartum                 time the patient was switched from breastmilk to formula. Our
ward, where mothers slept, ate and cared for their newborns in           unit does not currently have a mechanism for safe storage of
close proximity with one another. Masks were worn, but often             expressed breastmilk. Parenteral nutrition was continued until
inconsistently. Despite having tested negative on admission to           enteral nutrition accounted for about 140 mL/kg/day to ensure
the hospital, 2 of 12 mothers whose premature infants were               adequate nutrition and growth. Two days after testing positive
hospitalised in a specialised ward for preterm infants tested posi-      for SARS-­CoV-2 and switching to formula, the patient experi-
tive for SARS-­CoV-2 on PCR of nasopharyngeal/oropharyngeal              enced a new onset of hypoxaemia, tachycardia and respiratory
swab. Both mothers were asymptomatic and reported having not             distress requiring continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)
left the hospital since being admitted. All 12 of the neonates in        support and second-­line antibiotics (amikacin and pipercillin–
the preterm ward were tested and 1 was SARS-­CoV-2 positive,             tazobactam). CPAP was introduced, in line with procedures for
a neonate of one of the mothers who had also tested positive             intensive care and respiratory support in the unit that include
(figure 1).                                                              intensive care to neonates with gestation of 28 weeks or higher. A
   The affected neonate was female, HIV unexposed, delivered             chest radiograph taken at the time was normal. A grade 3 systolic
vaginally at gestational week 25 and at a BW of 785 g, thus cate-        murmur detected at the left upper sternal border prompted an
gorised as ELBW. Her mother did not receive antenatal steroids.          echocardiographic evaluation which revealed a persistent ductus
She was admitted to the neonatal unit immediately after birth            arteriosus (PDA). Paracetamol was administered and the PDA
where she was placed in a temperature-­controlled incubator,             spontaneously closed several weeks later. Cranial ultrasounds
started on empirical antibiotics (ampicillin and gentamicin) and         performed at 3 and 5 weeks of age were normal.
aminophylline for prevention of apnoea of prematurity. Although             Laboratory evaluation revealed severe anaemia likely
she displayed early signs of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS),        due to prematurity, with a haemoglobin level reaching a
she did not receive early surfactant therapy or ventilatory              nadir of 55 g/L at DOL 18. Also, on laboratory evaluation, a
2                                                                          Nakstad B, et al. BMJ Case Rep 2021;14:e242421. doi:10.1136/bcr-2021-242421
Global health

                                                                                                                                                        BMJ Case Rep: first published as 10.1136/bcr-2021-242421 on 7 June 2021. Downloaded from on October 21, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 2 Summary of clinical course of neonatal patient with COVID-19, including associated laboratory findings and clinical interventions.

lymphocytic-­ predominant leucocytosis was documented just                      Several months after the detection of this cluster, two additional
2 days after testing SARS-­CoV-2 positive (see figure 2). Repeat              unrelated COVID-19 clusters were detected in the same neonatal
SARS-­CoV-2 testing of the infant 2 weeks after initially testing             unit involving caregivers, staff and patients. Overcrowding and
positive revealed again a positive test with persistently low/                understaffing were again cited as contributing factors to transmission.
borderline cycle threshold values (N gene: 29; ORF gene: 32),
suggesting continued viral replication and infectivity. Four weeks
later (DOL 42), SARS-­CoV-2 PCR was finally negative.                         GLOBAL HEALTH PROBLEM LIST
   Following deisolation, maternal skin-­to-­skin care was reiniti-           ►► Overcrowding is a chronic problem in many neonatal units
ated. The infant was not fed breastmilk as the mother’s breast-                  in LMICs and continues to pose a risk for pathogen trans-
milk production had stopped. Weight gain averaged 16–18 g/                       mission, including droplet transmission of SARS-­CoV-2.
kg/day for the remainder of her hospitalisation. The rest of                  ►► Facility infection control measures, while aimed at miti-
her hospital stay was marked by intermittent episodes of wors-                   gating the risk of hospital transmission, may interrupt
ening respiratory distress needing CPAP support, likely a sign                   mother–neonate bonding and breast feeding, resulting in
of evolving bronchopulmonary dysplasia, for which she was                        poor outcomes.
treated with dexamethasone and furosemide. Supplemental                       ►► Little is known about SARS-­CoV-2 infection in extremely
oxygen was provided through the entire hospitalisation, but very                 premature neonates and its clinical overlap with sepsis may
minimal nasal flow in the last 5 weeks. Third-­line antimicro-                   result in overtreatment with antibiotics. Best practices for
bials (meropenem, vancomycin and fluconazole) were initiated                     supportive care of neonates with COVID-19 are not well
during periods of worsening respiratory distress which were                      defined.
indistinguishable from clinical sepsis. In all, she received seven
packed red blood cell transfusions and four courses of antimicro-             GLOBAL HEALTH PROBLEM ANALYSIS
bial therapy (cumulatively 40 days), however all blood cultures               Overcrowding in neonatal units in LMICs is a problem that
were negative. She was discharged to a district health facility at            predates and will likely outlast the COVID-19 pandemic. Beyond
3 months of age, for continued nutritional and oxygen support.                SARS-­CoV-2 transmission, overcrowding is a risk for transmission
At 6 months of age, she was reported to be breathing without                  of other infections, including nosocomial sepsis, which is a major
supplemental oxygen and with adequate weight gain.                            contributor to neonatal mortality in our setting.16 As health systems
   Prior to the detection of SARS-­CoV-2, this infant was cared               across the world continue to redirect efforts to controlling COVID-
for by several healthcare workers who spent prolonged periods                 19, tackling the problem of overcrowding is a high-­yield effort
in close proximity with the infant, including several intravenous             which is cross-­beneficial for both pandemic control and control of
line changes which were said to be difficult and time-­consuming.             other endemic problems. While early pandemic response efforts
All healthcare workers were wearing a mask, but face shields/                 in many LMICs were thwarted by shortages of personal protec-
goggles were inconsistently worn when in close proximity with                 tive equipment, reducing overcrowding in facilities has become
the patient. Three of 15 healthcare workers who had close                     an important tool of COVID-19 prevention and control in these
contact with the patient tested positive for SARS-­CoV-2. All                 settings. Admittedly, implementation of policies aimed at decon-
three healthcare workers were asymptomatic or minimally symp-                 gesting hospital units is not always easy and often comes with the
tomatic. Per Botswana Ministry of Health and Welfare protocol,                need for additional staff. However, healthcare facilities should
all household members of the healthcare workers who had tested                recognise that additional space and staff is a critical infection
positive were also tested; all household members tested negative              prevention and control (IPC) intervention and is likely to be cost-­
on SARS-­CoV-2 PCR (figure 1).                                                effective in the long run.
Nakstad B, et al. BMJ Case Rep 2021;14:e242421. doi:10.1136/bcr-2021-242421                                                                        3
Global health

                                                                                                                                                                                   BMJ Case Rep: first published as 10.1136/bcr-2021-242421 on 7 June 2021. Downloaded from on October 21, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
   Meanwhile, all IPC interventions, whether aimed at COVID-19             neonatal population, may help clinicians distinguish between bacte-
or other infections, should be flexible enough to accommodate the          rial, viral and non-­infectious aetiologies of sick neonates.
standard of care for neonates, especially ELBW infants, particu-              Determining how clinical interventions may have affected this
larly to guarantee access to exclusive breast feeding and adequate         neonatal patient’s outcome, whether positively or negatively, is
nutrition by supplemental parenteral nutrition if enteral nutrition        difficult. However, we speculate that early adequate nutrition, both
cannot be tolerated. In the case of the neonate described, the 10-­day     enteral and parenteral, helped support the health of the neonate
period of separation resulted in cessation of breast feeding and she       during a period of infection. This patient’s weight gain was anec-
continued with parenteral nutrition since she did not tolerate enteral     dotally better than that achieved by other neonates of similar BWs in
feeding very well. Due to immune immaturity, neonates may be               our unit, and survival among ELBW neonates in our setting is gener-
among those at highest risk of severe COVID-19 disease. Low cycle          ally very poor. It is unlikely that novel therapies will be available
threshold time values seen in this patient’s sample 14 days after the      for neonatal COVID-19 in the near future, but adhering enduring
initial positive SARS-­CoV-2 test suggest a sluggish immune response.      principles of neonatal medicine, including optimising nutritional
Thus, human breastmilk, which likely contains protective immuno-           (especially breast feeding and adequate parenteral nutrition if indi-
globulins, may be the nearest equivalent to a life-­saving therapeutic.    cated) and thermoregulation, may augment growth and the immune
Every effort should be made to avoid interruptions to breast feeding       response, and thus should be considered interim cornerstones of
and mother–infant bonding, including and especially among infants          supportive care for neonates with COVID-19.
born to mothers with COVID-19. Additionally, more guidance is
needed for neonatal units in low-­resource settings to adhere to best      Contributors BN, TK, AMG and JS contributed to the conception, acquisition and
                                                                           drafting of the manuscript for intellectual content, and they all approved the version
practices which support safe breastmilk storage.                           submitted. BN, TK, AMG and JS gave an agreement to be accountable for all aspects
   The clinical course of this patient was complicated by an under-        of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part
lying diagnosis of severe RDS for which she was not provided surfac-       of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
tant therapy and ventilatory support per local care guidelines for         Funding The authors have not declared a specific grant for this research from any
ELBW neonates. This may have contributed to her persistent depen-          funding agency in the public, commercial or not-­for-­profit sectors.
dence on supplemental oxygen throughout most of her hospitalisa-           Competing interests None declared.
tion. Adding to this, the mother did not receive antenatal steroids,       Patient consent for publication Parental/guardian consent obtained.
which when provided to a delivering mother shortly before birth,           Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
reduce the risk of RDS in the preterm neonate.17
                                                                           This article is made freely available for use in accordance with BMJ’s website
   Although it is difficult to determine how much of this neonate’s        terms and conditions for the duration of the covid-19 pandemic or until otherwise
clinical course was attributable to SARS-­CoV-2, the exacerbating          determined by BMJ. You may use, download and print the article for any lawful,
effect of possible SARS-­CoV-2 viremia cannot be discounted. We            non-­commercial purpose (including text and data mining) provided that all copyright
speculate that this patient’s acute respiratory decompensation may         notices and trade marks are retained.
have been partly due to SARS-­CoV-2 viremia, which is supported by         ORCID iD
the presence of acute lymphocytosis. Because of the clinical overlap       Britt Nakstad http://​orcid.​org/​0000-​0002-​6843-​8100
with sepsis, this patient received several courses of antibiotics, which
highlights the problem of antibiotic overuse in our setting due to
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Nakstad B, et al. BMJ Case Rep 2021;14:e242421. doi:10.1136/bcr-2021-242421                                                                                                    5
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