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medizinische genetik 2020; 32(2): 163–167

Review Article

Kerstin U. Ludwig*, Axel Schmidt, Per Hoffmann and Markus M. Nöthen

Combating the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic:
How can the field of Human Genetics contribute?                              able data suggest that these clinical and demographic fac-
Received July 16, 2020; accepted August 20, 2020                      tors are not definitive predictors of COVID-19 outcome. This
Abstract: The ongoing SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has triggered               indicates that additional components of disease etiology,
several months of global turmoil, and governments across              such as genetic factors, are implicated in the determina-
the world are now actively attempting to develop strate-              tion of SARS-CoV-2 infection risk (i. e., susceptibility) and
gies to combat both the virus and its societal impact. Since          COVID-19 disease course (i. e., severity).
SARS-CoV-2 is a novel pathogen, basic research is essen-                   At writing, formal evidence for the role of host genetics
tial, and manifold international efforts are now underway             in SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 remains limited. In a recent twin
in order to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of both the            study [3], 2,633 participants of the TwinsUK adult twin reg-
SARS-CoV-2 infection process and the resulting disease,               ister were asked to conduct a daily self-assessment of the
COVID-19. In this article we discuss how the field of Human           presence of COVID-19 associated symptoms, as recorded
Genetics can contribute to this endeavor, and summarize               using a digital tracking app. The study was performed
available findings from human genetic COVID-19 research.              between March 25th and April 3rd, 2020 (i. e., several
Finally, we briefly outline how through the use of existing           weeks after the commencement of the pandemic). Sub-
national research infrastructure, German scientists can fa-           sequently, heritability estimates were generated for indi-
cilitate progress in this novel and fast-moving field.                vidual symptoms. The highest heritability estimates were
                                                                      obtained for delirium (49 %, 95 % confidence interval [CI]
Keywords: SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, host genetics, coron-                 = 24 %–75 %); anosmia (47 %, CI = 27 %–67 %); shortness
avirus, genetic variation, genotyping, sequencing                     of breath (43 %, CI = 8 %–77 %); and fever (41 %, CI =
                                                                      12 %–70 %). Notably, even higher heritability was found
                                                                      for the phenotype of “predicted COVID-19” (point estimate
Do genetic factors play a role?                                       50 %, CI = 29 %–70 %), which was determined using a
                                                                      symptom-based algorithm that predicts a probable SARS-
The results of a UK twin study and                                    CoV-2 infection [4].
previous findings for other viral                                          The hypothesis that genetic factors play an important
                                                                      role in SARS-CoV-2 infection [5] is further supported by pre-
infections suggest that this is the                                   vious findings for other viral infections. These include a
case                                                                  reported role for common variants of the human leukocyte
                                                                      antigen (HLA) region in multiple viral infections [6, 7]; mu-
As in other infectious diseases, wide variability is observed         tations in the IFN-induced transmembrane protein-3 gene
for SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 in terms of infection risk and                in influenza [8, 9]; and a protective effect of a loss-of func-
clinical course. Reported risk factors for a severe COVID-            tion variant in CCR5 in HIV-1 infection [10]. The latter was
19 disease course include advanced age, male sex, under-              exploited to cure HIV-1 infected patients via stem cell trans-
lying pre-existing health conditions, non-European eth-               plantation [11], and was the basis for anti-HIV-1 drug devel-
nicity, and a high deprivation index [1, 2]. However, avail-          opment [12], thus illustrating the potential of human ge-
                                                                      netic approaches in infectious disease research.
*Corresponding author: Kerstin U. Ludwig, Institute of Human
Genetics, School of Medicine & University Hospital Bonn,
Venusberg-Campus 1, building 76, D-53127 Bonn, Germany, URL:, e-mail:
Axel Schmidt, Per Hoffmann, Markus M. Nöthen, Institute of Human
Genetics, School of Medicine & University Hospital Bonn,
Venusberg-Campus 1, D-53127 Bonn, Germany

  Open Access. © 2020 Ludwig et al., published by De Gruyter.      This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
164 | K. U. Ludwig et al., Combating the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

What molecular genetic findings                                (as opposed to COVID-19 severity). This hypothesis is fur-
                                                               ther supported by data from 23andMe, which showed that
have already emerged?                                          individuals with blood type O were 9 %–18 % less likely to
Genome-wide association studies                                have tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection than individ-
                                                               uals with other blood types [17].
and comprehensive sequencing in                                     For both loci, the biological underpinnings of the re-
patients have proven to be                                     ported statistical associations remain unclear. Thus, a pri-
                                                               ority for the research community is to translate these find-
successful approaches                                          ings into mechanistic insights. This work has already com-
                                                               menced, as summarized on the COVID-19 HGI website
To date, only a limited number of studies have investigated
                                                               ( However, these efforts will face the
the impact of specific host genetic factors on SARS-CoV-2      challenges encountered for most risk loci in common dis-
susceptibility and COVID-19 severity. The first published      orders over recent years, i. e., dissection of linkage dis-
genome-wide association study (GWAS) was a collabora-          equilibrium, moderate effect sizes, identification of rele-
tive effort involving hospitalized COVID-19 patients from      vant cell types, and accessibility of appropriate cellular
Spain and Italy, and genetic and analysis expertise from       systems for functional follow-up studies. Community ef-
Norway and Germany [13]. This study found no sugges-           forts, such as GTEx, the RoadMap Epigenetics Consortium,
tive association for the HLA region. However, the authors      and the Human Cell Atlas, will play a central role in func-
identified genome-wide significant genetic risk variants on    tional follow-up studies, and have already proven highly
chromosomes 3p21.31 and 9q34.2. The associated region          useful in terms of the dissection of the expression pat-
on 3p21.31 is relatively large (nearly 50 kb), and includes    tern of genes central to SARS-CoV-2 cellular entry, such
at least six genes, several of which represent strong candi-   as ACE2 and TMPRSS2 [18, 19]. In parallel, the identifica-
dates for a role in COVID-19 based on prior functional evi-    tion of further common risk variation can be anticipated
dence (e. g., SLC6A20 [encoding SIT1, which interacts with     as cohort sizes increase within the context of COVID-19
the cell surface receptor ACE2 that mediates SARS-CoV-2        HGI. This will also facilitate another objective of GWAS,
cell entry [14]]) or code for members of the chemokine         namely, the generation of large data sets for the purpose of
receptor family (CCR9, CXCR6 [13]). Importantly, the as-       polygenic risk score calculation. In the future, these scores
sociation signal at 3p21.32 has since been confirmed by        may be used to identify groups with an increased risk for
independent data from the international consortium on          SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19.
COVID-19 host genetics ([5], COVID-19 Host Genetics Ini-            Another approach to the identification of causal genes
tiative [HGI],; data release v3, end of      in SARS-CoV-2 susceptibility and COVID-19 severity is the
June 2020). Interestingly, recent research has shown that      search for rare variants with stronger effect sizes using
                                                               cohorts of patients with extreme phenotypes, an under-
the risk haplotype entered the modern human population
                                                               taking which would typically involve the large-scale se-
through Neanderthals. Consistent with this origin, the re-
                                                               quencing of individual genomes (exome or whole genome
search also showed that the frequency of the risk haplo-
                                                               sequencing). For the analysis of susceptibility, this could
type varies widely across different populations (e. g., 30 %
                                                               involve individuals who have not become infected, de-
in South Asia; almost absent in the African population).
                                                               spite pronounced exposure to viral load. Given that a sub-
This may contribute to cross-population differences in in-
                                                               stantial proportion of infected individuals remain asymp-
fection rates [15].
                                                               tomatic [20, 21], non-infection status should be confirmed
     The associated variants at the 9q34.2 locus map to        via serological antibody testing. To identify risk factors
the region around the gene ABO, thus providing genetic         for disease severity, patients who develop a severe dis-
support for prior observational evidence implicating blood     ease course despite the absence of reported clinical or de-
type in COVID-19 [16]. Together, these studies suggest that    mographic risk factors for COVID-19 severity should be
patients with blood type A have an increased risk of a se-     investigated. In rare situations, pedigrees with a mono-
vere COVID-19 disease course, while blood type O appears       genic, inherited susceptibility to severe COVID-19 may be
to confer a protective effect. To date, scant support for an   observed. Such families would be characterized by multi-
effect of the 9q34.2 locus on COVID-19 severity has been       ple occurrences of severe COVID-19 and/or the tendency
obtained from the independent cohorts in COVID-19 HGI.         among family members to an extremely severe COVID-19
However, subtype analyses suggest that this locus may be       disease course. In the first comprehensive study of this as-
associated predominantly with SARS-CoV-2 susceptibility        pect of COVID-19, two male sib-pairs were analyzed. All
K. U. Ludwig et al., Combating the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic |   165

four men were aged < 35 years, had no previous history              German health system and to complement ongoing ef-
of any COVID-19 relevant pre-existing condition, and re-            forts by clinicians to recruit COVID-19 patients for research
quired mechanical ventilation due to COVID-19 [22]. In all          projects, web-based recruitment campaigns have been ini-
four men, rapid exome analysis identified rare, probable            tiated (e. g., the Bonn study of COVID genetics [BoSCO],
loss-of-function variants in the X-linked gene TLR7. Pri- 
mary peripheral blood mononuclear cells of these individ-                At the international level, researchers with well-
uals displayed markedly reduced interferon type I and type          established national population-based cohorts and asso-
II responses to the TLR7-agonist Imiquimod. Previous re-            ciated biobanks (e. g., FinnGen, UK Biobank) responded
search showed that TLR7 is a pattern recognition receptor           rapidly to the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to their well-
for SARS-CoV-2 related viruses Middle East respiratory syn-         established research structures, these research teams were
drome CoV (MERS-CoV) and severe acute respiratory syn-              able to launch genetic studies shortly after the initial dis-
drome CoV (SARS-CoV) [23, 24], thus supporting the hy-              ease outbreak. These studies made important contribu-
pothesis that TLR7 plays an important role in the immune            tions to the first COVID-19 HGI analyses. In Germany, a
response upon SARS-CoV-2 infection. Besides severe famil-           cohort of comparable size is only just being established
ial cases, severely affected children are another group in          (German National Cohort,, and no genetic
whom monogenic susceptibility might be enriched. Most               data have yet been generated from the available biosam-
children who test positive for SARS-CoV-2 remain asymp-             ples. However, this resource will certainly play an impor-
tomatic or develop only a very mild disease course [25, 26].        tant role in any future pandemic.
                                                                         In Germany, a number of localized SARS-CoV-2 out-
However, a small proportion of pediatric cases develop se-
                                                                    breaks have occurred (e. g., the outbreak in the munici-
vere COVID-19 and require intensive care unit management
                                                                    pality of Gangelt [21]), and these represent opportunities
with prolonged ventilation [25].
                                                                    for key scientific investigations. In general, the individu-
     An exome sequencing study of 35 severely affected pa-
                                                                    als who are investigated during these outbreaks undergo a
tients from Italy identified an average of 2.5 pathogenic
                                                                    comprehensive phenotype assessment, and thus these co-
mutations per patient in genes implicated in viral infec-
                                                                    horts will be useful in terms of the dissection of the genetic
tion and/or susceptibility [27]. These and other promising
                                                                    contribution to individual symptoms. This applies in par-
genes warrant further investigation in larger cohorts. The
                                                                    ticular to mild symptoms (such as persistent loss of smell
generated data should then be integrated with results from
                                                                    and/or taste), since patients with mild disease are under-
functional studies in COVID-19 patients, including find-
                                                                    represented in clinical samples. Furthermore, these stud-
ings generated from bulk or single cell expression analy-
                                                                    ies typically include multiple individuals from individual
ses (e. g., [28, 29]). Together, this will facilitate the inter-
                                                                    households, and will thus be extremely valuable in terms
pretation of rare variation in candidate genes, and allow
                                                                    of understanding the interaction between genetics, expo-
both the pinpointing of targets for therapeutic interven-
                                                                    sure, and environmental factors. For this reason, the col-
tions and the identification of individuals who are at risk         lection of materials from patients who are suitable sub-
for a severe COVID-19 disease course. The latter is a pos-          jects for genetic studies is an important aspect of study de-
sible translational approach that requires competence in            sign.
human genetic diagnostics.                                               Finally, in their attempts to obtain further knowledge
                                                                    of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, German experts from the
                                                                    field of Human Genetics can exploit their excellent clini-
What can the German Human                                           cal, scientific, and technological infrastructure. For exam-
                                                                    ple, extensive sequencing capacity is available through the
Genetics community contribute?                                      Next Generation Sequencing Competence Network (NGS-
                                                                    CN,, which is financed by the German Re-
In Germany, the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic arrived somewhat                search Foundation. In addition, the recently established
later than in southern European countries, such as Italy            German Human Genome Archive (GHGA, https://ghga.
or Spain, and has – at least to date – impacted a lower    will serve as a central infrastructure. Here, hu-
proportion of the population. Together with the decentral-          man access-controlled research data from Germany can
ized nature of the national health system, this has con-            be archived, and this will facilitate analyses at both the
tributed to the difficulties experienced by German research         national and the international level. One specific collab-
teams in recruiting large COVID-19 patient cohorts for stud-        orative project between the NGS-CN and the GHGA is the
ies of host genetics. To accommodate the nature of the              German COVID-19 OMICS Initiative (DeCOI, https://decoi.
166 | K. U. Ludwig et al., Combating the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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