Notes Version - TELPAS Alternate Observable Behaviors Inventory

Page created by Janice Reid
TELPAS Alternate

  Behaviors Inventory
Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing

             Spring 2021

    Notes Version
                    — ALTERNATE —
                 Texas English Language
              Proficiency Assessment System

Directions: Choose the description that matches how the student performs most consistently.
 L1.             The student:
                 may or may not         matches a spoken             classifies two words          identifies correct           identifies words that

                 attend to a spoken     letter sound with            as the same or                initial and final            are the same or

                 letter sound with      picture support to an        different based on            sounds in a                  different after hearing
                 picture support        identical picture            initial or final word         consonant-vowel-             two spoken words in
                                                                     sounds                        consonant word               the same word family
                                                                                                   presented orally

 L2.             The student:
                 may or may not         makes a selection            makes a selection             makes a selection            responds

                 attend to two orally   when given two               when given two                between a few orally         appropriately to

                 presented single-      orally presented             orally presented              presented options            detailed requests or
                 word options with      single-word options          single-word options           joined by “or” or            questions that
                 picture support        with picture support         joined by “or”                “and”                        contain different
                 joined by “or”         joined by “or”                                                                          conjunctions (e.g.,
                                                                                                                                “and,” “but,” “or”)

This version of the TELPAS Alternate Observable Behaviors is for optional use by teachers to take notes on individual students and should not be used to
officially rate eligible students prior to the assessment window.

TELPAS Alternate | Observable Behaviors                                    A-2

 L3.                   The student:
                       may or may not        matches a single         selects a picture            selects a requested          participates in a
    Using Vocabulary

                       attend to a single    spoken social or         corresponding to a           word/picture                 short discussion that
                       spoken social or      academic word with       spoken social or             combination of a             includes recently
                       academic word with    picture support to an    academic word from           recently learned             learned academic
                       picture support       identical picture        a group of pictures          vocabulary word from         vocabulary
                                                                                                   a group of word/
                                                                                                   picture combinations

 L4.                   The student:
Understanding Media

                       may or may not        selects a picture/       selects a picture/           sequences a few              sequences multiple
  (audio or video)

                       attend to a media     symbol that              symbol that                  pictures to retell the       pictures to retell the
                       presentation          represents the gist of   represents the gist of       events of a media            events of a media
                                             a media presentation     a media presentation         presentation on a            presentation on a
                                             shared frequently in     on a familiar social         familiar academic            recently learned
                                             class                    topic                        topic                        academic topic

 L5.                   The student:
Understanding the

                       may or may not        matches a single         selects a picture that       selects a picture that       selects a picture that
 General Meaning

                       attend to spoken      spoken content-          corresponds to the           identifies the general       identifies the general
                       English when paired   based word with          general meaning of a         meaning (gist) of a          meaning (gist) of a
                       with concrete         picture support to an    spoken content-              simple content-based         detailed discussion
                       symbols               identical picture        based word                   discussion on a              on an unfamiliar
                                                                                                   familiar topic               content-based topic

This version of the TELPAS Alternate Observable Behaviors is for optional use by teachers to take notes on individual students and should not be used to
officially rate eligible students prior to the assessment window.

                                                                            A-3                        TELPAS Alternate | Observable Behaviors

 L6.                The student:
Understanding the

                    may or may not          matches a picture of     selects a picture that        answers questions            answers questions
                    attend to a repeated    a repeated word in       corresponds to a              about the main               about the main
  Main Points

                    word in an orally       an orally presented      repeated word in an           points of an orally          points of an orally
                    presented simple        simple story to an       orally presented              presented simple             presented detailed
                    story with picture      identical picture        simple story                  story                        story

 L7.                The student:
Important Details

                    may or may not          matches a picture of     identifies a character        identifies a detail          identifies details
                    attend to information   a character in an        from an orally                about a character            about a character

                    about a character in    orally presented         presented simple              from an orally               from an orally
                    an orally presented     simple story to an       story                         presented simple             presented detailed
                    simple story with       identical picture                                      story                        story
                    picture support

 L8.                The student:
                    may or may not          follows one-word         follows one-word              follows familiar             follows multi-step

                    attend to one-word      directions with          directions                    multi-word single-           directions
                    directions with         picture support                                        step directions
                    picture support

This version of the TELPAS Alternate Observable Behaviors is for optional use by teachers to take notes on individual students and should not be used to
officially rate eligible students prior to the assessment window.

TELPAS Alternate | Observable Behaviors                                    A-4

 L9.                        The student:
                            may or may not         chooses the correct      sequences pictures       sequences the              identifies the main

                            attend to a “first/    picture when orally      of events of an orally   events of an orally        points found in an
                            then” statement with   presented with a         presented simple         presented simple           orally presented
                            picture support        “first/then” statement   story                    story                      detailed story

L10.                        The student:
  Responding to Questions

                            may or may not         attempts to respond      responds to an           responds to an              responds to an
                            attend to an orally    to an orally             orally presented         orally presented            orally presented
                            presented simple       presented simple         simple question that     question that               detailed question
                            question that is       question that is         includes only            includes only               that includes
                            paired with picture    paired with picture      familiar, high-          high-frequency              recently learned
                            support                support                  frequency                vocabulary and is           vocabulary on a
                                                                            vocabulary and is        on a familiar topic         familiar or unfamiliar
                                                                            paired with picture                                  topic

Information should be presented orally with the exception of students who receive their input through sign language.

This version of the TELPAS Alternate Observable Behaviors is for optional use by teachers to take notes on individual students and should not be used to
officially rate eligible students prior to the assessment window.

                                                                                  A-5                   TELPAS Alternate | Observable Behaviors
Directions: Choose the description that matches how the student performs most consistently.

 S1.              The student:
                  may or may not           imitates the retelling    retells simple stories        provides a basic             provides details (e.g.,
                  attend to a teacher      of simple picture         with pictures using a         retelling of simple          people, places,

                  model retelling          stories by repeating      few concrete,                 stories with pictures        actions) when
                  simple picture stories   words spoken by the       high-frequency                using a small number         retelling simple
                                           teacher or group          words                         of combined words            stories with or
                                                                                                                                without pictures

 S2.              The student:

                  may or may not           imitates naming           uses single words to          combines a small             uses details to talk

                  attend to a teacher      common classroom          name common                   number of words to           about items in the
                  naming common            items                     classroom items               talk about classroom         classroom
                  classroom items                                                                  items

 S3.              The student:
Discussing with

                  may or may not           imitates or attempts      shares information in         shares information in        shares detailed
                  attend to group          to imitate words          group discussions             group settings using         information in group
    a Group

                  discussions              heard in group            using a few high-             a small number of            settings
                                           discussions               frequency, high-need          combined words
                                                                     vocabulary words

This version of the TELPAS Alternate Observable Behaviors is for optional use by teachers to take notes on individual students and should not be used to
officially rate eligible students prior to the assessment window.

TELPAS Alternate | Observable Behaviors                                    A-6

 S4.                 The student:
  Asking Questions
                     may or may not          imitates asking         asks simple social            asks original social          asks original,
                     attend to a teacher     single-word             questions using a             and academic                  detailed academic
                     model asking            questions after a       few high-frequency            questions using a             questions using
                     single-word             teacher model           words                         small number of               content-based
                     questions (e.g.,                                                              combined words                vocabulary
                     What?, Where?)

 S5.                 The student:
                     may or may not          imitates sharing        shares personal               shares personal               shares detailed

                     attend to a teacher     personal experiences    experiences using a           experiences using a           personal experiences

                     model sharing           after a teacher model   few high-frequency,           small number of
                     personal experiences                            high-need                     combined words
                                                                     vocabulary words

 S6.                 The student:
                     may or may not          imitates expressing a   indicates an opinion          conveys an original           provides a detailed

                     attend to a teacher     single-word opinion     between two given             opinion using a small         social or academic

                     model expressing a      after a teacher model   options using a few           number of combined            opinion
                     single-word opinion                             words                         words
                     (e.g., “good,” “fun”)

This version of the TELPAS Alternate Observable Behaviors is for optional use by teachers to take notes on individual students and should not be used to
officially rate eligible students prior to the assessment window.

                                                                           A-7                         TELPAS Alternate | Observable Behaviors

 S7.         The student:
             may or may not            imitates expressing           expresses feelings            expresses feelings           expresses feelings in

             attend to a teacher       single-word feelings          using high-frequency          using a small number         detailed phrases or

             model expressing          after a teacher model         words (e.g., “sad,”           of combined words            sentences
             feelings                                                “mad”)                        (e.g., “feel happy

 S8.         The student:
             may or may not            imitates using single         uses a few high-              combines a small             produces a detailed

             attend to a teacher       words when                    frequency words to            number of words to           description of familiar
             describing familiar       describing familiar           describe familiar             describe familiar            objects
             objects                   objects                       objects                       objects

 S9.         The student:
             may or may not            imitates explaining           explains routine              explains routine             gives detailed

             attend to a teacher       routine tasks after a         tasks using high-             tasks using a small          explanations of

             model explaining          teacher model                 frequency words               number of newly              routine tasks
             routine tasks                                                                         learned vocabulary

This version of the TELPAS Alternate Observable Behaviors is for optional use by teachers to take notes on individual students and should not be used to
officially rate eligible students prior to the assessment window.

TELPAS Alternate | Observable Behaviors                                    A-8

S10.                         The student:
                             may or may not    imitates single words   responds to media           provides a simple            provides a detailed
electronic, audio, visual)
Reacting to Media (print,

                             attend to media   heard in media          presentations using a       original response to         response to media
                             presentations     presentations           few high-frequency          media presentations          presentations

This version of the TELPAS Alternate Observable Behaviors is for optional use by teachers to take notes on individual students and should not be used to
officially rate eligible students prior to the assessment window.

                                                                            A-9                        TELPAS Alternate | Observable Behaviors
Directions: Choose the description that matches how the student performs most consistently.

 R1.                    The student:
Understanding Letter-

                        may or may not          matches familiar         pairs the initial sound   pairs the sound              pairs the sound
Sound Relationships

                        attend to a teacher     letter/sound             of words with             made by consonant            made by digraphs
                        modeling matching       combinations to the      pictures of objects       blends (e.g., bl, br,        (e.g., wh, sh, ch) with
                        letter/sound            same letter/sound        that have the same        sm) with pictures of         pictures of words
                        combinations to the     combinations             initial sound             words containing that        containing that
                        same letter/sound                                                          blend                        digraph

R2.                     The student:
                        may or may not          matches familiar         selects requested         decodes words or             decodes longer

                        attend to familiar      word/picture             high-frequency            phrases consisting of        phrases or
                        word/picture            combinations to          words from a group        a few simple high-           sentences with some
                        combinations            identical word/picture   of words                  frequency words              unfamiliar words

R3.                     The student:
Developing Sight

                        may or may not          matches sight word/      selects sight words       reads short phrases          reads longer phrases

                        attend to sight word/   picture combinations     from a group of           that include simple          or sentences that
                        picture combinations    with identical sight     words                     sight vocabulary             include more
                                                word/picture                                                                    content-specific sight
                                                combinations                                                                    vocabulary

This version of the TELPAS Alternate Observable Behaviors is for optional use by teachers to take notes on individual students and should not be used to
officially rate eligible students prior to the assessment window.

TELPAS Alternate | Observable Behaviors                                       A-10

R4.                   The student:
                      may or may not         matches printed          selects requested            reads a word or              reads academic
Environmental Print

                      attend to printed      word/picture             printed words that           words frequently             words frequently
                      word/picture           combinations             pair with pictures           found in the                 found in the
                      combinations           frequently found in      frequently found in          environment                  instructional
                      frequently found in    the environment to       the environment                                           environment
                      the environment        identical word/picture

R5.                   The student:
                      may or may not         matches word/picture     selects content-             identifies missing           completes cloze
Textual Supports
Using Visual and

                      attend to word/        combinations that        based vocabulary             words from groups of         sentences with
                      picture combinations   represent content-       words found in               content-based                recently learned
                      of content-based       based vocabulary         related visuals in           vocabulary words to          content-based
                      vocabulary words in    words to similar         texts read aloud             complete cloze               vocabulary words
                      texts                  pictures found in        (e.g., plant diagram         sentences
                                             texts read aloud         with parts labeled)

R6.                   The student:
Shared Reading

                      may or may not         participates with the    supplies missing             supplies missing             reads predictable
Participating in

                      attend to a teacher    teacher reading          single words in              phrases in                   texts with a peer
                      reading predictable    predictable texts        predictable texts            predictable texts

This version of the TELPAS Alternate Observable Behaviors is for optional use by teachers to take notes on individual students and should not be used to
officially rate eligible students prior to the assessment window.

                                                                           A-11                        TELPAS Alternate | Observable Behaviors

  R7.                         The student:
                              may or may not         matches graphic          selects high-           identifies short          identifies a few
Understanding Ideas/Details

                              attend to graphic      sources with             frequency printed       phrases that provide      sentences that
   in Graphic Sources

                              sources (pictures,     identical graphic        words that provide      ideas or details from     describe ideas or
                              maps, charts,          sources                  ideas or details from   graphic sources           details from graphic
                              diagrams, etc.)                                 graphic sources                                   sources used during
                                                                              when asked                                        content-based

R8.                           The student:
Identifying the Main

                              may or may not         matches word/picture     selects word/picture    identifies the details    identifies the main
                              attend to word/        combinations that        combinations that       of simple short texts     idea of texts that

                              picture combinations   represent the main       represent details                                 consist of longer and
                              that represent the     idea of texts with       (e.g., who, what,                                 less familiar words,
                              main idea of texts     identical word/picture   when, where) from                                 phrases, or
                                                     combinations             texts                                             sentences

This version of the TELPAS Alternate Observable Behaviors is for optional use by teachers to take notes on individual students and should not be used to
officially rate eligible students prior to the assessment window.

TELPAS Alternate | Observable Behaviors                                           A-12

R9.                      The student:
    Making Predictions
                         may or may not          matches word/picture   selects single words       identifies simple            identifies sentences
                         attend to word/         combinations to        to predict the next        phrases that predict         that predict the next
                         picture combinations    identical word/        event in short texts       the next event in a          event in short texts
                         that predict the next   picture combinations   read aloud                 series of pictures           read aloud
                         event in a series of    that represent                                    with short captions
                         pictures                predictions in short
                                                 texts read aloud

R10.                     The student:
Making Connections

                         may or may not          matches pictures to    indicates which            identifies shared            identifies shared
                         attend to a teacher     similar pictures       pictures identify          ideas after reading          ideas after reading
  between Ideas

                         sharing personal        representing ideas     shared ideas               two simple short             two more detailed
                         connections to word/    shared from texts      between two texts          texts                        texts
                         picture combinations    read aloud             read aloud

This version of the TELPAS Alternate Observable Behaviors is for optional use by teachers to take notes on individual students and should not be used to
officially rate eligible students prior to the assessment window.

                                                                            A-13                       TELPAS Alternate | Observable Behaviors
Directions: Choose the description that matches how the student performs most consistently.

W1.                   The student:
Representing Sounds

                      may or may not            attempts to write the      writes initial and final   writes a few familiar,    writes simple,
                      attend to routine         initial letter sound for   letters for one-           one-syllable words        familiar phrases with
    with Letters

                      writing activities that   pictures                   syllable words with        with correct letter/      correct letter/sound
                      involve letter/sound                                 picture prompts            sound                     correspondence
                      relationships                                                                   correspondence (i.e.,
                                                                                                      initial, medial, final)

W2.                   The student:
                      may or may not            attempts to write          writes letters or          writes original           writes original
                      attend to writing         letters that represent     single words that          messages that             detailed sentences
Using New

                      activities that use       recently learned           represent recently         incorporate a few         using recently
                      new vocabulary from       vocabulary from            learned vocabulary         recently learned          learned vocabulary
                      content-based             content-based              from content-based         vocabulary words          from content-based
                      instruction               instruction                instruction                from content-based        instruction

This version of the TELPAS Alternate Observable Behaviors is for optional use by teachers to take notes on individual students and should not be used to
officially rate eligible students prior to the assessment window.

TELPAS Alternate | Observable Behaviors                                         A-14

W3.                     The student:
                        may or may not            attempts to copy       attempts to               spells a small               spells a large
                        attend to writing         familiar English       independently spell       number of familiar           number of familiar

                        activities that involve   words using symbols    highly familiar words     words with some              and unfamiliar words
                        the spelling of           or letters                                       accuracy                     with consistent
                        familiar words                                                                                          accuracy

W4.                     The student:
                        may or may not            matches word/picture   sorts words into          generates the onset          consistently applies
Spelling Patterns

                        attend to word/           combinations from      common word               (initial sound) when         the spelling rule for
   and Rules

                        picture combinations      word families with     families                  given the rime (word         a word family (e.g.,
                        in word families          other word/picture                               chunk) of words that         replaces ch with tr to
                                                  combinations from                                belong in a word             change “chain” to
                                                  the same word                                    family (e.g., _at,           “train”)
                                                  families                                         _an)

W5. The student:
Writing with Subject-

                        may or may not            matches simple         completes simple          identifies subject-          edits his or her own
  Verb Agreement

                        attend to writing         sentences to the       sentences with verbs      verb agreement               writing for subject-
                        activities that include   same simple            so that the sentences     errors in his or her         verb agreement
                        subject-verb              sentences with         have subject-verb         own writing, but is
                        agreement                 correct subject-verb   agreement                 unable to edit
                                                  agreement                                        correctly

This version of the TELPAS Alternate Observable Behaviors is for optional use by teachers to take notes on individual students and should not be used to
officially rate eligible students prior to the assessment window.

                                                                             A-15                      TELPAS Alternate | Observable Behaviors

W6.                  The student:
                     may or may not            matches simple            attempts to write a       identifies some              writes simple
                     attend to a teacher       past-tense verbs to       few simple, regular       simple, regular              past-tense verbs in
  Verb Tenses

                     using past tense to       identical simple          past-tense verbs          past-tense verbs             phrases or
                     talk about events         past-tense verbs          after a teacher model     combined with a few          sentences to
                                                                                                   other words to               communicate past
                                                                                                   communicate past             events

W7.                  The student:
                     may or may not            sorts sentences with      completes a familiar      writes simple                writes original
  Using Negatives

                     attend to writing         and without               sentence stem that        messages using a             detailed sentences
                     activities that include   negatives that have       includes a negative       negative                     that involve a
                     a sentence with a         picture support           (e.g., “I do not like”)                                negative

W8.                  The student:
                     may or may not            matches pictures of       uses conjunctions in      uses conjunctions in         uses conjunctions in
  Connecting Words

                     attend to a teacher       two ideas that are        writing to combine        writing to combine           writing to combine
                     connecting two ideas      combined with a           two words                 two phrases                  ideas from two
                     with a conjunction        conjunction with                                                                 sentences
                                               identical pictures that
                                               are combined with a

This version of the TELPAS Alternate Observable Behaviors is for optional use by teachers to take notes on individual students and should not be used to
officially rate eligible students prior to the assessment window.

TELPAS Alternate | Observable Behaviors                                       A-16

W9.           The student:
              may or may not            attempts to label a          labels a series of            writes simple original       writes original

              attend to writing         series of pictures that      pictures that depict          narratives on                narratives on
              activities that narrate   depict the order of          the order of events           self-chosen topics           self-chosen topics
              events                    events                       using a few letters or        consisting of a few          with increased length
                                                                     single words                  words or phrases             and detail

W10.          The student:
              may or may not            attempts to write            writes single                 writes original              writes original

              attend to writing         symbols or letters           descriptive words or          messages                     detailed sentences
              activities that use       that represent               letters that represent        incorporating a few          incorporating
              descriptive language      descriptive language         descriptive language          simple descriptive           descriptive
                                                                                                   vocabulary words             vocabulary

This version of the TELPAS Alternate Observable Behaviors is for optional use by teachers to take notes on individual students and should not be used to
officially rate eligible students prior to the assessment window.

                                                                          A-17                         TELPAS Alternate | Observable Behaviors
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