Nov / dec 2019 - Towner Art Gallery

Page created by Tommy Robles
Nov / dec 2019 - Towner Art Gallery
Nov / dec 2019
Nov / dec 2019 - Towner Art Gallery
Welcome to
towner cinema
As the nights draw in and the temperature drops,
we have a lot in store for you on the big screen.
Back for the holidays is the festive classic It’s A
Wonderful Life. Tickets sold like hotcakes last
year, so make sure to book in advance. We’re
also excited to announce a new partnership with       AD ASTRA 9, 10, 14 Nov
Eastbourne Cult Film Club, who will join us to        James Gray, 2019 (12A) 123m
present two holiday favourites: John Carpenter’s      Brad Pitt stars as an astronaut, seeking the truth
The Thing and Jim Henson’s Labyrinth (one for         about his missing father in this philosophical
the whole family).                                    sci-fi, with music by Max Richter.

This winter, all-singing, all-dancing musicals are
sweeping the country in a nationwide season
celebrating the genre. Towner presents a
glorious new restoration of Singin’ in the Rain,
alongside the whipcrackingly good Calamity
Jane. And, ripe for rediscovery, little-known 1930s
British musical First A Girl, an adaptation of the
1933 German film Viktor Viktoria (later remade in
the 1980s with Julie Andrews).

Keep your eyes peeled for Oscar season
                                                      THE FAREWELL 16, 17, 21 Nov
contenders heading your way in early 2020, until
                                                      Lulu Wang, 2019 (PG) 100m subtitled
then – see you in the cinema.
                                                      A young woman’s family returns to China to say
Kate Wood, Towner Cinema Programmer                   goodbye to their beloved matriarch, who doesn’t
                                                      know that she has only a few weeks to live.

DOWNTON ABBEY 2, 3, 7 Nov                             THE DAY SHALL COME 23, 24, 28 Nov
Michael Engler, 2019 (PG) 122m                        Chris Morris, 2019 (15) 88m
The inhabitants of Downton Abbey are expecting        Chris Morris (Brass Eye) returns with another
a royal visit in the big screen adaptation of         black comedy, this time focusing his attention on
everyone’s favourite upstairs downstairs drama.       the absurdities of FBI sting operations.
Nov / dec 2019 - Towner Art Gallery
BY THE GRACE OF GOD 30 Nov, 1, 5 Dec                 THE REPORT 14, 15, 19 Dec
François Ozon, 2019 (15) 138m subtitled              Scott Z. Burns, 2019 (15) 120m
Long repressed memories awaken for Alexandre         FBI agent Daniel (Adam Driver) uncovers
as he realises the priest who abused him as a boy    shocking secrets as he investigates the CIA’s post
is still working with children.                      9/11 interrogation practices.

AFTER THE WEDDING 7, 8, 12 Dec                       NON-FICTION 21, 22 Dec
Bart Freundlich, 2019 (11A) 112m                     Olivier Assayas, 2018 (15) 107m subtitled
The past collides with the present as mysteries      Juliette Binoche stars in a story of middle-age
unravel in this smart, tense drama starring          crisis, set in the Paris publishing world. From the
Julianne Moore and Michelle Williams.                director of The Clouds of Sils Maria.

MEETING GORBACHEV 7, 8 Dec subtitled                 KNIVES OUT 28, 29, 30 Dec, 2 Jan
Werner Herzog, Andre Singer, 2019 (TBC)              Rian Johnson, 2019 (TBC) 130m
92m | Mikhail Gorbachev, former president of         Christopher Plummer heads up this all-star cast
the Soviet Union, discusses his life and work with   as Harlen Thrombey, a murder mystery novelist
filmmaker Werner Herzog.                             found dead at his own 85th birthday party.
Nov / dec 2019 - Towner Art Gallery
Singin’ in the Rain, dir: Stanley Donen & Gene Kelly                               Buddies, dir: Arthur J. Bressan Jr.

BFI musicals!                                                       queer film
In association with the School of Media, Film                       BUDDIES + intro by Dr Niall Richardson
and Music, University of Sussex | #BFIMusicals                      1 Dec | Arthur J. Bressan Jr., 1986 (18) 79m
CALAMITY JANE                                                       A special restoration of the first feature film
10 Nov | David Butler, 1953 (U) 99m                                 to deal with the AIDS pandemic, screened at
                                                                    Towner to mark this year’s World Aids Day. The
One of Doris Day’s best-loved films and a cult
                                                                    film tells the story of an intimate friendship that
classic for queer audiences. Whip crack away!
                                                                    develops between a young AIDS patient and a
FIRST A GIRL + intro by Dr Michael Lawrence                         visiting volunteer.
23 Nov | Victor Saville, 1935 (U) 93m
Complete with Busby Berkely-esque
choreographed sequences, this little known
British musical from the 1930s has everything you                   Film Society
need for your big screen musical fix.
                                                                    All screenings will be introduced by EFS chair,
SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN 28 Dec, 2 Jan                                   Mansel Stimpson
Stanley Donen, Gene Kelly, 1952 (U) 103m                            THE OTHER SIDE OF EVERYTHING + intro
Gene Kelly is at the height of his star power in                    16, 21 Nov | Mila Turajlić, 2018 (TBC) 104m
one of the most iconic and beloved films of all
                                                                    A locked door inside a Belgrade apartment
time, restored here in glorious 4K.
                                                                    has kept one family separated from their past

land + protest
                                                                    for over 70 years. Through conversations with
                                                                    the filmmaker’s mother, the political fault line
TOMORROW 17 Nov                                                     running through their home reveals a house and
                                                                    a country haunted by history. subtitled
Cyril Dion, Mélanie Laurent, 2015 (TBC) 120m
A documentary that optimistically showcases                         McQUEEN + intro 14, 19 Dec
alternative and creative ways of viewing                            Ian Bonhôte, Peter Ettedgui, 2018 (15) 109m
agriculture, education and energy. Part of an
                                                                    A searingly honest exploration of the life and
ongoing mini season thinking about the land
                                                                    work of British fashion designer Alexander
and our relationship to it, to coincide with David
                                                                    McQueen – from his theatrical live shows to the
Nash: 200 Seasons and BRINK: Caroline Lucas
                                                                    circumstances which led to his suicide in 2010.
curates the Towner Collection.
Nov / dec 2019 - Towner Art Gallery
Apocalypse Now, dir: Francis Ford Coppola

                                                               VISITOR INFORMATION
                                                               Towner Art Gallery, Devonshire Park
                                                               College Road, Eastbourne, BN21 4JJ

                                                               Gallery opening hours:
                                                               Tuesday to Sunday – 10.00am to 5.00pm
                                                               Bank Holiday Mondays – 10.00am to 5.00pm

                                                               Ticket prices:
                                                               (IDs checked for all concession rates)
                                                               Full Price – £8.50
                                                               Towner Members & Concessions – £7
                                                               Under 18s – £5
                                                               Family screenings – £4
   special event                                               Thursday matinées – £6
                                                               Eastbourne Film Society members – £5
    APOCALYPSE NOW: FINAL CUT                                  (For EFS screenings only)
    2, 7 Nov | Francis Ford Coppola                            How to book:
    1979 (15) 194m                                             Online at
    The definitive cut of Coppola’s 1979 fever                 Over the phone on +44 (0)1323 434670
    dream Vietnam war film, starring Martin                    In person at the Welcome Desk
    Sheen, Marlon Brando, Dennis Hopper                        Advance booking is recommended
    and Robert Duvall. Remastered from the                          HOH captioned screenings:
    original negatives to celebrate its 40th                   Where possible, Thursday screenings will have open
    anniversary.                                               captions for the hard of hearing, please see website
                                                               for further details.

CHRISTMAS specials                                                the cinema bar
THE THING + intro                                                 Towner’s Cinema Bar opens 45 minutes before
Presented with Eastbourne Cult Film Club                          each screening. Come for a drink before
12 Dec | John Carpenter, 1982 (18) 106m                           the film, or enjoy one in the comfort of the
A research team in the snowy wilds of Antarctica                  auditorium.
is besieged by a shape-shifting creature, in John
Carpenter’s sci-fi horror masterwork.
21, 22 Dec | Frank Capra, 1946 (U) 131m
Continue the tradition and join us again this
festive season to watch George Bailey throw a
lasso around the moon (and our hearts).
Presented with Eastbourne Cult Film Club
29 Dec | Jim Henson, 1986 (U) 98m
Bring along the whole family for this one-off
screening of Jim Henson’s cult classic, starring
David Bowie as – who else? – the Goblin King.
                                                                                               First A Girl, dir: Victor Saville
Nov / dec 2019 - Towner Art Gallery
calendar november / december 2019
november                                                       december
Sat 2     1.00pm                  Apocalypse Now               Sun 1    1.30pm                    By the Grace of God

          4.45pm                  Downton Abbey                         4.30pm                    Buddies + intro

Sun 3     2.00pm / 4.30pm         Downton Abbey                Thu 5    2.30pm                    By the Grace of God

Thu 7     4.30pm                  Downton Abbey                Sat 7    2.00pm                    After the Wedding

          7.00pm                  Apocalypse Now                        4.30pm                    Meeting Gorbachev

Sat 9     2.00pm / 4.30pm         Ad Astra                     Sun 8    2.00pm                    After the Wedding

Sun 10    2.00pm                  Calamity Jane                         4.30pm                    Meeting Gorbachev

          4.30pm                  Ad Astra                     Thu 12   4.30pm                    After the Wedding

Thu 14    4.30pm / 7.00pm         Ad Astra                              7.00pm                    The Thing + intro

Sat 16    2.00pm                  The Other Side ... + intro   Sat 14   2.00pm                    McQueen + intro

          4.30pm                  The Farewell                          4.30pm                    The Report

Sun 17    2.00pm                  Tomorrow                     Sun 15   2.00pm / 4.30pm           The Report

          4.30pm                  The Farewell                 Thu 19   4.30pm                    McQueen + intro

Thu 21    4.30pm                  The Other Side ... + intro            7.00pm                    The Report

          7.00pm                  The Farewell                 Sat 21   1.30pm                    It’s A Wonderful Life

Sat 23    4.30pm                  First A Girl + intro                  4.30pm                    Non-Fiction

Sun 24    4.30pm                  The Day Shall Come           Sun 22   1.30pm                    It’s A Wonderful Life

Thu 28    4.30pm / 7.00pm         The Day Shall Come                    4.30pm                    Non-Fiction

Sat 30    1.30pm / 4.30pm         By the Grace of God          Sat 28   2.00pm                    Singin’ in the Rain

                                                                        4.30pm                    Knives Out

                                                               Sun 29   2.00pm                    Labyrinth + intro
  New Releases         Eastbourne Film Scociety
                                                                        4.30pm                    Knives Out
   Screen Classics       Queer Film       Special Events       Mon 30   2.00pm                    Knives Out

   Eastbourne Cult Film Club                                   Thu 2    2.00pm                    Singin’ in the Rain

                                                                        4.30pm                    Knives Out

            @TownerGallery #TownerCinema #BFIMusicals                   Cover image: Ad Astra, dir: James Gray
Nov / dec 2019 - Towner Art Gallery Nov / dec 2019 - Towner Art Gallery Nov / dec 2019 - Towner Art Gallery Nov / dec 2019 - Towner Art Gallery
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