Men's Breakfast-November 2nd - West Lawn United Methodist Church

Page created by Philip Boyd
Men's Breakfast-November 2nd - West Lawn United Methodist Church

  November 2019         Monthly Newsletter

Men’s Breakfast—November 2nd                  Thanksgiving Eve Worship
          with guest speaker                 Service—Nov. 27th at 7:00 pm
                                                                    “Come, Ye Thankful Peo-
                                                                    ple Come.” Take time on
                                                                    Thanksgiving Eve to gather
                                                                    in worship to set the mood
                                                                    for your Thanksgiving Day
                                                                    celebration. Worship will be
                                                                    led by the United Methodist
                                           Women as they remind us of the many blessings that
                                           have been ours during this year. Barbara Drake, Unit-
                                           ed Methodist deaconess and parish nurse at Union
                                           UM Church, Havertown will bring the message. This
                                           service will be the gathering of the UMW World
                                           Thank Offering. Music will be provided by a wom-
                                           en’s ensemble directed by Judy Alvarez.

This is a FREE

   Event to


 All Proceeds

  from the

Auction will

 go into our



Men's Breakfast-November 2nd - West Lawn United Methodist Church
Page 2                                                                                     Invite, Embrace, Empower

              “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” – Hebrews 13:8

As I try to put my thoughts into words, I am fully immersed in a 3-day summit on the Future of the Church. It can be
a good thing to pull back, get away, and give some time to thought and prayer as to what God may want to do in our
lives individually and collectively, as the Church.

To be clear, I have been giving much thought to the future of the Church, and OUR church, in particular. These are
exciting times for the Body of Believers at West Lawn. For instance,

         ✓ The Leadership Team is working on creating a Budget for Ministry so that the life-changing ministries of
           our church can continue to be offered to our people, our families, and our neighbors near and far.
         ✓ We are planning for Advent & Christmas services, so that those who are drawn (or invited by you) to this
           place might experience the radical love of God that broke into our world through a baby in a manger.
         ✓ To make it easier once you get to WLUMC, whether at Christmas, or on any given Sunday, we are adding
           to our parking capacity. If you haven’t been to our campus lately, check out the new parking lot now under
           construction, just east of the sanctuary.
         ✓ Our GriefShare facilitators are working to provide special resources for those experiencing a loss to Survive
           the Holidays.
         ✓ Our children’s, youth and family ministries are continually working to make engagement with our Church a
           more fun and fulfilling experience.
         ✓ We are continually working to provide excellent worship experiences.
         ✓ We are planning for mission opportunities in our communities, across the country and around the world in
         ✓ We are evaluating what we do to reach out to our community, asking how we can do what we do better,
           with the hope of building bridges to our neighbors so we can share God’s amazing love with those who do
           not yet know Jesus.

These are exciting times at West Lawn. But these are challenging times, as well. So, I’d ask for your daily and con-
tinued prayers as we:

         1. navigate the process of finding and receiving our next Associate Pastor;
         2. weigh the daily costs of ministry, and discern how we will fully and generously fund our Budget for Minis-
         3. remodel 100 Woodside Avenue for new and existing ministries; and
         4. plan for the future of what our physical campus will look like and how our buildings can best serve the
            needs of our church AND our community.

There are many activities to keep us busy… but God didn’t call us to just be busy. There are many challenges that
could cause us (me, anyway!) to loose sleep at night… but God did not create us to worry. God created us to be in re-
lationship with Him! When we strayed (sinned!), God sent the Son to die for y/our sins. We know this (God’s Plan of
Salvation), and learn how to respond to it (become a Christian), through the Church, in our case, West Lawn UMC. As
I like to say, we may not know what the future holds, but we know who holds the future! That was and is and always
will be Jesus Christ, who “is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

Looking forward to our future ministry together,

Pastor Jeff
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       Children & Family Ministries Programs in November
                                   Sunday, November 3 - Tween Group - 6-7:30 PM
                                   Sunday, November 3 - Kids Club - 6-7:30 PM
                                   Sunday, November 3 - Kids Club Junior - 6-7:30 PM
                                   Wednesday, November 6 - Toddler Time - 6:15-8 PM
                                   Sunday, November 10 - Tween Group - 6-7:30 PM
                                   Sunday, November 10 - Kids Club - 6-7:30 PM
                                   Sunday, November 10 - Kids Club Junior - 6-7:30 PM
                                   Wednesday, November 13 - Toddler Time - 6:15-8 PM
                                   Sunday, November 17 - Youth Auction/Children's Movie Night!
                                   Wednesday, November 20 - Toddler Time—6:15-8 PM

    CROP Hunger Walk Update
A sincere “thank you” to everyone who supported this year’s
CROP Hunger Walk either by donating, walking or both!
There were 310 walkers representing 31 organizations WLUMC
collected over $2,000 in donations, and overall, more than
$31,000 was raised to fight hunger!

                                                                  Toy Story Donations Welcome
                                                                 Children's Ministry welcomes donations of Toy Story
                                                                 stickers, Toy Story coloring books, and Toy Story
                                                                 paper plates and cups for our "Toy Story 4" Movie
                                                                 Night, being planned for November 17!

                                                                 Thanks in advance! for any of these donations!

                                Church-Wide Advent Study
                    Can you believe it? We are already planning for the excitement of anticipating the birth of Christ.
                    This year, we will be doing an all-church Advent study based on Mike Slaughter’s “Down to
                    Earth: The Hopes and Fears of all the Years Are Met in Thee Tonight.” See Jesus’s birth in
                    a new way as we explore what the Christmas miracle means to each of us. This four-week study
                    uses story and scripture to challenge us to respond during Advent with down-to earth love, hu-
                    mility, lifestyle and obedience.
                    Consider joining a small group, participating in the study with your existing small group, or join
                    Pastor Jeff on Wednesday evenings in the HE-brews Café during Advent. Please contact the
                    church office for more information or additional times/dates to participate in this study.
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                     Our        next   Baptisms/New Members                        Women’s Book Club
                                                                                                Women's Book Club will
                     Class will be     Our next opportunities for                               meet Wednesday, Novem-
                     offered Satur-    baptisms and new member recep-                           ber 13, at 7:00PM in the
                     day, Novem-       tion will be on November 17th                            Community Center Room
                     ber 2nd from      and December 8th.                                        102 to discuss All the
                     10:00 am—
                                       If you are interested in joining                         Light We Cannot See by
                     12:00 pm in
                                       the church or                                            Anthony Doerr. New
  the HE-brews Café. If you
                                       scheduling a bap-                   readers always welcome! Come join the discus-
  would like to know more about
                                       tism on either of                   sion! December's book is Every 15 Minutes by
  West Lawn Church, The United
                                       these        dates,                 Lisa Scottoline. To be added to the email list or
  Methodist Church, or are inter-
                                       please      contact                 for information please contact Donna Barnhart
  ested in uniting with this con-
                                       the office.                         at or 610-678-7873.
  gregation, please plan to attend.

               Join the Festival Choir!                                                   Please join the United Methodist
                                                                                          Women on Tuesday, November
  The Festival Choir and Worship Orchestra are now forming                                19 at 11:30am in the Hebrews
  for our Christmas Cantata "And It Came to Pass, Emmanuel" by                            Café. Do you know about the
  Jay Rouse and Rose Aspinall, to be held on Sunday, December                             “Backpack Blessings” or
  15th at 9:00am and 11:00am. Vocalists and instrumentalists are                          “Laundry Love” programs of
  needed for this musical Christmas spectacular. Rehearsals for        West Lawn Church? Kelly Rismiller will share de-
  members of the Festival Choir will be on Wednesdays at 7pm in        tails about these outreach opportunities. Ministries
  the Music Room starting on November 6. Information regarding         to women, children & youth are central in the pur-
  rehearsals for instrumentalists is soon to be announced.. Practice   pose of United Methodist Women. Bring your
  CD's and sheet music are available now in the Music Office.          lunch, dessert & beverage are provided.
  Please contact John Coakley ( or call the Contact Harriett Ziegenfuss (610-78-3107) or Anna
  Church Office) if you are interested in this short-term commitment. Bickhart (610-679-1671) with questions.

    West Lawn’s Faithful Friends Consignment Sale—Another Huge Success for All!
 One of West Lawn’s largest ministries, the Faithful Friends Consignment Sale, wrapped up its 15th bi-annual sale last
 month. From Oct. 10-12, our Community Center was filled with over 33,000 items for sale, greeted over 700 shop-
 pers, gave away thousands of donations to The Rudden Family Foundation, and will give away thousands of dollars to
 Hannah’s Hope Ministry of Reading! This ministry benefits not only the shoppers, who find great deals on gently used
 children and maternity items, but also the seller, who receives a portion of their sales. The Faithful Friends team would
 like to thank the congregation for their support, the office staff for administrative assistance, the Kitchen Ministry and
 Praise Team for the sharing of the space, the custodial staff for the post-sale clean up, and so, so, so many others!! If
 anyone is interested in helping with our spring sale, scheduled for the week of March 8, 2020, please contact Kelly
 Rismiller at 610-507-9141,
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                         Angel Tree: A 20+ Year Tradition
This year’s Angel Tree will appear in the church vestibule on Sunday, November 17. A smaller tree will also be available
in the Community Center for those attending the 11:10 am. This year we again have the opportunity to share the joy of
the Christmas season with 350 local children who have a parent incarcerated at the Berks County Jail. The child’s name
is printed on a tag along with clothing sizes and other gift ideas. We ask that after selecting the tag from the tree, please
register the name selected on the sheets found on the counter at the Welcome Center. A similar registration sheet will
accompany the tree in the Community Center. Our volunteers will be happy to help locate the child’s name on the chart
and add your information next to their name so that we know that you will be providing for this child. Please be sure
to take a minute to register the tag you selected. Your wrapped gift should be returned to the tree with the tag
from the tree attached to the package by noon on Sunday, December 1st.
Now the real fun begins. Volunteers are invited to join us for the afternoon on Sunday, December 1st following the
11:10 service, when we will sort and bag the gifts. In addition to the gifts purchased for the children, a Bible is provid-
ed to each family as a gift from our church family. If you would like to help with the cost of the Bibles please be sure to
indicate “Angel Tree” in your giving.
On Friday, December 6 from 6pm – 9pm, we will transform the Community Center into a Winter Wonderland for our
guests who will join us on Saturday, December 7 from 10 am to 3 pm. Christmas trees galore are decorated with donat-
ed toys and hand made scarves for the children to choose from after their visit and photo with Santa and Mrs. Clause.
Cookies are shared from our home kitchens at our refreshment table. Craft areas are prepared and a city of gingerbread
houses is built for the children to decorate. Last year we built 225 houses with each transforming into a beautiful home
which reflected the child’s imagination.
If you would like to join us, please take the time to complete the form below and return it to the church office by No-
vember 13 or call Alice Moyer at 610-670-7633 or email at

                                     I would like to help with Angel Tree this year by …
□   Helping to contact local businesses for donations                   □   Sorting gifts
□   Helping at the party Saturday, December 7 with crafts               □   Leading the craft area
□   Cleaning up/repack trees after party at 2pm, Sat., Dec. 7           □   Preparing materials for the crafts
□   Sharing my talent Sat., Dec. 7                                      □   Gingerbread House area leader
□   Taking pictures with Santa on Dec. 7                                □   Whipping up the Royal Icing
□   Helping to print the photos                                         □   Building gingerbread houses Friday, Dec. 6 at 6 pm
□   I would like to provide gifts for a family of ____(# of children)   □   Set up and decorating trees in Santa’s area
□   Providing a donation to purchase Bibles                             □   Baking cookies
□   Call me to purchase last minute gifts on Wed., Dec. 4th             □   Pick up of donations from local businesses on Friday
                                                                            for the party (i.e. Clover Farms, Berks Packing, etc.)
NAME                                                                    PHONE #

EMAIL                                                                   (Please turn form into the office by November 13)

                                       Kitchen Ministry Seeking Additional Volunteers
                                  Thank you for supporting our West Lawn Kitchen Ministry by either attending the meals
                                  or serving on the team. We are off to a great start, however, we are looking for extra
                                  hands to help out on a Wednesday evening to wash dishes, clear tables or serve food,
                                  especially between hours of 5:30-7:30 p.m.

                                  If you are able, please come and we will show you what to do or contact Jack Williams
                                  ( or Ed Stauffer ( for any
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                                        Safe Haven Lighthouse
 We are having a lot of fun this year at Safe Haven Lighthouse. We have welcomed 5 new students to our group, plus
 having 12 returning students from last year. We are glad that they all want to get together on Wednesdays. We also
 have two new adult leaders, Lisa Cullen and Marci Moser, that have joined our team!
 The end of September we took a trip to the Wyomissing Creek. We provided a picnic snack for the children. While
 eating their snack they were greeted by several dogs that had gotten away from their owners. The kids loved it! While
 at the creek the kids had to locate markers that had been hidden by Linda Welsh. On some of the markers were an-
 swers to questions that she had taken from our previous lessons. The kids had a great time. One child actually found a
 star that had been hidden last year! That made the kids laugh. We still haven’t found two markers from this year, so
 we’ll see what happens next September.
 In October we took our annual trip to Preston Orchards. Mrs. Preston is very kind to us, and we look forward to this
 trip every year. The kids picked 10 baskets of apples, which will be made into pies on the 19th. Looking forward to
 your support on October 20th! The children love coming to the orchard because there is a large grass area there that
 they can run and play. Mrs. Preston provides an apple for each child, and we appreciate that very much.
 As we approach our Thanksgiving season, we all have so much to be thankful for. We are blessed to be able to share
 God’s love with these children and these children bless us, as leaders, in many ways.
 Happy Thanksgiving! Lori Madara and Bonnie Rissmiller

                                                       Nativity Reflections
                        Do you have a unique Nativity set? If so, the Prayer Team is looking for Nativities for our Na-
                        tivity Reflections display being held on Cantata Sunday, December 15, 2019. If you would like
                        to share a special Nativity set and family and/or travel stories behind it, please complete the
                        Nativity Reflections form on the next page.

 If you have any questions, please call or text Jenna Galan at 484-345-0513. You can also inquire by email at jlgaudiolo-”
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                             Ministry Highlight: Family Promise                                  by Carolann Schneiderhan

Family Promise of Berks County, located in Reading, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and affiliate of Family Promise National.
They partner with local communities and networks of volunteers to provide services to homeless families, youth and
individuals facing a housing crisis. They have been serving communities in need since July of 2006. Current programs
focus on rapid rehousing, homelessness prevention, mediation, advocacy and emergency assistance.

Their program is based on the belief that maintaining family units increases successful outcomes. This allows for cou-
ples and single parent households to remain with their children while being sheltered versus being separated by gender
which is the case in other local shelters. West Lawn UMC is one of the churches in the Family Promise of Berks net-
work which serves up to 3 families for one week at a time while providing them with meals and beds at night. The vol-
unteers at each location work with the families providing fellowship and hospitality, while case managers work with
families to support them in gaining independence.

WLUMC Hosting
This past year, WLUMC successfully hosted 8 families, totaling 24 people. Our guests were 9 adults, 14 children and 1
teen from the Family Promise U-turn program. To house these families we offer radical hospitality by turning the first
floor of our Education Building into bedrooms. Each room is set up with cots, clean bed linens, blankets, lamps and
alarm clocks. When the families come to West Lawn UMC, it takes a host of volunteers to make our guests feel wel-
comed and well-cared for. Before our guests arrive, Dennis Wonderland and Joanne Henny recruit and train a team of
40+ volunteers to help set up and tear down the Sunday school rooms, provide food, fellowship time and overnight
hosts for our guests. All the families seem to appreciate the hospitality shared by our congregation. None of this
would happen without the generosity of our WLUMC congregation. The time given to either feed or spend time in fel-
lowship with the families is greatly appreciated.

One bonus in hosting this wonderful ministry is being able to hear the success stories about how the families are doing
after they leave us. One of those positive stories is about teen that stayed with us this past year. He was 18 years old
and a junior in high school. A family from one of the other host churches opened their home to him and have allowed
him to stay with them until he graduates. After graduation he plans to enlist in the army. In addition, a few years ago
we delivered Christmas presents to a family in need in the city who was referred to us through a Reading School Dis-
trict teacher. When we pulled up in front of their home in our WLUMC van, the young father of the small children
recognized the church name. He is a graduate of the Family Promise program and shared how he is now employed and
in his own home for the first time, and remembered with fondness staying at West Lawn UMC. He expressed gratitude
for the kind and warm welcome his family received while he was here. The joy on his face was unforgettable as he re-
ceived the gifts from our church once again. Thank you to all who have served on with this local mission and blessed
families such as this through the gift of your time.

Our next hosting week begins on November 3-10. If you are able, please consider helping with this very special
ministry. We will need hands to make beds, folks to cook meals and deliver them to the church, fellowship hosts (this
could be a family activity) who play board games, read books or watch movies and overnight hosts who stay with the guests
here at church. If you are interested and able to serve in any of these ways, please contact Joanne Henny (610)
858-5966; or Dennis Wonderland (610) 761-5924;

                                        Nativity Reflections
Name                                                                      Phone:

                              Level of Care: (circle one)    Allow Touch        No Touch

Your Special Nativity Memories or History:
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Page 8                                                                                        Invite, Embrace, Empower

         Sponsor a WLW Meal!                                                           Christmas Cantata
All of the money raised at West Lawn Wednesday
                                                                                         December 15th
goes to help with the missions we serve: Hope Res-                                   Mark your calendar for this year’s
cue, Opportunity House, New Journey Soup                                             Christmas Cantata on December 15th
Kitchen, building homes in Haiti, etc.                                               at 9:00 AM or 11:00 AM. As we did
                                                                                     last year, this year’s Cantata will be
You can be a part of this! Beginning this year, we                                   presented in an amended Sunday
will accept up to four sponsor spaces each week                                      morning schedule of services. The
on the placemat. The donation cost is $100/space                                     cantata will provide our worship at
to sponsor a WLW meal. This will help to defray                                      9:00 o’clock (30 minutes earlier than
much of our food costs.                                    usual!) and 11 o’clock. We will still have an abbreviated tradi-
                                                           tional worship service at 8:00 AM, running about 40 minutes.
You can be a sponsor as a business or family. For          The cantata will feature Jay Rouse and Rose Aspinall’s “And It
more information, please contact the church office.        Came to Pass, Emmanuel” led by our Director of Music, John

                                 West Lawn UMC is seeing exciting growth & we                     Keeping the
                                 need to add additional positions to our team:
                                 Administrative Assistant: 20 hours a week. (Start
                               date: January 2, 2020) This position will work on spe-       Keeping the Connection will
                               cial projects and publications in order to provide           be packing boxes on Novem-
                               clerical support to the pastors, staff, and ministries.      ber 10th. If you would like to
                               Strong computer skills in MS Word, Excel and Pub-            make snack donations, you can
                               lisher required. If interested, send a letter of interest    drop them at the church office
                               to      Carolann          Schneiderhan             car-      weekdays. Thank you! or call (610) 678-5611. Deadline: 11/1.
                                                                                         For questions or to add a stu-
Part-Time Custodian: We are looking for someone to join our custodial team for dent to the list, please contact
cleaning and other duties as needed. This position offers flexible hours. Please contact Molly Maack at 610-823-0237.
Carolann at 610-678-5611 if interested.

         Surviving the Holidays
    November 6, 2019 6:30 PM HeBrews Cafe

Are you wondering how you will survive the weeks
surrounding Thanksgiving and Christmas? Are you
dreading these holidays, knowing that everything has
changed and that happy memories from past years
can’t be recreated?

Our Surviving the Holidays seminar is especially for
people who are grieving a loved one’s death. In this
class you’ll learn:
  • How to deal with the many emotions you’ll face
      during the Holidays
  • What to do about traditions and other coming
  • Helpful tips about surviving social events
  • How to discover hope for your future

Register for this event by calling the church office 610
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UPCOMING DATES                Sunday Night Invite  Embrace WLW         Empower: #YGAM
11/2 Mens Breakfast            Dinner @ 5:30PM    (Firehouse Café’)     Sunday Morning
11/3: Youth Group                  6th-12th        Dinner @ 6PM             @9:30AM
11/6: WLW                        Youth Group        Small Groups      Sunday School C201
11/10: Youth Group               6:00-7:45PM          6:30-7:45        Confirmation class
11/13: WLW                   (Community Center) Band: 7:45-8:45**      (in firehouse Café)
11/20: WLW                                                    YOUR GENEROSITY
11/24: NO Youth Group                                         AT LAST YEARS
11/27: NO WLW                                                 AUCTION HELPED
12/1: Youth Group
For a more complete list
of dates through the fall,
and for more details
please pick up a parent      MAKE ALL OF THIS
packet from the welcome      POSSIBLE….
center or email Isaac for    THANKS FOR
a electron version!          YOUR CONTINUED
   For More info
   Please Contact
   Youth Director
   Isaac Mahler
  610.678.5611 (O)
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Page 10                                                                                Invite, Embrace, Empower

          Snow and Wonder—Opus One Chamber Choir
                                        Come and experience the holiday season as Opus One Chamber Choir per-
                                        forms a variety of holiday music, both sacred and secular. A highlight of
                                        the program will be a performance of Francis Poulenc's Un soir de neige,
                                        sung by Opus One's ECHO. At this event, Opus One will collect goods
                                        that will be donated to HELPING HARVEST (formerly Berks Food
                                        Bank). Tickets: Adults-$15, Students $5

                                        This Christmas concert will be held on Sunday, December 8th at 7:00 PM in
                                        the WLUMC Sanctuary.

                                   We would like to thank all of our loyal and patient donors who participated in
                                   the fall blood drive on September 24th. Miller-Keystone reported that we had 43
                                   registered donors who contributed 37 units of whole blood. As coordinators, we
                                   were disappointed in the pace of the drive, which was attributed to a new system
                                   being introduced by Miller-Keystone. Our frustrations were reported to the
                                   blood clinic, and we are optimistic that our spring drive, scheduled for March
                                   31st will proceed more closely to the scheduled appointment times.

                           Neighborhood Mission Team
Thanks to all the folks that helped with the ramp for David and Barbara Wenger. Here are some pictures of Jesus'
hands in action.
CROSSROADS                                                                                           PAGE 11

Bill & Joanne Schlosser—11:00 am (Sponsor: Lisa Hoopes)
Bill & Joanne first visited West Lawn in December, 2018, already aware of the church’s social statements,
caring ministries and great works in the community and the world. They found that WLUMC was a vibrant,
Christ-centered church community and are looking forward to being a part of it. Joanne & Bill have been
married for 46 years and have 3 sons, Erik, Mark and Kenneth, and 4 grandchildren, Alex, Thomas, Autumn
and Ada. They also have 2 dogs, 1 cat, and 4 pet chickens. Bill works as a Speech-Language Pathologist in
local schools, and has for 43 years. He enjoys spending time with the family, especially the grandchildren.
Joanne is an active artist and passionate Art Teacher at the local community college. She enjoys week-long
visits with the grandkids, playing chess, board games, cooking and swimming.

AJ Houston (Sponsors: Jen & Greg Little)
AJ was invited to attend West Lawn UMC by Jen & Greg Little. AJ is marred and has two children, both boys
ages 11 and 5. He enjoys coaching football and is active on the Wilshire Swim Team.

  Thank you to our church
  family for all of the cards,
  visit, and calls with updates
  about what is going on at
  the church. Since we are no
  longer able to come to
  church, it is wonderful that
  so many friends still help
  keep us in the loop. We tru-
  ly appreciate your kindness.
  -Doris & Don Westley
                                              Sunny Jean McGinnis                    Muriel A. Boyer
                                                   daughter of                       January 4, 1930—
                                            Andrea & Garrett McGinnis                 October 3, 2019
  Dear WLUMC Prayer Shawl
  Ministry, Thank you so much
  for the beautiful shawl that           Dear Prayer Ministry,                Thank you so much for
  was given to me during my              Thank you for all the pray-          the Keeping the Connec-
  recent hospitalization. I              ers as I went through the            tion package. It is so nice
  love it and the message it             whole ordeal with my infec-          to know that my church
                                         tion. It is nice to be part          family is thinking of me
  represents. I am currently
                                         of a church that cares               when I am at college. I
  in a nursing facility and I                                                 am so excited to be back
                                         about the congregation.
  wrap the shawl around me                                                    at West Lawn when I’m
  everyday. It is so wonderful            Jim & Laurie Griffith               home.- Emma Swartz
  to know that I am loved and
  cared for by so many beau-
  tiful people! Sincerely,              Thank you to everyone that helped with the moving process,
  Jodi M. Scheib                        and for all the prayers and small acts of kindness. I am
                                        eternally grateful for my WLUMC family. –Kim Hershman
15 Woodside Avenue
  West Lawn, PA 19609
  Phone: 610-678-5611
       Jeff Raffauf
      Nick Camacho
      Terry Cooney
                                                        MOVIE TIME!
                                                   November 17th 6-8 PM
  Every Sunday: Worship                        KID’S NIGHT @ West Lawn UMC
 8:00 am Traditional Worship
                                 While parents attend the 4th Annual Youth Auction, kids ages 0-12 are invited
 9:00 am Fellowship Time                  to spend the evening with their friends here at West Lawn!
 9:30 am Praise Worship                               Toy Story 4, Games, Snacks, FUN!
 9:30 am Sunday School for All
10:30 am Fellowship Time
                                                                     •    Ages 0-2: gather in the Nursery
11:00 am Celebration Worship                                               •  Ages 3-4: gather in the
11:00 am Adult Sunday School                                              Reiner Education Bldg. Rm 200
11:10 am Community Worship
                                                                           •Ages 5-12 gather in the
11:30 am Children’s Church                                               Community Center Game Room

                                                                            Sign Up in Advance to
                                                                         Reserve a Movie Seat & Snack
Every Sunday:                             Sun                            Mon                            Tue                          Wed                          Thu                       Fri                          Sat
 8:00 am Traditional Worship                                                                                                                                                                  Women’s Retreat                Women’s Retreat
                                                                                                                                                                                         1                       2
 9:00 am Fellowship Time                                                                                                                                                                                         7:15 am Praise Team Reh
 9:00 am Cherub Choir                                                                                                                                                                                            8:00 am Men’s Breakfast
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 8:00 am DP Exercise
 9:30 am Praise Worship                                                                                                                                                                                          9:30 am OA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 10:00 am Inquirers’ Class
 9:30 am Sunday School for Al                                                                                                                                                                                    6:00 pm Youth @ Extreme
9:30 am Confirmation Class
                                    See Sunday                                 Family Promise                ELECTION DAY            See Wed. at Left                  Family Promise          Family Promise                  Family Promise
10:30 am Fellowship Time           3
                                   Worship @ Left
                                                                  4                              5            Family Promise   6            Family Promise
                                                                                                                                                           7                             8                       9
                             Women’sRetreat,FamilyPromise         6:30 pm Courage to Change                                    6:30 pm Surviving the       9:30 am Longest Night Mtg.                            8:00 am DP Exercise
                                                                                                 9:30 am “Messy People”                   Holidays         1:00 pm Needlework                                    8:30 am UMW Annual
10:45 am Worship Discussion 5:00 pm Children’s Choir              6:30 pm Men’s Bible Study      9:30 am The Gospel of Mark
                                                                  6:30 pm Stephen Ministry                                                                 4:30 pm Bell Choir                                              Celebration
11:00 am Celebration Worship 5:30 pm Sunday Nite Invite                                          6:30 pm Guitar Workshop                                   6:30 pm Men’s Small Gp                                9:00 am ALPHA Retreat
                             6:00 pm Kid’s Club                   7:30 pm Overeaters Anon        7:00 pm Praise Team Reh.                                  6:30 pm Disciple 1 B.S.                               9:30 am OA
11:10 am Community Worship 6:00 pm Kid’s Club Junior                                             7:00 pm NA
                             6:00 pm Tween Group
11:30 am Children’s Church   6:00 pm Youth Group

                                   10     See Sunday              11                             12                            13   See Wed. at Left        14                           15                      16
Every Wednesday:                         Worship @ Left
7:14 am Prayer Service                           Family Promise   6:30 pm Courage to Change 9:30 am “Messy People”             7:00 pm Women’s Book Club 9:00 am Food Pantry Set-up 2:30 pm Food Pantry
                                   8:00 Keeping the Connection    6:30 pm Men’s Bible Study    9:30 am The Gospel of Mark                                11:00 am Crafters                                       8:00 am DP Exercise
                                   4:00 pm Friends of God                                      10:00 am BOOM                                             4:30 pm Bell Choir                                      9:30 am OA
9:30 am Seamless                   5:00 pm Children’s Choir
                                                                  7:00 pm Parables Bible Study 1:30 pm Property Team Mtg                                 6:00 pm Little Acts of Love
                                   5:30 pm Sunday Nite Invite
                                                                  7:30 pm Overeaters Anon 5:00 pm Relay For Life                                         6:30 pm Disciple 1 B.S.
3:30 pm Safe Haven                                                                             6:30 pm Prayer Team Mtg.                                  6:30 pm Men’s Small Gp
                                   6:00 pm Kid’s Club
4:30 pm WLW Dinner                 6:00 pm Kid’s Club Junior                                   6:30 pm Guitar Workshop
                                   6:00 pm Tween Group                                         7:00 pm Praise Team Reh.
6:15 pm Toddler Time               6:00 pm Youth Group                                         7:00 pm NA

6:00 pm Jr./Sr. Youth Group        17      See Sunday             18                             19                            20   See Wed. at Left        21                           22                      23
                                        Worship @ Left
6:30 pm Griefshare                   Baptisms/New Members 6:30 pm Courage to Change 9:30    am “Messy People”                                               4:30 pm Bell Choir      10:00 am Newsletter          8:00 am DP Exercise
                                                                                       9:30 am The Gospel of Mark                                           6:30 pm Disciple 1 B.S.            Assembly          9:30 am OA
6:30 pm Young Families Sm. Gp. 12:30 pm Men’s Ministry    6:30 pm Men’s Bible Study    11:30 am UMW Luncheon                                                6:30 pm Men’s Small Gp 7:30 pm Latinos Unidos
                               6:00 pm Youth Dessert Auc- 7:00 pm Parables Bible Study 6:30 pm Guitar Workshop                                                                                 en la Fe
7:00 pm ALPHA                  tion                       7:30 pm Overeaters Anon 7:00 pm Praise Team Reh.
                               6:00 pm Movie Time                                      7:00 pm NA
7:00 pm Spiritual Direction
                                   24     See Sunday              25                             26                            27                           28           Office Closed   29      Office Closed   30
7:00 pm Goody’s Group                    Worship @ Left                                                                             No WLW Dinner or
7:00 pm Women at the Well                                         6:30 pm Courage to Change      9:30 am “Messy People”              evening classes                                                             8:00 am DP Exercise
                                   5:00 pm Hope Rescue            6:30 pm Men’s Bible Study      9:30 am The Gospel of Mark                                                                                      9:30 am OA
7:00 pm Festival Choir Rehearsal                                  7:00 pm Parables Bible Study   6:30 pm Guitar Workshop       7:00 pm Thanksgiving Eve
                                                                  7:30 pm Overeaters Anon        7:00 pm Leadership Team                             Ser-
8:00 pm Choir Rehearsal                                                                          7:00 pm Praise Team Reh.      vice
                                                                                                 7:00 pm NA
NOVEMBER 1           Chastitti Gonclavez   NOVEMBER 14         Catharine Jessup     Peyton Donahue
Edward Jones         Aubree Kopp           David Aulenbach     Helen Kunkleman *    Megan Hoppman
Byron Mellinger      Judy Krepps           Annaleigh Dwulit    Kathryn Loose        Alex Massengale
Sherry Randall       Miriam Schaeffer      Harvey Heffner      Dawson Mahler        John Mercer
Dennis Zimmerman     Jenny Semsel          Richard Jessup      James Mauldin        Robert Peppers
                     Amanda Smith          Cynthia Kees        Carol Moyer          Tyler Rada
NOVEMBER 2           Ellee Vicari          Jennifer Kopp       Adalyn Muir          Carolann Stevenson
Brian Debelius       Jennifer Williamson   Lori Krause         Cindy Schock         Joan Sweigart
Bronwen Gamble                             Meredith Pfennig    Caleb Tobin
Caitlin Heiser       NOVEMBER 8            Reagan Rhodes                            NOVEMBER 27
Gregory Lewis        Michelle Antonio      Pat Stubblebine *   NOVEMBER 21          John Burkhart
Jade McVaugh         Adam Hauck                                Martha Focht         Shane Gerner
Natalie Patton       Jay Moyer             NOVEMBER 15         Matthew Kauffman     Joseph Marturano
                     Susanne Naylor        Eileen Kastura      Robert Mays          Eric Ruth
NOVEMBER 3           Adena Ukoha-Ajike     Jordyn Reis         Gary Miner           Jeanne Smith
Rodney Beidelman     Arthur Waters         William Smith       Alice Moyer          Sally Stoltz
Crystal Born                               Diane Stuart        Thomas Witman
Emma Detwiler        NOVEMBER 9            William Thorne                           NOVEMBER 28
Joann Karacz         Michael Broome                            NOVEMBER 22          Donna Mauldin
Maryann Kauffman     Carolyn Ladany        NOVEMBER 16         Robert Bechtel       Patricia Whitney
Gene Messner         Addison Sheperak      Karen Carles        Caitlyn Bleiler
Sandy Petersheim                           David Endy          Daniel Cullen        NOVEMBER 29
                     NOVEMBER 10           Dylan Fick          Tyler Drumheller     Vanessa Baker
NOVEMBER 4           Jacqueline Becker     Joanne Grill        Nina Hostetter       Kendall Bryan
Courtney Billman     Emmalee DeJesus       Claire Hinkle       Shelby Kahn          Muriel Shotwell
Claude Davis         Landon Farrell        Cristyl Lapi        Lauren Peterson
Carson Kramer        Jean Howe             David Palka         Joseph Szymborski    NOVEMBER 30
Jaxson Kramer        David Krall           Deanne Salyards                          Heather Gunzelmann
Graceanne McCahon    Lauren Santoro        Jere Stamm          NOVEMBER 23          Darren Gunzelmann
Heather McNeal       Jean Urbaez           Fay Sweigart        Devon Dierolf        Jackson Hoffa
Kerry Powell                               Wesley Wixon        Avery Grider         Samuel Hollinger
Susan Rhoads         NOVEMBER 11                               Robert Johnson       Margaret Mellinger
Ben Spencer          Donna Barnhart        NOVEMBER 17         Allison Rio          Jeremy Palm
Tyler Whitney        Devin Born            Avery Bryan         Joseph Speece        Cora Soler
Katie Williams       Emily Endy            Cayden Lasher       Evan Spohn
                     Lydia Hagerty         Brennan Noecker     Heather Troxelle
NOVEMBER 5           Machiko Kawata        Ralph Rivera        Mark Weitzel
Tony Cunningham      David Tartaglia       Chris Weikel
Tayden Donaldson     Jeffrey Zillhardt     Jeffrey Weikel      NOVEMBER 24
Colleen Gensemer                           William Wyandt      Frances Curry
Deborah Lutz         NOVEMBER 12                               Michelle Frey
Michael Whitney      David Haas            NOVEMBER 18         Reese Gaenzle
                     Dulcinea Loper        Alexandra Barnes    Tia Gerber          *Helen Kunkleman
NOVEMBER 6           Nora O'Donnell        John Bertolet       Richard Kramer      54 Forrest Rd.
Erin Becker          Amy Palm              Benjamin Curtis     Carole Young        Mertztown, PA 19539
Kurt Behrenshausen   Mary Ream             Wesley Hoffert
Jackson Brisan       Charles Saylor        Marie Keilman       NOVEMBER 25         *Patty Stubblebine
Ryan Kairis          Jeffrey Smith         Hunter Taylor       Chris Clabaugh      The Highlands, Apt 115
Rodney Loose         Becci West            Thomas Tschop       Cody Clabaugh       2000 Cambridge Ave.
Robert Myers                                                   Melissa Cooper      Wyomissing, PA 19610
Benjamin Rada        NOVEMBER 13           NOVEMBER 19         Timothy McKechnie
Nancy Ricketts       Erika Bare            Candace Achey       Melissa Scalese
                     Paxton Hoffman                                                *Linda Witman
Linda Witman *                             Sherry Chambers     Robert Trewella     Rittenhouse Village @
                     Nan Parks             Yvonne Rivera       Thomas Walter
NOVEMBER 7                                                                         Muhlenberg
                     Charlotte Roland                          Katie Wentzel
Keith Angstadt       Lexi Schlegel         NOVEMBER 20                             2900 Lawn Terr., Rm 322
Blake Berger         Aubrey Schlegel       Sharon Hinkle                           Reading, PA 19605
                                                               NOVEMBER 26
Addison Gerhart      Ralph Stamm           Norah Hoffert       Layne Adams
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