NZPF Floral News & Inspiration - 2022 Autumn Issue - New Zealand Professional Florists

Page created by Sean Stanley
NZPF Floral News & Inspiration - 2022 Autumn Issue - New Zealand Professional Florists
Issue 06 / March 2022

                                    Floral News & Inspiration

                                               2022 Autumn Issue
                                        David Berger - Award-winning Florist
                                       Coral Macdonald - Queen's Service Award
                                          Mark Pampling - Design Discipline
                                             Country Blooms Flower Farm
                                               Tasman Village Cottage

                        NZPF News                                                1
NZPF Floral News & Inspiration - 2022 Autumn Issue - New Zealand Professional Florists
                                                                                                                        President’s Message
                                                                                                                        Kate's Garden Gossip
                                                                                                                       With our patron Kate Jacobsen

                                                                                                                  Country Blooms Flower Farm
                                                                                                                             Shelley Bergman

                                                                                                                      Tasman Village Cottage
                                                                                                                         A stunning rural getaway

                                                                                                                             David Berger
                                                                                                                  Award-winning florist & TAFE instructor

                                                                                                                          Coral Macdonald
                                                                                                                            Celeste Shotter
                                                                                                                  Mark Pampling Design Courses
                                                                                                                   Discipline & Direction explored online

                                                                                                                          Design Discipline
                                                                                                                            with Megan Parker

                                                                                                                           NZPF Roadshow
                                                                                                              NZPF AGM & Designer Weekend
                                                                                                                        Principles of Design
                                                                                                                    Transition and Unity & Harmony

                                                                                                                    Starting Exams with NZPF
                                           Become part of our team of expert florists, enabling you                       NZPF Information
LOCAL EVERYWHERE                              to send orders and receive orders from other florists
W W W2 . I N T E R F L O R A . C O . N Z                              nationwide and    worldwide.
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NZPF Floral News & Inspiration - 2022 Autumn Issue - New Zealand Professional Florists
Grow your skills

                                                                         The New Zealand Certificate
                                                                         in Floristry (Level 2)
                                                             This certificate will give you the skills and knowledge to
                                                             gain a qualification that provides entry into training and a       Welcome everyone to our Autumn issue.
                                                             career pathway in the floristry industry.                          Christmas seemed to blow in and blow out, it feels so
                                                             This qualification will prepare you for a career as a              long ago. Valentine's Day brought a surge of activity
                                                             beginner florist working in floristry retail outlets. With         within our flower shops, and we seem to be adjusting
                                                             further work experience and study, you could move into             to the continual high prices of product, which of
                                                             roles such as intermediate florists in floristry retail outlets.   course we can cope with, as long as the quality is high.

Fee         Free*
                                                                                                                                I have heard nothing but positive feedback, on both
                                                                                                                                the quality and the sales generated by Valentine's this
                                                                                                                                year, so congratulations everyone on a job well done.

                                                                                                                                Covid continues to add pressures to all our industries,
                                                                                                                                from supply to delivery to producing the end product.
Qualification Structure                                                                                                         We have reduced contact, split shifts of teams within      by providing examples, support and feedback on our
This programme is made up of three compulsory courses.If you are studying this programme you are only able to enrol in          stores, suppliers and freight companies are struggling     exam criteria, as this can be a bit daunting. There will
one course at a time.                                                                                                           with demand, while we all continue trading and keep        be a demonstration of a handtied posy and wrapping
                                                                                                                                the economy buoyant. With all of these changes             along a wreath design. There will be discussions on
                                                                                                                                evolving so rapidly, I am constantly amazed how well       the exam criteria along with pointers on how to gain
                                                                                                                                we adapt and change.                                       better results. These are free events to all financial
Introduction to Floristry Design        Introduction to Floristry Stock           Introduction to Retail Floristry
                                                                                                                                                                                           members. Check out page 27 for full details and
This course will provide you with       This course will provide you with         This course will provide entry                This month’s issue is jam packed with inspiring
entry level skills and knowledge in     knowledge of introductory plant           level skills and knowledge in retail          articles. We live in a world of amazing people who
the principles of design and            physiology and plant classification       floristry to enable you to gain initial       have achieved amazing things in their life. Coral          Sadly I made the decision not to attend the Melbourne
fundamental practical techniques        required to work in the floristry         employment in the floristry industry          Macdonald’s recent award of the Queen's Medal of           International Flower and Garden Show this year.
and is ideal for new entrants into      industry for the selection,               with specific focus on health and             Service is a very special honour we can all be proud of.   Once again I had been asked to fulfill the role of Head
the floristry industry.                 classification, storage, and care         safety, customer service and                  David Berger, a NZPF Master Florist based in Australia,    Judge in the Great Flower Hall, but due to so many
                                        of flowers.                               communication skills.                         has had a wonderful career within floral stores and        uncertainties around travel, it broke my heart to say
                                                                                                                                industry teaching. We have a Flower Farmer from the        no; however, I look forward to next year. Julia-Rose
                                                                                                                                Tasman area who has a wonderful story to share of          from Australia is still planning to visit New Zealand at
*The New Zealand Certificate in Floristry (Level 2) is available to study fees free if you are a domestic                       dedication and passion, along with more fun articles       the end of June once she comes back from the Chelsea
               student who is living in New Zealand. Terms and conditions apply.                                                to inspire you. Many of these articles have come from      Garden Show. Keep an eye on our website for the dates
                                                                                                                                a student, Kylie Sargeant, who volunteered to help us.     and venue, this extravaganza weekend should not be
                                                                                                                                You will read about Kylie in our Winter issue.             missed. Check out her Instagram @flowersbyjuliarose

                                                                                                                                NZPF Executive are pleased to announce three               That’s it from me, take care, trade well, and continue to
                                                                                                                                educational roadshows in 2022. The first one will          be inspired by what you do and what you love.
          If you would like to find out more on how to enrol in this free, online programme you can visit
                  or freephone us on 0508 650 200                                                be held in the Wellington region, the other two in
                                                                                                                                                                                           Ka kite
                                                                                                                                Auckland and Christchurch. The aim of the roadshows
                                                                                                                                is to encourage training and participation of members      Megan
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NZPF Floral News & Inspiration - 2022 Autumn Issue - New Zealand Professional Florists
                                    Garden Gossip
                                    Catching up with what’s happening
                                        in our patron Kate’s garden
                                               WORDS BY Kate Jacobson                      NZPF Dip. MF

                Isn’t it funny how quickly we forget! Summer is so hot      are pointed. (A note on spelling: an easy way to
                and I now wonder how I ever kept 2 ½ acres of garden        remember where the H goes in Dahlia is to think of the
                up to visiting standard over the summer holidays.           man whom they are named after – a Swedish scientist
                                                                            named Andreas Dahl.) Dahlias also spring lots of little
                We have had such a glorious spring and so much
                                                                            side shoots which make pretty filler foliage for posies.
                growth it’s become a real watering problem to keep
                                                                            The leaves have lots of forms and a range of colours.
                things going, and so I have done some heavy cut back
                                                                            They will also grow easily in spring from these shoots
                on lots of plants but am being rewarded with new
                                                                            or cuttings!
                growth and flowering.

                My first big cut back were the hybrid clematis, they
                had become so unruly and had no flowers so I took
                them right down to the ground just after Christmas,
                just leaving two buds to each stem, and watered and
                fed them. They are already taller than me with lots of
                buds coming. I am really pleased as after the first flush
                the flowering has usually been spasmodic and I do
                love their huge flowers then fluffy seed pods.

                                                                            I have been experimenting with the new Senicio called
                                                                            ‘Angel Wings’ from Trents Nursery. I cut a leaf and have
                                                                            had it in vases since New Year and it is still perfect.
                                                                            This is a beautiful plant, silver grey with pointed
                Dahlias were next and they went down to branched            oval leaves which are firm and will be lovely to edge
                stems with tine buds just showing. They have taken          bouquets or posies. I have it in a tub at the front door
                about 3 weeks to recover and be back in flower. You         in full sun, and it has tripled in size since November.
                need to be careful dead heading Dahlias as the buds         It's said to be drought and salt tolerant. It is a striking
                which are rounded look similar to spent heads which         focal plant and I think a must have for any florist.

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NZPF Floral News & Inspiration - 2022 Autumn Issue - New Zealand Professional Florists
One last observation, I was at a party last week and
                                                                                                                     one of the guests said to me "Look at this African
                                                                                                                     violet that I brought as a gift". It was lovely but then
                                                                                                                     she told me her story – it’s a bit like if you were/are a
                                                                                                                     nurse, people tell you their medical problems – she
                                                                                                                     had gone into a florist who always had wee cupcake
                                                                                                                     arrangements perfect for a ‘thought’ when ‘no
                                                                                                                     presents’ was the request and the florist snapped
                                                                                                                     at her, "No, we are not doing those today" and
                                                                                                                     offered a little $39 arrangement. She was perfectly
                                                                                                                     understanding that time of the cost of flowers or
                                                                                                                     whatever precluded them that day, and even said the
                                                                                                                     florist may have been having a bad day, but here is
                                                                                                                     her complaint and I feel it’s valid – sometimes it’s not
                                                                                                                     about the cost, but the occasion. One red rose says "Hi,
                                                                                                                     I like you, let's be friends" but an enthusiastic up-seller
                                                                                                                     who says "Six would be better" is sending a message
                                                                                                                     that perhaps the customer did not intend.

For me it’s time for a last quick prune, feed and deep     The bulbs will be in the shops soon so now is the time    Just me passing thought. Hope you will all weather the
water for my roses so that I will get a good strong        once again to plan and pot up containers that will fill   Covid crisis and keep safe.
autumn flush, and also time to support the new shoots      empty spots in the shop when flowers are in short
that you wish to train as climbers. (Try to have the tip   supply and expensive. Plan a spring window especially
pointing down so they are in an arc, as then all the       if you have one with morning sun. Locate blossom
buds along it will flower.)                                that you will be able to pick and have buds open.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Visit us at:
                                                           Forsythia with its cheerful yellow flowers are really
Water conservation is a big topic for gardeners and I                                                                                                                              As market leaders for500floral supplies, Highway
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Mt Wellington
                                                           good for spring and you could watch nurseries for a
was taught by the nurseryman I worked for to deep                                                                                                                                  Oceans Floral are committed toWellington
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Mt   providing1060
                                                           plant to build a display around. Pot up daffodils and
water each plant with an open hose (no sprinkler)                                                                                                                                  quality products at reasonable prices,Auckland
                                                           then put polyanthus/primroses or primulas as a cover
until water won’t soak anymore, then if you are                                                                                                                                    with fast delivery and superior    customer
                                                           for the bulbs to come through. There are lots of plans
going to use a sprinkler do so at night so the water is                                                                                                                            service.
                                                           you can make to have your shop looking good when all                                                                                                   Ph: +64 9 573 5300
retained and also doesn’t burn on leaves and flowers
                                                           is dark and dreary.
as the sun heats up. The deep watering means the
roots go down following the water whereas if you just
                                                                                                                      Visit us at 500As
                                                                                                                                         Wellington Highway
                                                                                                                                                 leaders  for Mt Wellington
                                                                                                                                                              floral        1060
                                                                                                                                                                     supplies,   Auckland
                                                                                                                                                                               Oceans   Floral Ltd are
sprinkle they stay at the surface and require lots more
                                                                                                                      Phone: +64committed
                                                                                                                                    9 573 5300 to providing
                                                                                                                                                    Fax: +64 9quality
                                                                                                                                                                573 5301        Email:
                                                                                                                                                                       products at reasonable prices,
water to survive.
                                                                                                                                                with fast delivery and superior customer service.

                                                                                                                              Our aim is to provide creative floral products that inspire you
                                                                                                                              Our aim is to provide creative floral products that inspire you!
                                                                                                                          Accessories       Containers       Floral Supplies        Wrapping
                                                                                                                          Corsage Pins                    Containers
                                                                                                                                                        Baskets                       Floral Supplies             Wrapping
                                                                                                                                                                                   Displa& Stans             Cellopane
                                                                                                                           Corsage Pins                    Baskets                    Display Stands              Cellophane
                                                                                                                          Diamante Straps               B!kets                    Floral B!kets             Gift Wrap/Kraft
                                                                                                                           Diamante Straps                 Buckets                    Floral Buckets              Gift Wrap / Kraft
                                                                                                                          Filigrees                     Ceramis                   Floral Foam                Organza/T!lle
                                                                                                                           Filigrees                       Ceramics                   Floral Foam                Organza / Tulle

                                                                                                                          Ribbons                          Flax-Hemp
                                                                                                                                                        Fla%-Hemp                     Florist
                                                                                                                                                                                   Florist    Tools
                                                                                                                                                                                           Tools              PearlPearl

                                                                                                                           Water Crystals                  Glass                      Flower Food                 Sinamay / Vilene
                                                                                                                          Water Cr&stals               Glass                      Flower Foo                Sinama&/Vilene
                                                                                                                           Wire                            Tinware                    Flower Sleeves              Tissue
                                                                                                                          Wire                          Tinware                    Flower Slee#es             Tiss!e
                                                                                                                                                We are proud to support New Zealand Professional Florists,
                                                                                                                          Proud to support New Zealand Professional Florists, and we thank them for their continued support of us
                                                                                                                                                   and we thank them for their continued support of us.

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NZPF Floral News & Inspiration - 2022 Autumn Issue - New Zealand Professional Florists
bunny (not so welcome - Teddy’s future job description
                                                                                                                   includes chasing them away) and one flower farmer
                                                                                                                   passionate about working with nature and growing
                                                                                                                   the right blooms at natures right time, but more
                                                                                                                   importantly for her, growing what she loves, because
                                                                                                                   what she loves she cares for with all the passion of a

                                                                                                                   So, what blooms does Shelley love to grow?
                                                                                                                   She loves to grow stock, poppies, anemones and
                                                                                                                   ranunculus, peonies, lisianthus, and hydrangeas.
                                                                                                                   Amongst these stunning blooms, Shelley also grows
                                                                                                                   smaller crops of seasonal blooms.

                                                                                                                   Perhaps one thing Covid has taught us, it the value

     Country Blooms Flower Farm
                                                                                                                   of supporting local. When you support a local
                                                                                                                   grower, you are supporting a whole family, and their
                                                                                                                   employee’s families, who work tirelessly and often in
                                                                                                                   less than comfortable conditions to nurture and care
                                                                         Written by Kylie Sargeant                 for your blooms from seed to shipment. You won’t
I was delighted to meet the Rural Courier and take                                                                 find fresher blooms than those grown locally and by a
                                                         and then in 2015 Shelley returned to her passion of
possession of my box of fresh blooms. This was my                                                                  passionate flower farmer.
                                                         growing flowers and established Country Blooms
first shipment from Country Blooms Flower Farm
                                                         Flower Farm on her 5 acre property in Edens Rd, Hope.                                                              But don’t just take my word for it, this is what Cathy
and I was excited and somewhat nervous as to what I
would find. My request was for a mixed box of whites     What will you find in the fields at Country Blooms                                                                 from Lily & May has to say…
and pinks, some stock and ranunculus and a few           Flower farm?                                                                                                       I met Shelley over two years ago and started buying her
larger focal flowers if she had some. I had requested    Two acres of field grown blooms, two unheated Poly                                                                 blooms. Since then, we have expanded and now buy a
quantities but left the order somewhat open, based       tunnels (400 sqm) to support a slightly longer growing                                                             good portion of her product when its ready.
on what she had available. My nervousness changed        season, a new puppy called Teddy, two employees                                                                    Shelley (is awesome!) and grows a beautiful variety of
quickly to sheer delight as I unpacked perky, fresh,     working hard in the fields and elements - seeding,                                                                 flowers and the quality really is first grade. Having been in
carefully wrapped in tissue, seasonal blooms. I don’t    planting, weeding, harvesting (all the glamorous jobs                                                              the florist industry for more than 25 years, I haven’t seen
know why I was nervous, because Shelley Bergman          of growing flowers!), occasionally a grandchild helping                                                            anything better.
sets a very high standard for herself and her blooms.    nanna water the seedlings, a daughter helping out
                                                         when extra hands are needed, Shelley’s mum helping                                                                 As a florist shop, we are very grateful for our local
After reading Debra Prinzing’s Slow Flowers, I set
                                                         divide dahlia tubers in the depths of winter, a son                                                                growers, as we can visit the farms and check out the up-
out on a quest to source and support locally grown
                                                         building a new sweet pea support structure, the odd                                                                and-coming crops so we can plan to design bouquets to
blooms. I researched, asked lots of questions and
                                                                                                                                                                            showcase their product.
made an effort to meet the local growers around
Nelson. I was relatively new to the area, to floristry                                                                                                                      I would encourage anyone who has local growers to
and learning all about the slow flower movement and                                                                                                                         support them. They have a wealth of knowledge and when
when I found Country Blooms Flower Farm, I knew I                                                                                                                           customers purchase in-store, I’m proud when I can say
had found a gem. A gem of a grower and a honey pot                                                                                                                          “these are all grown here”.
of stunning seasonal blooms. So let me introduce to                                                                                                                         Customers love to support local!
you this beautiful woman and her farm.
                                                                                                                                                                            Liz from Mrs Bottomley’s Flowers also added:
Shelley Bergman is the Owner Operator of Country
                                                                                                                                                                            Shelley is a delightful business partner and the quality of
Blooms Flower Farm. She began growing flowers
                                                                                                                                                                            her blooms is fantastic, with each box that is shipped full
commercially 30 years ago with her sister in the
                                                                                                                                                                            of fresh blooms, lovingly wrapped in tissue – which they
Teapot Valley where they grew for auction in a 1200
                                                                                                                                                                            deliberately reuse in their shop.
sqm greenhouse. They specialised in growing stock,
sunflowers, lisianthus, limonium and 5 children                                                                                                                             Liz is determined to source all of her blooms locally and
between them all under the age of 5! As life has a                                                                                                                          she would encourage all florists to seek out and visit
habit of doing and with growing children, priorities                                                                                                                        their local growers’ farms or connect with local flower
and professions changed for a few years for Shelley                                                                                                                         collectives to source in-season, locally grown blooms.

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NZPF Floral News & Inspiration - 2022 Autumn Issue - New Zealand Professional Florists
Country blooms flower farm ships directly to florists
across the top of the South Island and down as far as
Christchurch (because she cares for her blooms and
wants to be able to guarantee they will only be out of
water overnight!).

If you would like to contact Shelley to discuss your
needs you can contact her at and follow
on Instagram and Facebook to see what seasonal
blooms she has available (and what Teddy is up to

If Country Blooms Flower Farm is not within your area,
I encourage you to seek out your local growers. A good
place to start is

                                                                     Save $40
                                                                     Click the QR code
                                                                     below to order
                                                                     your copy !


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NZPF Floral News & Inspiration - 2022 Autumn Issue - New Zealand Professional Florists
We found our ½ acre bare paddock by walking past it       I do have “garden heroes“ - Monty Don (BBC Gardener's
                                                                                                  one Sunday afternoon. The size of the plot was perfect,   World) and Fergus Garrett of Great Dixter garden. It
                                                                                                  not too big, not too small, enough to put my fingers      is their expertise and philosophy that guides me as
                                                                                                  into a bit of soil.                                       well as my affinity of observing plants and doing what
                                                                                                                                                            instinctively feels natural to me.
                                                                                                  Growing up on a farm in Austria, my childhood
                                                                                                  holidays were all about helping in the fields and         Gardeners all over the world have much in common,
                                                                                                  garden, and I think it is from those childhood days I     but it is generally their happiness and positivity that
                                                                                                  developed my love of plants.                              really strikes me. I think that must be through a
                                                                                                                                                            connection to nature and the rhythm of the seasons.
                                                                                                  We built our straw bale house and two years later the

        Tasman Village Cottage                                                                    building that is now our guest cottage. The garden
                                                                                                  didn’t start with a design plan; it evolved as time, as
                                                                                                                                                            I really enjoy the seasons and seasonal variation of
                                                                                                                                                            gardening, the promise of spring, summer blooms,
                                                                                                  money and our own efforts allowed.                        harvesting, autumn calm and the slow down of winter.
                                                                                                                                                            The seasons keep on refreshing our physical and
       If you are looking for a get-away this year, full of love and inspiration, here’s a        We first planted native trees and hedges around the
                                                                                                                                                            mental well-being.
                                                                                                  perimeter, which now provide shelter for the garden
      suggestion for you. Iain Stephens and his family recently stayed at this beautiful
                                                                                                  and a home to the many birds and other wildlife.          I would encourage anybody to have a go. Grow
     cottage. Read about Maria and Cameron's place & book your stay on                Within we planted deciduous trees, shrubs and box         anything that most suits you and that you like, and
                                                                                                  hedging to give structure to the garden.                  you’ll soon discover the pleasure one gets from it. For
                                                                                                                                                            me, I want a garden to be nourishing, so I would never
                                                                                                  Then there are the flowers, from spring bulbs to roses,
                                                                                                                                                            want to be without my herbs and flowers. I always
                                                                                                  peonies, hydrangeas, lavenders, salvias and many
                                                                                                                                                            grow a variety of plants to allow the ecosystem to
                                                                                                  more perennials. These fill various parts of the garden
                                                                                                                                                            thrive and flourish.
                                                                                                  and are selected for our soil and climatic conditions
                                                                                                  but also for form, colour, scent, bees and bugs.          We still do all our own work, for most of the time it’s
                                                                                                                                                            not work, it’s healthy exercise, mind cleansing and
                                                                                                  There is also a large vegetable garden, which provides
                                                                                                  fresh food year round and fruit trees.
                                                                                                                                                            When guests wander through our garden, I encourage
                                                                                                  I draw inspiration and knowledge through reading
                                                                                                                                                            them to touch, smell or rub plants, and then I observe
                                                                                                  publications and books, my favourite publication
                                                                                                                                                            how their faces light up - a plant has done its magic!
                                                                                                  being Gardens Illustrated. Since joining the New
                                                                                                                                                            It’s more important than ever in these uncertain times
                                                                                                  Zealand Gardens Trust in 2016, I visited many gardens
                                                                                                                                                            to create spaces where we can find solace and refuge
                                                                                                  up and down the country and met many enthusiastic
                                                                                                                                                            from daily life.
                                                                                                  gardeners willing to share their knowledge and advice.

                                                                                                                                 Find out more at

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NZPF Floral News & Inspiration - 2022 Autumn Issue - New Zealand Professional Florists
DAVID BERGER                                                                                                                  colour and beauty. Working with store management,
                                                                                                                              it was the first time in the store's history that the
American Institute of Floral Designers     Certified Floral Designer   Certified Evaluator/Judge     Master Florist of NZPF   air conditioning was set to a higher than normal
                                                                                                                              temperature to make sure the tropical flowers and
                                                                                                                              foliage were kept at the optimal conditions. Many
An award-winning florist and TAFE instructor from Sydney                                                                      of the perfume counter staff still recall this spring
                                                                                                                              flower show as they endured the hotter than normal
A well-known and much-admired designer, educator              Jones. Thousands of
                                                                                                                              conditions so the flowers thrived. The phrase ‘for the
and judge, David’s varied and long career in floristry        blooms decorated the store
                                                                                                                              love of beauty’ took on a different meaning to them!
spans decades. His style and expertise along with             windows and perfumery
his friendly personality make him one of the most             floor, with each year having                                    David continued as workroom manager and
respected and inspiring demonstrators in the industry.        a unique theme following                                        coordinator of the Spring Flower shows at David
                                                              current fashion and design                                      Jones for 23 years. In that time, he experienced every
David was always destined to become a florist. “I
                                                              trends. David was offered                                       facet of floristry and made lifetime floral friends and
grew up surrounded by flowers and gardens. My
                                                              a position in the main                                          connections in the industry.
grandparents had an award-winning garden. My first
                                                              workroom of David Jones' florist, where 15 senior               Competition floristry had always been of an interest
after school job was in the local nursery which had a
                                                              florists and junior apprentices worked to create daily          to him, born from his first experiences in Floral Art.
florist within the business.” Tending to the nursery’s
                                                              orders that ranged from customer requests to event              David competed in the Teleflora State competition
plants soon led to him to working in the florist section
                                                              floristry and product launches within the department            and progressed to the National competition on eight
of the business.
                                                              store. The workroom experience was the most                     occasions. He represented Australia in the Teleflora
The owner of the florist was a keen exhibitor at the          fantastic time of his career, where he could be called          World Cup in four different countries, achieving four
local Tenterfield show, in the Floral Art section. She        to go to the most lavish Sydney properties and dress            gold medals, five silver medals and one bronze medal
persuaded David to enter the novice section, in which         them with flowers for dinner parties and celebrations.          throughout his career, the highlight being named first
he took home the first prize. This started David’s
                                                              David was appointed manager of the David Jones                  runner-up in Paris.
lifelong passion in floristry and competition work.
                                                              florist shop workroom, and one of his duties was to             Interflora Australia approached David to become a
David’s school organised a work experience position           liaise with the visual merchandising department in              judge, and he has judged nationally for 10 years, and
with Searl’s Florist in Sydney, the nearest capital           creating the annual Spring Flower Show throughout               internationally for Interflora Australia at the 2014
city. David worked in the busy florist and quickly            Australia, in all the capital cities. I remember in             Asia World Cup in Japan. David has helped change
decided that this was the career path he would like           1990 when the theme of the Spring Flower Show was                                                                            his career was being on the International Judging
                                                                                                                              perceptions of floristry being a female-dominated
to take. The work experience was over the Christmas           ‘Vegetalia’. He was asked to brief the David Jones board                                                                     Panel in San Paolo in Brazil (2016) and the Oceania
                                                                                                                              career path in Australia and has become a powerhouse
trading period, at the end of which, he was offered           of directors on how florists would combine vegetables                                                                        Competition in New Zealand (2015).
                                                                                                                              in the industry.
a position as a junior florist. He packed his bags,           and fruits with flowers, to fit the theme. The visual                                                                        David travelled to New Zealand to gain his diploma
leaving Tenterfield for Sydney. David completed his                                                                           During this time, David was approached by TAFE NSW
                                                              merchandising department came up with the concept                                                                            level with New Zealand Professional Florists and his
junior florist apprenticeship at Searl’s Florist under                                                                        to be a guest demonstrator for their floristry students,
                                                              of creating large scale ‘containers’ that were fibreglass                                                                    Master qualification in 2013.
Pauline Orson, an English-trained florist, who instilled                                                                      showcasing new and emerging trends. A full-time
                                                              cabbages, spanning 2m across. These were filled
classical floristry styles, techniques and training into                                                                      teaching position came up at TAFE NSW and he was             Learning and expanding his own floral practices
                                                              with various combinations of vegetables, fruits, and
his floristry practices. David has fond memories of                                                                           the successful applicant. This started David’s teaching      is a continuing cycle, with David’s latest accolade
                                                              flowers. The challenge of combining these elements
himself and two other junior florists wiring foliage                                                                          career.                                                      being the successful completion of the American
                                                              was complex as the Ethylene gas released effected the
on a Thursday and Friday for weekend weddings,                                                                                                                                             Institute of Floral Designers' Certified Evaluator/Judge
                                                              longevity of the blooms, especially in the windows.             David delivers all qualifications of floristry in
working late into the evenings on the Fridays to wire                                                                                                                                      course in 2021, the first Australian ever to gain this
                                                              Special extraction fans were placed in every window to          Australia: Certificate II Floristry Assistant, Certificate
the floral materials and assist the senior florists who                                                                                                                                    accreditation. David has been a member of the AIFD
                                                              ensure a greater circulation of air than normal to help         III in Floristry, Certificate IV in Floristry and Diploma
put together the usual 15-20 wedding orders for the                                                                                                                                        since 2012, maintaining his Certified Designer Florist
                                                              combat this. ‘Vegetalia’ proved to be one of the most           of Floristry Design. For David, teaching is an absolute
weekend. Fine wiring techniques and practices are                                                                                                                                          status, through industry work and practices.
                                                              popular themes.                                                 joy, as every day brings different situations and
fundamental floristry skills that are essential for any                                                                       challenges, and he thoroughly enjoys passing on his          David’s enthusiasm and passion for the florist industry
                                                              In 1994 Christian Dior launched their new perfume
floral designer, and David calls on his early training in                                                                     floristry experiences and expertise to his students.         is clearly evident.
                                                              ‘Dior’, and the David Jones visual merchandising team
these skills for his everyday floristry needs.
                                                              based the ‘containers’ on the perfume bottle shape.             WorldSkills Australia, which is a program of                 “Everywhere I look there is inspiration and beauty –
After completing his apprenticeship at Searl’s Florist,       The overall theme was a rich, decadent, golden palette.         recognition of youth skills, including floristry, has        from the simplest line in a single blade of grass to the
David was asked to assist on the David Jones Flower           David Jones, in conjunction with the Sydney Flower              become a focus for David. He has been the National           complex form of a fully bloomed Peony. When I need
Show, the largest annual cut flower display in the            Markets, directly imported thousands of bunches of              Chief Judge and International Floristry Expert since         to recharge my creativity, a walk around outside brings
Southern Hemisphere, which heralded the beginning             Vanda and Dendrobium orchids. The ground floor                  2010, training and mentoring young florists in               wondrous sights and shapes to draw on when styling
of spring each year in the department store David             perfumery was transformed into a tropical oasis of              the WorldSkills competition cycle. A highlight of            flowers.”

16                                                                                                            NZPF News       NZPF News                                                                                                             17
NZPF Floral News & Inspiration - 2022 Autumn Issue - New Zealand Professional Florists
Coral Macdonald
                                          NZPF Dip.MF QSM

This year for the New Year's Honours list, Mrs Coral        tribute were very happy and gave me a lovely hug to
Macdonald, one of our Life members, was awarded             say thank you.
The Queen's Service Medal for “ Services to Floristry”.
                                                            From where do you like to draw your inspiration
Mrs Coral Macdonald has been a florist for more             for your designs?
than 60 years and has volunteered thousands of
                                                            From overseas designers and magazines such as
hours to mentor floristry students. Mrs Macdonald
                                                            ‘Hello’ and ‘Town and Country’.
has helped prepare students for examinations, been
an examiner and helped organise examinations for
the New Zealand Professional Florists Society. She
has been recognised with Master Florist Status by
                                                            No doubt over your 60 years in floristry, you have
                                                            seen mechanics change and many innovations.
                                                            What was the ‘biggest game changer” or best
                                                                                                                                      Celeste Shotter
the New Zealand Professional Florists Society and           innovation you appreciated in your work?                                                                  Dip.NZPF
has been made a Life Member. She has provided               Oasis Floral foam.
her floristry services to the government and various                                                                               I grew up in Tawa and always loved all things flowery. I began my career in
                                                            If there was only one tool you could use to create
embassies in Wellington over many years. Since 1987                                                                                floristry at Copseford Flowers fresh out of high school in 1990 as a junior florist
                                                            your floral work, what would it be?
she has provided formal wreaths and chaplets for New                                                                               for 6 years and finally brought the business Copseford Flowers on the Kapiti
Zealand government, military and commemorative              A sharp pair of scissors/clippers.                                     Coast in 1996 just after Valentine’s week.
events, such as Armistice Day and ANZAC Day to be
                                                            Plastic pollution is a global issue and there is a lot                 The shop was situated in Coastlands shopping mall so it was a seven day week
laid by New Zealand officials overseas. Mrs Macdonald
                                                            of plastic used in floristry. How do you best see this                 until we moved to Kapiti Lights in 2016 for better quality of life/work, so I could
is well regarded for her knowledge, attention to detail
                                                            issue being addressed/resolved by the industry?                        have a Christmas holiday after a hundred years, and have public holidays off!
and cultural appropriateness when preparing formal
                                                            Discuss with wholesalers and suppliers about less                      I gained my Junior, Senior, and Diploma NZPF certificates along the way. I have
floral arrangements.
                                                            plastic wrapping and alternative product materials they                worked alongside Megan Parker, our NZPF President, at Whitireia Polytechnic
Kylie Sargeant prepared a few extra questions that          could use.                                                             for 8 years tutoring and assisting with assessments on my day off from the
Coral happily replied to.
                                                            What do you see as being the most important                            flower studio, which was a highlight and a privilege for me.
Tell us how your floral journey began?                      considerations for the future of floristry?                            I have been an Interflora member since I purchased my studio and I am
I made a corsage for the school flower show                 That florists need to be trained by qualified tutors.                  currently on the Interflora Executive which I have been enjoying, watching the
competition and won first prize at seven years old.                                                                                brand grow under our new General Manager.
                                                            What advice would you give a florist who is
Was there a family history of interest/love of              struggling to stay inspired or creative?                               I have been on the NZPF Executive for many years as a Diploma holder and
flowers?                                                                                                                           this year Vice-President. We have certainly seen some changes in our industry
                                                            Don’t ever give up! Converse with a professional florist
                                                                                                                                   over the last few years.
My mother had a beautiful flower garden and I loved         and get new ideas to try and ask for advice.
picking the flowers and arranging them in vases.                                                                                   My passion is flowers and creating memories or emotions through flowers for
                                                            What advice would you give to someone just                             people. A highlight in my career was also participating in the World Flower
Tell us about an experience you have had that               beginning their floral journey?                                        Council gathering in Thailand putting together a floral design.
“welled up so much pride in your heart” that it             Aim for perfection and be the best you can. Use top
made you feel delighted to be a florist.                    grade flowers, foliage and other materials. Be prepared
I made a tribute for the opening of a very special          to work hard with long hours when necessary. Attend
memorial in 2021. I did a lot of research to ensure that    workshops and design schools. Listen to advice given
the tribute meet all the protocols. The recipients of the   by successful florists. Enjoy what you do.

18                                                                                                         NZPF News   NZPF News                                                                                         19
Some feedback from previous participants:                            Wreaths
                                                                                                                         “The key to further understanding a floral design style
                                                                                                                         and evolving towards a better designer is DISCIPLINE.

                       MARK PAMPLING
                                                                                                                         The focus and objective of this course is about how
                                                                                                                         to discipline the various stages of designing with
                                                                                                                         methodical thinking, restricted choice of materials, and

                        Design Courses
                                                                                                                         a checklist of criteria for evaluation. Mr. Mark Pampling
                                                                                                                         guided each participant thorough with comprehensive
                                                                                                                         notes and explanations of each task. As a Master
                                                                                                                         Florist himself, his knowledge, skills and techniques
                           Discipline & Direction Explored Online                                                        are remarkably exemplary. I can truly recommend this
                                                                                                                         course because I enjoyed the learning, particularly the
                                                                                                                         evaluation/ feedback from Mark and I feel that I have
There is no end to learning about design – especially        materials that provide solutions for the compositions       become a better designer.”
floral design and floristry, where the infinite variations   they are creating. Working with less to learn more. It’s    - Lawrence
in plant materials present new challenges and                easier with some materials than others, however all
                                                                                                                         “Mark is a true creative master, he is able to
opportunities at every turn. As florists, we often get       materials hold their pleasures and their challenges.
                                                                                                                         communicate in a clear and decisive manner with
focused (obsessed?) on learning or perfecting new            The practice provides the opportunity to go back to
                                                                                                                         encouragement. Enjoyed all the design challenges
techniques or fashionable new trends. Thinking               the principles of design, and find ways to use them
                                                                                                                         and have grown and learnt a lot during the Design
about design – how we apply design theory – often            effectively. The results of this intense study can be
                                                                                                                         Discipline course.”
gets overlooked in our rush to get hands-on. And             easily transferred back to our everyday experiences of
                                                                                                                         - Mary
yet, understanding and improving how we approach             working with flowers.
                                                                                                                         Design Directions is a companion course also
design, our design choices, is arguably the most             Participants create their designs and submit
                                                                                                                         offered through Flower Thinking in 2022. A
valuable learning we can undertake – it’s an ongoing         photographs of the completed compositions, which
                                                                                                                         slightly longer course, it takes participants through
and endless journey, but one that we often stray away        are then discussed during online meetings. A
                                                                                                                         five practical tasks. Each composition is only
from, retreating back to our habits and comfort zones,       scheduled program allows ample timing for each
                                                                                                                         restricted by general guidelines that determine the
doing what we know. Familiarity can be reassuring,           submission, and meetings are recorded for later             proportions, line direction and style of the design,
however learning and growing our understanding               viewing if participants are unable to join the live         such as parallel and formal-linear tasks. There are
of the design process can be exciting and keep us            sessions. Design Discipline is spaced over a three          no limitations on the varieties of materials that
engaged and fresh – which always translate to happy          month period.                                               can be incorporated. As with Design Discipline, a
                                                             For some demonstration examples throughout                  system of floral principles is used to collectively
Encouraged by the restrictions of our friend, the            previous courses, I chose to work with Strelitzia reginae   evaluate and offer suggested improvements. Design
pandemic, I created some learning opportunities in           (Bird of Paradise) – frequently ‘foraged’ from my local     Directions allows for more creative freedom and
almost the only possible realm these days – online. It       shopping centre car park. This choice gave me various       growth, once again through our supportive and
was mostly a new world for me, but one that allowed          components to use throughout the course tasks: the          interactive learning environment, starting 21 March.
me to reach people no matter their geographical              flowers, leaves, pods, stems, bracts, etc. – both fresh     Enrolments via the Flower Thinking website,
location, and to work together to explore how we think       and dried. While there seemed to be many options and
about design and how we can evolve that process. It          possibilities, the challenge could leave me scratching      Join me in 2022 for some discipline or direction and
has been a fantastic and exciting journey and one that       my head at times – how to make a bridal bouquet of          expand your creative thinking.
has encouraged participants to reach new levels of           dried Strelitzia leaves? This is the intention of the
personal and professional satisfaction.                                                                        
                                                             course, one that forces you to review and apply the
                                                             principles of design to create a successful and cohesive
Floristry is frequently about being resourceful. ‘Design
Discipline’ takes this resourcefulness to a new level,       design. The process gives fresh eyes to the materials
                                                             and designs we encounter very day and how we might
in order to narrow the focus on the design process.
                                                             approach them differently.
The course encourages participants to really limit
the varieties of materials they use, working with one        Design Discipline will be offered multiple times
                                                                                                                         Images – All designs and photography by Mark Pampling
preferred material almost exclusively across a number        through 2022, with the first intake starting 17 March.
of practical tasks – an arrangement, a bridal bouquet,                                                                   Top: Dried and fresh Strelitzia parts.
                                                             Enrolments can be made directly through the Flower
a wreath and an overlapping design. This approach            Thinking website, where you will also find more             Middle: Fresh Strelitzia leaves and stems on a paper covered base.

forces participants to look for characteristics in their     information:                         Bottom: Fresh Strelitzia flowers, stems and leaves on a rope base.

20                                                                                                           NZPF News   NZPF News                                                                      21
Bridal Bouquets                                                                                       Overlapping Designs

                                                             Dried and painted Strelitzia stems and pods,
                                                                with gold beads, on a woven wire base.
             Dried Strelitzia leaves and pods.

                                                                                                                                                       Fresh Strelitzia flowers and leaves with Red Cornus.

     Strelitzia segments on a paper covered wire base.            Fresh Strelitzia segments and leaf
                                                                     on a decorative wire frame.                               Fresh Strelitzia flowers and dried                       Dried and painted Strelitzia flowers, leaves and stems.
                                                                                                                                and painted leaves and stems.
Images – All designs and photography by Mark Pampling

22                                                                                                     NZPF News   NZPF News                                                                                                                      23
Tess Rose
                       Design Discipline                                                                                  With every design created there was an opportunity
                                                                                                                          to submit stretches or practice pieces. Submitting
                                                                                                                                                                                 Time to add Tess (my chosen flower throughout this
                                                                                                                                                                                 task) and complete the design.
                                      Megan Parker          NZPF Dip.MF                                                   practice pieces helped me with my direction, when
                                                                                                                          you work out of your comfort zone you soon start to
               As promised here are my last two pieces from the Design Discipline                                         second guessing yourself.
                      course I undertook last year with Mark Pampling.                                                    I started by basing as I normally would.

     TASK 4 : Overlapping Design
Again for this final task I used my preferred material as a predominant or visually prominent component. I had
never created an overlapping design so this was my biggest challenge of the course (lucky last). An overlapping                                                                  A close up of the completed design.
design primary is made up of organized overlapping materials, the design was to have a clear purpose, e.g. a table
-based composition/arrangement, wall hanging, freestanding bouquet etc.
                                                                                                                          Then realised my basing needed to be low and flat,
I chose to create two low table arrangements, so they could be viewed from above when standing, and when
                                                                                                                          lichen and the budded stems of cineraria stardust
sitting the designs still had depth and interest to look into.
                                                                                                                          were used.

Phormium                                                         The paua shells were a little central so I moved them
                                                                 to the left and added one more. I moved some of the
My base was a large copper dish 40cm diameter, I                 phormium flower heads to a tighter grouping on the
placed round aluminum balls underneath and reused                right, then added more phormium leaves to the left
the phormium frame from my bridal bouquet. Again                 and a few grasses to the right. I loved my completed
everything would be in water.                                    piece. It was calm and peaceful.

                                                                                                                            Upcycling Designs
                                                                                                                          Upcycling of designs can be interesting and
                                                                                                                          sometimes difficult. As Christmas was nearing I had
                                                                                                                          planned to dry my Tess wreath and upcycle it. It was
                                                                                                                          fun to use it twice.

                                                                 This close up shows the depth and interest within the
I placed the paua shells in to create contrast, however
they became lost.

24                                                                                                            NZPF News   NZPF News                                                                                                   25
An overview of Megan's designs                                      How Do I Progress Toward NZPF Exams?

       Traditional Arrangement / Bridal Design
            Wreath / Overlapping Design
                                                                                   Attend a NZPF Roadshow
                Tess Rose                                                    Our first Roadshow for 2022 is being held in the Wellington region.


                                                                                                         Saturday, 2 April 2022


                                                                                    10.30am (tea, coffee, light morning tea) for 11am start – 3.30pm


                                                                                       Memorial Hall, Aorangi Road, Paraparaumu (Off old SH1)

                                                                                                      What you need to bring

                                                                                                         •        Lunch (12.30pm)
                                                                                                              •    Water Bottle
                                                                               •   Product including wrap/ribbon (if applicable) for your chosen design:
                                                                                   • Level 3 - you can do either a handtied posy or a bowl arrangement
                                                                                                • Level 4 - a funeral piece of your choice.


                                                                                                     Financial members, no cost.


                                                                                   There will be two demonstrations prior to you doing your design:
                                                                                                          •        Handtied Posy
                                                                                                          •       Formal Wreath.



                                                                         This is an opportunity to enjoy demonstrations by our examiners and a fantastic time
                                                                         to ask questions, and then gain feedback on your own design if you wish to create one.


                                                                                     Vaccination passes will need to be shown on entry to the Hall

                                                                                                             Add to calendar
                                                                                             Our next roadshows are 22 May in Auckland
                                                                                                   and 5 November in Christchurch.

26                                               NZPF News   NZPF News                                                                                            27
As market leaders for floral supplies,
                                                                                                                                                                                               Oceans Floral are committed to providing
                            NEW ZEALAND PROFESSIONAL FLORISTS                                                                                                                              Accommodation
                                                                                                                                                                                               quality products at reasonable prices,
                                                                                                                                           For those of you travelling to the Designer Weekend
                                                                                                                                                                                               with fast delivery and superior customer
                                   48th AGM & Designer Weekend                                                                             & AGM, we have pre-booked some accommodation at
                                                                                                                                           Silverstream Retreat in Lower Hutt. Please see options
                                                                                                                                           below. All accommodation must be booked with the
                                Friday 7 – Sunday 9 October 2022
                                                                                                                                           It will be first in first accommodated.
              Silverstream Retreat, 3 Reynolds Bach Drive, Stokes Valley, Lower Hutt                                         Visit us at 500 Mt Wellington Highway Mt Wellington 1060 Auckland
                                                                                                                             Phone: +64Accommodation
                                                                                                                                           9 573 5300 choices:
                                                                                                                                                            Fax: +64 9 573 5301     Email:
                                                                                                                                           Forest Studios - $170.00 (per unit per night).
                                                                             Saturday 8 October                                            These are an open plan studio unit with kitchenette,
     Mark Pampling                                                                                                                         separate shower and toilet facilities, 37-inch LCD TV,
     We are thrilled to announce Mark Pampling,
                                                               NZPF 48th AGM                                                       Our   aim is to provide creative floral products that inspire you
                                                                                                                                     microwave, fridge, and heat pump. King-sized bed (can be
     International Designer and New Zealand                    Venue: Boardwalk Auditorium. 11.00 -12.30pm, followed                 made into two singlesContainers
                                                                                                                               Accessories                 on request).                Floral Supplies Wrapping
     Professional Florist Master Florist has confirmed         by finger food. No cost.
                                                                                                                               Corsage Pins                   Baskets
                                                                                                                                         Stonewall Suites - $170.00 (per unit per night).         Displa& Stans          Cellopane
     he will join us our 48th AGM and Designer
                                                                                                                                           These are all located next to each other (ideal for a large
     Weekend. This will be an amazing opportunity to           Dinner with Designer - Mark Pampling                            Diamante Straps               B!kets
                                                                                                                                        group) and boast an open plan studio unit with King-Floral B!kets                Gift Wrap/Kraft
     work with and watch a Master Florist in Action.
                                                               Enjoy a relaxed evening of flowers, food and friendship,                    sized bed (or two singles on request), ensuite, tea and
     Mark will inspire you with how product can be
                                                               whilst enjoying the warmth of the fire.                         Filigrees   coffee making facilities.
                                                                                                                                                                 Ceramis                         Floral Foam             Organza/T!lle
     manipulated and utilised.
                                                               Limit: 28 people.                                                           River View Apartments $265.00
                                                               Venue: Boardwalk, 7pm - late.                                   Ribbons                           Fla%-Hemp
                                                                                                                                           (based on two guests, per unit per night).             Florist Tools           Pearl Wrap
                 Friday 7 October                                                                                                          These large open-plan two-bedroom apartments have a
                                                               Cost: $80.00 member, non-member $95.00
Master Class with Mark Pampling, Master Florist                                                                                Water Cr&stals                Glass bedroom (can be split into
                                                                                                                                        King-sized bed in the master                       Flower Foo                    Sinama&/Vilene
                                                                                                                                           two singles), and two single beds in the loft bedroom
Exploration of Ideas (recommendation 5 years’                                 Sunday 9 October                                             upstairs. Open plan living area, and separate bathroom
experience within industry). Designers will work
                                                                                                                               Wire                              Tinware                       Flower Slee#es             Tiss!e
                                                               Workshop                                                                    and shower facilities. French doors from the lounge open
from a range of carefully selected materials - with the
                                                               Open to all (students, store owners, floral-minded              Proud to support
                                                                                                                                         out ontoNew
                                                                                                                                                 a deckZealand   Professional
                                                                                                                                                        overlooking              Florists, and we View
                                                                                                                                                                    the Hutt River.               thank them
                                                                                                                                                                                                       more    for at
                                                                                                                                                                                                            images their continued support of us
potential to add optional extras from a list of suggestions.
                                                               creatives). Be amazed how creative you can be!
Designing individual pieces will be supplemented
with collective prep on some larger items of the               All product supplied, just bring your toolkit and wirebags.
demonstration.                                                 Limit: 30 people.
Limit: 20 people.                                              Location: The Pillars, 10 am - 2 pm.
Venue: Boardwalk Auditorium, 12 noon – 4 pm                    Cost: $40.00 member ($55.00 non-member).
(includes afternoon tea).
Cost: $80.00 member / $95.00 non-member.
                                                                 If you are attending any or all of the weekend
WOW Extravaganza                                                 please make full payment direct to NZPF:
Venue: TSB Arena. Show starts 7.30 pm.                           ANZ, account no. 01-0226-0135434-00.
                                                                 Please quote your name and “AGM”.
Light dinner at Silverstream Retreat, then jump on the
bus and be delivered to the door. Pricing TBA.                   RSVP
                                                                 Please advise our secretary Julie that you have
                                                                 paid and which events you will be attending
                                                                 by no later than Sunday 4 September 2022.
                                                                 Contact her at secretary@nzprofessionalflorists.
                                                        Please also advise if you have special
                                                                 dietary requirements.

                                                                  The Executive look forward to welcoming you!

28                                                                                                              NZPF News                  NZPF News                                                                                                  29
Principles of Design

TRANSITION                                                                                                          UNITY & HARMONY
Transition or gradation means gradual change                                                                        These are beautiful words in sound and meaning,                 Choosing flowers and foliages that relate to each
from one condition to another. The gradation of                                                                     creating a feeling of completeness and togetherness             other and to the container and in some cases to their
Forms from large to small linking the outside area                                                                  within the design with its surroundings.                        surroundings create Unity and Harmony. For example
of a design to the Areas of Dominance or Focal                                                                                                                                      garden and cottagey flowers in a rustic container or
                                                                                                                    Unity is tangible. Harmony is aesthetic.
Area.                                                                                                                                                                               exotics in a more stylish and elegant container.
                                                                                                                    A tree has many parts, roots, trunk, bark, branches,
An excellent example of Transition is a delphinium                                                                                                                                  Without a sense of Unity a design irrespective of its
                                                                                                                    leaves, flowers and fruit. Each individual part is beautiful
with its smaller buds at the top, graduating down                                                                                                                                   cleverness will become a series of unrelated forms and
                                                                                                                    but together they form part of a harmonious whole.
through the partially opened blooms to the fully                                                                                                                                    colours.
opened flowers at the bottom.                                                                                       In flower design all the components must be pleasing
                                                                                                                                                                                    Unity and Harmony is all about relationships,
                                                                                                                    and present a unified package. There must be a
In traditional design Transition or gradation is a                                                                                                                                  functional and symbolic associations.
                                                                                                                    linking factor such as colour, shape or association.
major part of the design with smaller flowers or
forms placed to the outside edge and larger blooms
near the axis with very large blooms centrally
placed to create the Area of Dominance.

The more blooms of in between size or shape that
are used during this Transition the more gentle the

In more contemporary designs Transition can be
used although the placement of Forms in a design
is quite different.

Transition of colour in a design is also an important
aspect. Good Transition of Colour ensures this
                                                        You can see how the transition of colour is working well
aspect of the design does not jar with the viewer
                                                        in the elongated design. The blending of tints, tones and
i.e. the use of orange between red and yellow
                                                        shades draws your eye through the design from one side
makes the movement from one to another more
                                                          to the other. This also helps create more depth with
acceptable. Transition of Colour may also be the
                                                                           the use of colour.
gradation of one hue from dark to light.

                                                                                                                     The table setting above oozes Unity and Harmony. Every little detail fits together invoking wonderful feelings of peace
                                                                                                                      and happiness. The colour of the fabric covering the long tables, the tints and shades of the fabric accentuated in the
                                                                                                                          standard roses. The repetition of the glassware, plates, napkins and cutlery. It is all so pleasing and tangible.

30                                                                                                     NZPF News    NZPF News                                                                                                                   31
How do I start my exams with
      New Zealand Professional Florists Inc. (NZPF)
We are often asked the questions regarding exams and       your understanding of the Principles and Elements                                                                                                              REGISTRATION NO:
how it all works. Please read the following guidelines     of Design and how they relate to the practical aspect
                                                                                                                       Diploma, Levels 3 & 4 Enrolment Form
to help you plan.                                          of your work. Their help will ensure you cover the
                                                           marking criteria in the exams. Also working in a            Pre-Assessment and Assessment Dates
Important things to know before you start the
                                                           flower shop/flower outlet helps develop a better
exam process
                                                           understanding of what maybe covered in the written          Name:
NZPF offers assessing and certificates for levels; Level
3, Level 4, Diploma, Accredited Assessor and Master                                                                    Address:
Florist. These are to be completed sequentially.           If you do not work in a flower shop or the floral
                                                           industry, you can sit your exams, but it can be difficult
NZPF exams are marked to an extremely high                                                                             Mobile:                                          Email:
                                                           if you do not have good advice from experienced
standard by qualified examiners who have undergone
                                                           designers. You can attend workshops or have private         Studio:                                                                      Work Ph:
rigorous training, often over a period of several years
                                                           training with mentors (pricing for this varies).
and levels. NZPF qualifications are held in high regard
overseas.                                                  Workshops and Training Weekends are advertised                           PLEASE TICK PRE-ASSESSMENT AND/OR ASSESSMENT VENUE YOU ARE TO ATTEND
                                                           in the NZPF News & Inspiration and New Zealand                                                     Cut-off date is 28 days prior for all practical units
The certificates produced by New Zealand Professional
                                                           Professional Florists website:                                        Levels                  Venue                      Pre-Assessment                       Assessment
Florists, with endorsement from the Royal New
                                                                                        3&4                  Hamilton                        2 July 2022                      13 August 2022
Zealand Institute of Horticulture.
                                                           Attending Pre-Assessment is vital to attain the               3 & 4 & Diploma               Wellington                9 July 2022 (All Levels)               20 August 2022
Purchase of units
                                                           best results for your exam. When you attend a Pre-                     3&4                Christchurch                     16 July 2022                      27 August 2022
There are number of units in level 3, 4 and Diploma
                                                           Assessment, you work with Assessors who work
that can be purchased, these have an expiry date of 5                                                                             3&4                  Auckland                       23 July 2022                     3 September 2022
                                                           alongside you critiquing what you have produced,
years from the initial purchase date.                                                                                             3&4                   Dunedin                       30 July 2022                    10 September 2022
                                                           providing beneficial guidelines of what to work on
Level 3 Starter pack has a five year expiry date           before your exam in 6 weeks’ time.
                                                                                                                                  Purchasing units requires a Purchase Schedule from the Secretary (see contact details at bottom of page).
(except Unit 054 is two years). This pack is a great way
                                                           When do I attend Pre-Assessments and my Exam?                                                            Pre-Assessment Day Costs: $97.00
to start you entry into NZPF exams.
                                                           When you feel you are ready. If you wish to have                                      Level 3 Student Studybook 1 or Full Folio - Hand-in Dates: 31 January 2022
In the pack you receive:                                   clarification, create a couple of examples from                                    Level 3 Student Studybooks 2, 3 and 4 or Full Folio - Hand-in Dates: 31 July 2022
•    4 practical papers 044 – 047                          the questions in the exam and send the pictures                                  Level 4 Folio and Diploma Portfolio - Hand-in Dates: 31 January 2022 & 31 July 2022
•    Assignment (written) paper 054 (this unit must be     to the secretary. These will then be passed onto
                                                                                                                                                             PLEASE INDICATE UNITS TO BE ASSESSED:
     completed in two years)                               the Assessment Co-ordinator too check, and once
                                                           you hear back, you can plan when/where to attend               Level 3             Cost                   Level 4             Cost                     Diploma            Cost     
•    NZPF Handbook
                                                           the exam. Dates and regions are advertised in the            NZPF 044              $95.00                NZPF 048              $95.00                  NZPF 0006           $256.00
•    NZPF Wiring Illustrations                             NZPF News & Inspiration and on the New Zealand               NZPF 045              $95.00                NZPF 049              $95.00                  NZPF 0007           $256.00
•    NZPF Colour Wheel.                                    Professional Florists website:                               NZPF 046              $95.00                NZPF 050              $95.00                  NZPF 0008           $256.00
                                                                              NZPF 047              $95.00                NZPF 051              $95.00                  NZPF 0009           $256.00
The starter pack allows students time to practice
                                                                                                                        NZPF 054             $126.00                NZPF 052              $95.00                  NZPF 0010           $158.00
the practical questions they sit, read and gain an         Practice Certificate of Commercial Floristry is
                                                                                                                       If you have purchased your unit              NZPF 053              $95.00                  NZPF 0011           $158.00
understanding of what is required from the marking         another certificate you can apply for once you have
schedule, answer and complete the assignment                                                                           please tick box                             NZPF 058             $126.00
                                                           completed a certain amount of hours within the
(written) paper (054) in their own time (within two                                                                                                                 NZPF 004              $111.00
                                                           industry for both Level 3 and Level 4, these are called
years of purchase), study the handbook thoroughly to       a Practicing Certificate of Commercial Floristry. This
                                                                                                                                     PLEASE NOTE: You are required to bring all your own flowers, foliages, materials and your tool kit
understand the terminology of the design techniques        is issued from New Zealand Professional Florists                                    for the unit(s) you wish to work with at Pre-assessment and Assessment.
(which are required in the practical questions),           when students submit signed confirmation of 1000                         All materials supplied for Diploma Assessment (Diploma tool kit may contain decorative wires etc.).
thoroughly study the colour wheel and wiring notes.        hours for Level 3 or 2000 hours for Level 4 from their
Once a student becomes comfortable with these, they        employer confirming this has been completed. You
                                                           must apply to the secretary for appropriate paper           Name:                                              Signature:                                          Date:
can purchase the level 3 units and plan when to sit
them.                                                      work.
                                                                                                                                                        PAYMENT FOR PRE-ASSESSMENT AND/OR UNITS
How do you learn?                                          Happy Planning!                                                       Pay directly to NZPF, ANZ Bank A/C No. 01-0226-0135434-00 (Quote “Name Pre & Assessment Enrolment”)
It is best to be working in a flower shop/flower outlet,   Contact the secretary if you have other questions:                                      Scan and email this form to:
with experienced designers who can help develop                                                                           Julie mobile: 027 210 1699

32                                                                                                        NZPF News    NZPF News                                                                                                                    33
NZPF Executive & Secretary

                                                                                            Megan Parker NZPF Dip.MF
                                                                                            Mobile: 027 589 4453
     We are a non-profit organisation                                             

     who promote and maintain the                                                                                                   Patron, Life & Affiliated Members
      highest standards of Floristry.
•   We encourage our members to have a commitment                                                                                   PATRON                                      AFFILIATED MEMBERS
    and passion for their profession and work with us
                                                                                            VICE PRESIDENT
                                                                                            Celeste Shotter Dip.NZPF                Mrs Kate Jacobsen NZPF Dip.MF               Interflora Pacific Unit Ltd
    to achieve higher standards in floristry designs and
                                                                                            Ph. (04) 296 1455                                                                   P.O.Box 1048
    business practices.
                                                                                               LIFE MEMBERS                                Christchurch 8140
•   We work with The Open Polytechnic providing Level 2
    training in the workplace or off-site location.                                                                                 Mr Malcolm Angus NZPF Dip.MF                Open Polytechnic of New Zealand
                                                                                                                                    Mrs Pamela Jenkins-Lane NZPF Dip.MF         3 Cleary St
•   We provide assessments and qualifications for Level
                                                                                                                                                                                Waterloo, Lower Hutt 5011
    3, Level 4, Diploma and Masters.                                                                                                Mrs Carol King NZPF Dip.MF
•   We provide weekend and educational workshops.                                           INTERFLORA                              Mrs Colleen Murphy Dip.NZPF                 Daphne Studio of Design PTY Ltd
                                                                                            Sheryl Watkin Dip.NZPF                                                              Suite 4, 15 Airdrie Rd
•   We are affiliated to the Royal New Zealand Institute of                                                                         Ms Ann Stewart Dip.NZPF
                                                                                            Ph. (04) 233 2140                                                                   Swanson, Auckland
    Horticulture with our certificates being endorsed by                                                                            Mrs Noeline Wareham Dip.NZPF
    RNZIH.                                                                                                                                                                      Oceans Floral Ltd
                                                                                                                                    Mrs Denise Wilson NZPF Dip.MF
                                                                                                                                                                                P.O.Box 58808
•   New Zealand Professional Florists is recognised by a                                                                            Mrs Coral Macdonald NZPF Dip.MF
                                                                                                                                                                                Botany, Auckland 2163
    major flower sending organisation (with Interflora
    holding an Executive position providing current
                                                                                                                                    Mrs Megan Parker NZPF Dip.MF

    industry knowledge).
                                                                                           ASSESSMENT CO-ORDINATOR                  AREA CHIEF ASSESSORS
•   We can provide a suitable contact for private tuition                                  Colleen Ryan Dip.NZPF
    (cost to be negotiated direct with tutor).                                             Ph. 027 454 8399                         Wellington/Taranaki Region                South Island
                                                                                                  Megan Parker NZPF Dip.MF                  Helen Hebberd NZPF Dip.MF
                                                                                                                                    Paraparaumu                               Nelson

         From the Office                                                                                                            Ph 027 589 4453                           Ph 03 547 8136 or 021 046 505

                                                                                                                                    Waikato/ Bay of Plenty Region             Auckland Region
         NZPF Handbook (A4)                          $25.00*
                                                                                                                                    Denise Wilson NZPF Dip.MF                 Dale Lee-Lo Dip.NZPF
                                                                                           DIPLOMA HOLDER
         NZPF Colour Wheel                           $20.00*                                                                        Te Awamutu                                Auckland
                                                                                           Iain Stephens NZPF Dip.MF
         NZPF Wiring Illustrations                   $25.00*                               Ph. 021 388 902                          Ph 07 871 5464 or 021 168 0229            Ph 021 555 2202
         * plus postage of $5

         Level 3 Starter Pack                    $140.00**
                                                                                                                                      Dates for 2022 Magazines
         ** plus postage of $10                                                                                                       •   1 March – Autumn Issue
         This includes one year student membership                                         SECRETARY/TREASURER                        •   1 May – Winter Issue
         Visit to                                         Julie Ainsworth
                                                                                                                                      •   1 September – Spring Issue
                                                                                           160 Eskdale Road, Papakowhai,
         download the application form for the use of the
                                                                                           Porirua 5024                               •   1 December – Summer Issue
         NZPF logo on company website.
                                                                                           Mobile 027 210 1699                        All articles must be emailed to Secretary one month prior to Issue date.
         Any studio member who does not have an NZPF                             
         window sticker, please email our secretary who
         will send you one.

         If you would like to advertise in our NZPF News
         please contact our secretary for a quote.
                                                               Photo References:
                                                               Cover, p30-31, p35: All other photos supplied.
                                                                                                                                                      LIKE OUR FACEBOOK PAGE

    34                                                                                                             NZPF News        NZPF News                                                                     35
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