OCT 2020 Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran - Indonesia - AllPack Indonesia

OCT 2020 Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran - Indonesia - AllPack Indonesia
07 - 10
                                                                                 OCT 2020
                                                                                 Jakarta International Expo,
                                                                                 Kema yoran - Indonesia

                                                                                 KRISTA EXHIBITIONS

                                                                                 ALLPACK INDONESIA 2020
                                                                                 The 21th International Exhibition on Processing,
                                                                                 Packaging, Automation, Handling for Food &
The BEST Event                                                                   Beverage, Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic

for Processing &
Packaging                                                                        HELD IN CONJUNCTION WITH

in ASIA region

                                                                                 ALLPROCESS INDONESIA 2020
                                                                                 The 8th International Exhibition on Food &
                                                                                 Beverage, Dairy, Confectionary, Meat & Seafood
                                                                                 Processing, Refrigeration, Technology & Services

                                                                                    Organized By

 Supporting Ministry                                                        Supporting Associations


Join us                     www.allpack-indonesia.com   allpack   @allpackexpo               @allpackexpo
OCT 2020 Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran - Indonesia - AllPack Indonesia

JIExpo, Kemayoran - Indonesia
                                                                        BROADEN YOUR HORIZON
   Great Success for ALLPACK EXPO 2019

The BEST Event for Processing & Packaging in ASIA.
Krista Exhibitions proudly present ALLPACK INDONESIA Expo 2019 – The 20th focused platform for international processing,
packaging, filling, controlling, automation, handling, printing for packaging and labelling. Participated by more than 934 exhibitors
from more than 19 countries and attracted around 47,200 visitors from local and international. This exhibition provides a wide
variety of business opportunities for exhibitors to promote their products and a perfect platform for both visitors and exhibitors to
connect and find solutions for their business needs.

The Show at a Glance
To officially mark the opening of the event, a ribbon-cutting        • Chairman of Singapore Manufacturing Federation
ceremony was held on the morning of October 30 2019,                   (SMF) Lifestyle Industry Group - Kimming Yap
opened by :                                                          • Vice Chairman of Japan Food Machinery
• Director General of Chemical, Pharmaceutical and                     Manufacturers' Association (FOOMA) - Aihara
  Textile Industry of Ministry of Industry of The Republic           • Manager of Business Division Japan Food Machinery
  of Indonesia- Muhammad Khayam,                                       Manufacturers' Association (FOOMA) - Eiji Kawauchi
• Chairman of Indonesia Pharmaceutical Companies                     • Head of Strategic Partnership of RHB Bank Singapore -
  Association (GP Farmasi) - Tirto Koesnadi,                           Jacqueline You
• Business Development Director of Indonesian                        • Trade Counsellor of Royal Embassy of Cambodia -
  Packaging Federation (IPF) - Ariana Susanti                          Noun Phanith
• Chairman of Indonesia Plastic Recycling Association                • Senior Executive Business Development of German-
  (ADUPI) - Christine Halim                                            Indonesian Chamber of Industry &
• Chairman of The Indonesia Food & Beverage                          • Commerce (EKONID) - Wuranto
  Association (GAPMMI) - Adhi S. Lukman                              • Ambassador of Portugal to Indonesia -
• Chairman of Pharma Materials Management Club                         H.E. Rui Fernando Sucena do Carmo
  (PMMC) - Kendrariadi Suhanda                                       • Second Secretary of the Embassy of Mozambique -
• Vice Chairman of Indonesia Chamber of Commerce                       Almiro De Figueiredo
• Jakarta Chapter (KADIN Jakarta) - Tatyana S. Sutara                • Trade Attache of the Embassy of Kuwait -
• Pharma Materials Management Club (PMMC) -                            Naser Almansour
  Teddi Iman S.                                                      • CEO Krista Exhibitions - Dharma Salim
• Chairman of Cosmetics Companies Association                        • CMO Krista Exhibitions - Christina Sudjie
  (PPA Kosmetika) - Sofian Solihin
• Chairman of Indonesia Jamu Companies Association
  (GP Jamu) - Dwi Ranny Pertiwi Zarman
• Chairman of Indonesia Catering Companies
  Association (PPJI) - Irwan Iden Gobel
• Chairman of Singapore Manufacturing Federation
  (SMF) Packaging Council - Betty Tan
OCT 2020 Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran - Indonesia - AllPack Indonesia

                                                    Features :
Held in Conjunction with             :

                                                                           Food Tech                             Pharma Tech

                                              Cosmetic Tech                        Beverage Tech                      Pharma Ingredients

                          Bottling Tech                           Plastic Tech                        Labelling Tech

                                         Refrigeration &
                                         Cold Chain Tech                          Logistic Tech                        Canning Tech


                 Carton Box Tech                  Automation Tech                     Quality Control Tech

                                                                                                                                  “I’m very impressed
                                                                                                                             this exhibition, how well it is
                                                                                                                          organized and very professional,
                                  “It’s very good, this is                                                                I’m also very impressed about the
                                                                        "I am very impressed with the progress of
                              the best exhibition I have ever                                                          number of people coming, I didn’t expect
                                                                       existing technology because there is always
                         particaped in. I meet many customers.”                                                            so many people to come here.”
                                                                                 something new on display."
                           (Dong Fang - Shenzen Hongbang                                                                           (Andre Schlosser -
                                                                          (Jufri - PT Adalira Cipta Abadi, Visitor)
                                  Packaging, Exhibitor)                                                                       Imaging Solutions, Visitor)

                                                                                      o r g a n iz e d
                        ne w PR OD UC T
                          TE CH NO LO GY
OCT 2020 Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran - Indonesia - AllPack Indonesia

    JIExpo, Kemayoran - Indonesia
                                                                       EXHIBITORS’ PROFILE

                                      41% INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITORS

                     934 exhibitors
                                       59% LOCAL EXHIBITORS


                            EXHIBITORS come From 19 Countries

                                                                                                       more than
          25,598                                95%                         95%                      1,500
          Total Area / sqm                    Satisfaction Rate       of Exhibitors confirm to      Business Matc
          on ALLPACK Expo              Exhibitor on ALLPACK Expo   take part in ALLPACK Expo 2020   expected this
OCT 2020 Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran - Indonesia - AllPack Indonesia
ALLPACK is made for You !
                  Join us now, if you are into :
                  - Packaging industry
                  - Processing industry
                                                                                       EXHIBITOR BY PRODUCT

                    Packing Related Equipment, Machinery & Materials                        16%

                    Packaging Services                                    11%

                    Processing, Packaging & Printing Machinery
                    for Pharmaceutical & Cosmetic

                    Food & Beverage Manufacturing and
                    Processing Machine

                    Food Equipment & Materials                         10%

                    Automation                                         10%

                    Materials Packaging                           8%

                    Pharmaceutical Processing
                    & Packaging Active,                      7%
                    Pharmaceutical Ingredients

                    Storage, Conveyor
                    & Parts

                    Analyzing,               4%
                    Testing Equipment

                    Food &
                    Beverage                 4%

                                   Management Equipment           3%

                              Marking, Coding, Logistic &
                              Warehouse Industries            2%


more than
1,500                             125,000                                       100                   200,000
ness Matching                     Invitations sent out                 Journalist from Magazines,         Website visit
ected this year                   on ALLPACK Expo                       Newspaper & Television      www.allpack-indonesia.com
OCT 2020 Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran - Indonesia - AllPack Indonesia

                                                                 ALLPACK INDONESIA
                                                                 7 - 10 OCTOBER 2020
                                                                 JIExpo, Kemayoran

                                                                                                                IMPROVE YOUR PRESENCE
                                                                                                       CEO / Director                                                                  27%

               VISITORS by                                                                                                                                                 21%

                                                                                                   General Manager                                           13%
               Industry Sector
                                                                                 Sales & Marketing Executive                                                12%

                                                                                                                Supervisor                                  12%
                                       Cosmetics 5%
                                                                 Food &                  Research & Development                                 5%
                                      Trading 5%
                                                                 Beverages                                      Purchasing                      5%
                           Chemical 6%
                                                                 20%                                               Logistic

                                                                            FMCG                                                   0%              10%               20%               30%
      Advertising                       9%                                  15%
                                                                                                              TOP 10 Local Visitors
                                           9%                   13%
                 Hospitality                         10%    Packaging                                           1. Jakarta                            6. Surabaya

                                                   Printing Industry                                            2. Tangerang                          7. Depok
                                                                                                                3. Bekasi                             8. Semarang
                                                                                                                4. Bogor                              9. Karawang
                                                                                                                5. Bandung                            10. Medan

                                                                    2,360                        INTERNATIONAL VISITORS

                              47,200                                        44,840                        LOCAL VISITORS
                                                                     International Visitors came from 60 Countries

 Afghanistan Andorra                   Argentina   Armenia      Australia   Bangladesh   Bolivia       Brunei       Canada         Chile         China      Cyprus    Czech Republic East Timor

 Ethiopia                  France      Germany     Honduras     Hong Kong   Iceland      India         Iran         Italy          Japan         Jordan     Libya      Malaysia     Maldives

 Morroco                   Myanmar      Nepal      Netherlands New Zealand Nigeria        North Korea Pakistan       Philippines   Poland        Portugal   Qatar      Saudi Arabia Senegal

 Singapore                 Slovenia    South Africa South Korea Spain       Sweden       Switzerland   Taiwan       Thailand       Togo          Tunisia    Turkey    Ukraine        UAE

 UK                    US              Vietnam     Yemen

       Data Source : POSTSHOW REPORT OF ALLPACK INDONESIA 2019 indicates High Satisfaction Rate from Exhibitors and High Quality Trade Visitors
OCT 2020 Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran - Indonesia - AllPack Indonesia

                                                         ALLPACK INDONESIA . 7 - 10 OCTOBER 2020
                                                         JIExpo, Kemayoran - Indonesia

              Comments from Exhibitors & Visitors
                                                                                                                                                      "The target & relation of this
                                                                                                     ne w sa le s !                                    exhibition is representative
“It’s great exhibition, everyday we give out                                                                                                           enough to help the sales &
  many many namecards. We finished our                     “The exhibition is very                                                                     marketing of our products
namecards soon. The organizers is very nice            interesting because allow me                                                                     because there are many
             and very friendly."                        to meet many customer and                              “This exhibition is very             industry colleagues and there
    (Isabel MA - Shenzen Yifan Gifts CO,           to held international seminar where                          complete and we can                    are even industry partners
                  Exhibitor)                          I can meet every customer and                           meet many suppliers to                 that we meet at AllPack, so it
                                                            explain our factory.”                           gather information if we are            is very helpful to promote our
                                                     (Paolo Zobolo - ICF &WELKO,                       looking for new packaging machines."           products." (Yudhi Nugraha -
                                                                  Exhibitor)                             (Yudi Rianto - PT Abott Indonesia,                Interoll, Exhibitor)



     Inspiring Events held in 2019

      Seminar ADUPI                     Seminar SMF                    Seminar FOOMA                          Seminar PT Mandala                Seminar PMMC,
                                                                       Speaker : Muhammad Fauzi,
      Speaker : Christine Halim,        Speaker : Andrey Wijaya,                                              Hamonangan Sude                   GP Farmasi
                                                                       Yoshinori Hata, Shinji Kurematsu,
      Muhammad Jumadi,                  Andrew Tuah,                                                          Speaker : Yossa Setiadi,          Speaker : F.Tirto Koesnadi,
                                                                       Gunadi Hidajat, Toru Sunada,
                                                                                                                                                Roy Lembong, Ryan Iswandi,
      Taufiek Bawazir,                  Dr. Nelson Cheng,              Endy Hananta, Sandy M Tjendra,         Indra, Hj. Teti Kamayanti,
                                                                                                                                                Swarie Harinovita, Azaz Rulyaqien,
      Henky Wibawa,                     Kimming Yap, Betty Tan,        Ruby Tarissa, Nandang Muhamad          Budi Hendrayana Giam,
                                                                       Jaelani, Jujun Junaedi,
                                                                                                                                                Adam Reza Ganjara, Fazian Rahim
      Rahmat Hidayat                    Michael Setjoadi               Yutaka Fujiwara
                                                                                                              Angela Merrychiem

      Seminar Rieckermann               Seminar Printpack              Seminar Rieckermann                    Seminar Uhlmann                   Member Gathering
      Speaker :                         Speaker :                      Speaker :                              Speaker :                         GAPMMI
      Werner Fromm,                     Dr. Lawrence Hu                Luca Giberti,                          Giocomo Rinaldi,
      Klaus N. Moeller                                                 Alessandro Nobile                      Philip Wong, Zein Albahar

      Seminar Patpi                     Seminar Imas Asri              Seminar ICF Welko                      Seminar PDF
      Speaker :                         Speaker :                      Speaker :                              Speaker : Edi Rivai,
      Asmuwahyu, Muhammad               David Newell                   Paolo Zoboli                           Geetha Arumugam,
                                                                                                              Irwan Supriana,
      Ghozali, Sizigia Pikhansa
                                                                                                              Benny Chiadarma, Tustus Sukarya
OCT 2020 Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran - Indonesia - AllPack Indonesia

                                             ALLPACK INDONESIA . 7 - 10 OCTOBER 2020
                                             JIExpo, Kemayoran - Indonesia

     Booth Packages


                                                                                       raw space


               Table                                                                                 3m

Standard Shell (min. 9 sqm)                                                        Space Only (min. 18 sqm)
US$ 438/sqm                                                                        US$ 410/sqm
For Local Company                                                                  For Local Company
5,350,000 IDR /sqm                                                                 4,900,000 IDR /sqm
•    Paneled walls (both sides and rear) • Fascia board (up to 20 letters)         • Rental of space only
•    Alluminium framework • Electricity power 2amp/220Volt                         • Your Company may build your own stand
•    2 nos flourescent lights • Floor Carpeting
•    1 Table • 2 Folding Chair
•    1 Waste Paper Basket

     Organized By

                       KRISTA EXHIBITIONS since 1995
                       PT. Kristamedia Pratama
                       Jl.Blandongan no.28d/g, Jakarta 11220 . Indonesia                               Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran
                       Tel. +6221-6345861, 6345862, 6334581, Fax. +6221-6340140                                       Jl. Benyamin Sueb No.1,
                       E-mail: info@kristamedia.com Website: www.kristamedia.com                              Jakarta Pusat, 14410, Indonesia
OCT 2020 Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran - Indonesia - AllPack Indonesia OCT 2020 Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran - Indonesia - AllPack Indonesia
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