Page created by Nancy Mills
THE                                                                                                       CONTENTS
EXECUTIVE EDUCATION                                                                                       Core Open Programs                   4
POINT OF DIFFERENCE                                                                                       Customised Executive Development 14
The AIM WA+UWA Business School Executive Education (Executive                                             Consulting Services                 14
Education) joint venture brings the best of both worlds to the professional                               Corporate Diagnostics               14
development of senior individuals and teams within your organisation.
                                                                                                          International Expertise             15
Western Australia’s most prestigious university, combined with the state’s
leading leadership and management thought leader and training provider,                                   Other Special Areas of Expertise    16
form a powerful combination.                                                                                Professional Mentoring            16
The academic research rigor of UWA compliments the practical,                                               Workplace Mental Health           16
performance focus of the AIM WA. Both organisations strive to empower                                       Executive Coaching                16
individual and organisational development and performance.                                                  Innovation                        16
                                                                                                          Next Steps                   Back cover

•   Thought leaders in management                        •    World’s top 100 university
    and leadership
                                                         •    World expert faculty
•   Industry engagement through a
                                                         •    Research applied to achieve
    vast professional and corporate
                                                              practical outcomes
    membership base
•   Practical workplace learning
    and development

About the cover:View of the Swan River and the Narrows Bridge. Photography: Bruce Aspley - Shutterstock
Senior Executive Development
The challenge for leaders has never been
greater. Unprecedented levels of complexity
and uncertainty, increasing demands for greater
efficiency with resource constraints, requires
leaders to constantly balance competing
demands in order to deliver required outcomes.

AIM WA+UWA Business School Executive
Education provides a range of offerings to
cater for the broad range of challenges and
opportunities you might experience in your role
and career.

We can meet your organisational
development needs
At AIM WA+UWA Business School Executive
Education we bring together world class
academic research with real world examples
and expertise to provide a practical and relevant

Whether the goal is to improve employee
engagement, increase accountability and
responsibility, to create a culture of continuous
improvement, or the implementation of a
strategic plan, we have vast capabilities to
navigate through your organisation’s specific
challenges. Our consultative approach allows
us to embed sustainable initiatives and learnings
into your organisational context whilst being
informed by your internal process owners,
strategic priorities and existing knowledge base.

                                                    AIM WA+UWA Business School Executive Education Portfolio 2020   1
WHO                                                   WHAT                                                                                                  A WORLD
WILL BENEFIT?                                         CAN YOU EXPECT?                                                                                       OF EXPERTISE
Our unique professional development offerings         Over the 18 year history of this unique            Next, the hard work begins to embed the            With over 200 faculty, facilitators, subject
are designed for those from senior positions          collaboration, organisations have achieved first   changes in the day-to-day activities and culture   matter experts and consultants available, we
with specific needs. We tailor our services to        class outcomes. These results have arisen from     of the individuals and teams charged with          are confident of being able to provide a close
meet the needs of Board Members, CEOs, and            a disciplined approach to understanding both       implementation. Once again we will work with       match with your requirements.
their direct reports. We also cater for individuals   the symptoms and causes of organisational          you to support the implementation and realise a
who are seeking to challenge themselves               challenges. Using an open and inquiring            tangible return on your investment.
and their employees by engaging with world            approach, we partner with you to unpack the
                                                                                                         Finally, we can help with the review, evaluation
class research and teaching expertise from            issues and opportunities and align these with
                                                                                                         and forward planning. Recognising that
the Business School of one of the world’s top         your objectives and ambitions.
                                                                                                         development is an on-going journey, we can
100 universities. At the organisational level,
                                                      This diagnosis informs the design phase where      assist with the reflection on the success of the
the target is sophisticated enterprises with
                                                      we continue to work with you to create an          current initiative and the planning of the next
200+ employees looking to build long term,
                                                      approach that is both evidence-based and           phase.
sustainable success.
                                                      relevant to your context.

                                                      Then our team of faculty, facilitators and
                                                      consultants get to work to deliver on the
                                                      promise. They will engage and challenge -
                                                      provoke and inspire.

2     AIM WA+UWA Business School Executive Education Portfolio 2020
A suite of core Open Programs deliver insights and build capacity in your senior executives.
Each is led by a skilled and experienced facilitator who will draw on your extensive work experience to help you integrate and assimilate the learning.

PROGRAM TITLE                                                                  PAGE   JAN   FEB   MAR     APR   MAY     JUN     JUL      AUG         SEP        OCT        NOV        DEC

Advanced Management Program                                                     4                                                                   13-18

Advanced Negotiation in Practice                                                5                                               2-3

Authentic Leadership                                                            6                 25-27

Design Thinking                                                                 7                                        9

Raising Capital Program                                                         8                               20-22

Scenario Planning and the Art of Strategic Conversation                         9                                                       24-28

Strategic Development Program
                                                                                10                                                                             20-22
for Not-for-Profit Organisations

Strategic Social Media                                                          11                              4-8

Strategy: From Principles to Practice                                           12                        7-8

 he Co-Operatives and Mutuals
                                                                                13                                      22-24
Strategic Development Program

* All dates presented within this portfolio are correct at time of printing.
                                                                                                                                 AIM WA+UWA Business School Executive Education Portfolio 2020   3
ADVANCED MANAGEMENT                                                                                        Program No:
                                                                                                                             6 days (Residential)
PROGRAM (AMP)                                                                                              Venue:            Hyatt Regency Perth
                                                                                                           Dates:            13 – 18 September 2020
Leadership from a different perspective                                                                    Fees:             $9724 GST inclusive

As busy leaders and managers                          Facilitated by a globally respected team of          Who will Benefit                                    •   Eva Skira, St John of God Health Care
                                                      faculty and professional experts, learning is                                                                Chair of Trustees, Former Chair of Water
we rarely get the chance to look                      achieved through interactive teaching, guided
                                                                                                           The AMP is for two broad categories of leaders
                                                                                                                                                                   Corporation, Non Executive Director
                                                                                                           with more than seven years of experience.
at our leadership from a different                    discussion, case study analysis, syndicate           It is for those about to transition into the        •   Rob Bransby, Non Executive Director
perspective, at what we do each                       projects, peer review and personal coaching          first tier of executive management, who are             Synergy, Craig Mostyn Group, Australian
                                                      methodologies. Cutting edge case studies are                                                                 Digital Health Agency, Chairman CBA
day and why we do it.                                 used from the West Australian, Australian and
                                                                                                           seeking to invest in their leadership skills and
                                                                                                           extend their leadership depth as they take on           Advice Business and Commonwealth
For more than 40 years, AIM WA+UWA Business           global economies, including from leading global      more professional responsibility. It is also for        Private Limited, Commissioner Insurance
School Executive Education’s Advanced                 business schools.                                    experienced specialists in areas such as finance,       Commission of Western Australia
Management Program (AMP) has been a trusted                                                                engineering, communication and information
                                                      Condensed from its origins in business school                                                            •   Harry Xydas, Founder and Executive
pathway for professionals and leaders wanting                                                              technology, human resources, law, science,
                                                      based, accredited Executive MBA programs,                                                                    Chairman, Doric
to take the next step in their careers.                                                                    primary production or the health professions,
                                                      the AMP includes the basic building blocks of                                                            •   Sheila McHale, Former CEO, Palmerston
It challenges participants to seek a deeper                                                                who are seeking to broaden their leadership
                                                      management theory, strategic and financial                                                                   Association Inc
understanding of their leadership capabilities                                                             expertise.
                                                      management; managing human capital;
and management expertise, as they contribute                                                                                                                   •   Tony Howarth, Non-Executive Director,
                                                      organisational performance; negotiation
to the senior levels of their organisations. The                                                           Speakers                                                Wesfarmers
                                                      skills; and innovation, change and marketing
program allows participants to shift from being                                                                                                                •   Hon Kerry Sanderson AC, Former Governor
                                                      management. Highly credentialed and                  One of the highly valued features of the
‘in the job’ to ‘across the job’, with broader                                                                                                                     Western Australia, Chair St John of God
                                                      respected guest speakers present on a range          program is the opportunity for highly interactive
organisational mindset and a greater strategic                                                                                                                     Healthcare & Former CEO, Fremantle Ports
                                                      of topics including leadership, sustainability,      conversations with industry leaders. Former
                                                      growth and talent retention and attraction.          guest speakers have included:                       •   Karl J O’Callaghan, Former APM
Participants on this intensive residential                                                                                                                         Commissioner of Police
                                                      Complementing the management content in              •   Michael Gollschewski, President,
program access the best applied leadership and
                                                      the program are presentations, experiential              Alcoa Australia                                 Presenters
management models, frameworks and theories
                                                      activities and individual coaching designed          •   Fiona Kalaf, General Manager - Markets and
from the world’s most respected executive                                                                                                                      Faculty from The University of Western Australia
                                                      to facilitate self-reflection and increase an            Innovation, APM Group
MBA programs. Participants are encouraged to                                                                                                                   Business School and leading corporate business
                                                      individual’s effectiveness and leadership
challenge their perspectives on organisational                                                             •   Adrian Arundell, Managing Partner,              experts and executive coaches.
                                                      potential. Participants undertake a 360°
strategy and operations, augmented by                                                                          Azure Capital
                                                      assessment prior to the program, receive
insights into their individual leadership values                                                           •   John Barrington, Chairman, Anglicare WA,
                                                      individualised executive coaching, examine
and capabilities. The AMP allows participants                                                                  Perth International Arts Festival
                                                      their ability to work in teams and cross-cultural
to release themselves from traditional work
                                                      situations, and reflect on their leadership skills   •   Dale Alcock, Managing Director, ABN Group
practices in order to step back and integrate
                                                      and their ability to achieve peak performance        •   Dr Graham Forward, Founder Australian
broader insights into new management and
                                                      and work life balance.                                   Doctors for Africa, Chairman Murdoch
leadership challenges.
                                                                                                               Orthopaedic Clinic

4     AIM WA+UWA Business School Executive Education Portfolio 2020
ADVANCED NEGOTIATION                                                                                      Program No: 014
                                                                                                          Duration:        2 days
IN PRACTICE                                                                                               Venue:           AIM WA
                                                                                                          Dates:           2 – 3 July 2020
Be the best negotiator you can be                                                                         Fees:            $2420 GST inclusive
                                                                                                                           $1980 GST inclusive AIM WA Corporate/Professional Member

Effective negotiation involves                      Learning Outcomes                                     About the Presenters                                  The Experience Lab
developing a process that leads                     About the negotiation process:                        Professor Ray Fells                                   The Experience Lab provides actors to enhance
                                                                                                                                                                your training days by infusing them with
to constructive outcomes.                           •   The DNA of negotiation – a practical              Ray gained experience in employment and               practical activities- helping you to embed the
                                                        understanding of how negotiations work,           industrial relations field in the U.K. In the
Gain an understanding of how negotiations                                                                                                                       learning from the classroom and allowing you to
                                                        including what power and trust mean in the        Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service,
work and be aware of your impact. The tone                                                                                                                      experience what utilising your new skills feels like.
                                                        context of negotiation                            Ray acted as an adviser to companies on
of your voice, your body language, and your
                                                    •   Strategic thinking – tools to enable you to       personnel and industrial relations issues in          Whether it is creating a memorable end to your
phrasing can have a significant impact on
                                                        become a proactive rather than reactive           a role similar to that of a consultant. His           day or integrating more fully into your program
the process and outcome of any negotiation.
                                                        negotiator                                        work in ACAS also involved being a formally           to provide different learning experiences -The
Gaining the skills to negotiate, coupled with
                                                                                                          appointed conciliator to assist in the resolution     Experience Lab tailor activities to put the theory
an understanding of your personal impact, will      •   A reflective approach that will enable you
                                                                                                          of management-union disputes in the London            into practice. Some of the services the lab
improve your negotiation technique and lead to          to continually enhance your negotiation
                                                                                                          area. This advisory and conciliation role covered     provides are as follows:
better outcomes.                                        effectiveness and understand your own style
                                                                                                          both the private and public sectors.
                                                        as a negotiator                                                                                         •   Realplayers
This program combines the negotiation and
                                                    •   Feedback on current strengths and                 Ray has developed and taught successful               •   Simulations
research expertise of Professor Ray Fells from
                                                        weaknesses                                        courses in industrial relations and negotiation
the UWA Business School with the coaching and                                                                                                                   •   Skill Building
                                                                                                          at both undergraduate and post-graduate level
role playing expertise of “The Experience Lab”      •   Practical skills in managing the tasks that are                                                         •   Theatre Based Training.
                                                                                                          and now focuses his teaching and research
a team of improvisation actors. By employing            needed to achieve a constructive outcome
                                                                                                          on negotiation in the business context. Ray
a distinctive experiential approach, participants   •   Personalised skills development in managing       currently teaches on MBA programs in Sydney
will gain practical insight into how to manage          the interaction between yourself and other        and Copenhagen as well as at UWA.
their negotiations more effectively and avoid           negotiators.
pitfalls. This knowledge will be brought to life
through case studies, simulations, role plays       Who will Benefit
and coaching. The program culminates in a           This program is highly beneficial for those
substantial negotiation simulation in which “The    whose roles involve negotiation and achieving
Experience Lab” team will challenge, guide and      the agreement of others, whether in formal
coach the participants to develop and improve       negotiation settings such as procurement or
their practical skills.                             enterprise bargaining, or in less formal settings
                                                    such as leading an organisational change
                                                    process or working in dynamic teams.

                                                                                                                                               AIM WA+UWA Business School Executive Education Portfolio 2020       5
AUTHENTIC                                                                                                  Program No:
                                                                                                                              3 days
LEADERSHIP                                                                                                 Venue:             AIM WA
                                                                                                           Dates:             25 – 27 March 2020
Challenge your understanding of who you are                                                                Fees: $3520 GST inclusive
                                                                                                           	$2860 GST inclusive AIM WA Corporate/Professional Members
as a leader and how you relate to those around you

Authentic Leadership is an inspiring                 Who will Benefit                                      Highlights                                          About the Presenter
and transformational three-day                       The program is recommended for any current            •   Confidential on the spot executive coaching,    Andrea Lloyd
                                                     or aspiring leaders, executive managers, team             challenging perceptions and providing
workshop which will challenge                        leaders, and professional staff. Organisations            support                                         Andrea has a valuable combination of corporate
your own understanding of who                        will also benefit substantially – the program         •   Strong emphasis on activities such
                                                                                                                                                               and consulting experience. This enables her
                                                                                                                                                               to bring a broad business perspective, with
you are as a leader and how you                      was initially developed to specifically target            as participant directed role playing,           clear insights into the strategic, commercial,
                                                     executive and management teams.                           group discussion, problem solving and
relate to those around you…with                                                                                                                                operational and employee needs of
                                                                                                               presentations to put required behaviours into
real time feedback on how you                        Program Content                                           practice
                                                                                                                                                               organisations. Her in-depth exposure to human
                                                                                                                                                               resources, organisational development and
perform.                                             A highly experiential and individualised program,     •   Targeted feedback by experienced observer       management consulting spans over 20 years
                                                     topics covered include:                                   coaches.
Leaders need to be able to inspire and engage                                                                                                                  and includes work across industries including
their followers, practice tough empathy, show        •   Authentic Leadership philosophies and                                                                 health, mining, resources, engineering, water
some (selective) weakness and be prepared                examples                                          Learning Outcomes                                   and professional services in both the public and
to challenge their own core beliefs. Based           •   Self-awareness – personalised LSI 360°            •   Insights into personal leadership               private sectors.
on extensive research of some of the world’s             survey, feedback and development plan                 effectiveness
leading leadership thinkers, including former            against a database of effective and ineffective   •   An individually developed leadership plan
London Business School Professor Rob Goffee,             leadership behaviours                             •   Results from a diagnostic 360° survey of
the program’s methodology was developed
                                                     •   Self-management – barriers to leading,                colleagues
by a team of Executive Education consultants.
                                                         emotions, fears and ego                           •   A resource guide for further reference.
It has delivered outstanding results, changing
individual lives and organisational outcomes.        •   Emotional intelligence – understanding the
                                                         use and value of emotions in leadership and
                                                         how to apply proven strategies
                                                     •   Building authentic relationships –
                                                         having constructive conversations and
                                                         demonstrating positive behaviours.

6    AIM WA+UWA Business School Executive Education Portfolio 2020
DESIGN                                                                                                   Program No:
                                                                                                                           1 day
THINKING                                                                                                 Venue:            AIM WA
                                                                                                         Dates:            9 June 2020
Cutting edge problem solving strategies for you                                                          Fees: $1650 GST inclusive
                                                                                                         	$1320 GST inclusive AIM WA Corporate/Professional Members
and your organisation

Designing Strategy into Action:                     The presenters on this program are the first in      About the Presenters                                  Jenny Hoffman
                                                    Western Australia who have been trained in the
A Masterclass in Design Thinking                    prestigous “ExperienceInnovation” and IDEO           Dee Roche                                             Jenny provides leadership development, strategic
                                                                                                                                                               planning, cultural transformation and innovation
from Insights to Innovation.                        methods of Design Thinking.                          Dee is a Senior Management Consultant who             services to a variety of public sector, private and
                                                                                                         has been facilitating, public speaking, teaching      not-for-profit clients, believing that every human
In increasingly complex times, innovation and
                                                    Who will Benefit                                     and working with groups for over 25 years
collaboration skills are becoming vital to all                                                                                                                 being has a leadership to offer, somewhere in
                                                    The program is designed for those in senior          within private, public and community based            our lives and using our unique strengths. Jenny
types of businesses; and both principles are
                                                    leadership roles within public and private           organisations. Her experience spans the areas         also works at the UWA Business School where
essential in Design Thinking.
                                                    sector organisations who are involved in             of strategic leadership and management                she teaches leadership development and design
Design Thinking brings together what is             the development of policy and strategy. The          development, organisational change and                thinking as part of the MBA program.
desirable from a human-centred point of             program will promote Design Thinking as an           transformation, governance and building high
view with what is technologically feasible and      approach for leaders to become more agile and        performance teams that focus on values.
economically viable within any organisation or      adaptive to deal with increasing uncertainty,        Dee currently lectures at the UWA Business
sector. Design Thinking is a contemporary and       complexity and change.                               School on the Master of Business Administration
innovative approach to devising strategy and
                                                                                                         (MBA) Program, focusing on ‘Strategic Change
managing change.                                    Learning Outcomes
                                                                                                         and Transformation’ and is the 2013 Winner
This masterclass will lead you through the          •   Explore what design is and how design            and 2014, 2015 & 2016 Nominee of the UWA
Design Thinking process and explore how                 thinking can be used to solve business           Excellence in Teaching Award; 2014 Winner
human-centred design can help develop                   challenges                                       UWA Excellence in Teaching and Research
innovative solutions, through the use of creative   •   Understand how to apply design thinking          Awards (Program Award); and 2014 Nominee for
tools to address the complex challenges faced           principles within your own organisation to       the Western Australian Women’s Hall of Fame.
by the public, private, co-operative and mutual,        tackle complex strategic challenges and
and not-for-profit sectors.                             drive innovation
The program is centred on an exclusive              •   Learn Design Thinking observation techniques
“ExperienceInnovation” simulation, which                to better understand your stakeholder’s
steps participants through the design thinking          mindset; your stakeholder’s unmet needs; and
concepts and process. Together with current             the context relevant for your own organisation
Harvard case studies, the Design Thinking           •   Moving ideas into action through the
masterclass invites participants to explore their       practice of ideating and rapid prototyping
own organisational challenges focusing on their
                                                    •   Sharpen your observations skills through
“Burning Platforms” and accelerate innovation
                                                        taking part in the unique ‘Design Thinker’
to cultivate effective solutions.

                                                                                                                                              AIM WA+UWA Business School Executive Education Portfolio 2020     7
RAISING CAPITAL                                                                                             Program No:
                                                                                                                               2 and a half days
                                                                                                            Venue:             AIM WA
Securing funds to start up or expand your business                                                          Dates:             20 – 22 May 2020
                                                                                                            Fees: $2730 GST inclusive
                                                                                                            	$2530 GST inclusive AIM WA Corporate/Professional Members

This holistic strategy and business                   Who will Benefit                                      •   Apply tools to derive an appropriate valuation   About the Presenter
                                                                                                                for the business and equip participants with
exercise reviews, reinvents and                       Entrepreneurs involved with start-ups seeking
                                                                                                                the skills necessary to successfully address     Patrick Kedemos
                                                      funds or seasoned executives running small or
redeploys each facet of the                           medium businesses looking to expand. Capital              the key investment concerns of potential         Patrick Kedemos has extensive international
business in order to make it as                       raising is a critical milestone for any developing        investors                                        capital raising experience acquired over 25 years
                                                                                                            •   Understand the importance of breaking            with entities ranging from technology start-ups
presentable and compelling                            business. Yet leaders are rarely exposed to the
                                                                                                                                                                 to ASX-listed companies and to Fortune 500
                                                      inner workings of running a successful capital            down the development process into
as possible – and thus raise its                      raising campaign with very few executives                 milestones to identify and de-risk the key       companies Air Liquide and Wesfarmers. Patrick
prospects of successfully securing                    having been involved in all facets of such a              steps of the value-creation journey. The         started his career as the founder of a company
                                                                                                                important concept of ‘sequential valuation       providing marketing research. He later joined
capital.                                              complex exercise. This workshop plugs this gap
                                                                                                                                                                 Air Liquide, the world leader for industrial gases,
                                                      and provides all the skills required to maximise          curve’ will be presented and discussed
In the process of making the complex simple           the potential of successfully raising capital.                                                             within which he gained a wealth of experience
                                                                                                            •   Discuss the key elements of the due
and the simple compelling, every dimension                                                                                                                       operating across various geographies and
                                                                                                                diligence process and the main features of
of the business is discussed and evaluated            Learning Outcomes                                                                                          industries. These included roles as General
                                                                                                                a successful capital raising process at this
from the strategy to the roadmap, from the                                                                                                                       Manager, Sales & Marketing Manager, Strategy
                                                      At the completion of the program, participants            critical stage
team to the technology, and from optimising                                                                                                                      Manager and Financial Controller. Patrick
                                                      will have an increased capacity to;                   •   Create a framework to approach and
its networking and negotiation positions. The                                                                                                                    was then the Managing Director of AnaeCo,
workshop is structured to ensure participants         •   Identify and navigate the key elements of             successfully navigate the negotiation phase      a publicly-listed technology company as well
are coached to speak a language that                      the ‘Capital Cycle’ – using a global, strategic       that invariably precedes any injection of        as the Honorary Consul for France in Western
resonates with potential investors – from better          and practical approach encompassing                   new capital                                      Australia.
understanding the explicit and non-explicit               many aspects of the process that extend far       •   Speak a language that resonates with
                                                                                                                                                                 Patrick is currently the Managing Director
objectives of venture capital or private equity           beyond the much narrower silos of Venture             potential investors and thus be seen as
                                                                                                                                                                 of Avanguard Capital and has extensive
funds (just to name some profiles of potential            Capital and/or Private Equity                         credible partners worthy of being backed
                                                                                                                                                                 international experience in assisting companies
investors) to the narratives associated with a        •   Manage the early stages of a new venture              financially.
                                                                                                                                                                 raise capital. He sits on a number of boards and
successful business model and the de-risking              and articulate a vision that carries the                                                               teaches Financial Modelling to the Masters of
of milestones. It thus greatly maximises the              venture forward, including distilling the story                                                        Applied Finance at UWA.
potential for successful business development             into an impactful teaser and a successful
and capital raising campaigns.                            Investment Memorandum to create a simple
                                                          and compellingly message

8     AIM WA+UWA Business School Executive Education Portfolio 2020
SCENARIO PLANNING AND THE ART                                                                           Program No:
                                                                                                                          5 days
OF STRATEGIC CONVERSATION                                                                               Venue:            AIM WA
                                                                                                        Dates:            24 – 28 August 2020
Preparing for the unknown                                                                               Fees: $5720 GST inclusive
                                                                                                        	$5060 GST inclusive AIM WA Corporate/Professional Members
                                                                                                              $4400 UWA MBA flexible Students*
                                                                                                        *Articulates to UWA MBA

Scenario Planning and the Art of                  Who will Benefit                                      About the Presenter                                   Alignment with UWA’s MBA Flexible
Strategic Conversation is a highly                The program is designed for public and                                                                      Program
                                                                                                        Professor George Burt
                                                  private sector practitioners who are involved                                                               This course aligns with UWA’s flexible
experiential five-day workshop                    in the development of policy and strategy. In         Professor George Burt is Deputy Head of
                                                                                                                                                              MBA program, with an optional assessable
focussing on the skills of effective              particular, those who are concerned about the         School, Director of the Centre for Advanced
                                                                                                                                                              component in this course. Participants who
                                                                                                        Management Education, and Director of
scenario planning.                                strategic future of their organisation will benefit
                                                                                                        the Stirling MBA at the University of Stirling
                                                                                                                                                              qualify to access this articulation pathway, and
                                                  greatly from the scenario planning approach.                                                                who successfully complete the course and pass
Scenario planning is a powerful approach used                                                           Management School in Scotland. He moved to
                                                                                                                                                              the assessments, will receive credit (to the value
to explore volatility, uncertainty, complexity    Learning Outcomes                                     the University of Stirling Management School
                                                                                                                                                              of one optional unit) towards their UWA MBA
and develop plausible futures that map out                                                              from University of Strathclyde Business School.
                                                  As a result of this program participants should                                                             Flexible degree.
such issues. Scenarios, in combination with
                                                  be able to:                                           Over the past 20 years George has designed
the organisation’s business idea, facilitates a
                                                                                                        and facilitated a range of scenario and futures
strategic conversation that helps to determine    •   Become aware of practical approaches to
                                                                                                        planning events both in an educational and
a course of action and assists in resource            strategy in situations of uncertainty and
                                                                                                        a consultant capacity. These projects have
allocation in complex and rapidly changing            ambiguity
                                                                                                        been undertaken in the UK and internationally
environments.                                     •   Explore and analyse the contextual                with organisations such as World Bank, Shell,
The program is explored in the context of real        environment through the development of a          ProRail Holland, PETRONAS Malaysia, de Beers,
organisational problems. Participants work in         ‘set’ of scenarios                                PayPal, DoosanBabcock, Lloyds Registry Quality
groups, focussing on a particular organisation    •   Establish the characteristics of success for an   Assurance, Caledonian Paper plc, the Edrington
of their choice. Through the implementation           organisation, that is, its ‘Business Idea’        Group, Stirling Council, Dumfries & Galloway
of scenario planning tools participants develop   •   Consider issues involved in organisational        Council, and City of Glasgow Council.
a number of scenarios that explore the key            perception and learning, as well as issues        Prior to his appointment at the University of
concerns in the scenario agenda. Implications         that limit learning                               Stirling, George was the Director of Strathclyde’s
for the organisation are drawn out and
                                                  •   Develop awareness of intervention                 MBA and MSc in International Management.
considered in the context of strategic change.
                                                      possibilities                                     During his 20 years at Strathclyde Business
The process results in new insights about
                                                  •   Consider the relationship between scenario        School he established and developed the
potential strategic risks for the organisation.
                                                      planning and strategy                             Centre for Scenario Planning & Futures Studies.

                                                  •   Initiate a scenario based planning exercise in
                                                      a practical setting.

                                                                                                                                             AIM WA+UWA Business School Executive Education Portfolio 2020    9
STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM                                                                                Program No:
                                                                                                                              3 days
FOR NOT-FOR-PROFIT                                                                                           Venue:           AIM WA

ORGANISATIONS                                                                                                Dates:
                                                                                                                              20 – 22 October 2020
                                                                                                                              $2860 GST inclusive
                                                                                                                              $2660 GST inclusive AIM WA Corporate/Professional Members
Growing resilient not-for-profit organisations

The Strategic Development Program                     organisations can maintain their primary               Target Audience                                  Gudrun Gilles
                                                      objectives whilst increasing their resilience and
for Not-for-Profit Organisations                      independence from public funding.
                                                                                                             This program is aimed at board members, senior   Gudrun has collaborated on a number of
                                                                                                             managers and CEOs from NFP organisations.        research and evaluation projects with Professor
(SDP-4-NFP) has been designed by                                                                                                                              Mazzarol over the years and operates as a
                                                      The SDP-4-NFP program is different from most
Winthrop Professor Tim Mazzarol and                   other strategic management programs because            About the Presenters                             management consultant in the NFP and Small
Gudrun Gilles, recognised experts in                  it is tailored to the particular requirements of the   Tim Mazzarol
                                                                                                                                                              and Medium Enterprise (SME) sectors.

the design, development and delivery                  NFP sector.                                                                                             Gudrun is the principal consultant of her
                                                                                                             Winthrop Professor Tim Mazzarol of the
of executive education programs.                                                                             UWA Business School is a specialist in           own business since 2001 and has attracted
                                                      Program Objectives
                                                                                                             entrepreneurship, innovation, small business     a wide range of projects over the years. She
This program has been developed from well-            At the conclusion of the program participants                                                           is an experienced leader of teams - both
                                                                                                             management, marketing and strategy. He is
researched foundation principles of how such          should be able to:                                                                                      independent and client derived.
                                                                                                             a Qualified Professional Market Researcher
organisations need to configure their business
                                                      •   Understand the context of operating in             (QMPR) with the Australian Market and Social     Gudrun’s strengths lie in cultural intelligence,
models and shape their corporate strategy
                                                          the NFP sector whilst competing in a               Research Society (AMSRS), a Fellow of the        her soft skills, and tailored approaches. Her
to address the challenges of what is now a
                                                          commercial market                                  AIM WA, and a Director of the Co-operative       volunteer contribution to the sector has
dynamic and more uncertain environment. This
                                                      •   Safeguard organisational objectives and ethics     Enterprise Research Unit (CERU), Centre for      seen her as a member of several boards of
three-day program applies theory and industry
                                                          vs organisational sustainability and resilience    Entrepreneurial Management and Innovation        management over the years.
best practice to the organisational realities of
                                                      •   Formulate the concept of risk appetite in the      (CEMI), and the Commercialisation Studies
the participants.                                                                                                                                             She draws from her studies and hands-on
                                                          context of NFP                                     Centre Ltd, a not-for-profit company. He has
                                                                                                             been a former director of the Association for    experiences in the field when facilitating
The Need for the SDP-4-NFP Program                    •   Identify additional and diverse income                                                              executive education programs. Her sector
                                                                                                             the Blind of WA, is a former director and past
The SDP-4-NFP program was developed in                    streams for their context                                                                           related experience is derived from roles and
                                                                                                             President of the Small Enterprise Association
response to a recognition that the management         •   Create a fit for purpose leadership approach       of Australia and New Zealand (SEAANZ) Ltd, a     projects in high-risk human services design,
of a not-for-profit organisation is a highly          •   Evaluate impact and make strategic decisions       not-for-profit company. Tim has over 30 years    development and management, procurement,
challenging and demanding task environment,               in relation to:                                    of experience in the design, development and     board of director’s education, strategic
and that the unique nature of these enterprises           -	government policies and legal environments      delivery of executive programs and strategic     planning, senior executive education and
requires a balancing of social and economic                                                                  planning workshops for large and small           mentoring, systems auditing and evaluating
                                                          -	competitive market dynamics
objectives. Changes to government policy and                                                                 organisations including many not-for-profit      organisational and program outcomes. Her
community attitudes towards charitable activities         -	financial sustainability                                                                         hands-on approach ensures that this program
                                                                                                             enterprises, government agencies, universities
have created a more turbulent and uncertain               -	community contributions to your                 and colleges. In recent years he has designed    will respond to current strategic challenges
future of many NFP organisations. The program                organisation                                    and launched the very successful Co-operatives   faced by the sector.
has been designed in response to this changing            -	social responsibility                           and Mutuals Strategic Development Program
regulatory and funding environment experienced                                                               (CMSDP).
                                                          -	ethical objectives.
by the NFP sector. The focus is on how NFP

10    AIM WA+UWA Business School Executive Education Portfolio 2020
STRATEGIC                                                                                                        Program No:
                                                                                                                                    5 days
SOCIAL MEDIA                                                                                                     Venue:             AIM WA
                                                                                                                 Dates:             4 – 8 May 2020
Cut through the hype, engage your stakeholders                                                                   Fees: $5720 GST inclusive
                                                                                                                 	$5060 GST inclusive AIM WA Corporate/Professional Members
with social media                                                                                                      $4400 UWA MBA flexible Students*
                                                                                                                 *Articulates to UWA MBA

The return-on-investment of                           Program Content                                            Who will Benefit                                       About the Presenter
social media is that your business                    Mindset                                                    This program is aimed at leaders and strategic         Dr Paul Harrigan
                                                                                                                 decision makers in organisations and
will still exist in 5 years.                          •   Digital transformation
                                                                                                                 complements an existing understanding of               Paul researches, teaches, and consults on
                                                      •   Organisational transformation                          marketing principles. It is also suitable for          social media marketing. He has published
Social media has a role to play in every
                                                      •   Drivers of change                                      MBA students.                                          his research in over 30 international journals
organisation, in every industry. It enables
                                                      •   Hubspot inbound marketing                                                                                     and books, and presented it at over 30
engagement with a range of stakeholders not
                                                                                                                 Learning Outcomes                                      international conferences. He has assisted many
possible on any other marketing channel. It
                                                      Model                                                                                                             organisations with their social media marketing.
also enables access to market information                                                                        As a result of this program participants should
                                                      •   Fundamentals of social media marketing                                                                        He has a PhD from Ulster University in the UK,
not possible on any other marketing channel.                                                                     be able to:
                                                      •   Managing social media marketing                                                                               has worked at the University of Southampton
It is about far more than just the technology,
                                                                                                                 •   Demonstrate critical thinking skills               and is a visiting professor at IESEG School of
though, and that is what this program will cover.     •   Integrated digital marketing
                                                                                                                     around social media in marketing and the           Management in France. He is in the top 100
                                                      •   Customer and stakeholder engagement
This program will cut through the hype around                                                                        organisation                                       marketing professors on Twitter!
social media at a tactical level, and shed light on   Strategy                                                   •   Demonstrate critical thinking skills around
the strategic issues in social media marketing.                                                                                                                         Alignment with UWA’s MBA Flexible
                                                      •   Defining and establishing a social media                   the theory underpinning social media
Social media is not about Facebook, Instagram             presence                                                                                                      Program
or LinkedIn. It is about a paradigm shift in                                                                     •   Understand how to develop an
                                                      •   Conveying and promoting messages on                        organisational culture appropriate for             This course aligns with UWA’s flexible MBA
marketing and business generally that requires                                                                                                                          program, as such there is an optional assessable
                                                          social media                                               modern marketing
significant strategic change.                                                                                                                                           component for this course. Participants who
                                                      •   Content marketing                                      •   Understand how to develop a marketing              qualify to access this articulation pathway, and
                                                      •   Connecting and converting stakeholders on                  strategy facilitative of customer engagement       who successfully complete the course and pass
                                                          social media
                                                                                                                 •   Evaluate and analyse the metrics that              the assessments, will receive credit (to the value
                                                      Implementation                                                 indicate a return on investment from               of one optional unit) towards their UWA MBA
                                                                                                                     social media.                                      Flexible degree.
                                                      •   Social media monitoring
                                                      •   Social media KPIs
                                                      •   Social CRM
                                                      •   Evaluation and return on investment (ROI).

                                                      The program will be full of examples of best
                                                      practice, case studies, and will include two
                                                      industry site visits. It will also assist you in setting
                                                      up your own personal brand on social media.

                                                                                                                                                       AIM WA+UWA Business School Executive Education Portfolio 2020   11
STRATEGY: FROM PRINCIPLES                                                                                Program No:
                                                                                                                          2 days
TO PRACTICE                                                                                              Venue:           AIM WA
                                                                                                         Dates:           7 – 8 April 2020
The critical element to business excellence                                                              Fees: $2600 GST inclusive
                                                                                                         	$2200 GST inclusive AIM WA Corporate/Professional Member

This experiential strategy program                    Who will Benefit                                   About the Presenters                               John Sykes
is targeted at leaders from the                       This program is designed for any person who        Professor Allan Trench                             Mr John Sykes is the founder and principal
                                                      wants to develop their strategic thinking,                                                            of Greenfields Research. He is currently
public, private and not-for-profit                    planning and doing competencies. It is             Professor Allan Trench is a former strategy        completing a multidisciplinary doctorate at
sectors who want to enhance                           particularly appropriate for managers who          consultant with McKinsey & Company engaged         UWA. John is the author of a book published
                                                                                                         in strategy assignments across multiple industry
their strategic thinking skills and                   have or are moving into a position of strategic
                                                                                                         sectors, the author of 10 books and over 50
                                                                                                                                                            in 2016 and of over 10 peer-reviewed scholarly
                                                      responsibility. The program is applicable to                                                          papers. John will assist Allan in the delivery of
business problem solving abilities.                   developing strategy within the private, public     peer-reviewed journal publications. He is a past   this program.
                                                      and not-for-profit sectors.                        member of the Woodside strategy team and
The program captures the latest thinking
                                                                                                         has held a number of senior positions in the
from strategic management theory, delivers
                                                      Program Content                                    mining industry, including with WMC Limited
hands-on experience of the strategy consulting
                                                                                                         (since acquired by BHP Billiton). Allan has over
toolkit and adapts tried and tested strategic         •   What is strategy and does it matter?
                                                                                                         25 years’ combined industry and academic
frameworks to contemporary and turbulent              •   The ‘how’ and ‘why’ of strategy                experience and has served as a director of
business conditions. This interactive and
                                                      •   Business model innovation for turbulent        a number of emerging ASX-listed resources
practical program allows participants to gain
                                                          times                                          companies since 2003. Allan has held academic
exposure to multiple strategy frameworks
                                                      •   Structured problem-solving as a key strategy   positions in geophysics (Oxford University)
and to structured problem-solving in order to
                                                          tool                                           and in Mineral Economics (Curtin University).
develop a range of skills critical to planning
                                                                                                         He is currently MBA Director and Professor in
for the future. Modern business case histories        •   Strategy frameworks and principles             the Practice of Management at UWA Business
from diverse industries are used to illustrate
                                                      •   Strategy business cases                        School. He holds four degrees including a
and develop critical thinking and facilitate the
                                                      •   Strategy in action.                            doctorate in geophysics (Glasgow University)
strategy development process. Strategies to
                                                                                                         and MBA (Distinction) from Oxford University.
foster and create innovative business models
are illustrated – with participants gaining
experience of how businesses and industries
may change in future.

12    AIM WA+UWA Business School Executive Education Portfolio 2020
THE CO-OPERATIVES                                                                                    Program No:
                                                                                                                       3 days
AND MUTUALS STRATEGIC                                                                                Venue:            AIM WA

DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (CMSDP)                                                                          Dates:
                                                                                                                       22 – 24 June 2020
                                                                                                                       $2860 GST inclusive
                                                                                                                       $2660 GST inclusive AIM WA Corporate/Professional Members
The only program of its kind

The Co-operatives and Mutuals                   The Crucial Need for the CMSDP                       Program Objectives                                      Program Modules
Strategic Development Program                   While there are many general management and          At the conclusion of the program participants           Module 1: Understanding Co-operative and
                                                development programs on the market, most do          should be able to:                                      Mutual Business Models
(CMSDP) has been designed by                    not meet the specific requirements of this sector,
Winthrop Professor Tim Mazzarol,                                                                     •   Compare and contrast the co-operative and           Module 2: Governance and Leadership in
                                                which has acknowledged the need for a dedicated
                                                                                                         mutual business model with that of investor-        Member Owned Businesses
a recognised expert in his field,               course which captures the unique nature of the
                                                                                                         owned businesses
                                                co-operative enterprise business model.                                                                      Module 3: Marketing our Co-operative
following extensive research into                                                                    •   Exhibit knowledge of the co-operative and           Advantage (MOCA)
the needs of co-operative and                   Many aspects of the way co-operative and                 mutual business model as it exists locally,
                                                mutual enterprises are managed are similar               nationally and internationally                      Module 4: Financing Co-operative and Mutual
mutual organisations.                           to more conventional businesses. However,                                                                    Businesses
                                                                                                     •   Demonstrate an ability to apply their
This three-day program applies theory and       there are also many important differences.
                                                                                                         understanding of co-operative and mutual            Module 5: Legislative Structures and their
industry best practice to the organisational    These relate to areas such as their governance,
                                                                                                         enterprise business model dynamics to the           Impact on Co-operative and Mutual Enterprises.
realities of the participants.                  distribution of share capital and voting rights,
                                                                                                         solving of managerial problems
                                                human resources, communications, marketing
The program will focus on the sustainability,                                                        •   Have greater insight into their personal            About the Presenter
                                                and strategic purpose.
performance, and resilience of co-operative                                                              leadership strengths and weaknesses and             This program is facilitated by Professor Tim
and mutual organisations.                                                                                how they relate to their organisation’s             Mazzarol who is a world expert in the co-
                                                                                                         imperatives                                         operative and mutual sector. Tim has conducted
                                                                                                                                                             extensive research and has authored many
                                                                                                     •   Evaluate the impact and make strategic
                                                                                                                                                             publications outlining the key issues, advantages
                                                                                                         decisions in relation to:
                                                                                                                                                             and challenges that face co-operative and
                                                                                                         -	government policies and legal                    mutual organisations. Tim is a highly skilled and
                                                                                                            environments                                     engaging facilitator, who takes an experiential
                                                                                                         - competitive market dynamics                       approach to adult education, which challenges
                                                                                                         -	social cooperation within their member           and inspires participants.
                                                                                                            community, and
                                                                                                         - the impact of the natural environment

                                                                                                     •   Understand the nature of member loyalty
                                                                                                         and engagement within a co-operative and
                                                                                                         mutual enterprise and how to strengthen
                                                                                                         and retain member commitment.

                                                                                                                                            AIM WA+UWA Business School Executive Education Portfolio 2020   13
CUSTOMISED                                             Our world class faculty members and
                                                       consultants have a breadth of experience in the      CONSULTING                                         CORPORATE
EXECUTIVE                                              public, private, co-operative/mutual, and not-
                                                       for-profit sectors. We believe that for maximum      SERVICES                                           DIAGNOSTICS
DEVELOPMENT                                            organisational impact, a whole of organisation
                                                       approach is essential to ensure specific             Extending your ability to drive your               Tools to make effective individual and
                                                       opportunities and challenges are met.                organisation                                       organisational decisions
Whether it’s delivery of our flagship core
programs in-house just for your employees,                                                                  AIM WA+UWA Business School Executive               From management competency to safety
                                                       Our philosophy is based on collaboration,
or uniquely tailored development solutions for                                                              Education consults to clients at an                leadership, AIM WA+UWA Business School
                                                       experience and innovation, working with
your organisation, AIM WA+UWA                                                                               executive level to implement organisational        Executive Education offers a suite of corporate
                                                       organisations to identify, understand, design and
Business School Executive Education’s                                                                       transformation and to build long-term,             diagnostic tools to track individual, team and
                                                       deliver and evaluate bespoke solutions.
customised executive development programs                                                                   sustainable organisational capabilities.           organisational performance.
are a powerful way to improve individual, team         Our methodologies incorporate world’s best
                                                                                                            We deliver value by:                               The best of academic research-based and
and organisational performance effectiveness           practice in:
                                                                                                                                                               internationally recognised tools.
and capability.                                                                                             •   Enhancing leadership and effectiveness
                                                       •   Business simulations
                                                                                                            •   Undertaking commissioned and/or applied        Our corporate diagnostics suite complements
Our design and delivery experts will work with         •   Truly experiential learning using professional                                                      our executive coaching services and includes:
you to develop executive learning programs                                                                      research projects
                                                           improvisation actors, action-learning and
to achieve organisational transformation,                  real plays                                       •   Facilitating stakeholder consultation          •   Corporate culture/employee perception
inspire leadership, effect change management                                                                    processes                                          tools
                                                       •   Harvard case study methodology
strategies or implement general management                                                                  •   Creating and supporting organisational         •   360° feedback profiles
performance improvements across functional             •   A vast coaching and mentoring network
                                                                                                                development plans and initiatives              •   Personality and emotional intelligence
areas of your business.                                    comprising of highly regarded experts from a
                                                           range of industries                              •   Improving executive and management team            indicators
Features of our customised programs include:                                                                    effectiveness                                  •   Safety diagnostics
                                                       •   Individual, team and organisational
•    Development with your experts to ensure               diagnostic and assessment, evaluations and       •   Building leadership capabilities and           •   Team effectiveness measures
     internal ownership of programs and capture            development plans                                    developing succession initiatives
                                                                                                                                                               •   Training needs assessments
     existing corporate knowledge                      •   Masterclasses; sessions to supplement,           •   Facilitating strategic planning
                                                                                                                                                               •   Stakeholder management tools
•    Business case scenario analysis tailored to           reinforce or provide an additional value-add     •   Developing human resource strategy and
                                                                                                                                                               •   Government related diagnostics.
     your strategies                                       to the organisation and its leaders                  performance improvement systems
•    Action learning syndicate projects based on       •   Research; we have access to world’s best         •   Providing insights into customers and          Ensure your investment in individual and
     your organisation’s strategic imperatives             research knowledge which drives and                  markets through research                       organisational development is targeted at the
                                                           contributes to our program offerings.                                                               right problems and that it works.
•    Experiential team building to improve                                                                  •   Mentoring innovation and entrepreneurship
     executive team performance                                                                                 initiatives
•    Personalised analysis of executive peak                                                                •   Increasing work life balance, motivation and
     performance and work-life balance                                                                          employee productivity.
•    Accreditation towards UWA Business School
     (UWABS) qualifications (discretionary where
     programs meet UWABS requirements)
•    Availability of detailed program evaluation

14     AIM WA+UWA Business School Executive Education Portfolio 2020
INTERNATIONAL                         We have played a key part in designing and
                                      running programs and hosting participants
                                                                                        An example of one of our current flagship
                                                                                        international programs is the Australia China
                                                                                                                                            Our work also currently includes collaboration
                                                                                                                                            with the Indonesian Government. Since 2015,

EXPERTISE                             from many countries in mining development,
                                      business improvement, and individual leadership
                                                                                        Executive Gas Training Program. This program is
                                                                                        run in conjunction with the Western Australian
                                                                                                                                            we have been delivering programs to senior
                                                                                                                                            leaders and teams from various ministries
                                      skill development. Executive Education also       Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and            to assist their bureaucratic reform initiative.
                                      regularly hosts international participants on     Innovation. Over three months, Chinese LNG          These programs have included topics such
Executive Education is actively       our highly acclaimed Advanced Management          executives live in Perth and are exposed to         as; human resource strategy and planning,
engaged with International            Program. We can meet a wide variety of needs      a variety of relevant technical and business        the design and implementation of training
                                      which link into world class expertise of UWA      related sessions delivered by UWA Academics         management systems, talent management, and
partners in our region to help them   and the foremost subject matter experts,          from a range of faculties. They also learn from     transformational leadership.
to achieve their individual and       CEOs and board members from government,           extensive site visits and enjoy a rich cultural
organisational development needs.     private, and not-for-profit organisations. We     experience.
                                      have also run specialty programs, specifically
                                      designed for international executives from the
                                      Co-operative and Mutual sector.

                                                                                                                           AIM WA+UWA Business School Executive Education Portfolio 2020   15
OTHER SPECIAL AREAS                                                                                      EXECUTIVE                                            INNOVATION
OF EXPERTISE                                                                                             COACHING                                             Australia is an inventive nation with a long
                                                                                                                                                              history of generating many inventions.
                                                                                                         Maximising leadership growth                         However, our track record of successfully
                                                                                                         Executive Education has a diverse panel of           commercialising these innovations is poor. We
                                                                                                         experts who have coached thousands of                rank poorly in terms of our ability to generate
                                                                                                         senior executives in Australia, interstate and       patents and successfully commercialise these
                                                                                                         internationally.                                     opportunities.

                                                                                                         Each coach has a unique coaching style and           This pattern can be found across many other
                                                                                                         their background includes extensive business         industry sectors and represents a waste of time

                                                                                                                                                              and resources. It is also a missed opportunity
PROFESSIONAL                                                                                             experience such as: human resources,
                                                                                                         organisational development, marketing,               to generate wealth and jobs. There are

MENTORING                                            MENTAL HEALTH                                       leadership, diagnostics, and team development.       many reasons for this poor performance in
                                                                                                         Our panel also includes several psychologists.       commercialisation, but one of the key factors
                                                                                                         Our coaches have a minimum of 10 years’              is a lack of commercialisation management
Get targeted attention on the issues                 Mental health conditions cost Australian
                                                                                                         experience and are comfortable working with          skills, which is a major attribute that providers of
that matter to you                                   workplaces an estimated $11 billion annually,                                                            venture capital finance look for.
                                                                                                         coaching conversations that focus on both the
                                                     with 45% of Australians affected at some point
Our team includes former public and private                                                              “inner work” (attitudes, values); and the “outer     Executive Education can help organisations
                                                     in their lifetime. A preventative approach to
sector CEOs, former senior members of                                                                    work” (skills and growth).                           to successfully implement and manage
                                                     mental health in the workplace has shown
Government, industry and sector experts,                                                                                                                      commercialisation of their innovations to fully
                                                     massive benefits with a return of $2.30 for         We expect our coaches to:
internationally renowned, award winning                                                                                                                       realise their potential.
                                                     every dollar spent. Therefore, organisations
Faculty, and highly experienced senior executive                                                         •   Have access to a toolkit of approaches and
                                                     and leaders need to know how to respond
coaches and psychologists. Our mentors                                                                       models to suit whatever needs a coachee
                                                     effectively to workplace mental health issues
can empower you with their expertise in all                                                                  presents with
                                                     from a systems and personal level.
areas of business, from commercial acumen                                                                •   Be able to work with the coachee to identify
and strategy through to marketing and                Executive Education have experienced and                underlying assumptions, beliefs and patterns
organisational development. Work one-on-             skilled practitioners in Organisational, Clinical       of behaviour that are working for them (or
one with them to gain the insights, confidence       and Counselling psychology who are well                 not working in some cases)
and capacity to deliver in your day-to-day           placed to advise and facilitate strategic
operations or on those special projects.                                                                 •   Be aware of the strategic and external
                                                     approaches to workplace mental health, as
                                                                                                             influences of the coachee
                                                     well as day-to-day leadership approaches to
                                                     the recognition, pro-active engagement and          •   Work towards action and progress
                                                     promotion of positive employee mental health.       •   Be able to work with leaders at all levels.

                                                                                                         Our coaching approach includes one-on-one
                                                                                                         confidential conversations and team coaching.
                                                                                                         Our coaches also have a range of diagnostic
                                                                                                         tools at their disposal which support the
                                                                                                         individual or team insight into strengths and
                                                                                                         areas for development. Additionally, our open
                                                                                                         programs suite can be aligned to follow-up
                                                                                                         coaching to further assist learnings and skills to
                                                                                                         be applied to the workplace.

16   AIM WA+UWA Business School Executive Education Portfolio 2020
Whether you are looking at your own
personal development, executive
talent management, or to build
capability more broadly in your
organisation, contact our experienced
and expert team at AIM WA+UWA
Business School Executive Education.
Our team can deliver programs
in Western Australia, nationally or
Contact us at
or call +61 8 9383 8090 or visit
AIM WA Corporate and Professional
Members receive savings on most
Executive Education programs.
Find out more, call AIM WA
on +61 8 9383 8000.

AIM WA+UWA Business School Executive Education
76 Birkdale Street, Floreat WA 6014
T: +61 8 9383 8090 E:
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