Official Publication of the Ohio Board of Nursing - Summer 2020 Volume 18 Issue 3 - Ohio ...

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Official Publication of the Ohio Board of Nursing - Summer 2020 Volume 18 Issue 3 - Ohio ...
Summer 2020 • Volume 18 Issue 3

Official Publication of the Ohio Board of Nursing
Official Publication of the Ohio Board of Nursing - Summer 2020 Volume 18 Issue 3 - Ohio ...

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Official Publication of the Ohio Board of Nursing - Summer 2020 Volume 18 Issue 3 - Ohio ...
              is published by the
          Ohio Board of Nursing
                                                  SUMMER 2020 I      Volume 18 Issue 3
        17 South High St., Suite 660
        Columbus, Ohio 43215-3466
           Phone: 614-466-3947                      4    From the President

             Fax: 614-466-0388
                           From the Executive Director
          Lauralee Krabill, MBA, RN
              Vice President
                                                    8    Nursing Workforce Data

           Joanna Ridgeway, LPN
                                                         Board Reapproves Four Interpretive
             Executive Director                          Guidelines
       Betsy J. Houchen, JD, MS, RN
                                                         Quick Tips of the Month
  The mission of the Ohio Board

  of Nursing is to actively safeguard                    Board Member and Past President
 the health of the public through the
                                                         Patricia Sharpnack Selected for
 effective regulation of nursing care.
                                                         NCSBN Award

 Information published in Momentum is
not copyrighted and may be reproduced.                   LPNs: Please Renew Now!
  The Board would appreciate credit for
           the material used.
     Advertisements contained herein
       are not necessarily endorsed
                                                   18    Nursing Practice Questions
                                                         Related to the COVID-19 Declared
       by the Ohio Board of Nursing.                     Emergency

        The publisher reserves the
          right to accept or reject                      Determining Factors For Registered

      advertisements for Momentum.                       Nursing Direction of Licensed
                                                         Practical Nurse Practice

      The Ohio Board of Nursing is an
        equal opportunity employer.
                                                         How to Change MY NAME/ADDRESS
    MOMENTUM is produced                                 with the Board
  at no cost to Ohio taxpayers.

                                                   23    Board Disciplinary Actions

                                                   28    Pre-License Nursing Education
                                                         Programs: Frequently Asked

       Created by Publishing Concepts, Inc.
David Brown, President • 1-800-561-4686 ext.103          Momentum is the official journal of the Ohio Board of Nursing.
                       Momentum’s traditional journal & interactive digital companion serve
           For Advertising info contact
      Malia Ford • 1-800-561-4686 ext.106                over 280,000 nurses, administrators, faculty and nursing students, 4
                        times a year all across Ohio. Momentum is a timely, widely read and
                                 respected voice in Ohio nursing regulation.

                  edition 70
                                                                                                          Ohio Board of Nursing 3
Official Publication of the Ohio Board of Nursing - Summer 2020 Volume 18 Issue 3 - Ohio ...
FROM                                                                                        Lauralee Krabill, MBA, RN

      am pleased to begin my message to you this month to                      In 2017, significant structural and
      congratulate Board Member and Past President, Patricia               substantive changes were made to the CPG
      Sharpnack for being selected by NCSBN to receive the 2020            and the Formulary in HB 216 (131st Generall
 Elaine Ellibee Award. The Ellibee Award is designated for a current       Assembly). The CPG was retained but the
 or recent past Board President who demonstrates leadership at the         number of members were reduced, and an exclusionary
 local level and in making significant contributions to NCSBN.              Formulary was established. (See Sections 4723.49, 4723.491, and
 Dr. Sharpnack is extremely deserving to be recognized for her             4723.492, ORC.)
 outstanding leadership and contributions to nursing. Please see
 the article in this issue of Momentum to read more about the                  The Board testified that CPG members have expressed to the
 award and her accomplishments.                                            Board that they see little value in continuing the CPG given the
                                                                           implementation of comprehensive APRN licensing changes HB
     COVID-19 remains a critical issue in our daily lives both at          216 and the adoption of the exclusionary Formulary, and the
 home and at work. During the COVID-19 declared emergency,                 Board is in agreement. At the hearing, the Chair of the Sunset
 the Board has effectively continued its operations with staff             Review Committee expressed agreement and in June, SB331
 working remotely.                                                         was introduced and if passed, the CPG will be abolished.

      In February 2020, prior to the emergency, the Board testified         Advisory Committee on Advanced Practice
 before the Legislative Sunset Review Committee, established by            Registered Nursing (Advisory Committee)
 Senate Bill 255 (132nd General Assembly) in 2018. Senate Bill 255             The Board regulates over 20,000 Advanced Practice Registered
 requires standing committees of the General Assembly to                   Nurses (APRNs), including Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists
 periodically review the state’s occupational licensing boards,            (CRNAs), Certified Nurse Practitioners (CNPs), Clinical Nurse
 including nursing, medical, pharmacy, etc. State licensing boards         Specialists (CNSs), and Certified Nurse Midwives (CNMs).
 provide information about the public need for the continued
 existence of boards, commissions, and committees and the                      The Advisory Committee, statutorily created in 2017,
 Legislature determines whether the boards, commissions, and               consists of eight members who advise the Board regarding the
 committees are “necessary to protect the health, safety, or welfare       practice and regulation of APRNs and make recommendations
 of the public,” and if regulations are in the least restrictive form to   to the CPG. Section 4723.493, ORC, specifies a representative
 adequately protect the public interest.                                   committee that includes practicing APRNs, teaching faculty, and
                                                                           employer representation.
     This year, the Legislature identified two Nursing Board
 Committees for review, the Committee on Prescriptive                          The Board testified that it values the Committee’s work and
 Governance and the Advisory Committee on Advanced Practice                supports continuing the Advisory Committee. In addition to
 Registered Nursing.                                                       advising the Board on issues affecting the practice and regulation
                                                                           of advanced practice registered nursing, the Committee serves as a
 The Committee on Prescriptive Governance (CPG)                            public forum for interested parties and nursing associations to
      The CPG was first established in May of 2000 when the                 discuss practice issues and provide comments on proposed
 legislature granted prescriptive authority for certain APRNs. Over        administrative rules.
 the years, the CPG developed recommendations, through inter-
 professional collaboration, regarding APRN prescribing practices;              The Sunset Review Committee considered the Board’s
 reviewed new drugs; set parameters for prescribing specific drugs          supportive comments. Because this important Advisory
 for safe prescribing practices; recommended revisions to the              Committee has proven valuable to the Board in achieving its
 Formulary and administrative rules to expedite the prescribing of         mission to actively safeguard the health of the public through the
 newly approved FDA drugs; and simplified the format of the                 effective regulation of nursing care, we are pleased that SB331,
 Formulary for ease of reference.                                          introduced in June 2020 recommends the Committee be retained.

Official Publication of the Ohio Board of Nursing - Summer 2020 Volume 18 Issue 3 - Ohio ...
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                                                                                                               Ohio Board of Nursing 5
Official Publication of the Ohio Board of Nursing - Summer 2020 Volume 18 Issue 3 - Ohio ...
                                                                                        Betsy J. Houchen,
                                                                                               RN, MS, JD
                                                                                        Executive Director

         pon Governor DeWine’s declaration of the                 mailing Board Orders; continuing a
         COVID-19 state of emergency, the Board assisted          daily triage of complaints and
         the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) with surge           processing of subpoenas for patient and other vital records;
planning workforce efforts. ODH developed a survey that           conducting timely investigations and interviews via
agencies and Boards emailed to licensees to identify additional   teleconference; responding individually to hundreds of
personnel to assist with the anticipated surge. Although it       requests from former or current licensees regarding
took the system several days to complete the Board’s 300,000      disciplinary actions; and working with the Attorney General’s
emails, we were pleased to reach so many individuals.             Office and parties to hold certain hearings electronically.

   ODH reported that 7,495 of those responding to the                As noted in the last issue of Momentum, the Board
survey identified having a nursing license, and the Board         provides numerous practice guidance documents and links
was asked to match each person by name to their license           nurses to COVID-19 resources. Documents continue to be
status. Within 3 days the Board provided the identifying          posted on the front page of the Board website at www.
information for 7,427 of the 7,495 records (99%).        under the “Notice” section. In addition,
                                                                  numerous communications and guidance documents for
    As spring now transitions into summer, Board staff            nursing education programs are also posted in the same
have worked remotely to continue all aspects of the Board’s       location. They hopefully serve their purpose to keep you
operations and respond to calls and emails. From the              updated during the pandemic. You may also wish to visit
onset, the Board allocated non-licensure staff to process for updated information about
license applications recognizing the vital role of nurses         COVID-19, or call 1-833-4-ASK-ODH from 9:00 a.m. –
during the COVID-19 emergency and the need to increase            8:00 p.m. (7 days/week).
the nursing workforce in Ohio.
                                                                      The Board and I truly appreciate the work and
    The Board expedited the issuance of all licenses -- for       flexibility of all staff in their varying roles. They quickly
those entering the workforce and for nurses re-entering the       adapted to working remotely and have been integral to the
workforce and applying for reinstatement or reactivation          Board’s ability to respond quickly and maintain operations.
of their licenses. Between March 1 through June 30, 2020,         Program Managers, Supervisors and Chief Legal Counsel
the Board issued 16,628 licenses. By comparison, the Board        are to be commended for keeping daily operations
issued 4,546 more licenses in 2020 than for the same time         running, completing projects, responding to hundreds of
period in 2019. We are proud that we were able to                 emails, and creatively planning how to work with their
immediately respond and expedite the licensing of                 departments to complete the work despite encountering
thousands of nurses for the workforce, while transitioning        many obstacles.
and working remotely.
                                                                     We also thank you, as licensees, for your patience and
   Likewise, our Compliance staff have assured that all           understanding during this public health emergency. These
investigative and disciplinary processes remain in place and      are trying times and we recognize your role on the front
are completed in a timely manner. Staff are processing and        lines of providing care under difficult circumstances.

Official Publication of the Ohio Board of Nursing - Summer 2020 Volume 18 Issue 3 - Ohio ...
Ohio Board of Nursing 7
Official Publication of the Ohio Board of Nursing - Summer 2020 Volume 18 Issue 3 - Ohio ...
   During each renewal since 2013, the Board has collected LPN,        workforce shortages in Ohio to the Governor and Legislature. The
RN, and APRN nursing workforce data for purposes of state and          Chancellor of the Ohio Department of Higher Education
federal health care planning and to assist in growing Ohio’s health    established the Ohio Physician and Allied Health Care Workforce
care workforce. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) report, “The           Preparation Task Force and appointed a member representing the
Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health,” identified        Board. The Task Force issued a final report that included
data collection as a vital component for health care planning and      information regarding the Board of Nursing’s workforce
policy making.                                                         contributions. The Report is posted at
   When LPNs last renewed in 2018 48,554 LPNs completed the
workforce questions for the data collected July 1st to October 31st.       In addition to Ohio data, national nursing workforce data is
Nurses responded to multiple demographic and workforce                 also available through a link to the Ohio Center For Nursing at
questions as part of their biennial license renewal.          For example, the Health Resources
                                                                       and Services Administration (HRSA) released new data collected
   In 2019, 204,685 RNs and 18,937 APRNs completed the                 from the National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses (NSSRN).
workforce questions for the data collected from July 1st to October    The NSSRN samples and estimates the characteristics of RNs in the
31st. For example, one of the data questions addressed RN              workforce and the data provide the basis for evaluating trends and
employment in Ohio and the responses are reported in the chart         projecting the future supply of nursing resources.
below. To view the other questions and responses, and review the
2018 LPN Nursing Workforce Data and the 2019 RN and APRN                   The National Center for Health Workforce Analysis, in
Nursing Workforce Data and the raw data, go to https://nursing.        collaboration with the U.S. Census Bureau, administered the 10th This link will            NSSRN data collection in 2018. The survey data was last released in
provide access to reports and raw data dating back to 2013.            2008. A total of 50,273 RNs with active licenses completed the
                                                                       survey. Some of the key findings include:
    Because access to the health care workforce continues to be an         •   An estimated 3,957,661 licensed RNs live in the U.S., and
issue in Ohio, a Task Force was established by HB 166 (133rd GA)               approximately 83% held a nursing related job in 2017
to evaluate and provide recommendations regarding health care              •   The average age of an RN was 50 years old, and 53% of

Official Publication of the Ohio Board of Nursing - Summer 2020 Volume 18 Issue 3 - Ohio ...
nurses were less than 50 years old
   •    Compared to 2008 survey data,
        nurses are more diverse today with a
        slight increase in the number of
        minority groups and men within the
        RN population
   •    Most of the RN workforce is college
        educated, and 19.3% of college
        educated nurses hold a master’s or
        doctorate degree
   •    Advanced practice registered nurses
        account for roughly 11.5% of the
        nursing workforce

    The Board is pleased to provide workforce
data reports and make the raw data available
on our website to all interested parties to
assist with the workforce planning initiatives
of government and private industry.

    We thank our licensees for answering
these important questions which contribute
to public health and safety efforts as well as
national, state and local workforce initiatives.

                                                   Fully Prepared.
                                                   For God’s Purpose.
                                                   PURSUE AN ONLINE
                                                   M.S.N. AT CEDARVILLE.
                                                   5 FOCUS AREAS:
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          For Advertising                          ƒ PEDIATRIC NURSE PRACTITIONER
       information, Contact                        ƒ LEADERSHIP
                                                   ƒ NURSE EDUCATOR
   Malia Ford                                      ƒ PUBLIC HEALTH
           ext. 106                                                                 CEDARVILLE.EDU/

                                                                                       Ohio Board of Nursing 9
Official Publication of the Ohio Board of Nursing - Summer 2020 Volume 18 Issue 3 - Ohio ...
   The Board develops Interpretive Guidelines for certain nursing activities or procedures. An Interpretive Guideline is not a
regulation of the Board and does not carry the force and effect of law; they are based on existing law and rule and adopted by
the Board to provide guidance for safe nursing practice. At the March 2020 Board meeting, the Board reviewed and
re-approved the following Interpretive Guidelines:

   •   Guidelines for Filling and Unfilling a Patient’s Gastric Band (

   •   Guidelines for RN Role in Emergent Intubation (

   •   Guidelines for RN Role in the Care of Patients Receiving Intravitreal Injectable Medications

   •   Guidelines for RN Role in the Care of Patients Undergoing Cardiac Stress Testing

   All of the Interpretive Guidelines adopted by the Board and the companion document, Utilizing Interpretive Guidelines, are
available on the Board website on the Practice RN & LPN page at

                    QUICK TIPS OF THE MONTH
                    UPDATE Your Email Account with the Board
                    Please make sure your email account stays up to date as it is the primary way the Board
                    communicates with applicants and licensees. To update your email address, log into your Ohio


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                                                                      Ohio Board of Nursing 11
Ohio Board of Nursing 13
       atricia Sharpnack, Board Member and Past President has been       contributions to NCSBN and
       selected to receive one of the highest awards from the National   its members,” said Houchen.
       Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN).                       “Her leadership inspires others
                                                                         locally, statewide and
    Patricia A. Sharpnack, DNP, RN, CNE, NEA-BC, ANEF, FAAN,             nationally. She embodies the
will receive the Elaine Ellibee Award, designated for a current or       contributions of Elaine Ellibee,
recent president of a state board of nursing who has demonstrated        who strongly believed in the
leadership as a state board president and leadership in making           importance of public
significant contributions to the NCSBN. She was selected from a           protection, superior patient
pool of nominees from all 50 states, Washington D.C. and                 care and continuing education
international boards.                                                    for nursing leaders.”

   Dr. Sharpnack was appointed to the Ohio Board of Nursing                 The late Ellibee was the first president of the NCSBN, serving from
(OBN) by Gov. John Kasich in 2014 and is now serving a second            1978-1979.
appointed term. She was elected president by fellow OBN
members for three terms, the last ending in December 2019. She is            “I am extremely touched, humbled and thrilled to have been
now the Board Supervisory Member and Chair of the Nursing                selected for this award. It is truly an honor,” said Dr. Sharpnack. “I
Education Advisory Group. Her current term on the OBN ends in            have greatly appreciated my work with the OBN and NCSBN and am
December 2021.                                                           blessed to have had the opportunity to learn so much from both
   “What a prestigious award for a truly deserving Board member,
past president, and nursing leader,” said current OBN President              Dr. Sharpnack explained that the mission of the OBN, and all state
Lauralee Krabill, MBA, RN, in announcing the award on May 12.            boards of nursing, is to protect the public through effective regulation.
                                                                         “This means that those serving on boards of nursing must place
   Betsy J. Houchen, JD, MS, RN, executive director of the OBN,          public welfare at the forefront while helping to guide the board with
wrote a letter of support for the nomination on behalf of the            new educational models, a just culture for discipline, clear methods
Board, “The Governor recognized her leadership in the fight               for renewals and implementation of rules, guidelines for practice and,
against the opioid epidemic; the State Action Coalition called on        more generally, guidelines for what the public considers important for
her leadership skills to collaborate with others to implement the        nurses to be accountable for.”
recommendations of the (Institute of Medicine) Future of Nursing
Report; and she developed seamless nursing education, dual                  Because the NCSBN’s annual meeting in August will be a virtual
enrollment programs, and nurse competency models in this state           meeting, Dr. Sharpnack will receive the award instead at the
and other state boards of nursing.”                                      organization’s midyear meeting in Seattle in March 2021.

    Dr. Sharpnack was asked by Governor Kasich to provide Board              Dr. Sharpnack was inducted as a 2019 fellow of the American
reports for the Governor’s Cabinet Opiate Action Team and                Academy of Nursing, one of the highest honors for nursing
collaborate with the governor’s office, state agencies, and other         internationally, in recognition of her extraordinary commitment
regulatory boards to fight the opioid epidemic. During her tenure as      to the promotion of public health. The Academy comprises some
OBN president, she also created a pathway for military personnel         2,600 nurse leaders in education, management, practice, policy,
and service members to become licensed practical nurses and              and research chosen from some 4 million registered nurses in the
advocated for regulatory approaches that are responsive to changes       United States.
in nursing practice and education.
                                                                            The Board congratulates Dr. Sharpnack and is proud she is being
   “Patricia Sharpnack has an exceptional and outstanding track          recognized and honored for her many accomplishments and
record of stellar leadership as a board president in advancing public    contributions through this prestigious national award.
protection, regulatory excellence, and making significant
   io Board
          d of
            of Nur
               Nu   i g 1
                  rsin  155
                                                                     will not be able to work under the lapsed license while
                                                                     the application for reinstatement of your lapsed license
                                                                     is being reviewed and processed.
                                                                     Renewal will be completed online using the Ohio
                                                                eLicense system, a comprehensive professional regulatory
                                                                license system used by a variety of state licensing boards, the
                                                                same system used during the last renewal period.

                                                                Renew Timely
                                                                •  Renew ASAP. Incomplete applications will not be
                                                                   accepted by the online system. Waiting until a deadline
                                                                   and realizing you do not have all the information

        he renewal period for LPNs is July 1, 2020 through         needed to complete the application may prevent you
        October 31, 2020. The Board is sending renewal             from renewing timely.
        information through eNews and social media, and         •  If you wait to renew until close to the September 15th
please check the Board website at for         deadline and encounter any difficulties or cannot
up-to-date renewal information.                                    provide all the information, the application will be
                                                                   incomplete, and you will then pay a late fee on or after
    If any renewal deadlines change due to HB197 and the           September 16th. The late processing fee is the $65
COVID-19 declared emergency, the Board will post                   renewal fee plus an additional $50 fee. Also, the $3.50
updated information on the website and send information            state transaction fee applies.
via email and social media. HB 197, effective March 27,         •  If you wait to renew until close to the October 31st
2020, authorized extending licenses that expire during the         deadline and encounter any difficulties or cannot
COVID-19 declared emergency. If the emergency continues,           provide all the information, the application will be
licenses that are not renewed will not expire until the            incomplete, and your license will lapse on November
expiration date established in accordance with HB 197.             1st. You cannot work as a nurse as long as your license
                                                                   is lapsed. You must then apply for reinstatement of your
   Due to the uncertainty of the length of the declared            license. The reinstatement process takes additional time
emergency, the Board strongly encourages LPNs to renew             to process. Please take the necessary steps to avoid this.
their licenses now. It is possible that the COVID-19 declared
emergency could end prior to the deadlines below.               Pay by Credit or Debit
                                                                •  The State of Ohio charges a $3.50 transaction fee, so in
There are important deadlines to remember                          addition to the $65 application fee, the $3.50 transaction fee
during renewal.                                                    is also charged for each application.
•   There is a first renewal deadline of September 15th. If     •  Fees must be paid online at the time of renewal. Use Master
    you renew on or before September 15th, you pay a fee           Card, VISA or Discover credit or debit cards. If you do not
    of $65.00 and the $3.50 state transaction fee.                 have this type of personal credit or debit card, you can
•   If you miss that deadline, you then have until October         obtain these pre-paid cards at local stores to use for renewal.
    31st to renew your license, but there is an additional      •  If you purchase a prepaid Master Card, VISA or Discover
    late processing fee of $50.00 plus the $3.50 transaction       credit or debit card, please have enough funds on it to cover
    fee. The late processing fee applies between September         (a) the credit/debit card company’s processing fee, if
    16th and October 31st.                                         applicable; (b) the Board’s application fee; and (c) the state
•   If you miss the October 31st deadline, your license will       transaction fee of $3.50.
    lapse on November 1, 2020. You cannot work as an            •  If the fee is not paid when you submit your application, the
    LPN as long as your license is lapsed. You must apply          application will be incomplete and will not be processed
    for reinstatement of your lapsed license which requires        until you submit all required fees. All fees are non-
    an additional application, Board review, and fee. You          refundable.
Additional Information
May Be Required
•   If you are asked to provide
    documentation of citizenship, court
                                             KETTERING COLLEGE
                                             RECEIVE YOUR NURSING DEGREE IN 3 YEARS!
    documents or other information
    that may be required as part of your
    application, please be prepared to                                            KC.EDU
    upload the documents electronically
    through the online system. This
    information is usually required of
    applicants who answer “yes” to one
    of the additional information
    questions on the renewal
•   No hard copies of court documents or
    other information required as part of
    your application will be accepted.
    Waiting until a deadline and then
    realizing you do not have all the
    information and in the form needed to
    upload the documents electronically
    through the online system will prevent
    you from renewing.

Continuing Education Renewal
•   You must complete the continuing
    education (CE) requirements by
    October 31, 2020 to maintain
•   You are not required to submit
    documentation of CE when you
    renew your license, but you must
    attest on the renewal application that
    you met or will meet the CE
    requirement by October 31, 2020.
    Failure to comply with CE
    requirements may be grounds for
    disciplinary action. For more
    information on CE, please refer to
    the CE FAQ document at www. found on the
    Licensing, Certification and CE page.

   Thank you for your cooperation
and assistance in making this renewal
a success this year!
                                                                                       Ohio Board of Nursing 17
                                                                          contacting the agency or board that oversees that facility or sets
                                                                          best practices such as the Ohio Department of Health. Also see the
                                                                          document, RN and LPN Frequently Asked Questions at:

                                                                          emergency, nurses who hold an active, valid,
                                                                          unencumbered license in another state, may practice
                                                                          this exemption also apply to APRNs?
                                                                          A: Yes. Section 4723.32(G)(7), ORC, allows nurses who

           n March 9, 2020, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine issued
           Executive Order 2020-01D, declaring a state of emergency in    hold an active, valid unencumbered license in another state
           Ohio to protect the well-being of Ohioans from the             to practice in Ohio without an Ohio nursing license for the
dangerous effects of COVID-19. This was followed by Coronavirus           duration of a declared emergency, such as COVID-19.
Omnibus Legislation (HB197), signed into law by Governor DeWine               This exemption from licensure applies to APRNs as well as
on March 27, 2020. Following are some of the questions and responses      RNs and LPNs. However, all individuals who practice as an
given by the Board related to practice during the declared emergency.     APRN-CNP, APRN-CNM, or APRN-CNS, in the state of Ohio
                                                                          are required to have entered into a standard care arrangement
Q: What recourse do I have if an employer                                 (SCA) with a collaborating physician who meets the requirements
assigns me to work in an area of nursing where                            of 4723.431, ORC, and to practice in accordance with that SCA.
I have not typically worked, for example, being                           Section 4723.431, ORC, and related administrative rules, 4723-8-
re-assigned to work in a long term care facility                          04, OAC, can be accessed through law and rules page on the Board
after having worked in home health, or being                              website at
re-assigned to work bedside, rather than in
telephone case management, when I have not                                Q: During a declared emergency, is an APRN’s
worked bedside in several years?                                          scope altered or expanded due to the emergency?
A: The Nurse Practice Act and administrative rules of the Board           A: The law can only be modified by legislative action or
that address the scope and standards of nursing practice are broadly      Executive Order and has not been changed at this time. APRNs
written and apply to all nursing practice, regardless of a nurse’s        continue to provide diagnoses and/or medical management
area of specialization, the patient’s condition or illness, the type of   of patients, and/or anesthesia care consistent with the APRN
facility, or location of the patient. Guidance is provided in the Board   designation (CNP, CNS, CNM or CRNA). The scope of practice
document, RN and LPN Nursing Practice in the COVID-19 Health              for APRNs is established in Section 4723.43, ORC, and remains
Care Environment, published March 30, 2020 at: https://nursing.           in effect during the declared emergency. Also
see Section 4723.01, ORC and Chapter 4723-4, OAC.                         Q: Is it permissible to work as a RN if I am
                                                                          licensed as an APRN?
    The Nurse Practice Act and administrative rules of the Board do not   A: Because APRNs are licensed as RNs, they may choose or be
address employment matters such as assignments or re-assignments,         asked to work as an RN. Rule 4723-8-02(E), OAC, Standards of
ratios, scheduling, hours worked, amount of notice required for           practice, specifies that “Nothing in this rule precludes an advanced
resignation, etc. With respect to employment matters, individuals         practice registered nurse from practicing as a registered nurse
may need to consult administrators, risk management personnel, an         in accordance with section 4723.01 of the Revised Code and the
ombudsman, or an attorney and/or other advisor, as the individual         rules of the board.” RN practice is across the lifespan and not
deems appropriate.                                                        determined by patient age, gender or condition. Thus, an APRN
    If the question involves a facility, the individual may consider      can provide care as an RN across the lifespan but must work
within the RN scope of practice set forth in Section 4723.01(B),                      on your APRN license icon. Then click “update collaborating
ORC, and the standards of practice in Chapter 4723-4, OAC. For                        physician” on the menu that appears. The electronic form will
additional guidance, see the document, Guidance for APRNs and                         ask you to attach something, which could be a word document
APRNs Who Provide Patient Care as an RN-COVID-19, available                           you typed up, a scanned note, or the SCA itself. Just be certain
at                          that what you attach includes the name and business address of
RN-Guidance.pdf                                                                       the collaborating physician(s). SCAs are not required to be sent
                                                                                      to the Board, unless requested, and do not require approval by
Q: I am an APRN re-assigned by my employer                                            the Board.
of physicians, and I have entered into an SCA                                            The Ohio Nurse Practice Act, Chapter 4723, ORC, and
with a new collaborating physician. How do I                                          Chapter 4723-4, OAC, are available for review in their entirety
update collaborating physician information with                                       on the Board website at on the Law &
the Board?                                                                            Rules page, and additional practice resources are available on the
A: To update collaborating physician information with the                             Practice Resources page of the website.
Board, please go to and log into your account
with the Board. Once you are logged in, click the button located


         Ns and LPNs are authorized to provide nursing                              behavioral, social, and nursing sciences at the direction of
         care consistent with their respective scopes of                            a RN or any one of the following who is authorized to
         practice, defined in Section 4723.01(B), ORC, for                          practice in Ohio: a physician, physician assistant, dentist,
the RN, and Section 4723.01(F), ORC, for the LPN. RN                                podiatrist, optometrist, or chiropractor. The LPN’s scope
assessment of patient needs, and the planning and                                   of practice includes, but is not limited to, administering
implementation of nursing care, including determining the                           medications and treatments authorized by an individual
LPN’s role in providing care is important to ensure the                             who is authorized to practice in Ohio and is acting within
effective delivery of nursing care and patient safety.                              the course of the individual’s professional practice. 1
                                                                                    Section 4723.01(F)(3),(4), ORC. The LPN’s practice also
   The Ohio Board of Nursing periodically receives                                  includes contributing to the planning, implementation,
questions from RNs seeking information regarding LPN                                and evaluation of nursing.
scope of practice, and whether LPNs may perform specific
procedures (e.g., changing a patient’s tracheostomy tube,                              LPNs are responsible for their practice and for meeting
performing bladder irrigations). The answer depends on                              and maintaining the competencies needed with respect to
multiple factors that include the LPN scope of practice                             their area of nursing practice. Rule 4723-4-04(D), OAC,
(defined in Section 4723.01(F), ORC) and the Standards of                           states that a LPN may provide nursing care consistent with
Practice Relative to Registered Nurse or Licensed Practical                         Section 4723.01(F), ORC, that is beyond the LPN’s basic
Nurse in Chapter 4723-4, Ohio Administrative Code (OAC).                            nursing preparation provided the LPN: (1) obtains
                                                                                    education that emanates from a recognized body of
   As a LPN the practice of nursing means providing to                              knowledge relative to the nursing care to be provided; (2)
individuals and groups nursing care requiring the                                   demonstrates knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to
application of basic knowledge of the biological, physical,                         perform the nursing care; and (3) maintains
                                                                                                                                               continued on page 20

         For LPNs who are authorized under Section 4723.17, ORC, to administer adult intravenous therapy, this includes the authority to administer medications
 intravenously on the condition that the LPN performs intravenous therapy only as authorized by Sections 4723.18, and 4723.181, ORC. Detailed discussion of LPN
 IV therapy, including its limitations and the RN’s responsibility in directing that LPN practice is found in the Summer 2019 Momentum, available on the Board
 website under Forms & Publications, or through this link:

                                                                                                                                           Ohio Board of Nursing 19
continued from page 19

documentation of meeting the education and                       demonstrated the competency. In other aspects of patient
demonstrated knowledge, skills and abilities. When the           care, the RN may determine that due to the complexity of
LPN provides nursing care in accordance with Section             the patient’s needs, the RN will provide care with
4723.01(F)(3), ORC (e.g., administering a medication, or         assistance of the LPN who may be directed to perform
a treatment, such as a bladder irrigation) the rule requires     specific treatments or procedures consistent with the LPN’s
the LPN to obtain a current valid order or direction for         scope of practice and documented education, knowledge,
the authorized health care provider acting within the            skills and abilities.
course of their professional practice. Also, the nursing
care provided cannot be prohibited by other law or rules.            The Ohio Nurse Practice Act, Chapter 4723, ORC, and
For example, a LPN may not administer an ordered dose            Chapter 4723-4, OAC, are available for review in their
of intravenous morphine because current law prohibits            entirety on the Board website at on
this type of administration by LPNs.                             the Law & Rules page. Additional practice resources,
                                                                 including the RN and LPN Scopes of Practice, RN and LPN
   RNs are responsible for the planning, implementation          FAQs, and the RN and LPN Decision Making Model, are
and evaluation of the nursing care provided to patients.         available on the Practice Resources page. Past Momentum
This includes giving appropriate direction to LPNs. Rule         articles are available under Forms & Publications.
4723-4-03(K), OAC, requires the RN directing the LPN’s
practice to assess specific elements of the clinical situation
prior to giving the direction. The RN is required to first
assess: (1) the condition of the patient who needs nursing
care, including, but not limited to, the stability of the
patient; (2) the type of nursing care the patient requires;
(3) the complexity and frequency of the nursing care
needed; (4) the training, skills, and
ability of the LPN to perform the
specific function or procedure; and (5)
the availability and accessibility of
resources necessary to safely perform the
specific function or procedure.

    Therefore, when the RN is
evaluating a patient’s nursing care
needs and determining whether a LPN
may perform a specific procedure, the
RN must consider all of the above
factors. For example, if the patient is
not stable and has a new surgically
created tracheostomy, the RN may
determine that a RN, not a LPN, should
provide the nursing care to the patient.
If the patient is stable and the patient
had a tracheostomy several years ago,
and the LPN has not obtained
education specific to care the patient
requires, the RN would not direct the
LPN to provide the patient’s
tracheostomy care until the LPN
completed the required education and

Ohio Board of Nursing 21
How Do I Change My NAME with the Board?
                                              Requests received online are processed in 2-3 business days
 • Go to
 • Log into your account
 • Scroll to the panel displaying your license type and number
 • Click the “Options” link on the appropriate license panel
 • Click on the link “Change Name”
 • Upload one of the certified court records listed below:
           o   Marriage Certificate/Abstract           o    Court Record indicating change of name
           o   Divorce Decree                         o    Documentation from another state/country consistent with the laws of that jurisdiction
 • Click “Submit”

If you have difficulties logging into your account or uploading documents, contact the Customer Service Center at 614-466-3947, “Option 1”
(weekdays 8am-5pm, except for holidays). If you need assistance after business hours, email and include a brief
description of the issue, your first and last name, telephone number, email address, and license number, if you have it.
For other questions, email and include a brief description of the issue, your first and last name, telephone number,
email address, and license number, if you have it.

                          How Do I Change My ADDRESS with the Board?
Make sure you timely update your address – it is a requirement by law that licensees report address changes, within 30 days of the change, to the Board.
Your address of record is used for communication purposes.
                                                                                      If you have difficulties, contact the Customer Service Center at 614-466-3947,
                                                                                      “Option 1” (weekdays 8am-5pm, except for holidays). If you need assistance
 • Go to                                                            after business hours, email and
 • Log into your account                                                              include a brief description of the issue, your first and last name, telephone
 • Scroll to the panel displaying your license type and number                        number, email address, and license number, if you have it.
 • Click the “Options” link on the appropriate license panel
 • Click on the link “Change Address”                                                 For other questions, email and include a brief
 • Click “Submit”                                                                     description of the issue, your first and last name, telephone number, email
 • Address changes made online are processed through the system automatically address, and license number, if you have it.

                              Advisory Groups and Committees
         All meetings of the advisory        Advisory Committee on Advanced Practice Registered Nursing – Chair: Erin Keels, RN, APRN-CNP
               groups are held in the        July 6, 2020, November 16, 2020
             Board office. If you wish        Advisory Group on Continuing Education – Chair: Lauralee Krabill, RN
               to attend one of these        July 24, 2020, September 18, 2020
            meetings, please contact         Advisory Group on Dialysis – Chair: Barbara Douglas, RN, APRN-CRNA
         the Board office at 614-466-         September 15, 2020 – Meeting will begin at 1:00 p.m. (Tele conference #614-230-0229; Access ID 544332)
             6940 or board@nursing.          Advisory Group on Nursing Education – Chair: Patricia Sharpnack, DNP, RN
     to confirm the         August 13, 2020, October 8, 2020
               location, date or time.       Committee on Prescriptive Governance – Chair: Sherri Sievers, DNP, APRN-CNP
                                             September 15, 2020 (Tele conference #614-230-0229; Access ID 544332)
   Members                                                Members                                           Members
   Ohio Board of Nursing                                  Ohio Board of Nursing                             Ohio Board of Nursing
   City                            Term Expires           City                         Term Expires         City                            Term Expires

   Lauralee Krabill, MBA, RN President                    Barbara Douglas, RN, APRN-CRNA                    Daniel Lehmann, RN, LPN
   Sandusky                            2021               Chardon                       2020                Dayton                                    2020

   Joanna Ridgeway, LPN, Vice President                   Nancy Fellows, RN                                 Sandra A. Ranck, RN
   Hilliard                           2022                Willoughby Hills                       2020       Ashtabula                                 2022

   Sandra Beidelschies, RN                                Erin Keels, RN, APRN-CNP                          Patricia A. Sharpnack, DNP, RN
   Upper Sandusky                            2021         Columbus                               2022       Supervising Member
                                                                                                            Chardon                                   2021
   Matthew Carle, Consumer Member                         Deborah Knueve, LPN
   Blacklick                                 2023         Columbus Grove                         2021

The following includes lists of Board disciplinary actions taken at public meetings regarding licensed nurses or certificate holders. You can
review the type of action taken by checking the individual’s credential at the Ohio eLicense Center at:
tion.htm#VERInfo, or by clicking on License and Certificate Verification on the Board of Nursing’s website ( You may
also request a copy of a public disciplinary record by completing the electronic form on the Board’s website at:
iw-DisciplineRecReq.htm or by clicking on Discipline Records Requests on the Board’s website.

March 2020 Disciplinary Actions
Last Name         First Name LT1     Lic. #1     Last Name         First Name LT1      Lic. #1     Last Name        First Name LT1       Lic. #1
Abrigg            Debra       R.N.   342793      Coughlin          Joseph      P.N.    148758      Gross, Jr.       Ronald        R.N.   380536
Akers             Colleen     P.N.   099781      Cox               Zachary     P.N.    148856      Grubbs           Jo Ann        P.N.   064930
Allen             Mark        R.N.   213555      Culver            Sharon      P.N.    113099      Hackworth        Jami          P.N.   128734
Alt               Ashley      R.N.   430882      Cupps             Rita        R.N.    233002      Hagedorn         Amber         P.N.   152601
Andrich           Kelli       R.N.   365952      Dailey            Melissa     R.N.    NCLEX       Hagemeyer        Constance     R.N.   398265
Apicello          Rebekah     P.N.   117788      Darco             Sophia      P.N.    156934      Haidet           Tommi         R.N.   420584
Attanasio         Monique     P.N.   115041      Davis             Sarah       DTI     applicant                                  CNP    024303
Bair              Jeffrey     R.N.   279787      Day               Michelle    R.N.    234104      Hall             Douglas       R.N.   280451
Baljak            Elizabeth   R.N.   333027      DeChristopher     Dominic     R.N.    318314      Halloran         Erin          R.N.   401558
                              CNP    11381       DeJohn            Amanda      R.N.    329665      Hamadneh         Amy           P.N.   111161
Barno             Daniel      R.N.   385159      Derby, IV         Albert      R.N.    404579      Harper           Jerrica       P.N.   157535
Bates             Tonya       P.N.   101666      Derian            Raquel      R.N.    301711      Harper           Jessica       P.N.   145255
Bautista          Melissa     R.N.   399124      Devine            Desiree     R.N.    306503      Harrison         Sarah         R.N.   429481
Bell, Jr.         Donnie      P.N.   150886      Dickens-Jones     Latoya      R.N.    291114      Henry            Mark          P.N.   147147
Bernges           Debbie      R.N.   277737                                    CNP     09292       Hernon           Brenna        R.N.   470621
Besteda           Brittany    P.N.   171910      Dixon             Briannon    P.N.    162671      Hill             Allison       P.N.   NCLEX
Blaha             Stacey      R.N.   353168      Donovan           Brynn       R.N.    456041      Hines            Nicole        R.N.   406428
Blaydes           Douglas     R.N.   307573                                    P.N.    164628                                     P.N.   129646
Blommel           Samantha    R.N.   346014      Dotson            Amanda      P.N.    131927      Hoberg           Rochelle      P.N.   134743
Boggs             Tina        P.N.   152017      Downhour          Joshua      R.N.    343820      Honigford        Stephanie     R.N.   NCLEX
Bonds             Danyell     R.N.   304587      Dukes             Melinda     R.N.    329330      Hoover           Christine     R.N.   335459
Bourne            Jessica     P.N.   158230      Dunn              Lojuanah    R.N.    286834      Hopkins          William       P.N.   130762
Bouts             Tracy       R.N.   310287      Eslick            Lisa        R.N.    318409      Horning          Stacey        P.N.   143277
Bowen             Amber       P.N.   165855      Fabiszewski       Robert      R.N.    445564      Horton           Jessica       R.N.   350433
Boyd              Kelly       R.N.   403050      Ferguson          Elisa       R.N.    361419                                     P.N.   109057
Brandfass         Justin      R.N.   315637      Fernandez         Thomas      R.N.    281366      Hoskins          Virginia      R.N.   321156
Briganti          Richard     R.N.   218428                                    CRNA    04692       Houston          Heather       P.N.   NCLEX
Brodbeck          Linda       R.N.   216052      Fessenmeyer       Tracy       P.N.    157767      Howard           Amber         R.N.   318194
                              CNP    07449       Finlay            Kyleen      P.N.    117442      Hunt             Bobby         P.N.   160809
Brooks            Barbara     P.N.   111678      Fogle             Teresa      P.N.    117335      Hurst            Carrie        R.N.   320013
Brown             Michelle    P.N.   144621      Folliett-Vranic   Kimberly    R.N.    326335      Isgro            Sandra        P.N.   154566
Brown             Nicole      P.N.   153987                                    CNP     applicant   Jackson          Ash’Leah      P.N.   166066
Brubaker          Gretchen    P.N.   144461      Fowler            Brandy      R.N.    354666      Jackson          Sharon        R.N.   287019
Buckley           Debra       P.N.   149446      Francis           Lori        R.N.    282358      Jairam           Sunita        R.N.   337895
Busch             Kristen     P.N.   137827                                    P.N.    096880      Joachim          Elizabeth     P.N.   173639
Byrum             Brittany    P.N.   163782      Franklin          Patricia    P.N.    094746      Johnson          Aisha         R.N.   448356
Camp              Cassandra   R.N.   371776      Franko            Molly       R.N.    401767                                     P.N.   158991
Cardona           Isabel      P.N.   164798      French            Amanda      P.N.    145902      Johnson          Shawn         D.T.   000299
Carroll           Amy         R.N.   299298      Frichtel          Amy         P.N.    152490      Johnson          Talena        P.N.   NCLEX
Carter            Tiara       R.N.   386758      Friend            Leada       P.N.    143191      Joseph-Abel      Elizabeth     R.N.   265223
Church            Kriste      R.N.   260055      Fry               Melissa     R.N.    357423      Kane             Donna         R.N.   159240
                              P.N.   079415      Fuelling          Leeanna     R.N.    endorse     Kelly            Noel          P.N.   156361
Clark             Miesha      P.N.   155705      Fukushima         Briana      R.N.    390292
Clemens           Daniel      R.N.   263242      Fultz             Marian      R.N.    386858
Clevinger         Nicole      P.N.   117071                                    P.N.    115497
Clifford          Krystal     P.N.   150670      Gariti            Nancy       R.N.    355309
Coffey            Amelia      P.N.   141249      Gauthier          Jenna       P.N.    143054
Coleman           Catrice     R.N.   426136      Gergis            Mary        R.N.    endorse
                                                 Gibbs             Jill        R.N.    391268
                              P.N.   124934
                                                 Gibson            Douglas     R.N.    463403
Coleman           Felicia     P.N.   145333
                                                 Gibson            Lori        R.N.    369619
Collins           Marceia     P.N.   129656
                                                 Gibson            Melisa      P.N.    136323
Collins-Koteles   Jennifer    R.N.   460864
                                                 Gilchrist         Daniel      R.N.    411663
                              P.N.   139256
                                                 Giles             Betsy       R.N.    403796
Conteh            Kawsu       R.N.   329866
                                                 Gilmore           Teasha      R.N.    NCLEX
                              CNP    021248
                                                 Graff             John        R.N.    175002
Coogle            Tonia       R.N.   424608
                                                 Grant             Ebone       P.N.    138464
Cooper            Chelsea     R.N.   415185
                                                 Greathouse        Nancy       R.N.    221965
Cornell           Gregory     P.N.   160772
                                                 Greenlee          Rachael     P.N.    126466
Cotterman         Jamie       P.N.   108703
                                                 Grimes            William     R.N.    287827

                                                                                                                           Ohio Board of Nursing 23
March 2020 Disciplinary Actions
Last Name         First Name          LT1    Lic. #1   Last Name          First Name          LT1 Lic. #1        Last Name          First Name            LT1     Lic. #1

Kelty               Mary              P.N.   120261     Reminder                Denise        P.N.   119634       Urban                Cynthia             R.N.     247127
Kenerly             Mindi             R.N.   333332     Rhodes                  Deanna        P.N.   161036       Valentine            Carrie              P.N.     124346
Kloeppel            Elizabeth         R.N.   380725     Rhodes                  Tina          R.N.   336147       Van Syckle           Maegan              P.N.     163386
Klosterman          Angela            P.N.   155631     Ridenour-O’Neil         Wendy         P.N.   113960       Vance                Victoria            R.N.     456218
Knapp               Ashley            P.N.   131320     Riffle                   Monica        R.N.   272151       Vandergriff          Natasha             P.N.     165636
Knauff              Breanna           R.N.   409320                                           CNP    022234       Vanlangen            Emily               P.N.     130849
Kubicki             Dawn              P.N.   095357     Robertson               Isaac         R.N.   402828       Venn                 Vicki               R.N.     354331
Kunk                Stacey            P.N.   112006     Robinson                Keena         P.N.   155256                                                P.N.     119462
Kuzma               Jennifer          D.T.   001518     Roch                    Christopher   P.N.   127238       Vieson               Stephanie           R.N.     371121
Lafever             Kimberly          R.N.   445985     Romano                  Paula         R.N.   177012       Vito                 Christina           P.N.     158836
Lairson             Aaron             P.N.   113067     Rose                    Wendy         R.N.   323268       Volak                Andrea              R.N.     310453
Lazear              Brooke            P.N.   153555     Rowland                 Nicole        R.N.   388863       Von Glahn            Heather             R.N.     289259
Leonard             Yahchika          R.N.   358506     Rush                    Colleen       P.N.   139469       Wagner               Karrie              R.N.     294881
                                      P.N.   132994     Samokovski              Nadia         R.N.   285563       Walker               Lacy                P.N.     NCLEX
Long                Michelle          P.N.   131919     Sarvey                  Andrea        P.N.   119365       Walker               Sheoni              P.N.     146412
Love                Elyshia           R.N.   380539     Saunders                Courtney      R.N.   388865       Ward                 Amanda              P.N.     158834
                                      P.N.   116798                                           P.N.    145084      Wasko                Jennifer            R.N.     339362
Lovsey              Jennifer          P.N.   106849     Schimmelpfennig-Waldo   Donna         R.N.   331319       Weaver               Melissa             P.N.     131493
Lyle                Ricky             R.N.   238793     Schmid                  Tonya         R.N.   259658       Wells                Brittany            R.N.     NCLEX
Martin              Marilyn           P.N.   066218     Schroeder               Krystal       R.N.   372004                                                P.N.     156272
Martin              Toni              R.N.   441881     Schultz                 Chelsi        R.N.   404227       White                Tierra              P.N.     NCLEX
Mason               Vanessa           R.N.   422287     Schulze                 Amber         R.N.   445287       Wickard              Penny               P.N.     165156
Mazziotta           Cameron           R.N.   420848                                           DTI    applicant    Williams             Elizabeth           R.N.     318103
McAnalley           Jessica           P.N.   114081     Schwan                  Christopher   R.N.   204826       Wilmore              Ross                P.N.     NCLEX
McCollum            Tiffany           R.N.   339437     Seale                   Stephanie     R.N.   332994       Wilson               Allison             R.N.     307864
McConville          Allison           R.N.   310319     Seditz                  Rebecca       P.N.   166128                                                CNP      18728
                                      CNP    09310      Shaffner                Lauren        R.N.   429324       Wilson               Cateri              R.N.     367740
McCoy               Kevin             R.N.   351771     Shaw                    Lori          R.N.   285587                                                P.N.     128199
McCreary            Brandy            P.N.   158961     Shea                    Veronica      R.N.   244262       Winkelman            Jeffrey             D.T.     000381
McDonald            Kristen           R.N.   385753     Shepard                 Deja          P.N.   171431       Wooddell             Constance           P.N.     146009
Medastin            Linda             R.N.   endorse    Shively                 Janet         P.N.   047122       Wright               Myra                R.N.     347836
                                      P.N.   170742     Siefert                 Pamela        R.N.   endorse                                               CNP      020608
Mercer              Christina Linda   R.N.   439079     Simpson                 Valencia      P.N.   167137       Zielske              Jennifer            R.N.     313734
                                      P.N.   160447     Skidmore-Smith          Chasity       P.N.   116913       Zinni                Katlin              R.N.     400730
Michonski           Virginia          P.N.   171902     Skinner                 Christina     R.N.   401934
                                             239062     Smaltz                  Shawnee
                                                                                                     353316       May 2020 Disciplinary Actions
Miller              Melanie           R.N.   302920     Smith                   Brandi        R.N.   433078       Ahlstrom             Erin                R.N.     423750
                                                        Smith                   Brian         D.T.   applicant    Al Nadi              Mariam              R.N.     endorse
                                      CNM    13801
                                                        Smith                   LaTisha       P.N.   139226       Alexander, II        Clifton             R.N.     401157
Moon                Eric              R.N.   312401
                                                        Smith                   Patricia      R.N.   409998                                                P.N.     146592
                                      CRNA   19075
                                                        Smith                   Sandra        P.N.   102540       Ali                  Porsha Elle Sade    P.N.     NCLEX
Moore               Leanne            R.N.   243378
                                                        Smith                   Sara          P.N.   163363       Andrews              Raven               R.N.     416657
Morriss             Taylor            R.N.   430387
                                                        Smith                   Shannon       P.N.   161143                                                P.N.     137527
Moyer               Tina              P.N.   126932
                                                        Smith-Perry             Precious      P.N.   097310       Arwood               Amber               R.N.     302799
Mullins             Amanda            R.N.   321555
                                                        Snyder                  Megan         R.N.   370543       Auvil                Angela              P.N.     096415
                                      CNP    14312
                                                                                              P.N.   136000       Bailey               Jori                R.N.     262157
Mullins             Sarah             P.N.   166301
                                                        Sodd                    Wendy         P.N.   123411       Baldwin              Veronica            P.N.     111544
Murray              Jennifer          P.N.   124002
                                                        Solinsky                Cindy         R.N.   158430       Bankhead Hasley      Ikeia               P.N.     NCLEX
Myers               Christopher       P.N.   130458
                                                        Spaun                   Sara          R.N.   393861       Barber               Amanda              R.N.     365121
Nott                Amy               R.N.   407573
                                                                                              P.N.   146948                                                P.N.     118364
Nugent-Richards     Ava               R.N.   endorse
                                                        Speight                 Jenalyn       R.N.   366722       Barker               Taylor              P.N.     164174
O’Daniel            Shelly            R.N.   351328
                                                        Stephens                Sarah         R.N.   445163       Barner               Shakesha            P.N.     NCLEX
Orji                Myrna             P.N.   132961
                                                        Stewart                 Brandi        P.N.   144726       Barnes               Whitney             R.N.     389797
Padula              Lynette           P.N.   023318
                                                        Strong                  Jamie         R.N.   395693                                                P.N.     132659
Paraon              Ma Jessica        R.N.   345095
                                                                                              P.N.   117356       Bean                 James               R.N.     252505
Patrick             Ryan              R.N.   372992
                                                        Strong                  Martha        R.N.   262099       Beery                Jamie               R.N.     NCLEX
Patrick             Tabitha           P.N.   167730
                                                        Strother                James         P.N.   085952       Bellus               Whitney             P.N.     155794
Patterson           Jessica           R.N.   417941
                                                        Stroud                  Gabrielle     P.N.   149774       Bennett              Brian               R.N.     375665
Perkins             Florence          R.N.   382745
                                                        Stutler                 Azzalia       R.N.   430873       Bennett              Tessa               R.N.     307453
Pernell             Cristy            P.N.   171041
                                                        Summers                 Patricia      R.N.   128256       Berg                 Erica               P.N.     152719
Perrine             Valdetta          R.N.   268062
                                                                                              CNP    01076        Betts                Felicia             R.N.     458306
Perroud             Cheryl            P.N.   111778
Pierce              Brandon           P.N.   135765     Switzer                 Kathryn       R.N.   268212                                                P.N.     123338
Porter              Jonathan          R.N.   366635     Tackett                 Tanya         P.N.   121214       Black                Wesley              R.N.     436392
Posedly             Lenore            R.N.   110972     Tadsen                  Rebecca       R.N.   393265       Blair                Jordan              R.N.     443750
Potee               Maryruth          P.N.   095860     Takwih                  Nawra         P.N.   145251       Blake                Lindsay             R.N.     376991
Potts               Shaun             R.N.   336908     Taylor                  Tahzi         P.N.   endorse      Boerner              Judith              R.N.     195236
Powell              Raha              R.N.   281325     Thompson                Tracey        P.N.   094093       Bofah                Kwadwo              P.N.     164306
                                                        Thornberry              Kayla         P.N.   145772       Brandewie            Bethany             P.N.     148465
                                      CNP    10747
                                                        Threatt                 Jamsaina      P.N.   171089       Bray                 Christina           R.N.     472499
Priest              Jamie             P.N.   154356
                                                        Tipton                  Lori          P.N.   136605       Bright               Jill                R.N.     381966
Radick              Jennifer          R.N.   309687
                                                        Truss                   Lakrisha      R.N.   310625       Buhrlage             Brooke              R.N.     362825
Rankin              Joni              P.N.   079536
                                                        Tucker                  Rogenea       P.N.   104717       Burnett              Michael             R.N.     257240
Reddick             Stormy            R.N.   445442
                                                                                                                  Burns                Ashley              P.N.     138218

May 2020 Disciplinary Actions
  Last Name      First Name    LT1      Lic. #1   Last Name   First Name        LT1        Lic. #1   Last Name       First Name      LT1    Lic. #1

Burns             Takia        P.N.    153474     335588          Holmes        Linda      R.N.        Pettaway        Latasha       P.N.    160350
Camiener          Judith       R.N.    312810     245495          Holmes        Rebecca    R.N.        Pierce          Michelle      R.N.    384271
Camp              Lori         P.N.    114046     243662          Howard        Jessica    P.N.        Prather         Monica        P.N.    096699
Campbell          Wensdee      P.N.    163431     123606          Howland       Jennifer   P.N.        Pyros           Christina     R.N.    401801
Campbell-Perry    Lauren       R.N.    443177     101235          Hull          Joellen    P.N.        Rambo           Adam          R.N.    414102
Carter            Eric         R.N.    358502     166050          Jackson       Markisha   P.N.        Rasmussen       Mary          R.N.    409563
                               CRNA    019304     NCLEX           Jarman        Jennifer   R.N.        Reese           Robert        R.N.    376545
Cashin            Melissa      R.N.    409071     362408          Jarrett       Brandi     R.N.        Reinacher       Jessica       R.N.    401119
Cerminara         Michelle     R.N.    193051     367720          Jimenez       Kathryn    R.N.                                      P.N.    147040
Clemens           Youvona      R.N.    299150     352570          Johnson       Jannette   R.N.        Roberts         Tete          R.N.    445122
                               P.N.    100556     117212                                      CRNA     Robinson        Keena         P.N.    155256
Coggins           Ana          R.N.    425723     03971           Kazmaier      Zachary    R.N.        Robinson        Timothy       P.N.    089088
Colbert           Angel        P.N.    126439     350101          Keith         Alyshia    R.N.        Roy             Tamara        R.N.    427702
Cook              Alicia       R.N.    323464     383626          Kessler       Crystal    R.N.        Ruetz           Brittanie     P.N.    NCLEX
                               P.N.    113887     430224          Kiser         Jessica    P.N.        Sadler          Jessica       R.N.    395556
Cook              Cassandra    P.N.    086324     168038          Knauff        Breanna    R.N.        Sasso           Laura         R.N.    374953
Cornell           Diamond      R.N.    NCLEX      409320          Knazek        Jodi       P.N.        Scharba         Elaina        P.N.    138886
Corrado           Judith       R.N.    272033     105607          Kohart        Jessica    R.N.        Schnabel        Jennifer      R.N.    294228
                               CNP     022476     317027          Kramer        Tish       P.N.        Schoop          Gretchan      P.N.    108299
Cottrell          Rita         R.N.    328788     110402          Laird         Cynthia    P.N.        Schultz         Emily         R.N.    379256
Cottrill          Elizabeth    P.N.    149235     161070          Lewis         Amy        P.N.        Schwinn         Valerie       R.N.    457182
Cox               Kelleen      P.N.    073307     156163          Lynch         Kenya      R.N.        Scott           Michael       R.N.    257292
Cuevas            Tony         R.N.    345605     422153                                               Seagraves       Cynthia       R.N.    262011
                               P.N.    125494                                   P.N.       123408      Shankland       Denise        P.N.    093969
Cupps             Rita         R.N.    233002     Malone          Nikia         P.N.       157622      Shea            Veronica      R.N.    244262
Davis             Carrie       P.N.    111779     Mangus          Carli         R.N.       423298      Smith           LaTisha       P.N.    139226
Deerfield          Almeda       R.N.    254341     Mason           Jasmine       P.N.       134514      Sodd            Alison        R.N.    442268
Denehy            Erin         R.N.    367212     May             Steve         P.N.       129107      Spangler        Amber         P.N.    endorse
                                                  Maze            Kyle          R.N.       400588      Stiegel         John          R.N.    352744
                               P.N.    136504
                                                  McClain         Eric          P.N.       148861      Stines          Ruth          P.N.    164594
Derian            Raquel       R.N.    301711
                                                  McConnell       Barbara       R.N.       253721      Surber          Sharon        R.N.    180372
Devine            Jaimie       R.N.    endorse
                                                  McCroskey       Sara          R.N.       442332      Sutton          Jessica       P.N.    137453
Dietz             Lindsay      R.N.    389459
                                                  McLaurin        Barbara       R.N.       421497      Taylor          Robin Renee   R.N.    289104
Dingey            Wendy        P.N.    141109
                                                  McMann          Mary          R.N.       235925      Teuschler       Jessica       P.N.    138357
Dobbins           Suzanne      R.N.    280405
                                                  McMannis        Devlin        P.N.       158629      Thomas          Marcus        R.N.    365206
Dorman            Jenna        R.N.    444201
                                                  Meckley         Claudia       R.N.       386496      Thompson        Tracey        P.N.    142237
Dulbs             Samantha     R.N.    445016
                                                  Miller          Krista        P.N.       146650      Tobe            Heather       R.N.    443219
Eblin             Rebecca      R.N.    255964
                                                  Moore           Trisha        R.N.       407817      Turner          Myrtle        R.N.    448241
England           Ann          R.N.    264922
                                                  Moore           Rachel        P.N.       152188      Vandergraff     Michael       P.N.    135666
Eruvwetaghware    Isedua       R.N.    NCLEX
                                                                                R.N.        NCLEX      VanGieson       Dawn          D.T.    000500
Erwin             Heather      R.N.    262265
                                                  Mounts          Marian        P.N.       088899      Wasko           Jennifer      R.N.    339362
Fabiszewski       Robert       R.N.    445564
                                                  Moyo            Zebedia       P.N.       168843      Whelan          Emily         R.N.    358005
Fisher            Kathryn      R.N.    382352
                                                  Mueller         Kaitlyn       R.N.       434527      White           Jennifer      R.N.    endorse
Fitzharris        Sarah        P.N.    endorse
                                                  Mullinex        Melissa       P.N.       105780      Wightman        Lisa          P.N.    153109
Foos              Jamie        P.N.    128294
                                                  Murphy          Thuy          R.N.       416141      Williams        Debra         R.N.    320657
Gaba              Greg         R.N.    289549
                                                  Nicholson       Paula         R.N.       284398      Williams        Renee         P.N.    136527
Gard              Richard      R.N.    300181
                                                                                P.N.       102647      Williams        Stephanie     P.N.    147913
Garnett           Jacqueline   P.N.    147783
                                                  Nwe             Khaing        R.N.       445307      Williams        Taneesha      P.N.    158638
Gartner           Ashley       R.N.    NCLEX
                                                  O’Toole         Heather       P.N.       100760      Windle          Megan         P.N.    168570
Gawry             Joyce        R.N.    198431
                                                  Osborne         Christopher   R.N.       393371      Winkler         Jessica       R.N.    360651
Geisler           Michelle     P.N.    124195
                                                  Paradise        Karen         R.N.       290149      Wright          Blondina      P.N.    119286
Geyer             Jennifer     R.N.    341399
                                                                                CNP        08468       Yancey          Odessa        R.N.    411543
Gillfillan         Codylynn     R.N.    390813
                                                  Paraon          Ma Jessica    R.N.       345095      Young           Adele         R.N.    378684
Gillispie         Devan        R.N.    341437
                                                  Patrick         Ryan          R.N.       372992      Zimmerman       Katrina       P.N.    171189
Ginley            Patrick      R.N.    323246
                                                  Patricy         Martha        P.N.       125526
                               CRNA    13467
Glantzis          Allison      R.N.    353028
                               P.N.    117806
Greer             Lisa         R.N.    413014
Griffith           Jeannine     P.N.    109271
Grigsby           Taylor       P.N.    161739
Grogg             Chase        R.N.    432521
                               P.N.    151248
Grooms            Jennifer     R.N.    301736
Hang              Bolisa       R.N.    417193
Harbrecht         Benjamin     R.N.    448408
Harmon            Dixie        R.N.    434567
                               P.N.    077669
Harvey            David        R.N.    410124
Havens            Kelley       R.N.    448426
Hayes             Mitchacole   P.N.    125465
Heuser            Peggy        R.N.    426271
19223             Hickman      Danera  P.N.
NCLEX             Hicks        Lashawn R.N.

                                                                                                                           Ohio Board of Nursing 25
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