Page created by Mario Chang
Okehampton College: Yr12 French

             Summer Support Booklet 2021

J’espère que tout va bien?! This short booklet outlines the topics studied
during Yr12 and Yr13 French, the examinations, and some short tasks to be
completed over the course of the summer holiday. I hope you find it useful,
and please do not hesitate to email me if you have any questions, on:
Madame Wates

1. Essential Information
2. Examinations
3. Summer Tasks
1. Essential Information: Our exam board is AQA.
The Yr12 sub-topics are:
   1.   La famille en voie de changement
   2.   La cybersociété
   3.   Le bénévolat
   4.   Le patrimoine
   5.   La musique francophone
   6.   Le septième art
The Yr13 sub-topics are:
   1.   La diversité
   2.   Les marginalisés
   3.   La criminalité
   4.   L’engagement politique
   5.   Les manifestations
   6.   L’immigration
The main tenses covered are:
   1.   Present
   2.   Past (Perfect, Imperfect, Irregulars)
   3.   Future (Near Future, Future, Future Perfect, Irregulars)
   4.   Conditional (Conditional, Conditional Perfect, ‘If’ sentences)
   5.   Subjunctive (Subjunctive, Irregulars)

Our film is: La haine (Kassovitz), and our novel is Un sac de billes (Joffo).
Resources: we provide students with all resources, this includes, for example:
access to Kerboodle online (to view the digital textbook, assessments and to
access listening passages); grammar exercises; a copy of the novel; study notes
for the novel; a copy of the film; study notes for the film, and any additional
resources such as French magazines.
Extra-curricular opportunities: if circumstances allow, then we usually offer a
trip to the University of Bristol or Bath Spa to attend an A-level languages
conference, and the University of Exeter. There are other opportunities that
we either offer, or support students with, on an individual basis, and all
students benefit from time with our Foreign Language Assistant.
2. Examinations:

Our exams take place at the end of Yr13, and are as follows:
Paper 1: Listening, Reading, Writing
2hrs 30 mins, 160 marks, 40% of A-Level
2x translations of 100 words
Unlike at GCSE, where the recording is only played twice, you can listen to the
recording as many times as you like. It’s down to you to organise how you use
your time during this paper.

Paper 2: Writing
2hrs, 90 marks, 30% of A-Level
1 text and 1 film OR 2 texts
300 words per essay
You cannot take the text into the exam with you, and you need to memorise
some quotes.

Paper 3: Speaking
21-23 mins, 5 mins prep time, 60 marks, 30% of A-Level
Speaking card, then presentation (IRP= Individual Research project) and
discussion. The IRP will be prepared in advance, and the presentation will be
memorised in advance, giving you the opportunity to show your best French
and ideas. The speaking cards are based on the sub-topics.
There are no dictionaries allowed in any of our exams. We will, of course
complete practice papers and give you feedback and advice! At the end of each
sub-topic throughout Yrs 12 and 13, we will complete an assessment in the
style of the exam, to ensure that you are on-track and feel supported by our
Summer tasks
Task 1: Write short answers in French of 3-6 lines each for these questions. The questions are based
on our first topic. Try to include these aspects in your answers: a variety of people (not just ‘je !) ;
interesting adjectives ; qualifiers (eg. sssez); different opinion starters (eg. Je crois que), and finally,
different tenses. Use the vocabulary below to help you.

Relations et responsabilités
La famille
s’entendre avec             to get on with          une relation              relationship

l’amitié (f)                friendship              l’amour (m)               love

le bonheur                  happiness               un partenaire             partner

un compagnon                partner                 une compagne              partner

un mari/époux               husband                 une femme/épouse          wife

une connaissance            acquaintance            les parents               parents/relatives

cohabiter                   to live together        le mariage                marriage, wedding

le cocon familial                     family nest             le soutien                 support

une querelle                quarrel                 se disputer               to argue

un enfant unique            only child              parler coeur ouvert       to talk frankly

supporter                   to put up with          une dispute               argument

s’énerver                   to get annoyed          crier                     to shout

critiquer                   to criticise            strict                    strict

respecter                   to respect              raisonnable               reasonable

décontracté                 relaxed, laid-back      des conseils              advice

être ferme avec             to ve firm with         protéger                  to protect

la liberté                  freedom                 l’indépendance            independence

l’autonomie                 independence            traiter                   to treat

une famille monoparentale   single parent family    aîné                      elder

cadet(-te), benjamin(e) younger, youngest           embêtant                  annoying

un enfant adoptif           adopted child
Questions :

    1. T’entends-tu bien avec ta famille ?
    2. Quelles sont les sources de disputes chez toi ?
    3. Et les sources de bonheur ?
    4. Quels sont les avantages et les inconvénients d’être enfant unique ?
    5. Que fais-tu avec ta famille ?
    6. Raconte quelque chose que tu as fait récemment en famille.
    7. Est-ce que tes parents te laissent assez d’indépendance, à ton avis ?
    8. De quoi parles-tu avec tes parents ?
    9. Veux-tu être parent un jour ?
    10. Quel genre de parent serais-tu ?
    11. Un parent idéal, c’est comment ?
    12. Que fais-tu pour aider tes parents à la maison ?
    13. Est-il nécessaire d’avoir deux parents ?
    14. Est-ce que tes parents s’intéressent beaucoup à ton travail scolaire ?
    15. Voudrais-tu vivre près de chez tes parents plus tard dans la vie ?

Task 2: Watch this video about the 14th of July. It’s from the series ‘un jour, une question’, and it’s
called ‘C’est quoi le 14 juillet ?’ Note 10 facts in French from the video.

(144) C'est quoi le 14 juillet ? (EP. 640) - 1 jour, 1 question - YouTube

Task 3: Conjugate these verbs in the tense given in brackets, for the WHOLE verb, eg. manger
(perfect tense) =

J’ai mangé               Nous avons mangé

Tu as mangé              Vous avez mangé

Il a mangé               Ils ont mangé

You can use an online verb conjugator such as ‘word reference’. This is also a dictionary. The link is
here, and an example of the verb ‘parler’ is below.

Conjugaison de parler - WordReference.com

Verbs to conjugate:

    1)   Jouer (present tense)
    2)   Danser (imperfect tense)
    3)   Prendre (pluperfect tense)
    4)   Finir (perfect tense)
5)   Grandir (near future tense)
6)   Regarder (simple future tense)
7)   Aller (conditional tense, present)
8)   Se doucher (present tense)
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