Old St. Joseph's Church - Est. 1733 | Philadelphia's Jesuit Parish - Old St. Joseph's Church

Page created by Warren Stephens
Old St. Joseph's Church - Est. 1733 | Philadelphia's Jesuit Parish - Old St. Joseph's Church
Old St. Joseph’s                                                                          321 Willings Alley
Church                                                                               Philadelphia PA 19106
Est. 1733 | Philadelphia’s Jesuit                                                      www.oldstjoseph.org
               October 10, 2021 | The 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
                                                                Today’s Gospel Reading: Mark 10:17-30

                                                                As Jesus was setting out on a journey, a man ran up,
                                                                knelt down before him, and asked him, "Good
                                                                teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus
                                                                answered him, "Why do you call me good? No one is
                                                                good but God alone. You know the commandments:
                                                                You shall not kill; you shall not commit adultery; you
                                                                shall not steal; you shall not bear false witness; you
                                                                shall not defraud; honor your father and your
                                                                mother." He replied and said to him, "Teacher, all of
                                                                these I have observed from my youth." Jesus,
                                                                looking at him, loved him and said to him, "You are
                                                                lacking in one thing. Go, sell what you have, and give
                                                                to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven;
                                                                then come, follow me." At that statement his face
                                                                fell, and he went away sad, for he had many
                                                                Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, "How
                                                                hard it is for those who have wealth to enter the
                                                                kingdom of God!" The disciples were amazed at his
                                                                words. So Jesus again said to them in reply,
                                                                "Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of
                                                                God! It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye
                                                                of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the
                                                                kingdom of God." They were exceedingly astonished
                                                                and said among themselves, "Then who can be
                                                                saved?" Jesus looked at them and said, "For human
                                                                beings it is impossible, but not for God. All things
                                                                are possible for God." Peter began to say to him,
                                                                "We have given up everything and followed you."
                                                                Jesus said, "Amen, I say to you, there is no one who
                                                                has given up house or brothers or sisters or mother
                                                                or father or children or lands for my sake and for the
                                                                sake of the gospel who will not receive a hundred
                                                                times more now in this present age: houses and
                                                                brothers and sisters and mothers and children and
                                                                lands, with persecutions, and eternal life in the age
                                                                to come."
    Old St. Joseph’s is equipped with an audio hearing loop. Switch on the T-coil function of your device to use the
    loop. Readings can be followed in the Daily Readings app, available in the App Store or Google Play.
Old St. Joseph's Church - Est. 1733 | Philadelphia's Jesuit Parish - Old St. Joseph's Church
This Week at Old St. Joseph’s
Date                 Mass Intention and Presider                                          Calendar Events
Mon     12:05 PM     Owners & Staff of Alliance Fencing (L)
                                                                                         Columbus Day – Rectory offices closed
 11                  Presider: Fr. Frank Hannafey SJ
Tues    12:05 PM     Old St. Joseph’s Memorial Society                     11:00 AM      Faith, Food & Friends (Barbelin)
 12                  Presider: Fr. Pal Holland SJ                           7:30 PM      YAC About Scripture – Zoom
Wed     12:05 PM     Geraldine Marren & Family (D)
 13                  Presider: Fr. Matthew Roche SJ
Thurs   12:05 PM     Old St. Joseph’s Memorial Society                     11:00 AM      Faith, Food & Friends (Barbelin)
 14                  Presider: Fr. Matthew Roche SJ                         6:30 PM      Wedding reh: Chevrette & Lapent
                                                                            7:30 PM      Wedding reh: Giampietro & Cochet
                                                                                         Choir Rehearsal (Barbelin)
 Fri    12:05 PM     Our Faith, Food & Friends Guests                       4:00 PM      Wedding: Giampietro & Cochet
 15                  Presider: Fr. Matathew Roche SJ                        5:30 PM      Wedding reh: Wise & Anarai
 Sat    12:05 PM     Old St. Joseph’s Memorial Society                     11:00 AM      Faith, Food & Friends (Barbelin)
 16                  Presider: Fr. Matthew Roche SJ                         1:00 PM      Wedding: Chevrette & Lapent
                                                                            3:00 PM      Wedding: Wise & Anari
Sun      7:30 AM     Presider: Fr. Paul Holland SJ                         10:00 AM      RCIA Mtg (Greaton)
 17      9:30 AM     Presider: Fr. Matthew Roche SJ                         1:30 PM      Group Baptisms
        11:30 AM     Presider: Fr. Eugene Geinzer SJ                        5:00 PM      Vespers (Zoom)

        OSJ PRAYER LIST: In your prayers, please remember our sick and homebound brothers and sisters
                                        and our ministry at Pennsylvania Hospital.
  Barbara Epting, Marie Wojcik, Louise Cruz-Vizcaino, Sharon Winge, Stefania Crum, Dennis Scott, Bill Jennings, Eleanor &
 Rick Bravo, Tom McNamara, Allen May, Anthony Pelle Jr, Betty Farris Pfeiffer, Billy Rispo, Alex Corona, Melissa Counselor,
        Helga Kogut, Ernie Koschineg, Gerrie Dressler, Tom Vaughn, Ava Iezzi, Cory Smith, Bill and Theresa Sherwin,
              Deborah Brooks, Ann Crowther, Jane Crowther, Mary Kay Crowther, Fr. Jerry McAndrews SJ. 
 Updating our Prayer List: Once a quarter, OSJ updates our parish prayer list. If you would like someone’s name to remain on
                                 the prayer list, or to add a name, please call 215-923-1733.

                                                       A Warm Welcome to Fr. Paul Holland, SJ
                                                       Rev. Paul D. Holland, S.J. in addition to his new position as Parochial Vicar
                                                       for Old St. Joseph’s parish, is also the Secretary for Jesuit Life for the Jesuit
                                                       Conference of Canada and the United States. For the last four years he has
                                                       also been the Conference Delegate for Formation. His responsibilities
                                                       include coordination of the Conference’s program for abuse prevention
                                                       and promotion of healthy living of vowed religious life, as well as training
                                                       Jesuit superiors. He is originally from Belmont, MA. He entered the Jesuits
                                                       in 1972 and was ordained in 1980. His ministries have included secondary
                                                       school teaching in Zambia, campus ministry and teaching religious
                                                       education at Fairfield University, parish ministry as pastor of St. Thomas
                                                       Aquinas parish at the University of Connecticut, as well as service as Jesuit
                                                       superior for the Jesuit communities at Campion Center and at Fairfield. He
                                                       also served the church in Adelaide Australia and the diocese of Palmerston
                                                       North in New Zealand. He has taught courses on discernment for the
                                                       permanent diaconate formation programs in several dioceses and on
                                                       Christology for Catholic schools’ faculties. His interests include crossword
                                                       puzzles, old time radio, theater, and poetry.
Old St. Joseph's Church - Est. 1733 | Philadelphia's Jesuit Parish - Old St. Joseph's Church
MUSIC AT OSJ                                                  FINANCIAL INFO
Please mark your calendars and plan to join us for the                  Offertory for the week ending October 3, 2021
following upcoming special music event here at Old St.               Daily Mass Collection:                       $39.00
Joseph's Church. The Schola Cantorum under the direction of          In-Pew Sunday Collection:                 $2,318.00
Dr. Bani will present:                                               Mail-In Sunday Collection:                $1,443.00
    All Souls' Requiem Mass sung by our Schola Cantorum              Online Giving Sunday Collection:          $5,161.00
           Tuesday, November 2, 2021, at 7:00 PM                     Total Collection:                         $8,961.00
Gabriel Fauré's sublime setting of the Requiem Mass will be
sung by our choir in the context of a Mass commemorating the
                                                                                         Thank you!
faithful departed on All Souls' Day.                                    Offertory for the week ending October 4, 2020
       Lessons and Carols, sung by our Schola Cantorum               In-Pew Sunday Collection:                   $249.00
     Sunday, December 12 (Gaudete Sunday) at 3:00 PM                 Mail-In Sunday Collection:                $1,603.00
A festive holiday tradition at Old St. Joseph's, the Schola          Online Giving Sunday Collection:          $4,476.00
Cantorum, under the direction of Dr. Bani, will present a            Total Collection:                         $6,328.00
festive Advent-Christmas Service of Lessons and Carols
proclaiming God's promise of salvation through sacred
scripture, seasonal choral anthems, and favorite settings of              ONLINE GIVING & TEXT-TO-GIVE
familiar Advent and Christmas carols. A free will offering will      Please click here for easy access to ParishSOFT Giving.
be gratefully accepted. A reception will follow the service.              For Text-to-Give, please dial 215-929-7151.
Our Saturday 5:30 PM Vigil Mass will return on Saturday, Nov.
                                                                     All young adults (20s and 30s) are
6, 2021. On the same date, we will also discontinue our
Saturday Noon Mass. Note: All announced Masses already               invited to join a weekly Zoom
requested for dates falling on Saturdays will be honored and         gathering to read and reflect on the
transferred to the Vigil Mass starting Nov. 6. The return of our     previous      Sunday's     scripture
Vigil Mass will be on a trial basis, and we are hoping for good      readings. The structure of the
attendance!                                                          reflection group begins with prayer and reading the
                                                                     scripture passages together from the previous Sunday,
                  Join Our Usher Ministry! We want to tell           followed by a short bit of quiet or imaginative prayer,
                  you about a ministry that’s different from         and then an opportunity for sharing and discussion. The
                  others. Where one welcomes members and             group gathers each Tuesday at 7:00pm. Please email
                  visitors from all walks of life as true brothers   osjyac@gmail.com for Zoom meeting information and
                  and sisters in the Lord. Serving others during     with any questions.
our beautiful liturgies while sharing our faith together. We’re
looking for a few good women and men to share their talents
and forge our common bond by serving as Ushers. We’ll work                             Faith, Food & Friends Relies on You!
closely with you on training and scheduling. You’ll meet new
                                                                                       During the weekends of October 9-
friends and become a deeper part of our parish community. A
                                                                                       10 and 16-17, Old St. Joseph’s will
special invitation and calling awaits you - please introduce
yourself to an Usher after Mass or visit our website and click                         collect essential supplies for the
on Ministry Scheduling Program at the bottom of the page to                            guests of our Faith, Food & Friends
sign up! We’re looking forward to welcoming you to our team                            outreach program. To help keep our
and thank you for your service.                                      cupboard stocked and meet our guests’ needs through
                                                                     the autumn months, we are especially in need of the
Catholic History Lecture: The American                               following basic personal care items: bar soap, travel
Catholic Historical Society (263 S. 4th St.)                         size deodorant (½ ounce size), disposable twin blade
will host its annual Fall Lecture on                                 razors, and multipacks of men’s socks. If you like, you
Tuesday, October 19. Dr. Zachary Schrag                              can conveniently order these essentials and other items
will speak on his new book, The Fires of
                                                                     from Faith, Food & Friends’ Amazon wish list (click here)
Philadelphia, on the Nativist Riots of
1844. Cost for dinner (6pm) and the
                                                                     and they will be shipped directly to the Church. If you
lecture (7pm) is $20 for members and $30                             prefer to shop in person, donations may be dropped in
for non-members. Online attendance via                               the baskets in the back of the church. Your gift of any
Zoom for the lecture alone is free for                               wish list item would be most appreciated by our guests.
members and $10 for non-members. For more information                Thank you for your ongoing support!
and/or to register, click here.
                                                                   Fr. Francis Hannafey SJ (pastor@oldstjoseph.org)
                                                                  Parochial Vicar
                                                                   Fr. Paul Holland SJ
                                                                  Senior Priest
                                                                   Fr. Matthew Roche SJ (mroche@oldstjoseph.org)
                                                                  In Residence
                                                                   Br. Robert Carson SJ
                                                                  Business Manager
                                                                   Eric German (germane@oldstjoseph.org)
                                                                  Director of Music
                                                                   Mark Bani (music@oldstjoseph.org)
                                                                  Pastoral Associate for Weddings
INFORMATION                                                         Donna Soultoukis (dsoultoukis@oldstjoseph.org)
                                                                  Parish Offices (office@oldstjoseph.org)
Rectory Office Hours                                              PREP & Baptism Coordinator
 Monday through Friday: 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM                         Christine Szczepanowski (prep@oldstjoseph.org)
Mass Times                                                        Faith, Food & Friends Director
 Monday through Saturday: 12:05 PM                                 Deborah Hluchan (faithandfriends@oldstjoseph.org)
 Sunday: 7:30, 9:30, and 11:30 AM Note: All Sunday morning        Parish Pastoral Council
 Masses are open to the public.                                    Pastor, Fr. Francis Hannafey
 Holy Days: 12:05 and 7:00 PM                                      (osjpc@oldstjoseph.org) Note: OSJ’s Parish Council consists
Medical Emergency                                                    of the following chairs:
 In a medical emergency when the need for a priest is urgent,     Parish Finance Council
please call 267-438-7266                                           Paul Shay, chair
Registration                                                      Historic Preservation Corporation Board
  Persons who want to register as parishioners should              Fr. Francis Hannafey SJ, president
complete a parish registration form and return it to the           Barry Eiswerth, chair
rectory office by mail or in person. Registration forms are       Adult Education
available in the rectory office during normal office hours and     Rita O’Brien and Jeanmarie Zippo
online at www.oldstjoseph.org.
Hearing Enhancements
                                                                   Ted Robb (eldership@oldstjoseph.org)
 Old St. Joseph’s is equipped with an audio hearing loop.
                                                                  Parish Life
Switch on the T-coil function of your device to use the loop.      Joe Casey (parishlife@oldstjoseph.org)
Sacrament of Reconciliation                                       Ignatian Spirituality and Formation
 Monday through Saturday: Please approach the presiding            John Bitterman (osjspirituality@oldstjoseph.org)
priest directly after the 12:05 Mass to request reconciliation.   Women, Faith and Fellowship
Sacrament of Baptism                                               Rana McNamara (wff@oldstjoseph.org)
 Persons wanting to arrange a baptism should call Christine       Young Adult Community
Szczepanowski at the parish office at least two months             Danielle Critelli and Mark Dushel (osjyac@gmail.com)
before the desired date to arrange catechesis and the             Altar Servers
baptism celebration.                                               Maria Ramirez (altarserver@oldstjoseph.org)
Sacrament of Matrimony                                            Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
 Persons wanting to be married in the parish should call our       Bill Stewart (EM@oldstjoseph.org)
wedding line (215-923-1766) at least nine months before the       Homebound Ministry
desired date.                                                      Neal Hébert (homeEM@oldstjoseph.org)
Rite of Christian Initiation                                      Lectors
 Unbaptized adults who are considering baptism into the            Lou Anne Bulik (lectors@oldstjoseph.org)
Catholic Church, baptized Catholics who have received no          Ushers and Scheduling
                                                                   Nikola Sizgorich (ushers@oldstjoseph.org)
other sacraments and who want to be confirmed and to
                                                                  Children’s Liturgy of the Word
receive First Eucharist, and baptized non-Catholics who are
                                                                   Peggy Connolly (clow@oldstjoseph.org)
considering full communion in the Catholic Church should call
                                                                  Faith, Food and Friends:
Christine Szczepanowski at the parish office.                       Deborah Hluchan and Mary Freedman
Mass of Christian Burial                                            (faithandfriends@oldstjoseph.org)
 The funeral director should call the parish office.              Care for Creation Committee
                                                                   Bill Stigliani (careforcreation@oldstjoseph.org)
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