ST. VINCENT DE PAUL PARISH - February 14, 2021 6001 NORTH UNIVERSITY STREET PEORIA, IL 309-691-3602 - Parishes Online

Page created by Jeremy Hunter
ST. VINCENT DE PAUL PARISH - February 14, 2021 6001 NORTH UNIVERSITY STREET PEORIA, IL 309-691-3602 - Parishes Online

                             February 14, 2021
ST. VINCENT DE PAUL PARISH - February 14, 2021 6001 NORTH UNIVERSITY STREET PEORIA, IL 309-691-3602 - Parishes Online
St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Peoria, IL                                   PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS

  MASS INTENTIONS                                   Parish Revenue Report—Sunday Collections Week 31

                                                                                                   Total Sunday
  6TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                                         Week
  Saturday, February 13
  7:45am       Hildegard Coleman                Parish Collections Received           $30,315        $814,414
  4:30pm       Sister Ildefonsa, OSF
                                                Parish Collections Needed*            $32,250       $1,032,000
  Sunday, February 14
  7:30am       For the Living and Deceased      Difference                            ($1,935)       ($217,586)
               Members of SVdP
  9:00am       Betty Gomer                      *Represents the amount needed to cover our operating costs and
  11:00am      Special Intention                diocesan loan payments.


  Monday, February 15
  6:15am       Fr. Anthony Labedis, OFM Conv.
  7:45am       Hafner and Smith Families

  Tuesday, February 16
  6:15am       Joseph Moss
  7:45am       Barbara Malone

  Wednesday, February 17
  6:15am         Special Intention
  7:45am         Richard Scheirer
  *9:15am        Robert Malone
  *1:00pm        Jerry Willard
  5:30pm         Wilma McEnary
  * = only for SVdP Students & Faculty

  Thursday, February 18
  6:15am       Red Heinz
  7:45am       James Donlan

  Friday, February 19                                                   Please Note
  6:15 am      Dona Sutter
  7:45am       Ron Thorne
                                                School Masses at 9:15am on Wednesdays and Fridays
  5:30pm       Ron Dwyer
                                                 Currently guests are not able to attend due to space
  Saturday, February 20                               restrictions. Thank you for understanding.
  7:45am       Anna Joseph


  Saturday, February 20
  4:30pm       Mary Lou Mitchell
  Sunday, February 21                               SPONSOR
  7:30am       Frederick & Kathleen Heinzen
  9:00am       For the Living and Deceased         OF THE WEEK
               Members of SVdP
  11:00am      Edward and Lillian Fox Family

Page 2                                                                SVDPPEORIA.COM, FEBRUARY 14, 2021
ST. VINCENT DE PAUL PARISH - February 14, 2021 6001 NORTH UNIVERSITY STREET PEORIA, IL 309-691-3602 - Parishes Online
St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Peoria, IL                                    PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS

Dear Faithful Parishioners,
This week we enter into the solemn season of Lent. During
these weeks we prepare our souls for the celebration of
Easter when Jesus conquers death by His glorious
Resurrection. We take time of prayer, fasting and
almsgiving to guide us during this season of repentance.
Our Parish is offering many spiritual events to help us along
our journey of Lent. Some of those events are an extra
Mass, the Stations of the Cross, Eucharist Adoration,
Confessions, and a program called The Search. The Parish
is giving out a Lenten Magnificat for a daily reflection for
On Ash Wednesday we will be distributing Ashes, but this
year will be a little different. We will say the prayer over
the whole congregation then everyone will come forward
and we will sprinkle the ashes on the top of your head. We       IN YOUR CHARITY PLEASE PRAY
will not make a sign of the cr oss on your for ehead.
                                                                FOR THE REPOSE OF THE SOULS OF
Let us truly make an effort this year to grow spiritually
during this Lenten Season. Understanding the daily                Karen Dunne, sister of Nor a (Ty) Kinney
sacrifices we make will help overcome our vices and help
us grow in virtue. May we enter into the Passion of Our
Lord so that we can rise with Him on Easter morning.                  Barbara Malone, wife of Richar d
In Christ,                                                      Florence Eaton, mother of Mar k (J oyce) Eaton
Fr. Willard

Page 3                                                                 SVDPPEORIA.COM, FEBRUARY 14, 2021
ST. VINCENT DE PAUL PARISH - February 14, 2021 6001 NORTH UNIVERSITY STREET PEORIA, IL 309-691-3602 - Parishes Online
St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Peoria, IL                      COMMUNITY/PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS


 6:15am - Daily Mass

 7:45am - Daily Mass
 (also available to livestream)


 7:45am - Daily Mass
 (also available to livestream)

 4:30pm - Vigil Mass
 (also available to livestream)


 7:30am - Mass

 9:00am - Mass

 10:00am - Outdoor Distribution of Holy
 Communion                                           ADULT BIBLE STUDY
 11:00am - Mass                                      When: Thur sday, Febr uar y 18th
 ADORATION                                           Time: 8:45am (about one hour )
 Tuesdays                                            Where: SVdP Par ish Hall
 8:15am - 9:30am                                     Topic: EPIC: The Ear ly
 (also available to livestream)
                                                     Church explores in an in-depth
                                                     manner the first 100 years of Church history. lesson 6) The
                                                     Arian Attack AD 325-335.
 5:30pm - 6:30pm
                                                     Masks must be worn
                                                     No cost to attend these sessions
                                                     For information, contact:
 3:00pm - 4:00pm
                                                     Kevin Moss at

 Monday - Friday                                                             Those who subscribe to our excellent diocesan
                                                                      newspaper, The Catholic Post, have received materials to
 8:30am - 4:00pm                                                          renew their subscription for another year. As Lent is
 WARNING ABOUT RISK ASSUMED BY                                          about to begin, we encourage all members of our parish
 PARISHIONERS                                                         to receive and support this valuable resource for Catholic
                                                                       living and unity, especially during this challenging time.
 While our parish staffs will attempt to take                          Stay connected to your family of faith, especially in this
 appropriate precautions consistent with the                            time of pandemic, by subscribing instantly via credit or
 advice of public health authorities, parishioners                    debit card online at; by calling (309)
 and guests should understand that they                                 671-1550 during business hours; or sending a check to
 assume the risk of contracting COVID-19                                 The Catholic Post, PO Box 1722, Peor ia, IL 61656.
 anytime they enter a public space since such                           The subscription rate remains at $30. Additional levels
 precautions do not eliminate the risk of                                                of support are invited.

Page 4                                                                      SVDPPEORIA.COM, FEBRUARY 14, 2021
ST. VINCENT DE PAUL PARISH - February 14, 2021 6001 NORTH UNIVERSITY STREET PEORIA, IL 309-691-3602 - Parishes Online
St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Peoria, IL           School/community announcements

                     Kindergarten/New Student Registration 2021-2022
                                 Sunday, February 21st

Kindergarten and New Student Registration for the 2021-2022 school year will be Sunday,
February 21st from 9:00 AM to Noon in the school lobby. All kindergarten students must be
5 years of age before September 1, 2021 (no exceptions). An official birth certificate (not the
hospital certificate) and baptismal certificate will be needed to register. There is also a
$50.00 non-refundable registration fee due when registering. All SVdP preschool students
planning on attending SVdP Kindergarten are expected to attend and register their
student. If you would like a tour of the school or have any questions, please call the school
office at 691-5012.

*If you have a kindergarten or new student that you will be registering for next school year,
please email the school office at and some of the
registration forms can be emailed to you so you can complete them before registration
day on Sunday, February 21st.
Also, if you know of anyone who does not have children already at SVdP and are
considering registering at St. Vincent de Paul School at any grade, please have them
contact the school office so we can give them a tour and/or email them the new student
registration forms. Thank you.

                                                 LENTEN REFLECTION
                                                 Let’s Zoom Lunch!
SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT                           SVdP Society Lenten Reflection
DE PAUL                                          Series Mondays at Noon

In the Gospel today Jesus,                       The St. Vincent de Paul Society
                                                 invites all adults in the parish to join
moved with pity, touched                         them in a virtual Lenten reflection series. Meet each
the leper and healed him.                        Monday at noon to reflect on the Sunday gospel reading
Let us pray today for the                        and learn a little about St. Vincent de Paul and his ministry
grace to be generous with our gifts to help      and spirituality. Each week a member will share briefly
                                                 how their experience in the Society has impacted their
those who are suffering.                         faith and spirituality. There will also be time for sharing
By your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de    and fellowship in small groups.
Paul you indeed put your faith into action as
                                                 Drop in for one or join us for all 6 sessions. Sessions will
you bring healing to the poor, hungry an         use Zoom and last no longer than 45 minutes. To register
weeping.                                         and receive the Zoom invitation, send your name and
Please join us for our Lenten Reflection         email to with “Lenten
Series, starting February 22. Look for details   Reflection Series” in the subject. For more information,
                                                 email or call her at (630) 699-
in the bulletin (above).                         7215.
For our home visit supplies, we need
toothbrushes and toothpaste. Please place        Date    Theme
your donations in our gray bin in the church     2/22    Into the Desert
                                                 3/1     Integrating our Lives with God’s Way
lobby. For more information about our            3/8     Hearts Ablaze with God’s Love
ministry, contact Eileen Steed, 630-699-7215     3/15    The Path to Holiness
or at                 3/22    Die to Self
                                                 3/29    Carrying the Cross

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ST. VINCENT DE PAUL PARISH - February 14, 2021 6001 NORTH UNIVERSITY STREET PEORIA, IL 309-691-3602 - Parishes Online
St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Peoria, IL    FEBRUARY 14 REFLECTIONS

Page 6                                   SVDPPEORIA.COM, FEBRUARY 14, 2021
Mass Schedule
  Parish E-mail Address:                                                    Weekend Masses                Saturday: 4:30 pm
  Web Site                                                                      Sunday:                       7:30, 9:00, & 11:00 am
                                                                                                            Weekday Masse                 Monday-Friday: 7:45 am
  Parish Office Staff__________________________________________                  691-3602                                                 Saturday: 7:45 am (No 6:15 am)
  Pastor                         Fr. Stephen Willard                             X 261                                                    School Mass: 9:15 am Mass (as scheduled)
  Parochial Vicar                Fr. Thomas Taylor                               X 271                      Holy Days of Obligation       Vigil: 5:30 pm
  Deacons                        Robert W. Myers, Sr.                                                                                     Holy Day: 6:15, 7:45 am, 5:30 pm
  Receptionist                   Lori Donlan (W, TH, F)                          X 250                                                   (Consult the bulletin for the specific Holy Day and
  Parish Secretary               Lorraine Abraham                                X 251                    Mass schedule).
  Director of Religious Ed.      Sarah Hogan         863-4791 or                 X 252
  Director of Music              Dr. Sherry Seckler *Mon-Th 9:30—12              X 253                      Anointing of the Sick              Call the Parish Office anytime, day or night.
  Business Manager               Katie Pinkston (limited hours)                  X 254
                                                                                                            Religious Education Classes        6:00 - 7:15 pm on Wednesdays during
  School Staff________________________________________________                   691-5012                                                      the school year.
  Principal                     Patsy Santen                                     X 210                      Devotions/Prayers
  Administrative Assistant      Lisa Buck                                        X 205                      Adoration                          8:15 am on Tuesday, ending with Benediction
  School Secretary              Jeri Myers                                       X 200                                                         at 9:30am
  PreSchool                     Kathy Barnett                                    X 105                      Rosary                             7:10 am Monday thru Saturday
  Before/After Care             Megan Kelly                                      X 103                      Rosary                             1:50 pm on the 1st Tues. of the month
                                                                                 (or 692-2372)                                                 when school is in session
  Parish Organizations________________________________________                                              Divine Mercy Chaplet               8:15 am Mon., Wed., Thurs., and Fri.
  Bereavement Ministry         Angie Aeschliman                691-3602                                     Tues.Morning Prayer Group          8:15 am on Tuesdays
  Elizabeth Ministry           Katie Brautigam                 696-6730
  Funeral Luncheons            Angie Aeschliman                691-3602                                     Sacrament of Baptism
  Men’s Club (President)       MattLogan                                             Celebration of the Sacrament takes place after the 11 am Mass on the second and
  RCIA                         Sarah Hogan                     863-4791                                     fourth Sunday of each month. Baptismal class for parents and godparents will be held
  Women’s Guild Presidents     Please contact church office 691-3602                                        on the fourth Tuesday evening of each odd-numbered month from 6:30 - 7:30 pm in
                                                                                                            the church. Please call the Parish Office to register before attending class.
  Pastoral Care ______________________________________________
  Homebound Communion           Lorraine Abraham         691-3602 ext. 251                                  Sacrament of Matrimony
  Tribunal Notary               Chet Tomczyk                   657-3227                                     Couples intending marriage should call the Parish Office to begin their Marriage
                                                                                                            Preparations at least eight months preceding their intended marriage.
                                                                                                            Wedding Coordinator, Sarah Hogan. Please call Sarah at 863-4791.

                                                                                                            Sacrament of Penance
                                                                                                            Saturday 3:00-4:00 pm, anytime by appointment (691-3602).

                                                                                                                                                                        Creative Collections
                                                                                                                                                                              and Coins
ASPHALT PAVING & SEALING                                                                                                                                                 BUYING & SELLING
      698-8404                                                                                                                                                        Gold • Silver • Coin Currency
                                                                                                                                                                    Baseball Cards • Beanies • Coins
23497 Ridge Road, E. Peoria                                                                                                                                          3223 N. Prospect Road • Peoria

        ACCOUNTING                                                                                     7325 N. Radnor Rd.
              Joseph G. Runkle, CPA
               Professional Income Tax Preparation
                      & Accounting Services                                                                309-693-3995
                                                                                         2400 S.W. Adams, Peoria, IL 61602
              Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 6:00 pm                                                           Tonya Hoang       
6707 N Sheridan Rd., Suite E, Peoria, IL 61614
309.691.4417 •                                                                      Parishioner               (309) 676-3573
                                                                                                                                                   Tim & Pattie

                                                                                                                                Knoxville Ave. • 243-9700
                                                                                                                                Sheridan Rd. • 685-0049
                                                     699-8792    Parish Member                      Sterling Ave. • 688-2035

                                                                                  FUNERAL CHAPELS
                                                                                         Peoria & Bartonville
                                                                                         Proudly owned and operated by
                                                                                           S.C.I. Illinois Services, Inc.               Contact Trey Hill to place an ad today!
                                                                                     Thank you for your support                or (800) 950-9952 x2613
                                                                                   of St. Vincent De Paul Church!

			                                                         For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •		                         St. Vincent De Paul, Peoria, IL                B 4C 01-0280
Pergolas                                                                                                                    Lagron Miller
                                       Stone                                                                                                                    Company, Inc.
                                        Mulch                                                                                                       Also visit
                                  Rock • Grills                                                                                                   • Church Supplies • Religious Articles
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 501 Cole Street, East Peoria • 699-1116                                                                                                                9-5:30 Mon - Fri • 9-5 Sat
                                                                                                                                                                                                        309.676.0521 | Member FDIC                                                                                                                      4517 N Sterling, Peoria • 681-9171
                           “Where Superior                              (309) 688-8711                                                                         Megan Hlavacek
                         Service is a Tradition”
                                                                        (309) 688-8712            Parishioners of St. Vincent de Paul                          Financial
                                                                        (309) 688-1314            804 West Trailcreek Dr.
                                                                                                      Peorial, IL 61611                                        12924 W. Farmington Rd.
(309) 685-6236                                                                                                                                                 Hanna City, IL
Amanda Chambers
Director of Sales & Marketing                         703 E. War Memorial Drive                      309-670-0700                                              309.565.7313                             Peoria Heights, IL 61616                            

                                                                                                                                                                        5832 N. Knoxville Ave. Suite E
                                                                                                                                                                              Peoria, IL 61614
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                                                                                                                          Insured & Bonded        INDEPENDENT LIVING RETIREMENT COMMUNITY                        Patrick G. McShane DMD, MS
                                                                                                                          Since 1921
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                                                                                                      BACK HOE & TRENCHING                        1301 NE Glendale Avenue • Peoria, IL 61603-4197
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Call LPi today for advertising info                      READING & SON                                                                                                                                                      Michael R. Seghetti
           (800) 950-9952                                PLUMBING, INC.                                                                                                                             Elias, Meginnes, & Seghetti, P.C.
                                                          Repairs and New Installation                                                                                                              416 Main Street, Suite 1400
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Peoria, Illinois 61602-1153
                                                      Jim Reading         (309) 692-2762
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Telephone: 309-637-6000
                                                      24 Hour Service - State Lic. #058-088352                                                                                                      Fax: 309-637-8514

			                                                             For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •		                                          St. Vincent De Paul, Peoria, IL                                      A 4C 01-0280
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