One, Two, Buckle My Shoe Three, Four, Let's EXPLORE! - Anchorage Association for the Education of Young Children - Conference Registration & ...

Page created by Arthur Armstrong
One, Two, Buckle My Shoe Three, Four, Let's EXPLORE! - Anchorage Association for the Education of Young Children - Conference Registration & ...
Anchorage Association for the Education
                of Young Children

      One, Two, Buckle My Shoe…
      Three, Four, Let’s EXPLORE!

        39th Annual
Early Childhood Conference
     February 6-8, 2020
  Hilton Anchorage Hotel

                             Conference Registration
                                 & Information

One, Two, Buckle My Shoe Three, Four, Let's EXPLORE! - Anchorage Association for the Education of Young Children - Conference Registration & ...
2019 Sponsoring Partners                                         2020 Schedule of Events
    Anchorage AEYC Board of Directors and Conference                Wednesday, February 5 , 2020
    Committee members thank the 2019 partnering confer-             6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.        Registration
    ence sponsors in recognition of their generous financial
                                                                    6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.        Volunteer/Host Class
    support of last year’s conference. Please let them know
    how much their support means to Alaska’s children,
                                                                    Thursday, February 6, 2020
    families, communities and you as an educator.
                                                                    7:30 a.m.—5:30 p.m.          Registration

                                                                    7:30 a.m.—4:30 p.m.          Visit the Exhibitors
                                   Anchorage Association
                                   for the Education of             8:00 a.m.—9:30 a.m.          General Session & Keynote: Dr. Hilary Seitz
                                                                                                 The Journey to Become a Culturally
                                   Young Children                                                Responsive Early Childhood Educator
                                                                    9:45 a.m.-11:45 a.m.         Seminar Session

                                State of Alaska Education &         11:45 a.m.—1:15 p.m.         Lunch on site
                                Early Development                   1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.        Workshop Session
                                  3:15 p.m.—4:45 p.m.          Workshop Session

                                                                    5:00 p.m.—7:00 p.m.          Continuing Education Credit Class &
                                thread                                                           Registration - $79 Additional Class Fee
                                                                    Friday, February 7, 2020

                                                                    7:30 a.m.—5:30 p.m.          Registration
                                The Alaska Mental Health Trust      7:30 a.m.—4:30 p.m.          Visit the Exhibitors
                                                                    8:00 a.m.—9:30 a.m.          General Session & Keynote:
                                                                         Dr. Rebecca Isbell
                                                                                                  The Challenge of the 21st Century:
                                                                                                   Nurturing Young Children to be Creative
                                                                                                   Communicators, Collaborators, & Critical
                                Playful Learning Pediatric
                                  Therapy, LLC
                                                                    9:45 a.m.-11:45 a.m.         Seminar Session
                                                                    11:45 a.m.—1:15 p.m.         Lunch on your own
                                AIR Child Care Training Solutions   1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.        Workshop Session
                                      3:15 p.m.—4:45 p.m.          Workshop Session

                                                                    5:00 p.m.—7:00 p.m.          Fundraiser for AAEYC
                                  Best Beginnings
                                                                                                  Additional Charge TBA
                                                                    6:00 p.m.-6:45 p.m.          Continuing Education Class Wrap Up

                                   Sandbox Software                 6:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.          A Night at the Anchorage Museum
                                                                 No Additional Charge

                                                                    Saturday, February 8, 2020            New Schedule!
                                                                    7:30 a.m.—1:00 p.m.          Registration
                                                                    7:45 a.m.—8:15 a.m.          General Session—Welcoming—No Keynote

                                   Kaplan Early Learning Company    7:30 a.m.—4:00 p.m.          Visit the Exhibitors
                                          8:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m.         Seminar Session

                                   Early Intervention/Infant        10:45 a.m.—12:15 p.m.        Workshop Session

                                   Learning Program                 12:15 p.m.—1:15 p.m.         Lunch on site
                                       1:30 p.m.—3:30 p.m.          Seminar Session

                                                                    3:45 p.m.—5:15 p.m.          Closing Keynote: Dr. Rebecca Isbell
                                                                                                 The Story Behind the Humor: Smile, Laugh
                                                                                                 and Be Happy!
One, Two, Buckle My Shoe Three, Four, Let's EXPLORE! - Anchorage Association for the Education of Young Children - Conference Registration & ...
Not a member?
                                    Join and save at least $41 or more!
                       How You Can Save

                        $ 69               Standard Membership                    TAKE ADVANTAGE
                                                                                      OF THESE
$ 375                           +                                                    SAVINGS BY
    Early Bird
 Conference Rate        $ 265              Early Bird Conference Rate                 JOINING
                                           It’s about math….
                        $ 334              $375 - $334 = $41
                                           you save!

                                        AAEYC CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FEES
 * The discounted rate applies to all     FULL CONFERENCE                           2 DAYS                           1 DAY
NAEYC member levels and any NAEYC
                                                3 DAYS
         affiliate membership.
 Visit to
                                         AAEYC        Non-member           AAEYC           Non-member      AAEYC         Non-member
           learn more & join.
                                        Member*                           Member*                         Member*
Cancellation information—see page 8

Early Bird-deadline 12/31/19            $ 265.00        $ 375.00          $ 205.00          $ 285.00      $ 100.00           $ 175.00

Pre-Registration—deadline 1/24/20       $ 300.00        $ 420.00          $ 215.00          $ 300.00      $ 145.00           $ 221.00

Regular—After 1/24/20 & on-site         $ 350.00        $ 470.00          $ 265.00          $ 350.00      $ 195.00           $ 271.00

Volunteers**                            $ 107.50                          $ 107.50                      Not available
** Must be AAEYC member, volunteer minimum 16 hours and attend mandatory meeting February 5th.

                                          REGISTRATION & PAYMENT METHODS

                                          Register & Pay Online at

                                          Click conference then the Register Now icon.
                                                                                                           Visit our
                                          To register for the Anchorage AEYC Annual Early
                                          Childhood Conference.                                           Website to
                                           □    Individuals, Group, and Volunteers registrations may

                                                register online at
                                                Presenters do not need to preregister.
                                                                                                        Register Online!
                                           □    Credit cards, checks and purchase orders are  
                                                   accepted with online registration.
                                           □    An e-mail address is required for each registrant to
                                                    receive registration confirmation and a receipt.
Conference Highlights

    Featured Speakers
    Thursday                                                                Friday & Saturday
                          Dr. Hilary Seitz Dr. Hilary Seitz is a            Dr. Rebecca Isbell is an inspiring
                          passionate early childhood educator, an           speaker, prolific writer, and experi-
                          advocate for young children and their             enced consultant in Early Childhood
                          families - and an Alaskan. She has been a         Education. She served as the Direc-
                          professor of Early Childhood, at the Uni-         tor of the Center of Excellence in
                          versity of Alaska Anchorage since January         Early Childhood Learning and Devel-
    of 2003. She came with 17 years of early childhood teaching             opment and Professor of Early Child-
    experience from infant/toddler/preschool classrooms, public             hood Education at East Tennessee
    Pre-K and primary grades. Her research foci have been in early          State University, Johnson City, TN
    literacy development, collaborative practices between families          where she was honored as an
    and schools including culturally responsive pedagogies, emer-           “Outstanding Teacher.” She is the author of Creativity and
    gent curriculum development, documentation and authentic                the Arts with Young Children (3rd edition), a textbook used
    assessment, and social constructivist learning theories inspired        in early childhood classes nationwide. Other bestselling
    by Reggio Emilia practices. She is currently working on pro-            books include: The Complete Book of Learning Centers
    jects related to the superpower of creativity and how to inte-          (Revised) and Real Classroom Makeovers. Her most recent
    grate arts and cultural values into the classroom. In her free          book, released in the fall, is Nurturing Creativity: An Essen-
    time, she loves to read (novels), hike around Alaska, crochet,          tial Mindset for Young Children’s Learning, published by
    play cribbage, walk her dogs and spend time with her family at          NAEYC.
    her cabin in Willow, Alaska.
                                                                            Dr. Isbell has many years of varied experiences in the field
    Dr. Seitz will be presenting:                                           of EC including: teacher of young children (2-8 years old),
       Thursday, February 6th                                               director of a laboratory school, music teacher (k-5 grade),
             8:30-9:30 Keynote: The Journey to Become a Culturally          coordinator of gifted/talented, early childhood program
                                  Responsive Early Childhood Educator       chair, supervisor of EC student teachers, professor, and
             9:45-11:45 Explore How the Reggio Emilia Philosophy
                                                                            developer of BA, MA, MS, and PhD academic programs at
                        Connects with Culturally Responsive Teaching
                                                                            the state university. These experiences has provided her
             1:30-3:00 Culturally Responsive Relationship Building!
                       (This presentation is presented by Dr. Seitz and     with many incredible stories that she uses in her presenta-
                       students: Kelsey Hernandez, Marissa Ridgley &        tions to demonstrate the amazing capabilities of young
                       Tess Agimuk.)                                        children and the wonderful work of the dedicated people
                                                                            who interact with them each day. She is an editorial con-
    Brought to you by:                                                      sultant for NAEYC and on the governing board for ACEI. In
                                                                            addition, she has worked extensively with supervisors, di-
                                                                            rectors, and teachers helping them make changes in their
                                                                            classrooms and programs to insure that both children and
                                                                            teachers have the best environments in which to nurture
                                                                            development. Visit her website at
    New Schedule!

                                                                            Dr. Isbell will be presenting:
    Saturday, February 8, 2020
                                                                             Friday , February 7th
    7:30 a.m.—1:00 p.m.          Registration                                         8:00-9:30 Keynote: The Challenge of the 21st Century:
    7:30 a.m.—4:00 p.m.          Visit the Exhibitors                                            Nurturing YC to be Creative Communicators,
    7:45 a.m.—8:15 a.m.          General Session—Welcoming—No Keynote                            Collaborators, & Critical Thinkers
    8:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m.         Seminar Session                                      9:45-11:45 The Critical Period of Language
    10:45 a.m.—12:15 p.m.        Workshop Session                                                  Development: Exploring the Window
    12:15 p.m.—1:15 p.m.         Lunch on site                                                     of Opportunity
    1:30 p.m.—3:30 p.m.          Seminar Session                             Saturday, February 8th
    3:45 p.m.—5:15 p.m.          Closing Keynote: Dr. Rebecca Isbell                  1:30-3:30 The Power of Play: The Essential Element of
                                 The Story Behind the Humor: Smile, Laugh                        Young Children’s Learning
                                  and Be Happy!                                       3:45-5:15 Closing Keynote: The Story Behind the
                                                                                                  Humor: Smile, Laugh & Be Happy!

4                                                                                                                                             5
Conference Highlights

   Featured Speakers

Guest Speakers
                      Cathy Cole began her career as a pre-                             Jessica Peters Some people are born to
                      school teacher and had the opportunity to                         be educators—and there is no doubt that
                      work with infants, toddlers, and school-                          Jessica Peters is one of those people. With
                      age children in private programs and in                           over 20 years of experience in early child-
                      Head Start, Migrant Head Start, and Cali-                         hood, Jessica’s passion is to improve practic-
                      fornia State Preschool programs. Cathy                            es that impact teachers, administrators, and
                      became a Head Start Delegate Director, a                         most of all, children and their families. This
Head Start Grantee Interim Director, a National Head Start            passion has fueled Jessica’s involvement on research projects
Consultant, and a Head Start Federal Reviewer. She is a certi-        focused on self-regulation development and the effectiveness
fied facilitator for Dr. Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Ef-       of the on-sit coaching she has provided to numerous teachers.
fective People and 4 Roles of Leadership.
                                                                      Jessica leads participants through professional opportunities
Cathy will be presenting all three days of the conference.            that model fundamental best practices—such as promoting
                                                                      hands-on practice, initiating high levels of child engagement
                                                                      and making outcome-driven evidence-based choices in the
                                                                      classroom. Throughout, she highlights those skills that trans-
                          Chonda Walden MS, CHES,                     late professional development concepts into concrete practic-
                          External Specialists Engagement             es.
                          Manager, Council for Professional
                          Recognition, will be presenting two         Dedicated to ensuring that children have a strong foundation
                          sessions each day of the conference.        for lifelong success learning and development, Jessica has both
                                                                      a B.A. and an M.A. in Education and is certified in CLASS (PK/
 Session 1:                                                           Toddler/Infant). Jessica draws on experience in Special Educa-
 In celebration of the 45th anniversary of the CDA Credential, this   tion, teaching, coaching and leadership when reminding teach-
 session will feature the Council’s innovative approach and use of
                                                                      ers of the impact they have on children.
 technology to create a more inclusive community supporting
 CDA Candidates and career pathways.
                                                                      Jessica will be presenting:
                                                                        Friday, February 7, 2020
 Session 2:                                                                9:45-11:45am Toxic Stress and it’s Impact on Brain Development
 This session will provide an in-depth overview of the eligibility
                                                                           1:30 – 3:00pm Developing Self-Regulation Skills Through Play
 requirements, roles and responsibilities, application process in
 becoming a CDA PD Specialist™.
                                                                      Saturday, February 8, 2020
                                                                           10:45-12:15 Developing Self-Regulation Skills Through Play
                                                                           1:30-3:30   Toxic Stress and it’s Impact on Brain Development

    AEYC Mission
     Anchorage AEYC promotes
  high-quality early learning for all
  children, birth through age 8, by
   connecting practice, policy and
  research. We advance a diverse,
 dynamic early childhood profession
    and support all who care for,
   educate, and work on behalf of
           young children.

Registration & General Conference Information
    Register Early & Save                           Substitution Policy                         Children at Conference
                                                    If you are unable to attend, you may        To maintain a professional atmosphere
                                                    substitute a colleague for your regis-      throughout the Conference, as well as
    Register online at                              tration. Please note there is no sharing    to ensure the safety of attendees, pre- by December 31,           of registrations. Anchorage AEYC            senters, and personnel, Anchorage
    2019 and save. If you miss the early bird       must be notified in writing by the origi-   AEYC does not allow children under
    deadline, you may pay the pre-registration      nal registrant or authorized repre-         the age of 16, including infants, in any
    fee until January 24th. Otherwise, you          sentative of the organization paying        of the workshop sessions. We feel that
    may register at the regular rate of the         for the registration. The substitute        your child will be happiest with some-
    conference.                                     registrant must be qualified to receive     one s/he knows in another environ-
                                                    your registration or the difference be-     ment.
    Conference Date & Location                      tween the two fees will be charged.
    The conference will take place                                                              Parking at Conference
    February 6-8, 2020 at the Hilton                Cancellation                                PLEASE NOTE:
    Anchorage Hotel, 500 West Third                 Registration refunds will be made only      □There is a fee to park.
    Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska.                      when Anchorage AEYC receives a writ-        □Parking is limited downtown. We
                                                    ten request by January 11, 2020. A          recommend you car pool with other
    All conference sessions will be held            processing charge of $75 will be de-        colleagues.
    at the Hilton Anchorage Hotel. The Hilton       ducted. Telephone cancellations will        □Valet Parking during the conference
    Anchorage Hotel is located at 500 West          not be accepted. Written cancella-          hours will be $14 per day or $22 per
    3rd Avenue in downtown Anchorage,               tions may be emailed to: anchor-            day if staying overnight at Hilton.
    Alaska.                                or mailed to
                                                    Anchorage AEYC Conference, c/o              Parking
    Purchase Order Policy                           C&C Services, PO Box 771884, Eagle          Lot 12 located at the corner of E St.
    Purchase Orders (PO’s) will be billed           River, Alaska 99577. Refunds will be        and 3rd Ave. Parking is available at Lot
    whether participant attends or not. Pur-        issued within 30 days after the confer-     12 (The Saturday Market Lot) for $1.00
    chase orders must be payable to Anchor-         ence.                                       per hour and can be paid for at the
    age AEYC and include a PO number, and                                                       parking kiosk located in the parking
    billing address. A purchase order is an                                                     lot.
    obligation for payment and will be obli-
                                                    Conference Preliminary
    gated to the Cancellation Policy.               Program                                     Hilton Hotel Parking
                                                    The Anchorage AEYC Early Childhood          □ Overnight Valet for Hotel Guests is
                                                    Conference Preliminary Program pro-            available for $22.00 per day.
    NAEYC Membership                                vides a listing of workshop titles, pre-    □ Day only Valet parking for attendees
    MEMBERSHIP IS IN THE NAME OF                    senters and special events to assist you       is available for $14.00 per day.
    INDIVIDUALS ONLY                                in choosing what to attend at the con-
    Schools/centers/organizations are not           ference. Please visit the Anchorage         Parking charges for guests can be
    members. Administrators are reminded            AEYC website:                               posted to your guest room folio and
    that NAEYC/Alaska AEYC/Anchorage                             paid at the end of your stay.
    AEYC membership is for individuals only,        after January 17th for a downloadable
    not the center by name, nor does a direc-       PDF of full workshop descriptions.          All parking for both the Hilton Valet
    tor’s membership extend to the rest of the      You will receive your final program at      and Lot 12 are based upon first come
    staff. NAEYC Accreditation does not in-         the registration desk at the confer-        first serve basis and subject to availa-
    clude membership in the Association.            ence.                                       bility.

                                                 Young Children & Teaching Young Children
                                                     Publication Schedule for 2019-20

                                                As a NAEYC/Anchorage AEYC member
                                                    you receive five issues of either
                                            Young Children and/or Teaching Young Children.
                                                       The journals will appear in
                                              March, May, July, September & November.
Hotel, Lodging & Food Options

Conference Site &                          Room rates: single/double $99 plus 12%       Lunch
                                           room tax. Additional persons $20. Hotel Lunch is provided on Thursday and
Hotel Accommodations                       check in time is 3:00 p.m. The cutoff date Saturday for no additional cost. Lunch
All conference sessions will be held       for these special rates is January 16, 2020. on Friday is on your own.
at the Hilton Anchorage Hotel. The
                 Hilton Anchorage          To reserve a room:
                 Hotel is located at       Call 1-800-445-8667 or 272-7411 if in          Special Needs
                 500 West 3rd Avenue       Anchorage for reservations.                    Please contact Anchorage AEYC
                 in downtown Anchor-       Participants must identify themselves          should you require any special
                 age, Alaska.              with the code “AEYC” to receive this           assistance. Request must be made
                                           special rate.                                  by January 10, 2020. Call 907-696-
                   Anchorage AEYC has                                                     5884 or Email: anchor-
negotiated with the Hilton Anchorage       Register online at:                   or with your
to block a sufficient number of guest                  request.
rooms for attendees. Sleep late, for-      AEYC-20200201/index.jhtml?
get the commute in and enjoy the lux-      WT.mc_id=POG                                   Parking: Overnight Valet for Hotel
ury of taking a break in your room by                                                     Guests is available for $22.00 per day.
staying at the conference hotel. We                                                       Valet parking during conference hours
want you to feel safe and secure and
                                           Breakfast                                      is available for $14 per day.
                                           A breakfast snack will be provided
to enjoy the hospitality of quality, up-
                                           each morning, 7:30-8:00. First Come,
scale lodging. You deserve it!                                                            Parking charges for guests can be
                                           First Served.
                                                                                          posted to your guest room folio and
                                                                                          paid at the end of your stay.

Continuing Education Class ECD A 591 101: AAEYC Conference 2020 1 credit

University of Alaska announces a                hours through AAEYC conference –          $79 Registration fee is paid directly to
Continuing Education Credit Class:              submit copy of conference certificate     UAA either online or at the class on
AAEYC Conference 2020                           (= at least two full days of conference   Thursday, February 6th.
                                                and our two face to face meetings)
Where:     Prince William Board Room                                                      On-site Registration will be at the
When:      February 6-8, 2020              4.    Write a brief summary of each session    Thursday Evening Class Session or you
Cost:      $79.00 in addition to                 attended, to include key notes           may register online. For additional infor-
            Conference registration fee                                                   mation, e-mail Tamora at
                                           5. Write an in-depth summary of one   or visit:
Course Requirements:                           session that is at least one page in
                                               length and includes:
1. Attend face to face meeting on                   A. The key message(s) you took        Credit Course Disclaimer
   Thursday, February 6th from                            from the session                Conference registration does NOT include
    5:00 – 7:00 pm                                  B. Relate how the Alaska Early        credit courses. The credit course registra-
          A. Administrative – Register                    Learning Guidelines fits with   tion fee is $79 and must be paid on Friday
             and pay for course ($79)                     the content of the session.     during the class or call for student enroll-
          B. Introductions                          C. At least one idea that stood       ment assistance (Sally or Katie) at 786-
          C. Explanation of course                      out to you from the session       1934 or toll-free 1-888-828-8974. Pay-
             requirements                                and how you can apply it to      ments can be made by credit card or
 2. Attend face to face meeting on                       your program                     check (payable to UAA).
     Friday, February 7th from                     D. Any additional resources you
     5:00 – 6:30 pm                                     may need to learn more            UAA is an EQ/AA employer and
          A. Reflection – Share, show                   or to assist you to apply the     educational institution.
             and tell                                   new idea.
3. Documentation of at least 15 contact

Volunteering at Conference Equals Reduced Registration Fees!

                                                     Guidelines for Volunteering at               □   *Volunteers may be asked to
                                                                                                      record the number of workshop
                                                     the Anchorage AEYC EC                            participants, collect workshop
                                                     Conference                                       evaluations, assist conference
                                                                                                      presenters, stamp Certificates
                                                     Volunteers must be members of                    of Participation, assist at the
    Volunteers                                       NAEYC/Anchorage AEYC/or your                     Registration Desk and/or
    I WANT TO COME, BUT I CAN’T AFFORD               local affiliate.                                 Anchorage AEYC Exhibit booth.
                                                     □     Volunteers must attend a               □   Volunteering is on an honor basis.
    Thanks for your interest in volunteering at            mandatory orientation session,             You are expected to honor your
    the 37th Annual Anchorage AEYC Early                   Wednesday, February 5th,                   time commitment.
    Childhood Conference. Volunteers are                    6:00-7:30 pm. at the Hilton
    critical to the success of the conference               Anchorage Hotel.                      □   You must register by December
    and provide valuable assistance “behind                                                           31st in order to receive the
    the scenes” to ensure workshops run                                                               discounted rate.
    smoothly. If you volunteer/host two days                                                       *Limited to first twenty-four individuals to
    or more — minimum of 16 hours — your                                                                  register as volunteer/host.
    conference fee is $107.50.

                                                 Special Events in 2020

            Come Join the Fun! Friday Night                               NAEYC Members Only Lounge
              “Night at the Museum with                                   Dillingham Room—Each Day
             Early Childhood Professionals”                               NAEYC members—member lounge!
                                                                          Members are able to grab snacks, have
                          It’s fun! It’s Free!                            access to special giveaways, and chat with Anchorage AEYC
                                                                          Board & Committee Members. We look forward to seeing you
                   Join Anchorage AEYC                                    there!
             Friday, February 8th 6:00-9:00 pm
                        Cost: FREE                                        Silent Auction
                                                                          Thursday-Saturday 9:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m.
             Enjoy a free night at the Anchorage Museum.
       Visit the children’s museum, open galleries, after-hours           The Anchorage AEYC annual Silent Auction supports funds for
                  programming, live music and more.                       Anchorage AEYC Early Childhood Education Scholarships.
                                                                          100% of funds go toward the scholarships. New items each
       Visit the Anchorage AEYC Booth, the Molly of Denali                day. If you would like to donate to the auction, contact Silent
     exhibit, Alaska Public Media and more in the Atrium area.            Auction Chair, Brandy Graham at

             Bring your family! Invite your friends too!                  Closing Session
                       You do not have to be
              registered for the conference to attend!
                                                                          Saturday 3:45-5:15

                                                                          Join Anchorage AEYC for an afternoon of celebration and fun!
                                                                          Keynote: The Story Behind the Humor: Smile, Laugh & Be
                                                                          Happy! Dr. Rebecca Isbell

Assistance with Travel—Your local R&R can help
  HELP GETTING TO THE CONFERENCE             □ A confirmation agreement will be             □ SAVE YOUR RECEIPTS—you must
  Travel Reimbursement (TR)                      sent upon the approval of the              submit them within 60 days after the
                                                 travel grant request.                      completion of training and travel.
  Travel Reimbursement (TR) is designed
  to help early educators in Alaska offset   □ Applicants are eligible to receive           If pre-approved for travel, SEED can
  travel expenses associated with attend-        reimbursement of 100% of their             only guarantee there will be funding
  ing early education training outside of        travel related costs up to $1,000          available for those who submit all re-
  their community.                               per fiscal year (July 1 through June       ceipts and proof of completed training
                                                 30) for air fare, lodging, ferry fees,     within 60 days of completing the high-
  □ Applicant must be operating or be            $50 ground transportation,                 er education/training and travel. Re-
      a paid employ of State of Alaska           depending on funds availa-                 ceipts received after the 60 day period
      or Municipality of Anchorage               ble. Exceptions may be made                will not be accepted and the pre-
      licensed or approved child care            due to geographic diversity, upon          approved funding will be awarded to
      facility, Head Start or School             approval.                                  the next person in line for receiving
      District program (Military, not                                                       funding.
      eligible).                             □ Full conference participation is
                                                 required, save your attendance             Please visit for TR,
  □ Must be a current/active member of           records.                                   PDR, and SEED Registry applications
     the Alaska SEED Registry.                                                              and follow instructions carefully.

  □ Pre-approval is required — applica-
      tion must be submitted 21 days
      prior to attending the conference.

              Professional Development Reimbursement (PDR)

HELP WITH THE CONFERENCE                     □   Applicant must be operating, or           SAVE YOUR RECEIPTS—you must
REGISTRATION FEE/AND OR FOR                      be a paid employee of State of            submit proof of payment of registration
CONTINUING EDUCATION UNITS                       Alaska or Municipality of Anchorage       and/or tuition fee, certificate of attend-
(CEU) TUITION                                    licensed or approved child care           ance or final grade for CEU credit within
Professional Development                         facility, Head Start or School District   60 days after completion of the training/
Reimbursement (PDR)                              program. (Military, not eligible).        conference.

The SEED Professional Development Re-        □   Must be a current/active member of        Please visit for TR,
imbursement (PDR) is designed to support         the Alaska SEED Registry.                 PDR, and SEED Registry applications and
early educators with the cost of profes-                                                   follow instructions carefully.
sional development expenses, up to $1500     □   Full conference participation is
per fiscal year (July 1 through June 30),        required; save your attendance
including 100% tuition and/or 75% of             records; (missing a session(s) is
training costs (up to $500 for training).        cause for denying reimbursements).
Attending the AAEYC Conference counts
as a training.

                              Cover Photo compliments of Alaska Forrest School, Anchorage, Alaska.

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