Page created by Steve Fernandez



               30 SEPTEMBER 2021
                                ISSUER AND MANAGER:
                                   ANZ NEW ZEALAND
                                 INVESTMENTS LIMITED

                This product disclosure statement replaces the
              product disclosure statement dated 15 May 2020.
               This document gives you important information
        about this investment to help you decide whether you
        want to invest. There is other useful information about
        this offer on
          ANZ New Zealand Investments Limited has prepared
       this document in accordance with the Financial Markets
    Conduct Act 2013. You can also seek advice from a financial
   advice provider to help you to make an investment decision.

What is this?                                                How can you get your money out?
This is a managed investment scheme. Your money will be      You can request a withdrawal on any business day. Unless
pooled with other investors’ money and invested in various   you’re making a full withdrawal, the minimum amount you
investments. ANZ New Zealand Investments Limited             can withdraw is:
(ANZ Investments, we, us and our) will invest your
                                                             • $500 if you’re making a lump sum withdrawal, or
money and charge you a fee for its services. The returns
you receive are dependent on the investment decisions of     • $100 per fund if you’re making a regular withdrawal.
ANZ Investments and the performance of the investments.      We can defer or suspend withdrawals in certain limited
The value of those investments may go up or down. The        circumstances.
types of investments and the fees you will be charged are
described in this document.                                  Your investment in the funds can be sold but there is no
                                                             established market for trading these financial products.
                                                             This means that you may not be able to find a buyer for
What will your money be invested in?                         your investment.
The OneAnswer Single-Asset-Class Funds (the funds)              	See page 9 for more information.
offers ten funds.
These investment options are summarised on pages             How will your investment be taxed?
2 to 5.
                                                             Each fund is a portfolio investment entity (PIE).
   	More information about the investment target and
     strategy for each investment option is provided at      The amount of tax you pay in respect of a PIE is based on
     page 10.                                                your prescribed investor rate (PIR). This can be 0%, 10.5%,
                                                             17.5% or 28%.

Who manages the funds?                                          	See section 6 of the PDS (What taxes will you pay?)
                                                                  on page 18 for more information.
ANZ Investments is the manager of the funds.
   	See section 7 of the PDS (Who is involved?).           Where can you find more key information?
                                                             ANZ Investments is required to publish quarterly updates
                                                             for each fund. The updates show the returns, and the
                                                             total fees actually charged to investors, during the
                                                             previous year. The latest fund updates are available at
                                                    The manager will
                                                             also give you copies of those documents on request.

Our funds

     Fund                  Description                                                 Investment objectives
                                                                                       Aims to achieve a positive yearly return
                                                                                       (after the fund charge and before tax)
                                                                                       that over the long term:

                           Invests mainly in New Zealand fixed interest assets.
                           Investments may include:
     New Zealand           • fixed interest assets in New Zealand dollars, or issued
                                                                                       is broadly in line with the relevant market index.
     Fixed Interest Fund     by New Zealand-located or incorporated entities and
                             hedged back to New Zealand dollars, and
                           • cash and cash equivalents.

                           Invests mainly in international fixed interest assets.
                           Investments may include:
     International Fixed
                           • fixed interest assets issued by governments or            is broadly in line with the relevant market index.
     Interest Fund
                             international companies, and
                           • cash and cash equivalents.

                           Invests mainly in New Zealand and Australian listed
                           property assets. Investments may include:
                           • companies, funds or trusts that invest in property and    outperforms the relevant market index.
     Securities Fund
                             are listed or intend to list, and
                           • cash and cash equivalents.

                           Invests mainly in international listed property assets.
                           Investments may include:
                           • companies, funds or trusts that invest in property        outperforms the relevant market index.
     Property Fund
                             and are listed or are soon to be listed, and
                           • cash and cash equivalents.

                           Invests mainly in New Zealand equities. Investments
                           may include:
     New Zealand
                           • equities in companies that are listed or intend           outperforms the relevant market index.
     Share Fund
                             to list on the New Zealand stock exchange, and
                           • cash and cash equivalents.

Risk indicator                                                                Estimated annual fund charge
                                                                              (percentage of net asset value of the fund)

   Lower risk                                    Higher risk
   Potentially    1   2   3   4    5   6   7     Potentially                  0.47%
lower returns                                    higher returns

   Lower risk                                    Higher risk
   Potentially    1   2   3   4    5   6   7     Potentially                  0.63%
lower returns                                    higher returns

   Lower risk                                    Higher risk
   Potentially    1   2   3   4    5   6   7     Potentially                  1.16%
lower returns                                    higher returns

   Lower risk                                    Higher risk
   Potentially    1   2   3   4    5   6   7     Potentially
lower returns                                    higher returns

   Lower risk                                    Higher risk                  1.16%
   Potentially    1   2   3   4    5   6   7     Potentially
lower returns                                    higher returns

            See page 15 for an explanation of the risk indicator and for information about other risks that are not included
   !        in the risk indicator. To help you clarify your own attitude to risk, you can seek financial advice or work out your
            risk profile at

Our funds (continued)

      Fund                         Description                                                   Investment objectives
                                                                                                 Aims to achieve a positive yearly return
                                                                                                 (after the fund charge and before tax)
                                                                                                 that over the long term:

                                   Invests mainly in New Zealand and Australian
                                   equities. Investments may include:
      Equity                       • equities in companies that are listed or intend
                                                                                                 outperforms the relevant market index.
      Selection Fund                 to list on the New Zealand or Australian stock
                                     exchanges, and
                                   • cash and cash equivalents.

                                   Invests mainly in Australian equities. Investments
                                   may include:
      Australian                   • equities in companies that are listed or are
                                                                                                 outperforms the relevant market index.
      Share Fund                     soon to be listed on the Australian stock
                                     exchange, and
                                   • cash and cash equivalents.

                                   Invests mainly in international equities.
                                   Investments may include:
                                   • equities in companies that are listed or are                outperforms the relevant market index.
      Share Fund
                                     soon to be listed on a stock exchange, and
                                   • cash and cash equivalents.

                                   Invests mainly in international listed
                                   infrastructure. Investments may include:
      International Listed
                                   • companies that invest in infrastructure and                 outperforms the relevant market index.
      Infrastructure Fund*
                                     are listed or are soon to be listed, and
                                   • cash and cash equivalents.

                                   Invests mainly in growth assets (equities, listed property    is moderate to higher allowing for
      Balanced                     and listed infrastructure), with some exposure to income      moderate to large movements of value
      Growth Fund                  assets (cash and cash equivalents and fixed interest). The    up and down including occasional
                                   fund also has a small exposure to alternative assets.         negative yearly returns.

    * The International Listed Infrastructure Fund is open for investment from 1 October 2021.

Risk indicator                                                                      Estimated annual fund charge
                                                                                     (percentage of net asset value of the fund)

     Lower risk                                       Higher risk
     Potentially    1    2   3   4    5   6    7      Potentially                    1.29%
  lower returns                                       higher returns

     Lower risk                                       Higher risk
     Potentially    1    2   3   4    5   6    7      Potentially                    1.15%
  lower returns                                       higher returns

     Lower risk                                       Higher risk
     Potentially    1    2   3   4    5   6    7      Potentially                    1.17%
  lower returns                                       higher returns

     Lower risk                                       Higher risk
     Potentially    1    2   3   4 5* 6        7      Potentially                    0.95%
  lower returns                                       higher returns

     Lower risk                                       Higher risk
     Potentially    1    2   3   4    5   6    7      Potentially                    1.07%
  lower returns                                       higher returns

              See page 15 for an explanation of the risk indicator and for information about other risks that are not included
     !        in the risk indicator. To help you clarify your own attitude to risk, you can seek financial advice or work out your
              risk profile at

* The International Listed Infrastructure Fund is a newly established fund and so market index returns, rather than actual returns, have
   been used to fill in the risk indicator. Market index returns have been used for the entire five-year period to 30 June 2021. As a result
   of those returns being used, the risk indicator may provide a less reliable indicator of the potential future volatility of this fund.


1.   Key information summary                             1

2.   How does this investment work?                      8

3.   Description of your investment options             10

4.   What are the risks of investing?                   15

5.   What are the fees?                                 16

6.   What taxes will you pay?                           18

7.   Who is involved?                                   20

8.   How to complain                                    21

9.   Where you can find more information                22

10. How to apply                                        22

Application forms                             After page 22


    The funds are a managed investment scheme, registered          Making investments
    under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 under
    the name ‘ANZ Investments Single-Asset-Class Scheme’.          When you first join the funds, you must either set up
    Each fund is a separate trust governed by a governing          regular investments, or make a lump sum investment.
    document dated 10 August 2018. This document appoints          Making regular investments
    the manager, and the supervisor.
                                                                   You can make regular fortnightly, monthly or quarterly
    The OneAnswer Single-Asset-Class Funds has ten                 investments by setting up a direct debit or regular payment.
    investment funds. Nine of these funds are single-asset-class
    funds, which focus on specific asset classes. We also offer
                                                                     Direct debit
    a multi-asset-class Balanced Growth Fund. Each fund has a
    different level of risk and expected return.
                                                                     To set up a direct debit, either:
    The funds generally invest in underlying funds that we
    manage. The underlying funds for the single-asset-class          • complete the direct debit form at the back of this
    funds focus their investments on a specific asset class.           PDS and post or email it to us, or
    The assets of these underlying funds are either selected         • call us on 0800 736 034 or +64 9 356 4000.
    by us or external fund managers.                                 You can increase, reduce or suspend your regular direct
    Your investment is pooled with other investors in the            debit payments at any time by posting or emailing us a
    same fund. Every time money is put into your investment          new direct debit form, or by calling us.
    account, you receive units in the fund you’re invested in.
    The number of units you hold, when multiplied by the unit        ANZ goMoney and ANZ Internet Banking
    price, represents the value of your investment in a fund,
    not including any unpaid tax or tax rebates.                     Set up a regular transfer of funds from any of your
    The price of a unit depends on the value of the relevant         ANZ transactional accounts directly to your OneAnswer
    fund. As the value of the fund’s assets change each day,         Single-Asset-Class account.
    so will the price of your units.
                                                                     Internet banking
    The assets of one fund are not available to be applied to
    meet the liabilities of any other fund.
                                                                     If you don’t bank with ANZ, log into your bank’s internet
    No distributions are made from the funds. Income is              banking and select ‘OneAnswer SAC Funds’ from the
    re-invested in the funds.                                        Bill Payee list, or make your regular payment to:
                                                                     OA Single-Asset-Class Application Account
    What are the main benefits?
            Highly experienced investment
            management team
            The team selects most of the Australasian assets.
            A small number of external fund managers, who          Making lump sum investments
            we appoint, select the international assets.           If you don’t want to make regular payments, you can make
            You can build a diversified portfolio                  a lump sum investment when you first join by the same
                                                                   methods as described above for regular investments.
            Each single-asset-class fund accesses a range
            of investments within its stated asset class.          You can make additional lump sum investments at any
            To gain diversification across asset classes, you’ll   time, whether or not you have a regular payment set up.
            need to invest in a number of funds or the
            Balanced Growth Fund.
            Your investment is actively managed
            Active management aims to add value to your
            investment by varying the investment mix and
            investment selection.
            Your investment is flexible
            The funds provide you with flexible investment
            and withdrawal options. You can choose:
            • which fund(s) your money is invested in
            • how much, and when to, invest, and
            • when to withdraw your money.

Important                                                         Withdrawing your investments
• Remember to include your surname, date of birth and             You can request a withdrawal on any business day. Unless
  investor number as the references when you make a               you’re making a full withdrawal, the minimum amount you
  payment. If you do not have your investor number, please        can withdraw is:
  include your IRD number.
                                                                  • $500 if you’re making a lump sum withdrawal, or
• If you don’t provide us with the correct details, we can’t
  credit your investment account with the amount you pay.         • $100 per fund if you’re making a regular withdrawal.
• We aim to process regular and lump sum investments,             You can set up a regular monthly, quarterly, six-monthly
  and show them in ANZ goMoney and ANZ Internet                   or annual withdrawal. We can change the minimum
  Banking, within five business days if you give us all           withdrawal amounts.
  the information we need. If we have to ask for more             To make a withdrawal:
  information, this may cause delays in the processing of
  your investment.                                                • download a withdrawal form at,
                                                                    or call us on 0800 736 034 or +64 9 356 4000
• The time it takes us to process a transaction on your
  behalf (for example, a payment into a fund, a switch or a       • complete the withdrawal form and post or email it to us.
  withdrawal) means the unit price you receive may vary           We aim to pay your withdrawal and show it in ANZ goMoney
  from the price when you requested the transaction.              and ANZ Internet Banking within five business days if you
• For all payments, if you are invested in more than one fund,    give us all the information we need. If we have to ask for
  we will use the same percentage amount per fund that            more information, this may cause delays in the processing of
  you chose for your last payment. If you do not want us to       your withdrawal.
  allocate your payment in this way, please complete and          Once your account balance reaches $0, your account will close.
  send us the transaction form at the back of this PDS. We
                                                                  We can defer or suspend withdrawals, or terminate your
  must receive this form before we receive your payment.
                                                                  investment, in certain limited circumstances set out in the
  Otherwise your payment will be allocated to your fund(s)
                                                                  governing document.
  in the same percentage as your last payment.
• There is no minimum investment amount into the funds            We may separate out certain assets within a fund’s portfolio
  for both regular and lump sum payments.                         and make special arrangements for those assets, if doing so
                                                                  will protect investors’ interests. This may affect you accessing
• We don’t charge any contribution or establishment fees
                                                                  part of your investment.
  for making an investment.
                                                                      	For more information, see the governing
• We don’t charge a fee for switching between funds,
                                                                        document available on the offer register at
  making a withdrawal, transferring your units, or closing
  your account.
                                                                        ’Search for an offer’ and search for ‘OneAnswer
• By making additional investments, you agree to be bound               Single-Asset-Class Funds’).
  by the funds’ terms and conditions current at the time of
  making the investment, as set out in the application form,      You can transfer your units
  PDS, offer register and governing document applicable at        You can sell some or all of your units to someone else.
  that time.                                                      A transfer is treated as a withdrawal for the seller and a
• Our email address for forms is:   purchase for the buyer.
• Our postal address for forms is: ANZ Investments, Freepost      We don’t offer a secondary market for the sale of units, and
  324, PO Box 7149, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142.          we don’t believe there is one. We can refuse a transfer.

  Making your first investment                                    How to switch between funds
                                                                  You can switch your investment from one fund to another
  1. Complete the application form at the back of this
                                                                  fund. The minimum amount you can switch is $500. We can
     PDS and post or email it to us.
                                                                  change the minimum switch amount.
  2. Make your initial regular or lump sum payment                To make a switch, either:
     as described in the section on this page, “Making
     Investments”.                                                • complete the transaction form at the back of this PDS and
                                                                    post or email it to us, or
  3. Once we’ve received your completed application
                                                                  • call us on 0800 736 034 or +64 9 356 4000.
     form and your initial payment, we aim to process
     your application and show your account in ANZ                Your financial adviser can provide you with advice should you
     goMoney and ANZ Internet Banking within five                 want to switch funds.
     business days.                                               We aim to process your switch and show it in ANZ goMoney and
  4. We will send you a letter confirming your account            ANZ Internet Banking within five business days if you give us all
     is set up, and your first investment.                        the information we need. If we have to ask for more information,
                                                                  this may cause delays in the processing of your switch.
  If you don’t provide us with all of the information
  required to set up your account, we will need to ask            We can set requirements for switching, including restrictions
  you for it and this may delay setting up your account.          on redirecting contributions to another fund. Our ability to
                                                                  defer or suspend withdrawals and separate out assets can
                                                                  affect switches (see above).

     Fund                                Description                                                            Target investment
                                                                                                                mix summary

                                         Invests mainly in New Zealand fixed interest assets.
                                         Investments may include:
     New Zealand                         • fixed interest assets in New Zealand dollars, or issued
                                                                                                                  100%         Fixed interest
     Fixed Interest Fund                   by New Zealand-located or incorporated entities
                                           and hedged back to New Zealand dollars, and
                                         • cash and cash equivalents.

                                         Invests mainly in international fixed interest assets.
                                         Investments may include:
     International Fixed                                                                                                       International
                                         • fixed interest assets issued by governments                            100%
     Interest Fund                                                                                                             fixed interest
                                           or international companies, and
                                         • cash and cash equivalents.

                                         Invests mainly in New Zealand and Australian
                                         listed property assets. Investments may include:
                                         • companies, funds or trusts that invest in property                     100%         Listed property
     Securities Fund
                                           and are listed or intend to list, and
                                         • cash and cash equivalents.

                                         Invests mainly in international listed property assets.
                                         Investments may include:
                                         • companies, funds or trusts that invest in property                     100%         Listed property
     Property Fund
                                           and are listed or are soon to be listed, and
                                         • cash and cash equivalents.

                                         Invests mainly in New Zealand equities. Investments
                                         may include:
     New Zealand                                                                                                               Australasian
                                         • equities in companies that are listed or intend                        100%
     Share Fund                                                                                                                equities
                                           to list on the New Zealand stock exchange, and
                                         • cash and cash equivalents.

     Income assets:    Cash and cash equivalents        New Zealand and international fixed interest
     Growth assets:    Listed property     Australasian and international equities    Other (listed infrastructure)   Other (alternatives)

Investment objectives              Risk indicator                                                    Minimum suggested
Aims to achieve a positive                                                                           timeframe for holding
yearly return (after the fund                                                                        the investments
charge and before tax) that
over the long term:

                                     Lower risk                                  Higher risk
is broadly in line with the
                                     Potentially    1   2   3   4   5   6   7    Potentially         5 years
relevant market index.            lower returns                                  higher returns

                                     Lower risk                                  Higher risk
is broadly in line with the
                                     Potentially    1   2   3   4   5   6   7    Potentially         5 years
relevant market index.            lower returns                                  higher returns

                                     Lower risk                                  Higher risk
outperforms the
                                     Potentially    1   2   3   4   5   6   7    Potentially         10 years
relevant market index.
                                  lower returns                                  higher returns

                                     Lower risk                                  Higher risk
outperforms the
                                     Potentially    1   2   3   4   5   6   7    Potentially         10 years
relevant market index.            lower returns                                  higher returns

                                     Lower risk                                  Higher risk
outperforms the
                                     Potentially    1   2   3   4   5   6   7    Potentially         10 years
relevant market index.            lower returns                                  higher returns

• We do not guarantee that each fund’s investment objectives will be achieved.
• Further information about the assets in each fund can be found in the fund updates at

Fund                                 Description                                                            Target investment
                                                                                                                   mix summary

                                            Invests mainly in New Zealand and Australian
                                            equities. Investments may include:
       Equity                               • equities in companies that are listed or intend                                     Australasian
       Selection Fund                         to list on the New Zealand or Australian stock                         100%
                                              exchanges, and
                                            • cash and cash equivalents.

                                            Invests mainly in Australian equities. Investments
                                            may include:
       Australian                           • equities in companies that are listed or are                                        Australasian
       Share Fund                             soon to be listed on the Australian stock                              100%
                                              exchange, and
                                            • cash and cash equivalents.

                                            Invests mainly in international equities. Investments
                                            may include:
       International                                                                                                              International
                                            • equities in companies that are listed or are soon to                   100%
       Share Fund                                                                                                                 equities
                                              be listed on a stock exchange, and
                                            • cash and cash equivalents.

                                            Invests mainly in international listed infrastructure.
                                            Investments may include:
       International Listed                                                                                                       Other (listed
                                            • companies that invest in infrastructure and                            100%
       Infrastructure Fund*                                                                                                       infrastructure)
                                              are listed or are soon to be listed, and
                                            • cash and cash equivalents.

                                            Invests mainly in growth assets (equities, listed property
       Balanced                             and listed infrastructure), with some exposure to income
       Growth Fund                          assets (cash and cash equivalents and fixed interest). The
                                            fund also has a small exposure to alternative assets.

       Income assets:     Cash and cash equivalents        New Zealand and international fixed interest
       Growth assets:     Listed property     Australasian and international equities    Other (listed infrastructure)   Other (alternatives)

     * The International Listed Infrastructure Fund is open for investment from 1 October 2021.

Investment objectives                  Risk indicator                                                            Minimum suggested
Aims to achieve a positive                                                                                       timeframe for holding
yearly return (after the fund                                                                                    the investments
charge and before tax) that
over the long term:

                                         Lower risk                                        Higher risk
outperforms the
                                         Potentially     1   2    3   4    5   6   7       Potentially           10 years
relevant market index.
                                      lower returns                                        higher returns

outperforms the                          Lower risk                                        Higher risk
                                         Potentially     1   2    3   4    5   6   7       Potentially           10 years
relevant market index.
                                      lower returns                                        higher returns

                                         Lower risk                                        Higher risk
outperforms the
                                         Potentially     1   2    3   4    5   6   7       Potentially           10 years
relevant market index.                lower returns                                        higher returns

                                         Lower risk                                        Higher risk
outperforms the
                                         Potentially     1   2    3   4 5* 6       7       Potentially           10 years
relevant market index.                lower returns                                        higher returns

is moderate to higher
allowing for moderate to large           Lower risk                                       Higher risk
movements of value up and                Potentially     1   2    3   4   5    6   7      Potentially            6 years
down including occasional             lower returns                                       higher returns
negative yearly returns.

• We do not guarantee that each fund’s investment objectives will be achieved.
• Further information about the assets in each fund can be found in the fund updates at

* The International Listed Infrastructure Fund is a newly established fund and so market index returns, rather than actual returns, have
   been used to fill in the risk indicator. Market index returns have been used for the entire five-year period to 30 June 2021. As a result
  of those returns being used, the risk indicator may provide a less reliable indicator of the potential future volatility of this fund.

More information about how our funds invest                   We can make changes to the SIPO after consultation with
                                                                   the supervisor without letting you know. Material changes
     Our statement of investment policy and objectives (SIPO)      to the SIPO will be included in the funds’ annual report.
     contains information about how our funds invest. It details
     the investment objectives, strategies, target investment         	The current SIPO is available at
     mix and ranges, and underlying external fund managers.    and on the offer register


Understanding the risk indicator                                       asset classes and poor performance within the asset
                                                                       class may have a significant effect on the fund.
Managed funds in New Zealand must have a standard risk
indicator. The risk indicator is designed to help investors            Credit risk
understand the uncertainties both for loss and growth that             Risk that an investment in cash, fixed interest or
may affect their investment. You can compare funds using               derivatives may be impacted if an issuer or entity
the risk indicator.                                                    is unable or unwilling to repay what they owe.
                                                                       For example, if an issuer of a fixed interest
     Lower risk                                  Higher risk           investment is not able to pay interest or repay all
     Potentially   1    2   3   4   5   6   7    Potentially           the principal, returns of the fund could be lower.
  lower returns                                  higher returns
                                                                       Currency risk
                                                                       Risk that changes in currency exchange rates
    	See pages 10 to 13 for the risk indicators that apply to         will affect the value of the fund. Investments
      each of our funds.                                               denominated in foreign currencies are exposed
The risk indicator is rated from 1 (low) to 7 (high). The rating       to currency risk.
reflects how much the value of the fund’s assets goes up               For example, for a fund with foreign currency
and down (volatility). A higher risk generally means higher            exposure, if the New Zealand dollar increases in
potential returns over time, but more ups and downs                    value against a given foreign currency, all else
along the way.                                                         being equal, the New Zealand dollar value of
    	To help you clarify your own attitude to risk, you can           the fund will fall.
      seek financial advice or work out your risk profile at           Interest rate risk
                                                                       Risk that the market value of an investment may
Note that even the lowest category does not mean a                     change due to changes in interest rates.
risk-free investment, and there may be other risks that
                                                                       For example, the market value of fixed interest
are not captured by this rating.
                                                                       investments will fall if interest rates in the market
This risk indicator is not a guarantee of a fund’s future              increase.
performance. The risk indicator is based on the returns
                                                                       Liquidity risk
data for the five years to 30 June 2021. While risk
indicators are usually relatively stable, they do shift from           Risk that an asset cannot be sold at the desired
time to time. You can see the most recent risk indicator               time or at a reasonable value.
in the latest fund update for each fund.                               Liquidity risk may impact your ability to withdraw,
                                                                       transfer or switch your investment.
General investment risks                                               Active management risk
Some of the things that may cause a fund’s value to                    Risk that arises from our, or our external fund
move up and down, which affect the risk indicator, are:                managers’, active management of investments.
          Market risk                                                  As an active manager, we make decisions about
          Risk that the market value of investments may                what proportion of each asset class to hold, what
          change due to a number of factors. These can                 investments to hold, and the level of currency
          include changes in economies, world events                   exposure. If we, or our external fund managers,
          (such as pandemics), the performance of                      choose investments that underperform, the value
          individual entities, the regulatory environment,             of the fund may fall.
          investor sentiment, political events, inflation,             Derivative risk
          and interest and currency rates.
                                                                       Risk that arises from the use of derivatives where
          The level of market risk a fund is exposed to                the value is derived from the performance of
          primarily depends on the asset classes it invests            another asset, an index (such as a share market
          in. For example, equities, listed property and listed        index or a commodity index), an interest rate or
          infrastructure assets are considered to be more              an exchange rate.
          risky than cash and cash equivalents and fixed
                                                                       For example, investment losses could be caused
          interest assets. However, there are times when some
                                                                       by changes in the value of the underlying assets,
          individual assets can be more negatively impacted
                                                                       indices or rates.
          by a specific market event than other assets.
          As most of the funds are single-asset-class funds,       	For more information on risks, see the ‘other
          they’re exposed to the specific risks associated           material information’ document available at
          with the asset class in which they invest. They   and on the offer register
          don’t benefit from diversifying investments across         at


     You will be charged fees for investing in the funds. Fees are deducted from your investment and will reduce your returns.
     If ANZ Investments invests in other funds, those funds may also charge fees. The fees you pay will be charged in two ways:
     • regular charges (for example, annual fund charges). Small differences in these fees can have a big impact on your
       investment over the long term
     • one-off fees (currently none).

     Annual fund charges

       Fund                                                                                      Estimated annual fund charge*
                                                                                                          (percentage of net asset
                                                                                                               value of each fund)

       New Zealand Fixed Interest Fund                                                                                      0.47%

       International Fixed Interest Fund                                                                                    0.63%

       Property Securities Fund                                                                                             1.16%

       International Property Fund                                                                                          1.15%

       New Zealand Share Fund                                                                                               1.16%

       Equity Selection Fund                                                                                                1.29%

       Australian Share Fund                                                                                                1.15%

       International Share Fund                                                                                             1.17%

       International Listed Infrastructure Fund                                                                             0.95%

       Balanced Growth Fund                                                                                                 1.07%

       * The annual fund charge is capped, so you won’t pay more than the amount set out in the table above. The actual annual
          fund charge you pay may be lower than these amounts because, when calculating them, we estimate expenses of the
          funds, and fees and expenses of underlying funds.

     The annual fund charge:                                            The fees can be changed
     • is made up of our management fee, the supervisor’s fee,          We can change fees from time to time, and can introduce
       fund expenses, and fees and expenses of underlying funds         new fees. We’ll give you at least three months’ notice of
     • is calculated as a percentage of the net asset value of          any increase in our management fee or the supervisor’s
       the fund                                                         fee or the introduction of a new fee.
     • includes GST where applicable                                    We must publish a fund update for each fund showing
     • is calculated daily and will reduce a fund’s unit price.         the fees actually charged during the most recent year.

         	You can find more information on our annual fund                 	Fund updates, including past updates, are available
           charge and how it is calculated in the ‘other material             at
           information’ document available at
  and on the offer register
     We don’t charge any contribution, establishment,
     switching, termination or withdrawal fees.


Daniel invests $10,000 in the New Zealand Share Fund.           Estimated total fees for the first year
He is not charged an establishment fee or a contribution fee.   Fund charges: $116
This means the starting value of his investment is $10,000.     See the latest fund update for an example of the actual
He is charged management and administration fees, which         returns and fees investors were charged over the past year.
work out to about $116 (1.16% of $10,000). These fees           This example applies only to the New Zealand Share
might be more or less if his account balance has increased      Fund. If you are considering investing in other funds in the
or decreased over the year.                                     OneAnswer Single-Asset-Class Funds, this example may not
                                                                be representative of the actual fees you may be charged.


     Each of the funds is a portfolio investment entity.              If you’re not an individual
     The amount of tax you pay is based on your prescribed
     investor rate (PIR). To determine your PIR, go to
                                                                        Are you a New Zealand tax resident company, unit
                                                                        trust, registered charity, superannuation scheme,
     prescribed-investor-rate. If you are unsure of your PIR, we
                                                                        PIE or PIE investor proxy?
     recommend you seek professional advice or contact the
     Inland Revenue Department.
                                                                        Your PIR is 0%. You will need to pay any tax on your
     It is your responsibility to tell us your PIR when you invest      attributed PIE income yourself.
     or if your PIR changes. If you do not tell us, a default rate
     may be applied. If the rate applied to your PIE income is          Superannuation schemes that are trusts may select
     lower than your correct PIR, you will be required to pay any       another PIR – see below.
     tax shortfall as part of the income tax year-end process.
     If the rate applied to your PIE income is higher than your         Are you a New Zealand resident trustee (other than
     PIR, any tax over-withheld will be used to reduce any              of a registered charity)?
     income tax liability you may have for the tax year and any
     remaining amount will be refunded to you.                          Seek advice from a tax professional to help you choose
                                                                        the PIR that best suits your beneficiaries.
     We may be notified by Inland Revenue to update your PIR
     if they believe it is incorrect. We are required to apply this
     PIR. However, you can provide us with a different PIR if you     If you’re investing with another person
     believe this is incorrect.
                                                                      If you’re investing jointly with another person and your PIRs
     In addition to your PIR, you also need to tell us your IRD       are the same, tell us which investor should be the taxpayer.
     number and the tax residency information we request.             If your PIRs are not the same, we will attribute the income
     If you do not tell us your IRD number, then we may               to the investor with the highest PIR.
     terminate your investment. If you do not provide us the
     tax residency information, then we may suspend your
     withdrawals or terminate your investment.
     We arrange for all taxes that apply to your investment
                                                                              !      Provide us
                                                                                     with the right PIR
     account to be paid (or refunded). This is done by cancelling
                                                                          Make sure you provide us with the right PIR
     (or issuing) units in your investment account. We do this at
                                                                          so you pay the correct tax on your investment.
     the end of the tax year (following 31 March), or earlier if:
                                                                          For help to determine your PIR, see either:
     • you withdraw, transfer or switch all of your investment
                                                                          •, or
       from a fund
     • the value of your units is so low that it doesn’t meet
       your expected tax liability.
                                                                          Alternatively, you can call us on 0800 736 034 or
                                                                          +64 9 356 4000 or consult a tax adviser.


     ANZ Investments is the manager                            We’re a wholly owned subsidiary of ANZ Bank New Zealand
     We’re the manager of the funds and are responsible for
     their management and administration.                      Investments in the funds aren’t deposits in ANZ Bank
                                                               New Zealand Limited, Australia and New Zealand Banking
     You can contact us at:                                    Group Limited or their subsidiaries (together ‘ANZ Group’),
                         nor are they liabilities of ANZ Group. ANZ Group doesn’t
                                                               stand behind or guarantee ANZ Investments. Investments
          0800 736 034 or +64 9 356 4000                       are subject to investment risk, including possible delays
        	ANZ Investments – Customer Services                  in repayment, and loss of income and principal invested.
         Freepost 324                                          ANZ Group won’t be liable to you for the capital value or
         PO Box 7149, Victoria Street West                     performance of your investment.
         Auckland 1142                                         Your investment in the funds isn’t guaranteed by ANZ
                                                               Group, The New Zealand Guardian Trust Company Limited,
                                                               any of their directors or any other person.

     Who else is involved?

                                    Name                       Role

      Supervisor                    The New Zealand Guardian   The supervisor is a licensed supervisor who is
      and custodian                 Trust Company Limited      independent of us.
                                                               They supervise how we manage the funds, for the
                                                               benefit of you and other investors.
                                                               As the custodian, they hold the funds’ assets ‘in trust’
                                                               for you, entirely separate from both their assets and
                                                               our assets.


Contact your adviser first                                    If you’re still not happy
If you have any problems with the funds, please contact       You can get free independent assistance from the
your financial adviser.                                       following respective dispute resolution schemes.
                                                              Our dispute resolution scheme
Contact us second                                             You can contact the Banking Ombudsman Scheme at:
If you don’t have a financial adviser, or if your financial
adviser has been unable to help you, please contact us.
As the manager of the funds, we’re committed to                    0800 805 950 or +64 4 915 0400
resolving your complaint as quickly as possible. Our
                                                                 	The Banking Ombudsman Scheme
complaints process is set out in full at               1 Post Office Square, Wellington 6011                                 Freepost 218002
                                                                  PO Box 25327
     0800 736 034 or +64 9 356 4000                               Wellington 6146
    	ANZ Investments – Customer Services                     The supervisor’s dispute resolution scheme
     Freepost 324
                                                              You can contact Financial Services Complaints Limited at:
     PO Box 7149, Victoria Street West
     Auckland 1142                                       
                                                                   0800 347 257 or +64 4 472 3725
Contact the supervisor after that
                                                                 	Financial Services Complaints Limited
You can contact The New Zealand Guardian Trust Company            101 Lambton Quay, Wellington
Limited at:                                                       PO Box 5967                                       Wellington 6140

     +64 9 909 5100
                                                              You won’t be charged a fee
    	Relationship Manager – OneAnswer                        You won’t be charged a fee by us, the supervisor or the
     Single-Asset-Class Funds
                                                              dispute resolution scheme for investigating or resolving
     The New Zealand Guardian Trust Company Limited
                                                              a complaint.
     PO Box 274
     Auckland 1140


       Further information about the funds is available:

       In our guide                A helpful guide to the funds, including how to make the funds work for you, an overview,
                                   a case study and information about the underlying external fund managers.

       On our website              Valuable information and resources to help you manage your investment, including transaction
                                   forms, fund performance, unit prices, monthly fact sheets and quarterly fund updates.

       On Disclose                 Disclose is a website that contains two registers – an offer register and a scheme register.
                                   These include current information on the funds, including the governing document, financial
                                   statements, SIPO, ‘other material information’ document, fund updates and PDS. Search
                                   ‘OneAnswer Single-Asset-Class Funds’ on the offer register or ‘ANZ Investments Single-Asset-
                                   Class Scheme’ on the scheme register. The most recent PDS may help you make decisions
                                   about whether or not to acquire further units in the funds.

       You can make a request to the Registrar of Financial Service Providers for a copy of the information on Disclose.
       You can also obtain a copy of this information free of charge by contacting us.

     10. HOW TO APPLY

     To join, complete and send us the relevant application form(s) by email or in the post.
     You may also wish to speak with your financial adviser.
     Note, you need to be in New Zealand to invest in the funds.

Product disclosure statement (PDS) dated 30 September 2021

  Post this form to: ANZ Investments, Freepost 324, PO Box 7149, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142, or email to
  If you are emailing us these forms, you do not need to post them to us. Please ensure you read the guide and product disclosure statement before
  you complete this application form.

1. Investor information
  Investor 1 (principal account holder)                                           Investor 2 (if applicable)
      Mr               Miss             Mrs                Ms                          Mr              Miss              Mrs               Ms
      Other                                                                            Other
  Gender               Male             Female                                    Gender               Male              Female
                   D   D      M    M    Y     Y   Y    Y                                           D   D       M    M    Y     Y   Y   Y
  Date of birth                                                                   Date of birth
   First Name(s)                                                                   First Name(s)

   Surname                                                                         Surname

   Home address                                                                    Home address

                                              Postcode                                                                         Postcode

   Postal address (if different from your home address)                            Postal address (if different from your home address)

                                              Postcode                                                                         Postcode

   Home phone                                                                      Home phone

   Mobile                                                                          Mobile

   Email                                                                           Email

   Country of birth                                                                Country of birth

   Occupation                                                                      Occupation

  ANZ customer (or investor) number (if known)                                    ANZ customer (or investor) number (if known)

  IRD number                                                                      IRD number
  (must be completed)                                                             (must be completed)
  (call Inland Revenue on 0800 775 247 or +64 4 978 0779 for help)                (call Inland Revenue on 0800 775 247 or +64 4 978 0779 for help)
  What is your prescribed investor rate? (visit            What is your prescribed investor rate? (visit
  or call 0800 736 034 or +64 9 356 4000 for help)                                or call 0800 736 034 or +64 9 356 4000 for help)
      10.5%        17.5%          28%                                                  10.5%       17.5%           28%

2. Taxpayer information
  (visit for help)
   Name of taxpayer

  (the taxpayer for joint investors is the investor with the highest prescribed investor rate)                                 Continued on the next page.


2. Taxpayer information (continued)
  Investor 1 (principal account holder)
  Tick one option that applies to you:
        I am a tax resident in New Zealand only. Go to section 3.
        I am a tax resident of one or more countries other than New Zealand. Complete the table below.
  The rules on whether you are a tax resident vary between countries, and are usually based on whether you work or live in a country. In some circumstances, you
  may be a tax resident in more than one country at the same time. If you’re a US citizen, you’re considered to be tax resident in the United States of America.
  If you are a tax resident in countries other than New Zealand, list them along with your Tax Identification Number (TIN) in the table below.
  If you are unable to provide a TIN for any country, select a reason using the list below and tick the relevant box in the table below.
  A: TINs are not issued by this country                                        B: This country does not require me to provide my TIN
  C: I have applied for a TIN and will inform you immediately                   Q: This country has not issued a TIN to me
     upon receipt
                                                                                                                         If no TIN provided,
        Country of tax residence                                      TIN                                                tick reason A, B, C, or Q

   1.                                                                                                                        A         B         C         Q

   2.                                                                                                                        A         B         C          Q

   3.                                                                                                                        A         B         C          Q

  Need help working out what your TIN is? It’s a combination of letters or numbers issued by tax authorities or other agencies, and used to identify you for tax
  purposes in your country of tax residence. For what this may mean in your country, search ‘TIN’ on

  Investor 2 (if applicable)
  Tick one option that applies to you:
        I am a tax resident in New Zealand only. Go to section 3.
        I am a tax resident of one or more countries other than New Zealand. Complete the table below.
  The rules on whether you are a tax resident vary between countries, and are usually based on whether you work or live in a country. In some circumstances, you
  may be a tax resident in more than one country at the same time. If you’re a US citizen, you’re considered to be tax resident in the United States of America.
  If you are a tax resident in countries other than New Zealand, list them along with your Tax Identification Number (TIN) in the table below.
  If you are unable to provide a TIN for any country, select a reason using the list below and tick the relevant box in the table below.
  A: TINs are not issued by this country                                        B: This country does not require me to provide my TIN
  C: I have applied for a TIN and will inform you immediately                   Q: This country has not issued a TIN to me
     upon receipt
                                                                                                                         If no TIN provided,
        Country of tax residence                                      TIN                                                tick reason A, B, C, or Q

   1.                                                                                                                        A         B         C         Q

   2.                                                                                                                        A         B         C          Q

   3.                                                                                                                        A         B         C          Q

  Need help working out what your TIN is? It’s a combination of letters or numbers issued by tax authorities or other agencies, and used to identify you for tax
  purposes in your country of tax residence. For what this may mean in your country, search ‘TIN’ on

3. Payment and investment options (at least one must be selected)
  Regular payment
      Regular payment by automatic payment*

      Payment date     D     D   M    M      2   0   Y   Y

      Particulars                                    Code                                         Reference

      Regular payment by direct debit (complete and include Form 3)
  Please invest my regular payments between the fund(s) as indicated below:

  New Zealand Fixed Interest Fund                $

  International Fixed Interest Fund              $

  Property Securities Fund                       $

  International Property Fund                    $

  New Zealand Share Fund                         $

  Equity Selection Fund                          $

  Australian Share Fund                          $

  International Share Fund                       $

  International Listed Infrastructure Fund       $

  Balanced Growth Fund                           $

  Total                                          $
  (the total dollar value must be the same as your regular payment amount)
  Lump sum payment
      Lump sum payment by online or phone banking*

      Payment date     D     D   M    M      2   0   Y   Y

      Particulars                                    Code                                         Reference

      Lump sum payment by one-off direct debit (complete and include Form 3)
  * See pages 8 and 9 of the product disclosure statement for the information you need to include with your payment, the fund bank account you
    need to pay to, and for more information on making your first investment.

  Please invest my lump sum payment between the fund(s) as indicated below:

  New Zealand Fixed Interest Fund                $

  International Fixed Interest Fund              $

  Property Securities Fund                       $

  International Property Fund                    $

  New Zealand Share Fund                         $

  Equity Selection Fund                          $

  Australian Share Fund                          $

  International Share Fund                       $

  International Listed Infrastructure Fund       $

  Balanced Growth Fund                           $

  Total                                          $
  (the total dollar value must be the same as your lump sum amount)

4. Confirming your identity (tick the documents you’re sending us)
  We’ll need to verify:
  (A) your identity, by receiving a certified or verified copy of one of the following (which must be current and signed by you):
      Investor 1:           passport                    firearms licence
      Investor 2:           passport                    firearms licence
  (B) your residential address, by receiving a copy of one of the following (which can’t be more than six months old):
      Investor 1:           bank statement issued to you by a registered bank              utility bill      Government agency document
      Investor 2:           bank statement issued to you by a registered bank              utility bill      Government agency document

  Talk to your adviser for help getting documents verified. If you don’t have any of these documents, see for the full list of
  acceptable documents. This website also describes other ways documents can be certified.

5. Source of funds
  Please confirm your source of funds:

6. Investing on behalf of a child or under a power of attorney
  If the investor is aged 17 years or younger:
  • a certified/verified copy of the investor’s birth certificate must be included with this application
  • this form must be signed by the investor’s guardian. If the guardian is not the investor’s parent, as named on the birth certificate, we will
    need additional documents to confirm the guardian’s appointment and identity. Call us on 0800 736 034 or +64 9 356 4000 to discuss
    these requirements
  • the investor’s guardian must also complete Form 5 – Authorised Signatories Form, available at
  If you are signing for the investor under a power of attorney:
  • a certified/verified copy of the power of attorney must be included with this application
  • the attorney must also complete Form 5 – Authorised Signatories Form, available at

  Talk to your adviser for help getting documents verified. If you don’t have any of these documents, see for the full list of
  acceptable documents. This website also describes other ways documents can be certified.

  Important: When an investor turns 18 years old, the guardian will no longer be an authorised signatory for the account.

7. Your checklist
      Have all sections of this application form been correctly completed? If you need assistance, please contact us on 0800 736 034
      (weekdays, 8am to 6pm).
      Have you included certified/verified evidence of your identity, such as a current passport?
      Have you included evidence of your residential address such as a utility bill, Government agency document or bank statement issued to you
      by a registered bank?
  See for the full list of acceptable documents.

                                                                                                                            Continued on the next page.

8. Your agreement
    By signing this application form, you confirm that you have received and read the OneAnswer Single-Asset-Class Funds product disclosure
    statement dated 30 September 2021 and that you agree to be bound by the OneAnswer Single-Asset-Class Funds’ terms and conditions current
    at the time of any investment. These are set out in the product disclosure statement, online register entry, application form and governing
    document. You confirm that you understand:
    • the value of your investment will move up and down over time
    • your investment is not guaranteed by anyone
    • if applicable, you have personally affixed your digital signature to this application form
    • by providing your email address, you will receive emails from ANZ Investments (or its related companies) about your investment (including
      annual reports) and, from time to time, any other relevant product or service offers
    • that you consent to receiving transaction confirmations for your investment in the OneAnswer Single-Asset-Class Funds every six months
    • that you consent to receiving information about your investment in the OneAnswer Single-Asset-Class Funds (including transaction
      confirmation) electronically (including via ANZ goMoney or ANZ Internet Banking)
    • by providing a mobile number, you agree to receive text messages from ANZ Investments (or its related companies)
    • that investments in the OneAnswer Single-Asset-Class Funds are not deposits in ANZ Bank New Zealand Limited or Australia and New Zealand
      Banking Group Limited or their subsidiaries (together ‘ANZ Group’), nor are they liabilities of ANZ Group. ANZ Group does not stand behind or
      guarantee ANZ New Zealand Investments Limited. Investments are subject to investment risk, including possible delays in repayment, and loss
      of income and principal invested. ANZ Group will not be liable to you for the capital value or performance of your investment
    • that information about you will be collected and held by ANZ Investments, the supervisor and the ANZ Group who may:
       – use your information and disclose it to each other and any other party (including any regulatory or government agencies such as Inland
         Revenue) to administer your investment account and promote to you and administer other products offered by ANZ Investments or our
         related companies
       – use your information and disclose it to each other and any other party (including any government authority) to comply, or decide what to do
         to comply, with any law in New Zealand or overseas applying to us, you or the accounts, products or services we provide you
       – use your information and disclose it to any regulatory or government agency for that party to prepare depersonalised and aggregated
         industry level reporting
       – provide your information, including a copy of your identification documentation, to Inland Revenue to allow us to administer your
         investment account
       – disclose your information to your financial adviser (including their staff )
       – otherwise collect, use and disclose your information in accordance with our privacy statement, which is the same as ANZ Bank New Zealand
         Limited’s and can be found in the Privacy at ANZ section on For example, our privacy statement includes how we use your
         information for data analysis and market research, and
    • that you can access or correct your personal information by calling 0800 736 034 or +64 9 356 4000 or by emailing us at
      We may charge you a fee to access the information we have about you.
    You are also confirming that you have the authority to provide the information in this application form, which is true and correct. You understand
    that not giving information or giving false information could be serious under New Zealand law. You understand that ANZ Investments may need
    extra information from you about your tax residency status, and will provide any extra information ANZ Investments requests. You will also contact
    ANZ Investments if any information you’ve given changes.
    Joint applications must be signed by all applicants. All applications must be signed in New Zealand.


                                                                                   Date    D       D   M   M   2   0    Y    Y


                                                                                   Date    D       D   M   M   2   0    Y    Y

                                                                                   Adviser name
     All relevant sections have been completed.
                                                                                   FSP number
     Identification and residential address documents have been included.
     A signed Direct Debit Form (Form 3) has been completed and included           company name
     (if applicable).
     A lump sum payment has been made (if applicable).                             (agency) code

Issuer and manager: ANZ New Zealand Investments Limited   09/21   19816
This page has been left blank intentionally.
Product disclosure statement (PDS) dated 30 September 2021

  Post this form to: ANZ Investments, Freepost 324, PO Box 7149, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142, or email to
  Please also complete and include Form 2A (for a Company or Partnership) or Form 2B (for a Trust or Estate). Companies, Partnerships,
  Estates and Trusts must also complete Form 2C (Trust and Entity Declaration). These forms are available at If you are
  emailing us these forms, you do not need to post them to us.
  Please ensure you read the guide and product disclosure statement before you complete this application form.

1. Company, Partnership, Trust or Estate information
   Company, Partnership, Trust or Estate name

   Company registration number

  ANZ customer (or investor) number                                                 (if known)
   Registered address



   Postal address (if different from registered address)



   Contact phone


2. Taxpayer information
  (visit for help)
   Name of taxpayer

  (e.g. Company, Partnership, Trust or Estate name)

  Is the taxpayer a New Zealand resident for tax purposes?            Yes              No

  If no, state the taxpayer’s country of residence for tax purposes

  Taxpayer’s IRD number (must be completed)

  (call Inland Revenue on 0800 775 247 or +64 4 978 0779 for help)

  Taxpayer’s prescribed investor rate            0%          10.5%          17.5%           28%

  What is the taxpayer’s country of establishment?

  (e.g. where a Company or Partnership is incorporated or where a Trust is legally established or where the probate for an Estate has been granted.)

                                                                                                                       Continued on the next page.


3. Payment and investment options (at least one must be selected)
  Regular payment
      Regular payment by automatic payment*

      Payment date     D     D   M    M      2   0   Y   Y

      Particulars                                    Code                                         Reference

      Regular payment by direct debit (complete and include Form 3)
  Please invest my regular payments between the fund(s) as indicated below:

  New Zealand Fixed Interest Fund                $

  International Fixed Interest Fund              $

  Property Securities Fund                       $

  International Property Fund                    $

  New Zealand Share Fund                         $

  Equity Selection Fund                          $

  Australian Share Fund                          $

  International Share Fund                       $

  International Listed Infrastructure Fund       $

  Balanced Growth Fund                           $

  Total                                          $
  (the total dollar value must be the same as your regular payment amount)
  Lump sum payment
      Lump sum payment by online or phone banking*

      Payment date     D     D   M    M      2   0   Y   Y

      Particulars                                    Code                                         Reference

      Lump sum payment by one-off direct debit (complete and include Form 3)
  * See pages 8 and 9 of the product disclosure statement for the information you need to include with your payment, the fund bank account you
    need to pay to, and for more information on making your first investment.

  Please invest my lump sum payment between the fund(s) as indicated below:

  New Zealand Fixed Interest Fund                $

  International Fixed Interest Fund              $

  Property Securities Fund                       $

  International Property Fund                    $

  New Zealand Share Fund                         $

  Equity Selection Fund                          $

  Australian Share Fund                          $

  International Share Fund                       $

  International Listed Infrastructure Fund       $

  Balanced Growth Fund                           $

  Total                                          $
  (the total dollar value must be the same as your lump sum amount)

4. Trusts and Partnerships only
  For trusts/partnerships with two or more trustees/partners, the following persons are authorised to provide instructions on behalf of all
  the trustees/partners:

   First name(s)                                                                 Surname

   First name(s)                                                                 Surname

   First name(s)                                                                 Surname

  If the persons above are not trustees/partners, they must complete the Appointment of Official Representative Form, available at

5. Investing under a power of attorney
  If you are signing for the investor under a power of attorney:
  • a certified copy of the power of attorney must be included with this application
  • the attorney must also complete Form 5 – Authorised Signatories Form, available at

6. Your checklist
      Have all sections of this application form been correctly completed? If you need assistance, please contact us on 0800 736 034
      (weekdays, 8am to 6pm).
      Have you also completed and included Form 2A (for a Company or Partnership) or Form 2B (for a Trust or Estate)? Companies, Partnerships,
      Estates and Trusts must also complete Form 2C (Trust and Entity Declaration). These forms are available at
      Have you provided certified/verified evidence of identity and address for those individuals as required in Form 2A and Form 2B?
  See for the full list of acceptable documents.

7. Agreement
  By signing this application form, you confirm that you have received and read the OneAnswer Single-Asset-Class Funds product disclosure statement
  dated 30 September 2021 and that you agree to be bound by the OneAnswer Single-Asset-Class Funds’ terms and conditions current at the time of
  any investment. These are set out in the product disclosure statement, online register entry, application form and governing document. You confirm
  that you understand:
  • the value of your investment will move up and down over time
  • your investment is not guaranteed by anyone
  • if applicable, you have personally affixed your digital signature to this application form
  • by providing your email address, you will receive emails from ANZ Investments (or its related companies) about your investment (including
    annual reports) and, from time to time, any other relevant product or service offers
  • that you consent to receiving transaction confirmations for your investment in the OneAnswer Single-Asset-Class Funds every six months
  • that you consent to receiving information about your investment in the OneAnswer Single-Asset-Class Funds (including transaction
    confirmation) electronically (including via ANZ goMoney or ANZ Internet Banking)
  • by providing a mobile number, you agree to receive text messages from ANZ Investments (or its related companies)
  • that investments in the OneAnswer Single-Asset-Class Funds are not deposits in ANZ Bank New Zealand Limited or Australia and New Zealand
    Banking Group Limited or their subsidiaries (together ‘ANZ Group’), nor are they liabilities of ANZ Group. ANZ Group does not stand behind or
    guarantee ANZ New Zealand Investments Limited. Investments are subject to investment risk, including possible delays in repayment, and loss
    of income and principal invested. ANZ Group will not be liable to you for the capital value or performance of your investment
  • that information about you will be collected and held by ANZ Investments, the supervisor and the ANZ Group who may:
    – use your information and disclose it to each other and any other party (including any regulatory or government agencies such as Inland Revenue)
      to administer your investment account and promote to you and administer other products offered by ANZ Investments or our related companies
    – use your information and disclose it to each other and any other party (including any government authority) to comply, or decide what to do
      to comply, with any law in New Zealand or overseas applying to us, you or the accounts, products or services we provide you
    – use your information and disclose it to any regulatory or government agency for that party to prepare depersonalised and aggregated
      industry level reporting
    – provide your information, including a copy of your identification documentation, to Inland Revenue to allow us to administer your
      investment account
    – disclose your information to your financial adviser (including their staff )
    – otherwise collect, use and disclose your information in accordance with our privacy statement, which is the same as ANZ Bank New Zealand
      Limited’s and can be found in the Privacy at ANZ section on For example, our privacy statement includes how we use your
      information for data analysis and market research, and
  • that you can access or correct your personal information by calling 0800 736 034 or +64 9 356 4000 or by emailing us at
    We may charge you a fee to access the information we have about you.
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