ONLINE COURSE CATALOG SUMMER 2022 - GRADES 9-12 - Phillips Academy Andover

Page created by Lucille Webb
ONLINE COURSE CATALOG SUMMER 2022 - GRADES 9-12 - Phillips Academy Andover
     SUMMER 2022

      GRADES 9-12
Digital Photography                                          Graphic Design
Grades 9–12                                                  Grades 9–12
Start seeing the world around you in new ways and            After going virtual for school and so many other
explore the ways in which you can use your own               activities, it’s about time you learned how to really use
device to document the art that surrounds you. In this       it! This course introduces students to the fundamentals
course students will learn the basics of photography         of graphic design on the computer and concentrates
and how to use the cameras on their own devices,             on using commonly-available software programs to
then transfer their images into Adobe Photoshop,             enhance their skills. Using the computer as a creative
where they can transform them by adding color and            tool, students in this course will blend photography,
using the program’s many altering techniques. Through        type, sound, video, animation, and interactivity. While
this class, students will gain an understanding of           studying artists who utilize different media to
photography and how technology can improve their             understand the elements of design, students will
images. The ultimate challenge is for students to push       develop computer skills to express themselves visually.
their creative limits.                                       Students will work on various projects, creating digital
                                                             collages, a short movie, and a website that
                                                             incorporates animation and sound.
Intensive Film Workshop
Grades 9–12
This course is designed for students interested in
making a serious commitment to expressing
themselves through the motion picture. This intensive
program leads students through an exploration of each
aspect of filmmaking, from the conception of an idea to
the final steps in editing. The course is segmented to
include film development, pre-production scheduling,
production, and editing. Students will explore the genre
of the fiction film, studying the styles and techniques of
various filmmakers. Students gain a greater film/video
vocabulary as well as a technical background allowing
them to continue with filmmaking.

 eSUMMER at PHILLIPS ACADEMY 2022                                                                9-12 COURSE CATALOG
Programming in Java                                          Web Development
Grades 9–12                                                  Grades 9–12
Intended as an introduction to computer programming          Making modern content for the web can be a
using traditional coding methods, this course                rewarding challenge, whether you are designing a
emphasizes methodology, algorithms, data structures,         personal portfolio site, a web-based game, or an
code style, and the Java programming language, as            advanced web-app experience. In this course, you’ll
suggested by the College Board for the Advanced              start from whatever knowledge you currently have
Placement (AP) Computer Science exam. Students               about web development and grow from there: maybe
learn to design and implement computer-based                 you’ve never written a line of code and you would like
solutions to a variety of problems. In addition, students    to start from scratch, or perhaps you’re looking to
design programs that are expandable and                      make the next best app complete with servers and
understandable, and they learn how and when to write         databases. We’ll learn how to build sites with HTML,
code that is reusable. Although this is not an official AP   CSS, and JavaScript, and then you’ll each dive into
course, students are exposed to most of the topics           projects that take you wherever your creativity goes.
covered on the AP Computer Science exam and will
learn how to create small, structured programs using
the Java language.

Prerequisite: successful completion of Algebra II

 eSUMMER at PHILLIPS ACADEMY 2022                                                                9-12 COURSE CATALOG
Digital Journalism                                            Writing for Success: Creative Writing
Grades 9-12                                                   Grades 9–12
This course is for students who want to explore the           This course is for students who think of writing as an
intersection between storytelling, technology, and            art, not just a useful skill. Students read and write in
traditional reporting – something that has become all         several genres—short story, poetry, and nonfiction
the more important in recent months. Students will            memoir—using the readings as models for their own
engage a variety of digital platforms—from social media       work. In their writing, students are expected to develop
to podcasts to online magazine articles—to develop            mastery of fundamental techniques of good writing,
stories that engage both reason and emotion. Daily            from basic grammar and usage to metaphorical
reading and writing exercises will help students expand       language and plot structure. Required to write daily,
their repertoire of rhetorical strategies, learn to analyze   revise, and produce polished final drafts as well as
audiences, and determine which digital platforms are          share in class, students begin to transform raw talent
most appropriate for various situations. Students will        into true skill.
gain experience in field reporting and conducting
research, and they will build a digital portfolio of work     Writing for Success: Expository
over the course of the program.                               Writing
                                                              Grades 9–12
Worldbuilding: Crafting Science
                                                              The most important writing course students will ever
Fiction, Fantasy and Speculative                              take and the most sought-after writing course at
Fiction                                                       Andover, Writing for Success emphasizes essay
Grades 9–12                                                   composition as a craft and exposes students to
Immerse yourself in another world for the summer              different uses and combinations of rhetorical modes,
– or many different worlds! In this class, we will            including definition, description, narration, process,
                                                              comparison, and analysis. Over the course of the
read, analyze, and discuss a variety of science
                                                              program, students practice constructing effective
fiction and fantasy short stories in order to inspire         sentences and paragraphs to suit a variety of topics,
different planets, magic systems, and creatures.              audiences, and aims. By writing every day as well as
We'll get our own creative juices flowing,                    reading and discussing the style and mechanics of
extrapolating geography, languages, political                 published essays, students experience writing as a
systems, social structures, and scientific                    rewardingly rigorous, recursive, and creative process
discoveries, as we write stories based on the                 that involves brainstorming, planning, composing,
worlds we build.                                              editing, reverse outlining, and constructive peer review.

                                                              Writing the College Essay
                                                              Grades 10–12
                                                              This course will move students through the
                                                              brainstorming, drafting, and revision process to create
                                                              a set of polished essays that can be used during the
                                                              college application process. Focusing on the prompts
                                                              released by the Common Application as well as
                                                              addressing common short-answer questions, this
                                                              course will support students in creating essays that
                                                              represent their individual personalities and ambitions.
                                                              Students will be required to write daily, participate in
                                                              workshop activities and critiques, and reflect on their
                                                              own life experiences.

 eSUMMER at PHILLIPS ACADEMY 2022                                                                  9-12 COURSE CATALOG
ELL Core Course                                            ELL: Speak Up!
Grades 9–12                                                Grades 9–12
Students in the ELL core course are divided into levels    In this ELL course, students engage in a variety of
according to the results of an online placement            exercises to improve their proficiency in conversational
process. Classes are offered to meet the needs of          English, requiring the development of their own and
students who are highly proficient in English as well as   viewing of peers’ videos on a regular basis. Recitation
those who need more practice and support. (A               of poetry, argumentative debates, and
beginner-level course is not offered; students should      extemporaneous and prepared speeches place
have scored above 450 on the paper-based TOEFL,            students at the center of the learning process and
above 133 on the TOEFL CBT, or above 45 on the             expand both the breadth and depth of their spoken
TOEFL iBT.) While all classes stress the development       English. In order to increase students’ comfort in a
of competencies in the skills of reading, writing,         broad range of situations, topics for the various
listening, and speaking, close attention is paid to        activities range from the mundane to the profound.
individual needs. Students are exposed to a wide           Some exercises revolve around practical everyday
variety of English materials and are expected to           situations, while others involve discussing topics on a
understand and respond to course materials that            deeper intellectual level. Students are challenged to
include, but are not limited to, American literature–      employ new vocabulary, converse using complex
based texts across a broad range of genres, films,         sentence structures, and express difficult ideas. They
articles, and nonfiction. Classes are small and highly     work on pronunciation skills. Recognizing the key role
individualized, with substantial interaction scheduled     of listening in any meaningful conversation, the course
over the summer with teachers and peers.                   also focuses extensively on listening skills. This course
                                                           is designed for students who are not comfortable
ELL: Preparing for the TOEFL                               speaking with native speakers of English and/or those
Grades 9–12                                                who have not had many opportunities to speak
The purpose of this class is to help students improve
their performance on the Test of English as a Foreign
Language (TOEFL). Four different means of language
skill acquisition and improvement are utilized: reading,
writing, listening, and speaking. After a general
introduction to the test format, each section of the
TOEFL (Listening Comprehension; Written Expression
and Speaking Ability; and Reading Comprehension) is
considered in detail. Students will read selections from
various newspaper and magazine sources and
practice extensively in a test preparation text. This
course is designed for high-intermediate–level students
whose goals include studying at a U.S. college or

 eSUMMER at PHILLIPS ACADEMY 2022                                                               9-12 COURSE CATALOG

Money, Economy, and Society
Grades 9–12
Our lives are impacted by economic forces in
surprising and powerful ways. Learn to appreciate
these forces and you’ll make smarter personal
decisions and better sense of the world around you.
What constitutes a “fair price” when you purchase a
new iPhone? Why is LeBron James paid forty million
dollars a year to play basketball when a nurse or
firefighter is paid forty thousand dollars a year to save
human lives? Is it possible to bring manufacturing jobs
back to America by placing tariffs on Chinese imports?
Can we reduce income inequality by taxing the rich
and writing checks to the poor? Why is a stay-at-
home-mom who cares for her children and cleans the
house classified by economists as “unproductive”? To
answer these and many more questions, we trace the
main currents of economic thought from Adam Smith
and Karl Marx to Marilyn Waring and Thomas Piketty.

 eSUMMER at PHILLIPS ACADEMY 2022                           9-12 COURSE CATALOG
                                                             Topics in Intermediate Algebra and
Calculus                                                     Precalculus*
Grades 10–12                                                 Grades 10-12
This course is designed for students who have                This course reviews and reinforces math skills found in
successfully completed two years of algebra and a            the Algebra II curriculum, providing an appropriate
yearlong precalculus course that includes trigonometry.      selection for students seeking both to supplement their
It is an accelerated mathematics course for strong           Algebra II instruction or prepare for their upcoming Pre-
math students and covers many of the topics in the           Calculus or Calculus courses. Individualized instruction
Advanced Placement curriculum, including limits and          based on performance on an online placement test will
continuity, derivatives and their applications, indefinite   address topics including linear systems of equations,
and definite integrals, techniques and applications of       linear functions, quadratic functions, polynomial
integration, and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.        functions, logarithmic functions, and radical functions.
This course will lay the foundation for future study of      Additional topics may include sequences and series,
mathematics, physics, engineering, and other STEM            counting and probability, matrices, and partial fractions,
fields. The course is organized with an eye toward           based on students’ progress over the course of the
providing support for students to work at their own          summer.
pace. After completing a set of 7 modules, each of
                                                             Prerequisite: successful completion of one year of
which is assessed through an online quiz designed to
provide immediate feedback to both students and the
instructor, students will take a culminating exam
consisting of multiple-choice and free-response
                                                             *PLEASE NOTE: All students registering for a math
questions designed to prepare them for the level of
                                                             course will be required to take an online placement
rigor of the Advanced Placement exam. Successful
                                                             exam to assess math level & ability, and to ensure
students will be well-prepared to complete the study of
                                                             appropriate placement
Calculus during the 2022-23 school year.

Prerequisite: successful completion of two years of
algebra and one year of trigonometry

Topics in Algebra*
Grades 9-10
A perfect choice for students in the first two years of
their high school careers, this course will provide a
deep introduction to the necessary algebraic concepts
that will support future mathematical success. Topics
will include fundamental concepts of Algebra, graphing
and solving linear and quadratic functions, solving
systems of linear equations and properties of
exponents. Utilizing an individualized approach based
on student performance on an initial baseline
assessment and subsequent gateway assessments,
instruction and practice will lead students through the
content at their own pace.

 eSUMMER at PHILLIPS ACADEMY 2022                                                                 9-12 COURSE CATALOG
Applied Physics: Astronomy                                   The Art of Biological Form &
Grades 9–12                                                  Function
Modern astronomy is a quest for a greater                    Grades 9–12
understanding of the evolution and diversity of the          A remote learning course that merges the formal study
universe, as well as an application of critical thinking     of biology with artistic expression. Students will be
skills to broader questions in physics, chemistry,           introduced to major biological themes and develop an
biology, and environmental science. This class               understanding of cell structure and function, cellular
examines the current state of the science as well as         energetics, cell communication and cell cycle, and
future avenues of research and discovery. Topics             gene expression and regulation. Following a general
include traditional areas of emphasis, such as the           introduction of concepts, creative teams will be
electromagnetic spectrum, light, telescopes, navigating      assembled, and content of specific interest will be
the night sky, solar system formation, the planets,          selected and explored more comprehensively.
global climate change, comets and asteroids, the sun,        Ultimately, using various techniques and mediums, a
and the lifecycle of stars. We also apply a critical         mastery of biological interconnectedness will be
analysis to the broader questions that include the           communicated through the creation of polished artistic
search for life in the universe and connections to life on   works and written perspectives.
this planet. We keep a close eye on current research
and examine the history of science through the eyes of
non-conventional thinkers, including Einstein and
Galileo. Lastly, we examine some of the more exotic
subjects that are stretching the limits of modern
science, such as black holes, ion propulsion, dark
energy, and life in extreme environments. Throughout
the session, students engage the science critically and
capture a snapshot of this emerging field of science.

 eSUMMER at PHILLIPS ACADEMY 2022                                                               9-12 COURSE CATALOG
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