Page created by Annette Hernandez


The world of knowledge is undergoing major              •   UPF has a Strategic Plan 2016–2025 that
changes. In this context, UPF has important                 needs to be revised and adapted as ne-
strengths, but it must also evolve. The proposed            cessary. The following mission is still valid:
action is based on several findings:
                                                            To educate people through a rigorous, innovative
•   The university’s main objectives and raison             and personalised educational model in a top research
    d’être are the creation of knowledge and                university, which drives innovation and social trans-
    the impact on society that produce the                  formation as well strong committing to culture.
    transmission (education), the transfer
    of knowledge and also provide culture               •   However, the world is changing and is
    for all citizens. This impact must contribu-            doing so at a faster pace than the uni-
    te to improving people’s wellbeing, both on a           versity. Globalisation and the Fourth Indus-
    local and global level, and the wellbeing of the        trial Revolution (a consequence of the combi-
    planet, to reducing inequalities (socioecono-           nation of the Internet, artificial intelligence,
    mic, gender, etc.) and must take into account           robotisation, Big Data, blockchain and other
    the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustai-              technologies) is hastening disruptive chan-
    nable Development and the 17 Sustainable                ges in many respects and, among them, in the
    Development Goals (SDGs).                               three major areas of the university: research,
                                                            the transfer of knowledge to society and tea-
•   It is worth highlighting the important miles-           ching.
    tones UPF has achieved the last 30 years since
    it was founded and among them, its interna-         •   Regarding COVID-19, UPF’s reaction to the
    tional recognition. Example worthy of merit             pandemic must be emphasised in two ways:
    are, UPF ranking 152nd in the world accor-              the first being the great determination, fle-
    ding to the Times Higher Education World                xibility and resolve with which the university
    University Ranking (2020); it being the 10th            has adapted to the new circumstances and the
    university on a global level among those uni-           second being the will to make the most of the
    versities under 50 years old (it ranks as the 1st       new opportunities that this crisis offers. The
    Spanish university in this category and the             COVID-19 pandemic is continually presen-
    5th European). It is thus, advisable to con-            ting us with lessons we can learn from and
    tinue with everything that is done well,                one is that science and the ability to transfer
    especially in research and teaching, but also           scientific results to society is the best contin-
    in the transfer of knowledge, internationali-           gency plan. This is a source of opportunities
    sation and management. At the same time,                for our university’s future. Another great les-
    comparison with the best international uni-             son is the increasingly important role of ICTs.
    versities indicates extraordinary results in            ICTs have allowed us to work remotely, facili-
    research and citation productivity. However,            tating all of the university’s areas to function;
    there are also shortfalls in aspects related to         without them the university’s activities would
    teaching, knowledge transfer, administrative            have been impossible. Now, a comprehensive
    operations, insufficient recruitment and wor-           digital transformation plan is needed for the
    king conditions for young talent, relations             university, bearing in mind that it is a univer-
    with the social and business fabric of society          sity that is and wants to remain eminently fa-
    and, above all, shortages in funding in order           ce-to-face.
    to fulfil its mission.
In accordance with the above considerations, the proposed programme has
the following main strategic lines:

 1                                                    3

To be a point of reference                           To be a point of reference
in research:                                         in learning:
UPF is and must continue to be a university that     UPF has made substantial efforts in modernising
stands out for the excellence of its research. The   its teaching and this has put us at an advantage
promotion and consolidation of the Ciutadella        in tackling the transformation of learning models
del Coneixement project, and more specifically of    planned by the most advanced universities in the
the set of actions that are planned on the grounds   world. We must educate our students as people,
of the Antic Mercat del Peix, will be key in the     citizens and professionals, by means of quality
coming years to define and lead an ecosystem of      teaching in the context of global change. In recent
research and innovation that will be a benchmark     years there has been a lot of change (students, so-
in southern Europe with the capacity to attract      cial fabric, technology and also educational needs
national and international institutions.             and learning processes) and the educational mo-
                                                     del has been gradually adapting. Despite good
                                                     results in teaching, we must improve and adapt
 2                                                   teaching to new needs. These demands need to
                                                     be made explicit in a decisive opening up by UPF
To be a point of reference                           to its local, national and international environ-
in the transfer of knowledge:                        ment. UPF’s participation in EUTOPIA (the
                                                     European university alliance that aims to explo-
Transfer of knowledge needs to be increased so       re the possibility of creating a new transnational
that the knowledge generated at the university       higher education institution in Europe) is a key
impacts more positively on societal wellbeing.       element in achieving the international develop-
Of the university’s three missions, research, the    ment of UPF’s unique qualities.
transfer of knowledge and teaching UPF has so
far achieved excellence in research and teaching.
We must continue supporting and putting in
more effort into the transfer of knowledge (in all
of the university’s areas of knowledge), in order
to also be a point of reference for the benefit of
the society (for business, the Administration and
citizens) and the university community itself.

 4                                                        6

Commitment to Planetary                                  A project that integrates:
Wellbeing:                                               A project that integrates diverse university visions
the university’s cross-cutting initiative has an im-     and all areas of knowledge, creating a university of
pact on the rest of the main strategic lines. For this   science and culture, with a style of governance ba-
reason, we must act very persistently on the 2030        sed on dialogue and consensus; an inclusive model.
Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Among the different areas where much progress
needs to be made, we can highlight that of gender         7
policies in order to achieve effective equality.
                                                         Open innovation
                                                         in organisation
 5                                                       and management:
More interaction                                         UPF has a good administration and excellent teams
                                                         across all areas of the university community. Given
with society:                                            the opportunities offered by digitalisation and the
more interaction with the country and the city           needs of the university community, it is a matter of
need to be made. And there needs to be more              launching innovation processes from the bottom
contact with the UPF community, the Consell              up, with maximum consensus and the participation
Social (Board of Trustees) and alumni. We must           of everyone (PAS, PDI, students, alumni, Consell
promote programmes to involve the Teaching               Social) with the aim of capitalising on collective in-
and Research Staff (Personal Docent i Investi-           telligence and improving internal management and
gador – PDI), Services and Administration Staff          making the most of the capabilities available at the
Service (PAS Service), students and alumni in a          university. Participation in EUTOPIA is another
return of rigorous and useful knowledge to so-           opportunity that offers chances for internal trans-
ciety, strengthening links with public and private       formation. This transformation can also benefit
institutions and also with civil society.                from external international advice and national and
                                                         international accreditation processes. The empha-
                                                         sis on planetary wellbeing also involves increasing
                                                         the wellbeing of the institution and the university
FROM 2021–2025
The policy that UPF has followed since its creation and the strategic lines
initiated in recent years allow us to set objectives for the period 2021 to
2025 so that UPF excel in all its activities:

 1                                                   2

UPF must continue to                               UPF must continue to be
be an international point                          an international point of
of reference for quality                           reference for social impact
in research.                                       of the knowledge it gene-
                                                   rates, for the quality of its
                                                   educational model and for
                                                   the quality of its

The programme includes a wide range of actions,        success factors of activities (creation, transfer and
as detailed below. Firstly, it accompanies the         transfer of knowledge), funding, cross-cutting
Strategic Map that relates to the university’s first   policies, processes and people.
objective (that of the creation of knowledge and
impact) with its main strategic lines and the key
Below are the 136 actions we propose to carry out, grouped into main acti-
vities, cross-cutting policies, processes, people and funding.


1. INCREASE RESOURCES                                  research and innovation complex, focused on
FOR RESEARCH:                                          biomedicine, biodiversity and planetary wellbe-
Increase resources for research to make use of         ing. The complex will have its own UPF building
the magnificent research results as a lever to in-     dedicated to research and innovation in and for
crease the resources that UPF receives in fun-         planetary wellbeing. It will be an entirely trans-
ding (grants from the Generalitat de Catalunya,        disciplinary space and will be structured around
competitive, transfer returns —services, fees ..—,     the major areas in which the university excels:
sponsorship).                                          humanities, social sciences, public policy, tech-
                                                       nology, health sciences, etc., and with a high level
2. EXTERNAL SCIENTIFIC                                 of citizen participation.
                                                       4. INTERDISCIPLINARITY:
Some departments at UPF have this council and
it yields good results. This is an international       The EUTOPIA learning communities model
board of independent and knowledgeable mem-            and the European calls for projects under Hori-
bers of the department’s disciplines who provide       zon Europe should be used to strengthen inter-
valuable advice to management to improve ex-           disciplinary research teams.
cellence in research and public service activities,
organisational and operational structures, and to      5. THE CREATION OF A DIGITAL HUMA-
promote international recognition. This practice       NITIES LABORATORY:
must be studied to see if it can also be transferred
                                                       An institutional strategy must be promoted to
to other departments.
                                                       carry out a digital humanities project at UPF
                                                       through the collaboration of the different agents
3. LA CIUTADELLA DE CONEIXEMENT:                       involved (the UCAs – Academic Coordination
This scientific, cultural and urban initiative (led    Units –the IT Service and the library). This in-
by the Barcelona City Council, with the commit-        volves the creation of a space for innovation whe-
ment of the Generalitat and the State) aspires to      re research staff can meet, experiment with tech-
convert the area around Ciutadella Park into an        nology (platforms and tools) and have specialised
urban knowledge reference hub in southern Eu-          technical support, where they can dialogue, learn
rope. Its first project will be the Antic Mercat del   and make progress in research in the humanities
Peix, where the proposal promoted by UPF, with         and other related fields (translation, etc.) while
the participation of the BIST (Barcelona Institu-      promoting transdepartmental lines of research.
te of Science and Technology), the CSIC (Con-
sejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) and
the public administrations, will develop a new
                                                     Summer scholarship programme for student ac-
Responsible research and innovation, and open        tivities in research groups. In this way, support is
science (Open Innovation, Open Science and Open to   given to PDI and it is also an opportunity to dis-
the World) at UPF, in accordance with European       cover and promote research interests.
guidelines, state that research and innovation
must be developed in an open environment that        11. ADAPT SUPPORT STRUCTURES
facilitates the circulation of knowledge and its     TO RESEARCH AND INNOVATION:
dissemination through digital and collaborative
technologies; research and innovation must ad-       These must be compatible with new technolo-
dress social needs with social responsibility.       gical challenges and sufficiently flexible to give
                                                     research staff and research groups the autonomy
7. SUPPORT FOR RESEARCH STAFF TO                     and room for manoeuvre needed to obtain and
IMPROVE SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION:                       manage external resources, improve research ca-
                                                     pacity and increase scientific output.
More support in identifying funding opportunities
and training in project design and presentation.     12. INCREASE THE INFORMATION AND
                                                     SUPPORT SERVICES AVAILABLE FOR
8. SUPPORT FOR YOUNG                                 RESEARCH:
                                                     Strengthen technological infrastructure and re-
Support programmes for young researchers, as is      search support services, both at UPF (Scientific
already in place in some departments, to access      Production Portal, UPF Digital Repository, etc.)
competitive funding. Academic careers should         and at the Catalan university level (the Digital
include a mentoring strategy and be linked to        Library of Catalonia, the Catalan Research Por-
external evaluation by scientific advisory boards.   tal, etc.), support policies for the implementation
The lines being created on the basis of EUTO-        of open science (open access publications, open
PIA (Young Researchers Mobility/Movilidad de         research data, etc.) and promote the use of tech-
jóvenes investigadores/Mobilitat de joves inves-     nological tools and platforms for all research-re-
tigadors; EUTOPIA-SIF Post-doctoral Cofund           lated activities.
Programme with EU/ Programa postdoctoral
EUTOPIA-SIF cofinanciado con la UE/ Progra-          13. SIMPLIFY THE ADMINISTRATIVE SIDE
ma postdoctoral Eutopia-SIF cofinançat amb la        OF RESEARCH:
UE) should also be further developed.
                                                     Use the open innovation methodology with the
                                                     participation of the PAS and PDI, to identify
9. INCORPORATE RESEARCH INTO                         processes that can be improved and optimise the
                                                     integral administrative circuits of research. Make
Promote the incorporation of specific research       the most of simplification to reduce the adminis-
skills in undergraduate subjects and introductory    trative burden on the teaching and research staff
research seminars; and link part of bachelor’s and   (PDI).
master’s degree final projects, when advisable (as
is already the case in some departments) with the
different university research groups.


14. CONSOLIDATE THE INNOVATION                        RDI projects of strategic interest for the univer-
UNIT – UPF BUSINESS SHUTTLE AND                       sity and to achieve international recognition as a
                                                      programme of excellence in the implementation
Promote the transfer of technologies and knowle-      of theoretical models in the real world in order
dge generated at UPF, supporting researchers in       to perfect them and produce a positive social im-
the valorisation of their research results and in     pact.
the transfer of their technologies and knowled-
ge to society. Continue fostering the entrepre-       16. UPF OPEN DATA
neurial spirit among the university community,        (DATA COLLABORATIVE):
making a set of resources and services available
                                                      Society’s biggest challenges – from tackling cli-
to help them successfully create a company. Seek
                                                      mate change to public health and job creation –
synergies with all of UPF in its initiatives In-
                                                      require greater access to data and new forms of
noinfo, Entrepreneur Support, UPF Incubation
                                                      public-private collaboration to share it. Open
Space, UPF Start-ups, Hacklabs, UPF Space Ex-
                                                      science will build a new framework for collabo-
plorer Programme, Akademia Programme, UPF
                                                      ration between companies, research institutions
Emprèn Award, etc. and those promoted by stu-
                                                      and government agencies to exchange data to
dents, such as the Entrepreneurship Society, as
                                                      increase data-driven decision-making and help
instruments to stimulate the transfer of knowle-
                                                      solve problems.
dge to society and entrepreneurship.

                                                      17. UPF SMART CROWDSOURCING:
INITIATIVE):                                          the creation of expert networks that connect the
This initiative will provide PDI with the neces-      talent of professors, researchers and students
sary tools and support for the transfer of knowle-    with the talent that is dispersed in society in or-
dge. The main lines of work will be the creation of   der to solve a series of challenges linked to the
the UPF Contract for the transfer of knowledge        transfer of knowledge. This initiative will encom-
(a legal, administrative and organisational tool-     pass open innovation calls within the framework
kit to enable collaboration between researchers,      of the Innovation-UPF Business Shuttle unit
public and private organisations and civil socie-     through which researchers and entrepreneurs
ty), a personalised coaching service, promotion       will be able to present their ideas and projects in
of institutional and company chairs and the de-       order to help solve emerging problems, among
velopment of a strategy for industrial doctorates     others, in the technological, social, economic and
that allows the current programme promoted            environmental fields.
by the Generalitat de Catalunya to be scaled up,
complementing it with specific support to build
18. UPF AS A CATALYST FOR                               21. BARCELONA LIVING LAB:
INITIATIVES:                                            UPF has, since its inception, been organised as
                                                        an urban campus closely connected to the city of
The decarbonisation of the economy, the develo-         Barcelona and its neighbourhoods. The project
pment of a sustainable and quality tourism mo-          Barcelona Living Lab will be promoted in collabo-
del, the promotion of the knowledge economy or          ration with Barcelona City Council and its propo-
the promotion of equality policies are objectives       ses collaborative research and co-creation spaces,
that would be unthinkable without intersectoral         and should allow work done from the university’s
collaboration. UPF aims to become a key player          different departments and centres to be scaled
in the promotion of public partnerships and co-         up, positioning the city of Barcelona as the na-
llaborative networks connected to the activity of       tural laboratory where the university’s different
the different departments and research centres          research groups can carry out their experimental
attached to the university, following the good          projects cohesively in an innovation ecosystem
practices of those universities around the world        that facilitates multidisciplinary research teams
that have already demonstrated the added va-            that integrate knowledge by putting them at the
lue of universities as neutral agents that are seen     service of the city. Through this initiative, UPF’s
positively by both the public and private sectors       research activity will be connected to the city’s
for the leadership of this type of initiative. These    interests and its inhabitants, and collaboration
measures aim to create channels for the transfer        with public and private institutions in Barcelo-
of knowledge and ideas between different sectors.       na will be strengthened. This will strengthen the
                                                        Barcelona brand and capitalise the service of re-
19. INCREASE PUBLICATIONS AND                           search.
Once research has been published in journals            22. SKILLS RELATED TO TRANSVERSAL
with scientific impact, the teaching and research       ENTREPRENEURSHIP, CREATION AND
staff (PDI) will be encouraged to disseminate           INNOVATION IN ALL UPF DEGREES AND
                                                        MASTER’S DEGREES:
their results via other channels. The CREI bro-
chures (Opuscles del CREI) are an example of this.      There is a firm commitment to a transversal inte-
For this reason, collections of publications will       gration of entrepreneurship, creation and inno-
be launched, essentially online, which collect the      vation skills in all bachelor’s and master’s degrees
main results of research and innovation to im-          (this can also be promoted in doctoral program-
prove their dissemination and social impact (te-        mes where appropriate). The aim is to strengthen
chnical documents, case studies, videos, etc.).         the link between the university and the world of
                                                        work by building on the current offer of activities
20. UPF, A DISSEMINATOR                                 to promote and support entrepreneurship (inclu-
OF KNOWLEDGE:                                           ding social entrepreneurship), creation (promo-
                                                        ted in several faculties) and innovation promoted
Related to the previous point, scale institutional
                                                        by the UPF Business Shuttle Innovation Unit.
communication and projection so that it becomes
                                                        Through the subjects offered, students from the
a real platform for the transfer of knowledge and
                                                        different programmes will interact with the aim
an opinion generating forum, contributing to so-
                                                        of achieving the basic skills that will enable them
cial debate thus increasing UPF’s notoriety. Offer
                                                        to become entrepreneurs and public and private
deans, departments and all teachers a service to dis-
                                                        creators with a multidisciplinary vision.
seminate their activities, co-designing with them
an annual dissemination plan and providing them
with the necessary support to monitor it. Provide
training and tools for the dissemination of science,
including a powerful internal service for recording
and editing interviews, reports and documentaries.

Informing pre-university students about what is
being done at UPF is essential. UPF studies and
research are transmitted to high school students
and technical college (vocational) educatio-
nal courses through various channels and tools,
such as open days or online information sessions.
However, entrepreneurship, transfer and inno-
vation are lesser-known concepts. In addition
to introducing these skills transversally to UPF
degrees, masters and doctorates the university
must also promote entrepreneurial spirit among
pre-university students and publicise success
stories beyond UPF.

This is a programme to attract national and
international talent, expanding on what is alre-
ady being done in the Tallers area, which aims
to bring to UPF the best entrepreneurs, inves-
tors, mentors and researchers working together
with our university students and alumni in order
to generate knowledge and connect it with the
other agents of the entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Supported by a highly specialised management
unit, the ultimate goal is training multidiscipli-
nary teams in order to give life to new start-ups
and applied innovation projects.

25. UPDATING THE EDUCATIONAL                             27. ENCOURAGE QUALITY
MODEL:                                                   AND INNOVATIVE TEACHING:
In recent years, UPF has designed the conceptual         Expand the initial and ongoing training model
bases of EDvolution, its own educational model           for teaching staff. Give more visibility and recog-
with a flexible proposal that is unique for each         nition to quality teaching practices and projects,
student in order to adapt studies to their inte-         as has been done with the Consell Social Awards.
rests, making the most of the possibilities of com-      Promote the participation of the most qualified
plementary education (minors, etc.). This model          and experienced teaching staff, especially in the
must have elements of active learning (based on          first years of degree courses.
challenges, projects and research, flipped lear-
ning, etc.) that stimulate various skills: skills of     28. PROMOTING TEACHING
autonomy (self-knowledge and critical thinking,          INNOVATION:
autonomous learning, project management and
                                                         Encourage and extend good learning practices,
problem solving) entrepreneurship and chan-
                                                         increase resources for the teaching innovation
ge adaptation and management in complex en-
                                                         support programme and in innovation networks
vironments, etc.), interdisciplinary knowledge
                                                         (internal and international) in order to promote
skills, citizen engagement skills, communication
                                                         and stimulate quality teaching projects, with ad-
skills and digital skills. Given that some centres
                                                         vanced educational models that are interdiscipli-
are more advanced than others in this matter,
                                                         nary and transversal. Favour initiatives that capi-
now is the time to implement the model to reach
                                                         talise on the potential of research in the learning
all teachers and all students. EUTOPIA can be an
engine to carry out this renewal.

                                                         29. A HIGH-QUALITY INTERNATIONAL
(TRAINING AND RESOURCES)                                 TEACHING:
                                                         In the educational model, the use of technology
In terms of personal, technical, technological and in-
                                                         and hybrid education must be given more impor-
novation resources (strengthening the role and func-
                                                         tance, which will allow more flexibility and acces-
tions of La Factoria+/CLIK as an essential support
                                                         sibility, while remaining a university in which
service for teaching staff in the use of technological
                                                         face-to-face activity is the central element of
and audiovisual resources for teaching and teaching
                                                         the model and has a unique value. This structu-
innovation) as well as stimuli and incentives, so that
                                                         ral policy will help to improve the quality of our
they can adapt and play a leading role in the changes
                                                         teaching, as well as the reaction to future adverse
in the teaching paradigms brought about by the new
                                                         situations similar to the COVID-19 crisis.
teaching model and cater for the individuality of stu-

30. CREATION OF AN                                     necessary to ensure the same level of quality for
INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH                             non-face-to-face teaching, which should be defi-
                                                       ned, planned and prepared according to this con-
This centre must offer a leading interdiscipli-        dition. Online learning must have been instruc-
nary research hub in teaching and learning at          tionally designed to be online; it is not a simple
our university, contributing to its excellence in      reconversion or transformation of face-to-face
research and teaching, facilitating the transfer of    teaching.
this knowledge to UPF itself and to society. The
centre will connect research staff doing basic and     34. THE TRANSFORMATION OF SPACES:
applied research related to teaching and learning
from different disciplinary perspectives to the        Taking into account the new educational model,
different departments of UPF, with the partici-        the impact of technology and changes in stu-
pation and contact with the rectorate/vice-recto-      dents’ habits, it is necessary to rethink the spaces
rate(s), CLIK/ La Factoria+, the UPF Teaching          dedicated to teaching in order to correspond to
and Teaching Innovation Network and external           new needs and allow more flexibility, versatility
communities that want to tackle complex pro-           and interaction. There is also a need to increase
blems in teaching and learning.                        the number of classrooms prepared for real-time
                                                       internet sessions. This rethinking must also be
                                                       extended to the spaces intended for the work of
EDUCATIONAL MODEL:                                     PDI and PAS. With the benefits that ICTs bring,
                                                       a new look at spaces is needed to adapt them to
In a university that is firmly committed to digital    the demands of a leading university in teaching,
transformation in all areas of its activity, digital   research and management.
skills must continue to be present in students’
academic curriculum throughout their universi-         35. CONSOLIDATE THE TALLERS AREA
ty life, with content adjusted to each stage from      OF THE POBLENOU CAMPUS AND OPEN
bachelors, to masters and doctorates. This aims        IT TO INITIATIVES FROM ALL OF THE
to contribute, on the one hand, to the improve-        UNIVERSITY:
ment of their academic performance and, on the         The Tallers area in the 22 @ technology district is
other, to their preparation as professionals and       a space of spaces, for the management of learning
citizens in an increasingly technological world.       and for cultural production, where there are sha-
                                                       red areas, where collaborative and intersectional
32. STRENGTHEN TRANSVERSAL                             work between teaching, research and knowledge
EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES:                                transfer take place, and where educational dyna-
From the first year of a degree to a masters and       mics that go beyond formal training take place.
doctorate, training in transversal topics such as      This space aims to be an open meeting point on
public speaking, written communication techni-         the campus and in the neighbourhood. The new
ques, etc. will be strengthened.                       Tallers area incorporates dynamics that shape and
                                                       enhance the UPF EDvolution project. The dia-
33. UPF ONLINE:                                        logue and complementarity of Talleres with the
                                                       Poblenou Library/CRAI must be strengthened
Although UPF’s main educational programmes             in order to add resources and services to achie-
must continue to be face-to-face, we must have         ve its objectives, consolidating it as a central and
a virtual brand, which will allow us to extend our     transversal space dedicated to the management
teaching internationally. Online teaching and          of knowledge and cultural production, which also
hybrid teaching, beyond emergency situations           forms part of the initiatives linked to EUTOPIA.
such as the one caused by COVID-19, also take          In short, it is a space of spaces designed for colla-
place at the university. Within the framework of       borative work, where teaching, research and the
the new teaching model to be implemented, it is        transfer of knowledge come together. It is a spa-
ce where creativity, cultural experience, scientific    37. PROGRAMMES AND COURSES
dynamics and entrepreneurship are stimulated.           IN ENGLISH: :
                                                        Increase the number of programmes taught in
36. UPDATE THE PLAN OF ACTION FOR                       English. Extend the number of optional subjects
MULTILINGUALISM (PAM) TO PROMOTE                        and free-choice cross-disciplinary subjects tau-
UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY:                                   ght in English.

Adapt the Plan of Action for Multilingualism            38. SUBJECTS IN CATALAN:
(PAM) to the recent recommendations of the
Council of Europe (i.e. the 2020 update of the          Increase the percentage of degree courses in
Common European Framework of Reference for              which Catalan is the language of instruction.
Languages) and the new needs of the university          Promote the possibility of other learning activi-
in terms of the internationalisation of studies, the    ties (i.e. plenary lectures, curricular internships,
social, educational and linguistic context, and the     apprenticeship-services, or specific training with
country’s language regulations to enhance the           RAC credits or free-choice credits). Encourage
multilingual skills of students, teaching staff and     students to graduate with sufficient knowledge of
administrative and service staff. Promote the in-       Catalan. Promote learning Catalan by bachelor’s
clusion of materials in the three working langua-       and master’s degree students and teaching staff
ges of the university (Catalan, Spanish and Engli-      from other countries or autonomous commu-
sh) in the teaching plans of all subjects so that the   nities from the beginning of their studies at the
presence of the three languages goes beyond the         university. Promote the linguistic and methodo-
language of instruction. Promote the linguis-           logical training of international teaching staff so
tic and methodological training of teachers so          that they can incorporate Catalan into their tea-
that, whatever the language of instruction, they        ching.
can adapt it to the needs of classrooms with stu-
dents from different linguistic and cultural bac-       39. POMPEU FABRA CHAIR:
kgrounds. Ensure that bachelor’s and master’s
degree students have the opportunity to follow          Continue to promote and support the activities
learning activities in the three languages beyond       of the Pompeu Fabra Chair.
the subjects (i.e. plenary lectures, curricular in-
ternships, service-learning, or specific training       40. GUARANTEE OF LINGUISTIC
with RAC credits [Reconeixement Acadèmic
en Crèdits which are Academic Recognition in            Take the necessary measures to ensure respect for
Credits] or free-choice credits). All the degrees       the language of instruction of subjects, as publi-
will promote an additional offer of freely chosen       shed in the teaching plans, and the inclusion of
transversal courses that, due to their content, are     academic materials in the three languages. En-
suitable to be taught in a fourth language (for         sure multilingualism coordination to ensure the
example, Humanities, Translation, Law or Politi-        correct implementation of the PAM and to su-
cal Science in French). The possibility of learning     pport students, teachers and academic leaders.
other languages at Idiomes UPF (UPF Langua-
ges) will be promoted. Institutional agreements         41. PLAN FOR THE PREVENTION AND
will be promoted with foreign cultural institu-         REDUCTION OF DROP-OUT RATES:
tions and institutions from different countries,
such as the French Institute, the Goethe Institute      The educational model should result in better
in Barcelona, the Italian Cultural Institute, Casa      student learning and less dropout rates. For tea-
Àsia and the Confucius Institute in Barcelona, as       ching staff, it will reduce their commitment to
is already the case in some faculties, in order to      some tasks, which should allow them to focus
organise cultural activities of mutual interest in      on other tasks of greater added value for pupils.
foreign languages.                                      Among these, the figure of the tutor with indi-

vidualised tutoring should be strengthened (also       tional repository). Promote the use of technolo-
discussed below). On this point, it is necessary to    gical tools and platforms for all activities related
take advantage of the experience of the best prac-     to teaching and learning.
tices that exist, both in different areas of UPF
and in other institutions at an international level.   46. TRANSVERSAL PROGRAMMES:
Also promote technological tools that favour the
personalisation of student learning and better         Over the last few years, UPF has deployed va-
monitoring by the teacher (Personalised Lear-          rious transversal and interdisciplinary academic
ning Designer – PLD).                                  programmes (from the free-choice transversal
                                                       training, the Open Degree, the Degree in Philo-
42. IMPROVE COORDINATION BETWEEN                       sophy, Politics and Economics, the minors, UPF
SUBJECTS AND WORKLOADS:                                Senior, etc.). We are committed to continue wor-
                                                       king along these lines and, in order to facilitate
In some cases there is a need for more coordina-       governance and management, we propose the
tion between academic content and workloads to         creation of a cross-disciplinary academic pro-
improve the learning process for students. The-        gramme programming committee (from bache-
refore, best practices already in place in some fa-    lors to doctorates) made up of people with res-
culties should be built upon.                          ponsibility for the teaching area. Their functions
                                                       will be to analyse and evaluate proposals for new
43. COLLABORATIVE SUBJECTS:                            academic programmes, to advise and structure
                                                       the proposals in accordance with the university’s
Promote collaborative subjects and final degree
                                                       regulatory rules and to entrust the programme
projects between studies, different degrees or
                                                       management to the units responsible for the di-
different universities, capitalising on the EUTO-
                                                       fferent areas.
PIA framework.
                                                       47. NEW MEDICAL DEGREE:
AND PROCESSES:                                         In the academic year 2021–2022 it is expected
Evaluation must be a key tool for determining          that this new degree will begin to be taught at the
that we are generating the learning to educate         Parc de Salut Mar, the result of collaboration be-
the people, citizens and professionals we want,        tween the Catalan Ministry of Health, UPF and
and also an instrument to support student trai-        the Consorci Mar Parc de Salut de Barcelona,
ning. In the university teaching model, ongoing        which will lead to the gradual replacement of the
assessment and training evaluation are of great        joint UAB-UPF degree that has been offered sin-
importance. In order to improve it, we need to         ce the 2008–2009 academic year. This new de-
encourage diversity in assessment methods, be-         gree will be fully adapted to the needs of today’s
yond the exam. Consideration should be given to        medicine. It will involve a change in the methods
broadening the range of situations where a single      and focus of teaching in order to train clinical
assessment may be advisable.                           professionals with a solid base of knowledge and
                                                       skills and a clear orientation towards medicine
                                                       based on biomedical research to explain the me-
CES AND SUPPORT SERVICES AVAILA-                       chanisms and processes of diseases and therapies.
BLE TO TEACHERS:                                       The new degree will bring in new teaching staff
                                                       from the Hospital del Mar who will enrich UPF’s
Strengthen the set of information resources of         existing teaching staff.
the Library/CRAI and their availability, in parti-
cular electronic resources. Continue to promote
MOOCs and open access resources and, especia-
lly, open educational resources (OER) and the
infrastructure to make them available (institu-
Identify, with the help of the Consell Social, alumni
and the International Advisory Board new pro-
grammes in accordance with the socioeconomic
development needs of society. Among the trends
to be considered are digital transformation, eco-
nomics and data analysis, artificial intelligence,
sustainability, etc. In this regard, we will study
the creation of a new degree, Quantitative Eco-
nomics and Data Analysis, aimed at a small group
(50, in line with the Bachelor’s degree in Indus-
trial Technologies and Economic Analysis) of
students from technological/scientific baccalau-
reate, 100% in English and that could replace one
of the groups of Economics.

Implement a plan for the transversal digital
transformation of the field of teaching, automa-
ting processes wherever possible, introducing
criteria of efficiency, effectiveness and commit-
ment to service, with the participation of users,
and reflecting the specificities of each centre.

Analyse current processes to identify possibili-
ties for simplification and digital transformation
to reduce the administrative burden on PDI with
the support of the UGA staff and taking into ac-
count the specificities of each centre.

51. INTEGRITY POLICY:                                   53. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
Once the Code of Ethics has been approved, it is
necessary to implement the commitments it con-          As part of the Planetary Wellbeing Project,
tains (Integrity Commission for the supervision         UPF’s commitment to the United Nations 2030
of the Code of Ethics, Ethics Line with the possi-      Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17
bility of anonymous communications).                    Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) must be
                                                        strengthened. Incorporate and make the SDGs
52. CONSOLIDATE THE PLANETARIAN                         visible in a transversal way in teaching, thereby
WELLBEING PROJECT (MERCAT DEL                           consolidating the university as a transforming
PEIX):                                                  and catalysing agent in the achievement of the
A few years ago, UPF set out to become a world
leader as a centre of excellence in international re-
search and teaching in order to offer solutions in      54. EMISSION REDUCTIONS:
the field of Planetary Wellbeing. It is a multidis-     Fulfil the commitment to reduce emissions by
ciplinary project that poses challenges to the va-      55% by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2040, pro-
rious fields of knowledge and teaching at the uni-      moting the necessary changes in infrastructure,
versity: from health, biology, politics, economics,     increasing green areas on campuses and raising
humanities, engineering, law, linguistics and           awareness and promoting more sustainable be-
translation, or communication. In the coming            haviour within the university community.
years, the aim is to move forward to consolidate
this initiative, which should become one of UPF’s       55. INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT OF
distinguishing features. The recently established       SOCIAL ENGAGEMENT INITIATIVES:
Re-Generation UPF Chair on Global Challenges,
Urban Governance and Planetary Wellbeing is a           The initiatives related to UPF’s social commit-
strategic initiative that will also contribute to the   ment (inclusion, equality, solidarity and coopera-
development of UPF’s Planetary Wellbeing ini-           tion, service-learning, etc.) require comprehen-
tiative.                                                sive and transversal management that will also
                                                        facilitate accountability to society. The various
                                                        programmes in the field of social responsibility
                                                        (equality, health and cooperation/solidarity) un-
                                                        dertaken in recent years will be consolidated and
                                                        coordination and management instruments will
                                                        be strengthened and improved.
56. HUMANISTIC DIMENSION                                 61. SOCIAL COMMITMENT
OF SOCIETY:                                              TO LEARNING:
UPF’s contribution, especially of the Faculty of         Promote the introduction of content and me-
Humanities, the Faculty of Translation and Lan-          thodologies of social commitment in the lear-
guages Sciences, and the Faculty of Communi-             ning process, through service learning (ApS) and
cation, among others, must continue to provide           volunteering and social responsibility activities
and strengthen education in the humanities and           throughout the years of study at UPF. An exam-
culture to society as a whole.                           ple of good practice in this field is the Law Clinic
                                                         of the Faculty of Law.
THE CULTURE PROJECT:                                     62. OPENING UP UPF PROJECT:
The university already has an ambitious Culture          We must continue supporting the ‘Opening up
project (Art Track, Humanistic Dialogues, Tecno          UPF’ project, which involves providing access to
Track at the Poble Nou campus, the UPF-BSM               educational resources to the entire community
Culture Project, etc.). The aim is to consolidate        and people outside the UPF community, incor-
and strengthen it so that UPF is an exemplary            porating and promoting existing programmes
university in this dimension.                            such as the Junior Campus and the university Ex-
                                                         tension Courses for the Elderly.
                                                         Move forward in UPF’s social commitment
Continue to promote effective equality policies
                                                         through the promotion of the current Transpa-
for women and men, multiculturalism, ethnicity,
                                                         rency Portal as an instrument so that the will of
beliefs, etc., as a strategic objective of the univer-
                                                         UPF, as a public university, to account for our ac-
sity. As UPF’s Second Equality Plan comes to an
                                                         tions and results are clear to Catalan society.
end in 2022, a new analysis must be carried out
and a new equality plan approved.
                                                         64. DATABASE AND VOLUNTEER
                                                         DATABASE OF SOCIALLY RELEVANT
59. LGBTI RIGHTS:                                        INFORMATION:
Continue promoting measures that guarantee               Promote the UPF Experts Guide with a volun-
the rights of the LGBTI community (lesbian, gay,         tary list of specialised PDI that is easily accessible
bisexual, transgender and intersex) that make            to the media with the aim to offer society (throu-
the principles of non-discrimination and respect         gh the media and UPF’s own media) qualified
for sexual orientation, gender identity or gender        and scientifically contrasted information on cu-
expression effective. At the same time, also pro-        rrent issues of future importance due to their so-
mote measures to raise awareness on the rights           cial impact.
of the LGBTI community among the university

The university must act as a social integrator, pro-
moting and respecting diversity between people.


65. AN AGENT IN STRATEGY                               67. AN AGENT IN IMPROVING
DEVELOPMENT PROCESS                                    UNIVERSITY FUNDING:
Strengthen the role of the Consell Social (Board       The relationship between Consell Social and so-
of Trustees) in the university with a framework        ciety should help to leverage funding and chairs
agreement between the university’s Consell de Go-      from institutions and companies.
vern (Governing Council) and the Consell Social,
so that it becomes one of its strengths, with closer
channels of participation in all areas in which it
is possible. Apart from the functions that corres-
pond to it by law, among the areas in which the
role of the Consell Social should be fundamental,
we can highlight the support in strategic deve-
lopment, the setting of objectives and indicators
and assistance in their achievement.

To achieve Consell Social’s objectives of contribu-
ting to the continual improvement of the univer-
sity and to ensure that the university’s teaching
offer is adapted to the needs of the socioeconomic
development of society. It must also participate
in the process of open innovation in organisation
and management.

OF INTEREST:                                           Promote international accreditation processes,
                                                       e.g. AACSB for business and economics studies.
UPF is present in international networks of ex-
cellence. Necessary actions will be taken to selec-
                                                       72. UPF FOREIGN NETWORK:
tively strengthen interaction with the networks
that best fit UPF’s strategy.                          Promote the creation of a UPF foreign network,
                                                       which could be made up of delegates in specific
69. STRATEGIC RELATIONSHIPS:                           key locations (who could be part-time nationals
                                                       of the country), alumni (in the context of the am-
Identify and establish strategic relationships         bassadors programme) or key individuals whose
with some of the best international universities.      jobs at UPF require them to carry out an intense
Strengthen strategic relationships with the best       agenda abroad and who could expand their agen-
partners we currently have. The relationship           da with strategic internationalisation issues.
with the EUTOPIA universities must be key in
the promotion of internationalisation and the
improvement of teaching, research, the transfer
of knowledge and university management. UPF’s
entry into The Guild network reinforces the
commitment to be in the group of the best Euro-
pean universities.

The Council will advise on UPF’s general strate-
gy and specifically on internationalisation. It will
be made up of former rectors and other people
who have held significant roles at UPF, as well as
other people of recognised prestige in the univer-
sity, economic and social world at the internatio-
nal level. This role already exists in some areas of
the university, such as at the DTIC or the CEXS.


73. STRATEGIC PLAN:                                 77. SYSTEM OF INDICATORS:
Review the 2016–2025 Strategic Plan and make        Strengthen the existing system of indicators to
the necessary adaptations to ensure the universi-   provide a balanced scorecard to monitor the de-
ty fulfils its mission as best as it can.           gree of implementation of the strategy. Promote
                                                    the dissemination of indicators that are relevant
74. PARTICIPATION IN THE GOVERNING                  to users.
Maintain the UCA’s management of the Executi-       78. AFFILIATED CENTRES:
ve Board (Executiva) and the Consell de Direcció    Advance in the interrelationship and search for
as a space for debate and reflection for the main   synergies with affiliated centres in order to bet-
academic positions and also include the presence    ter fulfil the university’s mission. Coordinate the
of the members of the management team.              university’s strategic plan with the strategic plans
                                                    of the different affiliated centres.
Reduce the number of positions and advisors in      79. INTERNAL COMMUNICATION:
the governing team.                                 Continue improving internal communication
                                                    between all areas of the university.
WITH UCAs:                                          80. REVIEW ORGANISATIONAL
Hold monthly meetings with the members of           AND MANAGEMENT PROCESSES:
the vice-rector’ team and the people in charge      With an open innovation process of 180 days,
of the UCAs to discuss different topics proposed    with the participation of all the parties involved,
by them, in order to identify problems and solu-    the organisational and management processes
tions.                                              will be reviewed in order to identify areas for con-
                                                    tinuous improvement, taking into account the
                                                    objectives and the human and material resources
                                                    (software, etc.) available.
81. AUTOMATE ADMINISTRATIVE                              84. ACCREDITATION:
                                                         Guarantee institutional accreditation (national
Based on a review of administrative processes,           and international) of all its own centres and of all
the maximum number should be automated to                attached centres (when possible).
increase the overall effectiveness and efficiency
of the organisation, having at its disposal infor-
mation systems and software that meet the needs
of the project and adapting them, if necessary,
to contribute to the improvement and advance-
ment of electronic administration, with networ-
king and collaborative work.

The last three years have seen the design, plan-
ning and implementation of a CRM (Customer
Relationship Management) at the university,
which has already resulted in concrete projects
and improvements in various areas. This CRM
needs to be promoted even more as it should ser-
ve to build a stronger sense of belonging for all
members of the UPF community and also should
streamline procedures, identify the needs of di-
fferent groups more quickly, strengthen and im-
prove communication and promote data-based

The transversal policies and strategic pillars that
underpin this programme require an innovative
and integrated vision in their management. It is
necessary to identify an area from which to su-
pport and facilitate the coordination of the uni-
versity’s strategic projects and, in parallel, to gui-
de the construction of a coordinated institutional
strategy that serves to promote marketing and
communication activities, fundraising for pro-
jects, initiatives aimed at strengthening the satis-
faction and sense of belonging of all members of
the UPF community and relations with alumni.


85. INVESTMENT PLAN:                                  88. AN INTEGRAL DIGITAL TRANSFOR-
                                                      MATION PLAN FOR THE UNIVERSITY:
A medium-term investment plan is urgently
needed to enable UPF to programme the works           As has been pointed out in several sections and
and projects necessary for its progress.              various actions, a comprehensive digital trans-
                                                      formation plan for the university must be carried
86. DIPÒSIT DE LES AIGÜES:                            out that includes all areas of activity. A plan that
(CENTRAL LIBRARY)                                     must commit all the human teams (both PDI and
                                                      PAS) to tackle a true cultural and organisatio-
Complete the last remaining part of this infras-      nal change: a plan that, on the other hand, must
tructure, budget permitting.                          contemplate, in several financial years, sufficient
                                                      resources to carry out the necessary investments
87. GENERAL REVIEW OF SPACES:                         in infrastructures, applications and ICT services,
                                                      and which will allow technological obsolescence
As mentioned in the section on teaching, a ge-
                                                      to be tackled and face the future, innovating and
neral rethinking of university spaces is needed to
                                                      making progress at UPF.
deal with wear and tear resulting from intensive
use, which is natural over the years, but above all
to make it possible to adapt them to the demands
imposed by the new educational model and the
digital transformation, as mentioned previously.

89. ATTRACTING TALENT:                                92. SUPPORTING TEACHING STAFF:
Continue the talent recruitment programme             Implement a mentoring mechanism for young
through tenure-track and postdocs (Ramón y            teachers in order to provide them with tools to
Cajal, Marie Curie, Beatriu de Pinós, EUTO-           manage their career paths.
PIA-SIF, etc.) that combines the accreditation of
teaching and research merits, in accordance with      93. ASSOCIATE TEACHING STAFF:
the criteria and needs of each department. Lectu-
rers who have passed the selection and evaluation     This teaching staff is essential because of their
processes of their departments and pass the co-       in-depth knowledge of the professional reality.
rresponding competitive examination must have         Although the main work of associate teaching
a stable dedication to the university. Collaborate    staff is in another organisation, policies must be
with other institutions to promote tenure-track       established to make their relationship with the
contracts related to programmes of common in-         university more satisfactory. Insofar as the re-
terest.                                               gulatory and budgetary frameworks allow, the
                                                      possibilities opened up by the new teaching and
90. UPDATING TEACHING STAFF:                          research staff statute, on which the central gover-
                                                      nment is working, should be exploited to impro-
In light of the changes experienced in recent years   ve the conditions of associate teaching staff. Me-
and the current and future needs of the univer-       chanisms must also be established to recognise
sity, review the current teaching staff and work      the high quality of their teaching contribution.
with the people in charge of the different UCAs
to define new parameters that will allow them to      94. GREATER RECOGNITION OF THE DE-
be modernised and contribute to a greater degree      DICATION OF TEACHING STAFF:
of transparency and better planning. On the basis
                                                      The volume and diversity of tasks carried out by
of this new plan, draw up and reach a consensus
                                                      university teaching staff has grown considerably
on a list of posts for UPF teaching staff.
                                                      in recent years. It is necessary to review and ad-
                                                      just the calculation of their hours of dedication to
91. STABILITY AND PROMOTION:                          make room for those activities of value that are
Ensure the stability and promotion of teaching        currently not very visible and, at the same time,
staff who have passed the selection and assess-       to reach a consensus on a model that guarantees
ment processes of their department, in accordan-      equal treatment for teaching staff of all categories
ce with the criteria of the Comissió de Professorat   and all UCAs.
(Teaching Staff Committee).

Hold quarterly meetings of the corresponding
vice-rector with the representatives of the tea-
ching staff as a whole on the Teaching and Re-
search Staff Board and the Teaching Staff Comitè

In recent years, the average age of teaching staff
has increased substantially, with an insufficient
influx of young teachers. For this reason, we will
work to improve the replacement rate and thus
rejuvenate teaching staff, which will also be a con-
sequence of the retirements that will take place.

The current rules on the compulsory retirement
of civil servants at the age of 70 deprive the uni-
versity and the country of the talent of certain
extraordinary members of teaching staff. Solu-
tions must be found in accordance with the cu-
rrent legal framework that do not harm the need
to rejuvenate the teaching staff. Affiliated cen-
tres and agreements with social and business or-
ganisations are avenues to be explored. Regular
meetings to be able to talk about general aspects
about UPF will be set up with emeritus profes-
sors. A volunteer programme will be designed for
unpaid emeritus professors.

                                                       BOARD (JPAS– JUNTA DEL PAS):
Continue promoting a framework of dialogue
and transparent relations between university           Hold quarterly meetings of the corresponding
management and employees and their represen-           vice-rector with the Junta del PAS and with the
tatives.                                               PAS Workers’ Committee and the legal repre-
                                                       sentatives of the employees.
99. STAFF:
                                                       105. MOBILITY:
Increase the number of PAS staff in those centres,
departments or services that are understaffed.         Promote UPFs administrative and service staff ’s
                                                       mobility and also within the framework of the
100. WORKING CONDITIONS:                               EUTOPIA universities.

Improve the working conditions of the adminis-         106. INCREASE REMOTE WORKING:
trative and service staff where shortcomings are
identified.                                            The objectives of Planetary Wellbeing must also
                                                       reach the university’s human resources. New te-
101. CAREER PLANNING:                                  chnologies must be harnessed to improve and
                                                       make working conditions and opportunities for
Implement career plans for job stability and           remote working more flexible, where possible
promotion.                                             and advisable, and in accordance with current le-
                                                       107. TRAINING:
Implement a mentoring mechanism for young
staff to provide them with the tools to manage         Continue supporting UPF training opportuni-
their career paths.                                    ties (in administration and services, and langua-
                                                       ges) for employees.
                                                       108. GRANTS:
Encourage administrative and service staff to
participate in all areas where it is possible to im-   Insofar as budgetary availability allows, we must
prove internal communication.                          work to recover the grants that existed before
                                                       2008. It is also necessary to increase grants for
                                                       medical, economic, or other reasons.
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