Oxfordshire Headteachers' Conference

Page created by Harold Bryant
Oxfordshire Headteachers' Conference
r s ’ C on f e r e nce
        hir e H e a dt e ache                        020
Oxfords                                4/5/6 March 2

                                                                           a F  a z e l : N ina Jackson
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                                  o h n J  one s : Phil Armstr              e a h  Spasova and
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      Sir Tim Brigh                                      er : Alex
                              n M  a ns field : Ali Oliv
        Dave Keeling
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                                                Emotional in                 telligence
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  Well-being - A                                           -AVON
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Oxfordshire Headteachers' Conference
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Oxfordshire Headteachers' Conference
                                                                         hers’ Conference
                                                    Oxfordshire Headteac

Adam Arnell                                                                           2020
Kate Baker
Paul Bonne
Peter Cansell
Zara D’Archambaud
Tina Farr
Mandy Holme-Taylor                                    CONTENTS
Linda Hull
Liz Hunt
Diane Jones
                                                      5 Welcome from Lynn Knapp, Chair
Lynn Knapp (Chair)
Pip Marples                                           6 Programme
Louise Noonan
Jane Ratcliffe
David Reynolds
                                                      7 Speakers and Facilitators
Lorna Shires
                                                     15 Trade Fair Exhibitors
Advertising and sponsorship
Paul Bonne                                           19 Trade Fair Floorplan
07854 859154
paul@pwbonne.co.uk                                   21 Conference and Venue Information
Conference brochure
design and production                              The Conference at your fingertips
Dual Aspect Media                                  Download the OHC App        Search for “OHC” and
Contact: David Reynolds                                                        look for the app logo
0771 421 8825
info@dualaspectmedia.co.uk                                                      Available from

Website and Accommodation
Kate Baker

Every effort has been made to ensure that the
contents of this publication are correct at time
of publication.
Oxfordshire Headteachers' Conference

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Oxfordshire Headteachers' Conference

                                               Lynn Knapp, Conference Chair

                  Inspiring headteachers for 20 years
 We are delighted that you are all here to celebrate the 20th Oxfordshire Heateachers’ Conference.

 The world of education has changed hugely since our first conference in Bournemouth in 2000 but the
 philosophy behind this event has always stayed the same. The conference has always been about creating
 an opportunity for all of the headteachers of Oxfordshire to come together, to have the time to network and
 reflect on what our role really is, be mutually supportive and to hear from high quality speakers so that we
 leave inspired and invigorated, knowing why we do the job we do.

 Increasingly, the pressures of working in schools is having an impact on the well-being of staff and, as a
 consequence, teachers and headteachers are leaving the profession, resulting in a staff recruitment crisis.
 Even Ofsted have recognised that staff well-being has to be a priority within schools. This is of course
 easier said than done when the actual job doesn’t seem to get easier or less pressured. Therefore we are
 hoping this conference will give you a chance to reflect on what we might do differently and share and
 discuss these ideas with other professionals.

 As always we have a great selection of speakers and many of those you hear from in the next couple of
 days will focus on well-being, awareness of others and emotional intelligence. For example, Nina Jackson
 will remind us that teaching is a work of the heart and Dave Keeling will inspire us through putting love and
 laughter into leadership. We are delighted that our conference will be rounded off by Sir John Jones who is
 guaranteed to leave us feeling truly inspired when we leave at lunchtime on Friday.

                When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures
                of logic, but creatures of emotion Dale Carnegie

 This includes yourself, manage you and you will better manage others. So take this opportunity to step off
 the treadmill that we so often find ourselves on, network with colleagues and be inspired by our wide range
 of great high quality speakers. It is with this in mind that on behalf of the organising committee, I warmly
 welcome you to the 2020 Headteachers’ Conference. If you are new to this event, then we would like to
 extend an especially warm welcome and hope that you too will forge links and strike up friendships with
 other colleagues from around the county.

 Please enjoy the facilities, visit the exhibitors and most importantly leave on Friday feeling refreshed and
 inspired to go back to school remembering what a great job we all do.

 We start planning next year’s conference almost as soon as this one ends and we really welcome feedback
 on how you would like that conference to look and what theme you would like to see running through it.
 So please make sure you let us know through your evaluations.

 I would also like to thank the rest of the committee for all their hard work and wonderful contributions.

 Enjoy the conference!
 Lynn Knapp, Conference Chair

Oxfordshire Headteachers' Conference
WEDNESDAY 4 MARCH                               THURSDAY 5 MARCH                                       FRIDAY 6 MARCH


                                                     Alex Pett                                        9.30am Oxon politicians panel discussion
                                                     What is it like on the receiving end of you?     Chaired by Sir Tim Brighouse
10AM                                                                                                  Panel includes: Layla Moran (Lib Dem),
                                                                                                      Anneliese Dodds (Lab), Dr Peter Sud-
                                                                                                      bury (Green Party), TBA (Conservative)
                                                     Trade Fair
                                                                                                      Charity Platform

                                                     10.55am                                          11.00am Oxfordshire Best Practice
                                                     Workshops                                        What do we know about the mental health
                                                     Alex Pett, Nina Jackson, Leah Spasova,           of Oxfordshire students? with Mina Fazel
                                                     Fitter Future                                    and Karen Mansfield
                                                                                                      11.30am Youth Sport Trust
                                                     Phil Armstrong                                   12.00pm
        From 12.00pm                                 Well-being and involvement:                      Sir John Jones
        Registration                                 The keys to deeper learning                      The Magic Weaving Business -
                                                     12.50pm A briefing from the Music Hub            Teaching in the 21st Century.
                                                     Angela Turton - Head, Music Oxfordshire Centre
                                                                                                      1.00pm Closing remarks
                                                     Lunch and
                                                     Trade Fair                                       Lunch


                                                     Alex Pett, Nina Jackson, Dave Keeling,
                                                     Fitter Future. Networking time
                                                     Trade Fair
                               From 3.00pm
                               Trade Fair
4PM                                                  Dave Keeling
       4.00pm Welcome by                             Love, laughter and learning in leadership
       Lynn Knapp (Conference Chair) and
       Chris Hilliard (Oxfordshire County Council)
       4.30pm                                        New Heads meeting
5PM    Nina Jackson
       Leadership with Heart

       Trade Fair
       6.00pm - 7.00pm
       iRock entertain

       6.30pm                                        6.00pm
       Fitter Future (sponsors) Refreshments         SAM Learning (sponsors) Refreshments
                                                     and Pre Dinner networking
       Oxon Young Musicians

       7.30pm                                        7.30pm
8PM    Dinner                                        Dinner followed by entertainment and disco

Oxfordshire Headteachers' Conference

                             Nina Jackson
                            Pastoral and pedagogical champion,

                            International Mental Health Advisor
                            and education leader
                                                                                        Creativity, curiosity
                            Education is a world of very special people but
                             you will meet few as extra special as Nina ‘Ninja’         and compassion -
                            Jackson. Her work in the area of mental health              that's the winning
                            and well-being has had an overwhelming impact on
                            children, teachers and parents alike. She has rescued
                                                                                        formula for any
                            many who were on the brink of despair and given             classroom.
teachers the motivation to carry on when they nearly walked away from their
careers. When you hear her own personal story and all the amazing strategies
she has employed to overcome the very worst experiences in life, you’ll then
understand how she has managed to help so many people and why she is
known as ‘The Ninja, who moves in mysterious ways’.

Presentation                                                                     k of heart
                                                               Teaching is a wor
                heart                                                            5am and 2.00pm
Leadership with                                                 Thu 5 March 10.5
                 30pm Main Hall
 Weds 4 March 4.
                                                             When individuals matter and everyone feels valued,
Nina Jackson guides us through the importance of             something magical happens in our hearts and minds
valuing teachers and educators not just the children         – self-esteem, confidence and an intrinsic motivation
in our care.                                                 which allows us to feel that anything is achievable.
                                                             This is because of the safety net we have around us,
This means meeting the emotional and professional            those who make us feel wanted and valued. If this is
needs of our colleagues to become leaders in their           not at the heart of your school, in the hearts of
own classrooms by creating a supportive, well-being          teachers, then it’s all going to fall apart.
ethos to ensure everyone is happy, healthy, safe
and secure in their role.                                    There is an increase in mental and emotional health
                                                             issues in our schools. We need to work as one.
Who looks after you as the Headteacher, Senior
Leader? How do you address your own well-being               Do you have an “inside out, outside in” emotional
and create a balance between work and life.                  well-being philosophy and approach in your school?
                                                             The skills and strategies needed for well-being and
By “Leading with heart” you will gain a better               mental health should now be part of teaching,
understanding of your trigger points. Knowing                learning and child development. So why is it that
yourself as well as others is crucial in effective and       some topics are still difficult to talk about or even
progressive leadership. Taking responsibility for your       tackle? Why taboo? Why are so many scared of
emotional well-being, workload and time                      talking, addressing and supporting the needs of our
management as well as leading a school can be                children and staff in an ever changing, stressful and
challenging. Nina helps you to be more thoughtful in         complex system of well-being and mental health.
placing the human needs in partnership with the
professional need of your schools so that everyone           Nina Jackson brings a very honest, open and
is able to be the best that they can be.                     supportive experience to you by sharing strategies to
                                                             support children and colleagues in developing a
Leadership with heart can also mean making some              healthy and happy mindset towards some of these
very difficult decisions that can impact on the              issues. Let’s work towards mental wealth so that self
professional and personal conduct of a member of             care and prevention are always the first steps.
staff. This imbalance will affect the teaching and
learning of the children and young people, ultimately        Let’s embrace simple as the new complex.
not fulfilling the curriculum needs of all.

When you leave this session you will have tools,
strategies and activities to use in your schools as                              MORE INFORMATION
you develop your ‘Leadership with heart, for a                            www.independentthinking.co.uk
heartfelt education community’.

Oxfordshire Headteachers' Conference

                              Alex Pett
                              Leadership development and organisational change specialist

                              Alex has 20 years’ experience of helping senior leaders and their teams improve
                              their ability to raise performance in their organisations. In the last three years this
                              includes working with executives in Nike, Barclays, Johnson & Johnson,
                              Novartis, Experian, the NHS and with secondary schools across Oxfordshire.
                              He started his career as a secondary school teacher in Hampshire.

                                                               Workshop                              edback
Presentation                                                                      ion – Providing fe
                                        of you?                 Productive Tens
  ha t is it lik e on the receiving end                                           tually changes beha
W                                                               in a w ay that ac
                       am Main Hall                                                5am and 2.00pm
 Thu 5 March 9.10                                               Thu 5 March 10.5

What it is like on the receiving end of you has a            Research involving 35,000 leaders has identified that
profound effect on the behaviour of your colleagues.         feedback conversations are typically undermined by
                                                             the leader either softening the messages, which
Therefore leadership requires an inquiry into who            results in the issue not being addressed, or by
you are, how you are, and how you tend to show up!           pushing too hard too quickly without the buy-in of
                                                             colleagues, which also results in issues not being
The challenge we face is that adult behaviour is             addressed.
primarily driven unconsciously; we tend not to think
about what we are doing moment-to-moment.                    There is an unconscious pattern to human behaviour
Therefore, to understand more about how we show              under pressure, which gets in the way of creating a
up and the implications of this for our leadership, we       productive level of tension in conversations that
need to identify and surface the unconscious                 profoundly undermines progress, and in the moment,
operating model that drives the majority of our              we typically see this is happening. In this workshop
behaviour.                                                   we explore the practices that are essential for
                                                             leadership conversations to lead to meaningful and
                                                             sustainable changes in behaviour.
Phil Armstrong
Early Excellence, Centre for Inspirational Learning
Head of Regional Development, South, East & International

As well as leading on work with British International Schools Phil is a member of the Strategic Leadership
Team that shapes the work of EEX. Previously, Phil has worked for over 20 years across the early years
and primary sector, including teacher, leader and headship positions.
Phil was also the Head of an integrated early years centre. With a passion
for collaborative practice and professional development; Phil has worked
in partnership with early years settings, schools, teaching schools and
local authorities to develop and deliver personalised programmes to
meet their needs.

 Well-being and in
                  er learning
 The keys to deep
                   0pm Main Hall
 Thu 5 March 12.0

Internationally recognised as tools to develop quality practice this session will explore the rationale that
underpins the process orientated monitoring system (POMS) developed by Professor Dr. Ferre Laevers and
his team at Leuven University.

We will consider the significance of well-being and involvement for children’s learning and development; how
these can be meaningfully assessed and the implications for provision and practice to bring about improved
outcomes for the whole child.

Oxfordshire Headteachers' Conference

                                                Dave Keeling
                                                ‘Stand-up’ educationalist

                                                It has to be said, 'stand-up educationalist' and self-confessed
                                                ginger, Dave Keeling is one of Independent Thinking’s longest
                                                serving, most in-demand and funniest speakers.

                                                He has quite simply honed the art of making them laugh,
                                                making them think and, in this way, making everything
                                                different to a very fine art indeed. In doing so, he has
                                                transformed so many lives. And usually for the better too.

                                                Whether it’s leading a session for a hall full of recalcitrant
                                                teenagers, a full hall of equally recalcitrant teachers or a
                                                keynote session for school leaders looking for the cure to
                                                recalcitrance in their school, Dave never fails to leave
                                                delegates happy, moved, less stressed and feeling a great
                                                deal more happy and motivated by the job in front of them.

He has an acting background and first came to the attention of Independent Thinking many years ago through
the work he was doing with fellow Associate Roy Leighton in schools nationally. Here they were using what is
called Forum Theatre to work with young people who were presenting difficult behaviours in school. It was very
powerful, life-changing stuff. It still is.

Since that time Dave has remained in the best-selling Independent Thinking Associate list, often going back to
schools year after year to work with young people on learning, motivation and making the most of their time at
school as well as wowing new audiences of teachers, school leaders, parents and governors.

As well as contributing to a number of collaborative books for the Independent Thinking Press, Dave has also
written The Little Book of Laughter in the Classroom detailing the many things we can learn from the worlds of
stand-up and improv to help improve our teaching, as well as A Rocket Up Your Class, a book full of practical
ideas to bring energy, humour and laughter to any classroom in a way that advocates of traditional ‘back-to-
basics’ teaching would hate with a passion.

Presentation                                                                  s for great
                  and learning in lead
                                      ership                The four condition
          ught er                                                            ng
Love , la                                                   memorable learni
                     pm Main Hall                                            5am and 2.00pm
 Thu 5 March 3.30                                           Thu 5 March 10.5

Humour is an integral part of the human condition         This workshop emphasises the importance of
and is instrumental to being a resilient leader.          understanding pupil backgrounds and social context,
                                                          developing relationships through unconditional
                                                          positive regard.

            “  Make ‘em laugh, make ‘em think – that’s the way to do it
                                                                           MORE INFORMATION

Oxfordshire Headteachers' Conference

Leah Spasova
Social Psychologist

Leah Spasova is a social psychologist and sex and relationship educator. Her educational background is in
psychology and counselling. She has worked in the mental health sector with a diverse range of individuals,
such as but not limited to women and children victims of domestic abuse and human trafficking,
LGBTQI+ and HIV+ individuals, adults living with lifelong and severe mental health
conditions, young people with behavioural and emotional difficulties. Leah is
the founder and CEO of LIFESEXPERTS, a provider of Life Relevant
Education, specialising in sex and relationships. Her company delivers
educational programs and services to schools, universities and individuals.

                d Sex Education
Relationships an
 Thu 5 March 10.5

This workshop is all about giving you an understanding of the new legislation and ensuring smooth and quality
RSE delivery.

Considering the challenges that the new legislation brings to all educational institutions, this seminar will help
attendees to understand the legal changes and the aims and scope of RSE delivery. We also address the
difficulties of choosing or recruiting staff to fulfill the roles of RSE tutors. Furthermore, we discuss how to give
reassurance to parents and carers who may be uneasy about the new subject. Finally we give attendees tips
on how to ensure the quality, age and stage appropriate level of RSE content.

                              Fitter Future
                              Leadership development and organisational change specialist

                              Presented by: Darren Armoogum who is a former primary headteacher and long
                              time believer in schools understanding the link between well-being and academic
                              performance. Doug Berlin is the owner of Fitter Future, a company that works with
                              hundreds of primary schools to help them change their culture to put well-being at
                                                            the centre. Javier Oberoi is the co-founder of Zinx
                                                            and Ivy Health Labs who provide the tools to help
                                                            schools deliver well-being to pupils, parents and
                cated well-being
Producing a dedi                                                                   MORE INFORMATION
                  5am and 2.00pm
 Thu 5 March 10.5                                                                  www.fitterfuture.com

With one in nine 5 to 15 year olds suffering from mental health and mental health referrals up 25% from five
years ago, it is no surprise there is a growing call for schools to place well-being at the centre of culture.
Schools that have dedicated well-being plans see decreases in behavioural issues, attention problems and
experiences of victimisation as well as increases in enjoyment and engagement.

But how can schools use this information to create a successful, sustainable change of culture?

We look into case studies from both UK Schools and companies from other industries who have successfully
implemented culture changes. We discuss the drivers behind successful change and dive into the
psychological factors to ensure you and your school team can work successfully together towards a shared
end goal.

The workshop is interactive, informative and will leave you with the tools needed to successfully lead through
times of change.


Speakers Panel
   e l of  O x fo rd s h ir e politicians -
Pan                                              e
        s ion   c ha ir e d b y Sir Tim Brighous
                    Main Hall
 Fri 6 March 9.30am                                                        Chair
                                                      Sir Tim Brighouse
                        Sir Tim Brighouse began his career by completing a degree in modern history
                        at Oxford University, where he trained to be a teacher in 1961. He continued
                        to teach at various levels for several years.

 Panel Members          His career in educational administration includes the position of Chief
                        Education Officer in both Oxfordshire and Birmingham, where his work was
                        quoted by Ofsted as "an example to all others of what can be done, even in
                        the most demanding urban environment". During his tenure as Professor of
                        Education at Keele University he founded the Centre for Successful Schools.
                        He completed his full time career in education as Commissioner for London
                        Schools in 2007.

                        Sir Tim is a charismatic, inspirational speaker and typical comments about
                        him from Education Ministers are "He exceeded expectations," and "He
                        brought incredible energy."
   Layla Moran MP       Layla Moran is a Physics teacher by profession, formerly working in a state
                        secondary school, as a Head of Year in an international school and latterly
                        with an Oxford-based education organisation.

                        She read Physics at Imperial College and holds an MA in Comparative
                        Education. She is a school governor at a primary school in her constituency.
                        Layla was inspired to go into politics by her passion to see that every child, no
                        matter their background, should have a fair chance of making the best of this
                        world. She overturned a 9,500 vote Conservative majority to win Oxford West
                        and Abingdon in June 2017. She is the Liberal Democrat spokesperson on
 Anneliese Dodds MP     education, and sits also on the Public Accounts Select Committee.

                        Layla has an international background; she has lived in many countries
                        including Belgium, Greece, Ethiopia, Jamaica and Jordan and speaks French
                        fluently along with some Spanish, Arabic and Greek.

                        Anneliese Dodds is the Labour and Co-operative Member of Parliament for
                        Oxford East. Anneliese was elected in June 2017, and has been a shadow
                        Treasury minister since July 2017.
  Dr Peter Sudbury
                        Anneliese represented Oxford from 2014 to 2017 as our MEP. In that role,
                        Anneliese served on the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee, focusing
                        especially on clamping down on tax avoidance by big companies. She was
                        also responsible for tightening rules on financial services, to help prevent any
                        repeat of the global financial crisis. Before becoming an MEP, Anneliese
                        worked for many years as an academic.

                        Dr Peter Sudbury is a Green Party County Councillor for Wallingford.

                        Councillor Ian Corkin is a a member of the cabinet at Oxfordshire
    Cllr Ian Corkin
                        County Council with responsibility for “Council Business and
                        Partnerships” including back office functions such as communications,
                        customer services, ITC and Better Broadband. He is also responsible
                        for delivering the partnership working between the County and Cherwell
                        District Council.

Mina Fazel
Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford

Mina Fazel is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Oxford and a
consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist in the department of Psychological Medicine at Oxford University
Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. The focus of her work has been on
improving access to mental health services for children and young people,
especially the most vulnerable populations. She has been working for
over a decade developing mental health services for refugee children
and is also interested in researching how mental health services can
work within schools to reach and treat children who might not easily
access services. She has been working with local healthcare providers
to develop a new ‘Inreach service’ taking Child and Adolescent mental
health services into secondary schools across Oxfordshire.

In her clinical work she works with children with chronic health difficulties
and pain in the Children’s Psychological Medicine Service at the Oxford
University Hospitals.

                                Karen Mansfield
                                Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Psychiatry,
                                University of Oxford

                                Karen Mansfield works closely with Professor Mina Fazel. Karen's background is
                                in neuropsychology and her current research is aimed at understanding risk and
                                protective factors for adolescent mental health.
                                Karen and Mina are currently collecting survey data from school pupils in
                                Oxfordshire, and providing schools and local services with access to these
                                valuable data to help tailor support to current mental health issues.

                                As part of this online pupil survey project, Karen and Mina have collaborated with
                                Oxford Health’s CAMHS and Community Care teams, the Public Health and
                                Education teams at Oxfordshire County Council, and several other local
                                authorities in Southern England, as well as with local schools.

 Presentation                         l
      t do w e know   about the menta
 W ha
                   hire students?
 health of Oxfords
                    m Main Hall
 Fri 6 March 11.00a

This talk presents the findings from a large mental health and well-being survey being conducted in
Oxfordshire schools.

The aims of the survey are to understand the mental health needs of pupils, to identify risk and protective
factors that could be addressed directly within schools, and to gather evidence to support additional resources
and further funding where it is needed most.

Mina and Karen present some preliminary results from over 4000 students who completed the survey in 2019,
demonstrate how schools are able to access and use the data themselves, and discuss some of the longer
term aims of the survey (2020-2021). Furthermore they describe some of the important changes taking place
in school mental health provision.


 Ali Oliver
 Chief Executive, Youth Sports Trust

 Ali is the Chief Executive the Youth Sport Trust, an independent charity
 devoted to changing young people’s lives through sport.

 Ali joined the Youth Sport Trust in 2004 and has fulfilled the roles of
 Implementation Director, Sport Director and Managing Director
 before becoming the CEO in July 2015. Prior to this Ali was the
 Deputy Director of Sport at the University of Bath having initially
 been the course leader for the initial teacher training programme for
 Physical Education. Before this Ali was Head of PE at Millfield School,
 having started her career as teacher in Essex.

 During her career Ali has worked with, and on behalf of, a range of other
 organisations. She supported the British Olympic Foundation’s education
 programme back in 2004 and delivered the Paralympic Inspiration Programme on behalf of the British
 Paralympic Association in London 2012.

 Ali led LOCOG’s Youth Panel, and is a member of the selection panel for the Young Sports Personality of
 the Year. She is currently a Board member of the Healthy Learning Trust, a Trustee of Chance to Shine,
 and an advisor to Sheffield Hallam University on their Sport strategy. Ali has also worked on a number of
 international assignments including a project with Sport and Recreation South Africa which was part of
 the International Inspiration Programme.

  Presentation                         joy
                    where children en
  Creating a future                  t
                    benefits of spor
  the life-changing
                     m Main Hall
  Fri 6 March 11.30a

  This session brings you The Youth Sport Trust’s passion for creating a future where every child enjoys
  the life-changing benefits that come from play and sport.

  The Youth Sport Trust is on a mission to pioneer new ways of using sport to improve children’s
  well-being and give them a brighter future. Children are struggling with their mental health while
  grappling with the pressures of social media, shifts in personal relationships, rising levels of exam stress
  and a decline in empathy and resilience. Meanwhile, one in five children are now classed as obese by
  the time they leave primary school.

  Ali’s speech focuses on how the Youth Sport Trust works in partnership with schools to tackle the
  decline in children’s well-being and advocates how we all should harness the power of sport, play and
  physical activity to tackle the challenges faced by the current generation of young people.

                                                                              MORE INFORMATION


                                  Sir John Jones
                                  Education commentator

                                  Knighted in 2003 for his services to education, Sir John worked most of his
                                  professional life in challenging schools across the North West of England, his
                                  last post being the head-teacher of a large secondary school in Merseyside.

                               His achievements and reputation for straight talking, leadership and creativity
                               led him to be invited onto various organisations, panels and think tanks
                               including the National College for School Leadership, the DfES’ Leadership
                               Development Unit, the Teacher Development Agency’s National Remodelling
                               Unit and visiting posts with both Manchester and Liverpool Universities. Sir
                               John retains a very down to earth approach to education, believing it to be
                               about social change, never just about ticking boxes or meeting targets.
                               Covering an impressive range of educational issues from leadership and
                               inclusion to organisational development and ‘futures thinking’, Sir John is
                                                      guaranteed to give all those who come into contact
                                                      with him food for thought, practical ideas that will make
Presentation                                          a difference and a genuine and moving sense of awe
       ag ic W ea ving B usiness -                    at the power teachers have to change young lives.
The M
                   st Century.
Teaching in the 21
                   m Main Hall
Fri 6 March 12.00p
Research suggests that 80% of the jobs primary school children will do have not been invented yet so we are
preparing our young people for a world that doesn't exist. To thrive in this world we will all need creativity,
ingenuity, portability and flexibility. The best way to develop such abilities in our children is to surround them
with adults who possess the same abilities. Teachers of great imagination who are passionately committed to
the relentless pursuit of excellence. The good news is teachers will make a difference, the bad news is
teachers will make a difference.

                                                                                              Visit website

Exhibitors                                           Wednesday 4 and Thursday 5 March
________________________________________________________________________________________   ________________________________________________________________________________________

1  Pentagon Play                                                                           14   Playforce
Pentagon Play is expert in the design, supply and                                          Playforce design, install and maintain outstanding
installation of playground equipment and outdoor                                           outdoor spaces for schools – from play
learning environments.                                                                     equipment, surfacing and shelters to outdoor
www.pentagonplay.co.uk                                                                     sports facilities and everything in between!
2  Twinkl                                                                                  ________________________________________________________________________________________

Twinkl provides instant access to whole schemes                                            15 Artswork
of work and lesson plans to activities, topics,                                            Enables children and young people through arts
innovations and more - all available 24/7.                                                 and culture to find their voice, become skilled
www.twinkl.co.uk                                                                           leaders and achieve their aspirations
3  Annodata                                                                                ________________________________________________________________________________________

Annodata is one of the UK’s longest standing,                                              16   GetSet4PE
independent providers of Managed Services -                                                The online PE platform, written and designed by
ICT, UC, Print, ECM                                                                        teachers for teachers. Includes lesson plans,
www.annodata.co.uk                                                                         SoW, assessment, curriculum mapping and
5   Rahmqvist                                                                              www.getset4pe.co.uk
Rahmqvist UK are a leading educational
specialist providing schools and other education                                           17    National College of Education
outlets with unique high quality resources for the                                         The National College of Education is an
office and classroom.                                                                      independent school of education and leadership
www.rahmqvistuk.com                                                                        college that is dedicated to raising the status of
                                                                                           the teaching profession by providing outstanding
6  Skip2BFit                                                                               professional learning opportunities for all career
Skip2Bfit offers unique skipping workshops using                                           pathways within education.
our counting skipping ropes and giving out free                                            www.nationaleducation.college/
blueberries. It is a great alternative to the Daily
Mile.                                                                                      18   Sylva Foundation/Forest School
www.skip2bfit.com                                                                          Association
                                                                                           Sylva Foundation and Forest School Association
7  Oxfordshire County Music Service                                                        are two leading national charities providing high
Oxfordshire County Music Service offer                                                     quality support to Forest Schools..
instrumental, vocal, performing arts and music                                             www.sylva.org.uk
theory groups for adults and young people.
www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/residents/music-                                                    19    Living Streets
service                                                                                    Living Streets is the UK charity for everyday
8 Creation Theatre                                                                         We want to create a nation where walking is the
An interactive, intergalactic game theatre                                                 natural choice for everyday, local journeys; free
experience that'll take over your school! Suitable                                         from congested roads and pollution, reducing the
for Key Stages 1 and 2.                                                                    risk of preventable illnesses and social isolation.
www.creationtheatre.co.uk                                                                  We aim to inspire people of all generations to
                                                                                           enjoy the benefits the simple act of walking
9  iRock                                                                                   brings.
Secure your free assembly with iRock, a                                                    www.livingstreets.org.uk
peripatetic service, free to primary schools,
enabling children to engage with music in an                                               20   The Curiosity Box
innovative way by forming and performing in a                                              Serious fun for kids. Easy for teachers. Explore
rock band.                                                                                 and experience the science in our world with a
www.irockschool.com                                                                        STEM Day in a Box.

10     Doodlemaths                                                                         21  Play Innovation
DoodleMaths is an award-winning programme                                                  Creating sports areas with the WOW factor!
that builds the confidence of 4-14 year-olds by                                            Engaging your schools and communities by
providing a personalised work programme                                                    developing innovative Family Inclusive sports
tailored to children's individual strengths and                                            areas. (FISA)
weaknesses.                                                                                www.playinnovation.co.uk
________________________________________________________________________________________   22    5-a-day
11/12      Fitter Future                                                                   Increase daily physical activity in your classroom
Fitter Future offers schools a holistic approach to                                        with our online 5-minute exercise routines, and
physical and mental well-being via an easy to use                                          2-minute chill-out routines, designed specifically
online programme designed to positively inspire                                            for projection onto classroom whiteboards or
children. FUN for children EASY for teachers.                                              screens. There’s no teacher preparation required.
www.fitterfuture.com                                                                       Simply watch, join in, have fun, get fit and learn!
13   UltraVoIP

Discover and enjoy the benefits of UltraVoIP                                               23    Hill End
Telephony solutions; designed specifically for                                             Hill End is a Charitable Trust offering quality
schools. Flexible and personalised technology                                              outdoor learning for all ages in the beautiful
without the constraint of lengthy contracts.                                               Oxfordshire countryside.
www.leverstock.com                                                                         www.hill-end.org

Exhibitors                                         Wednesday 4 and Thursday 5 March
_________________________________________________________________________________________   ________________________________________________________________________________________

24   Wesleyan                                                                               35    Juniper Education
Wesleyan provides specialist financial planning to                                          Tell us how you want to track attainment and
teachers, from NQT to retirement. Ask about our                                             progress, we will set OTrack to meet your specific
workplace presentations to support your staff’s                                             needs.
financial well-being.                                                                       www.optimumotrack.co.uk
                                                                                            36   Koboca
25    Koala IT                                                                              An online consultation tool which gathers
Packed with experience and expertise, we supply                                             evidence on pupil voice and allows schools to
a multitude of budget-conscious quality services                                            identify target groups by name.
to primary schools, helping staff and pupils to                                             www.koboca.co.uk/
confidently deal with the ever-changing
technological world.                                                                        37    Wizard Theatre
www.koalait.co.uk                                                                           Wizard Theatre is Oxfordshire based, delivering
                                                                                            shows, workshops and drama therapy sessions
26 Mighty Writer                                                                            in primary schools for almost 20 years!
Winner of the Education Resources Awards 2018                                               www.wizardtheatre.co.uk/
for Best Primary Resource Mighty Writer quickly
transforms children's literacy. Teachers rate it                                            38   Sam Learning
9.7/10. Its age range is 4-7 years.                                                         SAM Learning is an all inclusive teaching and
www.MighterWriter.co.uk                                                                     learning solution that is proven-to-improve
                                                                                            Progress 8 Scores. .
27    ESP                                                                                   www.samlearning.com/
ESP Play are specialist playground equipment
manufacturers, suppliers and installers who fly                                             39   One World Education
the flag for positive daily high quality physical                                           The Global Youth Ambassador Project promotes
activity.                                                                                   global citizenship within schools. As well as
www.espplay.co.uk                                                                           providing CPD opportunities and Income
28    Enrich                                                                                www.oneworldeducationuk.org/
Enrich enables schools to look strategically at
their grounds through stakeholder workshops,                                                40   Education Mutual
and to create a fundraising plan to share the                                               Education Mutual - by schools, for schools. Staff
ideas with others.                                                                          absence cover is changing, we operate solely for
                                                                                            the benefit of members.
29   YPO                                                                                    www.educationmutual.co.uk
UK’s largest publicly owned purchasing
organisation, providing products and services to                                            41    Ignite Sport
public sector customers.                                                                    Ignite Sport UK is a creative sports coaching and
www.ypo.co.uk                                                                               education provider, supporting the training and
                                                                                            provision of sports coaching, PE and Sports
30 Nexus                                                                                    development.
We offer Educational supplies and learning toys.                                            www.ignitesportuk.com
We design and develop unique products in
partnership with educational consultants who                                                42/43     123ICT
consider new ideas to help deliver the national                                             123ICT are a Google for Education partner
curriculum. Products cover a wide range of                                                  delivering computing consultancy and technical
educational needs including literacy, numeracy,                                             support to primary schools and academies.
early years, art and craft, outdoor play, plus a                                            www.123ict.co.uk
range of handwriting pens, pencils and stationery.
We also supply the entire Polydron range of                                                 44   Halo
products.                                                                                   We created a professional and affordable Digital
www.nexus-euro.co.uk                                                                        Sign in System built specifically for schools to
                                                                                            record staff, visitors and late pupils.
31  Lee Bolton Monier-Williams                                                              www.halo.support/
Lee Bolton Monier-Williams bring Education
Answers, your free online access to unrivalled                                              45    TurnITon
knowledge of education regulation.                                                          Turn IT on have worked exclusively with schools
www.lbmw.com/                                                                               providing a comprehensive range of hands-on
                                                                                            ICT Support, MIS Support, GDPR support and
32   Earth Trust                                                                            training services since 2003.
Earth Trust is an environmental learning charity;                                           www.turniton.co.uk
we offer a range of formal and informal education
opportunities for Early Years to adult groups.                                              46 Powergistics
www.earthtrust.org.uk                                                                       With PowerGistics charging towers, schools save
                                                                                            time, gain valuable classroom space and save on
33/34    Class Act                                                                          costs for repairing and replacing devices.
Based near Abingdon, Class Act Teaching                                                     www.powergistics.co.uk/
Services are Oxfordshire’s leading primary supply
agency. Proudly putting MORE teachers into                                                  47 SBM
Oxfordshire’s schools than any other agency!                                                Working with schools, academies and Multi-
www.classact-teaching.co.uk/                                                                Academy Trusts, to deliver excellent financial
                                                                                            management, consultancy and training at all
Exhibitors                                                                                 Charity Platform - Friday 6 March
Wednesday 4 and Thursday 5 March                                                           1 The Food Teacher
                                                                                           The School Young Chef Awards are an innovative and
48 Libresoft Librarian                                                                     exciting programme of awards for schools, children and
Libresoft have developed Librarian, a reliable,                                            families. Created by The Food Teacher™ and transforming
intuitive and responsive Library Management                                                food education in our schools.
System proving very popular with schools across                                            www.youngchefoftheyear.com
the UK and beyond.                                                                         __________________________________________________________________________________________________

www.libresoft.co.uk/                                                                       2 Education Mutual

                                                                                           Education Mutual - by Schools, for schools. Staff absence
49 Playtime by Fawns                                                                       cover is changing, we operate solely for the benefit of
Playtime by Fawns have been creating                                                       members.
inspirational play spaces for school and nurseries                                         www.educationmutual.co.uk
since 1990.                                                                                __________________________________________________________________________________________________

For your free consultation please call                                                     3 Friends of Hill End
01252 515199 or email sales@fawns.co.uk                                                    FoHE is a membership support group for The Hill End Centre,
www.fawns.co.uk                                                                            Farmoor with a volunteer team working regularly on
                                                                                           maintenance of the site and buildings; organising family
50 Setter Play                                                                             events and fundraising.
Setter Play is a family-run company with over 22                                           __________________________________________________________________________________________________

years’ experience creating exciting play schemes                                           4 Haktive
and shelters for schools.
                                                                                           Our mission is to empower families to be more active and play
www.setterplay.co.uk                                                                       together. www.haktive.com

51 Crown House Publishing                                                                  5 Clear Sky
We are an award winning independent publisher                                              Clear Sky Children's Charity delivers Play and Creative Arts
offering teachers of all subjects and phases an                                            Therapeutic Interventions to pupils, professional training and
extensive range of innovative classroom                                                    support for schools.
resources and materials for CPD. With a strong                                             www.clear-sky.org.uk
focus on improving teaching and learning our
authors make a genuine difference in schools                                               6 ARCh
across the UK and further afield.                                                          ARCh provides twice weekly one-to-one personalised reading
www.crownhouse.co.uk                                                                       support and mentoring for selected children for an entire year,
________________________________________________________________________________________   via trained professional helpers.
52 The School Lunch Company                                                                __________________________________________________________________________________________________

We are passionate about the food we offer and                                              7 Oxfordshire Outdoor Learning Trust
provide a freshly prepared, healthy, nutritious                                            Oxfordshire Outdoor Learning Trust's mission is to promote
meal every day. Every school has a bespoke                                                 the benefits of outdoor education for the children and young
menu designed by the children.                                                             people of Oxfordshire.
www.theschoollunchcompany.co.uk                                                            www.oolt.org,uk
________________________________________________________________________________________   __________________________________________________________________________________________________

53 Pearson                                                                                 8 Dave Thorne Bursary
We believe everyone can make progress in their                                             The Dave Thorne Bursary provides funding (£3,000 pa) for
lives through learning and we understand that                                              disadvantaged young people to join their peers on outdoor
every student has their own unique learning style.                                         learning weeks run by the OOLT (above)
We offer a range of support and tools to help you                                          __________________________________________________________________________________________________

navigate the journey each student will take,                                               9 NAPE
whatever their pathway. From curriculum support
                                                                                           National Association for Primary Education is a national
and progress tracking, to nurturing well-being and                                         membership organisation of teachers, governors, students,
supporting every student to flourish. We make                                              parents. The successful Oxfordshire branch organises the
sure you have the support you need.                                                        annual Festival of Voices in Dorchester Abbey, family learning
www.pearson.com/                                                                           events and CPD. www.nape.org.uk
________________________________________________________________________________________   __________________________________________________________________________________________________

54 Blue Sky                                                                                10 Oxfordshire County Music Services
BlueSky provides a simple, yet versatile solution                                          Oxfordshire County Music Services offer instrumental, vocal,
to the challenges of triangulating performance                                             performing arts and music theory groups for adults and young
management, CPD, quality of education, teaching                                            people. website

and learning, alongside your school priorities,
keeping everything in one place.
                                                                                           11 Governor Services (Ox County Council)
                                                                                           Governor Services delivers comprehensive annual training
BlueSky is proud to partner with OTSA, offering
                                                                                           and development programmes for both governors and clerks,
individual OTSA Member Schools discount on                                                 provided as traded services. These programmes provide
subscription fees. Contact us to arrange a free                                            professional training from experienced tutors on all aspects of
no-obligation demonstration of BlueSky, or to                                              governors’ and clerks’ roles, including Induction, crucial for all
discuss your requirements. Call: 01483 880004                                              new governors and clerks. website
                                                                                           12 Schoolreaders
55 Schools Advisory Service                                                                Schoolreaders recruits volunteers to provide free
Schools Advisory Service is the leading provider                                           one-to-one reading sessions to children in
of staff absence insurance, offering Whole School                                          primary schools across the country
Well-being services with policies as standard.                                             _________________________________________________________________________________________________

www.schooladvice.co.uk                                                                     13 National Association for Able Children in

56/57 Outta Reach                                                                          Education (NACE)
                                                                                           NACE offers practical resources, support and CPD to help
www.outtareach.co.uk                                                                       schools review and improve the quality of policy and provision
                                                                                           for more able learners within a context of challenge and high
                                                                                           standards for all.
Visit website
Exhibitors -                Floorplan

   1       Pentagon Play                            37       Wizard Theatre
   2       Twinkl                                   38       SAM Learning
   3       Annodata                                 39       One World Education
   5       Rahmqvist                                40       Education Mutual
   6       Skip2BFit                                41       Ignite Sport
   7       Oxfordshire County Music Service       42 & 43 123ICT Computing Solutions
   8       Creation Theatre                         44       Halo Support
   9      IiRock                                    45       TurnITon
  10       Doodle Maths                             46       PowerGistics
11 & 12    Fitter Future                            47       SBM
  13       UltraVoIP                                48       Libresoft Librarian
  14       Playforce                                49       Playtime at Fawns
  15       Artswork                                 50       Setter Play
  16       GetSet4PE                                51       Crown House Publishing
  17       National College of Education            52       The School Lunch Company
  18       Sylva Foundation/Forest School Assoc     53       Pearson
  19       Living Streets                           54       Blue Sky
  20      The Curiosity Box                         55       Schools Advisory Service
  21       Play Innovation                        56 & 57 Outta Reach
  22       5-a-day                                   Charity Platform Exhibitors - Friday 6 March
  23       Hill End                                  1       The Food Teacher
  24       Wesleyan                                  2       Education Mutual
  25       Koala IT                                  3       Friends of Hill End
  26       Mighty Writer                             4       Haktive
  27       ESP                                       5       Clear Sky
  28       Enrich                                    6       ARCh
  29       YPO                                       7       Oxfordshire Outdoor Learning Trust
  30       Nexus                                     8       Dave Thorne Bursary
  31       LBMW                                      9       NAPE
  32       Earth Trust                              10       Oxfordshire County Music Service
33 & 34    Class Act                                11       Governor Services
  35       Juniper Education                        12      Schoolreaders
  36       Koboca                                   13      National Association for Able Children
                                                            in Education (NACE)
Visit website
Conference and Venue Information
Parking at the hotel is free for conference delegates. Vehicles are
parked at the owner’s risk so we strongly urge you to remove any
valuable items from your vehicle and ensure it is kept locked. If you
use the hotel car park, you must input your car registration on the
parking “tap screen” located in the lobby by the main door to avoid a          Food, Drink and Social Events
parking fine.
Hotel facilities                                                               A buffet lunch is included in the conference fee
Crowne Plaza Stratford-on-Avon has many excellent facilities,                  for day delegates and full board delegates and
including an indoor swimming pool and fitness centre. For details              will be served in the exhibition areas.
regarding the use of these or other hotel facilities, please contact
the hotel reception.                                                           Wednesday pre-dinner refreshments
                                                                               All delegates are invited to the refreshments
Personal belongings and security                                               reception on Wednesday evening from 6.30pm.
Large areas of the hotel are open to the public, including the                 Meet your peers for a catch up in a relaxing
conference area. We strongly recommend you keep all personal                   setting, while enjoying a drink in the exhibitors’
belongings and items of value with you at all times.                           area.
The conference organisers cannot accept responsibility for lost or
damaged items. Please ask at the hotel reception about safe                    Dinner
storage facilities during your visit.                                          Dinner on Wednesday and Thursday evening is
                                                                               included in the conference fee for full board
                                                                               delegates. Thursday evening is the 'Gala
To log on search for “CP Stratford”, click and this will automatically
direct you to terms and conditions where, once accepted, you will be
                                                                               Dress code for gala dinner
connected to the Wi-Fi. If you have any questions please go to the
conference reception desk.                                                     For Thursday evening’s gala dinner; Many
                                                                               guests wear suits for men and formal
                                                                               evening wear for women. However, smart
Lost and found
                                                                               casual is acceptable. A disco and dancing
For items lost or found please contact the hotel reception.                    follows dinner.

Checking in and out
                                                                               Friday lunch
Conference delegates can check in, and collect keys, at the
                                                                               Lunch is provided for delegates following the
Delegate Reception Desk from 3.00pm on Wednesday 4 March.
                                                                               conference conclusion. Packed lunch will be
Check-out is before 11.00am. A luggage storage facility is available.
                                                                               provided to delegates on request from a count
                                                                               taken on Thursday afternoon.

Please take some time to                  Evacuation Procedure
familiarise yourself with your            In the unlikely event of an emergency please take the following action.
surroundings upon arrival.                On hearing the alarm siren, leave the building via the nearest safe exit.
In particular, take note of the           All exits are indicated with illuminated green signs. Please make your way to the
venue evacuation procedure                Assembly Point outside the hotel; this is indicated by a green sign.
(see opposite) and the nearest            Please remain calm
fire exits to your room and the
                                          Do not run
conference areas. In case
                                          Do not use the lifts
of an emergency, please
                                          Do not collect up, or return for, your belongings
follow the instructions of the
hotel staff.

                                                                                                      The Venue
                                                                                             Crowne Plaza Hotel
                                                                                                       CV37 6YR
                                                                                                   0871 942 9270
                                                                21                 cpstratford@valoreurope.com
Visit website
Visit website
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