Parents' Guide to Education in Shropshire 2020/21

Page created by Craig Howell
Parents' Guide to Education in Shropshire 2020/21
Parents’ Guide to Education
 in Shropshire

Closing Date:
PRIMARY applications                   15 January 2020

  Closing Date:
  SECONDARY applications                    31 October 2019

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Parents' Guide to Education in Shropshire 2020/21
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Parents' Guide to Education in Shropshire 2020/21
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              Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 4
              Making an Application ......................................................................................................................... 5

              The Application Process ....................................................................................................................... 6
              Early Education..................................................................................................................................... 7
              Primary Schools .................................................................................................................................... 9
              Oversubscription Criteria for Shropshire Community & Voluntary Controlled Primary Schools ...... 12

              Admissions Flow Chart – Primary ...................................................................................................... 14
              Oversubscription Criteria for Own Admission Authority Primary Schools ........................................ 15
              Maps and Lists of Primary Schools in Shropshire .............................................................................. 22
              Equal Preference Scheme .................................................................................................................. 34

              Case Studies ....................................................................................................................................... 35
              Secondary Schools ............................................................................................................................. 36
              Can I Visit the Schools? (Open Days and Evenings) ........................................................................... 37
              Information about Transfer to Secondary School ............................................................................. 38
              Oversubscription Criteria for Own Admission Authority Secondary Schools .................................... 39

              Nearest School test for Shrewsbury secondary schools .................................................................... 43
              Oversubscription Criteria for North & South Shropshire Secondary Schools ................................... 44
              Map of Secondary schools in Shropshire .......................................................................................... 45
              List of Secondary Schools .................................................................................................................. 46
              Secondary School Allocations in 2019 ............................................................................................... 48
              Admissions Flow Chart - Secondary ................................................................................................... 49
              Applying Out of Area .......................................................................................................................... 50
              Frequently Asked Questions .............................................................................................................. 51
              Waiting Lists and Reviews .................................................................................................................. 58
              Appeals ............................................................................................................................................... 59
              Transfers and Mid-term Applications ................................................................................................ 60
              Special Needs ..................................................................................................................................... 62

              Admissions to Adams House Boarding Facility .................................................................................. 64
              School Travel and Transport .............................................................................................................. 66
              Free School Meals, Charging & Remissions, Public Examinations, Independent Schools ................. 69
              Colleges for Post-16 Students ............................................................................................................ 71
              Out-of-County Schools ....................................................................................................................... 72
              Important Dates ................................................................................................................................. 73
              School Term and Holiday Dates 2020/21 .......................................................................................... 74

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Parents' Guide to Education in Shropshire 2020/21
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Shropshire Council wants all children and             This booklet provides parents with the
young people to be happy, healthy and reach           basic information they need to access
their full potential, supported by their              early, primary and secondary education,
families, friends and the wider community.            both with and without sixth forms, and
                                                      support for Special Needs. We advise
Shropshire Council provides and commissions           that you read it carefully before making
a range of services to support children’s and         an application for a school. Application
young people’s development at every stage             can be made online or by contacting the
from their early years through to preparing           Admissions Team. You may need to refer
them for school, further and higher                   to this booklet even after you have made
education, vocational training or work.               your application, as it contains other
                                                      important information about admissions,
We are committed to helping all children and
                                                      transport and other matters.
young people to access good or better
education provision and achieve their
best. We want every child and young person          Every state-funded school in Shropshire
to achieve their potential.                         Council's area is listed, along with its address,
                                                    telephone number, headteacher’s name, age
Shropshire’s Vision for Shropshire learners         range and number of pupils on roll, the
states:                                             maximum number of pupils it can take next
                                                    year (September 2020) and whether the
                                                    school had more applications than places
    “We have one aim: to ensure and
                                                    available in 2019. This may help you to assess
      continue to improve excellent                 the possibility of receiving an offer at your
   educational provision and outcomes               preferred school. All Shropshire Council
             in Shropshire.                         schools are co-educational and those with a
       Children and young people in                 religious character are indicated.
  Shropshire will have the opportunities
                                                    For more information you can contact the
    to achieve their best and develop a
                                                    Admissions Team at Shropshire Council. They
    love of learning through education              will be pleased to give you help or advice.
   provision that is consistently good or           Please see below for their contact details:
      We aim to prepare children and
                                                    Children’s Services - Learning & Skills
    young people for the next stage of
                                                    Admissions Team
    their lives, in terms of learning and
                                                    Shropshire Council, Shirehall,
    their social and personal (including            Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury SY2 6ND
        emotional) development.”                    Tel: 0345 678 9008
Shropshire Council promotes equal         
opportunities and good race relations               Website:
throughout all its primary and secondary
                                                    This booklet and admission forms can be
                                                    made available in other formats, eg, Braille
                                                    and Minicom Services, as well as other
                                                    languages. Please contact the Admissions
                                                    Team for assistance.

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            Making an Application
Shropshire Council’s online application                 Every parent must make an application to
facility is only for children due to start at the       ensure that their child is considered for a
normal year of entry to a school (Reception,            place at their preferred school. Children are
or transfer to secondary school, or transfer            not automatically offered a place. Parents
from infant to junior/primary to junior) in the         make one application, naming up to 3 schools
2020/21 academic year. Mid-term or ‘In Year’            of their preference.
admission application, for a place other than
at the normal year of entry to the school, are          Our online facility is available for Shropshire
made directly to the school using the form              residents (not Telford and Wrekin) or for
from our website. (See pp 60-61).                       those applying from outside England for
                                                        Shropshire schools. Residents in other parts
It’s quick and it’s convenient - apply online.          of England must apply through their own
                                                        local authority.
                                                        Parents living in England:
• You will receive email confirmation that
                                                        To apply for a school place in England,
  your application has been received and
                                                        parents in England must apply to their home
  you can view it at any time.
                                                        local authority (to whichever local authority
• You can change the details on your                    they make council tax payments) even if they
  application up until the closing date                 are applying for a school place in another
• The system has a series of security                   part of England. The home local authority will
  procedures to prevent anyone seeing                   process the application, making contact with
  information they are not entitled to see.             other local authorities if appropriate, and
                                                        inform the applicant of the result. Shropshire
The system is available 24 hours a day 7 days           residents may also name secondary schools
a week from September 2019 (secondary/                  in neighbouring Welsh local authority areas
junior) and October 2019 (Reception) until              in application to Shropshire Council.
the closing date.                                       Applications to schools in Scotland and
Once you have registered with your email address and    Northern Ireland should be made directly to
password you can choose whether or not to enter
your U.I.D No. which you may have received by letter.   the schools concerned.
Applications can be made without the U.I.D number.
                                                        Parents living in Wrexham or Powys:
Deadlines for applications are as follows:              At secondary transfer, parents living in
                                                        Wrexham or Powys are advised to apply for
Secondary: 31 October 2019                              Shropshire schools via their home local
Primary/Junior: 15 January 2020
                                                        authority, but we will also accept applications
Results will be available to online applicants          made via Shropshire Council and we will
on National Offer Day:                                  inform the Welsh local authority of any
                                                        places which can be offered. For primary
Secondary: 2 March 2020                                 school places, parents living in Wales should
Infant/Primary/Junior: 16 April 2020                    apply direct to Shropshire Council for
                                                        Shropshire schools.
Allocation letters will be posted out by second
class post on National Offer Day (shown above).         Parents living elsewhere:
                                                        There is no co-ordinated scheme with other
Keep a note of your log-in details. If parents          parts of Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland.
forget their password etc. they may be                  Applicants from these areas and from
unable to view their allocation online in               overseas should apply directly to Shropshire
March/April.                                            Council for Shropshire schools.

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           The Application Process
The application process is the same even if a        the case of Catholic schools, or details about
school itself is an admission authority (e.g.        church membership. This may require a
aided, foundation school, or an academy or           supplementary form, available from the
free school) and regardless of whether the           school or from the Admissions Team. It is the
application is for Reception, or transfer to         applicant’s responsibility to check the policy
junior or secondary school.                          and to ensure that additional information
                                                     required is sent directly to the individual
                                                     school. Such information must be provided at
                                                     the time of application, otherwise it will not
                                                     be taken into account when the allocation of
                                                     places is determined.

                                                     The Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme:
                                                     Schools in other local authority areas will
                                                     probably have a different policy to Shropshire
                                                     Council and therefore parents are advised to
                                                     ensure they have read and understood the
How will my application be considered?               appropriate policy and information available
Applications will be listed in order of priority     from each relevant local authority before
according to the admissions policy                   making application. The addresses and
appropriate for the school. (See page 34.)           telephone numbers of neighbouring local
Shropshire Council is the admission authority        authorities can be found on p72 of this
for community and voluntary controlled               booklet.
schools in Shropshire and sets their
admissions policy. For foundation, voluntary         The Admissions Team will inform own
aided schools and academies, the governing           admission authority schools or the relevant
bodies are the admission authority for their         local authority of requests for places made
school, which means that they can set their          for their schools so that applications may be
own admissions policy and this may be                considered by them in accordance with the
different to the Council’s policy. The co-           appropriate published policy. Their decisions
ordination arrangements stated in this               will be given to the Council’s Admissions
booklet apply to all state-funded schools in         Team. The applicant’s home local authority
Shropshire.                                          will write to them on the appropriate offer
                                                     day with the offer of one school place, which
Own admission authority schools:                     will be the available school ranked highest by
You should check to see if the school for            the parent.
which you are applying is an admission
authority school. Please note a school’s             Further information:
status is subject to change. In the lists of         Any questions about the admissions process
Shropshire schools on pages 23-33 and 46-47          that cannot be answered from within this
the status as at July 2019 is indicated under        booklet may be found on the Shropshire
the DfE Number. (F= foundation, VA =                 Council website
voluntary aided, A = academy, FS = free
school.) These schools may have different            Members of the Admissions Team will attend
policies to Shropshire Council’s policy and if       secondary school Open Evenings and may
so, the policies are listed on pages 15–21 and       also visit primary schools to hold advice
39-42. The schools may require additional            sessions.
information, such as a Baptismal certificate in

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Parents' Guide to Education in Shropshire 2020/21
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           Early Education
What Early Education provision is                    available to help with childcare costs, visit
available for my child?
Early Education is provided in a number of           How do I go about finding an Early
settings which include Shropshire Council
maintained nursery classes, provision run by         Education place for my child?
school governing bodies, private and                 Firstly we recommend that you visit your
voluntary pre-schools, day nurseries,                preferred settings before you put your child’s
childminders and independent schools. The            name down to attend. This will give you a
Council holds a directory of these providers         chance to discuss arrangements for new
in the county. Please contact Shropshire             children and find out more about what is
Family Information Service details below:            provided. It is the responsibility of the parent
                                                     to find an Early Education provider for their
When will my child be eligible for                   child.
Early Education?                                     When you have decided on the preferred
From the term following their second                 setting you will need to register your child for
birthday, some two year olds, depending on           an Early Education place. It is recommended
their family circumstances, are entitled to up       that you do this as soon as possible after your
to 570 hours of free early years provision           child’s second birthday. The providers will
each year. To find out if your child is eligible     then contact those parents who have
please contact us on the following e-mail            requested a place, if they have a place
address:                       available for your child, during the term
From the term following their third birthday,        before the child is due to start. If they inform
all three and four year olds are eligible for        you that they do not have a place you will
the same 570 hours of free early provision           need to approach another provider.
per year regardless of their circumstances.
                                                     Parents Guide
The following table shows when their
eligibility will begin.                                     How are Early Education
 If your child was      He/She is
 born between...        eligible for Early
                                                              places allocated?
                        Education from...
                                                     Private nurseries, pre-schools, playgroups,
 1 April and            Autumn term - after          childminders and voluntary aided schools
 31 August              child’s 3rd birthday         with nursery classes will have their own
 1 September and        Spring term - after          admissions policies, details of which you can
 31 December            child’s 3rd birthday         obtain from the individual provider. Details of
 1 January and          Summer term - after          the admissions for nursery classes at
 31 March               child’s 3rd birthday         community and controlled schools are over
                                                     the page.
Working families are eligible for an additional
570 hours (1140 hours in total) of free
provision each year. To qualify, a parent and
their partner (or one parent in a lone parent
family) must each expect to earn (on
average) the equivalent of working 16 hours
a week at the national minimum wage and be                 Family Information Service
earning no more than £100,000. To see if you                      Tel: 01743 254400
are eligible for the additional hours and, for         Website:
full details of all of the financial support

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           Early Education                           Priority 6:
                                                     Children out of the school’s catchment area
Shropshire Council Nursery Classes                   without a sibling in the nursery or school. If
- Admissions Policies                                new places are limited, priority will be given
Schools should have a list of children whose         to the children living closest to the nursery.
parents have expressed a wish to attend the          (Distance from home to school measured as
nursery. This decision should be taken using         a straight line on a computerised mapping
the following priorities.                            system).

Children with a Statement of Special                 Priority 7:
Educational Needs or EHCP which names a              If the school governors have decided to offer
particular school will be allocated places,          extra fee paying hours to children attending
after which places are allocated according to        for their 15 free hours, this offer can only be
an agreed set of criteria, in strict order of        made once all parental requests for free
priority.                                            places have been dealt with and should not
Priority 1:                                          be given in situations that will prohibit a
                                                     child from getting their free entitlement. The
Looked after children and former looked
                                                     charges for these extra hours should be set
after children (who are then adopted) as
                                                     at a reasonable market rate and not be seen
long as they have an eligible birthdate but
                                                     to undercut any other provision in the area.
who need not reside in the school’s
                                                    Each nursery class should have a timetable as
designated catchment area.
                                                    to when you can apply for a place and when
Priority 2:                                         the decision to offer a place will be made.
Children already attending nursery who wish         There is no transport assistance to any
to change the sessions they are attending or        nursery setting whether they are maintained
increase their sessions if they are not taking      by the Local Authority or privately.
their full entitlement.
                                                     Please remember:
Priority 3:                                          • Attendance at a particular nursery/ nursery
Children living in the school’s designated             class or foundation class gives no guarantee
catchment area who have a sibling in the               that the child will gain a place at the school
nursery or school and that sibling will be             where the nursery/ nursery
attending at the time the younger child                class/foundation class is located.
starts nursery. If new places are limited,           • Parents/carers must apply separately for
priority can be given to older children.               their child to go to any primary or infant
                                                       school via their council. Entering your child’s
Priority 4:                                            details on a school’s list at an early age is
Children living in the school’s designated
                                                       not a formal application for a school place
catchment area without siblings at the
                                                       (see pp9 - 33 for more details).
nursery or school. If new places are limited,
priority can be given to older children.             • The child’s usual home address determines
                                                       whether they are in a particular school’s
Priority 5:                                            designated catchment area.
Children out of the school’s catchment area          • It is the parent’s/carer’s duty to ensure that
with siblings in the nursery or school at the          they have obtained all the necessary
time the younger child starts nursery. If new          information and the correct form on which
places are limited, priority will be given to          to apply for a primary or infant school place.
the children living closest to the nursery
(distance from home to school measured as           Please read on for more information on how
a straight line on a computerised mapping           to apply for a place at a primary school or
system).                                            secondary school.

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          Primary Schools
How does the school system in                        What can you tell me about
Shropshire operate?                                  Shropshire Primary Schools?
The law requires that children attend school         All local authority maintained schools for
from the start of the term following their 5th       primary aged children provide a broad and
birthday. Children in Shropshire can attend          balanced age-appropriate curriculum and
primary education from September following           range of educational opportunities which
their 4th birthday, and then secondary               promote the spiritual, moral, social, cultural
education from age 11. Primary schools cater         and physical development of children in line
for children from Reception to Year 6                with the Government’s requirements.
inclusive. There are some infant schools             Schools are also free to include subjects or
catering for children from Reception to Year 2       topics of their choice in planning and
inclusive and then junior schools catering for       designing their education programme. They
children from Year 3 to Year 6 inclusive.            also offer additional opportunities through a
Parents/carers must apply for a school place         range of activities which happen outside
at each stage of their child’s education. In         normal lesson times, such as visits to places of
other words you first have to apply for a place      interest and clubs for different activities
at either an infant school or at a primary           including sports.
school. If your child goes to an infant school
you will need to make another application to         All schools must publish their school
a junior school or to a primary school when          curriculum by subject and academic year
your child is in Year 2. Most parents will need      online.
to make a further application when their child       Children in Reception and Nursery Classes
is in Year 6 for transfer to secondary school.       follow the Early Years Foundation Stage
                                                     curriculum. This includes: communication and
                                                     language; physical development; personal;
                                                     social and emotional development; literacy;
                                                     mathematics; understanding the world; and
                                                     expressive arts and design.
                                                     Academies do not have to follow the National

                                                     Ofsted Inspections
 The school in St Martin’s, near Oswestry
                                                     Ofsted (The Office for Standards in Education)
 is an all-through primary and secondary
                                                     assesses all of our schools through a regular
 school. Parents/carers apply for a school
                                                     cycle of inspection. The most recent
 place in Reception and do not need to
                                                     inspection report on a school can be found on
 make a further application to transfer
                                                     the Internet at or
 into the secondary department unless
                                                     obtained from the school.
 they wish to apply for a different school.
                                                     Whilst judgements on individual schools vary,
 However, parents/carers whose children              the overall judgement, as at July 2019, is that
 have attended other local primary                   over 88% of Shropshire primary schools are
 schools who want a place in the                     good or better in overall effectiveness.
 secondary phase of the all-through
 school will need to apply when their
 children are Year 6.

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         Please remember:                           Can I choose the school I wish my
• Even if you have an older child at the            child to attend?
   school you still have to make an                 The law says that a local authority must give
   application the younger child to start           parents/carers the chance to state their
   school.                                          preference for the school they wish their child
• If your child is in a school nursery you          to attend. Shropshire Council will allocate the
   must still complete a primary application        child a place at the preferred school, if it is
   form. Attendance at the nursery or               possible within the School Admissions Code
   foundation class does not guarantee a            and the Admission Arrangements. The law
   place at the school.                             does not give parents/carers an absolute right
• It is important that you read all the             to “choose” the school for their child.
   information in this booklet about the            Most parents/carers want their children to
   admissions procedure for primary, infant         attend their local school, but some may prefer
   and junior schools before you apply.             another school. In most cases you will get a
                                                    place at the primary school you prefer. For
• If there is anything you do not                   September 2019 this was true for 94.2% of
   understand please contact the                    parents, who had applied for a primary school
   Admissions Team.                                 within the required time frame. However,
• Lists of primary, infant and junior schools       there are some circumstances which may
   can be found on pp 22-33. Address                mean this is not possible.
   details are given along with information         • All schools have an “admission number”.
   on the size of school and whether it was           This number is agreed each year and the
   oversubscribed last year.                          figures for 2020/21 entry are shown in the
• You may visit any school but please make            lists on pp 23-33 of this booklet. If more
   an appointment first.                              children want a place than the published
                                                      admission number (PAN), another school
• Oversubscription criteria for own
                                                      will have to be offered to some applicants.
   admission authority primary schools may
                                                    • Government regulations state that infant
   differ from the Council’s policy. Details
                                                      classes for 5 to 7 year olds (Reception to
   are given on pp 15-21.
                                                      Year 2) must not take more than 30 pupils.
                                                      Parents still have the right of appeal if they
                                                      are refused a place. (See p59 for details).
                                                      However, the grounds on which the appeal
 How and when do I apply for a
                                                      might be successful are extremely limited.
 Reception Year place in an infant/                   Therefore, it is in your best interest to
 primary school, or for a Year 3                      name at least one alternative school on the
 place in a junior/ primary school?                   application form in case of disappointment
 1.   Please read this booklet carefully              at the first preference school. Naming an
      and make sure you understand the                additional preference will NOT decrease
      admissions policy for the school. If            your chance of being allocated a place at
      you need further explanation                    your first preference school. If you do not
      contact the Admissions Team.                    name an alternative school, we may only
 2.   Consider which are to be your three             be able to offer you whichever school has
      preferred schools.                              spare places, possibly some distance away,
 3.   Make an online application by 15                and the responsibility for transporting your
      January 2020 by logging on to                   child will almost certainly fall on you as or visit                  parent/carer. (See p34.)
      your local primary school or library
      for support with the process.

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When can my child start school?                         In-year applications for a place other than the
                                                        normal year group should be made to schools
Children in England are entitled to start school in     directly for their consideration.
the September following their fourth birthday.
                                                        Phased transfer requests to join a different
They must start on the prescribed day following
                                                        cohort, are processed by the admissions team,
their fifth birthday or on their fifth birthday if it
                                                        who will gather as much information as possible.
falls on a prescribed day. (The prescribed days
                                                        Parents may submit documentation in support of
are 31 December, 31 March and 31 August.)
                                                        their request and information may be provided
Many parents will be happy for their child to start
                                                        by the current educational or early years setting.
school in the autumn term, but a small number of
                                                        If they are not the decision makers, the view(s) of
parents may have concerns that their child will be
                                                        the school(s) applied for will also be gathered.
too young for mainstream school.
                                                        Consideration will be given to exceptional
Parents of a four-year old child can request that       circumstances in a child’s development, medical
their child is admitted to school later in the          history and premature birth, if applicable. Very
school year if the child has not reached                exceptionally, an assessment by an educational
compulsory school age. In order to assist schools       psychologist may be appropriate. When all the
in making the necessary staffing arrangements,          information is collated, the request will be
parents wanting their child to start school later       considered by the admission authority. In some
in the school year are asked to inform the school       cases the school will be the admission authority
as soon as they have been allocated a place.            but if not, a senior manager from Shropshire
Parents can also request that their child attends       Council will make a decision on the
school part-time until the child is of compulsory       recommendation of a senior education adviser.
school age, and/or choose a place at a nursery or       The decision will be made on the individual
other early learning setting if they would prefer.      circumstances of the case and whether it is in the
Any parent considering part-time attendance for         child’s best interests to join a different cohort.
their child is urged to discuss this with the
                                                        If a deferred entry or transfer is approved, the
headteacher as soon as a place is allocated.
                                                        school place application will be withdrawn and
Parents who opt to defer entry until the spring or      parents will need to re-apply the following year.
summer term will not lose a Reception place             An agreed deferral does not guarantee a place at
which has already been allocated through the            a school the following year; a fresh application
application process. However, where a child’s 5th       must be considered in terms of oversubscription
birthday falls in the summer and parents wish to        criteria along with all the other applications
defer entry to the Autumn Term 2021, the child          received for that year group.
would normally join the school in Year 1, not
                                                        Please contact the School Admissions Team for
Reception. In such cases, parents must apply
                                                        more information.
separately for a Year 1 place, which could only be
considered for allocation after the summer half-         Note:
term holiday in 2021, by which time there might          •  Funding is available for four year olds
not be any places available in the year group.              attending an early years setting (15 hours, or
Applications for a Different Cohort                         30 if eligible). However, if children attend
                                                            school part-time but for 15 hours or more, no
Parents may seek a place for their child outside
their normal year group with a different cohort,            additional funding would be available for early
although children must have started school when             years provision.
they reach compulsory school age. Requests to            •  If parents/carers decide to defer their child’s
defer starting Reception, early/deferred transfer           entry by a term or more, they may need to
from primary to secondary or infant to junior               consider arrangements for pre-school
school, must be made to the admissions team at              provision and whether a place is available.
the same time as the application for a school            •  Children are not usually admitted into a year
place. Applications and early/deferral request              group other than their normal year group.
must be made by the closing date (31 October             •  There is no provision for children to be
for secondary and 15 January for primary).                  admitted to Reception a year early.

  Parents’ Guide to Education 2020/21                   General Section page 11
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Oversubscription Criteria for all Community and Voluntary
Controlled Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in Shropshire
Shropshire Council has a designated                       Priority 2:
‘catchment area’ or ‘attendance area’ policy              Very exceptionally, priority may be given to a
which applies to most but not all schools. For            child who has a particular health reason
more details of the catchment area for any                requiring them to attend a specific school. This
individual school, please go to Map Viewer                will only be allowed if parents/carers provide on                    written evidence from a medical professional
Shropshire Council’s website. If in doubt or for          that in the view of the local authority confirms
a definitive answer that the website may not              that attending that particular school (and no
provide, please call on 0345 678 9008.                    other) is essential to the medical well-being of
                                                          the child. The Council reserves the right to
If a Shropshire school is a community or                  contact medical professionals to ascertain the
voluntary controlled school, then the local               relevance of the medical condition.
authority, not the school, is the admission
authority and Shropshire Council’s admissions             Priority 3: Children living within
policy shown below will apply. Some own                   the defined Catchment Area*
                                                          Children living inside the catchment area will have
admission authority schools choose to adopt
                                                          next priority. If there are not enough places for all
the oversubscription criteria listed below.               the children living in the catchment area, we will
                                                          look at the following two criteria in order:

Children with a Statement of Special                      A Priority will be given to children living within the
                                                          catchment area who will have a sibling** at the
Educational Needs or EHCP, which names a
                                                          school on the day they are due to start there.
particular school, will be allocated places,
                                                          B Then the remainder of applicants who live inside
after which places are allocated according to
                                                          the catchment area.
an agreed set of criteria, in strict order of
                                                          Priority 4: Children living outside
Priority 1: Looked After Children                         the defined Catchment Area
A Looked after children at the time of application        After that, any places that are left will be offered
to a school and all previously looked after children      to children who live outside the catchment area. If
who ceased to be so because they were                     there are not enough places for all of them, we
immediately adopted (or became subject to a               will look at the following two criteria in order:
child arrangements order or special guardianship          A Priority will be given to children outside the
order)1.                                                  catchment area who will have a sibling** at the
B Children who appear to the admission authority          school on the day they are due to start there.
to have been in state care outside of England and         B After that, the remainder of applicants who live
ceased to be in state care as a result of being           outside the catchment area
  A looked after child is a child who is in the care of
a local authority in England, or is being provided
                                                          If, in any of the above categories, there are more
with accommodation by a local authority in
                                                          applications than places available, priority will be
England in the exercise of their social services
                                                          given on the basis of distance from home to
2                                                         school gate measured as a straight line on the
  A child is regarded as having been in state care in
                                                          Council’s computerised mapping system. The
a place outside of England if they were
                                                          shortest distance being given priority.
accommodated by a public authority, a religious
organisation or any other provider of care whose
                                                          * and ** see notes on page 13.
sole purpose is to benefit society

   Parents’ Guide to Education 2020/21                     General Section page 12
Apply online at
  Please note:
                                                          Where 2 or more applications are considered
  * In the oversubscription criteria we talk
                                                          to be of equal priority after all criteria have
  about “living in a school’s catchment
                                                          been taken into account a tiebreaker will be
                                                          used. This will be by random allocation and
  We define this as follows:                              overseen by an independent party not
  A child will be treated as living in the                connected with the admissions process.
  catchment area if they reside with their
  parent/carer at their normal and genuine                To sum up:
  place of residence for the majority of the              1. Consider which are your three preferred
  time and the address lies within the area                  schools.
  designated by the Local Authority as the                2. Read this booklet so that you understand
  catchment area for that particular school.                 the admissions process.
  ** We define a sibling connection as                    3. Make your application by 15 January 2020.
  follows:                                                4. Register online and make your application
  A sibling connection is defined as a                       at
  brother or sister, step-brother, or step-        
  sister, half-brother or half-sister, living at             or if you do not have internet access, visit
  the same address as part of the same                       your local library.
  family unit of compulsory school age (i.e.              5. Your allocation will be shown online and an
  5-16 years). Fostered and adopted siblings                 email sent to you on 16 April 2020.
  are also included. However, cousins or                  6. Allocation letters will be sent by second
  other relatives who take up residence in a                 class post on 16 April 2020.
  home in order to establish an "in-
  catchment area” address will not be given
  priority under the sibling criteria. Older                    Where can I find answers
  siblings must be attending the school on
  the date that the younger sibling is due to                     to other questions?
  start there.
                                                           On pp 51-57 you will find the most
  A sibling connection is not normally                     frequently asked questions and their
  applicable in application for infant school              answers. If you still require further
  when the sibling attends a ‘linked’ junior               information please contact the Admissions
  school, e.g. an applicant for Woodfield                  Team. We urge you to read the FAQs
  Infant School would not be considered to                 before you make your application.
  have a sibling at the same school if the
  sibling attends St George’s Junior School;
  they are considered to be two separate
  schools. However, admission authority               .
  schools can determine their own criteria
  so please check their policy. (See p17.)
  All distances are measured as a straight                 You will not necessarily get all the correct
  line on the Council’s computerised                       information you need from friends,
  mapping system which pinpoints the                       neighbours or estate agents, so please do
  eastings and northings of the home                       not rely on them when deciding how to
  address and the nearest appropriate                      make your application. Schools may try to
  entrance gate of the relevant school. The                help but they cannot know all the answers
  shortest distance will be given priority.                because school staff are not responsible
  Where two addresses are within the same                  for implementing the admissions policy.
  blocks of flats, the lowest number of flat               If you have any questions, contact the
  or nearest to the ground floor will be                   Admissions Team.
  deemed to be the nearest in distance.

  Parents’ Guide to Education 2020/21                     General Section page 13
Apply online at

              Admissions Flow Chart – PRIMARY

By 15 January 2020
                                                                Application made

 16 April 2020                                                                                       2nd/3rd
                             Offered 1st                                                           Preference
                             Preference                                                             or Other

                                                Change of
                     Accept                  circumstance:
                                                                                                Refuse       Accept
                                              I decide not
                                                to accept

                                                for another                       Request
By 1 May 2020                                 place at Review                   Review and/or
                                                  and/or                           Appeal

  8 May 2020                   Offer                                 Refusal                         Offer

                                                                    Continue to
                                                                  appeal against
                               Accept             Accept          refusal to offer
                                                Alternative                                         Accept
                                                                  a place and / or
                                                                     remain on
                                                                     waiting list
 Please note:
 Appeals will be held June/July 2020.
 Parents who wish to follow this procedure will be notified
 of the specific date and time with as much notice as

  Parents’ Guide to Education 2020/21                                    General Section page 14
Apply online at

   Oversubscription Criteria for Own
Admission Authority Primary Schools
All our schools have agreed to the same                           The oversubscription criteria for own
arrangements as those set out for the                             admission authority schools are as follows:
Council’s policy in respect of the following:
                                                                  Alveley Primary School: AN = 15
• The way in which distances will be measured.                    Children with an Education and Health Care Plan which
• The placing of twins or triplets.                               names the school will be allocated places, after which places
• Tie breaker in case of two applications being exactly the       are allocated up to the Published Admission Number
    same.                                                         according to the criteria in order of priority as shown below:
• Late applications and waiting lists.                             1. Looked After Children who are in Public Care or
• Definition of looked after children as follows:                       children who were Looked After but ceased to be so
                                                                        because they were adopted (or became subject to a
1 A looked after child is a child who is in the care of a local         child arrangements order or special guardianship order)
authority in England, or is being provided with                         as defined in the School Admissions Code.
accommodation by a local authority in England in the exercise     2a) Children living inside the designated catchment area who
of their social services functions.                                   will have a sibling at the school on the day they are due to
2 A child is regarded as having been in state care in a place         start school.
outside of England if they were accommodated by a public          2b) All other children who live within the catchment area.
authority, a religious organisation or any other provider of      3a) Children living outside the designated catchment area
care whose sole purpose is to benefit society.                        who will have a sibling at the school on the day they are
                                                                      due to start school.
                                                                  3b) All other children living outside the designated catchment
(AN = Admission Number)                                               area.
                                                                  Each category will be rank ordered according to the distance
The following admission authority schools                         from home to school as a straight line measurement
have adopted the same oversubscription
criteria as Shropshire Council. (See the criteria                 Barrow 1618 CE Free School: AN = 12
on pages 12/13):                                                  1a. Looked after children at the time of application to a
                                                                      school and all previously looked after children who
                                                                      ceased to be so because they were immediately adopted
Clee Hill Primary School AN = 16
                                                                      (or became subject to a child arrangements order or
Crowmoor Primary School: AN = 30                                      special guardianship order)1.
Grange Primary School AN = 60                                     1b Children who appear to the admission authority to have
Greenacres Foundation Primary School: AN = 30                         been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in
Market Drayton Junior School AN = 90                                  state care as a result of being adopted2.
                                                                  2 Children of the Head Teacher and Class Teachers who
Market Drayton, Longlands Primary School AN = 30                      have been employed at the school for two or more years
Prees CE Primary School: AN = 28                                      at the time at which the application for admission to the
St. Georges Junior School: AN =90                                     school is made or in the instance that a member of staff is
St Martin’s School (Primary) AN = 30                                  recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a
Stokesay Primary School AN = 30                                       demonstrable skill shortage.
                                                                  3 Children who have an older sibling at the school at the
Stottesdon Primary School AN = 15                                     time the younger child would be due to start, or whose
Tilstock CE Primary School AN = 10                                    older sibling was on roll within 2 years of the application
Wem St Peter’s CE Primary School AN = 60                              being made.
Whitchurch Infants School: AN = 90                                4. Children who live within 2 miles from the school in a
                                                                      straight line, as measured on a map.
Whitchurch Junior School: AN = 90
                                                                  5. Very exceptionally, where a child has a particular medical
Whixall CE Primary School: AN = 20                                    reason requiring them to attend Barrow 1618 CE Primary
The Wilfred Owen School AN = 30                                       Free School.
Woodfield Infants School AN = 90                                  6. Children who are eligible for the Pupil Premium at the
Worfield Endowed Primary School: AN = 29                              time of application.
                                                                  7. Children who are members of, or who regularly practice,
                                                                      their faith or denomination at a local Church of England
Other schools have set their own policy. The                          by means of a letter of recommendation from their vicar,
full versions of each school’s admissions                             which should be submitted to the school directly by the
arrangements can be viewed on the website:                            application deadline. It should be noted that Free Schools under Determined                                are allowed to select only 50% of their intake on the basis
Admission Arrangements for 2020.                                      of faith.
                                                                  6. Other children whose homes are nearest to the school
                                                                      measured as a straight line between home and school.

     Parents’ Guide to Education 2020/21                            General Section page 15
Apply online at
Baschurch CE Aided Primary School: AN = 25                         cases priority may be given above those children who qualify
1a. Looked after children at the time of application to a          under priorities 2 – 6.
    school and all previously looked after children who
    ceased to be so because they were immediately adopted          Bitterley CE Aided Primary School: AN = 16
    (or became subject to a child arrangements order or            (See The Diocese of Hereford MAT)
    special guardianship order)1.
1b Children who appear to the admission authority to have          Bridgnorth, Castlefields Primary School AN = 30
    been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in      Children with an Education and Health Care Plan which
    state care as a result of being adopted2                       names the school will be allocated places, after which places
2.Children with medical or special circumstances. This will        are allocated up to the Published Admission Number
    only be considered if parents can provide written medical      according to the criteria in order of priority as shown below:
    evidence that Baschurch CE Primary School is essential to       1. Looked After Children who are in Public Care or
    the medical well-being of their child.                               children who were Looked After but ceased to be so
3. Children whose families live inside the designated                    because they were adopted (or became subject to a
      catchment area and whose parents can demonstrate                   child arrangements order or special guardianship order)
      their commitment to regular and faithful worship** in              as defined in the School Admissions Code.
      the Church of England by means of a letter from their        2a) Children living inside the designated catchment area who
      vicar.                                                           will have a sibling at the school on the day they are due to
4. Children who live inside the designated catchment area              start school.
      and whose parents can demonstrate their commitment           2b) All other children who live within the catchment area.
      to regular and faithful worship** in a Christian church by   3a) Children living outside the designated catchment area
      means of a letter from the priest or minister.                   who will have a sibling at the school on the day they are
5. Children living in the designated catchment area who                due to start school.
      have an older sibling at the school on the date they are     3b) All other children living outside the designated catchment
      due to start.                                                    area.
6. Other children living inside the designated catchment           Each category will be rank ordered according to the distance
      area and whose homes are nearest to the school.              from home to school as a straight line measurement
7. Children whose families live outside the designated
      catchment area whose parents can demonstrate their
      commitment to regular and faithful worship** in the          Bridgnorth - St John’s Catholic Aided Primary
      Church of England by means of a letter from their vicar.     School: AN = 30
8. Children who live outside the designated catchment area         1. Looked After Children and previously Looked After
      and whose parents can demonstrate their commitment              Children who ceased to be so because they were adopted
      to regular and faithful worship** in a Christian church by      as defined in the School Admissions Code.
      means of a letter from the priest or minister.               2. Baptised Catholic children who have a sibling in the
9. Children living outside the catchment area and who have            School at the time of admission.
      an older sibling at the school on the day they are due to    3. Baptised Catholic children.
      start and whose homes are nearest to the school.             4. Non-Catholic children who have a sibling in the School at
10. Other children living outside the catchment area and              the time of admission.
      whose homes are nearest to the school.                       5. Other Non-Catholic children whose parents wish them to
** Regular and faithful worship would be defined as                   have a Catholic education.
  attendance at a church service on a Sunday or weekday on
  at least two occasions per month for at least two years.         Notes:
                                                                   All Catholic applicants will be required to produce baptismal
Bishop’s Castle Primary School: AN = 25                            certificates which should be handed in to the school at the
                                                                   time of application for admission.
(See The Diocese of Hereford MAT)                                  If in any category there are more applications than places
                                                                   available, priority will be given on the basis of distance from
Bishop Hooper CE Aided School: AN = 15                             home to school.
1. Looked After Children, which also includes children who         The Governing Body reserve the right to admit children with
    were Looked After but ceased to be so because they were        proven and exceptional medical and social needs where
    adopted.                                                       admission to the school would be essential to satisfy those
2. Children living in the designated catchment area and who        exceptional needs, providing that such an application is
    have a sibling living at the same address and attending        submitted with appropriate evidence or reports from a
    the school on the date they are due to start.                  doctor or social worker.
3. Other children living inside the catchment area.
4. Children living outside the catchment area and who have         Bridgnorth, St Leonard’s CE Primary School: AN = 48
    a sibling at the school on the day they are due to start.      Children with an Education and Health Care Plan which
5. Children who live outside the designated catchment area         names the school will be allocated places, after which places
    and whose parents can demonstrate an ‘attachment’* to          are allocated up to the Published Admission Number
    a Christian church by means of a letter from the priest or     according to the criteria in order of priority as shown below:
    minister, and whose homes are nearest to the school.            1 Looked After Children who are in Public Care or children
    *For the definitions of “attached to the church”, please        who were Looked After but ceased to be so because they
    see page 22.                                                    were adopted (or became subject to a child arrangements
6. Other children living outside the catchment area                 order or special guardianship order) as defined in the School
Children with medical or special circumstances:                     Admissions Code.
This will only be considered if parents can provide written        2a) Children living inside the designated catchment area who
medical evidence that Bishop Hooper CE Primary School is               will have a sibling at the school on the day they are due to
essential to the medical well-being of their child. In such            start school.

   Parents’ Guide to Education 2020/21                               General Section page 16
Apply online at
2b) All other children who live within the catchment area.               child arrangements order or special guardianship order)
3a) Children living outside the designated catchment area                as defined in the School Admissions Code.
    who will have a sibling at the school on the day they are      2a) Children living inside the designated catchment area who
    due to start school.                                               will have a sibling at the school on the day they are due to
3b) All other children living outside the designated catchment         start school.
    area.                                                          2b) All other children who live within the catchment area.
Each category will be rank ordered according to the distance       3a) Children living outside the designated catchment area
from home to school as a straight line measurement.                    who will have a sibling at the school on the day they are
                                                                       due to start school.
Bridgnorth - St Mary’s Bluecoat CE School: AN = 30                 3b) All other children living outside the designated catchment
1.     Children who are in public care as Looked After Children,       area.
       or children who were Looked After but ceased to be so       Each category will be rank ordered according to the distance
       because they were adopted (or became subject to a           from home to school as a straight line measurement.
       child arrangements order or special guardianship order).
2. Children with medical or special circumstances. This will       Burford CE Primary School: AN = 20
       be considered only if parents can provide written           (See The Diocese of Hereford MAT)
       medical evidence that attending St. Mary’s Bluecoat C.E.
       Primary School is essential to the medical wellbeing of
       their child.                                                Claverley CE Aided School: AN = 17
3. Children living in the designated catchment area who            1. Children who are in public care as Looked After Children
       have an older sibling at the school on the date they are       and children who were looked after but ceased to be so
       due to start.                                                  because they were adopted (or became subject to a child
4. Other children from within the normal catchment area               arrangements order or special guardianship order).
5. Children from outside the normal catchment area with            2. Children with medical or special circumstances. This will
       an older sibling in the school.                                only be considered if parents can provide written medical
6. Children of parents who are “attached to”* and on the              evidence that Claverley CE Primary School is essential to
       electoral roll of St Mary Magdalene Church, Bridgnorth         the medical well-being of their child
       and St. Mary Magdalene Church, Quatford.                    3. Children who live within the catchment area of the school
7. Children whose parents are actively seeking and are at             who will have an older sibling registered at the school on
       least “known to”* an Anglican Aided School.                    the day they are due to be admitted.
8. Other children from outside the catchment area on a             4. Other children who live within the catchment area.
       distance basis.                                             5. Children who live outside the catchment area but who
       *For the definitions of “attached to the church” and           have an older sibling registered at the school on the day
       “known to the church”, please see page 22.                     they are due to be admitted.
If in any of the above categories there are more applications      6. Children who live outside the normal admissions area but
than places available, priority will be given on the basis of         within the ecclesiastical parish boundary of Claverley.
distance with those living nearest the school having priority.     7. Children from outside the normal admissions area whose                                                       parents are on the electoral roll of Holy Innocents Church
Bucknell, St Mary’s CE Primary School: AN = 8                         in the parish of Tuck Hill.
Children with an Education and Health Care Plan which              8. Children of families living outside the catchment area but
names the school will be allocated places, after which places         within the ecclesiastical parish boundary of Tuck Hill and
are allocated up to the Published Admission Number                    “attached to” another church*. Request for admission in
according to the criteria in order of priority as shown below:        this case must be accompanied by a letter of reference
 1. Looked After Children who are in Public Care or                   from a priest or minister.
      children who were Looked After but ceased to be so           9. All other children who live outside the catchment area.
      because they were adopted (or became subject to a               *For the definition of “attached to the church”, please
      child arrangements order or special guardianship order)         see page 22.
      as defined in the School Admissions Code.
2a) Children living inside the designated catchment area who       Cleobury Mortimer Primary School AN = 17
    will have a sibling at the school on the day they are due to   Children with an Education and Health Care Plan which
    start school.                                                  names the school will be allocated places, after which places
2b) All other children who live within the catchment area.         are allocated up to the Published Admission Number
3a) Children living outside the designated catchment area          according to the criteria in order of priority as shown below:
    who will have a sibling at the school on the day they are       1. Looked After Children who are in Public Care or
    due to start school.                                                 children who were Looked After but ceased to be so
3b) All other children living outside the designated catchment           because they were adopted (or became subject to a
    area.                                                                child arrangements order or special guardianship order)
Each category will be rank ordered according to the distance             as defined in the School Admissions Code.
from home to school as a straight line measurement.                2a) Children living inside the designated catchment area who
                                                                       will have a sibling at the school on the day they are due to
Buildwas Academy: AN = 12                                              start school.
Children with an Education and Health Care Plan which              2b) All other children who live within the catchment area.
names the school will be allocated places, after which places      3a) Children living outside the designated catchment area
are allocated up to the Published Admission Number                     who will have a sibling at the school on the day they are
according to the criteria in order of priority as shown below:         due to start school.
 1. Looked After Children who are in Public Care or                3b) All other children living outside the designated catchment
      children who were Looked After but ceased to be so               area.
      because they were adopted (or became subject to a            Each category will be rank ordered according to the distance
                                                                   from home to school as a straight line measurement.

     Parents’ Guide to Education 2020/21                             General Section page 17
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