Parklands THE MAGAZINE OF CENTENNIAL PARKLANDS - Filming and photography: our place on the world stage

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Parklands THE MAGAZINE OF CENTENNIAL PARKLANDS - Filming and photography: our place on the world stage
                          THE   MAGAZINE   OF   CENTENNIAL   PARKLANDS

                                                       Filming and
                                                       our place on the
                                                       world stage

                                                       New Chair
                                                       for Community

                                                       Mardi Gras says
                                                       thanks with a tree
Parklands THE MAGAZINE OF CENTENNIAL PARKLANDS - Filming and photography: our place on the world stage
Directions                                                                                                                                                                                                           Parkbench

                                                          the year, in this magazine and through             provide information within the Parklands.
                                                                                                                                                                   Recycling bins trial at                               New website with interactive map
                                                          various events, we will aim to showcase the        We are also dedicated to providing a high
                                                          three Parks that make up this wonderful            quality and accessible online presence. To this       Learners Cycleway                                                                                       Make sure you bookmark the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           new and improved Centennial
                                                          space – Centennial Park, Moore Park and            end, the Trust has recently redeveloped its           New types of general waste and recycling bins                                                           Parklands website. Not only
                                                          Queens Park.                                       website:              have been installed at the Learners Cycleway                                                            does it have a new look,
                                                                                                                                                                   picnic area. The new bins feature lid systems                                                           the information has been
                                                          The Parklands play a number of roles for the       Finally, as a member of the peak                      that aim to reduce contamination of the
                                                          community – providing recreation space,            international body Parks Forum, I would like                                                                                                                  restructured to allow users
                                                                                                                                                                   recycling bin and improve the amount of                                                                 to find information quickly
                                                          scope for enterprise and urban habitat. It is a    to pay tribute to the late Sir Edmund Hillary         recycling within the Parklands. When a recycling                                                        and easily.
                                                          place that often surprises (read on page 3         – patron to Parks Forum, pioneer,                     bin is contaminated with general waste the
                                                          about the discovery of a new native species        adventurer and advocate. His immense
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           The new website includes an
                                                                                                                                                                   contents are sent to land fill rather than
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           interactive map using the latest
                                                          of fish), regularly entertains (read about         presence will be sadly missed by all who              recycled. The Trust will monitor the success of
    Welcome to the autumn issue of Parklands                                                                                                                                                                             Screen shot of our new website                    aerial and street mapping
                                                          upcoming events on page 4) and always              work in or believe in a healthy and                   this trial with a view to replacing all bins within
    magazine.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              technology. The map gives
                                                          provides a picturesque backdrop or setting         sustainable environment.                              the Parklands.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         users a bird's eye view of all your favourite locations, sports fields, barbecues,
    This year will see significant milestones for         for an occasion or venture (read about                                                                                                                         toilets and bus stops. We welcome feedback on our new site. Visit
                                                                                                             Enjoy the changing colours of autumn.
    Centennial Parklands. On Australia Day                filming activities on pages 6-7).                                                                                                                     and check it out.
    Centennial Park turned 120 years old, and
                                                          With 360 hectares to manage and more
    in December the Centennial Park and
                                                          than 10 million visits a year, provision of        Steve Corbett                                         Centennial Parklands
    Moore Park Trust will celebrate its 25th year
    as custodian of these Parklands. Throughout
                                                          high quality information is essential.             Director and Chief Executive                          Restaurant precinct
                                                          Brochures, signs and our visitor centres           Centennial Parklands
                                                                                                                                                                   update                                                New sports field at Moore Park
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The Trust, in conjunction with the Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground Trust,
    Our People                        O u r P l ac e s                      O u r Pa rt n e r s                      O u r P ot e n t i a l                                                                              has undertaken construction of a premium sporting field at Kippax Lake. This
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         quality field will be available to professional sporting teams and community
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         sporting groups. It will also reduce on-grass car parking spaces during events.
                                                             Contents                                                                                                                                                    A number of eucalyptus trees removed during construction were identified
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         for removal in the Tree Master Plan 2002. The trees were of low level
                                                             Parkbench                                  3                                                                                                                heritage and design significance. Replacement trees have been planted at the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         northern end of Kippax Lake and at Moore Park West and future plantings in
                                                             Jack Johnson’s Eco Village                 4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         this area will result in a net increase in the overall tree population around
                                                             Mardi Gras says thanks with a tree         4                                                                                                                Kippax Lake.
                                                             New CCC Chair                              5
                                                             Autumn events line-up                      5                                                          Working on the Restaurant’s new roof
                                                             Feature: Filming & photography:                                                                       The Restaurant refurbishment is well
                                                             our place on the world’s stage             6                                                          underway with the main structural work,               A fishy find in Lily Pond
                                                                                                                                                                   including installation of the roof, due to be                                                         A new species of native fish –
     Parklands magazine is published quarterly by the        Twitcher’s Corner:
     Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust:
                                                                                                                                                                   completed in April 2008. The fit-out of the                                                           not seen before in Centennial
                                                             Little Pied Cormorant                      8                                                          Restaurant will then be undertaken by the
     Locked Bag 15, Paddington NSW 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Parklands – has been identified in
     Centennial Parklands is managed by the                  Business profile: The Travelling Barista 8                                                            new licensee, Trippas White, with a winter                                                            Lily Pond. The Cox’s Gudgeon
     Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust.                                                                                                                         opening date anticipated. As part of the                                                              (Gobiomorphus coxii) was recently
                                                             Plant of the Season:
     Trustees:                                                                                                                                                     refurbishment the women’s toilets near the                                                            found during a survey to assess
     Professor John Niland AC (Chairman)                     Imperial bromeliad                         9
                                                                                                                                                                   café were demolished and temporary toilets                                                            the population of the introduced
     Justice Annabelle Bennett AO David Leckie
     Yvette Pietsch                      Mairaed Bilmon
                                                             Native Watch: Pouched Coral Fern           9                                                          installed across Depot Road. When the                                                                 Gambusia species. Though only
     John Walker                         Sarah Whyte                                                                                                               project is completed, new toilets will be                                                             150mm long, the Cox’s
                                                             Friends / Healthy Parks Healthy People 10                                                         6
     Dr Margaret Varady AO                                                                                                                                         available in the restaurant/café building.                                                            Gudgeon is the largest native fish
     The Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust                Foundation / Volunteers                    11                                                         Associated road works in Depot Road will                                                              naturally present and able to
     acknowledges the Cadigal as the traditional                                                                                            9                      increase the safety of pedestrians using this
     custodians of the land that is now known as             Visitor Information                        12                                                                                                                                                               breed in Centennial Parklands’
     Centennial Parklands.                                                                                                                                         shared zone. The speed limit of 10 kilometres                                                         pond system. As yet, this species
     Editor: Rachel Maiden                                                                                                                                         per hour will remain. As part of this pedestrian      Cox’s Gudgeon                                   has not been identified in any
                                                                                                                              focus, the existing public parking bays on                                                            other Parklands’ ponds.
     Contributors: Trevor Waller, Frank Hemmings             Cover: A film shoot in Centennial Park,                                                               Depot Road will be removed however three
     Photography: Chris Gleisner                             behind the camera’s lens.                                                                             accessible parking bays will remain.

2     Parklands Autumn 2008                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Parklands Autumn 2008     3
Parklands THE MAGAZINE OF CENTENNIAL PARKLANDS - Filming and photography: our place on the world stage
Park News                                                                                                                                 Park News

Jack Johnson’s Eco Village                                                                                                                    New Chair for Community                                                               Autumn line-up
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Enjoy the range of events hosted by
                                                                                                 and school gardens, land preservation,
                                                                                                 environmental education and more – to
                                                                                                                                              Consultative Committee                                                                Centennial Parklands this autumn. For
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    more information visit
                                                                                                 acknowledge and support the important        A new Chair, Ann ‘Mairaed’ Bilmon, has been appointed to the Centennial     
                                                                                                 work they are doing in communities           Parklands Community Consultative Committee (CCC). Mairaed has been a                  or call (02) 9339 6699 to receive a copy
                                                                                                 across the planet.                           member of the Committee for two years and replaces outgoing Chair Allan               of our What’s On brochure.
                                                                                                 A number of non-profit groups will           Young, whose maximum two terms on the Committee have expired.
                                                                                                 interact with the crowd at the concert’s     A local resident for many years as well as a former councillor and Mayor of           Jack Johnson 2008 tour
                                                                                                 “Village Green” to raise awareness about     Woollahra Municipal Council, Mairaed brings a love of the Parklands and wealth of     Saturday 15 March 2008
                                                                                                 local issues and engage community action.    local knowledge to the Committee. Mairaed said, ‘I am honoured to have been           Musician Jack Johnson returns to Centennial
                                                                                                 The Centennial Parklands Foundation will     elected Chair of the Community Consultative Committee. There are challenges           Park performing songs from his new album,
                                                                                                 be a part of this Eco Village. The           and rewards being part of the Parklands network and the broader community.            Sleeping Through Static, as well many
                                                                                                 Foundation is a charitable organisation      A number of new members have also been appointed to the Committee, and                popular songs from earlier albums. The
                                                                                                 raising much needed funds to ensure          I am keen to welcome and work with them as they bring their special skills to         show promises Australian audiences
                                                                                                 the natural environment provided by          the CCC.’                                                                             another extraordinary live experience, such
                                                                                                 Centennial Parklands is enjoyed by           Reflecting on his four years on the committee, Allan said he thoroughly enjoyed it:   as they have come to enjoy over the past
                                                                                                 future generations.                          ‘Two years were spent as Chair of the Committee. There have been many                 eight years.
                                                                                                 At the Village Green, the Foundation will    challenges during this time, including providing input into key planning documents,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Opening the concert will be Matt Costa,
                                                                                                 seek to lift awareness of this important     major capital works such as the restaurant refurbishment and the staging of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    with support from local talent Will Conner
                                                                                                 work and distribute information on ways      large events.’
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and Dave “Rasta” Rastavich. Visit
    Musician Jack Johnson
                                                                                                 to help it secure a sustainable future for   Allan extended his thanks to the Parklands community for its support. He especially
                                                                                                 the Parklands.                               thanked his fellow members, Don Carseldine, Michael McDonald, Sandy Pratten
    Musician Jack Johnson will return to play     festival merchandise will be made from         For more information on how you can          and Peter Reid, whose terms have also expired, for their ‘commitment and              V Festival
    at Centennial Park on Saturday 15 March       sustainable materials and the tour will        support the work of the Foundation, visit    friendship’ during their tenure on the CCC.                                           Saturday 29 March 2008
    2008. As with Jack’s 2005 tour, this year’s   promote locally grown and organic foods,    Newly appointed CCC members are Natalie Fisher, Sandy Libling, Fran Meagher,
    tour is committed to energy conservation      bio-ware, composting and recycling.                                                                                                                                               The popular V Festival will be held for a
                                                                                                 or phone (02) 9339 6699.                     Stacy Warren and Harley Wright. Visit for          second year in Centennial Park. An
    and waste reduction. Trucks and coaches       Additionally this year, the tour is reaching                                                background information on these new members.
    will use biodiesel to reduce carbon                                                                                                                                                                                             amazing line-up of artists include The
                                                  out to non-profit groups – working in                                                       The CCC is an advisory body whose task is to represent a broad range of               Smashing Pumpkins, Duran Duran,
    dioxide emissions and attendees will be       areas such as water quality, community                                                      community interests to the Trust. Members have diverse backgrounds and meet           Queens of the Stone Age, The Jesus and
    encouraged to use public transport. All
                                                                                                                                              approximately eight times a year. If you would like to contact the Committee,         Mary Chain and many more. Visit
                                                                                                                                              please email or write to Locked Bag 15       
                                                                                                                                              Paddington NSW 2021.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Tour de Kids
Mardi Gras says thanks with a tree                                                                                                                                                                                                  Sunday 6 April 2008
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Tour de Kids has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            raised $2.6 million
    The Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras         dedicated a tree in support of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            over seven years for
    will celebrate its 30th birthday this year    Centennial Parklands Foundation.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            a variety of children’s
    with its traditional parade on Saturday       The tree is sited adjacent to the route                                                                                                                                                                   health and wellbeing
    1 March 2008. From turbulent beginnings       followed by the Mardi Gras Parade. In                                                                                                                                                                     programs. This year
    in 1978, Mardi Gras has become a firmly       recognition of Mardi Gras’ generosity a                                                                                                                                                                   they will ride
    established event on Sydney’s calendar,       plaque has be placed at the base of this                                                                                                                                          1,100kms from Albury to Sydney via the
    growing in terms of both tourist and          beautiful Moreton Bay fig.                                                                                                                                                        Victorian Alps. Their Sydney route will take
    spectator numbers.                            This year’s parade theme, Brave New                                                                                                                                               them through Centennial Park on Sunday
    Over the years Moore Park has been the        Worlds, encourages a reflective look at                                                                                                                                           6 April. Their goal is to raise $700,000 for
    finishing point for this world-famous         how far Mardi Gras has come over the                                                                                                                                              the Starlight Children’s Foundation and a
    parade and the location of its post-Parade    past three decades while looking to                                                                                                                                               range of smaller charities. Visit
    parties. To celebrate this anniversary and    the future.                                                                                                                                                             
    mark the event’s long association with        Visit for more
    Centennial Parklands, Mardi Gras has          information.
                                                                                                                                              New CCC Chair, Mairaed Bilmon
                                                                                                 Mardi Gras celebrates 30 years
4     Parklands Autumn 2008                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Parklands Autumn 2008      5
Parklands THE MAGAZINE OF CENTENNIAL PARKLANDS - Filming and photography: our place on the world stage
Feature: Our Places
                                                                                                                                                                                                          revenue stream, contributing to the long-      Commercials
                                                                                                                                                                                                          term sustainability of the Parks, ‘we don’t    Some of the industries blue chip brands

    Our growing place on the world media and                                                                                                                                                              just work with the big players. We assist
                                                                                                                                                                                                          many budding film makers, including
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Tropfest entrants, by providing special
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         have filmed commercials in Centennial
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Parklands, including:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Nokia, McDonalds, AAMI, Nike,

    entertainment stage
                                                                                                                                                                                                          low rates. Film students and children also
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Coca Cola, Weight Watchers.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          come to the Parklands to complete their
                                                                                                                                                                                                          film assignments,’ he said.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          The Parklands’ 360 hectares offers a vast
                                                                                                                                                                                                          range of locations to suit different filming
                                                                                                         The Parklands has been a venue for some                                                          needs. Our magnificent tree-lined
                                                                                                         spectacular sets including a Ferris wheel                                                        roadways are great for car commercials,
                                                                                                         for a mobile phone commercial, an Asian                                                          our sports fields are popular for active
                                                                                                         marketplace for a spices product, a                                                              recreation shots, and our many natural
                                                                                                         carnival ground for a chocolate                A “dolly” allows the camera to be set on tracks   beauty spots including ponds, formal and
                                                                                                         advertisement and a futuristic planet for                                                        informal landscapes and vistas are a
                                                                                                                                                        Restrictions are also designed to ensure          perfect backdrop for romance and
                                                                                                         Farscape. The Parklands has hosted a cast      equity of access for other park users. For
                                                                                                         of talent from Canadian environmentalist                                                         relaxation shoots.
                                                                                                                                                        example filming is not permitted on
                                                                                                         David Suzuki to actress Rose Byrne as          weekends when the Parklands is at its
                                                                                                         well as looking after the special needs of     most popular with the public. A safety
                                                                                                         talented animals including a cow, monkey,      officer is required on large film shoots,
                                                                                                         parrot – even an elephant!                     and a specially trained Parklands Security
                                                                                                                                                        Ranger looks after the interests of the
                                                                                                         Music Videos                                   Parklands and manages enquiries from
                                                                                                         Did you know that Australian Idol Casey        the public at the location site.
                                                                                                         Donovan’s “Listen to your Heart” was           ‘Larger shoots always require on-site
    The set for a TV commercial promoting an Asian spice range                                           filmed in the Pine Forest. The shoot was       meetings,’ said Kate, ‘and once we get a
    Centennial Parklands is growing in                      Kate Hooper, Centennial Parklands’           conducted at night with thousands of           clear idea of the type of location the
    popularity as a versatile location for                  contact officer for the filming and          fairylights creating a magical setting.        client wants we can usually provide
    movies, television shows, commercials                   photography industry, ‘Sometimes the         Children’s performers Hi-5 and Vanessa         multiple options. Recently a client asked                                                        Shooting a scene from Farscape required installing a
    and photography shoots. You will have                   smaller film shoots require bringing in      Amorosi have also used the Parklands to        to use Federation Valley for a film shoot                                                        large statue
    seen the results – though you may not                   about seven trucks for catering,             record music videos.                           involving a cow. But because this is an
                                                                                                                                                        historic area, not to mention a popular                                                          In early 2008 the Australian Film,
    be aware of it – on a screen or billboard,              wardrobe, props, lighting and generators.’                                                                                                    The carnival set for a chocolate commercial
                                                                                                                                                        off-leash dog area, we suggested other                                                           Television and Radio School (AFTRS),
    or in a magazine or newspaper.                                                                       Ashley McLeod is Location Director from        venue options and the shoot was easily                                                           one of Australia's premier national
    Increasingly, too, international shoots are                                                          Sach Australia, a locations company that                                                         Core of the Parklands’ growing
                                                            Photography                                                                                 moved to Dickens Drive.’                                                                         training institution for the screen and
    showcasing the beauty of the Parklands                                                               regularly recommends Centennial                                                                  international profile is Fox Professional
                                                            The Parklands is very popular for                                                                                                                                                            broadcast industries, will move into new
    to a global audience.                                                                                Parklands to film and photography clients.                                                       Studios in Moore Park. Fox has
                                                            photography shoots. You may have                                                                                                                                                             premises in the Entertainment Quarter.
    Centennial Parklands has been used as a                                                              Proximity to Sydney’s CBD plus open            Television                                        established a creative community of
                                                            recognised our backdrop in the following                                                                                                                                                     This move, AFTRS said, will put it in
    location for major films seen by millions of                                                         space is what draws Ashley back to the                                                           more than 60 independent service
                                                            catalogue shoots:                                                                           The Parklands has hosted many television                                                         close proximity to Fox Studios, Animal
    people around the world, providing                                                                   Parklands time and time again.                                                                   providers, able to handle everything from
                                                                                                                                                        shoots in the last 12 months, highlights                                                         Logic, Soundfirm, Trackdown, Vision
    wonderful free exposure to our diverse                  David Jones, Reebok, Supre, Rockmans,        ‘Centennial Parklands is one of the most                                                         casting to the final sound mix. Next door,
                                                                                                                                                        including:                                                                                       Bytes, Spectrum Films and other national
    locale. Consumer marketers would pay                    Australian Country Style Magazine,           well used and diverse locations on my                                                            in the Entertainment Quarter, are many
                                                                                                                                                        Enough Rope with Andrew Denton                                                                   and international production companies
    big dollars for such “product placement”                Sass and Bide, Black & White.                files, offering open fields, wooded forests,                                                     supporting industries including casting
                                                                                                                                                        (ABC TV), Healthy Living (ABC TV),                                                               ‘and will provide opportunities for AFTRS
    in any internationally marketed movie.                                                               mystic paths and room to move and                                                                agents, animation and digital effects
                                                                                                                                                        Creature Features (ABC TV),                                                                      students to interact and collaborate with
    Centennial Parklands was a location for                                                              build sets,’ he said.                                                                            businesses and location managers. No
                                                            ‘No matter how big or small the film                                                        Celebrity Dog Show, Catalyst (ABC TV),                                                           other practitioners and the wider
    the Mission: Impossible cinema thriller,                                                                                                                                                              wonder Moore Park is the hub of the
                                                            shoot is each one is attempting to create    Film shoots are subject to strict              Message Stick (ABC), Mary Bryant,                                                                community.’
    and for the internationally-distributed                                                                                                                                                               filming industry in Sydney.
                                                            something unique. Our job is to help         conditions and restrictions to ensure the      the mini-series, Love My Way (Pay TV),                                                           For more information about filming and
    Kangaroo Jack and Danny Deckchair films.                                                             environment is protected. Says Kate                                                              The Entertainment Quarter is also the
                                                            them find the best location that will meet                                                  Raggs Children’s Show.                                                                           photography in Centennial Parklands,
    International movie shoots require vast                                                              Hooper: ‘We are always looking to                                                                location of choice for a number of
                                                            their needs while balancing the needs of                                                                                                                                                     please visit
    forward planning and are relatively                                                                  minimise vehicle movement on grass and                                                           industry schools, including Brent Street, a
                                                            other park users and taking care of the                                                                                                                                             or
    infrequent. However the Parklands is a                                                               we undertake regular consultation with         Steve Corbett, Director and Chief                 performing arts school that specialises in
                                                            sensitive Parklands environment,’                                                                                                                                                            contact Kate Hooper on (02) 9339 6699.
    very popular location for film shoots for                                                            horticultural and aboricultural staff          Executive of the Parklands said that              various aspects of the entertainment
                                                            she says.
    television shows and commercials. Said                                                               and rangers.’                                  although filming and photography was an           industry, encouraging interaction
                                                                                                                                                        important part of Centennial Parklands’           between students and the real industry.
6     Parklands Autumn 2008                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Parklands Autumn 2008        7
Parklands THE MAGAZINE OF CENTENNIAL PARKLANDS - Filming and photography: our place on the world stage
Park Living

Twitcher’s Corner                                                          The Travelling Barista                                            Plant of the Season
    Little Pied Cormorant                                                  Business Profile                                                  Imperial bromeliad (red form)
    By Trevor Waller                                                                                                                         The Imperial bromeliad (Alcantarea            roots also take up nutrients
                                                The Little Pied                                                                              imperialis) is a native of the mountains of   as organic matter accumulates
                                                Cormorant is a                                                                               Teresópolis of Rio de Janeiro at an           around the plant.
                                                small black and                                                                              elevation of 1,500 metres forming a large     Over 10 years the
                                                white (pied) bird                                                                            rosette clump that grows on rock face         bromeliad can be expected
                                                with a stubby yellow                                                                         and cliffs.                                   to produce annual white
                                                bill. It is black over                                                                       The genus Alcantarea was named after          flowers which can reach a
                                                the back and white                                                                           the Dom Pedro de Alcantara, second            height of 2.5 metres.
                                                on the underparts,                                                                           Emperor of Brazil, and includes               The Imperial bromeliad
                                                has a long tail and                                                                          approximately 20 species distributed          grows best in full sun in well
                                                neck and short black                                                                         throughout eastern Brazil growing on          drained soil, does well in
                                                legs with webbed                                                                             exposed rock outcrops.                        pots and can be established
                                                feet. The bill has a                                                                         The red form, is a popular garden and         on rocks.
                                                hooked tip to help it                                                                        collectors plant with a rosette of tough      Where can it be seen?
    Little Pied Cormorant                       hold on to its prey.                                                                         and leathery slightly ribbed leaves with a
                                                It has no black flank      The Travelling Barista                                                                                          Over the autumn months
                                                                                                                                             waxy surface, growing to a span of
    mark which sets it apart from the larger Pied Cormorant.                                                                                                                               you can see specimens of
                                                                                                                                             1.5 metres.
                                                                           Gourmet coffee is a multi-billion dollar industry that achieved                                                 this magnificent flower
    It swims low in the water and dives underwater to feed. The            glamour status in the late ‘90s. Then came the development        The plant derives water and nutrients         growing in the Column
    cormorant uses its feet to swim and keeps its wings folded out         of domed snap-on travelling lids which, combined with the         from its tightly packed leaves that trap      Garden island displays.          The Imperial bromeliad (red form)
    of the way. Its eyes are protected underwater by a nictitating         fast-paced lifestyle of the modern era, gave rise to the mobile   and hold water and organic matter. The
    membrane. It feeds mainly on fish, eels, frogs, crustaceans and        coffee craze – the social phenomenon of “latte commuting”.
    insects. Feeding underwater means the feathers eventually
                                                                           Michael Coster, known as the Travelling Barista, was one of
    become waterlogged and the bird must leave the water to dry
                                                                           the first people to bring this mobile coffee phenomenon to
    off. This gives us that distinctive “shag on a rock” pose as it sits
                                                                           Sydney nearly a decade ago. Now his mobile van with
    in the sun with its wings outstretched. This may also help it
    digest its food.
                                                                           customised trimmings is to regularly service visitors to Queens
                                                                           Park and Moore Park.
                                                                                                                                             Native Watch
    The main habitats for these birds are coasts, islands, lakes and       Says Michael: ‘Coffee is not the only thing on the menu.          Pouched Coral Fern
    dams, and they will follow rivers well inland. They will use           Our sandwiches, salads, wraps, pies and sausages rolls are
    any inland water to their advantage. Breeding can take place                                                                             By Frank Hemming
                                                                           legendary and fresh every day. Our cakes, muffins and slices
    throughout the year, but is usually during spring and summer.          add a sweet touch. We also serve smoothies and juices and
    They nest in colonies, often together with other cormorants,                                                                             Pouched Coral Fern (Gleichenia dicarpa) is one of approximately
                                                                           there’s nothing like a milkshake to quench a child’s thirst.’
    on well vegetated freshwater wetlands. The nest is a platform of                                                                         10 species in the genus Gleichenia. Found throughout the coast
    sticks lined with leaves, and is placed in a tree overhanging water.   The Travelling Barista operates on Saturdays, Sundays and         and tablelands of NSW, it also occurs in Queensland, Victoria,
                                                                           public holidays, from 8.00 am to sunset. In Moore Park it will    Tasmania, New Zealand, New Caledonia and the Philippines.
    These birds are in the Parklands all year round and should be          be located at the Robertson Road fields behind the Parklands
                                                                                                                                             As with other Gleichenia species, the fronds have a distinctive
    easy to find. Look for them swimming in the many lakes and             Sports Centre (near the netball/basketball courts). In Queens
                                                                                                                                             and delicate appearance due to their narrow segments. The
    ponds, or standing on a sculpture in Duck Pond. They also              Park it will be alternating between the children’s playground
                                                                                                                                             fronds arise from an underground stem (rhizome), may grow to          Pouched Coral Fern
    congregate in the trees on the islands in Willow Pond.                 off Darley Rd, and a location near the amenities building off
                                                                                                                                             2 metres in length and branch repeatedly. Look for the growth
                                                                           Baronga Avenue.                                                                                                                         Where can it be seen?
    Trevor Waller is a bird enthusiast with more than ten                                                                                    bud at the end of each fork. Pouched Coral Fern gets its
    years behind the binoculars. He is a member of various                 This mobile facility also removes the need for additional         common name from one of its distinctive features – the final          In the Parklands it occurs in patches in the Lachlan Swamp
    bird watching clubs in Sydney, including Birds Australia,              buildings to provide refreshments in the Parklands.               segments of the fronds are folded over into tiny pouches.             where it forms part of the understorey of the swamp forest,
    and conducts the Parklands Birdwatcher’s Breakfasts                    Says Michael: ‘If you’re in the Moore or Queens Park areas,       Pouched Coral Fern is found in damp and often sunny situations,       especially on the northern margins but also in other parts.
    each season. The next Birdwatcher’s Breakfast will be                  please drop by. I look forward to having a chat and a cuppa       especially around swamps and streams but also cliff bases and         Smaller clumps occur along the streams south of Busbys Pond.
    held on Sunday 4 May 2008. Please visit                                with you.’                                                        margins of wetter forests. It sometimes forms dense thickets          Frank Hemming is curator of the John T. Waterhouse for details.                                                                                      which provide hiding places for small birds such as Superb            Herbarium at the School of Biological, Earth and
                                                                                                                                             Fairy-wrens.                                                          Environmental Sciences, University of New South Wales.

8     Parklands Autumn 2008                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Parklands Autumn 2008   9
Parklands THE MAGAZINE OF CENTENNIAL PARKLANDS - Filming and photography: our place on the world stage

 Share your photos on our new website                                                                                                          Green Corps                                                                         Volunteers
                                                                                                                                               Following the success of the 2007 program the Foundation, in partnership with       Calling for a volunteer archivist
                                                                                                                                               Greening Australia (NSW), has secured a second Green Corps project for the                                                Centennial
                                                                                        New brochure makes                                     Parklands. From February 2008 the Green Corps team will undertake works                                                   Parklands has a
                                                                                                                                               including carp removal, pond riparian zone restoration and culturally significant
                                                                                        walking the eastern                                    tree plantings within Queens Park.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         collection of
 Friends can submit photos on the new website

 Centennial Parklands recently redesigned its new website at
                                                                                        suburbs even better                                    Green Corps is an Australian Government program offering young people the                                                 historical
                                                                                        Walking is one of life’s great pleasures and           opportunity to be paid while receiving accredited training working on six month                                           information In addition to the great new look and                                                                         environment and heritage projects.                                                                                        gathered over
 improved navigation, Friends of Centennial Parklands have access to a special          research has consistently demonstrated that
                                                                                                                  spending time in parks                                                                                                                                 the past 197
 members-only feature.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   years and
                                                                                                                  has a beneficial impact
 Friends are invited to upload photographs of Centennial Parklands to be
 featured on the new home page. These photos can be of anything in the
                                                                                                                  upon your mental and         Tree Transplant Appeal                                                                                                    stored on site.
                                                                                                                  physical wellbeing. For                                                                                                                                We are seeking
 Parklands setting: your favourite spots, your pets, your mates, your                                                                          Sir Henry Parkes opened Centennial Park in 1888, bringing to fruition an
                                                                                                                  these reasons alone,                                                                                                                                   the voluntary
 recreational pursuits or the beautiful diversity of the Parklands’ flora and fauna.                                                           extraordinary vision. Parkes was instrumental in setting aside 890 acres of land
                                                                                                                  Centennial Parklands is a                                                                                                                              assistance of an
                                                                                                                                               on the fringe of a growing metropolis so that future generations might have
 We are currently developing a new dedicated Friends website that will be                                         wonderful stand-alone                                                                                                                                  experienced
                                                                                                                                               room to move, fresh air to breathe and a space to play. 120 years later, there      Historical images like this one need
 launched shortly and more members-only online features are planned. In                                           destination for recreation                                                                                                                            archivist to bring
                                                                                                                                               is a unique opportunity for similarly far-sighted and public-spirited individuals   to be catalogued
 the meantime, visit and upload a photograph today! It’s                                       and relaxation.                                                                                                                                       some formality
                                                                                                                                               to continue this vision by supporting special projects as part of the
 a great opportunity to share your favourite Parklands moments with the rest                                                                                                                                                       to this outstanding resource. If you possess the
                                                                                                                  The Parklands now            Foundation’s Tree Transplant Appeal. These include:
 of the world.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     relevant knowledge and experience, and are
                                                                                                                  features prominently in        • The Grand Drive Inner Ring project which will see over 100 semi-                retired or otherwise free to assist us cataloguing
                                                                                                                  an initiative by the              mature trees planted over a three year period to form a completely new         this historic material perhaps one day a week,
                                                                                                                   Sydney Coastal Councils          avenue of trees that will enhance the existing avenues of figs, oaks and
 New discounts and benefits for Friends                                                 The new walking brochure
                                                                                                                   Group and the                    pines planted along Grand Drive at the turn of last century.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   we would like to hear from you.
                                                                                                                   Department of Planning,                                                                                         When the task is completed the Trust hopes to
                                                                                                                                                    This is the first major tree planting project to be undertaken since the
                                                                                        to encourage the community to get out and                                                                                                  make much of this information available on its
                                                                                                                                                    Parkes Drive Palm avenues were replaced with the successful Kauri Pine
                                                                                        discover the wider eastern suburbs by foot.                                                                                                website for students and the general public.
                                                                                                                                                    (Agathis robusta) plantings in 2000.
                                                                                        The new Harbour Bridge to South Head and                                                                                                   Please email Volunteer Coordinator Lyn Walker
                                                                                                                                                 • The Wollemi Pine Grove. The Wollemi Pine (Wollemi nobilis) is one of            on if
                                                                                        Clovelly walking map is available free from the
                                                                                                                                                    the most significant botanical discoveries in recent memory. A grove of        you are interested in helping on this exciting and
                                                                                        Parklands Office (Monday to Friday) or the
                                                                                                                                                    rare Australian pines is proposed adjacent to the Jervois Avenue Gates,        rewarding project.
                                                                                        Visitors Centre (weekends). The brochure
                                                                                                                                                    dominated by the Wollemi Pine and supplemented by close relatives
                                                                                        features a comprehensive guide, suggested
                                                                                                                                                    including the:
 Two new postcards promoting Friends                                                    walking routes with times and distances, and
                                                                                        provides a number of long or short walks to suit                   – Bunya Pine (Araucaria bidwilli)                                       Vale
 Have you fully looked into what you can get with your Friends membership               your availability and fitness.                                     – Norfolk Island Pine (Araucaria heterophylla)
 card? New discounts and benefits are coming online all the time.                                                                                                                                                                  All at Centennial Parklands were sad to hear of
                                                                                        The Federation Track, a seven kilometre walk                       – Hoop Pine (Araucaria cunninghamii)                                    the recent death of long time volunteer Fay
 Did you know that Friends get a 20% discount on the United Healthy Living              from Rushcutters Bay to Waverley Cemetery,                         – Cook Pine (Araucaria columnaris)                                      Brown. Fay was involved for many years in
 Program? This eight week program is designed to provide you with the optimal           takes in Centennial Park, including Federation
                                                                                                                                               For more information on these special projects, please email                        customer service at the Visitor Centre, and as a
 health and lifestyle tools to refocus your mind, enhance your energy levels and        Valley, and Queens Park and gives walkers some
                                                                                                                                      or visit                                      member of the Bush Regeneration team. Her
 improve your movement. The next two courses will run on Mondays from 5                 of the most spectacular Parklands scenes.
                                                                                                                                      or call (02) 9339 6633.                   devotion to the Parklands was an inspiration and
 May and Wednesdays from 7 May 2008.
                                                                                        So whether you’ve spent 50 years exploring the                                                                                             she will be greatly missed.
 Being a Friend is good for you and great for the Parklands. Make sure you get the      eastern suburbs by foot, or only have time to
 most out of your membership, including 20% discounts on all school holiday             explore it for just 50 minutes, you’ll benefit from
 activities, 20% off bike hire, cheaper coffee and discounted portrait photography      picking up this great new brochure.                    New benefactors                           The Whittaker family
 sittings to name a few. Visit for a complete listing of discounts
                                                                                                                                               Peter, Bianca and Bronte Walker           The Spencer family                        Well done!
 and benefits.
                                                                                                                                               Dr Sian Graham                            The Irwin family
                                                                                        Healthy Parks Healthy People is an initiative of the                                                                                       Ruth White, a long time volunteer customer
 Not a Friend yet?                                                                      Sydney Parks Group and includes the Botanic Gardens    Ms Gillian Graham                         The Horsfall family                       service person at the Visitor Centre, has retired.
 It’s easy, affordable and – most importantly – directly helps the Parklands. From      Trust; Centennial Parklands; Department of Planning;   Friends of Guy Morrison                   Mr Keith Rodger                           Ruth gave her time and her dedication to the
 just $55 a year, or $99 a year for a family, you can enjoy savings on a range of       Department of Environment & Conservation - Parks       Renee Pollack Foundation                  Bruno de Oliva                            Park she loved. Her’s was one of the wonderful,
 activities and social events, while knowing that your support and membership           & Wildlife; Parramatta Park Trust; Sydney Harbour                                                                                          passionate faces the Parklands loves to present to
                                                                                                                                               Dr Craig Wilson                           Susan Hedrick
 contribution directly assists the work of the Centennial Parklands Foundation in       Federation Trust; and Sydney Olympic Park Authority.                                                                                       its visitors. We hope Ruth will continue to enjoy
                                                                                        Supported by University of Technology, Sydney and      Mr & Mrs Martin & Anne Jones              Michelle Neill                            the Parklands ambience for many years to come.
 funding environmental and educational projects. Visit or
 phone (02) 9339 6699 to join today.                                                    the University of Western Sydney.                      New Mardi Gras                            Justin Bull
                                                                                        Visit                The Crowe family                          Kevin Finch
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Parklands Autumn 2008 11
10 Parklands Autumn 2008
Parklands THE MAGAZINE OF CENTENNIAL PARKLANDS - Filming and photography: our place on the world stage
Visitor Information
Please refer to the map insert for locations.           The Long Apron at Moore                              Moore Park Golf B3
                                                        Park Golf B3                                     Par 70, 18-hole Group One Championship
HOW TO GET HERE                                     This bar and restaurant serves quality meals         public access golf course. All weather, day-
5 km from the Sydney CBD. Easily accessible
                                                    and a full variety of wine and beers.                night Driving Range, Putting and Chipping
by bus, train, car, bike or on foot.
                                                    Open Wed to Sun, Noon–5.00 pm                        greens, Pro Shop and School of Golf.
    Regular buses from Circular Quay,               (02) 9663 1064                                       Membership now available. (02) 9663 1064
Central Stn, Bondi Jn Stn and surrounding                    
suburbs. Trains to Central and Bondi Jn, both
a 30-40 minute walk to the Parklands.               RECREATION ACTIVITIES                                    Horse Riding C4 D5
                                                                                                         3.6 km horse track; 3.5 ha of fenced grounds
                                                        BBQs and Picnics                                 featuring showjumping, dressage, lunging and
    Cycle lanes along Darley Rd, Alison Rd,         Free BBQs. First-in first served basis. BYO          turf hacking; Equestrian Centre with covered
Anzac Pde, South Dowling St, Cleveland St and       portable BBQs with legs permitted (except            arenas, hot and cold wash bays and sand rolls.
Federation Way.                                     during total fire bans), portable picnic             Riding schools offer lessons, horse hire, pony
                                                    equipment permitted. Bookings required for           camps, pony parties, pony leads and guided
CAR FREE DAYS                                       groups of 50 or more. BBQs located at A3             park rides. Stabling available.
Last Sunday of every season (February, May,         D5 D6 E2 E3 G4 G5 H5                                 (02) 9332 2809
August and November).
                                                             Cycling and Rollerblading                       Budapest Riding School 0419 231 391
Next day: 24 February 2008
                                                    3.8 km cycle/rollerblade lane on Grand Dr, 
                                                    Centennial Park. Cycle lanes along Darley Rd,
CENTENNIAL PARK GATE TIMES                          Alison Rd, Anzac Pde, South Dowling St,                 Centennial Stables (02) 9360 5650
Centennial Park is accessible to vehicles                                                      
                                                    Cleveland St and Federation Way. Off-road
between sunrise and sunset. Musgrave Ave
                                                    cycling circuit for children at Learners                Eastside Riding Academy (02) 9360 7521
Gates are closed permanently to cars.
                                                    Cycleway. Helmets required. D5             
    Primary Gates (Paddington,
    Woollahra, Randwick & Robertson                     Centennial Parklands Cycle Hire F3                  Moore Park Riding Stables (02) 9360 8747
    Entry Rd)                                       Cnr Hamilton & Grand Drs, in Centennial    
March* to April 6.00 am–6.00 pm                     Park 0401 357 419
                                                                                                             Papillon Riding Stables (02) 8356 9866
May to August 6.30 am–5.30 pm                                                                            or 0407 224 938
September to October 6.00 am–6.00 pm                        Centennial Park Cycles G6
November to March ** 6.00 am–8.00 pm                50 Clovelly Rd, Randwick (02) 9398 5027
                                                                                                         WHAT’S ON
* After daylight saving ** During daylight saving                                                        Ranger-guided educational excursions,
                                                        Wildlife Watching
    Secondary Gates (York Rd, Jervois               Spot birds, turtles, invertebrates and possums       children’s birthday parties, guided tours and
    Ave and Robertson Exit Rd)                      within natural environments. Ideal locations at      workshops, school holiday activities, vacation
Weekdays 9.00 am–4.00 pm                            D4 E5 F4. Please do not feed the animals.            care programs as well as sports camps,
Weekends as per Primary Gates                                                                            concerts, festivals and events. (02) 9339 6699
    Govett St Gates
Weekdays 9.00 am–Primary Gate closing time          There are five playgrounds catering for a
                                                    range of age groups. A2 D5 E2 E3 H5                  ENTERTAINMENT
Weekends as per Primary Gates                                                                            Entertainment Quarter D3
                                                    Dog Walking                                          Located adjacent to the Fox Professional Studios,
FOOD OUTLETS                                                                                             this is a hub for events, concerts, shows, movies,
                                                    On and off leash dog walking areas. BYO dog
    Parade Grounds Café                             tidy bags to pick up after your dog. Pick up the     Farmers markets, bars and dining.
Cnr Grand & Parkes Drive, Centennial Park           Dogs in the Parklands brochure or visit              (02) 8117 6700
(adjacent to playground). Open 7 days.    
7.30 am–5.00 pm (02) 9380 9350                                                                           Hordern Pavilion and Royal Hall of
(temporary facility until winter 2008).             SPORT AND FACILITY HIRE                              Industries C3                             Quality sports grounds and facilities for hire for
                                                    casual one-off bookings or seasonal
    Centennial Park Mobile Food Van E5              competitions. (02) 9339 6699
                                                                                                         Moonlight Cinema G2
Light meals, sandwiches, cold drinks, gelato                                                   
and espresso. Open weekends and public              ES Marks Athletics Field B5
holidays, 8.00 am–sunset.                           For hire for training or carnivals. 400 m            CONTACT US
                                                    running track, floodlit field and covered stand      Centennial Parklands is managed by the
    The Travelling Barista C4 H5                                                                         Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust.
Sandwiches, wraps, cakes and coffee. Open           with seating for 1000 people. Casual public
weekends and public holidays, 8.00                  training, Tue, Wed & Thu, 3.30 pm–8.30 pm.               Parklands Office (behind Café),
am–sunset, at Moore Park and Queens Park.           (02) 9339 6699                                           Mon to Fri, 8.30 am–5.00 pm. E3
    Moore Park Golf Patio Bar B3                                                                             Visitor Centre, Paddington Gates,
Overlooking the first tee, the outdoor patio            Moore Park Tennis Courts B3                          weekends 10.00 am–3.00 pm. E2
bar serves light meals and drinks. Open 7 days,     Tennis court hire, coaching, social                  Ph: (02) 9339 6699
7.30 am–7.30 pm (Mon to Wed),                       competitions, racquet and ball sales and ball        Fax: (02) 9332 2148
7.30 am–6.00 pm (Thu to Fri),                       machine hire. Four floodlit courts. Open 7 
7.30 am–5.00 pm (Sat to Sun)                        days, 7.00 am–10.00 pm. 0412 123 456       
(02) 9663 1064
                                                                                                         Locked Bag
                                                             Parklands Sports Centre C4                  15 Paddington NSW 2021
                                                    Tennis court hire, coaching, school holiday          After hours emergencies: 0412 718 611
                                                    camps and competitions. 11 floodlit courts.
                                                    Open 7 days, 9.00 am–10.00 pm (summer &
                                                    Mon to Thu in winter) 9.00 am–6.00 pm (Fri
                                                    in winter) 8.00 am–6.00 pm (winter
          Printed on Recycled Paper
                                                    weekends) (02) 9662 7033
          (90% Post Consumer Waste)
Parklands THE MAGAZINE OF CENTENNIAL PARKLANDS - Filming and photography: our place on the world stage Parklands THE MAGAZINE OF CENTENNIAL PARKLANDS - Filming and photography: our place on the world stage Parklands THE MAGAZINE OF CENTENNIAL PARKLANDS - Filming and photography: our place on the world stage
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