Page created by Annette Miles
Countryside Bird Survey Report
In total, 402 1km squares were                       The Common Bird Index (CBI) was
                                                      surveyed between 1998 and 2019, all                 based on 50 common and widespread
                                                      of which have been surveyed in two or               breeding birds which are monitored
                                                      more years. The number of squares                   as part of the CBS. The indicator has
                                                      covered in any one season ranged                    increased overall (1998 – 2019), with
                                                      from 259 in 1998 to 329 in 2019.                    the 2019 index at 126% of the base-
                                                                                                          line index (2000), meaning that, on
                                                          Species trends are reported for bird            average, the population size of the
                                                      species recorded in 30 or more                      species included in the indicator
                                                      squares per year on average. Within                 has increased by 26 per cent.
                                                      the current reporting period, a total
                                                      of 48 bird species exceeded this                       The Common Farmland Bird Index
Summary                                               threshold comprising 36 residents                   (CFBI) was based on 18 common and
                                                      and 12 summer migrants.                             widespread breeding farmland birds
The Countryside Bird Survey (CBS)                                                                         which are monitored by the CBS.
has been in operation since 1998. Its                     Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes)                  The CFBI in 2019 was 111% of the
primary aim is to monitor breeding                    was the most widespread species                     baseline index in 2000, representing
bird populations in the Republic                      occurring in 94% of squares, followed               an increase relative to the baseline.
of Ireland.                                           by Blackbird (Turdus merula), Robin                 Among the constituent farmland bird
                                                      (Erithacus rubecula), and Chaffinch                   species, increases were shown in ten
A random sample of 10km squares                       (Fringilla coelebs), that occurred in               species and declines in a further six
was selected, and within each, the                    at least 90% of squares. Average                    species, while the remaining two
most south-westerly 1km square was                    abundance was highest for Rook                      species were stable.
surveyed twice during each breeding                   (Corvus frugilegus) followed by Wren
season. Bird counts were carried out                  and Starling (Sturnus vulgaris).                        Importantly, despite the largely
along two roughly parallel 1km                                                                            positive trends for many species
transects in each square.                                 Overall, 29 species showed popula-              monitored through the CBS, both the
                                                      tion increases, seven species declined,             species trends and the wild bird
This CBS report presents a summary of                 while the remaining 12 species have                 indicators reported here should be
bird species trends within the CBS                    relatively stable trends. Greatest                  viewed with caution and seen against
over the 22-year period from 1998 to                  increases were seen in Blackcap (Sylvia             the backdrop of drastic declines that
2019 inclusive. For the first time,                    atricapilla) and Goldfinch (Carduelis                occurred in the 1970s and 1980s in
this report also includes wild bird                   carduelis). Greatest declines were in               Ireland and Britain, before the CBS
indicators for the Republic of Ireland,               Greenfinch (Chloris chloris) and Grey                began. In many cases, population
namely the ‘Common Bird Index’ and                    Wagtail (Motacilla cinerea). The                    increases for species, albeit welcomed,
the ‘Common Farmland Bird Index.’                     remaining declining trends were for                 should be viewed as the recovery of
                                                      Swift (Apus apus), Kestrel (Falco                   populations rather than
                                                      tinnunculus), Stonechat (Saxicola                   increases per se.
                                                      torquata), Rook and Magpie (Pica pica).

Report Number 6                                       BirdWatch Ireland: Unit 20 Block D, Bullford        (BirdWatch Ireland), Niall Ryan (Department of
                                                      Business Campus, Kilcoole, Co. Wicklow, A63         Agriculture, Food and the Marine) and John
© BirdWatch Ireland 2020.                             RW83.                                               O’Halloran (University College Cork) who chairs
                                                                                                          the group.
This publication should be cited as:                  National Parks & Wildlife Service (NPWS): 90 King
Citation: Lewis, L. J., Coombes, R, H., Burke, B.,    Street North, Dublin 7, D07 N7CV.                   CBS Coordinator: Dick Coombes
Tierney, T. D., Cummins, S., Walsh, A. J., Ryan, N.                                                       (
& O’Halloran, J. 2020. Countryside Bird Survey        The CBS Steering Group includes David Tierney,      CBS Programme manager: Lesley J. Lewis
Report 1998-2019. BirdWatch Ireland. Wicklow.         Sinéad Cummins and Alyn Walsh (NPWS), Dick          (
                                                      Coombes, Brian Burke and Lesley J. Lewis            NPWS Project officer: Sinéad Cummins
Design & layout by Michael O’Clery.                                                                       (

The Countryside Bird Survey (CBS) is coordinated
by BirdWatch Ireland and funded by the National
Parks & Wildlife Service (NPWS).

Cover picture: Grey Wagtail by Dick Coombes.

                                           Dick Coombes
The distribution of terrestrial breeding
birds in Ireland was first described in
a breeding bird atlas carried out
between 1968 and 1972 (Sharrock
1976). A second breeding bird atlas
survey carried out between 1988 and
1991 (Gibbons et al. 1993) showed
that significant range contractions
had occurred over the intervening
20-year period which had obvious
implications for changes in population
levels (Crowe et al. 2017). These
declines coincided with a period of
increased agricultural intensification
and land use change. Similar declines         Collared Dove.
in bird populations occurred through-         A species, which only began colonising Ireland in the late
out Europe over the same period and           1950s, has steadily increased since the CBS began in 1998.
were attributed to agricultural
intensification brought about by an         changes in bird numbers based on a          sensitive to specialised habitats, and
increased demand for agricultural          random selection of 1km sample              respond quickly to the changes to
productivity following the Second          plots, stratified by region, surveyed        their environments (Gregory et al.
World War (e.g. Krebs et al. 1999).        from year to year (Lewis et al. 2019).      2003; van Strien et al. 2012). Indicator
While the two bird atlases, and a third    The resulting data are the species          species have been used for decades
one carried out between 2007 and           diversity and species abundance of          as a way of assessing environmental
2011 (Balmer et al. 2013), flagged          each survey square each year. Follow-       conditions (Thomas 1972). Wild birds
changes in the status of some species      ing statistical analysis, a series of an-   satisfy many of the criteria of being
over time, they focused mainly on          nual indices are produced for each          useful biodiversity indicators in that
distribution. Abundance was recorded       individual bird species based on the        they occur high in food chains, are
in the second and third atlases,           results of each annual survey. These        sensitive to environmental change,
providing indications of population        indices relate the population in a          are widespread, diverse and mobile,
changes over that twenty-year period       given year to a ‘baseline’ – the first       and are relatively easy to census
but as these atlases were carried out      year that data are available (1998 in       and collect data for, through well
at twenty-year intervals, there was        CBS), which is given a value of 100.        developed and standardised
clearly a need for a long-term             Thereafter, the index expresses the         methodology (Gregory & van
monitoring programme to track              population as a percentage of this          Strien 2010).
changes of terrestrial breeding birds      ‘baseline’. The word ‘index’ is derived
on an annual basis. The Countryside        from the Latin indicare, meaning to         A wild bird indicator is a composite
Bird Survey (CBS) was therefore            ‘point out’ or ‘to show’, hence the         index whereby the indicator shows
initiated in 1998 with the primary         population index shows how the              the year-to-year fluctuations in
objective of monitoring the trends of      population is faring over time i.e. the     population trends across all species
common and widespread breeding             population trend for each species.          that are included. Thus, the index is
bird species in the Republic of Ireland                                                the average trend of a group of
(Crowe et al. 2010). The CBS has been      In addition to individual species           species, generally grouped by country,
undertaken during all years since 1998     indices, annual indices can also be         region, habitat type or guild in a
with the exception of 2001 and 2020,       used to produce ‘wild bird indicators’      standard way. This index then serves
when Foot-and-Mouth and Covid-19           (e.g. Gregory et al. 2003; Gregory et al.   to indicate the state of bird
restrictions respectively, prevented       2005; Gregory & van Strien 2010).           populations within these broad
survey work.                               Indicators are a useful way of              habitats/groups.
                                           presenting complex information as
The CBS is an annual survey that is        visual summaries (Gregory et al. 2003).     Wild bird indicators were first
underpinned by the efforts of around        To be effective, biodiversity indicators     produced in the UK in 1999 using data
225 mostly volunteer, observers each       should be quantitative, scientifically       mostly from the Common Bird Census,
year. The survey aims to measure           credible, ecologically relevant and         the Breeding Bird Atlases, and the

Seabird Monitoring Programme.

                                            Richard T. Mills
Within the Republic of Ireland, the CBS
has produced indicators previously for
farmland and countryside birds and
these data have been used by the
Environmental Protection Agency
and the Central Statistics Office for
environmental reporting. Importantly,
CBS data are provided to the Pan-
European Common Bird Monitoring
Scheme (PECBMS) for European Wild
Bird Indicators and the PECBMS
common bird indicators are part of
the Indicators of Sustainable
Development of the EU, while the
European farmland bird indicator has
been accepted as biodiversity
indicator for EU´s Structural Indicator,
amongst other policy purposes.

This 2020 CBS report represents a
summary of bird species trends within
the CBS over the 22-year period from
1998 to 2019 inclusive. For the first
time, this report also includes wild
bird indicators for the Republic of
Ireland, namely the ‘Common Bird
Index’ and the ‘Common Farmland
Bird Index.’

At the commencement of the survey,                                                                      Greenfinch.
the Republic of Ireland was divided                                   Steadily declining – believed to be due to the
into eight regions, based on the                                          parasitic organism Trichomonas gallinae,
administrative divisions of the                                           which affects the birds’ digestive system.
National Parks and Wildlife Service at
that time. Ten km squares (based on
the Irish National Grid) were randomly     each 1km in length, about 500m          activity, but to avoid concentrated
selected within each region for survey     apart, and about 250m from the edge     song activity at dawn. Observers are
coverage. For each 10km square             of the square (line-transect method).   also encouraged to record only adult
selected, the 1km square at the            Two bird-recording visits to each       birds they see or hear as they walk
extreme south-west corner is then          survey square per year are under-       along their transect routes. Bird
surveyed. Those squares with less than     taken. These visits are timed so that   counts in heavy rain, poor visibility,
50% land, for example coastal areas or     the first is in the early part of the    or strong winds are discouraged.
lake shores, were excluded, leaving        breeding season (April to mid-May)      For further details of the survey
some 700 possible survey squares.          and the second at least four weeks      design, please refer to Lewis et al.
The survey aims to achieve coverage        later (from mid-May to the end of       2019. For full details of the data
of the same 1km squares every year,        June). This timing captures the         analyses used to produce both
ideally by the same observer, although     abundance of residents and early        individual species indices and trends
there is some turnover of survey           migrants, which tend to be more         as well as wild bird indicators, please
participants. There is a target of a       easily detected during first visits,     see Appendix 1.
minimum of 300 squares to be               and later migrants, which are more
covered each year.                         abundant during second visits.          The Latin names of species that
                                           Observers are asked to begin their      underwent analysis are given in
Within each square, the ideal survey       counts between 06.00 and 07.00          Table 1, other Latin names are given
route comprises two parallel transects,    hours to coincide with maximum bird     at first mention in the text.

The CBS continues to be undertaken
by a combination of BirdWatch Ireland
volunteers and professional staff of
the National Parks and Wildlife Service
and BirdWatch Ireland. A total of 683
observers have taken part in the CBS
between 1998 and 2019.

In total, 402 1km squares were
surveyed between 1998 and 2019
(Figure 1), all of which have been
surveyed in two or more years. The
number of squares covered in any
one season ranged from 259 in 1998
to 329 in 2019. Overall, 14% of squares
were covered in all 21 years, 68% of
squares were covered in at least 15
years, and 91% of squares in 10 years
or more.

Species trends
The CBS is largely targeted at
monitoring species with widespread
distributions across the island. The
large number of sample plots
surveyed in the CBS (over 300
annually) ensures that all common
and widespread breeding species
are surveyed across a wide range of
habitats and geographical locations.

Species recorded in 30 or more 1km           Figure 1. Map showing survey coverage during the CBS between 1998 and 2019, illustrating the
squares per year are included in trend       eight sampling regions and also showing the extent of coverage within each ranging from red (1-7 years),
analyses. Within the current reporting       blue (8-14 years) and green (15-21 years).
period, a total of 48 bird species
exceeded this threshold (and there-
                                              Meadow Pipit.
                                                                                                                                                        Dick Coombes

fore robust estimates could be derived
for them), comprising 36 residents            Badly hit in the cold winters between 2010 and
and 12 summer migrants (Table 1).             2012, but numbers have bounced back well.
Two species reported previously
(Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) and
Stock Dove (Columba oenas) now
occur in less than 30 squares per
season and were excluded from

Of the total 48 species listed in Table 1,
17 species occurred on average in
greater than 200 squares. Wren was
the most widespread species
occurring in 94% of squares, followed
by Blackbird, Robin, Chaffinch, that all

Table 1.          Species recorded in 30 squares or more during the CBS between 1998 and 2019, indicating the mean number and proportion of squares in which
each species was recorded, mean abundance per square and the mean annual change (trend). Where the trend has changed when compared with the last report (to
2017), an indication of the direction is given. Red- and amber-listed species of Birds of Conservation Concern in Ireland (BoCCI) are also indicated. Significant trends
are represented by asterisks. A ** indicates a highly significant trend (p
occurred in at least 90% of squares.
Mean abundance was highest for
Rook (average 26 per square),
followed by Wren and Starling.
Most species assessed by the CBS are
currently exhibiting trends for
moderate increases in population
size (Figure 2).

A total of seven species declined
between 1998 and 2019, the largest
declining trends observed were for
Greenfinch and Grey Wagtail, the
latter a red-listed species on the Birds
of Conservation Concern (Colhoun &
Cummins 2013) (Figure 3). The                       Figure 2.          Percentage of species exhibiting declining, stable and increasing trends.
remaining declining trends were for
Swift, Kestrel, Stonechat, Rook and
Magpie. The largest observed                        When compared to the previous                            species (Rook) has dis-improved, from
increases were for Blackcap and                     report (Crowe et al. 2017), the status of                stable to a moderate decline (Figure
Goldfinch (strong increase), with a                  eight species has improved, namely                       5). The trends for three species
further 27 species having moderate                  Skylark, Mistle Thrush, Robin and                        previously reported to have declined
increases over time, the largest being              Meadow Pipit (moderate decline to                        following the cold winters of 2009/10
for Chiffchaff and Collared Dove                      stable), and Raven, Long-tailed Tit,                     and 2010/11 (Skylark, Meadow Pipit
(Figure 4). A further 12 species have               Starling and Redpoll (stable to                          and Goldcrest), are now stable. Skylark
stable trends throughout the CBS.                   moderate increase). The status of one                    and Meadow Pipit have moved from a

Figure 3.      Trends for species that have shown the greatest declines 1998-2019.
Figure 4.   Trends for species that have shown the greatest increases 1998-2019..

Figure 5.   Trends for a selection of species 1998-2019.
moderate decline to stable since the           The Common Farmland Bird Index         Among the constituent farmland bird
previous report, as above. The status          (CFBI) was based on 18 breeding        species, increases were shown in ten
of Song Thrush remains stable and this         farmland birds which are monitored     species and declines in a further six
species appears to have recovered              by the CBS (Appendix 1). The CFBI in   species, while the remaining two
fully since a downturn around                  2019 was 111% of the baseline index    species were stable (Figure 6).
2010/11. The trend for Stonechat               in 2000, representing a marginal
remains a moderate decline, although           increase relative to the baseline.
the species population index has
recovered well since 2010/11. While
the trend for Mistle Thrush is stable,           Dick Coombes

numbers in the recent two years (2018
and 2019) have increased substantially
above baseline level (Figure 5).
The Common Bird Index (CBI) was
based on 50 common and widespread
breeding birds which are monitored
as part of the CBS. The indicator has
increased overall (1998 – 2019),
with the 2019 index at 126% of the
baseline index (2000), meaning that,
on average, the population size of the
species included in the indicator has
increased by 26 per cent. Overall,                                                                        Mistle Thrush.
there have been increases in 29                                                                   A species in moderate
species, declines in eight species with                                                           decline up to 2016 but
the remaining 13 constituent species                                                                         now stable.
showing stable trends throughout the
course of the CBS (Figure 6).

Figure 6.     The Common Bird Index and Common Farmland Bird Index 1998 – 2019.
Brian Burke

                                                                                        Dramatic increase continues
                                                                                                     across Ireland.

Discussion                               showing stable trends is slightly         (Colhoun & Cummins 2013).
                                          fewer at 12 (compared to 15).            However, positive CBS trends for
The data gathered over the 22 years                                                several farmland birds, such as some
of the CBS have provided us with a       Goldfinch and Blackcap both                of those mentioned above, need to be
valuable picture of how a large          continue to thrive – these are the only   viewed with caution and seen against
number of our common and                 species classed as showing a strong       the backdrop of drastic declines that
widespread breeding birds are faring.    increase. Goldfinches may be               occurred in the 1970s and 1980s in
As the time series of the survey         benefitting from an increased amount       Britain and Ireland, before the CBS
continues to extend, the results         of provisioned food in gardens during     began (Donald et al. 2002, Balmer et al.
become more robust and relevant.         winter while the increases in Blackcap    2013). These declines, in some cases at
Overall, most species are doing well,    are believed to be related to climate     least, can be attributed to changes in
showing either increasing or stable      change. Of particular note is the         farming methods. Yellowhammer, for
trends. When compared to the last        on-going positive trend pattern for       example, although stable over the 22
report (Crowe et al. 2017), three more   five finch species and Reed Bunting         years of CBS, was already at a very low
species are showing increasing trends    and the continuing stable trend for       base in 1998, when the CBS was
(29 compared to 26) and there are five    Yellowhammer, a Red-listed species        launched. The 2007-2011 bird atlas
fewer species showing declines (7        under BoCCI (Birds of Conservation        (Balmer et al. 2013) showed that
compared to 12), while the number        Concern in Ireland 2014-2019              Yellowhammer had contracted its
range on the island of Ireland by 61%     Similar caution needs to be extended       was less than half its value at the start
over the preceding 40 years and is        to the wild bird indicators. The           point of 1970, with rapid declines from
now mainly found in the cereal            common bird and common farmland            1975 to 1985 attributed to changes in
growing regions of the south-east.        indicators are composite indicators        farmland management (Hayhow et al.
Cuckoo too, although stable in the        designed to show broad trends in the       2017).
CBS, suffered a 26% range reduction        constituent species. Being used as a
in the same 40-year span, probably        proxy for the state of biodiversity,       Over the lifetime of the CBS, the most
due to agricultural intensification        indicators are often used to indicate      sudden and indeed steepest declines
depleting its main food – caterpillars.   the status of bird populations within      recorded were for Stonechat, Grey
Although these may be extreme             the broad habitats/groups used.            Wagtail and Meadow Pipit in the 2010
examples, there are likely to be other    However, given the largely positive        and 2011 seasons. The winters preced-
farmland species which started at a       trends of species within the CBS, the      ing both these breeding seasons had
similar low base in the CBS, so any       indicators generally follow suit, and as   been particularly harsh and it is
gains they are making, albeit             above, the increasing indicators are       considered that the sustained cold
welcomed, should perhaps be viewed        indicative of recovering populations in    weather was the cause of the
as the restoring of populations to        many of the constituent species, and       heavy losses.
former levels, rather than increases      not true increases. As an example, the
per se.                                   UK farmland bird indicator in 2016
Richard T. Mills

                                                                              Highly dependent on arable farmland,
                                                                           especially cereal growing areas. Numbers
                                                                            stable despite considerable losses in the
                                                                                             decades before the CBS.

A similar sharp, though less severe,       such species which is steadily                the Kestrel’s range in 40 years, but
pattern of decline was found at that       declining. Depleted availability of           interestingly also a shift in abundance
time in several other species including    aerial insects both during the breed-         from the northern half of the country
Skylark, Robin, Song Thrush, Mistle        ing season and on its migration route         to the south and south-west. Of note
Thrush, Wren and Goldcrest. All these      and wintering grounds may be a                is that Buzzards are likely to be
species have since staged recoveries       factor in its decline, but the loss of        included in the next trend reporting
to varying degrees. It is interesting to   traditional nest sites in old buildings       as they are now on the cusp of the
note that the cold winter weather          due to restoration work is also consid-       30-square threshold for inclusion in
seems to have had greatest impact          ered to be contributing to this iconic        trend analyses.
on resident insectivores and/or small-     summer bird’s decline (e.g. Whelan et
bodied species.                            al. 2019). The trend for Kestrel has also     The decline in Rook numbers has
                                           been steadily downward, the reasons           been gradual but ongoing and may
Species which have shown long-term,        are unclear. Perhaps competition from         bear out anecdotal reports of long-
steady declines are of greater concern     the ever-increasing population of             established rookeries diminishing in
than those that may succumb to             Buzzard (Buteo buteo) is a contributing       size or even disappearing altogether
severe winter weather and subse-           factor. The latest bird atlas (Balmer et      in recent years. Changes in agriculture
quently bounce back. Swift is one          al. 2013) shows a 6% contraction in           may be a factor here too.

                                                                                        Increasingly being recorded in the
                                                                                          CBS, but not quite in a sufficient
                                                                                       number of squares to be accurately
                                                                                                    monitored by CBS yet.

                                                                                                                              Dick Coombes

The downward trend in Greenfinch                             On the plus side, it is encouraging to                       Acknowledgements
has continued since it began in 2008.                       see that, with the exception of Swift,
Studies in Britain found that the                           all our regular summer migrants are                          The Irish Countryside Bird Survey (CBS) is
parasite trichomonosis was                                  doing well, with four species of                             funded by the National Parks and Wildlife
responsible for a major crash in the                        warbler and House Martin showing                             Service (Department of Housing, Local
Greenfinch population, which began                           increasing trends, while Swallow, Sand                       Government and Heritage) and coordinated
in 2005 (Robinson et al. 2010). The                         Martin, Wheatear, Grasshopper                                by BirdWatch Ireland. The CBS Steering
disease appears to have gained a                            Warbler and Sedge Warbler are                                Group is comprised of Dick Coombes
foothold in Ireland and it is the likely                    stable. However, counts of summer                            (National Coordinator), Lesley Lewis and
cause of the downward CBS trend. In                         migrants can fluctuate considerably                           Brian Burke of BirdWatch Ireland, David
                                                                                                                         Tierney, Sinéad Cummins and Alyn Walsh of
the last CBS report, Stock Dove, a                          from year to year, most likely in
                                                                                                                         the National Parks and Wildlife Service, John
species closely associated with arable                      response to adverse weather either                           O'Halloran of University College Cork, and
farmland, had shown a steady decline                        on the African wintering grounds                             Niall Ryan of the Department of Agriculture,
up to 2016 (Crowe et al. 2017). It is                       or on migration.                                             Food and the Marine.
now recorded in fewer than 30
squares annually and therefore falls                        The CBS continues to be a valuable                           The success of the survey relies on the hard
below the threshold for monitoring in                       tool in monitoring the state of our                          work, passion and time dedicated by the
the CBS. This in itself is worrying and                     breeding countryside birds and helps                         numerous volunteer fieldworkers, and staff
                                                                                                                         of NPWS and BWI that carry out visits to
reflects that the ongoing trend                              to highlight pressures and threats on
                                                                                                                         squares each year. We thank all of you.
continues downwards.                                        an ongoing basis to both birds and                           A list of all valued participants of the CBS
                                                            their habitats.                                              since 1998 is shown in Appendix 2.

                                                                                                                         Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J.,
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& O’Halloran, J. 2017.Countryside Bird Survey Report        the BBS indexing method. BTO Research Report No.             for biodiversity change. Ecological Indicators
1998-2016. BirdWatch Ireland, Wicklow.                      317. Thetford, UK.                                           14, 202-208.

Donald, P.F., G. Pisano, M. D. Rayment & D. J. Pain.        Krebs, J. R., J. D. Wilson, R. B. Bradbury & G. M. Siri-     Whelan, R., Hayes, W. & Caffrey, B. 2019. Saving
2002. The Common Agricultural Policy, EU enlarge-           wardena. 1999. The second silent spring? Nature              Swifts. Publication funded by The Department of
ment and the conservation of Europe’s farmland              400, 611–612.                                                Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht through the
birds. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 89,                                                                       National Parks and Wildlife Service’s National
16–182.                                                                                                                  Biodiversity Action Plan Fund.

Appendix 1                                Data analyses – species trends            Population change is shown in the
                                          The total numbers of adult birds of       form of annual indices, where the
Survey design and                         each species detected in each 1km         result from the first season (1998) is
                                          square were calculated for each year.     constrained to a value of 100, and
field methods
                                          The maximum of the two counts             results for all other years are
The CBS is based on a random              (from early and late visits) was used     expressed relative to this baseline.
stratified sampling approach. At the       as the annual measure of relative         A constant rate of decline is
commencement of the survey, the           abundance for each species. Annual        exponential when illustrated. For
Republic of Ireland was divided into      population indices were calculated        example, if a population is declining
eight regions, based on the adminis-      using TRIM (Trends & Indices for          by 50% each year, then if the initial
trative divisions of the National Parks   Monitoring Data), a programme             index is 1, the index at timepoint 2 is
and Wildlife Service at that time.        used for the analysis of time series of   0.5, and at timepoint 3 is 0.25. If the
These regions varied in size, and         counts with missing observations          population doubles each year, then
each contained between three and          (Pannekoek & van Strien 1996).            the index values for the respective
four counties. Ten km squares (based      Counts are modelled as a function of      timepoints are 2, 4 and 8. Index
on the Irish National Grid) were          square (site) and year effects, with       values are thus measures of relative
randomly selected within each             interpolated estimates for site-year      abundance for a species, and usually
region for coverage. Those squares        combinations with missing data. The       the relationship between this and
with less than 50% land, for example      stratified sampling design results in      the absolute abundance is
coastal areas or lake shores, were        unequal representation of regions         unknown.
excluded, leaving some 700 possible       across Ireland, so annual counts
survey squares. For each 10km             were weighted by the inverse of           The mean annual change was
square selected, the 1km square at        the proportion of the area of each        calculated as the slope of the line of
the extreme south-west corner is          region that was surveyed that year.       best fit through the annual indices
then included for possible survey.                                                  and was extrapolated across the
The survey aims to achieve coverage       Population trends for species             time series 1998-2019 to generate
of the same 1km squares every year,       occurring in a mean of 30 or more         modelled values assuming a
ideally by the same observer,             squares over the duration of the          linear fit.
although there is some turnover of        survey were estimated by examining
survey participants. Within each          the overall rate of annual change,        Data analyses – wild bird
square, the ideal survey route            precision below this threshold            indicators (index)
comprises two parallel transects,         considered to be low (Joys et al.
each 1km in length, about 500m            2003).                                    A wild bird indicator is a composite
apart, and about 250m from the                                                      index whereby the indicator shows
edge of the square. However, for                                                    the year-to-year fluctuations in
practical reasons there is sometimes
deviation from the ideal route
(Crowe et al. 2010). Each 1km
transect is divided into five 200 m
sections, at which level all
information is collected. Three visits
to each survey square per year are
undertaken. During a reconnais-
sance visit, the transect routes are
planned and habitat information
recorded. Habitat data are recorded
using codes from an established
hierarchical system common to a
range of bird surveys in the UK
                                          Dick Coombes

(Crick 1992). Bird counts are
undertaken on the second and
                                                                         A summer migrant on the increase – one of
third visits.
                                                                       four warbler species showing upward trends.

population trends across all species      indicator. This is the same as saying     Table A1.           Species included in composite
that are included. The Common Bird        that, on average, there are 10% more      indicators - The Common Bird Index (CBI) and
Index (CBI) was based on 50               individuals in the population of each     Common Farmland Bird Index (CFBI).
common and widespread breeding            species.
birds, while the Common Farmland                                                     Species                        CBI         FBI
Bird Index (CFBI) was based on 18         • Conversely, a decrease in the            Sparrowhawk                    4
common and widespread breeding            indicator from 100 to 90 would             Kestrel                        4           4
farmland birds which are monitored        mean that the average change in            Pheasant                       4           4
by the CBS (Table A1). Thus, the          each species index included in the         Feral Pigeon                   4
                                          indicator is -10%.                         Stock Dove                     4           4
index is the average trend of a group
                                                                                     Woodpigeon                     4           4
of species, grouped by, in this case      • It is important to remember that         Collared Dove
(1) common and widespread                 the indicator is an aggregate of           Cuckoo
breeding birds, and (2) common            individual species indices and hence       Swift
farmland birds. Note that despite the     masks a lot of variation among             Skylark
trend for Sparrowhawk and Stock           individual species and groups of           Sand Martin                    4
Dove not being reported because           species. Therefore, increases in some      Swallow                        4           4
these species now occur in less than      species and decreases in other             House Martin                   4
30 squares per year (29), they were       species can balance one another.           Meadow Pipit                   4
included in the CFBI to provide                                                      Grey Wagtail                   4
consistency with previous indicator       • An increasing indicator does not         Pied Wagtail                   4           4
calculations.                             mean that the majority of species          Wren                           4
                                          included has increased because the         Dunnock                        4
The composite index was calculated        index can be strongly influenced by         Robin                          4
as the geometric mean of all the          a large magnitude change in one or         Stonechat                      4           4
individual indices of the constituent                                                Wheatear                       4
                                          more of the species included.
species, with no weightings - so that                                                Blackbird                      4
                                          • The indicator treats every species       Song Thrush                    4
each species has the same relative
                                          as equivalent and does not weight          Mistle Thrush                  4
effect on the indicator. The geometric
                                          trends by the population size of           Grasshopper Warbler
mean is used to ensure that a
                                                                                     Sedge Warbler
                                          each species. The use of equal
doubling in the population index of                                                  Whitethroat
                                          weights across species ensures
one species (e.g. 100 to 200) is                                                     Blackcap                       4
balanced by a halving (e.g. 100 to 50).   changes in the indicator are not
                                          completely dominated by the trends
                                                                                     Willow Warbler
The indicators serve to indicate the      in the most common species.                 Goldcrest
state of bird populations within the                                                 Long-tailed Tit                4
                                          • The geometric mean is used in
wider countryside. However, it                                                       Coal Tit                       4
should be borne in mind that they         calculations because it is less
                                                                                     Blue Tit
are based on data from common             influenced by outlying single values
                                                                                     Great Tit
                                                                                                                    4           4
and widespread breeding bird              (outliers). In this case the use of the    Magpie
species only. Certain species             arithmetic mean is inappropriate           Jackdaw                        4           4
groupings, for example, breeding          because species that are increasing        Rook                           4           4
wading birds and birds of prey are        by a constant proportion per year          Hooded Crow                    4           4
not included in the Common                carry greater weight than species          Raven                          4
Farmland Bird Index and the               that are decreasing at the same            Starling                       4           4
indicator cannot adequately               proportional rate (Buckland et al.         House Sparrow                  4           4
represent these species.                  2005). Thus, the geometric mean is         Chaffinch                        4           4
                                          more appropriate because outliers          Greenfinch                      4           4
                                          in population increases are relatively     Goldfinch                       4           4
                                                                                                                    4           4
Key points to understanding
                                          common. The geometric mean is              Linnet
the indicators
                                          also invariant to the choice of            Redpoll
• An increase in the indicator from       weights, avoiding the need to               Bullfinch                      4
                                                                                     Yellowhammer                   4           4
100 to 110 would mean an average          specify subjective weights that
                                                                                     Reed Bunting                   4
change of +10% in each of the             have no rigorous scientific basis
species indices that make up the          (Buckland et al. 2005).
Marie Foley, Pat Foley, Ciaran Foley, Joe Foley, Aidan    Caroline Murphy, Kate Murphy, Kevin Murphy,
Appendix 2                                                Foley, Sarah Jane Fortune, Denise Foulkes, Jim Fox,       Jacintha Murphy, Michael Murphy Sandra Murphy,
                                                          John Fox, Eddie Foyle, Stephen Franck, Kathryn            Pat Murphy, Evelyn Murray, Tony Murray, Georgia
We thank all of the                                       Freeman, Patricia Fuentes , Janice Fuller, Debbie
                                                          Gaffney, Laura Gallagher, Tara Gallagher, Joanne
                                                                                                                    Murray, Gerard Murray, Mieke Muyllaert, Tony Nagle,
                                                                                                                    Erin Neary, Tom Neenan, Rev David Nesbitt, Daniel
dedicated observers who                                   Gallagher, Colin Gallagher, Vincent Gallagher, Paul       Neville, Willie Newe, Aine Ni Shuilleabhain Róisín
have participated in the CBS                              Galvin, Rory Gardner, Emmet Gavin, Emer Giddy,            Nigfhloinn, Des Nolan, Jane Nolan, Albert Nolan, Jim
                                                          Girion Girion, Emma Glanville, Adrian Glasgow,            Noonan, Maura Noonan, Michael Noonan, Gabriel
Joe Adamson, David Anchell, Peter Anderson, Eugene        Breeda Gleeson, Andrew Glenn-Craigie, Michael             Noonan, Mark Norris, Kevin Nunan, Laura Nuttall,
Archer, Tina Aughney, Craig Ayres, Paul Baker, Tony       Glynn, Pauline Goggin, Ruairi Goodwin, Ruairi             Michael Oates, John O'Boyle, Cathal O'Brien, Seamus
Baldock, Enda Bannon, Jessica Barrett, Mick Barry,        Goodwin, Tim Gordon, Jo Gordon, T. Gordon, Jackie         O'Brien, Margaret O'Brien, Irene O'Brien, Philip
Marie Bartlett, Penny Bartlett, Colin Barton, H.          Gorman, Brian Gormley, Brian Gormley, Kieran Grace,       O'Carroll, Séamus Ó'Ciarduáin Michael O'Clery,
Baumann, Myrna Beardsworth, Michael Bell, Jenny           Patrick Graham, Nick Gray, Elena Green, Jim Greene,       Micheal O'Coileain Dan O'Connell, Sr Mary O'Connell,
Benito, Bernadette Bergin, Dominic Berridge, Simon        Roger Greene, Tim Griffin, Michael Gunn, John               Laurence O'Connell, Kevin O'Connell, Peadar
Berrow, Eddie Berry, Tony Berry, Sinead Biggane, Ann      Guthrie, Josephine Guthrie, Thomas Gyorffy, D.             O'Connell, Jack O'Connell, Michael O'Connell,
Bingham, Sam Birch, Brendan Black, David Bluck,           Haisley, Frank Halbert, Lesley Hambrook, Billy            Brendan O'Connor, Brian O'Connor, Charlie O'Connor,
Helen Boland, Hans Bomhoff, Richard Bono, Heather          Hamilton, John Hand, Hugh Hanley, Josephine               Fergal O'Connor, Kate-Marie O'Connor, Daire
Bothwell, Neil Bourke, Aoife Boyd, Fintan Bracken,        Hanley, Vincent Hanlon, Cathryn Hannon, Gordon            O'Criodain, Aonghus O'Donaill, Padraig O'Donnell,
Fran Brady, Marion Brady, Dermot Breen, Sean Breen,       Hardwicke, Michael Harkin, Niall Harmey, Yvonne           Mick O'Donnell, Declan O'Donnell, Ger O'Donnell,
John Breen, Margaret Brennan, Martin Brennan, Niall       Harrington, Seamus Hassett, Niall Hatch, Dennis           John O'Donnell, Tim O'Donoghue, Seamus
Brennan, Derek Brennan, Bro Angelo, Thomas Broe,          Hawke, Don Healy, Michele Healy, Clare Heardman,          O'Donoghue, Padraigin O'Donoghue, Barry
Anthony Brogan, Leo Brogan, David Brooks, Joan Ann        Stephen Heery, Luke Heffernan, John Hehir, Barry           O'Donoghue, Susan O'Donohoe, Joan O'Faherty,
Brosnan, Maurice Bryan, Daniel Buckley, Noel              Henn, Joe Henry, Fergal Henry, Paul Higgins, Gerry        Sean O'Farrell, John O'Flaherty, Eanna O'Flynn, Neil
Bugler, Patsy Burke, Eileen Burke, Paul Burke-            Higgins, John Higgins, Iain Hill, Gary Hill, Kathleen     O'Gorman, Maree O'Gorman, Rosemary O'Gorman,
Kennedy, Tim Burkitt, Roger Bushell, Marian Bushell,      Hinde, Mike Hirst, Con Hogan, Dan Hogan, Sean             Richard O'Gorman, Olivia O'Gorman, John O'Halloran,
Andrew Butler, Jim Byrne, Paul Byrne, Brian Caffrey,       Hogan, Mick Hogan, Staphanie Holstead,Chris Honan,        Donna O'Halloran, William O'Halloran, Tim O'Hara,
Sue Callaghan, Greg Campbell, Richard Cannon, John        Joe Hopkins, Chris Houlihan, Mairin Hughes, Jackie        Jane O'Hara, Michael O'Keefe, Daniel O'Keefe, Jean
Carey, Susan Carmody, Bruce Carrick, John Carroll,        Hunt, Geoff Hunt, Trevor Hunter, Caroline Hurley, Ben      O'Keefe, Ciaran O'Keeffe, Denis O'Mahony, Ciara
Terry Carruthers, Alison Carter, Edward Carty, Helen      Huskinson, Trish Hyde, John Hynes,Robert Imbush,          O'Mahony, Dermot O'Mahony, Elaine O'Malley, Nuala
Carty, Catherine Casey, Stephen Casey, Ciaran Casey,      Brendan Ingoldsby, Justin Ivory, Gearoid Jackson,         O'Malley, Stephen O'Malley, Niall O'Muiri, Charlie
May Cashman, Noel Cassidy, Caomhe Cawley, Pat             Margaret Jackson, Jack James, Graham Johnston,            O'Neill, Michelle O'Neill, Claire O'Nolan, Ger O'Regan,
Christie, Simon Clark, Damian Clarke, Amanda Clarke,      Stefan Jones, James Kapalo, Padraig Kavanagh, Joe         Michelle O'Regan, Niall O'Reilly, Patrick O'Shea,
Tom Clear, Conor Clenaghan, Gerry Clerkin, Cameron        Kavanagh, Laura Kavanagh,Tom Kealy, Paula Kearney,        Stephen O'Shea, Christian Osthoff, Oran O'Sullivan,
Clotworthy, Michael Cobley, Letizia Cocchiglia, David     Paul Keating, Elaine Keegan, Karen Keegan, Padraig        Paddy O'Sullivan, Michael O'Sullivan, Michael
Cole, Kyran Colgan, Kendrew Colhoun, Bríd Colhoun,        Keirns, Niamh Kellaghan, Katherine Kelleher, Joe &        O'Sullivan, Dennis O'Sullivan, John Palmer,John
Kevin Collins, Jane Coman, Padraig Comerford,             Annette Kelly, Aidan G. Kelly,Sean Kelly, Kilian Kelly,   Parkin, Jordan Patton, James Pembroke, Chris
Declan Coney, Elerina Conneelly, Naoimh Conneely,         Caroline Kelly, Therese Kelly, John Kennedy, Henry        Peppiatt, Ben Phalan, Peter Phillips, George Phipps,
Patrick Conneely, Dan Connell, Eoin Connelly,             Kenny, Fridolin Kerr, Antoin Kiely, Michael Killeen,      Daphne Pochin Mould, Claire Pollock, Brian Porter ,
Caroline Connolly, Alan Connolly, Maurice Connolly,       James Kilroy, Austin Kinsella, Ken Kinsella, Nancy        Gerry Power, Andrew Power, Frank Prendergast, Paula
Paddy Connors, Jimmy Conroy, Dick Coombes, Alison         Klein, Peter Kysela, Andrew Lambe , Olivia Lardner,       Prendergast, Robin Price, Bob Price-Adams, Vanessa
Cooper, Alex Copland, Ilse Corkery, William               Jim Lawlor, Niall Leahy, Ruth-Ann Leak, Suzanne           Price-Adams, Aileen Prole, Paul Proudfoot Michael
Cormacan, Sean Corry, Paudie Cosgrove, Joe                Ledwith, Larry Lenehan, Noel Lenehan, Joe Lennon,         Purser, Pat Pykett, Paddy Quinn, John Quinn, Jessica
Costelloe, John Coveney, Donal Coveney, Phil Cox,         Lesley Lewis, Michael Lewis, Ita Logan, John Lovatt,      Quinn, Noel Raftery, Christopher Ramsey, Ted
Peter Craven, Michael Creegan, Peter Crisp, John          John Lusby, Rob Lynch, Annette Lynch, Aine Lynch,         Rearden, Mark Reed, David Rees, Moya Reid, Brian
Cromie, Jerry Cronin, Ciaran Cronin, Christine Croton,    Jen Lynch, Tom Lynch, Linda Lyne, Jerry Lyons, Liam       Reidy, Michael Reilly, Peadar Reynolds Mary Riordan,
Olivia Crowe, Miriam Crowley, Sekeeta Crowley,            Lysaght, Carmel Mackey, Kay Macklin, Coilin               A. Robb, Tony Roche, Marie Rochford, Tim Roderick,
Seamus Cuddy, Teresa Culhane, Seamus Culhane,             MacLochlainn, Emer Magee, Rosie Magee, John               Ger Rogan, Brendan Rooney, Marie Rooney, Hugh
Denis Cullen, Majella Cullen, Tony Culley, Maura          Maher, Mary Mahony, Seamus Mallon, Colm Malone,           Rothwell, Stuart Roy, Denis Ryan, Michael Ryan,
Culligan, Sinead Cummins, Kieran Cunnane, Alice           Malachy Mangan,Declan Manley, Ruth Mann, Wendy            Pearse Ryan, Tom Ryan, Donal Scannell, Franz
Curran, Breda Curran, Donna Curtin, Ignatius Cusack,      Martin, Breffni Martin, Paddy Martin Angela Mason,         Scholand, Sol Schvartzman, Lorcan Scott, James
John Cusack, Barry Dalby, Gregory Daly, Clive             Albert Mason Seamus Masterson John Matthews, Pat          Scully, Eoin Scully, Catherine Seale, Joe Shannon, Neil
Darling, John Davis, Mike Davis, Michael Davis,           Maxwell, John McAdam, Louise McAlavery, Kate              Sharkey, Bob Sharpe, Jim Sheehan, Hugh Shepherd,
Mark Davis, Claire Deasy, John Deasy, Hugh Delaney,       McAney, Deirdre McAvinchey, Fiona McAuliffe, Brigid        Ralph Sheppard, Kathryn Sheridan Paddy Sheridan,
Eamonn Delaney, Pat Dempsey, Edward Denniston,            McCabe Nicholas McCabe, Peter McCarron, Flor              Caroline Shiel, Mark Shorten, Pat Smiddy, Sean Smith,
John Mark Dick, Ethna Diver ,Terry Doherty, Anita         McCarthy, Kathleen McCormick, Mark McCorry, Larry         Moray Souter, Andrew Speer, Sarah Stapleton, Robert
Donaghy, Joe Doolan, Eamonn Doran, Paul Dowding,          McDaid, Lee McDaid, Michael McDonagh, Cathy S             Steed, Ray Stephens, Michael Stinson Jane Stokes,
Pascal Dower, Margaret Doweth, Frank Doyle, Hazel         McDonald, Rosemarie McDonald, Caroline McDonald,          Bob Strickland, Philip Strickland, Wendy Stringer,
Doyle, Susan Doyle, Pauline Doyle, Gene Draper,           Sinead McDonnell, Seamus McDonough, Steve                 Neil Stronach, Denis Strong, Clodagh Studdert, Dave
Nick Duff, Richard Duff, Brian Duffy, Dave Duggan,           McEntegart, Paul McFadden, Ger McGann, John               Suddaby, Eva Sweeney, Eugene Sweeney, Niamh
Graham Duncan, Kevin Dunleavy, Teresa Dunne,              McGillicuddy, Seamus McGinty, Bernie McGrath, E           Sweeney, Eoin Sweetman, Mary Talbot, Malcolm
Rosaline Dunphy, Pat Durkin, Mary Durkin, Tommy           oin McGreal, Brendan McGuigan, Congella McGuire,          Tanner, Tom Tarpey, Rebecca Teesdale, Marianne Ten
Durkin, Jamie Durrant, Kieran Dwane, Bridget Dwyer,       Becky McIndoe, Barbara McInerney, David McKay,            Cate-Whilde, Bryan Thompson, Kate Thompson, Roy
Richard Dwyer, Maurice Eakin, Richard Eakins,             Andrew McKeever, Rodney McKenna, Elizabeth                Thompson, Niall Tierney, David Tierney, David
Nathalie Eakins, Declan Egan, Fiona Egan, Martin          McKenna, John McKenna, Hugh McLindon, Barry               Toohey, Peter Towe, Yvonne Traynor, Maura Turner,
Egan, Pat Egan, Siobhan Egan, Ciaran Egan,                McMahon, Frank McMahon, Jim McNally, Brian                Frank Turpin, Aine Ui Dhubhshlaine, Julie Vangendt,
Andrew Ellard, Jamie Ellis, John Emmett, Liam             McNamara, David McNamara, Roger McNaughton,               Pat Vaughan, Bart Venneman, Yvette von Cramon,
English, Martin Enright, Seamus Enright, Norman           Josephine McNern, Peter McQuillan, Berna                  Brendan Wall, Marita Wall, Eugene Wallace, Paul
Evans, Dave Fabby, Finbar Fagan, Peter Fagan, Liz         McQuillan, Rosena McShane, Anna McWilliam, Donal          Walsh, Alyn Walsh, Cathy Walsh, David Walsh, Philip
Fahey, Patrick Fanning, Frances Farrell, Fiona Farrell,   McWeeney, John Meade, Stephen Meaney, Tony Mee,           Walton, Graham Webb, Andrea Webb, Pádraig Webb,
Shane Farrell, Kristina Feeney, Rory Feeney, Seamus       Allan Mee, Oscar Merne, Cian Merne, Brian Meskell,        Gill Weyman, Bill Wheel, Rob Wheeldon, Gerry
Feeney, Caitriona Fenton, Fernando Fernandez,             Eamon Meskill, Robbie Miller, Les Milne, John Milroy,     Wheeler, Ricky Whelan, Janet Whelehan, Michael
Connor Finch, John Fingleton, Catherine Fingleton,        Nicholas Mitchell, Richard Moles, Sandra Molloy,          Whelan, Paul Whitelaw, Kevin Whyte, Tristam Whyte,
Des Finnamore, Triona Finnen, Cathy Fisher, Therese       Martin Moloney, Daniel Moloney, Jason Monaghan,           Gareth Williams, Ray Wills, Chris Wilson, Faith Wilson,
Fitzgerald, Mary Fitzgerald, David Fitzgerald, Billy      Jim Moore, Mark Moore, Des Moore, Peadar Morgan,          Fran Wolstenholme, Will Woodrow, Jerry Wray,
Fitzpatrick, Tom Flanagan, Noel Flanagan, Pat             Tim Morgan, Megan Morris, Doreen Morrison, Bea            Michael Wright, Mick Wright, Piotr Wrobel.
Flemming, Leonard Floyd, Ciara Flynn, Enda Flynn,         Moya, Donal Mulcahy, Pat Mulhern, Michael Murphy,
Maeve Flynn, Orla Flynn, Billy Flynn, Owen Foley,         Declan Murphy, Pat Murphy, Brendan Murphy,
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