Partnership Opportunities - Florida PTA

Page created by Pamela Gardner
Partnership Opportunities - Florida PTA
Partnership Opportunities

             Leadership Convention
                    July 16 - 19, 2020
               Innisbrook Golf & Spa Resort
                      Palm Harbor, FL

As our partner, you have a full range of sponsorship choices including events that give
you a opportunity to interact face-to-face with our attendees. Let us customize a pack-
age for you which enhances your brand engagement and awareness.

Who Attends?
More than 1,000 influential PTA representatives, who serve as ambassadors to our more than 1,400 local
units and 240,000 plus members from across the state. These representatives include:
 PTA leaders representing their local school or community unit(s) and/or county council,
 School administrators and faculty,
 Child advocates and community leaders,
 Florida PTA Board of Directors and executive leadership, and
 Non profit and community members.
The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a powerful voice for children and youth, a relevant resource for par-
ents, and a strong advocate for the health, safety, education, and general well-being of all children. With a
97-year legacy in Florida and 123 years nationally, PTA is the largest volunteer child advocacy association in
the United States.
If you can connect to a parent, child, student, or school, you belong at the Florida PTA Leadership Convention!
The annual Florida PTA Leadership Convention is a launching pad for new products, while also being a regular
tour stop for established brands across several sectors. Everyone and everything in the family or school mar-
ket can have success here: new technologies, learning resources, school supplies, fundraisers, purpose-led
nonprofits, consumer packaged goods, “edutainers,” and authors.

PLEASE NOTE: Florida PTA does not provide membership lists to outside organizations. The most cost effective way to reach our
PTAs is by exhibiting at the Florida PTA Annual Leadership Convention.
 1                                                          1/29/2020                             
Partnership Opportunities - Florida PTA
Table of Contents 2020 Leadership Convention
 Publication Date 12/19/20

Booths: Exhibitor and Sponsor                        3            Open to Anyone                                    12-13
Exhibit Times and Schedule                           3                     Water Bottle (Diamond Level)
Sponsorship At-A-Glance                              4                     Morning Coffee (Silver Level)
Add On: Only Available with a Booth                  5                     Refreshments (Silver Level)
          Ad in Event Program                                              Goody Bag Insert (Non Booth Price)
          Passport Stop                                                    Contribute to the Experience
          Goody Bag Insert (booth only price)                              Crowdsource
Oak Level Sponsorships                               6                     Sunshine State PTSA Membership
          General Session                                         Contract
          Oak Supporter                                                    Contract for Space                         14
Diamond Level Sponsorships                           7                     Registration Confirmation                  14
          Inverness Hall                                                   Selection of Exhibitors                    14
          Plated Meal (Breakfast or Luncheon)                              Terms of Payment                           15
          Preview Mailer Postcard                                          Exhibit Times, Schedule and Location       15
          Power Up                                                         Dismantling Exhibits                       15
Gold Level Sponsorships                              9                     Convention Services and Electrical Access 15
          Welcome Preview Party                                            Hotel Accommodations                       16
          Candidate Meet & Greet                                           Insurance Requirements                     16
          Conference Bag                                                   Care of Building and Equipment             16
          Goody Bag                                                        Fire, Safety, and Health                   16
          Gold Supporter                                                   Food, Beverages and Samples                16
Silver Level Sponsorships                            10                    Trademark                                  16
          Lanyard                                                          Sale of Products with TA Logo              17
          Morning Coffee                                                   Cancellation Policy                        17
          Afternoon Refreshments                                           Catastrophe                                17
Bronze Level Sponsorship                             11                    Photography, Video and Audio Recording 17
          Resource Non Profit Fair                                         Competing Events                           17
                                                                           Children of Exhibitors                     17
                                                                           Exhibitor Drawings and Door Prizes         17

                               FLORIDA PTA
                               1747 ORLANDO CENTRAL PARKWAY
                               ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32809-5732

                               407-855-7604, ext. 307

Exhibition or sponsorship does not constitute endorsement by Florida PTA of any product, service, or position.

Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services—Registration # CH36283 “A copy of the official registration and financial
information may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Services by calling toll-free (800-435-7352 within the state of Flori-
da. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the State.”

2                                                            1/29/2020                                 
Partnership Opportunities - Florida PTA
Sponsorship at a Glance
 All sponsor packages below include a booth and the booth benefits!

                                                                                     Post-                                                                    tion
                                                                   Op-               event                                                                    to
                                                                   tion 1 Rec        spon-     Link on                     Co                                 pro
                                                              Spe for min ogn        sor-      Florida   Recog-   Com-     mp                                 vid Bo
                                                              ak gift .     itio     spe-      PTA       nition   pany     any             Ide                e lo
                                                              up at Vid- n           cific     Web-      from     logo     log             ntifi Com One-     ite ed
                                                              to 4 sea eo on         email     site      podi-    on       o in   Extra    ed pany year       m/ fo
                                                              min t     in Fa-       to        and in    um       screen   har    recogni- as Logo sub-       bro w/
                                                              . at (sp Hall ceb      Florida   E-        during   during   d      tion in spo on scripti      chu op
                                                              spo ons and ook        PTA       News-     each     each     cop    mobile nso sign on to       re ex
                                                              nso ore /or (pr        data-     letter,   Gen-     Gen-     y      app (if r in s at Florida   in ex
                                                              red d mo- e &          base      # of      eral     eral     pro    received mo- PTA PTA E-     goo tim
Sponsor Pag                                                   eve eve bile pos       (60,00    month     Ses-     Ses-     gra    before bile even News-      dy Th
Level   e # Description                                Amount nt nt) app t)          0+)       s         sion     sion     m      6/1/20) app t      letter   bag &
Oak      5   General Session (up to two)               $15,000     1   1         1         1       12         1        1      1          1   1    1       1     1
Oak      5   Oak Supporter (unlimited)                 $14,000               1   1         1       12         1        1      1          1   1    1       1     1
Diamond 6    Diamond Supporter (unlimited)             $11,000         1     1   1         1       12         1        1      1          1   1    1       1     1
Diamond 6    Inverness Hall (one)                      $10,000               1   1         1       12         1        1      1          1   1    1       1     1
Platinum 7   Plated Meal Breakfast (one)               $7,500      1   1         1         1       12         1        1      1          1   1    1       1     1
Platinum 7   Plated Meal Luncheon (one)                $7,500      1   1                   1       12         1        1      1          1   1    1       1     1
Platinum 11 Water Bottle ($6,225 if no booth)          $7,000                1                     12         1        1      1          1   1    1       1     1
Platinum 7   Previewer Mailer Postcard (one) until 4/15 $6,000                                      6                  1      1          1   1    1       1
Platinum 7   Power Up (one)                            $6,000                                       6                  1      1              1    1       1
Gold     9   Gold Supporter (unlimited)                $5,000                                       6                  1      1              1    1       1
Gold     8   Welcome Preview Party (up to three)       $5,000                                       6                  1      1              1    1       1
Gold     8   Candidate Meet & Greet (up to two)        $5,000                                       6                  1      1              1    1       1
Gold     8   Conference Bag (one)                      $5,000                                       6                  1      1              1    1       1
Gold     8   Goody Bag (one)                           $5,000                                       6                  1      1              1    1       1
Silver   9   Silver Supporter (unlimited)              $4,000                                       3                  1      1              1    1       1
Silver   9   Lanyard (one)                             $3,000                                       3                  1      1              1    1       1
Silver   11 Morning Coffee ($2,225 if no booth)        $3,000                                       3                  1      1              1    1       1
Silver   11 Refreshments ($2,225 if no booth)          $3,000                                       3                  1      1              1    1       1
Bronze   10 Bronze Supporter (unlimited)               $2,500                                                          1      1              1    1       1
Bronze   10 Resource NP Fair (one)                     $2,500                                                          1      1              1    1       1
Add On   11 Goody Bag Insert, NON BOOTH PRICE          $2,500                                                                                             1     1
Add On   11 Goody Bag Insert, BOOTH ONLY PRICE         $1,000                                                                                                   1
Add On   4   Ad in Event Program - Full Page           $1,300
Add On   4   Ad in Event Program - 1/2 Page            $900
Add On   4   Ad in Event Program - 1/4 Page            $750
Add On   4   Passport Stop (maximun of 20)             $350
         3   Standard Booth *                          $650
         3   Premium Booth *                           $775

Add On   12 Contribute to Experience                   $100

Add On   12 Crowdsource and unsold sponsorship         $100

Add On   12 Sunshine State PTSA Membership (1)         $10.00

3                                                                1/29/2020                                               
Partnership Opportunities - Florida PTA
Booths: Exhibitor and Sponsor
                                                                                     BOOTH PRICES:
All Booth Spaces Include:
                                                                                     Ballroom Standard: $650
     Standard booth identification sign
                                                                                     Ballroom Premium: $775
     Carpeted booth and show area
     10’ x 8’ back drape                                                            Foyer Booth: Only Available to and
     8’ x ‘3 side rail drapes                                                       included with Sponsorship levels
     One (1) skirted 6’ x 2’ draped table per 8’ x 10’ (depth x width) space        ($2,500 and up)
     Two (2) folding chairs                                                         Note: May 1st booth prices increase
     One (1) Wastebasket                                                            by $100.
     Up to four booth personal badges per 8’ x 10’ space
     Dedicated, on-site Florida PTA staff support for exhibitors before, during, and after the event.
Booth Benefits:
     Exclusive special events held in Inverness Hall with a captive audience of attendees (see schedule below).
     Company name, description, logo, website link and Twitter handle in our convention mobile app (if provided
      to us by June 8), to allow attendees to easily connect with you during or after our event.
     Opportunity to purchase Event Program advertisement (see page 5).
     Opportunity to participate in Passport Program (see page 5).
   Recognition in the printed copy convention program and on the Florida PTA website commensurate with
level of sponsorship support (see page 6 –13).

    Register at:

    Thursday, July 16, 2020
    9:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m.             Booth Check In/Move In
    2:30 p.m.—6:00 p.m.             Optional time for Sponsor Booths to be open (Attendee Registration/Foyer open)
    6:00 p.m.—8:30 p.m.             Special Exhibitor Preview Party - All Exhibitor Booths (Foyer & Ballroom)

    Friday, July 17, 2020
    7:00 a.m.—10:00 a.m.            Optional time for Sponsor Booths to be open (Attendee Registration/Foyer open)
    10:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m.            All Exhibitor Booths Open (Foyer & Ballroom open)
    5:00 p.m.—7:45 p.m.             Special Exhibitor Hours & Candidate Meet & Greet
    7:45 p.m.— 10:00 p.m.           Exhibitor Move-Out (or Saturday morning.) optional for Sponsor Move Out

    Saturday, July 18, 2020
    7:00 a.m.— 9:00 a.m.            Exhibitor Move Out, optional for Sponsor Move Out
    7:00 a.m.— 10:00 a.m.           Optional time for Sponsor Booths to be open (Attendee registration/Foyer Open)
    8:30 a.m.—10:00 a.m.            Resource (Non Profit) Fair Move In
    10:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m.            Resource (Non Profit) Booths open/Optional for Sponsor Booths to be open

4                                                          1/29/2020                           
Partnership Opportunities - Florida PTA
Susan or Jean, upon final
                                                                                          review—if white space
    Add On - Only Available with a Booth                                                  add picture of baskets/
                                                                                          giveaway items or goody
                                                                                          bags at bottom of page.

        See How We Have Made Our Exhibit Hall Even Better for
        Exhibitors and Attendees……
Exhibitor Drawing (Donation)                            * Passport Stop ($350)

Exhibitor’s are encouraged to donate products,          Drive attendees to your booth by adding a Passport
baskets, etc., for our exhibitor drawing for            Stop to your booth package. All attendees receive a
attendees. Attendees will be randomly selected          Passport in their welcome bag with participating
during three (3) rounds of drawings, and winners        exhibitors included. Attendees must visit each booth
pick up items at your booth! The individual             for a stamp. After they’ve traveled to all participating
winners, exhibitors and drawing items will be           exhibitors, they turn in their completed Passport card
posted in our convention mobile app and at              for a chance to win a FREE registration to the 2021
various locations at the Convention. Donated            Florida PTA Leadership Convention Conference!
product to be shown and labeled by PTA during
                                                        * Opportunity exclusive to exhibitors and is available
booth check-in, then should remain on display in
                                                        on a first come, first served basis. Limited to a maxi-
your booth.
                                                        mum of 20.

Advertisement in Event Program ($750—$1,300)
Full Page             $1,300
1/2 Page              $900
1/4 Page              $750

An opportunity exclusive only to exhibitors or sponsors, purchase ad space in our printed convention pro-
gram. Ad space reservations and payments must be reserved and paid by May 1,2020. Copy layout deadline:
May 22, 2020 .

Florida PTA reserves the right to refuse any advertisement which is not consistent with the Association's

Goody Bag Insert ($1,000)
Include a flier, tri-fold or other one page marketing material (no larger than 11 x 14) to be added to each
attendees goody bag. Must be delivered and received at the Florida PTA Office in Orlando no later than June
8, 2020. The opportunity at this price is only open to existing exhibitor and/or sponsors whom have a booth
at our event. Florida PTA reserves the right to refuse any advertisement which is not consistent with the
Association's standards.
5                                                  1/29/2020                         
Partnership Opportunities - Florida PTA
Oak Level Sponsorship
 All sponsor packages below include a booth and the booth benefits!

General Session Presenting Sponsor (one sponsor per session)
Gain increased exposure by being the presenting sponsor of a General Session. Your sponsorship includes up
to a 4 minute announcement opportunity (conducive or connecting to a PTA objective topic, our mission or
purpose and must be pre-approved), an opportunity to place a company gift at each seat at said session. Link
on the Florida PTA website and in our newsletter for 12 months. Also, recognition from the podium and your
company logo on the screen at each general session, in the hard copy event program, prominent level
recognition in the convention mobile app, and standard sponsor recognition which include: sponsorship level
exhibitor booth (foyer), company logo on signage at event, and one year subscription to our newsletter.

Additionally, General Session sponsorship includes post event sponsor specific email sent to Florida PTA
database (60,000+), recognition on FaceBook (pre and post event) and an option for a brochure added to the
goody bag (need by 6/8/2020) or a pre approved goody item (must be received no later than 10 am on
Wednesday 7/15/20).

Oak Sponsorship Level Support (unlimited sponsorships available)
Be a top level contributor and have the ability to share an up to 1 minute video to be promoted within the hall
and/or within the convention mobile app (must receive by 6/12/20). Also, your company link included on the
Florida PTA website and in our newsletters for 12 months. Also recognition from podium and your company
logo on the screen at each general session, in the hard copy event program, prominent level recognition in the
convention mobile app, and standard sponsor recognition which include: sponsorship level exhibitor booth
(foyer), company logo on sponsor signage at event, and one year subscription to our newsletter.

Additionally, the Oak Sponsorship level includes post event sponsor specific email sent to Florida PTA database
(60,000+), recognition on FaceBook (pre and post event) and an option for a brochure added to the goody bag
(need by 6/8/2020) or a pre approved goody item (must be received no later than 10 am on Wednesday

6                                                  1/29/2020                        
Partnership Opportunities - Florida PTA
Diamond Level Sponsorships
 All sponsor packages below include a booth and the booth benefits!

Diamond Sponsorship Level Support (unlimited sponsorships available)
Receive recognition as a diamond level support where you'll have the ability to share an up to 1 minute video
to be promoted within the hall and/or within the convention mobile app (must receive by 6/12/20). Link on
the Florida PTA website and in our newsletters for 12 months. Also recognition from the podium and your
company logo on the screen at each general session, in the hard copy event program, prominent level
recognition in the convention mobile app, and standard sponsor recognition which include: sponsorship level
exhibitor booth (foyer), company logo on sponsor signage at event, and one year subscription to our

Additionally, the Diamond Sponsorship level includes post event sponsor specific email sent to Florida PTA
database (60,000+), recognition on FaceBook (pre and post event) and an option for a brochure added to the
goody bag (need by 6/8/2020) or a pre approved goody item (must be received no later than 10am on
Wednesday 7/15/20).

Inverness Hall Sponsor (one sponsorship available)
Be the star of the Exhibitor Hall! Your sponsorship includes signage in the Inverness Hall as the presenting
sponsor (Thursday– Saturday), and an opportunity to provide a 1 minute video to be promoted within the hall
and/or within the convention mobile app (must receive by 6/12/20). Also, your company link included on
Florida PTA website and in our newsletters for 12 months. We will also provide recognition from podium,
company logo on screen at each general session, in the hard copy event program, prominent level recognition
in the convention mobile app, and the other standard recognition of sponsor items which include: sponsorship
level exhibitor booth (foyer), company logo on sponsor signage at event, and one year subscription to our

Inverness Hall sponsorship also includes post event sponsor specific email sent to Florida PTA database
(60,000+), recognition on FaceBook (pre and post event) and an option for a brochure added to the goody bag
(need by 6/8/2020) or a pre approved goody item (must be received no later than 10 am on Wednesday

7                                                 1/29/2020                        
Partnership Opportunities - Florida PTA
Platinum Level Sponsorships
 All sponsor packages below include a booth and the booth benefits!

Plated Meal Event: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Breakfast (Friday,) or Awards Luncheon (Saturday)
We’ve added another great exposure opportunity for your company. Your sponsorship includes up to a 4
minute announcement opportunity (conducive or connecting to a PTA objective topic, our mission or purpose
and must be pre-approved), opportunity to place a company gift at each seat. Link on Florida PTA website and
in our newsletters for 12 months. Also, recognition from podium, company logo on screen at each general
session, in the hard copy event program, recognition in the convention mobile app for being a meal sponsor
and the standard sponsor recognition which include: sponsorship level exhibitor booth (foyer), company logo
on signage at event, and one year subscription to our newsletter.

Also ticketed meal sponsor includes recognition on FaceBook (either pre or post event).

Preview Mailer Postcard—(one sponsorship available until April 15th)
Exclusive sponsor of the preview mailer postcard with a distribution of at least 5000. Sponsorship includes
recognition on the postcard and a half page ad in the hard copy convention program. Also, your company link
will be included on Florida PTA website and in our newsletters for 6 months. Your company logo will appear
on the screen at all general sessions, in the hard copy event program, prominent level recognition in the
convention mobile app, and the standard sponsor recognition which include: sponsorship level exhibitor booth
(foyer), company logo on sponsor signage at event, and one year subscription to our newsletter.

Power Me Up Sponsor (one sponsorship available)
Most of us have experienced a lack of power in our devices while attending a jam-packed convention. We also
want attendees to receive push notifications while being able to pull up exhibitor/sponsor information in the
convention mobile app. Consider being the sponsor who provides a power pack device (provided by Florida
PTA) that will be distributed during a general session. Sponsorship includes recognition and a half page ad in
the hard copy convention program . Your company link will be included on Florida PTA website and in our
newsletters for 6 months. Also, your company logo will appear on the screen at all general sessions, in the
hard copy event program,
prominent level recognition in
the convention mobile app, and
a push notification thank you in
the mobile app and the other
standard recognition which in-
clude: sponsorship level exhibi-
tor booth (foyer), company
logo on sponsor signage at
event, and one year subscrip-
tion in our newsletter.

8                                                 1/29/2020                        
Partnership Opportunities - Florida PTA
Susan of Jean—add a picture big
    Gold Level Sponsorships                                                    crowds at exhibitor preview?

 All sponsor packages below include a booth and the booth benefits!

Welcome Exhibitor Preview Party—Thursday (up to three sponsorships available)
Our Exhibitor Preview Party on Thursday evening is one of our most popular, and highest attended events
during the entire conference! Sponsorship includes special signage/recognition at food and/or beverage
stations (along with the other presenting sponsors). Also, your company link will be included on Florida PTA
website and in our newsletter for 6 months. Your company logo will be on a screen at all three general
sessions, in the hard copy event program, recognition in the convention mobile app, and the standard sponsor
recognition which includes: sponsorship level exhibitor booth (foyer), company logo on sponsor signage at
event, and one year subscription to our newsletter.

Welcome—Candidate Meet & Greet Sponsor Friday (up to two sponsors)
2020 is an election year for our volunteer board of directors where up to 8 executive board positions will be
voted on by our general membership on Saturday, July 18, 2020. Sponsorship of the special exhibitor hours
and candidate meet and greet includes special signage/recognition at food and/or beverage stations (along
with the other presenting sponsor). Also, your company link will be included on Florida PTA website and in our
newsletters for 6 months. Your company logo will be on a screen at all three general sessions, in the hard copy
event program, recognition in the convention mobile app, and the standard sponsor recognition which in-
cludes: sponsorship level exhibitor booth (foyer), company logo on sponsor signage at event, and one year
subscription to our newsletter.

Conference Bag Sponsor (one sponsor)
Conference bag to be provided by Florida PTA and will include event, your company logo, and our logo and will
be pre-approved by both parties before printing. The conference bag sponsorship also includes your company
link included on Florida PTA website and in our newsletters for 6 months. Your company logo will also be on a
screen at all three general sessions, in the hard copy event program, recognition in the convention mobile app,
and the standard sponsor recognition which includes: sponsorship level exhibitor booth (foyer), company logo
on sponsor signage at event, and one year subscription to our newsletter.

Goody Bag Sponsor (one sponsor)
The goody bag, (which will be procured by Florida PTA) may or may not include a logo(s) and will be pre-
approved by both parties. If it does not include a logo on the bag, we will include additional recognition via
convention mobile app push notification and/or additional acknowledgement during one or more general
sessions. The goody bag sponsorship also includes your company link included on Florida PTA website and in
our newsletter for 6 months. Your company logo will also be on a screen at all three general sessions, in the
hard copy event program, recognition in the convention mobile app, and the standard sponsor recognition
which includes: sponsorship level exhibitor booth (foyer), company logo on sponsor signage at event, and one
year subscription to our newsletter.
9                                                  1/29/2020                         
Partnership Opportunities - Florida PTA
Gold Level Sponsorships, Continued
 All sponsor packages below include a booth and the booth benefits!

Gold Sponsorship Level Supporter (Unlimited sponsorships available)
As a gold level sponsorship, your company link will be on the Florida PTA
website and in our newsletters for 6 months. Also, your company logo will be on a screen at each general ses-
sion, in the hard copy event program, prominent level recognition in the convention mobile app, and standard
sponsor recognition which include: sponsorship level exhibitor booth (foyer), company logo on sponsor sign-
age at event, and one year          subscription to our newsletter.

  Silver Level Sponsorships
 All sponsor packages below include a booth and the booth benefits!

Silver Sponsorship Level Supporter (Unlimited sponsorships available)
As a silver level sponsorship, your company link will be on the Florida PTA
website and in our newsletters for 3 months. Also, your company logo on the screen at each general session,
in the hard copy event program, prominent level recognition in the convention mobile app, and standard spon-
sor recognition which include: sponsorship level exhibitor booth (foyer), company logo on sponsor signage at
event, and one year           subscription to our newsletter.

Lanyard Sponsor (one sponsor)
Have your logo, along with Florida PTA logo
placed on the official conference lanyard given
to each attendee at registration. This is a great
way to have your company in front of every
attendee. Lanyard provided by Florida PTA.
The sponsorship also includes your company
link included on Florida PTA website and with-
in our newsletters for 3 months. Your compa-
ny logo on a screen at all three general ses-
sions, recognition in the        convention mo-
bile app, and the standard sponsor recognition
which includes: sponsorship level exhibitor
booth (foyer), company logo on sponsor sign-
age at event, and one year subscription to our

10                                                  1/29/2020                     
Bronze Level Sponsorship
 All sponsor packages below include a booth and the booth benefits!

Bronze Sponsorship Level Supporter (Unlimited sponsorships available)
As a bronze level sponsorship, your company logo will be on a screen at each general session, in the hard copy
event program, prominent level recognition in the convention mobile app, and standard sponsor recognition
which include: sponsorship level exhibitor booth (foyer), company logo on sponsor signage at event, and one
year subscription to our newsletter.

Resource Nonprofit Fair Sponsor—Saturday (one sponsor)
On Saturday, the Inverness Ballroom booths will convert from exhibitor booths to nonprofit Resource Fair
booths. Sponsorship is open to a nonprofit for profit entity. At this sponsor level, your company will have
signage at entrance to the fair. Your company logo will also be on the screen at all three general sessions,
recognition in the convention mobile app, and the standard sponsor recognition which includes: sponsorship
level exhibitor booth (foyer), company logo on sponsor signage at event, and one year subscription to our

11                                                1/29/2020                        
Jean or Susan, consider adding pic

 Open to Anyone                                                                   (s) at bottom of page.

Water Bottle Sponsor (provided by FPTA, two logos and or event to be included)
$7,000 (or $6,225 w/o a booth)
The water bottle sponsor is considered a Platinum level sponsor. This sponsorship is an option for an existing
exhibitor or as a stand alone option for a company that does not need a booth. Your water bottle sponsorship
includes your logo along with Florida PTA logo on the water bottle, an opportunity to provide a 1 minute video
to be promoted within the convention mobile app (must receive by 6/12/20). Also, your company link will be
included on Florida PTA website and within our newsletters for 12 months. Your company will also be provided
recognition from podium, your company logo on the screen at all three general sessions, prominent level
recognition in the convention mobile app, and standard sponsor recognition which includes: sponsorship level
exhibitor booth (foyer), company logo on sponsor signage at event, and one year subscription to our

Morning Coffee Break Sponsor Inverness (up to two) or Edinburgh/Stirling (up to three)
$3,000 (or $2,225 w/o a booth)
Be considered as a silver level sponsor for Friday or Saturday in Inverness Hall, or an option for Friday, Saturday
or Sunday in the Edinburgh/Stirling Buildings. Your sponsorship includes naming rights to a morning coffee
break with signage. The coffee sponsorship also includes your company link included on Florida PTA website
and within our newsletters for 3 months. Your company logo will also be on a screen at all three general
sessions, recognition in the convention mobile app, and the standard sponsor recognition which includes:
sponsorship level exhibitor booth (foyer), company logo on sponsor signage at event, and one year
subscription to our newsletter.

Afternoon Refreshments—Inverness (up to two) or Edinburgh/Stirling (up to two)
$3,000 (or $2,225 w/o a booth)
Be the sponsor for afternoon refreshments on Friday or Saturday in the Inverness Hall or on Friday or Saturday
in the Edinburgh/Stirling Buildings before and/or during General Session. Your sponsorship is recognized at
the silver level and includes naming rights to the refreshment break with signage. The sponsorship also in-
cludes your company link included on Florida PTA website and within our newsletters for 3 months. Your
company logo will also be on a screen at all three general sessions, recognition in the convention mobile app,
and the standard sponsor recognition which includes: sponsorship level exhibitor booth (foyer), company logo
on sponsor signage at event, and one year subscription to our newsletter.

Goody Bag Insert
$2,500 (or $1,000 for exhibitor or sponsor that has a booth at the event)
Include a flier, tri-fold or other one page marketing material (no larger than 11 x 14) to be added to each
attendees goody bag. Must be delivered and received at the Florida PTA Office in Orlando no later than June 8,
2020. Florida PTA reserves the right to refuse any advertisement which is not consistent with the Association's

12                                                  1/29/2020                           
Jean or Susan add pictures and

 Open to Anyone (Continued)                                                     Save the date for 2021 and 2022

Contribute to the Experience - Extra Contribution
$ 100 - +
The majority of our attendees are volunteers that take time away from their families and work to attend
this event. Some of the attendees pay out of pocket for their registration, ticketed meals, travel, and
accommodations. You or your company may choose to donate $100 or more for Florida PTA to award
scholarship(s) for a volunteer(s) that otherwise may not be able to attend our Leadership Convention. You
or your company will receive a handwritten acknowledgment letter. All contributor names will be listed in a
flier given to each registered attendee and other levels of recognition may be provided commensurate with
the donation amount.

Crowdsource an unsold sponsorship —Extra Contribution
Allow Florida PTA to combine your companies contribution with other businesses to reach a sponsorship level
that had not sold out. For example, if we do not have a morning coffee sponsor, we may combine funds to
reach that sponsorship level then recognize all of those businesses with their logo on signage at the coffee
station(s). Please note, we will not determine the actual crowdsource sponsorship item(s) until a few weeks
before the event. All crowdsource contributors will receive notification of where their funds were applied.

Sunshine State PTA Membership
$10.00 each member
Anyone is welcome to join in our advocacy and educational efforts. If you would like to become a member of
the Sunshine State PTA to support the children of Florida, a link to join is on our website or visit https:// As the largest volunteer child advocacy association in the nation, the Parent
Teacher Association (PTA) and provides parents and families with a powerful voice to speak on behalf of every
child while providing the best tools for parents to help their children be successful students.

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Contract (Page 1 of 4)

This constitutes a contract for an 8-feet deep by 10-feet wide exhibit space that includes:
     10’ of 8-Feet Tall Back Drape
     8’ of 3-Feet Tall Side Drape on each side
     1 – 6’ x 2’ Draped Table with 30-Inch Tall Skirting
     Two Folding Chairs
     One Wastebasket
     One Line Exhibitor ID Sign (7” x 44”)
Note: Booth space does not include storage, placement, shipment, or reshipment of exhibit materials — before or after event. Any
additional items including, but not limited to, furniture, electrical service, etc., are not provided and are the direct responsibility of
the exhibitor. See Convention Services, page 15.

Booth space is limited and is confirmed on a first-come, first-serve basis. Florida PTA has the right to use its discretion at all times
in the placement of exhibitors, as well as in the acceptance of exhibitors. Florida PTA will make every attempt to fulfill requests but
makes no guarantees, as booth assignment is largely dependent on the number of booths available when the exhibitor’s paid regis-
tration application is processed and product type (as not to have similar or competing exhibitors side by side). Booth spaces will be
assigned after July 1, 2020.

Premium booth placement is available for an additional $125 per space. These premium spaces are located inside the ballroom
near entrances.

Foyer booth placement is reserved only to those that reserved and paid at a sponsorship level.

Sharing of booth space is not permitted. All exhibitors must have their own booth space. Exhibitors may not assign or sublet any
portion of their booth(s), nor may they display or advertise goods or services other than those provided by them in the regular
course of their business. All distribution materials must be approved by Florida PTA in advance.

Canvassing or distributing advertising material outside of the assigned Exhibit Hall is not permitted. All demonstrations or other
promotional activities must be confined to the limits of the exhibit booth space rented. Any item(s) extending beyond the assigned
space is subject to removal by Florida PTA.

Use of amplified sound is not permitted without prior approval. Displays not meeting these requirements must receive prior ap-
proval from Florida PTA.

Helium balloons are not permitted in the exhibit space. (Per fire code at the resort.)

Exhibitors cannot use Innisbrook bellmen for assistance in moving merchandise from vehicles to Exhibit Hall.


Florida PTA will send an electronic confirmation of registration submission, then an email within seven (7) business days confirming
your acceptance to exhibit.

Florida PTA reserves the right to decline or prohibit any exhibit which, in its judgment, is inappropriate. This reservation is all-
inclusive as to persons, things, printed materials, products, and conduct.

Florida PTA reserves the right to decline or prohibit any exhibitor who, in the sole and discretionary judgment of Florida PTA, has not
fulfilled any previous contractual obligation to a unit, council, or region of Florida PTA. This reservation is all-inclusive as to changes
of company names and any attempt to subvert this prohibition. Exhibitors who cause or have caused Florida PTA a financial burden
or harass other exhibitors, participants, Florida PTA staff, or volunteers will not be permitted at this or any future Leadership Conven-

14                                                             1/29/2020                                   
Contract, (Page 2 of 4)
2, Continued

Florida PTA does not endorse or recommend the use of any specific commercial product or service pursuant to this Contract or oth-
erwise. The Exhibitor/Sponsor may not represent, advertise, communicate, or imply, either orally or in writing, that its products or
services are approved, endorsed, or recommended by Florida PTA, without the prior written approval of Florida PTA.

All space assignments, advertising, sponsorships, and other items will be on a first-come, first-serve basis, unless otherwise noted.
Booth assignments will be provided to the exhibitor during exhibitor registration at Inverness Hall on July 16.


Florida PTA will not assign booth space until payment for said space is paid in full and has cleared all banking channels. Should pay-
ment by check not clear the exhibitor’s bank account, for any reason, the exhibitor will pay Florida PTA an additional fee of $50, by
bank check or money order. In the event that Florida PTA declines an exhibitor’s registration application, the accompanying fee will
be returned to the exhibitor, as along as the application is received by June 30, 2020. Applications revoked OR received after June
30, 2020, and exhibitors ejected for non-compliance during Leadership Convention OR who vacate prior to scheduled move out
(regardless of the reason) will not receive a refund.

Badges are for the use of individuals exhibiting at the event and may not be sold or used for other purposes. Each booth space
will receive four (4) exhibitor badges per booth space paid. Badges will be provided on the day of set up. Additional badges can be
purchased for $5.00 each.


Upon arrival at Innisbrook Resort and Golf Club, exhibitors should report to Inverness Hall for registration during Exhibitor Registra-
tion/Move In times (see page 3). Exhibitors must register with the Florida PTA representative prior to any set-up activities. Exhibi-
tors must wear the Florida PTA supplied name badge while in Inverness Hall. A Florida PTA representative will be in the exhibit area
during open hours to assist exhibitors.



6. CONVENTION SERVICES: Gulf Coast Expo is the official general Convention Services contractor for the event. Each registered
and paid exhibitor shall receive via email at least 30 days prior to the event, an Exhibitor Service Kit directly from Gulf Coast Expo.
This kit will include order forms and information to secure any of the additional items below needed for your booth space(s).

         Drayage Freight – You MUST use this service if you are shipping materials to the event.
         Furniture – Additional tables, chairs, and other furniture are available for rent.
         Signage – All exhibitors will be provided an ID sign with the name of their organization and booth number. Additional sign-
              age is available for purchase through Gulf Coast Expo.
         Electrical access at booth space – Power Source Electrical Services will handle all electrical requirements Adam Lane at Pow-
              er Source: 407-351-4158.

     Note: When requesting services from Gulf Coast Expo a booth number is NOT required.
                              Gulf Coast Expo
                              Christopher J. Binion, President
                              Phone: 813-915-8066
                              Fax: 813-319-0619

15                                                           1/29/2020                                 
Contract, (Page 3 of 4)
7. HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS (anticipate room block opening in February)

The Florida PTA Leadership Convention is hosted by Innisbrook Resort and Golf Club. Hotel accommodations can be made directly
through the link included in the registration acceptance confirmation email. Or contact
Florida PTA and Innisbrook Resort and Golf Club shall not be responsible for any loss, damage, or injury to the exhibitor company, its
employees, or property for any cause whatsoever prior to the period covered in the contract and, upon signing the contract, exhibi-
tor expressly releases Florida PTA and Innisbrook Resort and Golf Club from, and agrees to indemnify same against, any and all claims
for loss, damage, and injury of any kind. Reasonable care will be exercised to protect the exhibit area during the hours it is closed to
the delegates.


Exhibitors are required to provide an annual Certificate of Liability Insurance, Additional Insured Endorsement, or an Indemnity and
Waiver Agreement by June 7 and provide such evidence when acting as a vendor at any PTA function. A useform to upload these
documents and your business logo for our event App is located on our website For questions please email com-


Exhibitors, or their agents, shall not injure or deface the walls, floors, booth, or the equipment of booths. Exhibitors will not paste,
tack, nail, screw, or otherwise fasten to partitions, walls, floors, or other parts of the building or furniture.

Location – All exhibits will be located in Inverness Hall. Any activity scheduled outside the exhibit hall must be PRE-APPROVED, in
writing, with the Florida PTA President to ensure that activities will not be in conflict with scheduled PTA activities. The President
of Florida PTA is the only person authorized to approve any outside activities.


The exhibitor assumes all responsibility for compliance with all county, city, and state ordinances and regulations including those
covering fire, safety, and health. Flammable or other dangerous fluids, substances, materials, equipment, or other items — the use
of which is in violation of city, county, or state laws or regulations — may not be used in any booth. Fire extinguisher equipment shall
not be covered or obstructed in any manner. All aisles and exits must be kept clear at all times.



The resort has stipulations in our contact that prohibit distribution of some food and beverage items that may compete with the re-
sort venue sales. Email if you plan to provide free food or beverage samples from your exhibit booth area.
Ingredient labels should be available for all food and beverage items for those that may have allergy concerns.

ONLY. Florida PTA expects that all sponsors/exhibitors will remain professional.


“PTA” is a registered Trademark of National/Florida PTA and may not be used as part of any promotions or promotional material
without the express written consent of National PTA or Florida PTA acting on behalf of National PTA.

16                                                            1/29/2020                                 
Contract, (Page 4 of 4)

An Exhibitor/Sponsor may NOT use any PTA logo on products offered for sale without the prior written consent of the Florida PTA. If
such consent is given, it shall be limited to the sale of such products during the Convention itself. Products with the Florida/National
PTA logo may not be sold elsewhere, without the prior approval of Florida/National PTA.


A refund will be processed only if cancellation is requested in writing to Florida PTA, prior to June 15, 2019. The Florida PTA will re-
fund to the exhibitor the payment received, less a $100.00 non-refundable space deposit/cancellation fee. There will be no refunds,
under any circumstances, if a written cancellation request is received by the Florida PTA after July 1, 2019.


In the event of war, fire, strike, government regulation, public catastrophe, act of God, or other event causing the show, or any part
thereof, from being held or cancelled by Florida PTA, Florida PTA shall determine any refund to the applicants. The Exhibitor’s pro-
portionate share of the balance of the aggregate exhibit fees received that remains after deducting all show-related fees, costs, and
expenses may be refunded. In no case shall the amount of the refund to the applicant exceed the amount of the space rental fee


By registering for or attending the Florida PTA Leadership Convention, you hereby grant and assign the Florida PTA and its legal rep-
resentatives the irrevocable and unrestricted right to use and publish for editorial, trade, advertising, or any other purpose and in
any manner and medium—including website and internet promotion—all photographic, video, and digital images of you and your
guests taken while in attendance at the Florida PTA Leadership Convention. By registering for and attending the Florida PTA Leader-
ship Convention, you hereby release the Florida PTA and its legal representatives from all claims and liability relating to said photo-
graphs, videos, and digital images.

Exhibitors are NOT to photograph, videotape, or audio record any delegate, attendee, or PTA-sponsored event during the Florida
PTA Leadership Convention unless written consent is obtained prior to the activity commencing. Use of photographs, videos, or au-
dio recordings after the end of the Florida PTA Leadership Convention is subject to the consent and approval of the Florida PTA.


All competing events including social events, hospitality suites, enticements, demonstrations, or displays away from the exhibit area
during the Convention are prohibited.


Exhibitors must make arrangements for their children; the host hotel offers Camp Innisbrook refer to our website for information on Camp Innisbrook. Please do not leave your children unattended.


Exhibitor’s are encouraged to donate products, baskets, etc., for our exhibitor drawing for attendees. Attendees will be randomly
selected during three (3) rounds of drawings. (See page 5 for additional information).

Exhibitors may offer door prizes; all such prizes must be distributed by the exhibitor at their own booth. Distribution of alcohol is

17                                                            1/29/2020                                  
Back cover page, will we need one?

18                  1/29/2020
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