Pastoral Region XII JANUARY 24, 2021 - In the Dayton Deanery

Page created by Cathy Morales
Pastoral Region XII JANUARY 24, 2021 - In the Dayton Deanery
Pastoral Region XII
                   In the Dayton Deanery
                     JANUARY 24, 2021



Pastoral Region XII JANUARY 24, 2021 - In the Dayton Deanery
THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                               JANUARY 24, 2021

                                                   CALENDAR of EVENTS
                                  SATURDAY, January 23
                                   3:00 pm Reconciliation                    SP Church
                                   4:00 pm Reconciliation                    OLR Church
                                   4:30 pm Pray the Rosary                   OLR Church
                                  SUNDAY, January 24: Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                   8:30 am Pray the Rosary                   OLR Church
 Parochial                         9:00 am RCIA CIC Class                    SP Classroom 123
 Administrator                     9:00 am Religious Education Classes       SP Classrooms
 REV. JOHN TONKIN                  5:00 pm Adult Volleyball                  SP Gym            MONDAY, January 25
                                   8:00 am Pray the Rosary                   SP Church
 Parochial Vicar                   7:00 pm FED Commission Meeting            West Meeting Room
                                   7:00 pm Spiritual Book Club               SP Classroom 118
                                   7:30 pm Ultreya Meeting                   Senior Center
 In Residence                     TUESDAY, January 26
 REV. JOSEPH KINDEL                8:00 am Pray the Rosary                   SP Church
 Deacons LEO CORDONNIER,           7:00 pm RCIA Class                        SP Classroom 118
  ROBERT GUTENDORF,                7:00 pm Schola Rehearsal                  Ries Center
  TIMOTHY HARRIS,                  7:00 pm SP St. Vincent de Paul Meeting    West Meeting Room
  ROBERT KOZLOWSKI,               WEDNESDAY, January 27
  DAVID MCCRAY,                    9:00 am School Mass                       SP Church
  NORBERT NAGY,                   12:30 pm BINGO                             HC Church Hall
  DANIEL WADE                      2:00 pm Shepherds of Christ               SP Chapel
 DARREN BACKSTROM                 THURSDAY, January 28
  Business Manager                 8:00 am Pray the Rosary                   SP Church
  937.233.1503                     9:00 am School Mass                       OLR Church
 JOY BLAUL                         6:30 pm BINGO                             Fehrenbach Hall
  Pastoral Associate               7:00 pm Pro-Life Rosary and Holy Hour     SP Church
  937.237.3516                     9:00 pm Adult Basketball                  SP Gym
                                  FRIDAY, January 29
                                   8:30 am Pray the Rosary                   SP Church
  OLR School Principal
                                   9:00 am Eucharistic Adoration             SP Church
                                  SATURDAY, January 30
 ST. PETER SCHOOL                  3:00 pm Reconciliation                    SP Church
  937.233.8710                     4:00 pm Reconciliation                    OLR Church
 TERI VANMETER                     4:30 pm Pray the Rosary                   OLR Church
  St. Peter ECC Director          SUNDAY, January 31: Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
  937.237.3526                     8:30 am Pray the Rosary                   OLR Church
                                   9:00 am RCIA CIC Class                    SP Classroom 123
 6161 Chambersburg Road            9:00 am Religious Education Classes       SP Classrooms
 Huber Heights, OH 45424           5:00 pm Adult Volleyball                  SP Gym
    937.233.1503 Phone                      LIVESTREAM MASSES
     937.237.3523 FAX
       Office Hours                                from St. Peter Church
    9:00 am to 3:00 pm                          4:30 pm Saturday Vigil Mass
   Call for appointment.                            9:00 am Sunday Mass
                                                8:30 am Weekday Daily Mass
     DAYTONXII.ORG                            9:00 am Wednesday School Mass
Pastoral Region XII JANUARY 24, 2021 - In the Dayton Deanery
THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                                     JANUARY 24, 2021

                        MASS TIMES and INTENTIONS
 SATURDAY, JANUARY 23: St. Vincent, Deacon and Martyr; St. Marianne Cope, Virgin
  8:30 am @ St. Peter  Tom and Michael Tarquinio
  4:30 pm @ St. Peter  Clayton White (AD)
  5:00 pm @ OLR        Anthony Schwendeman: Birthday, Steve Siefker (TBD)
 SUNDAY, JANUARY 24: Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
  7:30 am @ St. Peter  Fred Seger (JK)
  9:00 am @ OLR        For the Parish (JR)
  9:00 am @ St. Peter  Living and Deceased Members of the Liette and Murlin Families (AD)
 10:30 am @ Holy Cross Alice and Mike Petkus (TBD)
 11:00 am @ St. Peter  Lee Delos Santos (AD)
 MONDAY, JANUARY 25: The Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle
  6:30 am @ St. Peter  Communion Service
  8:30 am @ St. Peter  Rozanne Barczak
 TUESDAY, JANUARY 26: Sts. Timothy and Titus, Bishops
  6:30 am @ St. Peter  Justin Hemmert
  8:30 am @ St. Peter  Margot Grandfield
 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27: St. Angela Merici, Virgin
  6:30 am @ St. Peter  Elias Morcos: Birthday
  9:00 am @ St. Peter  Rita McGee
 THURSDAY, JANUARY 28: St. Thomas Aquinas, Priest and Doctor of the Church
  6:30 am @ St. Peter  Communion Service
  8:30 am @ St. Peter  Robert M. Huston
  9:00 am @ OLR        Ron Albino
  6:30 am @ St. Peter  Shirley Widmeyer: Anniversary of Death
  8:30 am @ St. Peter  Eufresina “Baby” Naguit
  8:30 am @ St. Peter  Father F. Ries: Anniversary of Death
  4:30 pm @ St. Peter  Mary Frances Igel
  5:00 pm @ OLR        Robert Borkowski: Birthday
 SUNDAY, JANUARY 31: Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
  7:30 am @ St. Peter  Betty Hampshire
  9:00 am @ OLR        Louie Crompton: Anniversary of Death, Irene Dahuta Romanowska, Jean Spanbauer
  9:00 am @ St. Peter  Luis and Rosalie Machuca
 10:30 am @ Holy Cross For the Parish
 11:00 am @ St. Peter  Donald Mueller

 By universal consent, St. Thomas Aquinas (1225–March 7, 1274) is the preeminent spokesman of the
 Catholic tradition of reason and of divine revelation. He is one of the great teachers of the medieval
 Catholic Church, honored with the titles Doctor of the Church and Angelic Doctor. We can look to
 Thomas Aquinas as a towering example of Catholicism in the sense of broadness, universality, and
 inclusiveness. We should be determined anew to exercise the divine gift of reason in us, our power to
 know, learn, and understand. At the same time, we should thank God for the gift of His revelation,
 especially in Jesus Christ.

Pastoral Region XII JANUARY 24, 2021 - In the Dayton Deanery
THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                                             JANUARY 24, 2021

  First Reading
  When God saw
  by their actions
      how they
    turned from        GOSPEL MEDITATION
   their evil way,     It was a normal day by all accounts, but John just wasn’t feeling himself. He was a little
                       lightheaded and out of sorts. Later in the afternoon, he experienced a sharp pain in his
   he repented of      chest and arm. Quick thinking and action brought John to the emergency department
  the evil that he     with a diagnosis of a significant heart attack. Surviving this ordeal, he found himself face
                       to face with his cardiologist, having an honest conversation about things that needed to
  had threatened       change. “I came close to death,” John found himself thinking. Then came the remorse.
   to do to them;      He was a young man with a loving wife and children who were very close to facing life
     he did not        without him. John found himself with intense sorrow for living an unchecked and
                       self-indulgent life that almost brought him to his demise. He wanted to change.
    carry it out.
                       We all have our wake-up calls. We have experiences and encounters that force us
     (Jon 3:10)        to really think twice about choices we have made and directions we have taken.
                       Often, we find ourselves looking at those we have hurt square in the eye and wallowing
       Psalm           in our foolishness. We regrettably realize that we have allowed our needs to lure us
                       into making some cruel mistakes. We impulsively say things and flippantly do things
   Teach me your       that reveal our unredeemed and unhealed self. It is a self we stumble over and
   ways, O Lord.       try to tame but can’t quite seem to master and control. Help!
      (Ps 25)          We spin our wheels, naively thinking that we will somehow, perhaps through persistence,
                       get ourselves unstuck. But, we don’t. We just get out of the car, feeling very helpless,
Second Reading         and ignorantly look at the mess we got ourselves into. Did we ever think to ask someone
                       for help? Or, taken the advice of One who is wiser and avoid this route altogether?
    For the world      “Come after me,” are words that Jesus says to all of us. In order to heed His invitation,
 in its present form   we must leave our ego-self behind and follow.
  is passing away.     When we really see and understand the freedom, peace, justice, and love He offers,
                       we find ourselves with such sorrow in our hearts for how foolish and silly we have been.
     (1 Cor 7:31)      All the misguided choices and sinful actions come full view and we see how risky our
                       random impassioned behaviors really have been. Repentance is beautiful. When done
      Gospel           with a sincere and contrite heart, it directs us to the glory that can be ours, ignites us
                       with the challenge of living a life in service of others and reminds us that all is well.
  The kingdom of
  God is at hand.      READINGS for the WEEK of JANUARY 24
   Repent, and         Sunday Cycle YEAR B: November 29, 2020 to November 21, 2021
   believe in the      Sunday:        Jon 3:1-5, 10/Ps 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9 [4a]/1 Cor 7:29-31/Mk 1:14-20
                       Monday:        Acts 22:3-16 or Acts 9:1-22/Ps 117:1bc, 2 [Mk 16:15]/Mk 16:15-18
      gospel.          Tuesday:       2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5/Ps 96:1-2a, 2b-3, 7-8a, 10 [3]/Mk 3:31-35
     (Mk 1:15)         Wednesday:     Heb 10:11-18/Ps 110:1, 2, 3, 4 [4b]/Mk 4:1-20
                       Thursday:      Heb 10:19-25/Ps 24:1-2, 3-4ab, 5-6 [cf. 6]/Mk 4:21-25
                       Friday:        Heb 10:32-39/Ps 37:3-4, 5-6, 23-24, 39-40 [39a]/Mk 4:26-34
                       Saturday:      Heb 11:1-2, 8-19/Lk 1:69-70, 71-72, 73-75 [cf. 68]/Mk 4:35-41
                       Next Sunday:   Dt 18:15-20/Ps 95:1-2, 6-7, 7-9 [8]/1 Cor 7:32-35/Mk 1:21-28

                       POPE’S INTENTION for JANUARY
                       Human Fraternity. May the Lord give us the grace to live in full fellowship with our
                       brothers and sisters of other religions, praying for one another, open to all.
Pastoral Region XII JANUARY 24, 2021 - In the Dayton Deanery
THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                                       JANUARY 24, 2021

          FAMILY FAITH                      PRO-LIFE ROSARY & HOLY HOUR
 On January 25, the Church celebrates
 the Conversion of St. Paul. Before he
                                              in Solidarity with the March for Life
 became known as Paul, his name was           January 28 // Thursday // 7:00 to 8:30pm
 Saul. He was a tentmaker from the city                   St. Peter Church
 of Tarsus and had studied to become a
 teacher. He saw Christianity as a threat   This day is set aside to pray for the legal protection of
 to Judaism and set out for Damascus to     human life and to do penance for the violations to human
 arrest any Christians who had escaped      dignity through abortion. We are called to observe this day
 from Jerusalem. On the way, a great        through prayer and penance. For more information and
 flash of light appeared and he fell to     prayers, please visit
 the ground. He heard a voice say,
 “Saul, Saul why do you persecute me?”
 Saul asked, “Who are you, Lord?” and
 the voice said, “I am Jesus whom you
 are persecuting.” Blinded by the light,
 Saul entered Damascus with help and
 there he was baptized and regained his
 sight. Using his Roman name of Paul, he
 preached that Jesus was the Son of
 God throughout the Roman empire.
 Celebrating the feast days of the saints
 at home. To learn about St. Paul’s
 conversion, read Chapter 9 of the Acts
 of the Apostles in your Bible. He began
 zealously    hunting    and     dragging
 Christians to prison, and then intensely
 preaching fearlessly in the name of
 Jesus. Write down two diary entries that
 Paul may have written before his
 conversion experience and two entries
 he may have written after his
 conversion. Discuss if you have ever
 had a change of opinion about
 something and what changed your

Pastoral Region XII JANUARY 24, 2021 - In the Dayton Deanery
THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                                 JANUARY 24, 2021

                        All boys and girls, ages 9-14,        DAN DILLON SCHOLARSHIP
                        are invited to participate in this
                        year’s local level K of C            Applications    are     being
                        Basketball      Free       Throw     accepted for the Dan Dillon
                        Challenge. Local competition
                        will be held Saturday, February      Memorial Scholarship. The
                        6, at 1:00 pm in the St. Peter       scholarship awards $1,500 to
                        Gym; participants make free
                        throws and get a score based on      a graduating St. Peter 8th
                        shots made. Winners for each         grader enrolling at CJ High
                        age can continue at district and
                        possibly regional and state          School for 2021/2022 School
                        competitions.                        Year. Please contact the St.
                        We encourage families to come        Peter School Office for an
                        out and cheer their players.
                        Please arrive at 12:00 noon for      application;   deadline     is
                        registration. Masks and social       Friday, March 5. If you have
                        distancing will be required for
                        observers     and     competitors    questions or would like to
                        (except       when        actively   support St. Peter graduates
                        competing). Please contact Billy
                        Williams at 937.235.0145 for         via the scholarship fund,
                        more details.                        please contact Amy Settich at
 KNIGHTS of COLUMBUS Free Throw Challenge          

                                                                 Community Blood Center

                      BLOOD DRIVE @ St. Peter Church
                      Saturday // February 6 // 8:30AM to 12:30PM
               appointment required // // sponsor code 641

Pastoral Region XII JANUARY 24, 2021 - In the Dayton Deanery
THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                                    JANUARY 24, 2021

                                                   Please welcome to our Dayton Region XII
                                                   family our newest members: Scott and
                                                   Jennifer McCune and Jennifer Petrella.

                                                   Please keep in your prayers the family of the
                                                   recently deceased member in Dayton
                                                   Region XII: Ron Albino from St. Peter Parish.

                                                   Didn't find the perfect Christmas gift for your
                                                   spouse? Did you resolve to improve your
                                                   relationship and communication in 2021? Looking
                                                   for a special Valentine's gift?
 This weekend, we will be listening to an
 audio message from Archbishop Schnurr             A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Experience can
                                                   be that gift and help your relationship and
 explaining how our support of the                 communication in 2021. The next Marriage
 Catholic Ministries Appeal allows us to           Encounter Experience is not in a hotel or a retreat
 stand with the ministries that teach, feed,       center. It is a virtual experience via Zoom, where
                                                   you experience Marriage Encounter from the
 and heal throughout the archdiocese.              comfort of your home. The next experience will be
 Thanks to the generosity of many                  held February 19, 20, and 21. Apply today at
 families here at in Dayton Region XII, a by February 7; use
 total of $85,671 was contributed to the           discount code Better21 for payment of $21.
 2020 CMA from our community. Our                  For additional information, please call Andy and
                                                   Jeanne Folfas at 937.886.5196 or email
 goal this year for each parish is as     or visit
    Holy Cross: $2,396                            St. Albert Parish in Kettering is hosting a True
    Our Lady of the Rosary: $10,703               Devotion to Mary Virtual Study Group on
        and St. Adalbert                           Thursday evenings, 7:30 to 8:30, from February 4
    St. Peter: $56,792                            to March 25; 7:15 to 7:30 and 8:30 to 8:45.
 Families will be receiving a CMA                  Bring your own coffee or tea for a discussion on
 mailing from Archbishop Schnurr in the            books True Devotion to Mary by St. Louis Marie
 coming week or so. Please prayerfully             de Montfort, and Preparation for Total
 complete your pledge card and return it           Consecration to Jesus Christ through Mary by
 in the envelope provided, or bring your           Father Hugh Gillespie, available online. Free
 completed pledge card and envelope to             online text and podcasts for True Devotion.
 Mass. For additional information or to            Register by January 31 with Gloria Dodd at
 make a donation online, please visit              937.999.1263 (cell) or                               Sponsored by the Legion of Mary.
Pastoral Region XII JANUARY 24, 2021 - In the Dayton Deanery
THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                               JANUARY 24, 2021

What to expect when you return to Mass:
we look forward to seeing you back, when you feel it is appropriate to do so.

SUNDAY OBLIGATION                    SUNDAY offertory
Archbishop Schnurr has extended      There will be no offertory collection during Mass;
the dispensation of obligation to    baskets will be placed at the Church doors for your
attend Sunday Mass until further     donations.
notice.                              Everything we have, everything we are, and everything
If you have been exposed to the      we will become is a gift from Almighty God. As stewards
virus    or    are    experiencing   of those gifts, we are called to return those gifts to God in
symptoms, please do not attend       gratitude for His great bounty. In these difficult times,
Mass. Mass attendees are required    please keep in your prayers your brothers and sisters.
to wear a mask in Church.            Your contributions to our region can be mailed to the
Maximum capacity within all          Parish Administration Office or scheduled online on the
churches will be limited according   region website at Offertory envelopes can
to Archdiocesan guidelines. Please   be dropped off in the black secured box located by the
continue to use social distancing    Parish Administration Office main doors, in the mail slot
and maintain the six feet rule.      located in the St. Peter Church main foyer Youth
Updates will be posted in the        Ministry glass case, and in the mailbox slot at the Our
bulletin and on social media.        Lady of the Rosary Church rectory house (be sure the
Thank you!                           envelope goes into slot into the house).

    Each Church will have designated entry points. All other doors will be locked.
       St. Peter Church main foyer doors will be opened.
       OLR Church doors on Notre Dame Avenue and the alley side will be opened.
       Holy Cross Church main foyer door will be opened.
   Ushers will seat parishioners according to social distancing protocols. There will
    be no holy water in the fonts. Please do not hold hands during the Our Father.
    There will be Sign of Peace without contact.
   The line to receive Communion will be single file. Ushers will guide parishioners
    by rows. Holy Communion on the tongue is strongly discouraged; there will be no
    Holy Communion from the chalice.
       St. Peter Church will have three lines.
       OLR Church and Holy Cross Church will have one line.
   Parishioners are asked not to leave Mass early. Ushers will dismiss parishioners
    according to social distancing protocols. Please do not socialize in the church or
    outside following Mass. Ushers will dismiss parishioners following Mass. Always
    maintain the six feet social distance protocol.
Pastoral Region XII JANUARY 24, 2021 - In the Dayton Deanery
THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                                               JANUARY 24, 2021

    STEWARDSHIP of TREASURE                                            SACRAMENTAL
              for January 16 and 17
                                      $ 1,335.00
    OUR LADY of the ROSARY            $ 4,323.84             BAPTISM: The Baptismal Preparation Class is held
    ST. ADALBERT                      $ 610.00               on the first Saturday of each month from 9:00 to
    ST. PETER                         $20,046.22             10:30 am in Classroom 118 at St. Peter School. Please
“Give us the wisdom to know Your will for our lives          call 937.237.3516 to RSVP for the Baptism class and
and the courage to follow it as we seek to make our          to schedule the Baptism. Baptisms are held after the
community a clearer reflection of the Kingdom of             11:00 am Sunday Mass at St. Peter Church. Baptisms
God.” The words acknowledge that we need to be               at Holy Cross Church and Our Lady of the Rosary
about God's will, not our own, and in that journey,          Church are by request.
we will bear greater witness to the transforming
                                                             COMMUNION: Please contact the Parish
power of Jesus Christ.
                                                             Administration Office at 937.233.1503 if you or a
We talk about how we are called to live a                    family member needs Communion brought to your
stewardship way of life and that we have been                home or nursing facility.
given many good gifts, but it is never truly about us.
We are never the main thing. In the same manner, it          MARRIAGE: Arrangements are to be made six
is never really about our parish. Our combined               months in advance. Please call the Parish
stewardship may lead to many fruits, like an                 Administration Office at 937.233.1503.
increased offertory or more vibrancy in parish life.         RECONCILIATION: On Saturdays from 3:00 to
However, it is always about the Kingdom of God and           4:00 pm at St. Peter and from 4:00 to 4:30 pm at Our
the King, Jesus Christ.
                                                             Lady of the Rosary. Also, by request.
Through our stewardship, we allow our region
                                                             ANOINTING of the SICK: Priests are available to
community to shine like a city on a hill for others to
                                                             administer the Sacrament of the Sick. Please call the
see and then be drawn toward Jesus Christ. It is
about leading people to heaven. Our actions of               Parish Administration Office at 937.233.1503.
stewardship do not point toward us but instead to
the one who calls us to this life. Our constant prayer
needs to be that we always seek to discern God's                 NEW MEMBER REGISTRATION
will and follow it instead of our own. By doing that,            Holy Cross • OLR • St. Adalbert • St. Peter
we can transform our own lives, our parish
                                                                   MR./MRS. • MR. • MRS. • MS. • MISS
communities, and then the world around us.
                                                                       Single • Married • Widowed
Thank you for your continued support of the parishes                      Separated • Divorced
in Dayton Region XII during the pandemic. Please
remember that donations, including extra                     NAME
contributions, can be made on our website at; and you can specify the church that
will receive the donation.

                                                             CITY, STATE, ZIP
             TAX STATEMENT
To receive a 2020 tax statement, please call the             PHONE
Parish Administration Office at 937.233.1503 or email When leaving a                 UNLISTED YES                   NO
message, please state your name and phone
number. Letters will be mailed at the end of January.

       OFFERTORY ENVELOPES                                   Please mail form to the Parish Administration
                                                             Office. New member registration can also be
Our Lady of the Rosary parishioners are the only             completed at To update your
registered members whose offertory envelope ID               parish records, please call 937.233.1503 or email
number has changed. Sorry for the confusion.       

Pastoral Region XII JANUARY 24, 2021 - In the Dayton Deanery

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