PATHWAYS TO ADULTHOOD PART-1 - The future is not something we enter. The future is something we create.

Page created by Stephen Rice
PATHWAYS TO ADULTHOOD PART-1 - The future is not something we enter. The future is something we create.
The future is not something we enter.
                      The future is something we create.

                                                            May 11, 2021
                                                   Texas Parent to Parent
                                              Pathways To Adulthood Team
PATHWAYS TO ADULTHOOD PART-1 - The future is not something we enter. The future is something we create.
Goal for the PTA Series

                  The Pathways To Adulthood Series is
                designed to provide participants with a
                 comprehensive overview of strategies,
                     resources and things to consider
                   as you begin to create a good life
                with and for your child after graduation.

TxP2P… improving the lives of children and adults with disabilities, chronic and mental health conditions and other health care needs.
PATHWAYS TO ADULTHOOD PART-1 - The future is not something we enter. The future is something we create.
Texas Parent to Parent
                                        PATHWAYS TO ADULTHOOD

                                                    Learn new ideas and information
                                                            about transition

                                                 We can help you getting started on
                                                planning for your youth's adulthood.

                                                    Join our Three-Part Pathways to
                                                       Adulthood series via Zoom!

                                  M a n a g i n g E m o t i o n s - T h e U p s a n d D o w n s of U n c e r t a i n
   Tuesday                        L o o k i n g A h e a d - W h y H a v i n g a P l a n is Impor tant
 M a y 11, 2021                   C r e a t i n g a Vision - M ovi ng F r o m Fea r to a n A c ti on
1:30 - 3 : 0 0 p m                Oriented Plan
                                                                             r/tZAvf- GvrD8pGdy6J98lUg0V -G-mg1urIEzI

  T r a n s it io n P l a n n i n g - P r e p a r i n g for A d u l t h o o d
                                                                                                                                 Part Two
  Lif e L o n g L e a r n i n g - P o s t - S e c o n d a r y E d u c a t i o n
  E m p l o y m e n t F ir s t - M a k i n g a C o n t r i b u t i o n T h r o u g h W o r k                                     Tuesday
  A P l a c e to Ca ll H o m e                                                                                                 M a y 18, 2021
         eting/regist e
                                                                                                                              1:30 - 3 : 0 0 p m

 Part Three                           L o n g T e r m Services a n d Supports (LTSS)
   Thursday                           T r a n s f e r of R i g h t s - G u a r d i a n s h i p a n d A l t e r n a ti v e s
 M a y 2 0 , 2021                     Medical Transition
1:30 - 3 : 0 0 p m
                                               h t t p s : / / u s0 2w e b . z o o m . u s/ m ee t i n g / reg i st er/ t Z
PATHWAYS TO ADULTHOOD PART-1 - The future is not something we enter. The future is something we create.
Pathways To Adulthood

     Part One:
     ▪    Managing Emotions - the ups and downs of
          uncertain times
     ▪    Looking Ahead - why having a plan is important
     ▪    Creating a Vision - moving from fear to an action
          oriented plan

TxP2P… improving the lives of children and adults with disabilities, chronic and mental health conditions and other health care needs.
PATHWAYS TO ADULTHOOD PART-1 - The future is not something we enter. The future is something we create.
TxP2P - Transition Team
Pathways To Adulthood Team                                               Thank You To Our Partners…
▪     Cynda Green

▪     Cindi Paschall

▪     Dora Saavedra-Bilingual

▪     Adriana Valadez

Contact Information:
Phone: 737-484-9045

TxP2P… improving the lives of children and adults with disabilities, chronic and mental health conditions and other health care needs.
PATHWAYS TO ADULTHOOD PART-1 - The future is not something we enter. The future is something we create.
Managing Emotions
                                   Fear will try to keep you from
                                        taking that first step.
                                 Don’t give in to fear, DO IT afraid.
                                                                                                             ~ Joyce Meyer

TxP2P… improving the lives of children and adults with disabilities, chronic and mental health conditions and other health care needs.
PATHWAYS TO ADULTHOOD PART-1 - The future is not something we enter. The future is something we create.
Managing Emotions
                                 Common Emotional Obstacles…
      __________________         ▪    denial
           BIG                   ▪    discouragement – lack of confidence
         journeys                ▪    fear of the unknown
        begin with               ▪    feeling overwhelmed or burned-out
          small steps.
        ______________           ▪    lack of resources and/or options
                                 ▪    limited exposure of possibilities
                                 ▪    time to think about transition later

TxP2P… improving the lives of children and adults with disabilities, chronic and mental health conditions and other health care needs.
PATHWAYS TO ADULTHOOD PART-1 - The future is not something we enter. The future is something we create.
Facing Transition
                                      Rosemary Alexander, PhD

     Rosemary Alexander • Rosalba Colleros • Gail Dalrymple
    Amy Litzinger • Linda Litzinger • Caroline Nelson • Susan Prior

Facing Transition Video
PATHWAYS TO ADULTHOOD PART-1 - The future is not something we enter. The future is something we create.
What does it take to move forward?

     ▪    change in family dynamics
     ▪    new opportunities
     ▪    school request
     ▪    youth request

             “The best way to get started is to take the first
                 step with dream empowered optimism.”
                                                                                                           ~Debasish Mridha

TxP2P… improving the lives of children and adults with disabilities, chronic and mental health conditions and other health care needs.
PATHWAYS TO ADULTHOOD PART-1 - The future is not something we enter. The future is something we create.
A Look Ahead
                                      It’s better to look ahead and
                                           prepare, than to look
                                             back and regret.
                                                          ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee ~

TxP2P… improving the lives of children and adults with disabilities, chronic and mental health conditions and other health care needs.
What Do We Know About The Future?

                                                                      it is coming and will be
               Even though                                            here before you know it
                the future
                seems far
                away it is                                               it is yours to create –
                 actually                                                       dream big
                                                                      it happens as a result of
                                                                         what you do TODAY!

TxP2P… improving the lives of children and adults with disabilities, chronic and mental health conditions and other health care needs.
Why Create a Vision?
        Your vision determines                    Without a vision you may                      Your vision gives you
        your needs instead of                         end up somewhere                           direction – it’s the
          having your needs                      else – somewhere you don’t                  compelling reason why you
        determine your vision.                            want to be.                       make the decisions you make.

                                                              a crisis

                                           Start Now!
                             It’s never too early & it’s never too late!

TxP2P… improving the lives of children and adults with disabilities, chronic and mental health conditions and other health care needs.
What’s In Your Toolbox?

                                                     ▪     assistive technology (AT)
         “Today is a new                             ▪     community resources
                                                     ▪     continued learning opportunities
        day that has been
                                                     ▪     guardianship or alternatives
        handed to you for
                                                     ▪     knowledge of options
        shaping. You have                            ▪     natural supports
        the tools, now get                           ▪     person-centered planning
          out there and                              ▪     publications
             create a                                ▪     school transition services
          masterpiece.”                              ▪     self-determination
        ~ Steve Maraboli, The Power of One           ▪     Texas Parent to Parent – PTA
                                                     ▪     web-based resources

TxP2P… improving the lives of children and adults with disabilities, chronic and mental health conditions and other health care needs.
What’s In Your Toolbox?

        Community Resources                                                     Natural Supports
    ▪    Government Funded Programs                                         Natural Supports refer to the
                                                                             support and assistance that
    ▪    Information Sources
                                                                         naturally flows from the associations
    ▪    Long-Term Services and Supports                                   and relationships developed in
    ▪    Non-Profit Organizations                                        natural environments such as school,
    ▪    Parent Groups                                                       family, work and community.
    ▪    People With Disabilities
                                                                                   Natural supports can be
    ▪    Professionals                                                             a “who” or a “what.”
    ▪    Social Media

TxP2P… improving the lives of children and adults with disabilities, chronic and mental health conditions and other health care needs.
What’s In Your Toolbox?

                  Publications                                                Self-Determination
    ▪    Books, Guides                                                      Self-determination means
           A Good Life – for you and your                                       taking control and
             loved one with a disability
                                                                           responsibility for one's life.
            Fostering Self-Determination
          Among Children and Youth with                                   It is about being in charge,
         Disabilities—Ideas from PARENTS
                     for PARENTS                                            but is not necessarily the
    ▪    Newsletters                                                     same thing as self-sufficiency
                                                                                or independence.
    ▪    Research

TxP2P… improving the lives of children and adults with disabilities, chronic and mental health conditions and other health care needs.
Independence is not measured
by the number of tasks we can
 do without assistance, but by
   the quality of life we can
     lead with assistance.
              ~ American’s with Disabilities Act of 1990

     What Are You Working For?
What’s In Your Toolbox?
     Knowledge of Options: Where will my child…
     Live? individualized housing, shared residence, family home, state funded
     residential options, privately funded communities, Housing Choice Voucher,
     cooperative housing, co-housing, family consortium
     Learn? general education mainstream, special education classroom, CTE,
     courses, CBVI, homebound, college, trade-school, auditing classes, non-credit
     courses, community interest-based classes, community college
     Work? sheltered or integrated employment, apprenticeship, self-employment
     or entrepreneurship, supported employment, customized employment,
     Spend Leisure Time? day-hab, community activities and classes, specialized
     programs, non-specialized programs, special interest groups, faith events

TxP2P… improving the lives of children and adults with disabilities, chronic and mental health conditions and other health care needs.
What’s In Your Toolbox?

     What relationships - social capital - will my child have? family,
     friends, natural, paid, intimate, co-workers, acquaintances

     Is a guardianship needed or will an alternative option work?
     guardianship, supported decision making agreement, representative
     payee, power of attorney, dual power of attorney and many others…

     Can independence be increased through assistive technology at
     home or school, in the community or at work?

     What about long-term services & supports? Is your child on the
     “interest lists?” Do you know who to contact? Different programs
     available? What about service options, eligibility requirements,
     service rates of pay and wait time?

TxP2P… improving the lives of children and adults with disabilities, chronic and mental health conditions and other health care needs.
Person-Centered Planning
                               “Person-Centered Planning can move
                             you (and your child) from the paralysis of
                            fear to an action-oriented plan with hopes
                                    and dreams for the future.”
                                                                                   ~ Texas Project First

TxP2P… improving the lives of children and adults with disabilities, chronic and mental health conditions and other health care needs.
Person-Centered Planning - PCP

               Person Centered Planning is an ongoing
              discovery process used to create an action
               oriented plan that honors a person’s own
               vision for their life now and in the future
                (with input from their circle of support)
                 and accounts for those things that are
                 important to and important for them.

TxP2P… improving the lives of children and adults with disabilities, chronic and mental health conditions and other health care needs.
“When Person Centered Thinking is fully embraced,
    we abandon the idea that a person has to
  function at an arbitrary standard of ‘normal’ in
    order to make choices about their own life.
  We begin to look beyond predictable ways of
 choice-making and being in control, and in doing
    so, begin to realize the achievable goal of
       providing all people with an authentic
     opportunity to create a self-directed life.”

                                    ~ H/T to Norman Kunc
What Do You Believe?
  Strongly Disagree                                                                                    Strongly Agree

    1. I believe my child can communicate
    2. I believe my child can learn
    3. I believe my child can contribute to society
    4. I believe my child can live a self-determined life
    5. I believe my child can live independently
    6. I believe my child can work
    7. I believe my child can actively participate in the community

TxP2P… improving the lives of children and adults with disabilities, chronic and mental health conditions and other health care needs.
“Your belief determines
your action and your action
determines your results, but
 first you have to believe.”
                   ~ Mark Victor Hansen

   Be a BIG believer!
Person Centered Planning - PCP
                                   ▪    Person Directed – the person’s desired future is the framework
       5 Guiding                        of all planning, and in defining tolerable risks
                                   ▪    Person-Centered – the person and their circle of support, are
                                        the primary authorities on the person’s life direction
          “There is
          only one                 ▪    Outcome-Based – the plan helps to identify personal goals
         success…                       based on the person’s SPIN
        to be able
                                   ▪    Information, Support & Accommodations – the discovery
          to spend
          your live                     process identifies supports and services needed to achieve
        life in your                    desired goals and includes a plan that directs the provision of
         own way.”                      these supports and services
          Christopher Morley
                                   ▪    Ongoing Process – seeks feedback on a regular basis and
                                        will change as needed

TxP2P… improving the lives of children and adults with disabilities, chronic and mental health conditions and other health care needs.
Person-Centered Planning - PCP

             System-Centered                                  toward
     ▪    plan a life time of programs                                  ▪    create a desirable lifestyle
     ▪    offer a limited number of usually                             ▪    community is seen as a rich
          segregated programs                                                resource of possibility
     ▪    relationships are unequal; people                             ▪    relationships are reciprocal, give
          do things ‘for’ others                                             and take
                                                                        ▪    risk is acknowledged as a natural
     ▪    risk is removed in order to keep
                                                                             part of life
          people safe

TxP2P… improving the lives of children and adults with disabilities, chronic and mental health conditions and other health care needs.
A Good Life
     Service Life                                    Good Paid Life                                                   Community Life

           │        ‘Important to’ recognized
                                                           │              Focus on connecting, building
                            ‘Important to’ present
                                                                        relationships & natural supports
           │                                               │                                                        │
    ‘important for’                                    ‘to’ & ‘for’                                                 ‘to’ & ‘for’
      addressed                                         present                                                       present
    no organized                                     closest people                                                active circle
       effort to                                      are paid &                                                   of support
       address                                           family
    ‘important to’                                                                                                  included in
                                                       few real                                                   community life

TxP2P… improving the lives of children and adults with disabilities, chronic and mental health conditions and other health care needs.
Person-Centered Planning - PCP

                   IMPORTANT TO                                                    IMPORTANT FOR
         happy, fulfilled, content, satisfied & comforted               health, safety and valued member of the community

     ▪    relationships – people to be with                             Health:
                                                                           ▪ prevention
     ▪    things to do and places to go
                                                                           ▪ treatment
     ▪    rituals and routines                                             ▪ wellness

     ▪    status and control                                            Safety:
                                                                           ▪ environment
     ▪    things to have                                                   ▪ physical and emotional well

     ▪    rhythm or pace of life                                              being
                                                                           ▪ free from fear

 In this video Michael Smull facilitates the discovery of “important to” and “important for” and how to balance the two.

TxP2P… improving the lives of children and adults with disabilities, chronic and mental health conditions and other health care needs.
Person-Centered Planning - PCP

                                    Explores What’s Working − Not Working
        provides a
      picture of how
        things are
         right now
        analyzes an
          issue or
      situation across
       helps identify
       what else we
        need learn
          or know

TxP2P… improving the lives of children and adults with disabilities, chronic and mental health conditions and other health care needs.
Person-Centered Planning - PCP

     Is a Promise to…
     ▪    “listen” to all forms of communication
     ▪    focus on actions, when words and actions are in conflict
     ▪    focus on SPIN - Strengths, Preferences, Interests and Needs
     ▪    “peel the onion”
     ▪    think outside the box
     ▪    act on what a person tells us
     ▪    be honest – time, uncertainty, conflict
                                                                  Watch this video to see person-centered planning in action.

TxP2P… improving the lives of children and adults with disabilities, chronic and mental health conditions and other health care needs.
Person-Centered Planning - PCP


TxP2P… improving the lives of children and adults with disabilities, chronic and mental health conditions and other health care needs.
Person-Centered Planning - PCP

                           Benefits                                         Person-Centered Approaches
     ▪    group process                                                 ▪
                                                                             Charlene Comstock-Galagan

     ▪    fosters dignity and respect                                   ▪    Essential Life Style Planning
                                                                             The Learning Community
     ▪    empowering                                                    ▪    Vision Building
                                                                             Kids Together
     ▪    changes the conversation                                      ▪    MAPS - Making Actions Plans
                                                                             Forest & Pearpoint
     ▪    creates social connectedness                                  ▪    PATH - Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope -
                                                                             Forest, O’Brien & Pearpoint
     ▪    builds on strengths, gifts,
                                                                        ▪    Personal Futures Planning
          talents, skills and contributions                                  Beth Mount

                          In this video, Michael Smull explains what is meant by person-centered approaches, thinking and planning.

TxP2P… improving the lives of children and adults with disabilities, chronic and mental health conditions and other health care needs.
Getting Started
Nothing in life is to be feared,
 it is only to be understood.
Now is the time to understand
more, so that we may fear less.
                             - Marie Curie
First Steps

           Dream - Talk                             • your child
                                                    • immediate and extended family
              With                                  • others who know and care about your child

                                                    • strengths, preferences, interests and needs
                  Identify                          • goals now and in the future
                                                    • relationships

           Encourage                                • ADL’s
                                                    • safety protocols/what to do in an emergency
         Independence                               • self-determination – S.C.A.R.F.

TxP2P… improving the lives of children and adults with disabilities, chronic and mental health conditions and other health care needs.
First Steps

             Gather                                 • possibilities and options
                                                    • programs and the eligibility requirements
           Information                              • types of supports (natural, paid, AT, etc.)

            Consider                                • access life
                                                    • increase independence and build self-confidence
           Technology                               • monitor health & safety

              Put Your                              • interest lists (aka the waiting lists)
              Child On                              • Housing Choice Voucher waiting list

TxP2P… improving the lives of children and adults with disabilities, chronic and mental health conditions and other health care needs.
Questions to Consider…

     ▪    What are my child's strengths/needs?
     ▪    How does my child communicate wants, needs, desires and dreams?
     ▪    What choices does my child make currently?
     ▪    What responsibilities does my child have at home?
     ▪    Does my child experience natural consequences?
     ▪    What does my child like/dislike? Interests/hobbies?
     ▪    What does my child like to do in their spare time?
     ▪    What experiences has my child been exposed to?
     ▪    How does my child respond to failure?
     ▪    In what ways is my child active in community?
     ▪    What relationships does my child have currently?

TxP2P… improving the lives of children and adults with disabilities, chronic and mental health conditions and other health care needs.
Create and Share Your Vision

         What do you want                         Create your vision, consider all aspects of life
         for your child now                       live - learn – work - leisure - relationships
         and in the future?
                                                  Share your vision…
                                                  ▪   relevant family and friends
               What is the
                                                  ▪   ARD/IEP team members
                dream?                            ▪   service providers
                                                  ▪   medical community
               What is the
               nightmare?                         Create a One-Page Profile
                                                  A one-page profile is a summary of what’s important to a person
           What does your                         and how to best support them.
            child want?
                                                                                         One-Page Profile templates and samples

TxP2P… improving the lives of children and adults with disabilities, chronic and mental health conditions and other health care needs.
A few things that are                      What you need to know
                                  important to me…                            to support me…
                           ✓ coffee. Coffee. COFFEE!                       ✓ help me when I ask for
                           ✓ living MY life                                   help - $, time, cooking,
                                                                              seizures, safety
                           ✓ having a job
                                                                           ✓ ask me if I need to step
                           ✓ an ACTIVE social life
                                                                              down the hall if I cry
                           ✓ the way I look – hair, makeup,
                                                                           ✓ call or text me if you are
                               clothes                                        going to be late
                           ✓ exercise - going to the gym                   ✓ talk slowly – allow time for
                           ✓ my family & friends                              processing
                           ✓ my cell phone                                 ✓ I learn new things faster if
    What we love                                                              you show me
                           ✓ music & dancing
    about Leigh!
                           ✓ lazy days
✓ funny                    ✓ waking up at my own pace
✓ kind and caring          ✓ don’t rush me
✓ fashionista              ✓ you understand what I said
✓ loves life
✓ confident and                                 A few things important for me…
                          ✓ seizure meds
                          ✓ sleep
✓ speaks up for herself
                          ✓ avoid strobe lights or other flashing lights
✓ persistent
                          ✓ VNS Magnet
Support the Vision

           Small steps           ▪    hold onto the vision, make it a way of life, a part of every
      over time lead                  decision
          to BIG
                                 ▪    become aware of and utilize the natural opportunities that
       results – some
                                      move toward achievement of the vision
        once thought
                                 ▪    become aware of and avoid those things that lead away
                                      from the vision

                                 ▪    anticipate challenges in the accomplishment of the vision

                                 ▪    take a step daily toward making the vision a dream come

TxP2P… improving the lives of children and adults with disabilities, chronic and mental health conditions and other health care needs.
Additional Vision Building Resources
                           RESOURCE                                            RESOURCE DESCRIPTION
             FACT Oregon Sample Person-Centered Plans                 Provides sample Person-Centered Plans. Viewing these sample
                                                                         plans can help you create your own plan for your child.

                 PACER Center: Person-Center Planning                  Provides information and answers who, what, when and why
                                                                                questions about Person-Centered Planning

                     Parent Companion Website                           Provides information about Person-Centered planning and
     Person-Centered Planning: A New Model for Planning Services               how it can make a difference for your child.

                       Person-Centered Planning:                      Texas Health and Human Services (HHS) provides information
                    Services for You, Guided by You                         on Person-Centered Planning for individuals who
                                                                              receive Medicaid Waiver program services.

              Texas Project First: Person Centered Planning             Provides information about Person-Centered planning and
                                                                                           additional resources.

                                                                      The relationship map records who is in a person’s life - family,
                         The Relationship Map
                                                                        friends, paid support, unpaid support or work colleagues.

             Video: Thinking About the Future When You’re                  An ESC-Region 13 video with Rosemary Alexander
                     Concerned About the Present

                UMKC Institute for Human Development                       Provides tools for families/individuals to develop a
                    Charting The Life Course™                                              vision for a good life

TxP2P… improving the lives of children and adults with disabilities, chronic and mental health conditions and other health care needs.
Pathways to Adulthood 3-Part Series

                      Part – 2                                                          Part – 3
     ▪    Transition Planning:                                          ▪    SSI/SSDI
          Preparing for Adulthood
                                                                        ▪    Long Term Services and Supports
     ▪    Lifelong Learning:                                                 (LTSS)
          Post-Secondary Education
                                                                        ▪    Transfer of Rights - Guardianship
     ▪    Employment First: Making a                                         and Alternatives
          Contribution Through Work
                                                                        ▪    Medical Transition
     ▪    A Place to Call Home

                                     Personal Networks
                                      Click here to watch the TxP2P Video: The Personal Network.

TxP2P… improving the lives of children and adults with disabilities, chronic and mental health conditions and other health care needs.
Parent to Parent Transition
                                      Center of Central Texas

        The goal of
                                 Parent Transition Center assistance includes…
         our TxP2P
          Transition             ▪    a 1-2 hour consultation with parents of teens and adults
         Center of
                                      with disabilities, either in person or via Zoom
       Central Texas             ▪    working through a transition inventory and helping the
         is to assist                 family to establish next steps and longer-range goals
         families to
       develop high
                                 ▪    a resource bank to access during the 1-1 session and
        quality lives
      for their youth            ▪    transition peer mentors and information on important
      and adults with                 transition topics
                                 ▪    opportunities for a family to work on their youth’s future:
         after they                   join a Transition Action Group, start a personal network,
      graduate from                   become a transition mentor, or become a network
       public school.                 facilitator.
                                                                                                       For more information, click here.

TxP2P… improving the lives of children and adults with disabilities, chronic and mental health conditions and other health care needs.
Texas Parent to Parent
                     PATHWAYS TO ADULTHOOD

                                  Learn new ideas and
                              information about transition

                            We can help you getting started
                             on planning for your youth's

                           Join our Three-Part Pathways to
                              Adulthood series via Zoom!
  Part Two
 M a y 18, 2021
1:30 - 3 : 0 0 p m          

          T r a n s i t i o n P l a n n i n g - P r e p a r i n g for A d u l t h o o d
          Life L o n g Lea rning - P ost - Secondary Educa tion
          E m p l o y m e n t First - Ma ki ng a Contribution T h r o u g h
          A P l a ce to Call H o m e
We are here to help!
                                          Texas Parent to Parent – Pathways to Adulthood Team
                                 Cynda Green
        “With the
       support of                Dora Saavedra-Bilingual
        parent we
         begin to                Adriana Valadez
         feel we       
       will survive
       because we
           know                              Learn more about the TxP2P Transition Resources
         another                                     Pathways to Adulthood Transition
          parent                                        Texas Network Connections
        who has.”                                          Transition Inventory

TxP2P… improving the lives of children and adults with disabilities, chronic and mental health conditions and other health care needs.
You can also read