PAW PRINTS - Almost Home Foundation

Page created by Bernice Allen
PAW PRINTS - Almost Home Foundation
Almost Home Foundation
     Winter 2019
                                                                              P.O. Box 308, Elk Grove Village, IL 60009 | 630.582.3738

                                               Our featured pets
                                                                                                                Hope       Homer

                             Meet Claudia!                                    Meet Winkie!
                                            Claudia is an adult Lab mix.                     I had a rough start to life. I
    In this issue                            She weighs around 45                           was about one month old
                                             pounds an is up to                             when a girl found me
1 Featured Dog & Cat
2 Holiday Grant Campaign     datwith         date with vaccinations,                        shivering and almost dead
3 Ask Home & Hope                            is spayed, is heartworm                         from a bite wound on my
4 2020 Calendar, Fun Facts   negative and is microchipped.                    neck. She brought me in to take care of me.
5 Info Every Pet Owner
                                                                              The wound got better but I also had an
  Should Have Handy
6 Little Paws, Big Hearts    Claudia loves people and enjoys attention.       upper respiratory infection that was
                             She is almost housebroken, and her foster        medicated by a vet.
                             family is making good progress with the
                             training. Claudia walks well on leash and        Because I was abandoned so young by my
                             knows basic commands. She is currently           cat mom and suffered such trauma that
                             in a home with other dogs and enjoys             required nursing back to health by humans, I
                             their company. She loves playing in the          bond very strongly to my humans.

                             fenced yard and watching for squirrels
                             with the other dogs. She is crate trained        Oh yeah, my eye...don't worry about that.
                             but will do best in a home where she does        The vet checked it out and I’m just fine. I
                             not need to be crated for long periods of        don't know what everyone is talking about -
                             time.                                            who needs two when one does just fine!

                             Claudia is generally a heathy dog, but she       I have a LOT of energy! So it's really
                             began having seizures and was recently           important that I go home with another
                             diagnosed with epilepsy. She is currently        kitten/cat with high energy. I'd probably do
                             on medication and will need to continue          well to have a girl or boy who wants to play
                             to take it indefinitely. The medications         with me every day. I need my humans to be
                             make her feel hungry, so she is a bit            home for a portion of each day as I don't do

                             obsessed with food. Her foster is                well being left alone.
                             introducing low calorie snacks into her
                             diet, such as carrots, green beans, and          I am smart - I stand for treats and come
                             apples, to get her used to them and also         when called. I play "half-fetch" where I
                             use small, low calorie training treats for       chase whatever you throw for me, but I
                             reinforcing good behavior.                       don't get the part about bringing it back.

       P                     Claudia can and will live a long happy and
                             healthy life with her seizures under
                                                                              From my foster Mom: This little kitten
                                                                              deserves the world for the love he will bring
                             control. So please do not let this one           into your life. An active household would be
                             ailment sway you. She is an amazing and          good for him. Don't be fooled by his

                             loving girl with lots of potential and lots to   "impairment," he's a perfectly healthy kitten
                             offer given the chance.                          who shows no limitations.
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                                 Ask Homer and Hope

Homer, I have not been successful including            Hope, I’ve heard that there is a health
my dogs in my holiday photos. What can I               benefit to a cat’s purr. Is this true?
do to increase my opportunity for some
                                                       All cat lovers can agree that there’s nothing
great shots?                                           better than cuddling with your cat. And it is even
                                                       better when they start purring. There is not an
If you are not scheduling a professional               exact known answer to why cats purr, but it is
photographer for holiday pictures, you should be       widely known that they often purr when they are
prepared to use some “tricks of the trade” as you      happy. What many people are not aware of is
plan this annual event. First and foremost,            that their love could extend to our health as well.
organize. Be ready for several short sessions
rather than a long one that may be frustrating to      There have been many studies that cats purr at a
you and your dogs; ask an assistant to keep            very specific frequency which actually could
distractions to a minimum and to pose the dogs.        benefit our health. They purr in a consistent
Hungry dogs are more likely to sit for that treat      pattern and frequency between 25 and 150
held in front of the camera, and active dogs might     Hertz. (A Hertz is the number of cycles per
be more willing to stay if they exercise prior to      second or the frequency of any phenomenon
the session. Having holiday-appropriate collars,       with regular periodic variations.) Studies suggest
leashes, bandanas, or head gear for your recently      that when humans are nearby a cat purring
groomed dogs and color-coordinated clothing for        within a frequency range of 20 - 140 Hertz, these
everyone in the picture will produce that spirited     vibrations could be beneficial to their health.
appearance you desire.
                                                       Some benefits that purring could play in our
Next, select location sites. When outdoor scenes,      health includes lowering stress levels, decreasing
generally more candid, are your choice, select         symptoms of Dyspnoea, or labored breathing,
early morning after sunrise or late afternoon          lowering the chance of having a heart attack,
before sunset for best light even if it is cloudy. A   strengthening bones, lowering blood pressure,
snow-filled yard, a holiday inflatable, or lights      coping with illness, and etc. Stress contributes
might be just what you want. If indoors, use           heavily to health problems, and your house cat
uncluttered backgrounds with natural lighting, a       can actually help you destress. When cats purr,
colorful blanket, or holiday wrapping paper on         endorphin is released in cats, and can actually do
the floor or taped to the walls. For best shots,       the same thing in humans. Although this has not
get close and down to the dogs’ level. Use a           been scientifically proven, there have been many
digital camera without flash if possible to take       studies and stories of people who support this.
lots of pictures, and use fast shutter speed to        People have said that their migraines have eased
prevent blur. Don’t forget to edit and crop            or completely disappeared when they cuddle
promising photos for a professional finish.            close to purring cats.

Lastly, be patient. Some of your best shots may        So next time you are with your cat and they start
be unplanned.                                          to purr, remember that they could be healing you
                                                       at that exact moment!
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 Almost Home Foundation
 2020 calendar

  What a great gift for the holiday! Enjoy reading all twelve biographies written by each pet parent. To
  purchase go to: www.almosthomefoundation, click on “read more” on the scrolling banner at the top.
  Cost: $20 All proceeds benefit AHF.


                            Dogs’ wet noses help them smell better.
                            The mucus attracts and “catches” more chemical scent particles in the air.


                           The proper name for a group of cats is a clowder.
                           A group of kittens is called a kindle.

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   Information every pet owner should
   have handy and complete

   If your pet got lost or you had to leave town and board your pet in a hurry or there was some
   emergency involving your pet, would you have available the information and paperwork you might
   need quickly?

   Here’s a list of the paperwork and records you should keep updated and readily accessible:

   VACCINATION HISTORY: Many boarding facilities will not accept animals if proof cannot be shown
   that they have been vaccinated against various contagious diseases. Have your rabies certificate, and
   all other required vaccine records available. A rabies certificate (especially for dogs but also for cats)
   should be kept for medical records and also if the rabies tag gets lost. Every dog MUST be vaccinated
   every year against rabies, although there’s an acceptable three-year vaccine available. Dogs are
   required to wear a rabies tag any time they leave their owner’s property. The tag can also help in
   reuniting the dog with its owner should someone find the dog and contact the county with the rabies
   tag number.

   MEDICAL HISTORY: Be sure to have a list of current medications and instructions for administration.

   PROOF OF OWNERSHIP: Would you be devastated to learn that you didn’t have the legal right to
   own your pet if someone else were to claim ownership? Be sure to have adoption paperwork,
   registration, etc.

   LICENSES: If required by city, county or state.

   PHOTOGRAPHS: Keep current photos of your pet for use in case the animal gets lost. They should
   be good enough so that you can post a clear, identifiable image of your pet in local papers, on the
   internet and in stores, etc., in the area your pet got lost.

   MICROCHIP INFORMATION: Microchip number, name of company with whom microchip is
   registered, their phone number and website info. Be sure your info is kept current and up-to-date.

   ID TAG: Dogs should have an ID tag on their collar with your information. Dog’s name, address,
   telephone number should be included. Microchip number could also be printed on it.

   EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS: Keep your regular veterinarian’s phone number and address
   and emergency veterinarian numbers in case your animal needs medical attention outside normal
   business hours. This would also be a good reason to keep a record of your pet’s medical history as it
   might be useful to an emergency vet who might not be able to get records from your regular vet in
   the wee hours of the night.

   INSTRUCTIONS IN AN EMERGENCY: Leave instructions for your family or friends on what to do in
   case you are temporarily or permanently unable to care for your pet. Be sure someone knows where
   all these records are kept including boarding facilities with whom you are familiar.
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   Almost Home Foundation
   Little Paws, Big Hearts Gala 2019
   Medinah Shriners in Addison

 Our biggest event of the year!
 This year was a whole new Gala. We stepped up into a new generation of online auction bidding whether
 you attended or not. All you had do was set up a GiveSmart account. The week before the event online
 bidding went into effect for selected items. At the event, people could use their smart phones to bid for
 items or purchase raffle tickets. People with iPads helped bidders who were not "technology-oriented“ to
 bid using their phones or actually bid for them.

 Bidding items included great vacation packages, big screen TV, sports paraphernalia, a spot on the AHF 2021
 calendar, cat and dog baskets, art work, gift certificates and lots more. Raffle tickets were sold for a cash
 prize of $3000. Funding for this year’s Gala is to be used for medical bills which average $280,000 per year.

                  Thank you for your support and
             we wish you a healthy and prosperous 2020!
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