VPK HANDBOOK - Grace Lutheran ...

Page created by Edwin Stephens
        2019-2020 SCHOOL YEAR

         860 Banyan Blvd.
         Naples, FL 34102
         261-7700 Ext. 6
          FAX: 261-9337

          Julie Crews, Director

      Early Learning Coalition of SWFL
Dear Parents,                                            HOW DO WE KEEP OUR FAMILIES INVOLVED?
                                                   Families of children attending Grace Preschool are
                                                   encouraged to be involved in every aspect of their child’s
Welcome to our Grace Preschool Family! The
                                                   preschool experience. We have an open door policy, and
Staff at Grace Lutheran Preschool is committed     encourage families to stop in during the day to have
to providing a very strong partnership with        lunch with their child, or join in during activity time. We
families for what might be your child’s first      also ask families to participate in the following activities:
experience away from home! We promise to
provide a safe and loving environment for your          MONDAY FAMILY READING PROGRAM!
child!                                             Family members are encouraged to read to the children
                                                         each Monday at either 12 noon or 2:00pm!
Our weekly Bible Lessons will teach and nurture    We understand that there may be a better day for family
                                                   members to read…please talk to your teacher about this!
Christian Faith, while academic lessons and play
                                                    There will be a sign up sheet on your classroom door!
will promote kindergarten readiness and a life-
long love of learning.                                       WEDNESDAY CHAPEL @ 11:30A.M.
                                                   We invite all parents to stay and come to Chapel with us
Sincerely,                                            each Wednesday! Pastor Lingsch and Director of
                                                    Christian Education, Kami Jo Mogelvang lead worship
                                                     and the children get to lead songs and help light the
                                                    candles on the altar each week. Our church organist,
                                                    Jonathan Birner, accompanies us on the piano during
Julie Crews     Cailey Crews   Sissy Patton

                                                         *Attend Visit With Your Teacher Day
                                                         *Participate in our Trunk or Treat Activity
                                                         *Attend our Thanksgiving Feast
                                                         *Attend our Christmas Program
                                                         *Attend Graduation of our VPK class
Our goal is to create a positive, secure environment in our                ATTENDANCE, TUITION and Paperwork
preschool classrooms. Your child’s teacher will clearly
state and model acceptable behavior at all times. Good                You will receive 3 free hours of VPK each day.
behavior is noticed and praised. Our teachers inspire                Our VPK Hours are from 8:30 am until 11:30 am each day.
and encourage positive behavior at all times, teaching the                        (Pleasehonorourhours byarrivingontime.)
students that it is not acceptable to physically or
emotionally hurt another person.                                We have an additional YEARLY wrap around tuition as your child
                                                                          will be staying longer than 11:30 each day.
Positive redirection is given when a child is exhibiting                 This fee is divided into 10 equal payments:
inappropriate behavior. A student showing aggression
toward another child will be directed away from the                        12:30 pick up time:        $160 each month
situation for a cool down period. When the child is calm,
                                                                           2:30 pick up time:         $260 each month
the teacher will talk with the child and model proper ways
                                                                           4:00 pick up time:         $410 each month
to handle frustrations and anger.
                                                                             Tuition is due no later than the 15th of
                                                                            Aug., Sept., Oct. Nov., Dec., Jan, Feb.,
             INCIDENT/ACCCIDENT REPORTS:                                                 Mar., Apr., May.
If your child gets hurt at school, an ACCIDENT report will
  be filled out by the teacher who witnessed the accident.                 PROPER ATTENDANCE OF OUR 540 HOUR
                                                                                VPK PROGRAM IS A MUST!
If your child pinches, bites, hits, or pushes another child     Law establishes how VPK providers will be paid for each child
     down, and the other child receives an injury, an           attending the VPK Program. The state pays for up to one day’s
             INCIDENT report will be written.                    worth of absences for every four days a child attends. This is
                                                                      equivalent to your child needing to attend VPK for
 You will be asked to sign the accident or incident report                         80% of each VPK month.
              and a copy will be given to you.
                                                                *Our attendance records are audited regularly to ensure each child enrolled
*By law, the staff is not allowed to tell you the name of the    is attending our VPK program. Please make sure to sign your child in and
     other student involved in the accident or incident.                      out on our attendance sheet each and every day.
                                                                * You will also be asked to sign an Attendance Verification Sheet at the end
                                                                                               of each month.
                                                                         YOUR CHILD MUST A CURRENT PHYSICAL AND
                                                                          IMMUNIZATION RECORD ON FILE TO ATTEND
                                                                CONCERNS THAT COULD JEOPORDIZE YOUR

Monday is “Music and Movement Day”                         1.      Failure to make timely tuition payments.
                                                           2.      Failure to supply necessary paperwork for your
                                                                   child as required by the State Of Florida. (30 days
Tuesday: Music with our Church Music                               from enrollment is allowed)
Director, Mr. Jonathan Birner @ 11:15am                    3.      Failure to comply with the policies of our preschool
                                                                   as stated in this Parent Handbook.
Storytime with Pastor Lingsch or Kami Jo                   4.      Failure to follow our hours of operation guidelines.
Mogelvang (Our Director of Christian Education) at 11:35   5.      Continued unacceptable behavior by a child or a
                                                                   child’s parents.
Wednesday is Chapel Day in our Church
Sanctuary @ 11:30AM Parents are always                        If situations arise that you feel need to be
welcome!                                                   addressed, please follow the following guidelines:

                                                           1.      Talk to your child’s teacher about your concerns.
Thursday is Science with Wacky Wanda Day!                  2.      If you still have concerns, talk to the director.
                                                           3.      If further problem solving is need, the Board of
Friday is Healthy Helen Day. Healthy Helen                         Christian Education at Grace Lutheran Church will
helps us make a healthy lunch today!                               be called in for a meeting with the director and then
                                                                   with the parent.
The Fire Department, the Dentist, and other
community helpers visit us each year.
                                                                *Please be advised that Grace Lutheran Preschool
                                                            reserves the right to refuse service at any time and
                                                                               for any reason.
WHAT CURRICULUM IS USED AT OUR PRESCHOOL?                                                 COMMUNICATION WITH TEACHERS:
The staff of Grace Lutheran Preschool diligently works to create                     The week before school begins, we host a “Visit Your
             an effective curriculum for the children.                                Teacher Day”. Each family will be contacted and an
                                                                                    appointment will be made for your family to spend some
 We use a well-rounded weekly schedule based on the
                                                                                              individual time with your teacher.
                 Creative Curriculum
      These curriculums allow teachers to focus
                 on the “whole child”.                                             Throughout the school year we want you to speak with your
Our classroom contains 6 learning centers. Each day,                               child’s teacher as often as you wish. We are here to answer
  your child will have 1 hour of free choice time in                                questions and help you with any concerns you might have.
    those centers. During this hour, small group                                  We do ask that you be aware of an appropriate time to discuss
    activities will be conducted with your child’s                                concerns. (For example, if the children are engaged in circle
                        teachers.                                                    time, it would not be a time to ask to talk to the teacher.)

You will not see daily worksheets at our preschool. Each
day is planned with hands-on activities that will help your
                                                                                                  SEPARATION ANXIETY
      child succeed in a kindergarten environment.

       Our weekly lesson plans are posted in each                                   There will be days of preschool that your child just
   classroom. A weekly newsletter will be sent to you                              doesn’t want you to leave! If your child has difficulty
    each Friday via our CLOSED FACEBOOK GROUP:                                      when you are dropping off, please be assured that
                                                                                  your teacher will be there to comfort and reassure your
         Grace Lutheran Preschool Families 2018-2019                                                        child.
  Your child will be introduced to many State Standards during the preschool
                                                                                    If this happens to you, the best thing for you to do:
  year. Our daily lesson plans will include:
     Science, Math, Language/Literacy, Social/Emotional, Fine Motor, Gross
                                                                                  Give your child a hug and kiss, tell him that you will be
                           Motor, and Music Activities.
                                                                                  back soon, and leave quickly! The longer you stay in
  These daily activities will help reinforce the skills your child will need to
                                                                                    this situation, the harder it will be for you to leave.
  succeed in kindergarten.
DROP OFF AND PICK UP PROCEDURES:                                        SNACK AND LUNCH GUIDELINES:

The doors of Preschool at Grace open at exactly 8:30am!                Snacks and lunches are to be provided by each family, each
 We ask that you do not try to drop your child off before             day. You will be given a reusable snack bag (with your child’s
8:30. Our teachers use the times between 8:15 and 8:30
 to get things organized for a great day with your child!             name on it) before the school year begins. Your teacher will
                                                                        give you healthy snack guidelines and will guide you where
Afternoon pick up is in car line fashion. Details of this procedure               snacks and lunchboxes will be stored.
  will be explained in your Visit the Teacher Day. We ask that
 parents stay in their vehicle and let the teachers bring the child
                             to the car.

                      LATE PICK UPS:                                  We ask that parents send healthy lunches to school with
                                                                      their children. We call our healthy food “growing food” and
Please be aware that we charge a $15 late fee for                     encourage the children to eat this type of food before
  parents picking up after their scheduled time.                      eating any desserts that are packed. Please do not include
   This applies to all 3 pick up times daily.                         soda or candy in your child’s lunch box! If soda or candy is
                                                                      packed in a lunch, it will be sent home to enjoy at home.
   Late fee payment is made to the person who
            stayed late with your child.                              We have adopted a “3 Container Lunch” policy. This allows
                                                                      the children to have enough to eat, without having too many
      ALTERNATE PICK UP ARRANGEMENTS:                                 choices, which sometimes overwhelms the children.
When filling out your registration forms, please be sure to
list anyone who might ever pick your child up. Your child                           +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    will not be released to anyone who is not on the list
 unless we receive a call from a parent! The first time we
  meet a new pick up person we will ask for a picture I.D.
       We will not release a child without proper I.D.
WHAT IS APPROPRIATE FOR MY CHILD TO                                                         AFTERNOONS AT GRACE:
                                                                               Children who stay until 2:30 or 4pm will have a rest
   The kind of fun we have here at Grace Preschool                                time each day between the hours of 1 and
 sometimes leaves the children a little messy! We put                                              2:10pm.
 smocks on the children at all times, but this does not                            We provide a cot for your child to rest on.
mean they will come home spotless! Please send your
child to school in clothes you do not mind getting dirty!                              Quiet Time Necessities from home:
Please also make sure that your child is able to get his                         Each child must have 2 linens available for quiet
      or her clothes up and down by themselves.                                time…one to put on cot, and one to cover up with.
  BELTS are VERY difficult for children to manipulate                                 Two beach towels work great for this!
               and are not recommended.
                                                                                *These items will be sent home for washing every Friday!
         For safety reasons, we ask that you only send your child in
  CLOSED TOE SHOES! Velcro Sneakers are Highly Preferred.                               Rest time items to leave at home:
 Boots and Sandals are not appropriate shoes for school. For safety reasons,               Pillows and stuffed animals
       please do not send your child to school in these types of shoes.
                                                                                  Children staying until 4pm will be combined into one
                   NO TOYS FROM HOME:                                                    classroom from 3pm – 4pm each day.

                                                                               They will have a snack, stories, and playground time before
     We have adopted a No Toys From Home Policy.
                                                                                              coming to carline for pick up.
   Toys from home often get lost, broken, and cause a
              distraction in our classrooms.
 Please do not allow your child to bring toys from
  home. This includes costume jewelry, watches                                  We have a fun AFTERNOON ENRICHMENT program that
                                                                                your teacher will tell you about during Visit The Teacher
          and stuffed animals. Thank you.                                                                   Day!
OUR SCHOOL CALENDAR:                                               THE HEALTH OF OUR CHILDREN:
                                                                     Each child entering our school must have a current physical and
                                                                                      immunization record in our file.
 You will be given a detailed school calendar that will show
  every NO VPK day and will include any extra activities or
                                                                      Children attending Grace Lutheran VPK must be fully potty trained to be enrolled.
        events we have throughout the school year.
                                                                    In order to keep illnesses from spreading through our
     WE DO NOT HAVE follow EARLY RELEASE DAYS                                  school, we require the following:

                                                               1.      Please do not bring your child to school if there are
                                                                       symptoms of illness. A frequent cough or very runny nose
     SEVERE WEATHER INFORMATION:                                       can spread germs fast in a preschool class. If your child’s
                                                                       nose must be wiped more than 4 times in an hour, please
              (Hurricane Days)                                         keep your child at home.
  We follow Collier County Public Schools for
                                                                       If child develops a fever of 100* or becomes ill at
 closures or delays in school start times. If the                      school, you will be called. We have a strict 24 hour
T.V. news says public schools are closed, Grace                        fever free policy. Please note that Tylenol will bring
     Lutheran Preschool will also be closed.                           the fever down, but is not a cure for fever.

 If there are Hurricane Days that need to be made up,                  This also means if your child develops a fever at
we will make them up the same days as Collier County                   school, he or she should not return to school the
                     Public Schools                                    next day.

                                                               2.      If your child is prescribed an antibiotic, we ask that
                                                                       you do not bring him back until he has been taking
                                                                       it for 24 hours.

                                                               If you are keeping your child home because of sickness,
                                                               please call and let us know. We like to stay informed of
                                                               our children’s well-being!
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