Pedal past gas pumps on Bike to Work Day

Page created by Amanda Santiago
June 2008
                                                                           Pedal past the gas pumps continued from page 1
                                                                           as well as the chance to win great prizes including a
                                                                           Yeti Cycles ARC-X Cyclocross bike, Colorado Rockies
Pedal past gas pumps on                                                    tickets, Dick’s Sporting Goods gift certificates, Timbuk2
Bike to Work Day                                                           messenger bags, Colorado Athletic Club memberships,
                                                                           concert tickets and more.
        ut your fuel costs and commute by bike on

                                                                           Commuters who bicycle June 23-27 can enjoy FREE
        Wednesday, June 25, 2008. That’s the date                          valet bike parking at RTD’s Bike Station located at
        Colorado’s legislature has declared Bike to                        16th/Market streets in Downtown Denver. Bikes will be
        Work Day, an annual event in the metro area                        parked in a secure, dry place with FREE refreshments
since 1995 that educates and excites people about                          and giveaways every day from 6:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
commuting by bicycle.                                                      For more information on RTD’s Bike to Work Day
                                                                           involvement, log on to
More than 20,000 riders are expected to participate in
this year’s event. In addition to trying a fun new way                     Bike to Work Day is organized by the Denver Regional
to commute, they will save money on gas, avoid traffic                      Council of Governments (DRCOG) in partnership with
jams and fit some exercise into their day. Bike to Work                     a large and enthusiastic group of community partners,
Day participants look forward to collectible T-shirts,                     including RTD. For those with longer commutes who
FREE breakfast snacks and giveaways at more than                           need to take bikes on buses and light rail, log on to
100 breakfast stations throughout the metro area,                 For more information or to register
                                                                           for Bike to Work Day as a company or an individual, log
Continued on page 2
                                                                           on to or call 303.458.7665.

What’s Inside                                                              CORRECTION:
Public meetings set for proposed
August 17, 2008 service changes . . . . . . . . . . Page 3                 In the May Read-n-Ride newsletter, the fare for RTD’s
                                                                           RunRide from Broomfield to Boulder was stated
Proposed August 17, 2008 service changes
public meeting schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8
                                                                           incorrectly. The correct RunRide fare on Route B from
                                                                           the Broomfield park-n-Ride to Boulder is an Express
Dump the pump and take public transportation
to save money and save the planet . . . . . . . . . . Page 9
                                                                           fare of $3.00 one way and $6.00 roundtrip.
Public meetings set for proposed
August 17, 2008 service changes
         he following service changes are proposed    B It is proposed to add an earlier BX express

T        to take effect on August 17, 2008. Due to
         current economic conditions (sales tax
         shortfalls and fuel cost increases), RTD
service changes may be more extensive than usual.
To ensure RTD services represent the most cost-
                                                      trip from Denver to Boulder, departing Denver at
                                                      6:10 a.m., and an afternoon BX express trip, from
                                                      Boulder to Denver, departing Boulder at 5:38 p.m.
                                                      The other route proposed for service improvements
                                                      is Route 31.
effective use of the District’s resources, changes
in service are determined based on a set of service
standards. These service standards relate to
passenger utilization and cost for each service       Routes proposed for service improvements/
provided. Service standards are used to evaluate      service reductions
existing services and to develop proposals for
                                                      326 and 327 Due to severe schedule adherence
new service and service reductions. A copy of the
                                                      problems, it is proposed to reduce service from
RTD service standards can be obtained online at
                                                      every 30 minutes to every 60 minutes all day on
                                                      both routes. In addition, it is proposed to extend
A list of public meetings being held this month       service to Wal-Mart at Highway 66 and Main Street.
to receive comments on the proposed                      Both routes would operate on Collyer Street
changes is on page 7.                                         between 17th Avenue and 23rd Avenue
                                                                 instead of Main Street, replacing Route
                                                                   324 which would then operate on Main
Routes proposed for
service improvements                                                 Other routes proposed for service
                                                                     improvements/service reductions
122X It is proposed to add
                                                                     are routes 324, R, RX and
a southbound trip at 5:45
                                                                     Gateway call-n-Ride.
a.m. from the Wagon Road
park-n-Ride to accommodate
overcrowding on the current
trip that leaves at 6:00 a.m. and                                 Routes proposed for
add a morning trip between 7:48                                 service reductions
a.m. and 8:30 a.m. from the Wagon
                                                            27 and 727 It is proposed to combine the
Road park-n-Ride to improve morning
                                                      service on routes 27 and 727, thereby eliminating
service to every 15 minutes.
                                                      the Route 727 designation. The routes would
                                                      be merged at the Belleview Light Rail Station by

                           3                                                    4
extending the Route 27 to the                                                      470Ltd Due to low ridership,
Arapahoe Light Rail Station                                                         it is proposed to discontinue
via the current Route 727.                                                            service. Alternative service
Due to low ridership on                                                                would be available on
the current Route 727, it                                                               Route 75 to the Littleton/
is proposed to offer 30-                                                                Mineral Light Rail Station
minute rush-hour service                                                                or on routes 24 and 24Ltd
with the combined routes,                                                               to the University of Denver
which is a reduction of                                                                 Light Rail Station.
Route 727’s current 15-
                                                                                     AT Due to low ridership, it
minute rush-hour service.
                                                                                    is proposed to discontinue
35 Due to low ridership, it is                                                    service west of the Arapahoe
proposed to discontinue service                                                Light Rail Station. Service
west of the Englewood Light Rail                                            between the Arapahoe Light Rail
Station. Alternative service would be                                    Station and Nine Mile Light Rail Station
available from the Englewood Light Rail                             would be rerouted to utilize I-25 and I-225.
Station instead of the Wadsworth/Hampden park-n-
                                                           Highlands Ranch call-n-Ride Service began
Ride or by using Route 27.
                                                           in November 2006 and currently operates Monday
66 Due to low ridership, it is proposed to discontinue     through Friday between 5:30 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. and on
service east of the Arapahoe Crossing Shopping Center      Saturday between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Due to low
on Arapahoe Road.                                          ridership, it is proposed to discontinue this service.
145X Due to low ridership, it is proposed to               Light Rail G-Line Due to low ridership and
discontinue the following southbound weekend trips at      the availability of alternate connections at the
6:11 a.m., 7:21 a.m. and 4:15 p.m., and the northbound     Southmoor Light Rail Station, it is proposed to
weekend trips at 3:32 p.m. and 5:02 p.m.                   discontinue this service.
201 Due to low ridership, it is proposed to discontinue    Parker call-n-Ride Service began in November
service. Alternative service would be available with the   2006 and currently operates Monday through Friday
SKIP or Route 208 on Broadway.                             between 5:30 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. and on Saturday
                                                           between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Due to low ridership,
325 Due to low ridership, it is proposed to discontinue
                                                           it is proposed to discontinue this service.
service. Alternative service would be available on other
Longmont local services, including routes 326 and 327
and Longmont call-n-Ride.

                           5                                                          6
Proposed August 17, 2008
                                                            service changes public meeting
U Due to low ridership, it is proposed to discontinue
                                                                      ublic meetings have been scheduled for early

service. Alternative service would be available from
Pine Junction via Route CS/CV/CX with appropriate                     June 2008. Public meetings are designed
transfers in Denver. RTD’s Special Services Division will             to inform the public of the proposed
coordinate with Route U customers in an endeavor to                   service changes and to obtain public input
establish possible vanpools.                                that will be summarized and reported to the RTD
                                                            Board of Directors at its June 17, 2008 meeting,
Other routes proposed for service reductions include        when final approval will be requested. Attendance at
12, 63X, 82X, 125, 465, Lone Tree                           public meetings is not required to comment. You
call-n-Ride and Longmont call-n-Ride.                       may also fax your comments to 303.299.2227 or
                                                            email them to
Routes proposed for normal service                          no later than June 10, 2008.
                                                            Public meeting locations
0Ltd, 2X, 5X, 10, 15, 15Ltd, 16, 16Ltd,
28, 38, 48, 76, 83Ltd, 86X, 119X,                           Boulder                           Green Valley Ranch
                                                            West Boulder Senior Center        Green Valley Ranch
121Ltd, AB, BOUND, DASH, DD, JUMP,                          909 Arapahoe                      Recreation Center
16th Street FREE MallRide, SKIP and                         7:00 p.m., Monday, June 2         4890 Argonne Way
STAMPEDE                                                    Brighton                          6:00 p.m., Monday, June 9
                                                            Brighton Recreation Center        Highlands Ranch/
Routes proposed for school service changes                  555 N. 11th Avenue                Lone Tree
                                                            7:00 p.m., Monday, June 9         Highlands Ranch Metro District
1, 6, 9, 11, 20, 24, 27, 28, 30, 30Ltd,                     Conifer                           62 W. Plaza Drive
31, 45, 51, 51Ltd, 52, 65, 100, 206, 301,                   Conifer High School               7:00 p.m., Monday, June 2
302 and 303                                                 10441 County Highway 73           Littleton
                                                            7:00 p.m., Wednesday, June 4      Buck Recreation Center
                                                            Downtown Denver                   2004 W. Powers Avenue
                                                            RTD Administration Building       7:00 p.m., Monday, June 2
                                                            1600 Blake Street,                Longmont
                                                            Rooms T&D                         Longmont Public Library
                                                            Noon, Tuesday, June 3             409 4th Avenue,
                                                            DTC                               Room A
                                                            Hyatt Regency DTC                 7:00 p.m., Thursday, June 5
                                                            7800 E. Tufts Avenue,             Parker
                                                            Wind River Room                   Parker Town Hall
                                                            Noon, Monday, June 9              20120 E. Mainstreet
                                                            Englewood                         7:00 p.m., Wednesday, June 4
                                                            Malley Senior Recreation Center
                                                            3380 S. Lincoln Street
                                                            7:00 p.m., Thursday, June 5

                           7                                                                  8
Dump the pump and take public transportation
to save money and save the planet

                                                          to a new ICF International study called Broadening
                                                          the Connection between Public Transportation and
                                                          Energy Conservation, public transportation reduces
                                                          our nation’s carbon emissions by 37 million metric
                                                          tons annually — equivalent to the electricity used by
                                                          4.9 million households.
                                                          “With gas prices higher than ever and financial
                                                          concerns affecting everyone, now is the time to save
                                                          money and ride public transportation,” says APTA
                                                          President William W. Millar. “The National Dump the
                                                          Pump Day on June 19 is an opportunity for people
                                                          across the country to make a difference in their
          n Thursday, June 19, 2008, RTD will join        wallet, as well as in the environment.”

O         other public transportation systems and
          communities coast to coast to participate
          in the Third Annual Dump the Pump Day.
Sponsored by the American Public Transportation
Association (APTA), Dump the Pump Day is designed
to encourage people to park their cars and ride public                    Attention 2007 10-Ride Ticketbook
transportation to raise awareness of the financial and                    holders: June 30, 2008 is the last day
environmental benefits of public transportation. These                that RTD will exchange 2007 10-Ride
benefits include saving money, conserving gasoline         Ticketbooks for 2008 10-Ride Ticketbooks. To
and reducing the harmful greenhouse gases emitted         exchange yours, visit any RTD sales outlet by the end
into our environment.                                     of this month.
With the increasing cost of gasoline, public              Do you realize that everyone nearby can hear everything
transportation is the best way to beat high gas prices.   you’re saying? Keep your private life private. Keep your
Households with two workers and one car that              cell phone calls on RTD quick and quiet.
use public transportation save $6,200 every year,
                                                          Did you know that nationally, public transit saves
compared to a household with no access to public
                                                          300,000 car fill-ups every day?
transportation (APTA).
                                                          The RTD Board of Directors meeting will be held
Public transportation also has an important role to
                                                          on Tuesday, June 17, 2008 at 1600 Blake Street in
play in helping to reduce greenhouse gases. According
                                                          Rooms R, T and D, in Denver. The meeting will start at
                                                          5:30 p.m.

                              9                                                      10
This month’s operator: Shaun Montoya
Shaun joined RTD in 1991 and is a bus operator on the        Do you have a favorite RTD bus or light rail operator?
BOLT between Longmont and Boulder. Says Shaun, “My           In this monthly column, we publish stories from our
dad, Richard Montoya, was a steel worker in Pueblo for       customers as a special thank you to our standout
almost 18 years before he got laid off. He took a position   RTD operators. To submit your commendation, log
at RTD in the service & cleaning division, then moved        on to Then click RTD News and
up the ladder as a bus operator and finally retired as a      Read-n-Ride Newsletter. We will publish the winning
division supervisor last summer. My dad encouraged me        response in the Read-n-Ride if you leave the box
to work at RTD when I was in my early 20s and needed         checked on the form giving us permission to print your
a career to support my young family. I have no regrets       story. As a token of appreciation to our customers, one
about working at RTD. I’ve enjoyed it.”                      respondent will be randomly selected each month to
                                                             receive FREE RTD promotional items, but you must
The winning commendation for Shaun was submitted
                                                             include your first and last name and a physical mailing
by RTD passenger Chris Shearer, who was traveling on
                                                             address if you wish to be entered in the drawing.
the BOLT in April 2008:
“I was reminded this morning about how fortunate
we are to have our particular driver in the mornings.
The ride to Boulder is always smooth. He does such
a great job of reading and anticipating traffic that
he never has to jerk or abruptly stop the bus. He is
always cheerful, but not chatty. He makes handicapped
accommodations without calling attention to it. He is
respectful of his passengers and they are respectful
back to him. He doesn’t grumble, even when the sixth
bicycle has to be loaded onto the bus. By the time I get
to work, I’m relaxed and ready to take on the day.
Today was special. Bus time is my knitting time.
Because they are portable, I knit socks. I took out my
sock this morning and realized that I was at the tricky
                                                                Regional Transportation District
‘turning the heel’ part, and because I do a particular
                                                                1600 Blake Street, Denver, Colorado 80202-1399
heel, if I made a mistake, it would cost me about two            Printed on recycled paper
hours of work ripping back. Usually I do that part at           ThinAirCreative, Inc.                          3016-24-06
home, but since Shaun was driving, I chanced it and
had no problems. This trip reminded me how lucky we
are to have such an excellent driver.”
                           11                                                                12
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