Page created by Evelyn Brewer

                                  Pension boost
                                  ARE YOU CLAIMING ALL OF THE GENEROUS
                                      TAX RELIEF YOU’RE ENTITLED TO?

REAPPRAISAL OF                       ‘IT’S NOT WHAT YOU EARN,                PROTECT YOURSELF
URBAN LIVING                         IT’S WHAT YOU KEEP’                     FROM PENSION SCAMS
3 million people in the UK aged      The potential impact to your expected   Understanding the warning
over 50 considering relocating       retirement income over time             signs to keep your money safe
J U LY/AU G U ST 2021

    INSIDE                                                                                04
                                                                                          RETIREMENT PLANNING JOURNEY                               10
    THIS ISSUE                                                                            What you need to consider at every
                                                                                          life stage
                                                                                                                                                    REAPPRAISAL OF URBAN LIVING
                                                                                                                                                    Three million people in the UK aged
                                                                                                                                                    over 50 considering relocating

      Welcome to our latest edition. Inside this
      issue, the unique combination of tax breaks and
      flexible access available to pensions makes them
      a compelling choice when saving for retirement.
      On page 08 we look at one of the key benefits of
      saving into a pension rather than another type of
      savings or investment vehicle – the generous tax
      relief you’re entitled to receive. Making the most

      of pension saving involves maximising tax relief
      and allowances which could substantially boost

      your retirement savings.
                                                                                                                                                    MIND THE DIVORCE GAP
          The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has led
                                                                                                                                                    Women see incomes fall by 33%
      to a reappraisal of urban living, with increasing
                                                                                                                                                    following divorce, compared to just 18%
      numbers fleeing city confines in search of green                                    PROTECTING FAMILY WEALTH
                                                                                                                                                    for men
      space. Three million people aged over 50 now                                        Start planning your legacy to mitigate or
      plan to relocate in retirement, as a direct result                                  reduce Inheritance Tax
      of the pandemic. A year of lockdowns has
      motivated these over-50s to want to move closer
      to family and friends, pursue a better quality of
      life or even move abroad. Turn to page 10.
          When you’re planning your retirement
      income, there are multiple factors to consider.
      But one factor not to overlook is how much of

      your retirement income you could lose in taxes.
      On page 09, new data highlights that retired
      households lose nearly 14% of their income a
                                                                                                                                                    PLAN FOR TOMORROW,
      year to direct taxes.
                                                                                                                                                    LIVE FOR TODAY

          Being online more means criminals have a
                                                                                                                                                    Helping you achieve your
      greater opportunity to approach unsuspecting
                                                                                                                                                    financial goals
      victims with their scams. Online scams can have
      a devastating financial and emotional impact on                                     PENSION BOOST
      victims. Pension scammers are bombarding the                                        Are you claiming all of the generous tax
      public with scam calls, texts and emails and it                                     relief you’re entitled to?

      can be easy to fall victim to such a scam. Turn to
      page 30 to find out more. A full list of the articles
      featured in this issue appears opposite.
                                                                                          ‘IT’S NOT WHAT YOU EARN, IT’S
                                                                                          WHAT YOU KEEP’
                                                                                          The potential impact to your expected
                                                                                          retirement income over time
      Our aim is to help you to secure your financial
      future and explore every aspect of your financial
      world, taking everything into account to create a                                  INFORMATION IS BASED ON OUR CURRENT UNDERSTANDING OF TAXATION
      financial plan that works for you, your family and                                 LEGISLATION AND REGULATIONS. ANY LEVELS AND BASES OF, AND RELIEFS
      business. We hope you enjoy this latest issue,                                     FROM, TAXATION ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE.
      and if you require any further information please
                                                                                         THE VALUE OF INVESTMENTS MAY GO DOWN AS WELL AS UP, AND YOU MAY
      contact us.
                                                                                         GET BACK LESS THAN YOU INVESTED.

The content of the articles featured in this publication is for your general information and use only and is not intended to address your particular requirements. Articles should not be relied upon in
their entirety and shall not be deemed to be, or constitute, advice. Although endeavours have been made to provide accurate and timely information, there can be no guarantee that such information
is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. No individual or company should act upon such information without receiving appropriate professional advice
after a thorough examination of their particular situation. We cannot accept responsibility for any loss as a result of acts or omissions taken in respect of any articles. Thresholds, percentage rates and
tax legislation may change in subsequent Finance Acts. Levels and bases of, and reliefs from, taxation are subject to change and their value depends on the individual circumstances of the investor.
The value of your investments can go down as well as up and you may get back less than you invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.

                                                    PENSION LIFETIME ALLOWANCE
                                                                                                      MONEY’S TOO TIGHT TO MENTION
How to minimise a Capital Gains Tax bill            Do you need to take action to avoid risking       Looking to retire from work, not a paycheck?

                                                    additional tax charges in retirement?

A momentous event that can change every
aspect of your financial stability

                                                    PLAN THE PERFECT RETIREMENT
                                                                                                      PENSION FREEDOMS
                                                                                                      Looking for a wider choice of investment options?

                                                    Creating a comfortable, secure retirement takes
                                                    care and forethought

                                                                                                      NO SUCH THING AS A ‘NO-RISK’ INVESTMENT
                                                                                                      Knowing how much risk you are comfortable
                                                                                                      taking is key

16                                                                                                    27
                                                                                                      ADVICE MATTERS
                                                                                                      Intergenerational planning and wealth transfer
Investing isn’t just a luxury reserved for adults
                                                                                                      between advised families

                                                    EVOLUTION OF ESG INVESTING
                                                    Changing face of consumer ethics and

                                                                                                      PENSION TAX RELIEF
                                                                                                      27% of people surveyed did not know how it worked

17                                                                                                    30
                                                                                                      PROTECT YOURSELF
                                                                                                      FROM PENSION SCAMS
Time to take a different view and organise your
                                                                                                      Understanding the warning signs to keep your
financial affairs?
                                                                                                      money safe

planning journey

When you’re starting out working in your 20s, you may not be thinking                                       support your desired lifestyle, which will help
                                                                                                            you plan your retirement income. Based on this,
about retirement in 40 years’ time. The same goes for your 30s, 40s and
                                                                                                            you’ll know if you need to adjust your pension
even 50s. There is always something on the horizon you could be saving for                                  contributions to save enough.
besides your retirement.                                                                                       At this life stage, you might have changed
                                                                                                            employers several times, so it might be sensible

        o matter how old you are, it’s always          STAYING ON TRACK IN YOUR 30S                         to check that you have all of the details for any
        a good time to review your pension             By your 30s, you may have additional financial       old pensions and, if not, look to track them down.
        savings and update your retirement plan.       responsibilities, such as children and a mortgage.
Understanding your retirement goals during             These can make it difficult to dedicate as much      MAXIMISING YOUR
each decade is key to making sure you are able         money and attention to your pension as you’d like.   CONTRIBUTIONS IN YOUR 50S
to enjoy and live the lifestyle you want, and which       One way to stay on track is to review your        If your pension contributions have fallen behind
you’ve worked hard for, when you eventually            pension contributions at least once a year           in any of the previous decades, it’s crucial to
decide to stop working.                                and make sure you’re increasing them as              catch up now. As well as your salary sacrifice
                                                       your income grows. Another consideration             contributions, you might consider adding lump
STARTING TO SAVE IN YOUR 20S                           is to check your investment strategy. With           sums to your pension to help you reach your
Though you’re decades away from retirement,            decades remaining before you’ll access your          retirement goal.
your 20s are an important time for pension             pension, you might choose to take a higher-              If you plan to do this, make sure that you’ve
planning. That’s because the investments you           risk approach now, and then gradually move           checked what your annual allowance for this tax year
make in these early years will benefit from the        into lower-risk investments as retirement            is, and how much unused annual allowance you have
most growth potential.                                 grows closer.                                        from the last three years. This will determine how
    When you start work, if applicable to your                                                              much extra you can contribute and receive tax relief
situation, you’ll be automatically enrolled into       ACCUMULATING IN YOUR 40S                             on. For the tax year 2021/22 the annual allowance is
your employer’s workplace pension scheme               If your salary follows a typical trajectory, it is   £40,000. This includes both contributions paid by you
and they will start to make contributions on           likely to start peaking when you’re in your 40s,     and contributions paid by your employer.
your behalf.                                           making this decade a crucial time for pension            Alternatively, if you’ve stayed on track with
    You should definitely not opt out of this – even   accumulation. You should, by now, also have a        all your pension contributions and your savings
if you feel you could do with the money now.           good understanding of the income required to         are at a very healthy level, you might need to
R E T I R EM EN T 05

                                                                                                           /// By your fifties, if your
                                                                                                        pension contributions have
                                                                                                              fallen behind in any of
                                                                                                          the previous decades, it’s
                                                                                                         crucial to catch up now. As
                                                                                                       well as your salary sacrifice
                                                                                                           contributions, you might
                                                                                                       consider adding lump sums
                                                                                                        to your pension to help you
                                                                                                       reach your retirement goal.

take steps to manage your Lifetime Allowance.                                                                    THE TAX IMPLICATIONS OF PENSION
Currently, the maximum you can accrue within          ADVICE FOR ANY AGE                                          WITHDRAWALS WILL BE BASED ON
your pensions in your lifetime is £1,073,100, so if   With so much going on in your life – from              YOUR INDIVIDUAL CIRCUMSTANCES, TAX
you’re anywhere near that number you should           family and work to pursuing your passions –         LEGISLATION AND REGULATION WHICH ARE
seek professional financial advice.                   retirement planning may not be your priority.        SUBJECT TO CHANGE IN THE FUTURE. YOU
                                                      But it’s your pension and overall financial       SHOULD SEEK ADVICE TO UNDERSTAND YOUR
PREPARING TO RETIRE IN YOUR 60S                       situation that will allow you to keep up your                       OPTIONS AT RETIREMENT.
In the decade before retirement, some people          current lifestyle and enjoy your golden years.
may choose to take a lower-risk investment            Speak to us today and make sure your plans            ACCESSING PENSION BENEFITS EARLY
strategy with their pension savings than              are on track for the retirement you want.           MAY IMPACT ON LEVELS OF RETIREMENT
in previous years. While this may limit the                                                                  INCOME AND YOUR ENTITLEMENT TO
potential growth of your investments, it can                                                               CERTAIN MEANS-TESTED BENEFITS AND
also reduce fluctuations in value, which can              A PENSION IS A LONG-TERM INVESTMENT               IS NOT SUITABLE FOR EVERYONE. YOU
help you to plan your retirement income with             NOT NORMALLY ACCESSIBLE UNTIL AGE 55              SHOULD SEEK ADVICE TO UNDERSTAND
more confidence.                                        (57 FROM APRIL 2028). THE VALUE OF YOUR                  YOUR OPTIONS AT RETIREMENT.
   You’ll also need to weigh up your options                INVESTMENTS (AND ANY INCOME FROM
for accessing your pension. You might want to         THEM) CAN GO DOWN AS WELL AS UP WHICH
take a lump sum or several lump sums, or you               WOULD HAVE AN IMPACT ON THE LEVEL
might want to take a regular income. There are              OF PENSION BENEFITS AVAILABLE. YOUR
advantages and disadvantages to each approach,        PENSION INCOME COULD ALSO BE AFFECTED
and decisions you make now will affect your               BY THE INTEREST RATES AT THE TIME YOU
income throughout your retirement. n                                        TAKE YOUR BENEFITS.

  Protecting family wealth

  If you’ve worked hard throughout             roper planning can help you pass on as            out of your estate, therefore leaving less for the
                                               much as possible to the people you choose         recipients of your estate.
  your lifetime to grow your wealth,
                                               by avoiding additional unnecessary tax               However, there are many tax reliefs and rules
  you may hope it will help to         charges. But there is a perception by some people that    that can minimise the amount of Inheritance
  safeguard the financial security     Inheritance Tax only affects the rich, which is untrue.   Tax due. You can leave your entire estate to a
                                                                                                 surviving spouse or registered civil partner with
  of your loved ones after you’ve
                                       CURRENT AND FUTURE                                        no Inheritance Tax due. But there are many other,
  gone. But without careful planning   NEEDS OF YOUR LOVED ONES                                  lesser-known rules and reliefs that can also apply.
  in your lifetime, you could leave    When you’re getting on with life, it’s not easy to           The current Inheritance Tax nil-rate bands will
                                       stop and think about what will happen to your             remain at existing levels until April 2026.
  them with less than expected after
                                       estate (such as your property, possessions,
  the Inheritance Tax bill is paid.    investments and cash) when you’re no longer               HOW INHERITANCE TAX PLANNING WORKS
                                       around. That’s why it’s important to make sure            Inheritance Tax planning is a way of arranging
                                       that any assets you’ve built up over your lifetime        your wealth with the various tax reliefs in mind
                                       aren’t subject to Inheritance Tax unnecessarily           so that your loved ones don’t pay more tax than
                                       after your death, and that your loved ones, and           they legally need to.
                                       any organisations close to your heart, benefit               It works best when the process is started many
                                       from your estate as you intended.                         years in advance. Certain transfers of capital may
                                          By reviewing your wealth and obtaining                 only become free from Inheritance Tax if you
                                       professional financial advice, you will be able to        survive for seven years after they are made, so
                                       consider the current and future needs of your             Inheritance Tax planning cannot be rushed.
                                       loved ones and how you can benefit them whilst               Of course, Inheritance Tax is not the only
                                       preserving your assets.                                   consideration when it comes to arranging your
                                                                                                 finances – you also need to ensure that your wealth
                                       INHERITANCE TAX FACTS                                     works for you in your lifetime. So, this planning
                                       Every individual has an Inheritance Tax ‘nil-rate         must work in harmony with other areas of financial
                                       band’ of £325,000 in the current 2021/22 tax year         planning. It’s a precise and personal process.
                                       (the UK tax year starts on 6 April each year and
                                       ends on 5 April the following year). This means           THREE STEPS TO MITIGATE
                                       that you can pass on up to £325,000 worth                 OR REDUCE INHERITANCE TAX
                                       of property, money and other assets with no               The rules and reliefs that are most beneficial
                                       Inheritance Tax to pay.                                   to you depend on your personal and financial
                                          Above this threshold, Inheritance Tax is normally      situation. The advice you receive will be different
                                       levied at 40%. So, as a simple example, if you were       based on whether you’re single or married, if you
                                       to pass on wealth of £425,000, the first £325,000         have children or grandchildren, if you own your
                                       would be tax-free, and the remaining £100,000             own business, or on many other factors.
                                       would be taxed at 40%, creating a tax liability of           That said, here are three tips that many people
                                       £40,000 for your personal representatives to pay          could benefit from.

                                                                                              /// Inheritance Tax planning is a way
                                                                                                  of arranging your wealth with the
                                                                                                 various tax reliefs in mind so that
                                                                                                your loved ones don’t pay more tax
                                                                                                          than they legally need to.

1. THE RESIDENCE NIL-RATE BAND (RNRB)                  rather than waiting to pass on your wealth until      Variation so that it is passed directly to that loved
As well as the Inheritance Tax nil-rate band           after your death. However, in some situations, a      one immediately. It will not be counted as part of
mentioned earlier, there is an additional nil-rate     gift can create an Inheritance Tax liability.         your estate. n
band that applies when passing on a property that
was your main residence in your lifetime. This is      To be sure that yours doesn’t, follow these rules:
                                                                                                              WHAT WILL YOUR
an additional Inheritance Tax-free allowance for
                                                                                                              LEGACY LOOK LIKE?
‘qualifying’ home owners with estates worth less       n Small gifts (up to £250) to different individuals
                                                                                                              To learn more about Inheritance Tax
than £2.35 million (where one residence nil-rate         are typically free from Inheritance Tax. This
                                                                                                              planning and find out which rules and reliefs
band is available) or £2.7 million (where two            rule is intended to cover any birthday gifts,
                                                                                                              could benefit you, we would be pleased
residence nil-rate bands are available), that can        Christmas gifts, etc.
                                                                                                              to discuss your circumstances and make
result in you being able to pass on up to £500,000     n Larger gifts are free from Inheritance Tax up to
                                                                                                              recommendations based on your needs.
when you die before Inheritance Tax has to be paid       a total of £3,000 in each tax year. If you don’t
                                                                                                              If you would like to discuss your situation,
using the nil-rate band and residence nil-rate band.     use your total allowance in one tax year, you
                                                                                                              please contact us for more information.
   If you leave a property that has been your            can carry it forward to the next year as long as
main residence at some point, to a direct                you also use up the current year allowance.
descendant (which includes a child, adopted            n Wedding (or registered civil partnership) gifts                  INFORMATION IS BASED ON OUR
child, stepchild, foster child, grandchild or            are free from Inheritance Tax up to a certain             CURRENT UNDERSTANDING OF TAXATION
great-grandchild), you’ll qualify for the residence      value, which depends on your relationship to                    LEGISLATION AND REGULATIONS.
nil-rate band, which is currently £175,000. So,          the recipient. If you are their parent, the limit
by using both nil-rate bands, the total tax-free         is £5,000. If you are a grandparent or great-            ANY LEVELS AND BASES OF, AND RELIEFS
portion of your estate will be £500,000.                 grandparent, the limit is £2,500. In any other         FROM, TAXATION ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE.
   If you are a surviving spouse who inherited           case, the limit is £1,000.
the total estate of your deceased partner,             n Regular gifts out of income – unlimited amounts            THE RULES AROUND INHERITANCE TAX
you also inherit their nil-rate bands. So, in this       as long as made regularly out of surplus income       ARE COMPLICATED, SO YOU SHOULD ALWAYS
scenario, you would be able to pass on up to             such that standard of living isn’t affected.                     OBTAIN PROFESSIONAL ADVICE.
£1,000,000 free of Inheritance Tax (including
£350,000 of property using the RNRB capped             3. A DEED OF VARIATION                                                THE VALUE OF INVESTMENTS
at the property value if less) and a further           In some cases, you might have carefully arranged         AND THE INCOME THEY PRODUCE CAN FALL
£650,000 of your combined estate). This                your wealth for Inheritance Tax purposes, but you         AS WELL AS RISE. YOU MAY GET BACK LESS
assumes the estate on both first and second            then inherit money or other assets in someone’s                               THAN YOU INVESTED.
deaths wasn’t over £2 million.                         Will that would result in your estate exceeding
                                                       your available nil-rate bands.                           THE FINANCIAL CONDUCT AUTHORITY DOES
2. LIFETIME GIFTS                                         Rather than accepting this inheritance (which          NOT REGULATE TAXATION & TRUST ADVICE,
One way to minimise your Inheritance Tax bill is       you may not need and would likely leave to a                  DEEDS OF VARIATION & WILL WRITING.
by gifting money or assets during your lifetime        loved one later), you could execute a Deed of

Pension boost
 ARE YOU CLAIMING ALL OF THE GENEROUS                                                                     you’ve received a windfall in this tax year that
                                                                                                          you’d like to pay into your pension; you have your
 TAX RELIEF YOU’RE ENTITLED TO?                                                                           own limited company and have additional profits
                                                                                                          to utilise; or you’ve become a high earner with a
 The unique combination of tax breaks and flexible access available to                                    tapered annual allowance.

 pensions make them a compelling choice when saving for retirement. One
                                                                                                          HOW DO YOU CLAIM
 of the key benefits of saving into a pension rather than another type of savings or                      PENSION CARRY FORWARD?
 investment vehicle is the generous tax relief you’re entitled to receive.                                When planning to make large pension
                                                                                                          contributions, spreading them across tax years
                                                                                                          can mean higher rate relief is available on the
                                                                                                          full contribution. You can utilise pension carry
                                                                                                          forward by making additional contributions to
                                                                                                          your pension and you don’t need to notify HM
                                                                                                          Revenue & Customs to do this.
                                                                                                             However, if you accidentally exceed the
                                                                                                          annual allowance (including any carry forward),
                                                                                                          you could be penalised. So, it’s important to
                                                                                                          check your past pension statements to see
                                                                                                          how much unused pension annual allowance
                                                                                                          you have and keep records to prove that you’re
                                                                                                          eligible to carry forward.
                                                                                                             This is a complex calculation, so to be sure
                                                                                                          you’re following the rules exactly, it’s sensible to
                                                                                                          obtain professional financial advice. n

          aking the most of pension saving            WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU DON’T USE ALL OF
                                                                                                           PLAN FOR A
          involves maximising tax relief and          YOUR PENSION ANNUAL ALLOWANCE?
                                                                                                           SUCCESSFUL RETIREMENT
          allowances which could substantially        If you don’t use all of your pension annual
                                                                                                           Saving into a pension is one of the most
 boost your retirement savings.                       allowance, you could be missing out on tax relief
                                                                                                           tax-efficient ways to save for your retirement.
                                                      that you are able to claim.
                                                                                                           Not only do pensions enable you to grow
 WHAT IS THE PENSION ANNUAL ALLOWANCE?                    Of course, you may not be able to afford to
                                                                                                           your retirement savings largely free of
 All UK taxpayers are entitled to claim tax relief    contribute the maximum in every tax year. So,
                                                                                                           tax, but they also provide tax relief on the
 on contributions they make to their pension. Tax     it’s helpful to know that you can carry forward
                                                                                                           contributions you make. To discuss your
 relief is on pension contributions of up to 100%     unused annual allowance to use in the future.
                                                                                                           retirement plans or any concerns you may
 of relevant UK earnings (£3,600 p.a. if more). But
                                                                                                           have, please contact us.
 there is a cap on how much you can contribute        WHAT IS PENSION CARRY FORWARD?
 while claiming tax relief, which is called your      Pension carry forward allows you to use
 annual allowance.                                    unused annual allowance from up to three                 A PENSION IS A LONG-TERM INVESTMENT
    The current pension annual allowance in           previous years as long as you had a pension            NOT NORMALLY ACCESSIBLE UNTIL AGE 55
 the tax year 2021/22 is £40,000, but in some         plan in those years.                                  (57 FROM APRIL 2028). THE VALUE OF YOUR
 cases, yours could be lower. If your taxable            So, for example, if you’re a UK taxpayer with          INVESTMENTS (AND ANY INCOME FROM
 income is less than £40,000, your personal           a salary of £100,000, and you have only used        THEM) CAN GO DOWN AS WELL AS UP WHICH
 tax relievable contributions are limited to          £20,000 of your pension annual allowance                 WOULD HAVE AN IMPACT ON THE LEVEL
 100% of earnings (£3,600 p.a. if more). If           in each of the last three tax years, you have             OF PENSION BENEFITS AVAILABLE. YOUR
 your total taxable income (adjusted income)          £20,000 of unused annual allowance from each        PENSION INCOME COULD ALSO BE AFFECTED
 exceeds £240,000, your annual allowance              year, totalling £60,000.                                BY THE INTEREST RATES AT THE TIME YOU
 may be tapered.                                         This year, the maximum you could potentially                            TAKE YOUR BENEFITS.
                                                      contribute towards your pension is £100,000 –
 WHAT IS THE TAPERED ANNUAL ALLOWANCE?                £40,000 from this year’s annual allowance, plus               THE TAX IMPLICATIONS OF PENSION
 The tapering rules are complex but, put              the £60,000 from your previously unused annual                 WITHDRAWALS WILL BE BASED ON
 simply, for every £2 of adjusted income              allowance.                                                YOUR INDIVIDUAL CIRCUMSTANCES, TAX
 you receive above £240,000, your annual                                                                     LEGISLATION AND REGULATION WHICH ARE
 allowance reduces by £1. The minimum                 WHEN IS CARRY FORWARD USEFUL?                           SUBJECT TO CHANGE IN THE FUTURE. YOU
 annual allowance is £4,000, for those with an        Usually, when you’re self-employed and your          SHOULD SEEK ADVICE TO UNDERSTAND YOUR
 income above £312,000.                               income changes drastically from year to year;                          OPTIONS AT RETIREMENT.

‘It’s not what
you earn, it’s
what you keep’
THE POTENTIAL IMPACT TO YOUR EXPECTED                                                                      Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs). Within an ISA
                                                                                                           you pay no UK tax on income or capital gains.
RETIREMENT INCOME OVER TIME                                                                                Paying less tax could mean higher returns for you
                                                                                                           (and less work if you need to complete a tax return).
When you’re planning your retirement income, there are multiple factors to                                    And you can also plan the most tax-efficient
                                                                                                           way to access your pension from age 55 (57
consider: how much you can expect from the State Pension, the value of the
                                                                                                           from 2028 unless your plan has a protected
pensions you have accumulated in your working life, your projected outgoings and                           pension age). Taking money from your
your potential later life expenses.                                                                        pension plan is a big decision, and when and
                                                                                                           how you do it can have significant impact on

          ne more factor not to overlook is how      notices with details of your tax codes before the     how long your savings will last. So, when the
          much of your retirement income you         start of the tax year. It’s a good idea to check      time comes, it’s important you feel confident
          could lose in taxes. The amount you pay    these are right and if you think there’s a mistake,   you understand your options and how your
to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) may be more           or if you’re not sure, contact HMRC.                  decisions might affect the tax you pay and how
than you expect, leaving you with less to cover         The first time you take a lump sum (apart from     long your money will last. n
your regular expenditure.                            the tax-free lump sum) from a defined contribution
   New data highlights that retired households       pension scheme, it’s likely you’ll be charged too
                                                                                                            LIFE BEYOND WORK
lose nearly 14% of their income a year to direct     much tax. This is because most initial lump sum
                                                                                                            Defining your retirement goals and what
taxes. Income tax and council tax take 13.9% off     payments are taxed using an emergency tax code.
                                                                                                            you think you’ll require in terms of income
the average retired household’s pre-tax income       This means you’re taxed as if you made the same
                                                                                                            can help shape your plan and how much
of £31,674. Retirees are also impacted by around     lump sum withdrawal every month of the tax year.
                                                                                                            you will need. To discuss your requirements,
£4,078 a year in direct taxes[1].                    You can claim back overpaid tax.
                                                                                                            please contact us – we look forward to
                                                                                                            hearing from you.
Once you retire, you’ll no longer need to pay        The way your savings are taxed doesn’t change
certain taxes, such as National Insurance. But       when you retire or reach State Pension age.                                                Source data:
other taxes are still applicable, including Income   Banks and building societies now pay savings                          [1] Key Equity Release 6 April 2021
Tax. You’ll pay Income Tax on any taxable income     interest without any tax taken off but, depending
you receive above your personal allowance            on your situation, you may still have to pay tax on          A PENSION IS A LONG-TERM INVESTMENT
(currently £12,570, tax year 2021/22).               some of your savings income.                               NOT NORMALLY ACCESSIBLE UNTIL AGE 55
   Taxable income includes your State Pension           An effective tax plan is a crucial part of             (57 FROM APRIL 2028). THE VALUE OF YOUR
(currently up to £9,339 if State Pension age is      planning for retirement and can help you make         INVESTMENTS (AND ANY INCOME FROM THEM)
after 5 April 2016), income withdrawn from your      the most of your financial resources. It’s always     CAN GO DOWN AS WELL AS UP WHICH WOULD
workplace or personal pensions, and income           important to consider the amount of after-tax            HAVE AN IMPACT ON THE LEVEL OF PENSION
from other sources, such as part-time work or        income you’ll earn. Remember: ‘It’s not what you        BENEFITS AVAILABLE. YOUR PENSION INCOME
rental income from buy-to-let properties. There      earn, it’s what you keep.’                              COULD ALSO BE AFFECTED BY THE INTEREST
are also other taxes you might not have factored                                                            RATES AT THE TIME YOU TAKE YOUR BENEFITS.
into your budget, such as Council Tax.               INCREASING YOUR RETIREMENT INCOME
                                                     Before you retire, there are various ways to boost              THE TAX IMPLICATIONS OF PENSION
DIFFERENT SOURCES OF INCOME                          your retirement income in the future. You may be                 WITHDRAWALS WILL BE BASED ON
If you have different sources of income, you may     able to increase the State Pension you’re entitled          YOUR INDIVIDUAL CIRCUMSTANCES, TAX
end up with several tax codes, which tell your       to claim by filling any gaps in your National            LEGISLATION AND REGULATION WHICH ARE
employer or pension provider how much tax to         Insurance contributions record.                           SUBJECT TO CHANGE IN THE FUTURE. YOU
deduct. Don’t assume these are correct – HMRC           If you haven’t taken advantage of them, you         SHOULD SEEK ADVICE TO UNDERSTAND YOUR
does make mistakes. You should receive coding        may have tax-efficient savings options, such as                          OPTIONS AT RETIREMENT.

    /// New research has found that
    three million people in the UK aged
    over 50 are considering relocating,
    as a direct result of COVID-19[1].

Reappraisal of urban living

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has led to a reappraisal of urban living,                              BETTER QUALITY OF LIFE
                                                                                                           There can be many benefits to relocation,
with increasing numbers fleeing city confines in search of green space.                                    whether it is a better quality of life, more space or
                                                                                                           the opportunity to be closer to loved ones.

                                                                                                             One thing that is clear is that many people will also
        hree million people aged over            FREEING UP PROPERTY WEALTH
                                                                                                           see their decision informed by how their property
        50 (12%) now plan to relocate in         When planning a move, many over-50s consider
                                                                                                           wealth factors into their long-term financial planning. n
        retirement, as a direct result of        how the value of their current home plays a role in
the pandemic. A year of lockdowns has            their long-term plans. 1.3 million pre-retirees over 50
motivated these over-50s to want to move         (9%) see themselves as more likely to turn to their         LOOKING TO MAKE A
closer to family and friends, pursue a better    property wealth to fund their lifestyle than before the     LIFE-CHANGING DECISION?
quality of life or even move abroad.             pandemic. In instances where people are relocating,         As with any big, life-changing decision, it’s
                                                 they may downsize to free up property wealth.               important to spend time reflecting on the
RETIREMENT MIGRATION HOTSPOTS                       When considering relocating to a new area,               reason (or reasons) you want to move right
In 2020, the Office for National Statistics[2]   make sure your new home is as future proof as               now and the impact on your finances and
revealed that people of retirement age           possible. It’s important to think carefully about           future plans. Let us provide our insights into
in England were already leaving major            the type of property you choose and whether it              such a move – to discuss your requirements,
urban areas and instead moving to rural          will suit you for the long term. Is it accessible or        please contact us.
areas, locations by the coast or to Areas of     could it be easily renovated to meet your needs
Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs).              in the future?
                                                                                                                                                Source data:
   The data demonstrated that Dorset,
                                                                                                                [1] Opinium Research for Legal & General ran
Shropshire and Wiltshire were ‘retirement        CHALLENGES OF THE PANDEMIC
                                                                                                              a series of online interviews among a nationally
migration hotspots’, while England’s largest     Understand how a new area might impact on
                                                                                                                 representative panel of 2,009 over-50s from
cities saw net outflows of retirement age        your living costs – consider any difference in
                                                                                                                    19- 23 February 2021. 242 over-50s plan to
residents, with London, Birmingham and           living costs between areas and whether, overall,
                                                                                                            relocate out of 2,009 UK over-50s – 242 / 2,009
Bristol seeing the largest number of exits.      you are likely to spend more money, or save
                                                                                                                  25,197,069 over-50s = 3,035,187 or 3 million.
   Nearly a year on, the research has found      money, in your new location.
that the pandemic has influenced some over-         Relocating in retirement was already a well-
50s to plan a move after a year of lockdowns.    observed trend, with older people reprioritising their
Over-50s want to relocate to somewhere that      needs as they enter the next stage of their life. As
offers a better quality of life (7%), to move    with many aspects of our lives, the challenges of
close to friends and family (4%) or to live      the pandemic seem to have led many people to
abroad (3%).                                     take stock of their current living situation.

Mind the divorce gap
Divorce is an emotionally charged event – and can be an expensive one.                                                                            Source data:
                                                                                                                  [1] Opinium Research for Legal & General ran
The financial impact of divorce can also last for decades and carry on into
                                                                                                                a series of online interviews among a nationally
older age. Women are also often impacted harder financially by divorce, new                                  representative panel of 2,008 UK adults aged 50+
research highlights.                                                                                            who are divorced from 19-23 September 2020.

           any women are likely to see their          more likely to worry about the impact of
           household incomes fall by a third          their divorce on their retirement (16% women
           (33%) in the year following their          versus 10% men).
divorce, almost twice as much as men (18%)
                                                                                                                   A PENSION IS A LONG-TERM INVESTMENT
and are significantly more likely to waive rights     RIGHTS TO A KEY FINANCIAL ASSET
                                                                                                                 NOT NORMALLY ACCESSIBLE UNTIL AGE 55
to a partner’s pension as part of a divorce (28%      While there is only a slight difference in the
                                                                                                                (57 FROM APRIL 2028). THE VALUE OF YOUR
women versus 19% men)[1].                             number of men and women who feel that
                                                                                                             INVESTMENTS (AND ANY INCOME FROM THEM)
                                                      the division of their finances at the point of
                                                                                                             CAN GO DOWN AS WELL AS UP WHICH WOULD
FINANCIAL STRUGGLE POST-DIVORCE                       divorce was fair and equitable (54% men and
                                                                                                                HAVE AN IMPACT ON THE LEVEL OF PENSION
Women are more likely to face a financial             49% women), the research found that many
                                                                                                               BENEFITS AVAILABLE. YOUR PENSION INCOME
struggle post-divorce (31% women versus 21%           women may be signing over their rights to a
                                                                                                               COULD ALSO BE AFFECTED BY THE INTEREST
men) and worry about the impact on their              key financial asset.
                                                                                                              RATES AT THE TIME YOU TAKE YOUR BENEFITS.
retirement (16% women versus 10% men).                   Women are significantly more likely to waive
   Office for National Statistics (ONS) data shows,   their rights to a partner’s pension as part of their
                                                                                                                       THE TAX IMPLICATIONS OF PENSION
on average, women already have a significantly        divorce (28% women versus 19% men). This could
                                                                                                                        WITHDRAWALS WILL BE BASED ON
smaller pension pot than men. There are many          have a significant long-term impact, particularly
                                                                                                                   YOUR INDIVIDUAL CIRCUMSTANCES, TAX
reasons driving this disparity, one being that        as women tend to have less personal pension
                                                                                                                LEGISLATION AND REGULATION WHICH ARE
women are typically paid less, while men who          wealth, according to the most recent findings
                                                                                                                 SUBJECT TO CHANGE IN THE FUTURE. YOU
divorce are far more likely to have been the          from the ONS [2]. n
                                                                                                              SHOULD SEEK ADVICE TO UNDERSTAND YOUR
primary breadwinner in the relationship (74%
                                                                                                                                OPTIONS AT RETIREMENT.
men versus 18% women).
                                                      PLAN TO PROTECT
                                                      YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE
This is why women will likely feel a greater
                                                      In most families, the two largest assets are             /// Women are significantly
                                                      the family home and a pension fund. If you’ve
degree of financial burden if transitioning to a
                                                      made the decision to file for divorce, it’s time
                                                                                                                       more likely to waive
single-income household and are likely to face
                                                      to gather as much information as you can and               their rights to a partner’s
financial struggles following a divorce from their
partner (31% women versus 21% men).
                                                      figure out the plan to protect your financial                pension as part of their
                                                      future. Please get in touch to find out how we
   This is particularly true for older women
                                                      can help you – we look forward to hearing
                                                                                                                      divorce (28% women
who divorce. One in four divorces occur after
                                                      from you.                                                           versus 19% men).
the age of 50 and women are significantly

Plan for tomorrow, live for today

Whatever stage of life you’ve reached and whatever the status of your current                                   INVESTMENTS
                                                                                                                From the old adage of saving for a rainy day to
financial situation, you could see a vast improvement in the future by setting financial
                                                                                                                planning a comfortable retirement, most of us
goals. Most people are intrinsically motivated by goals and will work hard to achieve them.                     have investment goals in our life. Whatever your
                                                                                                                personal investment goals may be, it is important

       he key steps toward financial security           A few questions to ask yourself:                        to consider the time horizon at the outset, as this
       are to translate them into your own                                                                      will impact the type of investments you should
       terms. What, exactly, are your personal          Q: Do I feel as if I’m currently working towards        consider. The more time you have, or the more
financial goals? If you have trouble sorting               achieving my goals?                                  flexible the timing, the more investment risk you
them out, try classifying them as either wants          Q: What changes do I need to make today for my          can afford to take with your money.
or needs.                                                  goals to become a reality in future?
   Go a step further and add short-term, medium-        Q: How do I visualise my life in five, ten or twenty    PENSION
term and long-term to the descriptions. Now you            years from now?                                      Your retirement may still seem a long way off, but
have some useful labels you can apply to your           Q: What would I do if my job and income                 even so, now is the time to get serious about your
priorities. If you’re not sure where to start or what      suddenly disappeared?                                financial plan and the best way to start is to focus
your goals should be, we’ll help you provide a          Q: What are my most pressing financial concerns         your retirement goals. Taking the time to think about
framework to consider them.                                I need to address?                                   your most important priorities means you’ll be better
                                                        Q: What financial matters keep me awake at night?       able to target spending and saving in accordance
IMPORTANCE OF SETTING FINANCIAL GOALS                                                                           with what you want to achieve, both now and in the
Goals are a core element of any financial               ATTACH A MEANING TO YOUR GOALS                          future. The end goal is to make you financially secure
planning, since you can’t create a strategy             To improve your chances of success, be realistic,       and independent in retirement, which should provide
without knowing what you are working towards.           use actual figures and set time limits. Then ask        a major incentive to be proactive. n
Your goals are the things that will motivate you        yourself why that goal is important to you. Attaching
to manage your finances better and you should           a meaning to your goals makes them more powerful.        TIME TO CREATE THE
use them to frame every financial decision that                                                                  LIFE YOU WANT?
you make in everyday life.                              SETTING EFFECTIVE FINANCIAL GOALS                        Whether you need help in setting your
   To build an effective strategy based on your         It’s sensible to create at least one goal in each of     financial goals, or you’ve established them but
goals, they need to be specific, achievable and         the following categories:                                don’t know what you need to do to achieve
personal to you. They’re also there to measure                                                                   them, professional advice will help. If you’re
your progress and celebrate success.                    DEBTS                                                    unsure about the best approach for you, talk to
                                                        If you have outstanding debts and are paying             us to discuss your options. Please contact us
PROCESS OF SETTING                                      high rates of interest, your top priority should be      for more information.
PERSONAL FINANCIAL GOALS                                paying them off, as this will usually make a bigger
Before determining how you want your                    difference to your financial situation than saving               INFORMATION IS BASED ON OUR CURRENT
finances to look in the future, you need to             the equivalent amount of cash and receiving               UNDERSTANDING OF TAXATION LEGISLATION AND
understand how your finances look today.                a lower rate of interest. Prioritise high-interest          REGULATIONS. ANY LEVELS AND BASES OF, AND
Take note of any assets you currently have:             debts, such as credit cards.                            RELIEFS FROM, TAXATION ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE.
your savings, your pension, your investments,
your home and any other assets of value,                SAVINGS                                                     THE VALUE OF INVESTMENTS AND INCOME
such as your car or your business.                      ‘Pay yourself first’ by automating your savings.           FROM THEM MAY GO DOWN. YOU MAY NOT
   Review your debts, for example, your                 Assign an amount you’d like to add to your savings        GET BACK THE ORIGINAL AMOUNT INVESTED.
mortgage, your student loan, and any overdrafts,        within the next year and write down a record of
bank loans and credit card debts. Compare your          what you’re saving for, whether that’s a deposit to             PAST PERFORMANCE IS NOT A RELIABLE
income and your outgoings.                              buy a house or any other goal personal to you.                   INDICATOR OF FUTURE PERFORMANCE.
TA X AT I O N 13

Wealth preservation

The rules around Capital Gains Tax (CGT) are complex and they differ                                          exemption – if you wanted to sell and repurchase
                                                                                                              the same asset yourself in order to realise the
depending on your financial situation. It’s a complicated tax and, as a result, some                          gain there has to be a gap of 30 days between
people may get confused about how much they should expect to pay.                                             sale and repurchase.

WHAT IS CAPITAL GAINS TAX?                            HOW ELSE CAN YOU MINIMISE                               DEDUCT COSTS
Capital Gains Tax is a tax payable on the profits     YOUR CAPITAL GAINS TAX BILL?                            Any costs that you have incurred in the process
(or ‘capital gains’) you make from selling certain    For assets that can’t be sold free from CGT and can’t   of buying or selling an asset can be deducted
assets. These assets include some property, items     be held within an ISA, there are other methods you      from the profit you have made when calculating
of value such as art, jewellery or collectables,      could potentially use to minimise your CGT bill.        the CGT due. This could include auction fees,
company shares or other investments, and                                                                      solicitor’s fees, stamp duty, et cetera.
businesses or business assets.                        USE YOUR FULL TAX-FREE
                                                      CAPITAL GAINS TAX ALLOWANCE                             REDUCE YOUR TAXABLE INCOME
HOW MUCH IS CAPITAL GAINS TAX?                        If you have any unused tax-free CGT allowance           Your rate of Capital Gains Tax is based on your
The rate of CGT you pay can vary, which               in one tax year (£12,300 per tax year 2021/22           income. This means that you could lower your bill
sometimes catches people out.                         until 2025/26), it might be a good opportunity          by lowering the Income Tax that you’re liable to
    Firstly, you have a CGT tax-free allowance (of    for you to realise some investment gains. If you        pay. You could contribute more of your income
£12,300 in the current tax year, though this can      can spread your gains over several years, you           into your pension pot, helping to avoid this money
change). The UK tax year starts on 6 April each       could choose to take only up to the tax-free CGT        being taxed, or by making charitable donations.
year and ends on 5 April the following year. If you   allowance in each year. The CGT allowance is
make more than this in capital gains, you’ll be       reset every year and cannot be carried forward.         USE TAX-EFFICIENT INVESTMENT VEHICLES
charged a different rate depending on the asset                                                               We’ve already discussed Stocks & Shares ISAs,
that you sold and your Income Tax band.               TRANSFER ASSETS TO YOUR PARTNER                         but another investment vehicle you could use to
    Higher rate and additional rate taxpayers pay     If appropriate, you could transfer assets to a          protect your wealth from CGT is a pension. Other
20% CGT, or an increased 28% when selling             spouse or registered civil partner without paying       investment vehicles are also available to help you
residential property (other than a main residence,    CGT and share assets between the two of you to          manage Income Tax, CGT and Inheritance Tax.
the home that you live in).                           take advantage of both of your CGT allowances.          However, due to the complex rules and variety
    Basic rate taxpayers pay 10% CGT, increasing      If you have exceeded both allowances, it might          of options available, you should always obtain
to 18% for residential property, unless their         make sense for any partner who is in the lower          professional financial advice before investing. n
total capital gains (minus the 2021/22 personal       tax bracket to realise further gains, as the rate of
allowance of £12,570), when added to their taxable    CGT they pay may be lower. Any transfers must be
                                                                                                               LET’S TALK TAX
income, would place them in a higher tax bracket.     genuine and outright gifts for this to be effective.
                                                                                                               If you’d like to explore or have any questions
If this is the case, they will pay the rates above.
                                                                                                               about how to reduce a potential CGT bill,
                                                      OFFSET LOSSES
                                                                                                               please get in touch to discuss your specific
HOW CAN YOU PROTECT YOUR ASSETS                       If you have sold any assets at a loss in the current
                                                                                                               circumstances and review the options
FROM CAPITAL GAINS TAX?                               tax year, you can offset this loss against other
                                                                                                               available to you.
Some assets can be sold free from CGT, including      gains you have made. As long as you register
your main residence (in most cases, though CGT        a loss with HM Revenue & Customs, within the
                                                                                                                       INFORMATION IS BASED ON OUR CURRENT
can sometimes apply), and personal belongings         following four tax years, you can continue to
                                                                                                                UNDERSTANDING OF TAXATION LEGISLATION AND
worth less than £6,000.                               offset it against any future gains indefinitely.
                                                                                                                  REGULATIONS. ANY LEVELS AND BASES OF, AND
   In some cases, you can protect your
                                                                                                              RELIEFS FROM, TAXATION ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE.
assets from CGT by keeping them within an             SELL AND BUY BACK WITHOUT WAITING 30 DAYS
Individual Savings Account (ISA) wrapper.             You could sell an asset and then your spouse
                                                                                                                THE VALUE OF INVESTMENTS AND INCOME FROM
Assets that can be held in an ISA include             immediately buys it back, which is known as the
                                                                                                              THEM MAY GO DOWN. YOU MAY NOT GET BACK THE
bonds, company shares and investment funds.           ‘bed and spouse’ technique. You could sell the
                                                                                                                                   ORIGINAL AMOUNT INVESTED.
Any returns generated by these investments            assets, before immediately buying them back
are free from Income Tax and CGT as long as           within an ISA and protecting them in an ISA (the
                                                                                                                          PAST PERFORMANCE IS NOT A RELIABLE
they are held in an ISA.                              ‘bed and ISA’ technique). There is also the ‘bed and
                                                                                                                           INDICATOR OF FUTURE PERFORMANCE.
   However, you can only contribute up to             SIPP’ method. This method sees people saving for
£20,000 into an ISA each tax year, and once           retirement sell their assets, before buying them
                                                                                                                 THE FINANCIAL CONDUCT AUTHORITY DOES NOT
you have used your ISA allowance any further          back within their Self-Invested Personal Pension
                                                                                                                          REGULATE TAXATION & TRUST ADVICE.
investments will not be protected.                    (SIPP). These are ways of making use of your CGT

  How to future-proof
  your finances as a parent

  The coronavirus (COVID-19)                             ne of the areas that tends to cause some       can identify any areas where you can cut back. If
                                                         anxiety is managing household finances         you’re spending more on certain categories than
  pandemic has had a shattering
                                                         with the additional cost of each child.        you expected, set a realistic goal for how much
  effect on the country. Future-proofing     Starting a family is one of the most momentous             you’d like to bring that spending down.
  your finances can help you feel            events in the life of a couple and it can change
                                             every aspect of your financial stability. Although         SET FINANCIAL GOALS
  more secure about what lies ahead
                                             you don’t need to be financially well off to start a       Now that you know where you stand financially, you
  – whether that’s preparing for big life    family, it is essential that you plan and budget for it.   can plan where you’d like to be in the future. Consider
  milestones, such as starting a family,        The estimated minimum cost of bringing up a             what you want to achieve, and then commit to it. Set
                                             child from birth to their 18th birthday, excluding         SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and
  or navigating difficult periods, such as
                                             rent and childcare costs, is £153,000 over 18 years        time-bound) goals that motivate you and write them
  unemployment or poor health.               for the child of a couple and £185,000 for the             down to make them feel tangible. Then plan the
                                             child of a lone parent[1]. The lone parent figure          steps you must take to realise your goals, and cross
                                             is higher because certain fixed costs of having            off each one as you work through them.
                                             children are offset by greater adult savings for              Be specific about what’s most important to
                                             the couple. Most notably in the case of transport,         you. One of the big ‘hidden’ costs of having
                                             since the cost of having a car is offset by greater        children may be the need for more space. For
                                             savings on public transport fares when there are           example, your highest priority might be saving
                                             two adults rather than one.                                for a larger home for your children to grow up in.
                                                Whoever said the best things in life are free              Or you might be saving to send your children
                                             obviously didn’t have children. Let’s face it: kids are    to a particular school. Be accurate about how
                                             expensive. But, of course, they’re worth every penny.      much you’ll need for these goals and break that
                                             Here are some areas to consider for new parents.           down into a monthly saving schedule.

                                             CREATE A BUDGET                                            UNDERSTAND YOUR ENTITLEMENTS
                                             A good first step in reducing anxiety about                Most people are entitled to financial support
                                             general expenses is to know what you’re                    when starting a family, such as maternity and
                                             spending. You’re less likely to be overwhelmed             paternity pay and child benefit.
                                             by a bigger-than-expected bill if you know it’s
                                             coming. If you don’t have one already, starting a          n Statutory Maternity Pay is paid at 90% of your
                                             budget is essential.                                         average weekly earnings for 6 weeks and
                                                 If you haven’t done so already, grab your                then £151.97 (or 90% of your average weekly
                                             calculator, bank statements and bills and draw               earnings if this is lower) for 33 weeks.
                                             up a household budget. Go back over the last               n If you are not entitled to Statutory Maternity
                                             few months and review your income (salary,                   Pay you may be able to claim Maternity
                                             overtime, benefits and any other income sources)             Allowance at up to £151.97 a week for 39 weeks.
                                             and spending.                                              n If you already receive certain benefits and
                                                 Create categories for spending, such as ‘debts’,         this is your first child, you may be entitled to a
                                             ‘bills’, ‘groceries’, ‘entertainment’, et cetera and         one-off payment of £500, called the Sure Start
                                             mark them as ‘essential’ or ‘non-essential’ so you           Maternity Grant.

n Depending on your circumstances, you may             PLAN FOR RETIREMENT                                     financial advice will enable you to benefit from
  be entitled to child benefit, tax credits or child   Your retirement may seem a long way off and a           expert opinion and make you feel confident
  disability benefit.                                  low priority compared to the financial needs of         about your family’s finances. n
                                                       your young family now. But it’s important to stay on
PROTECT YOUR FAMILY AND LIFESTYLE                      track with your pension contributions through your
                                                                                                                PLANNING FOR YOUR
Even if you have sufficient cash savings to cover      twenties and thirties, as it’s the investments you
                                                                                                                CHILD’S FUTURE
emergencies or periods of lost income, you also        make now that have the best opportunity to grow.
                                                                                                                The cost of raising a child won’t always be
need to consider different types of insurance that        Look at how much you’re contributing and
                                                                                                                the first thing parents think about when
would pay out in these instances. You need to          obtain professional financial advice to see how
                                                                                                                deciding to have a family, and regardless
ensure you are properly protected should you           much income this might provide in retirement. If
                                                                                                                of the cost, people wouldn’t change having
find yourself out of work due to an accident or        you’re paying into an employer’s pension scheme,
                                                                                                                children for the world. Staying on top of
sickness, or if you were to die prematurely. Parents   a small increase in contributions might make
                                                                                                                everything while also planning for your
with young families need protection the most.          a bigger difference than you think. Often, your
                                                                                                                child’s future can be challenging. To discuss
   Parents considering cancelling insurance such       contributions will be matched by your employer,
                                                                                                                how we can help you plan for the retirement
as life cover or income protection as a way of         and you’ll also receive tax relief, which provides an
                                                                                                                you want, please contact us.
saving money need to think long-term. It could         instant boost to your savings and helps the fund
have catastrophic implications on the family’s         to grow faster than other kinds of investment.
                                                                                                                                                   Source data:
finances if either you, your spouse or partner
                                                                                                                  [1] Child Poverty Action Group – The Cost Of A
became unable to work or were no longer around.        SEEK PROFESSIONAL ADVICE
                                                                                                                                   Child In 2020 - October 2020
                                                       Of all the things that cross your mind in the
n Income protection insurance – provides a             run-up to having children, it’s fair to say that the
  regular income in case you are not able to           impact on your finances will not be the thing you
  work due to illness or injury.                       wish to dwell on. But how you plan to manage                /// Most people are entitled
n Critical illness cover – provides a tax-free lump    your money both before and after the patter of                to financial support when
  sum payment if you’re diagnosed with certain         tiny feet should be a consideration once you’ve
                                                                                                                      starting a family, such as
  specified serious illnesses.                         decided you’d like to start a family.
n Life insurance – provides either a lump sum             Creating a budget, choosing protection                   maternity and paternity pay
  or regular income for your family if you’re no       insurance and planning for retirement can all be                       and child benefit.
  longer here.                                         difficult to manage alone. Seeking professional

 Creating wealth for children

Saving for a child today is a wonderful gift for their future. Whether you want to                                DISCRETIONARY TRUSTS
                                                                                                                   The main difference between a bare trust and
help them buy their first car, contribute to their first home or even set them up for a
                                                                                                                  a discretionary trust is that a bare trust is held
comfortable retirement, there is little more fulfilling than providing financial security                         on behalf of a specific, named individual or
for your children or grandchildren.                                                                               individuals, while a discretionary trust is held on
                                                                                                                  behalf of any number of eligible individuals.

    t’s worrying to think about the expenses they        appropriate, due to the very long-term nature of            For example, a grandparent may open
    will face as adults. So, the earlier you can start   the investment, it’s possible to take a higher-risk      a discretionary trust that any of their
    investing money for your children, the more          approach than with shorter-term investments,             grandchildren or future grandchildren can
chance it has to grow before they need it as an adult.   which has the potential to yield greater rewards.        benefit from. Who benefits from the trust will
   But, to ensure that the value of their money             As with an adult pension, all growth is               ultimately be decided by the trustees.
isn’t eroded by inflation, taxes and fees, you’ll        protected from Income Tax and Capital Gains                 The tax treatment of a discretionary trust
need to choose the right investment approach.            Tax. So, it could take away some of the burden           can vary depending on your specific financial
Here are some of the options you may wish to             of retirement planning as an adult. For a child          situation, so you should seek professional
discuss with us.                                         with no earnings or earnings below £3,600pa,             financial advice before opening one. n
                                                         contributions are currently capped at £2,880 a
JUNIOR ISAS                                              year, totalling £3,600 after tax relief is applied, in
A Junior Individual Savings Account (JISA) is            the current 2021/22 tax year.                             WANT TO FIND OUT MORE
the children’s equivalent of a regular Individual                                                                  ABOUT HOW TO GET STARTED?
Savings Account (ISA) and works in much the              TRUSTS                                                    When it comes to investing in your child’s or
same way, protecting the capital within it, and          Trusts are a legal agreement where you                    grandchild’s future, putting aside just a small
any capital growth, from Income Tax and Capital          – the ‘settlor’ – place assets into a trust               amount of money on a regular basis can
Gains Tax. You can choose between a Junior               and nominate a trustee to manage those                    really add up. Each option comes with specific
Cash ISA and a Junior Stocks & Shares ISA, or a          assets (whether it’s money, buildings, land               advantages and risks. If you’d like to find out more
child can have one of each.                              or investments) on behalf of your child or                about how to get started, please get in touch with
    Only a parent or guardian can open a Junior          children, known as the ‘beneficiaries’.                   us today – we look forward to hearing from you.
ISA on a child’s behalf, but anyone can pay into
it, up to a limit of £9,000 in the current tax year      BARE TRUSTS
                                                                                                                      INFORMATION IS BASED ON OUR CURRENT
(that limit may change in future tax years). The         A bare trust is an investment vehicle that allows
                                                                                                                    UNDERSTANDING OF TAXATION LEGISLATION
UK tax year starts on 6 April each year and ends         you to invest capital on behalf of a child while
                                                                                                                     AND REGULATIONS. ANY LEVELS AND BASES
on 5 April the following year. Once a child turns        retaining full control of the investments until the
                                                                                                                          OF, AND RELIEFS FROM, TAXATION ARE
16, they gain control of their ISA, but they cannot      child turns 18, or 16 in Scotland.
                                                                                                                                         SUBJECT TO CHANGE.
make withdrawals until they turn 18.                         Along with the initial capital, any return
                                                         generated by a bare trust will belong to the child.
                                                                                                                     THE VALUE OF INVESTMENTS AND INCOME
JUNIOR SIPPS                                             It will therefore be taxed as such, usually meaning
                                                                                                                    FROM THEM MAY GO DOWN. YOU MAY NOT
A Junior Self-Invested Personal Pension (Junior          that there is less tax to pay than if the investments
                                                                                                                   GET BACK THE ORIGINAL AMOUNT INVESTED.
SIPP) is a type of pension you can open on behalf        were held by the adult, since a child has their own
of someone who is under 18. While we often               personal allowances for income and capital gains.
                                                                                                                         PAST PERFORMANCE IS NOT A RELIABLE
think of a pension as a product for adult workers,       Under parental settlement rules for income tax,
                                                                                                                          INDICATOR OF FUTURE PERFORMANCE.
opening one for a child has many benefits.               if the income exceeds £100 each year then the
   Investments in a Junior SIPP have more years          whole amount will be taxed as the parent’s.
                                                                                                                    THE FINANCIAL CONDUCT AUTHORITY DOES
to grow before the pension holder retires, and so            There is no upper limit on how much can be
                                                                                                                     NOT REGULATE TAXATION & TRUST ADVICE.
can benefit greatly from compounding returns. If         invested each year in a bare trust.
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