Page created by Christina Stephens
Perform Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) with
Wav2Letter using PyArmNN and Debian Packages
Version 21.08

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Perform Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) with                                           Document ID: 102603_2108_01_en
Wav2Letter using PyArmNN and Debian Packages Tutorial                                                        Version 21.08

Perform Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) with Wav2Letter using
PyArmNN and Debian Packages
Copyright © 2021 Arm Limited (or its affiliates). All rights reserved.

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1 Introduction....................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Conventions......................................................................................................................................................6
1.2 Additional reading........................................................................................................................................... 7
1.3 Feedback........................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.4 Other information........................................................................................................................................... 8

2 Overview............................................................................................................................................................ 9
2.1 Overview of PyArmNN................................................................................................................................. 9
2.2 Speech recognition......................................................................................................................................... 9
2.3 Before you begin.......................................................................................................................................... 10

3 Device-specific installation......................................................................................................................... 11
3.1 Install on Raspberry Pi................................................................................................................................ 11
3.2 Install on Odroid N2 Plus...........................................................................................................................11

4 Running the application............................................................................................................................... 13
4.1 Initializing the project.................................................................................................................................. 13
4.2 Get an audio file for the example............................................................................................................ 14
4.3 Run the example...........................................................................................................................................14

5 Code deep dive.............................................................................................................................................. 15
5.1 Initialization.................................................................................................................................................... 15
5.2 Creating a network...................................................................................................................................... 16
5.3 Automatic speech recognition pipeline................................................................................................... 17

6 Related information...................................................................................................................................... 19

7 Next steps....................................................................................................................................................... 20

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             1 Introduction

             1.1 Conventions
             The following subsections describe conventions used in Arm documents.

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             Typographic conventions
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                                  This represents a useful tip that might make it easier, better or faster to perform a task.

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             1.2 Additional reading
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Table 1-2: Arm publications
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•   Arm® Glossary.

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2 Overview
This guide reviews a sample application that performs Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) with
the PyArmNN API. The guide explains how the speech recognition application works, then gives
instructions for running the application on a Raspberry Pi or an Odroid N2 Plus.

2.1 Overview of PyArmNN
The Arm NN library optimizes neural networks for Arm hardware. Arm NN provides significant
performance increases compared with other frameworks when running on an Arm Cortex-A.

PyArmNN is a Python package that provides a wrapper around the C++ Arm NN API. PyArmNN
does not implement any computational kernels. PyArmNN delegates all operations to Arm NN,
meaning you access the power of Arm NN from Python.

PyArmNN enables rapid development allowing you to produce and test prototypes in minutes.

Both PyArmNN and Arm NN use parsers to import models from different external frameworks.
Available parsers include the following:
•   TensorFlow Lite
•   ONNX
•   PyTorch via ONNX

The parser converts the imported model into an Arm NN network graph, which can be optimized
for Arm hardware.

You can find more information about PyArmNN and example code for PyArmNN in the Arm
Software GitHub repository.

2.2 Speech recognition
Speech recognition is the process of a program recognizing and translating spoken language into a
written format or a format understood by an application.

Many speech recognition applications can be broken down into two steps. The first step is the pre-
processing of the raw audio data which usually involves applying some signal processing to the
audio data such as a Fast-Fourier transform. The second step is a model which takes the processed
data as input, this model is often a neural network.

There are some recent advancements in neural networks which use the raw data as input and
perform all the analysis. However, these networks tend to be large as they have all the feature
extraction and analysis built within them.

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Speech recognition has many use-cases, these mainly fall under the umbrella of hands-free
dictation context. Some examples include enabling car drivers to perform tasks without taking their
hands off the driving wheel, automated caption generation making media more accessible, and
virtual assistants to help with day-to-day tasks.

2.3 Before you begin
This guide requires installing PyArmNN on your device. From Arm NN 20.11, we provide Debian
packages for Ubuntu 64-bit. These packages are the easiest way to install PyArmNN and are what
we recommend you use. To use these packages, you must download a supported 64-bit Debian
Linux operating system.

We provide installation steps for different devices in the Device-specific installation section.

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                                                                                                 Device-specific installation

3 Device-specific installation
In this section, we provide installation steps to set up your Raspberry Pi and Odroid N2 Plus

3.1 Install on Raspberry Pi
The following steps cover setting up your Raspberry Pi for this example.

Before you begin
To run the example in this guide, you must install a 64-bit operating system on your Raspberry Pi.
Ubuntu has official support for 64-bit 20.04 and 21.04 on the Raspberry Pi.

1. Install Ubuntu. See installation instructions for the Raspberry Pi4 on the Ubuntu website. This
   guide has been tested on Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu 21.04.
2. Download and install the required packages. Add the PPA to your sources from the software-
   properties-common package as shown in the following commands:
      sudo apt install software-properties-common
      sudo add-apt-repository ppa:armnn/ppa
      sudo apt update
      export ARMNN_MAJOR_VERSION=25
      sudo apt-get install -y python3-pyarmnn libarmnn-cpuacc-backend${ARMNN_MA\
      JOR_VERSION} libarmnn-cpuref-backend${ARMNN_MAJOR_VERSION}

   In the apt-get command shown in the preceding code, 25 is the libarmn version. You can
   replace this version number with the latest supported version listed on our GitHub repository.
   These packages provide the TensorFlow Lite parser for Arm NN, which this guide uses.
3. Enter the following commands to install Git and Git Large File Storage to download models
   from the model zoo:
      sudo apt-get install git git-lfs
      git lfs install --skip-repo

4. Install pip using the following command:
      sudo apt install python3-pip

3.2 Install on Odroid N2 Plus
The Odroid has both an Arm Cortex-A CPU and an Arm Mali GPU. This means you can configure
your setup to utilize both the CPU and GPU. The following steps cover running the example in this

1. Install Ubuntu Mate 20.04. Use the official Ubuntu Mate images on the Odroid website.

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                                                                                                 Device-specific installation

2. Do a basic apt update and apt upgrade. The following commands ensure everything is
   up to date.
      sudo apt update
      sudo apt upgrade

3. Install the OpenCL drivers to include GPU support using the following commands. The Ubuntu
   Mate images come with official support. However, some users have reported problems. If you
   have already installed these drivers, you can skip this step.
      mkdir temp-folder
      cd temp-folder
      sudo apt-get install clinfo ocl-icd-libopencl1
      sudo apt-get download mali-fbdev
      ar -xv mali-fbdev_*
      tar -xvf data.tar.xz
      sudo rm /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/*
      sudo cp -r usr/* /usr/
      sudo mkdir /etc/OpenCL
      sudo mkdir /etc/OpenCL/vendors/
      sudo bash -c 'echo "" > /etc/OpenCL/vendors/mali.icd'

4. Check your OpenCL installation by running the clinfo command.

5. Download and install the required packages to run the example. Arm has tested the Odriod
   with Arm NN Major version 24. To install this version, use the following commands:
      sudo apt install software-properties-common
      sudo add-apt-repository ppa:armnn/ppa
      sudo apt update
      export ARMNN_MAJOR_VERSION=25
      sudo apt-get install -y sudo apt-get install -y python3-pyarmnn libarmnn-cpuacc-
      backend${ARMNN_MAJOR_VERSION} libarmnn-gpuacc-backend${ARMNN_MAJOR_VERSION}

   These packages provide the TensorFlow Lite parser for Arm NN, which is what this guide uses.
   The packages also provide both the CPU and GPU accelerators.
6. Install Git and Git Large File Storage to download models from the model zoo using the
   following commands:
      sudo apt-get install git git-lfs
      git lfs install --skip-repo

7. Install pip using the following command:
      sudo apt install python3-pyarmnn

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                                                                                                     Running the application

4 Running the application
This section explains how to retrieve and run all the code and models that you require to use the
Automatic Speech Recognition application. By the end of this section, you should have a text
output from a WAV file.

4.1 Initializing the project
The following steps cover initializing the project on your device.

About this task
Get the example code from GitHub.

1. Create a workspace for the project with the following command:
      mkdir ~/workspace && cd ~/workspace

2. Clone the Arm NN repository with the following command:
      git clone

3. Checkout the master branch with the following command:
      cd armnn && git checkout master

4. Navigate to the example folder with the following command:
      cd python/pyarmnn/examples/speech_recognition

5. Install the PortAudio package with the following command:
      sudo apt-get install libsndfile1 libportaudio2

6. Install the required Python modules with the following command:
      pip3 install -r requirements.txt

7. To get the model from the Arm Model Zoo, navigate back to the example folder with the
   following command:
      cd ~/workspace

8. Clone the Model Zoo repository with the following command:
      git clone

9. Copy the model file to the example application with the following commands:
      cd armnn/python/pyarmnn/examples/speech_recognition
      cp -r ~/workspace/ML-zoo/models/speech_recognition/wav2letter/tflite_int8 .

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                                                                                                     Running the application

4.2 Get an audio file for the example
To run this example, you need a WAV file. We have provided an audio file for use with this guide,
available from the PyArmNN repository.

To download the file from the PyArmNN repository, use wget with the download link of your file.
For example, to get the file quick_brown_fox_16000khz.wav use the following command:


4.3 Run the example
The following steps cover running the example on your device.

1. To run this example, use the following command:
      python3 --audio_file_path  --mod\
      el_file_path  --labels_file_path 

   The label file is the tests/testdata/wav2letter_labels.txt file in your example repository.
2. Optional flags: use --preferred_backends to run with a specific backend. You can enter
   multiple values in preference order, separated by whitespace. For example, pass CpuAcc
   CpuRef for [“CpuAcc”, “CpuRef”]. To see all available options, use --help
   The available values are:
    •    CpuAcc for the CPU backend
    •    GpuAcc for the GPU backend
    •    CpuRef for the CPU reference kernels

    The following is an example, with the file quick_brown_fox_16000khz.wav:

      python3 --audio_file_path tests/testda\
      --model_file_path tflite_int8/wav2letter_int8.tflite --labels_file_path tests/
      testdata/wav2letter_labels.txt --preferred_backends CpuAcc CpuRef

After the script has finished running, the output is displayed.

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                                                                                                            Code deep dive

5 Code deep dive
This section of the guide explains how the Wav2Letter application processes a WAV file and
generates a transcript of human speech.

The application takes a WAV file of human speech as input, then uses the Mel-Frequency
Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) class to generate the input for the model. MFCC converts audio
into waveforms, which are easier for a convolutional neural network to parse. The model assigns
each chunk of converted audio the correct phoneme, which the application then converts into a
correctly spelled word.

The Wav2Letter application performs the following steps:
1. Initialization:
    a. Point the application to the sample audio, model, and label file.
    b. Build the dictionary of phonemes to spelling.
2. Creating a network: Convert the network to be run by Arm NN.
3. Automatic speech recognition pipeline:
    a. Feed the audio into the conversion process (MFCC).
    b. Input the sample into the model.
    c. The model processes the sample.
    d. Read output of the phonemes the model processed.
    e. Use the dictionary to convert to correct spelling.
    f.   Output the words as strings.

5.1 Initialization
The application parses the supplied user arguments, which include a path to an audio file. The
application loads the audio file into the AudioCapture class, which initializes the audio source. The
ModelParams class sets the sampling parameters that the model requires.

The AudioCapture class captures chunks of audio data from the source. Using automatic speech
recognition (ASR) on the audio file, the application creates a generator object to yield blocks of
audio data from the file. Each block has a minimum sample size.

To interpret the inference result of the loaded network, the application loads the labels that are
associated with the model. Each label represents a phoneme. The dict_labels() function
creates a dictionary that is keyed on the classification index at the output node of the model. The
values of the dictionary are the characters that correspond to the appropriate phonemes.

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                                                                                                            Code deep dive

5.2 Creating a network
A PyArmNN application must import a graph from a file using an appropriate parser. These parsers
are libraries for loading neural networks of various formats into the Arm NN runtime. Arm NN
provides parsers for various model file types, including TFLite, TF, and ONNX.

Arm NN supports optimized execution on multiple CPU, GPU, and Ethos-N devices. Before
executing a graph, the application uses IRuntime() to create a runtime context with default
options that are appropriate to the device. We can optimize the imported graph by specifying
a list of backends in order of preference, and then implement backend-specific optimizations.
Each backend is identified by a unique string: CpuAcc, GpuAcc, and CpuRef which represent the
accelerated CPU, accelerated GPU, and the CPU reference kernels, respectively.

Arm NN splits the entire graph into subgraphs based on these backends. Each subgraph is then
optimized, and the corresponding subgraph in the original graph is substituted with its optimized

The Optimize() function optimizes the graph for inference, then LoadNetwork() loads the
optimized network onto the compute device. The LoadNetwork() function also creates the
backend-specific workloads for the layers and a backend-specific workload factory.

Parsers extract the input information for the network:
•   The GetSubgraphInputTensorNames() function extracts all the input names.
•   The GetNetworkInputBindingInfo() function obtains the input binding information
    of the graph. The input binding information contains all the essential information about the
    input. This information is a tuple consisting of integer identifiers for bindable layers and tensor
    information. This information includes data type, quantization info, dimension count, and total

To get the output binding information for an output layer, the parser retrieves the output tensor
names and calls the GetNetworkOutputBindingInfo() function.

For this application, the main point of contact with PyArmNN is through the
ArmnnNetworkExecutor class, which handles the network creation step for you.

The following code shows the network creation step:

 # common/
 # The provided wav2letter model is in .tflite format so we use TfLiteParser() to im\
 port the graph
 if ext == '.tflite':
     parser = ann.ITfLiteParser()
 network = parser.CreateNetworkFromBinaryFile(model_file)
 # Optimize the network for the list of preferred backends
 opt_network, messages = ann.Optimize(
     network, preferred_backends, self.runtime.GetDeviceSpec(), ann.OptimizerOption\
 # Load the optimized network onto the runtime device self.network_id, _ =\
 # Get the input and output binding information

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                                                                                                            Code deep dive

 self.input_binding_info = parser.GetNetworkInputBindingInfo(graph_id, in\
 self.output_binding_info = parser.GetNetworkOutputBindingInfo(graph_id, output_name)

5.3 Automatic speech recognition pipeline
To extract the Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs) the network uses as features from a
given audio frame, we use the MFCC class. MFCCs are the result of computing the dot product of
the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) Matrix and the log of the Mel energy.

After extracting all the MFCCs that the application needs for an inference from the audio data, we
compute the first and second MFCC derivatives with respect to time. The computation convolves
the derivatives with one-dimensional Savitzky-Golay filters. The MFCCs and the derivatives are
concatenated to make the input tensor for the model.

The following code shows the MFCC extraction and derivative computation:

 # Extract MFCC features
 log_mel_energy = np.maximum(log_mel_energy, log_mel_energy.max() - top_db)
 mfcc_feats =, log_mel_energy)
 # Compute first and second derivatives (delta and delta-delta respectively) by pass\
 ing a
 # Savitzky-Golay filter as a 1D convolution over the features
 for i in range(features.shape[1]):
             idelta = np.convolve(features[:, i], self.__savgol_order1_coeffs,
             mfcc_delta_np[:, i] = (idelta)
             ideltadelta = np.convolve(features[:, i], self.savgol_order2_coeffs,
             mfcc_delta2_np[:, i] = (ideltadelta)
 # Quantize the input data and create input tensors with PyArmNN
 input_tensor = quantize_input(input_tensor, input_binding_info)
 input_tensors = ann.make_input_tensors([input_binding_info], [input_tensor])

               ArmnnNetworkExecutor has already created the output tensors for you.

After creating the workload tensors, the compute device performs inference for the loaded
network by using the EnqueueWorkload() function of the runtime context.

The following code shows calling the workload_tensors_to_ndarray() function to obtain
the inference results as a list of ndarrays:

 # common/
 status = runtime.EnqueueWorkload(net_id, input_tensors, self.output_tensors)
 self.output_result = ann.workload_tensors_to_ndarray(self.output_tensors)

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                                                                                                            Code deep dive

The output from the inference must be decoded to obtain the recognized characters from the
speech. A simple greedy decoder classifies the results by taking the highest element of the output
as a key for the labels dictionary. The value returned is a character. The character is appended to a
list, and the list is filtered to remove unwanted characters. The produced string is displayed on the

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                                                                                                         Related information

6 Related information
Here are some resources related to the material in this guide:

•   Accelerated ML inference on Raspberry Pi with PyArmNN
•   AI and machine learning content from Arm
•   Arm's Machine Learning blog
•   Object recognition with Arm NN and Raspberry Pi
•   The original research paper from Facebook AI Research - for full details on how this model
•   Arm Community - ask development questions and find articles and blogs on specific topics
    from Arm experts.
•   PyArmNN API
•   PyArmNN repository

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                                                                                                                Next steps

7 Next steps
Now that you understand how to perform automatic speech recognition with PyArmNN, you
can take control and create your own application. We suggest implementing your own network,
which you can do by updating the parameters of ModelParams and MfccParams to match your
custom model. The ArmnnNetworkExecutor() class handles the network optimization and
loading for you.

An important step to improve the accuracy of the generated output sentences is to provide cleaner
data to the network. You can improve the accuracy by including more preprocessing steps, like
noise reduction of your audio data.

In this application, we used a greedy decoder to decode the integer-encoded output. However,
you can achieve better results by implementing a beam search decoder. You can even try adding a
language model at the end to try to correct any spelling mistakes the model produces.

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