Personal digital health hubs for multiple conditions

Page created by Bernard Patel
Policy &Policy
                                                                                                                                            & practice

Personal digital health hubs for multiple conditions
Mellick J Chehade,a Lalit Yadav,a Asangi Jayatilaka,b Tiffany K Gillc & Edward Palmerd

    Abstract Multimorbidity is the presence of more than one chronic disease condition in an individual. Health-related, socioeconomic,
    cultural and environmental factors, as well as patient behaviour, all influence the outcomes of multimorbidity. Addressing these complex
    and often interacting biopsychosocial factors therefore requires a shift in treatment from a physical damage model towards person-centred
    integrated care with increased patient agency. Education influences behaviour and can be used to empower patients and their carers with
    greater agency, thus allowing greater responsibility for and control over the management of patient care. In this paper we reflect on our
    own learning as a community of health practitioners from different disciplines. Recognizing the increasing importance of patient agency
    in driving the evolution of health care, we describe the concept of a web-based personal digital health hub for integrated patient care.
    Informed by collaboration between patient, health and education communities, we share our early experience in the implementation of
    a health hub around a cohort of patients with hip fractures. We also describe a vision for future health care based on the co-creation of
    digital health hubs centred on patients’ and carers’ needs. The health hub could allow important advances and efficiencies to be achieved
    in workforce practice and education; patient and carer engagement in self-care; and the collection of patient-reported health data required
    for ongoing research and improvements in health care.

Introduction                                                                           Community-driven progress
Multimorbidity is the presence of more than one chronic                                As best practice in health care and the learning process within
disease condition in an individual. By viewing multimorbid-                            medicine has evolved, so have community attitudes towards
ity as a person-centred concept we acknowledge that the                                health care. Historically, progress in medicine has been shaped
impact of a condition is influenced not only by health-related                         primarily by the health workforce driving continuous improve-
characteristics but also by socioeconomic, cultural and envi-                          ments in health care. However, there is now recognition that
ronmental factors, as well as patient behaviour.1–3 Addressing                         greater access to health information has allowed the involve-
these complex and often interacting biopsychosocial factors                            ment of patients and their carers (both formal and informal)
therefore requires a shift in treatment for multimorbidities                           to be considered as part of a community of practice, which
from a physical damage model towards person-centred inte-                              is also influencing ways of delivering health-care services.5
grated care with increased patient agency. Such a model allows                         Moreover, increasing access to digital technology could result
patients to have greater responsibility for and control over the                       in further patient and community empowerment and influence
management of their care.                                                              the balance between vertical (institutional) and horizontal
     Complex models of care that involve multiple health and                           (community) governance systems. This synergy between
social care disciplines are increasingly being developed. A trial                      patient desires, digital technology and health-care expertise
of integrated person-centred care for multimorbidity found                             could provide innovative solutions and change the direction
that patients expressed overall satisfaction with care services                        in which health care evolves.5,7
although they did not gain significant improvements to their
quality of life.4 Similarly, there is increasing evidence around
the value of innovations in digital health applications and in
                                                                                       Patient education
the health workforce to improve efficiencies and quality of                            The World Health Organization (WHO) Global strategy on
care, as driven by the needs of the local context. However, the                        human resources for health: workforce 2030 report clearly
driving forces for scaling-up these initiatives will be politi-                        outlines the challenge to providing universal health coverage
cal and economic and involve health-care professionals and                             with a projected deficit of 18 million health-care workers.7 A
patient advocates.5,6 In this paper we examine our own learn-                          contribution to addressing the deficit could be through train-
ing through our combined perspectives as a community of                                ing a workforce for a defined scope of practice, supported
practitioners from different disciplines. Further, we highlight                        by technology-assisted service delivery to better engage and
the importance of patient agency in driving the evolution of                           empower patients and their communities. The workforce
health services that are empowered by improved, digitally                              could help facilitate the collection and use of the immense
enabled strategies for patient education.                                              amount of data (so-called big data) that can be captured
                                                                                       from patients and could be involved in applying emerging
                                                                                       artificial intelligence solutions to health care.1,6,7 Recently
                                                                                       WHO introduced digital health as a broad term to encompass

  Discipline of Orthopaedics & Trauma, University of Adelaide, Level 5G 584, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Port Road Adelaide, South Australia, Australia 5000.
  School of Computer Science, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia.
  Adelaide Medical School, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia.
  School of Education, Faculty of Arts, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia.
Correspondence to Mellick J Chehade (email: mellick.chehade@​adelaide​.edu​.au).
(Submitted: 16 December 2019 – Revised version received: 8 May 2020 – Accepted: 11 May 2020 – Published online: 2 June 2020 )

Bull World Health Organ 2020;98:569–575 | doi:                                                                       569
Policy & practice
 Personal digital health hubs                                                                                              Mellick J Chehade et al.

health services provided electronically       have readily become accessible and in-              edge into successful health outcomes, a
(eHealth), including mobile health tech-      expensive, reducing the need for expen-             co-designed and integrated approach to
nology solutions (mHealth), as well as        sive doctor visits and laboratory-based             patient education is needed, with a con-
emerging areas, such as the advanced          investigations.12 However, access to such           sistent and shared understanding among
use of computing sciences to manage big       technologies is not universal for patients          all care providers.17 The same arguments
data, genomics and artificial intelligence    or health-care providers. Research can              that have led to increasing the agency of
systems.8,9 A major challenge now is how      identify the technologies and processes             students in education can be applied to
to process digitally collected data and       that are most feasible for supporting ef-           patient agency in health care.
interpret it in a meaningful way.2,9 For      fective implementation of digital health
health practitioners and patients alike,      solutions. Applying evidence-based
the amount of health information from         guidelines is therefore important for
                                                                                                  Personal digital health hub
sources, such as friends and family,          mitigating potential digital divides. 5             A personal digital health hub can
the internet, medical journals, health        There is likely to be a strong emphasis             specifically collate and interpret use-
pamphlets and specialists can be over-        on the use of widely used technologies,             ful health information, facilitating the
whelming and lead to confusion rather         such as mobile phones where patients                integration of data from different health
than clarity. Differing levels of health      and health-care workers are likely to               services and other personalized digital
literacy already affect patients’ ability     have greater access to the technology.13            data sources. This personalized hub is
to understand health information and          Applying best-practice guidelines at                potentially a powerful tool, empowering
to make informed decisions about their        the inception of a new system will en-              patients to take greater control of their
health. Differences in ability to access      sure coherence between traditionally                health goals. The major limiting factor,
and use technology, the so-called digital     established care practice and emerging,             however, is that current applications are
divide, create further inequities in access   digitally enabled models of care.5,9                not connected to mainstream health
to health information.1                             The success of some of these soft-            services and are not linked to the profes-
     While electronic health records          ware applications in actually changing              sional networks of family practitioners
allow communication and data man-             patients’ behaviour11,14 should come as             or specialists. In contrast, processes
agement among health-care providers,          no surprise if the principles and theo-             that are specifically designed around
these types of records were not designed      ries on which they are based are clearly            the individual can link patients into a
with the primary goal of engagement           understood.15,16 Information is provided            more extensive network of specialists,
with patients. Some software applica-         to users in a format that is easily under-          general practitioners and community
tions on mobile devices are designed to       stood and meaningful in the context of              carers. This holistic approach is impor-
collect data for use by health profession-    users’ goals. The knowledge gained can              tant for the development of a strongly
als, such as patient-reported outcome         be applied to solve users’ problems and             integrated team approach that is more
measures. Yet the information flow usu-       the success of that application is assessed         responsive to the needs of patients and
ally offers limited, if any, effective ways   with immediate and specific feedback to             communities. Models of care need to be
to involve patients in their own care.        the user. Based on this feedback the us-            further redesigned by deploying digital
Overall, there has been a rapid increase      ers are able to make the necessary chang-           health solutions that will allow delivery
in the availability of mHealth applica-       es required to further their individual             of high-quality and patient-centred
tions,10 by a variety of vendors includ-      goals and the cycle repeats. The theory             information to strengthen and integrate
ing health agencies, fitness advocates        is related to fundamental approaches to             care closer to the community setting.
and software companies.11 These health        education, where the process of learning            There are existing eHealth applications
applications are primarily designed to        can bring about behavioural change.                 used to enable the implementation of
support patients or consumers12 in the        Most clinicians involved in faculty and             models of care in patients with arthritis18
domain of general lifestyle and wellness,     student training are well aware of the              and skeletal fragility.19,20 The applications
such as applications on mobile phones         principles. Yet how often are these prin-           streamline system-level referrals, build
or wearable devices that monitor activity     ciples applied as part of clinical practice?        workforce management capacity and
levels or heart rate. However, there are      Unfortunately, simply providing infor-              support patients in managing pain or
also developments in the use of eHealth       mation and awareness is not the same                performing exercises at home.21
services to support the management of         as providing education. Awareness and                    Collection of selected data linked
specific diseases (such as rheumatoid         understanding of important informa-                 to patient-reported outcome measures
arthritis, diabetes, anxiety and mood         tion do not automatically improve an                would contribute to big data reposi-
disorders) in conjunction with specialist     individual’s capability and translate into          tories, such as outcome registries and
services.1,12 For example, there are now      positive behavioural change.1 Patients,             could be used for health research. The
applications for patients with diabetes,      particularly those with chronic condi-              data might be used for validation of
which can be synced to small monitor-         tions, often do not adhere to treatment             artificial intelligence-based predictive
ing devices inserted subcutaneously to        guidelines, such as prescribed medica-              algorithms and decision-support tools
monitor glucose levels continuously.          tions, lifestyle changes, rehabilitation            and could inform improvements in the
This technique allows controlled insulin      and exercise programmes. Given the                  design of these tools.1,5,17 Blockchain
delivery in wearable automated pumps          many circumstances where patients                   technology, which provides a transpar-
while providing critical feedback to both     mis-hear, misremember or misunder-                  ent, unalterable record of a transac-
patients and their carers to inform nec-      stand information and advice from their             tion, offers a verifiable, permanent and
essary medication, dietary and lifestyle      health professional, there will often be            attack-resistant method for recording
adjustments. Some of these applications       adherence issues. To translate knowl-               health data. By increasing the security

570                                                             Bull World Health Organ 2020;98:569–575| doi:
Policy & practice
Mellick J Chehade et al.                                                                                           Personal digital health hubs

and patient trust in the quality and use               could be integrated, providing a more        system should ideally remain completely
of the data, a personal health hub can                 holistic approach to care with improved      separate from control by data brokers
create opportunities to transform health               health outcomes and health-system            with commercial and political interests.
care and place the patient at the centre of            efficiencies.1                               The technologies used to secure data
the health-care network.5 With these in-                     Adaptable software solutions to        would support this to some extent, but
novations, we envisage role shifts among               create a digital hub already exist in the    the use of open-source software and the
health-care workers, in which diagnostic               form of learning management systems          local political environment will likely be
and prescriptive roles give way to more                that are widely used in the education        influential.
supportive, collaborative, nurturing and               sector.5 Many of these systems are based
motivational skills to empower patients.               on open-source software, which would
Collectively, these technological in-                  facilitate their future adaptation and
                                                                                                    Early experiences
novations are expected to drive major                  implementation in low- and middle-           Our concept of a digital health hub has
changes in the composition, scope of                   income economies. The roles of course        evolved since 2012 when we established
practice and training (based on required               administrators, teachers, students and       a telephone-based remote follow-up and
capabilities) of the workforce, allowing               observers can be substituted by health-      virtual clinic service for hip fracture pa-
more efficient use of resources to deliver             care providers, liaison officers, patients   tients. With 500–600 patients annually,
the right care, at the right time, in the              and family or carer supporters. These        the Royal Adelaide Hospital is one of the
right place, by the right person with the              platforms have design features that          busiest hip fracture centres in Australia.
right resources.5                                      provide services, such as secure inter-      In this cohort, we considered all patients
     In the absence of a strong sense of               net access for users; content manage-        as remote, even those living locally, due
need and urgency, and to manage resis-                 ment; monitoring of the volume and           to the logistics of travel and support re-
tance to change in well entrenched care                frequency of communication exchanges         quired to attend a hospital-based clinic.
practices, this approach will need to be               between participants; progress track-             To address the challenges and
introduced in stages. Depending on the                 ing of assigned tasks; and assessment        insights that emerged from the vir-
organizational model used within differ-               of users’ engagement through data on         tual clinic we designed a digital patient
ent health-care settings, implementa-                  time spent online and on specific pages      health hub using a transdisciplinary
tion could be initiated either through                 or tasks. Patient-reported outcome           approach in this specialist orthogeriatric
empowered specialty groups or from                     measures can be readily collected to         setting.17 Input was provided from clini-
within primary care. With linkages to                  monitor individual outcomes, as well         cal disciplines (geriatrics, orthopaedics,
the patient and community services es-                 as contribute de-identified data to          emergency medicine, anaesthesiology,
tablished, new systems could be further                large health research databases. Plug-       rehabilitation medicine, general prac-
optimized around a variety of chronic                  ins allow the data and functionality of      tice, nursing, allied health and phar-
disease models of care. Eventually the                 existing or new mobile applications          macy); non-clinical disciplines (health
systems could transition into a patient-               to be integrated into the hub software       economics, computer science, higher
controlled and government-supported                    and accessed through both web and            education, mathematics, architecture
system, linked to the mainstream suite                 application-based interfaces. A com-         and demography); and patient and con-
of public and private health services.                 munity of learners can be created to         sumer groups. We used a collaborative
The personal digital health hub could                  support the education of health-care         and co-design approach to translate our
connect with other wellness providers,                 workers and patients alike.1,23              knowledge and experience into success-
such as nutritionists, physical therapists,                  Clearly, there are many challenges     ful health outcomes.
psychologists and social workers; and a                to be addressed. Governments would                The digital health hub was designed
myriad of suitable, commercially avail-                need to invest in this approach through      to improve education, service integra-
able mHealth applications. Patients,                   both policy and funding, but the poten-      tion, data exchange and engagement of
whether living independently or under a                tial gains extend well beyond the health     all stakeholders including patients and
care arrangement, could have their own                 sector to actual improved national           health-care providers.17 We structured
customized health hub with the ability                 productivity.6 Cloud access (the ability     the web-based platform to provide in-
to share relevant and selected categories              to access files stored on internet serv-     formation related to health issues under
of information with health-care provid-                ers), information storage and security       four key sections: (i) current concerns
ers and community or social support                    using emerging blockchain technology         (for example, a hip fracture); (ii) es-
networks. The shared platform could                    would need to be addressed. However,         sential wellness (nutrition, exercise,
also function as a virtual workplace for               there are policies and procedures within     sleep and mind); (iii) community health
vocational training, allowing a mutually               existing health and governance struc-        (hygiene, contagious diseases); and
transforming process of learning (both                 tures that can address issues, such as       (iv) past health. The digital hub was thus
cognitive and sociocultural), through                  patient confidentiality and ownership        designed to support a lifelong approach
participatory practice 22 of patients,                 of data, and could be adapted and            to healthy ageing through lifestyle ap-
carers, health-care practitioners and                  implemented effectively. As a contained      proaches, while addressing injuries or
students alike.                                        system the digital health hub could also     illnesses as they arise. Preliminary back-
     The personal digital health hub                   ensure that the data mined remains           ground research of this elderly patient
would be specifically built around                     fully transparent, patient-controlled and    cohort and their carers confirmed that
patients. All stakeholders would have                  used solely for the purpose of analysing     they had significant capacity to access
a role to play in supporting the in-                   and influencing health behaviour and         digital health solutions through the
dividual’s health literacy. Care goals                 enhancing health-care outcomes. The          support of networks of carers.9

Bull World Health Organ 2020;98:569–575| doi:                                                       571
Policy & practice
 Personal digital health hubs                                                                                            Mellick J Chehade et al.

     As we develop this new model of         eoconference or face-to-face appoint-              community health workforce capac-
care, nurses or other health-care workers    ments, as required. Patient engagement             ity;26 improving health education and
with defined competencies in ortho-          is tracked using multiple metrics, which           lifestyle behaviours;27 and supporting
geriatrics, would be further trained to      are monitored and captured, such as                self-management of noncommunicable
fulfil the additional roles of a fracture    time spent in specific areas of the health         diseases.28 Some digital health interven-
liaison coordinator, an online educator      hub, communication exchanges and                   tions that were focused on capacity-
and a facilitator of behavioural change.     tasks completed. Feedback of patient               building or training of community
Patients and carers will be engaged from     progress will be primarily digital, with           health workers were not informed by
the time of admission and provided           telephone follow-up as required, and               the theories in education and, ironically,
with instructions and secure access via      include information used to both inform            lacked an understanding of what counts
the digital hub to resources designed        immediate clinical management and                  as learning.29 We expect that a system
to provide a clearer understanding of        provide patient-related outcome mea-               built on best-evidence education prin-
the complete course of hip fracture. A       sures for audit and research purposes.             ciples would be more likely to succeed.
liaison officer coordinating the informa-          We believe that important progress
tion exchange and engagement through         towards a more patient-centred and
the digital hub will be the first point      integrated health-care system can be
                                                                                                Future directions
of digital contact, while the patient or     made through the collective wisdom                 We envisage a world where person-cen-
designated carer retains control of access   of health-care providers from multiple             tred, integrated health care is provided
rights for additional carers and observ-     disciplines in partnership with patients.          holistically; the patient is an active and
ers. The liaison role will be further sup-   Nevertheless, this new model of care and           health-literate partner; and health-care
ported by decision-support protocols         the digital health hub, while showing              workers act as life coaches, competent in
with oversight by, and ready access to,      great promise in this challenging cohort           the principles of online education and
orthopaedic and geriatrician specialists.    of older patients with a hip fracture, are         behaviour modification. Multimorbidity
     We expect that a wide range of          still in a development phase. Further              will be managed more efficiently in the
quality, evidence-based educational          refinements of the digital health hub              community, aided by digital personal
resources will be adopted, adapted or        will be informed by the iterative de-              health hubs linked to best-practice con-
developed in partnership with patient        velopment process, gained from user                tent most relevant to the context. 1,17 ■
and consumer groups and delivered            feedback and analysis, before wider
through the online learning platform.        implementation and evaluation in the               Acknowledgements
The resources will be made available in      specialist setting. This will be followed          MJC is also a chief investigator with
a variety of suitable digital formats to     by application of the model to manage              the Centre for Research Excellence in
address individual educational needs         conditions involving other specialty               Frailty and Healthy Ageing, University
around understanding of the injury,          areas and ultimately by adaptation for             of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia.
management and support options               use in a community-based primary-
(including surgery, anaesthesia, pain,       care setting.                                      Funding: The digital Health Hub project is
thromboprophylaxis, discharge medi-                                                             supported by National Health and Medi-
cations, nutrition, exercise and post-                                                          cal Research Council funding for the
operative mobilization, sleep, wound
                                             Other settings                                     Centre for Research Excellence in Frailty
care, falls risk assessment, osteoporosis,   For low- and middle-income countries,              and Healthy Ageing. The virtual hip frac-
sarcopenia, frailty, cognition, advance      the use of open-source software and                ture clinic was established by author MJC
directives and community services).          mobile phone technologies may provide              with support from institutional grants
These educational resources are simi-        the greatest opportunity to support                from Stryker Australia. LY is supported
larly used to inform the associated          universal health coverage through con-             through Commonwealth Government
community health-care professionals          textualizing a personal digital health             of Australia Research Training Program
and students engaged with the patient        hub. Mobile phone penetration is high              Scholarship. Development of the virtual
in the digital health hub.                   in many low- and middle-income coun-               fracture liaison service was supported by
     A calendar, with functionality for      tries and mHealth is already recognized            a grant from Amgen Australia. Amgen
several reminder options, will be used       as promising to provide patient-centred            and Stryker were not involved in any
to schedule and manage follow-up tasks,      care in some of these countries.24 Emerg-          content developed.
including progress feedback, appoint-        ing evidence reflects digital health being
ments and community-based investiga-         used in these settings to strengthen               Competing interests: None declared.
tions. Further communications can be         primary health-care systems25 by tar-
via email, text message, telephone, vid-     geting service delivery and increasing

                                                                     ‫مراكز الصحة الرقمية الشخصية للحاالت املرضية املتعددة‬
‫ إن التعامل مع هذه العوامل البيولوجية النفسية‬.‫تعدد األمراض‬          ‫تعدد األمراض هو وجود أكثر من حالة مرضية مزمنة واحدة لدى‬
           ً ‫ تتطلب حتو‬،‫ واملتداخلة غالب ًا‬،‫االجتامعية املعقدة‬
‫ال يف العالج‬                                                        ‫ والعوامل الثقافية‬،‫ تؤثر العوامل االجتامعية االقتصادية‬.‫الفرد‬
‫من نموذج الرضر اجلسدي إىل الرعاية املتكاملة التي تركز عىل‬           ‫ عىل نتائج‬،‫ وكذلك سلوك املريض‬،‫ املرتبطة بالصحة‬،‫والبيئية‬

572                                                           Bull World Health Organ 2020;98:569–575| doi:
Policy & practice
Mellick J Chehade et al.                                                                                                        Personal digital health hubs

‫ فإننا نشارك جتربتنا املبكرة يف تنفيذ مركز صحي حول‬،‫والتعليم‬                        ‫ معتمكني أكرب للمريض للمشاركة وحتمل املسؤولية‬،‫الشخص‬
‫ كام نصف أيض ًا‬.‫جمموعة من املرىض الذين يعانون من كسور الورك‬                        ‫ ويمكن استخدامه لتمكني‬،‫ يؤثر التعليم عىل السلوك‬.‫يف العالج‬
‫رؤية للرعاية الصحية املستقبلية استنا ًدا إىل اإلنشاء املشرتك ملراكز‬                ‫ وبالتايل‬،‫املرىض ومقدمي الرعاية هلم من خالل ومشاركة أكرب‬
.‫الصحة الرقمية التي تركز عىل احتياجات املرىض ومقدمي الرعاية‬                        ‫ والتحكم‬،‫السامح بمزيد من املسؤولية جتاه إدارة رعاية املرىض‬
‫يمكن أن يسمح املركز الصحي بتحقيق تطورات وكفاءات هامة يف‬                            ‫ نركز يف هذه الورقة عىل تعلمنا كمجتمع من املامرسني‬.‫فيها‬
‫ممارسة القوى العاملة والتعليم؛ ومشاركة املريض ومقدم الرعاية‬                        ‫ يف ظل إدراك األمهية املتزايدة‬.‫الصحيني من خمتلف التخصصات‬
،‫يف الرعاية الذاتية؛ ومجع البيانات الصحية التي قدمها املريض‬                        ‫ فإننا نصف مركز‬،‫لتمكني املريض يف دفع تطور الرعاية الصحية‬
       .‫واملطلوبة للبحث والتحسينات املستمرة يف الرعاية الصحية‬                      ‫الصحة الرقمية الشخيص عىل شبكة اإلنرتنت للرعاية املتكاملة‬
                                                                                   ‫ وبنا ًء عىل التعاون بني جمتمعات املرىض والصحة‬.‫للمرىض‬

多重病症是指一个人患有一种以上的慢性疾病。与健                                                            的作用日益重要,因此我们描述了一个基于网络的个
康有关的因素,社会经济、文化和环境方面的因素以                                                            人数字医疗中枢的概念,用于整合患者护理。通过患
及患者行为都会影响多重病症患者的治疗结果。因此,                                                           者、卫生和教育团体之间的合作互通,我们围绕一批
若要解决这些复杂且经常相互作用的生物心理社会因                                                            髋部骨折患者分享了我们在医疗中枢实施方面的早期
素,需要将治疗从物理性损伤模式转换为以患者为中                                                            体验。我们还基于共建以患者和护理人员需求为中心
心的综合护理,并提高患者在其中所发挥的作用。教                                                            的数字医疗中枢,表达了对未来医疗卫生事业的美好
育影响行为并且可以用来为患者及其照顾者赋权,让                                                            愿景。医疗中枢可以在人员实践和教育方面实现重要
他们发挥更大的作用,从而对患者护理的管理工作承                                                            进展和效率提升 ;可以让患者和照顾者参与自我护理 ;
担更大的责任和管控力度。在本文中,作为一支汇聚                                                            可以收集患者自述的医疗数据,所收集的数据用于医
不同学科从业人员的团队,我们反思了我们总结的经                                                            疗护理事业的长期研究和提升。

Centres de santé numériques et personnalisés pour pathologies multiples
La multimorbidité est la présence de plus d'une maladie chronique chez             de santé, et imaginons un concept de centre de santé numérique et
un individu. L'aboutissement de la multimorbidité est influencé par des            personnalisé via site Web pour la prise en charge intégrée des patients.
facteurs sanitaires, socio-économiques, culturels et environnementaux.             Grâce à la collaboration entre patients, professionnels de la santé et
Aborder ces facteurs biopsychosociaux complexes et souvent                         structures pédagogiques, nous partageons nos premières expériences
interdépendants requiert donc un changement de traitement, qui                     en matière de mise en œuvre d'un centre de santé regroupant des
consiste à s'éloigner d'un modèle axé sur les dommages physiques                   patients présentant des fractures de la hanche. Nous dévoilons
pour se rapprocher d'un modèle de soins intégré et centré sur la                   également notre vision d'avenir pour les soins de santé, qui repose sur
personne, allié à une meilleure implication du patient. L'éducation a              la cocréation de centres de santé numériques adaptés aussi bien aux
un impact sur le comportement et peut être utilisée pour renforcer la              besoins des patients qu'à ceux des soignants. Ce concept pourrait faire
capacité d'agir des patients et de leurs soignants, ce qui permettra de            progresser l'enseignement et la pratique pour les professionnels du
conférer plus de responsabilités et un meilleur contrôle de la gestion             secteur, mais aussi améliorer leur efficacité; favoriser la participation des
des soins aux patients. Dans ce document, nous réfléchissons à notre               patients et soignants dans les soins auto-administrés; et enfin, permettre
propre apprentissage en tant que communauté de professionnels de la                la collecte des données fournies par les patients, et nécessaires à la
santé issus de différentes disciplines. Nous reconnaissons l'importance            poursuite des recherches et améliorations dans le domaine des soins
croissante de l'implication du patient pour stimuler l'évolution des soins         de santé.

Персональные цифровые центры здоровья в случае нескольких хронических заболеваний
Мультиморбидность это наличие у одного человека нескольких                         пациентов и ухаживающих за ними лиц, предоставляя им больше
хронических заболеваний. Исход мультиморбидности зависит от                        ответственности и контроля за процессом лечения и ухода.
факторов, связанных со здоровьем, социально-экономических,                         В этой статье авторы рассматривают процесс собственного
культурных и экологических факторов, а также поведения                             обучения как сообщества практикующих специалистов из
пациента. Таким образом, решение вопросов относительно                             разных дисциплин. Признавая растущую важность свободы
этих сложных и часто взаимосвязанных биопсихосоциальных                            воли пациентов как движущей силы эволюции здравоохранения,
факторов, требует перехода в лечении от модели физического                         авторы описывают концепцию сетевого персонального
повреждения к комплексному медицинскому обслуживанию,                              цифрового центра здоровья для комплексного подхода к
ориентированному на человека и предоставляющему большую                            лечению пациентов. Опираясь на опыт сотрудничества между
свободу действий пациенту. Обучение влияет на поведение                            пациентами и сообществами здравоохранения и образования,
и может использоваться для расширения возможностей                                 авторы делятся первоначальным опытом в части создания центра

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здоровья для контингента пациентов с переломами шейки                                  сфере практической деятельности и обучения медицинских
бедра. В статье также описана концепция здравоохранения                                работников, вовлечения пациентов и ухаживающих за ними
будущего, основанная на совместном создании цифровых                                   лиц в процесс самопомощи, а также сбора предоставляемых
центров здоровья, сосредоточенных вокруг потребностей                                  самим пациентом данных о его здоровье, которые необходимы
пациентов и лиц, осуществляющих уход. Центр здоровья может                             для текущих исследований и совершенствования системы
позволить добиться значительных успехов и эффективности в                              здравоохранения.

Centros de salud virtuales personalizados para múltiples afecciones
La multimorbilidad es la presencia de más de una enfermedad                            paciente, al reconocer la creciente relevancia de la participación y la
crónica en un individuo. Los factores medioambientales, culturales,                    acción del paciente en el proceso de evolución de la atención médica.
socioeconómicos y los relacionados con la salud, así como el                           Gracias a la colaboración entre las comunidades de pacientes, de
comportamiento de los pacientes, influyen en los resultados de la                      salud y de educación, compartimos nuestra experiencia inicial sobre
multimorbilidad. Por lo tanto, se requiere un cambio en el tratamiento                 el establecimiento de un centro de salud en torno a una cohorte de
desde el modelo de daño físico hacia una atención integrada y                          pacientes con fracturas de cadera. Asimismo, describimos una visión
centrada en el individuo con una mayor participación del paciente                      de la futura atención médica basada en la creación conjunta de centros
para abordar estos factores biopsicosociales complejos y a menudo                      de salud virtuales que se centran en las necesidades de los pacientes
interactivos. La educación influye en el comportamiento y se puede                     y de los cuidadores. El centro de salud permitiría alcanzar importantes
utilizar para que los pacientes y sus cuidadores tengan más capacidad                  avances y mejoras en la práctica y la educación de la fuerza de trabajo;
de acción, lo que permite una mayor responsabilidad y control sobre                    en el compromiso de los pacientes y los cuidadores con el autocuidado
la gestión de la atención al paciente. En este documento reflexionamos                 de la salud; y en la recopilación de los datos sobre la salud que los
sobre nuestro propio aprendizaje como comunidad de profesionales                       pacientes comunican y que se requieren para la investigación y las
de la salud de diferentes disciplinas. Se describe el concepto de un                   mejoras continuas en la atención médica.
centro de salud virtual personalizado para la atención integrada del

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