- 2021 Conferences & Information - Philmont Scout Ranch

Page created by Brad Washington
CONTINUE READING - 2021 Conferences & Information - Philmont Scout Ranch
2021 Conferences & Information                 • 575.376.2281 • PHILMONT.TRAININGCENTER@SCOUTING.ORG - 2021 Conferences & Information - Philmont Scout Ranch
2021 Conferences                                                                          

How to register for 2021                           JUNE 27-JULY 3                                   JULY 25–31
• Go to:             • Adaptive Special Needs Conference
• Select your desired program - Click “REGISTER”    • Backcountry Sneak Peak                        • Backcountry Sneak Peak
                                                    • BSA Family Adventure Camp                     • BSA Family Adventure Camp
   For More Information:             • How to Engage & Support the New Wave of       • Map My Camp
   Call 575.376.2281                                   Female Scouters                              • National Advanced Youth Leadership
                                                    • National Advanced Youth Leadership              Experience (NAYLE) - Session 6
                                                      Experience (NAYLE) - Session 2
JUNE 6-12                                           • Western Scouting Week                         AUGUST
 • A Strong Unit Commissioner                       • Zia Experience: An Adaptive Philmont
                                                      Adventure for Scouts with Special Needs and    • Available for council retreats, events,
 • Backcountry Sneak Peak                                                                              or Family gatherings
 • BSA Family Adventure Camp                          Disabilities
                                                                                                     • BSA Family Adventure Camp
 • Empowering the Council Commissioner             JULY 4-10                                         • Circle 10 Woodbadge
   Team                                                                                              • Cowboy Poetry
 • Empowering the District Commissioner
   Team                                             • BSA Family Adventure Camp                     SEPTEMBER 12 - 18
 • Leveraging Roundtable in Unit Service            • National Advanced Youth Leadership
                                                      Experience (NAYLE) - Session 3                • Philmont Leadership Challenge
 • Recruiting and Engaging Commissioners
 • Second Century Service - Updates on Unit
   Service                                         JULY 11-17
 • Serving All Units - Working with Venturing                                                       SEPTEMBER 19 - 25
   Crews, Sea Scout Ships, & Explorer Posts         • Backcountry Sneak Peak
                                                                                                     • National Camping School Sections:
 • Spice Up your Life: Learning to cook with        • Baptists Scouting: Reaching, Teaching,           - Climbing Director Certification
   Herbs and Spices                                   & Ministering to Children, Youth, and            - COPE & Climbing Program Manager
 • Starting, Sustaining, & Growing Units               Families                                         Certification
 • Wood Carvers Round Up                            • BSA Family Adventure Camp                        - COPE Director Certification
                                                    • District Operations 2 (ScoutingU)                - Ecology & Conservation
JUNE 13-19                                          • KODIAK Training @ Philmont                       - Outdoor Skills
                                                    • National Advanced Youth Leadership               - Shooting Sports Certification
 • Advanced District Administration                   Experience (NAYLE) - Session 4                   - Ecology/Conservation
   (ScoutingU)                                      • Philmont Fly Fishing Seminar - HW (Half          - Camp Directors Certification
 • Alumni/NESA - Multiply Your Volunteers,             Week)                                           - Program Directors Certification
    Members, Donors & Advocates?                    • Scouting in the Lutheran Church                • Scouting the New Mexico Landscape
 • Artist in Residence Workshop with Susan          • United Methodist Scouting: 100 Year               with Your Camera: History, Lands, &
   Norris                                             Celebration                                       Wildlife with Moose Peterson
 • BSA Family Adventure Camp
 • District & Council Key 3 Courses                JULY 18–24                                       SEPTEMBER 26 - OCTOBER 2
 • Managing Performance (ScoutingU)                • BSA Family Adventure Camp                      • NRA/MLRA Muzzleloader Instructor
 • Navigating Your Next International              • Finding Your Way                                  Course
   Adventure                                       • National Advanced Youth Leadership             • Santa Fe Trail Bi-Centenial
 • Philmont Fly Fishing Seminar - HW (Half           Experience (NAYLE) - Session 5                   Celebration
    Week)                                          • Older Youth Programs: An Essential Part of
 • Shooting Sports: The Next Level                   Scouting
                                                   • Philmont Staff Association - 50th
                                                     Conservation Reunion
JUNE 20-26                                         • Scouting in the Catholic Church

 • Ambassadors 1
 • Ambassadors 2
 • BSA Family Adventure Camp
 • National Advanced Youth Leadership
   Experience (NAYLE) - Session 1
 • Visual Storytelling
 • Wilderness First Aid

  1      PTC 2021 Conference Schedule - 2021 Conferences & Information - Philmont Scout Ranch
2021 Conferences                                                                                                  
                   Sunday            Monday                  Tuesday                  Wednesday                 Thursday                  Friday               Saturday
Schedule overiew

                                     Breakfast               Breakfast                Breakfast                 Breakfast                 Breakfast            Breakfast
                                     Conference/Program      Conference/Program       Conference/Program        Conference/Program        Conference/Program   Depart
                                                                                                                All Day Program Hikes
                                     Lunch                   Lunch                    Lunch                     Lunch                     Lunch
                   2-4 PM Check-In   Conference/Program      Conference/Program       Family Time               Conference/Program        Conference/Program

                   Dinner            Dinner                  Dinner                   Dinner                    Dinner                    Dinner

 The Philmont Training Center (PTC) is nestled in the foothills of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of northeastern New Mexico near Cimarron. Rich in
 history and natural beauty, this area offers exciting educational experiences for the entire family. PTC has served as the National Training Center for
 the Boy Scouts of America since 1950. A variety of half week and week-long conferences will be conducted for unit, district, and council volunteers and
 professionals. Each conference features the latest tools, audiovisuals, and techniques led by a faculty of experienced Scouters. In addition to hosting
 these conferences, the Training Center also provides the opportunity for families to join their Scouters and enjoy a wide range of family programs—
 making the Philmont Training Center experience one of a kind. Our staff will lead hikes, tours, handicrafts, and other outdoor activities.

   Attendance:                                                wardrobe, and two twin-sized beds with
   Any registered Scouter who is interested in learning       mattresses. Each tent city has restrooms, hot
   how to provide a better, stronger Scouting program         showers, and family shower houses. Cots and
   is invited to attend. Scouters are encouraged to           cribs are available for use during the week.
   bring their immediate family members.                      Conferences are conducted in fully equipped
                                                              conference rooms or at various locations in
   BSA Family Adventure Camp provides an                      Philmont’s backcountry. Family Program facilities
   opportunity to all Scouting famillies to experience        include the Small Fry Center, the Craft Center,
   an exciting, customized adventure for everyone in          and our Pony Ring. However, most of                                        Family Adventure Camp
   the family.                                                the time family members will be enjoying                                   Adult (18+)          $495/$300

                                                                                                                            2021 RATES
                                                              the best facility of all—Philmont’s 140,171
                                                                                                                                         Youth (ages 12-17) $400/$250
   Conferences:                                               acres of “Scouting Paradise.”
   Over 60 separate week and half-week conferences                                                                                       Children (ages 4-11) $310/$200
   are scheduled. Conferences will cover almost               Family Adventure Camp:                                                     Infant (ages 0-3)		        $0*
   every aspect of Scouting—from Cub Scouting and             BSA Family Adventure Camp is a unique chance
   Boy Scouting to Council and District Operations,           to experience the Philmont Scout Ranch like never
   from Venturing and Professional Development to             before! Open to all registered members of the                              Rates include Family Adventure
   Advancement and Finance. The conferences are               BSA and their families, you will have a chance to                          Camp base programs, meals, and
   conducted by various departments of the national           participate in all of the incredible activities offered                    lodging in a canvas Terrace Tent.
   council and are led by a faculty of outstanding            at Philmont and make memories with your family                             Other activities may have addi-
   volunteer and professional Scouters. Each                  that will last a lifetime.                                                 tional fees.*
   conference is designed to discuss specific Scouting
   issues, share information from all over the BSA,           The BSA Family Adventure Camp is designed                                  Scholarships available!!
   and train using the best methods that will enhance         to meet the needs of families and build bonds                              Download form:
   the Scouting program for youth and adults. While           through exciting and interactive programs. The                   
   conference time is important, ample opportunity            program will operate in an open enrollment format                          rates
   for a Scouter to enjoy the majesty of Philmont             where you and your family will have the chance to
   with his or her family is part of the schedule of          choose activities that appeal to you. Families will
   most conferences.                                          meet for two program sessions daily: Morning and
                                                              Afternoon. A parent must accompany their family
                                                              on all participated program.
   Tent cities accommodate Training Center
   participants and their families. Canvas Terrace Tents
                                                              *Some activities are regarded as an upgraded
   are large, two person wall tents with wooden or
                                                              activity based on program support costs
   concrete floors, electric lights, an electrical outlet,
                                                              (Horseback Riding, Villa Tea, Fly Tying, and Tooth
                                                              of Time Hike (must have BSA Medical Part C and
                                                              meet the length of stay requirements).

                                                                                    PTC 2021 Conference and Family Program Information                                  2 - 2021 Conferences & Information - Philmont Scout Ranch
2021 Conferences                                                                               
 A Strong Unit Commissioner                       your council and discuss how to engage            of their choice before or after their day
 This conference guides participants to           Scouters in your Council to help get you          hikes. Some of the choices include touring
 learn what a unit commissioner does when         access to key leaders and executives and          the National Scouting Museum, visiting
 working with their units. More importantly,      to develop opportunities and events for           the shooting range or the craft center and
 it also develops a lasting understanding         Philmont marketing.                               more. Participants must be 13 years or older
 of how to work with units to help set,           **Must be an approved Philmont                    (or have completed the 7th grade) and must
 meet and exceed their goals through              Ambassador to attend.**                           be accompanied by an adult. Units are
 structured lessons, role play and group          June 20 - 26, $370                                welcome with two deep leadership, and
 discussions. Attendance is open to all                                                             families or parent(s) are welcome with age-
 commissioners and recommended for                Ambassadors 2 (Invitation Only)                   eligible children. All participants must meet
 unit commissioners, district and assistant       If you’ve learned the basics, experienced         the height and weight requirements listed in
 district commissioners, and council and          the fun and enjoyed the learning                  the BSA Medical Form.
 assistant council commissioners.                 opportunities at the Ambassador I Seminar,        June 6 - 12, June 27 - July 3, July 11 - 17,
 June 6-12, $550                                  it’s time to take it to the next level. Planned   & July 25 - 31, $750
                                                  activities include spending a full day in
 Adaptive Special Needs                           the backcountry, eating a trail lunch at          Baptist Scouting - Reaching, Teaching,
 This training spends a week learning             a backcountry camp, taking an in-depth            and Ministering to Children, Youth, and
 best practices in outdoor and camping            look at what Philmont crews experience            Families
 programs for special needs. The week             during their first 24 hours at the Ranch,         Offered by the Association of Baptists
 will help volunteers and professionals           sharing a meal with crews just off the trail,     for Scouting, this conference introduces
 learn how to mainstream special needs            learning the ins and outs of the PTC Family       participants to Baptist Scouting Ministry as
 scouts into everyday outdoor/camping             Programs and Philmont Family Adventure,           effective fulfilment of the Great Commision
 programs. Adults will also learn about           gaining a greater understanding of the            and a tool for Christian education through
 the latest adaptive programs including           Training Center and Ranch operations and          the religious emblems program. Class
 field sports, Project COPE and fishing for       learning new presentation techniques to           participants will become better equiped to
 example. The conference will also include        enhance your effectiveness at promoting           start effective Baptist Scouting Ministries
 risk management, program and facilities          Philmont.                                         and to strengthen existing ones. In addition,
 management, health and safety and                **Must be an approved Philmont                    they will experience proven methods of
 program development for serving special          Ambassador who has completed the the              reaching individuals and entire families for
 needs scouts. This course will also share        Ambassador I Seminar to attend.**                 Christ, deepening their spirtual lives, and
 how you can use your camp properties for         June 20 - 26, $370                                contributing to church growth. In addition,
 outside special needs groups including                                                             class members will learn more about the
 schools and special needs agencies.              Artist in Residence Workshop with Susan           importance of effectively representing
 June 27 - July 3, $550                           Norris                                            unique Baptist thought and conviction in
                                                  Come learn how the National Artist for            the larger Scouting communty including
 Advanced District Administration -               the Boy Scouts of America, Susan Norris,          the National Scout Jamboree. Conferences
 ScoutingU                                        creates her amazing sculptures as featured        will also learn about the ministies for the
 This is a professional development course        at the National Scouting Museum and               Association of Baptists For Scouting. This
 offered by BSA’s Scouting U and is open          in councils around the country. This is a         conference is recommended for Baptist
 to commissioned, professional Scouters           hands-on workshop experience in which             Scouters and others serving in units
 by invitation. Completion of pre-course          you will be provided with the materials (that     chartered by Baptist Churches as well as
 work is required. Contact Scouting U for         you get to take home at the end of the            Baptist ministers.
 registration information, at 817-430-5300.       course) to create one sculpture under the         July 11-17, $550
 June 13 - 19         ScoutingU2@scouting.        direction and teaching of Susan in a small
 org                                              group setting.                                    Camp Director Section - National
                                                  June 16 - 19, $450                                Camping School
 Alumni/NESA - Multiply Your Volunteers,                                                            This is a National Camping School Resident
 Members, Donors, & Advocates                     Backcountry Sneak Peak                            Camp Director course designed for those
 Learn from a highly experienced volunteer        Come and get a taste of what a                    who will be directors of resident camps.
 staff how to start, restart, expand, improve     backcountry trek at Philmont is like. Your        Since this conference is time-intensive
 or advance your council’s alumni relations       adventure will begin as you depart for your       participants will not have the opportunity
 and NESA programs. The results - 94% of          first hike into Philmont’s backcountry. As        to be with their family during the week.
 Journey to Excellence goals are impacted         your week progresses, so will your hikes          BSA Annual Health and Medical Record –
 directly or indirectly by a successful alumni/   from easier terrain and length to moderate        parts A, B, and C are required. For more
 NESA program. You will receive information       and more difficult. The end of the week           information about National Camping School
 to create a full spectrum alumni/NESA            will mark the end of your skills progression      visit
 program, leave with your questions               with an overnight experience in Philmont’s        programs/national-camping-school/. Must
 answered and an annual plan specific to          backcountry with a Philmont Ranger.               be approved by the council to attend.
 your council. And, of course, fun! Revisit the   Participants will enjoy a hands-on                September 19-25 - Certification
 1940’s, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and 80’s.               introduction to Philmont’s backcountry and
 June 13-19, $550                                 achieve a thorough understanding of the           Climbing Director - National Camping
                                                  following:                                        School
 Ambassadors 1 (Invitation Only)                  - Efficient setting up and breaking down          This is a National Camping School
 This seminar is designed for the newest          camp                                              Climbing Directors course designed for
 members of the Philmont Ambassadors              - Bear bags and smellable procedures              those who will be leading and instructing
 and established Ambassadors wishing to           - Dining fly and tent set up                      climbing/rappelling programs. It has been
 build upon their existing foundation. An         - Gas stove care and operation                    developed to support council, district and
 introduction to the history of Philmont          - Philmont’s backcountry cooking method           unit volunteers in teaching safe climbing
 and the surrounding area will prepare            - Dish washing and sump use                       and rappelling techniques at Philmont’s
 you for visits to Philmont museums, a            - Choosing gear that is right for you             natural sites or constructed facilities. This
 backcountry tour and a behind-the-scenes         - Philmont Shakedown                              course includes initiative games, climbing,
 tour of Camping Headquarters. We will            - Philmont base camp operations                   bouldering, rappelling, anchor systems
 explore techniques to market Philmont in         Participants will also enjoy other adventures     and a wide variety of ways to teach them.

 3    PTC 2021 Alpha Order of Conferences - 2021 Conferences & Information - Philmont Scout Ranch
2021 Conferences                                                                             
 Participants will be divided into groups        encouraged to participate in an Inaugural         Finding Your Way
 dependent on their skill level. Since most of   Duty To God Pilgrimage program                    Finding your way in the outdoors can be
 this conference will take place in Philmont’s   beginning July 28-August 2nd, 2021.               a true learning experience. New skills
 beautiful backcountry, participants must        This experience will have one night at the        and renewed interest will be brought
 be in good physical condition. BSA Annual       Philmont Training Center. All participants,       to you with hands on experiences with
 Health and Medical Record – parts A, B, and     both Scout and Scouter, will have the             orienteering and geocaching. Learn tips
 C are required. For more information about      opportunity to earn 2-4 International             and tricks to teach youth about the skills
 National Camping School visit https://www.      Scouting Awards as well as the Scouting           needed to survive in the outdoors. Over         Religious Award of your faith. Scouts 12          half of the week will be spent outside. This
 camping-school/. Must be approved by your       years and older are welcome to participate        exciting course is both for the expert or the
 council to attend.                              as long as they have attended one summer          novice, everyone will learn something new!
 September 19-25 - Certification                 camp and achieved First Class Rank, good          Program tips will be shared for you to take
 September 19 - 22 - Recertification             standing within their Troop and Church,           home to support all levels of the program
                                                 wish to become closer to their faith,             from the youngest to the oldest Scouts.
 COPE Director - National Camping                Philmont Physical required, and follow the        July 18-24, $550
 School                                          Scouting Code of Conduct. $50 deposit
 This is a National Camping School COPE          with pilgrimage application will hold a seat.     How to Engage and Support the New
 Directors course designed for those who         July 30 - 31, See website for rate info.          Wave of Female Scouters
 will be leading and instructing COPE                                                              Diverse teams are the key to high-
 programs. It has been developed to              Ecology & Conservation - National                 performing units, districts, councils, areas,
 support council, district and unit volunteers   Camping School                                    regions, and our national council. Scouting
 in teaching safe climbing and rappelling        This is a National Camping School Eocology        is now for the entire family and the role of
 techniques at Philmont’s natural sites or       course designed for those who will serve as       female youth and adults in the program has
 constructed facilities. Must be approved by     ecology directors for resident camps. Since       changed dramatically in the last decade.
 your council to attend.                         this conference in time intensive participants    Scouting needs women leaders now
 September 19-25 - Certification                 will not have the opportunity to be with          more than ever, but are we providing
 Recertification                                 their family during the week. BSA Annual          meaningful opportunities for youth and
                                                 Health and Medical Record – parts A, B, &         adult females to offer their perspectives
 Council Key 3 Conference                        C are required. For more information about        and talents across the organization?
 Topics during this conference of top            National Camping School visit https://www.        Can girls and women in Scouting see a
 council leadership include Journey to            path for themselves to growth and rising
 Excellence as it pertains to finance,           camping-school/.                                  leadership?
 membership, program, unit service, and          Must be approved by the council to attend.        Join us at this thought-provoking session to
 leadership and governance; volunteer            September 19 - 25 - Certification                 learn how to successfully recruit, train, and
 and professional relationships; strategic                                                         support youth and adult female leaders.
 planning; council and district operations;      Empowering the Council Commissioner               We’ll look at how females learn and
 commissioner service; marketing, social         Team                                              problem solve and the ways Scouting can
 media and technology; Key 3 orientation;        This conference provides council                  create a welcoming culture that supports
 and Enterprise Risk Management. The             commissioners and those who support               them in developing and utilizing their
 week includes time for breakout sessions        them with the knowledge, skills and               leadership skills.
 by position. Participants are encouraged to     resources needed to confidently fulfill their     In addition to educational sessions, group
 attend as a Council Key 3 team.                 responsibilities.                                 discussions and time for networking,
 June 13-19, $550                                An understanding of roles/responsibilities        participants will take part in hands-
                                                 and an ability to build and maintain strong       on outdoor skill building including an
 District Key 3 Conference                       relationships is essential. Key ingredients       overnight in the Philmont front country.
 Imagine enjoying a week of quality time at      to success include a clear vision of great        This conference is open to participants of
 Philmont with your district key-3 and key-3s    unit service for the council and an action        all genders who want to help engage and
 from many other councils – discussing the       plan that enables fulfillment of it. Add in       inspire current and future female leaders.
 role of the district key 3 and how they work    the ability to effectively communicate the        Led by a highly experienced and largely
 together to build and operate a successful      vision and its plan, assess progress and          female staff, this conference will challenge
 district. The conference will include a focus   adapt when necessary, and you have a              you to establish your own goals as well as
 on improving the service area’s Journey         formula for success.                              a plan for growing female membership in
 to Excellence standing, as well as the role     June 6-12, $550                                   your local council and in BSA as a whole.
 of each key 3 member, the key 3 agenda,                                                           June 27 - July 3, $550
 strategic planning, marketing, membership,      Empowering the District Commissioner
 the nominating committee process and            Team                                              KODIAK Training @ Philmont
 how to run the best district committee          This conference ensures a clear                   Kodiak is designed to be an adventure
 meeting. Participants should attend as a        understanding of the roles and                    that pushes the boundaries of every
 District Key 3 team.                            responsibilities of district and assistant        participant— one that will encourage you
 June 13-19, $550                                district commissioners. It provides the           to try new things that may be out of your
                                                 knowledge, skills and resources needed            comfort zone. It is an experience—but one
 District Operations 2 - ScoutingU               to build and lead an effective district unit      that has its underpinnings in the application
 This is a professional development course       service team. It also provides practical          of the leadership skills they learned in the
 offered by BSA’s Scouting U and is open         experience in assessing unit service              Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops
 to commissioned, professional Scouters          strengths and needs and developing a              or Crews, NYLT, and/or NAYLE. It is, as is all
 by invitation. Completion of pre-course         vision for unit service in the district that      of Scouting, an adventure with a purpose.
 work is required. Contact Scouting U for        also supports the council’s vision. It offers     This is a youth course for individuals still
 registration information, at 817-430-5300.      insights into clearly communicating a             registered with the BSA from the ages of
 July 11-17       vision and its plan, as well as developing        14 - 18.
                                                 and maintaining the strong relationships          July 11 - 17, $650
                                                 essential to effective unit service.
 Duty to God Pilgrimage                          June 6-12, $550                                   Leveraging Roundtable in Unit Service
 Scouts and Scouters of all faiths are                                                             The monthly roundtable is a key

                                                                                                  PTC 2021 Alpha Order of Confer-               4 - 2021 Conferences & Information - Philmont Scout Ranch
2021 Conferences                                                                             
 component of unit service, either in            the values of Scouting, teamwork and              in an outdoor experiential learning
 the district or the council. Through            promotes the concepts of servant                  environment. PLC underscores the values of
 well-planned and fully supported                leadership.                                       Scouting and teamwork and promotes the
 roundtables, commissioners of all roles         Requirements: Minimum age 14 (or 13 and           concepts of servant leadership. Participants
 and responsibilities provide effective          completed eight grade); completed NYLT            will not have an opportunity to be with
 service to the units in their care. As such,    and a BSA Annual Health and Medical               family during the week.
 this conference is appropriate for anyone       Record – parts A, B, and C.                       Requirements: attended Wood Badge (may
 providing unit service in the district or       Each week beginning June 20 and ending            be working your ticket) and complete BSA
 council, including but certainly not limited    the week of July 25, $550                         Annual Health and Medical Record - parts
 to the roundtable commissioner.                                                                   A, B, & C.
 Participants will begin by laying the           NRA/MLRA Muzzleloader Instructor                  September 12 - 18, $550
 foundation, focusing on the importance of
 good communication between roundtable           Course                                            Program Director Certification - National
 commissioners and unit commissioners            This is an intensive certification training       Camping School
 to assess the health of units and fulfill       course. You will be certified in rifle ,          This is a National Camping School Program
 the objectives of unit service. Next, the       shotgun, and pistol. The course will take         Director course designed for those who will
 conference will highlight the importance of     place from 8am to 10pm each day for the           be program directors of resident camps. Since
 linking needs of units by ensuring effective    6 days of the course. Come prepared to            this conference is time-intensive participants
 networking with the district operating          work hard and have lots of fun. We will           will not have the opportunity to be with their
 committees. Lastly, participants will engage    be on the shooting range 4-6 hours each           family during the week. BSA Annual Health
 in activities focused on advanced planning      day of the course. The course fee includes        and Medical Record – parts A, B, and C are
 for monthly roundtables and implementing        instructional materials and firearm usage         required. For more information about National
 technology to meet the people where they        and ammunition fees. Firearms will be             Camping School visit https://www.scouting.
 are. In essence, this conference confirms       provided.                                         org/outdoor-programs/national-camping-
 the concept that “roundtable is unit            September 26 - October 2, $575                    school/. Must be approved by the council to
 service.”                                                                                         attend.
 June 6 - 12, $550                               Older Youth Programs: An Essenital Part           September 19 - 25
                                                 of Scouting
 Managing Performance - ScoutingU                At this week-long conference with key             Philmont Staff Association - Conservation
 This is a professional development course       youth and adult leaders in the Venturing,         50th Reunion
 offered by BSA’s ScoutingU and is open          Sea Scouting, and Exploring programs,             Now more than ever, many of us find
 to commissioned, professional Scouters          participants from across the country will be      ourselves wanting to go back to Philmont
 by invitation. Completion of pre-course         able to share ideas and brainstorm new ways       and see the many friends we’ve made there.
 work is required. Contact Scouting U for        of delivering these programs to their units       So let’s look to the future at the first of three
 registration information, at 817-430-5300.      and councils. By the end of the week, you’ll      special PSA Reunions! Mark your calendars
 June 13 -19        ScoutingU2@scouting.         have the necessary information and “tools         for July 21-25, 2021 and celebrate the 50th
 org                                             of the trade” to become ambassadors of our        Anniversary of the Conservation department
                                                 older youth programs.                             at the PSA Reunion!
 Map My Camp                                     July 18 - 24, $550                                July 21 - 25, See website for rate info.
 Learn how to make a map of your Scout
 Camp useful for camporees, day camps,           Outdoor Skills - Ntnl Camping School              Recruiting & Engaging Commissioners
 hiking/biking, trails, and more!! Camp &        This is a National Camping School Outdoor         No district or council ever has enough
 Council staff will find value in accurately     Skills course designed for those who will         commissioners. New units form, and some
 planning upgrades to camp facilities. This      serve as outdoor skills or first-year camp        units encounter challenges; both require
 course is intended to be a follow up to the     directors for resident camps. Since this          the attention of an experienced, dedicated
 Finding Your Way course.                        conference is time-intensive participants         commissioner. Current commissioners
 July 25 - 31, $550                              will not have the opportunity to be with          transition to new opportunities, and
                                                 their family during the week. BSA Annual          increasing personal and professional
 Navigating Your Next Internation                Health and Medical Record – parts A, B,           demands make it increasingly difficult for
 Adventure                                       and C are required. For more information          commissioners to serve multiple units.
 What can I do with my Scouts to help them       about National Camping School visit               June 6 - 12, $550
 understand that they belong to a much 
                                                 programs/national-camping-school. Must            Santa Fe Trail Bi-Centenial Celebration
 larger Scouting movement? Where’s the next                                                        2021 marks the 200th anniversary of the
 World Scout Jamboree? What is a Moot,           be approved by the council to attend.
                                                 September 19 - 25 - Certification                 Santa Fe trail! Philmont will be a part of
 what is JamCam, and how can my Scouts                                                             the week-long celebration that starts in
 and I participate? If you would like to know                                                      Tridindad, CO and ends at the Kit Carson
 the answer to these questions and more,         Philmont Fly Fishing Seminar
                                                 Come for a half-week of fly fishing, fly tying,   Rayado Museum and Philmont Training
 join us as we help you navigate your next                                                         Center. Activities will include horseback
 international adventure!                        and skills instruction from our excellent
                                                 staff! We will visit and spend the majority of    rides on the Santa Fe Trail, hostorical
 June 13 - 19, $550                                                                                Reenactments, and Western Activities. This
                                                 our time in practical, hands-on instruction
 National Advanced Youth Leadership              and learning at the awesome fishing               is only the Philmont portion of the event - no
 Experience (NAYLE)                              grounds that Philmont Scout Ranch has to          trasportation provided to other sites.
 Youth learn to internalize and practice         offer. This course fits nicely into a half-week   September 26 - October 2, $550
 their leadership skills in this action-packed   of Family Adventure Camp as well!
                                                                                                   Scouting in the Catholic Church
 backcountry conference. By honing the           June 13 -16, June 16-19, July 11 - 14, July
                                                                                                   This course is an opportunity for
 skills taught in ‘Introduction to Leadership    14-17 $300
                                                                                                   participants to strengthen their faith and
 Skills,’ Kodiak Challenge, and NYLT in an                                                         to see more clearly the connection and
 outdoor experiential learning environment,      Philmont Leadership Challenge
                                                                                                   interaction between the Catholic fatih
 youth “live leadership”, with skills that       Adults learn to internalize and practice
                                                                                                   and the programs of the Boy Scouts of
 will be carried home to the unit and other      their leadership skills in this action-packed
                                                                                                   America. The goals of the conference
 aspects of their lives. A co-ed conference      backcountry conference. The conference
                                                                                                   includeunderstanding how Scouting
 open to all programs, NAYLE underscores         hones the skills taught in Wood Badge
                                                                                                   is Catholic youth ministry, becoming
5       PTC 2021 Alpha Order of Conferences - 2021 Conferences & Information - Philmont Scout Ranch
2021 Conferences                                                                          
 knowledgeable about Catholic Scouting            June 6 - 12, $550                               making the most of Scouting, engaging the
 resources, and learning best practices for                                                       community and special 100th Anniversary
 promoting Catholic Scouting in dioceses          Shooting Sports - National Camping School       celebration activities.
 and councils.                                    This is a National Camping School Shooting      July 11 - 17, $550
 July 18 - 24, $550                               Sports course designed for those who
                                                  will serve as shooting sports directors for
 Scouting in the Lutheran Church                  resident camps. Since this conference is        Visual Storytelling
 For Lutheran congregations, schools and          time-intensive participants will not have the   If you have a passion for Scouting and
 organizations, including clergy, lay leaders     opportunity to be with their family during      love to take photographs, then make
 and Scouters, who want to learn more             the week. BSA Annual Health and Medical         plans to join us for the Visual Storytelling
 about using the Scouting program as a            Record – parts A, B, & C are required.          Workshop. Learn how to capture and share
 youth, outreach and/or community ministry        Prerequisites to attend: NRA Rifle Basic,       decisive photo moments in Scouting to
 through a strategy focused on reaching           NRA Shotgun Basic, NRA RIfle Instructor,        help with recruiting and retention. This
 young families to build and sustain              NRA Shotgun Instructor. Must be approved        workshop consistently rates as the most fun
 membership. Our course will include: Duty        by the council to attend.                       conference at PTC!
 to God (National, Council and congregation       September 19 - 25 - Certification               June 20 - 26, $550
 levels); P.R.A.Y. and Religious Emblems
 Programs; Unit and Adult Recognitions;           Shooting Sports: The Next Level                 Western Scouting Alumni Week
 Sharing our Faith with Scouts; Organizing        Come and see what the possibilities are         This conference promises to be an excellent
 Scouting Units; Selecting Quality Leaders;       in shooting sports, using shooting sports       week full of learning, training, and skills
 Duty to God in Advancement; and more.            for recruitment, fund raising, retention,       sharpening. Come enjoy Philmont with your
 July 11 - 17, $550                               budgeting, committee support and grant          colleagues, friends, and fellow Scouters.
                                                  writing. We are also going to delve into        More information will be available on the
 Scouting the New Mexico Landscape                program development in year round format        PTC website.
 with Your Camera: History, Lands, &              for each level of Scouting. We will also be     June 27 - July 3, $550
 Wildlife with Moose Peterson                     shooting at the PTC ranges so bring your
 New Mexico’s vast landscape offers the           eye and ear protection with you. Look           Wilderness First Aid
 imagination and photographer endless             forward to seeing you there, class size is      High Adventure is a core feature of
 opportunities to follow their passion.           limited to 16 so register earlier.              Scouting. Even more important is having
 Doing that would take you to all corners         June 13 - 19, $550                              that adventure in a safe manner. That’s
 of this great state. Lucky for us, much of it                                                    why Wilderness First Aid is required
 is contained within the gorgeous Phimont         Spice Up Your Life: Learning to Cook            for leaders involved in these programs.
 Scout Ranch where we’re based for a              with Herbs & Spices                             This conference will teach you those
 week of brilliant photography! We have           During this 2 ½ day course, we will explore     skills, including opportunities to practice
 your critters like deer and Bison, we have       the differences of dried herbs versus fresh,    scenarios in Philmont’s backcountry and,
 a ton of birds, great historic structures        the shelf life of fresh herbs and when to use   even more importantly, will teach you
 and a vast landscape spreading out to            spices and how. We will be learning how to      how to teach. This is an opportunity to
 fill our viewfinders. We’ll have time in the     bring amazing flavors to your table. On the     become a qualified instructor capable of
 digital darkroom to discuss photographic         2nd day, we will explore the use of herbs       training others in your area in Wilderness
 techniques and finish our images. We have        and spices and will prepare a meal for the      First Aid, a great benefit to the Scouters in
 it all at one spectacular location. Bring your   PTC Faculty that they will share with us that   your Council. Prior training as an instructor
 camera along as we go out and explore,           evening.                                        is valuable and recommended, but not
 photograph and then celebrate this               June 6 - 9, $325                                a prerequisite. Certification from ESCI.
 amazing wild heritage that has been left to                                                      Supplies and Course Materials Included.
                                                  Starting, Sustaining, & Growing Units
 us in our images!                                                                                June 20 - 26, $575
                                                  The BSA’s vision is to prepare every eligible
 September 26 - October 2, $995
                                                  youth in America to become a responsible,
                                                                                                  Wood Carvers Roundup
                                                  engaged citizen and leader who is guided
 Second Century Service - Updates on              by the Scout Oath and Law. That vision
                                                                                                  Hands on “train the trainer” program for
 Unit Service                                                                                     adult Scouters interested in delivering the
                                                  can’t be fulfilled without an adequate
 The addition of girls to our packs and                                                           Woodcarving merit badge or just sharing
                                                  number of local units. This conference
 troops isn’t the only thing that is changing                                                     the joy of craftsmanship with your Scouts.
                                                  prepares commissioners, membership team
 in Scouting’s second century. Unit service                                                       Learn Woodcarving techniques that will
                                                  volunteers and commissioned professionals
 is different, too. Effective commissioners                                                       enhance your local Scout woodcarving
                                                  to work together to establish the units
 who remain focused on helping unit                                                               program. You will learn sharpening of
                                                  needed to serve youth and then empower
 leaders better serve more youth through                                                          tools, project design and applying finishes.
                                                  those units to grow and thrive. It also helps
 Scouting. But to be effective and have                                                           Each day you will enjoy carving with other
                                                  them to work together to enable youth to
 impact today, they must be familiar with                                                         Scouters from around the country, learning
                                                  continue in Scouting when an existing unit
 new tools, techniques, technology available                                                      new projects to share with Scouts back
                                                  ceases to exist or when a charter partner
 to them and know how to develop and                                                              home. Beginner to expert welcome, bring
                                                  elects not to continue its relationship with
 maintain productive relationships with unit                                                      your own tools or borrow ours.
                                                  the BSA. Participants in this conference will
 leaders and other Scouting volunteers and                                                        June 6 - 12, $550
                                                  leave prepared to help Scouting grow and
 professionals.                                   better serve more youth.
 June 6 - 12, $550                                                                                Zia Experience: An Adaptive Philmont
                                                  June 6 - 12, $550                               Adventure for Scouts with Special Needs
 Serving All Units - Working with Venturing       United Methodist - Celebrating 100              & Disabilities
 Crews, Sea Scouts, & Explorer Posts                                                              The Zia Experience is a customized, highly
 Attending this conference provides tips,         Years                                           supported, personalized experience for
 techniques and best practices to develop         Select courses from a variety of topics to      your Scout, you, and even your family+!
 and execute a plan to recruit and engage         create a conference that best serves you.       Our team of Philmont staff and highly
 the commissioners needed to effectively          Topics include, but are not limited to:         trained volunteers will work with a wide-
 serve every unit. It also enables participants   Scouting as ministry, resources for your        range of functioning and abilities, from
 to expand their network of Scouting              Scout group and connecting within the           low-functioning to high-functioning. The
 resources.                                       UMC, as well as a variety of sessions on        range includes Scouts who have physical,

                                                                                        PTC 2021 Alpha Order of Conferences                       6 - 2021 Conferences & Information - Philmont Scout Ranch
2021 Conferences                                                                           
 intellectual, emotional, and/or hidden
 disabilities. Scouts who are verbal and
 nonverbal, as well as toilet-trained and
                                                          2021 RATES
 untrained will be welcomed. The goal is                                                CONFERENCE FAMILY
 to design experiences for Scouts ranging        CONFERENCE ATTENDEE
 from a backcountry trek, to modified            Adult (Full Week) $550**               MEMB.
 backcountry day adventures, to a basic                                                 Adult (Full Week) $495/$300
 residential camp experience in base camp.       Adult (Half Week) $300
                                                                                        Youth (ages 12-17) $450/$250
 The Zia Experience will have an application
                                                                                        Rates include canvas terrace tent
 process to attend. To make sure we are          SPECIAL PROGRAMS                       housing, meals, conference partici-
 able to give you and your family the best
 experience possible. Families will apply to     NAYLE/PLC Participant $550             pation, & evening programs. Other
                                                                                        activities may have additional fees.*
 participate and we will reach out to you to     Backcountry Sneak Peak $750            Some courses have additional fees
 discuss what your specific needs will be and                                           built into cost. **
                                                 (ages 13-18+)
 help create a positive Philmont experience
 with you.
 June 27 - July 3, $500

          Fellow Scouter,

          I would like to extend an invitation for you to participate in a 2021 conference at the Philmont Training Center near
          Cimarron, New Mexico.

          Together, we’re on a journey to help young people Be Prepared.For Life. The key to our success has always been
          trained leaders, both volunteers and staff. You’ll find attending training at Philmont is a true “mountain top”
          event for both you and your family. The faculty, staff, and other participants are carefully selected to insure an
          exceptionally helpful, practical, and inspiring training experience.

          While you attend the training sessions, your entire family will be invited to participate in a full range of age
          appropriate, unique to Philmont, activities. Philmont is known for providing life-time memories and life-changing
          personal experiences to all who visit. If possible, I encourage you not to miss this unique opportunity for a family

          Core to the mission, purpose, and culture of Philmont is to return home ready and willing to partner with your local
          council by sharing the knowledge gained with other Scouters. A Philmont training experience will deepen your skills
          in helping deliver quality Scouting experiences to ever more young people!

          I hope you’ll share the information in this flyer with your family. Then, since many conferences have limited
          attendance, I encourage you to register soon. I hope that you and your family will accept our invitation and can join
          us at the Philmont Training Center in 2021!

          In gratitude and appreciation for your service to young people through Scouting,

          Roger C. Mosby
          President and CEO • 575.376.2281 • PHILMONT.TRAININGCENTER@SCOUTING.ORG - 2021 Conferences & Information - Philmont Scout Ranch - 2021 Conferences & Information - Philmont Scout Ranch
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