Autumn/Winter 2019 Inside this issue... Fiendishly fun activities for all the family Remember, remember the Big Bang this November - Oldham Council

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Autumn/Winter 2019 Inside this issue... Fiendishly fun activities for all the family Remember, remember the Big Bang this November - Oldham Council
Inside this issue...        Autumn/Winter 2019
Fiendishly fun activities
for all the family
remember the
Big Bang this
Autumn/Winter 2019 Inside this issue... Fiendishly fun activities for all the family Remember, remember the Big Bang this November - Oldham Council
2 - familylife

Welcome to the latest issue of
Family Life
                     Here’s your go-to guide      latest live@thelibrary season or at Oldham
                     to an autumn and             Coliseum, with ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’
                     winter full of family fun.   taking to the stage.
                     This Halloween sees          It’s still important to stay active over the
                     the Halloween Hunt at        colder months, even if your motivation takes
                     Tommyfield Market Hall       a hit. So, in this magazine you’ll find lots of
                     and the family fun days      seasonal events that double up as great
                     taking place across          forms of exercise too. From story walks to
                     the borough.                 the Santa Dash, there’s no excuse not to
                                                  put your walking boots, wellies or trainers
Then our annual Big Bang Bonfire is back
                                                  to good use.
for another year on the 5 November. As
ever this will be a spectacular free and          Finally, please stay safe and look out
safe event, with one lucky child getting the      for your family, friends and neighbours
chance to start our amazing fireworks show.       over winter. I hope you have lots of
                                                  memorable times.
Following the bonfire, we’ll be counting
down to Christmas and the fun doesn’t stop
there. We’ve got light switch-ons happening
across the borough, the annual Reindeer
Parade and lots of theatre for you to enjoy,      Sean Fielding,
whether that be at Oldham Library as part of      Leader of Oldham Council

     Making Oldham a
                                   # yourbit # result
                                   Taking part and                  A place that is
     place for children to         having fun or even               putting children
     thrive by organising          arranging your                   at the heart of
     events for all the            own event                        everything we do
     family to enjoy
Autumn/Winter 2019 Inside this issue... Fiendishly fun activities for all the family Remember, remember the Big Bang this November - Oldham Council
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Halloween family fun                                   4
Is your child ready for school?                        6
School admissions                                      7
Get Oldham Active                                      8
The Big Bang Bonfire                                 10
Events planner                                       12
Your local Christmas lights switch-on                15
Countdown to Christmas in Oldham town centre         16
Christmas at Tommyfield Market                       20
Your child’s smile matters                           21
Gallery Oldham events                                22
Take part and volunteer                              23

 Find out what’s going on in Oldham
 If you want to receive regular updates on
 what’s going on around the borough,
 including the latest news, events, health
 information and job updates, why not
 sign-up to our newsletter?
 All you have to do is visit:
 pick what you’re interested in and we’ll
 email updates to you.
Autumn/Winter 2019 Inside this issue... Fiendishly fun activities for all the family Remember, remember the Big Bang this November - Oldham Council
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Prepare yourself to be scared silly with these ghoulishly fun events taking place
across the borough this Halloween. You’ll have a frightfully good time.
Spooky Saturday                                 Halloween Family Fun
(Ages 4–10)                                     in Crompton
Saturday 26 October, 11am–3pm, free             (All the family)
For a fiendishly fun day of family activities   Thursday 31 October, 4–7pm, free
look no further than Spooky Saturday at         This Parish Council fundraising event will
Spindles this Halloween. There will be free     involve pumpkin making, a fancy dress
face painting, balloon modelling and spooky     competition, raffle, trick or treating and
crafts to enjoy – you won’t want to miss it.    family games.                      T: 01706 847590
T: 0161 628 5891                                E:
E:                     High Crompton Park, Rochdale Road,
Spindles Town Square Shopping Centre,           Oldham, OL2 7NW
George Street, Oldham, OL1 1HD
                                                Halloween Family Fun
Halloween Hunt                                  in Chadderton
(All the family)                                (All the family)
Until Thursday 31 October, free                 Thursday 31 October, 1–3pm, free
There are 13 pumpkins hidden on                 Enjoy creepy arts and crafts, spooky sports
Halloween banners around Tommyfield             and Halloween themed games such as Pin
Market Hall. If you find all of the pumpkins,   the Spider on the Web and Catch the Rat.
you could be in with a chance of winning        Fancy dress encouraged. Under 8s must
some Halloween treats from our traders.         be accompanied by an adult. In partnership
Entry forms are available from the              with Friends of Chadderton Hall Park.
entrances. Have a go at Tommyfield
Market’s Halloween Hunt today.
                                                T: 0161 770 1536
Tommyfield Market Hall, Henshaw Street,         Chadderton Hall Park, Chadderton Hall
Oldham, OL1 1NJ                                 Road, Burnley Lane, Chadderton, OL9 0QB
Autumn/Winter 2019 Inside this issue... Fiendishly fun activities for all the family Remember, remember the Big Bang this November - Oldham Council
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family fun
Halloween Family Fun
in Failsworth                                  Pumpkin painting
(All the family)
Thursday 31 October, 12noon–3pm, free         Instead of carving your pumpkin this
Enjoy lots of spooky Halloween themed         Halloween, why not paint or decorate
arts, crafts and games with Oldham Play       one instead?
Action Group.                                 You can really let your imaginations run                                wild with this fun activity but if you’re stuck
T: 0161 678 9662                              for ideas what about starting with a
E:                mummy pumpkin?
Higher Memorial Park, Joseph Street,          What you need:
Failsworth, M35 9DE                           • Pumpkin • Bandage • Double sided tape
                                              • Googly eyes • Black marker • Scissors
 Safety tips                                  • Place some double sided tape at the top
                                                of your pumpkin and stick one end of the
 Planning on going trick-or-treating?           bandage to it
 For tips to help you keep the kids out of
 as much cheeky trouble as                    • Continue to wrap the bandage around the
 possible visit:                                pumpkin leaving gaps in between so that                           some of the pumpkin is still visible
                                              • When you’ve finished wrapping use more
                                                tape to stick the end of the bandage to
                                                the pumpkin – cutting off any remaining
 We’d love to see your spooktacular             bandage you don’t need
 pictures, especially if you’re dressing up
 this Halloween, so don’t forget to use the   • Stick your googly eyes onto the pumpkin
 hashtag #LoveOldham on social media.         • Draw a mouth with the black marker
Autumn/Winter 2019 Inside this issue... Fiendishly fun activities for all the family Remember, remember the Big Bang this November - Oldham Council
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Is your child
ready for
Starting school is a big event in every
child’s life. In Oldham we want to work
with you to make sure all children are ready
for school and are eager to learn when they
arrive with their backpack and pencil case.
Our new ‘school readiness’ campaign aims         You can help them to:
to provide you with the advice to help your
children learn from the minute they are born     1  Be confident, learn new things and
until they start at ‘big’ school.                   work things out for themselves.
                                                 2 Be fit and healthy.
School readiness, among other things,
                                                 3 Communicate with other people.
means that children are confident enough to
start school and socialise with other children   4 Play, take turns, share and learn
                                                    with others.
at similar ages.
                                                 5 Enjoy books, stories, songs and rhymes.
There are lots of things you can do from         6 Find out about numbers, shapes and
your child’s birth up until secondary school        technology.
to help them develop at their own pace.          7 Enjoy being active.
Always remember every child is different
and they will reach key milestones at            8 Learn about their family and community.
different times.                                 9 Develop their own interests.
                                                 10 Care for their own needs.
We’ve put together a webpage with lots of
information and ideas on school readiness,           For more details and specific activities
so you can help your child develop even              about how you can help your child
more before their first day.                         become ready for school, just visit:
If you can’t visit the                     
webpage right now, don’t
worry, we’ve listed the ten
things you can do to
get started.
Autumn/Winter 2019 Inside this issue... Fiendishly fun activities for all the family Remember, remember the Big Bang this November - Oldham Council
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School admissions
don’t miss your deadline
If your child is starting   Timetable for 2019 – 2020 Primary School (4–11)
primary school or moving
                            1 September 2019     Online applications open
to secondary school in
September 2020, you         15 January 2020      Closing date 5pm for applications
need to apply for a place
online. We have outlined    16 April 2020        Offer day
the deadlines in the        8 May 2020           Last date for appeals to be lodged
chart on the right.
                            18 May 2020          Waiting list information made available

                            Timetable for 2019 – 2020 Secondary School (11–16)

                            1 August 2019        Online applications open

                            31 October 2019      Closing date 5pm for applications

                            2 March 2020         Offer day

                            From 1 April 2020    Waiting list information made available

                            17 April 2020        Last date for appeals to be lodged

information about            Do you know about our
school preferences

We know that getting
                             SEND Local Offer?
your child into the
preferred school can be      Visit
stressful. But remember      to find out more about
the chances of obtaining     our Special
a place at any school        Educational Needs
does not increase if you
                             and Disability
                                                                                   Ages 0–5

only select one. You are                                     SEND Local Offe

                             Local Offer and

advised to nominate/                                                               Ages 5–11

                             give us your
select three or more                                         14-25 Preparing
maintained schools in
                                                             for Adulthood
                                                                                   Ages 11–1
order of preference.
                                                                                              6 years
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Get Oldham
You might feel like you want to go into
hibernation at this time of the year, but it’s
                                                 Dunwood Park Lantern Parade
                                                 (All the family)
good to stay active over the winter months       Sunday 1 December, 2.30–4.45pm, free
despite the nights drawing in. So get your
trainers or walking boots ready and check        Join in with a lantern parade which includes
out these great family-friendly events.          a simple lantern making workshop followed
                                                 by a short parade around Dunwood Park. In
Alexandra Park Junior                            partnership with Oldham Play Action Group
Halloween Parkrun                                and Friends of Dunwood Park.
(All the family)                       
Sunday 27 October, 8.45am                        T: 0161 678 9662
Meet us at the spooky fountain for some          E:
ghoulish, spooky, fiendish goings on in          Dunwood Park, Smallbrook Road, Shaw,
Alexandra Park. Why not come in fancy            Oldham, OL2 7UQ
dress too?
                                                 South Chadderton
E:                  Lantern Parade
Alexandra Park, Oldham, OL8 2BN                  (All the family)
                                                 Friday 6 December, 5.45pm, free
‘Room on the Broom’ extra
spooky story walk adventure                      Lantern parade around local streets with
(Ages 6+)                                        collection of tinned food for charities,
Thursday 31 October, 5.30pm, free                returning to the church for refreshments.

Listen to the story ‘Room on the Broom’
then head out into Alexandra Park with your      T: 0161 678 9662
torch to see if you can find the characters      E:
from the book. Please bring your own torch       South Chadderton Methodist Church,
and wear sensible footwear. Fancy dress          Oldham, OL2 7UQ
is encouraged.
T: 0161 770 8000
Alexandra Park, Kings Road,
Oldham, OL8 2BN
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Saddleworth Santa Dash                         Winter Bimble in the Park
(All the family)                               (All the family)
Saturday 7 December, 2–4pm,                    Sunday 8 December, 9.30am–1.30pm,
£5 for children and £15 for adults             free
(Santa costume provided).
                                               Children’s one-mile fun run and adults’
                                               five-mile fun run/walk. All proceeds will
If running through Saddleworth dressed as
                                               be donated to nominated charities.
Father Christmas sounds up your street,
                                               Fancy dress is encouraged.
why not join in with this year’s Santa Dash,
organised by the Saddleworth Round             T: 07795673980
Table? There will be a 2km and 5km route.      Alexandra Park, Kings Road,
Booking required.                              Oldham, OL8 2BN
Uppermill Square, Saddleworth, Oldham

   Play ets
  The Play Streets scheme is a
  resident-led initiative designed to help
  our children to have fun and play safely
  in their own street.
  You can apply to have your road closed
  to traffic so children can play for up to
  three hours.
  Play street sessions can be held
  weekly, monthly, quarterly or as a
  one off proposal.
  The street is closed to through traffic
  during play sessions but will still be         A new campaign called ‘That Counts!’
  open to the people that live there.            is aiming to inspire people across
                                                 Greater Manchester to lead a more
  Parents/adults are responsible for             active life. Exercise can be fun, social
  the safety and supervision of children         and bring loads of benefits, like feeling
  playing out on the street during               happier, more confident and sleeping
  the session.                                   well, as well as helping with your health.
  To find out how you can get involved           Just 30 minutes of exercise each day
  visit:              can make a massive difference.
  playstreets                                    For ideas, tips and advice check out
                                                 Twitter, Instagram and Facebook using
                                                 the handle @ThatCountsGM
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Oldham Edge
                     Bonfire                  Free parking
Tuesday 5 November,                           Don’t forget, you can park for free
5–8.30pm, free                                in all council-owned town centre car parks
Oldham Edge Playing Fields once               and on-street pay and display parking
again plays host to the annual Big Bang       bays from 3pm on the day.
Bonfire – one of borough’s biggest,           To find your nearest car park, visit:
loudest and most colourful events of
the year.
The site will open from 5pm with funfair
rides and mouth-watering food stalls          Win the chance
for you to enjoy.                             to press the big
The evening’s themed entertainment will
include a spectacular fire show, which
                                              red button
guarantees to enthral spectators, and         We’re offering one lucky child the
musical performances from local               chance to press the big red button to
community groups.                             start the firework show in front of
                                              thousands of people.
An explosive showcase of pyrotechnic
brilliance will then close the night with a   To enter your child into the
fantastic fireworks display which will be     draw please visit:
visible from every corner of the borough.
Visit         Oldham Council are working in partnership
for more information.                         with Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue
                                              Service to put on this event.
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Stay safe this
bonfire night
Hosting your own bonfire?
Organised bonfires are the safest option
but you can find safety tips for using
fireworks and holding bonfires here:

    Bonfire quiz
   What is the traditional food of Bonfire Night?                       P                  i              a
   Where were fireworks invented?                                                     n
   In what year did the Gunpowder Plot take place?
   Where was Guy Fawkes from?                                                    o

   Guy Fawkes changed his name to?                                 G             d               a

   Find the answers to the questions
   below and fill in the crossword.

      Across                                                        Down
      2. Flying mammal                                              1. Type of firework.......wheel?
      5. Casper the friendly...?                                    3. What ghosts say?
      7. A skeleton is made of what?                                4. Haunted?
      9. A monster with many bandages                               5 Mr Fawkes?
      11. Blood sucker?                                             6. Trick or?
      12. Name of Harry Potters owl                                 8. Dracular sleeps in one
                                                                    10. These will fly on bonfire night
  Crossword across – bat, ghost, bones, mummy, vampire, Hedwig. Down – Catherine, boo, house, Guy, treat, coffin, sparks
  Answers: (A) Parkin Cake (B) China (C) 1605 (D) York (E) Guido Fawkes
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Events Planner
Cherry Avenue Junior                  Alexandra Park Junior                Christopher Pumpkin –
Youth Club                            Halloween Parkrun                    story time and digital
(Ages 8–11)                           Sunday 27 October, 8.45am            craft (Ages 4+)
Every Thursday, 5–6.30pm, free        Meet us at the spooky fountain       Monday 28 October,
Sessions include themed arts,         for some ghoulish, spooky,           10.30–11.30am, free
crafts and games with Oldham          fiendish goings on in Alexandra      (Chadderton Library)
Play Action Group.                    Park. Why not come in your           Wednesday 29 October,                        fancy dress too.                     2–3pm, free (Limehurst Library)
T: 0161 678 9662                      E:      Friday 1 November,
E:        Alexandra Park, Oldham, OL8 2BN      10.30–11.30am, free
54 Cherry Avenue, Alt, OL8 2HS                                             (Uppermill Library)
                                      Milltown Half Marathon               Listen to the story ‘Christopher
Family Fridays                        Sunday 27 October,                   Pumpkin’. Colour in a picture,
(All the family)                      9.30am–1.30pm                        then with the magical power
Every Friday, 5.30–7pm, free          A gruelling half marathon which      of digital technology make that
Sessions include themed arts and      covers a 13.1 mile run through       picture come to life.
crafts with Oldham Play Action        Oldham and its many miles of         No booking required.
Group and hands on healthy            countryside. The route pushes
cooking with Wifi North West.         challengers to their limits but it   T: 0161 770 8000                        offers some of the best scenery      E:
T: 0161 678 9662                      the borough has to offer. With
E:        only 600 places available,           Funnybones Canal Story
Greenacres Community Centre,          sign-up early.                       Walk (Ages 5+)
Galland Street, Greenacres,           E:          Monday 28 October,
Oldham, OL4 3EU                       T: 0161 207 7000                     1.30–2.30pm, free
                                      Oldham Town Centre                   Come along to the canal dressed
Shopping Susie’s Kids Club                                                 to scare. Join us on our spooky
(Ages 4–10)                                                                trail around Moston Brook Canal
Saturday 19 October,                                                       and help us find the skeleton
11am–3pm, free                                                             animals that have escaped from
Join us in the Kids Club for a free                                        the Funnybones zoo.
craft workshop, balloon modelling                                
and face painting. You’ll get the                                          T: 0161 770 8000
chance to meet Shopping Susie                                              E:
at intervals between 11am–3pm.                                             Failsworth Library, Oldham Road,
T: 0161 628 5891                                                           Failsworth, M35 0FJ
Spindles Town Square Shopping                                              Spooky Poetry Walk
Centre, George Street,                                                     (Ages 7+)
Oldham, OL1 1HD                                                            Tuesday 29 October,
                                                                           10.30am, free
                                                                           We will be heading out into the
                                                                           spooky outdoors to see if we can
                                                                           find the hidden words that will
                                                                           help us create our own poetry.
                                                                           Booking required.
                                                                           T: 0161 770 8000
                                                                           Crompton Library, Farrow Street
                                                                           East, Shaw, Oldham, OL2 8QY
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Revolting Rhymes                    Alexandra Park Canoeing              Don’t forget to dress to scare and
(Ages 5–11)                         and Kayaking                         remember to bring a tourch.
Tuesday 29 October, 12noon          (Ages 8–19)                          Booking required.
and 2pm, £3                         Wednesday 30 October, 1–3pm          Meet 5pm at NEPHRA, 27 Parkfield
Discover the inspiration behind     Want to try your hand at canoeing    Road North, New Moston, M40 3TB
some of Roald Dahl’s most           and kayaking? Take this great        T: 07542233600
famous stories, listen to a         opportunity at the wonderful lake    E:
performance of one of the           in Alexandra Park.
more revolting of his ‘Revolting    Room on the Broom’
Rhymes’, find out what some of      T: 0161 301 2673                     extra spooky story walk
Dahl’s made-up words mean and                                            adventure
create your very own scary poem.    Cockfields Pumpkin                   (Ages 6+)         Festival                             Thursday 31 October,
T: 0161 770 8000                    Saturday 19 to Thursday 31           5.30pm, free
E:          October, 10am–4.30pm                 Listen to the story ‘Room on the
Oldham Library, Cultural Quarter,   Pick and carve your own              Broom’ then head out into the
Greaves Street, Oldham, OL1 1AL     pumpkin, and enjoy a Halloween-      park with your torch to see if you
                                    themed disco, various craft          can find the characters from the
Widdop Street Play Street           activities and meet loads of         book. Please bring your own
(All ages)                          animals too. Booking required.       torch and wear sensible footwear.
Wednesday 30 October,                                                    Fancy dress is encouraged.
12noon–4pm, free                                               
                                    T: 0161 331 3322
Fun activities for all the family   Cockfeilds Farm, Lees New Road,      T: 0161 770 8000
with Oldham Play Action Group,      Oldham, OL68AR                       E:
including cooking with Wifi                                              Alexandra Park, Kings Road,
North West.                         ‘Room on the Broom’ –                Oldham, OL8 2BN                      story walk adventure
T: 0161 678 9662                    (Ages 4+)                            Uppermill Ghost Walk
E:      Thursday 31 October, 10am            Thursday 31 October, 8pm, £6
Widdop Street, Oldham, OL9 6AT      and 1pm, free                        Are you brave enough to take a
                                    Put on your best fancy dress and     frightening tour through the most
Manchester                          join us for our spooktacular story   haunted town in Saddleworth? If
Jewish Museum’s                     walk around Alexandra Park.          you like the paranormal, witches,
#WanderingMuseum                    We will be listening to the story    ghosts, horror and the afterlife,
(All ages)                          ‘Room On The Broom’ before           these walks are for you.
Wednesday 30 October,               heading out into the park to see     Booking required.
11am–4pm, free                      what spooky characters we can        T: 07956 913 666
Get hands on with fascinating       find. Booking recommended.           W:
mystery items from the museum’s          Uppermill Civic Hall, Lee Street,
collection. Learn more about        T: 0161 770 8000                     Uppermill OL3 6AE
Jewish faith and culture and        E:
have a go at building your very     Alexandra Park, Kings Road,
own ‘Synagogue in a Box’. No        Oldham, OL8 2BN
booking required.         Moston Brook Spooky
T: 0161 770 8000                    Halloween Story Walk
E:          (Ages 4–9)
Oldham Library, Cultural Quarter,   Thursday 31 October, 5–7pm,
Greaves Street, Oldham, OL1 1AL     free
                                    Come along and hear spooky
                                    tales on the brook, followed by
                                    Halloween themed games and
                                    food back at NEPHRA.
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Dunwood Park Family                     Plus, you’ll be able to create your     Saddleworth Winter
Activities                              own Christmas card using green          Wonderland
Tuesday 1 November,                     screen images.                          7 December, 12noon–8pm
11am–1pm, fee                           T: 0161 628 5891                        With a variety of stalls, music,
Free activities for all the family      E:             carol singing, fireworks and more
including arts and crafts, circus       Spindles Town Square Shopping           you don’t want to miss out on this
skills and games.                       Centre, George Street, Oldham,          spectacular festive event.
T: 07542769509                          OL1 1HD                                 King George V Playing Fields,
Dunwood Park, Shaw, OL2 7UQ                                                     Uppermill Park, Oldham, OL3 6AP
                                        Christmas Fun at Spindles     
Baby Days Woodland                      Town Square
Wonders                                 Every Saturday, 23 November –           A Christmas Carol
(Ages 0–18 months)                      14 December, 11am–3pm, free             Saturday 7– Saturday 14
Wednesday 6 November,                   Head over to Spindles Town              December, 7.30pm, £10
10–11.30am, free                        Square for free Christmas fun.          Charles Dickens’ timeless classic
These wonderful, relaxed sensory        There will be seasonal characters,      is brought to life in a joyous
sessions are a great way to             Christmas arts and arts, face           adaptation – not to be missed.
introduce little ones to the library.   painting and balloon modelling.         Booking is required.
At this session there will be lots      T: 0161 628 5891                        W:
of wonderful autumnal themed            E:             T: 01706847281
stories, songs and activities           Spindles Town Square Shopping           Playhouse 2, 2 Newtown Street
to enjoy.                               Centre, George Street,                  Shaw, OL2 8NX             Oldham, OL1 1HD
T: 0161 770 8000                                                                The Secret of Christmas Eve
E:              Baby Days Christmas                     (Ages 4+)
Oldham Library, Cultural Quarter,       Celebration                             Tuesday 10 – Saturday 28
Greaves Street, Oldham, OL1 1AL         (Ages 0–18 months)                      December, various times, £8
                                        Wednesday 4 December,                   A snowy night, a magical
Shopping Susie’s Kids Club              10–11.30am, free                        adventure and a little girl who
and Arrival of Santa                    These wonderful, relaxed sensory        unwraps a secret that will
(Ages 4–10)                             sessions are a great way to             change Christmas forever. With
Saturday 16 November,                   introduce little ones to the library.   enchanting characters, original
11am–3pm, free                          At this session there will be lots      music and on-stage magic, this
Join us in the Kids Club for a free     of Christmas themed activities,         show is the perfect festive treat.
craft workshop, balloon modelling       song and rhymes. Fancy dress            Booking required.
and face painting. You’ll get the       welcome.                      
chance to meet Shopping Susie              T: 0161 770 8000
at intervals between 11am–3pm.          T: 0161 770 8000                        E:
T: 0161 628 5891                        E:              Oldham Library, Cultural Quarter,
E:             Oldham Library, Cultural Quarter,       Greaves Street, Oldham, OL1 1AL
Spindles Town Square Shopping           Greaves Street, Oldham, OL1 1AL
Centre, George Street,                                                          Sleeping Beauty
Oldham, OL1 1HD                         Oliver Twist                            Saturday 14 – Tuesday 31
                                        Thursday 5 to Monday                    December, various times
Christmas fun at Spindles               9 December, 1, 5 and 7pm,               and costs
(Ages 3–10)                             various times and costs                 A traditional pantomime fun for
Saturday 23 and 30 November             Enjoy the classic Dickensian            all of the family to enjoy this
and Saturday 7 and 14                   tale with our own unique twist.         festive season. Tickets are now
December, 11am–3pm, free                Starring Kenneth Alan Taylor as         on sale.
Visit Spindles Town Square              Fagin. Booking required.      
for lots of free Christmas fun.                 millgateartscentre
There’ll be seasonal characters,        millgateartscentre                      T: 01457 874644
Christmas crafts, arts, face            T: 01457 874644                         Millgate Arts Centre, Stoneswood
painting and balloon modelling.         Millgate Arts Centre, Stoneswood        Road, Delph, OL3 5DY
                                        Road, Delph, OL3 5DY
                                                                              15         - 15
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Your local Christmas
lights switch-on
Celebrate the countdown to Christmas            Denshaw
at your local lights switch-on with some        Sunday 2 December, 6pm
family favourites and live entertainment for    Opposite Oddfellows, Huddersfield Road,
all the family to enjoy. Don’t forget to post   Denshaw, OL3 5SD
your pictures on social medial using the
hashtag #LoveOldham                             Hollinwood
                                                Thursday 5 December, 4–6pm
Royton                                          Oasis Academy, Hollinwood, OL8 4JZ
Saturday 23 November, 4.30pm
Royton Centre, Oldham, OL2 6QG                  Lydgate
                                                Thursday 5 December, 6pm
Chadderton Town Centre                          The crossroads of Oldham Road
Friday 29 November, 6pm                         and Platting Road.
Chadderton Town Hall, Middleton
Road, Oldham, OL9 6PP                           Springhead
                                                Friday 6 December, 6.15pm
Lees                                            Junction of Ashbrook Road
Friday 29 November, 7pm                         and Oldham Road.
Mellor Street Lees, across from
Legends pub at the junction of                  Failsworth
St. John’s Street and High Street.              Friday 6 December, 7pm
                                                Failsworth Pole, Oldham, M35 9PB
Shaw and Crompton
Saturday 30 November, 5.30pm                    Butler Green
Market Street, Shaw, OL2 8NH                    Friday 6 December at 6.30pm
                                                South Chadderton Methodist
Delph                                           Church, Chadderton,
Saturday 30 November 5.30pm                     Oldham, OL9 8LX
Outside the Swan pub, King Street
and Millgate Car Park.                          Uppermill
                                                Saturday 7 December, 4pm
Dobcross                                        High Street, Uppermill,
Sunday 30 November, 5.30pm                      Oldham, OL3 6HS
Church fields.
                                                All dates were correct at
Greenfield                                      time of print. For more
Saturday 30 November, 6pm                       information visit:
Intersection of bridleway with        
Chew Valley Road.
Sunday 1 December, 4.30pm
Opposite Warth Mill.
Sunday 1 December, 6.30pm
Junction of Oldham Road and
Grotton Hollow.
16 - familylife

to Christmas
 in Oldham town centre
Count down the days to                         There will be music from
Christmas with festive                         Dobcross Silver Band, Oldham
                                               Scottish Pipe Band and not for
events that the whole                          getting Santa and his reindeer too.
family will enjoy...
Santa’s Reindeer Parade                        T: 0161 770 3070
Saturday 16 November, 1–3.30pm                 Parliament Square,
(Parade starts at 1pm, Parliament Square)      Oldham,
                                               OL1 1QN
Santa’s coming to town… and he’s bringing
his reindeer with him. This year’s parade
theme is ‘Christmas around the World’ and
will feature local community groups bringing
global Christmas traditions to life.
familylife - 17

Oldham Christmas
Lights Switch-On
Sunday 24 November, 5pm, free                  Then join us for the switch-on
                                               celebrations from 5pm and
Get ready for another fantastic experience
                                               enjoy a firework display to
as we switch-on this year’s Oldham
                                               finish the evening off with a bang.
Christmas lights.
Meet TV favourite and CBeebies’ big friendly
                                               T: 0161 770 3070
dog Hey Duggee at intervals throughout the
                                               Tommyfield Market, Oldham, OL1 3BG
day (1pm, 2pm and 3pm).
18 - familylife

Brass Monkeys
Saturday 7 December, 11am–4pm
Enjoy traditional music and funky festive
sounds at our annual brass band festival.
See the world famous Black Dyke Band
and the acclaimed Oldham Band playing           Christmas Fun at
alongside Birmingham’s Heavy Beat               Spindles Town Square
Brass Band.                                     (Ages 3–10)
                                                Every Saturday, 23 November – 14
Enjoy an array of brilliant local brass bands
                                                December, 11am–3pm, free
from across Oldham and Saddleworth too,
who will also be performing classic festive     Head over to Spindles Town Square for
songs throughout the day.                       free Christmas fun. There will be seasonal
                                                characters, Christmas arts and arts, face
                                                painting and balloon modelling.
T: 0161 770 3070
Parliament Square and Oldham Parish   
Church, Oldham.                                 Spindles Town Square Shopping Centre,
                                                George Street, Oldham, OL1 1HD
Christmas Tree Festival                         T: 0161 628 5891
Friday 6 to Sunday 15 December                  E:
                                                Spindles Town Square Shopping Centre,
This ‘tree-mendous’ festival is back with
                                                George Street, Oldham, OL1 1HD
more than 65 individually decorated trees
for you to browse and get inspiration from.
                                                Santa’s Grotto
Don’t forget, the church’s café will be open    (Ages 0–10)
throughout the festival so you can warm up      Saturday 16 November to
with a cuppa.                                   Tuesday 24 December
Opening times:                                  Don’t miss your chance to meet Father
Friday 6 December, 7pm (opening launch)         Christmas in his Grotto before the big
Saturday 7 December, 10am–3pm                   day arrives.
Sunday 8 December, 12noon–4pm
Monday 9 to Friday 13 December,
                                                T: 0161 628 5891
Saturday 14 December, 10am–3pm
Sunday 15 December, 12noon–4pm
                                                Spindles Town Square Shopping Centre,
Oldham Parish Church, Oldham, OL1 3UH           George Street, Oldham, OL1 1HD
familylife - 19

Oldham Music Centre                          Festive fun for
The Music Centre Junior                      Fee Fi Fo Fum, Christmas in Oldham
Christmas Festival                           is cracking good fun. From theatre
(All ages)
                                             and films to Christmas trees and
Wednesday 11 December, 7pm
                                             Santa’s grotto, Oldham has it all
Adults £6, concessions £3,
                                             going on this Christmas.
family (2 adults 2 children) £15
Once again the Oldham Music                  Jack and the
Centre is proud to present a festive         Beanstalk
concert given by its youngest                (All the family)
musicians. The show will feature bands,      Saturday 16
choirs and orchestras performing             November –
both well known and new music for            Saturday 11
the season.                                  January, various
                                             times, prices                      start from £13.50
T: 0161 770 5660
E:                Oldham Coliseum’s nationally renowned
The Queen Elizabeth Hall, West Street,       pantomime has been putting the extra
Oldham, OL1 1QJ                              sparkle into the festive season for
                                             generations with hit songs, silliness, a
                                             sprinkling of fairy dust and a generous
                                             helping of “it’s behind you!”, and this year
                                             will be no different. Tickets can be booked
                                             online, in person or over the phone.
                                             T: 0161 624 2829
The Music                                    Oldham Coliseum Theatre, Fairbottom
Centre Senior                                Street, Oldham, OL1 3SW
Christmas Festival
(All ages)                                   The Grinch (U)
Sunday 15 December, 3pm                      (All the family)
Adults £8, concessions £5,                   Saturday 14 December, 12noon and
family (2 adults 2 children) £21             2pm, £3 (kids get a free goodie bag
The Music Centre’s Christmas Festival        with drink, popcorn and a treat)
will showcase the amazing talent of the
borough’s most accomplished young            A colourful animated version of the beloved
musicians in a programme of seasonal         Dr Seuss story for the festive season.
favourites. It’s a great way to start your   Get involved with some fun film-related arts
family’s Festive Season.                     and crafts in the foyer from 12noon–2pm.            
T: 0161 770 5660                             Gallery Oldham (Education Suite),
E:                Greaves Street, Oldham, OL1 1AL
The Queen Elizabeth Hall, West Street,
Oldham, OL1 1QJ
20 - familylife
familylife - 20

 Christmas at
 Tommyfield Market
The holidays are coming but are you             Food
prepared? Don’t worry if not because your       Have you got your food shopping list at
local market has everything you need to         the ready for the holiday season? Be sure
ensure your festive shopping is a piece of      to check into Taylor’s Fruit and Veg for
Christmas cake. From toy shops, to fruit        all your sprouts, parsnips and other
and veg stalls, local butchers, and fancy-      seasonal goodies.
dress shops, everything is all in one place.
So why not get your seasonal shopping           Don’t forget to call in to Bentley’s Master
done early?                                     Butchers, David Ashworth’s Butchers and
                                                the Hen House for your meats too. From a
To help you out, we’ve put together a go-to     classic turkey crown to a nice joint of beef,
guide of where you should visit for all your    they’ve got it all. Oldham Fresh Farms have
Christmas essentials. Remember to look          a selection of cheeses for you too.
no further than your local market when
shopping at this time of year.                  Fancy dress                       Are you having a fancy-dress party to
                                                celebrate the New Year but you don’t know
What can you buy?                               what to go as? Make your way over to
Santa is incredibly busy at this time of year   Ugly’s and they will sort you out with all
preparing all the presents for the big day      your props and costumes.
but he can always do with an extra pair         Cards and calendars
of hands to help out.                           Send your seasonal greetings with a
So, if you’re looking for some fantastic        wonderful card from Cards Galore and
toys, games, and puzzles, SOS Toys,             Best Wishes, and if you’re already making
Entertainment Corner and Hyde’s                 plans for next year why not get
Newsagents are the places to be.                your 2020 calendar too?

There are also some great bath                  #LoveYourLocalMarket
products and wax melts at Nuage 9,              @oldhammarkets
a range of quality bags at
S&S Baggage and Jane’s Bags,
sparkling jewellery at Spoilt for
Choice and, if that wasn’t
enough, you can even get your
new clothes personalised at
Workwear Clothing.
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Your child’s
smile matters
The Big Brush is back throughout the whole     As part of supervised
of November and we want you to take            brushing in schools, children
part. The campaign aims to encourage as        get a free toothbrush,
many children to brush their teeth as often    toothpaste and information pack to take
as possible and get everyone into that         home and are helped each day to brush
toothbrushing habit.                           their teeth with toothpaste containing the
                                               correct amount of fluoride.
From the 1 to 30 November Oldham’s
going to be hosting various events to help     Can you help us encourage your child’s
stop the rot and parents can get toothpaste,   school or nursery to get involved with
toothbrushes, timers and charts.               supervised brushing? Ask your school and
                                               see if your children can take part.
Oldham Council will also be encouraging
schools, nurseries and other early years       For more information on this year’s
settings to take up the Supervised Brushing    Big Brush campaign and upcoming
campaign for children aged 2 – 5 and           events, please visit:
providing tips and tricks on how to get your
kids brushing twice a day on our social        and for tips on how to brush your
media channels.                                baby’s teeth, visit:              
Twitter: @oldhamcouncil
Instagram: @oldhamcouncil
22 - familylife

 Holiday fun at
 Gallery Oldham
 Bring the kids along in the school           GO Wild!
 holidays for free fun family activities.     Saturday 26 October 2019, 25 January,
 The sessions are linked to our               25 April 2020, 1–3pm
 exhibitions so don’t forget to explore
 the galleries before you come along.         Explore the seasonal surprises that
                                              nature brings and have fun with a mix
 October half term                            of science, nature and creativity.
 Monday 28, Tuesday 29,                       Free – places are limited so book early
 Wednesday 30 October, 1– 4pm                 to avoid disappointment. To book visit:
 Christmas Fun                       or call
 Saturday 14 December – the activities        0161 770 4742.
 will be linked to the Small Cinema
 screening of ‘The Grinch’.                   Fun Palaces
                                              Saturday 5 October, 11am – 4pm, free
 February half term
 Monday 17, Wednesday 19 February,            Once again Oldham Library has
 1– 4pm                                       partnered with Fun Palaces to host a
                                              day of activities. Come and take part in
 Easter Holidays                              all things arty, crafty and cultural. Learn
 Monday 6, Tuesday 7, Tuesday 14,             something new and try something out.
 Wednesday 15 April, 1– 4pm                   Free – no need to book.
 Activities are free, no need to book.
 (Face painting £2).                          The Small Cinema
                                              The Small Cinema hosts classic films
 Super Saturdays                              at Gallery Oldham every month.
 Be inspired by our exhibitions.              Film-related arts and crafts take place
 We have artist-led craft activities,         before each movie from 12noon – 2pm
 painting, drawing and creative fun for all   in the foyer. Tickets cost £3 and include
 the family on the first Saturday of every    a goodie bag for kids. Advance booking
 month, 1 – 3pm.                              is recommended. Visit:
 Saturdays 2 November, 7 December             for listings and booking.
 2019, 4 January, 1 February, 7 March,
 4 April 2020. Free – no need to book.        What’s on?
                                              Harvie and the Magic Museum (U)
                                              Saturday 26 October, 2pm
                                              A young boy battles a wicked
                                              puppet master.
                                              The Wizard of Oz (U)
                                              Saturday 16 November, 2pm
                                              Celebrating the 80th anniversary of
                                              one of the greatest movies of all time.
familylife - 23

Introducing OMA…
It’s exciting times for Gallery Oldham. Work is due to start soon on the
brand new heritage and arts centre, OMA, located at the Old Library
Building on Union Street. The new multi-use venue brings together
the best of Gallery Oldham, Oldham Theatre Workshop, and Oldham
Local Studies and Archives – all under one roof. The restored building
will be home to some of the best shows, activities and performances for
the whole family to enjoy. The gallery, library and archive centre will still
be open throughout the transformation and you can keep up with the
development by visiting:

Are you up for                                                                  PA
a challenge?                                                                    RT
Volunteering with the whole family           the kids have some spare time. All you
just got a lot easier thanks to Oldham       need to do on the site is choose your
Council’s arts, heritage, libraries and      challenge, accept, and enjoy.
music services.
                                             Challenges will be updated regularly
‘Take Part’, a joint venture between the     so if something doesn’t take your fancy
four services, is a website that makes       right away be sure to re-visit the site
it easier to see what volunteering           and get involved with something else.
opportunities are on offer for you and
                                             Volunteering is a great way to bond
the family. Whether you have a minute,
                                             as a family, meet new people, learn
a couple of hours, or if you’re looking
                                             new skills and gain some confidence.
for a more regular volunteering role,
                                             It can also benefit your health and
there’s something to suit everyone.
                                             wellbeing as you can make a difference
The volunteering opportunities available     to the lives of others and feel like part
will be posted as ‘challenges’ and you       of a team.
can ‘complete’ them when you and
                                             So what are you waiting for?

Log on today at
to find out what exciting opportunities are on offer.
A snowy night, a magical
 adventure and a little girl
 who unwraps a secret
 that will change
 Christmas forever.
 Book your tickets now.


 Box Office: 0161 770 3240
 Twitter @OldhamLibraries

Published by Oldham Council
If you wish to contact us please write to Family Life,
Room 315, Civic Centre, West Street, Oldham OL1 1UT
All event dates were correct at the time of publishing.
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