PHOTO NOTES - Park West Camera Club

Page created by Samantha Wright
PHOTO NOTES - Park West Camera Club
Park West
May 2021

                                      Camera Club

                                 This Issue
                                Volume 86 • Issue 9
                            Club News…………………..…..…2 - 29
                            Photography News………………30 - 44
                            Exhibits, Workshops, Etc….….…45 - 50
                            Schedule of Activities……..….….51 - 53
                            Complete Index………………….….…54

                              Over 75 members’ images inside!

May 2021                               1
PHOTO NOTES - Park West Camera Club
Park West Camera Club
                                                                           Club Officers
The Park West Camera Club is an independent
not-for-profit corporation. Guests are always          President             Ed Lee
                                                       V. President          Michael Schleiff
The PWCC newsletter, Photo Notes, is published
                                                       Corres. Sec.          Helen Bohmart Pine
every month by and for the members of the Park
West Camera Club. Subscriptions are included           Rec. Sec.             Christine Doyle
with Club membership. Yearly subscriptions are
available to nonmembers by email at no charge.         Treasurer             Maria Fernandez
Printed issues are available at PWCC meetings.
                                                       Pres. Emeritus        Chuck Pine
Submissions of full-length articles or smaller
items of photographic or general interest are                            Committee Chairs
always accepted. The staff of Photo Notes
                                                       Archive               Inactive
reserves the right to edit any submissions
which are published.                                   Competition           John Brengelman
Photo Notes is optimized for viewing digitally.                              Hedy Klein

                                                       Field Trip            Susan Sigrist
             Contact Information                                             Paul Grebanier

                  Website                              Gallery               Vacancy

                                                       House                 Marty Smith
                  E-Mail Address
                                                       Membership            Marlene Schonbrun
                                                                             Elena Pierpont
             Club Mailing Address
                                                       Newsletter            Chuck Pine
     319 West 16 Street, #1 NY, NY 10011
                                                       Program               Marilyn Fish-Glynn
          Photo Notes Mailing Address
    680 West End Avenue, #5D, NY, NY 10025             Social                Natalie Manzino

                                                       Website               Michael Schleiff
                                                                             Christine Doyle

                                                       Workshop              Vacancy

                                                      Cover Photo
                                                    Pelican Silhouette
                                                  by Chuck Pine ©2021

 May 2021                                                     2
PHOTO NOTES - Park West Camera Club
CLUB   President’s Message                                                 tional nominations may be
                                                                           tendered from the floor at
       The last few weeks have been                                        meetings until the week prior
       busy for Park West! We’ve set                                       to that meeting.
       up a contingency plan for                                               The Club’s Year-End com-
       potential Zoom problems and                                         petition will be held June 3rd
       have planned and will put                                           with three judges as mentioned
       into motion a new procedure                                         in May’s Photo Notes. We are
       for the final competition. A      send out an immediate email       holding the competition in this
       slate of officers was presented broadcast with info about           fashion so we can show it
       for next year’s Executive         using the Pines’ Zoom account. without glitches at the usual
       Committee. Alternative plans      More details to follow.           first Monday evening meeting
       for the “Otto Litzel Memorial        With my stepping down as in June—on the 7th. The prize
       Year-End Dinner” have been        president of the Club, and        pool for the “PDI of the Year”
       established. They include the     Maria Fernandez resigning         winner has been increased. The
       induction of the new ExCom        from the treasurer’s position,    winner will now receive a $50
       and awards to competition         the Nominating Committee          gift card while runners-up will
       winners. The prize pool for the added Chuck Pine’s and Laura receive $25 gift cards. The
       winner of total points and the    Toledo’s names to the slate as    year’s Cumulative Point Totals
       “PDI of the Year” as well as      President and Treasurer, re-      winner will receive a $50 gift
       runners-up has been enlarged. spectively. The election will be card while the runners-up, a
       To help Soho Photo Gallery        held at the Club’s business
       and its office re-construction,   meeting on May 24th. Addi-             Continued on next page
       our equipment and supplies
       have been removed and are                                   Photo Notes
       currently being stored at my
       place.                               Publisher:      Ed Lee
           Several Club meetings ago,       Editor:         Chuck Pine
       we encountered our first major
       problem with the Zoom soft-          Committee:      Will Aimesbury, Madeleine Barbara, Elsa
       ware platform. Michael                 Blum, Ann Broder, Ruth Formanek, Renée Harper,
       Schleiff, our vice president,          Gladys Hopkowitz, Hedy Klein, Paul Perkus, Helen Pine,
       had problems logging on to             Elena Pierpont, and Judy Rosenblatt
       Zoom and could not do so for         Contributors: Will Aimesbury, Bill Apple, John
       30 minutes. After phone calls          Brengelman, Christine Doyle, Florence Forman, Ed Lee,
       and emails among the ExCom             Natalie Manzino, Alta Oosthuizen, Chuck Pine, Helen
       and other members, those who           Pine, Marlene Schonbrun, and Laura Toledo
       kept trying, finally were able to             Photo Notes is produced on a MacBook Pro
       log on. Our apologies to those                using iWork Pages and Adobe Photoshop.
       members who missed the
                                            All uncredited images are royalty-free clip art or otherwise
       meeting after making several
                                                        believed to be in the public domain.
       attempts. If a future problem is
       encountered, Helen Pine, our               Credited images remain the sole property of their
       corresponding secretary, will                   copyright holders—all rights reserved.

May 2021                                                       3
PHOTO NOTES - Park West Camera Club
CLUB   $25 gift card each. All these                                     Lookin’ Good
       awards and our usual certifi-
       cates will be presented at the                                    Everybody is supposed to
       “Otto Litzel Dinner” meeting                                      have fame for 15 minutes in
       on June 14th. All prizes and                                      their life. But now you are
       awards will be mailed to the                                      appearing on video 15 times
       recipients.                                                       a day and you want some
            The Executive Committee                                      anonymity. That’s not going
       also discussed the upcoming                                       to be the case for a while as
       Summer activities. As in the                                      social distancing continues,
       past I will facilitate an outdoor                                 so you might as well make the
       model shoot at a picturesque                                      best of your time in front of
       location, hopefully in July, if                                   the camera.
       the COVID-19 restrictions are                                         Whether you’re in Zoom
       lifted. A bi-monthly PDI work-                                    meetings with the Club, or
       shop is planned at the Pines.                                     anyone else, for that matter,
            Much more info to follow.                                    follow these steps so you can
                                                                         spend more time focusing on
       Be well!                                                          others and not anxiously
                                                                         checking how you look in the

         Ed                                                              corner of the screen.
                                                                             Light—Finding good light
                                                                         is essential. Either face a sun-
                                                                         lit window or position a light
       What the Judge Said                                               directly behind your computer
                                                                         or mobile device.
       Whatever the judge said,…                                             Height—Whether you’re
       don’t believe it! If he or she                                    using a computer or a hand-
       made some comments that                                           held, you want its camera to
       you agree with,… fine. If                                         be at eye level. You might
       you disagree with the judge,                                      have to jury rig a setup, like a
       listen to what was said and                                       stack of books on top of a desk
       examine the image. Does it                                        or use a tripod.
                                                   Both images
       make sense now? Make any            Soft Focus Flower (above)         Background—Choose a
       adjustments as needed.              Iguana Lunch        (below)   spot without a cluttered back-
           In the next column are               ©2021 Chuck Pine         ground. Turn on your camera
       two images that were put                                          before the call to see what’s
       into three different camera                                       being captured and make any
       club competitions earlier this                                    adjustments to ensure your
       month. Each one received an                                       framing is good. In Zoom, you
       “A with Honors,” a “B,” and                                       can change your background
       a “C.” Go figure.                                                 completely. There are lots of
           It just depends on the                                        backgrounds you can choose
       judge’s mood or whatever                                          or you can upload your own.

May 2021                                                      4
PHOTO NOTES - Park West Camera Club

       2021 Winter/Spring PWCC Schedule             April
                                                     5      Competition #7 (Moshe Katvin)
       December                                      7      Submission Deadline (You Be the Judge)
        7   Competition #3 (Antonio Rosario)        12      Expanding Visions 27 (Intro)
       14   Expanding Visions 26—Review             19      Guest Speaker (Richard Martin)
       21   Theme Night—The Holidays                26      You Be the Judge 2
       28   Winter Holiday
       January                                       3      Competition #8 (Rifka Katvin)
        4    Competition #4 (Kathy Baca)            10      Expanding Visions 27 (Review)
       11    Photoshop Summit Video                 17      Guest Speaker (Lisa Langell)
       18    Guest Speaker (Anne Lawver)            24      ExCom/Business Meeting #4
       25    Theme Night (Color Purple)             31      No Meeting (memorial Day)
       31    Submission Deadline (Image Exchange)
       February                                      7      Year-End Competition (see page 12)
        1    Competition #5 (Kay Kenny)             14      Otto Litzel Memorial Dinner ???
        8    Workshop (Macro/Close-up)
       15    Guest Speaker (Thomas Holton)
                                                    All the above activities will be conducted
       22    Theme Night (Before/After)
                                                    virtually using the Zoom software program.
       March                                        This software may be downloaded and used
        1    Competition #6 (Susan May Tell)        at no charge to our members. As soon as it
        8    Photoshop Summit Video                 is deemed safe to hold our meetings and
       15    Guest Speaker (Christy McNamara)       other activities at the Soho Photo Gallery,
       22    Image Exchange (Pretoria, SA)          in the field, or elsewhere, we will endeavor
       29    ExCom/Business Meeting #3              to do so.

       Zooming                           The Club is using Zoom           To download Zoom, go
                                     software to conduct all its      to 
       Zoom is a web-based video     meetings during the corona-      and click on the “Download”
       conferencing software tool    virus pandemic. An email         button. It’s that simple!
       that allows users to meet     will be sent to all PWCC             Non-members who
       online. Zoom is compatible    members prior to virtual         would like to join our Club
       with Macs, Windows,           meetings. This email will        meetings may request the
       smartphones, and tablets.     contain the link to join the     link by sending an email to
       Zoom software is free to      meeting. All you have to do      
       download to your devices.     is click on the link.

  May 2021                                               5
PHOTO NOTES - Park West Camera Club
Images of the Month
       May 2021
                   by John Brengelman

       Chasing Birds
       © Marty Smith

                                                                          Chasing Birds
                                                                          © Marty Smith

       Honor PDIs
       Cow Half Circle by Sarah Corbin
                                                          The Honor PDIs are
       Italian Laundry by Jeffrey Langford
                                                        shown on the following
       Sacrificial Worm by Jeffrey Langford
                                                              two pages.
       Foggy Morning by Elena Pierpont

 May 2021                                        6
PHOTO NOTES - Park West Camera Club

              A with Honors
             Cow Half Circle
             © Sarah Corbin

                                                   A with Honors
                                                   Foggy Morning
                                                  © Elena Pierpont

              A with Honors
             Sacrificial Worm
            © Jeffrey Langford

                     A with Honors
                    Italian Laundry
                   © Jeffrey Langford

 May 2021                        7
PHOTO NOTES - Park West Camera Club
Cumulative Point Totals
                                                                   Submitting Images
       through May 2021
               by John Brengelman                                  The Club has over a dozen
                                                                   activities this year which ask
       Paul Grebanier       114      Jay Bitkower             68
                                                                   you to submit images. These
       Laura Toledo         106      Howard Stevens           62
                                                                   include competitions, theme
       Sarah Corbin         104      Larry Rubin              60
                                                                   nights, workshops, classes,
       Natalie Manzino      104      Will Aimesbury           58
                                                                   and more. Here’s what you
       Julie Wosk           102      Eloise Huni              58
                                                                   need to know:
       Nicole Dosso          98      Jeffrey Langford         58
       Doris King            98      Marlene Schonbrun        58
                                                                      Images must be in .jpg
       Paula Pillone         98      Annette Collazo-Comito   50
                                                                   (JPEG) format and sized at
       Helen Pine            98      Dorothy Mills            50
                                                                   72 ppi resolution, 1400 pixels
       Chuck Pine            96      Harriet Josephs          46
                                                                   maximum width, and 1050
       Alice Somma           92      Paula Paterniti          46
                                                                   pixels maximum height. [Do
       Julie Foehrenbach     86      Larry Sapadin            46
                                                                   not exceed these maximums!]
       Peggy Winkelman       86      Ann Broder               44
       Madeleine Barbara     84      Jack Lindenman           44
                                     Harriet Stein            38      Competition images must
       Elena Pierpont        84
                                     Catherine Smith          34   be titled as follows:
       Janet Susin           84
       Joan Slatkin          82      Lawrence Kreger          32    LastNameFirstInitial_Month
       Bill Apple            80      John Brengelman          28          Year_Title.jpg
       Remy Deyglun          80      Veronica Saunders        26
                                     Justine Carson           18             for example
       Hedy Klein            80
       Marty Smith           80      Marilyn Thypin           16     JonesM_Jan21_Flower.jpg
       Michael Schleiff      76      Rain Bengis              12
       Christine Doyle       74      Tom Houts                10       Other images should be
       Florence Forman       74      Barry Fahrer              8   titled as follows:
       Renée Harper          74      Marvin Fink               8
       Karen Corrigan        72      Virginia Lawrence         6       Name_Number_Title
       David Cassidy         70                                    You may use your first and/
                                                                   or last name/initial. If you
                                                                   want your images shown in
                                                                   a particular order, number
Photo Cartoon                                                      them 01, 02, etc. Use a real
  of the Month                                                     title, not the image number
                                                                   that came out of the camera.

                                                                             for example


                                                                      Read each entry in the
                                                                   Club’s Schedule for special
                                                                   instructions, if any.

 May 2021                                               8
PHOTO NOTES - Park West Camera Club
CLUB   Member Participation              both 
        Nights                           and  by
                                         11:59 p.m. on Friday, October
       Not including our monthly         23rd. And, have fun!
       competitions, Park West has
       scheduled eight member
       participation nights for the
       2020-2021 Club year. Due to
       the ongoing coronavirus
       pandemic and the restrictions
       on meetings, all the activities
       listed below will be virtual
       using Zoom conferencing                                              and day, and anything else
       software. Images must be sent                                        that comes in between.] Be
       to the Club prior to these                                           creative! Send your images to
       events—see below for the          Expanding Visions 26 (2020)       both 
       dates. Also, see Submitting       The theme for this year’s         and  by
       Images on page 8 of this issue    Expanding Visions class is        11:59 p.m. on Friday, December
       of Photo Notes for sizing and     “F” Fotography—the subjects       18th. And, have fun!
       titling directions.               of the three assignments are
                                         flowers, food, and found
                                                    ere, t!
                                         objects. Assignments will be
                                                n th tha
                                         carried out at home by the
                                              e        e
                                            Be don
                                         participants following the
                                         November 9th introductory
                                         class session. The final review
                                         session will be held on the
                                         14th of December. Send up to
                                                                           Theme Night—Purple
                                         5 images from each of the 3
                                                                           On January 25th the theme is
                                         class assignments to
                                                                           Purple. Club members may
                                          by 11:59
                                                                           submit up to a dozen images
                                         p.m. on Friday, December 11th.
                                                                           that include the color purple.
       Theme Night—Halloween
                                                                           [No baker’s dozens, please.]
       This year’s first theme night,    Theme Night—Holidays
                                                                                                   on e!
                                                                           The color purple doesn’t have
       on October 26th, is all about     This December 21st theme                                g
       the fun of Halloween. Club        night asks Club members to                    nd
                                                                           to fill the entire frame, nor half
                          gon e
       members may submit up to 10       submit up to 12 images that             ome
                                                                           of the frame—it just has to be
                                                                           prominent in the picture
       images on this holiday. These
                                         relate to The Holidays. Which
                                                                           (percentages do not matter).
       may include witches, black
                                         ones? Your choice, but the idea
                                                             ut !
                                                                           Any shade of purple (grape,
       cats, pumpkins, costumes, and     was to make it seasonal—
                                                            o              burgundy, magenta, maroon,
       whatever else reminds you of
                                                       a  d
                                         from Thanksgiving through
                                                        n                  whatever) is acceptable. Be as
       All Hallows Eve. The images
                                                  ve r
                                         New Years. [Thanksgiving,
                                                                           creative as you can or wish to
       can be old or new, but they            O
                                         Hanukkah, Christmas,
                                                                           be. Send your images to both
       must be yours. Send them to       Kwanzaa, New Years eve

 May 2021                                                        9
PHOTO NOTES - Park West Camera Club
CLUB    and
        by 11:59
       p.m. on Friday, January 22nd.

                                                                              you look like. We’ll review the
                                                                              Images from the PPS at the
                                                                              Club meeting on March 22nd.
       Theme Night—Before & After          Image Exchange—Pretoria            We’ll also give you a chance to
       Our third (and final) theme         Photographic Society               see the images we sent to
       night of the year is a little bit   Back in 2010, and then again       South Africa.
       different from the others we        in 2015, Park West had image
       have had so far. We will send       exchanges with the Hartlepool
       all Club members a half dozen       Camera Club in England. This
       or so files of differing kinds of   year, we’re at it again, now
       images. Your assignment is to       with the Pretoria Photographic
                   re, t!
       choose one or two of them and
                 e                         Society in Pretoria, South
             n th tha
       work on them using your             Africa. We’ll send our images
           e         e
         Be don
       photo-editing software. You
       can add to or subtract from the
                                           to them and they’ll send theirs
                                           to us. The theme we selected is
       original files to your heart’s      quite broad, People, Places,
       desire. Be creative! Be ruthless!   Things. Although not required,

                                                               ut !
       Be whatever! Just come up           we suggest that your selection     You Be the Judge 2
       with something you’re proud                          d o
                                           of images be shot right here in    We started this year off with
       to present to the Club—and                   r an
                                           the good old U. S. of A. Please
                                                  e                           our first ever You Be the Judge.
       explain what you did, how you            Ov
                                           send one of your favorite          It was such a great success that
       did it, and maybe even why          images to us for inclusion.
                                                                                                    n e !
                                                                              we’re doing it again. This time
       you did it. Let’s see what you      Send it to                           go
                                                                              we ask that the image you
       can do. Submit your images by       The deadline for submitting                 a nd
                                                                              submit not be one that has
       midnight on Friday, February        your image is Sunday, January
                                                                              already been shown to, or
       19th (the sooner, the better).      31st at 11:59 p.m. We’re also         C
                                                                              shared with, the Club (you
       Send them to        asking for a short statement       may use it at a later date if you
       We’ll look at and discuss your      about your image and/or            wish). Members will submit
       image(s) at the Club meeting        about yourself. We’d also like a   one image each; members will
       on Monday night, February           thumbnail image of you— like       then receive a slide show of all
       22nd.                               a selfie—so they can see what      the entered images as well as a

 May 2021                                                          10
CLUB   ballot to complete. The results       2021’s version of Expanding        Camera Care
       will be tabulated and revealed        Visions (the 27th, if you’re
       at the April 26th meeting. Due        counting) is hidden in a vault     When you detach a lens from
       to the fact that it takes a while     at Price Waterhouse’s under-       the body, both are vulnerable
       to put together the slide show,       ground cave, somewhere             to external factors, like water
       create the ballot, send it all out,   in North Dakota. They were         and dust, damaging them.
       get it back, and calculate the        also revealed in last month’s      • Never change lenses in the
       winners, we ask that your             issue of Photo Notes. The first      rain. Get to a dry location.
       submissions arrive to us at           session of the class was held on   • Make sure it’s not windy
        no later           Monday night, April 12th. The        with dust blowing all over
       than Wednesday, April 7th by          images from the assignments          the place when you change
       11:59 p.m. Good luck, all!            are due by 11:59 p.m. on Friday      your lens.
                                             night, May 7th. Email them to      • Learn how to change lenses
                                              The final           quickly. By reducing the
                                             review session will take place       time you take to change
                                             at the Monday Club meeting           lenses, you reduce the
       Expanding Visions 27 (2021)           on May 10th.                         chances of dust particles
       The theme and assignments for                                              entering the system.

       Congratulations Natalie                  This was based on her                In short, whenever
                                             many years of service to the       something needed doing,
       Article III, Section 1,               Club including serving on          Natalie was there to do it,
       Subsection B of the PWCC              the ExCom as corresponding         and more often than not, to
       Constitution states, and I                                               assume a leadership role of
       quote, Life membership,                                                  the assignment.
       awarded in recognition of a                                                  This proposal was
       long and faithful period of                                              discussed by the ExCom
       outstanding service to the                                               with all members agreeing
       Club,… shall be conferred                                                to move forward with it. It
       by action of the Club, upon                                              was then unanimously
       recommendation of the                                                    passed by the Club members
       Executive Committee.…                                                    at the aforementioned April
           Under New Business from                                              business meeting.
       the Floor at the Club’s April                                                Natalie joins the six
       business meeting, a motion                                               currently active (plus four
       was made by Helen Pine,                                                  inactive and a dozen or so
       PWCC’s corresponding                                                     now-deceased) PWCC life
       secretary, to nominate long-          secretary, chair of the Social     members upon whom this
       time Club member, Natalie             Committee, chair of the            honor has been bestowed.
       Manzino, for the honor of             Gallery Committee, and just            Again, congratulations to
       Life Membership in Park               recently taking on the job to      Natalie for her many years
       West.                                 head up the Club’s new             of unflinching service to
                                             Sunshine Fund.                     Park West Camera Club!

 May 2021                                                          11
Year-End Judges
       Year-End Competition
                                                                            his father’s Kodak twin-lens
       The Year-End Competition          Here, in no particular order,      box camera at age 14. Peter
       will be held on Thursday,         are short introductions to our     now does personal fine art and
       June 3rd. Only our three          three 2021 Year-End judges:        architectural photography.
       judges, the Club’s ExCom,
       and the Competition Com-
       mittee chairs will be present.
       The competition will be
       recorded and played back
       for the members on June 7th
       —the first Monday in June.
           Year-End Competitions
       are different from our
       monthly competitions: the
       rules of entry are different;
       the judging is different; the
       rewards differ, too.              E. Kenneth Hoffman is the          Nina Prantis is on the faculty
           Each Club member may          professor emeritus at Seton        of the New Jersey Institute of
       submit up to four PDIs. All       Hall University in South           Technology, teaching architec-
       the entries must have been        Orange, NJ, where he taught        tural photography and other
       judged in one of the monthly      photography and computer           arts-related courses. She has
       competitions held this year       graphics for over 45 years until   also taught at the International
       (October 2020 through May         he retired in 2019. During the     Center of Photography and
       2021). The images may not         Vietnam War Ken served in the      other places. She judged at our
       be altered from the way they      221st Signal Company, an apt       Club previously ( in May 2014
       were originally submitted.        start for his teaching career.     and February 2011). Nina has
       No corrections, no title                                             been published in Manhattan
       changes, no nothing! Each                                            Catalog, Modern Photography,
       must be the original image.                                          and Popular Photography,
           Each judge will score                                            among others (that’s showing
       from 1 to 9 points for each                                          her age!)..
       image. The scores will be
       added together and the total                                           Photographs by our three
       will be announced. Pictures                                            judges may be found on
       can get from 3 to 27 points.                                           the next page.
       There will be one winner
       (the PDI-of-the-Year) plus (at
                                         Peter C. Brandt spent 45 years
       least) four runners-up.
                                         as a commercial photographer
           The entry deadline for
                                         specializing in advertising,
       receipt of PDI’s emailed to
                                         fashion, beauty, and finally in
                                         architectural shooting. Peter
       is May 24th at 11:59 p.m.
                                         began his photo journey with

 May 2021                                                         12

            © Peter C. Brandt

                                                         © E. Kenneth Hoffman

                                                      Photo Glossary

                                                      Shutter speed is the length of
                                                      time the shutter is open allowing
                                                      light to reach the sensor. It is
                                     © Nina Prantis

                                                      measured in fractions of second.
                                                      1/1000 of a second, for example,
                                                      means the sensor is exposed to
                                                      light for a very short time—only
                                                      a tiny bit of light will reach the
                                                      sensor. A fast shutter speed is
                                                      used when you have enough
                                                      light or when you’re shooting
                                                      movement. A slow shutter speed
                                                      is used when the light is limited
                                                      or when long exposure shots are
                                                      desired for creativity.

 May 2021                                     13
CLUB   Election Procedures                                                  NomCom News
       At the March business meeting
                                                                            At the last meeting in April
       we began our yearly election
                                                                            the Nominating Committee
       procedures when President Ed
                                                                            (consisting of Rita Russo, Will
       Lee appointed the Nominating
                                                                            Aimesbury, Laura Toledo,
       Committee. They presented          the five positions, then a vote
                                                                            Renée Harper, and Helen
       their slate of (at least) one      must be taken for that/those
                                                                            Pine) announced their slate
       nominee for each position on       position/s. Members must be
                                                                            for next year’s Club officers
       the Executive Committee            present to cast a vote. (The
                                                                            as follows:
       (president, vice president,        recording secretary can still
       treasurer, corresponding/          cast the unanimous vote for
                                                                            President—Chuck Pine
       membership secretary, and          the unopposed candidates.
                                                                            Vice Pres.—Michael Schleiff
       recording secretary) to the            Finally, the outgoing Club
                                                                            Corres. Secy.—Helen Pine
       membership at the final Club       officers are thanked and the
                                                                            Rec. Secy.—Christine Doyle
       meeting in the month of April.     incoming ExCom is installed
                                                                            Treasurer—Laura Toledo
           At that time, nominations      at the Otto Litzel Memorial
       were opened from the floor.        Dinner held on the second
       Nominations will be accepted       Monday in June.
       from the floor at each Club
       meeting leading up to, but not
                                          Sunshine Fund
       including, the May business
                                          A motion was passed at the            But Natalie needs your
                                          April business meeting to         help in achieving the Club’s
                                          establish a Sunshine Fund as      goals through this committee.
                                          part of the Social Committee.     It would be great if each and
                                          The responsibilities of this      every member could give her
                                          new entity are to                              the month and
                                          acknowledge                                    day of their
                                          birthdays, deaths,                             birthday (years
                                          births, illnesses,                             not requested).
                                          and any other life                                  In addition,
                                          events that impact                             if you could let
           The final phase of the Club
                                          our Club members                               Natalie know of
       election process is the election
                                          and their families.                            any life events
       itself. This occurs at the May
                                              Long-time Club                             that occur to any
       business meeting. If there is
                                          member Natalie                                of our members,
       only one nominee for each of
                                          Manzino has volunteered to        you or someone else, both
       the ExCom positions, then a
                                          take on this task for the Club.   present and past members,
       motion may be made asking
                                          She has already purchased         that would be great, too.
       the Club’s recording secretary
                                          the necessary stationery to be
       to cast a unanimous vote for
                                          able to express the sentiments          917-757-7086
       the slate. Should there be more
                                          of the Club and its members.        
       than one nominee for any of

 May 2021                                                        14
CLUB   I’m Back!                                                               Better Photos,… Fast
       Following the appointment of                                            Follow these five simple rules
       the Nominating Committee by                                             to improve your photos,…
       PWCC president, Ed Lee, at                                              fast
       the April business meeting, I
       began receiving emails, text                                            1. Get Closer to the Subject/
       messages, and even a few                                                   Change Your Angle
       phone calls asking to think
       about returning to the position                                         2. Exclude Clutter/Simplify
       of Club president. For those of                                            the Image
       you who haven’t been around
       the Club forever, I stepped                                             3. Watch the Edges of Your
       down as your president about                                               Frame/Avoid Mergers
       10 years ago—after serving for
       31 years in that position.                                              4. Choose a Clear Focal
           What follows (in the blue                                              Point or Subject
       box below) is a copy of the
       note that I sent to the Nom-                                            5. Practice, Practice, Practice
       Com and which was read
       aloud to them at their first
       meeting on April 5th.

       To: PWCC Nominating                season, and with our vice pres-      able to deal with all of the
            Committee                     ident, Michael Schleiff, being       responsibilities of this position
       From: Chuck Pine                   hesitant about running for the       from my home on the Upper
                                          presidency, several members          West Side as well as my retreat
       It has been over a year since      have asked me to resume as           as a snowbird in Florida.
       the coronavirus pandemic           Park West’s chief executive of-          One of my main objectives
       began wreaking havoc with          ficer.                               as president will be to make
       the world at large, with the           After much thought, and          sure that whoever follows in
       people of the USA, and with        conversations with Helen, I          my footsteps as the Club’s
       the Park West Camera Club in       have decided to throw my             president will be well-trained
       particular.                        hat into the ring and ask the        and will have the structure in
           Most of the year 2020, and     Nominating Committee to              place to keep PWCC running
       now the first few months of        place me on their slate as the       as a vibrant, active, and ever-
       2021, have seen drastic            Park West Camera Club’s next         growing camera club.
       changes—both for the Club,…        president.
       and for me, personally. It’s           With the new operating           Thank you for your support
       been a heck of a ride!             structure of the Club (on-line       and consideration,
           With Ed Lee retiring as        instead of in-person meetings,
       president of the Club after this   for example) I feel that I will be   Chuck

 May 2021                                                            15
CLUB   They’re Back!

       No! This isn’t a commercial
       for the umpteenth remake of
       Poltergeist. We’re talking about
       the Club’s ever-popular series
       of PDI workshops. (PDIs are
       projected digital images—
       even though we won’t be us-
       ing a projector and screen for
       them. We’ll be Zooming.)

                                       will be other chances to submit    Long Exposure Tips
                                       images approximately every
                                       other week or so, at least         If you like all parts of your
                                       through the summer months.         image to be tack sharp—read
                                       We are tentatively scheduling      no further. These tips are not
                                       these member-participation         for you. If, on the other hand,
                                       workshops for Friday nights.       you’d like a little motion blur
                                           We start at 7 p.m. via Zoom    in your photos, read on…
                                       software. Check the Club’s         • Exposure lengths between
           Club members are invited    Weekly Reminders (sent out on        half a second to 30 seconds
       to submit five PDI images for   Fridays) for the link. You may       seem to work best for most
       an honest, but gentle, critique begin to sign on at 6:45 p.m. to     scenes.
       of their work. These may be     ask any questions, chit-chat       • Bracket at least one stop on
       finished images, works in       with your fellow members, or         either side of your chosen
       progress, shots you’re thinking just have something to do            exposure by changing the
       of entering into competitions,  while you finish your dinner.        shutter speed.
       whatever. The deadline for          We’ll preview everyone’s       • A tripod is called for in just
       submitting your images is the images and critique them for           about all long exposure sit-
       Tuesday evening prior to the    composition, technical aspects       uations. Be sure to use a
       workshop at 11:59 p.m.          (such as exposure, contrast,         remote shutter release
           Images must be sent to the saturation, etc.), and (most          (wireless or cable) or the
       Club at         importantly) content. We may         built-in self-timer.
       (not to the Club’s competition also choose some images for
       email address nor to Chuck or demonstrations using software
       Helen’s personal emails).       including Photoshop, Luminar,
           We will accept images only Topaz, DxO/Nik, and others.
       from the first 10 members to        These PDI workshops are
       submit. Other members may       sure to be entertaining as well
       join the Zoom meeting to view as educational. Please join us at
       the images and learn from the your leisure.
       comments and demos. There

 May 2021                                                      16
CLUB   Competition Rotation                Committee Liaisons                Photo Notes Deadlines

       If and when the Club is able                                          Issue              Deadline
                                           The Executive Committee
       to resume with non-virtual,
                                           (ExCom) has decided to con-
       in-person meetings, we will                                           Summer 2021        June 7
                                           tinue for this coming year
       continue to alternate the order
                                           with the committee liaison
       of the prints and PDIs in our                                             The sooner articles and
                                           model to spread the respon-
       monthly competitions. Here’s                                          items are submitted to Photo
                                           sibility among the entire Ex-
       the schedule:                                                         Notes, the quicker the editing
                                           ecutive Committee.
                                                                             and revision process can begin.
                                              Here’s how it’ll work:
          Month        Judged First                                          Competition scores and cumu-
                                           Each of the ExCom mem-
                                                                             lative points are submitted as
                                           bers (the five elected officers
          June         PDIs                                                  soon after the competitions as
                                           plus the President Emeritus)
                                                                             possible, usually one to three
                                           will be assigned committees
                                                                             days following the submission
                                           as a liaison. Each committee
                                                                             deadline. Once all items are in
                                           chair or co-chair will report
                                                                             place the draft copy of Photo
                                           to the ExCom through this
                                                                             Notes will be sent to the editor-
                                           liaison. In this manner, it is
                                                                             ial staff who will then have
                                           felt that communication will
                                                                             several days to edit and return
                                           flow much more smoothly,
                                                                             their comments.
                                           in both directions, between
                                                                                 Upon completion, the Photo
                                           the committees. In addition,
                                                                             Notes issue will be sent to the
                                           any concerns raised by the
                                                                             Website Committee to be
                                           ExCom will be passed along
                                                                             uploaded to the website. As
                                           to the committee chairs
                                                                             soon as this is accomplished,
                                           through the liaisons.
                                                                             an email is sent to all Club
                                              Here are the committee
                                                                             members and other Photo Notes
                                           liaison assignments for the
                                                                             recipients informing them that
                                           2020-2021 Club year:
                                                                             the PWCC newsletter is on-line
       Curtain Raisers                     Competition Mike Schleiff         and available for download.
                        by Helen Pine      Field Trip     Chuck Pine
                                           Gallery        Helen Pine
       Curtain raisers are short           House      Christine Doyle
       (no more than five minutes)         Membership Helen Pine
       programs presented by Club          Newsletter     Chuck Pine
       members prior to our guest          Program Christine Doyle
       speakers. Here’s the list for       Social              Ed Lee
       this year.                          Website      Mike Schleiff
       May          Paula Paterniti        Workshop            Ed Lee

  May 2021                                                           17
CLUB   Website Redesign                   Portfolio, Anyone?                for instructions on resolution,
                                                                            sizing, format. etc.] A short
       Our Website Committee,             Photo Notes, your camera          write-up (who, what, where,
       which is co-chaired by Vice        club newsletter, is looking for   when) should accompany
       President Michael Schleiff and     portfolios of member’s work.      each portfolio submission—
       Recording Secretary Christine         Please submit anywhere         spelling, grammar, and the
       Doyle, has not been asleep at      from a half dozen to 10 files     rest don’t count.
       the wheel during the COVID         on a concise theme. Images             Even if you’ve submitted
       pandemic. Our website has re-      should be processed as if         work in the past, we always
       ceived a makeover including a      they were to be entered into a    want to see new and creative
       new masthead, crisper type,        Club competition. [See page 8     photography.
       and more.

           Speaking of the masthead,
                                          PWCC Merchandise
       the current image was shot by
       PWCC member Catherine
                                          In the past Park West has
       Smith. As of now, the plans are
                                          sold and/or given away a
       to change the masthead image
                                          wide variety of photo-related
       every few months with one
                                          merchandise. Among the
       from another Club member.
                                          items we have made avail-
           If you’re interested, the
                                          able to our members are
       dimensions of the space are
                                          PWCC baseball caps, multi-
       750 pixels high by 4,900 pixels
                                          pocketed photo vests, micro-
       wide. Images submitted for
                                          fiber cloths, and more.
       consideration as the masthead
                                              If you are interested in
       may be larger—but cropping
                                          any of this, or other kinds of
       may be done to make them fit
                                          stuff, let us know. If there is
       the space. Just be sure to shoot
                                          enough call for anything, we
       and/or assemble your image
                                          can usually buy it in quantity
       in the panorama mode. The
                                          and receive discount prices.
       masthead picture must be that
                                              Just drop us a quick email
       of a New York City scene.
                                          to  and
           If you have any suggestions
                                          we’ll see what we can do.
       for additions to or corrections
       of the website, let us know.

 May 2021                                                        18
       Member Portfolio

       Natalie Manzino

       As part of the Park West’s
       continuing series on what
       our members have been
       doing while the Club is on
       ‘vacation’ during the Covid
       pandemic, member Natalie
       Manzino writes: “I'm very
       grateful to have stayed
       healthy during this time,
       and luckily have so many
       hobbies that I'm never bored.
       I've been walking a lot—
       mostly at the Salt Marsh
       Nature Center—reading,
       painting, cleaning up images
       in Lightroom, and working
       on a couple of other projects.
       Here are a few samples of
       the abandoned buildings
       and hangars at Brooklyn’s
       Floyd Bennett Field, some
       twirl art in Photoshop and a
       painting of a waterfall based
       on a photo from the Botanic

                   All images
              ©2020 Natalie Manzino

 May 2021                        19
       Panoramic Story                                                     Panorama Tips
                 by Will Aimesbury
                                                                           • Set your camera to auto-
       Taken September 10th, 2021              Later that week she came      focus and autoexposure
       at approximately 6:45 a.m.         by and asked if I got the          modes.
           When I woke I saw the          photo. I said yes here is what   • Use the same exposure,
       view from the bedroom              it looks like. She loved it so     white balance, and focus for
       window and it was different.       much I gifted her the photo,       all the shots.
       This was really different. So      sent it out to Printique (for-   • Always shoot from left to
       major decisions were made          merly Adorama Pictures) for        right.
       instantly.                         printing and framing. It now     • Overlap the images by
           Get out of bed, get your       resides in her very swanky         about 1/3. (This means the
       camera, forget the usual           home in Palm City, Florida.        second picture will repeat
       morning bathroom needs.                 I stitched eight vertical     about 1/3 of the first one.
       Forget socks or shoes, who         images into one image. The         The third picture will cover
       cares if the temperature is a      view is from Upper Dover           the second picture by 1/3,
       mere 34 degrees. Don’t make        Road in West Marlboro,             and so on.)
       the coffee, just get out there     Vermont looking east
       and take this photo.               towards Dummerston and
           Once out there the lady        New Hampshire.
       from across the street was              If you have $2,750,000      • Use a tripod.
       out with her dog staring at        sitting around and need to       • Don’t give up. If at first you
       the view. We said good             spend it you can buy this          don’t succeed,… (you know
       morning, and she said isn’t        place. The stone house is the      the rest).
       this just soooo beautiful.         guest house.
       I agreed but I was on a

 May 2021                                                        20
       Member Portfolio

       Florence Forman

       As part of PWCC’s continu-
       ing series on what our mem-
       bers have been doing while
       the Club is on ‘hiatus’ dur-
       ing the Covid pandemic,
       Member Florence Forman,
       who took these photos in
       early March, wrote a poem:

       Was in Central Park and all
       was so quiet. Few people, some
       dogs, no chance of a riot.
       No kiosks, no pretzels, no boats
       to be rowed. No cafes, no coffee,
       no lawns to be mowed.                                                  All images
       In fact, I have never seen it so                                 ©2020 Florence Forman
       calm, and in these troubled
       times, a much needed balm.
       So now is the time to truly be
       grateful. To relish the good and
       avoid what is hateful.

 May 2021                                         21
CLUB   New Member Bio
                   by Laura Toledo

                                         job’s perk, he could travel               All images
                                         with his family on one short            © Laura Toledo
                                         trip every year and every
                                         four years we could take one    destinations, and we learned
       I joined Park West Camera
                                         long trip. I began traveling    all about the places we were
       Club via Expanding Visions
                                         the world when I was two.       going to visit. I was even
       in June 2019, a year after I
                                             We lived in the passenger   home (ship) schooled by my
       retired as a New York City
                                         section of a cargo ship for     father during the trips.
       chemistry teacher. I enjoyed
                                         more than a month every             I tend to take landscape
       the outings, the assignments,
                                         couple of years. Those trips    and travel photos, but I do
       and the meetings at Chuck
                                         had a deep impact on me. I      enjoy taking abstract and
       and Helen’s to discuss the
                                         learned to love traveling,      macro photos as well. I
       photos. That summer, I took
                                         photography, other cultures,    recently found some pictures
       a beginner’s photo class at
                                         and the sea. This was before    that I took on a trip with my
       Nassau Community College,
                                         the internet, so my parents     elementary school, and I
       where I learned about Light-
                                         would gather info on the        discovered landscape images
       room. Sandra Carrion, the
                                                                         that I took when I was 10
       professor of the class, who I
                                                                         with a little toy camera. I
       later learned was a judge for
                                                                         guess I had an eye for land-
       the Club, recommended that
                                                                         scapes from an early age.
       I join. I am so happy that I
                                                                             Another photographic
       followed her advice.
                                                                         area that fascinates me is
           During 2019 I did not
                                                                         surrealism. I follow the work
       attend many Club meetings
                                                                         of artists like Platon Yuri and
       since I traveled to Morocco,
                                                                         Brooke Shaden. The idea of
       Cuba, and several times to
                                                                         merging layers to create a
       Argentina, where I am from.
                                                                         “new reality” is fantastic. For
       Oh, those pre Covid times!
                                                                         now, I am just learning basic
           During my childhood,
                                                                         Photoshop skills through
       my father worked as an
       administrative officer in a
       shipping company and as a                                          Continued on next page

 May 2021                                                     22
CLUB                                                                       Membership News
                                                                                by Marlene Schonbrun
                                                                               Membership Committee

                                                                           As many of you know, the
                                                                           Club has 85 members. But
                                                                           we’d like you to know the
                                                                           breakdown of how many are
                                                                           new members this year and
                                                                           how many are rejoining after
                                                                           a short hiatus. Many of these
                                                                           new/returning members are
                                                                           actively participating in the
                                                                           competitions, You Be the
                                                                           Judge, and the Expanding
       online tutorials with the          same space and time in so
                                                                           Vision classes. Some have
       hope that someday I will           many different ways.
       have enough skills to create           In these no-travel times I   even won Image- of-the-
       that type of art.                  spend my time exploring          Month, which I’m always
           In 2014 I bought a Sony        Long Island, where I live,       happy to see.
       Alpha 6000 mirrorless cam-         and I am ready to return to
       era and I loved it because it      Manhattan since I am fully       New Members
       is small and light—great to        vaccinated now. I am looking
                                                                           Annette Collazo-Comito
       carry while traveling. This        forward to meeting live and
                                                                           Elayne Dix
       past summer I got a full           in-person again soon.
                                                                           Tom Houts
       frame Sony Alpha 7 III with           [Welcome to Park West
                                                                           Doris King
       a 24-104 mm lens.                  Camera Club, Laura.]
                                                                           Jeffrey Langford
           Being part of the Club
                                                                           Paula Pillone
       pushes me to create. Now I        Kudos                             Angel Santana
       understand what Chuck
                                                                           Veronica Saunders
       meant when he talked about        We received the following
                                                                           Peggy Winkelman
       “cleaning an image for com-       email from one of our Club
       petition.” I had no idea what     members, Carole de Beer…
                                                                           Rejoined Members
       he meant when I joined.
           It is great to meet others    “I really love getting Photo      Benson Babu
       with a passion for photogra-      Notes…it keeps things more        Meg Darnell
       phy and it is very inspiring      normal.”                          Inge Nielsen
       to see what others can create.                                      Gordon Pellegrini
       Photography gives us the          Thank you Carole. We agree.       Mary Posner
       opportunity to show the
       world through our own lens.                                         To the newbies, welcome to
       I enjoyed outings with the                                          Park West Camera Club—or
       Club, and it amazed me how                                          welcome back, as the case
       each of us can portray the                                          may be.

 May 2021                                                     23
You Be the Judge 2

       40 Club members submitted
       one image each for this, our
       second, You Be the Judge in-
       house competition. A slide
       show was prepared of all the
       images, as well as a ballot for
       every Club member.
           Club members were
       asked to score each image
       from 1 to 9, nine being the
       highest possible score. This
       is similar tpour Year-End
       competition (at which three
       judges score each picture
       and winners are declared).
       That’s exactly what we did
       for this meeting. In addition,                         Image of the Night
       members were asked to jot                             Balancing Woodstork
       down a comment or two for                                 © Helen Pine
                                                             Average Score—8.3
       any of the images.
           The points were added
       for each photo and then that
       number was divided by the
       number of ballots to come
       up with an average score.
       These averages were used to
       determine the Image-of-the-
       Night, A with Honors images,
       and A images.
           On April 26th the scores
       and comments were shared
       with the members and
       guests at our Zoom meeting.
           [The scores from this
       evening’s event do not count
       towards the cumulative point                           A with Honors
       totals of our monthly Club                              The Group
                                                             © Sarah Corbin
                                                           Average Score—7.9
           Here are the winning
                                                                       Continued on next page

 May 2021                                             24

                                    A with Honors
                                     Iguana Lunch
                                     © Chuck Pine
                                  Average Score—7.7

                                    A with Honors
                                   © Angel Santana
                                  Average Score—7.7

                                     A with Honors
                                       Red Barn
                                   © Jeffrey Langford
                                  Average Score—7.6

 May 2021                  25

                                       A with Honors
                                      Special Moment
                                       © Janet Susin
                                    Average Score—7.2

                        A with Honors
                         © Doris King
                      Average Score—7.1

                                                Sleepy Hollow Lighthouse
                                                    © Dinorah Capota
                                                   Average Score—7.0

                           Morning Fog on Cape Cod
                               © Remy Deyglun
                             Average Score—7.0

                                             Continued on next page

 May 2021                               26

                     A                                          A
             Abstract Autumn                              Fence & Ladder
               © Julie Wosk                             © Gladys Hopkowitz
            Average Score—7.0                           Average Score—7.0

                                    Abandoned Pier
                                  © Tom Quackenbush
                                  Average Score—7.0

                                                                      Elephant’s Eye
                                                                    © Madeleine Barbara
                                                                    Average Score—7.0

                                       Back of Daisy
                                      © Dorothy Mills
                                    Average Score—7.0

 May 2021                                        27
Remembering Peter
                      by Tom Houts

       PWCC member Peter Houts,
       my father, passed away just
       before sunrise on Christmas
       morning 2020 at age 87.
           Dad was a serious
       amateur photographer for
       most of his life. Black-and-
       white film was his preferred
       medium from the 1940s
       through the early 2000s,
       when he turned his attention
       to digital imagery. He loved
       the versatility of digital,
       and the opportunities that
       it offered to him for artistic
           Dad really enjoyed being
       a member of PWCC. He was
       inspired by other members’
       works, and he valued the
       feedback he received about
       his own contributions.
           Having a selection of his
       photos featured here in Photo
       Notes is an honor that I know
       he would have appreciated
           Here are some of his
       images from over the years.
       I hope you enjoy viewing
       them as much as he did
       creating them.

                 All images
                © Peter Houts

          Continued on next page

 May 2021                        28

 May 2021   29
                                 by Bill Apple
                                                      Near Whitman’s picture,         Library of Congress, which
              Creditworthy?                       the credit is short, sweet—but      owns the glass-plate negative
                                                  incomplete: “Universal History      —a posed shot of the poet
              I loathe tiny type—booby-           Archive/Getty Images,” but          from the studio of Mathew
              trapped terms and condi-            mum about the photographer.         Brady, probably not Brady
              tions—and generally skip it.            The credit line for “Flag” is   himself. The Library’s man for
              But photo credits, I brake for.     a full-on extravaganza: “Jasper     Prints and Photographs told
                  I don’t mind squinting,         Johns/VAGA/Artists Rights           me so by email (see “Whitman,
              even turning a broadsheet           Society, NY/The Museum of           Uncropped,” next page).
              sideways, to check a photog-        Modern Art/SCALA/Art Re-                The Library, it turns out,
              rapher’s name. So consider          source, NY.” Everyone but the       lets publications use its hold-
              two artwork credits, in recent      kitchen sink. Yikes! A tangled      ings without fee or license.
              Wall Street Journal stories (see    web of business interests,          Anyway, this shot fell into the
              “Exhibits A & B,” below).           mainly stock-image houses.          public domain long ago. Still,

                 One credit runs alongside           Clear about the difference?      it’s curious—unfair, really—
              an 1862 photographic portrait       Nope. At least, I now know          that The Journal didn’t acknow-
              of Walt Whitman, by a book          Jasper Johns painted “Flag.”        ledge Brady or Brady’s band of
              review. The other, alongside a      But who shot Whitman?               19th-century photographers.
              reproduction of Jasper Johns’       They’re not saying.
              48-star weathered ”Flag,” a            I scanned the page, then
              1955 painting, another review.      uploaded it to Google Image            Continued on next page
              Do compare, contrast.               Search, and landed on the

     May 2021                                                              30
                                                   Whitman, Uncropped         Print from collodion glass-plate
                                                   negative, Mathew Brady Studio (1862), plate in Library of
                                                   Congress. After crop, this image had been reproduced in
                                                   numerous print publications over the years. One such
                                                   secondary “mechanical” reproduction seems to be the
                                                   source of The Journal’s Whitman image, a copy of a copy.
                                                   Unfortunately, the Brady name appears nowhere in the
                                                   credit (see text).

                                                    The picture was also           about identifying the photog-
                                                    retouched, to remove spots,    rapher.
                                                    clean up the poet’s shirt,         I don’t care how many
                                                    and eliminate traces of the    grasping stock agencies are
                                                    chair back near Whitman’s      making 21st-century bucks
                                                    left arm. Then it wended its   off Whitman’s likeness—or
                                                    roundabout way to The          the Brady bunch’s work. I do
                                                    Journal.                       care that credit should be
                                                         The Library of Congress   given where due. Imagine
                                                    curator pointed to a faintly   running a picture of the Mona
                                                    visible texture of “laid       Lisa, yet crediting only The
                  The paper’s Corrections           paper ribbing” on the          Louvre, not Da Vinci. Here’s
              editor answered my email,         surface of the image the           a problem someone needs to
              explaining: “Photo editors are    newspaper carried, clues to        straighten out.
              obliged to go with the caption    the origin. It was, he wrote,
              of the source of the image that   evidence that some photo           Photo Glossary
              we are using… The photo           agency had itself once lifted
              editor did not [obtain] the       the portrait from some print
                                                                                   The exposure triangle is the
              portrait of Walt Whitman from     publication.
                                                                                   relationship between three
              The Library of Congress…              This version had not come
                                                                                   basic pillars of photography:
                  “As I am sure you know,       straight from Brady’s negative,
                                                                                   aperture, shutter speed, and
              there can be a number of          he said, and surely wasn’t a
                                                                                   ISO. By making adjustments
              reasons that photographs          smooth-surfaced albumin print
                                                                                   to these three parameters,
              appear in wire agencies. This     made from the Library’s plate
                                                                                   you can affect exposure.
              one appears to have been at       back in the day. It was a copy
              some point purchased/con-         of a copy.
              nected to Mary H. Evans, a            A famous studio captures
              [British] library that then was   a famous poet sitting for his
              absorbed by other agencies,       portrait, yet 160 years later,
              likely how a cropped version      no whiff of the image’s real
              of the original ended up          beginning deserves credit?
              there.”                           Foul! There oughta be a law

     May 2021                                                           31
PHOTOGRAPHY   Whale Watching

              American Princess Cruises has
              begun its 2021 season of whale
              and dolphin cruises. Of course,
              you’ll see much more than just
              whales and dolphins. There’re                                                         1
              dozens of species of birds to
              shoot, and the scenery along
              the shore is unbeatable, as are
              the seascapes. The whale
              watching season runs through
              the end of June—so book your
              cruise(s) ASAP.
                  All cruises last about three-
              and-a-half hours and begin at
              12 noon. There are also sunset
              cruises on Saturdays departing
              at 5 p.m. The cost is $60 for                     2
                                                                                 Images 1 & 3
              adults and $55 for seniors.                                 © American Princess Cruises
              They also have group rates if
              you’re interested.                                               Images 2, 4 & 5
                  American Princess Cruises                                   ©2019 Chuck Pine
              adheres to all the health and
              safety guidelines outlined by
              the Centers for Disease Control
              and Prevention (CDC) and
              New York State. This includes
              social distancing, the wearing
              of masks (when inside the
              boat’s cabin or when on deck                                                4
              and people are closely packed
              for viewings.
                  These cruises depart from
              Pier 3 in Sheepshead Bay,
              Brooklyn. The average rate of
              sightings is 90%, however, in
              2020 they had over a 97% rate
              of sighting humpbacks.
                  For additional information
              on these and other cruises, go
              to  or call 718-474-0555.                                                      5

    May 2021                                                  32
PHOTOGRAPHY   P. S. A.                                Do not respond!!! It’s a     Camera Care 2
              This is a public service                Others that have been        Taking proper care of your
              announcement! Have you              popping up a lot are:            gear ensures that you won’t
              been scammed?                       • Social Security Scam—          break the bank too often. It
                  AARP (the American                someone claims your            also means that your system
              Association of Retired                Social Security number         will work consistently to
              Persons (for those of us not          was suspended, but can be      deliver expected results.
              in the know) has issued               reactivated with a gift card   • Get a UV Filter
              warnings to its members               payment;                         Get a good quality ultra-
              about a bunch of scams all          • IRS Imposter Scam—               violet (UV) or skylight (1A)
              with a common theme—they              someone from the IRS             filter for your lens. This
              ask to be paid not by check,          calls to insist you have an      protects the front element
              not by money transfer or              unpaid bill and needs you        of your lens from bumps
              credit card, but by gift card.        to pay ASAP using a gift         and scratches. However,
                                                    card;                            it’s better not to use the
                                                  • Romance Scam—someone             filter if it is of low optical
                                                    you’ve met online makes          quality—they adversely
                                                    an emergency request for         affect image quality.
                                                    money.                         • Get a Hand Strap.
                                                      Sure, I know it sounds         A hand strap could be a
                                                  ridiculous. But millions of        lifesaver. Just thinking of
                                                  people, living in the US           dropping your camera can
                                                  alone, have lost well over         give you nightmares, right?
                                                  $100,000,000 engaging with       • Get a Lens Hood
                  Why gift cards you might
                                                  these gift card scams. Don’t       A lens hood does more
              ask? They are commonplace,
                                                  you be one of them. Just           than make your setup look
              untraceable, and can easily
                                                  remember, requests to pay          “professional.” It provides
              be converted into cash. [Note
                                                  with gift cards are a sign         shade to the front element
              to all the English teachers out
                                                  of fraud.                          of the lens, preventing
              there, sorry about the split
              infinitive.]                                                           ghosting and flare. And, if
                  This first one affects us                                          you happen to bump your
              photographers more than the                                            lens when carrying your
              others because we use a                                                camera around, the lens
              computer for so much of                                                hood takes the damage and
              what we do. Here’s the                                                 protects the lens.
              scenario: You get a call, an                                         • Take a Shower
              email, a text, or see a pop-up                                         If you’re planning to travel
              message from a technician                                              around in dusty areas, a
              requesting remote access to                                            shower cap makes a handy
              your computer to fight off a                                           dust blocker. Place your
              looming threat. For their help,                                        camera inside a shower cap
              they ask you to pay with                                               and you won’t have to
              gift cards.                                                            worry too much.

     May 2021                                                           33
PHOTOGRAPHY   Sigma fp L                                             Beach Photo Tips

              Never afraid to be unique,                             Here are a few more tips for
              Sigma has just released the fp L                       when you go to the beach to
              mirrorless camera. The second                          shoot some images. [Note—
              member of the fp Series of                             these tips apply to other photo
              compact, modular, hybrid                               situations as well.]
              cameras, the fp L storms in
              with a high resolution sensor,                         • Use an eye-catching object
              improved focusing, and even                            or feature around which to
              brings an accessory electronic                         build your composition. A
              viewfinder to the system.                              long, empty expanse of white
                   When the original fp was                          sand with a clear blue sky is
              released in 2019, it stood out                         perfect for a walk on the
              due to its minimal design and                          beach, but can be too plain
              distinct feature set that clearly                      for a photograph. Driftwood,
              catered more to video than                             shells, rocks, even people are
              stills. The fp L is a revised take                     all great possibilities.
              on this approach, with more
              attention given to photography                         • Time of day matters. Every
              needs, overall speed, and even                         photographer knows (or
              handling, without giving up its                        should know) that early in
              characteristically small stature                       the morning and late in the
              and customizable ergonomics.                           afternoon are the best times
                   What are the new features                         for taking outdoor photos.
              the fp L brings to the plate?                          The natural light is tinged
              Here’s everything you need to                          with warm color and the
              know in quick form.                                    contrast is low for a much
              • Full-frame 61MP CMOS                                 more attractive effect.
              • Phase-detection and contrast-
                detection autofocus
              • Fits-in-your- pocket sized
              • An electronic viewfinder
                   The price of the fp L, for the
              body only, is $2,499. The new
              electronic viewfinder ($699)
              and lenses (varied prices) are
              extra. The body and the EVF
              may be purchased as a kit for
              only $2,999. Pre-order at B&H,
              Adorama, etc.

    May 2021                                               34

                                                                                                                                        Reeves-Reed Arboretum
              Botanical Gardens

                                                                                                                                             Summit, NJ
              After an especially trying win-
              ter, it’s safe to assume we’re all
              looking forward to the warm
              weather this year. And what
              says spring and summer more
              than the sweet smell and
              bright colors of blooming
              flowers, the buzzing of honey-

                                                                                                                                        Brookdale Park Rose Garden
              bees, and the fluttering of birds
              and butterflies at one of the
              area’s many botanical gardens?

                                                                                                                                              Montclair, NJ
              Please note that most of these
              destinations require following
              COVID-19 safety guidelines—
              check before you go. Here are
              some of the great gardens in
              New Jersey and Connecticut—
              all with-in an hour drive or by
              public transportation.
                                                   New Jersey Botanical Garden
                                                         Ringwood, NJ

                                                                                                                Bartlett Arboretum & Gardens
                                                                                 Presby Memorial Iris Gardens

                                                                                                                         Stamford, CT
                                                                                                                                                                     New Canaan Nature Center
                                                                                        Montclair, NJ

                                                                                                                                                                         New Canaan, CT

     May 2021                                                                                                                          35

               All Aboard!

               Get ready to be amazed by
               landscapes and history that
               you just can’t see by plane,
               boat, nor car. Climb aboard a
               luxury railcar and get a front-
               row seat to witness breathtak-                 West Highland Line
               ing views of the Canadian                      Glasgow to Mallaig, Scotland
               Rockies. Roll through the un-
               spoiled wilds of Scotland or set
               eyes on storybook villages in
               Switzerland. Sit back and relax
               as you take the trip of a life-
               time through the some of the
               most jaw-dropping train routes
               in the world.
                   And, all of them are chock
               full of one-of-a-kind photo ops.                Orient Express
                                                               Paris, France to Istanbul, Turkey

                Rocky Mountaineer                               Trans-Siberian Railway
                Vancouver to Banff, Canada                      Moscow to Vladivostok, Russia

              Tranzalpine                                     Glacier Express
              Christchurch to Greymouth, New Zealand          Zermatt to St. Moritz, Switzerland

       May 2021                                                36
PHOTOGRAPHY   Where in the World

              These images were all taken on
              a PWCC field trip several years
              back. In fact, we’ve been there
              a few times. Can you guess
              where these photos were shot?
                  Send your responses to
               Please use
              ”Where in the World?” in the
              subject line of your email.
                                                                   Last month’s answer was the island nation of
                  Those who submit correct
                                                                   Ireland. Those who responded said the sign was
              answers will be announced in
                                                                   a give-away. Last month’s correct answers were
              the next issue of Photo Notes.
                                                                   submitted by Elaine Kirchen, Michael Schleiff,
                                                                   and Marlene Schonbrun.

                                                   All Images
                                                ©2019 Chuck Pine

      Send us your images
                                        images from one particular
      Photo Notes is looking for        destination to include in
      Club members to submit a          future Where in the World
      half dozen or so of your          columns.

    May 2021                                                            37
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