IN GEARApril / May 2021 - SIERRA TREK RETURNS! - Cal4Wheel

Page created by Cory Griffith
IN GEARApril / May 2021 - SIERRA TREK RETURNS! - Cal4Wheel
IN GEAR                               April / May 2021

                                                                        PAGE 26

                               PAGE 14
Official publication of the California Four Wheel Drive Association
IN GEARApril / May 2021 - SIERRA TREK RETURNS! - Cal4Wheel
CORPORATE sponsors
GOLD SPONSORS                  







    #genrightoffroad             #PowerTank                  #tuffyproducts               #aftermarketauburngear
    #WARNfan                     #RuggedRadios               #factor55                    #Step22Gear
    #Currie                      #SpiderWebShade             #OdysseyBattery              #arbusa
    #BFGoodrichTires             #psc                        #hiliftjacks                 #tds4x4
    #RacelineWheels              #premierpowerwelder         #Scosche                     #4wheelparts
    #FOX                         #advanceadapters            #4x4sPOD
    #RockHard4x4                 #RuggedRidge                #visionxusa

            To become a sponsor, contact John McCready at 916-794-5979 or

2     IN GEAR April / May 2021
IN GEARApril / May 2021 - SIERRA TREK RETURNS! - Cal4Wheel
                               BOARD MEMBER REPORTS                                                                        06
                               NRC RFP’S OPEN                                                                              12
                               COMING UP                                                                                   13
                               SIERRA TREK INFO                                                                            14
                               convention report                                                                           16
                               run report: winter fun & folly                                                              19
                               donations                                                                                   22
                               PANAMINT TRAIL CREW THANK YOU                                                               24
                               win-a-jeep                                                                                  26
                               club directory                                                                              28
                               calendar                                                                                    30
                               ASSOCIATE DIRECTORY                                                                         31
                                                    ON THE COVER: Sierra Trek by Chris Collard.

                                                                   APRIL-MAY 2021 / VOLUME 62 #1
                               ASSOCIATION, INC., 8120 36TH AVE., SACRAMENTO, CA 95824-2304. IN GEAR IS THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE
                               SACRAMENTO, CA, AND ADDITIONAL MAILING OFFICES.


                               POSTMASTER: SEND FORM 3579 TO C4WDA, INC. 8120 36TH AVE., SACRAMENTO, CA 95824-2304

                                        FEB/MARCH - JANUARY 1; APRIL/MAY - MARCH 1; JUNE/JULY - MAY 1; AUGUST/SEPTEMBER - JULY 1;

IN GEARApril / May 2021 - SIERRA TREK RETURNS! - Cal4Wheel
WHO ARE WE?                                                                           MEETINGS
   The California Four Wheel Drive Association, Inc. (founded in 1959) is a non-profit
organization comprised of member clubs, individuals and business firms, united in a               BE SURE TO CHECK OUR WEBSITE FOR MEETING
common objective — the betterment of vehicle-oriented outdoor recreation.                     LOCATIONS AND THE LATEST INFORMATION REGARDING
   We represent four-wheelers, hunters, fishermen, and other outdoor                                     POSSIBLE POSTPONEMENTS
recreationalists. Ours is the largest organization of its type in California.                               AND CANCELLATIONS.

                           THROUGH A UNITED EFFORT WE:                                                                 BOARD MEETINGS*
                                                                                                               June 5-6, 2021 / August 21-22, 2021
 1.   Promote responsible use of public lands.                                                        November 20-21, 2021 / February 18-20, 2022 - Visalia, CA
 2.   Prevent legislation that would restrict off-road vehicles and vehicle use.                                            NORTH DISTRICT
 3.   Develop programs of conservation, education and safety.                                                        April 22, 2021 - 7PM via Zoom
                                                                                                         July 17, 2021**/October 9, 2021**/January 8, 2022**
 4.   Encourage state and federal agencies to develop new four wheel drive trails
                                                                                                        CENTRAL DISTRICT - ALL MEETINGS VIA ZOOM 7PM
      and preserve existing ones.                                                                         April 15, 2021 / July 15, 2021 / October 14, 2021
 5.   Distribute information to vehicle-oriented recreationalists.                                                January 13, 2022 / April 14, 2022

 6.   Promote statewide activities and four wheel drive events for the enjoyment of                      SOUTH DISTRICT - ALL MEETINGS VIA ZOOM 7PM
                                                                                                          April 16, 2021 / July 23, 2021 / October 22, 2021
      members.                                                                                                    January 21, 2022 / April 22, 2022
                                                                                         Board and district meetings are held each quarter and are open to all members.

                       CAL4WHEEL CONTACTS
                                                                                         More info at
                                                                                         *Due to the ongoing COVID-19 restrictions, most meetings are being held via
                                                                                         Zoom. Contact a board member for more information. **Meetings will be held at
                                                                                         the Cal4Wheel office starting at 9AM with Zoom as an option.
STATE OFFICERS                 SECRETARY                    SECRETARY
                               David Rocha II               Bonnie Ferguson
PRESIDENT                      559-349-0385                 661-943-9744
Jack Chapman         
209-304-0510 (c)
209-274-4508 (h)
                               NORTH DISTRICT
                               OFFICERS                     NATURAL RESOURCE                              LIKE US ON FACEBOOK
PAST PRESIDENT                                              CONSULTANT
Steve Egbert                   VICE PRESIDENT               Have a land use issue?             Cal4wheel                             SierraTrek
559-685-1928                   Jim Bramham                  Contact a board member so          Cal4Wheelnorth                        winajeep
559-936-3030 (cell)            916-296-8923                 we can get the word out.                                                Cal4Wheelcentral                      WinterFunFestival
TREASURER                      MEMBERSHIP
Russ Chung                     CHAIRMAN                     MARKETING &        Ron DeLaney                  PROMOTIONS
                                                                                              CAL4 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS
Sherry Stortroen                                            John McCready
209-602-4788 (cell)            SECRETARY                    916-794-5979           Kitten Chapman     
                               209-274-4508 (h)
                                                                                         All vehicles must be maintained to conform to highway
                               209-662-2308 (c)                                          safety standards, as well as meet the minimum
                                                            IN GEAR EDITOR/              requirements listed below:
OFFICERS                                                    WEB PAGE
                               SOUTH DISTRICT                                            1.    Roll bar or full cage or             7.  Fire extinguisher with
VICE PRESIDENT                 OFFICERS                     COORDINATOR                        factory installed hard top.              gauge indicating good/full,
Mark Cave                                                   Suzy Johnson                 2.    Emergency brake, parking                 appropriately stored.
559-623-5338                   VICE PRESIDENT               4551 S. Paseo Don Rolando          brake, line-lock or other            8. Seat belts for all passengers.           Josh Epstein                 Tucson, AZ 85746                   redundant braking system.            9. Antennas must be rigid or
                               951-675-0203                 866-806-0110
MEMBERSHIP                                                                               3.    Tow strap or rope                        restrained in a manner to
                                Fax 866-888-2465
CHAIRMAN                                                         (recommend rated at 2                    prevent injuries.
**VACANT**                     MEMBERSHIP                                                      times the vehicle weight).           10. Adequate attachment
Special election at            CHAIRMAN                                                  4.    First aid kit.                           points front and rear, i.e.,
April 2021 district meeting    Don Rybarczyk                                             5.    Jack capable of lifting the              tow hooks, receiver, etc.
                               909-851-0806                                                    vehicle and a tool capable               Tow balls are not generally
                                                                    of removing lug nuts.                    recommended.
                                                                                         6.    Spare tire within 3” diameter
                                                                                                                                    11. Battery hold downs (no
                                                                                               of other tires, or, for tires 37”
                                                                                                                                        bungie cords).
                                                                                               or larger, run-flats or tools to
                    BOARD MEMBERS:                                           repair/reinflate tire.               RECOMMENDED: Oil/fluid spill kit
              MEMBERSHIP CHAIRS:
                                  MAIN OFFICE                                                 Send your change of address to C4WDA, Inc., 8120
                                                                                              36th Ave., Sacramento, CA 95824-2304 or change
                           Bonnie Steele, Office Manager
                                                                                              it online at
                   8120 36th Ave., Sacramento, CA 95824-2304
                      (916) 381-8300                                     Be sure to include your membership number if it is
4     IN GEAR April / May 2021
IN GEARApril / May 2021 - SIERRA TREK RETURNS! - Cal4Wheel
I pledge to support the goals and objectives of the CALIFORNIA FOUR WHEEL DRIVE ASSOCIATION,
INC., in the protection, respect and the enjoyment of our public domain lands and towards the
betterment of off-highway vehicle recreation. I am enclosing:
       $50.00 for my yearly Individual Membership dues.                                                 $750.00 for my Life Membership dues.
       ($10.00 of your association dues is for a one-year subscription to In
       Gear.) Ownership of a four-wheel drive vehicle is not a requirement                       Please make check payable to:
       for membership.                                                                           California Four Wheel Drive Association
                                                                                                 Note: The Federal Tax Reform Act requires that we advise members that contributions or gifts to
                                                                                                 C4WDA are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

NAME________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________       TYPE OF 4X4 VEHICLE_______________________________

TELEPHONE NUMBER (              )_____________________________________________________________________________________________     YEAR____________________________________________________

ADDRESS____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________        MARRIED? o YES   o NO   

CITY_____________________________________________________STATE_______ ZIP__________________________________________________        SPOUSE’S/CO-MEMBER NAME*

EMAIL________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________      __________________________________________________________
                                                                                                                                   *Must be legally married to share life membership.
Please send information on how I may become a member of the
CALIFORNIA FOUR WHEEL DRIVE ASSOCIATION, INC. by:                                                                                      Communication Preferences
o    Becoming an Associate Member (business firm)                                                                                    o Subscribe to email updates
o    Becoming a Life Member through your installment plan.                                                                           o Subscribe to email access alerts
o    Joining an established Club                                                                                                     o Do not release my information
o    Forming a new four-wheel drive club


Referred by____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Return to:
  California Four Wheel Drive Association, Inc.                                                OFFICE USE ONLY
                                                                                               Amt. Received__________ Ck#__________ NM List____
  8120 36th Ave., Sacramento, CA 95824-2304                                                    NM Mailing________________ Computer____
  916-381-8300 / 1-800-4x4-FUNN

                                    JOIN ONLINE AT CAL4WHEEL.ORG/JOIN-CAL4WHEEL

                     SHOW YOUR PRIDE!
We now have custom embroidered apparel available for
Cal4Wheel members and life members! Your name goes on
the right side, with a Cal4Wheel logo and either ‘Member’ or
‘Life Member’ under the logo. The jackets are $80, and the
polos are $50. The price includes embroidery and shipping.
Allow up to four weeks for delivery.

To order, log in to your account at
If you are a member or life member, the ordering options will
appear at the top of your profile page.

IN GEARApril / May 2021 - SIERRA TREK RETURNS! - Cal4Wheel
I hope everyone is doing well and staying
                                      healthy. I don’t think anyone saw “COVID” coming
                                      at the beginning of 2020, and I know no one
                                      expected it to still be something we would be
                                      dealing with almost a year later. Yet, here we are.
                                      Even with the stay-at-home orders and social
                                      distancing, people still had to get out to take
                                      care of everyday things. Some had to continue
                                      working with modifications while others were
                                      instructed to work from home. Either way, our
                                      access to the everyday social aspect of life
                                      changed. You would have thought everything in
                                      life would have come to a screeching halt, but
                                      just the opposite when it came to construction
                                      and daily operations, I think it doubled down and
                                      got busier.
                                          I started out my term as president a year
                                      ago and about a month into it is when COVID
                                      restrictions turned everything around. As an
                                      association, we had to cancel not only our own
                                      events, along with all the other events ran by
                                      other organizations. Not only in California but
                                      across the United States and the world. This
                  JACK CHAPMAN        completely changed how Cal4Wheel operated
                          PRESIDENT   and impacted how we would have to move
                                      forward. Some things are for the better.
                                          Let’s start with the four-letter word: Zoom.

          PRESIDENT’S                 Some of you know what I mean, and some of
                                      you probably say no way. There were many
                                      options out there to video chat or conference
                                      and Cal4Wheel had to jump in the ring. The office

                                      in Sacramento has been equipped to put on
                                      these types of meetings, saving the association
                                      thousands of dollars a year and at the same
                                      time allowing many more people access to the
                                      meetings. That’s two good positives right there.
                                      Cal4Wheel is about working for the members and
                                      when more of them can be heard, there can be
                                      nothing but good to come from that, even after
                                      almost a year, I’m still no expert, but I am getting
                                      more proficient. Just like knowing how my rig will
                                      track when driving on the trail.
                                          I volunteered to run for the position of
                                      Cal4Wheel president, and I was elected by the
                                      delegates, and having my own ideas on how
                                      things should run, or how I would like to see them
                                      ran, I began my term. All of those ideas changed
                                      with COVID. Nonetheless, we learned to change
                                      as best we could and make the best of it. I stated
                                      I would give all my spare time I could to help
                                      Cal4Wheel, and I have and then some. I have a full-
                                      time job, as most everyone does, and when COVID
                                      hit, my workload almost doubled. Yet, I still made a
                                      few statements that I feel I held up to.
                                          I would like to thank Patrick Vaughn, and
                                      the entire team, for the invite to TDS right after
                                      convention last year. What a great event and my
                                      wife and I will be down there again. However, that

6   IN GEAR April / May 2021
IN GEARApril / May 2021 - SIERRA TREK RETURNS! - Cal4Wheel
I started out my term as president a year ago and about a month into it is when
   COVID restrictions turned everything around.

would not be my last trip down to southern California, or       thanks to Josh with JEP Autoworks for putting this build
anywhere for that matter. Over the course of a year, I have     together this year.
been really busy. I made a few club meetings when they             In my spare time (lol) I sat in on a couple Coastal
were held and participated in several Cal4Wheel events like     Commission meetings pertaining to Oceano Dunes/
Operation Desert Fun, Panamint Valley Days (where I was         Pismo and worked with other organizations to slow the
part of a recovery team for a past president, no name here),
                                                                closures and get back more of what belongs to the off-road
and High Sierra Poker Run (which was cut short due to a
                                                                community. Temporarily Cal4Wheel had to ride out the
forest fire). I also made a few club runs like Kingsburg Snow
Poker Run, Black Sheep Lassen Jamboree, Esprit De Four          NRC contract and pull out of the lobbying coalition when
training day, Women out Wheeling and a few personal trips       things were slow but we were able to help in some way. I
here and there. I would like to thank the following people      know there are ideas out there and when I get them it gives
for moving forward with these events which allowed many         the association time to rethink how the operation is being
of us to enjoy wheeling and the outdoors: Angela Cook and       run and what to do to make it better. Let’s put our heads
Josh Epstein for Operation Desert Fun; Bonnie Ferguson          together and come up with some ideas.
and Danette Starksen for Panamint Valley Days, and Steve           I will have to say, even with a COVID year, it’s been a busy
Peckham and Paul Brady for High Sierra Poker Run.               one and I have met a lot of people I will never forget. I have
   I was also blessed with becoming the Win-A-Jeep              learned a lot and continue to learn as I go. I know in 2021
committee chair (by default) and working with the               Cal4Wheel will come out on top. Our membership did take
remaining committee, Kitten Chapman, Davey Rocha and
                                                                a dip but we’re now moving in the right direction. Watch
picking up some help along the way from Chris Collard,
                                                                as we send out surveys to get everyone’s input on what
Chris Silveira, Del Albright, Jim Bramham, Suzy Johnson
and a few others. These people helped kick this raffle in       the association should do next. We are here to listen to the
high gear. Mr. Collard made an awesome video and still          membership and try to implement what they want. We had
photo shoot on the front door of the Rubicon trail and Mr.      a change in the board at Convention and we look forward
Silveira, Suzy and Del put the hurt on some social media.       to changes for the better, as there always is.
There were others that gave a hand as well. Jim Bramham            We made it past Convention 2021 (COVID Style) with
(what a legion and long-distance hauler) drove to Trail         a virtual participation this year. The efforts of Bonnie
Hero in southern Utah with a side trip to So. Cal and           Ferguson, Angela Cook and Danette Starksen didn’t
Vegas along the way and back. Jim, Shirley and Suzy set         go unnoticed for the time they took to prepare for an
up a booth in Scottsdale, Arizona, allowing Cal4Wheel to        in-person Convention, only to have state regulations force
make a presence. The Delaney family went to Glamis over
                                                                us into a Zoom marathon. The three days were a success
Christmas and New Year’s, along with a few others like the
                                                                and thanks to everyone involved it’s in the books. This was
Rochas, Bramhams and other volunteers. The wife and I
were glad to be down there for Christmas but couldn’t stay      a first for our awards ceremony, and I want to congratulate
the entire time. Just before that Mr. Russ Chung took some      everyone who received an award and all the work they
time during Thanksgiving to spend with me in Imperial           accomplished last year. I also want to congratulate
County for an exploration prior to Christmas and we worked      the winner of the raffle vehicle for 2020/2021: Michael
on selling tickets mainly around Ocotillo Wells and Salton      Thornburg from North Carolina. His purchase of tickets
City. The people who hauled this year’s raffle vehicle around   online proved becoming a winner can happen many ways. I
were amazing, like Dirk Starksen, Jim Bramham, David            want to also congratulate the winners of the Atlas transfer
Rocha and JEP Autoworks.                                        case, ARB refrigerator, the $100.00 gift card from Jim
   With the lack of events, everyone tried many different       Bramham and the BF Goodrich tires. CONGRATULATIONS!
ways to promote the vehicle and our sponsors. I cannot say         I want to thank everyone who purchased raffle tickets.
enough about them. They donated so many great items for
                                                                It was the most ever sold in a year. Even though it may be a
the vehicle, it was amazing. Thanks to Metal Cloak, Rock
                                                                challenging job this year, I know Cal4Wheel will come out on
Hard, Warn, BFG, Raceline, Rugged radio, Spod, ARB, Currie,
Advance Adapters, PSC, Vision X, Auburn Gears, Factor           top higher than before. There will be some exciting things to
55, Power Tank, HiLift along with the personal donations.       come and as always, this association couldn’t run without
Thanks to John McCready, Mike McGarity, Del Albright and        you and the volunteers. If you feel you have something to
others for procuring the parts needed to give to the builder    offer and the time to do it, give us a call. Your time gives
this year. It really takes a team to do this. And a special     back more than you know.

IN GEARApril / May 2021 - SIERRA TREK RETURNS! - Cal4Wheel
I t’s interesting to reflect back over the past year and
                                              ponder what we would have done different if we knew
                                            what was going to happen with the entire world and
                                            would you or I have acted any different? Would you
                                            have planned better? Worked harder? Usually these
                                            questions come up around January when you’re starting
                                            the ‘new diet’ to take action against all the holiday
                                            meals sneaking up on your waist line but this is a little
                                            different in the aspect of how a virus changed the entire
                                            world and how everyone has been affected by it.
                                                Cal4Wheel is no different in the sense that we were very
                                            much affected by C19 and had to cancel numerous events,
                                            which resulted in a huge loss of revenue, which resulted in
                                            huge spending cuts that were not welcomed by the general
                                            membership. Some will view this as a catastrophe but in my
                                            opinion, this is a learning experience for not only C4W but
                                            all of us.
                                                How many of you learned how to cook after most
                                            restaurants closed up? How many of you started a garden?
                                                I have been using this statement for the past 20 years
                                            or so: “There is perception and there is reality.” I’m not sure
                                            where I heard it, but it has resonated with me. For the past
                                            year, this board of directors has been fighting an impossible
                 JOSH EPSTEIN               battle with C19 and the effects of it on the world we know
            SOUTH DISTRICT VICE PRESIDENT   and love. All of us on the board are trying to do what we
                                            think is best and doing what our constituents want. Of
                                            course, the membership may have viewed it differently
                                            when the board made some drastic decisions to save a
                                            budget and potentially an association. I can attest that
                                            these decisions were not made easily and not made
                                            without serious discussion over numerous Zoom sessions.
                                            Good or bad, if you agree or do not agree with the outcome,
                                            those decisions were made. I have talked to numerous

       VICE PRESIDENTS’                     members about this to explain it and bring to light the
                                            actual reality of what was done and why it was done. I can

                                            assure you that it was not to bring the association down
                                            like a flaming German Zephyr.
                                                It’s hard to see the reality when you’re only getting
                                            segmented information here and there without actually
                                            being at the meeting and hearing the conversation or, even
                                            being part of the conversation and that’s why I implore you
                                            to stand up and join a meeting or two. Volunteer for some
                                            events, maybe consider getting on the board and making a
                                            difference and see what’s really going on rather than what
                                            you may have heard from your friends, cousin, stepbrother’s
                                            buddy from the car wash who read this on Facebook.
                                                With the coming and passing of February we had this
                                            little thing called Convention. It was not at all what Bonnie
                                            Ferguson, Angela Cook and Danette Starksen planned
                                            by any means. I mean, they had this glorious plan at the
                                            Lamp Liter Inn in Visalia and as the date loomed closer,
                                            the smaller the event became and at a few weeks out, the
                                            plan to make Convention 2021 an online/Zoom event was
                                            not made easily. I want to thank these wonderful women
                                                                                  „ CONTINUED ON PAGE 20

8   IN GEAR April / May 2021
IN GEARApril / May 2021 - SIERRA TREK RETURNS! - Cal4Wheel
A     s I start this new chapter in my service to Cal4Wheel,
      I would once again like to thank Glenn Reynolds and
Mike McGarity for their years of service on the board
of directors. I would also like to welcome my old friend
Mark Cave as he takes over the reins in the Central
District. We’re both excited and energized to work with
our districts and all our other board members to move
our association forward as we release from COVID.
    It’s called the Board of DIRECTORS for a reason. We are
not dictators, czars or Oz working behind the curtain. There
are 13 members on the board from throughout the state;
they come together to make both easy and tough decisions
in the best interest of the organization and its members.
With Jack as the musher and all us dogs pulling, we can do
great things.
    Our own North District membership chair, Ron Delaney,
came up with the fabulous idea of a board retreat and
teambuilding weekend. This will hopefully occur before the
next board meeting and give an opportunity for the board
members to get to know one another, understand their
backgrounds, and goals. This may also help identify some
opportunities and set some priorities that can accelerate
the positive direction we’re headed.
    Now comes the tricky part and that is you the clubs                JIM BRAMHAM
and members of this association becoming involved in and           NORTH DISTRICT VICE PRESIDENT
supporting our mission and function. As Jack wrote in his
recent president’s letter, 2020 kicked the crap out of us.
The bleakness of our November board of directors meeting
was truly a low point in our history. Our mainstay events
had been canceled, the Win-A-Jeep appeared to be on the
ropes, and our financial roadmap looked to be headed off
the cliff. But it was you the members with some out-of-
the-box thinking and unique volunteerism that put small
and large contributions into our general fund. The biggest
outpouring of love for our association came from the              VICE PRESIDENTS’
turnaround in the Win-a-Jeep program. As I am sure you will
read elsewhere in the In Gear, the vehicle ended with the
highest gross revenue ever!!!!
    I am so pleased that we have Chris Silveira and Del
Albright to spearhead a raffle vehicle program for next year.
As you read their articles, please read between the lines
of places you can step forward to help. Huge kudos go to
Josh Epstein and JEP Autoworks for producing an excellent
vehicle that apparently will end up spending its life in North
Carolina. Our builder for the 2022 vehicle is no stranger
to the program. Metal Cloak is a longtime sponsor of the
association and builder of previous vehicles. The build this
year follows the latest trend in our sport, Overlanding! I
must say I do chuckle when I hear that Overlanding is the
new thing. Our association and most of our original clubs
were based on this very activity, driving to revisit history
and amazing ourselves at the ingenuity and grit of our
forebearers. It’s that unfulfilled desire to know what’s on the
other side of the ridge that attracts many of us to this sport.
                                       „ CONTINUED ON PAGE 21

IN GEARApril / May 2021 - SIERRA TREK RETURNS! - Cal4Wheel
I t has been a few years since my last report in In Gear,
                                               so I hope the spiderwebs in my keyboard do not cause
                                             any typos. It is good to be back on the BOD and in
                                             service to all the great members and supporters of Cal4!
                                             I hope I can help find solutions to the many issues that
                                             have cropped up of late and more importantly listen to
                                             the memberships’ ideas and priorities to find the best
                                                 Today I spoke with Chris Silverberg from Hollister SVRA
                                             and we have an idea on the drawing board to have a one-day
                                             Molina Ghost run at the SVRA for one hundred vehicles. Come
                                             and see how a drive through raffle works. It is quite simple in
                                             my imagination, but we will see how it translates into reality.
                                             It will allow us to check all the COVID boxes and get out of the
                                             house. Plan to sign up early as it will sell out fast.
                                                 COVID has rocked my world and I think it has forced
                                             us to be creative. The tragedy of personal loss in so many
                                             ways: jobs, lives, friendships, businesses, and activities are
                                             impossible to fully grasp. I also have watched many prosper
                                             from COVID. Amazon and Costco are doing great. Jeep
                                             inventories are at an all-time low. I think we can creatively
                                             provide safe and fun recreation and join those companies
                                             that have weathered COVID. I believe recreation and social
                   MARK CAVE                 interaction are victims of this disease and Cal4 is uniquely
           CENTRAL DISTRICT VICE PRESIDENT   positioned to help bring back fun. We need to be thoughtful
                                             and safe, and make some changes, but with care we can
                                             meet all objectives.
                                                 I love our runs; I enjoy seeing the many different rigs
                                             that turn out for them. It strikes me that no two are alike.
                                             Our sport is one of the last refuges of rugged individualists.
                                             Serving our membership means addressing a diverse group
                                             of people with many opinions, ideas, and goals. I hope to
                                             tap into that powerful resource to help Cal4 find the best

       VICE PRESIDENTS’                      line, gain the needed traction and successfully transit the
                                             tough path we are on. Wheeling has taught me that with

                                             good gear, good spotting, and great friends I can tackle
                                             some pretty tough trails successfully. I have learned to
                                             value and respect the intelligence, commonsense, and
                                             inventiveness of our membership.
                                                 I value hearing from you at The
                                             issues I want to address this year are:
                                                 1) Natural Resources Consultant program; hire a new
                                             contractor and establish an internship with Fresno state‘s
                                             program recreation department. I would like to see other
                                             districts do so as well.
                                                 2) Get our fundraisers operational; we may have to
                                             modify them, but we will have them. We need the funding
                                             to pay for priority #1 and we need to get together for some
                                             fun and to reconnect with our land.
                                                 3) Reestablish our original Molina Ghost Run at Clear
                                             Creek on its original date in addition to the Hollister Event.
                                             (This supports #2.)
                                                 4) Partner with the Forest Service to reopen the High
                                             Sierra and Hume Lake districts to recreation. The fires,

                                                                                    „ CONTINUED ON PAGE 21

10   IN GEAR April / May 2021
A    t the end of 2020, the cash flow to pay our bills
     was approaching a critical situation, and the board
took some drastic measures to conserve cash, such
as suspending the contract for a Natural Resource
Consultant and deferring the purchase of a vehicle for
the next Win-A-Jeep program. I am happy to report that
our finances have improved, largely due to a tremendous
increase in the 2020-2021 Win-A-Jeep raffle ticket
sales that were about 50% higher than the previous
year, resulting in a net profit of about double the
previous year (the lucky winner of the Jeep lives in North
Carolina). In addition to the successful Win-A-Jeep raffle,
our Operation Desert Fun and Panamint Valley Days
events were a success, although we did have to cancel
the Winter Fun Festival due to COVID-19 restrictions.
    At the Virtual State Convention held in February, two
other decisions were made by the delegates to help
our cash flow. The first decision was made by the Life
Members to authorize a loan from the Life Member
restricted fund to purchase a new vehicle for the 2021-2022
Win-A-Jeep program. This loan avoids spending money from
                                                                                                                RUSS CHUNG
the unrestricted general fund at this time. The loan will                                                           STATE TREASURER
be repaid from the proceeds of the raffle ticket sales. The
second decision was made by the delegates to authorize
the association to obtain a revolving line of credit secured
by the state headquarters property. The line of credit
will enable the association to smooth the cash flow that                             STATE TREASURER’S
usually peaks in the summer when the annual membership
renewals and Sierra Trek bring in a lot of revenue and drops
in the winter when we have few events.
    As a result of our improved financial position, the board
has begun the process of filling the Natural Resource
Consultant position.
    And finally, I want to thank the Convention delegates for
electing me to a full two-year term as state treasurer.

                                                   Leave your cares behind… not your coverage!

                                                  Emergent and Non-Emergent air medical memberships offered at a discounted
                                                         rate for Members of the California Four Wheel Drive Association

                                                                     Call or go online to enroll in both today!
                                                                       Use Coupon Code 11014-CA-BUS
                                                                   Questions? Call Jennifer Hart, Membership Manager - 530-510-2915

   The California Four Wheel Drive Association, Inc. hereinafter referred to as the Association and/or CA4WDA is accepting
proposals for a Natural Resource Consultant. Contract is for a term of up to one-year commencing on the anniversary date
of hire, or multiple years on approval of the Board of Directors.
   OBJECTIVE: To find an NRC (Natural Resource Consultant) who will provide consulting services for Cal4Wheel regarding
current issues involving California lands available for OHV through research and analysis of pending city, county, state,
and government agency action, including but not limited to National Forests and BLM properties. The prospective NRC
shall advise the Association of OHV/land use issues and provide recommendations regarding where resources should be
expended. The successful contractor must be able to effectively communicate with government agencies and other OHV
organizations to promote the Association’s land use positions.

  Written proposals should be submitted to the attention of the President of CA4WDA at 8120 36th Avenue., Sacramento,
CA 95824

   Questions and requests for additional information should be submitted in writing to the President of the Association
at 8120 36th Ave., Sacramento, CA 95824 or by e-mail to This includes, but is not limited to,
agreements on positions for land use issues.

Download the full Request for Proposal here:

                                       Cal4Wheel                                            Cal4Wheel
                                                                                            & Education
                                      Donation Form                                          Foundation, Inc.
                                                                                                                501(c)(3) CORPORATION

                       Your donations are needed to help keep our public lands open
                                   and fund other Cal4Wheel programs.

     Please make checks payable to         Type of Fund                                Donation
     C4WDA and enclose this form.
                                          Legal Funds
     Mail to:                             Jack Edwards General Legal Fund              $
     C4WDA                                Clear Creek                                  $
     8120 36th Ave.
                                          Desert                                       $
     Sacramento, CA 95824-2304
                                          Eldorado National Forest                     $
     Legal Funds                          Johnson Valley                               $
     Will be used to fight on-going       Oceano SVRA                                  $
     lawsuits, appeal closures and        Stanislaus National Forest                   $
     other legal expenses.                Other:                                       $
                                          General Fund                                 $
                                          Building Fund                                $
                                          Foundation [501(c)(3)]
                                          Cal4Wheel Foundation                         $
                                          Life Member Scholarship                      $
            Donate online                 Other:                                       $
                                          TOTAL                                        $

12    IN GEAR April / May 2021
                                 for more information on our events visit

                                    MOLINA GHOST RUN                                                                                   Winter
                                    May 7-9, 2021 - SAVE THE DATE!                                                      REGISTRATION INCLUDES

                                                                                                                       Your choice of runs, group
                                       Hollister Hills SVRA, Hollister, CA                                            camping area, raffle. Meals
                                     Info:                                     may not be available due to
                                     We’re waiting on State Parks                                                     COVID-19 restrictions.
                                    $ Cost: TBA

                                    Save the date for Molina 2021! We are currently waiting on
                                    State Parks to make a determination aboutWinter
                                                                                       Sierrastatus of
                                                                                                                                                                                 High Sierra
    Mike McGarity                   this year’s event. We will notify everyone   as soon as we have
                                                                             Festival                                                             Molina                Clovis   Poker Run
                                                                                                                                                  Ghost             more information. In the meantime, block out May 7-9 on your                                                   Run

    559-352-9780                    calendar for a weekend of four-wheeling and friendship at the
                                    Hollister Hills SVRA.

                                    HI DESERT ROUND-UP
                                    May 28-31, 2021                               Molina
                                                                                                         High Sierra
                                                                                                         Poker Run       REGISTRATION INCLUDES
                                                                                                                       Your choice of runs, games,
                                       Slash X Ranch Café, near Barstow, CA
                                                                                                                       dash plaque, one raffle
                                       Info:                                 ticket, camping.
                                       Registration: Coming soon                                                                      Valley
                                                                                                                               Trona    Days
                                    $   Cost: TBA

      HDR 2019 CHRISTIAN HUMMEL     Hi Desert Round-Up is a great way to spend your Memorial Day
                                    weekend. We should be able to get a permit this year, which
      Josh Epstein                  may require some changes to the event. The event features                                             Hi Desert Round-Up                several runs for all levels of vehicles and drivers, games and
                                    raffles for both kids and adults. More details coming soon.

                                                                                                                                                           Desert Fun

                                    SIERRA TREK
                                    August 12-15, 2021                                                                  REGISTRATION INCLUDES
                                                                                                                       Runs, meals for the
                                       Meadow Lake, near Truckee, CA
                                                                                                                       weekend, dash plaque, one
                                       Info:                                        raffle ticket, camping.
                                       Registration:
                                    $   Cost: $185/$195 per person

       TREK 2009 BRENT CRANNELL     After last year’s cancelation we’re planning to come back
         Jeff Dax                   better than ever! This event features the famous Fordyce                                             Sierra
                                                                                                                            Winter            trail, along with several other runs for all drivers and vehicles,                        Fun

      916-320-7180                  including an overnight historic run. We plan to serve meals
                                    for the weekend, although that could change. We have live
                                    entertainment and a raffle on Saturday night. This is an event
                                    that should be on everyone’s bucket list.

                                         MAKES A COMEBACK

                                           ierra Trek is a Cal4Wheel event located in California’s beautiful
                                           Tahoe National Forest. This is a family oriented event geared
                                           towards everything from stock 4x4s on guided historic
                                           and slightly challenging tours to fully built rock crawlers on
                                           Fordyce Creek Trail and everything in between. Stock vehicles
                                should consider signing up for the Wednesday/Thursday Overnight, the
                                Saturday Historic Run, the Outer Limits Run or the new Signal Peak run.
                                Moderately modified vehicles will love the beauty and the challenge of the
                                intermediate run or the Signal Peak Run.
                                   Fordyce Trail is an extremely technical and challenging trail, therefore
                                is offered to the more modified vehicles requiring at least 35” tires and a
                                minimum of one locker. Larger tires, two lockers and crawler gearing are all
                                recommended to improve the overall participant experience on the Fordyce
                                Trail runs. The surrounding area trails allow Sierra Trek to offer runs for less
                                modified 4x4 vehicles.
                                   This year we would love to embrace a family atmosphere and welcome the
                                next generation of four-wheelers into the sport. We welcome everyone to Main
                                camp for a Cornhole Tournament, and a world class vendor show. Please feel
                                free to explore the area and locate any one of the numerous geocaches. Come
                                to camp at night for the campfire with a live band. Enjoy your favorite adult
                                beverage from the bar while you make new friends and catch up with old ones.
                                As always enjoy great food, a scenic environment and make lifelong memories.
                                We look forward to seeing you at Sierra Trek.

              Watch the video

                                                                                                                ROB NICHOLS

14   IN GEAR April / May 2021                                                      BACKGROUND: Sierra Trek 2016 by Rob Nichols
                                                                    August 12-15, 2021 / Meadow Lake                                                                           *Mandatory
Driver's Name _______________________________________________                                              Club _____________________________________________________

Passenger/Others ____________________________________________                                              Vehicle Make/Model______________________ License # ____________

Address ___________________________________________________                                                Emergency Contact Name/Phone* ________________________

City, State, Zip ______________________________________________                                            Medical Alerts (anyone in your party) ______________________________

Phone (_____) ______________________________________________                                               _________________________________________________________

Email* __________________________________________________                                                  _________________________________________________________

                                  TRIP                                                  ADULTS                          CHILD 7-15                CHILD UNDER 7                TOTAL
 Run Registration (per person) (select one run)
   o Wednesday/Thursday Overnight SUV Historic Trip                                              x $235 ea.                         x $50 ea.                    x $0 ea.
   o Thursday Fordyce Run                                                                        x $185 ea.                         x $50 ea.                    x $0 ea.
   o Friday Fordyce Run                                                                          x $185 ea.                         x $50 ea.                    x $0 ea.
   o Friday River Run                                                                            x $185 ea.                         x $50 ea.                    x $0 ea.
   o Friday Signal Peak                                                                          x $185 ea.                         x $50 ea.                    x $0 ea.
   o Saturday River Run                                                                          x $185 ea.                         x $50 ea.                    x $0 ea.
   o Saturday SUV Historic Trip                                                                  x $185 ea.                         x $50 ea.                    x $0 ea.
   o Saturday Outer Limits                                                                       x $185 ea.                         x $50 ea.                    x $0 ea.
   ATV/UTV Run: o Friday o Saturday                                                              x $185 ea.                         x $50 ea.                    x $0 ea.
 Optional Add-on Second Runs (per vehicle)
   o Friday Signal Peak - $25                                                                 x $25 vehicle
   o Saturday SUV Historic Trip - $25                                                         x $25 vehicle
   o Saturday River Run - $25                                                                 x $25 vehicle
   o Saturday Outer Limits - $25                                                              x $25 vehicle
   ATV/UTV Run: o Friday o Saturday - $25 each                                                x $25 vehicle
 ATV/UTV Run o Friday o Saturday (no camping or meals)                                             x $25 ea.                        x $10 ea.                    x $0 ea.
 Camping & Entertainment Only                                                                      x $85 ea.                        x $25 ea.                    x $0 ea.
 Camping, Food & Entertainment Only                                                              x $135 ea.                         x $50 ea.                    x $0 ea.
 Dash Plaques (1 included)                                                                                                                                       x $3 ea.
 CA4WDA Membership                              o New $50 o Renewal $50 o Weekend Membership $10                                                        $50 or $10/family
 (required)                                     o Current Member #_________ (no extra charge)                                                            No extra charge
 T-Shirt                                                                     Size(s):                                                                           x $20 ea.
 3X & 4X ADD $2 PER SHIRT                                                    Size(s):                                                                           x $22 ea.
 Ladies T-Shirt                                                              Size(s):                                                                           x $25 ea.
 3X & 4X ADD $2 PER SHIRT                                                    Size(s):                                                                           x $27 ea.
 Child T-Shirt     (SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE)                                    Size(s):                                                                           x $18 ea.
 Hooded Sweatshirt                                                           Size(s):                                                                           x $30 ea.
 3X & 4X ADD $2 PER SHIRT                                                    Size(s):                                                                           x $32 ea.
 Shirt pre-order deadline July 12, 2021. No post event clothing orders will be taken. Limited quantities may be available while supplies last.         GRAND TOTAL
REGISTRATION DEADLINE JULY 20, 2021. After July 20th, registration will be available for trail
runs at full price, but will not include any meals. On-site registration will also be allowed for trail                                 Make checks payable to: CA4WDA
runs only (at full price) but will not include any meals. No meals will be available for purchase                                           Mail form with payment to:
                                                                                                                                         California Four Wheel Drive Association, Inc.
All registrations included on this form are per person. Additional runs are per vehicle.                                                  8120 36th Ave., Sacramento, CA 95824
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:                                                                                                                              Questions?
Cal4Wheel membership is required to attend Sierra Trek. A temporary weekend membership is available                              or (559) 685-1928
for $10. The temporary membership is only valid during the Sierra Trek 2021 event.
If you are currently a member of Cal4Wheel, the temporary membership does not
affect your current Cal4Wheel membership status. If you would like to renew or
join Cal4Wheel please check C4WDA membership renewal box and include the
membership fee with your Sierra Trek registration.                                                                                 
All refunds will be charged a 10% service fee. NO refunds will be made after
July 15, 2021. NO registration rollover to the next year.                                                                          

                                                       BONNIE FERGUSON

W       ell, this was not the Convention
        that we had planned for. Last
year, around April, I was shopping
                                                                                            background getting the delegates
                                                                                            “signed” in, votes counted, etc. We
                                                                                            couldn’t have done it without you.
at our local Dollar Tree and I came                                                             Thanks go out to our State
across some great decorations                                                               Recording Secretary Sherry Stortroen,
for our Hawaiian theme. I hit the
                                                                                            whose job is ten times harder with
jackpot: little pineapples, grass
skirts, lei’s, flowers for our hair;                                                        Zoom meetings compared to our
hanging signs, little bags of designs                                                       regular in-person meetings.
for the tables, and small lavender                                                              And a special thanks to Bonnie
shot glasses. (I had planned to bring          WATCH THE AWARDS CEREMONY!                   Steele, our office manager. Without
some of my famous moonshine.)                    HTTP://BIT.LY/CAL4-AWARDS-21               her help and encouragement, this job
    Fast forward to late September,                                                         would have been so much harder. She,
then October, then November. Our              up for Zoom meetings. I’m sure he had         Barbara Seaton and Suzy did a great
plans had changed – they went from            help, but I don’t know who all helped         job on the awards given out at our
a full-scale, regular Convention, to a        him. Thank you to the helpers.                awards ceremony on Saturday evening.
scaled down version with the board                Bonnie Steele, our office manager,
of directors and delegates only, all the                                                        Congratulations to all who received
                                              used a lot of my decorations to spruce        awards. You earned them.
way down to no one in person and              up the meeting room and made it look
Zoom meetings only.                                                                             I was surprised and humbled to
                                              like a Hawaiian luau. Thanks to Bonnie
    I really felt bad for our hotel. We had   and all her helpers.                          receive the Past President’s Award. It
to cancel a special board meeting in              Since we couldn’t have any in-person      was such an honor. Thank you.
September and a full board meeting in         meetings, we had to take orders for               Thank you’s go to our Convention
November because of the lockdowns             the T-shirts and sweatshirts online.          co-chairs Angela Cook and Danette
caused by this darn virus.                    California Casuals sent two shirts as         Starksen. Danette came up with the
    We had quite a few Zoom meetings,         samples so that people could see the          Hawaiian theme. Angela’s job was a
both for Convention planning and
                                              design. Their artist did a great job on the   bit easier. Normally she’s super busy
board meetings. It’s just not the
                                              design and Suzy, our In Gear Editor, put      onsite, doing the program, getting
same as an in-person meeting. But
                                              it on our website so that we could take       the lists of the in-house raffle prizes,
I think Convention went as well as
                                              orders online. That worked out great.         prepping the voting “sticks” and all of
can be expected, considering the
                                              Thank you so much Suzy, for all the extra     us stuffing goodie bags. That was a
circumstances. It was a big learning
curve for all of us.                          work that took. She sent me a copy of
                                                                                            nice reprieve not to have to do.
    We could not have our Life Member         each order so that the shirts could be
                                              sent out when they arrive.                        Thank you to Mike Hardy, our raffle
breakfast where we choose our                                                               chairman, who waited anxiously to hear
scholarship recipients. Thanks to the             We had an election for state
                                              treasurer. Russ Chung will be our             if we were going to have a raffle or not.
quick thinking of Shirley Bramham,
                                              treasurer for the next two years. We          Unfortunately, we were not able to.
we had a “non-breakfast” meeting
the Wednesday evening before                  voted on five bylaw proposals. The only           Thank you to Don Spuhler, our
Convention. Thanks to Bonnie Steele,          proposal that was approved cleans up          convention treasurer, who waited and
Barbara Seaton and Shirley, the               the wording in our bylaws regarding           wondered what type of convention we
scholarship applications went out to          online meetings. Everyone had their say.      would have.
all the life members to review and            Thanks to Don Spuhler, our bylaw guru             If I’ve missed anyone, forgive
vote for their three choices. We also         for handling this. Great job.                 me. You all worked to make this
received a letter and an envelope for             This new way of meeting was a             convention happen.
us to use for our donations to the            challenge. Thanks to Suzy Johnson,
                                                                                                Finally, thank you to all who joined
Foundation and its programs since we          our webmaster, for her hours and
                                              hours and hours (probably more like           us on this Zoom journey. It will be a
could not have a raffle. We had some
very generous donations. Every dollar         hundreds of hours) getting all this set       Convention that we won’t forget. Let’s
counts. Thank you all.                        up. Her expertise and knowledge are           hope that our future conventions can
    Thanks to our President, Jack             amazing (you’re talking to a computer         be in-person ones.
Chapman, for getting the meeting              dummy – me).
room at our Sacramento office all set             Thank you to all who worked in the        Bonnie was this year’s Convention chair.
16   IN GEAR April / May 2021
congratulations to award winners
   We had our first ever online awards ceremony at this year’s Convention. Congratulations to all who were recognized for
their service to the association. We appreciate every one of you.

 Past Presidents’ Award                                        Bonnie Ferguson
 Ed Dunkley Medal of Honor                                     Joe & Aida Torres
 North District Membership Development                         Foresthill Four Wheelers
 Central District Membership Development                       The Dirt Boogers
 South District Membership Development                         Fun in the Sun Four Wheelers
 Douglas Sinclair State Membership Development                 Black Sheep 4 Wheel Drive Club
 Outstanding Conservation Project, North                       Esprit de Four 4WD Club
 Outstanding Conservation Project, Central                     Kingsburg 4WD Club
 Outstanding Conservation Project, South                       High Desert 4 Wheelers
 Don Klusman Outstanding Conservation Project                  Kingsburg 4WD Club
 Webmaster’s Award                                             Esprit De Four 4WD Club
 In Gear Editor’s Award                                        Chris Collard, Sierra Treasure Hunters 4WD Club
 Don Dobson Memorial Land Use Award                            Gear Grinders 4WD Club
 Bozzy Willis Memorial Individual Land Use Award               Mary Grimsley
 Lew Siepert Memorial Club of the Year                         Grass Valley 4 Wheelers
 Cal4Wheel Safety Award                                        Esprit de Four 4WD Club
 Cap Randall Memorial Member of the Year                       Dirk Starksen
 State Community Service Award                                 Hi-Landers 4WD Club
 Associate Member of the Year                                  Advanced Clutch Technology
 Tara Ballard Woman of the Year                                Mary Grimsley

    four out of five BYLAW CHANGES FAIL                                              EVENT CHAIR THANK YOUS
                                                                                     •    Winter Fun Festival 2021 -
                          DON SPUHLER, BYLAWS CHAIR                                       John & Carrie McCready
                                                                                     •    Convention 2021 - Bonnie
   There were five bylaw proposals         a year to conduct the business of the
                                                                                          Ferguson & Angela Cook
submitted in 2020 for the 2021             Association. FAILED                       •    2020 Molina Ghost Run - Mike
annual meeting. The requirement for           Proposal #3 – The Association               McGarity & Phil Moreno
any to pass is a ‘yes’ vote by 2/3 of      Secretary shall be elected at an annual   •    2020 Hi Desert Round-Up -
the delegates present at the annual        meeting by the delegates. FAILED               Josh Epstein & Russ Chung
meeting.                                                                             •    2020 Sierra Trek - Jeff Dax &
                                              Proposal #4 – To reduce the number
   Proposal #1 – The BOD shall not                                                        John & Rene Allen
                                           of the Board of Directors from 13 to 7
have a spouse, domestic partner or                                                   •    2020 High Sierra Poker Run -
                                           members. FAILED
immediate family member occupy                                                            Paul Brady & Steve Peckham
BOD positions at the same time.               Proposal #5 – This is a changing
                                                                                     •    2020 Operation Desert Fun -
FAILED                                     of words throughout the bylaws to              Angela Cook & David Mauer
   Proposal #2 – The association           allow for the use of video conference     •    2020 Panamint Valley Days -
BOD shall meet quarterly in a regular      meetings or in some cases email to             Bonnie Ferguson & Jeff Godde
session in each district at least once     conduct business. PASSED
Photos by Danielle Magana
                                More at

18   IN GEAR April / May 2021
Winter Fun & Folly
                       proves to be just that
                                                SHIRLEY BRAMHAM

W     OW!! Might I say we had a great time!! Women Out Wheeling had their Winter Fun & Folly club run
      January 23 and 24 in the Grass Valley area. Weather was gorgeous! …and there was a light snowfall on
Friday which made for light fluffy snow.
   We had an abundance of response beyond the 25 vehicles and a waiting list was begun. I was trying to
channel Pat Bashore who did registration for the C4WDA Winter Fun Festival for years. I sure don’t know how
she did it.
   Pat’s mantra? …THINK SNOW!! …which worked. Thankfully,       all their donations and support of the association. COVID
the Grass Valley 4-Wheelers, the Kingsburg 4-Wheel Drive        procedures were followed with masks, sanitizer, and social
Club, and the Sierra Treasure Hunters helped, which resulted    distancing. Participants were responsible for their own
in a total of five runs for the weekend. Saturday had two       overnight accommodations and food. Everyone happily
milder/historic runs and one snow run. Sunday had one           complied, enjoyed the runs, and were very glad to be out
milder/historic run and one snow run. Sunday had a storm        after a year of confinement.
coming on later in the day. The milder/historic run used the        It was good to see friends and make friends. There was
“flake and fly” rule of thumb and got back to town earlier      much camaraderie, maybe even some seeds planted for an
than the snow run who used the “stay and play” rule of          upcoming Overlander event. Let’s see if it takes root.
thumb. It was all good and everyone had fun.                        Many, many thanks to the Grass Valley 4-Wheelers, the
   WOW did this as a club run limiting vehicle count per        Kingsburg 4-Wheel Drive Club, the Sierra Treasure Hunters,
run and not charging a registration fee. This way it was not    Bud and Marianne Folkers, Karen and Mark Miller for the 21
an “event” and did not require permits. This is a great way     oil spill kits that were handed out, Jack Chapman for silent
for all you clubs to do runs and help out the association.      auction prizes, Bonnie Steele in the office, and Suzy with
Donations were encouraged and accepted both onsite and          blasts and notifications… and, of course, my main leader
online. We also had a small silent auction to dissuade a        extraordinaire, Jim Bramham.
gathering that a raffle might draw.
   A great big thank you for the generosity of our guests for   Shirley is a member of Women Out Wheeling.

„ CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8                    Mike McGarity stepped down as your         You’re just going to tow it back down
                                           North District/Central District VP. Both   here for me” or, “thanks for saving me
for their hard work and planning. Even     these men have put endless hours into      a drive.”
though it wasn’t the Convention we         this association and worked tirelessly         As President Jack Chapman opened
wanted or planned for, it was a great      for you. Mike, Glenn, I’m going to miss    the envelope and I stood beside him
time for what it was and though I was      you guys on the board and hope to see      hoping for my name, it was not. I didn’t
personally doubtful of how well the        you at events and on the trail. Maybe      recognize the number either and at
meetings would go via Zoom, it all         now that we’re not working on the          that very moment, the WAJ became
actually went over well.                   board together, we can be friends?         very stupid to me in the sense that
    This whole Zoom thing has              Just kidding...                            I would NOT be driving it home the
opened our eyes to a whole new                With Glenn and Mike coming down,        next day. I know the winner in North
level of communication between the         there must be a replacement and none       Carolina will be very happy to beat it
association, friends, our personal clubs   other than Jim Bramham and Mark            up once he takes delivery of it and I’m
and so on. Here at the association,        Cave were sworn in on Sunday’s new/        very happy for the winner!
we were able to cut meeting costs          old board meeting as your NDVP/CDVP            Speaking of the WAJ, this year was
astronomically and made it very            respectively. I should also mention        amazing in regards of ticket sales, over
easy to have ‘off the cuff’ meetings       that Russ Chung was reelected as your      $60k in the black! A special thanks to
with each other when needed – you          state treasurer — congratulations Russ!    all that busted their butts to make it
know, like to discuss Convention, or          Speaking of this stupid Win-A-Jeep      happen — you all know who you are
VP business with the president or          (WAJ).                                     and thank you very much! Next year’s
Win-A-Jeep stuff. Speaking of Win A           I only call it stupid since my          WAJ is already in the works and I can’t
Jeep stuff, I’m guessing you noticed       phone didn’t ring either. Let me back      wait to see what they come up with!
that your phone didn’t ring Saturday       up in this story. If you didn’t know,      Thank you everyone!
evening? I’ll get to that in a few.        my little shop in Hemet built this             In closing, I had an eight-hour drive
    I had a tentative idea for Saturday    year’s WAJ and with Convention             up to the office and about a nine-
                                                                                      hour drive home Sunday and on that
to restart some of the core values of      looming, the SDVP in me wanted to
                                                                                      drive home, I had a little bit of time to
the association after finding funding      be present in the Sacramento office
                                                                                      reflect, and I am very happy of what
for them at Friday’s meeting. Our core     for the meetings and business side of
                                                                                      we all accomplished this Convention
mission is land advocacy, plain and        Cal4Wheel. So I decided to drive up
                                                                                      and can’t wait to get to work on this
very simple. Luckily, after funding        to the office (mostly to give Bonnie
                                                                                      new year!
was confirmed, the RFP (Request For        Steele a hard time) and the builder in
                                                                                          Till the next campfire…
Proposal) was sent out for our NRC         me decided to save some travel time
(Natural Resource Consultant) and we       for others and towed it up with me.
will be screening for a new NRC for the    Long story short, I off loaded the Jeep
north and one for the south!
    Speaking of great news, this whole
                                           after hearing four million times “why
                                           are you taking it all the way up there?
SxS (Side-by-Side) thing has been a
nightmare with our insurance. I won’t                                                   LIFE MEMBERS
go into excruciating details here (if
you really want them, email/call me)
but suffice it to say we are closer than                                                       Michael Dickerson
ever, and it looks very promising. This                                                           Shane Foster
is one of those deals where we will                                                              Nathan Garvey
not put the association at risk and                                                         Hubert Gerald Holloway
have to make sure that everything we                                                           Auston McClernon
do is Iron Clad and I am proud to say                                                            Kody Meginnes
that we are very close to making this                                                          Christopher Naron
happen and soon; you will see SXS                                                           Steve & Tammy Peckham
    Of course, every February we see
                                                            PROTECTION                        Daniel & Ashlyn Swan
                                                                                                 John Trollman
some changing of the guard and I’m                                                            Richard Van Leeuwen
sad to say that Glenn Reynolds and
20   IN GEAR April / May 2021
„ CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10                   Many hands made last year’s rig a            guess that makes me one of the elders
                                           success notable in a tough year for          (dinosaurs?), but it has provided me
                                           fund raising, but at the risk of omitting    the chance to learn our bylaws, SOPs,
wind, and COVID have had an impact.
                                           the names of too many contributors           history, clubs, members, and sponsors.
This is the province of clubs, but the
                                           and supporters and hurting feelings          My wife Amy and my son Fernando are
Central District should offer support
                                           of those I do not mention here, I want       life members along with me and Amy
in communication, contacts, funding
                                           to extend my thanks to David Rocha,          has chaired several conventions. All my
applications, and negotiations with the
                                           CD Secretary/Treasurer. David sold           grandchildren have ‘youngest wheeler’
                                           tickets, dragged the vehicle around the      awards and love camping too. Amy and
   4) Continue to fight for OHV access     state and fixed the trailer. He went to
to Oceano Dunes. We must partner                                                        I should be up for 25-year pins soon
                                           King of the Hammers for the duration         and I am proud to be able to serve
with Friends of Oceano Dunes, CORVA,       and sold tickets daily. He is an unsung
and American Sand Association to                                                        members old and new.
                                           hero in my book, and I wanted to
fight all further closures.                                                                 I serve as a mentor to younger
                                           recognize his contribution of time and
   5) Open Cal4 to new members                                                          practitioners with my company and I
and offer services to all four-wheeled                                                  work very hard to keep my education
                                              There are other priorities, but a six
vehicles. Side-by-sides are a great        pack is plenty enough for me these days      cutting edge and be able to use both 42
group to welcome into our fold. We         (usually Diet Coke). I want to hear from     years of professional experience and the
should also reach out to overlanders,      you all as clubs and individuals to let me   latest research to help my colleagues
off-road trucks, and even people with      know what you think about these issues       up their game. I shall do the same for
highly modified rigs that never get        and what I am missing here.                  our district and I invite all members
dusty. We want all those folks who            I think I am familiar to many in the      to communicate both positive and
just like the “off-road” look to help      district, but I served as Lock and Low       negative feedback, ideas, criticisms,
preserve their right to get that rig       President, Central District VP for six       and questions to me. If I do not know
dusty and California pinstriped.           years, one term as Cal4Wheel president       the answer, I will find out what I need to
   6) Support the raffle vehicle           (me and Donald be mates), and three          know and get back to you.
program here in the Central District.      terms as immediate past president. I             Here’s to getting back on the trail!

                                     BRAMHAM REPORT
„ CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9                    said yes to being the co-chair of the        vary annually but the timeframe and
                                           24th Sierra trek. What I have always         goal is to be a lead-in to Trek.
                                           enjoyed about Trek is that there really         We are so pleased that Russ Chung
   Over the next several months we
                                           is something for everyone, mild to           has been so persistent to get an
have some serious work to do on
                                           extreme, historic to steel challenging       Overlanding run in Death Valley. It will
getting the 54th Sierra Trek rebooted.
The first planning meeting of the year     granite, with great food in an               be the first Cal4Wheel event entirely
went very well and a big thank you to      unsurpassed camping experience.              within a national park. We hope to
Jeff Dax for stepping up to chair this         Something that has been tossed           build on the success of the Death
event. Sierra Trek’s success depends       around for several years looks like          Valley Experience (DVE) to position
on a two-fold formula, clubs and           it may possibly make it to reality           the association as a leader in the
individuals, who see it as a way to        this summer… an Overlanding trip             Overlanding community.
contribute to Cal4Wheel by stepping        leading into Sierra Trek. The very rough        My job is to represent you, not be
up to volunteer, and members who           concept is to leave the Sacramento           you. I want to hear from you, I want
come to participate and take in the        Valley, follow some historic and             your ideas, I want to know what’s
beauty of the Sierra, the history of       maybe even infamous routes for three         important to you. I would be glad to
the area and the camaraderie of our        to four days, with the goal to finish        speak or meet with you to discuss how
membership. Jeff and the rest of the       so full participation in Sierra trek is      we can support your club and how we
committee need your help. There are        possible. This will be a stand-alone         can better the association.
open places that you can say yes to        event, different name and different             Looking forward to seeing you on
that will lighten the load for everyone.   registration from Trek itself. The hope      Zoom for the North District meeting
It was a short 30 years ago that I         is, that with success, the routes could      7:00pm Thursday April 22.
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