PIPELINE SAFET Y IN YOUR COMMUNIT Y - Important pipeline safety information for our neighbors and your community Emergency Phone Number ...

Page created by Karen Caldwell
PIPELINE SAFET Y IN YOUR COMMUNIT Y - Important pipeline safety information for our neighbors and your community Emergency Phone Number ...
    SAFE T Y
       Important pipeline safety
  information for our neighbors
          and your community

     Emergency Phone Number
PIPELINE SAFET Y IN YOUR COMMUNIT Y - Important pipeline safety information for our neighbors and your community Emergency Phone Number ...
L E A R N M O R E AT P H I L L I P S 6 6 P I P E L I N E . C O M

CONTENT GUIDE                                                                                                                                                                           01 —

— 03      In the Event of an Emergency;
          How to Recognize & What to Do
                                                                      PIPELINE S IN OUR C OMMUNIT Y
— 05      Know Your Markers                                           You are receiving this important pipeline safety         Pipelines are monitored regularly by air, on foot, and
                                                                      information because you live, work or own property       with sophisticated 24-hour electronic monitoring
                                                                      near a pipeline or facility owned or operated by         and inspection systems, but natural elements - such
— 06      Location of Phillips 66
                                                                      Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC and it’s important for you to   as erosion and flooding - can change a pipeline’s
          Pipeline LLC Pipeline Assets                                know your role when it comes to pipeline safety.         depth of cover.
           & Map Viewer
                                                                      This includes preventing damage to pipelines by          Almost all pipeline incidents are preventable. In
— 07      Always call 811 To Have                                     always calling 811 before digging, maintaining a clear   fact, most serious pipeline problems are the result of
                                                                      right-of-way, understanding how to recognize an          improper or unauthorized digging near a pipeline.
          Pipelines Marked for Free
                                                                      emergency, what to do in the event of an emergency       In addition, encroachment of a right-of-way can
                                                                      and how to share these important safety messages         inhibit an operator’s ability to respond to pipeline
— 12      Commitment to Safety                                        with others.                                             emergencies, eliminate third-party damage, provide
          & Reliability                                                                                                        right-of-way surveillance and perform routine
                                                                      According to the National Transportation Safety Board,   maintenance and state/federal inspections. If a
— 15      Información en Español                                      pipelines are the safest way to carry energy products.   potential problem is suspected, it is important for
                                                                      That’s why they can be found in our neighborhoods,       action to be taken quickly.
                                                                      parks, and even in our backyards. But, despite an
— 19      How to Contact Phillips 66
                                                                      exemplary safety record, the rare pipeline emergency
          Pipeline LLC                                                can occur and it’s important to be prepared.
PIPELINE SAFET Y IN YOUR COMMUNIT Y - Important pipeline safety information for our neighbors and your community Emergency Phone Number ...
— 02                                          L E A R N M O R E AT P H I L L I P S 6 6 P I P E L I N E . C O M | E M E R G E N C Y P H O N E N U M B E R 1 - 8 7 7- 2 6 7- 2 2 9 0

                                  ABOUT PHILLIPS 66 PIPELINE LLC
       WE OPER AT E               Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC operates 50 storage                            After reading this brochure, you will know
       APPROXIMAT ELY 1 5,0 0 0   terminals and nearly 15,000 miles of pipeline in                        how to prevent damage to pipelines by
                                  the United States. Every day, our pipelines safely
       MILE S OF PIPELINE         transport the raw and refined petroleum products
                                                                                                          always calling 811 before digging to have
                                                                                                          underground utilities marked for free and
       T HROUGHOU T T HE U. S .   (like crude oil, gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel) that keep
                                  our homes comfortable, our transportation systems                       recognize a pipeline leak and respond to an
                                  running smoothly, and help create the hundreds of                       emergency. You will also know more about
                                  lifesaving and consumer products that we use in our
                                                                                                          Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC’s commitment to
                                  day-to-day lives.
                                                                                                          safety and how to get additional information.
                                  SAFET Y OF OUR PIPELINES
                                  Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC is proud of our safety                         Pipeline safety is everyone’s responsibility!
                                  record. We track our performance using industry-
                                                                                                          It’s important that you keep this information
                                  leading safety metrics including the rate of
                                  injuries where medical attention was needed                             as reference and share the messages in this
                                  (TRR), process safety events and hydrocarbon                            brochure with family members, renters
                                  spills beyond secondary containment.
                                                                                                          and tenants, homeowner associations,
                                  You can view our performance record details by                          coworkers, employees and other members
                                  visiting www.phillips66.com/Sustainability/.                            of your community.
PIPELINE SAFET Y IN YOUR COMMUNIT Y - Important pipeline safety information for our neighbors and your community Emergency Phone Number ...
L E A R N M O R E AT P H I L L I P S 6 6 P I P E L I N E . C O M | E M E R G E N C Y P H O N E N U M B E R 1 - 8 7 7- 2 6 7- 2 2 9 0                03 —

WARNING SIGNS                                                                                SEE:
Your sense of sight, smell and                                                               Pools of liquid, a continuous bubbling in standing
                                                                                             water, an oily sheen on water surfaces, vaporous
sound may help recognize the
                                                                                             fog or blowing dirt around the area can all be
signs of a pipeline emergency.                                                               signs of a leak. Dead grass or vegetation are also
                                                                                             possible signs.

                                                                                             Many petroleum products have a distinct odor,
                                                                                             such as sulfur (rotten eggs), or a strong petroleum-
                                                                                             like odor. That said, do not depend on odor alone to
                                                                                             determine a leak. Your sense of smell may become
                                                                                             impaired (a condition known as odor fatigue).

                                                                                             Hissing, gurgling or roaring sounds, ranging in
                                                                                             volume from quiet to loud, could be indications
                                                                                             of a pipeline problem.
PIPELINE SAFET Y IN YOUR COMMUNIT Y - Important pipeline safety information for our neighbors and your community Emergency Phone Number ...
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       I F YO U S U S PEC T A L E A K , D O :
       • Leave the area immediately and walk
                                                          I F YO U S U S PEC T A L E A K , D O N OT:
                                                          • Do not operate any machinery.
                                                                                                                                  In the event you damage or make
                                                                                                                                  any contact, pull, snag, nick, dent
         into the wind and away from the site.
                                                          • Never attempt to operate pipeline valves or                           or scrape to a Phillips 66 Pipeline,
       • Warn all non-emergency personnel to stay away.     extinguish a pipeline fire. This could potentially                    please contact the emergency line
                                                            prolong an incident, cause another leak in the
       • Avoid contact with any fluids or vapors                                                                                  at 1-877-267-2290.
                                                            pipeline, and risk your life and the lives of others.
         escaping from the pipeline.
                                                          • Do not create a spark. Potential ignition
       • From a safe area, call 911 to report the leak.
                                                            sources include, but are not limited to: smoking
       • Call the pipeline operator using the               materials, open flames, cell phones, pagers,
         number provided on a nearby pipeline               flashlights, vehicle keyless entry remotes,
         marker, if you can do so safely.                   and motorized vehicles or equipment.
PIPELINE SAFET Y IN YOUR COMMUNIT Y - Important pipeline safety information for our neighbors and your community Emergency Phone Number ...
05 —

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Keep in mind that pipeline markers and online                               pipeline system. They identify the type of product
mapping tools are for reference purposes only and                           carried in the line, the operating company and the
have differing variances of accuracy. That’s why they                       operator’s emergency phone number.
are not a replacement for calling 811 before a digging
project. Dialing 811 is the only way to have the exact                      While pipeline markers are good indicators that
location of a pipeline marked.                                              there is a pipeline nearby, they only indicate the
                                                                            general location of a line and never its depth and
KNOW YOUR MARKERS                                                           will not indicate the curvature or angle of the pipes
Pipeline markers, which are placed at regular                               underground. These signs simply act as a reminder
intervals near a pipeline route, are a great way to                         that pipelines are nearby; they are not a replacement
learn the general location of a pipeline. Markers                           for calling 811 before a project that involves digging.
are placed along a pipeline right-of-way, which is a
          dedicated clearing of land that provides
                 a safety buffer above and around
                                                                            PIPE LIN E M A RKE R S I D E N T IF Y
                     a pipeline. Pipeline markers                           T H E PRO D U C T C A RRIE D IN
                       are commonly found at                                T H E LIN E , T H E N A M E O F T H E
                         road, railway and water
                                                                            PIPE LIN E O PE R ATO R A N D
                          crossings, fence lines,
                           and at aboveground
                                                                            T H E O PE R ATO R ’S 24 - H O U R
                           facilities along the                             E M E RG E N CY PH O N E N U M B E R .
PIPELINE SAFET Y IN YOUR COMMUNIT Y - Important pipeline safety information for our neighbors and your community Emergency Phone Number ...
— 06                                                         L E A R N M O R E AT P H I L L I P S 6 6 P I P E L I N E . C O M | E M E R G E N C Y P H O N E N U M B E R 1 - 8 7 7- 2 6 7- 2 2 9 0

       Our online mapping tool provides an easy to use,
       live-updated view of our Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC
       active pipelines and storage terminals. Simply type
       in your address to view any of our pipelines and
       aboveground storage facilities near you.

       Visit www.phillips66pipeline.com/maps/ to learn

       The National Pipeline Mapping System (NPMS)
       enables the user to view the approximate location
       of hazardous liquid and gas transmission pipelines,
       breakout storage tanks and pipeline operator
       contact information near any searched address.
       This free online application is managed by the U.S.
       Department of Transportation.

       Visit www.npms.phmsa.dot.gov to learn more.
PIPELINE SAFET Y IN YOUR COMMUNIT Y - Important pipeline safety information for our neighbors and your community Emergency Phone Number ...
L E A R N M O R E AT P H I L L I P S 6 6 P I P E L I N E . C O M | E M E R G E N C Y P H O N E N U M B E R 1 - 8 7 7- 2 6 7- 2 2 9 0                                                             07 —

               ALWAYS CALL 811                                                               WAIT – FOR THE PIPELINE                               EXCAVATE – BEGIN
               OR THE STATE                                                                  OR UNDERGROUND                                        YOUR DIGGING
               ONE-CALL CENTER                                                               UTILITIES TO BE MARKED                                PROJECT SAFELY

Call 811 (commonly referred to as Call Before you Dig                       Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC will be notified of your          Dig carefully around the marks. Utlilize hand tools
or One-Call) is fast, easy and FREE!! The nationwide                        request if our pipelines are near your digging project     where possible, follow all safe excavation requirements
service alerts underground utility operators, like Phillips                 and a representative will be dispatched to your            from your state’s One-Call Law and utilize best
66 Pipeline LLC, to mark the location of their pipelines or                 digging location to mark the pipeline location with        practices. In some cases, a Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC
utilities before you begin digging. Always call 811 or your                 paint and/or flags at no cost to you.                      representative may request to be on-site while you are
state One-Call Center at least three working days before                                                                               digging to ensure the integrity of the pipeline.
you plan to dig for any reason. In most states, it’s the law!
When you hire someone to dig, make sure they call 811.
Dial 8-1-1 with this information:                                                                                                      Many states now offer online 811 request
• Type of work, equipment to be used                                                                                                   options. Visit www.clickbeforeyoudig.com for
  and depth you plan to dig                                                                                                            more information.

• Date and time your project will begin
                                                                                                                                       To learn more about 811, your state One-Call
• Address of digging project, the road your                                                                                            excavation laws and best practices visit
  dig site is located and the nearest intersection                                                                                     www.call811.com or
• Driving directions or GPS coordinates,                                                                                               https://commongroundalliance.com/.
  if available
PIPELINE SAFET Y IN YOUR COMMUNIT Y - Important pipeline safety information for our neighbors and your community Emergency Phone Number ...
— 08                                                                  L E A R N M O R E AT P H I L L I P S 6 6 P I P E L I N E . C O M | E M E R G E N C Y P H O N E N U M B E R 1 - 8 7 7- 2 6 7- 2 2 9 0

       COMMUNIT Y DEVELOPMENT                              MAINTENANCE AND
       AND LAND USE                                        CONSTRUCTION ACTIVIT Y
       While land development is inevitable, proper        Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC has procedures in place
       planning and development oversight by your          for conducting excavations and repairs on pipelines
       local public officials can help ensure the safety   which are in compliance with U.S. Department                                         YO U C A N R EC O G N IZ E T H E
       and well-being of the general public, protection    of Transportation regulations. These procedures                                      T Y PE O F L I N E M A R K E D
       of the environment, an increase in pipeline         include risk assessment as well as planning and                                      O N A S I T E BY U S I N G T H E
       awareness, the protection of Phillips 66 Pipeline   safety requirements. A written plan is prepared                                      FO L LOW I N G C O LO R C O D E S
       LLC’s established easement rights and enhance       for each project and, where applicable, all affected                                               P R O P O S E D E X C A V AT I O N
       communication between property owners,              parties - including employees, pipeline controllers,
       developers and pipeline operators.                  contractors, other utilities, neighbors and local                                                  SURVEY MARKINGS
                                                           emergency responders - are made aware of the plan.
       Visit www.phillips66pipeline.com/resources/ for
       general land development guidance and preventing                                                                                                       GAS, PETROLEUM, OIL, STEAM
       pipeline right-of-way encroachment.
                                                                                                                                                              C O M M U N I C AT I O N S

                                                                                                                                                              P O TA B L E W AT E R

                                                                                                                                                              R E C L A I M E D W AT E R

                                                                                                                                                              SEWERS & DRAINS
PIPELINE SAFET Y IN YOUR COMMUNIT Y - Important pipeline safety information for our neighbors and your community Emergency Phone Number ...
L E A R N M O R E AT P H I L L I P S 6 6 P I P E L I N E . C O M | E M E R G E N C Y P H O N E N U M B E R 1 - 8 7 7- 2 6 7- 2 2 9 0                                                   09 —

                                                                                                                                       Energy products transported by
                                                                                                                                       pipeline are classified as hazardous
                                                                                                                                       materials. Though we interact with
                                                                                                                                       energy products in our daily lives, they
                                                                                                                                       are potentially dangerous if improperly
                                                                                                                                       managed, transported or released.

                                                                                                                                       Serious pipeline incidents are rare, but it is best to
                                                                                                                                       understand the hazards, which vary by product and
                                                                                                                                       pipeline type and by proximity to the pipeline. The
                                                                                                                                       Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC pipelines and terminals
                                                                                                                                       transport and store refined products, crude oil,
                                                                                                                                       highly volatile liquids (HVLs), natural gas, and
                                                                                                                                       hydrogen. To familiarize yourself with the hazards
                                                                                                                                       associated with these products, please refer to the
                                                                                                                                       following chart.
Product                              Color & Description                          Location of Product after Release                                     Health Hazard

   The following chart, based on the 2016 DOT Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG), provides general information about the products transported and stored by Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC.
         Refer to ERG for more details. The ERG can be downloaded to a computer or as a mobile app at http://www.phmsa.dot.gov/hazmat/erg/emergency-response-guidebook-erg.

REFINED PRODUCTS                 Refined products vary widely in color. Many         Vapors are heavier than air and tend to settle near the   Inhalation or contact may irritate or burn skin and
(Gasoline, Diesel Fuel,          products have a dye added to indicate the           ground and collect in low or confined areas.              eyes. Vapors may cause dizziness and can displace
                                 grade, quality or brand.                                                                                      oxygen in breathing air.
Distillates, Jet Fuel and
Heating Fuels)                                                                                                                                 High concentrations of refined products may lead to

CRUDE OILS                       Color can vary from yellow to nearly black.         Vapors are heavier than air and tend to settle near the   Inhalation or contact may irritate or burn skin and
(Sweet Crude, Sour                                                                   ground and collect in low or confined areas.              eyes. Vapors may cause dizziness and can displace
                                 Sour crude contains hydrogen sulfide                                                                          oxygen in breathing air.
Crude and other grades           (H2S), and under certain conditions can be
of Crude Oil)                    recognized by its rotten egg odor.

H I G H LY VO L AT I L E         Colorless                                           Vapors are heavier than air and tend to settle to the     Vapor displacement of oxygen can result in
LIQUIDS                                                                              ground, especially in low-lying areas.                    asphyxiation. Contact with product may cause severe
                                 Transported as a liquid when under pressure
                                                                                     Vapors may travel to source of ignition.                  burns and/or frostbite when in contact with skin.
(Liquified Petroleum             in the pipeline, but becomes a gas and forms a
                                                                                                                                               Some HVLs contain H2S. Light concentrations of
Gasses and Various               vapor cloud when released into the atmosphere.
                                                                                                                                               H2S will cause throat and eye irritation as well as
                                 Vapors can vary in size depending on wind and
Natural Gas Liquids)                                                                                                                           breathing difficulty. Heavier concentrations of H2S will
                                 humidity conditions. Can drift from immediate
                                                                                                                                               cause dizziness similar to intoxication and may lead to
                                 vicinity of a leak, becoming much lessvisible and
                                                                                                                                               serious breathing difficulty, even death.
                                 detected only by a monitor.

N AT U R A L G A S               Colorless gas                                       Vapors from liquefied gas are initially heavier than      May cause dizziness or fatigue. High exposure can
                                                                                     air, spread along the ground and can migrate into         cause loss of consciousness.
                                                                                     enclosed spaces. Vapors may travel to source of
                                                                                     ignition and flash back.

HYDROGEN                         Colorless gas with no odor                          Lighter than air and can migrate into enclosed spaces.    Vapors may cause dizziness or asphyxiation without
                                                                                     Vapors may travel to a source of ignition where they      warning.
                                                                                     can ignite, flash back or explode.
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Pipelines are crucial to meeting our nation’s growing economic and energy needs. Because of their
importance, and in order to maintain the safety of the public, storage terminals and pipelines operate under
numerous government regulations and industry standards to ensure safe and reliable operation. These
requirements address all aspects of pipeline and terminal operation, including where and how they are built,
operated, tested, maintained, decommissioned and much more.

Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC takes our commitment to safety seriously. We strive to go beyond the many industry
guidelines and government regulations under which we operate to ensure that everyone who lives or works
near our pipelines and facilities is not only aware of them but adopts safe digging practices, knows the
warning signs of a pipeline leak, and can quickly respond if they suspect a problem.
— 12                                                       L E A R N M O R E AT P H I L L I P S 6 6 P I P E L I N E . C O M | E M E R G E N C Y P H O N E N U M B E R 1 - 8 7 7- 2 6 7- 2 2 9 0

       Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC is committed   Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC maintains a comprehensive                      • Proactive clearing of trees and brush from
                                               Integrity Management Program that is designed to                          pipeline right-of-ways to allow for effective
       to the safety of our communities,
                                               ensure the mechanical integrity, safety and reliability                   monitoring, inspection and access to the pipeline
       which is why we employ a wide           of our pipelines which includes:
                                                                                                                       • Emergency preparedness training and
       variety of safety and inspection                                                                                  communication with local emergency officials as
                                               • Use of sophisticated technology to
       processes to ensure that we meet or                                                                               well as education for our communities regarding
                                                 monitor our pipelines and facilities
                                                                                                                         pipeline safety and damage prevention
       exceed governmental requirements          24-hours a day, 365 days a year
                                                                                                                       • Technical, operational and safety
       and industry best practices.            • Routine inspection of surface conditions
                                                                                                                         training for our employees
                                                 via aerial patrol or on foot

                                               • Use of cathodic protection, chemical                                  For more information regarding our Integrity
                                                 inhibitors and special pipeline coatings                              Management, Safety and Damage Prevention
                                                 to mitigate pipeline corrosion                                        Programs visit www.phillips66pipeline.com.

                                               • Pipeline inspection using sophisticated,
                                                 in-line inspection devices (commonly
                                                 referred to as smart tools or PIGs)
13 —

The resources on the right have important information
about pipelines, Call Before You Dig requirements, and
interactive activities to learn more about pipeline safety.
— 14                                                     L E A R N M O R E AT P H I L L I P S 6 6 P I P E L I N E . C O M | E M E R G E N C Y P H O N E N U M B E R 1 - 8 7 7- 2 6 7- 2 2 9 0

       811 - CALL BEFORE YOU DIG                                                                     NATIONAL PIPELINE
       www.call811.com                                                                               MAPPING SYSTEM (NPMS)
       Website for 811, the National Call Before You                                                 www.npms.phmsa.dot.gov
       Dig phone number. Site includes excavation                                                    A mapping system that contains public contact information, information
       requirements of your state’s One-Call law,                                                    and attribute data pertaining to interstate and intrastate transmission
       downloadable resources and best practices for                                                 hazardous liquid and gas transmission pipelines, Liquefied Natural Gas
       safe digging.                                                                                 (LNG) plants, and hazardous liquid breakout tanks jurisdictional to U.S.
                                                                                                     DOT Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA).

       PIPELINES 101                                                                                 PHILLIPS 66 PIPELINE LLC
       www.pipeline101.com                                                                           HOMEOWNERS & BUSINESSES PAGE
       A resource to better understand the                                                           www.phillips66pipeline.com/safety/homeowners-businesses
       pipeline industry including the purpose and                                                   Provides helpful information on pipeline safety, prevention measures,
       technologies utilized within the industry,                                                    One-Call requirements, encroachment prevention, integrity management,
       safety aspects, and history of pipelines.                                                     etc. Also, the Resources section provides downloaded materials and
                                                                                                     pipeline safety activities for kids, etc.

       www.safeathomesupport.com                                                                     COMMON GROUND ALLIANCE (CG A)
       A free online resource for kids and families to                                               www.commongroundalliance.com
       learn about gas and pipeline safety through                                                   CGA is dedicated to preventing damage to underground utility
       interactive games, etc.                                                                       infrastructure and protecting those who live and work near these
                                                                                                     important assets through the shared responsibility of our stakeholders.
L E A R N M O R E AT P H I L L I P S 6 6 P I P E L I N E . C O M | E M E R G E N C Y P H O N E N U M B E R 1 - 8 7 7- 2 6 7- 2 2 9 0                                                                      15 —

Guarde esta importante información de seguridad                                                                            UBICACIÓN DEL DUCTO
                                                                                                                           Llame al 811 antes de comenzar cualquier proyecto de excavación de manera
Los ductos son una red invisible que transporta productos                                                                  que los ductos presentes en su propiedad se puedan marcar de forma
energéticos. Se pueden encontrar en nuestros vecindarios, parques                                                          gratuita. Busque los marcadores de ductos y visite la página de internet;
e incluso en nuestros propios patios traseros. Aunque los ductos                                                           www.npms.phmsa.dot.gov para ubicar los ductos cerca de usted.
son reconocidos por la National Transportation Safety Board como
la forma más segura de transportar productos como petróleo crudo,
productos refinados y líquidos peligrosos, aunque muy raramente,                                                           EN CASO DE EMERGENCIA
pueden ocurrir emergencias en los ductos es importante estar                                                               Si nota charcos inusuales de líquido, un brillo aceitoso en el agua, soplado
preparados.                                                                                                                de niebla vaporosa o suciedad, vegetación descolorida, silbidos o ruidos
                                                                                                                           rugientes u olores extraños cerca del ducto, abandone el área de inmediato,
Casi todos los incidentes de ductos son prevenibles. De hecho, la                                                          notifique a los demás que se mantengan alejados y llame al 911.
mayoría de los problemas serios que involucran ductos son el resultado
de una excavación indebida o no autorizada cerca de un ducto.                                                              PROTÉJASE A SÍ MISMO Y A LOS DEMÁS
                                                                                                                           Ayude a evitar daños a los ductos manteniendo una clara servidumbre
Si sospecha un problema, es importante que sepa qué acciones debe                                                          de paso, informando sobre cualquier actividad sospechosa cerca del
tomar de inmediato.                                                                                                        ducto y compartiendo esta importante información de seguridad con
                                                                                                                           su familia, amigos y vecinos.
— 16

       Las excavaciones indebidas o no autorizadas cerca     Los marcadores de ductos, que se colocan a
       de un ducto son la causa más común de problemas       intervalos regulares cerca de las trayectorias de
       y daños graves. Evite dañar accidentalmente un        los ductos, identifican la ubicación general del
       ducto presente en su propiedad llamando al 8-1-1      ducto. Estos marcadores/letreros se encuentran
       o al centro de llamadas “One-Call Center” tres días   comúnmente en carreteras, ferrocarriles y cruces
       hábiles antes de proceder a excavar. ¡Es la ley!      de agua y cercas. Los marcadores identifican qué
       El 811 o One-Call es un servicio gratuito a nivel     tipo de producto se transporta, el nombre del
       nacional que alerta a los operadores de ductos        operador y el número de teléfono de emergencia.
       subterráneos y de servicios públicos, como Phillips   Estos marcadores actúan como un recordatorio de
       66 Pipeline LLC, para que procedan a marcar la        que un ducto está cerca y no sustituyen llamar al
       ubicación de sus líneas cerca de su proyecto de       811 antes de excavar.
L E A R N M O R E AT P H I L L I P S 6 6 P I P E L I N E . C O M | E M E R G E N C Y P H O N E N U M B E R 1 - 8 7 7- 2 6 7- 2 2 9 0                                                         17 —

                                                                            EN CASO DE EMERGENCIA
En una emergencia, llame primero al                                         Las señales de advertencia de que hay una                  Si sospecha que hay un problema, abandone el área
                                                                            emergencia en el ducto incluyen: charcos inusuales         inmediatamente y adviértele a los demás de que se
911 y luego llame al numero de
                                                                            de líquido, burbujeo continuo en agua estancada,           mantengan alejados. Nunca intente operar válvulas
emergencia de Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC                                      brillo aceitoso en el agua, soplado de niebla vaporosa     u otros equipos. Desde un área segura, llame al 911
1-877-267-2290.                                                             o suciedad, vegetación descolorida, silbidos o ruidos      para reportar la fuga y luego llame al número de
                                                                            rugientes u olores extraños, acres o parecidos al          teléfono de emergencia de Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC
                                                                            petróleo. Algunos productos son inodoros y no se           al 1-877-267-2290.
                                                                            pueden detectar mediante el olor solo o pueden
                                                                            llegar incluso a afectar su sentido del olfato, por lo     Respete los marcadores y cave con cuidado. Si
                                                                            que es importante estar atento a sonidos inusuales         un ducto ha sido jalado, sacudido, enganchado,
                                                                            cerca del ducto.                                           mellado, abollado, raspado o tocado de cualquier
                                                                                                                                       manera, marque el 911 para reportar el daño, luego
                                                                                                                                       llame al número de emergencia de Phillips 66
                                                                                                                                       Pipeline LLC al 1-877-267-2290.
— 18

       Puede ayudar a proteger a su familia, a sus
       empleados, a su propiedad y al medio ambiente
       manteniendo una clara servidumbre de paso, la
       cual es un área a lo largo del ducto que está libre
       de estructuras, árboles u otras obstrucciones. El
       mantener una clara servidumbre de paso le permite
       a Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC realizar el mantenimiento
       preventivo e inspecciones, el monitoreo aéreo del
       ducto y el acceso en caso de una emergencia.

       Para obtener más información sobre Phillips 66
       Pipeline LLC, visite www.phillips66pipeline.com.
AC T I V I T Y N E A R O N E O F O U R PI PE L I N E S , D I A L 91 1 TO R E P O R T T H E N C A L L T H E
PH I L L I P S 6 6 PI PE L I N E L LC E M E RG E N CY L I N E AT 1- 877- 267- 2 2 9 0.

Contact Us                                          Non-Emergency Email
PHILLIPS 66 PIPELINE LLC                            Resource.publicawarenes s@p66.com
2 3 31 C I T Y W E S T B LV D.
H O U S T O N , T X 7 70 4 2                        Non-Emergency Phone Number
                                                    1 - 8 0 0 - 2 31 - 2 5 6 6                                                     P L E A S E TA K E O U R O N L I N E S U R V E Y FO R A C H A N C E
                                                                                                                                   T O W I N A N A P P L E WAT C H ®  O R Y E T I ® C O O L E R!
                                                    Emergency Phone Number
                                                    1 - 8 7 7- 2 67- 2 2 9 0                                                                             To take the survey, go to:
                                                                                                                                                         survey.pdigm.com/P66 or scan the QR
                                                                                                                                                         code and enter your WebCode from the
                                                                                                                                                         enclosed letter.

V I S I T T H E P H I L L I P S 6 6 P I P E L I N E L L C W E B S I T E AT P H I L L I P S 6 6 P I P E L I N E . C O M .                                                      V. A P 2 0 2 1
C L I C K O N T H E P I P E L I N E S A F E T Y L I N K T O D O W N L O A D A D I G I TA L C O P Y O F T H I S B R O C H U R E .
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