Platforms for Prosperity Fellowship

Page created by Stanley Hicks
Platforms for Prosperity Fellowship
Platforms for Prosperity Fellowship

                CFED, with support from the Bank of America Charitable Foundation,
                         is soliciting applications from organizational leaders
                  interested in participating in a 10-month Fellowship to integrate
              financial capability services into their workforce development programs.

        Completed applications are due to by 5:00pm ET on October 26, 2015.

About CFED
CFED empowers low- and moderate-income (LMI) households to build and preserve assets by
advancing policies and programs that help them achieve the American Dream, including buying a
home, pursuing higher education, starting a business and saving for the future. As a leading source
for data about household financial security and policy solutions, CFED understands what families
need to succeed. We promote programs on the ground and invest in social enterprises that create
pathways to financial security and opportunity for millions of people.

Established in 1979 as the Corporation for Enterprise Development, CFED works nationally and
internationally through its offices in Washington, DC; Durham, North Carolina; and San Francisco,

About Bank of America Corporate Social Responsibility
At Bank of America, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is critical to fulfilling our core purpose of
making people’s financial lives better. A commitment to growing our business responsibly is
embedded in every aspect of our company, from our policies and practices to our services, products
and employee benefits. An important part of that commitment is forming strong partnerships across
sectors, including nonprofit organizations serving community needs, bringing our collective
networks and expertise to achieve greater impact. We’re proud of our employees’ volunteer efforts,
support of diversity and inclusion, and environmental and social responsibility. Across our
company, we’re focused on simplifying banking and investing, advancing better money habits and
making an impact in communities around the world. Learn more at
and follow us on Twitter at @BofA_News

Project Overview & Opportunity:
Through the Platforms for Prosperity Fellowship Program, CFED and the Bank of America
Charitable Foundation will work with a single cohort of six nonprofit leaders for ten months,
beginning in October of 2015. The purpose of the program is to integrate financial capability
services within workforce development programs to better support the well-being of low- and
moderate-income clients. Selected Fellows will be individuals in senior positions at nonprofit
organizations that currently deliver workforce development programs targeting low- to-moderate

income (LMI) families or individuals. Selected Fellows should seek to or currently be integrating
financial capability services into their existing workforce development programs. Successful
candidates will receive a $15,000 grant to their organization, which will help offset their time and
catalyze new thinking and ways of doing business.

Over the course of the ten months in the project-based Fellowship, Fellows will participate in
facilitated trainings and peer learning events, including visits to financial capability innovators
across the country. Furthermore, Fellows will convene a group of financial capability integration
change-makers within their organization to design, implement, and coordinate services. Their
organizations will receive one-on-one technical assistance and support from CFED to complete a
series of implementation planning activities, ensuring their time in the Fellowship leads to
actionable changes in their programs. This entire technical assistance period will last for ten months
from start to finish. Ultimately, the Fellows will each launch financial capability integration projects
within their organizations’ workforce development programs that further the goal of helping
families achieve financial security. Throughout the project, Fellows will work with local Bank of
America volunteers to integrate financial capability services into their existing programs. This will
include developing strategies to incorporate Better Money Habits in their implementation efforts.
The Fellows will actively work with the volunteers and CFED to track and report impact usage of
Better Money Habits.

This Fellowship is part of CFED’s Platforms for Prosperity Initiative, through which we seek to
integrate financial capability and asset-building services into large-scale systems and structures to
have a large impact on LMI households. Through this Fellowship, CFED is seeking to build on
successes in integrating financial capability services into workforce development programs. By
working with senior leaders in the field, who will develop and lead senior integration teams, the
Fellowship will ensure that service delivery is optimally coordinated throughout the organization
and its partners to obtain maximum impact. The Fellowship will result in the creation of resources
that further the understanding of financial capability integration in a workforce context from which
the entire field can use and benefit. These resources will be made widely accessible to other
practitioners pursuing integration and to policymakers who are supporting it.

Successful Fellowship Candidates Meet the Following Criteria:

Fellowship Applicant:
     Has 10+ years of job experience in workforce development programs
     Holds a position to effect change within the organization (for example, vice presidents,
       deputy directors, directors, department heads, and executives)

Applicant Organization:
    Delivers workforce development programming that directly targets low-income families and
       individuals, even if workforce development programming is part of a larger, more diverse
       portfolio of programs or organizational goals

    Has staff and organizational capacity to support the implementation of a newly devised
         financial capability integration strategy
        Serves a large number of clients annually
        Has a clear mission statement or strategic plan that reflects this commitment to economic
         empowerment of low-income individuals and families, within which the workforce
         development program fits
        Offers, or plans to offer, financial capability services. Such services include: financial
         education, financial coaching, financial counseling, credit counseling, credit building, access
         to safe and affordable financial products, free tax preparation, access to federal and state
         benefits, incentivized savings programs, and asset ownership programs.1

This opportunity is limited to areas in which Bank of America is located. Please see a list of locations
in Appendix A.

Application Instructions
Individuals who are eligible for this Fellowship opportunity should complete the application on
pages 4-10. Applicants will be evaluated by a selection committee at CFED based on the following

    1.   Organizational Experience & Capacity (30%)
    2.   Innovative Leadership (40%)
    3.   Impact Measurement (10%)
    4.   Integration Plan (20%)

Applications must be submitted by email to by 5:00pm ET on Monday, October 26,
2015 to be considered.

CFED will make selections and notifications by December 1, 2015.

    If you have any questions about the application or process, please contact Megan Bolado at
                              202-372-0974 or

1For more information about these ten financial capability services refer to page 10 of Building Financial

Name of Fellow:

Organization Name:


1. Describe the programs that your organization provides, including the workforce
   development programs, and how many total clients your organization served last year.

2. What is your organization’s mission, and how does this project align with that mission
   and the organization’s strategic direction?

3. Use the table below to describe the current financial capability service(s), if any, you
   provide through referrals, through partnerships, or in-house.
Current Services                 Client Participation             Current Staff and
What financial capability        How many clients participate Volunteers
services does your organization    in this financial capability    How many staff and
currently provide, and how do      service(s) each year? (these    volunteers are currently
you provide each (through          may be duplicates)              involved in providing this
referrals, partnerships, in-                                       financial capability service?


4. What funding do you currently have to support this integration project? What additional
   funding will you need? How you will use the $15,000 grant to support your integration


5. Describe your role within your current organization and the opportunities for working
   with other departments. What influence do you have to create or change programs that
   span departments?

6. Why are you the best person within your organization to integrate financial capability
   services within existing programs?

7. Express one situation in which you led organizational change. What were some of the
   key outcomes from your leadership?

8. What organizations or activities are you involved with outside of your current position?
   How might these activities enhance the skills you bring to the Fellowship?

9. If selected to be a Fellow, what would success look like? Specifically, what deliverables
   will you produce through the Fellowship?


10. How does your organization currently track success with respect to its workforce
    development program(s)? Please include answers to the following questions in your
           a. What outcomes are measured?
           b. How is data collected?
           c. What data systems are used?
           d. How and to whom is data reported?

11. What financial capability outputs and outcomes, if any, are currently tracked?

12. Please share the types of data and results you’ll be able to share (client stories that
    demonstrate impact, outputs from services, etc.) during this integration project.


CFED and the Administration for Children and Families recently published “Building
Financial Capability: A Planning Guide for Integrated Services.” Much of the direct technical
assistance that Fellows will receive is structured around this resource. As you answer these
questions, please refer to Section 1 of the Guide, from which many of these questions were

13. Describe the existing workforce development program(s) into which you plan to
    integrate or expand financial capability services?2

14. What are the most pressing financial issues experienced by clients in that program(s)?3

2Page 31 of Building Financial Capability lists considerations for selecting a program to target for
3Tool 1 of Building Financial Capability contains guiding questions that can help you assess these


15. Use the table below to describe which financial capability services you will integrate,
    how you will integrate them, and how many clients will receive them.

    Financial Capability            Service Delivery Partners           Projected Number of
          Service(s)                                                            Clients
  What financial capability       Which partner organizations,        List the target number of
service(s) might you want to      if any, do you plan to work           clients to receive the
    provide through this          with to provide this service?      service through September
           project?4                                                             2016

16. Articulate the value of integrating financial capability services within your workforce
    development program(s).

4See Tool 3 and Appendix A of Building Financial Capability for information about different types
of financial capability services.

17. Describe the staff team who will ultimately support the implementation of this project
    under your leadership. Please complete the table below and include a brief bio or resume
    for each staff person with a key role as a supplement in your application email.

    Staff Name &Title                Current Role                     Integration Project Role
     List the name and       Briefly describe their current         Briefly describe their role in
      title of each staff     role at your organization.          planning, implementing, and/or
     member with key                                                 evaluating the integration
          roles in the                                                         project.
    integration project.

18. If this project is successful, what changes will you see in the lives of your clients 12
    months from now?5

5See Tool 2 of Building Financial Capability for guiding questions for selecting financial capability
outcomes, and see Appendix C of Building Financial Capability for a table with sample outcomes.

19. Is your organization a grantee of the Bank of America Charitable Foundation? If yes,
    please list the last two funding cycles of funding received with amounts. (i.e., 2015 –
    workforce development RFP, $10,000).

20. If you are a grantee for the Bank of America Charitable Foundation, please state the
    market location (see list of locations Appendix A), along with Bank of America contact

21. Does your organization currently engage volunteers? If so, please list the source(s) of

22. Have you heard of
Yes:                               No:

23. Have you used
Yes:                               No:

6Fellows will have an opportunity to engage Bank of America employee volunteers. These
volunteers will work with Fellows to provide financial capability services.

Appendix A: Bank of America Location Areas

  State                         Local Market
   AR     Little Rock
   AZ     Phoenix
   AZ     Tucson
   CA     Los Angeles
   CA     San Francisco/East Bay
   CA     Silicon Valley
   CA     Inland Empire (Riverside/San Bernardino/Ontario)
   CA     Orange County
   CA     Sacramento
   CA     San Diego
   CA     Bakersfield/Visalia
   CA     Fresno/Central Valley
   CA     Napa, Marin & Sonoma Counties
   CA     Ventura/Santa Barbara
   CO     Denver
   CT     Hartford
   CT     Southern CT
   DC     Greater Washington
   DE     Wilmington
   FL     Miami
   FL     Ft. Lauderdale
   FL     Jacksonville
   FL     Orlando
   FL     Tampa Bay
   FL     West Palm Beach
   FL     Daytona/Cocoa Beach

FL   Ft. Myers/Naples
FL   Sarasota/Manatee
FL   Tallahassee
GA   Atlanta
GA   Augusta
IA   Iowa
ID   Idaho
IL   Chicago
KS   Wichita
MA   Boston
MA   Worcester
MD   Baltimore
ME   Maine
MI   Detroit
MN   Minneapolis/St. Paul
MO   Kansas City
MO   St. Louis
NC   Charlotte
NC   Triangle (Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill)
NC   Triad (Greensboro/High Point/Winston-Salem)
NH   New Hampshire
NJ   New Jersey
NM   New Mexico
NV   Las Vegas
NV   Reno
NY   Long Island
NY   New York City
NY   Albany/Hudson Valley
NY   Buffalo

NY   Rochester
NY   Syracuse/Utica
OH   Ohio
OK   Oklahoma City
OK   Tulsa
OR   Portland/Vancouver, WA
PA   Philadelphia
RI   Rhode Island
SC   Charleston/Hilton Head
SC   Columbia
SC   Greenville
SC   Spartanburg
TN   Nashville
TN   Knoxville
TN   Memphis
TX   Dallas
TX   Ft. Worth
TX   Houston
TX   Austin
TX   San Antonio
TX   El Paso
VA   Hampton Roads (Virginia Beach/Norfolk)
VA   Richmond
WA   Seattle
WA   Spokane

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